Brandon Blog Post


407 etr rates

We are trying something new. At the bottom is an audiogram of this 407 etr rates Brandon’s blog. If you would prefer to listen to it, and not read it, scroll down to the bottom and press on the play button. Let us know what you think by sending us a message in the Question box below.

407 etr rates: Introduction

The purpose of this 407 etr rates is not to tell you what the new toll rates are. The simple answer is that they are always going up! Rather, it is an update to our earlier blogs for people who are having trouble paying their 407 toll payment.

As you probably know, the 407 etr has an arrangement with the Province of Ontario where if you have unpaid 407 etr charges, you will be put on plate denial the next time you have to renew your vehicle plate. For many, being denied a plate renewal means the end of your ability to earn an income.

Before the update, a bit of history to put everything into perspective for you.

407 etr rates: Our prior blogs

We previously wrote about how the 407 etr was trying to use the provincial law as a collection tool, even when a person filed for a debt settlement restructuring consumer proposal or for personal bankruptcy. Our prior blogs were:

I won’t repeat the history here as you can check those blogs yourself. Suffice to say they argued in Court, unsuccessfully, that the Province had the right to enforce its own plate issuance rules.

The lower Court and the Court of Appeal for Ontario disagreed with their right to enforce the plate issuance rules when it was a blatant action to collect an ordinary unsecured debt caught in the priority scheme of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). The Courts also found that they were trying to trump Federal law through Provincial law, which is illegal. Finally, the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear their appeal, so that is where it ended, sort of.

407 etr rates: So that is where it ended, sort of

With those rulings, the 407 etr stated that they would comply and drafted a policy which was an extremely literal wording of the BIA. It technically complied with the Court rulings, but still had the effect of being very draconian and not changing their administrative policy.

The debts of an insolvent person, who has made a debt restructuring consumer proposal or bankruptcy filing, are not discharged until the insolvency process is complete. For a debt settlement plan, it is when the person finishes making their payments and receives their Certificate of Full Performance. In a bankruptcy, it is when they receive their absolute discharge.

How those processes work deserves their own blogs. Suffice to say the processes can take anywhere from a minimum of 9 months (first-time bankruptcy, no surplus income, no assets and no discharge opposition) up to 5 years (debt settlement plan). So the plate denial actually stayed in force for a long time.

The 407 etr also set up a very document intensive 407 etr login process that made applying for the eventual rescission of the plate denial very cumbersome.

407 etr rates: The class action lawsuit

The firm that independently runs Highway 407 ETR in the Greater Toronto Area agreed to pay $8 million to clear up this claim. The settlement, approved in November 2016, finishes the litigation that began in 2012.

The lawsuit affirmed that the toll freeway consortium unlawfully used provincial regulations to stop motorists that were insolvent or bankrupt from restoring their automobile permit plates. 407 ETR refutes it did anything incorrect and does not confess obligation in approving the out of court negotiation.

407 etr rates: Now for the update – The only 407 etr debt settlement plan guaranteed to actually work

The licensed insolvency administrator (LIT) acting as either the bankruptcy Trustee or consumer proposal Administrator, acting as either the bankruptcy Trustee or consumer proposal Administrator, will issue the Notice of Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal. 407 ETR must be listed on your sworn Statement of Affairs as a creditor. It will then be sent a copy of the notice by the LIT.

Upon receipt, 407 ETR will end from plate rejection any amounts still owing from before the date of filing either for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. This includes toll charges, interest, penalties and costs. They will then advise the Ministry of Transportation to upgrade their documents to show this change ending plate denial. This is a major change. You do not have to have completed your full insolvency process to get the lifting of the plate denial. This is the way fairness dictates it always should have been from the start.

There is a simple rule that you have to follow. It is the same rule that you need to follow in dealing with any leases or secured debt that you wish to continue to carry and that you can afford to. That is, you must not have any amounts owing to 407 etr for charges after your filing date which would qualify for plate denial.

407 etr rates: Are you worried about or need relief from plate denial

  1. Are you under plate denial, or afraid you will be soon?
  2. Will plate denial negatively affect your income and you need debt relief fast?
  3. Do you have other debts that need to be addressed too?
  4. Do you need budgeting help?
  5. Are you already experiencing financial difficulties?

If you answered yes to just one of these questions, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

We always offer a free consultation. We listen to your issues and give you a full range of realistic options to help you get out of debt. Finding the best solution for YOU is just the right thing to do to help you meet total debt freedom.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to carry out. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post



Consumer proposal Ontario: Introduction

I am finding that more people are calling me to ask about a consumer proposal Ontario. This is a Canadian federal government authorized program for people to lower their consumer debt.

What is triggering the boost in these queries?

Consumer proposal Ontario: New Ipsos Canadian consumer debt survey

A brand-new study by Ipsos might assist. It paints an unpleasant scene of just how much debt some Canadians are holding on to. Of those asked 31% claim they do not make an adequate amount to pay their costs monthly. More state they are having a hard time to merely to survive. Ontario residents in this predicament are candidates for consumer proposal Ontario.

The study discovers many people are sorry for the sort of spending they’ve done to find themselves with such debt. Peoples’ incomes aren’t maintaining pace with the increase in their costs. I am not just talking about extras; I am also talking about the basics of life such as food and shelter.

Consumer proposal Ontario: Bank of Canada benchmark interest rate hike

At the very same time, on October 24, 2018, Stephen Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada (BOC) announced the Bank of Canada interest rate hike by a quarter-point to 1.75%. This increases the cost of borrowing for Canadians. This is the 5th bump since the summertime of 2017.

The Bank of Canada states that the Canadian economic situation remains running near capacity and is reasonably broad-based. The rising cost of living is close to target so what stands apart is that the current rate at 1.75% is still negative in actual terms adjusting for inflation.

Since the old Free Trade Agreement, the new USMCA appears to be resolved, several think with this 800-pound gorilla out of the room, it’s most likely to unlock the Bank of Canada’s ability to continue with rate hikes.

Consumer proposal Ontario: How will higher interest rates affect you?

If you stay in a variable price home mortgage or credit line, your rate of interest has risen. What that indicates for your capital is that your month-to-month repayment has actually risen. If your home mortgage is half a million bucks, your month-to-month repayment has actually increased by sixty-five dollars.

It does not feel like a great deal. Nevertheless, if your loan(s) rate of interest rises during the rest of the year and right into 2019, that will certainly maintain raising your repayments.

It isn’t simply your variable price home mortgage. Canadians additionally lug debt with credit lines, automobile financings as well as bank cards. Each rate of interest rise will certainly increase the price of borrowing on those variable price financings.

The raised repayments will certainly maintain consumption in your capital. So for those battling to make ends meet, rates of interest boosts will just make life harder. A consumer proposal Ontario won’t help with secured debt, but it will help eliminate unsecured debt

Consumer proposal Ontario: Higher interest costs lead to belt-tightening

To regulate debt, Canadians need to be aggressive with their budgeting. Individuals need to take ways to boost their monetary scenario, such as:

When talking to a LIT, ask about how a consumer proposal Ontario can help you.

Consumer proposal Ontario: Nonetheless, many Canadians are still seeking help

Many Canadians continue to be haunted by debt. They experience remorse towards their existing and future debt scenario. Fifty percent are not certain that they will not have any kind of debt in retired life, while 44% are not certain they will have the ability to cover all living expenditures in the next year, without taking on additional debt.

Some Canadians are thinking about bankruptcy. Their first step must be to go to a Trustee. A Trustee is an expert that is certified by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB). The OSB is the government organization that controls the insolvency system in Canada.

Consumer proposal Ontario: A government-approved strategy to end consumer debt

To most of our potential clients’ shock, I have told many that bankruptcy might not be essential for them. Sometimes I suggest that it is possible to remove their debt via a government-approved strategy to decrease consumer debt called a consumer proposal Ontario.

Your government authorized debt settlement program is an offer made to your creditors. The offer is to repay only a percentage of what you owe, over a duration of no more than 5 years.ira smith trustee

Consumer proposal Ontario: The benefits to you

There are benefits for you to file such a debt settlement plan. First, you keep your assets. Next off, an approved proposal binds all creditors to the arrangement.

We begin with having the individual complete the standard intake form that we call, the Debt Relief Worksheet. When totally filled in, it gives us a listing of the individual’s assets as well as what they owe. It additionally aids them to budget their income and expenses. Utilizing that info, I am able to formulate a proposal based on your capacity to pay.

The proposal is submitted to the OSB. Once submitted, you can quit paying your unsecured creditors. If creditors are garnishing your income or suing you, those activities are stopped. As soon as the proper documents are submitted with the OSB, I then send out the proposal to every one of your creditors.

The creditors then have 45 days to approve or decline the deal. If creditors are unhappy with the proposal, as the Trustee I can work out changes such as greater payments. However, it all is based on what you can still manage to safely pay.

I tell people that if the proposal is turned down, the individual will certainly need to consider various other alternatives to resolve their monetary troubles. This might include bankruptcy.

Once we get approval, you are then in charge of making routine payments to the LIT as the proposal administrator. The LIT will certainly use that cash to pay your creditors.

As part of the consumer proposal process, you will need to go to 2 counseling sessions in the LIT’s office. This will aid you to get back on your feet monetarily. If you fully complete your plan, you will certainly be legitimately released from your unsecured financial obligations.

Consumer proposal Ontario: There are 2 consumer proposal FAQs everybody asks me

What this affect my credit score?

Yes, it will certainly be influenced, I tell every person. Once the regards to the proposal are fulfilled, people can begin reconstructing their credit history and their economic future.

Just how much does it cost?

The cost is established by the Federal government. How much an individual pays in for an effective consumer proposal is totally unrelated to the allowable government authorized to charge. The Trustee earns the fee from the amount you pay into your debt settlement restructuring plan. So, that means, the cost is FREE!

Consumer proposal Ontario: That freedom feeling

Our clients who complete their consumer proposal are so pleased to get that letter from us enclosing their Certificate of Full Performance. That is the document that confirms they have become debt-free.

The Ira Smith Team has years of experience of negotiating with creditors for debtors. If you owe less than $250,000, other than for any mortgages against your home, you can enter into a consumer proposal debt settlement plan. If you owe more or are a corporation, we can still negotiate with your creditors and restructure you with a restructuring proposal debt settlement plan.

Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity.

Call us today for your free consultation.consumer proposal ontario

Brandon Blog Post



Canadian insolvency laws: Introduction

In today’s commercial world, our economy focuses on and requires Canadian insolvency laws. Insolvency is the financial condition where you cannot pay your debts as they come due and if you liquidated all of your assets, there would not be enough cash to pay off all of your debts.

Insolvency laws are required in a mature economy. It reassures investors that there is a way to “recycle” assets. Asset recycling makes them once again valuable and revenue producing, should insolvency set in on a person or company.

Canadian insolvency laws: My goal with this blog

An insolvency process is used as a means of liquidating one’s whole legacy (i.e. the totality of one’s assets) in order to attempt to please all of the creditors that have grown way beyond the ability of the person or company to repay. Emotions always run high in insolvency procedures. We are dealing with the lives of real people that may be losing their jobs, income, homes and other assets.

The purpose of this vlog is not to teach you about insolvency laws. I want to caution anyone considering going into business how important it is to structure things properly. Your aim is to make sure that you are protecting yourself, your business and your family. If your business falters and becomes insolvent you will be glad that you did.

Canadian insolvency laws: Believe it or not, it may be good for you to meet a licensed insolvency trustee

So naturally, as a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) the first focus is on restructuring. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and companies. Bad judgement, bad luck and bad management all contribute to personal and corporate insolvency. Our primary focus is to use various ways to help people and companies recover from insolvency.

The potential ramifications of insolvency procedures can be minimized. A person can no longer afford to keep their assets. A company has too many problems to continue its business. However, those same assets can be used very successfully in a new business or by someone else. So insolvency laws and procedures help to avoid a total loss of asset values.

In many of our cases, this can involve particular minor legal procedures which could eventually conserve a fortune. For financial institutions, this can be especially good news.

Canadian insolvency laws: Why you need to “alienate” your assets

If you are running a company, or are likely to do so in your career, you must minimize your exposure by safeguarding your assets. By doing so, you are protecting yourself and your family for the future, especially if something in business goes wrong. The time to protect yourself is when you are starting out and there are no problems. If you do so when the problems have already arisen, it is too late. Any asset protection steps you take knowing yourself to be insolvent, will not stand up to attack.

By running a company, you will probably become a Director. If your business needs to borrow money from the Bank to operate, you will probably be required to guarantee the bank debt. So, if you anticipate yourself collecting considerable unsecured financial obligations in the coming years, you need to act. Starting out properly protecting yourself, allows you to either avoid or successfully defend, any challenges on the sequestration of your assets.

Canadian insolvency laws: Why you want to be an “alien”

You will make sure that the properties you have “alienated” no longer form part of your estate. The alienation ensures that the possessions from which you will still benefit cannot be gotten by your financial institutions if the business is unsuccessful and they are looking for any assets you may have to honour the financial obligations you accumulate.what does a court appointed receiver do

Canadian insolvency laws: Use your lawyer

When setting up a company, you need a lawyer. Make sure that you choose a lawyer that can also counsel you on how to protect your assets in the event your business venture fails. We are not lawyers, and the general advice I am going to give you is not meant to replace the advice of a lawyer.

Canadian insolvency laws: You may need more than one company to conduct your business

The first thing to think about is incorporating a limited liability company. Depending on the type of business, you may need to incorporate several, within which to house your operations, the leased or owned premises you operate out of and your shareholdings. Conducting your business through a company will require more documentation and therefore cost.

However, it is well worth it. It removes and protects you personally to the greatest extent possible from personal liability. The goal is to minimize or eliminate the destruction of you and your family. If you choose not to go through a corporate body, for whatever reason, protecting your personal assets becomes even more important. There will not be one or more corporate entities to serve as the first line of protection.

Canadian insolvency laws: Examples of multiple corporations in running a business

Examples of how multiple corporations will better insulate you and your business assets are:

Operating company. Your operating company is the one you conduct business through. It is the vehicle which will attract the most liability. There is always a risk in running any business. However, there is no law that requires you to hold all your business assets in your operating company.

Single purpose corporation. You may want to incorporate a second single purpose company to hold valuable assets used to conduct the business of your operating company. Tangible assets such as machinery and equipment are obvious. You are operating out of premises; either leased or owned.

You may wish to have a corporation that holds the tangible assets. Another company that is simply the real estate company. If you also have valuable intangible assets such as copyrights, licenses, trademarks, you may wish a separate company to hold all of the intangible assets.

These single-purpose corporations will then lease the assets to your operating company to conduct its business. Your operating company will pay rental charges, lease payments and licensing fees to the respective sole purpose companies. You need your lawyer to carefully document in writing everything. By now you can probably see the value in separating out the various important and valuable assets from your normal business operations.

Canadian insolvency laws: Alienating your most valuable asset

The most significant and most important property most of us will own is our house. The time to transfer your ownership interest to your partner ideally is before the first day of your going into business. Waiting until there are business problems and you are insolvent, any transfer will be successfully attacked. Obviously, you have to believe that you and your partner have a solid loving relationship before making the transfer as you will no longer have your ownership interest in the house.

Canadian insolvency laws: Does your company have too much debt?

To set up your company and structure your affairs properly, we urge you to use the best lawyer for your needs. This blog cannot replace the advice of your lawyer. However, if your company is experiencing financial difficulties, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.canadian insolvency laws 1

Brandon Blog Post


corporate bankruptcy in canadaCorporate bankruptcy in Canada: Introduction

A brand-new report from PwC Canada discloses that in 2018, Canadians anticipate spending an average of $1,563, up 6.7% over last year. Men are expected outspend women by almost $400. That got me to start thinking about what the most complex issue for corporate bankruptcy in Canada is when an online business fails?

The report finds that the majority of Canadians still prefer the in-store experience. Nearly two-thirds consider brick-and-mortar retail for their primary holiday season shopping. The rest is online shopping. Unsurprisingly, most millennials (51%) think of online purchasing first, which is in line with United States consumers overall (50%).

E-commerce, like any other industry, has its startups and more mature companies. There will be winners and losers. The fulfilment of online digital products is done online. The fulfilment of physical goods orders bought online more often than not will be done by a third party. That third party may not necessarily be fulfilling orders from Canada.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: The most complex issue for an e-commerce business, IMO

With that said, the retail vendor’s inventory, computer hardware and software value are relatively easy to determine. But to my way of thinking, the #1 issue for corporate online vendors, both solvent and viable or insolvent and not viable, is the area of sales tax.

In attempting to abide by tax laws for your e-business, you might find yourself falling down the rabbit-hole, going through the looking glass, and attending a Mad Tea-Party.

Sound judgment, logic, and fairness never did apply totally to the field of taxation, however, this is specifically true of e-commerce deals.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Canada Customs Welcomes You to Canada!

Considering that I’m situated in Canada, let’s start here. To keep things simpler, but certainly not simple, I will review this issue strictly from a Federal tax collection perspective, i.e. Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).

Canada has what you may call a nationwide sales tax or a value included tax (VAT). This Goods and Services Tax (GST) of seven percent is applicable to lots of Canadian transactions.

Not just is it critical to identify whether a taxable sale was made in Canada or not, but also where in Canada. If it was made (or deemed to be made) in any of the HST provinces, a higher rate applies. This is due to the fact that those provinces have allowed Canada to gather their provincial sales taxes for them, as follows:


ProvinceHST % rate
New Brunswick15
Newfoundland and Labrador15
Nova Scotia15
Prince Edward Island15

Each province and territory has its own guidelines. Ontario charges 8 percent retail sales tax on numerous common internet deals whereas Alberta has no provincial sales tax.

Obviously, this is just scratching the surface. This entire blog by necessity is an oversimplification of an extremely complicated topic. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), I would certainly require the advice of a professional tax advisor to help me through e-commerce Taxland.

Since I am not a tax professional, you should also seek the advice of a tax professional. This is merely one bankruptcy trustee’s view of the issues in the insolvency of an e-commerce business.what does a court appointed receiver doCorporate bankruptcy in Canada: When Exports Aren’t Exports!

In Canada, exports are “zero-rated” sales for GST purposes. This means that when you ship a product to someone outside Canada, you don’t charge GST. Yet, you get to claim (or subtract from the GST collected by you) all the “input tax credits” (GST that you spent for business functions) to make that export.

However, if you export items aside from physical products, beware! There are lots of mistakes to look out for.

As one example, think about digitized products that you may offer from Canadian sites, such as e-books, downloadable software application, or subscriptions to a material. You would be considered to be selling “intangible personal property”. Unless your item is also thought about “copyright” (such as software or e-books that you produced or have gotten the rights for), you will need to charge GST. The reason, according to the Canada Revenue Agency, is that it could be utilized inside Canada, even if it isn’t.

Say you sold a subscription for accessing digitized content (from various sources) on your Canadian site to a client in the United States. Given that there are no restrictions regarding where the intangible personal property might be used, and the property is not considered copyright (nor the provision of a service), the American client goes through GST, even if he never comes to Canada.

Strangely, the same logic doesn’t apply when an American buys a routine book (or an automobile) which he could bring into Canada with him and utilize here. It holds true that it is much easier for Canada to assess such products at the border than in the online world. However, I have not heard of any cases of Americans being taxed on the cars and trucks or books they bring with them when they come to reside in Canada for a part of the year.

As a Canadian registrant, one way you might legally avoid this ridiculous March Hare is to clearly mention on your website and invoice that utilize of such intangible personal effects in Canada is restricted (or requires an extra charge and the payment of GST).

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: When imports Aren’t imports

Goods shipped to Canada are subject to GST on importation. Such tax is often assessed at the border. What if you are a Canadian registered for GST, selling to a Canadian customer but your provider is in a foreign country?

Pretend that your Canadian consumer has bought a book from you from your Canadian website. Your dropship supplier is located in the United States and is signed up for GST. You send your order to the American business, and they, in turn, ship the book for you (total with Customs Declaration and their GST Business Number).

Since they paid the GST, you wouldn’t think you would need to charge it again, would you? “Wrong!”, smiles the Cheshire cat. Since you are a registrant located in Canada, you need to charge and remit the GST. But you are entitled to input tax credits, aren’t you? In many cases, the answer is “No”.

It might be very tough for you to satisfy the documentary and other technical requirements. As an example, it is not uncommon for American providers to absolutely refuse to provide an invoice breaking down the GST or to enable you to be the importer of record. This complicates their life unnecessarily and they just don’t require the aggravation.

There are easing tax provisions covering drop shipping, sales agencies, and other situations. In most cases, sadly, the most practical option is to permit the tax to be paid twice.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: When you are subject to tax where you’re not subject to tax

It makes sense that countries impose a tax on sales and earnings made in their own jurisdiction. Does it make sense for Germany to tax sales made in the United States?

Starting July 1, 2003, the European Union actually did just that by enforcing an online sales tax.

This implies that if somebody from England buys an e-book from somebody in the United States, the American should submit this tax. Naturally, If the sale was to someone in Germany, the tax rate would be more complicated.

The reasoning behind this is as follows: Since countries can’t gather sales tax on internet deals at their borders, the only method they can collect it (other than a self-assessment system) is with an online sales tax. Even more, it is claimed that companies in the European Union suffer a significant competitive disadvantage due to the fact that they need to gather Value Added Tax but others don’t.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: But that isn’t all

So that is just a “scratching of the surface” description of the issue for Canadian companies selling online when it comes to HST. But if the company is insolvent, and will go into either receivership or bankruptcy, the story gets worse.

For every insolvent company in receivership, an HST liability is a trust claim against the assets of the company. So in a liquidation, the HST liability would have to be paid before a secured creditor, normally a chartered bank, recovers any money. What this means for the owner(s) who guaranteed the bank debt, is that they have additional exposure for any shortfall of the bank debt by the amount of the HST liability.

In a bankruptcy though, the HST liability is not a trust claim, but rather an unsecured claim. So, the good news is that it does not come ahead of the bank debt the owners have probably guaranteed payment for. However, the bad news is that the HST liability is always a Director liability. So in a bankruptcy, there are always insufficient funds to pay off the unsecured creditors 100%. So, the Directors of the bankrupt company will be on the hook for any unremitted HST.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Does your company have too much debt?

Is your company, either a traditional retailer, online retailer or both, experiencing financial difficulties? If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian bankruptcy discharge: Introduction

Many times during the administration of a Canadian bankruptcy, the licensed insolvency Trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) comes across a novel issue. The decision of A.R. Robertson, a Registrar in Bankruptcy in Calgary, Alberta in the bankruptcy discharge application of Shirley Rose Cooke has such an issue within it.

The case is Cooke (Re), 2018 ABQB 628 (CanLII). The issue that came before the Court was, what happens to a critical illness benefit payment for the undischarged bankrupt? Does it go to the Trustee or is the undischarged bankrupt debtor able to keep it? This topic should be of interest to accountants, lawyers, insurance agents and financial planners, in addition to Trustees.

Canadian bankruptcy discharge: The issue

Registrar Robertson described this case as an “interesting application” for bankruptcy discharge. The matter was heard on July 9, 2018. Ms. Cooke is 62 years old. She filed for bankruptcy on April 12, 2016. The issue to be decided is whether a critical illness benefit payment she obtained in the amount of $25,000, forms part of her assets which fall to the Trustee. The Trustee’s position was that it is an asset of the bankruptcy Estate and Ms. Cooke’s creditors are entitled to it.

Canadian bankruptcy discharge: The facts

In March 2016, Ms. Cooke was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through surgery and had radiation treatments until July 2016. Prior to her medical diagnosis, she worked full time as a healthcare worker. She stopped working in March 2016 as a result of her diagnosis and need to undergo surgery and radiation. She returned to part-time work at her former employer, in about August 2016.

Her evidence was that at the time that she left her full-time work, her employer informed her she had the critical illness benefit policy and that she should apply under it. Apparently, she was unaware of this policy as being part of her benefits package. She applied for the benefit payment.

When she made her assignment in bankruptcy, she did not divulge the critical illness benefit application to the Trustee. She advised the Court that she did not have any type of certainty that she would receive the benefit. Eventually, she did, in January 2017. When she did, she advised her Trustee.

Canadian bankruptcy discharge: The Trustee’s position

The Trustee took the view that the critical illness benefit payment was a component of the insolvent person’s income under s. 67 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). S. 67 of the BIA deals with property of the bankrupt, while s. 68 of the BIA deals with surplus income. However, s. 67 of the BIA does cover certain exclusions of types of payments a bankrupt may receive. The kinds of payments carved out are normally government type payments that have an overarching social aim, such as GST/HST tax credit payments.

It was very clear from the evidence that had she known she was going to get a $25,000 insurance payment from the insurance company, she would likely not have entered bankruptcy. Had she divulged the benefit application to the Trustee, the Trustee may very well have recommended she not go bankrupt.

The Trustee desires that Ms. Cooke pay the amount of $20,000 as a condition of her discharge. The Trustee states that in dealing with this critical illness benefit issue, including research, its fee now approximates that amount. I find it interesting that the Trustee is requesting the majority of her critical illness benefit payment as a discharge condition.

If the Trustee truly believes that the benefit payment should be considered as income under s. 67 of the BIA, then the correct treatment would be for the Trustee to redo its surplus income calculation under s. 68 of the BIA for Ms. Cooke. Then see what her surplus income obligation would be. If the Trustee is really trying to say the benefit payment is an asset that should come to the Trustee, then they should be asking for the entire $25,000. From my reading of the Registrar’s decision, it appears that the Trustee did neither but merely is asking for an amount to cover its costs!

Canadian bankruptcy discharge: The Registrar’s analysis

The Registrar indicated that in order to determine what is the appropriate condition if anything, he would have to assess the fees charged by the Trustee. If the Registrar really meant that he would have to tax the Trustee’s fee and costs, that makes sense. Otherwise, I am not sure what the connection is between the Trustee’s fee and costs, and whether a conditional discharge should be granted.

Ms. Cooke’s legal counsel referred to the Registrar the facts under s.173 of the BIA that could lead to an absolute discharge from bankruptcy not being granted. Her legal counsel indicated that none of the factors that would allow for a conditional, suspended or refused discharge apply in this matter.

The Registrar encouraged both parties to provide him with whatever additional information or authorities they thought appropriate by Tuesday, August 7, 2018.

The Trustee provided the Court with additional material. One such item was a copy of a letter sent by the Trustee to Ms. Cooke advising that, in the Trustee’s view, the critical illness benefit is a survivor benefit and not a wage or wage substitute. So much for it being part of surplus income!

The Registrar correctly pointed out that none of the exemptions in s. 67 of the BIA mention a critical illness benefit payment. The Registrar could also not find a precedent exactly on point.

The closest cases the Registrar could find were those of when the undischarged bankrupt suffered an injury in a motor vehicle accident and had a claim for pain and suffering. In that case, the action is personal to the injured person, and therefore that claim does not fall under the definition of property of the bankrupt available to the Trustee.

The Registrar stated that he sees no sensible distinction why a tort-based damages insurance claim for pain and suffering would be dealt with in a different way than a contract-based insurance policy for the pain and suffering Ms. Cooke had from her illness.

Accordingly, the Registrar decided that the critical illness benefit payment did not create a component of property designated to the Trustee. He also stated that Ms. Cooke did not have to pay any amount, to the Trustee. The Registrar went on to say that the Trustee should have brought on an application to have this matter determined much earlier in the bankruptcy proceedings so that the Trustee would not have incurred as many costs as it had.

The Registrar directed that:

  1. Although the Registrar did not explicitly state it in his judgment, the implication certainly is that Ms. Cooke received an absolute discharge from bankruptcy.
  2. Moreover, the Trustee should bring on the application for the Trustee’s discharge.
  3. Similarly, the Trustee should keep the Registrar’s comments as to the Trustee should have brought on a motion on the critical illness benefit issue earlier when submitting its dockets to have its fee and costs taxed by the Court.

Canadian bankruptcy discharge: Do you have too much debt?

I hope that none of us ever suffer from such a critical illness. However, it is good that Ms. Cooke had that insurance coverage. Do you have too much debt, or debt that you can’t repay because life got in your way? Illness and job loss are two prime factors in reducing someone’s income and increasing their expenses. It could force people to have to live off of credit cards until there is no credit room left, and no ability to ever repay the debt.

If you have too much debt, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have years of experience in helping those people and companies where life got in the way. Perhaps you need a debt settlement plan. Alternatively, if bankruptcy is the only real answer, we can help ease the stress and pain of bankruptcy for you.

Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life. Call us today for your free consultation.canadian bankruptcy

Brandon Blog Post


Form 31 proof of claim: Introduction

In last week’s vlog, I reviewed why it is important to complete a form 31 proof of claim truthfully, and the penalties for filing a false claim. For both personal and corporate insolvency files, creditors call asking how to complete the document. I discuss in this vlog why it needs to be completed properly. I also provide a link in this blog that you can click on to see how to properly complete the form step by step.

The reference to “form 31” is merely the number of the form given to the form 31 proof of claim form under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (“BIA”).

What is the form 31 proof of claim form?

Completing and returning form 31 is the second phase in the bankruptcy process. They are included with the notice of bankruptcy documents mailed out by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) (the “Trustee”) to formally notify the creditors of the bankruptcy.

When properly completed and filed by each creditor, they are what a Trustee uses to compare the debt as listed on the debtor’s bankruptcy sworn Statement of Affairs. The amount claimed by a creditor is normally different than the amount of the debt listed on the bankruptcy schedules. The reason for this is normally because the creditor’s records are accurate to the penny, while the bankrupt’s records are usually not up to date.

The process is the same whether you are filing a secured claim, an ordinary unsecured claim or a priority claim, which is also unsecured, under s.138 of the BIA. What is important is that you need to have a provable claim.

If the Trustee determines that you have either an unliquidated claim or a contingent claim, there will be additional steps you will need to take for the Trustee to be able to ascribe a value and for you to have a properly proved claim.

Form 31 proof of claim: Form 31

In every:

the Trustee will supply to all creditors form 31 document. If the debtor who intends to restructure first files a Notice of Intention To Make a Proposal, a claim form is not sent out at that stage. It will be sent with the actual restructuring proposal and other related documents.

The same document contains both where you can make your claim as well as complete the proxy form, if applicable. Creditors may experience difficulty completing the document. So, the Trustee provides instructions on how to complete the claim form and proxy. That is also why I have provided a step-by-step instruction sheet from the link below so you can follow exactly how to complete the form.

form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

Form 31 proof of claim: Acceptability of proof of claim

It is important to properly complete the document. It must be completed fully and properly. The claim must include all necessary details called for under the BIA. Below is a link to an example on how to properly complete the form 31 proof of claim. A Trustee is required to review all proofs of claim received.

The purpose of this is to know what claims are acceptable to be admitted for voting at the First Meeting of Creditors. Also, all proofs received either before or after the creditors’ meeting must also be reviewed carefully to make sure that they are acceptable if there is a dividend to be paid on the claims in the insolvency proceeding.

The Chair of the creditors meeting has the power to admit or disallow claims for the purpose of voting at the meeting. The Trustee has the same power for the proofs of claim for dividend purposes. Most times the Trustee will also be the Chair at the meeting of creditors.

It is incumbent on the Trustee to communicate with creditors whose claims the Trustee believes to be deficient. The purpose is to obtain additional information to make a final determination. The Trustee has to decide whether to admit or disallow a specific claim.

As you can see, completing the document properly is essential.

Does a creditor have to file a claim?

Nobody will force a creditor to file a claim in a bankruptcy estate. A creditor’s claim becomes valid when the creditor files it and the Trustee accepts it. . When a creditor files a claim against a bankruptcy estate, the creditor is making a claim that the Trustee should record and count their claim so that the creditor will be entitled to receive their pro-rata share of any dividend payments that may be made.

The Trustee will issue the maximum payment each creditor is entitled to when the bankruptcy estate is liquidated. When a creditor files a claim, the creditor also becomes an interested party in the bankruptcy case. An interested party is a person who has a vested interest in the bankruptcy case. If the claim is filed before the First Meeting of Creditors in bankruptcy, then the creditor has the right to participate in and vote at the meeting.

Form 31 proof of claim: My example



form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

Can I file a proof of claim after the deadline?

There are really only two important deadlines when it comes to filing a claim. The first is before the First Meeting of Creditors. As mentioned above, if you wish to participate in that meeting, then you need to have filed a properly completed valid claim before the start of the meeting. However, if you don’t file it by then, although you won’t be able to vote at the meeting, you have not lost out on anything else.

Once all the realization of assets of the bankrupt has been completed, being both the current assets, fixed assets, and possibly even intangible assets, if the Trustee has sufficient funds to issue a dividend payment, then the Trustee has to review all the claims filed. The Trustee also has to compare the claims register containing all of the creditor claims filed against the names and amounts listed in the bankrupt’s sworn Statement of Affairs.

If any creditors have not yet filed, and there will be a payment made to the unsecured creditors, the Trustee has to send a specific notice pursuant to the requirements of the BIA to each such creditor. The notice in writing says that a dividend will be paid, and if you don’t file your claim by a specific date, then you will be barred from receiving any payment.

How do I object to a form 31 proof of claim?

First, you have to be a creditor with a proven claim accepted by the Trustee. The BIA states that any creditor can inspect the claims filed. So if you have personal knowledge that a party listed on the sworn Statement of Affairs is really not a creditor, then you would be assisting the Trustee by reviewing the claims filed and pointing out any claims you believe are invalid, and why. However, it is very unusual for a creditor to take the time to do so.

The next opportunity and really the only time it matters, for a creditor to object to a claim filed by a creditor is if a dividend distribution is going to be made and the Trustee sends out the Final Dividend Sheet. If you think there are errors, then you can object to the approval of the Trustee’s Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and the Dividend Sheet.

Reasons that you may feel one or more claims are incorrect could be:

  • You do not believe that someone that has filed as a secured creditor can provide adequate proof of security with their claim.
  • You feel that the compromise of claims being proposed is improper.
  • There may be details of payments received by a creditor are missing and therefore their claim is overvalued.
  • The priority of claims listed is improper.
  • The priority of payment as listed in the Trustee’s Final Statement is incorrect.
  • Some of the more complicated claims, such as the claim of lessor, a claim by wage earner, claim by farmer or another claim for employees have been incorrectly calculated by the Trustee.

If you have any concern that there is an error with the amounts being claimed, or if you believe that there are circumstances where one or more claims are not valid, you should immediately communicate this to the Trustee.

Keep in mind that once the Trustee issues the Final Statement with Dividend Sheet and has the intention of making a payment to all creditors with valid claims, you have to file your own objection within 30 days of the date on which the notice was issued.

Form 31 proof of claim: Do you need help?

Do you or your company have too much debt? Is a financial restructuring or debt settlement plan necessary but you just don’t know where to start? If so, then you need the help of a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has years of experience of helping individuals and companies successfully complete their restructuring proposal debt settlement plans. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our door.

form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity. Call us today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: Introduction

On September 24, 2018, the US Department of Justice Trustee Program (USTP) that it reached a $5 million settlement with Citibank. As described below, it had to do with the improper preparation and filing of bankruptcy proofs of claim. The purpose of this blog is to explain the issues and discuss what it means when completing a proof of claim bankruptcy Canada.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: The settlement requires Court approval

The USTP participated in a nationwide negotiation arrangement with Citibank N.A. (Citibank), Department Stores National Bank (DSNB) (jointly Citi), as well as FDS Bank. Citi will pay $5 million to remediate robo-signed evidence of proofs of claim submitted in more than 71,000 consumer bankruptcy files involving Macy’s charge card accounts.

Moreover, the suggested agreement has been submitted to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Georgia, where it is subject to court authorization. FDS Bank serviced the accounts and retained certain bankruptcy-related services to outside vendors.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: The Robo-signing debacle

Between 2012 and 2015, tens of thousands of proofs of claim were filed in bankruptcy files throughout the USA for DSNB. These proofs of claim were incorrectly signed, under the penalty of perjury, by employees of an outside vendor who had not reviewed the respective file and proof of claim and/or lacked knowledge of the contents of the proof of claim.

In some cases, the electronic credentials of the vendor’s staff were used to file proofs of claim without being reviewed by that or any other person. These improper practices were identified when Citibank took over the servicing of the accounts in late 2015 from the third parties. Citi self-reported the errors to the USTP.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: The USTP comments

“I am pleased that Citi has acted responsibly by self-reporting these deficient bankruptcy practices and agreeing to remediate affected borrowers to address the errors,” said USTP Director White. “I am also encouraged that Citi has instituted internal bankruptcy procedures to ensure that the vendor’s errors should not be repeated. When creditors fail to comply with the bankruptcy laws and rules, they must be held accountable. The U.S. Trustee Program remains diligent in its effort to ensure that creditors, as well as debtors who disregard the law, will be held accountable for their actions.”

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: How to complete form 31 proof of claim

In completing a proof of claim form, for either a personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy in Canada, the person completing the form must state that:

“I have knowledge of all the circumstances connected with the claim referred to in this form.”

A fully completed proof of claim must include details on:

  1. who the creditor is;
  2. the amount of the claim;
  3. what type of claim it is; and
  4. all contact details.

A proof of claim needs sufficient documentation attached in order for the Trustee to verify the claim.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: What will happen if a false or unsubstantiated claim is made

Section 201(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) states:

“201 (1) Where a creditor, or a person claiming to be a creditor, in any proceedings under this Act, wilfully and with intent to defraud makes any false claim or any proof, declaration or statement of account that is untrue in any material particular, the creditor or person is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to both.”

The BIA provides for penalties in Canada also. A robo-signing exercise like in the Citi case, in my opinion, is an offence under this section of the BIA. Any false proof of claim will be disallowed, in whole or in part.

I am not aware of any court decisions in Canada on this section of the BIA. Perhaps Canadians as a whole are more truthful than those involved in the Citi matter!

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: Are claims being made against you or your company?

Are you or your company experiencing financial difficulties? If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are in the door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity.


Brandon Blog Post


1st Global Capital

Small business loans Canada: Introduction

Today I am going to be telling you a story about a US corporate bankruptcy, and then a case study of our own. The purpose is to illustrate how you need to understand all the risk factors as a private small investor in making small business loans Canada.

Small business loans Canada: 1st Global Capital bankruptcy

A $283 million corporate US bankruptcy has derailed many retirement plans. It has left many investors in a financial crisis. In one case, a small inheritance was invested. In another, a cash award granted by a Court was invested. These are just two of the investor stories coming out of the US bankruptcy case of 1st Global Capital of Hallandale Beach, Florida.

1st Global Capital describes itself this way:

1st Global Capital is an industry-leading direct funder with the professionalism, flexibility and fast turnaround you need to maximize your success. We use our years of industry experience, our funding power and our technological expertise to empower Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) and Partner’s like you to maximize your business opportunities. Behind every 1GC deal is the expert vetting and oversight from our team of funding professionals with over 50 years of combined underwriting experience.”

Small business loans Canada: The “memorandums of indebtedness”

1st Global Capital was created 5 years ago to fund small companies. It funded loans to small businesses throughout many states in the USA. Examples of the types of businesses it funded are dining establishments, retail stores, construction businesses, healthcare, and e-commerce companies.

They raised money by issuing “memorandums of indebtedness” to people who invested with 1st Global Capital. Many used retirement savings accounts to fund their investment. 1st Global Capital used commissioned agents in many states to sell the 1st Global Capital investment opportunity. These short-term deals were supposed to pay back with interest at the end of nine months.

Small business loans Canada: The risky loan products

1st Global Capital was an alternative lender. It’s loan products included:

  • Merchant Cash Advances
  • Specialty Funding Options
  • Asset Based Lending
  • Accounts Receivable Funding

By its very nature, this was risky lending to businesses that could not obtain more traditional bank financing. The investors were wooed by promises of high returns, but I am certain they did not really understand they were making unsecured loans to a company that placed the money into risky loans.

Small business loans Canada: The small investors

Bankruptcy documents indicate greater than 4,000 1st Global Capital accounts existed across the country at the date of bankruptcy. Numerous are individual retirement accounts, each owed in between $621,000 and $922,000.

Court records indicate that 1st Global Capital stated that the cause of its bankruptcy was examinations by the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the U.S. attorney’s office in southern Florida over alleged securities violations.

As a result, the inflow of money from investors stopped when 1st Global Capital could no longer offer its memorandums. The bankruptcy files show that as a result, the company dealt with an unexpected and intense liquidity situation. The regulatory agencies state that 1st Global Capital was selling securities and the company was subject to government registration with and oversight by government regulatory agencies.

The bankruptcy records do not indicate this but I am certain that eventually, the bankruptcy trustee will report that the investment scheme was a Ponzi scheme. If the inability to take in more loans caused the company’s bankruptcy, it is obvious that they required fresh money in order to honour their existing liabilities. New investors’ money paying back older investors is a classic definition of a Ponzi scheme.

Small business loans Canada: Our very own Canadian case study

Not understanding what you are investing in is not a story unique to the United States. Let me tell you about one of our case studies from last year called Vaughan Crossings Inc (“VCI”). We were appointed by the Court as Receiver of the assets, properties and undertaking of VCI. The main asset of VCI was 5.5 acres of owned development land located at the northwest corner of Dufferin and Centre Streets in the City of Vaughan, ON. In this receivership, our main role was to sell these lands. You can find all the Court records and public information on our webpage that we set up for VCI, so I won’t go through the history of the file in this Brandon’s Blog.

The important point in this file is that the second mortgagee was a group of investors. These investors were found through the use of commissioned agents. These agents were mainly financial advisors and insurance agents. The agents made commissions to raise funds from their clients for investment in this project. Just like in the 1st Global Capital case, the investors were mainly individuals, many of whom used funds in their RRSPs to make the loan.

Small business loans Canada: The dangers of not understanding risk

During the receivership, I had the chance to speak with many investors who called in wanting to know the status of their investments. These unsophisticated people were wooed by the promise of high returns when the project was fully built out. Just like in the 1st Global Capital case, the mortgage syndicator had to cease raising funds as they were being investigated by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. Ultimately, the mortgage syndicator went into receivership also.

The money put in by this unsophisticated investor group was secured by way of a second mortgage. The developer ran out of cash to develop the property. The mortgage syndicator was shut down. The lands were not be developed. The plan was that the mortgage syndicator was going to do another round of financing to provide construction financing, which would be in priority to the second mortgagee! The mortgage syndicator had the authority, acting as trustee of the second mortgage, to subordinate that mortgage to the construction financing. However, that never happened.

Small business loans Canada: The receivership

Without construction financing, the development project could not continue; hence our appointment as Receiver. There two mortgages against the property and numerous construction liens filed and perfected against the property. We obtained our appraisals and ran a receivership sales process. We sold the property for much more than its appraised value. The sales price repaid the construction liens and the first mortgage. However, there was very little available for the second mortgagee investors.

The promise of a high-interest rate wooed these investors. They may not have been as focussed on the safety of their capital. Unfortunately, these small investors did not understand the risks associated with this type of loan they were making. Shame on their financial advisors who sold them this investment, knowing it was not right for most of them. The financial advisors were hungry for commissions, regardless of what harm may come to their clients.

Small business loans Canada: Is your business at risk?

If your small business is having financial problems, more small business loans alone is not the answer. You must first look at all aspects of your business. First, you should look at the viability of your business.

Are there expenses that need cutting and activities that you must do that can generate more revenue? If so, perhaps we can restructure your business. You may not need a long-term small business loan. Perhaps a short-term loan to get over the immediate financial hurdle you are facing is enough.

If you are looking for ways to restructure your corporate or personal debt call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We understand the stress and pain your financial problems are causing you. We feel your pain and we can end it for you.

Our strategy for every single business and person is to develop a result where Starting Over, Starting Now comes true, starting the minute you walk through our door. You’re just one call away from taking the necessary actions to get your debt settlement and back on the road to leading a healthy and stress-free life. Contact the Ira Smith Team today.small business loans canada

Brandon Blog Post


angus reid

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Introduction

As a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto (now called a licensed insolvency trustee), I took great interest in reading a recent poverty line Canada study. A new research project whose results were announced in July 2018, studied poverty in Canada. It finds higher than 25% of respondents feel they have stress over financial matters. Not just a part-time stress; it is a full time feeling. Instead of just analyzing income levels, the survey considers the daily realities of making ends meet and how that can take a toll on people.

Many are unable to spend on simple things like going to the movie theatre, but also on more serious needs, like warm clothes for winter time and dental care. Some are late paying bills or cannot pay them at all and many say they can’t afford better quality food at the grocery store.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: People are struggling

Researchers also found of the people who struggle most, 20% make well above what’s considered low income. However, the study finds that doesn’t always go far particularly in major urban cities. You can be making what many would consider middle-class earnings and still feel stressed. The survey showed many feel on the edge with their ability to have a life with some level of comfort or relaxation.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: 4 major groups

This ARI research identified four groups:

  1. the struggling (16%);
  2. on the edge (11%);
  3. recently comfortable (36%); and
  4. always comfortable (37%).

As expected from these labels, the struggling is dealing with economic difficulties that are adversely influencing their lifestyle. Those on the edge are a stone’s throw behind them.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: The study’s other main findings

The study’s other main findings are:

  • nearly a third (31%) really feel extremely worried about money regularly– either usually or constantly;
  • about half (52%) think hardship has actually been rising;
  • almost ten percent (9%) feel that financial hardship has been decreasing;
  • thirty percent (30%) are downhearted concerning their individual finances over the near future;
  • more think their youngsters’ finances will be worse (43%) compared to those who think their children will be financially better (32%);
  • all 4 state financial anxiety exists, yet there is more for both lower groups; and
  • the anxiety felt by the always comfortable group is a fret about future troubles as opposed to their present life.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Canada Without Poverty

Canada Without Poverty charitable organization states that roughly 5 million Canadians, or 1 in 7, live in poverty. However, the ARI study shows that the participants in the study estimate that about one third live in poverty. As you can see, their views were shaped by their own feelings of money anxiety.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Are you are “on the edge”?

Do you feel you are in the “on the edge” or the “recently comfortable” groups? Are you always feeling financially stressed? Are you worried that you may not be able to absorb an unexpected expense of $1,000 or more? If so, why not get a free financial checkup?

Seek professional help immediately. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full-service practice serving people just like you and companies throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

We know your pain and the stress you feel because of your finances. Our Firm has helped many others restructure their debt and return to a financially healthy life. Give us a call today. We can give you peace of mind and set you on a path to debt free living. We are a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto.

(43.807606, -79.534091)bankruptcy trustee in toronto

Brandon Blog Post



I am often asked general questions about the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada. Sometimes it is about the application of a certain section or topic. Other times, it is a simple question such as where can I find a copy that I can look at?

The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to list the most often asked questions. Not all of them may be of interest to you. However, for those that have questions about the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, hopefully at least one of these questions (and the answer) will be of interest to you.

So here we go.

Is there a book that explains the various topics and sections of the Act?

Yes, there is. The book is an annotated version of the statute. It has the complete Act and its rules and regulations. In addition, the annotations provide explanations on the application of each section as well as a listing of decided cases to support the explanations.

Can I look up the Act and decided cases somewhere online for free?

Yes. The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) operates a website. It has the legislation online calling it the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada CanLII. CanLII can also be used to search bankruptcy legal decisions in both English and French.

Where can I find a listing of the many forms that a licensed insolvency trustee uses?

The best place to find all the mandated forms is on the website operated by the Government of Canada, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. It lists all the forms. They are also downloadable as pdf forms.

People ask me if they can perform a Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada search. What they really mean is can they perform a search to find out if a specific person or company did a personal or corporate filing under the Canadian bankruptcy system. The answer to this question is yes.

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy operates a database for people to search the bankruptcy and insolvency records in Canada. The database can be accessed for free by a licensed insolvency trustee. Any member of the public can do the same search for the cost of $8 per search. Eventually, the Government of Canada is going to move to a free system, but it is not in place yet.

What are the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada regulations?

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada regulations, otherwise known as the bankruptcy rules, form part of the Act itself. The pure legislation contained in the various sections of the Act is just that; the legislation. However, there are practical considerations which also need clarification. Such clarification is found in the Rules contained in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). For example, the rules describe steps to abide by a specific section of the Act, or who is responsible for establishing Court fees.

Is their equal treatment for all unsecured creditors?

This is always an interesting question. The answer is also confusing to many lay people. The answer is both no and yes. I will explain. There are two types of unsecured creditors; preferred unsecured and ordinary unsecured. Many people forget this.

All ordinary unsecured creditors ARE treated equally. Their claims rank equally. The licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called bankruptcy trustee) paying a dividend to the ordinary unsecured creditors, they will all receive theirs in proportion share. The calculation is based on their respective ordinary unsecured claims.

The preferred unsecured creditors ARE NOT treated equally. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada section 136 sets out the scheme of distribution for the rank of the claims. Payment to preferred creditors ALWAYS happens BEFORE payment to ORDINARY creditors.

The preferred creditors

However, preferred unsecured creditors are not equal. The Act states that there is a ranking of claims within the preferred group. The list and order of priority of the major types of preferred creditors are as follows:

  • for a deceased bankrupt, the reasonable funeral and testamentary expenses incurred;
  • the costs of the bankruptcy administration:
  • the levy payable by the licensed insolvency trustee under section 147 of the Act;
  • any wages, salaries, commissions, compensation or disbursements owing to employees for the six month period prior to the bankruptcy;
  • municipal taxes assessed or levied against the bankrupt, within the two years before the bankruptcy, that is not secured against the real property;
  • the commercial landlord for arrears of rent for three months immediately before the bankruptcy and accelerated rent for not more than three months following the bankruptcy (if entitled to accelerated rent under the lease);
  • one bill of costs of a lawyer for the creditor who first attached by way of garnishment or filed with the Sheriff an attachment, execution or another process against the property of the bankrupt;
  • indebtedness of the bankrupt under any Act about workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance or under any provision of the Income Tax Act creating an obligation to pay to Her Majesty amounts that have been deducted or withheld;
  • claims resulting from injuries to employees of the bankrupt for which there will be a receipt of money from persons guaranteeing the bankrupt against damages resulting from those injuries; and
  • any other claims of the Crown

The Trustee must pay the claims of the preferred creditors in full, less the statutory levy mentioned above. If there are insufficient funds to pay some or all the preferred creditors, then their claims become ordinary unsecured claims.

In personal bankruptcy, are there any claims not discharged upon the person receiving their absolute discharge from bankruptcy?

Yes. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada section 178 lists the claims not discharged in a person’s bankruptcy. Such debts are:

  • a fine, penalty, restitution order or other order similar in nature imposed by a court in respect of an offence, or any debt arising out of a recognizance or bail;
  • any award of damages by a court in civil proceedings in respect of bodily harm intentionally inflicted, sexual assault, or wrongful death as a result of such an act;
  • a debt or liability for alimony or support under a court order or valid written agreement;
  • the debt or liability arising out of fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation or defalcation while acting in a fiduciary capacity;
  • debts or liabilities resulting from obtaining property or services by false pretenses or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  • the entitlement to a dividend a creditor would have received on any provable claim not disclosed to the trustee unless the creditor had notice or knowledge of the bankruptcy and failed to take reasonable action to prove a claim;
  • any debt or obligation of a loan made under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act or any enactment of a province that provides for loans or guarantees of loans to students where the date the person ceased being a full or part-time student was within seven years before the date of bankruptcy;

All claims against a bankrupt person are discharged when the person obtains their absolute bankruptcy discharge except those indicated above.

Student loans

There is an additional provision in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada student loans section. It states that any time after 5 years after the bankrupt person has ceased to be a full or part-time student, they can apply to the Court for relief. The Court can cut the student loan debt if proved that the bankrupt person:

  • has acted in good faith in trying to repay the student loan debt, and
  • the bankrupt person has and will continue to experience financial difficulty and will be unable to pay the debt

What is the history of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in Canada?

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in Canada has a very interesting history. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada has its origins in the Bankruptcy Act of 1919. The Act changed in 1949. In terms of the history of our country, this means the Act is a relatively young piece of legislation. The reason for the enactment is that every modern society has to realize that some of its citizens and businesses will run into financial trouble. A modern and efficient economy has to have the means to help those people and businesses out of their trouble. Everyone deserves a fresh start. To redeploy a company’s assets there must be a formal system to allow this to happen.

The Act changed again in 1992, 1997 as well as 2008-2009. The 1992 reforms concentrated on maximizing value for creditors with reorganization and rehabilitation, boosting the fair distribution to employees and providers of goods and services to the bankrupt company.

The 1997 reforms urged consumer debtor responsibility and boosted the reorganization stipulations as well as the administration of the Act. It introduced new sections dealing with the insolvency of securities firms and dealing with global insolvencies.

The 2009 reforms, had 4 primary aims:

  • to urge the restructuring of viable, but financially hampered companies;
  • to better secure workers’ insurance claims for wages and holiday pay;
  • making the bankruptcy system fairer and lower abuse; and
  • to improve the administration of the Canadian bankruptcy system.

Is the Act federal or provincial legislation?

Federal legislation. The name of the Act gives the answer. Its name is the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada. Although there are laws in each Province that will come into play during the administration of a bankruptcy or reorganization, the Act is Federal.


So I hope you have a better understanding of the most asked questions about the Government of Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The Act deals with bankruptcy insolvency issues for both bankruptcy law personal and corporate.

If you have any questions about how the Canadian bankruptcy system works or feel that someone you know could benefit from a free first consultation with a professional licensed insolvency trustee, feel free to contact me.

The Ira Smith Team have decades of experience in both personal and corporate insolvency matters. We can handle complex corporate and other business financial restructurings as well as personal financial problems. In both corporate and personal insolvency matters, we first look at how we can reorganize and restructure the person or business to do a rescue.

bankruptcy and insolvency act canada

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