Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Bankruptcy protection: What happens if a company gets into financial trouble?

A Canadian company seeking bankruptcy protection has two choices when it is financially troubled and wants to reorganize. By hiring insolvency legal counsel and a licensed insolvency trustee to get both insolvency and bankruptcy law advice and financial advice, they can protect themselves from their creditors, either by:

  • using the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) to file for bankruptcy protection; or
  • working with an insolvency trustee and filing a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) you can obtain bankruptcy protection.

In order to reorganize in Canada, an insolvent company files for bankruptcy protection. If you are insolvent in Canada, then you must file for bankruptcy protection, which is equivalent to Chapter 11 in the United States. The process is called financial restructuring or financial reorganization. By doing this, the company will try to restructure while it continues to operate to come up with a restructuring plan that allows the company to survive while satisfying the needs of the creditors to some degree.a

This Brandon Blog discusses a recent court decision that demonstrates that there is a risk to creditors who receive payments from the insolvent company under bankruptcy protection for goods or services supplied if the restructuring fails.

What happens to the company that files for bankruptcy protection?

An organization that files for bankruptcy protection, or as it is sometimes called, creditor protection, differs from an organization that files for bankruptcy. A pure bankruptcy procedure consists of a liquidation. The company ceases to operate unless the Trustee sees value in continuing to operate the company for a limited period of time.

The trustee in bankruptcy takes possession of all assets that are either not subject to valid claims by secured creditors (typically financial institutions) or that belong to third parties (for example, equipment under lease or goods undergoing repair that are in the company’s possession). A licensed insolvency trustee then formulates a plan for selling the unencumbered assets of the company to maximize the proceeds. Afterwards, the Trustee distributes the funds in accordance with the BIA.

In the case of a company filing for bankruptcy protection, this is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. The intention is to continue operating while it tries to restructure. Most of the time, this entails downsizing. A plan will be devised to repay some of the remaining debt in exchange for the creditors writing off the balance that is owed. With success, the company can retain employees and continue to operate. Creditors will be able to earn money by supplying the reorganized company in the future.

The CCAA allows companies that owe at least $5 million to their creditors to file for bankruptcy protection. Either the business will be restructured and continue to exist on new financial terms or a wind-down will be supervised to pay back anyone owed money by selling assets. BIA restructuring provisions can be used by companies that owe less than $5 million.

In other words, a company that goes bankrupt will shut down. Those who file for bankruptcy protection want to keep operating. As disruptive as bankruptcy and restructuring are, they can be beneficial for businesses, individuals and the economy since they preserve value and prevent assets from being wasted.

As soon as the company enters bankruptcy protection (or bankruptcy), proceedings against it are stayed. As a result, all collection rights for creditors are suspended. A “time-out” gives the company a chance to restructure, or the Trustee can handle its duties in bankruptcy without interference from creditors. Additionally, it “freezes” all creditors at the time of the filing, so that one cannot gain an advantage over another.

bankruptcy protection
bankruptcy protection

A record number of companies have sought creditor protection under COVID-19 and more are on the way?

The list of large Canadian companies with outstanding debts looking for bankruptcy protection from creditors got to a decade high in May and June 2020. Numerous financial commentators believed there would be a full-blown financial crisis and that a lot more would certainly file as a result of COVID-19 caused the economic downturn. Despite this, the number of corporate insolvency filings appears to have stabilized and also slowed down in 2021. One main reason is the number of government programs supporting Canadian business. In the same way as the virus itself, COVID-19 has actually taken a hefty financial toll on companies with pre-existing conditions.

Some familiar Canadian corporations in the list of companies that filed in that time due to their financial situation were:

  1. Reitmans
  2. Frank & Oak
  3. Aldo
  4. DavidsTea
  5. Cirque Du Soleil
  6. Mendocino
  7. Bow River Energy
  8. FlightHub
  9. Christian charity, Gospel for Asia
  10. Cequence Energy
  11. Delphi Energy
  12. Sail

Twenty-two major Canadian companies sought creditor protection in May and June 2020, almost four times the usual rate. The list obviously does not include major U.S. names such as Chesapeake Energy, J Crew, Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers, Pier 1 and Boy Scouts of America.

The bankruptcy protection court case facts

I want to tell you about Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd (Re), 2021 ABQB 893. On November 9, 2021, the Honourable Mr. Justice Douglas R. Mah released his decision.

Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd. (Schendel) was one of three associated companies that at one time collectively formed a major construction concern in Alberta under the Schendel name. As a result of financial difficulties, it was an insolvent entity and it filed a Notice of Intention to Make A Proposal under the BIA on March 22, 2019. Schendel continued operations as part of its restructuring effort. On various Schendel projects, Schendel bought HVAC equipment from the supplier between April 2018 and May 2019.

Ultimately, Schendel’s debt restructuring plan failed. Schendel was deemed to have filed for bankruptcy when it failed to implement a successful BIA Proposal restructuring. Schendel went bankrupt immediately. Its secured creditor applied to the Court for the appointment of a Receiver, which was granted.

As a result of reviewing the company’s books and records, the Receiver found and disputed the legality of a $40,000 payment from Schendel, an insolvent company, to one of its suppliers. According to the Applicant Receiver, the payment was prohibited for a number of reasons and the funds should be returned. The recipient supplier asserted that the payment was both innocent and validly received and that it was entitled to retain it.

In this case, a cheque dated July 8, 2019, to make the payment. Due to an unknown reason, the supplier did not negotiate the cheque until 11:48 AM on July 19, 2019. Schendel was also deemed to have filed for bankruptcy and the Court made the Receivership Appointment Order all on the same day, July 19, 2019. The Court had, however, no evidence regarding the exact moment the receivership and bankruptcy decision was made on that same day.

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bankruptcy protection

The bankruptcy protection case: The Receiver’s position

It is noteworthy that the action to recover the $40,000 was brought by the Court-appointed Receiver and not the insolvency trustee of the bankruptcy estate. According to the Receiver, the funds should be returned on the following grounds:

  • the automatic stay under section 69(1) of the BIA was in effect at the time of filing and throughout the extension of the proposal period, so the supplier was without recourse against Schendel;
  • the Court-ordered stay contained in the Receivership Appointment Order of July 19, 2019, as well as the concurrent stay imposed by a deemed bankruptcy under the BIA, deprived the supplier of all collection remedies as of that date;
  • as an alternative, the payment may be prohibited under the Fraudulent Preferences Act; or
  • it may be in violation of the Statute of Elizabeth (see note below).

NOTE: The English Parliament passed this statute in 1571 with the purpose of prohibiting transfers that would defraud creditors or hinder their collection efforts. As a result of widespread fraudulent transactions designed to defraud creditors, the 13 Elizabeth Statute was passed. It is still in effect in Alberta today.

The bankruptcy protection case: The supplier’s position

The recipient supplier said that it received the payment both innocently and legally and that it is entitled to retain it. In addition, the recipient supplier said:

  • besides some routine questions about payment, the supplier had not engaged in any activity to try to collect the debt;
  • the relationship with Schendel was arm’s-length;
  • both of the last two extension orders for the NOI define a process by which Schendel may pay, and the Receiver has fallen short to prove that the procedure was not followed when it comes to the subject payment; and
  • for either the Fraudulent Preferences Act or the Statute of Elizabeth, the required intent cannot be shown.

Since the bankruptcy trustee was not involved in this case, nobody was claiming that the payment was a preference or transfer under value under the BIA.

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bankruptcy protection

The bankruptcy protection case: The Judge’s decision

The Court was not presented with evidence on whether the $40,000 payment in question was approved within the proposal extension process or whether it was not approved. There was evidence to support Schendel’s compliance with approved procedures. In the post-NOI period, the supplier was found to have provided goods to various Schendel projects worth $34,476.75.

There was evidence that the payment was not just a payment on account of a pre-filing debt without further transactions post-filing. According to the Judge, the stay would not apply to indebtedness arising from goods or services supplied to Schendel after the filing of the NOI. This is because such indebtedness would not be a claim that could be a proven claim in the bankruptcy.

The Judge further stated that it is the Receiver’s responsibility to prove that the payment violated the stay. Schendel and the supplier did continue to do business together after the NOI was filed, according to the evidence. During the hearing, the Judge said that he should not simply assume facts in the Receiver’s favour. Additionally, the evidence indicated that some of the $40,000 payment was applied to the post-NOI supply of goods. A total of $34,476.75 worth of product was supplied to Schendel after the NOI was filed.

As a result, the Judge rejected all of the Receiver’s arguments and dismissed his Application in its entirety. Consequently, the supplier kept the $40,000.

Bankruptcy protection: How to cash your insolvent customer’s cheque safely

Companies filing for bankruptcy protection, whether under the CCAA or BIA, are reorganizing to stay in business. Businesses require purchasing goods and services and paying for them. It’s possible that some pre-filing debts will be paid after the filing date even though the debts are frozen from a collection perspective.

The stay does not necessarily prohibit every post-NOI payment by an insolvent company to a creditor. Such payments are valid when they are necessary to enable the company to move forward with restructuring. For example, a creditor may require payment of all or a portion of its pre-filing debt in order to supply post-filing.

Parties can agree to repay past debts in order to secure future supplies. First and foremost, the BIA process aims to encourage a debtor to reorganize as a going concern. Both creditors and debtors benefit from the debtor’s continued operation during this critical time. The BIA’s stay provisions and preference provisions give debtors breathing room to reorganize their finances. Setting up legitimate agreements with key suppliers is an integral part of that process.

In the end, it is critical to determine whether the payment of past indebtedness is a valid condition of post-NOI supply, which is required for restructuring to proceed. In that case, the post-filing payment of the pre-filing amount will be valid. If not, the insolvency trustee can recover it from the supplier.

Creditors seeking to recover pre-filing debts must make the payment as a condition of a post-filing supply arrangement. Additionally, because all of this is playing out in real-time in higher-risk settings, a supplier is free to amend the pricing post-filing. Similarly, if the supplier can secure it, there is no reason for them to not try to go from an unsecured creditor to a secured creditor on the post-filing supply by taking security or requesting a letter of credit. This would all be done out of an abundance of caution because as stated above, unpaid post-filing debts are not a claim provable in the company’s bankruptcy if the restructuring is unsuccessful.

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bankruptcy protection

Bankruptcy protection summary

I hope you found this bankruptcy protection Brandon Blog post informative. Are you worried because you personally or as business owners are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? If it is too much debt for any reason, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Even though we are licensed insolvency trustees, we have found that not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

bankruptcy protection
bankruptcy protection
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. Through the use of video meetings, we can help you even if you do not live close to our office in the Jane Street Hwy. 7 area. It is just like we are coming to you!

The bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan: We transformed into a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan

The bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan went through a metamorphosis similar to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The term “bankruptcy trustee” turned into a “licensed insolvency trustee“. The licensed insolvency trustee designation was mandated to all licensed trustees by the Industry Canada Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The OSB licenses and supervises the activities of all licensed insolvency trustees across Canada. This includes us as a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan, Ontario.

The purpose of this Brandon blog is to offer an overview of our role in the Greater Toronto Area with our licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan insolvency trustee firm head office.

The purpose of this Brandon blog is to offer an overview of our role in the Greater Toronto Area with our licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan insolvency trustee firm head office.

Role of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Vaughan (formerly called Trustee in Bankruptcy Vaughan)

A licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan can fulfill various roles. It all starts with providing a no-cost consultation for a person or company that finds themselves in a troubling financial situation that worries them about their prospects for a bright financial future.

Due to the various roles, a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan can play, we are also known as “receivers”, “trustee in bankruptcy” or “financial restructuring professionals”. We are appointed when a company or person is financially distressed and either has no other options to get out of financial difficulty and is unable to pay its bills. A licensed insolvency trustee is the only party licensed by the Government of Canada to perform a federal government-approved debt settlement plan, being a consumer proposal consolidation.

As a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan firm, there are different roles we can play.

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Find the right option with the help of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Vaughan

Personal situation insolvency

For individuals who are insolvent, we can provide and act in the following:

  • A no-cost initial consultation to provide advice about debt relief.
  • Credit counselling. to help with your household budget and determine if you really need one of the available debt relief options.
  • Consumer Proposal – Toronto and GTA – Act as Consumer Proposal Administrator to conduct a Consumer Proposal Process for people who owe $250,000 or less in unsecured debts (not including any debts registered against their home) who wish to eliminate their debt and wish an alternative to bankruptcy so that they can avoid filing bankruptcy. This is a government-approved interest-free debt settlement plan that can be paid over as much as five years.
  • Division I Proposal – Toronto and GTA – This process is not quite as streamlined as a consumer proposal, but it is for people who wish to eliminate their debt while avoiding personal bankruptcy.
  • These 2 proposal remedies are the only accredited government debt relief programs in Canada.
  • Personal bankruptcy – Toronto and GTA – As a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan, we can of course assist anyone who wishes filing for bankruptcy. In your no-cost consultation with us, we first get to know you and your financial situation in order to determine if you qualify for one of the bankruptcy alternatives. If not, we will discuss the entire bankruptcy process with you, including the cost of bankruptcy. If you wish to proceed, we will accept your assignment in bankruptcy.

All collection activities against you cease when you make an assignment in bankruptcy, or file a debt settlement restructuring proposal. Legal action against you may include wage garnishment, collection calls, or a legal action against you. You get legal protection as a result of the stay of proceedings afforded by an insolvency filing.

The two most common types of debt we encounter in our personal insolvency practice are credit card debt and income tax debt. We have successfully handled for clients serious negotiations with Canada Revenue Agency in order to achieve debt settlement for people with a financial history of income tax debt.

Corporate insolvency

For companies, and especially entrepreneurial family businesses that are insolvent, we can provide and act in the following:

  • A no-cost initial consultation to provide advice about debt restructuring options.
  • Restructuring & Turnarounds.
  • Business analysis, business review and monitoring.
  • Receivership – Toronto and GTA – Only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver on behalf of a secured creditor. As a licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan, we act as a privately-appointed receiver on behalf of a secured creditor. We also act as a court-appointed receiver upon the application to a court by a secured creditor or other stakeholders.
  • Winding-Up and Liquidator – Toronto and GTA – For solvent companies that wish to wind up operations through a legal process, we act as either privately appointed or court-appointed Liquidator.

    licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
    licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Selecting The Right Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Vaughan

Experience and professionalism

You might not find the expertise to solve your financial difficulties with someone just around the corner. You can start your search for the right Trustee by visiting the website of the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals. Both Ira Smith and Brandon Smith are members of the Canadian Insolvency and Restructuring Professional Association. It shows an individual’s commitment to staying up to date with all the latest industry advancements by belonging to this organization. Check the website of the OSB to ensure that the Trustees you are considering are not suspended or under file management by the regulator.

Interacting with them on many levels is essential

As a beginning, they must be able to quickly understand your needs and desires, as well as provide you with a realistic plan that can be followed. If you have issues or concerns, they also need to be available to you. Look for their interest in you. How enthusiastic are they about their industry? Do you really feel their compassion for you? Do you feel you are going to get along on an inter-personal basis with this person?

That’s exactly how you measure enthusiasm. The most effective solutions and suggestions will be offered by a knowledgeable insolvency trustee. You may not find this type of person within walking distance of your home or workplace.

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan: Are you able to agree on the same concepts?

It is not a totally free service to engage a professional trustee. The complexity of your situation could affect the bankruptcy cost. Your trust in a bankruptcy trustee is diminished if you feel they view you as just another dollar sign. Look for those who seem to have similar values to you. It may not be the closest to your home to find such a licensed insolvency trustee.

Websites for licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan

Searching for “bankruptcy trustee near me” or “licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan” on a search engine today will bring up various websites to visit. How does the website make you feel? What bankruptcy FAQs do they provide? Can you see pictures of the people you would deal with? From their blog, do they demonstrate that they have a deep knowledge base?

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

You can meet with more than one Trustee

Unless you sit across the table from him or her, you won’t know which one is the right fit for you. Comparing two bankruptcy trustees is a good idea. You want to be able to compare two or more for your own validation purposes. The one you feel best about is the one to go with. Trust your gut!

3 Best Licensed Insolvency Trustees in Vaughan, ON

Throughout the years my firm has been inspected for 50 points, including reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, trust, cost, and general excellence. The results have allowed us to rank consistently among the top 3 Best Licensed Insolvency Trustees in Vaughan, ON.

Licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan summary

I hope that you found this licensed insolvency trustee Vaughan Brandon Blog helpful in describing our role as debt professionals and my thoughts on how to go about choosing the one you think is the best fit for anyone in a financial crisis. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

licensed insolvency trustee vaughan
licensed insolvency trustee vaughan

Brandon Blog Post


difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of the page and click play on the podcast.

Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy: Know your options

Regular readers of my Brandon Blog know that there are a lot of steps you need to go through to financially reorganize your life. I have written before different blogs on various aspects of both consumer proposals and bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon blog is to discuss in one place, the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy.

Many people opt for one of these options because life has thrown them a curveball, they no longer have the cash flow to pay off their debts and want to start fresh. There are some great benefits to filing bankruptcy. They include eliminating creditors and debts, getting control over your personal finances, and having a stress-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now. But if you’re considering a first-time bankruptcy, or the bankruptcy option even if you are familiar with the Canadian bankruptcy process from a prior time, you should consider the pros and cons of a consumer proposal, the only government-approved debt settlement plan in Canada. It will be good for you to know the options that I explain below.

Consolidation loans vs consumer proposals

What’s the distinction between a consumer proposal and a debt consolidation loan? The consumer proposal process is an insolvency procedure that allows you to resolve all the amounts you owe to your unsecured creditors via an arrangement with your creditors. It does this without needing you to file bankruptcy. A consumer proposal can only be carried out by a licensed insolvency trustee. A consumer proposal allows you to get rid of all the amount owed by repaying only a part of your financial obligations over time.

A consolidation loan means that you still have sufficient assets and income and a good enough credit score, in order to borrow the total amount you owe. The loan must carry an interest rate lower, and hopefully much lower, than the average interest rate of your combined total debt. You use the loan proceeds to repay 100% of your debts. You now have only one loan with a monthly payment you can afford. Taking out a consolidation loan is not an insolvency process.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

The main difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

The consumer proposal is a fundamental part of our personal insolvency system. It is an insolvency procedure controlled by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) that allows individuals who owe $250,000 or less (not including any financial debts secured against their principal home). It permits you to pay a portion of your financial debts with time, yet eliminate all of them if fully executed. It is an alternative to declaring bankruptcy. It is an alternative to bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is also a fundamental part of our insolvency system under the BIA. However, rather than restructuring, in personal bankruptcy, the person surrenders all of their non-exempt assets to the licensed insolvency trustee for the benefit of the person’s creditors. Once the bankrupt person has fulfilled all of their duties, they are entitled to receive a discharge from bankruptcy, subject to the Trustee or a creditor opposing it.

Personal bankruptcy involves the liquidation of the bankrupt’s assets in return for the eventual elimination of their unsecured debts. It is not considered a restructuring like a consumer proposal is.

Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy: The process of filing a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy

You start by talking to a Trustee who will provide you basic guidance on both a consumer proposal and also bankruptcy. The Trustee will likewise inform you specifically just how each process functions. If at the end of that discussion you inform the licensed bankruptcy trustee that you really feel good in wanting to take the next steps with them, the Trustee will provide you with their intake form. When the form is completed, you send it to the Trustee, including supplying any kind of backup documents asked for, the Trustee can then provide you advice for your unique financial difficulties.

If you choose a consumer proposal, the licensed insolvency trustee will prepare the necessary filing documents for you to sign. This includes assisting you with preparing the best possible proposal that works for both you and your creditors. You then meet with the Trustee to sign the documents. The Trustee then files the documents electronically with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The OSB then issues the Certificate evidencing the filing and the formal process begins.

After seeing your completed intake sheet, the Trustee will advise on whether or not a consumer proposal would work for you, or if your best or only option is filing for bankruptcy. Similarly, in bankruptcy filings, the Trustee prepares all the required filing documents for your signature. The Trustee explains all of them to you, you sign them and the Trustee then electronically files the filing documents with the OSB. The OSB then issues its Certificate evidencing the bankruptcy and that formal process begins.

You initially meet with the licensed bankruptcy trustee, in-person, by video or phone, to share details of your personal situation, and working together, you determine whether a consumer proposal, an alternative to filing bankruptcy, or personal bankruptcy is the best option for you. With COVID-19, we have been holding all of our no-cost consultations and meetings by phone and video. We can do the sign-up process by video and email. We have found this is very convenient for our clients as they are not required to take the time to attend our office in person.

As you can see, the process of filing a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy is not that different. For filing, there is not really a difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

Major difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

Is there a major difference between consumer proposals and bankruptcy? Yes. So far in this discussion, there have not really been major differences. But there really are as the consumer proposal is akin to filing for bankruptcy protection while the other is bankruptcy. Both provide legal protection from creditors. But a consumer proposal gives a person what the media calls filing for bankruptcy protection. When you file for bankruptcy, that calls for the liquidation of non-exempt assets.

Both bankruptcy and a consumer proposal can be excellent options for somebody who is experiencing a challenging financial position. A consumer proposal is an excellent choice for individuals who have the ability to make monthly payments to their creditors totalling less than the amount they owe, yet eliminating all their debts, while keeping the equity they have in assets they wish to keep. Bankruptcy is an excellent choice for those who are bewildered by their financial obligations, and who don’t have a consistent income, making it actually hard or impossible to manage making payments at any level to their creditors.

While both bankruptcy, as well as a consumer proposal, can supply a financial clean slate, there are a few vital distinctions.

In a consumer proposal, you normally get to keep all of your assets. In a bankruptcy, if you have equity in assets that you want to keep, you or someone friendly to you has to pay that equity to your Trustee for the benefit of your creditors. Otherwise, you need to surrender all non-exempt assets to the Trustee for the Trustee to sell them and then put the cash towards the claims of your creditors. The assets covered by your bankruptcy exemptions do not need to be surrendered.

In bankruptcy, you also have the issue of needing to obtain your bankruptcy discharge. If either the Trustee or one or more creditors object to your discharge, then you will not get your automatic bankruptcy discharge and you will have a discharge hearing in Court. You may also be subject to surplus income payments in a bankruptcy, which you will need to make to your Trustee (21 months for a first time bankrupt, 36 months for a second time or more bankruptcy).

The amount to offer your creditors in a consumer proposal has to be a better amount than they would receive from your bankruptcy. After doing the calculations I spoke about above, including any surplus income obligation, you will better understand what amount needs to be offered to your creditors.

Another difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy is that there is a benefit of a consumer proposal in that you can spread the monthly payments for the amount determined over a term of up to 60 months, interest-free. In a bankruptcy, you are typically required to make any required payments over the term of your bankruptcy, which is much shorter than in a proposal. Therefore the consumer proposal allows you to term out a slightly higher settlement over a longer period of time. This makes the monthly repayment less complicated on your cash flow as well as your budget plan.

Once your consumer proposal is (deemed) accepted by the creditors and (deemed) approved by the Court, you just need to make your promised monthly payments to the Trustee. The Trustee handles making payments at regular intervals to your creditors. Once you have completed the payment promised under the consumer proposal, you receive your Certificate from the Trustee showing that you completed the consumer proposal. That is it. No discharge hearing can be opposed and no extra surplus income payments. It is already accounted for in the amount offered to your creditors in your consumer proposal.

The cost difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

When doing a consumer proposal, the fee of the licensed insolvency trustee is included in the payment you negotiate with your creditors. As I mentioned above, the calculation of what to offer in a consumer proposal does not include what the fee and costs are. Rather, it is compared to what the unsecured creditors can expect in bankruptcy.

However, if you were to file bankruptcy, the fee is based on the surplus income you may have to pay (based upon a criterion that includes income and family size) and also any assets that you are required to assign over to the Trustee. You might also have to make month-to-month contributions to cover the fee and costs if your income and non-exempt assets are insufficient to pay for the bankruptcy proceedings.

If there is no surplus income or assets, you, or someone on your behalf, will need to pay the bankruptcy fee which will be approximately $1,800 plus HST.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy: What’s worse? Credit rating impact of a bankruptcy vs consumer proposal

Both a consumer proposal and bankruptcy are insolvency proceedings under the BIA. Therefore both will negatively affect your credit rating. In a consumer proposal, your credit rating will show as an R9 on your credit report while you are making payments. Once you have completed your consumer proposal, your credit rating will be an R7 for 3 years after completion.

For a first-time bankrupt, if you were to file for bankruptcy, your credit report will show an R9 rating for 6-7 years after being discharged.

The difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy summary

I hope that you found this difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy Brandon Blog interesting. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy dischargeWe hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

What does bankruptcy discharge mean in Canada?

A bankruptcy filing is a form of insolvency process under Canadian bankruptcy law available to individuals and businesses. Bankruptcy deals with a person’s or company’s debt load and assets. After performing a detailed initial assessment, the licensed insolvency trustee will be in a position to advise the debtor if they will be better serviced through a restructuring process as an alternative to bankruptcy (consumer proposal or Division I Proposal for individuals, Division I Proposal or Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act bankruptcy protection for companies) with creditors, or whether the debtor will be better served filing for bankruptcy.

The final piece of any bankruptcy process for an individual is the bankruptcy discharge. Individuals who go bankrupt are entitled to a discharge from bankruptcy. Companies are only entitled to one if every bankruptcy claim filed is paid in full, with interest. Because this never happens, companies do not receive a bankruptcy discharge. It is not impossible, but for this reason, it really does not happen.

If you are thinking about filing an assignment in bankruptcy, then you may be wondering about the bankruptcy discharge process and how it will affect you. Many people think their debts are eliminated at the moment of their bankruptcy filing.

This is incorrect. It is the bankruptcy discharge that will remove all (with certain limited exceptions) of your unsecured debts from your life and will result in letting you move forward with a clean slate. In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the bankruptcy discharge process and a recent decision of the Supreme Court of British Columbia hearing an appeal to the decision of the Master sitting as bankruptcy registrar on a bankrupt’s application for discharge.bankruptcy discharge

Bankruptcy discharge and its consequences for the bankrupt

When you are granted a bankruptcy discharge, this means that those debts caught by your bankruptcy are no longer your responsibility. This means that every action from creditors or the collection agencies they have retained stops trying to collect the debt obligations.

As I previously mentioned, most almost all debts are wiped off your slate when you receive your discharge from bankruptcy. The kinds of debts that remain even after a bankruptcy discharge are:

  • spousal or child support payments;
  • fines or penalties mandated by the court;
  • claims arising from fraud or fraudulent breach of trust;
  • student loan debt if less than 7 years have passed since the bankrupt stopped being a part-time or full-time student.
  • any kind of financial debts that are secured against your assets, such as a home mortgage or automobile financing, are not discharged as a result of your bankruptcy discharge.

These sorts of financial debts endure after bankruptcy as they are not released. The individual will be required to continue paying those financial obligations according to their terms. All various other financial obligations are discharged and do not have to be paid.

What are the types of bankruptcy discharge?

If there is no Trustee opposition or creditor opposition to a bankrupt’s application for discharge, and the bankrupt has fulfilled all of their duties of a bankrupt, in most situations, the licensed insolvency trustee can issue an automatic discharge which provides the bankrupt with an absolute discharge from bankruptcy.

If there is an opposition or the bankrupt meets one of the criteria that does not allow for an automatic discharge (such as the bankruptcy process finding the bankrupt a high income tax debt situation), there must be a discharge hearing in court which is heard by a Master of the court sitting as the registrar in bankruptcy. There are 4 types of bankruptcy discharge and a 5th bankruptcy outcome is also possible. They are:

  1. absolute – an absolute discharge means the bankrupt is entitled to an immediate discharge. This can be given by the licensed insolvency trustee in the bankruptcy estate handling the bankruptcy administration if the bankrupt has fulfilled all of their duties and there is no trustee or creditor opposition;
  2. conditional discharge – can get a discharge after meeting one or more conditions. The most common type of condition of discharge involves paying a sum of money to the licensed insolvency trustee;
  3. suspended – the bankrupt’s discharge will take place at a later date and may very well be combined with either an absolute bankruptcy discharge or conditional bankruptcy discharge;
  4. refused– the court refused to grant a bankruptcy discharge probably because the bankrupt has failed to provide full disclosure or perform other bankruptcy duties; or
  5. “no order”– the Trustee advises the court that regardless of the time period that has passed, the bankrupt has actually not satisfied every one of his or her obligations and the bankrupt has actually failed to reply to the Trustee’s demands for information. In this situation, when the “no order” order is provided, the licensed insolvency trustee is at liberty to seek its discharge. Once the bankrupt person has actually fulfilled the requirements set by the court, the bankrupt can re-apply for a discharge hearing by the court.bankruptcy discharge

For a first-time bankrupt with no surplus income who fulfills of their duties, including attending the 2 mandatory credit counselling sessions, they are entitled to their bankruptcy discharge after a bankruptcy period of 9 months from the date of bankruptcy.

If this is your second bankruptcy a discharge will not be available after 9 months. A 2nd bankruptcy lasts for a minimum of 24 months if you do not have any surplus income payments to make to the Trustee. If you have surplus income, a second-time bankrupt must make those monthly payments for 36 months before they are entitled to a bankruptcy discharge.

For a 3rd or subsequent bankruptcy, the timeline is the same as the 2nd time bankrupt. However, it is much more possible that there will certainly be resistance to the discharge by the Trustee or the creditors. The court can also impose whatever conditions it sees fit.

Creditor objects to the decision of the Master on bankrupt’s application for discharge

On July 9, 2021, the decision in Hanlon (Re), 2021 BCSC 1348 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia was released. This was an appeal from an order by the bankruptcy registrar of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dated April 28, 2021 in Hanlon (Re), 2021 BCSC 800, VA B190492. This is an appeal under s. 192(4) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 (BIA), from an order of a master of that Court, sitting as a registrar in bankruptcy, granting the bankrupt, Mr. Hanlon, a bankruptcy discharge that was made conditional on his paying $7,500 to the Trustee.

The appellant, Ms. Johnson, is one of Mr. Hanlon’s creditors. She states that the registrar erred in approving the discharge on those terms. If the appeal is allowed, she looks for an order refusing Mr. Hanlon’s application for a discharge, with leave to apply again in two years, or alternatively, giving a discharge conditional on his paying $50,000. The appeal is opposed by both Mr. Hanlon the bankrupt, and the Trustee. The appeal was heard by Judge Milman, Canada’s bankruptcy legislation, the BIA states that a person dissatisfied with an order or decision of a registrar can appeal that decision to a judge of that court who in that capacity is sitting as a bankruptcy judge.

The alleged errors made by the registrar in the making of the order of conditional discharge

Ms. Johnson argued that the registrar made certain errors in granting the conditional bankruptcy discharge order. Ms. Johnson says that in granting the bankruptcy discharge on those terms, the registrar erred as follows:

  • in concluding that Mr. Hanlon had complied with the injunction resulting from Ms. Johnson’s original successful litigation against Mr. Hanlon when he had not;
  • in falling short to take into account Mr. Hanlon’s refusal to agree with the accuracy of the trial judge; and
  • in failing to consider Mr. Hanlon’s real income earning potential.bankruptcy discharge

The standard of review on such an appeal

There is a standard of review on such an appeal from an order of a bankruptcy discharge hearing. S. 192(1) of the BIA gives the bankruptcy registrar the authority to, amongst other things, grant orders of discharge. S. 192(4) of the BIA allows a party dissatisfied with an order or decision of a
registrar may appeal it to a judge.

In granting an order of discharge in the bankruptcy process, the registrar is exercising judicial discretion. If the registrar has acted reasonably, the judge should not set it aside or ignore it. Further, if an appeal from a bankruptcy discharge order is based on alleged errors in findings of fact, the court will not interfere if there is no overriding error in the findings of fact and there is evidence from which the findings of fact could be made. Discretionary decisions may, naturally, be overturned if the registrar has materially misinterpreted the law or made an error in respect of the facts underlying the use of that discretion.

When a registrar’s decision in a bankruptcy discharge hearing imposes conditions, those conditions must be realistic for the bankrupt to perform in a reasonable period of time. Where the amount ordered was unrealistic and the bankrupt’s discharge is conditional on making additional payments, the appeal court did hold that results in an error of law and the appellate judge can either substitute the conditions or refer the matter back to the registrar for reconsideration.

The judge’s decision on the appeal from the registrar’s bankruptcy discharge order

The judge dismissed the appeal finding there were no overriding errors made by the registrar. With respect to the amount of $7,500 ordered as a condition of discharge from bankruptcy, the judge found as follows:

Ms. Johnson says that the registrar did not consider Mr. Hanlon’s untapped earning capacity and instead concentrated practically completely on her arguments of his potential inheritance. She suggests that Mr. Hanlon could be earning more than he is. In her opinion, he could earn more to enable him to make a settlement of $50,000 rather than the $7,500 that was ordered.

Mr. Hanlon’s real historic earnings offered adequate assistance for the registrar’s verdict that he was incapable of paying any more than the $7,500 that she ordered for him, did not have the financial prospects himself to do so and without getting personal loans from family members to help him with that. That was properly decided by the registrar based on the evidence before her.

The judge found that there is no merit in this or any other of the grounds of appeal. He found no error in the registrar’s decision, and having found the discharge condition that she imposed to have been reasonable in the circumstances, he dismissed the appeal.

Bankruptcy discharge summary

I hope that you found this bankruptcy discharge Brandon Blog interesting and that you now have a good appreciation for the process at the end of the administration for a person who files for bankruptcy and the considerations of the court if someone appeals a bankruptcy discharge order. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost bankruptcy consultation.bankruptcy discharge

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


trustee in bankruptcy
trustee in bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Trustee in Bankruptcy: No action against Trustees without leave of court

Canadian insolvency laws say that there cannot be any legal action against trustees in bankruptcy (now called a licensed insolvency trustee) without the prior leave of the court. The leave application, more often than not, would be brought before a Bankruptcy Judge. However, as you will see below, any Judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice could hear such an application involving a trustee in bankruptcy.

Section 215 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) protects the Canadian bankruptcy laws for all officials in the bankruptcy process, including the bankruptcy trustee:

“215 Except by leave of the court, no action lies against the Superintendent, an official receiver, an interim receiver or a trustee with respect to any report made under, or any action taken pursuant to, this Act.”

In my January 9, 2019, Brandon Blog, PRIVACY BREACH LAWSUIT AGAINST LICENSED INSOLVENCY TRUSTEE FAILS, I described one attempt that failed to obtain leave of the court to begin litigation against a trustee in bankruptcy.

Our bankruptcy and insolvency courts believe that the test to determine whether a court should use its discretion to give leave for litigation to be commenced against either a trustee in bankruptcy or a court-appointed receiver was not a tough test. The protection is only to ensure that the receiver or trustee in bankruptcy is protected against senseless or burdensome actions that have no basis.

In this Brandon Blog, I describe a recent Ontario court decision that further clarifies a basis for when the court will exercise its discretion and allow litigation against a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. As the Motions Judge used the old terminology, I will stick with it in this blog.

Action against the trustee in bankruptcy background

The Motion Judge‘s Endorsement was released on May 31, 2021. The Endorsement was from a motion by the plaintiff for a determination as to whether or not leave of the court under S.215 of the BIA was required. The plaintiff’s position was that it was not, but if it was, such leave should be granted. The defendant trustee in bankruptcy’s position was that leave was required and should not be granted.

The plaintiff, Mr. Flight, ended up filing bankruptcy proceedings 4 times over a 13 year period of time! He filed the same type of bankruptcy over and over again! He claims his financial situation is the fault of the defendant trustee in bankruptcy. He used the same trustee in bankruptcy for all of his bankruptcies! It is not clear in this motion how the trustee is responsible for his having to file personal bankruptcy all those times.

Mr. Flight brings on litigation against the trustee in bankruptcy claiming negligence, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment and conversion. The complainant claims the accused failed to identify and take suitable action relating to a fraud perpetrated by the bookkeeper for Mr. Flight’s sole proprietorship business.

The plaintiff’s amended claim seeks a declaration the defendant engaged in misfeasance, negligence, fraud and breach of fiduciary duty in his personal capacity, and that the defendant was unjustly enriched.

trustee in bankruptcy
trustee in bankruptcy

The plaintiff’s claim against the trustee in bankruptcy

The main subject matter of the claim alleges the bookkeeper’s theft caused the plaintiff’s repeated bankruptcies and that the defendant trustee in bankruptcy ought to have detected this fraud in the administration of the four bankruptcies.

The plaintiff maintains that the trustee in bankruptcy then failed to take any meaningful action to address the alleged fraud and its impact on the fourth bankruptcy after its discovery. In particular, the plaintiff claims the trustee failed to diligently commence an action against the former bookkeeper, failed to investigate the fraud, failed to adjust the plaintiff’s surplus income, failed to recommend debt relief options or financial options, and certainly no other possible insolvency process such as a consumer proposal alternative to bankruptcy and failed to have the plaintiff promptly discharged from his fourth bankruptcy.

The defendant’s alleged “grand failure to act” caused Mr. Flight damages of $10 million from loss of business, loss of profit, loss of income and pain and suffering.

The court’s analysis

As I mentioned above, the threshold issue under Canadian insolvency legislation is whether the plaintiff required leave to commence this action. If it is determined that leave is required, the analysis then moves to whether the claim meets the test for leave.

The Motion Judge stated that there is authority to support the plaintiff’s position that the insolvency laws state that leave is not required where the trustee in bankruptcy is being sued in its personal capacity.

More particularly, the Supreme Court of Canada held that the leave provision under the BIA is not to be interpreted as though it applied to any action arising out of the administration of the estate. That is not the way section 215 is worded. To allege that the trustee in bankruptcy made an act of omission is a claim that is not concerning a report made under or any action taken according to the BIA.

trustee in bankruptcy
trustee in bankruptcy

Trustee in bankruptcy: The court’s decision

The plaintiff alleges causes of action against the trustee in bankruptcy in his personal capacity in their amended statement of claim and affidavit materials for negligence, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment and conversion starting with the confidential consultation and with each bankruptcy assignment. The Motion Judge concluded that the plaintiff does not require leave under s. 215 of the BIA to commence this action. Based on this conclusion, the Motion Judge did not need to consider anything further.

You will observe as I previously stated, none of the court’s evaluation had anything to do with whether the claims had a possibility of success in its litigation legal process. The Motion Judge, who was not a Bankruptcy Judge but rather a Motion Judge felt the accusations were such that they were not purposeless or burdensome actions that have no basis.

As the main action will now proceed, I will follow the case to find out the exact details and the various bankruptcy claims that Mr. Flight is making regarding the conduct of trustees involved. As the case is reported, I will report to you.

Finding a good, Licensed Insolvency Trustee (Trustee In Bankruptcy) Near You

I hope that you found this trustee in bankruptcy Brandon Blog interesting. If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost bankruptcy consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy on why businesses go bankrupt

In my last Brandon Blog, Business Bankruptcy In Canada: Discover The Causes Of Business Insolvency And Bankruptcy, I described the causes of business insolvency, the types of business entities normally found in Canada and tips on how to pull your business around back from insolvency.

Numerous businesses are battling to survive today, not to mention stay lucrative. They are scaling down or just closing their doors. They are accessing the available government support money for a business. Most entrepreneurs hesitate to seek the advice of a licensed insolvency trustee due to the fact that they are afraid all the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee or a trustee in bankruptcy) wants to do is be a trustee for bankruptcy.

In this Brandon blog post, I want to continue from the suggestions from my last blog, to show you exactly how that the last point I push for is to be a trustee for bankruptcy. I first look to reorganize your business. If your business or company remains in danger because of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will certainly be advantageous for you and also your organization to do so.

I will also show how sometimes, a trustee for bankruptcy or receivership, can actually help save parts of your business. The only other alternative could be to let all the business parts fail, which is the worst possible outcome.

The role of a debtor in bankruptcy or insolvency

Remember, I previously defined insolvency as a financial condition, where bankruptcy is a legal condition and a legal process. You will also recall that in my last Brandon Blog, I described the three common types of business structures in Canada; proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Just as these three business structures are different in form, they are also treated differently in insolvency vs bankruptcy. Here is how I differentiate the role of each debtor.

Proprietorship – Sole proprietorships are a type of business structure in which one individual is the sole owner of the business, which gives that person control over everything related to the business. This includes the business’ name, structure, accounting, legal obligations and tax responsibilities.

As I described last week, in Canada, the person, the sole proprietor, is carrying on business in their personal name, operating as the business name. You can register a sole proprietorship with the provincial government by completing an application form.

A sole proprietorship is the simplest kind of business structure. It permits an individual to sell goods or run a service with complete control of it on their own. Nonetheless, a sole proprietorship is not considered a separate legal entity from the owner. This means that any liabilities incurred by the business are also personal financial obligations of the owner.

So in an insolvency situation, all of the sole proprietor’s assets come into play as do all of his or her debts. It is not just the business assets and business liabilities. It is everything. This is the worst-case scenario for an entrepreneur.

So if the business is viable, and the personal assets and liabilities lead to the sole proprietor being in the situation where they can do a debt settlement plan, they can choose one of two options to restructure their entire personal financial situation. This assumes they cannot resolve their financial issues informally to bring their financial situation back to being solvent.

Partnership – A terrific way to begin a new business is teaming up with one or more people. All of you should enhance the group’s abilities as well as energy. Nonetheless, you also wish to be with people that are trustworthy, industrious and have a certain expertise that will help the business grow. Just like the way a proprietorship is one person, a partnership is made up of two or more people.

A partnership agreement is crucial. This is an agreement between the partners, describing the rights as well as obligations of each partner in the business. The same way a sole proprietor is personally responsible for the debts of the business and is putting all of their personal and business assets at risk, the same is true for partners in a business partnership. The partners are each liable for 100% of the business debts in case of insolvency. The partners cannot limit their liability to only their partnership share of the business.

Corporation – When you incorporate a business, it is a corporation. The company is a different legal entity from its owner shareholders. Shareholders are not responsible for the unpaid debts owed to financial institutions (normally a secured creditor), suppliers to the firm (normally an unsecured creditor) or the government. There are only two exceptions: (i) certain government liabilities that are a personal liability of a Director; and (ii) if the entrepreneur directly guarantees a financial debt of the company, such as a company loan, then that individual will have a liability with respect to such debt.

If the company’s financial future becomes bleak because it is insolvent, there are options. In my last blog, I talked about self-help remedies senior management of a company whose business is viable can try to informally bring the company back to a healthy financial state. You can re-read that blog to see the options available. If the self-help remedies do not work yet then we must look at more formal proceedings.

trustee for bankruptcy
licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy

Licensed InsolvencyTrustee for bankruptcy: Settle with creditors and debt collectors without bankruptcy

In a proprietorship or partnership, if the underlying business is viable, then there are a variety of options to try to turn the business around yourself. You would use the self-help methods I described in my last blog. If the self-help options do not work, there are debt settlement options available to the individual(s) under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). They would be the only government-sanctioned debt settlement plan available in Canada. Either a consumer proposal or a Division I Proposal. You can read about how each one works by clicking on the following links:

In a successfully completed debt settlement program, the bankruptcy trustee would not be a trustee for bankruptcy. Rather, the trustee in bankruptcy would be an Administrator under a consumer proposal or a Proposal Trustee in the Division I Proposal.

If the business is not viable or the circumstances are such that a debt settlement plan is not feasible, then personal bankruptcy would be the only other option. You can read about how personal bankruptcy works by looking at our top 20 bankruptcy FAQs section. Upon the bankruptcy of the person, the sole proprietorship is automatically terminated.

Since a partnership is a way of carrying on business personally, then the same insolvency options available to the partners to the business debtor are also available. A restructuring is always preferred over a bankruptcy when the partnership is in financial difficulty.

For a debt settlement insolvency filing, the licensed trustee is not a trustee for bankruptcy. That is the case only if there is an actual bankruptcy assignment. Under provincial law, if a partner goes bankrupt, the partnership is automatically dissolved.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy: Ask creditors to help you avoid bankruptcy of the corporation

Without wanting to sound like a broken record, you can review my prior blog to go over the self-help remedies for turning a business around, even if it is a corporation. A self-help remedy is always a great alternative to bankruptcy. If that isn’t appropriate, or just plain does not work, then you must get in touch with an insolvency trustee.

Again, if the company’s business is viable, then there are financial restructuring alternatives. these alternatives will be within a government-regulated insolvency proceeding. There are two formal restructuring statutes in Canada:

In both cases, a company should retain the services of both a licensed trustee for bankrutpcy and a bankruptcy lawyer. The lawyer acts as legal counsel to the company. The licensed trustee will be both a financial advisor and steer the company through the restructuring process. The CCAA option is for companies with $5 million or more of debt. A BIA Proposal is for a company with any amount of debt. The main difference between the two processes are:

  • In a failed BIA Proposal, the debtor is immediately deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy. This is not the case in a failed CCAA Plan of Arrangement.
  • A CCAA proceeding is more costly as there are many more court appearances in that forum than in a BIA restructuring.

Using one of these two statutes to gain what is called in the media “bankruptcy protection” in order to work out a successful restructuring with your unsecured creditors is always preferable. The company will pay less than it owes while keeping its viable but insolvent business alive. Don’t underestimate the power of preserving jobs in the eyes of a court. A bankruptcy trustee can be very helpful in obtaining great results.

trustee for bankruptcy
licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy: When to consider an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors

If the business is not viable and is insolvent, then the only thing left to consider is an assignment in bankruptcy filing. It is definitely a last resort if everything I have already spoken about in this Brandon Blog just won’t work and you have run out of options. Trustees in bankruptcy always consider the alternatives to bankruptcy, but sometimes filing bankruptcy is the only option available.

In the case of a proprietorship or partnership, it is the individual sole proprietor and one or more of the partners who will be meeting with a trustee in bankruptcy and filing for a personal type of bankruptcy. the personal bankruptcy trustee will administer the personal bankruptcy estate. Again, you can read up on personal bankruptcy by looking at our top 20 personal bankruptcy FAQs section.

In personal bankruptcies, it will be either a streamlined system called a Summary Administration and if not, it is then an ordinary administration bankruptcy. Unlike a company, a person is ultimately entitled to a bankruptcy discharge.

When it comes to the administration of bankruptcy for a corporation, it is always an ordinary administration bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon Blog is not to run through all the steps in a personal or corporate bankruptcy process. Above I have provided some links to read up on debt settlement restructuring and personal bankruptcy. For corporate bankruptcy, I recommend that you read our corporate website page on corporate bankruptcy.

Alternatively, you can also read my previous Brandon Blog Bankrupting a Limited Company: Canadian Corporate Bankruptcy Process.

A trustee for bankruptcy administers the bankruptcy process for the benefit of unsecured creditors. Sometimes, it is a secured creditor who needs to enforce their security. They do not necessarily need the company to meet with a trustee for bankruptcy. Rather, the secured creditor needs the appointment of trustee to act not in a bankruptcy administration, but rather, to act as a receiver or receiver-manager to enforce the secured creditor’s position by taking control of the assets subject to the security and ultimately selling them. To read the receivership process, you can read the receivership section of our corporate website.

You can also read my Brandon Blog titled What Is A Receivership? Our Complete Guide To Receivership Solutions.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy: How to avoid bankruptcy and save your business from closing

I hope you enjoyed the licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. As you can see from this blog, we are not just a trustee for bankruptcy. We believe every person and business should first explore debt settlement to avoid bankruptcy.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

trustee for bankruptcy
licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this consumer proposal versus bankruptcy Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

consumer proposal versus bankruptcy
consumer proposal versus bankruptcy

Consumer proposal versus bankruptcy introduction

The holidays are upon us and we can all ideally get a well-deserved break. This 2020 year truly threw us a curveball in March and it isn’t over yet. Many people have already identified that they need to understand their options in taking care of way too much debt. Hopefully, they will use the period of time during the holiday break downtime to seriously consider fixing their situation.

Maybe their New Year’s resolution will be to once and for all solve their financial situation. That is why I believe this is a good time to write this Brandon’s Blog to help those people who are wondering about the issues surrounding a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal versus bankruptcy: Who qualifies for a consumer proposal?

A consumer proposal is an alternative to bankruptcy. Consumer proposals are for people whose total financial debts do not surpass $250,000, not including financial debts secured by their primary house.

Division 1 proposals are available to both:

  • companies; and
  • individuals whose debts exceed $250,000 (leaving out mortgages on their principal home).

I will focus on the differences between a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal versus bankruptcy: What are consumer proposals?

Consumer proposals are formal ways governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) available only to people. Working with a licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee) acting as the consumer proposal administrator, you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific period not exceeding 60 months
  • Extend the time you have to pay off the debt
  • Or a mix of both

Payments are made through the Trustee, and the trustee uses that money to pay each of your creditors. The consumer proposal must be completed within 5 years from the date of filing.

Below I will highlight more differences between a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal versus bankruptcy: Is a consumer proposal worth it?

The advantages of a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy are:

  • You keep all of your assets
  • Legal actions that are being contemplated or actually begun against you by unsecured creditors and results of a judgment such as freezing your bank account and wage garnishments are stopped.
  • Unlike informal debt negotiation or debt settlement programs, the consumer proposal forum catches all of your debts and your unsecured creditors must take part in your restructuring process.
  • Of all the debt relief options available to a person, it is the only government-approved program that combines debt consolidation (without having to apply for one or more loans) and debt settlement.
  • You do not need to use the “B” word.

You will definitely pay less than you owe with a consumer proposal. It could be as much as 75% less. All of your unsecured debts will be consolidated right into a simple regular monthly payment. What you pay is based on what your creditors could expect to receive in your bankruptcy and what you can actually afford.

So is a consumer proposal worth it to make one monthly payment that you can afford to pay a portion of the total you owe instead of going bankrupt? I think it is.

What is the impact on my credit rating if I file a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy?

We are always asked, “How will a consumer proposal affect my credit rating?”. The follow-up question is “What is the impact on my credit rating if I file for personal bankruptcy or do a consumer proposal?”.

The person who files for bankruptcy will absolutely obtain R9 status. This is the lowest credit score possible. It will remain on their credit report for 6 years after the person gets their bankruptcy discharge. So for a first-time bankruptcy with no surplus income and the person gets their discharge after 9 months, it is on the credit report for about 7 years. If the person is a first time bankrupt with surplus income, then their bankruptcy discharge cannot be gotten for at least 21 months. This equates to having the R9 for 8 to 9 years.

An individual that files a consumer proposal sees their credit score go to an R7 ranking which is less extreme. It will remain to be on their credit report for around 8 years in total, starting with the filing date.

Through the two mandatory credit counselling sessions that are provided with either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy, we teach you ways you can start rebuilding your credit score right away.

What are the costs and fees of a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy?

When doing a consumer proposal as a debt solution, the Trustee costs are included in the settlement you bargain with your creditors. The calculation of what is reasonable for you to pay is done without any reference to the Trustee costs.

For example, if your consumer proposal has you paying a regular monthly payment of $400 for 60 months, the Trustee’s fee and disbursements are taken from those funds. The consumer proposal fee is a tariff defined in the BIA.

If there is no surplus income or assets that you hand over to the Trustee, the cost for this type of personal bankruptcy is about $2,000. This cost would need to be paid to the Trustee either upfront or over an 8 month period in equal monthly payments.

However, if you file for bankruptcy and you have surplus income and/or assets that you must turn over to the Trustee, the personal bankruptcy cost could be higher. The Trustee’s fee and costs must be taxed by the Court. However, it will be calculated using the hours spent by the level of staff at each staff member’s normal hourly rate. If there are insufficient assets to pay the Trustee’s fee, the difference has to be paid for by the bankrupt person or someone else guaranteeing the Trustee’s costs.

This is another distinction between bankruptcy vs consumer proposal.

consumer proposal versus bankruptcy
consumer proposal versus bankruptcy

What happens to my assets in a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy?

If you do a consumer proposal, you keep your assets. In bankruptcy, other than for exempt assets, your assets are seized by the Trustee. Exemptions depend on the province you live in.

In Ontario the assets you get to keep in bankruptcy consist of:

  • The equity in your home of no more than $10,000.
  • A motor vehicle with an equity value of no more than $6,000.
  • Clothing and medical and dental aids.
  • Household furnishings up to a value of $13,100.
  • Tools of the trade with a value of no more than $11,300.
  • Pensions, RRIF, RRSP (except for any RRSP contributions made within 12 months of the date of bankruptcy).
  • Farmers – no more than $29,100 for animals and tools and equipment.

This difference to your assets between a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy is massive.

What happens if I miss payments and default on my consumer proposal versus bankruptcy payments?

If you do not maintain your payments on a consumer proposal, it defaults and it is over. You then cannot file a new one. Collection action by your creditors will begin again.

If you do not complete all your duties in bankruptcy, you will definitely not be discharged. If your Trustee gets discharged and you remain undischarged, then all your creditors can return to taking collection action against you to try to recover on their loans or other debt payments you owe them.

This is one more consumer proposal versus bankruptcy difference.

When is a meeting of creditors held in a consumer proposal?

A meeting of creditors in a consumer proposal is held if one is requested by one or more creditors who are owed at least 25% of the overall value of the proven claims.

A request for a meeting has to be made by the creditors within 45 days of the declaration of the consumer proposal. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) can also ask for the Trustee to call a meeting of creditors whenever within that specific very same 45-day time frame.

The meeting of creditors is held within 21 days after being called. At the creditors’ meeting, they elect to either approve or turn down the proposal.

If no meeting of creditors is requested within 45 days of the filing of the proposal, the proposal will be regarded to have actually been approved by the creditors no matter any kind of objections received later.

A consumer proposal is fully performed as soon as:

  • the person has made the required payments within the time period called for in the consumer proposal; and
  • the two mandatory counselling sessions with the Trustee have been done.

In a bankruptcy, the discharge relies on various facets, including whether it was the first time the debtor filed for bankruptcy and if they need to make surplus income payments to the Trustee. The calculation for surplus income is based mainly on your household monthly income.

If the debtor has actually never ever declared bankruptcy before as well as they do not have to make surplus payments, the bankrupt is entitled to be released 9 months after declaring bankruptcy. Nevertheless, if the bankrupt has surplus income, they will require to make payments for 21 months before they can be discharged.

This is one more distinction between a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal versus bankruptcy: How to file for bankruptcy?

In order to file, you need to engage a Trustee. This is a person or company accredited by Industry Canada to administer the insolvency process in Canada.

The 11 steps below are a guide to the filing for bankruptcy process:

  • Contact a Trustee and attend a meeting with him or her to speak about your personal situation and your options. This will include all your options to avoid bankruptcy.
  • Deal with the Trustee to complete the necessary bankruptcy documents.
  • The Trustee will after that submit the bankruptcy paperwork to the OSB and get back a certificate evidencing your bankruptcy.
  • The Trustee notifies your creditors of the bankruptcy.
  • You attend a meeting of creditors if one is called.
  • You participate in 2 counselling sessions.
  • Based on your provincial exemptions, the Trustee sells your non-exempt assets; you may likewise need to make surplus income payments to the Trustee.
  • In certain conditions, you might have to participate in an evaluation by an officer at the OSB.
  • The Trustee prepares a report to the OSB describing your activities during the bankruptcy.
  • You go to the discharge hearing if required.
  • You get your discharge from your bankruptcy and afterwards, the Trustee completes the management of your bankruptcy file, including paying a dividend to your creditors, if available.

As you can see from the description of how a consumer proposal works and from these 11 steps, there is a difference in how a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy works.

Consumer proposal versus bankruptcy: Get back to a stress-free life

I hope you have enjoyed this consumer proposal versus bankruptcy Brandon’s Blog. Both a successfully completed consumer proposal or obtaining your discharge from bankruptcy lets you get back on the road to financial health, relieve the stress you face and bring you:

  • Freedom by getting out from under garnishments;
  • The ability to live better than just hanging on one payday to the next;
  • Improved credit ratings; and
  • Improved health and well-being.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges and you don’t fully understand the options available to you, including, filing a consumer proposal versus bankruptcy. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. offers a full range of insolvency services to people facing a financial crisis. Whether you need help with a proposal to your creditors to avoid the worst case, financial counselling or advice about insolvency options, our goal is to make sure that you understand the process, your choices, and what steps will get your life back on track.

Call us for your free first consultation. We will inform you about all the choices readily available so you can make a proper decision about the very best plan to deal with your financial obligations.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. All you have to lose is your debt!

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


alternative to bankruptcy

The bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan: Why did we transform into a licensed insolvency trustee?

Similar to caterpillars turning into butterflies, this bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan went through a metamorphosis. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy officially changed the name “bankruptcy trustee” to “licensed insolvency trustee” (LIT). As of April 1, 2017, all licensed trustees must have fully transitioned to the use of the LIT designation.

The purpose of this blog is to offer an overview of the Canadian insolvency process. Think of it as a bankruptcy and insolvency lesson 101.

What is the purpose of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

Among the primary functions of this insolvency process, it is to release the individual from specific financial debts. It is to give a straightforward honest but unfortunate debtor a “new beginning.”. The debtor has no responsibility for discharged financial obligations.

A discharge is available to personal bankrupts, not to corporations. Although a personal case typically causes a discharge of financial debts, the right to a discharge is not absolute. Some sorts of debts may not be released. Section 178(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) sets out the types of debts that are not released by the discharge of the bankrupt. The kinds of debts that are not released are:

1. child support and alimony;

2. fraud or near fraud;

3. debts arising from Court orders.

Where can I do some of my research?

You must initially do some of your own research to get an idea of exactly what your choices are. One place to start is our website to learn about:

  1. Personal Services
    1. Credit Counselling
    2. Consumer Proposals
    3. Bankruptcy Alternatives
    4. The Bankruptcy Process
    5. Why use a Licensed Insolvency Trustee?
    6. Rebuilding Credit
    7. Personal Bankruptcy
  1. Corporate Services
  2. Creditor Services
  3. Our Blog titled Brandon’s Blog

Once you have a good handle on what to expect, speak to a LIT to begin discussing what actions you have to take next.

bankruptcy trustee in vaughan
bankruptcy trustee in vaughan


The BIA allows for a procedure that permits people and companies to be released from all of their financial debts through either:

  1. a restructuring (Consumer Proposal, Division I Proposal or the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act) under secure arrangements of the federal insolvency statute; or
  2. through bankruptcy by turning over their property to a licensed insolvency trustee to realize upon it for the general benefit of creditors.

Either way, the funds available for distribution to the creditors are paid out by the licensed insolvency trustee. It is according to the scheme of priority laid out in the BIA.

The Court will consider approving a repayment plan that will repay the approved part of the financial obligations in no more than 5 years. When you use the restructuring provisions of the BIA (Consumer Proposal or Division I Proposal), you need to have a payback strategy to show your creditors just how you are going to pay back your debts. A successful restructuring plan is an alternative to bankruptcy and will allow a person or company to avoid bankruptcy.

There are various rules and ways that must be followed. Your licensed insolvency trustee can go over all the issues with you and is there to aid you through the process.

How does it all work?

Canada’s insolvency legislation is designed for debtors experiencing financial problems who cannot pay their present financial obligations and don’t have enough cash flow to offer a restructuring plan to avoid bankruptcy. The aim is to get a release from their existing debts.

The premise of the BIA is that the individual must deliver all of his or her non-exempt assets to the licensed insolvency trustee. The trustee will sell them for distribution to the creditors. In return, other than for either secured debts or the class of debts not released by a discharge from bankruptcy discussed above, the person’s debts will be erased. The person will be able to maintain any type of property that is categorized as exempt under provincial regulations. In this way, a discharge allows the individual to return to society as discharged bankrupt. This allows the person to start all over again.

Your credit score

Filing in an insolvency process could impact your financial resources and credit score for years. You should very carefully weigh all your options before choosing the bankruptcy option. That is a discussion a licensed insolvency trustee will be happy to have with you and will help you in first trying to find one of the possible bankruptcy alternatives. Hopefully, together you can see which one is best for you. Only if there is not an available alternative, will the trustee recommend bankruptcy?

A current bankruptcy filing may prevent you from acquiring a mortgage or other financing for years. Credit card businesses will instantly end your charge cards when you file for bankruptcy. Likewise, if you are trying to find a job or rent a place to live, some employers or property owners might look unfavourably on a current bankruptcy filing. If other applicants are as qualified as you and don’t have a bankruptcy on their record, you probably won’t be chosen.

Fresh start

Bankruptcy permits people or companies that are unable to pay their debts to settle their monetary difficulties and start restoring their credit. Declaring bankruptcy will trigger the “stay of proceedings”, preventing creditors from starting or continuing any legal action to collect their debts.

A bankruptcy filing will stay on your credit report for about 7 years. Since many financial debts can be discharged in bankruptcy with certain exceptions, people can take certain steps to begin boosting their credit rating after filing for bankruptcy and for sure after obtaining their discharge.

What to do if you are experiencing financial hardship

I hope this bankruptcy trustee in Vaughan Brandon’s Blog was helpful to you. People experience financial hardship for many reasons. If you’re experiencing financial hardship and are looking for a way out, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. With immediate action and the right plan for moving forward, we can set you on a path to debt-free living Starting Over, Starting Now. All it takes is one phone call.

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
vaughan bankruptcy Big canada ira smith trustee
Brandon Blog Post



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Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: Introduction

The holiday shopping season is upon us and the first sign that you are in financial trouble is if you truly need to learn about consumer proposal vs bankruptcy BEFORE you begin your holiday shopping! If you have already recognized that you need to know your options in dealing with your debt before you start putting holiday gift purchases on your credit card, I suspect that the New Year will become the time when you begin taking positive action to reduce your debt and gain back control over your life.

A consumer proposal is an alternative to bankruptcy. Although similar in many respects, there are some major differences. Consumer proposals are available to people only whose total debts do not exceed $250,000, not including debts secured by their principal residence. Division 1 proposals are available to both businesses and people whose debts exceed $250,000 (excluding the mortgage on their principal residence). The focus of this vlog is on the differences between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal vs. bankruptcy: What are consumer proposals?

Consumer proposals are formal ways governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) available only to people. Working with a licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee) acting as the consumer proposal administrator, you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific period not exceeding 60 months
  • Extend the time you have to pay off the debt
  • Or a mix of both

Payments are made through the trustee, and the trustee uses that money to pay each of your creditors. The consumer proposal must be completed within 5 years from the date of filing.

Below I will highlight more differences between a consumer proposal vs. bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: What are the advantages of a consumer proposal?

The advantages of a consumer proposal vs. bankruptcy are:

  • You keep all of your assets
  • Actions against you by unsecured creditors, such as wage garnishments will stop.
  • Unlike informal debt settlement, the consumer proposal is a forum where all of your creditors must deal with your restructuring
  • You don’t have to declare the “B” word

What are the differences in credit history score?

The individual that declares bankruptcy will certainly get R9 status. This is the lowest credit score as well as it will continue to be on their report for 7 to 14 years. A person that submits a consumer proposal will have an R7 ranking which is less extreme. It will certainly continue to be on their record for approximately 8 years in total, from the moment of declaring.

For the most part, you will certainly pay less than you owe with a consumer proposal. Often as much as 70% less. Your several financial obligations will also be consolidated right into a simple regular monthly settlement. This number will be based upon what you can pay for.

Your ability to improve your credit score later is much different in a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy

What are the costs and fees of a consumer proposal versus filing for bankruptcy?

When doing a consumer proposal, the Trustee’s charges are included in the payment you bargain with your creditors. For instance, if your consumer proposal has you paying $400 monthly for 60 months, the Trustee’s fee and disbursements are taken from those funds.

Nevertheless, if you were to file for bankruptcy, the cost is established by any kind of excess earnings you could have (based on the criterion that includes earnings as well as family size), any assets that you may intend to try to keep, and also the monthly contribution for surplus income if any.

If there is no excess earnings or assets, the insolvency cost will be around $2,000. This is another difference between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Are assets treated differently between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy?

If you do a consumer proposal, you can retain your assets whereas in bankruptcy your properties might be impacted. This consists of the equity in your home if higher than $10,000, a car or truck worth more than $6,000 (with no liens against it), financial investments, tax refunds, and also RRSP payments made in the last 1 year. In bankruptcy, you transfer your possessions (except those that are exempt by regulation) to the Trustee, and they are then sold or transferred to repay your creditors.

This difference between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy is huge.

What if I default on my consumer proposal vs bankruptcy payments?

If you do not maintain your payments on a consumer proposal, it defaults and is void. You also are unable to submit an additional one. Collection action by your credits will begin again. If you do not complete all your duties in bankruptcy, you will certainly not be discharged and eventually, your creditors will resume collection activities as well.

This is another consumer proposal vs bankruptcy difference.

When is a meeting of creditors held in a consumer proposal?

A meeting of creditors in a consumer proposal is held if one is requested by one or more creditors who are owed at least 25% of the total value of the proven claims.

A request for a meeting has to be made by the creditors within 45 days of the filing of the consumer proposal. The OSB can also request the Trustee to call a meeting of creditors any time within that exact same duration.

The meeting of creditors should be held within 21 days after being called. At the meeting of creditors, they vote to either approve or decline the proposal.

If no meeting of creditors is asked for within 45 days of the filing of the proposal, the proposal will be deemed to have been accepted by the creditors no matter any objections received later.

How long does it take to complete a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy?

A consumer proposal is finished once the individual has actually made the required payments for the needed period of time. In a bankruptcy, the discharge depends on a variety of different aspects, consisting of whether it was the first time the debtor filed for bankruptcy and if they need to make surplus income payments.

If the debtor has actually never ever declared bankruptcy before and they do not have to make surplus income payments, most bankrupts are discharged 9 months after declaring bankruptcy. However, if the bankrupt has surplus income, they will need to make payments for 21 months prior to when they can be released.

This is another difference between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

What do consumer proposals and bankruptcy have in common?

Both a consumer proposal and filing for bankruptcy are lawfully binding procedures that are provided by a Trustee. If you are thinking about bankruptcy, it is essential that you consult with a Trustee so that you can totally understand the procedure, what’s involved, and also any charges. You can speak with friends or family that may have filed for one or the other before, yet it is necessary that you get professional recommendations concerning your unique situation.

Filing for bankruptcy or doing a consumer proposal are both matters of public record. That means there will certainly be an irreversible public document regarding your insolvency that can be accessed by anyone. If the debts are joint or co-signed, the other individual is accountable for the financial debt in both a consumer proposal and personal bankruptcy as well, unless it is a joint filing.

Even these similarities still point out differences between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: How to Figure Out Which Option is Best for You?

As you can see, when you look at a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy, there are definitely differences between the two, but they also have a lot in common too. What’s most important, though, is that you find the best way to get your finances back on track in a way that will help you achieve your long-term goals.

Consumer proposals and bankruptcy aren’t the only ways of obtaining debt relief and consolidating debt. There are also other ways of resolving debt problems that don’t involve an official program or paying anyone. If you honestly want to carefully and objectively look at all your options, contact a local Trustee, and speak to him or her. They’ll listen to your situation and issues and advise you on what will work best for you even if you do not need to file for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy.

Their help is usually free and non-judgmental.

At our Firm, declaring bankruptcy is only encouraged until all other settlement solutions have been exhausted. A consumer proposal in Ontario is shaping up to be one of the better bankruptcy alternatives, primarily because of the reasons I describe in this Brandon’s Blog.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: Who qualifies for a consumer proposal?

A consumer proposal is available to people whose total debts do not exceed $250,000, not including debts secured by their principal residence.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: The bankruptcy process

Before you decide what to declare, contact a professional to discuss all of your options. A trustee is a highly-skilled, professionally licensed by the federal government that can evaluate your situation and presents all the options available to you. Whatever process ends up being the best and the most helpful for your particular circumstance, we can administer the insolvency process.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: How to file for bankruptcy?

In order to file, you must engage a Trustee. This is an individual or company licensed by Industry Canada to administer the insolvency process. The 10 steps below are a guide to the bankruptcy process.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: The 10 steps of the bankruptcy process

  1. Contact a licensed insolvency trustee and attend a meeting with him or her to talk about your personal situation and your options including if it is possible for you to avoid bankruptcy.
  2. Work with the trustee to complete the required forms. The trustee will then file the bankruptcy with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB).
  3. The trustee notifies your creditors of the bankruptcy.
  4. You attend a meeting of creditors if one is called.
  5. You attend two counselling sessions.
  6. Subject to your provincial exemptions, the trustee sells your assets; you may also have to make surplus income payments to the trustee.
  7. In certain circumstances, you may have to attend an examination by an officer at the OSB.
  8. The Trustee prepares a report to the OSB describing your actions during the bankruptcy.
  9. You attend the discharge hearing if required.
  10. You get your discharge from your bankruptcy and then the trustee completes the administration, including paying a dividend to your creditors, if available.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy: Move on with your life

I hope you have enjoyed this consumer proposal vs bankruptcy Brandon’s Blog. Both a successfully completed consumer proposal or obtaining your discharge from bankruptcy lets you get back on the road to financial health, relieve the stress you face and bring you:

  • Relief from harassing calls from debt collectors;
  • Freedom by getting out from under garnishments;
  • The ability to live better than just hanging on one payday to the next;
  • Improved credit ratings; and
  • Improved health and well-being.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. offers a full range of insolvency services to people facing a financial crisis. Whether you need help with a proposal to your creditors to avoid the worst case, financial counselling or advice about insolvency options, our goal is to make sure that you understand the process, your choices, and what steps will get your life back on track.

Call us for your free first consultation. We will inform you about all the choices readily available so you can make a proper decision about the very best plan to deal with your financial obligations. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. All you have to lose is your debt!

consumer proposal vs bankruptcy
consumer proposal vs bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post


Credit Repair Toronto: Why Not?

Many people think it’s best to try a credit repair Toronto company before they investigate the Canadian insolvency process. I’m here to tell you that many of these companies are not acting in your best interest.

What do Dave Ramsey and Gail Vaz-Oxlade have to say?

Many are paid – and in some cases managed – by credit card companies. According to an article by financial guru Dave Ramsey:

“Some of these ‘counselling’ companies withhold credit card payments until the account is three to six months past due. Then, they contact the lender and negotiate to settle the bad debt…That’s how they get negotiated discounts on credit card debt. Card companies don’t settle on your debts when your payments are on time. These services are always a bad idea, and sometimes they’re a complete scam.”

Dave Ramsey isn’t the only one leery of credit repair Toronto companies. Gail Vaz-Oxlade writes:

“One of the big drawbacks of using a debt counselling or debt management company is that they don’t come with any serious advice, so people often fulfill their commitment and then go right back out and rack up their debt again.”

Does the Ontario government like credit repair Toronto companies?

The provincial governments have their own opinion. Most provinces have enacted legislation to try to thwart many of their shady practices. Stay away from credit repair Toronto companies. Do not be afraid to go to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee for a free consultation at the first sign of financial trouble. (See the picture at the bottom of this page for a special offer).

We have previously written blogs on the credit repair Toronto industry who have been preying on consumers for far too long. We’ve warned you about them in previous blogs:

In 2010, after a decade of massive growth in the U.S. debt settlement industry, the FTC brought in new regulations that effectively banned debt settlement companies and forced many of them to migrate north of the border. This resulted in 18 companies and 34 credit counselling providers offering debt settlement services in Ontario.

With ever-mounting numbers of complaints about unsuspecting consumers being taken advantage of by unscrupulous credit repair companies, the Ontario government has finally taken action and passed Bill 55.

What will Bill 55 do? It creates new standards of conduct for credit repair Toronto companies by:

  • Banning them from charging upfront fees
  • Limiting the number of fees consumers are charged and prohibiting the payment of fees before services are provided
  • Requiring clear, transparent, and detailed contracts that include information about the effect of the contract on the consumer’s credit rating
  • Requiring credit counsellors to disclose information to the consumer about how the organization is funded
  • Establishing a 0-day cooling-off period, providing consumers more time to consider their agreements with companies
  • Allowing the licenses of non-compliant companies to be revoked

If not credit repair Toronto companies, then what should YOU do?

Please stay away from credit repair Toronto companies! Rather, obtain a free consultation from a licensed insolvency trustee to understand the options available to you either as an alternative to bankruptcy or of bankruptcy itself. We are professionals, federally regulated, licensed and subject to a strict code of ethics. Our fees are regulated by the Federal Government and are usually much less than credit repair companies who make unsubstantiated claims. We can help; Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt-free life.

We have been able to help many individuals carry out a successful debt settlement program. It all began with debt counselling. The first step is a realistic household budget.
Successful completion of such a program will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Call us today so you can get on the road to financial recovery immediately.

The first part of this vlog is from our newly released book:

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