Brandon Blog Post


Receiverships introduction

Step into this week’s edition of Brandon’s Blog! Our topic this week explains the complicated landscape of Canadian receiverships. Our journey into a world where secured lenders sometimes grapple with their unhappiness with a receiver’s recommendation for a certain court-sanctioned buyer, wanting to buy the holdings of an insolvent enterprise.

Simplifying your journey, I shall use a recent, tangible case study to unveil how secured creditors can endeavour to wield influence in court-supervised receiverships. I will deconstruct the technical terms and explain every nuance in a manner that you will easily understand.

Canadian receiverships are a pursuit of balance, entwined with the rightful entitlements of secured creditors through the prism of procedural clarity and the scales of impartiality, as demanded by the court in the realm of Canadian receiverships.

Understanding Canadian receiverships and approved buyers

Within the legal landscape of Canada encompassing matters of commercial contention, there is the intricate notion of receivership. This process entails the designation of one of the two types of receivers; either a privately-appointed receiver or a court-appointed receiver. A receiver is vested with the authority to assume dominion over a business’s array of assets and properties. This authority arises from situations of monetary default on their secured loans.

It is prudent to retain awareness that the role of a receiver can only be filled by a licensed trustee for assuming the mantle of a receiver within the confines of Canada’s legal expanse.

The fulcrum upon which the inception of the receivership mechanism pivots is usually the inability of secured creditors to recoup their financial outlay from a debtor, who in turn is incapacitated in discharging its pecuniary obligations.

The receiver becomes vested with the possession and control of the assets, affects their liquidation, and subsequently allocates the ensuing sale proceeds among the cadre of creditors within the hierarchy delineated by the legal ladder of priority of claims.

As an instrumental constituent of the commercial legal architecture in Canada, the receivership process endeavours to safeguard the vested interests of both creditors and debtors. It offers creditors the avenue to recoup either the entirety or a portion of their outstanding amounts due.

Concurrently, beleaguered commercial entities are afforded the prospect of either orchestrating a financial reconfiguration that extricates them from the quagmire of their fiscal problems or alternatively, facilitating the divestiture of assets with the aspiration of facilitating the uninterrupted continuity of the business, but under new ownership. It, therefore, emerges as an indispensable instrument within the gamut of the Canadian legal paradigm, upholding the equilibrium of economic constancy.

Who is an approved buyer in the context of a receivership sale?

In the detailed context of a receivership sale, an approved buyer describes an individual or entity that has effectively met the specific requirements stated by the designated receiver. These standards encompass a variety of variables, including financial disclosure, a shown understanding of the sale’s terms and conditions, and the tried and tested capacity to finalize the purchase quickly. Usually, the recognition of an approved buyer takes place within a defined bidding procedure, in which potential purchasers compete to meet these developed requirements.

Once identified, an approved buyer ends up being subject to the terms and terms laid out within the sale arrangement. It is the receiver’s responsibility to ensure that the sale is carried out with a commitment to fairness and transparency. This consists of the duty to pick an approved buyer who not only has the capacity to efficiently wrap up the transaction but also has the ability to enhance the overall value of the assets that are being sold.

The fiduciary responsibility of the receiver is paramount throughout this process. The receiver is obliged to act in the very best interests of all parties, which encompasses lenders and other stakeholders. For that reason, the receiver’s duty surpasses the simple identification of an approved buyer; it includes securing the integrity of the sale, guaranteeing fairness for all parties, and ultimately maximizing the value that can stem from the assets being sold within the context of the receivership.

Image depicting a dramatic clash between a gavel symbolizing secured creditors' rights and a fading corporate logo, representing distressed companies. A ticking clock and courthouse backdrop emphasize urgency and legal battles in Canadian receiverships.

The role of secured creditors and their rights in receiverships

In the world of Canadian receiverships, secured creditors play an essential function in identifying the destiny of troubled companies. Recognizing their rights is essential in going through this complex landscape. Secured creditors have the legal authority to take enforcement proceedings against the assets covered by their security and have a higher priority in payment contrasted to unsecured creditors. They can either privately appoint or apply to the court for the appointment of a receiver.

The court-appointed receiver acts as a neutral party in charge of taking care of and selling the assets. The secured lenders have the right to challenge court-approved buyers if they think the receivership sale process is unfair or if they have a better deal. Nonetheless, safeguarding their legal rights within receiverships calls for a detailed understanding of the legal complexities and efficient timing associated with receiverships.

A secured creditor plays a crucial duty in the sale process. As the main financial stakeholder given their claim against the secured assets, the secured creditor has a vested interest in the end result of the sale procedure. The court-appointed sale procedure includes the marketing and sale of the debtor’s assets and properties, which inevitably establishes the amount of funds that will be available to pay over against the secured debt.

For that reason, the secured lender has a significant interest in guaranteeing that the sale procedure is conducted in a way that optimizes the recuperation of funds. The secured creditor’s beneficial interest in the sale procedure is shown in their capability to approve or reject the sale of assets in a private appointment and carries a level of weight with the court for a court-approved sale. This power allows them to protect their economic interests and ensure the very best feasible result from the sale process.

The timelines and stages of a receivership sale: The role of the approved buyer in Canadian receiverships

In Canadian receiverships, the role of the approved buyer is essential to the successful outcome of a receivership. In a court-appointed receivership, approved buyers are court-approved purchasers who typically offer the highest and most beneficial bid for the debtor company’s assets. They play a crucial role in maximizing the value of the distressed company and ensuring the best outcome for all parties involved. Their timely participation in the receivership process is instrumental in achieving sale finality and ultimately shaping the fate of the distressed entity.

In the world of Canadian receiverships, the involvement of court-approved buyers functions as a cornerstone in supporting an equitable and clear process. This essential process makes certain that every interested party has the possibility to take part in the bidding process for the assets being sold. The result of this bidding process finishes with the choice of the best overall bidder. This mechanism of operation is rooted in concepts of justness, striving to eliminate any type of unnecessary benefit that a solitary party might have over others.

When a company is placed into receivership, the assigned receiver assumes command over the assets as well as operational elements of the business. The purpose behind the orchestration of a receivership sale revolves around the liquidation of the firm’s holdings to get them out of the insolvent troubled company and into the hands of a buyer who can maximize their value. The timing and stages integral within receiverships have a level of fluidity depending upon the intricacy and complexity of the business’s operations and assets.

Generally, the receiver’s starting point is the meticulous groundwork and strategy in setting up the sale procedure. Typically, the initial stage involves the preparation and marketing of the sale of the assets. This is followed by the negotiation and acceptance of offers from interested parties. In court-appointed receiverships, once an offer is accepted, the sale is subject to court approval and then the transfer of ownership is completed.

As this complex process unravels, the receiver must follow rigid lawful as well as regulatory requirements, thereby promoting an environment of impartiality and transparency that emphasizes a fair sale process. In its totality, the underlying purpose of a receivership sale opens up as the optimization of the company’s asset values, a pursuit carried out in the service of all stakeholders’ well-being.

Image depicting a dramatic clash between a gavel symbolizing secured creditors' rights and a fading corporate logo, representing distressed companies. A ticking clock and courthouse backdrop emphasize urgency and legal battles in Canadian receiverships.

When is it too late for a secured creditor to challenge an approved buyer in Canadian receiverships?

Within the intricate realm of Canadian receiverships, those holding the mantle of secured creditors find themselves navigating through a myriad of intricate challenges, especially when confronted with the task of contesting a buyer approved by the court. The genesis of these challenges emerges from the imperative to harmonize the rights of stakeholders with the irrevocability of a sale.

Timing emerges as an eminent concern for any actions by creditors, as secured creditors must expeditiously interpose to thwart the endorsement of an approved buyer. Such a stance necessitates astute contemplation encompassing not only the exigencies of insolvency statutes but also the jurisprudential lineage of past cases, in tandem with an astute assimilation of the considerations that judiciaries deliberate upon while adjudging the legitimacy of an opposition. The effective surmounting of these multifaceted impediments serves as the crucible through which a secured creditor’s sway attains its zenith, eventually moulding the denouement of an entity’s restructuring endeavour.

In Canadian receiverships, it is very important for secured creditors to understand when it is far too late to challenge an accepted buyer. A secured creditor has the status of a major stakeholder to object to the sale of property by a receiver. However, this objection needs to be made within an appropriate timespan. Normally this would be on the receiver’s motion to approve a specific buyer under an agreement of purchase and sale to buy the company’s assets in receivership.

If the creditor stays silent at the hearing, after being served with the receiver’s motion record, or worse, consents to the relief the receiver is requesting, it will be near impossible to change the outcome. Also, if the secured creditor waits too long to appeal the court’s decision on the approval of the buyer, it may be too late to overturn the accepted buyer.

The courts normally take into consideration variables such as the timing of the objection, the factors for the opposition, as well as whether the creditor had knowledge of the receiver’s motion recommending the sale. Therefore, it is essential for secured creditors to act without delay as well as seek legal advice in receiverships to ensure their rights are preserved and protected.

The Role of Investment and Due Diligence by Approved Buyers in Canadian receiverships

When potential investors turn their gaze toward the prospects of allocating resources in assets emanating from Canadian receiverships, a paramount imperative takes center stage—none other than the meticulous practice of due diligence. Embarking on this voyage entails a profound plunge into the annals of financials, operational intricacies, assets, and liabilities of pivotal suppliers—a linchpin to the enterprise’s continuity. Moreover, a comprehensive appraisal of the corporate entity’s visage within the tapestry of market conditions unfurls before them—an intricate matrix to fathom.

This immersive exploration fosters an enriched cognizance of the assets that conflate to shape the enterprise’s essence and the latent perils entwined. Concurrently, an assessment of the enterprise’s fiscal robustness commences, bifurcating between the financial vitality of the business itself and the overarching corporate infrastructure. This evaluation, ranging from debt metrics and asset portfolios to revenue inflows and the embryonic promise of future profitability, unfurls a tapestry conducive to ascertaining a judicious valuation, commensurate with inherent realities.

The compass of scrutiny extends further to encompass the realm of legality and regulation—a vista often overlooked yet of paramount significance. Engaging in a bout of legal due diligence emerges as the prudent course, an endeavour aimed at unearthing dormant legal quandaries or impending obligations that might cast a pall over operational congruence or intrinsic valuation.

As the due diligence crescendo navigates onward, an avenue laden with promise unfurls—plummeting into the corridors of potential betterment and restructuring, the twin gateways to magnifying operational yield. This orchestration, calibrated to fortify profitability, occupies a pivotal niche within the mosaic of considerations.

In the vanguard of this multifaceted expedition looms the bastion of market research—an indispensable edifice buttressed by industry ebbs and flows, the throes of competitive dynamics, and the overarching symphony of market demand. The synthesis of these nuanced factors culminates in an orchestration of knowledge that infuses sagacity into investment choices, ensuring an informed voyage into the tapestry of Canadian receiverships.

Within the realms of court-overseen receiverships in the Canadian context, the focal point unfailingly revolves around the paramount virtue of transparency. The bedrock of establishing confidence and credibility in the transaction resides in a meticulous and exhaustive due diligence endeavour. This endeavour, in its multifaceted essence, serves the dual purpose of ensuring equitability in pricing, commensurate with the genuine valuation of the assets on offer—an aspect that assumes cardinal significance for all stakeholders vested in the proceedings.

Furthermore, the inclusion of endorsed purchasers injects a paradigm of impartiality and impartiality into the entire procedural tapestry. Let us not be remiss in accounting for the aspect of legal conformity—a facet woven intricately into the fabric of this process. Said purchasers are vested with the task of scrutinizing potential legal conundrums, thereby preempting any semblance of post-sale imbroglio. An additional boon surfaces in the form of expedited procedural swiftness—a byproduct of the exhaustive due diligence undertaken.

Essentially, the realm of Canadian court-supervised receiverships beckons our attention to several pivotal considerations. First, and foremost, lies the meticulous endeavour undertaken by prospective buyers, involving an intricate choreography of research and analysis preceding their bids. This diligent preliminary inquiry manifests as a testament to their authenticity and competence, encapsulating an acute grasp of their enterprise. This facet’s significance stems from the heightened assurance it instills across the spectrum of participants, nurturing faith in their aptitude to consummate the transaction while adroitly managing the assets set to come under their aegis.

Segueing onwards, the confluence of comprehensive insights gleaned through rigorous due diligence serves as a compass directing prospective purchasers toward sagacious choices. These choices burgeon from the assimilation of manifold data points, sculpting a strategy to mitigate perils and optimize trajectories—calibrating the optimal approach for the assets earmarked for takeover. Additionally, negotiations unfurl as a canvas, where a nuanced comprehension of the distressed entity’s predicament acts as the brushstroke guiding buyers toward terms consonant with their aspirations. Simultaneously, the custodian of the proceedings—embodied by the receiver—meticulously orchestrates a harmonious equilibrium, ensuring equity persists as a recurring motif, safeguarding the interests of all implicated parties.

Collectively, the crux of the matter revolves around sanctioned buyers channelling their energies into a judicious exploration, culminating in a discerning investment stance. This virtuous circle of scrutiny and prudence furnishes a bastion of probity, where parity prevails and stakeholders’ interests find refuge within the tapestry of these exigent corporate circumstances. The intricate interplay of variables emboldens distressed entities’ myriad stakeholders, engendering optimism for recuperation within the contours of an intricate, multifaceted milieu.

Image depicting a dramatic clash between a gavel symbolizing secured creditors' rights and a fading corporate logo, representing distressed companies. A ticking clock and courthouse backdrop emphasize urgency and legal battles in Canadian receiverships.

In the detailed tapestry of Canadian receiverships, the dissection of legal criterion and court decisions emerges as an essential core, important for the understanding of the detailed inflections that accompany the decisions of secured creditors in their search to overturn the approval of a purchaser. This case study, being a current decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, offers a fascinating look at the factors the appellate court takes into consideration when a secured creditor attempts to overturn a lower court decision on an accepted buyer and the approval of their offer to purchase assets from receiverships.

Scrutiny of cases bestows enlightenment rich with insights and strategies, unfurling before practitioners an intricate bouquet of knowledge encapsulating the symphony between legal principles and commercial actualities. Within this continuum, the equilibrium between safeguarding the prerogatives of creditors and the unalterable finality of an economic transaction assumes a role of pivotal prominence. By charting the trajectory of these paradigms, individuals of the legal craft glean invaluable insights that serve as compasses guiding their navigation within the intricate choreography of corporate metamorphosis.

The decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario on August 21, 2023, I wish to discuss is Rose-Isli Corp. v. Smith, 2023 ONCA 548 (CanLII). It was on appeal from the order of The Honourable Madam Justice Kimmel of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, dated February 2, 2023.

Overview of the case

Certain parties, including a secured creditor, appealed the authorization and vesting order released by the lower court judge that appointed the receiver and approved the sales process to be used to sell the property in receivership, in addition to a relevant ancillary order.

The appellants had actually initially sought the appointment of the receiver over the property. One of the applicants, 2735440 Ontario Inc. (“273 Ontario”), held a second mortgage on the real property. The order appointing the receiver contemplated 273 Ontario would certainly participate in a sales process for the property. The receiver received court authorization for a sales procedure, performed that approved sales process, and then sought court approval of the recommended bid.

When the receiver came to court for approval of the buyer and the sales agreement, the appellants opposed the proposed sale and, rather, looked for an order that 273 Ontario could pay out the first mortgage or, be acknowledged as a successful creditor bidder. The court approved the receiver’s recommendations of who the buyer should be and approved the sale as well as dismissing the applicants’ cross‑motion to redeem the 1st mortgage. The appellants submitted that the motions judge made an error by issuing the order that she did.

At the time of the issuance of the appointment order, the judge who issued the appointment order described the lay of the land at the time the applicants asked for the appointment of a receiver. That judge said that the relationship between and amongst the parties had irrevocably broken down. The evidence for that was the receivership application itself. That judge kept in mind that one way or the other, all stakeholders that day agreed that the Rosehill condo real estate project should be sold and that the sale process needed to be done by a court-appointed officer.

The appellants proclaimed that the lower court judge had made an error in not allowing the appellant’s cross-motion. They submitted that as the second mortgagee, they held the right to redeem the first mortgage at any conceivable juncture, even in the face of the implementation of a carefully run court-sanctioned sales procedure and the request for the approval of a sale to the approved buyer.

The appellate court analysis

273 Ontario, as one of the applicants seeking the appointment of a receiver, extended their consent to the issuance of the Appointment Order. Paragraph 9 of the Appointment Order made it clear that the entitlement of any kind of encumbrancer to effectuate the redemption of a mortgage pertaining to the property was now trapped under the jurisdiction of the appointed receiver.

Within that section was the affirmation that all privileges as well as remedies against the project or its assets or the receiver, or that impact the property, are currently kept in abeyance and suspended, unless the receiver concurred with the proposed action, in writing, or if the court made such an order.

The appellate court found that the motions judge deliberately acknowledged that the subject for adjudication did not orbit around whether 273 Ontario had a legitimate claim for redemption, yet instead, she focused on the much more practical query as to whether 273 Ontario ought to be given the authority to implement that preserved benefit once the process of court-sanctioned sales process had been carried out and the receiver coming to court seeking the approval of the sale of assets under that process. After all, the sales process carried out by the receiver followed the Appointment Order requested by the applicants, which included 273 Ontario.

The Court of Appeal found this to be an astute reframing of the concern and made certain that the heart of the matter was aptly described: (i) the appellants had requested for the appointment of the receiver; (ii) the receiver, in accordance with the approval of the court, had undertaken a methodical sales procedure; and (iii) most importantly, the period of the Receiver had yet to be discharged.

Therefore, the vital scope of 273 Ontario’s ability to obtain court authority to redeem the 1st mortgage was undoubtedly coloured by the plain reality that the property stayed within continuous control under an active receivership. The court supervising the receivership and the sales process status was beyond the redemption rights of the 2nd mortgagee.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario said that, when confronted with the petition of an encumbrancer looking to redeem a mortgage on a property in receivership, the court has to meticulously ponder upon the far-reaching repercussions that might unfurl should the encumbrancer be allowed to exercise its right of redemption.

This philosophy extends to incorporate any kind of and all stakeholders who have purposes of disrupting a court-sanctioned sale process, that has been properly performed by the receiver, all while bearing in mind the prospective purchaser who followed all the rules and waits to complete the acquisition. This principle is not restricted only to a mortgage redemption; it is a guiding beacon for any kind of stakeholder who attempts to disrupt a properly performed court-approved sales process.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario said that the following principles must be adhered to:

  • Usually, if a court-approved sales process has been carried out in a manner consistent with the principles set out in Royal Bank of Canada v. Soundair Corp., (1991), 1991 CanLII 2727 (ON CA), 4 O.R. (3d) 1 (C.A.), a court should not allow a subsequent endeavour to redeem to disrupt the consummation of the properly carried out sales process. From its perspective, the appellate court stated the rationale behind the Soundair principles applies in scenarios wherein an encumbrancer aspires to redeem a mortgage. Once the judicial machinery has been set in motion to oversee the sale of assets controlled within the confines of a receivership, that process must be allowed to play out. The court’s supervision of receiverships will give due regard to the intricate web of economic interests intertwined with the assets under the receiver’s control. In court-supervised receiverships, it is no longer the exclusive purview of a single creditor, but rather the collective interests of all economic stakeholders, that must be considered in this court-supervised process.
  • When addressing this issue, judicial deliberation should embark on a meticulous journey of ensuring balance. The court must delicately weigh the sacrosanct right to redemption against its potential repercussions of blemishing a fair, unbiased and transparent court-sanctioned receivership procedure.
  • A mockery would be made of the practice and procedures relating to receivership sales if redemption were permitted at that stage of the proceedings. A receiver would spend time and money securing an agreement of purchase and sale that was, as is commonplace, subject to Court approval, and for the benefit of all stakeholders, only for there to be a redemption by a mortgagee at the last minute. This could act as a potential chill on securing the best offer and be to the detriment of stakeholders.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario makes its decision

The Court of Appeal held that the appellants repeated the numerous complaints they made in the lower court about the lack of fairness in the sales process. The motions judge canvassed those complaints in considerable detail and found no merit in any of them. Her conclusion that the conduct of the sales process met the Soundair criteria was reasonable and free of palpable and overriding error, anchored as it was in the specific evidence before her.

Finally, the appellate court found no reversible error in the motions judge’s conclusion that the balance favoured protecting the integrity of the sales process over 273 Ontario’s request to redeem. The appeal was denied.

Image depicting a dramatic clash between a gavel symbolizing secured creditors' rights and a fading corporate logo, representing distressed companies. A ticking clock and courthouse backdrop emphasize urgency and legal battles in Canadian receiverships.

Factors considered by courts in evaluating the timing of secured creditor’s challenge: Balancing creditor rights and sale finality

In evaluating the timing of a secured creditor’s challenge to block an approved buyer in Canadian receiverships, courts consider several factors. Firstly, they assess whether the creditor had sufficient notice and opportunity to challenge the sale. Timing is crucial, as courts look at whether the challenge was brought promptly and diligently.

Additionally, courts evaluate the potential impact on the sale process, including the harm to other stakeholders and the feasibility of an alternative solution. The creditor’s reasons and supporting evidence for the challenge are also scrutinized. Overall, the courts aim to balance the interests of the creditor with the need for finality and the preservation of the distressed company’s value.

Strategies for secured creditors to maximize influence

Testing a court-approved buyer too late in Canadian receiverships carries substantial prospective repercussions for secured creditors. The timing of these challenges is a vital variable that can considerably influence the outcome.

Leading among the dangers is the prospective loss of the opportunity to challenge the sale. Canadian courts value the finality of sales and receiverships while seeking to maximize the value of distressed company assets. Late legal challenges can interrupt this procedure and may not be viewed positively by the courts.

Secured lenders additionally risk forfeiting the chance to produce better offers or bargain for extra beneficial terms for themselves. Waiting too long to test an approved buyer can limit their capability to draw out the very best offer from the sale.

Additionally, late opposition can stain the integrity of secured creditors in the eyes of the court. This loss of reputation can have long-term consequences, potentially limiting their influence in future restructuring cases.

Secured creditors dealing with the intricate terrain of Canadian court-supervised receiverships, especially when opposing an approved buyer, are without a doubt confronted with an awesome challenge. To obtain the most favourable result for themselves, these creditors can carry out a variety of tactical techniques.

First and foremost, partnership emerges as a potent technique to reach an agreeable outcome. Secured lenders ought to take part in useful discussions with various other stakeholders and also the borrower, cultivating a joined front. This unity can significantly affect the selection of a receiver that understands their interests and intentions.

Moreover, direct engagement with the receiver is essential. By proactively participating in conversations with the receiver, secured creditors can make sure that their concerns and objectives are appropriately taken into consideration throughout the process. This interaction might also entail discovering different avenues, such as finding an approved buyer they support or offering financing to their preferred buyer, which can be advantageous in securing ideal end results.

A focus on detail cannot be underrated. Secured lenders should carefully inspect all essential documentation, leaving no rock unturned. Looking for experienced legal advice is critical to guarantee they are knowledgeable and supported to make sound decisions that will ideally safeguard their interests.

In summary, a mix of calculated planning, efficient interaction, as well as professional support is important for secured creditors seeking to navigate the elaborate landscape of court-supervised receiverships in Canada successfully. By embracing these approaches, they can boost their impact as well as maximize their opportunities to accomplish the most beneficial results.

Image depicting a dramatic clash between a gavel symbolizing secured creditors' rights and a fading corporate logo, representing distressed companies. A ticking clock and courthouse backdrop emphasize urgency and legal battles in Canadian receiverships.

Canadian receiverships conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this receiverships Brandon’s Blog where I explored the dynamic realm of Canadian receiverships as secured creditors navigate the race against time to challenge court-approved buyers. The court must weigh the balance between creditor rights and sale finality that shapes the fate of distressed companies.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Image depicting a dramatic clash between a gavel symbolizing secured creditors' rights and a fading corporate logo, representing distressed companies. A ticking clock and courthouse backdrop emphasize urgency and legal battles in Canadian receiverships.

Brandon Blog Post


How long do receiverships last in Canada? Introduction

In my September 2021 Brandon’s Blog, THE CANADIAN RECEIVERSHIP EASY BEGINNERS GUIDE, I provided an easy-to-understand guide to understand the receivership process. To summarize, I described that in Canada, a receivership is a legal remedy available to secured creditors to recover outstanding amounts under a secured loan if a company defaults on its loan payments. It may also be used in shareholder disputes to complete a project, liquidate assets, or sell a business.

A court may appoint a receiver to take possession of assets, oversee liquidation proceedings, and distribute the proceeds according to the applicable legal priorities as outlined in Canada’s Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). Or, a secured creditor may issue a letter of appointment to the same effect.

It is essential to recognize that receivership and bankruptcy are distinct legal proceedings. Bankruptcy is a formal proceeding, regulated by the BIA, to provide debtors with debt relief when they are financially incapable of paying their unsecured creditors. Conversely, a receivership is a process available to secured creditors to recuperate outstanding debt arising from a secured loan or to address shareholder disputes.

The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to answer the question I am often asked: “how long do receiverships last in Canada?”.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada? Understanding what receivership is

There are two types of receiverships in Canada: court-appointed receiverships and private receiverships. Court-appointed receivers are appointed by a court to oversee the management and disposition of a debtor’s assets. Private receivers are appointed by secured creditors as part of a loan agreement and the security agreement between the debtor company and the manage and sell a business debtor’s assets outside of the court system.

The receiver, regardless if it is a court-appointed receiver or privately appointed receiver, takes control of a company’s assets and business operations to repay outstanding debts to creditors. The receiver’s primary duty is to maximize the value of the assets and distribute the proceeds to the creditors according to their priority ranking. The receiver has the power to sell, manage, or liquidate the assets and may also negotiate with creditors to restructure the company’s debt.

Some key players in a receivership process are:

  • Borrower: The owner of the property who defaults on their loan obligations or faces financial distress.
  • Lender: The secured lender, normally a financial institution, who initiates the receivership action to protect their interest in the property and recover their debt.
  • Receiver: The neutral third party who is a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) and is appointed either privately or by the court to take charge of the property and manage it toward a sale or resolution.
  • Court: The judicial authority that grants or denies the receivership request, sets the terms and conditions for the receiver’s appointment and oversees the receivership process.
  • Law firm: The lawyers who are acting for the lender, the borrower and the court-appointed receiver.

The powers and duties of a receiver can vary depending on the nature of the assets or the court order appointing them. Generally, it includes taking control of the assets, managing them in a financially responsible manner, and reporting to the court and parties involved in the dispute.

The duration of receiverships in Canada can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case, but it typically lasts for a few months to over a year.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada?

Several factors will affect the duration of receivership in Canada, including:

  • the complexity of the case;
  • the number and nature of the assets involved;
  • the cooperation of the parties involved; and
  • the efficiency of the court system.

Other factors may include the availability of qualified professionals to manage and sell the assets, the level of creditor involvement and negotiation, and the overall economic and market conditions at the time. Ultimately, the length of receivership will depend on the specific circumstances of each case.

Court supervision is the oversight provided by a court in a court-appointed receivership. The purpose of court supervision is to appoint the receiver, to allow for the receiver to obtain the approval of the court to decisions and actions the court-appointed receiver wishes to take, to ensure that the receiver acts in the best interest of all parties involved and follows the court’s orders and to allow a forum for any aggrieved party to bring their dispute to the court for adjudication.

Termination of a receivership occurs when the court is satisfied that the receiver has fulfilled their duties and objectives or when the receiver’s appointment is no longer necessary. The court terminates a receivership by court order after approving the receiver’s final report and accounts.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada? Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Navigating receiverships can be a tricky and complex situation. Asking questions like “how long do receiverships last in Canada?” is essential to any company dealing with financial hardship. Here I will cover some of the common FAQs associated with receiverships in Canada, and provide an in-depth look at the timeline of these proceedings. It is essential to have a thorough comprehension of receiverships to successfully manage this situation.

What are the differences between bankruptcy vs. receivership?

Receivership is a process to secure the rights of secured creditors, allowing for the control and eventual sale of the assets of a distressed company. Bankruptcy, on the other hand, is a legal process which allows a company in financial difficulty to reorganize its affairs or liquidate its assets under the guidance of an insolvency trustee – providing a safety net to unsecured creditors.

What happens during a receivership process in Canada?

As part of the receivership process in Canada, a receiver is appointed to handle a company’s assets and activities, facilitating the sale of these to settle the company’s debt to creditors.

How does a receiver sell a business or assets?

To sell a business or assets, a receiver has many options available. A receiver can:

  • advertise the assets for sale by running a tender bid sales process;
  • a tender bid sales process could be stand-alone or could be combined with a stalking horse sales process;
  • the assets could be liquidated through a public auction using the services of an auctioneer;
  • the receiver could hand all the assets over to a liquidator in order to sell the assets in an online auction;
  • in certain circumstances, the receiver may wish to hire a professional business broker experienced in that particular industry or assets the receiver took possession of; or
  • for retail store assets, the receiver may sell the entire package of assets and will then run a retail sale to the public.

Regardless of the process chosen, the receiver’s aim is to market and sell the assets or business and obtain the best price for the assets or business under the circumstances.

How does a creditor apply for receivership in Canada?

Secured lenders can apply for receivership in Canada by filing an application to the court under a federal or provincial statute or enforcing their security rights by appointing a receiver privately through a security instrument by way of an appointment letter. A receivership is a remedy that allows a secured creditor to take control of and sell the debtor’s property and assets to collect their secured debt through a private or court appointment process.

Can a receivership be stopped or avoided?

Receivership can sometimes be stopped or avoided through negotiation with the secured creditor(s), restructuring or refinancing of debts, or by finding alternative sources of funding. However, whether or not it can be stopped or avoided depends on the specific circumstances of each case. The cessation of receivership will not be easy unless the secured creditor is being paid out.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last

How does a creditor enforce a secured loan in Canada?

In Canada, a creditor can enforce a secured loan by appointing a receiver under a private contract or through the court process. Upon appointment, the receiver will seize and sell the secured assets or the assets set out in the court order to recover the amount owed.

However, before being able to appoint the Receiver, there have to be one or more events of default as described in the loan agreement. Then, the lender must be reasonable in allowing the company borrower to cure the default. If the company in default does not remedy the default(s) and the lender has lost confidence, the lender can then make a written demand on the company to repay the entire loan, plus interest and costs and also serve the necessary statutory form on the defaulting borrower.

The lender must give the borrower a reasonable period of time to repay the secured lender’s debt. Reasonable time will vary depending on the unique circumstances of the situation. In Canada, the minimum amount of time that has to be given is 10 days, unless the borrower acknowledges in writing that they can never repay the debt and is waiving the notice period.

Legal options available to recover outstanding loan payments may include sending demand letters, filing a lawsuit, obtaining a judgment and using collection methods such as wage garnishment or asset seizure.

How long does the bankruptcy process take in Canada?

The timeline of a corporate bankruptcy process depends on the uniqueness and complexity of each individual situation. There is no typical timeline, but, it could be a year or more from the start of the bankruptcy until the licensed insolvency trustee is discharged.

How do I liquidate assets in Canada?

When seeking to divest yourself of some assets you have a plethora of choices – in the case of an asset like real estate, you can list it on the public market. Alternatively, you can try to find the right buyer on your own. Or, if you’d like some professional assistance, enlist the help of a savvy broker or financial adviser.

What are the consequences of not paying off secured loans in Canada?

In Canada, if you don’t pay back a secured loan, the lender may reclaim the collateral you put up, personal property like a car or real property such as a house. Don’t let your possessions be taken away! Be sure to make all loan payments in a timely manner.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada? Conclusion

So I hope that you now have a good appreciation for receiverships in Canada including the answer to the question “how long do receiverships last in Canada?”. If your company or business is under financial pressure and your secured creditor is about to demand full repayment of all loans, you need immediate professional advice.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last
Brandon Blog Post


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

A receiver appointed by court: What is a receiver in Canada?

In the event that a company has financial difficulties, a Receiver may be appointed to take over its assets and manage them until its assets can be sold. The receivers are third parties appointed to supervise the liquidation process and remit the proceeds in accordance with legal priorities. A judge appoints a court-appointed receiver, and a secured creditor appoints a privately appointed receiver under a simple appointment letter. In Canada, for a court-appointed receivership, a receiver appointed by court must be a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee).

In this Brandon Blog, I focus on the factors to be considered by the Court when determining an application for a receiver appointed by court.

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receiver appointed by court

The receiver appointed by court: What happens when a receiver is appointed?

The licensed trustee acting as receiver’s first duty is to take possession and control of the assets covered by the secured creditor’s security, or of all the assets identified in the court order in a court appointment. The receiver can decide if it can sell the assets for a higher price if it operates the business.

Senior management and the Board of Directors lose most of their decision-making authority when the company goes into receivership. Their advice and assistance are only needed if requested by the receiver.

The source of authority for the receiver appointed by court is appointed in Ontario under two statutes:

The receiver appointed privately has a duty of care to only the appointing secured creditor. Court-appointed receivers are responsible to all creditors.

receiver appointed by court
receiver appointed by court

Receiver appointed by court: When can a court appoint a receiver?

Under Section 101 of the Courts of Justice Act (Ontario), the court considers whether the appointment “is just or convenient” under the circumstances. When deciding the origin of authority on whether or not to appoint a receiver as the court-appointed officer, the court must consider a variety of factors. Among them leading to the authority for decision making when there is an application for authorization for the appointment of a receiver are:

  1. in spite of not having to prove it, will there be irreparable harm if the court does not appoint a receiver?;
  2. the risk to a secured creditor and the equity the company owns in the assets, while litigation continues;
  3. types of assets that would be subject to possession with respect to the receiver’ acts in its appointment;
  4. it is necessary to balance the interests of the parties and to consider their rights;the preservation and protection of the property through the receivership proceeding pending judicial determination;
  5. under its security, the creditor has the right to appoint a receiver;
  6. when a creditor expects that the debtor will resist the enforcement of its security agreement;
  7. it is an extreme measure which should be authorized sparingly, but less so if the applicant is a secured creditor who has that right under its security document;
  8. in order to allow the receiver to perform its duties more effectively, a court appointment is necessary;
  9. effects of the receivership order on the various parties;
  10. actions taken by the parties and the litigation against properties;
  11. duration of the Court-Approved receivership;
  12. the costs incurred by each party;
  13. it is likely that the receiver appointed by the court will maximize the return to the parties when the assets are sold under a receivership asset purchase agreement with the purchaser of assets;
  14. facilitating the receiver’s duties and activities for its asset plan by a court order; and
  15. a secured creditor’s good faith, the commercial reasonableness of the proposed Court-Appointed receivership and any equity questions.

A decision will usually turn on whether it is necessary to incur the expense and formalities of naming the third party to exercise neutral, transparent, and accountable stewardship of the debtor’s assets, while interested parties argue about the merits of the dispute and the receiver, attempts to maximize the recovery under an asset purchase agreement.

The court will usually intervene if the parties’ dispute puts the business assets at risk or where realizing the debtor’s assets or indemnifying a private receiver could impair the secured creditor’s recovery options. Often, simple default on the secured debt will be sufficient to attract a receivership where the risk to the business is implicit in the nature of the business or the dispute between the creditor(s) and the debtor(s). However, as with all equitable remedies, context is everything and each case turns on its own facts.

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receiver appointed by court

A receiver appointed by court summary

I hope you found this receiver appointed by court Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you or your company in a way to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

receiver appointed by court
receiver appointed by court

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.


Brandon Blog Post



We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you wish to listen to an audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of the page and click play on the podcast.

What is Receivership?

Last week I wrote an easy beginner’s guide on bankruptcy. This Brandon Blog is for anybody interested in finding out what type of insolvency process receivership is and how it differs from some other insolvency processes. I will explain the receivership process, provide an overview of what happens in a receivership, explaining what is sought to achieve, and the consequences of receivership.

Receiverships occur when a secured lender enforces its security to recover loans that have been defaulted on by a borrower. Secured creditors appoint an insolvency trustee to serve as receiver or receiver-manager depending on the terms of their security documents when the corporate debtor defaults.

Receivers and secured lenders can enter into a private contract appointing a receiver. Alternatively, the secured lender may seek an order from the court appointing a receiver. I’ll talk more about that shortly.

What Does Going into Receivership Mean?

If the corporate debtor defaults on a secured loan, the creditor may be entitled to appoint a receiver to collect their money. In Canada, “Section 244” notices are specific forms of notification that secured creditors must send to defaulting companies.

The notice specifies the assets covered by the security, the amount owed by the company in default, and that the secured creditor has the right to enforce the security after 10 days. The debtor company in default can consent to the appointment of the receiver before the expiration of the 10 day notice period.

A Section 244 notice is prescribed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA), and it is usually the last notice a creditor receives before the receiver takes possession of the debtor’s assets, properties, and undertakings.

Receivers then liquidate the assets of a business in order to pay secured creditors.


How Receivership Works

Parliament amended the BIA insolvency legislation in 1992 by enacting Part XI. BIA sections 243 through 252 to deal with secured creditors and receivers. Prior to that time, there was no federal statute insolvency legislation dealing with receivership matters. These provisions provide information about the court that hears bankruptcy and insolvency cases control over receivership matters that involve all or substantially all of the inventory, the accounts receivable, or the other property of a debtor. There are also restrictions imposed on the duties of secured creditors and receivers. It also stipulates that only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver. Part XI applies to both privately-appointed and court-appointed receivers.

These sections do not confer any powers available to a trustee of a bankrupt estate on secured creditors or receivers. Only those powers conferred upon the receiver in the appointment letter are granted to private receivers, and those are the powers specified in the security instrument. However, the receiver may also exercise certain statutory powers. If certain powers are required to administer the estate but are omitted under the security instrument, a receiver cannot act. Receivers are generally appointed by the secured creditor pursuant to security that at least states:

  • the collateral secured under the security; and
  • the receiver has the right to dispose of the collateral, including operating the insolvent debtor‘s business.

In a court-appointed receivership, the powers of the receiver come from the receivership appointment court order appointing the court-appointed receiver.

Receivership: Notice and Statement of the Receiver

From the 1992 amendments to the BIA, a receiver is required to provide notice to all known creditors of an insolvent debtor in receivership. Previously, creditors were not required to be notified.

When the receiver has become the receiver of an insolvent debtor‘s property, the receiver must provide notice of receivership as soon as reasonably possible but within 10 days of its appointment. Notice of the receivership must be sent to all creditors, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the insolvent debtor.

If the debtor is also bankrupt, rather than sending the notice to all creditors, the receiver sends the notice to the bankruptcy trustee. Since the creditors are already represented in corporate bankruptcy by the Trustee, the bankruptcy process will deal with them.

A receivership notice states, among other things, that the receiver has been appointed, whether it is a private appointment or a court appointment, and what the receiver’s plan of action is. Additionally, it contains a list of all known creditors.

As part of the receivership process, the receiver must provide interim reports every six months as well as a final report when the receivership is concluded. A copy of the receiver’s final receipts and disbursements statement must also be included in the final notice.receivership

What’s The Difference Between a Court-Appointed Receiver and a Privately Appointed Receiver?

A court-appointed receiver vs. a privately appointed receiver is something people always want to know the answer to. I will explain the difference to you. It is pretty simple. Based on what I have already written, you have probably guessed it by now.

In a Court-appointed receivership, when the Court appoints a receiver, it does so through an Order on the application of the secured creditor. As between a secured creditor and a debtor, a privately appointed receiver is a receiver who is appointed by the secured creditor as provided in the Security Agreement. The Court-appointed receiver’s administration is supervised by the Court.

How is Receivership Different from Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy / receivership

Bankruptcy vs. receivership is also something people want to know. Many times, people confuse the two and use the terms receivership and bankruptcy, mistakenly, interchangeably. Often, receiverships and bankruptcy are confused, but the differences between the two are fairly straightforward. Whether it is a private appointment or a Court-appointed receivership, it is still different.

There are several main differences between bankruptcy and receivership. A receivership is a remedy available to secured creditors, as stated above. In order to enforce the secured creditor’s security rights against a defaulting debtor, a receiver is appointed.

Bankruptcy is a separate legal process. Trustees do not represent secured creditors in bankruptcy. Instead, they represent unsecured creditors. Corporate bankruptcy can occur simultaneously with a receivership of the same corporate debtor. The process of a corporate bankruptcy would be the subject of another Brandon Blog. To find other Brandon Blogs about corporate bankruptcy, use the search function at the top of this page.receivership

What’s the Difference Between Receivership and Liquidation?

By now you know what the definition of receivership is. So I won’t repeat it because I do not want to sound like a broken record (younger people may not catch that reference!)!

Liquidation is not governed by the federal BIA. Rather, it is done under the provincial Business Corporations Act or Wind-Up Act. A liquidation is for a solvent company where the shareholders, Officers and Directors decide to cease business operations by running off any existing contracts and selling off the assets. The cash obtained is then used first to pay off the creditors. Any funds leftover is then distributed to the shareholders.

Just like a receiver, a liquidator can be appointed either privately by resolution of the Directors or by Court order. Liquidation is not a receivership or bankruptcy.

Employee Rights in Bankruptcy Protection and Bankruptcy⁄Receivership

A device was created by the BIA for employees of a company that went bankrupt or into receivership. It does not apply to employees of a company trying to rightsize itself through reorganization; either a BIA Proposal or a Plan of Arrangement under the CCAA. The Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA) protects wages or benefits, including termination and severance pay, accumulated in the 6 months prior to a business going bankrupt or going into receivership.

The WEPPA ended up being enacted due to the federal government’s concern that when a company went bankrupt and employees were not paid their wages, there was rarely an opportunity for them to recoup any of their income. There are limits or caps on what employees can receive.

In the period in which amounts are past due to you, you will not qualify for WEPPA if:

  • you are a Director or Officer of the business;
  • or you have worked as a manager for the company
  • you are part of the management responsible for negotiating or refusing to pay amounts owed.

You may qualify if:

  • the previous employer has gone bankrupt or into receivership.
  • The firm owes you wages, salaries, vacation pay, or unreimbursed costs throughout the six months prior to the date of bankruptcy or receivership.

When an employer enters bankruptcy or receivership, the WEPPA provides funds to employees owed money. Those employees who qualify are paid as soon as possible. An employee’s qualifying earnings are equal to seven times their maximum regular insurance earnings under the Employment Insurance Act. According to Service Canada, the maximum amount of $56,300 a year is the limit for insurable earnings as of January 1, 2021. Thus, in 2021 the maximum amount a former employee can claim under WEPPA is $7,578.83.

Trustees and receivers are required to inform employees about the WEPPA program and provide information about amounts due. In the event of bankruptcy or receivership, trustees, as well as receivers, have 45 days to submit to Service Canada the Trustee Information Forms showing the amounts owed to each employee.

In other words, WEPPA‘s payment for former employees is something, but it may not be enough to fully compensate each. As a result of the amount paid by Service Canada, which administers the employment insurance system, $2,000 per employee is a super-priority against the company’s current assets. All remaining amounts paid to each employee, up to the maximum, are unsecured claims.receivership

Receivership summary

I hope you found this receivership Brandon Blog informative and that the differences between receivership, bankruptcy, restructuring and liquidation legal proceedings are now clearer. Because it all has to do with corporate insolvency, the provincial Bankruptcy Courts also deal with receivership matters to adjudicate under the applicable insolvency law.

With too high debt levels and not enough wealth, you are insolvent. You can choose from several insolvency processes to get the debt relief that you need and deserve. It may not be necessary for you to file for bankruptcy.

If you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help, and you assume bankruptcy is the only option, call me.

If you’re thinking about bankruptcy, you’re probably in a situation where you’re overwhelmed, frightened, and feel like you’re alone. That’s natural and it is not your fault.

It’s good that you’ve come to this site, where you’ll find answers to your questions, sort through your options, and discover that you can get help. You’re not alone, and the professionals at Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. are committed to helping you find a debt solution that’s best for you.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

You are under a lot of pressure. Our team knows how you feel. You and your financial and emotional problems will be the focus of a new approach designed specifically for you. With our help, you will be able to blow away the dark cloud over your head. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

Because of this, we can develop a new method for paying down your debt that will be built specifically for you. It will be as unique as the economic problems and discomfort you are experiencing. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what does receivership mean

What does receivership mean: Receivership is for secured claims

What does receivership mean? A receivership is an enforcement proceeding that helps secured creditors recover secured debts on debtor defaults on loan payments from troubled companies. There are two types of receivers and receiverships: Privately-appointed receivers and court-appointed receivers.

As you can tell from the title of this Brandon Blog, I am not going to be writing about receiverships. You can take a look at my April 14, 2021, Brandon Blog titled “WHAT IS A RECEIVERSHIP? OUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO RECEIVERSHIP SOLUTIONS” to read all about what receiverships are.

What does receivership mean? It is a remedy for secured creditors.

I want to go through two more concepts quickly, and then I will get to what I really want to talk to you about today.

What does receivership mean: Bankruptcy vs. receivership

Despite the fact that receivership and bankruptcy sometimes get used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. A bankruptcy proceeding and a receivership proceeding are both legal actions conducted under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) and governed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). According to the BIA, either a receiver or a bankruptcy trustee in Canada needs to be a licensed insolvency trustee, whose license is granted and whose actions are supervised by the federal government’s OSB.

Here is where the similarities end. In a receivership, a secured creditor would either hire a receiver privately or ask a court to place a company into receivership and appoint one to liquidate the collateral they have against the debtor. According to the Canadian bankruptcy process, either the person or company voluntary files for bankruptcy with a licensed insolvency practitioner, or one or more unsecured creditors apply to the Court for the appointment of an insolvency trustee to administer the bankruptcy Estate.

Licensed insolvency trustees are needed in both cases. The receivership procedure is a secured creditor’s remedy and bankruptcy is an unsecured creditor‘s remedy. To read up more on the bankruptcy process, look at my September 30, 2020, Brandon Blog “DECLARE BANKRUPTCY: A COMPLETE GUIDE ON WHAT IS IT LIKE TO DECLARE BANKRUPTCY“.

What does receivership mean? Not the same as bankruptcy.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

Employee Rights in Bankruptcy Protection and Bankruptcy⁄Receivership

Bankruptcy protection can be gained to try to make a troubled company stable and then return the company to profitability by filing pursuant to either the BIA or the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), employees retain their right to unpaid wages, vacation pay, and severance or termination pay. There is no difference between filing and not filing. They are unsecured creditors of a troubled company, and the company directors are personally responsible for amounts owed to employees.

For the company in receivership or bankruptcy, the employees do have greater rights. The receiver of a company in receivership must register with Service Canada under the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA) for the Wage Earner Protection Program. This program provides some compensation to eligible employees who are owed money by a bankrupt or receivership company.

To read more about WEPPA, take a look at my February 10, 2020 Brandon Blog, “SEVERANCE PAY ONTARIO & BANKRUPTCY-BARRYMORE FURNITURE UNPAID WORKERS ANGRY“.

So what does receivership mean to an employee with unpaid wages? It means they can claim a priority and get paid by Service Canada.

What does receivership mean: Receivership – a typical appointment

Now I will get to what this Brandon Blog is actually about. In Canada, it is the norm for secured creditors advancing loans secured against company assets, to also take a personal guarantee on the same debt from the principals of the company. In all entrepreneurial companies in Canada, that is at least the president running company affairs. If the lender-secured creditor suffers a shortfall from the liquidation of the company assets, the lender then looks to the guarantor(s) of the company debt to make good on the lender’s loss. Many times the company president/guarantor has no choice but to file consumer bankruptcy.

I was involved in a bankruptcy discharge hearing for one of our personal bankrupts in April 2021. He caused his company, being its sole Director, to file for bankruptcy with another Trustee. That same Trustee was also appointed as the company’s private receiver by the secured creditor. The company president provided the secured creditor with a personal guarantee.

Realizing that they would suffer a shortfall from the company situation, rather than suing on their personal guarantee, they approached us to consent to act as the Trustee in a Bankruptcy Application against the company president. We consented and the company president ultimately consented to a Bankruptcy Order being made to put him into bankruptcy with my Firm as the Trustee.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

What does receivership mean: The bankruptcy of the guarantor

We administered the consumer bankruptcy. There were some assets to realize upon which we did. One realization required court approval as we were selling seat licenses and the right to purchase tickets for the Toronto Maple Leafs to a related party. The bankrupt person’s largest single consumer creditor was Canada Revenue Agency for unpaid income tax. The company in receivership was also a creditor as the president owed the company money. The secured creditor of the company was also an unsecured creditor of his in his personal bankruptcy for the personal guarantee on the shortfall.

The known creditors each filed their respective proof of claim in his bankruptcy, including the company by its privately-appointed receiver. We believed that the company by its receiver was a creditor for the amount of the shareholder loan owing to the company. The proof of claim they filed was for a much larger amount. As Trustee, we neither admitted nor disallowed any proofs of claim filed in this bankruptcy estate. The Trustee would have to take a cold hard look at the receiver’s proof of claim at some future date it is determined that a dividend will be paid to the creditors in this bankruptcy estate, which is highly unlikely.

What does receivership mean: The receiver opposes a bankruptcy discharge

Only one unsecured creditor opposed the bankrupt’s discharge. That was the receiver, or more correctly, the company in receivership by its privately-appointed receiver. The Trustee had not opposed. The lender, as an unsecured creditor, did not oppose either along with the other consumer creditors.

As I mentioned, in April 2021, the discharge hearing was held before the Master sitting as Registrar in Bankruptcy Court. The court raised a novel issue. Does the receiver have the standing to oppose the bankrupt’s discharge? The court allowed the hearing to be completed and allowed the parties to file further submissions, subsequent to the hearing, on this issue. Submissions were received from us, the
Trustee and from the Receiver in mid-May, 2021. The bankrupt took no position on the issue.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

Does the Receiver have standing to oppose the bankrupt’s discharge?

Here is what I wrote to the court.

The security documents under which a privately-appointed receiver is appointed will determine if an unsecured amount owing by a bankrupt debtor is an asset secured by security held by a creditor over the assets of another party. If so, then the privately-appointed receiver has the right to file a proof of claim in the debtor’s bankruptcy as part of attempting to realize upon that asset forming part of the secured creditor’s collateral.

In doing so, the privately-appointed receiver is acting as Agent for the secured creditor. If the privately-appointed receiver files a proof of claim in the bankruptcy that is not disallowed by the licensed insolvency trustee administering the bankruptcy estate, then, in order to oppose the discharge of the bankrupt, the privately-appointed receiver must also be able to be the Agent for the debtor in receivership.

If the security under which the privately-appointed receiver is appointed allows for that receiver to operate the business of the debtor in receivership, then that receiver has the ability to be an Agent of the debtor in receivership and bring a claim in the name of that debtor.

In this matter, of the various pieces of security held by the secured creditor, only the General Security Agreement (the “GSA”), allows a receiver appointed in writing under it to operate the business of the debtor company. Under the GSA, the privately-appointed receiver has the ability to act as both Agent of the secured creditor and Agent of the company. The appointment letter appointing the receiver confirms that the appointment is under all security held, including the GSA.

Therefore, my opinion was that although we have concerns about the amount being claimed, the receiver has the ability to both file a proof of claim in this bankruptcy and oppose the discharge of the bankrupt as an Agent of the company. I believed it aided the administration of this bankruptcy to allow the receiver to oppose because it is able to draw the attention of the court to conduct of the bankrupt of which the court otherwise might not be aware of.

Finally, I advised the court that if there still was concern that it is formal defect or irregularity section 187(9) of the BIA, the court can determine that such formal defect or irregularity will not invalidate the opposition to the discharge of the bankrupt.

What the bankruptcy court decided

The court accepted our submission and agreed with it. The court continued to be skeptical of the amount of the company’s proof of claim filed by the receiver. The court noted that as Trustee, I reported that the bankrupt has fulfilled all statutory duties. Income and expense statements were provided and there was no surplus income payable.

On a general perusal of the Trustee’s s. 170 report, the Trustee does not report any significant misconduct or concerns but reserved its rights as to its position on the discharge pending the hearing and matters disclosed therein. In the court’s view, the Trustee’s non-opposition to discharge is a factor favouring the bankrupt’s discharge. After considering all facts, the court gave the bankrupt an absolute discharge from bankruptcy.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean

What does receivership mean summary

I hope that you found this what does receivership mean Brandon Blog helpful in describing the role of a privately appointed receiver especially in opposing the discharge of the bankrupt guarantor of the company’s secured debt. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what does receivership mean
what does receivership mean
Brandon Blog Post


court appointed receiverships
court appointed receiverships

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this court appointed receiverships Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click play on the podcast.

Court appointed receiverships introduction

I have written several blogs before on receivership, be they court appointed receiverships or private appointments. The purpose of this blog is to discuss a recent court decision involving a big mistake made by a court-appointed receiver and why the court would not let them fix their error. That mistake cost them big time!

Some previous court appointed receiverships blogging

In reviewing the court case, three previous blogs of mine on court appointed receiverships came to mind:

The first one dealt with certain procedural matters in court appointed receiverships when the receiver sells real estate.

The second blog dealt with factors a court-appointed receiver must disclose to the court in seeking court approval for a sale of assets.

The third one was about what happens when a court-appointed receiver applies to the court for some relief without knowing all the details of the story they are telling the court! That is very embarrassing for receivers in court appointed receiverships!

The recent case I will shortly speak about reminded me of these three previous blogs. You will see the connection very soon, I promise.

What happens when a company goes into receivership?

When the company enters into receivership, senior management and the Directors shed most of their authority for decision making. The Directors’ general company obligations of preserving corporate records remain, yet any type of decision-making regarding the running of the business or its assets have vanished.

That is now the role of the receiver. This is true for a privately appointed receiver but it is especially so in court-appointed receiverships. That is because the court is now supervising all the company’s affairs and assets through its court officer, the receiver.

Responsibilities concerning the business in a practical sense stop upon the receiver being appointed. Their recommendations and help are only needed if requested by the receiver. They definitely will not be paid for any kind of initiative unless the receiver concurs in writing to make funds available for them in return for their services.

What are the duties of a receiver?

The receiver’s first task is to take possession of and control all of the assets, properties and undertaking covered by the secured creditor’s security in a private receivership. In court appointed receiverships, the receiver’s powers and actions come from the authority given to it by way of the court order appointing the receiver.

The receiver needs to make a decision whether it can get a greater amount for the assets if it runs the business. Conversely, the receiver may choose that the danger of operating the business is not worth it in terms of any type of upside value that may be gained from running the business.

The receiver after that creates a strategy for the running or the shuttering of the business as well as for the eventual sale of the assets. The kind of receivership appointment and the nature of the business operations and assets will dictate what approach the receiver will take. In the meantime, the receiver must protect and conserve all the assets, including making sure there is sufficient insurance coverage in place.

In a private appointment, the receiver requires to obtain the authorization of the secured creditor who appointed the receiver prior to implementing its plan and taking actions concerning the running of the business and the sale of the assets. In court appointed receiverships, the receiver requires the approval of the court.

The Court appointment case

This court case dealt with some very unique issues. The receiver was originally appointed by the court under the Courts of Justice Act (Ontario) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). The receiver was making a motion for advice and directions about it wanting approval for its fees and disbursements since the last approval order. It also wanted approval to make an interim distribution.

That seems pretty routine. It was the receiver’s fifth report to the court. The motion was opposed by the company whose assets were seized in the receivership. There was only one problem that caused that party to oppose the receiver’s motion. However, it was a humungous problem this receiver caused itself.

The problem is that the receiver obtained approvals from the court based on the information contained in its fourth report to the court and now the receiver was asking for something different!

Court appointed receiverships: A brief history of this court-appointed receivership

The major secured creditor who made a secured loan against a real estate project under both mortgage security and a general security agreement began court proceedings by making an application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Commercial List for the court appointment of a receiver. On June 22, 2017, Justice Conway released an Order appointing the receiver in this matter (the Receiver).

The Order followed the model receivership order format and had the usual provisions. Specifically, it mentioned in paragraph 18 that “the Receiver’s Charge shall form a first charge in priority to all security interests, trusts, liens, charges and encumbrances, statutory or otherwise, in favour of any Person….”.

The Receiver performed its duties and filed reports with the court on a timely basis and received the necessary approvals along the way. So far so good with the first three court reports.

The fourth report was OK too

In November 2019 the Receiver brought a motion for Justice Dietrich to approve its Fourth Report and also its Supplementary Fourth Report. The same stakeholder currently opposing the Receiver’s motion for advice and directions also challenged certain of the Receiver’s recommendations contained in its Fourth Report.

It turns out that from the Receiver’s efforts and sale of the real property, there was not only enough money to pay out all the secured creditors, but there were funds left over. This is a very unusual situation. So the Receiver came to court. One of the approvals it was seeking was its proposal to pay the claims of the unsecured creditors. This company opposed that relief claiming the unsecured creditors were statute-barred. The reason the company opposed this is simple. Whatever the unsecured creditors are not entitled to would presumably be available to flow to the shareholders of the company.

Justice Dietrich looked for further written materials on this issue from the parties which were received on March 16 and 31, 2020. Justice Dietrich considered all the material and released her endorsement on this issue on June 19, 2020.

court appointed receiverships
court appointed receiverships

Court appointed receiverships: Justice Dietrich’s decision

Justice Dietrich’s Order approved the Receiver’s Fourth Report and Supplementary Fourth Report (the Fourth Approval Order) as well as payment to the Receiver of its fees of $373,960.75 plus HST plus an accrual of $25,000 plus HST to finish the management of the receivership. The Order additionally authorized the Receiver’s legal fees of $85,218.23 plus HST and an accrual of $15,000 plus HST for concluding the administration of the receivership.

The Fourth Approval Order approved making payment to the unsecured creditors in the amount of $190,800.71. Those payouts were made without delay by the Receiver even prior to the appeal time for appealing the Fourth Approval Order expired. The remaining funds were to be paid out to the company who opposed the motion, or as the company may direct.

The Receiver made all the payments except for one. The funds to be paid to the company involved in the receivership, which was more than $1 million, had not been paid out to the company as of the date the Receiver came to court with its Fifth Report.

Court appointed receiverships: OOPS – We need a fifth report to court

The Fourth Approval Order was settled with the consent of all stakeholders. That order was obtained on the basis that there was not much work left to do and it would be covered off by the approved fee accruals. The Receiver and its lawyer were to finish its work and then file a certificate with the court to advise the work was finished. The Fourth Approval Order also said that when the Receiver files the certificate with the court, that is the trigger that discharges the Receiver and ends the receivership. This is all standard stuff.

There now is only one huge problem. Subsequent to the Fourth Approval Order being issued and entered, the Receiver requested more money for its fee and its legal fees, well above what it told the court already. The further amount it was seeking was pretty close to an extra $100,000.

The Receiver then delivered a Fifth Report laying out the added costs asked for and also documenting an added HST Refund and accumulated interest. The Receiver acknowledged that it made an error. The Receiver also acknowledged that it could have brought this to everyone’s attention before the Fourth Approval Order was settled, issued and entered and the appeal period already has expired.

Personally, I call that more than an error. That is a huge problem. It is a major blow to the firms’ revenue and cash flow. If not resolved in the Receiver’s favour, it will most certainly cause much angst among the partners in the licensed insolvency trustee firm.

Court appointed receiverships: The Fifth Report To Court hearing and what the two parties said

The Receiver’s position was fairly simple. They really didn’t have much they could say at this stage, other than, OOPS! The Receiver submitted that the Receivership Order appointing the Receiver is clear. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the Receiver will obtain its reasonable fees and costs and those of its legal counsel. Those fees and costs are secured by a first ranking charge against the assets being administered in the receivership.

All other amounts come after this first charge. The Receiver went on to say that the Appointment Order and the Fourth Approval Order were therefore in conflict and the Appointment Order must prevail.

The company in opposing the Receiver’s motion had some pretty simple facts on its side. The court agreed with these facts. The court stated that:

  • The Receiver only brought this motion on in response to the company’s attempt to set down a date for its motion to compel the Receiver to make the $1 million-plus payment to it as directed by the Fourth Approval Order.
  • The company agreed to the settling of the Fourth Approval Order based on the Receiver’s submissions to the court that what it put in its Fourth Reports was everything and there was. There was nothing else getting in the way of making all the payments approved in the Fourth Approval Order.
  • The Fourth Approval Order was intended to be final and for that reason
    incorporates the provisions of the Appointment Order. That is, it is open to the court to find that the Receiver has no capacity to request more fees since the clear objective of the Fourth Approval Order is to wrap up all issues including the discontinuation of the receivership.

The Receiver conceded that the details pertaining to the extra fees was known at the time the Fourth Approval Order was being settled and also after that. However, the Receiver took no particular actions to request them prior to the Order being settled and entered. The only action taken by the Receiver was this Motion for Directions supplied in reply to the company’s motion request to get paid what was already approved by the court.

The Commercial List court understood that the Receiver has undoubtedly made an error. The question the court needed to answer was who should pay for it – the Receiver or the company? The court decided that it should not be the company who settled the Fourth Approval Order understanding what its terms were, including, there was nothing standing in the way of it getting its money as already approved by the court.

The easiest way to avoid costly mistakes

Court appointed receiverhips, by their very nature, are complex administrations. Being a receiver or a receiver manager is a tough role. A court-appointed receiver must be fair and neutral to all parties as an officer of the court. Everyone is scrutinizing the decisions being made. Once a court-appointed receiver serves its motion materials, everyone goes through the receiver’s report with a fine-tooth comb. And rightly so.

It is not a good place to be when you make any kind of error in a public document. It is embarrassing and it makes everyone else wonder what other mistakes have you made? It is especially tough when your mistake short changes your firm out of the money that it has earned. These are awful circumstances.

By now you probably realize that you don’t have to be a licensed insolvency trustee to know the easiest way to avoid costly mistakes. Check, double-check and triple-check everything before you sign and release the report. As my carpenter friend says, “measure twice and cut once”.

Court appointed receiverships summary

I hope you have enjoyed this court appointed receiverships Brandon’s Blog. A sick insolvent company’s business might be saved by a debt restructuring.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy

Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.

Bankruptcies in Ontario -Introduction

Much of the insolvency chatter developing from the COVID-19 pandemic world in which we find ourselves is now concentrating on the waterfall of brand-new bankruptcies in Ontario that are predicted to arrive. I have previously written about some of the big-name US retailers that have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Businesses shut down, job losses, government funding for people and businesses to try to hang on through this coronavirus are all in the headlines. What our “new normal” will look like and which companies and jobs will survive, right now, is anybody’s guess.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I want to highlight things creditors must know about canadian bankruptcy and bankruptcies in Ontario. By being well-versed, creditors will hopefully be able to better understand what is in store for them and for the debtors.

1. Bankruptcies in Ontario – the automatic stay of proceedings

In Canadian insolvency matters, an automatic stay of proceedings happens when a company or person files under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) for either:

  1. Bankruptcy
  2. Consumer proposal
  3. Corporate or large personal restructuring

The stay of proceedings is automatic under the BIA. Other than in one specific situation which I will touch on in a minute, absent proof that some sort of fraud is being committed on the court, a judge will not interfere with the automatic stay provisions. So an unsecured creditor will not be able to start or continue any action for collecting on a debt.

The one exception is in a restructuring where the major secured creditor goes to court and provides evidence that no matter what the restructuring may look like, they will never support it. The secured creditor would at the same time be requesting the court to lift the stay of proceedings so that they can enforce on their security.

Absent a restructuring proposal that promises to pay out that secured creditor 100% PLUS proof that the company or person has a realistic chance of refinancing to take out that secured creditor. Even in that situation, the court could give the debtor some time to pull it off, but it will be a very short lease. Otherwise, the secured creditor will probably get their wish and the restructuring effort will end.

In the case of a privately appointed receiver, there is no automatic stay of proceedings. This is notwithstanding that the conduct of the receiver in a private receivership is also governed by the BIA. The reason there is no automatic stay of proceedings is that a private receivership is not a filing under the BIA.

In either a court-appointed receivership or a corporate restructuring under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA), the stay of proceedings authority does not come from statute per se. The respective statutes allow for the judge to order a stay of proceedings. That language is then incorporated into the court order appointing the receiver or authorizing the bankruptcy protection CCAA filing. In these cases, the court is available for anyone to make an application to lift the stay if they can prove that they are being prejudiced. Again, normally only secured creditors will be able to show prejudice.

2. Bankruptcies in OntarioKnow whether, when, and where proof of claim needs to be submitted

For bankruptcies in Ontario and restructurings, it is important to know what kind of insolvency proceeding is taking place. The notice you receive from the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) will tell you what kind of proceeding it is. It will also provide a proof of claim form to be completed. The notice will provide all the details.

It is important that you know:

  • The details.
  • How to complete a proof of claim form.
  • Where to send it into.
  • What timelines there may be.

Some creditors wish to file a proof of claim only so that if a dividend is declared they will get one. In that case, you can complete and file the proof of claim any time before the Trustee issues a final dividend. The Trustee must send a final notice to all named creditors who have not yet filed a proof of claim before issuing a final dividend.

Some creditors wish to actively participate in the insolvency process. They may wish to attend the meeting of creditors, vote on a restructuring proposal under the BIA. If creditors wish to actively participate in bankruptcies in Ontario, they should complete and file the proof of claim with the Trustee within the time-frame indicated in the notice accompanying the proof of claim form.

In a receivership, there will only be a need to file a proof of claim if the receiver has realized enough money from the sale of assets to pay out the trust claims and secured creditor claims in full and now has money for the unsecured creditors. This is very rare. In that situation, the receiver will conduct a claims bar process later on in the administration. That is when a notice with a blank proof of claim form will be sent out to the known creditors.

In a restructuring under the CCAA, first, the restructuring plan, called the Plan of Arrangement, is finalized. Then the Trustee will send out notices and blank proof of claim forms for creditors to complete and submit. Filling out the form at that stage will allow creditors to actively participate in the meeting and voting on the plan, as well as be in line to receive a payment.

3. Bankruptcies in Ontario – Obtaining a preference repayment from a future bankrupt debtor is not illegal or unethical, but you may have to give it back

If a customer of yours offers to pay you money, even if it turns out to be on the eve of an insolvency filing, take it! Always take the money; stress over any claim for it by a Trustee later.

The premise of the BIA is that all unsecured creditors will be treated equally. So, if certain unsecured creditors receive partial or full payment on the eve of filing, and then the debtor goes bankrupt, there is a presumption of a preference. The onus is on the creditor who received payment to rebut the presumption of a preference. If the Trustee is successful in attacking such a transaction, then the creditor must pay over the money to the Trustee. The creditor will also have spent money on its own legal fees. There will also probably be a cost award for all or a portion of the Trustee’s legal costs also.

Notwithstanding all this, it is better to have the money than not. Perhaps the Trustee will not knock on your door. Or, maybe you can avoid a lot of heartache by agreeing to and paying over a settlement amount that is less than 100% of what you received. Finally, there is a very limited number of defences to rebut the presumption of a preference. Perhaps your situation falls under one of them.

Taking the money is not immoral, unethical or illegal. You just may not be able to keep it if your customer files for bankruptcy after making the payment to you.

4. Bankruptcies in Ontario – review the Trustee’s Report very carefully and ask questions

The Trustee’s report outlines issues of importance regarding the conduct of the debtor both pre and post-filing. Sometimes, there may be an action that the Trustee could take to enhance the recovery of an asset, but lacks the funding to do so.

In those cases, a creditor or a group of creditors can choose to either:

  1. Fund the Trustee to take the action for the general benefit of all unsecured creditors.
  2. Get court approval to take the action in their own name under s.38 of the BIA.

It would be unusual for creditors to fund the Trustee. The simple reason is that they would be responsible for 100% of the costs but have to share any recovery with all the other unsecured creditors on a pro-rata basis. For this reason, it is not done.

Many times a creditor or group of creditors will choose to obtain court permission to take on the action in their own name. The court will insist that the creditor group make the opportunity to all creditors. However, a “buy-in” will be set. Most of the time other creditors won’t pony up to join in. Either they are not sophisticated enough to realize the potential benefit or they feel it is not worth their spending money in that way.

Under an s.38 action, if successful, the creditor can first pay back all its costs in doing the action. Next, they are entitled to keep up to the full amount of their claim. If any funds are left over, they must be paid over to the Trustee.

I am administering a bankruptcy file right now where there was foreign real estate. I did my investigation and determined that although saleable, the properties would take many years to sell and then to repatriate the money back to Canada. The major unsecured creditor wished to take control of the sales process. So, her lawyer got court approval for her to do so under s.38 of the BIA. No other creditor joined in with her. The properties are now sold, we have so far received a six-figure payment from the surplus sitting in her Canadian lawyer’s trust account after she was fully repaid all of her costs and the amount of her claim.

There is another six-figure amount sitting in a foreign country. We have retained legal counsel in that country now to get the rest of the funds repatriated into our trust account. Once received, we will finalize our vetting of all proofs of claim and make a distribution to the unsecured creditors.

5. A discharge from personal bankruptcies in Ontario ends the debtor’s liability for pretty well all debts

Unless the Trustee of a bankrupt corporation raises enough money for all of the creditors to be paid off in full, with interest, a corporation is never discharged from bankruptcy. In personal bankruptcy, the debtor is eventually entitled to an absolute discharge. The absolute discharge can be:

  • Received straight away when the debtor is able to be discharged.
  • Given once the bankrupt fulfills all of the conditions of discharge.

There are only a handful of claims that are not discharged upon the discharge of the bankrupt. Those are:

  1. Trust claims.
  2. Secured claims.
  3. Those claims which fall under s.178 of the BIA.

If a debtor wishes to get out of a liability where the creditor holds security, such as vehicle financing, the debtor needs to trigger a default prior to filing for bankruptcy. So continuing with the vehicle example, the debtor could tell the lender that it cannot afford to make any more payments. The debtor would then give the vehicle and the keys to the lender.

The debtor should then wait for notice from the lender that the vehicle has been sold, the lender has suffered a shortfall and demands payment for the shortfall. The shortfall is an unsecured claim. The debtor now files for bankruptcy after the shortfall claim has crystallized. There now is no longer a secured claim for this debt.

If the debtor does not wait for the shortfall notice from the lender, they run the risk that the shortfall occurs after the date of bankruptcy. In that case, the shortfall unsecured claim will not be a debt discharged by the bankrupt’s discharge.

I have previously written about the s.178 claims. You can read about them in my blog.

Lacking affirmative action by a debtor or Trustee, all secured claims go through the bankruptcy unaffected. It is incumbent on the Trustee to get a lawyer’s security opinion on the validity of any secured creditor’s security as against the Trustee. I have a corporate bankruptcy file now where the legal opinion was that the security was not valid. I advised the creditor who did not object. I guess they already knew!

6. Bankruptcies in OntarioA fully completed restructuring also discharges most debts

The most essential element of reorganization situations under the BIA and CCAA that creditors need to know is about how debts get discharged in a restructuring. Similar to a personal bankruptcies in Ontario, in a successfully completed corporate restructuring, the debtor’s debts are discharged. Again, except for trust claims and secured creditor claims, the ordinary unsecured debts of a corporation are fully discharged when a restructuring plan that has been accepted by the creditors and approved by the court is fully completed. When the payout is made to the creditors and the company has successfully completed it, there are no pre-filing debts remaining.

So what is the significance to creditors? Well, if you are a director of the company, any debts that would have been a director liability, other than for a trust claim, vanishes. As there is no debt left, there is nothing left for the director to be responsible for.

Likewise, if someone personally guaranteed a premises lease to the landlord, if the lease is disclaimed as part of the restructuring, then the landlord has an unsecured claim. Once that claim is fully discharged in the restructuring, there is no debt left for the guarantor to be responsible for.

Creditors should also know that a company in a restructuring, may come to you to renegotiate your agreement with the company. If you refuse, the company could disclaim the agreement and any claim you have will be an unsecured claim in the restructuring.

7. Bankruptcies in Ontario bonus tip

It is better to get professional advice about extending credit to a customer and the best way to do it before you approve the credit. Getting professional advice after they have filed for bankruptcy limits your options.

Bankruptcies in Ontario – Summary

I hope you have found this bankruptcies in Ontario Brandon’s Blog helpful.

The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. This is especially true these days.

If anyone needs our assistance for debt relief Canada COVID, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.

bankruptcies in ontario
bankruptcies in ontario
Brandon Blog Post


what is receivership
what is receivership

If you would prefer to listen to an audio version of this what is receivership Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the podcast.

What is receivership: Introduction

Last spring I wrote about a Court of Appeal For Ontario decision. That decision confirmed that the time allowed to appeal a receivership Court order is 10 days under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

This Brandon’s Blog on what is receivership discusses a decision of the Court of Appeal of Manitoba which further sets out a framework for anyone wishing to appeal an order made in this court-appointed receivership legal process. Prior to discussing this Manitoba case, I ought to go over some receiver 101 facts.

What is receivership?

What is receivership? A receivership is a solution for secured lenders, such as a chartered bank. The bank loans the company money and the company agrees in the loan agreement to pledge the business assets as security for the loan. If the business defaults on its lending arrangement, generally by non-payment, the secured lender can enforce its security against the assets in receivership.

This is the lender using its enforcement rights to recover its secured debt. Other than for a government trust claim, the secured creditor’s debt ranks on a priority basis above all other creditor claims. Enforcement action is definitely a form of legal action. So receivership is a remedy for secured creditors.

There are 2 types of receivers in Canada; 1) a privately appointed receiver or; 2) a court-appointed receivership. A receiver gets its authority and powers from either the security documents in a private appointment or the Court Order in a court appointment. Once appointed, regardless of the type of appointment, the receiver has the power to take possession of all the assets of the company, including sending notices to all customers to advise that the receiver is now collecting the accounts receivable.

The BIA specifies that only a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee or also can be called a licensed insolvency practitioner) (LIT) can serve as a receiver. A receiver in a private appointment acts on behalf of the appointing secured creditor. A court-appointed receivership creates a responsibility to all creditors upon the court’s receiver, not just the applicant in the court process. This would include any unsecured creditor also. The BIA also requires the receiver to do file notice of its appointment with the Official Receiver at the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and to send the required statutory notice to all known creditors.

What is a company receivership?

Normally, the procedure starts with the secured creditor, who lent money to a company under a security agreement, talking to the insolvency trustee. The security document tends to secure all company assets, including accounts receivable.

When it is decided that there ought to be a receiver designated, the secured lender needs to decide if it will be a private appointment, or if the assistance of the Court is required. Each situation will dictate what is the best method for receivership. They can either appoint the receiver under an appointment letter (private appointed) or apply to the Court for an Order selecting the receiver (court-appointed receivership). So when considering what is receivership, you must look at all the circumstances and decide what kind of appointment is needed.

what is receivership
what is receivership

As a former employee, what am I entitled to? The Wage Earner Protection Program

Upon a company going into receivership (or bankruptcy), the LIT is obliged to inform workers of the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) as well as offer former employees information about amounts owing to them. From the day of bankruptcy or receivership, trustees and also receivers have 45 days to send out Trustee Information Forms showing the amounts owing to workers. WEPP is administered by Service Canada.

Employees have 56 days to send their Service Canada WEPP application to the WEPP. The Service Canada handling time for a WEPP payment is within 35 days of receipt of a completed WEPP Canada application and Trustee Information Form.

The WEPP gives funds to Canadian former staff members owed money when their employer becomes either bankrupt or goes into receivership. The amount of employee earnings covered is an amount equivalent to 7 times maximum regular insurable earnings under the Employment Insurance Act.

As of January 1, 2020, the max yearly insurable earnings amount is $54,200. This means that the max amount a previous worker can assert under WEPP is $7,296.17 in 2020. A certain portion is a trust claim and the balance is an ordinary claim. Normally, the receiver makes at least the trust claim payment to the former employees. Service Canada will pay the balance.

So in what is receivership, if the receiver does not pay the trust claim, Service Canada will and bill it back to the receiver. This all takes time and will increase the cost of administration. That is why the receiver normally pays the trust portion directly.

What is receivership: Receivers and receiverships

In a private receivership, the receiver needs to get the approval of the party that made the secured loan and appointed the receiver prior to implementing its recommended action steps. In a court-appointed receivership, the receiver needs the authorization of the court for its activities and actions.

The receiver’s very first responsibility is to take possession and control of the assets, properties and undertaking of the company in receivership. In a private appointment, the receiver takes possession of the assets covered by the secured creditor’s security agreement. In a court-appointed receivership, the receiver takes possession of whatever assets it has authority over from the Court Order.

The receiver has to make a decision whether it can obtain a better value for the business asses if it runs the business. Conversely, the receiver might determine that the danger of running the business negates any potential upside in value. In that case, the receiver would not operate the business and merely liquidate the assets.

The receiver after that establishes a strategy for the sale of assets. The receiver also has to make sure that the assets are physically secured and insured. The what is receivership process is fairly complex and all-encompassing.

The receiver, whether in a private appointment or a court appointment, has wide powers to perform its duties.

What is receivership: Challenging a receivership appointment Court Order

On September 19, 2019, the Court of Appeal of Manitoba released its decision in 7451190 Manitoba Ltd v CWB Maxium Financial Inc et al, 2019 MBCA 95. On December 20, 2018, the Court made an Order appointing a receiver (Receivership Order) over the assets of 7451190 Manitoba Ltd. (Company). The Order was made upon the application to Court by the lender who made the secured loan.

On January 14, 2019, the Company launched an appeal to the Receivership Order. The secured lender opposed the appeal on 2 main grounds, being:

  • the company did not have an appeal as of right, rather, it requires to seek leave to appeal first (which should be declined); and
  • the appeal was statute-barred as it was not submitted within 10 days of the Appointment Order appealed from.

The issues the Appeal Court needed to consider were::

  • whether the nature of the Company’s appeal of the Appointment Order in what is receivership requires an application for leave or if it is a right under Section 193 of the BIA;
  • if the leave to appeal is necessary, should such leave be provided;
  • whether the Company should be given more time to submit its notice of appeal.

    what is receivership
    what is receivership

What is receivership: Appealing a business receivership Court Order

So the first issue the Court had to consider in what is receivership was whether or not the Company had an appeal of the receivership Order as a right, or if it needed to first apply to the Court with leave to appeal motion. The Court determined that the Company’s appeal of the receivership Appointment Order is not of right. Rather, leave to appeal needed to be made.

The things that the Appeal Court considered in making its determination included that:

  • The security documents entered into by the Company clearly outlined the lender’s remedy to appoint a receiver when there was an event of default.
  • The company was represented and made submissions against the appointment of a receiver at the initial hearing where the Appointment Order was made.
  • The Appointment Order contained the necessary “comeback clause”. No party made an application under this clause to amend the powers of the receiver under the Appointment Order.
  • Since appointed, the receiver has actually filed two reports with the Court. The reports notified all stakeholders and the Court of the decisions taken and choices made. The receiver also sought approval of different activities. The Company has actually not filed any type of motion challenging the actions taken by the receiver.

Should leave to appeal the appointment of the receiver-manager be granted?

Section 193 of the BIA allows that an appeal lies to the Court of Appeal from any kind of order of a judge of the court in certain situations. The Court confirmed that the criteria to think about in making a decision whether to give leave to appeal under section 193(e) of the BIA are:

  • The suggested appeal raises an issue of general importance to the practice of bankruptcy/insolvency matters or to the administration of justice as a whole.
  • The issue raised is of relevance to the action itself.
  • The proposed appeal is prima facie meritorious.
  • Whether the suggested appeal will unduly hinder the progression of the bankruptcy/insolvency case.

The Court went on to say that, regardless of these criteria, the Court retains a residual discretion to grant leave to appeal in what is receivership where the refusal to do so would result in oppression.

When the Court considered these requirements, taking into consideration the whole context, the Court was not persuaded to grant the Company leave to appeal the receivership order.

The Court determined that in this case, the Company’s appeal should be denied. This Court of Appeal of Manitoba is consistent with the Court of Appeal for Ontario case that I mentioned at the top of this Brandon’s Blog and previously wrote about. It also provided additional detail and reasons as to why appealing a receivership order is not a right, but leave to appeal needs to be granted.

What is receivership: Summary

I hope you enjoyed this what is receivership Brandon’s Blog. Is your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex corporate restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the business owner entrepreneur. You are worried because your company is facing significant financial challenges. Your business provides an income not only for your family. Many other families rely on you and your company for their well-being.

The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your company’s problems; financial and emotional. The way we dealt with this problem and devised a corporate restructuring plan, we know that we can help you and your company too.

We know that companies facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a company restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain it is facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

what is receivership

Brandon Blog Post



What does a court appointed receiver do: Introduction

Earlier this week I wrote my blog COURT APPOINTED RECEIVER REAL ESTATE: ALL PURCHASE TERMS AREN’T EQUAL. In that blog, I described 5 common conditions that a buyer wants in a real estate agreement of purchase and sale. I also showed why a court appointed receiver cannot agree to those requested conditions. The purpose of today’s Brandon’s Blog is to answer the question what does a court appointed receiver do in setting the vendor’s conditions in a real estate sale.

What does a court appointed receiver do: The 5 most common vendor terms

In the earlier blog this week, I listed the 5 most common seller terms that the court appointed receiver cannot agree to. Here are the five most common terms that the court appointed receiver as seller requires.

  1. Capacity – The court appointed receiver requires the buyer to acknowledge that the vendor is selling solely in its court-appointed role.
  2. Title – Buyer agrees to accept title to the property as will be conveyed by the Court order conveying title which is called a Vesting Order. Also, the buyer must acknowledge that it is accepting title subject to any site plan agreements, restrictions, easements for the supply of utilities, services or otherwise. Also, the buyer will accept title subject to any rights of way, encroachments on or by the subject property onto adjoining properties, leases or licences. This is why it is important for the buyer’s lawyer to do a careful search of title and explain any and all issues to the buyer before the purchaser agrees to accept title.
  3. Inspections – A buyer from a court appointed receiver must be very careful in doing its due diligence. The court appointed receiver will allow for reasonable inspections. The buyer must acknowledge that he/she/it relies entirely upon its own inspection and investigation with respect to quantity, quality and value of the property. The buyer must also agree that it is purchasing and accepts the property on an “as is” basis, as of the date of acceptance and as of the closing date.
  4. Fixtures and chattels – Every buyer obviously wants to get the most possible out of the real estate purchase. It is normal for all buyers to want to confirm that they are receiving good title to all chattels and fixtures. The buyer is also looking for a warranty that they will all be in good working order on the date of closing. This is not possible in a court appointed receiver real estate sale. Rather, in a Court-appointed receivership, the receiver will insist on the condition that notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in the agreement of purchase and sale, the Buyer acknowledges that the seller does not have title to the chattels or fixtures presently located on or used in connection with the property. The buyer and seller can agree that the chattels and fixtures set out in the schedule to the agreement remain at the property. However the buyer must also agree to take it on an “as is” basis. There is no warranty or representation and the seller won’t provide a bill of sale on closing for any chattels or fixtures. The court appointed receiver probably cannot verify that ownership of the fixtures and chattels are the property of the owner of the real estate. The receiver won’t rely on what is affixed to the premises to to prove or infer title.
  5. Court approval – A court appointed receiver must obtain court approval to the method of offering the property for sale (obtained before the sales process begins) and certainly for a specific sale. The court appointed receiver must seek that approval in order to have the sales process and sale sanctioned. The Court will issue an Approval and Vesting Order. This is the Court order allowing the transfer of title to the buyer. A court appointed receiver will put together its motion material and attend in Court for such approvals once it knows that it has a firm deal, all buyer conditions have been waived and the necessary deposit funds have been received. A Court will not approve a transaction that isn’t firm. The Court will question why the court appointed receiver is wasting resources in making the approval request at that time.

What does a court appointed receiver do: Is your mortgagor in trouble?

I hope this information will help you understand better the most common terms and conditions a court appointed receiver selling real estate requires. A court appointed receiver does this in setting the vendor’s conditions in a real estate sale.

Are you a mortgagor over industrial or commercial realty where the debtor remains in default? There may be reasons that you have to take into consideration for putting in a court appointed receiver.

If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are in the door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity.what does a court appointed receiver do

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian real estate bubble, Canadian real estate bubble burst, The Suites at 1 King West, receivership, Court-appointed receivership, real estate, statistics, financial crisis in Canada, residential construction, debt-to-income ratio, financial crisis, residential mortgage debt, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian real estate industry, living paycheque to paycheque, credit cards, credit card debt, credit report, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, personal bankruptcy, starting over starting now, debt settlement, debt settlement companiesWill the Canadian real estate bubble burst has been the subject of several articles in the newspapers recently quoting Canadian and American economists. So far from what I have read, half of the economists quoted say there is not a Canadian real estate bubble, with statistics to show that there is a healthy real estate market and therefore we will not have a Canadian real estate bubble burst.

The other half of the economists, provide statistics to show that there is a Canadian real estate bubble, it has reached the same unsustainable levels as was the case in 2008 in the United States and that there will be a Canadian real estate bubble burst to drag all of us down.

Although my Firm has done many real estate receiverships, the most famous so far being the Court-appointed receivership of the highly publicized The Suites at 1 King West, built by Harry Stinson, my crystal ball is no better than yours. I cannot tell you if:

  1. a Canadian real estate bubble burst will not happen since we are in a safe real estate market where Canada is attractive to immigrants from around the world looking for a safe haven for their money, and they truly believe Canadian real estate is it; or
  2. real estate prices are unreasonably high and that there will be a Canadian real estate bubble burst.

As far as the economist’s statistics, which are being used to prove both sides of the argument, all I can do is quote British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli when he said there are “Lies, damned lies, and statistics“, to describe the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics, to bolster weak arguments.


  1. 7.5% of the Canadian workforce is in the construction industry, while 7% of the Canadian economy is based on residential construction – both record highs;
  2. the Canadian unemployment rate rose from 6.9% to 7.2%;
  3. the Canadian debt-to-income ratio has soared to a record 164%, above levels experienced in the U.S. before the financial crisis; and
  4. the Canadian Bankers Association reports that 70% of all household debt in Canada is made up of residential mortgage debt.

But there is one certainty I can tell you about. Even if there is a slowdown in the Canadian real estate industry, and not a Canadian real estate bubble burst, residential construction workers and real estate agents will suffer. A slowdown in residential construction, and less residences being sold, does not bode well for these two groups. So it will be the severity of the slowdown, and the effect on real estate prices, to know whether or not there actually is to be a Canadian real estate bubble burst.

So, what can they do to stop a Canadian real estate bubble burst? The answer is nothing. However, they should always have arranged their affairs so when there is a slowdown, they were always:

  1. living within their means by spending less than they earn so that they would not have problems living paycheque to paycheque;
  2. using proper budgeting techniques to make sure they were paying down a portion of their debt with every pay;
  3. paying themselves first by maintaining a program to make sure that they were putting away a portion of every pay into savings for investment so that they would be able to weather any downward blips in their income;
  4. making sure their income tax was paid up on time so that they would not have any large amounts outstanding from past years in a time when their incomes were reduced;
  5. only charging to credit cards what they would be able to pay off in full every month so as not to incur credit card debt with high interest costs; and
  6. reviewing their credit report to make sure their credit rating was accurate, and if they were experiencing any credit problems availing themselves of a proper credit counselling agency, NOT one of the debt settlement companies.

So as you can see, there is no magic pill that you can take to solve your financial problems if there is a Canadian real estate bubble burst, an illness, an emergency, or when life just throws a curve ball at you. The best time to have guarded against financial challenges, if you truly were worried about a Canadian real estate bubble burst, was before it happened.

If you’re financial well-being, and that of your entire family depends on the value of your real estate always rising, and you will be doomed if there is a Canadian real estate bubble burst, whether you wish to admit it or not, you have serious financial problems. Before disaster strikes as a result of a Canadian real estate bubble burst or otherwise, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

We can review your situation with you, in a no charge initial consultation meeting, and provide you with real options. If we meet early enough, we can discuss various bankruptcy alternatives such as credit counselling, debt consolidation or consumer proposals, all in order to avoid personal bankruptcy. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you.

Together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

Call a Trustee Now!