Brandon Blog Post



We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you wish to listen to an audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of the page and click play on the podcast.

What is Receivership?

Last week I wrote an easy beginner’s guide on bankruptcy. This Brandon Blog is for anybody interested in finding out what type of insolvency process receivership is and how it differs from some other insolvency processes. I will explain the receivership process, provide an overview of what happens in a receivership, explaining what is sought to achieve, and the consequences of receivership.

Receiverships occur when a secured lender enforces its security to recover loans that have been defaulted on by a borrower. Secured creditors appoint an insolvency trustee to serve as receiver or receiver-manager depending on the terms of their security documents when the corporate debtor defaults.

Receivers and secured lenders can enter into a private contract appointing a receiver. Alternatively, the secured lender may seek an order from the court appointing a receiver. I’ll talk more about that shortly.

What Does Going into Receivership Mean?

If the corporate debtor defaults on a secured loan, the creditor may be entitled to appoint a receiver to collect their money. In Canada, “Section 244” notices are specific forms of notification that secured creditors must send to defaulting companies.

The notice specifies the assets covered by the security, the amount owed by the company in default, and that the secured creditor has the right to enforce the security after 10 days. The debtor company in default can consent to the appointment of the receiver before the expiration of the 10 day notice period.

A Section 244 notice is prescribed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA), and it is usually the last notice a creditor receives before the receiver takes possession of the debtor’s assets, properties, and undertakings.

Receivers then liquidate the assets of a business in order to pay secured creditors.


How Receivership Works

Parliament amended the BIA insolvency legislation in 1992 by enacting Part XI. BIA sections 243 through 252 to deal with secured creditors and receivers. Prior to that time, there was no federal statute insolvency legislation dealing with receivership matters. These provisions provide information about the court that hears bankruptcy and insolvency cases control over receivership matters that involve all or substantially all of the inventory, the accounts receivable, or the other property of a debtor. There are also restrictions imposed on the duties of secured creditors and receivers. It also stipulates that only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver. Part XI applies to both privately-appointed and court-appointed receivers.

These sections do not confer any powers available to a trustee of a bankrupt estate on secured creditors or receivers. Only those powers conferred upon the receiver in the appointment letter are granted to private receivers, and those are the powers specified in the security instrument. However, the receiver may also exercise certain statutory powers. If certain powers are required to administer the estate but are omitted under the security instrument, a receiver cannot act. Receivers are generally appointed by the secured creditor pursuant to security that at least states:

  • the collateral secured under the security; and
  • the receiver has the right to dispose of the collateral, including operating the insolvent debtor‘s business.

In a court-appointed receivership, the powers of the receiver come from the receivership appointment court order appointing the court-appointed receiver.

Receivership: Notice and Statement of the Receiver

From the 1992 amendments to the BIA, a receiver is required to provide notice to all known creditors of an insolvent debtor in receivership. Previously, creditors were not required to be notified.

When the receiver has become the receiver of an insolvent debtor‘s property, the receiver must provide notice of receivership as soon as reasonably possible but within 10 days of its appointment. Notice of the receivership must be sent to all creditors, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the insolvent debtor.

If the debtor is also bankrupt, rather than sending the notice to all creditors, the receiver sends the notice to the bankruptcy trustee. Since the creditors are already represented in corporate bankruptcy by the Trustee, the bankruptcy process will deal with them.

A receivership notice states, among other things, that the receiver has been appointed, whether it is a private appointment or a court appointment, and what the receiver’s plan of action is. Additionally, it contains a list of all known creditors.

As part of the receivership process, the receiver must provide interim reports every six months as well as a final report when the receivership is concluded. A copy of the receiver’s final receipts and disbursements statement must also be included in the final notice.receivership

What’s The Difference Between a Court-Appointed Receiver and a Privately Appointed Receiver?

A court-appointed receiver vs. a privately appointed receiver is something people always want to know the answer to. I will explain the difference to you. It is pretty simple. Based on what I have already written, you have probably guessed it by now.

In a Court-appointed receivership, when the Court appoints a receiver, it does so through an Order on the application of the secured creditor. As between a secured creditor and a debtor, a privately appointed receiver is a receiver who is appointed by the secured creditor as provided in the Security Agreement. The Court-appointed receiver’s administration is supervised by the Court.

How is Receivership Different from Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy / receivership

Bankruptcy vs. receivership is also something people want to know. Many times, people confuse the two and use the terms receivership and bankruptcy, mistakenly, interchangeably. Often, receiverships and bankruptcy are confused, but the differences between the two are fairly straightforward. Whether it is a private appointment or a Court-appointed receivership, it is still different.

There are several main differences between bankruptcy and receivership. A receivership is a remedy available to secured creditors, as stated above. In order to enforce the secured creditor’s security rights against a defaulting debtor, a receiver is appointed.

Bankruptcy is a separate legal process. Trustees do not represent secured creditors in bankruptcy. Instead, they represent unsecured creditors. Corporate bankruptcy can occur simultaneously with a receivership of the same corporate debtor. The process of a corporate bankruptcy would be the subject of another Brandon Blog. To find other Brandon Blogs about corporate bankruptcy, use the search function at the top of this page.receivership

What’s the Difference Between Receivership and Liquidation?

By now you know what the definition of receivership is. So I won’t repeat it because I do not want to sound like a broken record (younger people may not catch that reference!)!

Liquidation is not governed by the federal BIA. Rather, it is done under the provincial Business Corporations Act or Wind-Up Act. A liquidation is for a solvent company where the shareholders, Officers and Directors decide to cease business operations by running off any existing contracts and selling off the assets. The cash obtained is then used first to pay off the creditors. Any funds leftover is then distributed to the shareholders.

Just like a receiver, a liquidator can be appointed either privately by resolution of the Directors or by Court order. Liquidation is not a receivership or bankruptcy.

Employee Rights in Bankruptcy Protection and Bankruptcy⁄Receivership

A device was created by the BIA for employees of a company that went bankrupt or into receivership. It does not apply to employees of a company trying to rightsize itself through reorganization; either a BIA Proposal or a Plan of Arrangement under the CCAA. The Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA) protects wages or benefits, including termination and severance pay, accumulated in the 6 months prior to a business going bankrupt or going into receivership.

The WEPPA ended up being enacted due to the federal government’s concern that when a company went bankrupt and employees were not paid their wages, there was rarely an opportunity for them to recoup any of their income. There are limits or caps on what employees can receive.

In the period in which amounts are past due to you, you will not qualify for WEPPA if:

  • you are a Director or Officer of the business;
  • or you have worked as a manager for the company
  • you are part of the management responsible for negotiating or refusing to pay amounts owed.

You may qualify if:

  • the previous employer has gone bankrupt or into receivership.
  • The firm owes you wages, salaries, vacation pay, or unreimbursed costs throughout the six months prior to the date of bankruptcy or receivership.

When an employer enters bankruptcy or receivership, the WEPPA provides funds to employees owed money. Those employees who qualify are paid as soon as possible. An employee’s qualifying earnings are equal to seven times their maximum regular insurance earnings under the Employment Insurance Act. According to Service Canada, the maximum amount of $56,300 a year is the limit for insurable earnings as of January 1, 2021. Thus, in 2021 the maximum amount a former employee can claim under WEPPA is $7,578.83.

Trustees and receivers are required to inform employees about the WEPPA program and provide information about amounts due. In the event of bankruptcy or receivership, trustees, as well as receivers, have 45 days to submit to Service Canada the Trustee Information Forms showing the amounts owed to each employee.

In other words, WEPPA‘s payment for former employees is something, but it may not be enough to fully compensate each. As a result of the amount paid by Service Canada, which administers the employment insurance system, $2,000 per employee is a super-priority against the company’s current assets. All remaining amounts paid to each employee, up to the maximum, are unsecured claims.receivership

Receivership summary

I hope you found this receivership Brandon Blog informative and that the differences between receivership, bankruptcy, restructuring and liquidation legal proceedings are now clearer. Because it all has to do with corporate insolvency, the provincial Bankruptcy Courts also deal with receivership matters to adjudicate under the applicable insolvency law.

With too high debt levels and not enough wealth, you are insolvent. You can choose from several insolvency processes to get the debt relief that you need and deserve. It may not be necessary for you to file for bankruptcy.

If you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help, and you assume bankruptcy is the only option, call me.

If you’re thinking about bankruptcy, you’re probably in a situation where you’re overwhelmed, frightened, and feel like you’re alone. That’s natural and it is not your fault.

It’s good that you’ve come to this site, where you’ll find answers to your questions, sort through your options, and discover that you can get help. You’re not alone, and the professionals at Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. are committed to helping you find a debt solution that’s best for you.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

You are under a lot of pressure. Our team knows how you feel. You and your financial and emotional problems will be the focus of a new approach designed specifically for you. With our help, you will be able to blow away the dark cloud over your head. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

Because of this, we can develop a new method for paying down your debt that will be built specifically for you. It will be as unique as the economic problems and discomfort you are experiencing. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what does receivership mean

What does receivership mean: Receivership is for secured claims

What does receivership mean? A receivership is an enforcement proceeding that helps secured creditors recover secured debts on debtor defaults on loan payments from troubled companies. There are two types of receivers and receiverships: Privately-appointed receivers and court-appointed receivers.

As you can tell from the title of this Brandon Blog, I am not going to be writing about receiverships. You can take a look at my April 14, 2021, Brandon Blog titled “WHAT IS A RECEIVERSHIP? OUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO RECEIVERSHIP SOLUTIONS” to read all about what receiverships are.

What does receivership mean? It is a remedy for secured creditors.

I want to go through two more concepts quickly, and then I will get to what I really want to talk to you about today.

What does receivership mean: Bankruptcy vs. receivership

Despite the fact that receivership and bankruptcy sometimes get used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. A bankruptcy proceeding and a receivership proceeding are both legal actions conducted under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) and governed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). According to the BIA, either a receiver or a bankruptcy trustee in Canada needs to be a licensed insolvency trustee, whose license is granted and whose actions are supervised by the federal government’s OSB.

Here is where the similarities end. In a receivership, a secured creditor would either hire a receiver privately or ask a court to place a company into receivership and appoint one to liquidate the collateral they have against the debtor. According to the Canadian bankruptcy process, either the person or company voluntary files for bankruptcy with a licensed insolvency practitioner, or one or more unsecured creditors apply to the Court for the appointment of an insolvency trustee to administer the bankruptcy Estate.

Licensed insolvency trustees are needed in both cases. The receivership procedure is a secured creditor’s remedy and bankruptcy is an unsecured creditor‘s remedy. To read up more on the bankruptcy process, look at my September 30, 2020, Brandon Blog “DECLARE BANKRUPTCY: A COMPLETE GUIDE ON WHAT IS IT LIKE TO DECLARE BANKRUPTCY“.

What does receivership mean? Not the same as bankruptcy.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

Employee Rights in Bankruptcy Protection and Bankruptcy⁄Receivership

Bankruptcy protection can be gained to try to make a troubled company stable and then return the company to profitability by filing pursuant to either the BIA or the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), employees retain their right to unpaid wages, vacation pay, and severance or termination pay. There is no difference between filing and not filing. They are unsecured creditors of a troubled company, and the company directors are personally responsible for amounts owed to employees.

For the company in receivership or bankruptcy, the employees do have greater rights. The receiver of a company in receivership must register with Service Canada under the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA) for the Wage Earner Protection Program. This program provides some compensation to eligible employees who are owed money by a bankrupt or receivership company.

To read more about WEPPA, take a look at my February 10, 2020 Brandon Blog, “SEVERANCE PAY ONTARIO & BANKRUPTCY-BARRYMORE FURNITURE UNPAID WORKERS ANGRY“.

So what does receivership mean to an employee with unpaid wages? It means they can claim a priority and get paid by Service Canada.

What does receivership mean: Receivership – a typical appointment

Now I will get to what this Brandon Blog is actually about. In Canada, it is the norm for secured creditors advancing loans secured against company assets, to also take a personal guarantee on the same debt from the principals of the company. In all entrepreneurial companies in Canada, that is at least the president running company affairs. If the lender-secured creditor suffers a shortfall from the liquidation of the company assets, the lender then looks to the guarantor(s) of the company debt to make good on the lender’s loss. Many times the company president/guarantor has no choice but to file consumer bankruptcy.

I was involved in a bankruptcy discharge hearing for one of our personal bankrupts in April 2021. He caused his company, being its sole Director, to file for bankruptcy with another Trustee. That same Trustee was also appointed as the company’s private receiver by the secured creditor. The company president provided the secured creditor with a personal guarantee.

Realizing that they would suffer a shortfall from the company situation, rather than suing on their personal guarantee, they approached us to consent to act as the Trustee in a Bankruptcy Application against the company president. We consented and the company president ultimately consented to a Bankruptcy Order being made to put him into bankruptcy with my Firm as the Trustee.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

What does receivership mean: The bankruptcy of the guarantor

We administered the consumer bankruptcy. There were some assets to realize upon which we did. One realization required court approval as we were selling seat licenses and the right to purchase tickets for the Toronto Maple Leafs to a related party. The bankrupt person’s largest single consumer creditor was Canada Revenue Agency for unpaid income tax. The company in receivership was also a creditor as the president owed the company money. The secured creditor of the company was also an unsecured creditor of his in his personal bankruptcy for the personal guarantee on the shortfall.

The known creditors each filed their respective proof of claim in his bankruptcy, including the company by its privately-appointed receiver. We believed that the company by its receiver was a creditor for the amount of the shareholder loan owing to the company. The proof of claim they filed was for a much larger amount. As Trustee, we neither admitted nor disallowed any proofs of claim filed in this bankruptcy estate. The Trustee would have to take a cold hard look at the receiver’s proof of claim at some future date it is determined that a dividend will be paid to the creditors in this bankruptcy estate, which is highly unlikely.

What does receivership mean: The receiver opposes a bankruptcy discharge

Only one unsecured creditor opposed the bankrupt’s discharge. That was the receiver, or more correctly, the company in receivership by its privately-appointed receiver. The Trustee had not opposed. The lender, as an unsecured creditor, did not oppose either along with the other consumer creditors.

As I mentioned, in April 2021, the discharge hearing was held before the Master sitting as Registrar in Bankruptcy Court. The court raised a novel issue. Does the receiver have the standing to oppose the bankrupt’s discharge? The court allowed the hearing to be completed and allowed the parties to file further submissions, subsequent to the hearing, on this issue. Submissions were received from us, the
Trustee and from the Receiver in mid-May, 2021. The bankrupt took no position on the issue.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

Does the Receiver have standing to oppose the bankrupt’s discharge?

Here is what I wrote to the court.

The security documents under which a privately-appointed receiver is appointed will determine if an unsecured amount owing by a bankrupt debtor is an asset secured by security held by a creditor over the assets of another party. If so, then the privately-appointed receiver has the right to file a proof of claim in the debtor’s bankruptcy as part of attempting to realize upon that asset forming part of the secured creditor’s collateral.

In doing so, the privately-appointed receiver is acting as Agent for the secured creditor. If the privately-appointed receiver files a proof of claim in the bankruptcy that is not disallowed by the licensed insolvency trustee administering the bankruptcy estate, then, in order to oppose the discharge of the bankrupt, the privately-appointed receiver must also be able to be the Agent for the debtor in receivership.

If the security under which the privately-appointed receiver is appointed allows for that receiver to operate the business of the debtor in receivership, then that receiver has the ability to be an Agent of the debtor in receivership and bring a claim in the name of that debtor.

In this matter, of the various pieces of security held by the secured creditor, only the General Security Agreement (the “GSA”), allows a receiver appointed in writing under it to operate the business of the debtor company. Under the GSA, the privately-appointed receiver has the ability to act as both Agent of the secured creditor and Agent of the company. The appointment letter appointing the receiver confirms that the appointment is under all security held, including the GSA.

Therefore, my opinion was that although we have concerns about the amount being claimed, the receiver has the ability to both file a proof of claim in this bankruptcy and oppose the discharge of the bankrupt as an Agent of the company. I believed it aided the administration of this bankruptcy to allow the receiver to oppose because it is able to draw the attention of the court to conduct of the bankrupt of which the court otherwise might not be aware of.

Finally, I advised the court that if there still was concern that it is formal defect or irregularity section 187(9) of the BIA, the court can determine that such formal defect or irregularity will not invalidate the opposition to the discharge of the bankrupt.

What the bankruptcy court decided

The court accepted our submission and agreed with it. The court continued to be skeptical of the amount of the company’s proof of claim filed by the receiver. The court noted that as Trustee, I reported that the bankrupt has fulfilled all statutory duties. Income and expense statements were provided and there was no surplus income payable.

On a general perusal of the Trustee’s s. 170 report, the Trustee does not report any significant misconduct or concerns but reserved its rights as to its position on the discharge pending the hearing and matters disclosed therein. In the court’s view, the Trustee’s non-opposition to discharge is a factor favouring the bankrupt’s discharge. After considering all facts, the court gave the bankrupt an absolute discharge from bankruptcy.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

What does receivership mean summary

I hope that you found this what does receivership mean Brandon Blog helpful in describing the role of a privately appointed receiver especially in opposing the discharge of the bankrupt guarantor of the company’s secured debt. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. Through the use of video meetings, we can help you even if you do not live close to our office in the Jane Street Hwy. 7 area. It is just like we are coming to you!

The bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan: We transformed into a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan

The bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan went through a metamorphosis similar to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The term “bankruptcy trustee” turned into a “licensed insolvency trustee“. The licensed insolvency trustee designation was mandated to all licensed trustees by the Industry Canada Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The OSB licenses and supervises the activities of all licensed insolvency trustees across Canada. This includes us as a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan, Ontario.

The purpose of this Brandon blog is to offer an overview of our role in the Greater Toronto Area with our licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan insolvency trustee firm head office.

The purpose of this Brandon blog is to offer an overview of our role in the Greater Toronto Area with our licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan insolvency trustee firm head office.

Role of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Vaughan (formerly called Trustee in Bankruptcy Vaughan)

A licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan can fulfill various roles. It all starts with providing a no-cost consultation for a person or company that finds themselves in a troubling financial situation that worries them about their prospects for a bright financial future.

Due to the various roles, a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan can play, we are also known as “receivers”, “trustee in bankruptcy” or “financial restructuring professionals”. We are appointed when a company or person is financially distressed and either has no other options to get out of financial difficulty and is unable to pay its bills. A licensed insolvency trustee is the only party licensed by the Government of Canada to perform a federal government-approved debt settlement plan, being a consumer proposal consolidation.

As a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan firm, there are different roles we can play.

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Find the right option with the help of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Vaughan

Personal situation insolvency

For individuals who are insolvent, we can provide and act in the following:

  • A no-cost initial consultation to provide advice about debt relief.
  • Credit counselling. to help with your household budget and determine if you really need one of the available debt relief options.
  • Consumer Proposal – Toronto and GTA – Act as Consumer Proposal Administrator to conduct a Consumer Proposal Process for people who owe $250,000 or less in unsecured debts (not including any debts registered against their home) who wish to eliminate their debt and wish an alternative to bankruptcy so that they can avoid filing bankruptcy. This is a government-approved interest-free debt settlement plan that can be paid over as much as five years.
  • Division I Proposal – Toronto and GTA – This process is not quite as streamlined as a consumer proposal, but it is for people who wish to eliminate their debt while avoiding personal bankruptcy.
  • These 2 proposal remedies are the only accredited government debt relief programs in Canada.
  • Personal bankruptcy – Toronto and GTA – As a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan, we can of course assist anyone who wishes filing for bankruptcy. In your no-cost consultation with us, we first get to know you and your financial situation in order to determine if you qualify for one of the bankruptcy alternatives. If not, we will discuss the entire bankruptcy process with you, including the cost of bankruptcy. If you wish to proceed, we will accept your assignment in bankruptcy.

All collection activities against you cease when you make an assignment in bankruptcy, or file a debt settlement restructuring proposal. Legal action against you may include wage garnishment, collection calls, or a legal action against you. You get legal protection as a result of the stay of proceedings afforded by an insolvency filing.

The two most common types of debt we encounter in our personal insolvency practice are credit card debt and income tax debt. We have successfully handled for clients serious negotiations with Canada Revenue Agency in order to achieve debt settlement for people with a financial history of income tax debt.

Corporate insolvency

For companies, and especially entrepreneurial family businesses that are insolvent, we can provide and act in the following:

  • A no-cost initial consultation to provide advice about debt restructuring options.
  • Restructuring & Turnarounds.
  • Business analysis, business review and monitoring.
  • Receivership – Toronto and GTA – Only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver on behalf of a secured creditor. As a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan, we act as a privately-appointed receiver on behalf of a secured creditor. We also act as a court-appointed receiver upon the application to a court by a secured creditor or other stakeholders.
  • Winding-Up and Liquidator – Toronto and GTA – For solvent companies that wish to wind up operations through a legal process, we act as either privately appointed or court-appointed Liquidator.

    licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
    licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Selecting The Right Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Vaughan

Experience and professionalism

You might not find the expertise to solve your financial difficulties with someone just around the corner. You can start your search for the right Trustee by visiting the website of the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals. Both Ira Smith and Brandon Smith are members of the Canadian Insolvency and Restructuring Professional Association. It shows an individual’s commitment to staying up to date with all the latest industry advancements by belonging to this organization. Check the website of the OSB to ensure that the Trustees you are considering are not suspended or under file management by the regulator.

Interacting with them on many levels is essential

As a beginning, they must be able to quickly understand your needs and desires, as well as provide you with a realistic plan that can be followed. If you have issues or concerns, they also need to be available to you. Look for their interest in you. How enthusiastic are they about their industry? Do you really feel their compassion for you? Do you feel you are going to get along on an inter-personal basis with this person?

That’s exactly how you measure enthusiasm. The most effective solutions and suggestions will be offered by a knowledgeable insolvency trustee. You may not find this type of person within walking distance of your home or workplace.

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan: Are you able to agree on the same concepts?

It is not a totally free service to engage a professional trustee. The complexity of your situation could affect the bankruptcy cost. Your trust in a bankruptcy trustee is diminished if you feel they view you as just another dollar sign. Look for those who seem to have similar values to you. It may not be the closest to your home to find such a licensed insolvency trustee.

Websites for licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan

Searching for “bankruptcy trustee near me” or “licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan” on a search engine today will bring up various websites to visit. How does the website make you feel? What bankruptcy FAQs do they provide? Can you see pictures of the people you would deal with? From their blog, do they demonstrate that they have a deep knowledge base?

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

You can meet with more than one Trustee

Unless you sit across the table from him or her, you won’t know which one is the right fit for you. Comparing two bankruptcy trustees is a good idea. You want to be able to compare two or more for your own validation purposes. The one you feel best about is the one to go with. Trust your gut!

3 Best Licensed Insolvency Trustees in Vaughan, ON

Throughout the years my firm has been inspected for 50 points, including reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, trust, cost, and general excellence. The results have allowed us to rank consistently among the top 3 Best Licensed Insolvency Trustees in Vaughan, ON.

Licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan summary

I hope that you found this licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan Brandon Blog helpful in describing our role as debt professionals and my thoughts on how to go about choosing the one you think is the best fit for anyone in a financial crisis. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Brandon Blog Post


reverse vesting order

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of the page and click play on the podcast.

Vesting order and reverse vesting order

In a corporate insolvency case, a court may grant a vesting order, which authorizes the sale of a company’s assets to the buyer once the purchase price is paid. A vesting order vests ownership in the purchaser as a result of this court order. This is proof that the purchaser is entitled to transfer the assets into its name. No matter what insolvency process is used, this is the use of a vesting order.

In the past year or so, a new trend has emerged regarding the sale of the assets of insolvent companies as part of a restructuring under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). That new trend is the use of a reverse vesting order.

In this Brandon Blog, I explain what a reverse vesting order is and why I believe its use will be a significant feature of Canadian firm restructurings in 2021 and beyond.

Reverse vesting order – A powerful tool for maximizing recovery in complex insolvencies

A reverse vesting order can be very useful in complex insolvencies. A timely recovery can benefit creditors, and the process can maximize recoveries for all parties. Reverse vesting orders are a good solution for an insolvent debtor corporation when:

  • there are a large number of secured creditors, unsecured creditors and assets;
  • all of the assets do not have an immediate buyer;
  • the company is insolvent; and
  • the company must deal with unwanted assets and a group of creditors in a particular way.

It is best used in a large-scale CCAA corporate restructuring but is not limited to that.

reverse vesting order

Reverse vesting order as a third restructuring tool

There have traditionally been two insolvency processes available to licensed insolvency trustees, insolvency lawyers, and company stakeholders. The two are (i) liquidating assets; and (ii) reorganizing companies. In general, assets are liquidated through either receivership or bankruptcy. Incorporated companies can restructure either under the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) or, for larger and more complex restructurings, under the CCAA. It is obvious that assets must be sold in order to liquidate them.

Sometimes, as part of a corporate restructuring, there are redundant and unwanted assets that can be sold to raise cash. The question is, what if the real value, especially a going-concern value of a company in a commercial insolvency case is not in its tangible assets. Rather, its real value lies in:

  • the ability to operate in a specific industry and such licenses cannot be sold by their very nature and wording – think of the cannabis and nursing home industries as two examples;
  • tax losses and tax attributes that can be monetized if the licensed insolvency trustee is also able to take over the shares; or
  • being listed on the stock exchange and thus as a public company having a greater market value than a private corporation.

As a result, it is extremely difficult to realize any value from such assets.

What is the importance of the reverse vesting order? How a reverse vesting order works will tell you all you need to know about why it is important as a third restructuring tool. Under a reverse vesting order, a newly incorporated residual corporation is added as a party to the CCAA proceedings.

As part of the CCAA restructuring, the operating debtor company transfers undesirable assets and liabilities to the newly incorporated non-operating company. With its assets and liabilities selected by the purchaser, the debtor company holds only the desirable assets and liabilities, which means its common shares can be sold rather than the company’s assets. As a result, valuable permits, contracts, tax losses, and statutory authority are preserved, which can otherwise be lost in a disposition of assets.

Why is reverse vesting order important?

A reverse vesting order is an alternative to the traditional CCAA plans of arrangement, particularly for companies operating in highly regulated environments or when there is no value remaining after the realization of secured debt and the parties intend to continue the running of the debtor company.

A reverse vesting order is an alternative to the traditional CCAA plans of arrangement, particularly for companies operating in highly regulated environments or when there is no value remaining after the realization of secured debt and the parties plan to continue operating the debtor company.

By using a reverse vesting order, existing corporations, which have been streamlined to become solvent through an innovative solution, are transferred to new investors instead of desirable assets being sold through a court-approved sale. The debtor corporation that initially filed for bankruptcy protection under the CCAA can now be removed from the restructuring proceedings. There are certain unwanted assets and unwanted liabilities that are transferred to the newly incorporated residual corporation. There can then be asset sales allowing for some sort of distribution to creditors (either in a plan of arrangement or in bankruptcy) in order to allow some creditor recovery.

A reverse vesting order may prove to be the most efficient approach to facilitate a going concern operation transfer through restructuring proceedings, letting businesses emerge from CCAA proceedings quickly without having filed a plan of arrangement, while preserving key attributes of the corporate entity and its existing corporate structure.

Legal challenges to the use of reverse vesting orders have been unsuccessful. I would like to discuss the case of Nemaska Lithium Inc.reverse vesting order

Reverse vesting order issued by Québec Superior Court after first contested hearing

In December 2019, Nemaska Lithium Inc. and related companies (Nemaska Lithium or the Nemaska entities) commenced CCAA proceedings. A lithium mining project was developed in Quebec by them. A CCAA judge approved an uncontested sale or investment solicitation process (SISP) in January 2020 that led to the acceptance of a bid that was subject to the condition that a reverse vesting order is issued.

A proposed reverse vesting order provides that Nemaska entities will be acquired by the bidder free of the claims of the unsecured creditors, which will be transferred as part of a pre-closing reorganization to a newly incorporated non-operating company.

The reverse vesting order will allow the purchaser to continue to operate the Nemaska entities in a highly regulated environment by maintaining their existing permits, licences, authorizations, essential contracts, and fiscal attributes. In essence, it is a credit bid in which the shares of the Nemaska entities are acquired in exchange for the assumption of the secured debt.

A shareholder (who was also an alleged creditor) filed motions opposing the reverse vesting order issuance on multiple grounds, including:

  • a vesting order cannot be granted for anything other than a sale or disposition of assets through a vesting order for sales of assets;
  • the reverse vesting order is not permissible under the CCAA because it allows the Nemaska entities to exit CCAA protection outside of a plan of arrangement or plan of compromise;
  • this reverse vesting order contemplated a corporate reorganization that is not permitted by securities laws; and
  • in light of the proposed transaction, the directors and officers of Nemaska Lithium Inc. should not be released.

The Honourable Justice Gouin, J.S.C., reviewed and assessed:

  • the SISP process which led to the offer;
  • the lack of alternatives to the offer;
  • the potential harm to Nemaska Lithium‘s stakeholders, including its employees, creditors, suppliers, and the Cree community;
  • stopping the restructuring process to relaunch a SISP in the future following what was already a thorough examination of the market or, alternatively,
  • bankrupting the Nemaska entities.

In light of all these factors, the judge approved the reverse vesting order on October 15, 2020. Limiting the remedies available under the CCAA would unnecessarily hinder the development of innovative solutions for more complex commercial and social issues in Canadian insolvency matters.

The decision and formal recognition of reverse vesting order by the Court of Appeal

Leave to appeal the CCAA judge‘s decision was sought by the parties who objected to the reverse vesting order being made. The Appellate Court carefully considered the judge’s decision-making process and particularly that the Québec Superior Court judge relied extensively on the principles set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in the matter of 9354-9186 Quebec inc. c. Callidus Capital Corp., namely the:

  • development of CCAA proceedings and the role of the CCAA supervising judge;
  • remedial objectives of Canadian insolvency laws to provide timely, efficient, and impartial resolution of a debtor’s insolvency, secure fair and equitable treatment of creditors’ claims against a debtor, protect the public interest, and balance the costs and benefits of restructuring or liquidating the debtor company’s assets;
  • CCAA‘s goal of preventing social and economic losses from liquidating insolvent companies by facilitating their reorganization and survival as a going concern; and
  • CCAA judge‘s broad discretion under s. 11 of the CCAA in an effort to advance the CCAA’s remedial objectives while taking into account three fundamental factors that the debtor company application must prove: (1) the requested order is appropriate in the circumstances, and (2) good faith on the part of the applicant, and (3) the applicant has been acting with due diligence.

It was determined by the Court of Appeal judge that the risk of potential harm to stakeholders outweighed any legal merits of any arguments raised by the opposing parties. Therefore, the Quebec Court of Appeal denied the leave to appeal the decision of the CCAA judge.

Canada’s Supreme Court has denied leave to appeal. Having now established reverse vesting as an option for CCAA restructurings, the law is now set in stone.

The Nemaska case is the first reverse vesting order transaction to withstand judicial scrutiny in Canada and reaffirms the flexibility of CCAA proceedings for distressed M&A transactions of distressed businesses.reverse vesting order

Reverse vesting order and distressed M&A opportunities

I hope that you found this reverse vesting order Brandon Blog interesting. Problems will arise when you or your company are in business distress, cash-starved and cannot repay debts. There are several insolvency processes available to a company or a person with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


what is a receivership?

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

What is a receivership?

What is a receivership is a question I am asked often. Receivership is a remedy available to secured lenders to recoup as much of their debt as possible. A secured creditor, normally a financial institution, has lent funds to the company or individual under a secured financing transaction. They did it this way so in the event the company or person defaults on its finance payments, they can enforce against the assets subject to the security.

Receivership is a different process than bankruptcy for the sale of the properties of a corporation. In Canada, the secured creditor is typically the Bank as the lender. Normally, when a borrower misses payments, they tend to be insolvent. However, it is possible to have a receivership in Ontario even if the borrower is not insolvent.

In this Brandon Blog, I am going to tell you all about receivership. What is a receivership? How it works. When it can be used? What types of receivership are there?

What is a receivership? Examples of receivership in a sentence

What is a receivership? Receivership is a legal proceeding. Either a secured creditor privately appoints the receiver by instrument or a court appoints a person or company, called a receiver, to collect and manage the assets of a person or business that is unable to manage those assets effectively.

To understand more about the receivership process, we first need to look at the types of receivership. These are:

  • Liquidating receivership – This is a type of receivership that is brought about when a company ceases operations because the management of the company is unable to make it a viable business again. If the business is not viable, then the receiver will not operate it and will find buyers for the assets.
  • Operating receivership – This form of receivership is when parts of the company are viable or must otherwise continue operating under receivership. The business assets have a great deal of value if operating, but if shut down, relatively no value. In this case, the receiver will continue operating the business and the secured creditor will agree to lend funds if the business’s cash flow is insufficient. While operating the business, the receiver will also look for buyers.

The word “receiver” originally meant “a person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of another, especially a bankrupt or insolvent“. The term is now more widely applied and refers to a person placed in temporary charge and control of another person’s assets or a business entity. A receivership is a form of governance used in a wide range of situations. It is particularly common in the fields of law and business.

What is a receivership in a sentence – A receivership is a legal process started by a secured creditor either privately appointing a receiver by instrument or making an application to the court for an order that forces a party to carry out the duties of a receiver over the assets of a company or person.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership?

In Canada, section 243(4) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) dictates that only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver. From the above, you should now realize that there are two types of receivers: (i) privately appointed receiver; and (ii) court-appointed receiver.

What is a receivership? 10 – Day Notice of Intention to Enforce Security

Section 244 of the BIA relates to a secured creditor who intends to enforce its security against an insolvent debtor, either through private appointment or by making an application to the court. This section states that any secured creditor who intends to enforce against all, or substantially all, of the inventory, accounts receivable or other property used by the insolvent debtor in its business, must give adequate notice. The notice must be in writing by using the form prescribed by the BIA.

The BIA defines adequate as a minimum of 10 days. A secured creditor must send out the 10-day notice of intention to enforce security and cannot enforce its security until the 10 days have expired unless the debtor consents in writing to earlier enforcement. The purpose of giving the 10-day notice is to allow the insolvent debtor a chance to either negotiate some resolution with the secured creditor or otherwise attempt to reorganize its financial affairs. An example of reorganizing would be speaking with new potential lenders, consideration of assets that could be sold to repay or otherwise reduce the indebtedness to the unhappy secured creditor.

The insolvent debtor may also be considering invoking an insolvency process such as a Division I Proposal under the BIA to reorganize all of its debts to implement a financial reorganization strategy. If a proposal or a notice of intention to make a proposal under the BIA is filed by the insolvent debtor before the expiry of the 10 day period, then the enforcement action of the secured creditor has initially stayed.

That secured creditor would have to make an application to the court to show that it has lost total confidence in the insolvent debtor’s abilities and it will not support any reorganization attempt. The application is to lift the automatic stay of proceedings that happened when the insolvent debtor filed, to allow the secured creditor to enforce its security against the assets to try to recover as much of the secured debt as possible through the appointment of a receiver.

Why did 10 days become the official notice period? This was part of amendments to the BIA made in 2009. It arose as a .esult of court decisions over what is reasonable notice. The most famous case is one that insolvency practitioners refer to as Lister v. Dunlop. The case made its way all the way up to the Supreme Court of Canada. The proper name of the case is R.E. Lister Ltd. v. Dunlop Canada Ltd., [1982] 1 S.C.R. 726. The decision was released on May 31, 1982.

The case dealt with a variety of issues, including what is receivership. Another of the issues considered was a reasonable notice to be given when a secured creditor demanded repayment of its demand loan, due to one or more defaults on loan? The most common default is defaulting on making the required loan payments on time. The loan agreement and debenture securing the loan stated that it was a demand loan and that the lender must give reasonable notice when making the demand.

However, in the “old days”, there was never a definition of what reasonable notice was. In fact, in Ontario, the law at the time was that reasonable notice only came into being if the business owner asked for a time to repay the loan. What was reasonable was a matter of discussion and negotiation. In Lister v. Dunlop, it was determined that Dunlop did not provide reasonable notice, based on the specific facts in that case.

Case law evolved and eventually, in 2009, the BIA was amended as part of the new provisions to bring receivership under the BIA and receivers subject to the supervision of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada. The 10 day notice period was Parliament’s way to try to codify what reasonable notice is.

Court Appointed Receivers vs. Privately Appointed Receivers

As discussed above, receivers are appointed when secured creditors want to recover on their secured loans. Receivership is a remedy for secured creditors. It is not a remedy for unsecured creditors. The intent is for the receiver to take possession of the insolvent company assets subject to the security agreement and conduct a sale of assets. The proceeds of the sale will then be distributed in accordance with the priority of the creditors under the BIA. The secured creditor should want to make sure that it is in the first place to receive the funds from the receiver, for the receivership process they are paying for!

From the above, by now, you have probably realized that a privately appointed receiver is appointed in writing by the secured creditor. The receiver gets properly retained and then is given an appointment letter by the secured creditor after the 10 day notice period has either passed or was waived by the insolvent debtor. The privately appointed receiver gets its powers from the security documents which will outline the approved steps the receiver can take.

Court-appointed receivers, as the term implies, are appointed by the court. The secured creditor properly retains the receiver and makes an application to the court for the appointment of the receiver. The secured creditor is the plaintiff in this litigation. If the court grants the order, then the court-appointed receiver begins the receivership administration. The powers and responsibilities of the court-appointed receiver come from the court order, called the Appointment Order.

The steps the receiver will take in determining what method will realize the most money possible from the sale of assets should be pretty well identical under both a court-appointed receivership and a privately appointed receivership. The analysis of how and the steps to be taken to realize the most money possible from the assets of the company in receivership should be the same, regardless of the form of appointment.

Either way, as stated above, the receiver must be a licensed insolvency trustee who is experienced in acting as a licensed insolvency practitioner.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership

What is a receivership? Duties of a receiver

Receivers are required to act honestly and in good faith. A privately appointed receiver has a duty to the secured creditor who appointed the receiver. A court-appointed receiver has a duty to act in good faith to all creditors.

The main roles of the receiver, whether private or court-appointed, can be summarized as to:

  • Secure all the assets of the insolvent debtor pledged under the security agreement or covered by the Appointment Order.
  • Make sure the receiver has control of property, the assets are conserved and properly insured.
  • Advance the rights of the debtor with the approval of either the secured creditor or the court. This could include continuing or beginning any necessary litigation.
  • Formulate the plan to maximize the realization from the sale of assets. This also involves a decision as to whether or not to operate the business of the company.
  • Offer the assets for sale in a properly advertised public sale.
  • Complete the sale and distribute the net proceeds in accordance with the provisions of the BIA.
  • Make regular reporting to the court and/or the appointing creditor
  • Obtain the approval of the secured creditor, and under a court appointment, approval of the court for all actions to be taken by the receiver.
  • In a court appointment, to obtain the approval of the court for its fee and disbursements and for those of the receiver’s legal counsel.

The Appointment Order generally will give the court-appointed receiver extensive powers.

I want to summarize the difference between company receivership and bankruptcy

I find that many times people will confuse the terms receivership and bankruptcy. What is a receivership is not the same as what is bankruptcy. I want to summarize the difference between company receivership and bankruptcy. There are important differences between bankruptcy and receivership.

The terms bankruptcy and receivership are often mistakenly used; they are not the very same thing. Bankruptcy is a legal process for unsecured creditors. The bankruptcy of a person and that person’s discharge from bankruptcy acts to discharge that person’s unsecured debt. As a company is never discharged from bankruptcy, the bankruptcy process has the effect of ending the company’s business.

What is a receivership? Receivership on the other hand, is a legal process for the benefit of secured creditors that safeguards their security if an insolvent borrower defaults on its secured debt financial obligations.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership?

What is a receivership? Is receivership the right solution for you?

I hope you enjoyed the what is a receivership Brandon Blog post. I have gone to great lengths to describe what is a receivership, the different types of receivership and that it is a remedy for secured creditors. However, many times, if properly handled, it can also assist the business owner. The entrepreneur may be very frustrated that the company can no longer pay all its debts as they come due and is looking for a way out, a way to sell the business or a way to get rid of the sick parts of the business and keep the good parts.

There may be sufficient value to take care of the secured creditor, but nothing for anyone else, including the unsecured creditors. There may be some business units that should not survive, but if cut out, the business will be viable. A receivership might very well accomplish the goals for the entrepreneur also. I have many times structured a receivership process, in order to meet the goals of the entrepreneur, while satisfying the requirements of the secured creditor.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership?
Brandon Blog Post


court appointed receiverships
court appointed receiverships

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this court appointed receiverships Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click play on the podcast.

Court appointed receiverships introduction

I have written several blogs before on receivership, be they court appointed receiverships or private appointments. The purpose of this blog is to discuss a recent court decision involving a big mistake made by a court-appointed receiver and why the court would not let them fix their error. That mistake cost them big time!

Some previous court appointed receiverships blogging

In reviewing the court case, three previous blogs of mine on court appointed receiverships came to mind:

The first one dealt with certain procedural matters in court appointed receiverships when the receiver sells real estate.

The second blog dealt with factors a court-appointed receiver must disclose to the court in seeking court approval for a sale of assets.

The third one was about what happens when a court-appointed receiver applies to the court for some relief without knowing all the details of the story they are telling the court! That is very embarrassing for receivers in court appointed receiverships!

The recent case I will shortly speak about reminded me of these three previous blogs. You will see the connection very soon, I promise.

What happens when a company goes into receivership?

When the company enters into receivership, senior management and the Directors shed most of their authority for decision making. The Directors’ general company obligations of preserving corporate records remain, yet any type of decision-making regarding the running of the business or its assets have vanished.

That is now the role of the receiver. This is true for a privately appointed receiver but it is especially so in court-appointed receiverships. That is because the court is now supervising all the company’s affairs and assets through its court officer, the receiver.

Responsibilities concerning the business in a practical sense stop upon the receiver being appointed. Their recommendations and help are only needed if requested by the receiver. They definitely will not be paid for any kind of initiative unless the receiver concurs in writing to make funds available for them in return for their services.

What are the duties of a receiver?

The receiver’s first task is to take possession of and control all of the assets, properties and undertaking covered by the secured creditor’s security in a private receivership. In court appointed receiverships, the receiver’s powers and actions come from the authority given to it by way of the court order appointing the receiver.

The receiver needs to make a decision whether it can get a greater amount for the assets if it runs the business. Conversely, the receiver may choose that the danger of operating the business is not worth it in terms of any type of upside value that may be gained from running the business.

The receiver after that creates a strategy for the running or the shuttering of the business as well as for the eventual sale of the assets. The kind of receivership appointment and the nature of the business operations and assets will dictate what approach the receiver will take. In the meantime, the receiver must protect and conserve all the assets, including making sure there is sufficient insurance coverage in place.

In a private appointment, the receiver requires to obtain the authorization of the secured creditor who appointed the receiver prior to implementing its plan and taking actions concerning the running of the business and the sale of the assets. In court appointed receiverships, the receiver requires the approval of the court.

The Court appointment case

This court case dealt with some very unique issues. The receiver was originally appointed by the court under the Courts of Justice Act (Ontario) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). The receiver was making a motion for advice and directions about it wanting approval for its fees and disbursements since the last approval order. It also wanted approval to make an interim distribution.

That seems pretty routine. It was the receiver’s fifth report to the court. The motion was opposed by the company whose assets were seized in the receivership. There was only one problem that caused that party to oppose the receiver’s motion. However, it was a humungous problem this receiver caused itself.

The problem is that the receiver obtained approvals from the court based on the information contained in its fourth report to the court and now the receiver was asking for something different!

Court appointed receiverships: A brief history of this court-appointed receivership

The major secured creditor who made a secured loan against a real estate project under both mortgage security and a general security agreement began court proceedings by making an application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Commercial List for the court appointment of a receiver. On June 22, 2017, Justice Conway released an Order appointing the receiver in this matter (the Receiver).

The Order followed the model receivership order format and had the usual provisions. Specifically, it mentioned in paragraph 18 that “the Receiver’s Charge shall form a first charge in priority to all security interests, trusts, liens, charges and encumbrances, statutory or otherwise, in favour of any Person….”.

The Receiver performed its duties and filed reports with the court on a timely basis and received the necessary approvals along the way. So far so good with the first three court reports.

The fourth report was OK too

In November 2019 the Receiver brought a motion for Justice Dietrich to approve its Fourth Report and also its Supplementary Fourth Report. The same stakeholder currently opposing the Receiver’s motion for advice and directions also challenged certain of the Receiver’s recommendations contained in its Fourth Report.

It turns out that from the Receiver’s efforts and sale of the real property, there was not only enough money to pay out all the secured creditors, but there were funds left over. This is a very unusual situation. So the Receiver came to court. One of the approvals it was seeking was its proposal to pay the claims of the unsecured creditors. This company opposed that relief claiming the unsecured creditors were statute-barred. The reason the company opposed this is simple. Whatever the unsecured creditors are not entitled to would presumably be available to flow to the shareholders of the company.

Justice Dietrich looked for further written materials on this issue from the parties which were received on March 16 and 31, 2020. Justice Dietrich considered all the material and released her endorsement on this issue on June 19, 2020.

court appointed receiverships
court appointed receiverships

Court appointed receiverships: Justice Dietrich’s decision

Justice Dietrich’s Order approved the Receiver’s Fourth Report and Supplementary Fourth Report (the Fourth Approval Order) as well as payment to the Receiver of its fees of $373,960.75 plus HST plus an accrual of $25,000 plus HST to finish the management of the receivership. The Order additionally authorized the Receiver’s legal fees of $85,218.23 plus HST and an accrual of $15,000 plus HST for concluding the administration of the receivership.

The Fourth Approval Order approved making payment to the unsecured creditors in the amount of $190,800.71. Those payouts were made without delay by the Receiver even prior to the appeal time for appealing the Fourth Approval Order expired. The remaining funds were to be paid out to the company who opposed the motion, or as the company may direct.

The Receiver made all the payments except for one. The funds to be paid to the company involved in the receivership, which was more than $1 million, had not been paid out to the company as of the date the Receiver came to court with its Fifth Report.

Court appointed receiverships: OOPS – We need a fifth report to court

The Fourth Approval Order was settled with the consent of all stakeholders. That order was obtained on the basis that there was not much work left to do and it would be covered off by the approved fee accruals. The Receiver and its lawyer were to finish its work and then file a certificate with the court to advise the work was finished. The Fourth Approval Order also said that when the Receiver files the certificate with the court, that is the trigger that discharges the Receiver and ends the receivership. This is all standard stuff.

There now is only one huge problem. Subsequent to the Fourth Approval Order being issued and entered, the Receiver requested more money for its fee and its legal fees, well above what it told the court already. The further amount it was seeking was pretty close to an extra $100,000.

The Receiver then delivered a Fifth Report laying out the added costs asked for and also documenting an added HST Refund and accumulated interest. The Receiver acknowledged that it made an error. The Receiver also acknowledged that it could have brought this to everyone’s attention before the Fourth Approval Order was settled, issued and entered and the appeal period already has expired.

Personally, I call that more than an error. That is a huge problem. It is a major blow to the firms’ revenue and cash flow. If not resolved in the Receiver’s favour, it will most certainly cause much angst among the partners in the licensed insolvency trustee firm.

Court appointed receiverships: The Fifth Report To Court hearing and what the two parties said

The Receiver’s position was fairly simple. They really didn’t have much they could say at this stage, other than, OOPS! The Receiver submitted that the Receivership Order appointing the Receiver is clear. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the Receiver will obtain its reasonable fees and costs and those of its legal counsel. Those fees and costs are secured by a first ranking charge against the assets being administered in the receivership.

All other amounts come after this first charge. The Receiver went on to say that the Appointment Order and the Fourth Approval Order were therefore in conflict and the Appointment Order must prevail.

The company in opposing the Receiver’s motion had some pretty simple facts on its side. The court agreed with these facts. The court stated that:

  • The Receiver only brought this motion on in response to the company’s attempt to set down a date for its motion to compel the Receiver to make the $1 million-plus payment to it as directed by the Fourth Approval Order.
  • The company agreed to the settling of the Fourth Approval Order based on the Receiver’s submissions to the court that what it put in its Fourth Reports was everything and there was. There was nothing else getting in the way of making all the payments approved in the Fourth Approval Order.
  • The Fourth Approval Order was intended to be final and for that reason
    incorporates the provisions of the Appointment Order. That is, it is open to the court to find that the Receiver has no capacity to request more fees since the clear objective of the Fourth Approval Order is to wrap up all issues including the discontinuation of the receivership.

The Receiver conceded that the details pertaining to the extra fees was known at the time the Fourth Approval Order was being settled and also after that. However, the Receiver took no particular actions to request them prior to the Order being settled and entered. The only action taken by the Receiver was this Motion for Directions supplied in reply to the company’s motion request to get paid what was already approved by the court.

The Commercial List court understood that the Receiver has undoubtedly made an error. The question the court needed to answer was who should pay for it – the Receiver or the company? The court decided that it should not be the company who settled the Fourth Approval Order understanding what its terms were, including, there was nothing standing in the way of it getting its money as already approved by the court.

The easiest way to avoid costly mistakes

Court appointed receiverhips, by their very nature, are complex administrations. Being a receiver or a receiver manager is a tough role. A court-appointed receiver must be fair and neutral to all parties as an officer of the court. Everyone is scrutinizing the decisions being made. Once a court-appointed receiver serves its motion materials, everyone goes through the receiver’s report with a fine-tooth comb. And rightly so.

It is not a good place to be when you make any kind of error in a public document. It is embarrassing and it makes everyone else wonder what other mistakes have you made? It is especially tough when your mistake short changes your firm out of the money that it has earned. These are awful circumstances.

By now you probably realize that you don’t have to be a licensed insolvency trustee to know the easiest way to avoid costly mistakes. Check, double-check and triple-check everything before you sign and release the report. As my carpenter friend says, “measure twice and cut once”.

Court appointed receiverships summary

I hope you have enjoyed this court appointed receiverships Brandon’s Blog. A sick insolvent company’s business might be saved by a debt restructuring.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy

Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

At the end of this blog, we have a special gift for you!

Closing a business introduction

Many times I am consulted by an entrepreneur about closing a business. This may sound odd coming from a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee), but not all business closures involve a formal bankruptcy. In fact, there are more business closures that do not involve bankruptcy

Now with so many businesses hurting due to a slowdown or complete destination due to the result of the coronavirus pandemic, I expect more entrepreneurs are going to want to know about closing a business.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I provide the reasons why. I also go through the various steps in closing a business that you can use as a checklist.

Closing a business that does not have many (free) assets

Many times I get a call from someone whose business is not doing well. They probably cannot afford to pay the business rent next month and it does not make sense to stay open. They think bankruptcy is the only way they have for closing a business. The business does not have many assets, or all the assets are secured by a bank that loaned the corporation money. Think of a business where the assets were bought through a bank loan. The funding may or may not have been under a government small business loan program.

The entrepreneur gave a personal guarantee to the bank ranging from 25% to 100% of the total loan amount. The entrepreneur may also have provided a personal guarantee to the landlord. The business may or may not be current in its employee source deduction remittances and harmonized sales tax (HST) payments. The entrepreneur does not believe the assets have any value above the amount of the secured loan and wishes to place the company in bankruptcy as the answer to closing a business.

Here is why bankruptcy will not help:

  • The assets are fully secured by the bank.
  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may have a trust claim over the assets because of unremitted source deductions.
  • A corporate bankruptcy will not solve the entrepreneur’s personal debt issues under the personal guarantee to the bank for any shortfall claim and the landlord for any claim due to the failure of the corporate tenant.

In this type of situation, there is not much I can do. I tell the entrepreneur that if they are going to shut the business down before the first of the next month, they should do so. Then, they should go to the bank, advise them and cooperate with the bank to allow them to realize their security. I tell them to make sure that they follow the steps for closing a business that I outline below.

I tell the entrepreneur that when the bank and the landlord each make a demand for their obligations under the respective personal guarantees to call me. We will then work together on their personal situation. Perhaps a consumer proposal will be possible. I also tell them that it is not worth spending the money they don’t have in order to bankrupt the company.

That is why in this case a corporate bankruptcy will not help an entrepreneur in closing a business. I call this the self-help remedy.

The business is still operating – will anyone buy it?

Before making any decisions about closing a business, you should first think in terms of is your business worth anything? You have spent many years building your business. It may be insolvent because it has suffered losses for several years, cash flow is weak and the corporation cannot pay its debts generally as they come due.

Although the current corporate body may be weak, you need to determine if your business is still viable. Does the marketplace still have a need for the service or product you provide? Are there competitors who seem to be doing well? Your business has a customer base and trained staff. One of your competitors may find your customer base and some or all of your staff something they want to amalgamate into their existing business.

If that is the case, you need to understand what your business might be worth. The selling prices of similar organizations in your geographical area or market will be a good barometer of what you can anticipate getting for your company. Innovative buyers might evaluate your business on the basis of projected cash flow for the next few years. They may very well mark down the worth of that cash flow to mirror the perceived threats and risks inherent in your business.

In the case of an insolvent but viable business, it may be that an insolvency process is necessary to allow the purchaser to buy the assets it wishes to purchase and take on all or some of your employees, maybe even including you.

The range of options available includes:

So with the right insolvency process, the assets of the business can be put back to good use and be very productive. It may very well help get a good M&A deal done.

I have written before many blogs on how these insolvency proceedings could help in getting the healthy parts of a business into a purchaser while leaving the sick parts behind and then be used for closing a business. Those details are beyond the scope of this Brandon’s Blog.

closing a business
closing a business

When does corporate bankruptcy make sense in closing a business?

Corporate bankruptcy is not a simple process. An entrepreneur needs the advice of their lawyer and also needs to retain a Trustee. This costs money. More often than not, there are no free assets in the company. That means the entrepreneur needs to personally fund the cost of the bankruptcy process for closing a business.

A bankruptcy of the company may make sense in several situations. Some of the most common are:

  • Certain government claim priorities need to be reversed and that only can be done in bankruptcy. The most common one is unremitted HST. Absent a bankruptcy, the HST obligation is a trust claim and will come before the claim of any other creditor, including a secured creditor. As probably the sole director of the corporation, the entrepreneur may be willing to bankrupt the company to put the HST behind the bank. The director may very well choose as part of closing a business, to take their chances on the claim for unpaid HST as a director liability, rather than increase the bank’s shortfall by the amount of that HST claim.
  • There may be value in the premises lease. If the rent under the lease is below market and can be sold, a bankruptcy will be necessary. That is because the combination of the Commercial Tenancies Act Ontario and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) Trustee has certain rights to sell the lease that the corporation tenant does not have. So, bankruptcy may be a good idea in that case.
  • The security of a lender for which no personal guarantee has been given is invalid against a Trustee. The corporation may be able to restructure with that liability moved from secured to unsecured. Alternatively, a bankruptcy will allow for assets to be better protected for the secured creditors first and then provide some value for the unsecured creditors if there is a bankruptcy.

My closing a business checklist

This is what I tell any entrepreneur for a self-help remedy for closing a business that is most appropriate:

  • Advise the utilities that they should do a final meter reading and shut down the account.
  • Prepare and issue all records of employment to the former employees.
  • Remove the books and records (probably computerized) from the business premises so that the information can be secure.
  • Advise your bank lender that the business is shut down and that you are delivering the keys to the banker so that they can get their security.
  • If there is no bank lender, and no trust claims over the assets, hold a going out of business sale.
  • Tell the landlord the business is over and deliver the keys.
  • Cancel insurance policies. There may be an unearned premium refund coming back to the business.
  • Redirect the business mail to a different address. Most of the mail will be bills, but there may also be cheques you don’t want to miss so you can deposit them into the bank account.
  • Cancel any corporate credit cards.
  • Deal with the termination and return of any business license and permits.
  • Deal with your business social media accounts, website, and any other digital or intangible assets. You will have to decide when it comes up for renewal if you wish to retain the URL in light of your closing a business decision. The URL may have a value that you can unlock.
  • Make sure that the final financial statements and tax returns are prepared. File the tax returns with the government. If there is a balance owing, don’t worry about it as the business cannot pay and corporate income tax owed is not a director liability.
  • Prepare and issue final T4 statements of remuneration paid. Issue them to the former employees. Figure out if there are any employee source deductions owing. If there is and you can pay them as it is a director liability.
  • Calculate, prepare and file the final HST return. If there is a balance owing and you can pay the amount as it is also a director liability.
  • Maintain the books and records as CRA may want to perform an audit.
  • Send a letter to all creditors advising of your closing a business decision was due to financial problems, express your gratitude for the relationships you have built, tell them that there is no money for them and let them know that you have also lost money.
  • Mail a letter to your customers/clients advising of the closure of the business and thank them for their loyalty and patronage over the years.

Closing a business summary

I hope you have enjoyed this closing a business Brandon’s Blog. A sick insolvent company’s business might be saved by a debt restructuring.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


closing a business

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

closing a business
closing a business

Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

Receivership meaning introduction

My last Brandon’s blog was about bankruptcy meaning; the duties, rights and responsibilities of the different stakeholders in a bankruptcy administration. So I thought it would be fitting to follow that up with a blog on the topic of receivership meaning.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I answer the 14 most often asked questions about the meaning of receivership.

Receivership meaning: What’s the meaning of “receivership” in simple words

The receivership meaning in English, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is:

“Definition of receivership

1: the office or function of a receiver

2: the state of being in the hands of a receiver”

Those are the simplest words I can think of. Unfortunately, it does not tell you much. I doubt that it aids in your understanding. Simple words don’t help. Let’s get a little more complex.

Receivership meaning: What does it mean when a receiver is appointed?

First, a receivership is a remedy for secured creditors, such as a chartered bank or another lender who lent money to a company and took back valid security. One of the terms of the security agreement will be that upon one or more events of default, the secured creditor has the right to appoint a receiver.

When a secured creditor wishes to realize upon the assets of the borrower company that is subject to its security, they employ the services of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (Trustee) to be the receiver. A receivership is performed under the authority of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

In Canada, only a Trustee can be a receiver. The secured creditor appoints the receiver to take possession of the collateral covered by the lender’s security. The receiver then conducts a receivership.

Receivership meaning: How is a receiver appointed?

There are two kinds of receiver appointments: (i) private appointment; or (ii) court appointment. The type of appointment depends upon the circumstances facing the putative receiver. The main question to answer is are there practical or legal reasons why the court is required to make decisions and oversee this proposed receivership. If no, then a private appointment can take place. If yes, then an application to court needs to be made to have a receiver appointed.

Before being able to either make a private appointment or seek the assistance of the court, the secured creditor must give the borrower company adequate notice. It must provide the borrower with written notice of the events of default and demand full repayment of the loan. The lender must give the company at least 10 days’ notice before being able to appoint the receiver. The company that borrowed the money can waive the 10 day notice period, but the lender cannot.

Receivership meaning: What happens when the receiver is called in?

When the receiver is appointed, there are certain steps that the receiver must take. The receiver is charged with the responsibility of taking possession of the assets of the company in receivership. The receiver must get possession and control of the assets to safeguard them, wherever they are located. The receiver must make sure that an inventory of all the assets is quickly taken and that the assets are adequately insured.

Keep in mind that the assets belong to a company that was carrying on an active business. Therefore, one of the first things the appointed receiver must decide is whether or not to carry on the business of the company. The receiver must answer many questions, including:

  • Was the business already shut down when the receiver was appointed?
  • Are experienced employees available and willing to work for the receiver?
  • Will the assets of the company be worth more if sold on an operating business basis than on a shutdown liquidation basis?
  • Can the receiver operate the business in a cash-flow positive way?
  • If the receiver is estimating that the business being run in receivership will produce negative cash flow, is the secured creditor willing to fund the losses to take the chance that the assets will sell for a higher price than if the business is shut down right away?
  • Are there any legal, regulatory, or environmental issues that would preclude the receiver from operating the business?
  • Can the business be run safely?
  • Is there property located on the company’s premises that belong to third parties and therefore are not assets of the company covered by the lender’s security? This includes any assets, normally inventory, that might be subject to the right of revindication.

These are just some of the considerations for the receiver. The receiver must be able to make decisions rather quickly. The receiver must also be able to support the decisions with facts and evidence. So as you can see, the receivership meaning, in the beginning, means that there is a lot of hectic activity and decisions.

receivershp meaning
receivership meaning

Receivership meaning: Under receivership meaning

So when the company is placed in receivership, it is under receivership. Once the receiver makes the various decisions I talked about above, with facts backing them up, the receiver then needs to get approval.

In a private appointment, the receiver only needs the approval of the secured creditor that appointed the receiver in an attempt to recover its secured loan. In a court appointment, the receivership meaning is that the receiver needs to take several steps.

First, the appointed receiver should make sure that the secured creditor who applied to the court for the receivership appointment order is onside with the receiver’s recommendations. Once that is the case, the receiver needs to prepare its report to court to advise the court of the receiver’s activities up to that date and the receiver’s recommendations for going forward in the receivership administration. The receiver is asking the court for its approval of the actions and activities of the receiver to date and for its go-forward recommendations.

Receivership meaning: What does a receiver do in business

Once the receiver receives the appropriate approval from the holder of the secured debt in a private appointment, or the court order approving the receiver’s recommendations, it then proceeds with implementing its recommendations in the receivership administration. If the receiver is continuing to run the business while advertising the business assets for sale, that is called a going-concern sale.

If the receiver is not operating the business and is just selling the assets of the closed-down business, that is called a liquidation sale. That is what happens in a liquidation.

Receivership meaning: What is the difference between receivership, liquidation, and insolvency?

When trying to figure out the receivership meaning, I have been asked the following questions many times:

  • What is the difference between receivership and liquidation?
  • What’s the difference between liquidation and insolvency?
  • What happens when a company goes into receivership in Canada?

I hope that based on what you have read so far, you now understand that receivership is an enforcement action started by the holder of secured debt or a secured loan. Liquidation can have two meanings. The first one is when the receiver (or bankruptcy trustee) sells the assets while NOT operating the company’s business. The second meaning of the word is in the phrase “statutory liquidation”. This happens when the shareholders decide to close down the business, but the value of all the assets is enough to provide funds to not only pay off all the debts. It also provides funds for the shareholders. A statutory liquidation happens when the company is solvent.

Insolvency, or insolvent, is a financial state. It means that the company cannot pay its debts as they come due. It also means that if the company’s assets are liquidated, there would not be sufficient funds to pay off all of the liabilities.

Finally, my whole discussion above is meant to explain in a receivership meaning sense, what happens when a company goes into receivership in Canada.

Receivership meaning: How do receivers get paid

The financial institution or other secured creditor who is responsible for the appointment of the receiver is liable to pay for the cost of the receivership. The receiver has a first charge against the assets of the company secured by the lender. That first charge is subject only to any valid trust claim against those same assets.

If the assets are insufficient to pay for the cost of the receivership and fully repay the outstanding debt of the secured creditor, then that creditor will suffer a shortfall.

Receivership meaning summary

I hope you have enjoyed this bankruptcy meaning Brandon’s Blog. Hopefully, you have better insight now into the fact that a sick insolvent company’s business can be saved by doing a sale of its assets to a healthy organization.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

receivership meaning
receivership meaning
Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

Licensed Insolvency Trustees, licensed by the Canadian Government

A bankruptcy trustee (now called a Licensed Insolvency Trustee) is a person or company licensed to administer receiverships, bankruptcies, and proposals in Canada. We are licensed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB).

The role of the bankruptcy trustee is to help people and companies look at their financial situation and explore the various debt relief options. The Trustee can help with many possible debt solutions; much more than just filing bankruptcy. The Trustee looks at various ways the person or business can avoid bankruptcy first. Bankruptcy, which is the legal process for debtors to deal with their unsecured creditors, by discharging away their unsecured debt, including credit card debt and income tax debts, is the last resort.

In this Brandon’s blog, I provide my complete guide on how a bankruptcy trustee helps people and companies who are in a precarious financial situation because they have too much debt by providing insolvency services and helping people and companies through the Canadian insolvency process.

About Bankruptcy Trustees: what is a licensed insolvency trustee?

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) is federally certified by the OSB. A trustee in bankruptcy is the old name for a LIT. LITs are the only debt professionals who are federally regulated and supervised professional that offers recommendations and solutions to individuals and businesses with financial problems.

LITs help people make informed choices to manage their debt difficulties. A bankruptcy trustee is the only expert licensed to carry out government-regulated insolvency proceedings such as:

  • privately-appointed or court-appointed receiver or receiver and manager to administer receiverships Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada (BIA).
  • assisting people to restructure through consumer insolvency using a consumer proposal.
  • helping people who owe more than $250,000 (not including debts registered against their principal residence) and companies by making a proposal to creditors as alternatives to bankruptcy.
  • bankruptcy trustee/licensed insolvency trustee in a bankruptcy administration when a person or company is filing for bankruptcy.

As licensed insolvency trustees, we’re here to help: How do I become an insolvency trustee?

A person who wishes to acquire an individual licence may complete and file an application with the OSB. The following are required for the issuance of a personal licence under the BIA:

  • successfully passed the following, which is administered by the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP):
  • the Canadian Insolvency and Restructuring Professional (CIRP) Qualification Program (CQP) unless otherwise exempted;
  • the CIRP National Insolvency Exam; and
  • the insolvency counselling course;
  • paid the required fee;
  • the applicant shall be solvent;
  • the applicant must be of good character and reputation; and
  • passed the oral board of examination run by the OSB.

You need to pass the educational program run by CAIRP. In order to register, you need to be sponsored by a bankruptcy trustee. That LIT will most certainly be your employer. When you pass the final CQP exam, you are awarded the CIRP designation and then able to apply to sit before the OSB’s oral board of examiners.

bankruptcy trustee
bankruptcy trustee

Trustees in Bankruptcy near you: How to find a bankruptcy trustee in Canada

If you are looking for a trustee in bankruptcy near you, there are three good ways to find one.

The best way to find a bankruptcy trustee is a referral from friends or family members. Although they themselves may have never filed for bankruptcy, perhaps they know someone who did. Or, maybe they know a lawyer they trust who can provide them with a name or two that could be passed on to you. A personal reference is the best way to go.

The second way is through the OSB. They maintain a searchable database of all LITs in Canada. You can look for a bankruptcy trustee located near you. The directory includes the office locations of all LITs. You can browse either by name, city or province.

The third way is to look for bankruptcy information online. Type into your favourite search engine a phrase like “ bankruptcy trustee”, “bankruptcy trustee near me”, bankruptcy trustee Vaughan ” or “ trustee in bankruptcy Toronto ” and start searching websites. Then call the one whose website seems to speak to you. You can make an appointment for a no-cost consultation to get all your questions answered. You may even want to try two or three so that you can compare approaches. Then you can select the bankruptcy trustee that you feel you could work best with.

The fee of a bankruptcy trustee in a summary administration bankruptcy – The Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act

A personal bankruptcy administration is called a “summary” bankruptcy administration when the realizable assets are estimated at $15,000 or less. This kind of filing for bankruptcy is many times referred to as “no assets, no income”.

Rule 128 of the BIA General Rules dictates the fee and disbursements of a bankruptcy trustee in a summary administration personal bankruptcy. The fee is fixed and is called a tariff. It is calculated as follows:

“128 (1) The fees of the trustee for services performed in a summary administration are calculated on the total receipts remaining after deducting necessary disbursements relating directly to the realization of the property of the bankrupt, and the payments to secured creditors, according to the following percentages:

(a) 100 percent on the first $975 or less of receipts;

(b) 35 percent on the portion of the receipts exceeding $975 but not exceeding $2,000; and (c) 50 percent on the portion of the receipts exceeding $2,000.

(2) A trustee in a summary administration may claim, in addition to the amount set out in subsection (1), (a) the costs of counselling referred to in subsection 131(2);

(b) the fee for filing an assignment referred to in paragraph 132(a);

(c) the fee payable to the registrar under paragraph 1(a) of Part II of the schedule;

(d) the amount of applicable federal and provincial taxes for goods and services; and (e) a lump sum of $100 in respect of administrative disbursements.” If there are no assets or surplus income that will provide cash in the bankruptcy administration, then the debtor, in order to retain the services of the bankruptcy trustee, needs someone to either guarantee the fee and disbursements or post a cash retainer with the LIT in order to file for bankruptcy.

The fees of the bankruptcy trustee in an ordinary bankruptcy

A bankruptcy is called an “ordinary” bankruptcy when the realizable assets are estimated at $15,000 or greater in personal bankruptcy. Every corporate bankruptcy is an ordinary administration.

In an ordinary administration, the trustee is entitled to the remuneration voted by the inspectors in the bankruptcy case. The inspectors are representatives of the creditors who were voted in at the First Meeting of Creditors. The fee must also be approved by the court.

The fee will be affected by the complexity of the bankruptcy case, how much work the LIT had to do to preserve and sell the assets and did the LIT obtain verifiable results that can be described as extraordinary. The time spent and the hourly rates of the bankruptcy trustee staff involved are the basis for calculating the fee in an ordinary administration.

The disbursements incurred are to be added to the fee and must also be taxed. If the bankruptcy trustee is unsure at the outset if there will be any realizable assets, the LIT will ask a third party to provide either a guarantee or cash retainer.

bankruptcy trustee
bankruptcy trustee

The consumer proposal fee for a bankruptcy trustee acting as administrator of a consumer proposal – The Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act

Rule 129 sets out how to calculate the tariff fee in a consumer proposal. As I stated above, one of the roles a bankruptcy trustee is licensed for is to act as the administrator of a consumer proposal This rule states:

“129 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 66.12(6)(b) of the Act, the fees and expenses of the administrator of a consumer proposal that must be provided for in a consumer proposal are as follows:

(a) $750, payable on filing a copy of the consumer proposal with the official receiver;

(b) $750, payable on the approval or deemed approval of the consumer proposal by the court;

(c) 20 percent of the moneys distributed to creditors under the consumer proposal, payable on the distribution of the moneys;

(d) the costs of counselling referred to in subsection 131(1);

(e) the fee for filing a consumer proposal referred to in paragraph 132(c);

(f) the fee payable to the registrar under paragraph 3(b) of Part II of the schedule; and (g) the amount of applicable federal and provincial taxes for goods and services.

Our regular readers of Brandon’s Blog will recall that in previous blogs that I wrote, I described what the BIA minimum requirements are for calculating how much a debtor should offer its creditors as a proposal fund in a consumer proposal. That calculation has nothing to do with what fee the licensed trustee acting as the administrator may be entitled to.

That is why any debtor thinking about filing a consumer proposal in order to avoid bankruptcy need not be concerned with how much they have to pay as a fee. The calculation as to what a reasonable proposal fund will be has zero relation to what the administrator’s fee will be. In this way, the fee of the bankruptcy trustee acting as administrator is no-cost!

The fee of the bankruptcy trustee for the administration of a Division I proposal

Readers of the Brandon Blog will remember that a consumer proposal is available for any individual who has $250,000 of debt or less, not including any debts secured against their personal residence. A Part III Divison I of the BIA proposal is available to all companies and to any person whose debts are too large to do a consumer proposal. Both are alternatives to bankruptcy Under either administration, a proposal is a debt relief plan sanctioned by the BIA. It is the only debt settlement plan authorized by the Government of Canada. Above I described how the fee and disbursements of a bankruptcy trustee in an ordinary bankruptcy administration must be approved by the inspectors and the court.

The same is true for the fee of the bankruptcy trustee acting as the licensed trustee in a Divison I proposal. The calculation of the fee will be very similar to an ordinary bankruptcy administration also. The only difference will be as required by the difference between a proposal and bankruptcy.

A proposal is a great alternative to bankruptcy.

Only a bankruptcy trustee can act as a receiver

Section 243(4) of the BIA states that only a bankruptcy trustee can be appointed as a receiver. It does not matter whether the receiver will be privately or court-appointed. The calculation of the receiver’s fee is based on the hours worked and the hourly rate charged by the respected staff working on the file.

In a private appointment, the fee must be approved by the appointing secured creditor. In a court appointment, the fee must be approved by the court.

bankruptcy trustee
bankruptcy trustee

Bankruptcy trustee summary

I hope you have enjoyed this bankruptcy trustee Brandon’s Blog. Hopefully, you have better insight now into the many roles played by a LIT. As part of any bankruptcy or proposal administration, there are two mandatory credit counselling sessions also. So, the LIT also acts as a credit counsellor.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing.

If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

bankruptcy trustee
bankruptcy trustee
Brandon Blog Post


ccaa canada
ccaa canada

The Ira Smith Team is totally operational and both Ira and Brandon Smith are here for a telephone consultation, conference calls and virtual meetings.

Keep healthy and safe everybody.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click play on the podcast.

CCAA Canada introduction

We are now about 5 months into this COVID-19 pandemic since the state of emergency was announced in Canada. There has also been a lot of media coverage of the many negative effects it has had on Canadians and the Canadian economy. I thought it might be interesting at this point to do some review on CCAA Canada. Now I am not talking about the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association. Rather, I am going to look at the companies that have so far filed for creditor protection under one of Canada’s insolvency statutes. The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.

When a company tries to reorganize under CCAA Canada – What does CCAA mean?

When Canadian companies who owe more than $5 million experience financial problems, they might go to court to seek creditor protection, filing under the CCAA Canada. That’s federal legislation that primarily offers a company time to try to work out its financial troubles with those to which it owes money.

As I have written before in various Brandon’s Blogs, if the company owes less than $5 million it can file under the Part III Division I reorganization section of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). Although it is the other Canadian federal insolvency statute and some procedures are more streamlined and handled slightly differently, the net effect is the same as the matters I explain below about the CCAA Canada.

What does CCAA Canada protection mean? CCAA vs Chapter 11

Bankruptcy protection” is a term closely associated with a US company filing under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. That term has been adopted into the Canadian insolvency dialogue. In Canada, it most likely means that the Canadian company has applied to a Canadian court to look for protection from their creditors by filing under CCAA Canada.

A firm files under CCAA Canada for consent to come up with a restructuring plan strategy that would certainly provide it time to rearrange its financial affairs to make sure that it can keep operating.

As long as a CCAA order continues to be in place, creditors are not allowed to start or continue any kind of action to recover money owed to them. They can’t try to confiscate the firm’s property or try to petition it into bankruptcy, without the prior approval of the court. This is called the CCAA stay of proceedings.

Considering that a CCAA Canada filing is made because a business is deeply in the red, the initial order of business is to strike some kind of satisfactory arrangement with its creditors. That includes secured creditors, unsecured creditors and shareholders.

Can CCAA Canada protection be extended?

Yes, under CCAA Canada, court-ordered protection can be extended. After Algoma Steel filed under CCAA Canada in April 2001, the firm had gotten eight extensions prior to emerging with a new ownership framework.

Who gets priority under a CCAA Canada filing?

Not all creditors are treated equally. There is a priority generally established for the ranking of creditors and the order in which they might be paid by a debtor.

First in a CCAA Canada restructuring, will be any government claims that rank as a priority deemed trust claim. Next will be any new charges ordered by the court as part of the restructuring. Examples of such court-ordered security charges are Key Employee Retention Plans, financing the company needs in order to survive during the restructuring period and the costs of the professionals involved in the restructuring for the company.

Secured creditors, including lenders and bondholders, usually head the list next when it concerns getting back their money. Secured creditors might hold security such as a general security agreement and/or a mortgage as security for their debt held.

Unsecured creditors follow next on the list of creditors. Unsecured creditors have supplied goods or services on credit to the company without being given any security. In the many retailer filings that have been in the news recently, even customers who have paid deposits for items not yet picked up or who have gift cards are also unsecured creditors. Last on the list are the shareholders.

What happens if the court doesn’t approve a CCAA Canada application or the sides can’t agree on how to restructure debt?

If a restructuring effort is not successful, or if the court does not approve it, a company can be placed right into receivership or bankruptcy. The main difference between a CCAA Canada filing and the options of receivership or bankruptcy, suggests that the company can no longer be a going concern and will be liquidated.

The choice between receivership or bankruptcy depends on the nature and extent of the creditors. If there is a major secured creditor who is owed more than the assets are worth, on a failed restructuring, the court will allow that secured creditor to appoint a receiver (or the court will appoint the receiver). The receiver will then liquidate the company’s assets and repay the secured creditor as much as possible. If there are no secured creditors (which is highly unusual), or there will be money left over from the liquidation after full repayment of the secured creditors, then there will be bankruptcy. The licensed insolvency trustee acting as the bankruptcy trustee will make a distribution to the unsecured creditors.

Sometimes the type of company or industry will require both receivership and bankruptcy. Retail liquidations are a good example. The reasons are outside the main topic of discussion for this CCAA Canada Brandon’s Blog, but, one day, I will do one on that topic.

What happens to shareholders in a CCAA Canada restructuring?

Holders of common stock generally come last. On a regular basis in a CCAA Canada restructuring, they tend to get wiped out. Their old shares come to be worthless. Usually, brand-new shares are issued in the restructured company.

Holders of preferred shares rank ahead of common shareholders (for this reason the title “preferred”) yet more often than not do not get back the full value of their shares.

Public company shares in a company if it enters CCAA Canada protection and all trading is halted

When a public company announces that it has filed under CCAA Canada, a trading halt is applied. The listing exchange notifies the marketplace that trading is not taking place. While the stop is in effect, brokers are forbidden from publishing quotations or signs of interest in trading. The listing exchange will end the trading stop by taking the actions called for by its rules. Generally, the marketplace is alerted that a trading halt is about to end either at the same time the halt finishes or a few minutes before.

When a company gets on the edge of bankruptcy, its stock value mirrors the danger of a CCAA Canada administration becoming liquidation. Purely as an example, a business that used to trade at $50 might trade at $2 per share as a result of the bankruptcy environment. After entering into a CCAA Canada filing, the company’s stock price might be up to $2.10. This value is composed of the potential amount that shareholders might get after liquidation and also the possibility that the firm might restructure and run effectively in the future. Investors can buy and sell these $2.10 shares in the market. The actual value does not reach zero unless the likelihood of restructuring is so low that liquidation becomes a certainty.

While the company is in a CCAA Canada restructuring, its stock will certainly still have some value, though it will likely plummet. The regulatory authorities will watch it very closely and shut down trading if any anomalies are encountered where investors could get hurt. This was recently seen in the United States in the Hertz Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection administration.

Nonetheless, if the business restructures and emerges from CCAA Canada reorganization as a solvent going-concern, its share price might start to rise again. How much will depend on the unique restructuring issues. If a business rises from its restructuring stronger than ever, investors can take advantage of the turnaround, as old stock may get cancelled during the insolvency process, and new shares issued.

List of CCAA filings under CCAA Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic so far?

There have been many media reports about companies filing under CCAA Canada during this coronavirus pandemic. I thought it would be useful to look at which companies have filed and what industries seem to be most affected between the calling for the state of emergency and the last date for which these statistics have been published, July 31, 2020. All of this information comes from statistics published by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.

The number of companies and the industries that these companies engage in is allocated as follows:

Pulp and Paper1
Real Estate2


The following chart shows the filings by the province in this same time frame:

ccaa canada
ccaa canada graph

CCAA Canada summary

I hope you enjoyed this CCAA Canada Brandon’s Blog. The Ira Smith Team family hopes you and your family are staying safe, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person who has been affected either through inconvenience or personal family tragedy.

We are all citizens of Canada and we have to coordinate our efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Family members are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when things can return to something close to normal and we can all be together again physically.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has always employed clean and safe habits in our professional practice and continues to do so.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Should you take advantage of the CEBA? I say a resounding YES!. I just wanted to highlight all of the issues that you should consider.

If anyone needs our assistance, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

Are you now worried just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. This pandemic situation has made everyone scared.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Team is totally operational and both Ira and Brandon Smith are here for a telephone consultation, conference calls and virtual meetings.

Keep healthy and safe everybody.


Call a Trustee Now!