Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: Introduction

When your client has an amount of debt they cannot repay, they often consider measures such as bankruptcy or consumer proposal. To choose the most appropriate option for their unique situation, it’s important to have a good understanding of the details of each option. Let’s compare and contrast these options to help you help your client make the right choice that best fits their situation.

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: Importance of understanding the differences between the two options

When faced with financial challenges, understanding the difference between a consumer proposal and bankruptcy can be crucial in determining the best path forward for your financial well-being. Let’s delve into the key disparities. Learn about the differences between a consumer proposal and bankruptcy so that you can further help your clients start to make an informed decision on the best debt relief solution for them before they see a licensed insolvency trustee.

an image of a man and woman with a maze behind them and a question mark between them to signify their difficult decision of whether to file for a liquidation bankruptcy or to try to restructure their debts with a consumer proposal.
bankruptcy or consumer proposal

Overview Explanation of Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal

Bankruptcy: A Solution for Unmanageable Debt

If your client is experiencing economic challenges, bankruptcy might be a sensible option to deal with their debt problems. It is a legal treatment focused on offering help to people, corporations, or entities facing economic hardship.

Bankruptcy allows debtors to get rid of certain unsecured financial obligations, such as credit card balances and unsecured lines of credit or loans. It offers debt relief and a fresh start, but undischarged bankrupts must comply with particular rules and procedures. These include potentially a meeting with creditors and for certain taking part in two credit counselling sessions.

Consulting a licensed insolvency trustee can aid in exploring options and making an informed decision when dealing with money problems, leading to a better financial future. Bankruptcy may be a sensible option, however, it’s vital to carefully consider all other restructuring options before filing bankruptcy. A licensed insolvency trustee can offer advice on the most appropriate strategy for your client’s particular scenario.

Consumer Proposal: A Negotiated Settlement

A consumer proposal is a much more flexible approach to debt repayment than bankruptcy is. In a consumer proposal, the licensed insolvency trustee acting as the Administrator, assists the debtor in their financial restructuring by negotiating with creditors to repay a portion of their debts over an extended period.

Although only a portion of the total debt is being repaid (as a rule of thumb, say 25%), once all payments are successfully made and the debtor attends the two mandatory financial counselling sessions, they receive their Certificate of Full Completion. Once that certificate is issued, their entire debt is discharged.

In a consumer proposal, unlike bankruptcy, the debtor does not hand over their non-exempt assets. Like in bankruptcy, the debts eligible for inclusion in a consumer proposal include credit card debt, unsecured personal loans, and tax debt. Proposals must be filed through a licensed insolvency trustee and are legally binding once accepted by the creditors.

Consumer Proposal Allows You to Keep More Assets

The important difference between a consumer proposal and bankruptcy is that although you need to account for the value of the equity in your assets, in a consumer proposal, you don’t lose them. This is a form of asset protection. A consumer proposal is a debt settlement financial restructuring where you negotiate with your creditors to repay a portion of your debt over some time not greater than 60 months. Upon successfully paying that portion in the promised time frame, all of your debts are erased. If you can do so without having to sell any of your assets, you get to keep them.

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: How Does a Consumer Proposal Work?

Finding a way out of debt feels overwhelming. A licensed insolvency trustee can help your client understand the options available. This education empowers your client to make the right choice. A consumer proposal is a legally binding structured legal agreement between your client and their creditors. The benefit to your client is to ultimately remove the burden of their debt and let them get back to a stress-free life and a bright financial future. The main points of a consumer proposal are:

Binding Agreement with Creditors

A consumer proposal is a formal agreement that lays out how you’ll pay back a portion of your unsecured debt through a formal agreement under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). Once you complete the proposal, your client will be free from all of their unsecured debts.

This agreement is a solution that works for both your client and their unsecured creditors. A licensed insolvency trustee, guides your client through the negotiation process, helping them come up with a plan to gradually pay off their unsecured debts over time. You qualify for a consumer proposal as long as your unsecured debt is $250,000 or less (not including any mortgage against your principal residence).

Administered by Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Only a licensed insolvency trustee can oversee the entire process. These professionals are the only ones with the professional accreditation to perform insolvency assignments in Canada. They are licenced, authorized and supervised by the federal government Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) to handle insolvency matters. I guide your client through the process, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements. I also provide expert advice to you and your client.

Protection from Debt Collectors and Wage Garnishments

Like bankruptcy, a consumer proposal gives your client a stay of proceedings against constant harassment by debt collectors including wage garnishments. This is real legal protection against creditors. Once the proposal is filed, debt collectors must by law stop their collection calls and legal actions. This provides your client with a break from the unending pressure associated with collection efforts. This gives your client the breathing room to regain control of their income and expenses.

A consumer proposal allows for a path toward financial recovery giving your client a sense of security and relief from the stress of their debt. This empowers your clients to confront their financial challenges using a real plan of action to eliminate their unsecured debt over time.

an image of a man and woman with a maze behind them and a question mark between them to signify their difficult decision of whether to file for a liquidation bankruptcy or to try to restructure their debts with a consumer proposal.
bankruptcy or consumer proposal

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: How Does Bankruptcy Work?

Bankruptcy is perceived by people to be the darkest of all dark clouds. People associate bankruptcy not only with financial difficulties and loss but also as a symbol of being a total failure in life. The reality is that bankruptcy is a legal process designed to help honest but unfortunate people relieve themselves of the crushing debt load that is suffocating them. It offers them the chance to get a fresh start.

  • Structured legal process to relieve debts: When drowning in debt, bankruptcy acts as a lifeline. It allows people to go through a process approved by the Canadian government to eliminate their debt and provide a path for a fresh start.
  • Licensed insolvency trustee controls the assets: During bankruptcy, the licensed insolvency trustee is appointed to administer the bankruptcy process. The Trustee manages and sells the non-exempt assets, investigates the financial affairs of the bankrupt, conducts the two mandatory financial counselling sessions with the undischarged bankrupt and makes sure that all necessary administrative steps are taken. This includes the undischarged bankrupt fulfilling all of their bankruptcy duties.
  • Discharged from debt in 9-21 months: The main outcome of bankruptcy is the bankrupt’s discharge from his or her debts. Depending on the specific circumstances as to whether or not the undischarged bankrupt is liable to make regular payments for surplus income to the Trustee, bankrupts typically expect to obtain their discharge within a period between 9 and 21 months.

Embracing bankruptcy as a tool for financial freedom, rather than a symbol of failure, helps the person get on with their life. It is a chance to redefine one’s life and learn valuable financial lessons.

By referring your client to a licensed insolvency trustee people can decide on a proposal vs bankruptcy much easier navigate the bankruptcy process and emerge better and stronger on the other side.

Bankruptcy: Different Payments, Bigger Credit Impact

On the flip side, bankruptcy payments are often based on your income and can vary accordingly. This means that your monthly bankruptcy payments may fluctuate depending on your financial situation, making it more unpredictable compared to the fixed payments of a consumer proposal.

While bankruptcy can offer you a fresh start by clearing your debts, it typically has a more significant impact on your credit score and can remain on your record for a longer period, affecting your financial status for an extended time.

Choosing the Right Path

Deciding between a consumer proposal and bankruptcy is a personal decision that should be made based on your circumstances. Seeking professional advice from a licensed insolvency trustee can assist you in navigating the complexities of each option and making an informed choice that aligns with your financial goals.

Remember, the aim is to select a debt relief solution from the various options available that best fits your needs and helps you on your journey to financial stability.

an image of a man and woman with a maze behind them and a question mark between them to signify their difficult decision of whether to file for a liquidation bankruptcy or to try to restructure their debts with a consumer proposal.
bankruptcy or consumer proposal

Bankruptcy: Different Payments, Impact on Credit

In bankruptcy, any monthly surplus income payments the undischarged bankrupt must make are calculated by a formula prescribed by the OSB based on the person’s income. The undischarged bankrupt must provide a monthly report of monthly income and expenses to the Trustee. As the monthly income varies, the surplus income monthly payments can change, either up or down.

While bankruptcy gives the person a fresh start, it has a worse impact on the person’s credit score and credit report since it remains on your record for a longer period.

Choosing the Best Path for You

Choosing between a bankruptcy or consumer proposal is a personal decision that should consider your circumstances and needs. Seeking advice from a licensed insolvency trustee helps the person choose between and navigate either option.

Remember, the aim is to select a debt relief solution that best fits your client’s needs among the various options available.

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: Debts Discharged and Not Discharged

When it comes to managing debts, it is important to know which debts can be cleared through an insolvency process and which ones cannot be discharged. Here is a listing of the different types of debts and whether they can be discharged:

Debts that cannot be discharged:

  • Fraud or Malfeasance: It is important to know that debts from fraudulent activities or court fines from being found guilty of wrongdoing cannot be cleared through either a bankruptcy or consumer proposal. This ensures accountability for any unlawful financial actions.
  • Child Support and Spousal Support: Another category of debts that can’t be discharged includes obligations for child support and spousal support. The Canadian insolvency system believes from a societal perspective, these kinds of responsibilities are legally binding and must be met, no matter what other debts the person may have.

Debts that may be discharged after a certain time:

  • Student loan debt has specific regulations for discharge: After completing your education, there may be possibilities for discharging this debt. Student loan debt can only be discharged if you go bankrupt 7 years after the last time you were either a full-time or part-time student.
  • Debts that are discharged upon the discharge of the bankrupt person: Most unsecured debts.

    an image of a man and woman with a maze behind them and a question mark between them to signify their difficult decision of whether to file for a liquidation bankruptcy or to try to restructure their debts with a consumer proposal.
    bankruptcy or consumer proposal

Impact on Your Credit Score: Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal

When it comes to your credit score, it’s important to understand how a bankruptcy or consumer proposal can affect it. Bankruptcy has a more negative impact on your credit score compared to a consumer proposal. A consumer proposal is generally less harmful to your credit rating.

Duration of Impact

Another key difference between the two options is how long they stay on your financial record. A consumer proposal is typically noted on your credit report for three years after completing it. A first-time bankruptcy remains on your credit history for six years after receiving your bankruptcy discharge. This difference is important to know. It does affect many choices people make among the various debt relief options.

Ultimately, the choice between a bankruptcy or consumer proposal depends on your client’s unique financial circumstances. It’s always a good idea to seek professional guidance from a licensed insolvency trustee when making this decision.

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: Social Stigma and Decision-Making

When it comes to making financial decisions, especially ones as impactful as considering bankruptcy, there are various factors to take into account. One significant aspect that often plays a role in decision-making is the social stigma associated with personal bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is commonly viewed in a negative light in our society. People may perceive it as a sign of personal failure or irresponsibility. This stigma can make individuals hesitant to consider bankruptcy as a viable option, even when they are struggling with overwhelming debt.

However, it is essential to look beyond the social perceptions and focus on the practical aspects of the situation. Before choosing the path of bankruptcy, it is crucial to assess one’s ability to repay the debt. Understanding your financial capabilities and limitations is key to making an informed decision.

Mathematical analysis can be a helpful tool in this decision-making process. By conducting a thorough financial evaluation, including income, expenses, and debt obligations, individuals can gain a clear understanding of their financial standing. This analysis provides valuable insights into whether filing for bankruptcy is the most viable solution or if there are alternative options available.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue bankruptcy should not be solely influenced by social stigma. Instead, it should be based on a realistic assessment of one’s financial circumstances and the potential benefits and consequences of bankruptcy. By approaching the decision-making process with a rational and informed mindset, individuals can make choices that align with their financial well-being.

an image of a man and woman with a maze behind them and a question mark between them to signify their difficult decision of whether to file for a liquidation bankruptcy or to try to restructure their debts with a consumer proposal.
bankruptcy or consumer proposal

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: Getting Professional Help for Making the Right Decision

Exploring debt settlement or insolvency options creates tough choices that a person would rather not make. However, hiding their head in the sand and avoiding the reality of their financial situation ultimately is not a realistic option. One thing that bothers every person we speak to is who will find out about personal bankruptcy and how it will affect how others view the person.

As stated above, bankruptcy often carries a negative reputation in our society. May see it as a sign of personal failure. This stigma makes it tough for people to choose bankruptcy as a solution for dealing with overwhelming debt.

It is important to remember that your financial well-being, that of your family and your ability to get a fresh start is what matters most. Before you make any debt settlement decision, take a step backward and honestly consider your true financial situation. Understanding what you can realistically manage on your own without legal intervention is crucial in making the right choice.

Doing the math and looking at the realistic and true side of things will guide you in making an informed decision and doing the right thing that will be best for your financial future. A consumer proposal is the best bankruptcy alternative when a formal insolvency process is required.

Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal: Conclusion

In summary, a licensed insolvency trustee plays a crucial role in assisting individuals and businesses facing insolvency. From conducting financial assessments to facilitating legal proceedings and providing ongoing support, LITs serve as trusted advisors and advocates, in conjunction with a person’s or corporation’s lawyer and accountant, for those navigating challenging financial terrain. By understanding the role and significance of an LIT, debtors can make informed decisions and embark on the path toward financial stability and recovery.

By assisting clients in navigating insolvency matters proficiently, lawyers and accountants can empower them to take proactive steps towards a brighter financial future. This includes providing insights on debt restructuring, bankruptcy options, and other relevant strategies that can improve financial sustainability and stability. Ultimately, the goal of leveraging a foundational understanding of Canadian insolvency laws is to facilitate positive outcomes for clients, equipping them with the knowledge and resources needed to overcome financial obstacles and achieve long-term success. This also allows them to remain your client!

I hope you enjoyed this bankruptcy or consumer proposal Brandon’s Blog. Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties, consumer debt and company debt and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns and more associated with your company debt are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these overwhelming debt financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious. It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now! We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt.

On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring. We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel. Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, to begin your debt-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

an image of a man and woman with a maze behind them and a question mark between them to signify their difficult decision of whether to file for a liquidation bankruptcy or to try to restructure their debts with a consumer proposal.
bankruptcy or consumer proposal
Brandon Blog Post


Debt Management Program: Introduction

Are you drowning in credit card debt, tax debt or any other debt and feeling overwhelmed by mounting interest charges? Are you behind in some or all of your debt payments? Is there a collection agency hounding you? It’s a common struggle, especially with the recent increases in interest rates. But fear not, there are debt relief options available to help you regain control of your finances. Two popular choices are a debt management program and bankruptcy, but there are key differences to consider.

In this Brandon’s Blog post, we will explore the differences between these two options and guide you on how to choose the right one for your unique financial situation. Read on to discover the path to financial freedom.

Understanding a Debt Management Program

A debt management program offers a way to pay off high-interest credit card balances without resorting to bankruptcy. However, it’s important to note that a debt management program may not be the best solution for everyone. It is most effective when your debt amount is manageable and you have assets you want to protect.

If you find yourself in this situation, a debt management plan can help you lower your overall payment to a more affordable amount, without the need for legal filings or interventions. This means you can keep your valuable possessions, such as homes, cars, and other assets. Additionally, debt relief allows for a more gradual approach, giving you the flexibility to regain your financial footing over time.

Is a debt management program right for you?

When you find yourself overwhelmed by debt, exploring debt management program options may provide a much-needed solution. However, determining whether a debt management plan is ideal for your situation requires careful consideration.

Debt Amount Consideration

A debt management program tends to be most effective when your debt amount is manageable. While the specific threshold varies depending on individual circumstances, having a debt level that you can realistically work to pay off over time is typically more conducive to successful debt management program outcomes.

You also need to separate secured debt from unsecured debt. Secured debt is what its name sounds like. The debt is secured against one or more of your assets, such as an auto loan. If you need the asset and its value is greater than the amount of debt against it, the secured lender will not be motivated to amend the amount you owe.

One of the key advantages of a debt management program is that it generally does not necessitate any legal filings or interventions. This streamlines the process and makes it more accessible to individuals seeking relief from their financial burdens. By avoiding legal procedures, a debt management program can offer a more straightforward and efficient path to debt resolution.

Use of Credit and Affordability

A debt management program allows you to continue using credit while you work towards repaying your debts. This can be particularly beneficial for maintaining essential expenses and managing unexpected costs during the debt management program process. Additionally, a debt repayment program often offers an affordable and gradual approach to debt repayment, making it suitable for individuals looking to regain financial stability without experiencing overwhelming financial strain or having the negative impact on your credit score that happens with bankruptcy.

Overall, the decision to pursue a debt management program should be based on a comprehensive evaluation of your financial situation and goals. By considering factors such as the amount of debt you owe, the convenience of the process, and the affordability of the options available, you can determine whether a debt management program aligns with your needs and priorities.A split picture. On one side is a woman sitting at a neat and clean desk symolizing that all of her debts are under control. On the other half of the split screen is a worried man standing in front of a messy desk with bills spilling all over the place to symbolize a person with debts out of control and needing a debt management plan or to file for bankruptcy.

Debt Management Program: Considering Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy filing, on the other hand, provides a more immediate solution for those facing crushing debt loads. It can be the right choice when you owe significant amounts of credit card debt, unsecured personal loans, or other unsecured debts that far exceed your means. The bankruptcy process offers unparalleled debt elimination, but it comes with serious trade-offs.

Your credit score may be negatively impacted for a period of seven to ten years, making it a less favourable option if you have good or marginal credit and owe only a few thousand dollars. However, if your credit is already severely impaired, filing bankruptcy may be a quicker and more efficient way to resolve your debt burdens.

Is bankruptcy right for you?

Bankruptcy is a difficult financial decision that many individuals may consider when they find themselves overwhelmed by debt and unable to manage their financial obligations. While bankruptcy is a serious process under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) with long-term consequences, it can also provide a fresh start for those in dire financial circumstances.

Relief from Crushing Debt Load

One of the primary reasons individuals opt for bankruptcy is the overwhelming burden of debt they carry. When debts become unmanageable, it can lead to constant stress, sleepless nights, and strained relationships. Filing for bankruptcy can provide relief by allowing individuals to eliminate or restructure their debts to a more manageable level.

By working with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT), individuals can develop a repayment plan or proceed with liquidating assets to pay off debts. This process can help individuals regain control of their finances and start anew with a more sustainable financial future.

Solution for Badly Damaged Credit

For individuals with severely damaged credit, bankruptcy can offer a way to address their financial challenges and start rebuilding their credit history. While bankruptcy harms credit scores initially, it also provides an opportunity for a fresh start.

By discharging debts through bankruptcy, individuals can eliminate the burden of overdue payments and past defaults that have been dragging down their credit rating. With a clean slate, individuals can gradually rebuild their credit by managing new credit responsibly and demonstrating improved financial habits.

Unlike other debt management program options, bankruptcy offers a relatively quick resolution to financial problems. Depending on the type of bankruptcy filed, individuals can receive a discharge of their debts within less than 1 year to a few years, depending on the circumstances. This allows them to move forward without the weight of excessive debts.

Keep in mind that your discharge of debt does not take place until you are discharged from your bankruptcy. A few kinds of debt cannot be discharged through bankruptcy, but most people get their entire debt discharged.

Additionally, bankruptcy provides legal protections against creditors, wage garnishment, and foreclosure. Once an individual files for personal bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect, preventing creditors from taking collection actions such as wage garnishment or repossession of assets.

This legal protection can provide individuals with much-needed relief and breathing room to address their financial situation. The downside of bankruptcy of course is that your non-exempt assets must be turned over to the Trustee to be sold.

The only Debt Management Program Approved By The Canadian Government

There is only one debt management program approved by the Canadian Government and it is an excellent option for those with a steady income. This government-approved form of debt relief is called a consumer proposal. It is the only government-approved debt settlement plan available in Canada and is an alternative to a liquidation bankruptcy. It is not as drastic as personal bankruptcy but has most of the bankruptcy protection elements making it more potent than in a debt management program.

A consumer proposal is a legal process also under the BIA designed to help individuals settle their debts with creditors in a manageable way. It provides a structured framework for debt repayment while offering protection from creditors’ collection actions. Let’s delve deeper into the key aspects of a consumer proposal.

When an individual is struggling with overwhelming debt and is unable to keep up with payments, a consumer proposal can be a viable solution. This process involves working with a LIT to create a formal proposal to creditors outlining a revised payment plan. The proposal typically includes an offer to repay a portion of the total debt over a set period, based on the individual’s financial situation.

Once the consumer proposal is submitted to the creditors, they have the opportunity to review and vote on the proposal. If the majority of creditors accept the terms of the proposal, it becomes a legally binding agreement, and the individual is bound to fulfill the revised payment plan.

Allows Debtor to Make a Formal Proposal to Creditors

One of the key benefits of a consumer proposal is that it allows debtors to take an active role in addressing their financial difficulties. Instead of facing aggressive collection actions from creditors or considering bankruptcy as the only option, individuals can work with a LIT to craft a proposal that is fair and feasible for both parties.

By making a formal proposal to creditors through a consumer proposal, debtors have the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to repaying their debts in a structured manner. This not only helps in resolving financial issues but also allows individuals to regain a sense of control over their financial future.

Provides Protection from Creditors’ Collection Actions

Like bankruptcy, one of the significant advantages of opting for a consumer proposal is the protection it offers from creditors’ collection actions. Once the proposal is filed, an automatic stay of proceedings is initiated, which prevents creditors from pursuing legal actions, such as wage garnishments or asset seizures, against the debtor.

This protection provides individuals with relief from the constant stress and pressure of dealing with aggressive collection attempts. It allows them to focus on adhering to the terms of the consumer proposal and working towards becoming debt-free without the fear of immediate consequences from creditors.

In conclusion, a consumer proposal is a valuable tool for individuals facing overwhelming debt and seeking a structured way to settle their obligations with creditors. By understanding the legal process, the opportunity it provides to make a formal proposal, and the protection it offers from debt collectors’ collection efforts and legal actions, individuals can make informed decisions to improve their financial situation and work towards a debt-free future.A split picture. On one side is a woman sitting at a neat and clean desk symolizing that all of her debts are under control. On the other half of the split screen is a worried man standing in front of a messy desk with bills spilling all over the place to symbolize a person with debts out of control and needing a debt management plan or to file for bankruptcy.

Meeting with a nonprofit credit counsellor to assess your financial situation

Consider credit counseling sessions with a certified nonprofit credit counsellor for expert recommendations. If you’re unsure about the best course of action to take regarding your debt, seeking advice from a certified nonprofit credit counselor can provide invaluable insights. These professionals working at a nonprofit credit counseling agency can assess your financial situation, provide personalized recommendations, and guide you toward effective debt management strategies.

WARNING: Stay away from for-profit debt settlement companies. A nonprofit credit counselor or a bankruptcy trustee can provide you with the same advice at no charge.

Choose between a debt management program or bankruptcy based on your specific circumstances

When deciding between a debt management program and bankruptcy, several factors should be taken into account. First, carefully assess your full financial situation and long-term goals. Consider the amount of debt you owe, your ability to make payments, and the impact on your credit score.

If you have assets you want to protect and prefer a more affordable and gradual approach, a debt management program might be the better option. On the other hand, if you are facing wage garnishment, or foreclosure, or need a quicker resolution, bankruptcy may be the right debt solution choice for you.

A consumer proposal or bankruptcy can be a viable option for individuals facing insurmountable debt, damaged credit, and the threat of financial instability. While it is a significant decision with long-lasting consequences, bankruptcy offers a path to financial relief, a fresh start, and legal protections against creditor actions.

It is essential for individuals considering bankruptcy to seek the advice of a financial advisor or bankruptcy professional to fully understand their options and make an informed decision about their financial future.

Debt Management Program: The bottom line

When it comes to managing debt, making informed decisions is crucial. Here are some key takeaways to help you navigate this challenging situation:

  • Carefully assess your financial situation and long-term goals.
  • Before taking any steps toward resolving your debt problems, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the current financial position of your assets and all your outstanding debts.
  • Take stock of your monthly income and living expenses, so that you can create an accurate monthly budget to see where your money is being spent. Don’t forget to deduct from your monthly income your actual income taxes deducted from your monthly pay.

Debt Management Program: Conclusion

Assess your finances and goals, seek advice from a nonprofit credit counselor, and decide between a debt management program, consumer proposal or bankruptcy based on your specific circumstances. You can also have a no-cost consultation with a LIT to get personalized advice and find out how a consumer proposal or bankruptcy would work in your specific situation.

Dealing with overwhelming debt is no easy task, but there is hope. By understanding the differences between a debt management program, consumer proposal and bankruptcy, you can choose the right option for your financial situation. A debt management program offers a manageable and gradual approach, protecting your assets while you work towards becoming debt-free.

Bankruptcy, on the other hand, provides a quicker resolution and is best suited for those with significant debt loads and impaired credit. Remember to carefully evaluate your circumstances and consult with an expert if needed. With the right choice and determination, you can pave the way to a brighter financial future. Don’t let debt hold you back any longer – take control today and improve your financial health and your life.

I hope you enjoyed this debt management program Brandon’s Blog. Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties, consumer debt and company debt and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns and more associated with your company debt are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now! We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, to begin your debt-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.A split picture. On one side is a woman sitting at a neat and clean desk symolizing that all of her debts are under control. On the other half of the split screen is a worried man standing in front of a messy desk with bills spilling all over the place to symbolize a person with debts out of control and needing a debt management plan or to file for bankruptcy.


Brandon Blog Post


cra payment arrangements
cra payment arrangements

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the podcast.

CRA payment arrangements –introduction

Are you experiencing income tax problems with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)? Some people still call CRA by their old name, Revenue Canada. You may need to make CRA payment arrangements. If you are burdened with serious tax debt and tax problems, although CRA may be your most pressing problem, it still may only be one of several creditors that you have to deal with.

You may be bombarded with advertisements from tax lawyers trying to scare you into believing that you need a tax lawyer in Canada to deal with CRA debt. However, if you can’t enter into proper CRA payment arrangements directly with them, consulting with a licensed insolvency trustee Trustee) may be a much better option to get you into a payment arrangement to take care of your tax debt.

What should I do when the CRA collections officer is calling me?

Neglecting the CRA’s letters or phone calls is never a good suggestion. This will just cause extra extreme collection initiatives and make them much less receptive to reasonable CRA payment arrangements.

Make sure you the options that relate to you under Canada’s tax regulations before you react to any inquiries or requests from the CRA. As an example, if a CRA agent asks for your financial information or a listing of your business customers, request time to adhere to this demand. Then use that time to promptly seek the help of a proper tax professional.

Keep all documents and also make sure CRA payment arrangements and other discussions and agreements are confirmed in writing by the appropriate CRA collections officer.

Then armed with proper advice, you can make the choice that best suits your situation.

What are the CRA payment arrangements?

The CRA isn’t looking to prosecute you; the collections officer is looking for debt collection of money from you when you did not include the required payment with your tax filing. One of the ways they can do that is through CRA payment arrangements.

A payment plan with the CRA allows you to make smaller-sized repayments over time till you have paid your entire financial debt. In any payment plan, even though you are making payments, interest continues to be charged on the outstanding tax debt.

To help the CRA establish your capability to pay, they will of course first look up your prior tax returns tied into your social insurance number. They will do that first to see what our average reported income has been over the last few years to get an initial idea of your ability to repay.

Financial disclosure will be important. They will certainly want you to give current information on your financial situation. This will include evidence of your current income, expenditures, assets, and debts to others. CRA already knows how much you owe them!

If they agree to get into CRA payment arrangements with you, they will want either a series of post-dated cheques or your entering into a pre-authorized debit agreement. They will also warn you that if any cheque is not honoured by your bank, then your deal with CRA is off. At that point, they will go back into full collection mode.

Why enter into a payment arrangement?

If you have an income tax obligation as a result of not being able to pay your full personal income tax obligation when filing your income tax return, then a payment arrangement makes sense.

Since the onset of COVID-19, CRA staff, including the group that includes the collections officer, have been working from home. That is continuing and the tax system in Canada is functioning. Since September 2020, they are calling and writing taxpayers about their existing income tax debt arising from your tax filing and the resultant notice of assessment.

The CRA will reconnect with taxpayers to re-evaluate their financial situation and agree to a settlement plan, where feasible. CRA would prefer to get the money you owe through CRA payment arrangements. They do not want to initiate legal action unless all collection efforts have failed.

So why enter into a payment arrangement? To show CRA that you want to work with them and to avoid tax debt collection activities that will most certainly disrupt your life.

Can you apply to CRA to reduce penalty, interest and tax debt?

Tax lawyers that advertise on television make a big deal out of making an application to the Minister of Revenue to have parts of the individual tax debt either reduced or eliminated. This process is called filing under the taxpayer relief provisions of the Income Tax Act.

When there is a legitimate basis in tax law to do so, of course. However, I have done many consumer proposals for people who went to such a TV tax lawyer who first touted the benefits of making such an application. It is very seductive to be told by a professional that if the taxpayer relief petition is successful, your tax debt will vanish, or at least you will get relief of penalties and there will be no need for CRA payment arrangements.

The problem is that when you have no real basis, it won’t work. It does take a long time for CRA to decide on your relief request so pushing it off way into the future is attractive. However, I have not seen one such application touted by the TV tax lawyer work. What has happened is the person has paid about $10,000 to that tax lawyer to fill in a couple of pieces of paper for a process that did not work.

As I mentioned, those same people then come back to me to file their consumer proposal to settle all their debts. I understand why they would prefer not to. I just hate to see people spend money they can’t afford to because they were sold a dream that can never be fulfilled. Now the person owes even more because of accrued interest. Entering into CRA payment arrangements has a much higher chance of success than applying for taxpayer relief when there is no basis in income tax law to do so.

cra payment arrangements
cra payment arrangements

Without CRA payment arrangements, what can CRA do to enforce payment of my tax liability?

Enforcement activity will usually include freezing and taking the money in your bank accounts, garnishing (taking) your salary or wages if you are an employee. If you are a proprietor of a business, they can notify your customers and seize your receivables. Also, without notice to you, they can get a federal judgment to place a lien on your residence.

You really do not want to experience any of these more drastic collection methods used by CRA. You want to try your best to meet your payment obligations. Third-party assessments, asset liens, tax garnishments are not fun.

These actions are severe and will totally disrupt your life. Keep in mind that CRA usually only goes to this extent if you have shown non-compliance with their attempts to enter into CRA payment arrangements.

What if I am experiencing financial hardship?

If you are experiencing financial hardship and perhaps have unmanageable debts above and beyond income tax debt, then CRA payment arrangements are probably also out of reach for you. In that case, contact a Trustee. I will review your entire financial situation and give you options in eliminating your debts. This initial consultation will be at no cost to you.

Hopefully, you will be able to avoid bankruptcy by filing a consumer proposal. A consumer proposal is the only debt settlement plan approved and supervised by the Canadian government.

If you run a business through a proprietorship, keep in mind that there are two kinds of tax debt that cannot be eliminated, even by bankruptcy. The first is unremitted source deductions from your employee payroll. The other is GST/HST that you collected but have not remitted to CRA.

The reason is that these are trust amounts. The tax law says that you are holding those amounts in trust for the government. So, if you have any tax debts that are trust amounts, those will have to be paid in full. Through a consumer proposal, I can get you into separate CRA payment arrangements so that you will get some time to pay the trust claims. No one, including TV tax lawyers, can do anything better for you for trust amounts.

CRA payment arrangements summary

I hope you have enjoyed this CRA payment arrangements Brandon’s Blog. I can help you solve tax and other debt problems.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

Brandon Blog Post


cra contact

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It seems that more often than not, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is a creditor in the personal or corporate insolvency matters that I get involved with. Many times the person, be they just an individual, an unincorporated business owner or the President of the company, will ask, “will CRA contact me if I do not pay?”.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the various ways CRA will contact the responsible individual, be they the taxpayer or the authorized representative of the taxpayer company.

Types of CRA debt

The following types of tax debt are the usual ones that a person in Ontario might owe:

The following types of tax debt are the usual ones that an Ontario corporation might owe:

Most likely CRA has already contacted the insolvent person or company before they come to see me for a free consultation. The reality is that when someone owes money to Revenue Canada and gets one of those unique brown envelopes in the mail, they tend to feel sick in the stomach. So, although they may keep the envelope and its contents, they certainly don’t wish to look inside it.

Let’s look at the various ways CRA has to contact a taxpayer and for CRA payment arrangements to be made.

Ways you and the taxman can communicate

Notice of Assessment or Reassessment

The first way CRA will contact you is by sending a notice of assessment or reassessment to the individual or corporate taxpayer. This is a notice that explains the reason for the (re)assessment, the calculation and the amount owing. There is no need to talk about the situation where the taxpayer pays the balance in full on time. I am talking about the situation when the taxpayer cannot afford to pay the amount owing.

Be proactive

If you cannot pay the total you owe, be proactive by getting in touch with the CRA as soon as possible. Overlooking your debt does not make it vanish. As a matter of fact, ignoring it might make things worse. This is the same whether it is a personal debt or a corporate debt.

The CRA tacks on interest at the prescribed rate compounded daily. You can’t avoid this because whether you realize it or not, CRA has become your lender for any unpaid amounts. By taking action first, you can at least ward off a much worse result. So you contacting CRA is the first and best way to make the connection.

I will discuss below what your options are concerning amounts you cannot pay off immediately, but first, I want to discuss other ways that the CRA will contact you if you first don’t contact them.

Telephone or letter

If the taxpayer does not contact CRA to work out a payment arrangement (discussed below), CRA will then communicate with the taxpayer. The amount owing is assigned to a collections officer who will contact the taxpayer by telephone, letter or both.

If the taxpayer responds to that outreach, the collections officer will attempt to obtain payment. The collections officer will also ask many more questions. If the taxpayer is a company, the collections officer may also make an appointment to go visit the company to review its financial records.

The purpose of asking the questions and reviewing corporate financial records is to attempt to determine if any money is owed to the taxpayer by third parties and where does the taxpayer maintain bank accounts.

Garnishment by a Requirement To Pay

Armed with the information obtained from the taxpayer’s tax filings and any additional information collected through discussions or reviews, the next level of CRA contact to get the taxpayer’s attention is not with the taxpayer, but rather with third parties. A Requirement To Pay (RTP) is a lawful notification that the CRA sends out to a 3rd party when:

  • the CRA thinks that the 3rd party owes or will owe money in the future to the taxpayer that has not paid their tax obligation; and
  • the CRA has not been able to collect the taxpayer’s debt or make an appropriate settlement plan with the taxpayer.

The RTP advises the 3rd party to send the money the third party owes to the taxpayer to the CRA, rather than the taxpayer. The RTP reveals the taxpayer’s name, address, and the CRA account number.

The RTP is the way the CRA uses to garnishee bank accounts, wages or any other amount owing by a third party to the taxpayer. An RTP can garnishee all sorts of repayments a 3rd party might make to a taxpayer. The more common ones are:

  • income, earnings, payments, bonus offers, or various other amounts owing by an employer to an employee;
  • repayment of expenses owed to an employee;
  • amounts due to a professional or contractor for work performed, products, or services;
  • lease or rent payments;
  • loan payments;
  • interest or dividend payments;
  • insurance claim settlements
  • amounts on deposit at a financial institution

Seizing your assets

A garnishee through an RTP is to intercept and seize payments from a third party to the taxpayer. But what if there is no such third party that exists or can be found but the taxpayer has assets?

In that situation, the CRA has the power to seize assets found registered in the name of the taxpayer. This is how CRA goes about doing it. The CRA can lawfully register your debt with the Federal Court of Canada. By doing so they get a certificate validating the amount you owe to the Crown. As soon as it is issued, this certification, called a memorial, has the same or even greater impact as a judgment if someone sued you.

Now that the CRA has the memorial, they can register it against any assets in your name. This includes your home and its possessions owned by the taxpayer. The CRA rarely actually takes physical possession of the assets, but in most cases, they don’t need to. It will be impossible to sell or refinance your assets with the CRA memorial registered against it under provincial law. So when that time comes, the taxpayer will have no choice but to deal with the CRA on the outstanding debt, one way or the other.

Here are different ways that you can deal with the CRA on your tax debt if you cannot pay it now in full.

Payment arrangement

This is the first and most hassle-free way of paying off your tax debt. A payment arrangement is a settlement plan you make with the CRA. It enables you to make smaller regular payments over time until you have paid your whole tax debt plus interest.

Prior to agreeing to the settlement plan, the CRA collections officer will want to know that you are paying the maximum amount you can afford. Hopefully, the amount you can pay is at least the same as the minimum monthly amount the collections officer is willing to accept.

So, the collections officer will ask you all sorts of questions and may even want you to complete a questionnaire, so that they understand your monthly budget as part of any debt settlement plan.

As part of making a payment arrangement, you should also be working with your accountant to see if any of the taxpayer relief provisions are available to you. This blog isn’t meant to be a discussion of the income tax act or taxpayer relief, so, I won’t go into any more detail than that.

Any payment arrangement has to deal with 100% of the principal amount of tax owing plus interest. Unfortunately, the collections officer does not have the authority to make a deal to accept less than full payment, absent an insolvency proceeding (further discussed below).

Insolvency proceeding

If you cannot reach a satisfactory payment arrangement with the CRA, or you have one but can no longer keep up with the payments, then, the taxpayer can consider an insolvency filing. In the case of an individual, it would be either bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. For a corporation, it would be either a Division I Proposal or bankruptcy.

Either bankruptcy or a proposal will stop CRA’s ability to issue a requirement to pay or obtain a memorial. However, if CRA has obtained and registered a memorial before the taxpayer files for either a restructuring proposal or bankruptcy, the memorial cannot be eliminated.

Similarly, for a corporation, unremitted source deductions form a deemed trust claim against the company’s assets. So in either a bankruptcy or financial restructuring proposal, this trust claim cannot be eliminated or reduced. However, for both individuals and companies, the income tax debt can be eliminated. For companies, the HST arrears will not be a trust claim in bankruptcy. Unlike a bankruptcy, HST arrears are not automatically made unsecured by the wording of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). However, current CRA policy in financial restructuring proposals results in the HST arrears being treated as an unsecured claim.

Personal or corporate income tax is an unsecured debt. As soon as you’ve declared bankruptcy or filed the financial restructuring proposal, the CRA cannot begin or continue any action against you, including wage garnishment or freezing your assets, including your bank account. Your licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) will alert CRA as soon as you submit your filing and advise it to quit any type of enforcement activity through any RTP. As I stated above, unfortunately, any memorial already registered will remain against your assets.

Do you have too much debt?

I hope you have found this CRA contact Brandon’s Blog to have useful information for you. Do you have too much debt? Are you in financial distress? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


proposal, income tax, income tax debt, tax debt, CRA, Canada Revenue Agency, trustee, trustees, tax lawyer, consumer proposal, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, taxes in CanadaWill CRA be looking for you? June 17TH was the deadline for self-employed individuals in Canada to file their 2013 income tax and benefit return. You filed your return on time to avoid a late-filing penalty on amounts owing, and gasped when you saw how much money you owe the CRA. How are you going to pay your tax bill? The CRA is not known as a charitable organization and they have the power to withhold HST/GST and child tax credits, seize money in your bank account and garnish your wages. To add insult to injury the CRA can also continue to charge penalties and interest on the money you owe until your debt is paid in full. You need a plan and you need one now.

I’m sure you’ve been bombarded by the scare tactic radio ads that are flooding the air waves by a prominent tax lawyer. He’d like you to believe that he and only he can deal with the CRA and solve your tax problem; but, that simply isn’t true. Trustees are experts in solving debt issues and what you need is a professional, licensed trustee. Your trustee will present you with bankruptcy alternatives, one of which is a consumer proposal.

What is a proposal? In a proposal your trustee will work with you to determine how much you can afford to pay each month. Your trustee will then negotiate with your creditors, including the CRA, for you to pay a portion of your unsecured debt over a maximum of 5 years at a monthly rate that is affordable to you. Over 66 2/3% of your creditors ($ value, in addition to a majority in number) have to agree to accept the proposal. If your total debt, including income tax debt, is less than $250,000, then you can consider a streamlined proposal process, which is called a consumer proposal.

Will the CRA agree to a consumer proposal? Recent statistics from the CRA estimate there is currently about $8 billion in unpaid taxes in Canada. The reason that consumer proposals are almost always accepted is that they produce a better rate of recovery on your debts than if you’d filed for bankruptcy. For your consumer proposal the CRA will require that:

  • all outstanding tax returns are filed with CRA before they will accept the proposal
  • you have sufficient income to meet the payments in the proposal
  • you agree to make installments on your current year taxes, so that you don’t fall behind again on your taxes

Are you a good candidate for a consumer proposal? If you’re a business owner with a good cash flow and after coming up with all the deductions possible to give to your accountant you still had a large profit leading to the surprise income tax debt, you’re are a good candidate for a consumer proposal. We can also let you know why negotiating a reduction in your debt through a consumer proposal is better than a bankruptcy.

Don’t let tax debt paralyze you! Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’ll create a solid financial plan for you so that you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!