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Company restructuring process: Introduction

Over the last two weeks, we have provided you with real case studies from our files. This week’s case study is about our involvement with a company restructuring process so its business could continue to serve its clients and maintain most of the jobs.

Two weeks ago we described a personal insolvency case study, CLAIM BANKRUPTCY IN ONTARIO CASE STUDY: SHE REALLY WANTED TO BUT WE STOPPED HER AND SOLVED HER PROBLEMS, was about the surgeon who became insolvent because of a failed business venture and a divorce. The events leading up to the doctor’s insolvency convinced her that she had to go bankrupt. We then described the steps we took to restructure her affairs so she could avoid bankruptcy. She completed a successful Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). More importantly, she regained her confidence, we eliminated her pain points and she is once again thriving emotionally, physically and financially.

Last week, we described a situation where we used our skill set in a different way. In our case study, COURT APPOINTED ESTATE TRUSTEE CASE STUDY: IF IT WAS EASY YOU WOULDN’T NEED US, we described how we ended a war between the two beneficiaries under a Will and monetized the assets for their benefit. In that situation, the Court appointed us as the court appointed estate trustee.

Company restructuring process: The social media agency

The company was a social media agency. Their clients were some of the largest household names in North America. The company made sure that their clients’ websites were eye-catching, technologically advanced using leading search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) techniques. In short, their clients had to show up on page 1 of an online search and that their websites were eye-popping and functional. The company was a Canadian and North American leader.

Company restructuring process: Life got in the way

The sole shareholder and Director experienced some health issues with a family member; that required her attention. She was tending to that emergency and it took her away from the business for lengthy periods of time. Experienced senior staff ran the business in her absence. The entrepreneur felt she could deal with business matters by telephone. They established a process where she signed documents and cheques prepared by staff members using couriers.

Company restructuring process: Senior staff were not trustworthy

WRONG!! Although she trusted the senior staff, they turned out not to be trustworthy. They made mistakes and assured the owner that the documents and cheques they prepared were correct.

They also provided her status reports assuring her that all client activities and projects were all on schedule. The reality was that certain senior staff were plotting to establish their own agency, to steal clients. The sole Director felt something was not right, but she could not pinpoint from afar what the issues were. She returned to the office and discovered that her worst fears were her new reality.

Company restructuring process: How bad was it?

Things were very bad. Billings were way behind. Cash flow had dried up. As a result of the lack of cash flow, the company was now behind in rent and had collected but did not remit source deductions totalling over $300,000. The unremitted source deductions formed a trust claim over all the company’s assets, ahead of the company’s bank. Learning all this information made the bank very uneasy and unwilling to lend any more money.

Company restructuring process: The short-term steps in financial restructuring

The sole Director and shareholder of the company contacted us. She was operating in panic mode. We assessed the situation. Our preliminary assessment was that catching up on the billings and the clients paying them in the normal course, good cash flow would return. There was also a good book of projects to start on; just not as many as normal. Thankfully, no clients had left yet.

The short-term plan we developed had 7 steps:

  1. Fire the staff involved in the attempt to start-up their own firm and steal clients. Pay their normal wages and vacation pay, but not pay in lieu of notice.
  2. File immediately a Notice of Intention To Make a Proposal (NOI) to invoke the stay of proceedings (Stay Period) so that no creditor could take action against the company.
  3. Immediately bill all unbilled projects and begin collection efforts on any outstanding invoices.
  4. Reach out to all major clients to reassure them that the entrepreneur was in control after returning from the family emergency and that she would personally be supervising all work performed.
  5. Prepare a crisis cash flow model that thankfully showed that the company could cash flow itself since the amounts owing to the unsecured creditors was not caught in the restructuring.
  6. The company required fresh capital. Luckily, the entrepreneur had enough funds to inject.
  7. Meet with the company’s banker to explain the situation and share the emergency cash flow to show that the company did not need any new funds from the bank and that the principal was going to inject the temporary funds necessary. This gave the banker the assurance that the bank line would not be pressed any further, and that the entrepreneur was willing to put her money where her mouth was.

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    company restructuring process

Company restructuring process: The long-term plan

Now that the situation was stabilized, we worked with the company to look at longer term restructuring needs. It needed a business debt restructuring process. We determined that the company had too much space. As it did not need to immediately replace the terminated staff, it now did not need as much space. Certain space could be given up without affecting the main space and the business.

The landlord of course was not happy about this, but was willing to work with the company. If the landlord was not cooperative, the backup plan was to repudiate the unnecessary space through the formal restructuring plan.

The terminated employees retained legal counsel, who made himself known. Various issues arose from this. Were they going to seek leave of the bankruptcy court to launch litigation for damages against the company? What counterclaim could the company prove? Should we agree to attempt to value what claims they may have without litigation and include them in the restructuring plan?

Company restructuring process: The need for more time

Upon the filing of the NOI, the company obtained a first 30 day stay where its creditors could not pursue it and to file the real restructuring proposal. The company had to run for at least a few weeks to assess if the real performance was similar to the cash flow forecast developed on day 1.

Therefore, the company’s lawyers went to bankruptcy court to seek a 45 day extension for the company to file its bankruptcy protection restructuring plan. As Trustee, we had to prepare and file our report with the court to attest to the fact that:

  1. an extension of the Stay Period is required to enable the company to continue to run in the ordinary course and complete its restructuring proposal;
  2. the company continues to act in good faith and with due diligence; and
  3. no creditor would be materially prejudiced by the extension of the Stay Period.

The Court granted the extension for this company restructuring process.

Company restructuring process: The corporate debt restructuring process

We could now finish the real corporate restructuring proposal through this bankruptcy protection process. Given the unknown of the final valuation of the terminated employees’ claims, if any, we had to build in further protection for the company. We decided that the company’s bankruptcy protection plan would be what is known as a “basket proposal”. The amount of funds available for the unsecured creditors would be a fixed amount. So, whatever the claims ended up being, the size of the pot never changed.

Under the bankruptcy laws in Canada for a corporation undergoing a corporate restructuring, we had to ensure that there were sufficient funds for the unsecured creditors to share in “the pot”. The amount had to be realistic, to get the required majority of unsecured creditors voting in favour of the corporate restructuring plan. We also had to ensure that the bank was not being compromised in the proposal and that we communicated that clearly to the bank.

Company restructuring process: The government trust claim

As stated above, the unremitted source deductions were a trust claim. The restructuring bankruptcy laws in Canada state that such a claim has to be repaid in full within 6 months of Court approval of the restructuring proposal. We revisited the company’s cash flow. Although the company was on track, over the next year, money was needed to reinvest in the business.

The entrepreneur had no more money from her own resources. Therefore, after allowing for operations and the payment of the past unremitted source deduction amount of about $300,000, we could only offer the unsecured creditors roughly 5 cents on the dollar of the proven claims from future operations. The company promised to pay that amount within 6 months of retiring the government trust claim amount. So, within 1 year of Court approval, the unsecured creditors would get their money from the corporate restructuring plan.

Company restructuring process: Solving the terminated employee claims

Seeing this, the terminated employee group did not wish to spend funds on litigation, only to receive 5% of whatever claim they may have from the restructuring plan. We ended up agreeing to a very modest amount to represent their claims in the proposal.

The meeting of creditors was held and we obtained the required majority of creditors voting in favour of the business restructuring proposal. The creditors realized it was a better outcome than if they voted the company into bankruptcy. They voted in favour of the company restructuring process. We then obtained the necessary Court approval.

Company restructuring process: The result

The company turned its operations around. It survived the coup by the terminated employees. The company produced enough cash profits to retire the government trust claim debt within 6 months of court approval. It also paid the proposal fund amount to us as Trustee on time, to be distributed to the unsecured creditors.

The company successfully restructured and operated profitably afterwards. The entrepreneur was able to sell her company several years later and retire.

Company restructuring process: The financial restructuring process

The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex corporate restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur. You are worried because your company is facing significant financial challenges. Your business provides income not only for your family. Many other families rely on you and your company for their well-being.

The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your company’s problems; financial and emotional. The way we dealt with this problem and devised a corporate restructuring plan, we know that we can help you and your company too.

We know that companies facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a company restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain it is facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: Introduction

I want to tell you about a recent Ontario Court decision about the claims process approved in the Toys “R” Us (Canada) Ltd. and Toys “R” Us (Canada) Ltee (Toys R Us) bankruptcy protection proceedings. The Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada began with the Court making the Initial Order on September 19, 2017. This Initial Order was made under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended (CCAA).

On January 25, 2018, the Toys R Us bankruptcy lawyers attended in Court. There was a motion before the Court to extend the time that Toys “R” Us remains under bankruptcy protection to try to restructure. The motion was also for the Court to approve a draft claims process to quantify the outstanding creditor claims.

Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: The normal claims process

It is the claims procedure which while not novel, is also not regularly seen. That is what I want to talk about.

In a bankruptcy regulated by the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, RSC 1985, c.B-3 (BIA), creditors are required to prove their claims independently. They do so by providing to the trustee in bankruptcy sworn proof of claim forms that are accompanied by supporting invoices and other pertinent documents. The detailed treatment for creditor claims to be proven and counted is not set out in the CCAA like it is in the BIA.

The Court routinely grants claims procedure orders under the Court’s general powers under ss. 11 and 12 of the CCAA. Claims process orders generally involve developing a technique to interact with all the creditors. This is so they can file their claims. It normally creates a process to communicate to (potential) creditors. It tells them that there is a process they must follow to prove their claims by a specific date.

Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: Why do we even need a claims process?

The claims process includes an opportunity for the company under restructuring proceedings, or its representative, to check all claims. The Monitor, or its representative, can disallow creditors’ claims, either in whole or in part. The claims procedure establishes an adjudication mechanism. If claims are not agreed upon and cannot be settled by negotiation, then the adjudication process begins. This could be either in court or first by arbitration. Decisions on the claims of creditors are then subject to an appeal to the Court.

Claims procedure orders will usually also set a claims bar date. Claims will not be accepted after this date. it is necessary to have a cut off to give the right numbers for voting and distribution purposes. Late claims won’t be allowed. In this way the Monitor achieves finality.

Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: Who has the most up to date books and records?

Most large businesses, including Toys R Us, have readily ascertainable payables outstanding. Sophisticated electronic systems carefully track these amounts, supervised and reviewed by the company’s senior financial staff. The electronic systems not only track purchases and payments, but also the many vendor allowances which are offsets to the accounts payable.

Such offsets include:

  • guaranteed sale provisions, which means if the product does not sell within a specific period, Toys R Us can either return the unsold items to the vendor, or take massive discounts against amounts owing for such products;
  • early payment discounts, promotional allowances, warranty fees, co-op/marketing fees and defect fees; and
  • shipping and warehousing fees

So for large companies like Toys R Us, the vendor will most likely be reconciling their books to what the company shows on its books net of the various offsets.

The recommendation to the Court was for a different type of claims process. As indicated above, the process required by the BIA is a positive one. It requires each creditor to prove the state of its outstanding claims by submitting a sworn proof of claim backed up by invoices.

The draft form of claims process submitted to the Court in the Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada proceedings was a different one. It proposed to list creditor claims from the company’s books and records and to provide each known creditor with a simple claim statement. The statement would set out the amount of the respective creditor’s claim recognized by the company. If a creditor agrees with the amount that the company says it owes, the creditor need do nothing and the listed claim will become the final proven claim at the claims bar date. I call this a negative claims process.

Creditors who disagree with the amounts set out in their claims statement can file a dispute notice with the Monitor by the claims bar date to begin a review process.

toys r us bankruptcy protection in canada

Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: Advantages of the negative option

This negative option has certain advantages in companies such as Toys R Us. These advantages include:

  • eliminating the need for filing proofs of claim and supporting evidence in the majority of cases;
  • guarantees that known claims won’t lose out if a certain percentage of creditors to fail to file their claims on a timely basis; and
  • making the claims process streamlined; and
  • making the process easier for recognizing and counting all known creditor claims

Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: The negative option approved by the Court

The proposed claims process met the needs of the Court to ensure that any claims procedure is both fair and reasonable. The negative option claims process proposed in the Toys R Us case met the needs of the Court. The Court approved the negative claims process in the Order dated January 25, 2018.

Toys R Us bankruptcy protection in Canada: Does your company require restructuring?

Your company may not be as large as Toys R US, but it is the most important one to you. Your company may be facing financial challenges, and you have tried everything you can think of to solve the problems. But the red ink still flows. Many families rely on you and your company to continue for their survival. You have invested your money, your blood, sweat and tears in your company, and want to do everything possible to save it.

If you find your company in this situation, then you need the help of a professional trustee immediately. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. If we consult with you early, we could develop a restructuring and turnaround strategy. By doing this your business will once again thrive. It may not be as complex as the Toys R Us bankruptcy protection process in Canada, but it is the most significant one for you.

Our approach for every person and company is to develop an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. You’re just one telephone call away from taking the important actions to return to leading a healthy, balanced, and stress free life.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today.

toys r us bankruptcy protection in canada
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Filing for bankruptcy protection: Introduction

As claims against Harvey Weinstein transform from a few into an avalanche, several of the loan providers backing his named firm have actually started speaking to bankruptcy advisors about filing for bankruptcy protection, say sources knowledgeable about the issue. They are concerned that The Weinstein Company (TWC) may be filing for bankruptcy protection. Why do you ask? I will explain below.

Everyone is lawyering up

A team of The Weinstein Company’s financial institution loan providers have involved restructuring lawyers from Sidley Austin to work as advisors in case of a filing for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. They have actually likewise held pitches to work with an economic consultant to give calculated restructuring guidance.

TWC has retained the law office of O’Melveny & Myers, while Moelis & Company is acting as an economic consultant to the board. The firm has involved FTI Consulting, a financial advisory and restructuring firm.

filing for bankruptcy protection

Can The Weinstein Company borrow any more?

TWC has actually been attempting to raise money. It has also tried to offer itself totally to a brand-new financier. Talks have not yet produced a deal. Also if it locates a purchaser, a sale might have to be applied in the context of a bankruptcy, to “clean” the assets from the mounting claims against TWC.

What are its chances of a successful restructuring?

The Weinstein Company has long shot of restructuring, however, filing for bankruptcy protection would certainly provide possible purchasers with the chance to buy its movie collection and other assets free from the claims against both Harvey Weinstein and TWC.

TWC might use bankruptcy court-approved public auctions to discover purchasers and after that make use of those sale proceeds to establish a fund against which claims can be made and sorted out by the bankruptcy trustee. TWC is certainly going to meet claims over its failure to stop Harvey’s transgressions.

Is The Weinstein Company brand too toxic for it to survive?

TWC has borrowed millions of dollars in the last few years. It now faces the real possibility that its now-toxic brand name will materially influence future company chances of survival in the longer term. The cases associated with Weinstein’s alleged sex-related criminal offences will probably result in adverse annual report reporting obligations. This will further worry TWC’s lenders.

Filing for bankruptcy protection: Watch for all the lawsuits – even the ones not involving sex!

Harvey Weinstein has actually currently filed a claim against the business, looking for accessibility to his earlier company e-mail account to strengthen his defence against the sexual harassment claims against him. A bankruptcy would likely leave behind just a shadow of the firm that might really well have no choice but to file a claim against Harvey Weinstein for sinking the company. In other words, what we have here is The Weinstein Company horror movie.

Filing for bankruptcy protection: Does your company have too much debt?

Is your company insolvent and needs to restructure? Is your business viable but can only employ people and carry on business if it can restructure its debt? Contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Team. If we meet with you early on, we can create a restructuring and turnaround strategy. That way your company won’t have to be like The Weinstein Company.

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Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Introduction

The federal NDP party recently met in Hamilton, just outside of the Greater Toronto Area. There was a rally to argue for federal government regulation changes to safeguard pensioners in business bankruptcy and restructuring administrations.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Proposed NDP private member’s bill

Hamilton Mountain MP Scott Duvall, the New Democrats’ pension plan critic, informed a group at the United Steelworkers’ Hall that he will certainly present a private member’s bill to secure employees’ pension plans and benefits, and pressure business to offer termination or severance pay, prior to paying secured lenders.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: The U.S. Steel Canada saga

The concern has actually been a lengthy simmering one with unions and created significant debate throughout the almost three-year, court-supervised restructuring of U.S. Steel Canada. The company exited from its business bankruptcy protection proceedings with a brand-new owner– Bedrock Industries– as well as an old name, Stelco.

Pensioners were smarting. The court permitted the firm to put on hold health benefit repayments for a year and a half while the business was under bankruptcy protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA).

Generally, these advantages have been maintained by the reorganized business. Pensioners are fretting that a financing system to maintain the pension plan solvent will ultimately fail. It calls for, inter alia, extra Stelco land to be cleaned up, marketed and sold for the net sales proceeds to cover future pension plan commitments.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Sears Canada too

Duvall, with NDP leader Tom Mulcair, claimed one more instance of exactly how the regulations are unfair to employees. They cited the Sears Canada situation. Sears Canada remains in business bankruptcy protection. Its employees are encountering a potential decrease in their pension plan benefits.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Fairness for employees

They say this should have to do with justness for employees. The NDP wants to see a Canada that benefits every person as well as seeing to it that companies, including multinationals, cannot take the pension plans their employees have earned.

They state that the existing regulation permits funds that ought to go to employees’ pension plans to be given to the secured creditors instead. The NDP is especially concerned when the secured lender is the financially troubled or creditor-protected company’s parent company.

Stelco’s biggest secured lender was U.S. Steel in the United States. The $500 million restructuring saw the American firm get $130 million.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Pension plan funding should have first priority

The Duvall proposed private member’s bill would call for pension plans to be 100 percent funded prior to secured lenders being paid. Firms would certainly not be permitted to put on hold retirement benefits in court-supervised restructurings, which occurred with U.S. Steel Canada.

The NDP is calling their proposal “End Pension Theft”. It focuses on altering CCCA legislation as well as the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) to stop companies from placing investors, financial institutions and other lenders ahead of their staff members when they go into bankruptcy protection.

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Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Is there a comparable precedent for such an amendment

Yes there is – the enactment of the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA). From 1975, proposals were proactively taken into consideration for the facility of a wage protection plan for when the bankruptcy, liquidation or receivership of a company. The many choices gone over for just how this could be attained consisted of:

  1. very top priority for wages;
  2. acknowledgment of existing provincial/territorial concerns within the BIA structure;
  3. a waiver of the waiting time for EI benefits; and
  4. a wage earner protection fund financed either from basic tax revenue or as a part of the EI coverage regimen.

In November 2003, the Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce examined the background of these conversations and chose

the alternative for a super priority be taken on. Although the BIA was amended in 2005, these changes did not quickly come into force, as many technical amendments were required to be passed in 2007. The WEPPA came into force on July 7, 2008.

The reason for the timing of creating the WEPPA was a result of NDP pressure put on the minority Liberal government of Prime Minister Paul Martin. The Liberals agreed to the NDP proposal as part of obtaining continued NDP support for the minority government.

So there is precedent for a significant amendment to Canadian insolvency legislation.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: How likely is such a pension reform in restructuring proceedings to succeed?

At this time, I believe there are certain obstacles from seeing such a significant overhaul being successful. The reasons I say this include:

  1. Today there is a Liberal majority government in power, so the support of the NDP party is not required for the government to pass the legislation it wishes to.
  2. Providing a super priority for all pension shortfalls would dramatically alter the way lending is done in Canada. Banks would be required to include pension plan actuarial shortfall calculations into their borrowing base calculations. It may end up that when there is a pension plan shortfall, there is no borrowing room available at all for a business. This would increase the number of insolvencies.
  3. If the number of business insolvencies increased, that could lead to an increase in job losses. That would hurt employees which would hurt the same group the private member’s bill would be trying the protect.

However, the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shown that it does try to play to whichever group the government feels it can gain votes from. So, it is not out of the realm of possibilities that the government would try to enact some legislation to give a limited super priority to a part of an underfunded pension plan liability. Time will tell whether such a proposal has any chance of success at this time.

Toronto business bankruptcy protection: Does your Toronto area business require restructuring proceedings to survive?

If you’re company is struggling with too much debt, give the Ira Smith Team a call. We can help with refinancing and restructuring so that your business can get back on track Starting Over, Starting Now.



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Sears Canada news today: Introduction

“I will certainly not invest one red cent in your shop … no severance, no sale,”

A (typical comment) posted on the Sears Canada Facebook page before the company blocked new comments and made old ones vanish.

Well there has been a lot of Sears Canada News today and in the last month. The company sought bankruptcy protection only last June 22, 2017. It has been only a little over 1 month, but there has been so much media attention it seems a lot longer.

Sears Canada news today: Social media backlash

We’ve seen on social media that Sears Canada is facing a backlash when it comes to how they’re handling this liquidation. Notice that I am using the word liquidation, as opposed to restructuring. This is in spite of they are currently operating under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA). This statute is designed as a restructuring statute.

Sears Canada news today: Why KVETCH about a KERP?

It comes just as the company began its liquidation sales at those fifty-nine stores they’re looking to close. There is a boycott in Canada that is gaining some traction on social media. People are upset with Sears Canada’s senior management. They obtained on the first Court application, approval from the Court on their plan to pay themselves retention bonuses. These bonuses would be paid under the terms of what is commonly called in complex corporate restructurings a “Key Employee Retention Plan” (KERP).

The retailer introduced that, as part of a Court-supervised restructuring procedure. It is shutting 59 of its 255 shops and letting go 2,900 workers. None of them will get severance pay. Sears also will stop payments to the employees’ defined benefit pension plan. The retailer recently accepted to delay that pension plan payment issue till September 30th.

Sears also accepted the compromise with the former employees to maintain paying health benefits for an extra 3 months until the end of September. This is so the people could have that time to get alternate coverage. It is still not great though. The employee pension plan will remain underfunded. The employees will have to look for a new health plan. To date, there is no provision for former staff to receive any sort of package.

Sears Canada news today: What exactly is a KERP?

It is normal in complex corporate restructurings to set up a KERP. The concept of a KERP began in US corporate restructurings in the 1990’s. The theory is that to have a successful restructuring, senior management have specific knowledge and ability. If they walked away from the company in bankruptcy protection, such as to accept a senior position elsewhere, the company would have a much more difficult and costly time in restructuring. Hence the idea was born that those essential managers should be promised a bonus to create the most value possible in the restructuring for the stakeholders. This is in addition to their normal compensation.

Often KERPs are now viewed as either:

  1. a standard item that senior management expects to receive; or,
  2. a greedy money grab negatively affecting other stakeholders.

I have not yet read any material to show why the Sears Canada bankruptcy protection case is so complex. I have not read how Sears Canada could not liquidate without existing senior management. It is earlier and current senior management who have not created a retail vision niche for Sears Canada for years.

Sears Canada news today: Time to “come back”

Thankfully, all CCAA protection orders have a standard “come back” clause. The reason for this is that not every stakeholder receives notice of the company applying for the bankruptcy protection order. Any stakeholder can come back to Court to oppose any part of the original order they did not receive notice of. They could not tell the Court of their position, and now want to come to Court with their complaints.

The Court appointed a law firm to represent the interests of the employees and former employees. As part of their motion material filed with the Court, they are asking the Court to amend the Sears Canada KERP. They state:

  1. the amounts are excessive under the circumstances; and
  2. the KERP does not incentivize senior management to enhance the value of Sears Canada.

It will be very interesting to follow this.

Sears Canada news today: It didn’t have to be this way

You may recall that Target Canada took a slightly different route towards its former employees when it decided to liquidate and leave Canada. It also liquidated under the CCAA. In our blog “TARGET CANADA CLOSING: $5.4 BILLION AND COUNTING”, we told you about the liquidation and that Target US established a trust fund for payment of the Target Canada obligations to its employees. For sure personal hardships occurred. At least they tried to soften the blow.

So now, while Sears Canada wants customers to come and buy at the liquidation sale, they have a PR nightmare on their hands.

Sears Canada news today: No comments please

It is so bad, that Sears Canada is not permitting public messages on its Facebook page. Most the messages from the public so far are negative against the company. CBC News recently noted that Sears Canada’s Facebook page was riddled with remarks from Canadians objecting exactly to what was happening to the company’s employees. Sears Canada has removed those comments from its Facebook page as well as blocking new comments.

sears canada facebook comments layoffs
Picture courtesy of CBC News

Sears Canada news today: Certainly a funny way to stay in business

You must wonder if Sears Canada really wants to restructure, or if they are just liquidating their inventory. They are also trying to sell whatever other assets they can. If it was a true restructuring, you would think that senior management would want to see more customers who would be loyal to (the new) Sears Canada when it would exit bankruptcy protection.

So instead of growing a loyal customer base, Sears Canada’s actions have spawned a strong and growing “Boycott Sears” momentum. They’re going to have to deal with that. It’s going to be interesting to see exactly how this plays out while Sears Canada currently is shopping for a buyer.

According to Sears Canada, the unhappy remarks did not motivate it to close the public articles or to remove many of the bitter statements. Regardless, the former employees are still faced with now with the question “how do you collect salary owed to you from an employer that goes out of business”.

Sears Canada news today: What to do if you or your company have too much debt

If your company or you are experiencing financial problems, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re here to tell you on your restructuring and other options to avoid bankruptcy. If necessary, we can also talk to you about your bankruptcy options.

We can help you put your financial house back in order and set you on a path to debt free-living. You’ll be amazed at the difference one phone call to Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can make.

Contact us today. We are a licensed insolvency trustee and will listen to your issues and offer compassionate, professional assistance to aid you to avoid bankruptcy.

With our help, you can regain control of your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.




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Bankruptcy protection meaning: Introduction

The Cambridge English Dictionary gives us the bankruptcy protection meaning as follows:

bankruptcy protection noun [ U ]

UKUS ​ also bankruptcy-law protection

​LAW, FINANCE laws that limit the amount of money a bankrupt company (= one that owes more money than it can pay) must pay to those it owes money to:

The firm filed for bankruptcy protection after a massive accounting scandal.

We have filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors.

It’s the second time the company has sought bankruptcy protection in 25 months.

The Chicago-based business, already forced into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, said that a complete collapse is now a “distinct possibility”.

See also

Chapter 11

Bankruptcy protection meaning: Bankruptcy protection meaning

The above definition is helpful, but, I would make one small change to it. There is a difference between a company that does not have enough cash to meet its expenses, or whose assets are worth less than the value of its liabilities. Such a company is insolvent. Such a company is only bankrupt if it has filed an assignment in bankruptcy or a Court has issued a Bankruptcy Order against it. Insolvency is the financial condition; bankruptcy is a legal state.

So, I will give you my bankruptcy protection Canada definition:

Bankruptcy protection is a legal state where the insolvent company (or person) has filed under the country’s bankruptcy laws to restructure and avoid becoming a bankrupt.

Bankruptcy protection meaning: How does it begin?

A company starts to go into “bankruptcy protection” by putting together its motion to the Court to tell that:

  1. they are admitting that they cannot pay their debts generally as they come due;
  2. their assets are worth less than the amount of their liabilities;
  3. they cannot continue in business in their current financial and business condition;
  4. there may be come calamity about to befall them if they do not have the time and breathing space to focus only on a restructuring and running of their business to regain profitability;
  5. and they’re asking for the Court’s help and protection while they formulate a proposal or a plan of arrangement to present to the creditors.

The company is not seeking “bankruptcy protection”. Rather, it is seeking protection from its creditors. It is seeking a “time out” from the Court so that the company’s creditors cannot begin or continue legal action against the company. It wishes to be protected from such outside influences so that nobody can tip it over.

Management is saying that if given time, it believes that it can come up with a plan to restructure the company so that it can emerge a better and financially healthy company. It wishes to take the opportunity to see if its creditors, and the Court, will agree to a restructuring plan. It wishes to continue in business to continue to buy and sell goods and services and to continue to be an employer.

Bankruptcy protection meaning: We have all heard about Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

We have all heard about Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection proceedings. This refers to the restructuring provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code. A case filed under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code is often called a “reorganization” bankruptcy.

The Chapter 11 filing provides bankruptcy protection to the company and allows it to restructure itself and its assets to attempt to maximize creditor and shareholder value and avoid bankruptcy. A Chapter 11 case begins with the petition being filed with the bankruptcy court serving the area where the debtor can show a domicile or residence. A petition may be a voluntary petition, a debtor filing, or it may be an involuntary petition, a filing by creditors that meet certain requirements.

You have probably just heard about Chapter 11 this week, as Takata Corp., the Japanese company that made faulty airbag inflators and is now the subject of many lawsuits in the United States and elsewhere just filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection proceedings this week.

Bankruptcy protection meaning: Does Chapter 11 exist in Canada?

Chapter 11 is not a Canadian term or provision. In Canada, there are two federal statutes that a company wishing to reorganize can rely upon. Because they are federal statutes, they apply across the country. So, it does not matter if you are applying for bankruptcy protection Ontario Canada or in any other province.

The first statute is the Part III Division I Proposal restructuring provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). The second, and today more common statute large companies file under, is, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA).

There is no such thing as a bankruptcy protection act Canada. The BIA and CCAA are also not new bankruptcy laws in Canada. They have been on the books for some time and form part of the corporate bankruptcy laws in Canada . This vlog does attempt to give a bankruptcy protection Canada definition.

Bankruptcy protection meaning: The Canadian restructuring laws

Both companies and people can file under the restructuring provisions of the BIA. Only companies that meet the test can file under the CCAA. The CCAA is a relatively brief statute which allows a company the time for them to restructure their affairs. The CCAA is more flexible than the BIA and that is why it is the restructuring statute of choice for large and complex Canadian corporations. It has often been called the Canadian Chapter 11.

The reason for filing under the restructuring provisions of either the BIA or CCAA, is for the company to avoid bankruptcy. So there is a big difference when considering bankruptcy protection vs bankruptcy. That will be a topic for another blog or vlog.

A company would file for restructuring if management believes there is a viable business to be saved. Management believes that it has a viable business within the corporation and the corporation can be nursed back to good health by taking certain steps, including:

  1. reducing debt;
  2. preparing and implementing a new business plan;
  3. reducing expenses; and
  4. perhaps shedding redundant assets and/or unsuccessful business units.


Bankruptcy protection meaning: What happens to the company when it is in restructuring mode?

The premise is that management remains in control of the business, its assets and operations while restructuring. As part of the plan, there may be senior management changes if confidence has been lost in the old management. However, management remains in control and the company continues to run.

The further assumption is that the company has enough cash flow, and/or enough lines of credit while in reorganization mode, to run and ultimately emerge from its restructuring proceedings. The Court needs to know that there will not be prejudice to any creditor by providing the bankruptcy protection to the company. Ultimately, the creditors and the Court will consider the company’s restructuring plan and decide whether to approve it.

Bankruptcy protection meaning: Some examples please

There have been many CCAA filings over the last few years. Some very well-known household names in fact, such as:

  1. Sears Canada Inc. – June 22, 2017
  2. Express Fashion Apparel Canada Inc. and Express Canada GC GP, Inc. – May 04, 2017
  3. Grafton-Fraser Inc. – January 25, 2017
  4. Performance Sports Group Ltd., Bauer Hockey Corp. – October 31, 2016
  5. Urbancorp Group of companies – May 18, 2016 and October 6 and 18, 2016
  6. Golf Town Canada – September 14, 2016
  7. Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada – November 25, 2015
  8. Verity Energy Ltd. – May 1, 2015
  9. Target Canada Co., et al – January 15, 2015 (this was just a liquidation, not a restructuring, but they used the CCAA)
  10. U.S. Steel Canada Inc. – September 16, 2014

Bankruptcy protection meaning: What to do if your company cannot carry on because of too much debt

If your company has too much debt and insufficient cash flow, you need your plan and strategy in place NOW. Contact us now. The Ira Smith Team is here to solve your debt problems and help you carry out that winning strategy, no matter the reason. We’re here to help and get you back on solid financial footing Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.



bankruptcy protection meaning 4

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy trustees, financial distress, financial tool, bankruptcy, too much debt, collection letters, collection calls, bankruptcy alternatives, personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy legislation, corporate bankruptcy, bankruptcy protection, Air Canada bankruptcy, American Airlines bankruptcy, consumer proposal, starting over starting now, bankruptcy trusteeBankruptcy trustees advise people in financial distress to think of bankruptcy as just another financial tool. Bankruptcy still carries a stigma with it for many people, but if you have too much debt, cannot repay your debts and are afraid to open the mail or answer the phone because of all the collection letters and collection calls you receive, you need to take some positive step to eliminate this stress in your life by finding a responsible and realistic solution.

Bankruptcy trustees will tell you that none of their clients wanted to call and for sure did not wish to see them. People come to bankruptcy trustees feeling ashamed, guilty and worthless. It is normal to feel that you have failed in such circumstances, but it is also important for your emotional and financial well-being to think of bankruptcy or one of the various bankruptcy alternatives as another financial tool and to use one of these tools to fix the situation for yourself.

Our media promotes the feeling that personal bankruptcy is somehow equated with failure, instead of it being described as merely a negative financial outcome for the honest, but unfortunate person. Everyone deserves a second chance, and using bankruptcy, or one of the bankruptcy alternatives is a way to get that second chance. Many people have done so in the past, and many will do so in the future; that is why Parliament created the laws forming our bankruptcy legislation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Keep in mind, many famous people have previously filed for bankruptcy.

It is interesting that our media casts personal bankruptcy in a negative light, but shows corporate bankruptcy protection as something positive. When we heard years ago about Air Canada filing for bankruptcy protection, or more recently, American Airlines filing for bankruptcy, people did not stop flying the airlines because they were disgusted that a company would dare to make use of the bankruptcy financial tool, but rather, people were worried about whether or not they would lose any of their airline point privileges!

Why can’t we think of personal bankruptcy as the same positive step forward financial tool in dealing with an unfortunate situation?

Bankruptcy trustees are the people licensed by the Government of Canada to administer the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Bankruptcy trustees need to obtain a full understanding of your assets and liabilities and understand your personal situation in order to advise whether you should go bankrupt, or if you are a candidate for a consumer proposal instead. No doubt people seeking the assistance of bankruptcy trustees have many questions needing to be answered also.

Are you suffering financially for any reason? Don’t be ashamed; contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Debt won’t go away on its own. You need professional help Starting Over, Starting Now so that you can regain your dignity and resume on a path to debt free living.

Watch this 5 minute video to listen to how another bankruptcy trustee explains it.


Brandon Blog Post


bad credit, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy in Canada, bankruptcy in ontario, bankruptcy ontario, bankruptcy protection, bankruptcy trustees, Consumer Proposal, consumer proposals, credit report, credit score, credit scores, debt management, debt settlement, declaring bankruptcy, Facebook and LinkedIn, social media, social networks, what is a consumer proposalAre you experiencing problems with debt management or having trouble getting credit due to a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal? If so, you are going to be delighted to hear that there are companies who believe that online reputations can tell lenders more about a person’s trustworthiness than the traditional credit score. Your credit score is established on the basis of how you pay your bills while companies like Lenddo and Neo Finance are analyzing data from social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and other factors to reach people who have a hard time getting loans. The Lenddo score is based upon:

  • Number of followers
  • Background of peers
  • Education and employers
  • Repayment history of friends

The Neo Finance score is based upon the following information in a person’s LinkedIn profile:

  • How long the user has held jobs
  • The number and quality of connections in their industry
  • The seniority of their connections

Should social media be used to determine your credit score? Probably not. Basing anything on the number of social media followers is categorically unreliable. Social media networks have become a numbers game where there is the mistaken belief that “whoever has the most, wins”. Fake Twitter followers have become a multi-million dollar business. Open networkers on LinkedIn have thousands of followers that they don’t know and the same goes for people who collect Facebook friends. The other problem is that the consumer would have to be willing to connect the financial service to their social media networks’ data which of course brings up privacy issues. Although in theory, this sounds like an interesting idea, I’m afraid that there is no quick fix for bad credit.

If you are experiencing problems with debt management or having trouble getting credit due to a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for information on how to fix bad credit so that you can live a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!