Brandon Blog Post



As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Business bankruptcy: Insolvency for business

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses around the world have been affected by the lockdowns caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. There have been many company closures, and others have been forced to restructure. Although restructuring may be painful, it is necessary if you want to come out from under crippling debt and grow your business.

Many businesses experiencing financial difficulties simply shut their doors rather than restructure. Most small businesses cannot reorganize their company debts under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) due to the high costs of administration. A small business owner does not benefit from spending money to have a business bankruptcy. It is therefore only possible to lock the door and give the key to one of the secured creditors, usually the bank or to the landlord.

Globally, small and medium-sized businesses play an important role. In 2019, I wrote a Brandon Blog post about business bankruptcy issues that US bankruptcy experts identified as problems for small business bankruptcy restructuring with Chapter 11 restructurings. This process was not working for these businesses. Chapter 11 restructurings are expensive, ineffective, and impractical. The US insolvency system therefore could not help many businesses in need of restructuring in the USA.

In this Brandon Blog, I provide an update on the successful experience and unanimous calls to extend the US subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. Therefore, I revisit the question as to whether such a small business bankruptcy tool should exist in Canada.

Business bankruptcy and Insolvency at a glance

Congress passed the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) on July 23, 2019. On August 1, the Senate passed the bill. In August 2019, it became law.

SBRA makes business bankruptcy protection easier for small and medium-sized enterprises. Chapter 11, subchapter V of the US Bankruptcy Code (Title: Small Business Debtor Reorganization) is the result. Increasing its affordability will help save otherwise viable owner-managed businesses.

SBRA defines a small company as one with non-contingent debts of $2,725,625 or less, leaving out financial obligations to affiliates or parties not dealing at arm’s length, and which elects to be dealt with under the SBRA. A new subchapter V to Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code is included in the Act. In this new approach, small companies are able to restructure efficiently with greater ease and at a lower cost.

The primary purpose of this legal process is:

  • Secured creditors and unsecured creditors cannot lodge a Chapter 11 restructuring plan that it is prepared to support. Only businesses with debt problems can. In most cases, the company’s plan must be filed within 90 days of when it filed for bankruptcy protection.
  • To manage each case, trustees similar to those selected in a personal restructuring (Chapter 13) situation will be selected.
  • A creditors committee will not be established.
  • If the home loan/mortgage secured by the home was used to fund the business, the Chapter 11 plan can change the legal rights of the lender.
  • It is possible for a Court to approve a small business bankruptcy restructuring plan without the approval of any class of creditors. If the court is satisfied that all creditors are treated fairly and no creditor class is prejudiced, it will approve the restructuring plan,.
  • A restructuring plan must ensure that all earnings received during the restructuring will be available to fund the restructuring for a period of 3 to 5 years in order to be fair and equitable.

Consequently, it is the responsibility of the creditors to carefully review all cases filed under SBRA. The creditors should consult bankruptcy experts for guidance. Their role will be to ensure that restructuring cases are fairly examined by courts and that all creditors are treated equally. For those without the support of their creditors, this will be particularly true.

It will be very interesting to see if this new legislation accomplishes its goal of simplifying and reducing the costs associated with business bankruptcy restructuring for small businesses.

business bankruptcy
business bankruptcy

Business bankruptcy: The bottom line on the SBRA

This tool was successful in protecting small businesses from bankruptcy liquidation. Republicans and Democrats alike have embraced this obscure federal program that allows small-business owners to shed debt in bankruptcy protection so much, they are now considering extending it. Republican and Democratic agreement on anything is very rare these days.

In a Subchapter V bankruptcy, closely-held businesses can file for bankruptcy much more quickly and inexpensively than they would in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The government appoints a trustee with limited powers who assesses the company’s finances and helps reach a consensus with creditors. Rather than official creditor committees, there is only a trustee appointed by the government. Furthermore, company owners don’t risk losing control of their companies to creditors, a common outcome in bankruptcy.

When the pandemic ravaged thousands of small businesses, the government raised the debt threshold to qualify for Subchapter V to $7.5 million from $2.7 million and extended it an additional year. In the absence of another renewal, the higher limit will expire next month, shutting out thousands of companies that could benefit as they deal with new challenges such as supply chain issues and higher interest rates.

The main benefits of the SBRA business bankruptcy protection

Quick response

Since the program began, more than 2,800 cases have been filed. Restructuring advisers predict that number will rise as banks and landlords become more aggressive in collecting overdue loans and back rent.

Government assistance and eviction moratoriums have enabled small businesses to exist in limbo but that won’t last. Experts predict that more subchapter V filings will take place in 2022.

The American Bankruptcy Institute studies bankruptcy statistics. They state that the quick turnaround time of Subchapter V has attracted and will attract more filings.

Corporation envy

Some distressed corporations are so envious of Subchapter V that restructuring advisers are hunting in vain for strategies that might let their bigger clients qualify. For example, there was a company with 130 company-owned locations that filed for bankruptcy protection in 2020. It initially attempted to file individual brick-and-mortar locations under the program, before switching to a chapter 11 proceeding.

This business bankruptcy restructuring statute has proved to be a lifeline for smaller companies and should be extended.

business bankruptcy
business bankruptcy

The Canadian business bankruptcy and restructuring landscape

Canada lacks an equivalent streamlined corporate insolvency restructuring statute. There are two Canadian insolvency regimes: the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the BIA. For large corporations, the CCAA applies. The process is heavily governed by the courts. In my opinion, it would not be possible to sufficiently streamline the CCAA for small businesses to have enough staying power during restructurings under the CCAA to survive.

A streamlined restructuring process is possible under the BIA for small and medium-sized businesses. There was a streamlined restructuring process for individuals so that consumer bankruptcies can be avoided. These consumer proposals are found in Part I Division II of the BIA. So why not a special restructuring proposal section for smaller companies? I called it a new Part I Division III of the BIA in my earlier Brandon blog I referred to above – a general scheme for small business proposals (SBP) section of the BIA. The aim is to provide small businesses with the opportunity to restructure business debts on a cost-effective basis rather than to make Canadian bankruptcies the only real option to consider.

In the US, using a streamlined restructuring model has been so successful. That’s why I am bringing back my idea from 2019. I won’t repeat everything, however. You can see what my recommendations were by reading my blog – BANKRUPTCY EXPERTS WEIGH IN ON US & CDN SMALL BIZ RESTRUCTURING.

Business bankruptcy: The debtor (owes money) not the creditors (are owed money) would control the reorganization

An insolvent corporation, sole proprietors, or partnership that is set up to conduct business should be able to access the new SBP. The total amount of their debt should not exceed $1.5 million. Such a number is not based on any scientific calculations.

In order to determine an appropriate debt level, Statistics Canada could assess the average debt load of Canadian businesses. In this discussion, I’ll use the $1.5 million amount.

Loans from affiliates or from people with a non-arm’s-length relationship would not be excluded as in US law. A Canadian company’s first funding is usually provided by its owners. Chartered banks require owners to make a commitment with their personal assets before they are willing to lend. To get the business off the ground, the owners sacrificed their own money. Because they had to finance the company that way, I would not exclude that debt from the calculation.

The Canadian business landscape differs from the American one. We tend to be smaller in size. For non-arm’s-length debt to be excluded, the debt threshold would have to be lowered. Keeping that debt threshold in mind, let us include all debt, whether it’s secured or unsecured, related, or arms’ length.

This new SBP would not be applicable to people who are not conducting business in their own name. Those people will fall into either Division I or Division II restructuring proposals which include two mandatory credit counselling sessions.

Restructuring proposals can currently only be administered by a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee). A licensed insolvency trustee is known as the Proposal Trustee under Division I Proposals. As part of Division II personal restructurings, they are known as the Administrator.

Therefore, I will call the Trustee the Small Business Administrator for the new SBP. As a result, it is obvious that it is the restructuring of a business that qualifies under Division III. The use of the word “administrator” is consistent with the words used by Parliament for consumer proposals. Again, this means that the Trustee is administering a streamlined restructuring for small businesses.

The main points I recommended in my earlier blog in a Canadian small business streamlined restructuring statute include:

  • Currently, it is possible for a company or person to begin the restructuring process by filing either a Notice of Intention to Make A Proposal (NOI) or a Proposal itself. Regardless of the filing method, there is a 10-day limitation period under which the debtor must submit a cash-flow statement that has been reviewed and approved by both the company or person and the Trustee. A company or individual filing an NOI then has an additional 20 days (30 days after the filing date of the NOI) to file a Proposal (unless the court extends the time).

I propose extending the deadline for filing a Proposal from 30 days to 90 days after the filing of an NOI, without the need to go to the Court for an extension. As a result, the business should have enough time to get all of its tax and corporate filings up to date and, hopefully, avoid the need to adjourn the meeting of creditors.

  • A creditor would file a proof of claim in the same way they do now in a BIA Proposal.
  • There is a concept of deemed creditor approval and deemed court approval in the current consumer proposal legislation. A creditors’ meeting is not necessary unless creditors holding 25% of the proven claims request it. In addition to the proof of claim process, creditors receive voting letters to cast their vote when they submit a proof of claim. If there is no obligation to convene a meeting, a consumer proposal is considered accepted.If a consumer proposal is either accepted or deemed accepted by the creditors, the Trustee Administrator will probably not need to seek approval from the Court. There are no deeming provisions in corporate restructuring, either for creditor acceptance or for court approval. The new SBP section should include similar provisions regarding creditor acceptance and court approval. This would save time and money, thus enhancing efficiency.
  • The Meeting of Creditors if required, would be held 21 days after the Trustee Administrator recognizes that the small business restructuring did not receive deemed approval.
  • When creditors fail to vote in favour of a Division I Proposal or when the court does not approve it, it is automatically deemed an assignment in bankruptcy. This does not apply to consumer proposals. Debtors return to their normal state without creditor protection after an unsuccessful consumer proposal attempt.For the new streamlined business restructuring proposal law, if creditors fail to accept or the court does not approve the restructuring plan, then that does not automatically mean there is a bankruptcy. The debtor small business would simply return to its normal unprotected insolvent state and must defend itself against creditors.A voluntary assignment into bankruptcy may result, but not automatically. A bankruptcy proceeding does not make sense in certain corporate situations. If a chartered bank holds security over all assets it will enforce its security through a receivership, this is especially true.

Business bankruptcy summary

A streamlined small business bankruptcy protection section is working in the US and both Republicans and Democrats want it extended and made to be able to handle even more bankruptcy cases. So why should we not have one in Canada too? I know that it could work.

I hope you found this business bankruptcy Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you or your company to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are your credit cards maxed out? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out easy-to-understand debt solutions and realistic ones for your family debt problems? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

business bankruptcy
business bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy, and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click play on the podcast.

laurentian university


Laurentian University introduction

Laurentian University is facing a cash crisis and has filed for creditor protection. The Ontario university states that the application under the federal Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) is intended to permit the university to continue running day-to-day operations during restructuring.

The Sudbury, Ontario school is not shutting down and will continue to provide services for students. It states it will keep normal operations and keep classes running. In this Brandon Blog, I talk about what creditor protection in the Canadian context is and why Laurentian University did so.

Laurentian University: What is creditor protection?

In its simplest terms, creditor protection is the protection you get when you start a proceeding with a filing under either the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) or the CCAA. Under the BIA, an individual or company gets that protection in either a consumer or corporate bankruptcy. This safeguard is also obtained by filing under the restructuring proposal provisions of the BIA. A company safeguards itself when it files for restructuring under the CCAA.

Once a filing is done, without getting special permission from the court, none of your creditors can start or continue legal action against the person or the company for the repayment of a debt or for any enforcement action against its assets.

Laurentian University, therefore, received its sheltering once it made its filing under the CCAA. When using this statute, it can also be called CCAA protection.

Below is the section titled “How the Laurentian University restructuring story begins”. I discuss its particular issues leading up to the need to file.

Laurentian University: What is a stay period?

The “time out” that a person or business gets from its creditors is called a stay period (Stay of Proceedings). Upon the agreement of the court to the initial filing, the result is that the court will issue an Order giving the company an initial 30 days of protection from creditors to allow for the preparation of the restructuring proposal called a Plan of Arrangement.

This initial stay can be extended by the court, as long as the judge is convinced that the company is acting in good faith and working expeditiously in sorting through the myriad of issues stopping it from putting together its Plan of Arrangement.

Laurentian University: What does CCAA mean

The CCAA is a Canadian federal law that helps companies in financial difficulties emerge from its difficulties. The company begins its reorganization proceeding with its application to the court and files for creditor protection to avail itself of the process for a company and its creditors to come to an agreement on how to reorganize the company’s debt, while the company continues to operate normally and pay amongst other things, wages to its employees.

One of the biggest advantages of the CCAA is that it allows a business to “hold the fort” while the creditors and the company work out an agreement that will hopefully get the company back on its feet. While operating in this fashion, company management remains in control of running the business. The company does not hand over its assets to a licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee). Rather, the Trustee is appointed by the court to act as Monitor.

As the title sounds, the role of the Monitor is that of the neutral court officer working with the company. The duties of the Monitor include:

  • overseeing and providing supervision of the company’s affairs;
  • assisting in the negotiations with creditors;
  • helping with the drafting of the Plan of Arrangement for describing what the restructuring process will be;
  • report regularly to the court on the progress and details of the restructuring administration, and ultimately,
  • conducting the meetings of the various classes of creditors where voting on the Plan of Arrangement takes place.

Although the CCAA is unique to the country of Canada, other countries have similar restructuring legislation. The most famous is probably Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. This is when you normally hear the term “bankruptcy protection“.

laurentian university

Laurentian University files to reorganize university finances

Last Fall, Laurentian University recognized it was in financial trouble. On October 1, 2020, it issued a press release advising that it has financial challenges brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic and its pre-existing structural deficit. It also announced at that time that it hired Ernst & Young as financial advisors to assist in a further review of its detailed financial results, budgets, and our various initiatives to help identify and analyze any additional opportunities for cost savings or improvement.

On February 1, 2021, facing insolvency, Laurentian University took the step to begin its insolvency proceeding under the CCAA in order to come up with a formal restructuring plan. Since it is in the early stages of the insolvency administration, the actual plan has not yet been developed as Laurentian University needs time to come up with the proper plan. It will be one of many future events I will keep my eye on for you.

From my review of the filing documents, I can tell you what the story is so far.

How the Laurentian University restructuring story begins

“We are working with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth process for students,” said Peter Baxter, the university’s provost and vice-president, academic.”

Who would’ve thought that universities, which are supposed to be institutions of higher learning, would actually run into financial problems and put their stakeholders at risk? But that’s exactly what happened and is the current situation with the Laurentian University insolvency in Sudbury, Ontario. I guess the place was not run by any of the finance profs! It is obviously a stressful time for all students, staff, faculty, and creditors.

Dr. Robert Haché, the President and Vice-Chancellor of the Laurentian University of Sudbury, swore the necessary affidavit on January 30, 2021, in support of Laurentian’s court application for an Initial Order to commence CCAA proceedings. In his affidavit, Dr. Haché stated:

  • Laurentian’s financial issues were first determined as early as 2008-09 when a prior administration gave a budget to the Board that would not be balanced for the 2008-2009 academic year and showed little to no improvement for the future financial prospects of the university absent any revised processes. The budget was approved, but the Board expected the financial situation to be fixed as a top priority item.
  • A Plan for Regaining Sustainability at Laurentian was presented to the school’s Board on December 18, 2008, and again on February 20, 2009. The Board approved the implementation of the plan, expecting to regain financial health over a three-year period.
  • Starting in 2014, Laurentian undertook a $64 million Campus Modernization Project for the construction of approximately 250,000 sq. ft. of classrooms, research, study as well as a public area.
  • The Campus Modernization Project involved Laurentian incurring a substantial amount of long-term debt (approximately $40 million) to pay for the construction of buildings and facilities to modernize the campus in order to accommodate its historical growth and fuel the projected enrolment growth. The university elected to defer repayment of the principal amounts borrowed until after construction was completed, leading to the accrual of further interest.
  • When the Board approved the 2016-17 operating budget, LU forecasted operational deficits continuing through 2021-22 leading to an accumulated operational deficit of greater than $43 million.
  • With the exception of the modest growth experienced in 2020, enrolment has declined each year from 2015 to 2018 and tuition fees remain low, while labour and debt servicing costs have grown substantially.
  • The 10% tuition reduction and tuition freeze ordered by the Province of Ontario beginning in 2019.
  • Laurentian’s academic costs are generally higher as a percentage of total costs than other Ontario universities.
  • Not re-evaluating over the last decade its programs to make sure it is focusing on those the marketplace of students deem relevant and required.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has made all these issues worse.

From reading his sworn affidavit, I would use one simple word to describe what has led to the Laurentian University insolvencyMISMANAGEMENT! Dr. Haché joined Laurentian University in July 2019. So he has only been involved in this mess for the last 19 months.

What Laurentian University reports its immediate plans are by making this CCAA filing

Laurentian University reported that as at April 30, 2020, it had $358.5 million in assets based on generally accepted accounting principles. Of that total, only $33.2 million is either liquid or near-liquid. As at the same date, its liabilities are:

  • Line of credit $14.4 million
  • Short-term loan $1.4 million
  • Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $22.4 million
  • Accrued vacation pay $1.8 million
  • Deferred revenue $1.0 million
  • Current portion of long-term debt $2.7 million
  • Long-term debt $89 million
  • Employee future benefits liabilities $20.8 million
  • Deferred contributions $38.6 million
  • Deferred capital contributions $129.9 million

This adds up to $322 million. The balance sheet balances because the remainder represents either restricted capital or special purpose endowments.

Laurentian University advised the court that it intends to come back requesting an Amended and Restated Initial Order. Right now, Laurentian has the benefit of the Stay of Proceedings and will not be making any payments on any outstanding amounts owing as of February 1, 2021.

Among other things, the motion in respect of the Amended and Restated Initial Order will seek the following additional relief:

  • extending the Stay of Proceedings to April 30, 2021;
  • suspending Laurentian’s requirement to make certain special payments in respect of its defined benefit pension plan, pending further Order of the Court;
  • suspending Laurentian’s need to reply to requests for information received under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario) during the Stay of Proceedings, nunc pro tunc to February 1, 2021;
  • the appointment of a mediator, as an officer of the Court and a neutral third party to undertake a mediation of various issues under the supervision of this Court, on an urgent basis;
  • approving Laurentian’s request for a debtor-in-possession credit facility (the “DIP Facility”) borrowing authority up to the principal amount of $25 million to finance its working capital requirements and other general corporate purposes, post-filing expenses and costs during the Stay of Proceedings.

The court has now declared that Laurentian University is insolvent. I will be following this CCAA administration and will write more blogs on material points of special interest as this restructuring winds its way through the court.

Laurentian University summary

I hope you enjoyed the Laurentian University Brandon Blog post. If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you in such a time of uncertainty is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, Contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy, and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

At the end of this blog, we have a special gift for you!

Closing a business introduction

Many times I am consulted by an entrepreneur about closing a business. This may sound odd coming from a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee), but not all business closures involve a formal bankruptcy. In fact, there are more business closures that do not involve bankruptcy

Now with so many businesses hurting due to a slowdown or complete destination due to the result of the coronavirus pandemic, I expect more entrepreneurs are going to want to know about closing a business.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I provide the reasons why. I also go through the various steps in closing a business that you can use as a checklist.

Closing a business that does not have many (free) assets

Many times I get a call from someone whose business is not doing well. They probably cannot afford to pay the business rent next month and it does not make sense to stay open. They think bankruptcy is the only way they have for closing a business. The business does not have many assets, or all the assets are secured by a bank that loaned the corporation money. Think of a business where the assets were bought through a bank loan. The funding may or may not have been under a government small business loan program.

The entrepreneur gave a personal guarantee to the bank ranging from 25% to 100% of the total loan amount. The entrepreneur may also have provided a personal guarantee to the landlord. The business may or may not be current in its employee source deduction remittances and harmonized sales tax (HST) payments. The entrepreneur does not believe the assets have any value above the amount of the secured loan and wishes to place the company in bankruptcy as the answer to closing a business.

Here is why bankruptcy will not help:

  • The assets are fully secured by the bank.
  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may have a trust claim over the assets because of unremitted source deductions.
  • A corporate bankruptcy will not solve the entrepreneur’s personal debt issues under the personal guarantee to the bank for any shortfall claim and the landlord for any claim due to the failure of the corporate tenant.

In this type of situation, there is not much I can do. I tell the entrepreneur that if they are going to shut the business down before the first of the next month, they should do so. Then, they should go to the bank, advise them and cooperate with the bank to allow them to realize their security. I tell them to make sure that they follow the steps for closing a business that I outline below.

I tell the entrepreneur that when the bank and the landlord each make a demand for their obligations under the respective personal guarantees to call me. We will then work together on their personal situation. Perhaps a consumer proposal will be possible. I also tell them that it is not worth spending the money they don’t have in order to bankrupt the company.

That is why in this case a corporate bankruptcy will not help an entrepreneur in closing a business. I call this the self-help remedy.

The business is still operating – will anyone buy it?

Before making any decisions about closing a business, you should first think in terms of is your business worth anything? You have spent many years building your business. It may be insolvent because it has suffered losses for several years, cash flow is weak and the corporation cannot pay its debts generally as they come due.

Although the current corporate body may be weak, you need to determine if your business is still viable. Does the marketplace still have a need for the service or product you provide? Are there competitors who seem to be doing well? Your business has a customer base and trained staff. One of your competitors may find your customer base and some or all of your staff something they want to amalgamate into their existing business.

If that is the case, you need to understand what your business might be worth. The selling prices of similar organizations in your geographical area or market will be a good barometer of what you can anticipate getting for your company. Innovative buyers might evaluate your business on the basis of projected cash flow for the next few years. They may very well mark down the worth of that cash flow to mirror the perceived threats and risks inherent in your business.

In the case of an insolvent but viable business, it may be that an insolvency process is necessary to allow the purchaser to buy the assets it wishes to purchase and take on all or some of your employees, maybe even including you.

The range of options available includes:

So with the right insolvency process, the assets of the business can be put back to good use and be very productive. It may very well help get a good M&A deal done.

I have written before many blogs on how these insolvency proceedings could help in getting the healthy parts of a business into a purchaser while leaving the sick parts behind and then be used for closing a business. Those details are beyond the scope of this Brandon’s Blog.

closing a business
closing a business

When does corporate bankruptcy make sense in closing a business?

Corporate bankruptcy is not a simple process. An entrepreneur needs the advice of their lawyer and also needs to retain a Trustee. This costs money. More often than not, there are no free assets in the company. That means the entrepreneur needs to personally fund the cost of the bankruptcy process for closing a business.

A bankruptcy of the company may make sense in several situations. Some of the most common are:

  • Certain government claim priorities need to be reversed and that only can be done in bankruptcy. The most common one is unremitted HST. Absent a bankruptcy, the HST obligation is a trust claim and will come before the claim of any other creditor, including a secured creditor. As probably the sole director of the corporation, the entrepreneur may be willing to bankrupt the company to put the HST behind the bank. The director may very well choose as part of closing a business, to take their chances on the claim for unpaid HST as a director liability, rather than increase the bank’s shortfall by the amount of that HST claim.
  • There may be value in the premises lease. If the rent under the lease is below market and can be sold, a bankruptcy will be necessary. That is because the combination of the Commercial Tenancies Act Ontario and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) Trustee has certain rights to sell the lease that the corporation tenant does not have. So, bankruptcy may be a good idea in that case.
  • The security of a lender for which no personal guarantee has been given is invalid against a Trustee. The corporation may be able to restructure with that liability moved from secured to unsecured. Alternatively, a bankruptcy will allow for assets to be better protected for the secured creditors first and then provide some value for the unsecured creditors if there is a bankruptcy.

My closing a business checklist

This is what I tell any entrepreneur for a self-help remedy for closing a business that is most appropriate:

  • Advise the utilities that they should do a final meter reading and shut down the account.
  • Prepare and issue all records of employment to the former employees.
  • Remove the books and records (probably computerized) from the business premises so that the information can be secure.
  • Advise your bank lender that the business is shut down and that you are delivering the keys to the banker so that they can get their security.
  • If there is no bank lender, and no trust claims over the assets, hold a going out of business sale.
  • Tell the landlord the business is over and deliver the keys.
  • Cancel insurance policies. There may be an unearned premium refund coming back to the business.
  • Redirect the business mail to a different address. Most of the mail will be bills, but there may also be cheques you don’t want to miss so you can deposit them into the bank account.
  • Cancel any corporate credit cards.
  • Deal with the termination and return of any business license and permits.
  • Deal with your business social media accounts, website, and any other digital or intangible assets. You will have to decide when it comes up for renewal if you wish to retain the URL in light of your closing a business decision. The URL may have a value that you can unlock.
  • Make sure that the final financial statements and tax returns are prepared. File the tax returns with the government. If there is a balance owing, don’t worry about it as the business cannot pay and corporate income tax owed is not a director liability.
  • Prepare and issue final T4 statements of remuneration paid. Issue them to the former employees. Figure out if there are any employee source deductions owing. If there is and you can pay them as it is a director liability.
  • Calculate, prepare and file the final HST return. If there is a balance owing and you can pay the amount as it is also a director liability.
  • Maintain the books and records as CRA may want to perform an audit.
  • Send a letter to all creditors advising of your closing a business decision was due to financial problems, express your gratitude for the relationships you have built, tell them that there is no money for them and let them know that you have also lost money.
  • Mail a letter to your customers/clients advising of the closure of the business and thank them for their loyalty and patronage over the years.

Closing a business summary

I hope you have enjoyed this closing a business Brandon’s Blog. A sick insolvent company’s business might be saved by a debt restructuring.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


closing a business

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

closing a business
closing a business

Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Bankruptcy means introduction

From my perspective, bankruptcy means that a person or company has either filed an assignment in bankruptcy or the court has issued a bankruptcy order against the debtor. The debtor has taken the voluntary action to seek relief and the benefits obtained by doing so under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). Or a court, based on the application of one or more creditors, has ordered that the BIA applies and the debtor is adjudged bankrupt.

As I have written in the past, this is different from insolvency. Insolvency is the financial state where a company or person cannot meet their liabilities as they come due or whose assets, if sold at fair value, would not be enough to pay off all of the liabilities. Bankruptcy is a legal state.

I recently read an article about Mr. Stanley Frank Ostrowski aka Frank Ostrowski, who lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. Ostrowski filed an assignment in bankruptcy on February 12, 2019. He listed his assets having a value of $250. He stated that his liabilities were $259,621. This is his second bankruptcy. His first was in 1983 and he received an absolute discharge in 1985.

The article states that Mr. Ostrowski has now made an application to the court to annul his bankruptcy. This Brandon’s Blog looks at: Is it possible to annul a bankruptcy and under what circumstances? Put another way, is it really the case that bankruptcy means you can file for bankruptcy and then say oops, I didn’t really want to file? I am not really sure that is how bankruptcies work.

The reasons why Mr. Ostrowski thinks bankruptcy means it can be annulled

In May 1987, a jury decided that Mr. Ostrowski was guilty of first-degree murder. In March 1992, he was found guilty of possession of cocaine for the purposes of trafficking. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison, concurrent with his life sentence for murder.

He served 23 years, 2 months and 24 days in prison. He got out of jail on December 18, 2009. In 2014, then federal justice minister Peter MacKay asked Manitoba’s Court of Appeal to review the case. Then justice minister MacKay believed that there was a miscarriage of justice with respect to the murder conviction.

In a November 2018 decision, the Court of Appeal set aside the conviction after it discovered a miscarriage of justice took place when two vital details were not revealed to the defence or the court. While the court set aside his conviction, it did not acquit him. In their decision, the three-judge panel said they thought there was enough proof against the accused, which the court could have found him guilty even if full disclosure had been made.

The court also held that it would be unfair to have another trial given that it had been 32 years since the shooting. The court also entered a judicial finding that the charge is stayed from further prosecution.

In June 2020, Mr. Ostrowski retained legal counsel to commence an action for damages because of his wrongful conviction. His lawyers have not yet launched the claim but they plan to. The article said that he will be seeking $16 million in compensation.

Now he wants to have his 2019 bankruptcy annulled. He believes he has a realistic chance of receiving sufficient compensation to be able to settle all his debts. So with all this background information, do I think his bankruptcy means that he can get his bankruptcy annulled?

Bankruptcy means: what happens if I declare bankruptcy?

I have written before about what happens when a person or company declares bankruptcy. There is a responsibility to make full disclosure to the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) all of your assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The debtor also must give to the Trustee all provincially non-exempt assets so that the Trustee can sell them for the benefit of the creditors.

In his bankruptcy filing documents, Mr. Ostrowski did not make mention of this potential lawsuit that had not yet been launched. He also did not indicate that he had the right to such an asset. If he had, there would be two realistic options.

He could have taken the position that the amount of recovery in a lawsuit not yet launched is unknown and speculative. So, the action should only be valued at $1 as a placeholder. By doing so, he would have made full disclosure to his creditors and to his Trustee as to the existence of this potential asset.

If Mr. Ostrowski had disclosed this asset and valued it at more than $259,371, then he would not have met the asset test for being insolvent and potentially would not have been able to file for bankruptcy. I say potentially because, in his affidavit, Mr. Ostrowski makes no mention of what his income and expenses were at the time of filing for bankruptcy or now. Mr. Ostrowski does not disclose in his affidavit whether or not he has to pay any surplus income to his Trustee for the benefit of his creditors.

Can bankruptcy be annulled?

Annulling a bankruptcy is more than just cancelling a bankruptcy. It is erasing it to the point as if it never happened. It is a complete elimination of the bankruptcy. If it was the person’s first bankruptcy, and it was annulled, they could honestly say they never were bankrupt.

To figure out what are the odds that Mr. Ostrowski will be successful in his application to annul his bankruptcy, we need to look at several factors. First, what reasons does Mr. Ostrowski say are the basis as to why his bankruptcy should be annulled?

In his affidavit sworn June 8, 2020, the reasons he gives are:

  1. “I have a realistic chance of receiving sufficient compensation to be able to settle my debts with my creditors in a manner that would be more advantageous to the creditors than if I pursue bankruptcy.”
  2. “I am advised by…” my lawyer “…that when he advised…” my Trustee, “… of my intention to seek an order annulling my assignment in bankruptcy…” my Trustee “…did not object to it.”.

That is it. No other reasons. To Mr. Ostrowski, his bankruptcy means that maybe perhaps he can do better for his creditors than they would get in his bankruptcy and his Trustee doesn’t object to his trying to annul his bankruptcy.

With all due respect to his legal counsel on this bankruptcy annulment application who only has what he has to work with, I rate those reasons somewhere between weak and lame! The bankruptcy annulment process was not designed for the convenience of the bankrupt.

Bankruptcy means when will a court annul a bankruptcy?

First, Section 181(1) of the BIA gives the court the authority to annul a bankruptcy. It says:

181 (1) If, in the opinion of the court, a bankruptcy order ought not to have been made or an assignment ought not to have been filed, the court may by order annul the bankruptcy.”

This authority is discretionary. Generally, the court will only annul an assignment if it is shown that:

  • The debtor was not insolvent at the time of filing.
  • It was an abuse of process of the court
  • The debtor was trying to commit a fraud on his or her creditors.

If Mr. Ostrowski’s affidavit is the only evidence submitted in his application to annul his bankruptcy, he has not shown that the bankruptcy assignment “ought not to have been filed”.

Second, there have been cases where an assignment in bankruptcy has been annulled. The list of general reasons why the court found that a bankruptcy order ought not to have been made or an assignment ought not to have been filed are:

  1. An assignment in bankruptcy was completed and was to be held in escrow while the debtor negotiated with his creditors. The assignment was only to be filed if a resolution could not be worked out. A deal was reached but the assignment was filed in error. In other words, a verifiable mistake.
  2. The bankruptcy was of no benefit to the creditors. The creditors would receive a distribution but would bear all the costs of the bankruptcy administration.
  3. The debtor was restrained by court order from dealing with all of his assets without giving his estranged wife seven clear days’ notice and he filed an assignment in bankruptcy with no notice given.
  4. Joint assignment by a husband and wife where it was evident that a large amount of debt was from the husband’s unincorporated business and the wife was not in partnership with him.
  5. A bankruptcy assignment purportedly filed by an infant!
  6. The second assignment filed before the bankrupt received a discharge from the 1st bankruptcy.
  7. The husband filing an assignment in bankruptcy in an attempt to disgorge himself of his assets while embroiled in bitter family law proceedings.
  8. Directors of a company whose assets were already being administered under a court-appointed receiver having filed an assignment in bankruptcy for the company.

In all the above situations, the court DID annul the bankruptcy. The court did not agree that bankruptcy means it was the right choice in those situations.

Bankruptcy means when will a court NOT annul a bankruptcy?

Third, there have been cases where an assignment in bankruptcy was NOT annulled. The list of general reasons why the court found refusing the annulment request was appropriate are:

  1. The sole purpose of the bankruptcy was to rearrange the priorities of certain creditors.
  2. A bankruptcy to defeat the enforcement attempts of a judgment creditor.
  3. The sworn statement of affairs failed to show the name and amount of a creditor.
  4. The debtor had no assets.
  5. Debtor was insolvent and did not bring an application to annul the bankruptcy until 4 months after filing an assignment in bankruptcy. The court decided that an application to annul a bankruptcy only because the debtor did not wish to continue with the bankruptcy process should be brought immediately after the filing of the assignment in bankruptcy.

The last reason why the court did not annul a bankruptcy, is pretty much the reason Mr. Ostrowski says he wants his bankruptcy annulled. Only in his case, he is bringing the application some 18 months after becoming a bankrupt.

Interestingly enough, that last reason was a Manitoba case, Baker (Bankrupt), Re, 1997 CanLII 23100 (MB QB). In that case, the bankrupt contended that the Trustee filed the bankruptcy documents with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in error. However, she waited for 4 months and the court was not persuaded that the filing was an error!

In Mr. Ostrowski’s case, his reasons boil down to it will be more convenient for him! As you can probably tell by now, I don’t place a high probability of his chances of success in persuading the court to annul his bankruptcy. But then I am not the judge.

Bankruptcy means what should Mr. Ostrowski do?

The answer as to what his bankruptcy means and what Frank Ostrowski should do lies within the BIA. Mr. Ostrowski has two choices and I believe it will be what the court decides.

First, the BIA allows for a bankrupt, with the permission of the inspectors in his bankruptcy, if any, to file a restructuring proposal. He could get that started right now without any court application.

If his debts are truly over $250,000, based on the claims filed to date, then he can file a proposal under part III division I proposal under the BIA. If the claims filed are a total under $250,000, then he could file a consumer proposal. Either way, the administration would continue under the BIA.

His proposal would be a very simple one. It would essentially say that he has a claim against several parties for what his lawyer believes is $16 million. He knows he will get at least enough to pay all of his creditors in full. So, if you vote in favour of my proposal, if I win, enough money will be paid to the Trustee to pay all the creditors in full. If I don’t win, or there isn’t enough money to pay everyone in full, all creditors will share in whatever is available.

Once the restructuring proposal is accepted by his creditors and approved by the court, his bankruptcy is annulled. He will get exactly what he is asking for. His creditors will get paid presumably in full. They will not just get the chance to have their debts settled as Mr. Ostrowski states in his affidavit.

Second, section 144 of the BIA says that the bankrupt is entitled to any surplus remaining after payment of all creditor claims in full, with interest, and the cost of the bankruptcy administration. So, if Mr. Ostrowski is successful and gets $16 million, that money would go to his Trustee, after the legal costs of winning that award. The Trustee would keep what is necessary to pay all the claims in full, with interest, and the costs of the bankruptcy administration. Mr. Ostrowski would keep the rest.

I recommend the first way, the restructuring proposal route because that could get Mr. Ostrowski’s bankruptcy annulled fairly quickly, which is what he is asking for.

It will be interesting to see what the court decides. I will let you know when I find out.

Bankruptcy means summary

I hope you found this bankruptcy means Brandon’s Blog informative and interesting.

The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Income, revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs, their companies and individual Canadians. This is especially true these days. Some people think that bankruptcy means the end of their life. Bankruptcy should be a last resort for anyone. We strive to help people and companies avoid bankruptcy. But if bankruptcy is necessary, do not think of it as the end of life. It really is a fresh new beginning. That is what bankruptcy means.

If anyone needs our assistance for debt relief Canada COVID-19, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

bankruptcy means
bankruptcy means
Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.

Bankruptcies in Ontario -Introduction

Much of the insolvency chatter developing from the COVID-19 pandemic world in which we find ourselves is now concentrating on the waterfall of brand-new bankruptcies in Ontario that are predicted to arrive. I have previously written about some of the big-name US retailers that have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Businesses shut down, job losses, government funding for people and businesses to try to hang on through this coronavirus are all in the headlines. What our “new normal” will look like and which companies and jobs will survive, right now, is anybody’s guess.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I want to highlight things creditors must know about canadian bankruptcy and bankruptcies in Ontario. By being well-versed, creditors will hopefully be able to better understand what is in store for them and for the debtors.

1. Bankruptcies in Ontario – the automatic stay of proceedings

In Canadian insolvency matters, an automatic stay of proceedings happens when a company or person files under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) for either:

  1. Bankruptcy
  2. Consumer proposal
  3. Corporate or large personal restructuring

The stay of proceedings is automatic under the BIA. Other than in one specific situation which I will touch on in a minute, absent proof that some sort of fraud is being committed on the court, a judge will not interfere with the automatic stay provisions. So an unsecured creditor will not be able to start or continue any action for collecting on a debt.

The one exception is in a restructuring where the major secured creditor goes to court and provides evidence that no matter what the restructuring may look like, they will never support it. The secured creditor would at the same time be requesting the court to lift the stay of proceedings so that they can enforce on their security.

Absent a restructuring proposal that promises to pay out that secured creditor 100% PLUS proof that the company or person has a realistic chance of refinancing to take out that secured creditor. Even in that situation, the court could give the debtor some time to pull it off, but it will be a very short lease. Otherwise, the secured creditor will probably get their wish and the restructuring effort will end.

In the case of a privately appointed receiver, there is no automatic stay of proceedings. This is notwithstanding that the conduct of the receiver in a private receivership is also governed by the BIA. The reason there is no automatic stay of proceedings is that a private receivership is not a filing under the BIA.

In either a court-appointed receivership or a corporate restructuring under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA), the stay of proceedings authority does not come from statute per se. The respective statutes allow for the judge to order a stay of proceedings. That language is then incorporated into the court order appointing the receiver or authorizing the bankruptcy protection CCAA filing. In these cases, the court is available for anyone to make an application to lift the stay if they can prove that they are being prejudiced. Again, normally only secured creditors will be able to show prejudice.

2. Bankruptcies in OntarioKnow whether, when, and where proof of claim needs to be submitted

For bankruptcies in Ontario and restructurings, it is important to know what kind of insolvency proceeding is taking place. The notice you receive from the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) will tell you what kind of proceeding it is. It will also provide a proof of claim form to be completed. The notice will provide all the details.

It is important that you know:

  • The details.
  • How to complete a proof of claim form.
  • Where to send it into.
  • What timelines there may be.

Some creditors wish to file a proof of claim only so that if a dividend is declared they will get one. In that case, you can complete and file the proof of claim any time before the Trustee issues a final dividend. The Trustee must send a final notice to all named creditors who have not yet filed a proof of claim before issuing a final dividend.

Some creditors wish to actively participate in the insolvency process. They may wish to attend the meeting of creditors, vote on a restructuring proposal under the BIA. If creditors wish to actively participate in bankruptcies in Ontario, they should complete and file the proof of claim with the Trustee within the time-frame indicated in the notice accompanying the proof of claim form.

In a receivership, there will only be a need to file a proof of claim if the receiver has realized enough money from the sale of assets to pay out the trust claims and secured creditor claims in full and now has money for the unsecured creditors. This is very rare. In that situation, the receiver will conduct a claims bar process later on in the administration. That is when a notice with a blank proof of claim form will be sent out to the known creditors.

In a restructuring under the CCAA, first, the restructuring plan, called the Plan of Arrangement, is finalized. Then the Trustee will send out notices and blank proof of claim forms for creditors to complete and submit. Filling out the form at that stage will allow creditors to actively participate in the meeting and voting on the plan, as well as be in line to receive a payment.

3. Bankruptcies in Ontario – Obtaining a preference repayment from a future bankrupt debtor is not illegal or unethical, but you may have to give it back

If a customer of yours offers to pay you money, even if it turns out to be on the eve of an insolvency filing, take it! Always take the money; stress over any claim for it by a Trustee later.

The premise of the BIA is that all unsecured creditors will be treated equally. So, if certain unsecured creditors receive partial or full payment on the eve of filing, and then the debtor goes bankrupt, there is a presumption of a preference. The onus is on the creditor who received payment to rebut the presumption of a preference. If the Trustee is successful in attacking such a transaction, then the creditor must pay over the money to the Trustee. The creditor will also have spent money on its own legal fees. There will also probably be a cost award for all or a portion of the Trustee’s legal costs also.

Notwithstanding all this, it is better to have the money than not. Perhaps the Trustee will not knock on your door. Or, maybe you can avoid a lot of heartache by agreeing to and paying over a settlement amount that is less than 100% of what you received. Finally, there is a very limited number of defences to rebut the presumption of a preference. Perhaps your situation falls under one of them.

Taking the money is not immoral, unethical or illegal. You just may not be able to keep it if your customer files for bankruptcy after making the payment to you.

4. Bankruptcies in Ontario – review the Trustee’s Report very carefully and ask questions

The Trustee’s report outlines issues of importance regarding the conduct of the debtor both pre and post-filing. Sometimes, there may be an action that the Trustee could take to enhance the recovery of an asset, but lacks the funding to do so.

In those cases, a creditor or a group of creditors can choose to either:

  1. Fund the Trustee to take the action for the general benefit of all unsecured creditors.
  2. Get court approval to take the action in their own name under s.38 of the BIA.

It would be unusual for creditors to fund the Trustee. The simple reason is that they would be responsible for 100% of the costs but have to share any recovery with all the other unsecured creditors on a pro-rata basis. For this reason, it is not done.

Many times a creditor or group of creditors will choose to obtain court permission to take on the action in their own name. The court will insist that the creditor group make the opportunity to all creditors. However, a “buy-in” will be set. Most of the time other creditors won’t pony up to join in. Either they are not sophisticated enough to realize the potential benefit or they feel it is not worth their spending money in that way.

Under an s.38 action, if successful, the creditor can first pay back all its costs in doing the action. Next, they are entitled to keep up to the full amount of their claim. If any funds are left over, they must be paid over to the Trustee.

I am administering a bankruptcy file right now where there was foreign real estate. I did my investigation and determined that although saleable, the properties would take many years to sell and then to repatriate the money back to Canada. The major unsecured creditor wished to take control of the sales process. So, her lawyer got court approval for her to do so under s.38 of the BIA. No other creditor joined in with her. The properties are now sold, we have so far received a six-figure payment from the surplus sitting in her Canadian lawyer’s trust account after she was fully repaid all of her costs and the amount of her claim.

There is another six-figure amount sitting in a foreign country. We have retained legal counsel in that country now to get the rest of the funds repatriated into our trust account. Once received, we will finalize our vetting of all proofs of claim and make a distribution to the unsecured creditors.

5. A discharge from personal bankruptcies in Ontario ends the debtor’s liability for pretty well all debts

Unless the Trustee of a bankrupt corporation raises enough money for all of the creditors to be paid off in full, with interest, a corporation is never discharged from bankruptcy. In personal bankruptcy, the debtor is eventually entitled to an absolute discharge. The absolute discharge can be:

  • Received straight away when the debtor is able to be discharged.
  • Given once the bankrupt fulfills all of the conditions of discharge.

There are only a handful of claims that are not discharged upon the discharge of the bankrupt. Those are:

  1. Trust claims.
  2. Secured claims.
  3. Those claims which fall under s.178 of the BIA.

If a debtor wishes to get out of a liability where the creditor holds security, such as vehicle financing, the debtor needs to trigger a default prior to filing for bankruptcy. So continuing with the vehicle example, the debtor could tell the lender that it cannot afford to make any more payments. The debtor would then give the vehicle and the keys to the lender.

The debtor should then wait for notice from the lender that the vehicle has been sold, the lender has suffered a shortfall and demands payment for the shortfall. The shortfall is an unsecured claim. The debtor now files for bankruptcy after the shortfall claim has crystallized. There now is no longer a secured claim for this debt.

If the debtor does not wait for the shortfall notice from the lender, they run the risk that the shortfall occurs after the date of bankruptcy. In that case, the shortfall unsecured claim will not be a debt discharged by the bankrupt’s discharge.

I have previously written about the s.178 claims. You can read about them in my blog.

Lacking affirmative action by a debtor or Trustee, all secured claims go through the bankruptcy unaffected. It is incumbent on the Trustee to get a lawyer’s security opinion on the validity of any secured creditor’s security as against the Trustee. I have a corporate bankruptcy file now where the legal opinion was that the security was not valid. I advised the creditor who did not object. I guess they already knew!

6. Bankruptcies in OntarioA fully completed restructuring also discharges most debts

The most essential element of reorganization situations under the BIA and CCAA that creditors need to know is about how debts get discharged in a restructuring. Similar to a personal bankruptcies in Ontario, in a successfully completed corporate restructuring, the debtor’s debts are discharged. Again, except for trust claims and secured creditor claims, the ordinary unsecured debts of a corporation are fully discharged when a restructuring plan that has been accepted by the creditors and approved by the court is fully completed. When the payout is made to the creditors and the company has successfully completed it, there are no pre-filing debts remaining.

So what is the significance to creditors? Well, if you are a director of the company, any debts that would have been a director liability, other than for a trust claim, vanishes. As there is no debt left, there is nothing left for the director to be responsible for.

Likewise, if someone personally guaranteed a premises lease to the landlord, if the lease is disclaimed as part of the restructuring, then the landlord has an unsecured claim. Once that claim is fully discharged in the restructuring, there is no debt left for the guarantor to be responsible for.

Creditors should also know that a company in a restructuring, may come to you to renegotiate your agreement with the company. If you refuse, the company could disclaim the agreement and any claim you have will be an unsecured claim in the restructuring.

7. Bankruptcies in Ontario bonus tip

It is better to get professional advice about extending credit to a customer and the best way to do it before you approve the credit. Getting professional advice after they have filed for bankruptcy limits your options.

Bankruptcies in Ontario – Summary

I hope you have found this bankruptcies in Ontario Brandon’s Blog helpful.

The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. This is especially true these days.

If anyone needs our assistance for debt relief Canada COVID, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.

bankruptcies in ontario
bankruptcies in ontario
Brandon Blog Post



The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to describe the final type of bankruptcy in Canada. I will describe it from the viewpoint of creditors. Previously I’ve blogged about the three types of bankruptcies in Canada. I also wrote about the personal bankruptcy process and the corporate bankruptcy process in Canada.

Personal bankruptcy and corporate bankruptcy in Canada

From the first two, the personal bankruptcy process and the corporate bankruptcy process, that was from the perspective of a person or company filing an assignment in bankruptcy. I also wrote about a person or company being pushed into bankruptcy by one or more creditors through a bankruptcy application and a bankruptcy order.

Today’s blog is to talk about the third type of bankruptcy and that is a deemed assignment in bankruptcy. The deemed assignment is most commonly associated with when a financial restructuring under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) heads south.

Creditors and a deemed assignment in bankruptcy

In Canada, very large corporate restructurings are done under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. A person or a company of any size can also restructure under the BIA. This blog is about restructuring under the BIA to illustrate the third way a person or company can go bankrupt through a deemed assignment in bankruptcy.

The reason people or companies would file for a financial restructuring is to get a time out from its creditors taking action against them trying to collect on debts. People who owe more than $250,000 and companies who have too much debt qualify to restructure under the financial restructuring debt settlement provisions of the BIA. A restructuring filing gives them the needed time out to formulate a plan for settling the debt.

If a person owes $250,000 or less, then there is a different restructuring provision of the BIA available. That provision is the consumer proposal restructuring debt settlement section. If a consumer proposal restructuring attempt fails, that ultimately does not end up in being a deemed assignment in bankruptcy.

The deemed assignment in bankruptcy, the third type of bankruptcy in Canada, is really the topic of this blog.

Financial restructuring under the BIA

So the BIA has a financial restructuring section. The debtor needing a timeout can either file their restructuring proposal straight away or first buy some extra time by filing a notice of intention to make a proposal. If a debtor first files a notice of intention to make a proposal, within 10 days after that, they need to file a cash flow statement in the prescribed form plus related extra documents (unless the time period is extended by the court). The restructuring proposal must be filed within 30 days after the filing of the notice of intention to make a proposal.

When a debtor files the actual restructuring proposal a cash flow statement has to be filed with it as well. It will be an original one if the debtor goes straight away to the filing of the proposal or an updated one if they first filed the notice of intention to make a proposal.

Meeting of creditors to consider the proposal

Once filed the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) must notify the creditors of the filing of a notice of intention to make a proposal and the restructuring proposal. The Trustee must call a meeting of creditors within 21 days of the filing of the restructuring proposal.

The creditors get to vote to approve or not approve the restructuring proposal creditor acceptances by voting and must be in the requisite majority calculated as a simple majority in number and at least 2/3 of the dollar value of all claims voting either in person at the meeting or by proxy and voting letter delivered to the trustee prior to the start of the meeting.

The need for Court approval

After creditors accept the Proposal, the Trustee must get the restructuring proposal approved by the court. For the court approval process, the court considers if:

  • the restructuring proposal, are the terms of the restructuring proposal fair and calculated to benefit the general body of creditors?
  • Did the Trustee properly follow all required procedural steps including properly holding and counting the voting by the creditors?

As long as the answers to these questions are yes and the restructuring proposal took the interests of all stakeholders into account, then the court will approve the restructuring proposal. Then the company or the person must successfully complete it including making all payments required under the restructuring proposal.

How can a restructuring proposal fail or head south?

A financial restructuring plan under the BIA can fail if:

  • the person or company fails to file the required cash flow statement and related documentation within the 10 day period after the filing of the notice of intention to make a proposal or the debtor;
  • fails to file a financial restructuring proposal within the 30-day time limit after the filing of the notice of intention to make a proposal or such greater time period authorized by the court;
  • the requisite majority of creditors voting do not accept the restructuring proposal;
  • the court does not approve the restructuring proposal; or
  • the restructuring proposal is accepted by the creditors and approved by the Court but the debtor fails to make the payments and do any other things contained in the restructuring proposal.

When the debtor is automatically bankrupt when there is an event of default in the Proposal

Under the following situations, the person or company will be deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy if the person or company:

  • fails to file the required cash flow statement;
  • the debtor fails to file the financial restructuring proposal on time;
  • the requisite majority of creditors voting do not accept the restructuring proposal; or
  • the court does not approve the restructuring proposal

Under any of these conditions, the person or the company is automatically deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy. You can go back and review my earlier blogs for the personal bankruptcy process and for what the corporate bankruptcy process is all about.

You can do the same thing when the restructuring proposals are accepted by the creditors and approved by the court but the debtor fails to make payments or do any of the other things contained in the restructuring proposal.

A Proposal default that does not automatically mean bankruptcy

Unlike the other events of default, when the debtor fails to make a payment under the Proposal, there is not an automatically deemed assignment in bankruptcy. Rather the Trustee has to give notice to the debtor and if there are any the inspectors in the restructuring to them also. The person or company attempting to restructure then has 30 days to remedy the default. If they do not remedy the default after the 30 day period then the Trustee has to issue a notice of default which is sent to the debtor, the creditors, and to the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

After giving notice of default, the Trustee does not have to do anything else. Any one of the creditors can then bring a court motion to annul the restructuring proposal. If the Trustee has the funding to do so and is directed by the inspectors, the Trustee can also bring that motion.

If the motion is brought and is successful then and only then is the person or company deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy.

But if nobody brings the motion the company or person actually just floats out there and the Trustee is entitled to go for taxation of its receipts and disbursements, make whatever distribution it can with the funds on hand and then go get its discharge.

Three types of bankruptcy in Canada

So to recap, the three types of bankruptcies in Canada are:

  • filing an assignment of bankruptcy;
  • a bankruptcy application and the issuance of a bankruptcy order; and
  • as explained in this blog, a deemed assignment in bankruptcy.

I hope you enjoyed this blog on creditors, a financial restructuring proposal and the process for a deemed assignment in bankruptcy. The IraSmith team is available to help you at any time. We offer sound advice and a solid plan for Starting Over Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt-free life in no time.

Do you have too much debt? Are you banking on some outside event that you have no control over, like an inheritance or gambling winnings to save you or your company?

If yes, then you need immediate help. The Ira Smith Team comprehends just how to do a debt restructuring. Much more notably, we know the demands of the business owner or the person who has too much debt. Due to the fact that you are managing these stressful financial problems, you are anxious.

It is not your fault you cannot fix this issue on your own. You have just been shown the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

At Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc., we take a look at your whole condition and layout a strategy that is as unique as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as a part of the debt negotiation approach we will create just for you.

We understand that individuals facing financial troubles require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you as well as end the pain you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will certainly get you or your business back on the road to a well balanced and healthy life and end the pain factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


Form 31 proof of claim: Introduction

In last week’s vlog, I reviewed why it is important to complete a form 31 proof of claim truthfully, and the penalties for filing a false claim. For both personal and corporate insolvency files, creditors call asking how to complete the document. I discuss in this vlog why it needs to be completed properly. I also provide a link in this blog that you can click on to see how to properly complete the form step by step.

The reference to “form 31” is merely the number of the form given to the form 31 proof of claim form under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (“BIA”).

What is the form 31 proof of claim form?

Completing and returning form 31 is the second phase in the bankruptcy process. They are included with the notice of bankruptcy documents mailed out by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) (the “Trustee”) to formally notify the creditors of the bankruptcy.

When properly completed and filed by each creditor, they are what a Trustee uses to compare the debt as listed on the debtor’s bankruptcy sworn Statement of Affairs. The amount claimed by a creditor is normally different than the amount of the debt listed on the bankruptcy schedules. The reason for this is normally because the creditor’s records are accurate to the penny, while the bankrupt’s records are usually not up to date.

The process is the same whether you are filing a secured claim, an ordinary unsecured claim or a priority claim, which is also unsecured, under s.138 of the BIA. What is important is that you need to have a provable claim.

If the Trustee determines that you have either an unliquidated claim or a contingent claim, there will be additional steps you will need to take for the Trustee to be able to ascribe a value and for you to have a properly proved claim.

Form 31 proof of claim: Form 31

In every:

the Trustee will supply to all creditors form 31 document. If the debtor who intends to restructure first files a Notice of Intention To Make a Proposal, a claim form is not sent out at that stage. It will be sent with the actual restructuring proposal and other related documents.

The same document contains both where you can make your claim as well as complete the proxy form, if applicable. Creditors may experience difficulty completing the document. So, the Trustee provides instructions on how to complete the claim form and proxy. That is also why I have provided a step-by-step instruction sheet from the link below so you can follow exactly how to complete the form.

form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

Form 31 proof of claim: Acceptability of proof of claim

It is important to properly complete the document. It must be completed fully and properly. The claim must include all necessary details called for under the BIA. Below is a link to an example on how to properly complete the form 31 proof of claim. A Trustee is required to review all proofs of claim received.

The purpose of this is to know what claims are acceptable to be admitted for voting at the First Meeting of Creditors. Also, all proofs received either before or after the creditors’ meeting must also be reviewed carefully to make sure that they are acceptable if there is a dividend to be paid on the claims in the insolvency proceeding.

The Chair of the creditors meeting has the power to admit or disallow claims for the purpose of voting at the meeting. The Trustee has the same power for the proofs of claim for dividend purposes. Most times the Trustee will also be the Chair at the meeting of creditors.

It is incumbent on the Trustee to communicate with creditors whose claims the Trustee believes to be deficient. The purpose is to obtain additional information to make a final determination. The Trustee has to decide whether to admit or disallow a specific claim.

As you can see, completing the document properly is essential.

Does a creditor have to file a claim?

Nobody will force a creditor to file a claim in a bankruptcy estate. A creditor’s claim becomes valid when the creditor files it and the Trustee accepts it. . When a creditor files a claim against a bankruptcy estate, the creditor is making a claim that the Trustee should record and count their claim so that the creditor will be entitled to receive their pro-rata share of any dividend payments that may be made.

The Trustee will issue the maximum payment each creditor is entitled to when the bankruptcy estate is liquidated. When a creditor files a claim, the creditor also becomes an interested party in the bankruptcy case. An interested party is a person who has a vested interest in the bankruptcy case. If the claim is filed before the First Meeting of Creditors in bankruptcy, then the creditor has the right to participate in and vote at the meeting.

Form 31 proof of claim: My example



form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

Can I file a proof of claim after the deadline?

There are really only two important deadlines when it comes to filing a claim. The first is before the First Meeting of Creditors. As mentioned above, if you wish to participate in that meeting, then you need to have filed a properly completed valid claim before the start of the meeting. However, if you don’t file it by then, although you won’t be able to vote at the meeting, you have not lost out on anything else.

Once all the realization of assets of the bankrupt has been completed, being both the current assets, fixed assets, and possibly even intangible assets, if the Trustee has sufficient funds to issue a dividend payment, then the Trustee has to review all the claims filed. The Trustee also has to compare the claims register containing all of the creditor claims filed against the names and amounts listed in the bankrupt’s sworn Statement of Affairs.

If any creditors have not yet filed, and there will be a payment made to the unsecured creditors, the Trustee has to send a specific notice pursuant to the requirements of the BIA to each such creditor. The notice in writing says that a dividend will be paid, and if you don’t file your claim by a specific date, then you will be barred from receiving any payment.

How do I object to a form 31 proof of claim?

First, you have to be a creditor with a proven claim accepted by the Trustee. The BIA states that any creditor can inspect the claims filed. So if you have personal knowledge that a party listed on the sworn Statement of Affairs is really not a creditor, then you would be assisting the Trustee by reviewing the claims filed and pointing out any claims you believe are invalid, and why. However, it is very unusual for a creditor to take the time to do so.

The next opportunity and really the only time it matters, for a creditor to object to a claim filed by a creditor is if a dividend distribution is going to be made and the Trustee sends out the Final Dividend Sheet. If you think there are errors, then you can object to the approval of the Trustee’s Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and the Dividend Sheet.

Reasons that you may feel one or more claims are incorrect could be:

  • You do not believe that someone that has filed as a secured creditor can provide adequate proof of security with their claim.
  • You feel that the compromise of claims being proposed is improper.
  • There may be details of payments received by a creditor are missing and therefore their claim is overvalued.
  • The priority of claims listed is improper.
  • The priority of payment as listed in the Trustee’s Final Statement is incorrect.
  • Some of the more complicated claims, such as the claim of lessor, a claim by wage earner, claim by farmer or another claim for employees have been incorrectly calculated by the Trustee.

If you have any concern that there is an error with the amounts being claimed, or if you believe that there are circumstances where one or more claims are not valid, you should immediately communicate this to the Trustee.

Keep in mind that once the Trustee issues the Final Statement with Dividend Sheet and has the intention of making a payment to all creditors with valid claims, you have to file your own objection within 30 days of the date on which the notice was issued.

Form 31 proof of claim: Do you need help?

Do you or your company have too much debt? Is a financial restructuring or debt settlement plan necessary but you just don’t know where to start? If so, then you need the help of a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has years of experience of helping individuals and companies successfully complete their restructuring proposal debt settlement plans. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our door.

form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity. Call us today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


after bankruptcy discharge canada


After bankruptcy discharge Canada: Introduction

The purpose of my blog is to provide ideas and suggestions on how a person can fulfill one of the aims of the Canadian insolvency system. That is to carry out successful financial rehabilitation and live profitably and happily after bankruptcy discharge Canada.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: You are not alone

In 2017, 122,198 Canadians went for either bankruptcy or a restructuring proposal. The split was roughly even. These people and their families underwent significant financial and emotional pain. In January and February 2018 together, 19,082 Canadians went for either bankruptcy or a restructuring proposal. The split favoured restructuring proposals slightly.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: Your financial slate is now clean

Your financial slate is wiped clean. However, your credit score has taken a beating. Now is the time to not squander the opportunity you have for financial rehabilitation. Notation of your bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 7 years after your bankruptcy discharge. In the case of a restructuring proposal, the notation remains on your credit report for 3 years after successful completion of your financial restructuring.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: My 10 step program to live profitably after a bankruptcy discharge

So how can a discharged bankrupt hop on a rapid course to a bankruptcy rebound? Here are my suggestions:

  1. Use your bankruptcy experience to improve your financial education. Take a course on practical money management.
  2. You won’t have any credit cards so you have to rely more on cash. Use an envelope system so that every payday you segregate your cash into envelopes, each marked with an essential family expense. Make sure the cash is used only for those essential purposes and no cheating. No borrowing from the envelopes!
  3. Points 1 and 2 above lead naturally into the next point. Sit down with the entire family and work out a monthly budget. Your total expenses cannot be more than your total income, after income tax, for the month. If everyone is involved in setting it up, then they will all understand if you just can’t afford something in a certain month. Also, they will all be helping you stay on budget.
  4. You do need to find a way to start rebuilding credit. Obtain a secured credit card. Not the drug store variety, but the kind issued by a real credit card company. You have to deposit funds with the credit card issuer and then you get a credit limit equal to the funds deposited. Use that credit card each month, but pay off the FULL balance each month. The credit card company then reports to the credit reporting agencies that you are using credit wisely. Over time, this will improve your credit score.
  5. Always remember the behaviours that got you into financial trouble in the first place and don’t repeat them. If it was an event outside of your control like job loss or a medical emergency, it was not your behaviour that was the cause of your financial problems.
  6. Establish SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals. Setting and reaching your goals will certainly make you an economic success.
  7. Begin building up savings. You need to be financially prepared for a life emergency. As a bare minimum, begin setting up a reserve so that you can withstand a 6 to 9 month emergency that increases your expenses or reduces your income.
  8. Start investing in an RRSP using an RRSP loan. Take out a small RRSP loan. Use your tax savings to pay it down, and work into your budget repaying the rest of the loan, with interest, during the year. Do the same thing the following years. Not only will you build up RRSP savings, the reported loan repayments will improve your credit rating because you are using credit wisely again.
  9. Purchase based only on your needs that are in your budget; never on your “wants”.
  10. Do not purchase anything on impulse. Research, research and research to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: The takeaway

The takeaway? It is not easy to recover after bankruptcy discharge Canada. It is a series of small steps using modified behaviour and healthy money management skills. But it is possible. I have seen many of my past clients do it. There is not a magic pill you can take. It is a matter of concentrating and working on moving on and learning from your past mistakes. Working at it one day at a time, you will regain your self-respect and feeling of self-worth by restoring your financial and credit report health and wellness.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: What if you have too much debt?

I hope that you have found this information helpful. Bankruptcy is the last thing we try to do for a person in financial difficulty. If caught early enough, we can get involved in a debt settlement restructuring program for you.

The Ira Smith Team knows that you are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. The stress placed upon you is enormous. We understand your pain points.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. We know how to solve your financial challenges, remove your pain and put things back on a healthy path. Contact us today for your free consultation so that we can save your life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post



Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Case study introduction

For today, and the next few weeks, I want to give you some interesting case studies direct from our files. I will not mention any real names of course. Hopefully from these case studies, you will see that we do a lot more than just allow people or companies to claim bankruptcy in Ontario.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: A variety of problems

Today’s case study deals with our client who is a specialist medical doctor and surgeon. We will call her Dr. X. She had an ongoing successful career and then opened up a specialty high-end clinic to offer services not paid for by OHIP, the provincial medical plan. Unfortunately, Dr. X did not get the best advice from her professional advisers when she established the new business venture.

She set up her clinic in a separate building that she purchased. Dr. X then had it renovated extensively to meet the business’ needs, leased or purchased equipment and hired staff.

This new venture was financed entirely by debt:

  • personal debt such as mortgage financing against the matrimonial home;

  • equipment loans or leases in her personal name; and

  • Equipment and mortgage debt in the new business venture corporation for which Dr. X personally guaranteed it.

Therefore one way or the other, her personal responsibility was for 100% of the debt to get the business started. Her husband was responsible jointly with her for the mortgage raised against the matrimonial home.

The cash flow of the business was insufficient to pay the operating costs and debt financing. She had to keep borrowing money personally to keep the new business alive. The stress this caused affected her previously stellar activities as a surgeon and hurt her marriage. By the time Dr. X was came to us, she and her husband were separated and divorce proceedings were underway.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: And then it got even worse

To make matters worse, she could not attempt to liquidate assets to pay down debt and ease the burden. Like most equipment, the clinic’s equipment was not worth more than its original cost. There was no excess equipment either.

The building could not be sold and leased back for a very bad reason. There was a large environmental problem associated with the building which was not discovered through due diligence prior to purchasing it. The issue arose when she tried to refinance.

The potential lender performed a Phase 1 Environmental Study, which indicated that a earlier use in the building produced contaminants which were buried in the ground. The contaminants were leaching into the neighbours’ respective properties. So now there was further personal liability exposure as the sole Director of the company that owned the real estate!

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Filing bankruptcy in Canada would give Dr. X more headaches

Dr. X came to us convinced that she had to go bankrupt. The stress of her failing business was taking a huge toll on her normal duties as a surgeon and her marriage was over. She had previously seen a different licensed insolvency trustee and was convinced from that meeting that bankruptcy was her only answer.

Dr. X considered herself a total failure, in spite of she was still a sought after as a brilliant medical doctor and surgeon. We considered her assets and liabilities, income and expenses and her overall situation.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: More complications

To further complicate matters:

  1. The matrimonial home was listed at the amount required to clear all mortgages which was well above market value.

  2. Once Dr. X inevitably stopped making the first mortgage payments on the matrimonial home, the Bank holding the mortgage would begin power of sale proceedings. The first mortgagee would probably suffer a shortfall on the sale and Dr. X and her estranged spouse would be responsible for the shortfall on the first mortgage and the entire balance of the second mortgage.

  3. Dr. X had a life insurance policy with a cash surrender value (“CSV”). The CSV was not exempt from seizure by a bankruptcy trustee because the beneficiary was her Estate. In a bankruptcy, the CSV would go to the Trustee for the benefit of her creditors.

  4. Dr. X did not know if she could get replacement insurance coverage at all and if so, at a reasonable cost.

  5. There were many creditors who currently had a contingent claim against Dr. X with a very high dollar volume. These claims would ultimately be crystallized. In a bankruptcy, we anticipated that a lot of angry ordinary unsecured creditors, many of whom were sophisticated, such as banks and equipment lenders/lessors, would oppose her discharge from bankruptcy.

  6. In a bankruptcy, Dr. X would have to pay about $82,000 in surplus income payments to us as her bankruptcy trustee over a 21 month period for a monthly payment of $3,905. Dr. X could not afford to pay that much each month and keep her normal medical practice afloat.

Bankruptcy was not a good answer for Dr. X. Notwithstanding she earned a high income, the irony was that she could not afford to claim bankruptcy in Ontario!

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Our assessment

We had to deal with two problems; one financial and one emotional. Dr. X was an emotional wreck as a result of the failed business venture with all of its problems. We actually had to deal with that first. It is normal for a licensed insolvency trustee to take a holistic approach. The debtor facing financial problems always needs two outcomes: (i) a solution that will allow them to shed their debts and get piece of mind; and (ii) become rehabilitated.

We advised Dr. X that a personal bankruptcy was not the answer for her. We told her that she first had to shut down her clinic. She had to deal with the employees to make sure that they were paid up to the last date work their normal wages and vacation pay. They also needed to get their Record of Employment and T4 Statements as quickly as possible. Unfortunately there was no money for pay in lieu of notice.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: How to deal with the failed business venture

We then advised Dr. X that she should not bankrupt the corporation carrying on this new business. Rather, she should call up the first mortgagee and tell that she is abandoning the business premises and is sending the keys over. Then call up the equipment lessors and the lender that did some equipment financing to tell them the business has shut down and they should contact the first mortgagee to gain access to retrieve their property.

Next we advised Dr. X to safeguard the business books and records, so that she could have her accountant file final tax returns. She would also have the records for when Canada Revenue Agency wished to do an audit on the business activities.

The final piece of advice for Dr. X with respect to her new business venture was this. After performing the above steps, walk away. This would end the stress of operating a failing business.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Our assessment and his personal financial fix

All of the contingent debts from the failed business venture had not yet crystallized. They were still contingent. We worked out a cash flow plan with Dr. X that she could keep current with, now that she had abandoned and stopped funding the debt incurred because of the failed business. She also stopped paying the first mortgage on the matrimonial home as the value of the home was now less than the total of the mortgage debt against it.. We worked with Dr. X on a plan to avoid bankruptcy, by filing a formal restructuring proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”).

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: The advantages of our strategy

The advantages of this strategy, if the restructuring proposal could be fully performed, are:

  • Dr. X would not give up her assets to a bankruptcy trustee;

  • She would not lose her life insurance coverage or CSV;

  • All of her debts could be eliminated through the restructuring proposal;

  • Although the total of her restructuring proposal payments had to be more than her creditors would get in her bankruptcy, we could term those payments out to a maximum of 5 years;

  • Her estimated monthly payment would be less than the monthly surplus income payment in a bankruptcy; and

  • Dr. X would avoid bankruptcy and an opposed discharge process entirely.

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    claim bankruptcy in ontario

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: The result

Dr. X followed our advice. Her restructuring proposal was accepted by her creditors qualified to vote at the meeting of creditors held 21 days after the filing of the restructuring proposal. The contingent claims had not yet crystallized. Although eventually those creditors were allowed to file their proper respective claims and take part in the dividends paid out to the unsecured creditors, we made it successfully through the voting process. The proposal was then approved by the Court.

Dr. X not only maintained her regular monthly proposal payments to us, she was able to pay off the proposal early. The reason for this was that now that she had a clear head and no longer felt she was a failure, she could focus on her medical practice and surgery, which once again flourished. Her income and savings rose. These are some of the benefits that financial rehabilitation brings. Dr. X also avoided going bankrupt.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Does Dr. X’s financial problems sound familiar to you?

I present this case study to show how, as a licensed insolvency trustee in the GTA, we look at the entire story of each person or company that comes to us for help. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we stopped Dr. X from going bankrupt and devised an alternate plan for her, allowed her to solve her financial problems and get her life back.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you back on the road to a healthy stress free life and your recovery will be as pain-free as possible. We may be able to stop you to claim bankruptcy in Ontario!

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claim bankruptcy in ontario


Brandon Blog Post


Can you file personal and corporate bankruptcy: Introduction

Can you file personal and corporate bankruptcy is a question all small business owners ask us when they come to our office for a free consultation. We discuss local business bankruptcy with entrepreneurs in our office. Their personal and business lives are intertwined. There’s very little distinction between the individual their small business.

This is especially true if their business in unincorporated and is being operated as a proprietorship. Our role is to first understand them as a person and as a business separately. This way we can give the best possible advice. If the business is a proprietorship, then we are only talking personal bankruptcy, or alternatives to avoid bankruptcy, such as a consumer proposal or restructuring proposal.

If their business legal form is that of a corporation, then we look at both the corporate and personal issues separately. The reason for this is because in the eyes of the law, the corporation and the individual are separate people. Many times it is not necessary for both the corporation and the individual to each file an insolvency process. Maybe only one has to.

Separating your business and personal assets and liabilities is a great reason for incorporating your business. When discussing bankrupting an incorporated company, we also need to consider if there are any Director liabilities. We must also consider the owner’s personal situation. This is so we can make sure they do not do themselves more personal harm than good. We also first look to see if there is a way to restructure and save the corporation.

Can you file personal and corporate bankruptcy: What is bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a lawful method for the honest but unfortunate company or person to get a remedy from the burden of the financial debts that cannot be repaid. When an assignment in bankruptcy is submitted a “stay of proceedings” is invoked.

What the stay of proceedings means

The stay of proceedings results in stopping creditors from beginning or continuing with litigation against the company or person. The stay of proceedings also stops an unsecured creditor who has obtained a judgement. It stops them from garnishing funds from a bank account or part of the person’s wages.

For unsecured creditors, the stay of proceedings also calls a timeout to make sure that one unsecured creditor does not get a benefit over others in regards to the settlement of financial obligations. Keep in mind that the bankruptcy process could also be started by one or more unsecured creditors. They must be owed at least $1,000 in total.

can you file personal and corporate bankruptcy

Can creditors push you into bankruptcy?

The unsecured creditor(s) could file a motion with the Court requesting that a Bankruptcy Order be issued against the company or person. The method of bankrupting a corporation in Canada is the same as that of a person. In addition to being able to prove that the company or person owes this unsecured creditor or group at least $1,000, they also need to prove that at least one act of bankruptcy has been committed in the 6 months prior to the filing of the motion.

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) identifies the various acts of bankruptcy. The most common one is “ceases to meet his liabilities generally as they become due”.

Secured creditors are generally not impacted by bankruptcy. They can realize upon the assets of the company or person covered by the security. In return for the original loan, the lender required that the borrower put up the security as a condition of the loan. The reason for this was so that if insolvency happens, the lender could sell the assets to try to repay the loan, interest and costs.

The secured creditor only really takes part in the bankruptcy process if after they have sold all the assets covered by their security, they are still owed money. The balance they are still owed is an unsecured debt.

Personal bankruptcy

If an individual’s business is a single proprietorship or a partnership, but not a corporation, legally, the person or people are also the business. So when they deal with the possibility of bankruptcy, all their assets are included, subject to provincial exemptions. Simply put, the assets of the business are not held different from their individual assets, so a small business bankruptcy of this kind is personal bankruptcy.

Where does Canada Revenue Agency fit in?

There are generally 3 types of claims that Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has against a business. It does not matter if the business is incorporated or is a sole proprietorship.

The 3 kinds of CRA claims generally are:

  1. Unremitted source deductions from employee payroll
  2. Net HST owing
  3. Unpaid income tax from profitable years

Both the HST liability and income tax, in a bankruptcy, is an unsecured claim. However, the HST liability is also a personal claim against the Director(s) of a corporation. Unremitted source deductions are both a deemed trust claim against the bankrupt’s assets and in the case of a corporation, a personal claim against the Director(s) of the company.

When we do our first consultation with a business owner, when the business is run in a corporation, whenever unremitted source deductions or HST is involved, this always leads to a talk about the person’s situation in the event CRA would make a claim against the Director.

Some bankruptcy statistics

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, for the 12 months ending September 30, 2017, there were 125,912 insolvencies in Canada. This is a decrease of 3% over the same time period a year earlier. Consumer insolvency filings were 122,296 or 97.1% of total filings. The consumer filings were split into 59,192 bankruptcies and 63,104 consumer proposals – roughly half and half.

Business insolvency filings for the same time period in all of Canada totalled 3,616, a decrease of 8.1% from the 12 month period one year earlier. Business insolvency filings were split into 2,719 bankruptcies and 897 proposals. These statistics do not include filings by very large corporations under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36).

As you can see, for a country the size of Canada, there were not a lot of business insolvencies during the first 9 months of 2017. The consumer filings were split roughly even between bankruptcy and a consumer proposal, the best consumer bankruptcy alternative.

Alternatives to Declaring Bankruptcy

A consumer proposal entails paying back a part of your financial debts in return for your unsecured creditors forgiving the remaining balance owing. A consumer proposal provides a significant benefit for a proprietor or partner in an unincorporated business. Unlike in a bankruptcy, your assets are not available for seizure by the licensed insolvency trustee (LIT).

You can take up to 60 months to pay off your consumer proposal. How much you will have to offer your creditors depends on what the unsecured creditors could expect in your bankruptcy. Working with a LIT, you work out that amount through discussion and analysis. A LIT can explain the entire process to you.

From a financial viewpoint, a consumer proposal is better than your bankruptcy because it permits the unsecured creditors to recoup a larger part of the debt than they would receive in your bankruptcy.

What is best for you and your business?

If you find you or your business is in a financial danger zone, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re full-service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and people throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Your financial problems can be solved with immediate action and the right plan. Give us a call today.

can you file personal and corporate bankruptcy
can you file personal and corporate bankruptcy
Call a Trustee Now!