Brandon Blog Post


Receivers and receiverships: Introduction

Imagine a prestigious Canadian law firm, typically the epitome of stability and justice, suddenly hit by a financial storm. The once robust balance sheets now shake, and partners are left to navigate a legal and financial labyrinth they never expected. This Brandon’s Blog takes you on a journey through the intersection of law and finance, revealing the truth behind what happens when even the legal giants fall on hard times.

Financial turbulence is a universal challenge affecting any business, including law firms. In the context of Canadian law firms, the concept of receivers and receiverships is unique, and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta grappled with this issue in a recent case. Join us as we explore the legal strategies, regulations, and complexities of a financially challenged Canadian law firm placed in receivership.

Definition of receivers and receiverships

What Is Receivership?

Receivers and receiverships are a legal process that includes the retention of a 3rd party, referred to as a receiver, to take control of a company’s assets, finances and operations in an effort to resolve the underlying economic problems. Receivership is a lawful remedy used when a company, sole proprietorship, partnership or person, even including a law office, encounters impossible monetary issues. Receivers and receiverships can be used either to restructure a business by separating the good assets from the horrific financial problems or for a straight liquidation.

Receivership is a legal system where a secured creditor either independently designates or petitions the court to appoint a 3rd party, described as a receiver, to manage the properties and affairs of a business or person. Receivers and receiverships become a multifaceted process imbued with complexity. This option regularly serves as an avenue for the reconfiguration of a faltering business or the resolution of financial disagreements among diverse parties.

Navigating receivership involves a formidable blend of legal acumen and also the capability to make wise financial judgments. It is incumbent upon companies and people alike to realize the far-reaching ramifications of receivers and receiverships as well as the prospective scenarios that might ensue from its invocation. Among these considerations lies the essential issue of its repercussions on stakeholders, including employees, unsecured creditors, as well as lenders.

Within Canadian territory, the mantle of a receiver can solely be born by an appropriately qualified licensed insolvency trustee to manage this intricate legal process.

When Is Receivership Considered?

Receivership ends up being a factor to consider when a business experiences severe financial distress, such as mounting financial debts, operational inadequacies, or the inability to satisfy financial commitments. It works as a last resource to salvage what continues to be of the firm’s assets.

an image of a financiallt\y troubled company that is havnig to go into either receivership or bankruptcy
receivers and receiverships

Canada’s legal landscape is complicated, with federal and provincial laws and guidelines controlling the process of receivership. Let us explore this further.

Federal Laws

In Canada, the procedure of receivership is regulated mostly by federal government regulation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The receiver must act lawfully. In a court appointment, the receiver must act in the very best interests of all parties involved. In this type of appointment, receivers as well as receiverships go through oversight by the court. The procedure of receivership can be complicated as well as calls for well-informed legal and financial recommendations to guarantee an effective outcome.

Provincial Regulations

Provinces in Canada also have their own laws which intersect with receivers and receiverships. Examples of provincial regulations that could affect receivers and receiverships are:

  • the actual statute under which a court supervises receivers and receiverships;
  • food and beverage service;
  • landlord and tenant.issues;
  • real property laws;
  • employment laws; and
  • environmental regulations.

Receivers and receiverships: Signs of financial troubles in Canadian law firms

Early signs of law firm financial distress may manifest discreetly initially; however, they possess the potential to swiftly burgeon into more significant predicaments if they remain unaddressed. These initial cues often comprise a diminution in earnings or profits, the gradual accumulation of aged or unrecoverable accounts receivable, protracted deferrals in settling obligations with suppliers, elevated turnover ratios among the workforce, and a conspicuous dearth of financial commitment to technological advancements or educational initiatives.

Furthermore, additional red flags might encompass extravagant expenditures on non-essential items, an absence of transparency in financial disclosures, and an excessive reliance upon a select few pivotal clientele for the lion’s share of the generated income. It is of paramount importance for legal practitioners to diligently oversee their fiscal well-being and to adopt assertive measures for rectification as soon as such issues come to the fore. These remedial actions may encompass the implementation of cost-saving measures, the pursuit of novel revenue streams, and judicious investments in pivotal facets of their enterprise to maintain a competitive edge within the industry.

an image of a financiallt\y troubled company that is havnig to go into either receivership or bankruptcy
receivers and receiverships

Receivers and receiverships: Initiating receivership proceedings

Secured creditors and their loans

In the intricate tapestry of the Canadian receivership process, secured creditors assume a pivotal role, being the foremost lenders vested with a security interest in the debtor company assets. This security interest, the secured loan being a legal tether of paramount significance, empowers them to wield their influence with precision, invoking either the private appointment of a receiver or the judicial machinery to issue an order for a court-appointed receiver.

In the realm of receivers and receiverships, this designated receiver takes upon themselves the onerous task of seizing the reins and stewarding the debtor company’s possessions.

Empowered by their position, secured creditors hold sway over the inception of the receivership process, their voices resonating in the selection of the receiver, a decision of paramount consequence. This influence is not merely titular; it is wielded to safeguard their interests and optimize the potential for recovery.

There are two types of receivers and receiverships:

Privately-appointed receiver

In privately appointed receiverships, the receiver bears the weighty mantle of responsibility, owing a fiduciary duty to the secured lender, a commitment to act in their utmost interest. Secured creditors, in turn, possess the authority to interpose their veto, casting judgment upon select decisions proposed by the receiver.

Court-appointed receiverships

However, when the path leads to court-appointed receivership, a different dynamic emerges, for here, the receiver is an independent arbiter, an officer of the court, rendering decisions with impartiality. No doubt secured creditors will attempt to wield their influence, but the court-appointed receiver must be seen to be even-handed.

In the grand scheme of the Canadian receivership process, secured creditors emerge as the linchpin upon which rests the beginning of efficient oversight and resolution of a debtor’s financial quagmire.

an image of a financiallt\y troubled company that is havnig to go into either receivership or bankruptcy
receivers and receiverships

Receivers and receiverships case study: A recent instance of a Canadian law firm receivership process

The recent decision of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta is in the case of Law Society of Alberta v Higgerty, 2023 ABKB 499. This case involves an application to put a law firm into receivership. Notwithstanding that it is not one of the larger firms, it is, in my view, having been involved in both the receiverships and bankruptcies of law firms, a complete analysis of all the important considerations that insolvency practitioners and non-insolvency lawyers must be aware of in either advising or dealing with an insolvent law firm.

Law firm receivers and receiverships: Background

The Law Society of Alberta (“LSA”) and Mr. Richard E. Harrison are the applicants on this matter (collectively, the “Applicants”). The Applicants seek an order appointing a receiver or a receiver and manager over certain undertakings, personal property, real property and assets of the law practices of Patrick B. Higgerty and Patrick B. Higgerty Professional Corporation (collectively, “Higgerty Law”).

The receivership order sought by the Applicants is unique because of the circumstances underlying this application (the “Application”). The tension in this Application concerns: (i) the desire of a secured lender to enforce its rights and entitlements under the security it holds over the assets held by Higgerty Law; and (ii) the desire of the LSA to ensure the parties are acting in the public interest and to protect solicitor-client privilege that is a component of the files of Higgerty Law.

Easy Legal Finance Inc (“ELFCo”) is a secured lender to Higgerty Law. It seeks the right to enforce its security which is part of the loan agreement. It proposes a process that it alleges will ensure confidentiality and solicitor-client privilege are maintained for stakeholders, and not strip ELFCo of substantially all of its contractual, legal and beneficial rights.

Law firm receivers and receiverships: Facts

During its years of operation, Higgerty Law focused on personal injury law and class action litigation. Compensation for those files was often based on contingency fee agreements, payable when the matter concluded. On March 10, 2023, Higgerty Law was placed under custodianship pursuant to an Order of this Court (the “Custodianship Order”). Mr. Harrison was named the custodian (the “Custodian”).

On the date the Custodianship Order was issued, Higgerty Law had a substantial number of creditors. ELFCo asserted it held security over all present and after-acquired personal property of Higgerty Law. ELFCo claims that its security gives it priority over the proceeds of the class action lawsuits.

Higgerty Law has a debt of around $1.4 million to ELFCo. The interest rate charged on the ELFCo Loan is a whopping 18% per year! Last April, ELFCo served a demand for payment and a notice to enforce security under section 244(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (“BIA”).

The President of ELFCo swore in an affidavit that he believed there was no reasonable prospect of Higgerty Law repaying the ELFCo Loan.

Law firm receivers and receiverships: What the Court needed to address

Initially, several issues were to be addressed in the Application, including: (i) whether a receiver and manager should be appointed; (ii) whether the interest payable on the ELFCo Loan should be stayed; and (iii) the scope of the ELFCo Loan security. The parties agreed to restrict the hearing to the issue of whether a receiver and manager should be appointed. The other issues were deferred to a subsequent hearing.

ELFCo challenges the proposal to appoint a receiver and manager. It asserts there is no business of Higgerty Law to manage and no material estate to administer. ELFCo also asserted that a receiver and manager in these circumstances would be limited to the negotiation of the transfer of a limited number of legal files to new lawyers. It submits that this is not an appropriate mandate for a receiver and manager and that it would not be commercially reasonable in view of the needless cost and redundancy a receivership would create.

As an alternative, ELFCo made an application for approval of a basic process to enforce its security. It asserts that this alternative process would ensure that confidentiality and solicitor-client privilege are maintained for stakeholders. Further, ELFCo asserted that this alternative process would not strip it of substantially all its rights and entitlements under its security, which would occur under the Custodian’s proposal. The one thing that the ELFCo proposal failed to recognize is that under section 244(4) of the BIA, only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver.

The unique circumstances of this case presented a challenge for the Court because there are various stakeholders with different rights that must be balanced, including:

  • the rights of the Higgerty Law clients to have their solicitor-client privileged communications protected;
  • the entitlement of a secured creditor to enforce its legal and beneficial rights;
  • the rights of Higgerty Law clients whose funds appear to have been misappropriated;
  • the rights of Higgerty Law clients to access their file material; and
  • the rights of unsecured creditors, including clients of Higgerty Law.

A wide array of factors should be taken into consideration when considering receivers and receiverships

The Court considered a list of important factors in considering a receivership appointment:

  1. whether irreparable harm might be caused if no order were made, although it is not essential for a creditor to establish irreparable harm if a receiver is not appointed, particularly where the appointment of a receiver is authorized by the security documentation;
  2. the risk to the security holder, taking into consideration the size of the debtor’s equity in the assets and the need for protection or safeguarding of the assets while litigation takes place;
  3. the nature of the property;
  4. the apprehended or actual waste of the debtor’s assets;
  5. the preservation and protection of the property pending judicial resolution;
  6. the balance of convenience to the parties;
  7. the fact that the creditor has the right to appoint a receiver under the documentation provided for the loan;
  8. the enforcement of rights under a security instrument where the security-holder encounters or expects to encounter difficulty with the debtor and others;
  9. the principle that the appointment of a receiver is extraordinary relief, which should be granted cautiously and sparingly;
  10. the consideration of whether a court appointment is necessary to enable the receiver to carry out its duties more efficiently;
  11. the effect of the order upon the parties;
  12. the conduct of the parties;
  13. the length of time that a receiver may be in place;
  14. the cost to the parties;
  15. the likelihood of maximizing return to the parties;
  16. the goal of facilitating the duties of the receiver.

Ultimately, the Court has to decide if, under provincial law, on the balance of the evidence, is it just and convenient to appoint a receiver.

Receivers and receiverships: The evidence and the Court’s analysis

The evidence, in this case, is that:

  • there are trust account improprieties in the range of $419,000; and
  • there is no reasonable prospect of the Applicants or Higgerty Law repaying the ELFCo Loan or continuing to make loan payments.

By virtue of being members of the LSA, custodians can maintain solicitor-client privilege over files and information within their custody. Both the LSA and the Custodian are stakeholders in ensuring the maintenance of solicitor-client privileged information.

There is an important distinction between secured creditors, who are interested in protecting themselves and usually do so through a receiver that they appoint, and a custodian who is typically interested in protecting the clients of the financially troubled law firm and their respective rights and entitlements, including their respective rights to solicitor-client privilege.

From the perspective of the secured creditors, the results which flow from the appointment of a custodian are no happier. A custodian is obliged by the to protect the interests of clients of the firm, including confidentiality, and is consequently unable to collect accounts receivable either efficiently or economically. The task of the custodian is significantly dissimilar from that of the receiver in that the primary objective of the custodian is the protection of clients’ interests. Receivers, by contrast, act in accordance with the interests of creditors. Any benefit enjoyed by creditors which results from the appointment of the custodian is merely incidental to the primary function of the custodian, which is the protection of the clients.

Solicitor-client privilege is a fundamental underpinning of the legal profession in Canada. It is near absolute and merits protection.

Solicitor-client privilege cannot be breached by the interests and entitlement of a secured creditor. Any risks in that regard must be carefully considered. To illustrate this point, the Supreme Court of Canada has held that Anton Piller orders must ensure the protection of the solicitor-client communications of the party being searched. There is no right to disclosure of such communications in discovery because they are protected by privilege.

The Judge determined that the higher duty in the circumstances of this case is to protect the public interest, which includes the protection of privilege associated with the files of Higgerty Law. Given the inherent concerns associated with the issues touching on the “Property” as that term is defined in the Draft Receiver Order, it is inevitable that matters concerning the solicitor-client privilege over the Higgerty Law files will be engaged. As a regulator, the LSA has an obligation to ensure the parties are acting in the public interest and to protect privilege over the Higgerty Law files.

The Judge’s view was that protecting solicitor-client privilege is an essential element of this custodianship. The unique circumstances of this case presented a challenge for the Court because there are various stakeholders with different rights that must be balanced, including:

  1. the rights of the Higgerty Law clients to have their solicitor-client privileged communications protected;
  2. the entitlement of a secured creditor to enforce its legal and beneficial rights;
  3. the rights of Higgerty Law clients whose funds appear to have been misappropriated;
  4. the rights of Higgerty Law clients to access their file material; and
  5. the rights of unsecured creditors, including clients of Higgerty Law.

Receivers and receiverships: The Court’s decision

Based on the Judge’s review of the evidence and analysis of the law, the Judge found that it was just or convenient to appoint a receiver and manager of Higgerty Law. The unique circumstance, in this case, calls for a receiver and manager to be appointed in order to best ensure the protection of the solicitor-client privilege associated with the files of Higgerty Law.

The Judge also directed that the Draft Receiver Order obligate the receiver and manager to come back to the Court for an order whenever a Higgerty Law file is proposed to be transferred to a third party. The Draft Receiver Order must stipulate the notice that is to be given to the stakeholders whenever there is a proposed file transfer.

an image of a financiallt\y troubled company that is havnig to go into either receivership or bankruptcy
receivers and receiverships

Receivers and receiverships: Impact of receivership on law firm clients

Client confidences

Maintaining client confidence is a paramount concern during receivership. The receiver must uphold ethical standards and protect sensitive information.

Receivership does not absolve a law firm from its ongoing legal obligations, including representing existing clients and fulfilling contractual commitments.


Receivership can offer advantages such as a structured approach to resolving financial issues and protecting creditor interests.


However, it also comes with disadvantages, including the potential loss of control for the firm’s owners and uncertainty for employees.

an image of a financiallt\y troubled company that is havnig to go into either receivership or bankruptcy
receivers and receiverships

Alternatives to receivership for law firms: Restructuring options available to a law firm


When confronted with financial difficulties, a Canadian law practice has a range of alternatives to think about prior to being put in receivership. Bankruptcy, restructuring either by merging with another firm or financial help in the form of additional partner capital contributions could be potential options that must be explored. Restructuring permits firms to rearrange their operations and debt structure to bring back financial security.


Receivership or bankruptcy, on the other hand, ought to be taken into consideration when the company’s financial situation is irreparable. It is necessary for an insolvent law practice to carefully evaluate and take into consideration these choices in order to determine the very best strategy to resolve their financial difficulties.

Receivers and receiverships: Frequently asked questions

1. What triggers the need for receivership in a law firm?

Receivership may be triggered in a law firm when the organization is no longer able to meet its financial obligations. This can be due to several factors, including a significant decrease in client demand, mismanagement of funds, or overwhelming debt. The need for receivership can also arise from legal action, such as a lawsuit against the firm.

When the organization is unable to pay its debts, receivership becomes necessary to protect the interests of clients, creditors and stakeholders. In such cases, a court-appointed receiver takes control of the firm’s assets and operations to manage the liquidation process and ensure the equitable distribution of funds from the sale of assets.

2. Can a law firm continue to operate during receivership?

Being in receivership can be a roller coaster ride for a law practice! The future of the firm lies in the hands of the receiver and their assessment of the scenario. If the receiver believes that the law office has the prospective to create revenue by continuing business operations, then the firm might be allowed to continue operating in some fashion in continuing legal services and moving the clients’ legal proceedings forward, while a realization strategy is being developed. But, if the receiver thinks that the firm cannot operate profitably and therefore it’s better for the firm’s assets should be sold, the receiver will seek court approval for that strategy.

3. How does receivership impact the firm’s clients?

The influence of receivership on a law firm’s clients can be significant. Clients may experience hold-ups in obtaining legal services, provided the sanctity of solicitor-client privilege. Furthermore, clients may be worried about the stability and dependability of the firm during the receivership process, which can impact their self-confidence in the firm’s capability to continue to supply essential legal solutions. It is important for both the receiver as well as the law firm in receivership to interact transparently with the clients during the receivership to maintain their confidence as well as minimize the impact of the process.

4. What alternatives exist to receivership for struggling law firms?

When confronted with financial difficulties, a Canadian law practice has a range of alternatives to think about prior to being put in receivership. Bankruptcy, restructuring either by merging with another firm or financial help in the form of additional partner capital contributions could be potential options that must be explored. Restructuring permits firms to rearrange their operations and debt structure to bring back financial security.

5. Are there differences in receivership laws across Canadian provinces?

As indicated above, receivership is governed first by the BIA, a federal statute. Although there may be differences in provincial law in the areas described above that have an effect on receivership proceedings, the base laws governing receivers and receiverships are the same across all provinces.

Receivers and Receiverships: Conclusion

In conclusion, receivers and receiverships are a complex but vital legal process that can be initiated when a Canadian law firm faces insurmountable financial challenges. It involves the appointment of a receiver to manage the firm’s assets and affairs, with the ultimate goal of protecting stakeholder interests. While receivership is a significant step, it is essential to understand its pros and cons and explore alternative solutions before proceeding.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

an image of a financiallt\y troubled company that is havnig to go into either receivership or bankruptcy
receivers and receiverships

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian insolvency: Introduction

As Canadian insolvency laws progress, so do the regulations surrounding the taxation of court officer fees. These fees often make up a considerable proportion of the expenses incurred during insolvency proceedings. It is absolutely essential for insolvency practitioners, legal professionals, and other parties involved in such cases to comprehend the critical factors that affect the taxation of court officer fees.

Knowing the taxation procedure for court officer fees in Canadian insolvency cases that are supervised by the court is significant for various reasons. The following points highlight some of the crucial aspects to consider:

  1. Promoting Transparency and Accountability: The taxation procedure guarantees transparency and accountability in the assessment of court officer fees. It encompasses an autonomous evaluation of the charges imposed by court-appointed officials, such as trustees, receivers, monitors, or liquidators. By comprehending this procedure, interested parties can ascertain that the fees are reasonable and justified.
  2. Safeguarding Stakeholder Interests: Insolvency proceedings encompass multiple stakeholders, including lenders, borrowers, and stockholders. The taxation process aids in safeguarding their interests by scrutinizing the fees imposed by court officers. It ensures that the charges align with the services rendered and prevents exorbitant or unwarranted levies.
  3. Fostering Confidence in the System: By establishing a robust taxation process, the court-supervised insolvency system in Canadian proceedings instills confidence among stakeholders. They can place their trust in the fact that the fees imposed by court officers undergo independent scrutiny and are not arbitrary. This bolsters the overall credibility and integrity of the Canadian insolvency process.
  4. Alleviating Financial Burdens: Insolvency proceedings can present financial hardships for both debtors and creditors alike. Familiarizing oneself with the taxation process enables stakeholders to identify any potential excessive fees and seek recourse if necessary. This helps mitigate additional financial burdens on parties already grappling with financial difficulties.
  5. Facilitating Efficient Resolution: The taxation of costs process fosters efficiency in resolving disputes pertaining to court officer fees. In the event of a disagreement over the charges imposed, a taxation hearing is conducted to settle the dispute. By grasping the intricacies of the process, stakeholders can navigate it adeptly, leading to a prompt resolution and averting unnecessary delays.

To provide a comprehensive overview, it is of utmost importance to grasp the intricacies of the taxation procedure pertaining to the fees charged by court officers in Canadian insolvency proceedings under court supervision. Such understanding not only ensures transparency but also safeguards stakeholder interests, fosters confidence in the system, mitigates financial burdens, and facilitates the efficient resolution of disputes related to fees.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I delve into the multifaceted aspects that shape the taxation of costs. Through this exploration, my aim is to offer valuable insights that will assist you in navigating this intricate domain. Come join us as we embark on an exploration of the nuanced intricacies of Canadian insolvency law and the myriad factors influencing the taxation of court officer fees.

Understanding The Role of Court Officers in Canadian Insolvency Cases

Definition and Role of Court Officers

Within the framework of a Canadian insolvency proceeding supervised by the court, a crucial role is fulfilled by the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT). Acting as a court-designated official, the LIT plays an integral part in facilitating the management of the case and ensuring a fair and efficient process.

Endowed with accreditation from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), LITs as insolvency professionals are highly skilled experts possessing extensive expertise and experience in the realm of bankruptcy and insolvency. They act as unbiased and autonomous professionals, tasked with overseeing the insolvency proceedings in compliance with legal norms and regulations.

As a court-appointed officer, the LIT’s responsibilities are multifaceted and encompass a wide array of duties. These may encompass:

  • When confronted with the financial circumstances of a debtor, it becomes imperative to adopt a comprehensive methodology. Licensed Insolvency Trustees (LITs) excel at appraising the debtor’s assets and ascertaining the optimal strategy for disbursing them among creditors. Through meticulous evaluation of the debtor’s fiscal position, LITs can contribute to guaranteeing a just and impartial allocation of assets to all relevant parties. With their proficiencies in debt and asset administration, LITs serve as invaluable for individuals confronted with financial problems.
  • Facilitating meetings of creditors: LITs organize and conduct meetings where creditors can voice their concerns, vote on important matters, and provide their consent or objections regarding the insolvency process.
  • Developing a proposal or managing bankruptcy proceedings: Depending on the type of insolvency proceeding (such as a consumer proposal or bankruptcy), LITs may assist debtors in developing a proposal to settle their debts or administer the bankruptcy process if the proposal is not viable.
  • Investigating the affairs of the debtor: LITs have the authority to investigate the debtor’s financial affairs, including examining their records, transactions, and conduct, to identify any fraudulent activities or preferences that may impact the distribution of assets.

The above is the case regardless of whether it is a personal insolvency administration or a corporate insolvency one.

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canadian insolvency

Types of Court Officers in Canadian insolvency cases

In the course of Canadian insolvency proceedings, the court possesses the authority to carry out diverse designations involving a LIT to supervise and manage the operation. These designations hinge upon the nature of the insolvency instance and the particular circumstances. Here, I present the normal kinds of designations that a court could enact:

Bankruptcy Trustee

In scenarios of personal or corporate bankruptcy, the LIT acting as the trustee of the bankrupt estate is automatically an officer of the court. The trustee assumes the responsibility of administering the bankruptcy, handling the assets, and disbursing the proceeds to creditors in accordance with the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

Interim Receiver

In certain Canadian insolvency cases, the court may opt to appoint an interim receiver under the BIA, who will serve as a temporary custodian. The primary goal of an interim receiver is to safeguard and preserve the debtor’s assets during the insolvency process.

They are authorized to take control of the debtor’s property and make necessary arrangements to ensure its proper management and security. Typically, an interim receiver is appointed when:

  1. there is a risk of asset dissipation before the court hears an Application for Bankruptcy Order; or
  2. when the debtor intends to sell some or all of its operating assets during a Division I Proposal administration and requires court approval for the sale, with the LIT who is acting as Proposal Trustee also assisting in the sale.

Proposal Trustee

In cases where an insolvent debtor files a consumer proposal or a corporate proposal under the BIA, the LIT acting as the proposal trustee of the insolvent debtor is automatically an officer of the court. The proposal trustee is accountable for evaluating the proposal, conducting meetings with creditors, supervising the restructuring process and the implementation of the approved proposal and making the necessary distribution to the unsecured creditors.


In larger corporate insolvencies under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), the court designates a LIT to act as a monitor. The monitor acts as an independent third party and oversees the affairs of the debtor, ensures adherence to the CCAA procedure, and reports to the court and creditors. The monitor also oversees the restructuring process and the implementation of the restructuring plan.


In the course of a Canadian insolvency proceeding, a receiver appointed by the court assumes control and oversees the management of a debtor’s assets. The receiver’s principal purpose revolves around the preservation of creditors’ interests and the facilitation of an organized administration process.

The appointment through a court-ordered receivership commonly occurs in situations where the debtor has defaulted and has no capacity to fulfill its financial obligations or when the need arises to safeguard and conserve the value of the debtor’s assets.

The receiver possesses extensive authority granted by the court to competently execute their responsibilities. These authorities encompass aspects such as assuming possession and control of the debtor’s assets, managing and liquidating assets, collecting outstanding debts, investigating the debtor’s financial matters, and disbursing proceeds to creditors in alignment with the court’s directives.


The court can appoint a liquidator in the case where the debtor company is solvent but the business is no longer viable. The company, with the assistance of the LIT who is the court-appointed liquidator, can collect on and sell its assets and there will be sufficient funds to pay off all the creditors and have money left over to distribute to the shareholders.

What do all of these court officers have in common?

All of the above various court officer appointments have one thing in common. To ensure an impartial and equitable process, the LIT appointed as the court officer assumes the role of an autonomous entity separate from the debtor and the creditors. They remain accountable to the court and bear a fiduciary duty toward the stakeholders involved.

The appointment of a court officer aims to facilitate the systematic resolution of the Canadian insolvency case (or in the case of a liquidation, the liquidation administration) while safeguarding the interests of the stakeholders involved, by entrusting the responsibilities to the LIT acting as an independent party possessing the requisite expertise in asset management and the resolution of financial disagreements and predicaments.

The appointments will differ depending on the specific circumstances of each case. The court possesses the discretion to enact appropriate designations with relevant powers granted to the LIT as the court officer to ensure the efficient administration and safeguarding of the rights of the debtor and creditors.

canadian insolvency
canadian insolvency

Understanding court officer fees in Canadian insolvency cases

In the realm of Canadian insolvency procedures, the proficiency of court-appointed officers is paramount and unswerving, as they assume a pivotal and irreplaceable function in the management and safeguarding of assets to benefit creditors. LITs bear the weighty responsibility of overseeing the course of insolvency proceedings, ensuring an impartial allocation of assets, and facilitating intricate financial resolutions.

As a testament to their outstanding contributions, court-designated officers are rightfully entitled to specific remunerations, acknowledging their unwavering commitment and specialized expertise. This section of the article aims to embark upon a comprehensive exploration of the diverse fee structures associated with court-appointed officers within the Canadian insolvency administration framework.

Initial retainer fee

Prior to their appointment and as a condition of consenting to act, court-appointed officers may necessitate an initial retainer fee. This fee acts as an upfront payment for their services and covers the preliminary expenses associated with commencing the insolvency administration process. The determination of the retainer fee typically hinges on the intricacy of the case and the complexity of the estate. The retainer amount is credited against the total fees earned as approved by the court.

Fee for administrative purposes

The administration fee constitutes an additional classification of court officer fees. Its objective is to cover the continuous administrative expenses accrued during the process of insolvency administration. This is the professional fee of the court officer, calculated by the hours worked by each level of staff of the court officer, at their standard hourly rates. This is the most common type of court officer fee.

Asset Realization or performance-based fee

It is possible in unique situations where the sale of assets will be very complex, the court officer earns an asset realization fee. It is earned only if the LIT is successful in disposing of the assets belonging to the insolvent estate or obtains a value above some pre-determined threshold amount. The court officer’s hard work in assessing, marketing, and selling assets is crucial to ensuring that creditors receive the best possible returns. Generally, the asset realization fee is calculated as a percentage of the total value of the realized assets or as a percentage of the revenue generated above the pre-determined threshold from the sale of assets.


In addition to the aforementioned fees, court-appointed officers are entitled to charge for their reasonable disbursements incurred during the course of their duties. Disbursements may encompass expenses relating to travel, professional services, legal fees incurred by the court officer, court filings, third-party valuations or appraisals, and other essential costs directly associated with the administration of the insolvency proceedings. The court officer is obligated to maintain meticulous records and furnish comprehensive accounts of the disbursements (and fees) for scrutiny and approval.

Significance of the checks and balances in the court taxation process for court officer fees

In all of the above cases, it is crucial to underscore those court-appointed officer fees and disbursements are subject to judicial oversight and scrutiny to ascertain their reasonableness and justifiability in light of the services rendered. The court possesses the authority to review and endorse these fees, factoring in elements such as the complexity of the case, the qualifications of the court officer, the scope of work performed, and the benefits conferred upon the stakeholders involved.

Court-appointed officers engaged in Canadian insolvency administrations are entitled to a potentially diverse array of fees, commensurate with their indispensable role in the management and preservation of assets. These fees encompass the initial retainer fee, administration fee, asset realization fee, performance-based fee, and reasonable disbursements. By duly compensating court-appointed officers for their unrivalled expertise and unwavering commitment, the insolvency administration process can proceed seamlessly, instilling confidence among creditors regarding the equitable and effective management of the insolvent estate.

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canadian insolvency

Taxation process for court officer fees

The intricate procedure of taxing court officer charges in Canadian insolvency cases is a multifaceted framework that is influenced by numerous pivotal elements. Grasping these elements is of utmost importance for court officers and stakeholders alike, as it directly affects the amount of remuneration received by court officers for their labour and what is accessible to be allocated to the creditors in the priority of their ranking.

By conducting comprehensive evaluations of numerous Canadian insolvency cases, the court has established a series of benchmarks for the taxing process in scrutinizing and endorsing the fee and disbursements of a court officer. The taxing process is impelled by a variety of distinctive elements that necessitate meticulous attention to detail.

In essence, by acquiring a lucid comprehension of the taxing process and its implications, court officers can ensure that they obtain equitable compensation for their labour, while concurrently providing clients with a valuable service. Here are the elements that a court scrutinizes when determining the appropriateness of the fee and disbursements levied by its court officer.

Canadian insolvency cases: What are the factors that the court considers in the taxation of costs process for court officer fees

Preparation and submission of taxation of costs materials

The court officer’s application for the approval of its fee and disbursements is like any other court application. There needs to be the proper legal documents and evidence. The evidence is normally the court officer’s report to the court accompanied by invoices and detailed time dockets, sufficient to show what steps were taken in the administration for the specific date range, by who and at what professional hourly rate. This would be the case not only for the court officer but also for legal counsel providing legal services to the court officer.

This evidence would be accompanied by a sworn affidavit from an official from the court officer’s firm and the legal firm providing legal advice to the court officer, attesting to the accuracy of the time kept and that the hourly rates charged were the standard hourly rates. This would be for the administrative fee described above. If the court officer or its legal counsel feels they are entitled to any other type of fee, that evidence would also have to be put forward. An example would be a signed and accepted engagement letter between the court officer and the applicant in the original litigation that resulted in the appointment of the court officer.

The remaining procedures and documents are the ones that the lawyer acting on behalf of and providing legal advice to the court officer normally does such as obtaining a court date and preparing the notice of motion, factum and draft order, filing it with the court, effecting service on all interested parties and providing proof of service.

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canadian insolvency

The Ontario court pays close attention to and follows several significant legal cases regarding the taxation of court officer fees when assessing the amounts in issue. These cases are:

Bank of Nova Scotia v. Diemer, 2014 ONSC 365 at paragraph 3, citing Re Bakemates International Inc., [2002] O.J. NO. 3659 (Ont. C.A.) – These cases establishes the essential principle that court officers must provide evidence to support the fairness and reasonableness of their requested compensation when seeking approval from the court. The court acknowledges its power to modify the fees and charges imposed by court officers, ensuring a just outcome is achieved.

Re Nortel Networks Corporation et al, 2017 ONSC 673 at paragraph 15, quoting Bank of Nova Scotia v. Diemer, 2014 ONSC 365 at para. 19, aff’d 2014 ONCA 851 – The court is not obligated to scrutinize the intricate details of dockets, hours, explanations, or disbursements. Instead, it has the authority to take into account all pertinent factors and make a more comprehensive assessment when awarding costs or fees. The Court of Appeal has emphasized that the primary focus should be on the achieved results, rather than the amount of time expended in achieving them.

Jethwani v. Damji, 2017 ONSC 3524 at paragraph 49 quoting HSBC Bank Canada v. Mahvash Lechcier-Kimel, 2014 ONSC 1690; aff’d 2014 ONCA 721.- In the context of a court-supervised Canadian insolvency case, if the actions of the court officer are considered imprudent and/or unreasonable, the fees and disbursements for the amounts in issue resulting from such conduct may be deemed unfair and unreasonable. This means that the court officer may not be entitled to receive full compensation for their services if their actions during the administration are deemed inappropriate or unreasonable.

Analyzing the prudence and reasonableness of the court officer’s conduct entails subjective interpretation, usually falling within the purview of the supervising court in Canadian insolvency proceedings. The court will consider an array of factors, including the accomplishments of the court officer, the encountered challenges, and the alignment of actions with the court’s directives and the best interests of all parties involved.

Should the court determine that the court officer’s actions were imprudent or unreasonable, they possess the authority to make appropriate adjustments to the fees and expenses. This adjustment is rooted in the notion that compensation ought to correspond to the level of performance and reasonableness demonstrated throughout the entire Canadian insolvency case.

What will the court specifically consider during the taxation process?

Based on the above cases, the Canadian courts will consider a non-exhaustive list of factors in determining whether a Court officer’s fees are fair and reasonable, including the:

  • nature, extent and value of the assets handled;
  • complications and difficulties encountered;
  • degree of assistance provided by the company, its officers or employees;
  • time spent;
  • court officer’s knowledge, experience and skill;
  • diligence and thoroughness displayed;
  • responsibilities assumed;
  • results of the court officer’s efforts; and
  • cost of comparable services and service providers in the jurisdiction when performed in a prudent and economical manner.

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    canadian insolvency

Canadian insolvency court officer best practices: Enhancing performance and safeguarding interests

In my view, court officers should adopt a set of best practices that can greatly contribute to their effectiveness. These practices should include the implementation of a signed engagement letter in Canadian insolvency court proceedings.

The Importance of a signed engagement letter

The signed engagement letter holds immense significance as it meticulously outlines the extent, nature, and expenses associated with the tasks to be undertaken by a court officer in Canadian insolvency court proceedings. By formalizing the agreement between the court officer and the Applicant, this document sets clear expectations and offers a wide array of benefits to both parties involved.

1. Ensuring clarity and defining the scope of work

With a signed engagement letter, the responsibilities and duties of the court officer become unambiguously clear. It provides a precise delineation of the work’s scope, encompassing specific tasks, deadlines, and deliverables. Such lucidity fosters a mutual understanding between the court officer and the Applicant, effectively minimizing potential misunderstandings or future disputes.

The possession of a signed engagement letter serves as concrete legal protection for both the court officer and the Applicant. It acts as tangible evidence of the agreed-upon terms, substantially reducing the likelihood of contractual conflicts. In instances of disagreements or misunderstandings, this engagement letter stands as a binding agreement, effectively safeguarding the interests of both parties.

3. Transparent cost structure

The engagement letter offers a transparent overview of the expenses associated with the court officer’s services. It explicitly outlines the fee structure, payment terms, and any additional costs that may arise throughout the court proceedings. This transparency enables the Applicant to aptly plan their budget, effectively averting any unforeseen financial surprises.

4. Aligning expectations

By explicitly defining the nature of the work to be performed, an engagement letter ensures a shared understanding between the court officer and the Applicant. It empowers the Applicant to comprehend the services they will receive and the level of assistance they can expect from the court officer. Simultaneously, it grants the court officer the opportunity to clarify their role and set realistic expectations for the Applicant, thus fostering a productive and harmonious working relationship.

5. Professionalism and credibility enhancement

When a court officer provides a signed engagement letter, it showcases their professionalism and credibility. This letter is proof that the officer is dedicated to upholding ethical standards and providing high-quality services. It also reassures the client that they are working with a skilled and responsible court officer. Overall, a signed engagement letter is a crucial element that enhances the court officer’s reputation and builds trust with their clients.

6. Documentation for effective record-keeping

The engagement letter assumes a pivotal role as an indispensable document for meticulous record-keeping purposes. It ensures that all pertinent details regarding the court officer’s engagement and the scope of work are meticulously documented in writing. This comprehensive documentation becomes invaluable when the need for future clarifications or reviews of the work arises.

In summary, incorporating a signed engagement letter into court proceedings is an indispensable best practice for court officers. It fosters clarity, safeguards legal interests, establishes transparent cost structures, aligns expectations, enhances professionalism and credibility, and facilitates effective record-keeping. By adhering to these practices, court officers can significantly enhance their performance and effectively safeguard the interests of all parties involved.

Advantages of meticulous record-keeping for fee statements in court-supervised Canadian insolvency proceedings

Within court-supervised Canadian insolvency proceedings, the court officer assumes a pivotal role in managing the intricate financial aspects of the process. The presence of comprehensive and precise documentation of fee statements yields substantial advantages for both the court officer and the stakeholders involved. Let’s delve into these benefits in greater depth:

1. Transparency and accountability

Thoroughly documented fee statements establish transparency and accountability concerning the financial transactions carried out by a court officer. They empower stakeholders to obtain a lucid comprehension of the imposed fees and the corresponding services rendered. By upholding meticulous records, the court officer can manifest their unwavering dedication to impartiality and ethical conduct, fostering trust among the stakeholders.

2. Justification of fees

Court officers are entitled to receive fair compensation for the provision of their services. By diligently documenting fee statements, court officers can substantiate the fees they levy. These records delineate the precise tasks undertaken, the invested time, and the intricacy of the involved work. Such comprehensive details enable stakeholders to grasp the value that the court officer brings forth and diminish the likelihood of fee-related disputes.

By ensuring the scrupulous documentation of fee statements, court officers can mitigate the risk of legal issues and the need for additional legal services stemming from erroneous or incomplete records. Given the exacting financial reporting requirements within court-supervised Canadian insolvency proceedings, precise and comprehensive fee statements contribute to adherence to regulatory standards, thereby minimizing the potential for legal entanglements.

4. Augmented stakeholder confidence

Stakeholders, encompassing creditors, the debtor being the insolvent company, and the court itself, repose profound trust in court officers’ ability to navigate the intricacies of insolvency proceedings. Meticulously documented fee statements act as tangible evidence of the court officer’s professionalism and dependability. This documentation instills stakeholders with the assurance that the court officer conducts their duties transparently and diligently, cultivating confidence in the overall process.

5. Efficient resolution of disputes

In situations where fee disputes or disagreements arise, the presence of thorough documentation becomes invaluable. Detailed records provide a foundation for resolving conflicts through negotiation or formal channels. They serve to facilitate discussions, clarify any misinterpretations, and reach mutually agreeable solutions. This expedites the resolution of disputes and upholds positive relationships between the court officer and stakeholders.

6. Adherence to reporting requirements

Court-supervised Canadian insolvency proceedings necessitate compliance with various reporting obligations, including financial disclosures. Meticulous documentation of fee statements ensures adherence to these reporting requirements. Accurate and well-documented fee statements streamline the preparation of essential reports, facilitate the maintenance of audit trails, and fulfill regulatory obligations. This enables court officers to fulfill their responsibilities effectively and ensures the smooth progression of proceedings.

7. Cultivation of professional reputation

Maintaining meticulous documentation of fee statements contributes to the cultivation of a court officer’s professional reputation. Accurate and organized records serve as a testament to the court officer’s unwavering commitment to professionalism and attention to detail. This meticulousness resonates positively within the legal and insolvency communities, potentially opening doors to future opportunities and referrals.

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canadian insolvency

Advantages of timely and effective communication for court officers and stakeholders

Timely and effective communication plays a vital role in the court officers’ quest to maintain transparency and foster positive relationships with stakeholders. By giving due importance to clear and consistent communication concerning their actions, activities, and fees charged, court officers bring forth numerous benefits for themselves and the stakeholders involved. Let’s delve into these advantages in detail:

1. Improved comprehension and trust

Timely and effective communication empower court officers to articulate their actions and activities in a manner that stakeholders can readily grasp. By providing regular updates and reports, court officers ensure that stakeholders possess a comprehensive understanding of the progress and status of the proceedings. This level of transparency nurtures trust and instills confidence in the court officers’ capabilities, thereby fostering a productive and harmonious working relationship.

2. Heightened collaboration and cooperation

Maintaining open channels of communication enable court officers and stakeholders to exchange relevant information and actively engage in the proceedings. Effective communication facilitates seamless collaboration, leading to improved decision-making and problem-solving. This collaborative approach streamlines the legal process and paves the way for a more efficient resolution.

3. Timely resolution of issues

Timely communication empowers stakeholders to promptly address any concerns or issues that may arise. By promptly sharing information and seeking feedback, court officers can identify and resolve potential challenges or conflicts in a timely manner. This proactive approach minimizes disruptions, reduces delays, and ensures that the proceedings stay on track.

4. Transparent cost structure and budget management

Effective communication regarding fees charged equip stakeholders with a clear understanding of the costs involved in the legal process. Court officers can provide detailed explanations of the fees charged, including any additional expenses. This transparency empowers stakeholders to effectively manage their budgets, enabling them to anticipate and plan for the financial aspects of the proceedings.

5. Mitigation of misunderstandings and disputes

Clear and timely communication acts as a safeguard against misunderstandings and potential disputes. By providing comprehensive explanations of their actions and activities, court officers can address any questions or concerns that stakeholders may have. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of conflicts and ensures a smoother legal process.

6. Stakeholder satisfaction and retention

When court officers prioritize effective communication, stakeholders feel valued and actively involved in the proceedings. Regular updates, timely responses, and clear explanations contribute to stakeholder satisfaction. Satisfied stakeholders are more likely to continue working with the court officers in the future and may even provide valuable referrals, thus enhancing the court officers’ reputation and expanding their professional network.

Timely and effective communication ensures that court officers adhere to legal and ethical standards. By providing regular updates and accurate information, court officers demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability. This adherence to standards upholds the integrity of the legal process and instills confidence among stakeholders.

Canadian insolvency: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this Canadian insolvency Brandon’s Blog on the issue of the taxation of a court officer’s fee and disbursements. Managing your personal or business financial affairs in today’s ever-challenging and changing business landscape is no small feat, but with the right plan in place, it’s possible to stay or get back on track.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

canadian insolvency
canadian insolvency
Brandon Blog Post


How long do receiverships last in Canada? Introduction

In my September 2021 Brandon’s Blog, THE CANADIAN RECEIVERSHIP EASY BEGINNERS GUIDE, I provided an easy-to-understand guide to understand the receivership process. To summarize, I described that in Canada, a receivership is a legal remedy available to secured creditors to recover outstanding amounts under a secured loan if a company defaults on its loan payments. It may also be used in shareholder disputes to complete a project, liquidate assets, or sell a business.

A court may appoint a receiver to take possession of assets, oversee liquidation proceedings, and distribute the proceeds according to the applicable legal priorities as outlined in Canada’s Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). Or, a secured creditor may issue a letter of appointment to the same effect.

It is essential to recognize that receivership and bankruptcy are distinct legal proceedings. Bankruptcy is a formal proceeding, regulated by the BIA, to provide debtors with debt relief when they are financially incapable of paying their unsecured creditors. Conversely, a receivership is a process available to secured creditors to recuperate outstanding debt arising from a secured loan or to address shareholder disputes.

The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to answer the question I am often asked: “how long do receiverships last in Canada?”.

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how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada? Understanding what receivership is

There are two types of receiverships in Canada: court-appointed receiverships and private receiverships. Court-appointed receivers are appointed by a court to oversee the management and disposition of a debtor’s assets. Private receivers are appointed by secured creditors as part of a loan agreement and the security agreement between the debtor company and the manage and sell a business debtor’s assets outside of the court system.

The receiver, regardless if it is a court-appointed receiver or privately appointed receiver, takes control of a company’s assets and business operations to repay outstanding debts to creditors. The receiver’s primary duty is to maximize the value of the assets and distribute the proceeds to the creditors according to their priority ranking. The receiver has the power to sell, manage, or liquidate the assets and may also negotiate with creditors to restructure the company’s debt.

Some key players in a receivership process are:

  • Borrower: The owner of the property who defaults on their loan obligations or faces financial distress.
  • Lender: The secured lender, normally a financial institution, who initiates the receivership action to protect their interest in the property and recover their debt.
  • Receiver: The neutral third party who is a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) and is appointed either privately or by the court to take charge of the property and manage it toward a sale or resolution.
  • Court: The judicial authority that grants or denies the receivership request, sets the terms and conditions for the receiver’s appointment and oversees the receivership process.
  • Law firm: The lawyers who are acting for the lender, the borrower and the court-appointed receiver.

The powers and duties of a receiver can vary depending on the nature of the assets or the court order appointing them. Generally, it includes taking control of the assets, managing them in a financially responsible manner, and reporting to the court and parties involved in the dispute.

The duration of receiverships in Canada can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case, but it typically lasts for a few months to over a year.

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how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada?

Several factors will affect the duration of receivership in Canada, including:

  • the complexity of the case;
  • the number and nature of the assets involved;
  • the cooperation of the parties involved; and
  • the efficiency of the court system.

Other factors may include the availability of qualified professionals to manage and sell the assets, the level of creditor involvement and negotiation, and the overall economic and market conditions at the time. Ultimately, the length of receivership will depend on the specific circumstances of each case.

Court supervision is the oversight provided by a court in a court-appointed receivership. The purpose of court supervision is to appoint the receiver, to allow for the receiver to obtain the approval of the court to decisions and actions the court-appointed receiver wishes to take, to ensure that the receiver acts in the best interest of all parties involved and follows the court’s orders and to allow a forum for any aggrieved party to bring their dispute to the court for adjudication.

Termination of a receivership occurs when the court is satisfied that the receiver has fulfilled their duties and objectives or when the receiver’s appointment is no longer necessary. The court terminates a receivership by court order after approving the receiver’s final report and accounts.

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how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada? Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Navigating receiverships can be a tricky and complex situation. Asking questions like “how long do receiverships last in Canada?” is essential to any company dealing with financial hardship. Here I will cover some of the common FAQs associated with receiverships in Canada, and provide an in-depth look at the timeline of these proceedings. It is essential to have a thorough comprehension of receiverships to successfully manage this situation.

What are the differences between bankruptcy vs. receivership?

Receivership is a process to secure the rights of secured creditors, allowing for the control and eventual sale of the assets of a distressed company. Bankruptcy, on the other hand, is a legal process which allows a company in financial difficulty to reorganize its affairs or liquidate its assets under the guidance of an insolvency trustee – providing a safety net to unsecured creditors.

What happens during a receivership process in Canada?

As part of the receivership process in Canada, a receiver is appointed to handle a company’s assets and activities, facilitating the sale of these to settle the company’s debt to creditors.

How does a receiver sell a business or assets?

To sell a business or assets, a receiver has many options available. A receiver can:

  • advertise the assets for sale by running a tender bid sales process;
  • a tender bid sales process could be stand-alone or could be combined with a stalking horse sales process;
  • the assets could be liquidated through a public auction using the services of an auctioneer;
  • the receiver could hand all the assets over to a liquidator in order to sell the assets in an online auction;
  • in certain circumstances, the receiver may wish to hire a professional business broker experienced in that particular industry or assets the receiver took possession of; or
  • for retail store assets, the receiver may sell the entire package of assets and will then run a retail sale to the public.

Regardless of the process chosen, the receiver’s aim is to market and sell the assets or business and obtain the best price for the assets or business under the circumstances.

How does a creditor apply for receivership in Canada?

Secured lenders can apply for receivership in Canada by filing an application to the court under a federal or provincial statute or enforcing their security rights by appointing a receiver privately through a security instrument by way of an appointment letter. A receivership is a remedy that allows a secured creditor to take control of and sell the debtor’s property and assets to collect their secured debt through a private or court appointment process.

Can a receivership be stopped or avoided?

Receivership can sometimes be stopped or avoided through negotiation with the secured creditor(s), restructuring or refinancing of debts, or by finding alternative sources of funding. However, whether or not it can be stopped or avoided depends on the specific circumstances of each case. The cessation of receivership will not be easy unless the secured creditor is being paid out.

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how long do receiverships last

How does a creditor enforce a secured loan in Canada?

In Canada, a creditor can enforce a secured loan by appointing a receiver under a private contract or through the court process. Upon appointment, the receiver will seize and sell the secured assets or the assets set out in the court order to recover the amount owed.

However, before being able to appoint the Receiver, there have to be one or more events of default as described in the loan agreement. Then, the lender must be reasonable in allowing the company borrower to cure the default. If the company in default does not remedy the default(s) and the lender has lost confidence, the lender can then make a written demand on the company to repay the entire loan, plus interest and costs and also serve the necessary statutory form on the defaulting borrower.

The lender must give the borrower a reasonable period of time to repay the secured lender’s debt. Reasonable time will vary depending on the unique circumstances of the situation. In Canada, the minimum amount of time that has to be given is 10 days, unless the borrower acknowledges in writing that they can never repay the debt and is waiving the notice period.

Legal options available to recover outstanding loan payments may include sending demand letters, filing a lawsuit, obtaining a judgment and using collection methods such as wage garnishment or asset seizure.

How long does the bankruptcy process take in Canada?

The timeline of a corporate bankruptcy process depends on the uniqueness and complexity of each individual situation. There is no typical timeline, but, it could be a year or more from the start of the bankruptcy until the licensed insolvency trustee is discharged.

How do I liquidate assets in Canada?

When seeking to divest yourself of some assets you have a plethora of choices – in the case of an asset like real estate, you can list it on the public market. Alternatively, you can try to find the right buyer on your own. Or, if you’d like some professional assistance, enlist the help of a savvy broker or financial adviser.

What are the consequences of not paying off secured loans in Canada?

In Canada, if you don’t pay back a secured loan, the lender may reclaim the collateral you put up, personal property like a car or real property such as a house. Don’t let your possessions be taken away! Be sure to make all loan payments in a timely manner.

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how long do receiverships last

How long do receiverships last in Canada? Conclusion

So I hope that you now have a good appreciation for receiverships in Canada including the answer to the question “how long do receiverships last in Canada?”. If your company or business is under financial pressure and your secured creditor is about to demand full repayment of all loans, you need immediate professional advice.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

how long do receiverships last
how long do receiverships last
Brandon Blog Post


When to file bankruptcy to get a fresh start

Definition of Bankruptcy

Are you feeling overwhelmed by unmanageable debt? Then bankruptcy might be the perfect solution
for you. Bankruptcy can be defined as a legal process that can help people and businesses get out of their financial binds.

Though the thought of filing for bankruptcy may be daunting, it can be the best option when you’re facing unexpected expenses or other emergency situations.

To make sure you’re making the right decision, it’s important to understand when to file bankruptcy and what you can expect. Bankruptcy allows a person to get back on top of their finances and start fresh. Weighing the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy can be an alarming task, but it can ultimately be the best when your back is against the wall with debt. This Brandon’s Blog lets you find out when to file bankruptcy, what you should expect and what the bankruptcy alternatives are.

What is Bankruptcy and How Does it Work?

Bankruptcy in Canada is a liberating process for those who have found themselves under a burden of debt. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) provides debtors with a discharge from most debts, allowing them to have a fresh start in their financial lives. The process is designed to help those who cannot pay their bills as they come due, and have no way of paying back their debt load. By taking advantage of the bankruptcy discharge, individuals can find themselves free from the chains of debt and start anew. On the other hand, unlike a person, a company that files for bankruptcy will not survive in the long run, and thus, there is no discharge process for a company.

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when to file bankruptcy

When to File Bankruptcy?

Don’t let debt take the life out of you! Bankruptcy law can give you the fresh start you need. Although not to be taken lightly, a bankruptcy filing can be an absolute lifesaver when the debt becomes too much to bear.

Filing for bankruptcy is no small decision and has the potential to drastically alter your financial future. It’s essential to be informed on when to file bankruptcy and the process involved to ensure that your credit and ability to access money in the future are not adversely affected.

Start the legal process off right by filing for bankruptcy with the help of a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT or Trustee). The LIT will submit all the documents at once and get the ball rolling.

When an individual has too much consumer debt and files for bankruptcy, the LIT takes possession of their property and assets (subject to provincial government exemptions). The Trustee is the appointed authority in charge of liquidating the assets and depositing the proceeds into a trust account that will eventually be distributed among the creditors in the priority laid out in the BIA.

It is crucial to understand when to file bankruptcy and the process involved to make informed decisions about one’s financial future.

When to file bankruptcy: Identifying signs of financial distress

Here are 5 common signs of financial distress:

  1. Consistent inability to pay billsConsistent inability to pay bills can be a difficult and stressful situation for individuals and companies. There are various options for managing late bill payments, however, missing bill payments can have negative financial impacts. It is important to be proactive in finding a solution, as missing bill payments may result in consequences such as eviction, cutting off of necessary supplies and financial penalties. Options for managing late bill payments vary, depending on the type of bill, such as rent or mortgages as opposed to suppliers of goods or services.
  2. Increased collection activity and legal threats – Balances in collections are the result of outstanding debts that have not been paid. The collection process and the behaviour of debt collection agencies and debt collectors are stressful. Provincial law dictates the rights of consumers when it comes to debt collection and debt collectors.The statute of limitations to collect a debt is also a matter of provincial jurisdiction. Debts are statute-barred after the period prescribed by the law for bringing legal action against the consumer to collect a debt. A debt is considered time-barred if the applicable statute of limitations has expired.
  3. Are you buried in debt and feeling overwhelmed? A hefty burden of financial obligations without a plan of attack can lead to a seemingly never-ending cycle of debt, with high-interest payments and a lack of hope. Alternatively, an overly ambitious plan can leave you feeling like freedom from debt is unattainable. The stress of debt can have a major toll on your mental health. It’s time to take control and devise a sensible debt repayment strategy to ultimately become debt-free and reduce the interest you pay.
  4. Tempted to use a credit card for all your needs? Be careful; it can be easy to go overboard and put yourself into financial hardship. When you use credit cards, you risk overspending, inflating your credit utilization ratio, and even opening yourself up to identity theft and credit card fraud. Don’t take the chance – think twice before swiping!
  5. Increasingly relying on personal loans from friends and family – The dangers of relying on loans from friends and family include broken promises or agreements. There may be confused assumptions about the loan, which can lead to misunderstandings.Additionally, not setting up clear and defined terms for repayment could lead to problematic personal relationships. A loan from friends and family could also provide tax problems depending on how it is set up and how interest payments, principal repayments and/or loan forgiveness are treated on tax returns, or not, as the case may be.

    when to file bankruptcy
    when to file bankruptcy

When to file bankruptcy: The process of filing for bankruptcy

The process of filing for bankruptcy in Canada is handled by a Trustee under the supervision of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB) under the BIA. The time to complete the bankruptcy process for a 1st time bankrupt with no surplus income, where neither the Trustee nor any creditor opposes the individual bankrupt’s discharge is 9 months. If a first-time bankrupt gets a discharge at the 9-month point, then they have received an automatic discharge from the LIT. During bankruptcy, the creditors can no longer harass the bankrupt person or carry out legal proceedings or wage garnishments.

The LIT provides an information form for the person to complete, and uses that information to prepare and then file the bankruptcy paperwork. The LIT needs personal information (name, address, birth date), a list of creditors and a list of assets. The LIT then files the bankruptcy documents electronically with the OSB and then they will issue a Certificate confirming the acceptance of the bankruptcy filing. It is the day and time of the issuance of the OSB’s certificate that marks the beginning of the bankruptcy process.

When to file bankruptcy: What is the impact of filing for bankruptcy?

Once your bankruptcy is filed, there is an immediate stay of proceedings. This means that unsecured creditors cannot begin or continue lawsuits, wage garnishees, or even contact you to request payment. Within five days of the bankruptcy starting, the LIT will send a copy of the bankruptcy paperwork to creditors so they can file a claim.

Overview of the bankruptcy process

Can I keep my assets when I file for bankruptcy? In most cases, yes. However, the trustee may sell some assets to pay off your creditors. The assets you can keep will depend on your province’s exemptions. The Trustee’s job is to manage the sale of the bankrupt’s assets and place the proceeds into a trust, safeguarding them for the creditors. In other words, the Trustee is a guardian of funds, making sure everything is handled properly.

Are you worried that filing for bankruptcy will destroy your credit? Don’t fret – while bankruptcy will certainly leave its mark on your credit report, it’s far from a death sentence. Once your bankruptcy is approved, you can start taking steps toward restoring your financial health. A fresh start is waiting – be smart and make decisions that will get you back on the right track!

Wondering just how long you’ll be in bankruptcy? That all depends! If it’s your first-time bankruptcy filing with no surplus income, it should only last nine months. But if you’ve filed for bankruptcy more than once and don’t have surplus income, it will take 21 months. For those who have surplus income, this process will take longer.

2 financial counselling sessions. In a consumer restructuring or bankruptcy administration under the BIA, the debtor is required to go through two financial counselling sessions with the LIT. The reason is that one of the objectives of the BIA is financial rehabilitation. Financial education and teaching financial literacy tips are important parts of that rehabilitation.

Requirements for filing bankruptcy

To be eligible to file for bankruptcy in Canada, you must meet certain requirements. You must owe at least $1,000 in unsecured debt and be unable to pay your debts as they come due. You must also be insolvent, meaning you owe more than the value of the assets you own. Additionally, you must either reside, do business or have property in Canada. There are other acts of bankruptcy contained in the BIA, but the normal requirement is as I just described.

Role of Trustees in the bankruptcy process

The role of a LIT in Canada is to assist individuals or companies in the bankruptcy process as laid out by the BIA. They help to explain to the debtor the various options in dealing with their debt and provide advice on the best course of action. The Trustee also prepares the necessary paperwork, including reviewing the debt and completes the process from start to finish. One of the key responsibilities of the Trustee is to take possession of the property not exempt under provincial law, or subject to a trust or secured claim. The LIT then does this by selling the available assets and depositing the funds in trust for the creditors in the bankruptcy administration.

when to file bankruptcy
when to file bankruptcy

When to file bankruptcy: Alternatives to Bankruptcy

There are several alternative solutions that a LIT can recommend to a debtor in solving their debt problems. Bankruptcy is always the last resort and is to be avoided if at all possible. The main alternative solutions are:

Debt consolidation and debt management plans

In Canada, consolidation loans are available to assist individuals in reducing their high-cost debt payments. If you qualify for such a loan, it is an advantageous solution. These debts may include credit cards, payday loans, and unpaid tax obligations. By consolidating higher-interest-rate debts into one lower-interest-rate loan, it is possible to make affordable monthly payments and work toward eliminating debt.

If you’re in need of financial help, a Debt Management Plan (DMP) may be the answer. A DMP is an effective way to repay credit card debt, and with the help of a non-profit, no-cost credit counselling agency, you can get the support to make it work. The agency will assess your situation to ensure that a DMP is the best option for you. Put your debt worries to rest and take the first step towards a sound financial future with a DMP.

Both debt consolidation and debt management plans aim to help individuals in Canada manage their debt effectively.

Credit counselling and financial planning

Credit counselling and financial planning can help someone who has many debts. The services are provided by accredited credit counsellors working for non-profit credit counselling organizations. A credit counsellor will assess the financial situation of an individual and provide tips on dealing with debt. Financial planning and budgeting will be an important part of the process.

If the individual decides to sign up for a DMP, the counsellor will contact creditors on their behalf to request reducing or eliminating the interest rate or fees on their debts. In some cases, the creditors may agree to these requests.

Debt settlement, restructuring and negotiation with creditors

Debt restructuring, also known as debt negotiation, is the process of negotiating the terms and conditions of debt repayment with creditors. This process can be carried out by the consumer or company themselves seeking alternative repayment options. The goal is to reach a mutually agreed-upon arrangement that is more manageable for the consumer or company to repay their debt. It can involve the forgiveness of interest, stopping the interest clock and even the forgiveness of principal. If the company or consumer handles the discussions themselves, or with the help of their accountant, it is called an informal restructuring.

When a consumer or company restructures their debt with the help of a LIT under the BIA, they would file either a consumer proposal or a Division I proposal restructuring. A large company could also restructure under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.

When to file bankruptcy: Conclusion

Personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy, and when to file bankruptcy, is a big decision, but it can be the right one when you’re overwhelmed with debt. You can make an informed decision by understanding the basics of bankruptcy, including when to file and what to expect. If you’re struggling with debt and considering bankruptcy, it’s important to speak with a professional who can help you assess your options. Bankruptcy can be a fresh start for your financial future, but it’s important to understand the consequences and work with a professional to determine if it’s the right choice for you.

I hope you enjoyed this when to file bankruptcy Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

when to file bankruptcy
when to file bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post


Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Introduction

Are you a business owner with company financial difficulties and apprehensive about the possibility of corporate bankruptcy and is it something that you will have to seriously consider? Corporate bankruptcy in Canada process can be complex and overwhelming, but understanding it is necessary for making authoritative decisions about your business.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will analyze the ins and outs of corporate bankruptcy in Canada, including the different types, the steps in filing for corporate bankruptcy, the impact on creditors and shareholders, and alternatives to consider. By the end of this Brandon’s Blog, you will have a better understanding of corporate bankruptcy in Canada and be able to understand how to make the best decision for your business.

Explanation of what corporate bankruptcy in Canada is

The corporate bankruptcy process in Canada – otherwise known as commercial bankruptcy or incorporate business bankruptcy – is a legal means by which an incorporated business that is unable to pay its debts can be liquidated, and its liabilities discharged. This process allows the business to liquidate its assets and redistribute the value among its creditors. The process is intended to give an honest, but unfortunate corporate debtor a discharge from most debts while ending the business of that corporation.

It is important to note that corporate bankruptcy is different from personal bankruptcy which is a legal process through which an insolvent individual can substantially reduce debt and hopefully restructure. Unlike an individual who files for personal bankruptcy, it is not intended that the bankrupt corporation will come out of bankruptcy through a discharge process.

If single individuals are operating businesses and are considering business bankruptcy, then we are talking about the bankruptcies of sole proprietorships. If more than one person is operating a business partnership, then we need to think of the issues in a partnership bankruptcy. Either way, we have insolvent persons, which means personal bankruptcy, which is not the subject of this Brandon’s Blog.

It’s important to note that the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada is complex and can only be handled by a licensed insolvency trustee. The Trustee will help you understand the process and the options available to your corporation and then prepare the documents required to submit the bankruptcy filing.

In Canada, if a corporation is bankrupt, it is subject to both the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) and relevant provincial regulations. The BIA outlines the procedure for managing a corporate bankruptcy, while provincial law governs other aspects of the business such as labour laws.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

A brief overview of how the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada begins

Navigating corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be complicated, as there are numerous steps that need to be taken. To begin, it is important to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee to review the financial details of the company, including income, profits, liabilities, and any personal guarantees. From there, the next step is to determine the misogynist options.

The board of directors needs to hold a meeting, in order to pass a resolution permitting the corporation to file for bankruptcy. This process is initiated by a director, or the single director, who will then execute the necessary bankruptcy paperwork.

Types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada

There are two types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada: liquidations and reorganizations. Although a reorganization is not an actual bankruptcy, the phrase “bankruptcy protection” is used to describe a formal reorganization. So for the purposes of this Brandon’s Blog, we will consider both as types of bamkruptcy.

The type of corporate bankruptcy in Canada proceedings can often provide a good indication as to whether the unsecured creditors will get all, a portion, or none of what they are owed.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

An overview of the 2 types of bankruptcy proceedings available to Canadian businesses


The process of corporate bankruptcy involves a business ceasing operations as it is unable to fulfill its financial obligations and the demand for its goods and services has become obsolete. This form of corporate bankruptcy is commonly referred to as liquidation.

Canadian bankruptcy proceedings must adhere to Canadian bankruptcy law under the BIA. This law contains similar liquidations to Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Commencing the process of bankruptcy liquidation in Canada is the initial step.

It all starts with the board of directors of the corporation getting together and deciding to file for bankruptcy. One of the directors, or a single director, will then have to sign the official documents for the bankruptcy process.

Once the liquidation process has been initiated, the corporation’s assets, subject to the rights of any creditor having security over all or some of the assets, are taken over by the Trustee. The Trustee will sell the corporate assets and the proceeds will be distributed among the creditors according to the priority established by law. The corporation will then be laid to rest, as it will no longer operate as a legal entity.


Corporate reorganization is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. It is a process in which a process for a company that is facing financial difficulties is able to restructure its outstanding debt and its operations in order to improve its financial situation. In Canada, the primary statutes for corporate reorganization are the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the BIA. These laws are similar reorganizations under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

The CCAA provides a thoroughfare of debt reorganization for corporations on a larger scale, as the amount owed by the company must exceed $5 million. Through this federal legislation, the debtor corporation can still operate while reaching an approved plan of arrangement with its creditors.

For corporations that do not reach this $5 million threshold, the Division I Proposal under the BIA can be utilized. The BIA provides for the restructuring of insolvent corporations and individuals.

The CCAA is a federal statute that allows for the sale of an insolvent business, with a reach that transcends the wideness of the whole Canadian nation and even extends beyond its borders.

The process of corporate reorganization under either the CCAA or BIA begins with the corporation filing for protection under the appropriate Act. In the case of the CCAA, the filing is with the court. Under the BIA, the filing is with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.

The debtor will then be safeguarded with all its possessions. Then, the corporation will be allotted a specified value of time – typically 30 to 45 days – to present a plan of arrangement. This plan must be approved by the creditors and the court in order to move forward. When the plan of arrangement is given the thumbs up, it can be set into motion.

So corporate reorganization in Canada is a process in which a company that is viable but is facing financial difficulties is allowed to restructure its business debts and operations in order to modernize its financial situation. The CCAA is mainly used for larger corporations and the BIA for smaller ones. Both legislations provide a process to restructure a company while under the protection of the court and it’s intended to be a way to save a company while protecting the rights of the creditors.

Advantages and disadvantages of corporate bankruptcy in Canada


Advantages of corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Allows an incorporated entity that is unable to pay its debts to file for bankruptcy, as per the BIA.
  • Allows for the liquidation of resources and redistribution of that value among creditors, which can provide relief for the corporation and its creditors.

Disadvantages to bankruptcy and corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) prevents a company in bankruptcy from seeking dissolution under the CBCA.
  • Unfortunately, specific liabilities or obligations of the corporation are passed to its directors. This would put personal assets at risk.
  • The process is time-consuming and may also be expensive.
  • Unfortunately, the director’s reputation may moreover be tarnished in the process.


Advantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Can uplift profits and increase efficiency.
  • Can extend the life of the business.
  • Can modernize strategy and financial arrangements.
  • Could be done informally without a court process by agreement between the debtor and its creditors or formally under either a proposal as outlined in part III of the BIA or a plan of arrangement under the CCAA.

Disadvantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • It may not work.
  • Decreased employee morale and concern among customers.
  • Can be a significant time investment with potential setbacks in cash flow
  • If the financial matters are so dire that a reorganization is not viable, the remaining option is full bankruptcy, which results in the liquidation of resources to pay creditors.

    business bankruptcy in canada
    corporate bankruptcy in canada

Filing a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy for corporate bankruptcy in Canada

Overview of steps involved in filing for Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

  • Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) (LIT) and retaining the LIT to make an informed decision about proceeding with bankruptcy.
  • One of the directors (or sole director) will be required to execute corporate bankruptcy papers
    Upon bankruptcy assignment, the LIT will notify business creditors of the bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Hold a meeting of creditors.
  • Conduct a sale of assets.
  • Carry out its other duties in accordance with the BIA.

Note: The above steps are a general outline and the specific process may vary depending on the case. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a licensed insolvency trustee and a legal professional to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations.

Essential paperwork and information

In order to file a voluntary assignment for corporate bankruptcy in Canada, and get to the point of holding the First Meeting of Creditors, the following documentation and information are typically required:

  1. Provide the LIT with the corporate minute book, seal and accounting records.
  2. Fully signed minutes of a validly held meeting of directors resolving that the corporation file an assignment in bankruptcy and appointing either a director or senior management person to be the Designated Officer to sign all bankruptcy documents and attend the First Meeting of Creditors.
  3. A completed Voluntary Assignment of the corporate debtor, prepared by the LIT and signed by the Designated Officer.
  4. The LIT prepared statement of affairs, reviewed, approved and sworn/confirmed by the Designated Officer, which includes information about the debtor’s assets and the names and addresses of all known creditors and the amounts owing to each of them.
  5. The LIT will take the necessary steps to lodge the paperwork with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who in turn will give the Certificate of Bankruptcy – marking the very beginning of bankruptcy proceedings in Canada. The moment the Certificate is issued will be the exact time the corporate bankruptcy in Canada is activated.
  6. The LIT then prepares the statutory notice to creditors which is mailed to all known creditors with a notice of the time and place of the First Meeting of Creditors will be held and also includes a proof of claim form for the creditors to complete fully and file with the LIT.
  7. The LIT will also prepare the bankruptcy notice to be placed in a local newspaper to advertise for creditors to contact the Trustee.
  8. The LIT prepares its Report on Preliminary Administration to provide necessary information to the creditors about the causes of the corporate bankruptcy in Canada, the available assets to be sold, if any and other important information. The LIT’s report is distributed at the First Meeting of Creditors.

In a voluntary assignment, the LIT is picked by the debtor. In an involuntary assignment, the LIt is suggested to and chosen by the court. In issuing the Certificate, the LIT choice is confirmed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. However, it is ultimately up to the creditors attending and voting at the First Meeting of Creditors to either confirm the appointment of the LIT or substitute the LIT with another one (don’t worry about the mechanics for now!). The LIT will be responsible for overseeing the administration of the debtor’s estate and distributing the proceeds to creditors.

It’s important to note that the above list is not exhaustive and additional documentation and information may be required by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy(OSB) or the appointed Trustee. It’s recommended to seek professional advice from a LIT, a lawyer or both, before filing for a voluntary assignment in bankruptcy.

The OSB plays an important part in the area of insolvency

The OSB is tasked with keeping orderly standards for the supervisory oversight of stakeholders within the insolvency process, creating an accessible archive of public records, compiling and analyzing data, and enforcing the BIA and CCAA regulations. Furthermore, the OSB is devoted to facilitating an effective and efficient insolvency framework in Canada.

The OSB in Canada is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the Canadian insolvency system, and overseeing the administration of all insolvency proceedings described as bankruptcies, commercial reorganizations, Division I commercial proposals, consumer proposals and receiverships.

The effects of corporate bankruptcy in Canada on creditors and stockholders

How corporate bankruptcy affects the distribution of assets among creditors

Divvying up resources among those owed money in a corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be quite intricate and can be affected by various elements, such as the kind of bankruptcy declared and the company’s ownership and organizational setup.

When a company files for bankruptcy, its day-to-day operations will typically come to a halt. All of the corporation’s assets will be sold off and the proceeds will be divided among its creditors. In Canada, this process can have a major impact on how the assets are divided up among those who are owed money.

The BIA requires the LIT to take control of all the unencumbered assets, sell them and assigns orders of importance to the many claims against the debtor. The net sale proceeds are then doled out to creditors depending on the priority of the claims.

In a nutshell, the types of creditors and the order of priority is:

  • Trust claims, including unremitted employee payroll withholdings.
  • Secured lenders.
  • Preference is given to certain kinds of unsecured debt.
  • Ordinary unsecured creditors are last.

In Canada, though the assets of a company are distinct from the owners’ individual wealth, banks will always take security on the company’s assets when loaning funds and anticipate the entrepreneur to provide some kind of collateral. It bears mentioning that this is a standard requirement.

Should the proceeds of the company assets fail to cover the bank debt in the event of a Canadian bankruptcy, the owners will be called upon to make good on their personal liability and may be faced with the liquidation of some or all of their personal belongings to make up the difference.

What sort of ramifications does corporate bankruptcy in Canada have on the equity holders and their privileges?

Generally, when it comes to bankruptcy proceedings, it’s usually shareholders who are left holding the shorter end of the stick. Most often, they don’t get anything back after all other creditors have been taken care of– leaving them with nothing but the realization that their investments have gone down the drain. Furthermore, they forfeit any rights they once held with the company.

If any of the shareholders are also in a director position, then they will have the added worry about whether there are any debts that are also a director liability. Legal advice is always required by directors of an insolvent company. In next week’s Bradon’s Blog, I will talk about recent developents arising from an Ontario court decision about the directing mind of a bankrupt corporation.

The one small solace they may have is that Canada Revenue Agency will acknowledge the corporate bankruptcy in Canada as a legitimate means of allowing shareholders to deduct the value of their shares as a loss on their tax return.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

Alternatives to Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

For a business that is viable yet unable to pay off its debts, there are 5 alternatives to corporate bankruptcy in Canada that must be explored:

  1. Implement tighter controls over spending and create a cash-flow budget to see if costs can be cut or eliminated, freeing up funds to pay off debts.
  2. Refinance existing debt in order to consolidate it into more manageable payments.
  3. The shareholders provide a fresh injection of funds.
  4. Informal out-of-court debt settlement through direct negotiation with creditors.
  5. Selling redundant or no longer-needed assets to raise cash for debt repayment.

Rather than going through the effort of reorganizing debt under the CCAA or BIA, a corporate workout is an amicable arrangement between the company and its creditors that allows them to come to a mutually-satisfactory resolution without resorting to legal proceedings and a reorganization court case. This is seen as an advantageous alternative to a formal filing.

If all other solutions fail to prevent a company in Canada from going bankrupt, then the CCAA or BIA’s restructuring provisions should be carefully considered to potentially save the company, its jobs and business assets.

If the company is not viable or profitable and is in a state of financial distress, then a secured lender can exercise their rights through a receivership process. This could be used in conjunction with a corporate bankruptcy in Canada if the situation calls for that.
The reasons why bankruptcy and receivership may be needed to work in tandem are complex and are best left as a topic for another day.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this corporate bankruptcy in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

corporate bankruptcy in canada
business bankruptcy in canada


Brandon Blog Post


consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals eliminate your debt stress

Are you stressed out and overwhelmed by debt and don’t know how to begin to eliminate it? We know your pain and can help you because this Brandon’s Blog “Consumer Debt Proposals: The Ultimate Solution for Managing Debt” has got you covered! I provide realistic advice on how to manage and even get rid of debt through a binding debt settlement agreement.

I describe what consumer debt proposals are all about and also look at other debt-relief options like debt consolidation and credit counselling. I will also talk about the recent Canadian government’s warning about taking on high-interest debt from certain companies.

Consumer debt proposals: How Does a Consumer Proposal Work?

If you’re in a tough spot financially, in Canada you can submit a consumer proposal if you owe $250,000 or less (not including any debt registered against your home is one of the types of secured debts that must be paid according to your secured loan repayment terms). It’s an official way to get some debt relief, and it’s all legit according to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Basically, you work with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee who helps you come up with a plan for paying off what you owe. Then you negotiate with your creditors and hopefully, they accept the proposal.

Making a consumer proposal that unsecured creditors will accept is one of the debt solution alternatives to bankruptcy that requires a few steps to get it done:

  • Reach out to a qualified Licensed Insolvency Trustee and book a no-cost debt assessment consultation.
  • During the appointment, answer any questions the Trustee may have truthfully and to the best of your ability.
  • The Trustee will work with you to come up with a payment plan that fits into your budget and allows you to pay off your debt.

Once you’ve submitted your consumer proposal, your creditors will look it over and then decide if they want to accept it as is or negotiate an adjustment (higher) to your periodic payments to eliminate the amount you owe. They have the option to do either one.

Your creditors can decide to:

  1. Agree to the terms you have proposed (cast their vote in favour).
  2. Decline the terms (vote no).
  3. Decline the terms and suggest a meeting with creditors.
  4. Take no action (which is the same as voting yes).

Your consumer proposal is automatically approved unless more than 25% of the dollar value of the claims of your creditors indicates that they would like to have a meeting of creditors. In that case, that is what will happen.

Once you’ve taken the step of filing for a consumer proposal, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you have immediate legal protection from creditors and debt collectors through this financial and legal process. This is called a stay of proceedings where your creditors cannot chase you for the money you owe.

Filing under the bankruptcy process in Canada isn’t your only option! You can work out a legally binding agreement with your creditors through the popular alternative and powerful alternative of consumer debt proposals. With a consumer proposal, you and your creditors can come to an agreement on what portion of the debt you can pay off- and the rest will be written off!

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: The voting process

When it comes to a consumer proposal, it’s important to understand the process of how creditors come to a decision to accept or reject the plan. This section will provide insight into how the voting process works.

Once a consumer proposal is submitted, creditors are allowed 45 days to express their decision. They can either accept the proposal or reject it in one of the following ways: replying to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee with their acceptance, not responding at all (which is seen as approval), communicating their rejection or requesting a meeting of creditors.

At the creditors’ meeting, creditors will have the opportunity to decide whether to accept the consumer proposal as is or to make adjustments to it.

Consumer debt proposals: What happens if your offer is approved?

If your proposal gets the green light, you’ll need to abide by what you promised – whether that’s a single payment or regular installments to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Plus, you must meet any other conditions that were laid out in the proposal.

In a successful proposal, you can keep your assets (as long as you keep paying what you owe to creditors who have a lien on your assets), and go to the two financial counselling sessions held by the Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee. Of course, you’ve got to pay the Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee on time over the entire period of time your proposal is for.

Failure to do so could result in the revocation of the proposal, the accrual of interest and fees, and even legal action. It’s important to remember that while a consumer proposal can provide much-needed relief, it’s ultimately up to you to stay current with the payments you promised to make.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: What happens should your consumer proposal be declined?

If 50% or more of the creditors vote to reject the consumer proposal, then the Licensed Insolvency Trustee must issue a notice and the consumer proposal dies. In this situation, creditors are free again to pursue collection actions against the debtor.

If 25% or more of the creditors request a meeting, that meeting is referred to as the Meeting of Creditors. At this meeting, an agreement will try to be reached by a majority of the creditors. If the agreement can not be reached, the debtor may need to amend the proposal and resubmit it or look for other ways to solve their financial issues.

If a consumer proposal is declined, it means that the creditors do not agree with the terms of the proposal put forth by the debtor. The main reasons for rejection may be that the debtor is not offering enough money or has proposed an unsuitable repayment schedule.

It is important to note that if you fail to fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, it will be deemed null and void. However, it does not free you from your existing debt, and the failure to adequately repay your loans or pay off debts within the terms of the agreement could affect your credit score. Collectors for debts are within their right to renew collection calls and seek legal action for retrieving the debts that they owe. They can sue you and if they get a judgment, they can then get a wage garnishment against you. It is never recommended to default on a consumer proposal.

Consumer debt proposals: If you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal

If you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, you will have successfully completed the agreement between yourself and your creditors. This means that you will have made the agreed-upon payments and met all other terms of the proposal. The balance of your unsecured debts that you did not pay off is also eliminated if you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal.

One of the benefits of fulfilling a consumer proposal is that you will have lower regular payments monthly, which are based on what you can afford, rather than high monthly payments regardless of your income. Additionally, you will have protection from creditors, as they will not be able to contact you or take money directly from your wages.

After fulfilling a consumer proposal, it will come off your credit report maintained by the Canadian credit bureaus three years after the completion. This report will show that the consumer proposal has been successfully completed and you can rebuild your credit rating and credit score simultaneously.

You will also receive from the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) acting as the Administrator in your consumer proposal a “Notice of Successful Completion of Consumer Proposal”. This is a very important document, as you will be able to provide it to current or future credit grantors to prove that you successfully completed your consumer proposal and avoided personal bankruptcy.

It is important to note that if you fail to fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, it will be deemed null and void. However, it does not free you from your existing debt, and the failure to adequately repay your personal loans, lines of credit or pay off debts within the terms of the agreement could negatively affect your credit score. Creditors are within their right to use collection activity and use legal action for retrieving the debts that you owe. It is never recommended to default on a consumer proposal.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Advice for Consumers: Considerations for Debt Relief and Credit Repair Services

Improving your credit score or credit rating will take time, and requires showing creditors that your habits have improved and that you are paying back your debt on time. Be cautious when seeking help to pay off debt or repair your credit, as some companies may offer misleading solutions. I have been warning about the dangers of such “for-profit” debt settlement companies for years now.

One option for getting help with debt is a debt management plan, which is an informal proposal made by a non-profit community credit counselling agency credit counsellor to your creditors on your behalf. This plan consolidates your debts into one affordable monthly payment and in some cases, you may not have to continue to pay interest on your debt.

However, consumers should be aware that the “for-profit” debt settlement companies may charge high fees, including upfront or advance fees, and may not be able to get creditors to reduce your debt. Additionally, it is important to note that even while using a debt management plan, you are still required to keep making payments on any other debts you owe, which may result in no change to your credit score.

Overall, it is important to be cautious when seeking help to pay off debt or repair your credit and to thoroughly research any company or solution before proceeding. It is also important to consider the potential consequences, fees and overall effectiveness of the solution. A LIT during an initial no-cost consultation will provide many of the services that a “for-profit” debt management company charges for.

Consumer debt proposals: Organizations or firms cannot guarantee the resolution of your financial obligations

Be aware of companies or agencies that claim they can quickly resolve your debt problems by negotiating a deal with the companies you owe money to and letting you only pay back a fraction of your debt. These promises may not be reliable, so it’s best to be wary.

It’s important to remember that if certain creditors don’t agree to your payment plan, you may need to work out a different agreement with them directly. Alternatively, you can consult a LIT about doing a consumer proposal.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that anyone can call themselves a debt consultant, but that doesn’t mean they have the proper training or they’ll be able to help you with your finances.

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consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: No company or agency can give you a fast and easy boost to your credit rating

No Canadian debt consultant, company, or agency can promise a fast solution to your credit score. Improving your credit rating takes time and commitment; you have to show a history of paying your debts punctually.

If you’re looking to boost your credit score, one option to consider is a non-profit credit counselling agency. A credit counsellor can offer a variety of services like one-on-one advice, group sessions, and tips on how to better manage your debt. Just keep in mind that simply talking to a credit counsellor won’t do the trick.

If you’re looking to give your credit score a boost, try paying off some of what you owe. Bringing down your debt-to-credit ratio to under 75% of your credit limit will help. You could also ask your credit card companies or financial institution lenders to raise your credit limit and perhaps even amend your terms of repayment (though the latter will be very difficult) – that’ll help increase your credit score. Ideally, try to use less than a third of your available credit and keep it low, ideally below 30%.

Remember, there’s no shortcut when it comes to improving your credit score. Anyone promising you the fast and easy way is not looking out for your best interests. It takes determination and effort to get your credit back on track. Do your research and make sure you understand any associated fees or consequences before you commit.

Consumer debt proposals: Paying off a consumer proposal early

Sure, you can settle your consumer proposal early, but that might not be the best choice for everyone.

If you’ve got the funds, paying off your consumer proposal earlier could help kickstart your credit repair – but don’t expect it to save you money or guarantee a good credit rating. So think carefully before you commit to paying it off early. In the following section, I describe a very troublesome issue which has now attracted the attention of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB).

Paying off your consumer proposal early will do wonders for your mental health – and it’s perfectly acceptable! It’s no secret that financial hardship is incredibly stressful, and five years seems like a lifetime. So treating yourself to an early payoff will help you feel a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders.

If you want to shorten how long your consumer proposal lasts, you can change how often you make your proposal payments. Usually, they’re monthly, but if you switch to making extra payments by paying bi-weekly, you can pay off your proposal faster. Once you’re done paying off your consumer proposal, the unsecured debts you’ve been worrying about will be marked as taken care of on your credit report.

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consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: LITs cannot talk you into getting a loan with a high-interest rate to pay off your consumer proposal early

On January 11, 2023, the OSB issued its position paper titled “LITs Promoting and Facilitating Loans to Debtors“. The problem is that some lenders are offering high-interest loans to people who are about to or are going through a consumer proposal. It looks like they’re giving loans to help people pay off their consumer proposals early, but it’s really just taking advantage of people’s tough financial situations.

The OSB has noticed that some LITs are promoting and encouraging people to take out loans without mentioning the potential drawbacks. They do this by talking up the positives and downplaying the negatives, and they may even pressure people into taking out a loan.

The OSB has come to the conclusion that it’s not in line with the Code of Ethics for Trustees or a LIT’s duties under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and General Rules for LITs to promote or facilitate such loans. Furthermore, such actions are not allowed.

There is also evidence that LITs who receive engagements directly from “for-profit” debt consultants, may be entering into inappropriate arrangements with them. No trustees should ever accept a commission, payment, or any other type of reward from a third party for recommending work concerning a professional engagement, nor should they give out any commission, compensation, or another type of benefit to a third party for obtaining a professional engagement.

For the record, my Firm does not have any arrangements with any party regarding the referral of files and we neither accept nor pay a referral fee

Paying off your consumer proposal early isn’t really an issue. In fact, it can be great if you can afford it thanks to a financial windfall or change in circumstances. Everybody benefits in that scenario. But if you don’t have the means to pay off your consumer proposal quickly, don’t worry. Don’t take out an interest-bearing loan to pay off a consumer proposal. The consumer proposal itself should be considered an interest-free loan.

Look, if a debtor is trying to rebuild their credit with a loan after insolvency, there’s nothing wrong with that. They’re making the choice themselves, so it’s all good. In this case, LITs should explain the pros and cons of these loan products to the debtor. And, it’s important that they don’t push any company or product in particular.

The OSB believes that LITs should not be promoting or facilitating loans since it contravenes the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and its Rules. This practice has a negative impact on the LIT profession and the insolvency system. The OSB will be keeping an eye on this issue and taking appropriate action.

You Have Outstanding Financial Obligations — Consumer Debt Proposals

I hope you enjoyed our consumer debt proposals Brandon’s Blog.

There are many financial blogs. Ours focuses mainly on issues of importance to those individuals and businesses with financial challenges or worse, financial hardship, caused by debt problems. Income and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing Canadians, be they employees, entrepreneurs or companies and businesses with debt problems. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals




Brandon Blog Post


Receivership in Canada: What does receivership mean?

I have just read a decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Commerical List dealing with an important aspect of receivership in Canada. The case is concerned with what happens when two equally applicable provincial laws appear to be working at cross purposes in the context of the receivership in Canada process.

I will explain the case and the process of company receivership in Canada. By understanding the process, the case will make more sense.

Secured lenders may enforce their security to recover loans from borrowers who have defaulted. This remedy available to secured creditors when a borrower, usually a company defaults, is known as receivership.

What does going into receivership in Canada mean?

A receivership is a legal process available to secured creditors, whereby a company’s affairs, business and property are entrusted to a receiver to manage and eventually sell the assets. Secured lenders may enforce their security to recover loans from borrowers who have defaulted. This remedy available to secured creditors is known as receivership.

If a business debtor does not make payments or otherwise defaults on a secured loan, the secured creditor would have the right to appoint a receiver to collect the money owed. Before appointing a receiver, a secured creditor must first issue a “Section 244” notice of intention to enforce security. This is a notification that secured creditors must send to defaulting debtors before appointing a receiver. Section 244 refers to that section number in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

The notice states that the security covers certain assets, that the company in default owes a specified amount to the secured creditor, and that the creditor may enforce the security after 10 days. The company in default may waive the notice period and consent to the appointment of the receiver.

Under the BIA, only a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) can be a receiver. No other party is licensed to administer a receivership in Canada.

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receivership in canada

Receivership in Canada: What is the difference between a court-appointed receiver and a privately appointed receiver?

A privately-appointed receiver is a licensed trustee who is appointed by a contract between the insolvency trustee and the secured creditor. A private receiver is typically used when there is no dispute to ranking among secured creditors or various claims to ownership of the company’s assets. The powers of a receiver listed in the security document give the privately appointed receiver more limited powers than a court-appointed receiver gets under a court order.

A receiver is court-appointed when the secured creditor makes an application to the court for the appointment of a receiver with more expanded powers. Like a privately-appointed receiver, a court-appointed receiver takes control of a company’s property because of financial distress and when there is a dispute among secured creditors and others as to the ranking of secured claims and ownership of property.

Both kinds of receivers are tasked with protecting and preserving the value of the company or property and are certainly given broader powers by the court to do so.

How is receivership in Canada different from bankruptcy proceedings?

Many people mistakenly use the terms “receivership” and “bankruptcy” interchangeably. However, bankruptcy and receivership are two distinct legal proceedings with different implications.

Bankruptcy vs. receivership can be confusing, but once you understand the key differences between the two, it is fairly straightforward. Whether it is a private appointment or a court-appointed receiver, the differences between bankruptcy and receivership in Canada are the same.

A receivership is a legal remedy available to secured creditors to enforce their security rights against a defaulting debtor. A receiver is appointed to manage the debtor’s property and assets and sell them under a properly run and fair sales process.

The Canadian bankruptcy process is a distinct legal process. An insolvency trustee does not represent secured creditors in bankruptcy proceedings. Instead, under the bankruptcy regime, they represent the unsecured creditors of the bankrupt estate. A corporate debtor may be subject to both bankruptcy and receivership proceedings simultaneously.

One of the major differences has to do with the creditors. In a bankruptcy administration, the bankruptcy trustee must call a meeting of creditors. This is where the insolvency trustee provides its report on the affairs and conduct of the bankrupt debtor and unsecured creditors get to vote on any matters of importance. In receivership, there is no such requirement to hold a meeting of creditors.

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receivership in canada

What are the key distinctions between receivership in Canada and liquidation?

So you know what receivership is by now. The federal BIA doesn’t govern liquidation, that’s done under the provincial Business Corporations Act or Wind-Up Act.

A liquidation is for a solvent company where the shareholders, Officers and directors decide to cease business operations. The company puts up its assets for sale and uses the proceeds to pay off its creditors with cash. Any funds left over are then distributed to the shareholders.

A liquidator can be appointed either privately by the company’s directors or by a court order. Liquidation is therefore different from both bankruptcy and receivership in Canada.

Can individuals be placed into receivership in Canada?

The answer is yes. When a secured creditor wishes to take enforcement action upon the security agreement they have against a debtor’s property, as indicated above, they have the remedy of receivership in Canada. This remedy allows them to collect as much of their secured debt as possible.

There are no restrictions as to who can go into receivership in Canada. One of our more famous (infamous?) receivership cases over the years has been the receivership of the assets, property and undertaking of Norma and Ronauld Walton.

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receivership in canada

Receivership in Canada: Whose receiver is it anyway?

Now for the court case where two different provincial laws caused a fight amongst secured creditors over the appointment of a receiver. The case is Canadian Equipment Finance and Leasing Inc. v. The Hypoint Company Limited, 2618905 Ontario Limited, 2618909 Ontario Limited, Beverley Rockliffe and Chantal Bock, 2022 ONSC 6186. The two competing provincial statutes are the Mortgages Act and the Personal Property Security Act.

The business is conducted through two affiliated entities. One owns the property and the other operates the business. This is quite a typical arrangement.

One creditor funded the purchase of equipment and took PPSA security over it. Another creditor funded the acquisition of the real property and has a traditional mortgage security. The security agreements extend over different assets, and the outcome is usually uncomplicated.

However, when equipment that has been purchased is attached to real property, there is disagreement about whether and how it can be removed, and whether such removal will negatively affect the value of both the equipment and the real property. The question is now more complicated: which creditor’s rights should take priority over this matter?

Both the equipment lender and the mortgagee are seeking to enforce their security. The equipment lender has filed a motion with the court to appoint a receiver over both the operating company (Opco) that owns the pledged equipment and the holding company (Holdco) that owns the real estate. This would allow the receiver to manage and sell the assets of both companies in order to repay the outstanding debt.

In this case, Opco was a commercial marijuana operation that was unable to get off the ground due to its heavy debt load and startup problems.

Although the mortgagee began power of sale enforcement proceedings, they do not object to a receiver being appointed over the equipment only. The mortgagee wishes to continue its power of sale proceedings and opposes the receiver being appointed over the building. The mortgagee in possession is of the opinion that the equipment is attached to the building and cannot be removed.

The mortgagee concurred that the court has the power to assign a receiver over the property of both Opco and Holdco according to section 101 of the Ontario Courts of Justice Act. They stated that, if a receiver is appointed, the receiver needs to be a firm chosen by them.

Both the licensed insolvency trustee firm preferred by the mortgagee and the firm nominated by the equipment lender filed a consent to act with the court.

What are the conditions under which a receiver may be appointed?

The court looked at numerous factors in order to make a decision on whether or not to appoint a receiver, and if so, which one, including those that have historically in receivership in Canada cases been taken into account in such determinations:

  1. Although it is not essential for a creditor to establish irreparable harm if a receiver is not appointed where the appointment is authorized by the security documentation, the court considered if no order is made, will irreparable harm be caused?
  2. The size of the debtor company’s equity in the assets and the need for protection or safeguarding of assets during litigation are important factors to consider when assessing the risk to the security holder.
  3. The kind of property it is.
  4. The potential for the assets to be wasted or dissipated.
  5. The need to safeguard the property until a legal ruling is made.
  6. The parties’ respective balance of convenience needs to be considered when making the decision.
  7. Pursuant to the loan documentation, the creditor has the right to an appointment.
  8. Enforcing the security instrument when the security holder experiences or anticipates difficulties with the debtor.
  9. The principle of appointing a receiver should be approached with caution.
  10. The court will determine whether appointing a receiver is necessary to enable the receiver to carry out its duties efficiently.
  11. The effect a receivership order will have on the parties.
  12. The parties’ conduct.
  13. How long a receivership may last.
  14. The financial impact on the parties.
  15. The likelihood of maximizing return to the parties is increased.
  16. The goal of ensuring the smooth running of the receiver’s duties.

As everyone agreed that all assets of both Opco and Holdco should be sold to maximize recovery for all creditors, but cannot agree on the process by which that should be undertaken, resulting in the entire process being stalled, the judge was satisfied that it is just and convenient to appoint a receiver.

The court found that either proposed receiver was acceptable and decided that the receiver nominated by the mortgagee would be appointed by the court to administer all assets. The receiver would eventually come back to court with a sales plan to maximize the value of all the assets subject to the security of all stakeholders.

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receivership in canada

How the entrepreneur can avoid receivership in Canada

As a business owner, the way to avoid the receivership process is long before financial difficulties ever become serious financial problems. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  • Keep a close eye on your finances. This means regularly reviewing your income and expenses, and making sure you have a good handle on your cash flow.
  • Stay current on your bills. This includes not only making timely payments but also staying on top of any changes in your billing terms or amounts.
  • Keep good records. This means having up-to-date financial statements and documentation for all of your income and expenses.
  • Make a plan. If you do find yourself in a financial bind, have a plan in place for how you’ll get out of it. This may include negotiating with creditors, seeking new financing, or making cuts to your expenses.
  • Seek professional help from a licensed insolvency trustee with commercial insolvency experience. If your business is viable and you seek help early enough, there may be many options. The most common ones are refinancing with or without financial restructuring. Reviewing your business allows us to make restructuring recommendations allowing your viable company to become healthy and profitable once again.

Receivership in Canada summary & speak with a licensed insolvency trustee

I hope you enjoyed this receivership in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

receivership in canada
receivership in canada



Brandon Blog Post


Evaluating the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada: Introduction

When you are in debt, it can feel like you are stuck in quicksand – the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. If you are considering bankruptcy, you are not alone. According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), almost 100,000 Canadians filed either a consumer proposal or for bankruptcy in 2021. The numbers for 2022 are rising above the 2021 level.

Before you make a decision, it is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy in Canada. On the positive side, bankruptcy can give you a fresh start. It can discharge your debts and give you a chance to rebuild your finances. On the negative side, bankruptcy can damage your credit score more than one of the bankruptcy alternatives.

If you are struggling with debt, there are other options to consider before bankruptcy. You may be able to negotiate with your creditors and set up a payment plan. You can also improve your financial situation by cutting expenses and increasing your income. If you decide that you do need an insolvency process, a consumer proposal or a Division I Proposal may be better for you.

In this Brandon’s Blog post, I wish to aid you in gaining a better understanding of the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada. Then you can make a much more educated choice about your financial debt issues.

What are the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada?

When it comes to making the decision to file for bankruptcy, it is important to understand all of the implications that this will have on your life. In Canada, bankruptcy is a legal process that allows individuals to discharge all of their debts if they are unable to repay them. This process is overseen by the OSB, and there are certain requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for bankruptcy.

While bankruptcy can provide relief from debt, it is not without its drawbacks. Once you have been declared bankrupt, your credit rating will be significantly damaged, which can make it difficult to obtain new lines of credit in the future. Additionally, your assets may be seized in order to repay your creditors.

Before making the decision to file for bankruptcy, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Speak with a financial professional to get advice that is specific to your situation. Now for a more detailed discussion on the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada.

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pros and cons of bankruptcies canada

The pros of bankruptcies Canada

A fresh start

If you’re sick of being in debt, bankruptcy might be a good option for you. It can be a fresh start, and it’ll get creditors off your back. You can move on with your life without all that stress.

Rebuild your credit

As stated above, bankruptcy will cause some damage to your credit. However, it can stop the continuous damage you may be facing now. You can begin rebuilding your credit rating, rather than having to face extra charges from missed payments as well as receiving those pesky telephone calls from bill collectors.

Get rid of most if not all of your debts

In most cases, all of your obligations will be cleared by your bankruptcy discharge. Normally cleared debts are your unsecured debts like credit card debt, lines of credit, personal loans, payday loans, and income tax debts. A bankruptcy filing will let you not worry about a ton of bills but will force you to focus on balancing your budget.

There are some obligations that bankruptcy cannot clear, like child or spousal support payments, or payments for fines or penalties awarded by a court. You can get your student loans discharged too as long as you’ve been out of school for 7 years or even more.

Stop debt collectors cold

Creditors and their debt collectors making their collection calls can be pretty aggressive when they’re trying to get paid. Bill collectors demand and try to scare you as to what will happen if you do not pay up. Answering your phone or checking your VM becomes terrifying. You might also have a ton of mail from them stacking up in your mailbox, inbox, and so on.

If you’re losing the battle of staying up to date with your bill payments, personal bankruptcy might be a good option for you. Declaring bankruptcy stops all collection efforts, including calls as well as letters from your creditors. This is called the “automatic stay of proceedings”. When you’ve filed an assignment in bankruptcy, the automatic stay goes on and offers you some breathing space.

Get rid of any wage garnishment

If you file for bankruptcy, you don’t need to worry about wage garnishment or legal action anymore. The stay of proceedings also prevents any further attempts at collection, including wage garnishment. Creditors and collectors also won’t be able to take you to court.

Bankruptcy is not forever

So, if you’re thinking about filing for the bankruptcy process, know that it usually takes about nine months to go through the process for a first-time bankrupt who does not have any surplus income payments to make to your Trustee. And, if the Licensed Insolvency Trustee handling your case finds that you have surplus income, you won’t be able to get a discharge for 21 months.

If this is your second bankruptcy, it will take longer. If you don’t have surplus income payments to make, it will take 24 months. If you do need to make surplus income payments, it will take 36 months.

These are the pros when considering the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada. Now for the cons!

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pros and cons of bankruptcies canada

The cons of bankruptcy

There are many cons of filing bankruptcy, including:

Your credit rating

If you file for bankruptcy, it’ll rank you as an R9 on your credit report, which is pretty bad news for your credit score. The damages to your credit rating will not last forever. Your very first personal bankruptcy will be noted on your credit record for 6 years after the day of your bankruptcy discharge. A second bankruptcy will certainly harm your credit score for a lot longer.

At the outset of your bankruptcy journey, you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. At least you now have a roadmap to restoring your credit and have a date when your credit will be cleared of any damage. You can start to rebuild your credit even before you are discharged from bankruptcy.

Your assets may be liquidated

This doesn’t mean that you’ll lose everything. Your personal belongings – like clothes, household items, work tools, and even a car under a certain value – usually can’t be taken away from you in bankruptcy. This means that the proceeds from the sale of your other non-exempt assets will be used to repay your creditors.

RRSP contributions in the past 12 months are not exempt

Your retirement savings are protected, but any contributions you made in the past 12 months to your RRSP are not exempt.

Surplus income and the cost of bankruptcy

If you’re making more money than the surplus income threshold, you’ll also have to make surplus income payments to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee. If you don’t have any assets and don’t have to pay the surplus income requirement, you or a relative will have to pay your Trustee’s fee.

Complete financial disclosure

You will need to make full financial disclosure to your Trustee. Your Licensed Insolvency Trustee will use that information to help you complete a Statement of Affairs. This disclosure details your financial position and will even potentially highlight certain financial transactions. Essentially your Trustee and the court will know everything about your finances and your creditors will get a peek too.

When you’re going through bankruptcy, you’ll need to hand over your tax docs and pay stubs to show how much you’re earning. This is how the Trustee decides if you’ve gone over the surplus income threshold.

A lasting record

Once you file for bankruptcy, the paperwork will become part of the public record in Canada. To start your bankruptcy, your Licensed Insolvency Trustee files your bankruptcy documents with the OSB. It then becomes part of the public record.

Most people who file for bankruptcy will only have their Trustee, the OSB, the court, their creditors and the two Canadian credit bureaus know about it.

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pros and cons of bankruptcies canada

Bankruptcy alternatives from pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada

Now that you understand the pros and cons of Canadian bankruptcies, you must just consider this option as a last choice. If you can solve your financial problems without experiencing the unfavourable elements of personal bankruptcy, that is the most effective way to go.

During your initial no-cost consultation, the Licensed Insolvency Trustee will help you should explore all the bankruptcy alternatives. I have written before in more detail about each of the bankruptcy alternatives listed below. I have included a link to each of those more detailed blogs. The main alternatives to bankruptcy are:

Debt consolidation

If you’re aiming to leave financial debt behind, debt consolidation could be a good alternative for you. By rolling all your financial obligations into one financing with a lower rate of interest, you will save money from the lower rate of interest on the new consolidation loan and leave your debt behind much faster.

Just make sure that you understand the current interest rates you are being charged, the total of your monthly payments that you currently may or may not be able to afford, the interest rate being offered to you on a debt consolidation loan, what your new monthly payment will be and make sure that you have a realistic budget of your monthly income and monthly expenses that shows that you can afford the new payments on a monthly basis.

Credit counselling

Credit counselling is a process whereby a person in debt meets with a credit counsellor to discuss their options for dealing with their debt. The credit counsellor will assess the person’s financial situation and provide advice on how to best deal with the debt. This may include negotiating with creditors to reduce interest rates or monthly payments and setting up a debt management plan.

As I have written many times before, you should only go to a community-based non-profit credit counselling agency that does not charge any fees. If the credit counsellor you choose wants to charge you fees, get out of there. It is not the best choice for you.

Debt settlement

Debt settlement is a process in which you can negotiate with your creditors to pay less than the full amount you owe. This can be a good option if you are not able to pay your debts in full and you are willing to negotiate with your creditors.

Debt settlement works well if you only have 1 or a few creditors. If you have many creditors, debt settlement is much more difficult in making sure that everyone remains on board with the negotiated settlement and that you will have enough money to pay the lower settled amounts you promised.

Many times with a multitude of creditors, either a consumer proposal or a Division I Proposal is the most effective way to bind everyone in a debt settlement process.

Like in credit counselling, I urge you to stay away from debt settlement companies that charge fees. What they do is charge you unnecessary fees, try to sell you products you don’t need and then when they cannot sell you any more products and their debt settlement techniques do not work, they then walk you to their favourite Licensed Insolvency Trustee for an insolvency process, which might just be a bankruptcy.

I would rather see you use your accountant or lawyer if you do not feel comfortable negotiating yourself. Those professionals will have your best interests at heart in return for their fee. They also won’t try to sell you more products.

Consumer proposals

When it comes to debt of $250,000 or less (other than for secured debts registered against your home), there are a number of options available to help you get back on track. One option is a consumer proposal.

A consumer proposal is a formal debt relief and debt-settlement option available in Canada. It is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors. Under a consumer proposal, you agree to repay a portion of your debts, and your creditors agree to forgive the rest.

A consumer proposal can be an attractive option for many reasons. First, it can help you get out of debt without having to declare bankruptcy. Second, it can help you keep your assets, such as your home or car. Third, it can give you a fresh start by wiping away most, if not all, of your unsecured debts.

If you’re considering a consumer proposal, it is necessary to obtain assistance from a qualified expert. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee, who is also a consumer proposal administrator in Canada, can walk you through the process and answer your questions. This will allow you to see if it’s the right choice for you.

Division I Proposal

If you owe more than $250,000, a Division I Proposal is a great option to settle your debts. It’s not as streamlined as a consumer proposal, but it’s still a great way to get out of debt.

Other than these technical differences, it has the same aim as a consumer proposal: to provide a debt settlement option that will bind all unsecured creditors and get the person back onto their feet free of the stress and burden of their unmanageable debts.

Either a consumer proposal or a Division I Proposal are excellent debt relief options approved by the Canadian government. One of the other benefits of either of these two debt settlement options is that the person will also receive two mandatory financial counselling sessions. Getting this education will help put the person on the right track for the rest of their life.

Understanding the advantages of bankruptcy and also the disadvantages of bankruptcy for companies

When a company faces overwhelming debt, bankruptcy may seem like the only way out. However, there is only one advantage and one disadvantage to bankruptcy for a company.

One advantage of this situation is that the Trustee may be able to sell the assets to a purchaser who will then be able to use those assets to continue the former business of the company in a profitable way. This could potentially save some jobs, at least for the key employees of the old business.

The one disadvantage is that unlike a person, when a company goes bankrupt, the corporate legal entity is now dead.

Before the Directors of a company decide to bankrupt the company, they should determine if certain divisions or parts of the business can be saved and operate profitably if the unprofitable part(s) could be eliminated. If so, a financial restructuring can be done to turn this unprofitable company into a viable and profitable one and save some jobs in the process.

pros and cons of bankruptcies canada
pros and cons of bankruptcies canada

Pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada: Summary

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada.

People are falling behind with stagnant wages or tiny wage increases while there is runaway inflation and they are falling deeper and deeper into debt. Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now, while explaining the pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada or any other of our recommendations.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you. There are many pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada. Whatever process we recommend for you will, we will do so in order to minimize any cons you may experience.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your financial life, Starting Over, Starting Now.



pros and cons of bankruptcies canada
pros and cons of bankruptcies Canada pros and cons of bankruptcies canada
Brandon Blog Post


What is CCAA protection?

The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) allows insolvent companies owing creditors $5 million or more to seek CCAA protection. This can help them restructure their business and settle their debts over time. The CCAA gives such companies the ability to restructure their business affairs and financial obligations. In Canada, the CCAA operates under the authority of the federal government and is administered by the courts of each province.

If a debtor company owes less than $5 million, it can restructure under Part III Division I of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). This federal insolvency statute has streamlined procedures for handling insolvency restructuring cases. There’s no prohibition against using this statute if the company owes $5 million or more. Those larger companies just have a choice as to which statute to restructure under. This kind of restructuring is done in order to avoid liquidation through the filing of an Assignment in Bankruptcy. By successfully restructuring, the company can avoid job losses, claims by employees and the other negative effects of bankruptcy.

In this Brandon’s Blog post, I’ll be discussing CCAA protection for companies needing to go through a financial restructuring by making the Initial Application to the court. I’ll also be talking about a recent court decision that will be of interest to companies needing to restructure when their bank is demanding that all loans be repaid and they are trying to enforce their security.

Is CCAA protection the same thing as chapter 11?

Bankruptcy protection is a term closely associated with a US company filing under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. In Canada, it most likely means that the Canadian company has applied to a Canadian court to make its application for CCAA protection under the CCAA.ccaa protection

What is CCAA protection in Canada and “The Stay”?

Creditor protection under the CCAA is a process that provides companies with some relief from their creditors. This process can help them to reorganize their affairs and continue operations.

CCAA protection can provide some much-needed breathing room for companies that are struggling to stay afloat. It can give them time to restructure their affairs and come up with a plan to repay their creditors. A debtor company files its application for creditor protection in order to obtain an Initial Stay from the court. This will allow the company to begin restructuring its financial affairs.

While the CCAA protection order is in place, creditors are not allowed to take any action to recover money owed to them. They can’t try to seize the company’s property or petition the court for its bankruptcy, without the prior approval of the court. This is called the CCAA protection “stay of proceedings”.

A CCAA Canada filing is typically made when a business is insolvent and seeking to restructure its debts. The goal of the business in CCAA protection is to reach a satisfactory agreement with its creditors, which can include both secured and unsecured creditors. I will talk more about the support of secured creditors when I discuss the court case below.

Comeback hearing: Can CCAA Canada protection be extended?

Yes. Initial Order applications are often submitted on an urgent basis with prior notice only to key stakeholders such as senior lenders. Initial orders usually contain a “comeback” clause allowing stakeholders who did not receive initial notice an opportunity to attempt to change the terms of the CCAA protection order. Under the CCAA, Section 11.02(1) states that the Initial Order cannot be effective for more than 10 days.

The Canadian court system requires that there must be a “comeback hearing,” where interested parties can challenge aspects of the initial order, or even request additional relief before the order is extended. This means that the comeback hearing must be scheduled for within those 10 days. This ensures that the process moves forward promptly while protecting the interests of those involved. At the comeback hearing, the court will then assess the evidence before making a decision on whether or not to extend CCAA protection. If the court decides to extend protection, it will only do so for a limited amount of time.

The amount of time given will be at the discretion of the court and is definitely not open-ended. The company and its Monitor will be required to provide regular reports to the court detailing this progress.

The court will determine the next reporting period based on the information provided, which will allow the debtor company to continue its restructuring. The court may also be asked to make other orders, such as borrowing authority for financing the debtor company’s operations.ccaa protection

CCAA protection: What is the role of the Monitor?

The Monitor is the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) appointed by the court to monitor the business and financial affairs of the debtor company in a CCAA proceeding. The LIT’s role is to ensure compliance with the law, court order(s), and terms of the debtor company restructuring plan.

The Court-appointed Monitor is responsible for assisting with the preparation of the restructuring plan, formally known as the Plan of Arrangement and sometimes referred to as a Plan of Compromise. Monitors act as financial advisors to the insolvent company and they also advise creditors on the claims process and oversee voting at each meeting of creditors.

A Monitor must submit regular reports to the court summarizing the debtor company’s activities and the progress of the case. This includes the claims process when they get to that point in the administration.

These reports are published online and are accessible to creditors and interested parties. One of the ongoing responsibilities of the Monitor in its reporting is to advise if, in the Monitor’s opinion, the debtor company under CCAA protection is continuing to act in good faith and carrying out its restructuring on a timely basis.

CCAA protection: The Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

The company usually begins talking with its creditors and investors right away after the initial order is made. To do this, it may end or give away unwanted and especially unprofitable contracts, fire employees, sell property, negotiate new credit terms, change its corporate structure, and take other restructuring steps to ensure the viability and profitability of the company.

The court will ultimately be asked to approve all major actions in order to allow the company to move towards a viable Plan of Arrangement it believes will garner the support of the necessary majority of creditors.

The Plan of Arrangement or Compromise is the proposal presented by a company to its creditors detailing how it intends to resolve the issues it is facing and how the amounts owed to creditors will be compromised, An arrangement is a broader term that encompasses any plan for reorganizing. The distinction between “compromise” and “arrangement” is in practice, immaterial.

Different creditors are often treated differently based on terms of priority. This affects the order and amount they will be paid under the restructuring plan.

The first step in a CCAA restructuring will be to prioritize any government claims that are considered trust claims. Next will be any new charges ordered by the court as part of the restructuring. Examples of such court-ordered charges are amounts owing under a Key Employee Retention Plan and the lender financing the company during the restructuring phase.

The pre-filing secured creditors are typically at the forefront next when it comes to recovering their funds. They may have security in the form of a general security agreement or mortgage.

Unsecured creditors are next in line for payment. These creditors have provided goods or services to the company on credit, without receiving any security in return. In retail insolvencies, the company under creditor protection has to decide as part of its business plan if it is going to treat customers who have paid deposits for items they have not yet picked up as unsecured creditors or if they will complete the sale providing value for the prior deposits.

Such differing priorities will influence how the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise is constructed.ccaa protection

CCAA protection and the financial statements of the debtor

When a company seeks CCAA protection from the court, they are required to submit a projected cash flow statement. This document projects the company’s expected revenue and expenses from ongoing business operations and any required financing over the next 12 months and is used to assess whether or not it can fund day-to-day operations and survive during the CCAA protection proceedings.

Furthermore, the company must provide copies of all financial statements issued during the one-year period prior to the date of the Initial Application. If none were issued during this time period, it should provide a copy of the most recent financial statement.

CCAA protection: Creditor approval of the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

A company can establish separate classes of creditors to increase the chances of a favourable vote for the Plan of Compromise or Plan of Arrangement. There must be some form of shared characteristic or similarity amongst the creditors in each class in order to qualify for each such classification.

In addition to the simple majority test, the creditors in each class who are voting must vote in favour of it by at least 2/3 of the total value of the creditors voting in each class.ccaa protection

CCAA protection and court approval of the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

The court may approve the Plan once they have been approved by each participating class of creditors. The Plan will include all negotiated compromises and arrangements that deal with any matter, including claims against directors and amendments to the articles of incorporation or letters patent incorporating the company,

A Plan cannot be approved by the court if a provision is not made for settling “super-priority” claims relating to:

  • compensation and reimbursement claims by employees other than officers and directors;
  • pension plan contributions (except where an agreement has been reached with the relevant pension regulator); and
  • unremitted employee source deductions from employee paycheques for taxes and other deductions.

Additionally, any equity claims cannot be authorized by the court through a compromise or arrangement until all other claims have been paid in full.

CCAA protection: You can access CCAA filing records and court documents through 2 sources

There are two ways to find CCAA filing records and court documents. The easiest way is to go to the Monitor’s website specifically set up for the CCAA case. All documents filed by the Monitor in court and all court orders will be there. The second source is the court file itself.

This leads us to the actual court case I mentioned at the very beginning of this CCAA protection blog post. It is a decision dated October 14, 2022, by the Honourable Justice MacDonald of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador in Bankruptcy and Insolvency. The case is Edward Collins Contracting Limited (Re), 2022 NLSC 149.

It is an application by a group of companies in the construction industry seeking an Initial CCAA protection Order for the debtor company. The case is notable for one factor: the companies’ main secured creditor, the Royal Bank of Canada, is opposing the application.

The companies were operating under a forbearance agreement. However, Royal Bank claims that they were in breach of their forbearance agreement and that the Bank should be allowed to have a Court-appointed Receiver. Although they did not provide any evidence in their material, in argument, the Bank claimed the companies were not acting in good faith.

The court ruled that if the companies’ application for CCAA protection is approved, then the Royal Bank of Canada’s application for a Court-appointed receiver is moot.

The court’s entire decision and His Honour’s thought process in considering all issues can be located online. Of specific relevance to me is His Honour’s thought process and careful consideration of all the points he must consider in deciding whether or not to grant the requested relief of CCAA protection.

The court considered the following:

  • Do the companies have proper standing under the CCAA?
  • Have the companies satisfied the test to allow the granting of grant an Initial Order?
  • If so, should the company’s conduct during the prior Consent Stay period cause it to refuse the Initial Order?

The court found that the CCAA applies to the debtor company and the affiliated debtor companies as they are all insolvent corporations or have committed an act of bankruptcy and owed their creditors in excess of $5 million. The court also found that the companies were entitled to CCAA protection from creditors and even the Royal Bank of Canada notwithstanding its opposition to the Initial Application and the granting of the Initial Order. The Initial Order was made.

You can read His Honour’s lengthy analysis if you wish, as it is very detailed and provides a great deal of insight.

You Owe Money—The CCAA protection

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on CCAA protection.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.ccaa protection

Brandon Blog Post


Insolvency for business including business bankruptcies

In the last two Brandon’s Blogs, I wrote about personal bankruptcy. The topic was the class of debts not released by a person’s discharge from personal bankruptcy. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss insolvency for business, and specifically, business bankruptcies, as a result of the recent report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).

If a business is incapable to pay its financial obligations as they come due, it might deal with some negative effects, including legal action. However, this does not have to damage a business’s credibility forever, if management is prepared to take the required corrective activity before it is far too late.

If a business that is unable to pay its debts cannot turn itself around, it may be forced to declare business bankruptcies, which can have a devastating impact on the business and its employees.

What will happen to the company if it is insolvent?

If your company is financially troubled, it may need to assign itself into bankruptcy. Nonetheless, business bankruptcies are not always the automatic result of being insolvent. If your business is experiencing financial problems, it is essential to speak to a bankruptcy lawyer or a licensed insolvency trustee to review all of your realistic choices. Bankruptcy should be the last choice when nothing else will work.

Case in point, the recent report issued by the CFIB on small business insolvency says that its survey finds that only 10% of business owners would certainly declare bankruptcy if they were to shut down completely.

The CFIB report is meant to give a more comprehensive view of Canadian business insolvencies (bankruptcies + proposals). The data indicates that the number of businesses filing for bankruptcy has been on the rise and is now at the highest level of business insolvencies in two years.

As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian small businesses face a number of challenges in returning to normal operations, including debt from necessary pivots, increased costs of doing business and trouble finding employees to work.

The CFIB study found that half of the businesses (54%) are still seeing below-normal revenues, and over 60% are carrying unpaid debt from the pandemic. Small businesses are under significant financial pressure, with little room to maneuver.

Insolvency fears among Canadian small businesses are alarmingly high, and the true scope of the problem may be even greater than what is reflected in official statistics. Business owners have a range of options available to them when faced with financial difficulties, and bankruptcy is only one of these.

The CFIB recently released report details the different ways the surveyed small businesses in Canada said they would take if they had to shut down as follows:

  • 46% – Just ceasing all operations permanently.
  • 27% – Selling or transferring ownership to another party.
  • 10% – Filing for business bankruptcies or business bankruptcy protection.
  • 10% – Unsure at this time.
  • 7% – Exploring all options.

Interestingly enough, recapitalizing the legal entity or taking on more business debt by way of loans was not one of the answers. That should tell you how tapped-out Canadian small business shareholders are and that the businesses have no borrowing base room left on their assets to increase their bank borrowings.

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies

Business bankruptcies: The insolvency of a business – First steps

The first step for the Directors is to consult with a business bankruptcy attorney/lawyer and a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (sometimes referred to as “Trustee”). The lawyer can confidentially discuss the situation with the Directors and develop a proposed plan to deal with the situation.

The licensed insolvency trustee will review the company’s financial position and proposed game plan, and consider all options available to the company and its Directors. In Canada, the only party licensed to run the administration of bankruptcy, or any formal insolvency process, is a licensed insolvency trustee.

The licensed insolvency trustee will want to understand fully the company’s assets and liabilities. With a clear understanding of the company’s financial status, the Trustee can explain how best to implement the plan to either restructure or liquidate the company. If necessary, the Trustee can tweak the game plan.

The next question is whether the business is viable. Does it produce goods or services that are still in demand in the marketplace? If not, one option to consider is selling the business to another company that has complementary lines of business. Would the business fit in neatly with the buyer’s existing operations?

Could it perhaps be integrated in some way that would make your standalone business, which is not currently viable, become viable? Keep in mind for this to be an option, the company would need to have a solvent business.

If you can’t sell your unprofitable but still solvent company, you could always explore the option of a statutory liquidation. This would involve liquidating all the company assets, paying off any outstanding liabilities, and then distributing the remaining amount to shareholders.

Companies under business bankruptcy protection

If your business is struggling financially but still has potential, you may be able to restructure it through business bankruptcy protection. In Canada, there are two main possible federal statutes to restructure under; (i) the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada); and (ii) the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. One of these restructuring legal proceedings is an alternative to business bankruptcies.

A proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”)

The BIA is the canadian bankruptcy legislation containing all the rules and regulations in Canada’s bankruptcy regime. However, it also includes bankruptcy options such as a Division I Proposal for debtors who owe more than $250,000. This kind of financial restructuring allows the company to remain in business while it restructures. The essence of a BIA Proposal restructuring is that the company is offering a contract to its unsecured creditors to pay less than the total it owes those unsecured creditors in return for eliminating all of its unsecured debt.

To ensure that the company can successfully implement a proposal and pay its post-filing debts, the licensed insolvency trustee will need to be satisfied that all relevant information has been obtained and that the company has a good chance of success. The company’s cash flow will need to be monitored to ensure that it is sufficient to run the business and pay for the goods and services it needs going forward.

The Trustee will send all known creditors a copy of the proposal, a portion of the company’s statement of affairs listing the company’s assets and liabilities, a list of creditors, a proof of claim form, a voting letter and the Trustee’s report providing additional information and the Trustee’s recommendation.

The meeting of creditors is then held and if the proposal is accepted by the required majority of unsecured creditors, the licensed insolvency trustee takes the proposal documentation to Court for approval. If the proposal is accepted by creditors and approved by the court, the company is now bound by the proposal.

If the companies successfully complete their financial restructuring proposal, they will avoid business bankruptcies. However, if the company fails to get creditor or court approval, or fails to successfully complete the proposal, it will automatically go into bankruptcy under the BIA.

Financial restructuring under a Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) plan of arrangement

Restructuring through a CCAA plan of arrangement is a financial restructuring process that provides companies with a way to restructure their debts and other obligations. This process can help companies to avoid the business bankruptcy process and to continue operating while they repay their creditors. It is very similar to a BIA proposal. The main difference is that it is only for companies with debts of $5 million or more, it is much more court-time intensive and there is no automatic business bankruptcy provision. In a CCAA, the licensed insolvency trustee acts as a monitor under the CCAA to administer the restructuring process.

When you hear when a company files for protection, or bankruptcy protection, in Canada it is usually under the CCAA. In the United States, it is under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code.

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies

Licensed insolvency trustees say if companies are insolvent and not viable the best option may be business bankruptcies

We still want to know if the business is viable when it is insolvent. If it is viable, then we could look at doing a restructuring as outlined above. After the company is restructured, we could either keep running it or look to sell it. If there are impediments to a successful restructuring, the approach we take even through business bankruptcies will be different than if it is not a viable business model any longer.

If the business is not viable and insolvent, then there is not much that can be done. The business is financially unhealthy and the marketplace no longer wants the product or service this business provides. Therefore, we are looking at bankruptcy if there is not a secured creditor who is going to enforce their security through a receivership. Receivership is a whole topic unto itself which is for a different day.

As a licensed insolvency trustee, I am responsible for understanding all the issues in business bankruptcies and preparing the necessary documentation for limited companies to assign themselves to business bankruptcies. A meeting of directors must be called for them to resolve that the company should put its business into bankruptcy and appoint one of the directors to be the designated officer.

The officer designated by the board should be the director with the most intimate knowledge of the company’s affairs. This officer will sign the bankruptcy documentation and be the company’s representative at the first meeting of creditors.

The Trustee attends the director’s meeting and prepares the meeting minutes, or the minutes will be prepared by the directors and provided to the Trustee. Then, the licensed insolvency trustee prepares the bankruptcy documents which include the statement of affairs, which is the listing of assets and liabilities, names addresses and amounts owing to each creditor. The designated officer then attests to the truthfulness of the information and signs it all.

The companies are insolvent and have to go into business bankruptcies

The Trustee files the necessary documentation with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who issues a certificate of bankruptcy and appoints the Trustee. That’s when a company is officially entered into the bankruptcy process and the bankruptcy proceedings begin. This is the process of a company filing an assignment into bankruptcy.

So in a commercial bankruptcy administration, the Trustee has several responsibilities. The Trustee has to deal with the assets. The Trustee has to first determine are the assets subject to the security of a lender. Is that lender’s security good and valid?

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies

What happens when the certificate is issued for business bankruptcies?

If every one of the assets is covered by a lender’s valid security which makes the security cover the assets in priority to the rights of a Trustee, then the bankruptcy trustee would not take steps to handle the company’s secured assets unless the secured lender particularly requests the Trustee to do so separately either as Receiver or Agent of the secured lender.

So let’s simply take the case where in bankrupting the company, the Trustee is handling the assets either due to the fact that they’re not secured or because the secured financial institution wants the Trustee to handle the secured assets within the bankruptcy (which is not normal, but not unheard of either).

The Trustee needs to make certain that the corporate assets are safeguarded, that they’re appropriately insured and that the Trustee has carried out an inventory of those assets.

The Trustee then needs to figure out how is it going to offer those business assets for sale. The Trustee must do a risk-reward analysis to see if it makes good sense for the Trustee to run the business. If so, is the Trustee looking for a sale of assets as a going-concern business sale or just shut down the business and liquidate the assets once the reasons for running the business have been met?

If it doesn’t make sense for the Trustee to run the business, the Trustee will close it down and take a look at the alternatives available. The assets can be sold by public auction, private sale or by tender sale separating the assets up into blocs. If the assets are such that they would attract a retail audience where consumers would pay more than if it was sold in lots to wholesalers, then a retail sale would be the way to go. The nature of the assets will identify what sort of sale of assets the Trustee runs.

Business bankruptcies: How will I know what’s going on?

The Trustee alerts all of the company’s creditors listed in the sworn statement of affairs of the bankruptcy in a mailing. The Trustee includes a proof of claim form so that all creditors can file their claim. The Trustee examines the claims and holds the first meeting of creditors.

After the first meeting, a meeting of inspectors is held. Inspectors are creditor representatives who assist the Trustee in providing approval for the Trustee’s recommendations and actions it wishes to take. This includes any approval of asset sales the Trustee recommends after making an informed decision. Inspectors also need to approve the Trustee’s Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements near the end of the administration of all business bankruptcies.

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies

Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on business bankruptcies. Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? Are you or your company unable to survive the COVID pandemic and its aftermath? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation.

If you would like our free e-Book, “Closing A Business Without Going Bankrupt” CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies
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