Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: Introduction

Most people are afraid of filing for bankruptcy in Ontario Canada and rightly so. It should be a last resort. There are many options available to people in financial trouble. All of them should be canvassed before deciding to declare bankruptcy.

In my professional practice, during the first free consultation appointment, we look at all options with the person to avoid bankruptcy. We naturally have a discussion about what it is and how it will affect the person. That way, the potential client is aware of all the options and can make an educated decision.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the questions that I am most often asked about the process. Hopefully, by the end of this blog, I will have demystified the process for you and helped in aiding your understanding.

The secrets we will show

Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada is definitely something nobody wants to talk about. So, therefore, it makes it seem very mysterious and secretive. It is also very scary. Therefore, from now on in this blog, so as not to scare you unnecessarily, I will try to refer to it only as “the B word”. I will only use the B word if the context requires it. This Brandon’s Blog will hopefully pull back the curtain in answering the most often asked questions thereby reducing the mystique and hopefully, your anxiety about this topic.

Where do I begin?

The first step is recognizing that you have financial problems and that bankruptcy in Ontario Canada might be your new reality. If you are having difficulty meeting all of your financial responsibilities or have actually quit paying all of your bills on time, you have a financial problem. As a licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee) we are the only professional licensed and supervised by the Federal governmentIndustry Canada (OSB).

If you are having financial problems, you must contact a Trustee as soon as possible, to have a free consultation to check your situation and to understand all the options available to you, including the B word. In that free appointment, you will learn that the B word may not be your only alternative to leave your debt behind. There are a number of choices that include, however, are not restricted to:

Should I declare the B word and what happens immediately if I do?

Declaring the B word is obviously a very serious step and a difficult personal choice. If the Trustee has properly explained all the realistic options available to you, it will make your choice much less scary. The first question is do you even qualify to file for the B word. You must be insolvent, owe more than $1,000 in unsecured debt to qualify for it in Canada.

As far as filing for the B word in Premier Doug Ford’s province, you must have:

  1. carried on business in the province during the year immediately preceding your B word; or
  2. lived in the province during the year before your B word; or
  3. where 1 or 2 above don’t apply, the majority of your property is in the province.

Note that the first test is that you are actually insolvent. Insolvent or insolvency is a financial condition. It means that you are:

  1. Unable to meet your obligations generally as they become due.
  2. You have ceased paying your current debts as they come due.
  3. The fair value of all of your assets is less than the total amount of your debts.

The B word is a legal state. Insolvency is a financial condition.

If I go for the B word, will I lose everything?

If you declare the B word, no, you will certainly not lose everything. There is a listing of things that are excluded from seizure in Ontario. The list is:

  • Necessary clothing for you and your dependants.
  • Home furnishings and appliances that are of a worth not more than $13,150.
  • Tools and various other personal effects not worth more than $11,300, made use to earn revenue from your business. If you are an Ontario farmer, this amount increases to $29,100 for everything, including your livestock.
  • One car or truck that is worth not more than $6,600.
  • The cash surrender value of life insurance if your beneficiary is what is called a “Designated Beneficiary”.
  • Your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) other than for any amounts contributed in the 12 months immediately preceding your date of bankruptcy.
  • $10,000 of equity in your home but only if your share of the equity is less than $10,000 in total.

So if you go the way of the B word, based on this listing, you won’t lose everything. However, as you can see, if your share of the equity in your home is significant, the B word very likely is not for you. One of the other options is probably more suitable and you should pursue one of them.

What happens to the money I owe?

Once you go with the B word, all of your unsecured debts are frozen. Creditors cannot begin or continue any legal action against you. Any garnishee on either your wages or your bank account must come off. Normally if you owe money to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and have not kept up with a payment plan to them, they will garnishee your bank account which stops you from using it. The B word stops a CRA garnishee against your bank account or salary or wages also.

Similarly, a creditor who sues you and gets a judgement against you cannot continue any execution against your assets.

Once you are in the B word, the Trustee sends a notice to all of your creditors, along with a proof of claim form and instructions. With certain limited exceptions, the only remedy your unsecured creditors have is to file a proof of claim with the Trustee.

This does not apply to any of your debts owed to lenders who hold valid security against a specific asset. Examples would be a bank holding a mortgage against your home in return for the mortgage money or a lender who has security against your car for an auto loan.

What takes place to my salary or wages once I file?

Your income is not impacted by the B word process. You will continue to receive your normal salary or wages as you always have. You will need to complete Income and Expense Forms throughout detailing your and your spouse’s earnings and expenses. This is part of your budgeting procedure to meet one of the aims of the B word process; financial rehabilitation.

If your family income goes beyond specific requirements developed by the OSB, you will need to pay a part to the Trustee. This is called a surplus income payment requirement. In the first free consultation, I always tell potential clients whether they will have such a requirement. We also then look at that requirement, if any, to see if a consumer proposal would be more beneficial to the person than the B word.

Will the B word process get rid of my student loans?

If the B word date is within 7 years of when you stopped being a full-time or part-time student, your student loan debt will not be released by the B word process. Nevertheless, in particular situations, you might have the ability to make an application to the court for a discharge of your student loan financial obligations under the “hardship provision.” It is almost impossible to get that court-ordered discharge, but the slim possibility is there.

Will I still owe money after I file?

Only for a limited amount of debts. A discharge from the B word process does not cover:

  • secured loans – home mortgage or vehicle loan;
  • certain student loans (remember the 7-year rule I just mentioned?);
  • penalties or fines enforced by the court;
  • spousal support and alimony you have to make in your separation agreement or divorce proceedings; and
  • any debts from a fraud.

What length of time will I be in the B word system?

The length of time you will be in the B word system depends on whether this is an initial or 2nd time and whether you have surplus income. The minimum length of time is 9 months. That is if you don’t have any surplus income, none of your creditors oppose your discharge and it is your first time.

If it is your first time, none of your creditors oppose your discharge and you do have surplus income, then the 9 months increases to 21 months.

If it will not be your first time, the length of time before you can get a discharge will depend on many factors. We certainly discuss it during your first free consultation.

Who will find out that I have filed?

As soon as you declare the B word your Trustee will tell your creditors, the CRA, the credit bureaus and the OSB. The filing is public information and it will show up in your credit history.

Where your non-exempt assets given to the Trustee are worth more than $15,000, there must be a legal notice of your B word filing in the local paper.

Exactly how will it impact my credit score?

A person who files drops down to the least favourable credit rating (R9) immediately. After you declare the B word, you must start to work on improving your credit score. Once you are discharged, you will have more options to improve on your credit score and rebuild your credit.

Notice of the B word process will stay on your credit record for 7 years after you get your discharge.

How is my partner or spouse affected by my filing?

Your spouse or partner is not directly impacted by your filing. Your spouse or partner will have to show his or her income as part of your surplus income calculation. The partner or spouse will be liable to repay any loan they have co-signed or guaranteed for you. They will also have to repay any credit card balance on your account for which they have and used a supplementary card to make purchases.

Will my bankruptcy impact my ongoing divorce case?

In Canada, the B word rules do not conflict with most of the family law system and process. So the Trustee will not get involved in your family law proceedings, with two main exceptions.

There is an aspect of your divorce in Ontario that will be affected because Ontario is an equalization province. There are generally only 2 parts of your divorce proceedings your Trustee will certainly get involved in. One is when it pertains to the person who filed legal rights to entitlement to an equalization payment. Second is when the debtor owns property (either jointly with the spouse or alone) and such property has not already been dealt with in the family law proceedings.

How do I choose the right Trustee for me?

Sometimes people just say that “I want to go to the closest Trustee near me”. If travelling or time is an issue for you then that approach is quite legitimate.

The better way is making an appointment for a cost-free no commitment first consultation with a Trustee. If you can, it is best to get a referral from someone you trust. Otherwise, perform an online search and see which Trustee’s website resonates best with you. Ask any kind of questions you might have about your particular situation and the options you may have.

If after that appointment you feel comfortable with the knowledge and demeanour of the Trustee, and you felt confident that you received proper answers to your questions, then great. If not, make an appointment for a free first consultation with a different Trustee. Use that experience to compare both to see who you would like to put your trust in. At the end of the day, you have to know who you will be dealing with and feel comfortable with them. You have to know that your Trustee gets you!

Do you have too much debt? Are you having a problem making your month-to-month bill payments? Is your company dealing with financial obstacles that you just can’t figure the way out of?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years and generations of experience aiding individuals and businesses looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only experts recognized, licensed and supervised by the Federal government (the OSB) to provide insolvency recommendations and solutions to help you prevent the B word.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end the stress and anxiety financial problems create. With the special roadmap, we develop unique to you, we will promptly return you right into a healthy and balanced stress-free life.

You can have a no-cost consultation to aid you so we can repair your debt problems. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will definitely enable you to make a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.

bankruptcy in ontario toronto

Brandon Blog Post


If trustee of parents estateIf you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Trustee of parents estate

Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom for the podcast.

Trustee of parents estate: Introduction

I want to talk about an issue which is all too common. I am also going to give you two real-life examples. The issue is that of children being named as the estate trustee of parents estate.

I caution that I and my firm are not lawyers, and I am by no means providing in this and upcoming Brandon’s Blogs advice on wills or estate planning matters. For that, you must consult your lawyer.

Why the children?

Many times in drafting a will, parents want their children to know that the parents trust and love them. So, they not only have their children as beneficiaries of their estate, they also make them the estate trustees (formerly known as executor or executrix). This is natural, but may not be the best choice.

The reason I say this is because the role of the estate trustee is a demanding one that requires a specific skill set. Children don’t always have the necessary skills. What if one or more of the children have great financial skills and have sound judgment, but others don’t. This can lead to differences of opinion and major arguments. In the most extreme case, it can lead to costly and lengthy litigation to dissipate estate assets. Executors must act in the best interests of all beneficiaries. If personal agendas get in the way, then everyone’s best interests can’t be met.

Adult children are probably married. Now you have daughters-in-law and sons-in-law involved in the background. This can lead to a whole host of issues that has nothing to do with the efficient administration of the parents’ estate and being even-handed with all beneficiaries.

What if some of the children have personal financial issues. There will be a temptation for self-dealing or self-enrichment. Again this can lead to major problems.

What if you have an even number of children? Two or four estate trustees can lead to many problems. With two, the estate trustees will always be deadlocked if they don’t see eye to eye. With four, not only can you have a deadlock, but too many cooks may spoil the broth!

Splitting the tasks

Sometimes parents split the tasks. One child will be the estate trustee because she has great financial acumen. The other child will be made responsible for health and living decisions if the parents first become incapacitated. Sounds great in theory. However, the way the health decider child wishes the parents to live may be at odds with the financial person seeing the estate shrinking away. Or, the health decider may make decisions for the parents to live in a way that does not shrink away from the estate, but is demeaning to the parents and does not give them a good quality of life in their final days.

So, as you can see, what started out as the parents wanting to “do right” by their children, can lead to many problems.

What an estate trustee should not do

In my last blog, TRUSTEE OF DECEASED ESTATE: WHAT A TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE KNOWS, I spoke about some basic elements of the role of an estate trustee. I described the process of becoming an estate trustee, and what the responsibilities are.

Now, I want to touch on some practical matters of what an estate trustee should not do.

The first is communicating with some beneficiaries and not others. As I have previously described, one of the roles and responsibilities of an estate trustee is to deal with all beneficiaries even-handedly. The estate trustee cannot tell certain details to some beneficiaries, and not others. So, all communications should be with all beneficiaries at the same time; either in writing or orally. Everyone should get the same information at the same time. The estate trustee does not wish to be accused of favouring some beneficiaries over others.

The second thing not to do is to rush to distribute smaller personal possessions of the deceased. The estate trustee may be pressured by family members to distribute certain items quickly. Possibly because the family member is the proper beneficiary of those small items and wants them as quickly as possible. Alternatively, perhaps they are not the rightful beneficiary of all the items they are claiming. However, they want to get their hands on certain items to stop other family members from getting them. Or perhaps there is a home involved that must be sold, so family members will pressure the estate trustee to clean out the home immediately so that the home can be put up for sale as soon as possible.

As tempting and easy as it might be, the estate trustee must first take steps to:

  • get a copy of the will and the deceased’s financial records
  • take possession and control of all assets
  • ensure that a proper inventory is made and that appraisals are obtained where necessary
  • make sure that all required insurance and bonding is in place

There is another reason. An estate trustee will be putting more pressure on themselves than they should bY making piecemeal distributions. Regardless of value, making a quick distribution to one of the beneficiaries will only give rise to all the other beneficiaries clamouring for their entitlements. The estate trustee may not be in a position for some time to be able to make a proper distribution to all other beneficiaries. This will only lead to headaches for the estate trustee.

Why some children may not want to be an estate trustee

There can be danger in being an estate trustee. In my last blog, I highlighted specific expertise and knowledge that an estate trustee must have. I also discussed how a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) also possesses the same skill set required of an estate trustee.

A trustee, including an estate trustee, acts in a fiduciary capacity. The estate trustee is fully accountable for all decisions made and steps were taken with respect to the assets. Not only is it important to have the necessary financial skills, but an estate trustee also has to be aware of the myriad of income tax issues. Final income tax returns must be filed. The estate trustee has a duty to ensure that all income tax legislation requirements are met, including the obtaining of clearance certificates. Any loss to the estate as a result of things an estate trustee either did or did not do, the estate trustee will be personally liable for.

The steps required in formulating an appropriate sales process for the different asset types not being directly distributed to beneficiaries is not totally scientific. There is some art to it as well. Making wrong decisions can expose the estate to loss of value, which will blow back right onto the estate trustee.

For these reasons, children may not wish to take on responsibility. The smart ones will understand that they do not have the required skill set. In other cases, the children may see the real possibility of creating family strife if they were to take on the role of an estate trustee. So what if children are named in the will as the estate trustees, but they don’t wish to take on the role. Must they anyway?

Renunciation of estate trustee Ontario

If you have not yet applied for probate or have otherwise not started to administer the estate, you do not have to be an estate trustee. There is a specific form to complete in order to renunciate your position as an estate trustee. Again, it must be done before you take any action as the estate trustee. If you have already applied for probate, or have started administering the estate and now find that you are in over your head, you cannot renunciate your position. You must make application to Court for an Order removing you as the estate trustee. I would suggest that if you are the sole estate trustee, you should have someone else lined up to succeed you. Otherwise, the Court may not allow you to be removed.

Two real-life examples

Example 1

In my blog, COURT APPOINTED ESTATE TRUSTEE CASE STUDY: IF IT WAS EASY YOU WOULDN’T NEED US, I described one of our case studies where we were appointed estate trustee to sell real estate. In that case, neither of the beneficiaries were capable of agreeing on anything. They were also incapable of carrying out the role of taking possession and control of the real property, Insuring it and selling it. Legal counsel for one of the beneficiaries made an application to Court seeking an Order appointing Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as an estate trustee.

The Court made the Order. With the approval of the Court, we listed the property for sale, obtained approval to our actions and activities, including a sale of the property. We then proposed a distribution of funds which also was approved by the Court. We made the distribution and obtained our discharge. This is a perfect example of how our skill set as a licensed insolvency trustee was recognized by the Court and allowed us to carry out the mandate in an efficient way.

Example 2

Recently, one of Ira Smith’s cousins needed to update her will and name an estate trustee. This cousin has three children. None of the children believed that they had the necessary skills and knowledge to be an estate trustee. They also agreed that it was not a good idea for any of them to take on that role.

However, there was one thing that the mother and her three children could all agree on. That was that Ira had the necessary skills to be the estate trustee. They unanimously agreed that it would be a good idea for Ira to take on that role. Ira’s cousin asked him if he would. He told his cousin that he was honoured that they all thought so highly of him. He agreed to be named in her will as the estate trustee.

The children were smart. They knew what they didn’t know. They all agreed on the estate trustee being proposed. A huge weight was taken off of the mother’s shoulders.

Trustee of parents estate: Why not appoint a Toronto bankruptcy trustee?

I hope that you can see that the knowledge, experience, and expertise of a licensed insolvency trustee would stand him or her in good stead to act as executor, executrix or estate trustee of a deceased estate. Many times, it may be a smart move to allow an independent neutral third party act as the estate trustee. Especially one like a licensed insolvency trustee who is used to acting as the independent Court officer.

If you have any questions about a deceased estate and the need for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.

Brandon Blog Post


407 etr rates

We are trying something new. At the bottom is an audiogram of this 407 etr rates Brandon’s blog. If you would prefer to listen to it, and not read it, scroll down to the bottom and press on the play button. Let us know what you think by sending us a message in the Question box below.

407 etr rates: Introduction

The purpose of this 407 etr rates is not to tell you what the new toll rates are. The simple answer is that they are always going up! Rather, it is an update to our earlier blogs for people who are having trouble paying their 407 toll payment.

As you probably know, the 407 etr has an arrangement with the Province of Ontario where if you have unpaid 407 etr charges, you will be put on plate denial the next time you have to renew your vehicle plate. For many, being denied a plate renewal means the end of your ability to earn an income.

Before the update, a bit of history to put everything into perspective for you.

407 etr rates: Our prior blogs

We previously wrote about how the 407 etr was trying to use the provincial law as a collection tool, even when a person filed for a debt settlement restructuring consumer proposal or for personal bankruptcy. Our prior blogs were:

I won’t repeat the history here as you can check those blogs yourself. Suffice to say they argued in Court, unsuccessfully, that the Province had the right to enforce its own plate issuance rules.

The lower Court and the Court of Appeal for Ontario disagreed with their right to enforce the plate issuance rules when it was a blatant action to collect an ordinary unsecured debt caught in the priority scheme of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). The Courts also found that they were trying to trump Federal law through Provincial law, which is illegal. Finally, the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear their appeal, so that is where it ended, sort of.

407 etr rates: So that is where it ended, sort of

With those rulings, the 407 etr stated that they would comply and drafted a policy which was an extremely literal wording of the BIA. It technically complied with the Court rulings, but still had the effect of being very draconian and not changing their administrative policy.

The debts of an insolvent person, who has made a debt restructuring consumer proposal or bankruptcy filing, are not discharged until the insolvency process is complete. For a debt settlement plan, it is when the person finishes making their payments and receives their Certificate of Full Performance. In a bankruptcy, it is when they receive their absolute discharge.

How those processes work deserves their own blogs. Suffice to say the processes can take anywhere from a minimum of 9 months (first-time bankruptcy, no surplus income, no assets and no discharge opposition) up to 5 years (debt settlement plan). So the plate denial actually stayed in force for a long time.

The 407 etr also set up a very document intensive 407 etr login process that made applying for the eventual rescission of the plate denial very cumbersome.

407 etr rates: The class action lawsuit

The firm that independently runs Highway 407 ETR in the Greater Toronto Area agreed to pay $8 million to clear up this claim. The settlement, approved in November 2016, finishes the litigation that began in 2012.

The lawsuit affirmed that the toll freeway consortium unlawfully used provincial regulations to stop motorists that were insolvent or bankrupt from restoring their automobile permit plates. 407 ETR refutes it did anything incorrect and does not confess obligation in approving the out of court negotiation.

407 etr rates: Now for the update – The only 407 etr debt settlement plan guaranteed to actually work

The licensed insolvency administrator (LIT) acting as either the bankruptcy Trustee or consumer proposal Administrator, acting as either the bankruptcy Trustee or consumer proposal Administrator, will issue the Notice of Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal. 407 ETR must be listed on your sworn Statement of Affairs as a creditor. It will then be sent a copy of the notice by the LIT.

Upon receipt, 407 ETR will end from plate rejection any amounts still owing from before the date of filing either for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. This includes toll charges, interest, penalties and costs. They will then advise the Ministry of Transportation to upgrade their documents to show this change ending plate denial. This is a major change. You do not have to have completed your full insolvency process to get the lifting of the plate denial. This is the way fairness dictates it always should have been from the start.

There is a simple rule that you have to follow. It is the same rule that you need to follow in dealing with any leases or secured debt that you wish to continue to carry and that you can afford to. That is, you must not have any amounts owing to 407 etr for charges after your filing date which would qualify for plate denial.

407 etr rates: Are you worried about or need relief from plate denial

  1. Are you under plate denial, or afraid you will be soon?
  2. Will plate denial negatively affect your income and you need debt relief fast?
  3. Do you have other debts that need to be addressed too?
  4. Do you need budgeting help?
  5. Are you already experiencing financial difficulties?

If you answered yes to just one of these questions, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

We always offer a free consultation. We listen to your issues and give you a full range of realistic options to help you get out of debt. Finding the best solution for YOU is just the right thing to do to help you meet total debt freedom.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to carry out. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


ontario pension plan

We are trying something new. At the bottom is an audiogram of this Ontario pension plan Brandon’s blog. If you would prefer to listen to it, and not read it, scroll down to the bottom and press on the play button. Let us know what you think by sending us a message in the Question box below.

Ontario pension plan: Algoma Steel

Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford is promising his help for Ontario steelworkers as well as their Ontario pension plan following the United States’ federal government’s 25 percent tariff on Canadian steel.

In news recently to Algoma Steel Inc. staff members in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Ford claimed the provincial government would assist in passing revisions under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.8, along with insurance coverage from the Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund, subject to particular conditions.

Premier Ford didn’t provide any additional information on what specifically the help might be. However, he stated that negotiations are happening and extra info about just how Ontario is sustaining Algoma will certainly be introduced as quickly as possible.

Ontario pension plan: United Steelworkers

At the same time, the United Steelworkers union is prompting the federal government to enact regulations that would safeguard pension plans as well as benefits in situations of company bankruptcy, reorganization or liquidation. Union participants will be meeting legislators to check regulations focused on changing the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA).

Ontario pension plan: Proposed federal legislation to date

We previously described the efforts of Scott Duvall, MP for Hamilton MountainA, , MP for Manicouagan and Senator Art Eggleton:

Ontario pension plan: Canadian Association of Retired Persons

The Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) is calling out the federal government, claiming it’s unreasonable that Sears Canada could pay out millions of dollars in shareholder dividends, a large part of which went to the US. At the same time, the pension plans of Sears Holding Corp.’s American staff members will be safeguarded by the U.S.’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. while Canadian workers will certainly see benefits cuts.

“It’s time for the government to take decisive action to protect Canadian pensioners,” said Wanda Morris, chief advocacy and engagement officer at the CARP, in a press release.

Ontario pension plan: Private member’s Bill C-405

On October 17, 2018, Bill C-405 was presented by Conservative Erin O’Toole, MP for Durham. It is called “An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act”.

The proposal is to change the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (R.S.C., 1985, c. 32 (2nd Supp.)), setting out what ought to take place if a business is under liquidation with the CCAA or Part III of the BIA.

His proposed changes lay out what should happen if a company is under liquidation through the CCAA or BIA. It proposes to allow, pending the permission of participants and beneficiaries, to transform the framework of the plan and/or move the pension’s assets to one more plans.

Granted this would probably be a necessary part of any global overhaul of pension plans. However, it is important to realize that it doesn’t do anything to safeguard the pensions or give the plan members and beneficiaries greater priority.

Ontario pension plan: Has a life event thrown you a curveball

Life has a way of throwing curve balls sometimes to good people. In the event of:

  • Illness;
  • addiction;
  • divorce;
  • family death; or
  • job loss

unbearable financial pressures can occur.

The Ira Smith Team has generations and decades of experience in dealing with people or their companies fighting the pain, stress and suffering that comes with financial problems and too much debt.

Our method for each person is to develop an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now occurs. This begins the minute you come through our door. You’re just one call far from taking the essential actions to return to leading a healthy and balanced life, moving forward pain-free.

Call us today for your cost-free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


baby boomers characteristicsBaby Boomers characteristics: Introduction

There are now some new Baby Boomers characteristics. Baby Boomers are now between the ages of 54 and 72. Their new characteristics are now defined by definitely not being a one-size-fits-all group. The broad range in their ages and stages has divided them on whether or not to downsize.

Baby Boomers characteristics: The issues

Baby Boomers are healthier and working longer than previous generations; as a result, they’re not ready to sell their homes and downsize or move into retirement facilities. Others may not want to sell and downsize because of the hot housing market. And there’s a significant generational change that is preventing Baby Boomers from downsizing – their kids haven’t moved out.

Baby Boomers characteristics: Some stats

Statistics Canada reports that just over 33% of young adults, aged 20 to 34, lived with their parents in 2016. In Ontario, the number was higher – 42.1%.

According to a survey by Royal LePage:

  • 59% of Baby Boomers are renovating rather than moving
  • 52% of Baby Boomers say they won’t be downsizing
  • 18% of Baby Boomers said they didn’t expect their children to leave home before the age of 30
  • 9% of Baby Boomers said they didn’t expect their children to leave before 35
  • In Ontario, 50% of Baby Boomers would help their children buy a home
  • 44% of Baby Boomers would be willing to contribute up to 25% of the cost of their child’s home

Baby Boomers characteristics: Baby Boomers not downsizing

Although economists expected Baby Boomers to downsize in large numbers, that just isn’t happening. With the relatively new phenomena of adult children living at home, Baby Boomers are making the decision to renovate instead of move.

Downsizing is increasingly shifting to their 80s when they can no longer care for their homes. Although it’s a generous thought to help your children buy a house, Baby Boomers really need to consider whether or not that makes good financial sense for them or can potentially jeopardize their retirement. In addition, helping your children purchase a house that they can’t afford may do more harm than good.

Baby Boomers characteristics: Some Baby Boomers need a financial plan

If you’re in a financial quandary because you’ve helped your adult children purchase a house, or if they now find themselves with a house they can’t afford, seek professional help immediately. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full-service practice serving people just like you throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today. We can give you peace of mind and set you on a path to debt free living.

baby boomer characteristics

Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: Introduction

Bankruptcy is sometimes necessary for the financially troubled individual or company. In Canada in 2017, there were 125,807 insolvency filings; 60,669 bankruptcies and 65,138 proposals. Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada accounted for 15,968 of the 2017 filings. The majority of these across Canada filings were people, not companies.

Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: Not entirely unexpected

This is an expected statistic once you understand the purpose of the Canadian insolvency system to get rid of financial obligations. It is also for the financial rehabilitation of people and companies and if possible, allow them to do so while retaining their assets.

In a down economic climate, even more, debtors use bankruptcy to protect their wide range of interests. Although on a per capita basis Canadians are savers, more recently, especially related to real estate, we are a country of borrowers. A lot of people are overloaded with debt, including credit card debt.

Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: Bankruptcy is not always right

Any debtor with severe monetary troubles must think about bankruptcy. Bankruptcy isn’t always the right response though. In my practice, we first run through the various options available to avoid bankruptcy.

It is proper only when you have too many financial obligations that you cannot realistically repay, in whole or in part, from your future earnings or from selling your assets. This is the meaning of the financial state of insolvency.

If you make $100,000 a year and your financial obligations are only $20,000 (assuming you have no assets), why go bankrupt? Temporary financial sacrifice on your part could pay off your debts in full. This is definitely more suitable for bankruptcy.

What about a proposal?

Although each case is unique, generally speaking, if your unsecured financial debts are less than 60 percent of your net yearly pay, stay clear of bankruptcy. You could use a self-help remedy to pay off your debts in full. Alternatively, you could look to the proposal or consumer proposal mechanisms under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).

Under the proposal provisions of the BIA, a person or company could take up to 5 years to pay off part of the debt. A successful proposal forgives the balance of your debt (subject to certain ones indicated below). Many creditors will wait if you show good faith and make organized repayments that provide your creditors with a better result.

A filing may protect some assets

A bankruptcy or proposal filing may also be necessary to secure your assets; this is especially true for companies looking to restructure. In a BIA filing, all civil actions against you instantly stop— whether they are legal actions, CRA garnishments or secured creditor seizure and enforcement (the last under specific conditions). Every creditor must obey the automatic stay of proceedings imposed by the BIA. A proposal filing gives you the possibility to solve your economic issues with lenders who would certainly otherwise seize and sell your assets.

Timing is everything

I advise every person and company in need of restructuring that timing is crucial. It is human nature for debtors to regularly wait far too long. By waiting too long, they shed possible advantages from an earlier restructuring filing. The longer a person or company waits, the fewer options they have. Also, if you wait too long, the less creative I can be to protect your assets.

5 general tips

  1. Collect your tax refunds prior to your filing. When you file for bankruptcy, any tax refund owing to you prior to the date of bankruptcy belong to your bankruptcy estate. Your licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee) collects the payments.
  2. The insolvency process is meant to treat all creditors fairly and all ordinary unsecured creditors equally. Seek the advice of a Trustee prior to making payments to specific unsecured creditors prior to filing. Your good intentions may prove to have created transactions that the Trustee can attack. The Trustee will then seek recovery from those parties.
  3. Consider how the causes of your insolvency will look to your creditors. Uncontrolled lifestyle spending looks a lot different from ongoing costs due to a mental or physical illness or an addiction. The causes of your insolvency sometimes dictate whether a proposal or bankruptcy filing is preferable.
  4. Have you contributed to an RRSP in the 12 months before filing for bankruptcy? That amount will have to be paid over to your Trustee under bankruptcy or accounted for in what type of proposal can be successful.
  5. If you have student loans, was the last time you were either a full or part-time student more than 7 years prior to your filing? If no, you won’t be able to end the student loan debt. However, it may be enough to relieve yourself of your other unsecured debts to have enough funds every month to start repaying the student loans.

Some debts can’t be discharged

Bankruptcy will not end every debt. There are certain debts that cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. Examples are:

  • student loans as described above
  • child support and alimony under either a court order or written separation agreement
  • fines or restitution ordered by a Court
  • debts arising out of fraud, embezzlement or misappropriation while acting in a fiduciary capacity
  • amounts owing to secured creditors registered against your assets, such as a mortgage or car loan. Any amount still owing after the asset is sold, if any, is an unsecured claim which is discharged in a bankruptcy

Bankruptcy must be your last option

Bankruptcy could be your ideal choice if the amount of your debt and the amount you can realistically repay will not settle it. If you have few possessions to lose in bankruptcy, then a bankruptcy filing may be your best choice. By meeting with a Trustee early to discuss your options, you will get a good understanding of what may be possible.

I always advise every person or company never file for bankruptcy without first striving to solve a case without bankruptcy. Bankruptcy must be your last option, not your very first – avoid bankruptcy if you can.

Think about all readily available options prior to determining that bankruptcy is genuinely the best decision for you and your situation. If you find you are in too deep and can’t dig out fast enough, then you do need professional help.

Seek the advice of a professional trustee

Many people and companies facing serious financial issues don’t know where to go for professional help or are too embarrassed. There’s no shame in seeking professional, financial help. Licensed insolvency trustees evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to help. We’re federally regulated and subject to a strict code of ethics. We offer a depth of expertise and provide a high quality and cost-effective service. I understand your pain and we can end it. You will find that we use a friendly, non-judgmental method.

Give us a call today and let us help you solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now.bankruptcy in ontario canada

Brandon Blog Post


Credit report Ontario: Introduction

My Brandon’s Blog describes a Court decision that if you owe money, even if it is too late for you to be sued, it can still show up on your credit report Ontario. This is a very interesting case from the Court of Appeal for Ontario for consumers and consumer reporting.

The case was an attempt by Mr. Grant to have the credit reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion remove from his credit report debts that were more than two years old on the basis that because he can’t be sued anymore, the most accurate reporting would be to cut those debts from his credit report. He argued that since the Ontario Limitations Act provided for a two-year limitation for when he could be sued on certain debts, therefore, any debts more than two years old for which you haven’t been sued should be removed from his credit report.

Limitations Act vs. Consumer Reporting Act

The credit reporting agencies successfully argued against that as the lower court ruled against Mr. Grant. He was now appealing to the Court of Appeal for Ontario. The Ontario Consumer Reporting Act states that debts up to seven years old can be reported and there lies the discrepancy. The Court of Appeal for Ontario agreed with the lower court and said that just because the Limitation Act says that you can’t be sued after two years that has no application to the Consumer Reporting Act that says all valid debts can be reported for up to seven years.

What the Court of Appeal said

The Court of Appeal went on to say just because a creditor misses the deadline or chooses not to sue within the two-year period it doesn’t mean that the debt still isn’t owed. The Court of Appeal also went on to say that under the Consumer Reporting Act people have the right to communicate with Equifax and TransUnion to have errors removed from their credit report. Unfortunately for Mr. Grant in his case, this was not an error.

What should you do if you have too much debt?

Do you have too many debts causing you discomfort on your credit report? Is your credit report creating a bigger hardship for yourself? For help with your debt issues contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re your best defence against debt. Make an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

credit report ontario

Credit Report Ontario: The decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario



CITATION: Grant v. Equifax Canada Co., 2016 ONCA 500

DATE: 20160623

DOCKET: C61664

Rouleau, van Rensburg and Benotto JJ.A.


Gary Grant

Applicant (Appellant)


Equifax Canada Co., Trans Union of Canada,

Ministry of Government Services and Consumer Services

Respondents (Respondents in Appeal)

Gary Grant, acting in person

Stephen Schwartz, for Equifax Canada Co.

Alan Melamud, for Trans Union of Canada

Domenico Polla, for the Ministry of Government Services and Consumer Services

Mahmud Jamal and Raphael Eghan, for the intervener Canadian Bankers Association

Heard: June 21, 2016

On appeal from the judgment of Justice Kofi N. Barnes of the Superior Court of Justice, dated November 2, 2015.


[1] The appellant brought an application in the Superior Court seeking an order that two consumer reporting agencies remove debts over two years old that were shown on his credit report, where no legal action had been commenced or judgment obtained in respect of the debts. He relied on the provisions of the Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B, and in particular the basic limitation period of two years applicable to the commencement of a proceeding in respect of a claim.

[2] The appellant argued in the court below, and on appeal, that this two year limitation period should apply in interpreting the provisions of the Consumer Reporting Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.33 (the “CRA”). He asserts that, in requiring consumer reporting agencies to adopt all procedures reasonable for ensuring accuracy and fairness in the contents of their consumer reports (s. 9(1) of the CRA), the Act anticipates that debts will not be listed where a limitation period for their enforcement through legal action has expired. The most accurate record of a debt, he says, is one that has been or can be confirmed by an order or judgment of the court. When debts are included in consumer reports, where no legal action is possible, consumers are adversely impacted in their efforts to borrow money and to conduct other business.

[3] The respondents assert that the application judge did not err in his dismissal of the appellant’s application, on the basis that the basic limitation period has no application to the statutory framework for consumer credit reporting in Ontario, and that there was no violation by the consumer reporting agencies of the requirements of the CRA.

[4] We agree.

[5] The CRA provides for a regulatory scheme for the fair reporting of information regarding an individual’s history of credit activities. The CRA requires the registration of consumer reporting agencies, permits consumer reporting information to be provided only for certain prescribed purposes, and sets out standards for consumer reporting.

[6] The Limitations Act, 2002, by contrast, applies to bar “claims pursued in court proceedings” that are commenced outside the applicable limitation period. The Act does not apply to the CRA, whether expressly or by implication. Indeed, the CRA contains its own specific provisions prohibiting the inclusion of certain information in consumer reports, including debts or collections more than seven years old, unless confirmation that the debt or collection is not barred has been obtained. The CRA expressly contemplates that debts not reduced to judgment that are up to seven years old may be reported (see s. 9(3)(f)). This makes sense, as the passing of a limitation period does not extinguish a debt; it only precludes the commencement of a court proceeding for its enforcement. As such, the reporting of debts after a limitation period has passed, is not inconsistent with the purposes of the CRA, and is expressly contemplated by its terms.

[7] Under the Act, consumers, such as the appellant, have access to the information contained in their files, and a mechanism by which they can dispute information contained in a report to the consumer reporting agency, and to the Registrar of Consumer Reporting Agencies, with a right to apply to the Licence Appeal Tribunal for a hearing if they are aggrieved by a Registrar’s decision.

[8] The appellant availed himself of the right to dispute information, and was able to have certain stale information removed from his consumer reports. There was no basis, however, for requiring the removal of information concerning debts simply because they were more than two years old.

[9] For these reasons, the appeal is dismissed.

“Paul Rouleau J.A.”

“K. van Rensburg J.A.”

“M.L. Benotto J.A.”


Brandon Blog Post


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Credit scores Ontario: What is it?

Credit scores Ontario is a judgment about your financial health, at a specific time. It indicates the risk you represent for lenders, compared with other consumers. There are many ways to work out credit scores. The credit-reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion use a scale from 300 to 900.

In Canada, the magic number is probably 650. A score above 650 will likely qualify you for a standard loan while a score under 650 will likely bring difficulty in receiving new credit.

Credit scores Ontario: How is it calculated?

The credit score formula takes all or most of the following into account:

  • Your payment history
  • The total amount you owe
  • Length of your credit history
  • New credit accounts
  • New credit inquiries, whether approved or not
  • Types of credit in use

Credit scores Ontario: Good credit scores do have sex appeal

A good credit score has shown that money does play a big role in the dating world; it is a reality. It’s sad but true; your income does play a big part in how attractive you seem to a potential partner. And, did you know that good credit scores have sex appeal?

Credit scores Ontario: Like it or not, a good credit score makes you attractive

There’s an old joke that says there’s no such thing as an ugly man in a Ferrari. But, let’s be honest, if you were on an online dating site and saw a potential date who was attractive but unemployed or in what you perceived as a low paying job, would you reach out to that person?

Conversely, if you saw someone who wasn’t movie star attractive but reported a high income or listed their profession as CEO, lawyer or doctor, wouldn’t they look a lot better to you?

Credit scores Ontario: Credit score dating backed by scientific studies

Don’t take my word for it. This is all backed up by science. There are many studies on the subject including a recent one co-authored by behavioural economist Dan Ariely who in the journal Quantitative Marketing and Economics reported:

  • Men and women prefer a high-income partners over low-income partners
  • This income preference is more pronounced for women

Credit scores Ontario: Beware – high income is only one part of it

Income only tells part of the story. Find out how they spend their money. Are they living within their means? They may have a big income but is it enough to cover the expenses of the fancy sports car, big house and exotic vacations? Big earners, celebrities and even Presidents (and President-elects!) declare bankruptcy too:

Credit scores Ontario: what to do about too much debt

We aren’t in the dating business, but we can help you get your debt issues under control. Give the Ira Smith Team a call today so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life, and you may have better luck dating.

Brandon Blog Post


The rise of average student loan debt

Average student loan debt is getting out of control. Post-secondary education is effectively a need for today’s labour market. According to the Canadian Federation of Students in its paper titled: “The Impact of Student Debt”, unfortunately, since the demand for education has inflated, public funding did not keep up. Public funding shortfalls have resulted in the increased cost of post-secondary education being borne by students.

The growth in average tuition fees

From 1990 to 2014, the national average tuition fees have seen an inflation adjusted increase of over one hundred and fifty per cent (150%). In Ontario, tuition fees have grown over one hundred and eighty percent (180%). For most students—often having spent very little time active within the workforce, other than for part-time work—funding their education has become more and more troublesome.

Students now taking on higher levels of average student loan debt

Many students are now taking on increased levels of debt for their education. Students requiring a Canada Student Loan currently graduate with an average student loan debt of over $28,000. Keep in mind that this is an average, with the costs of graduate education resulting in higher debt levels. Relying on debt to finance education suggests that there is a delay in the full impact of high tuition fees till after graduation—when interest begins to be charged.

Societal issues caused by rising average student loan debt statistics

This impact is now exacerbated by the effects of the most recent recession and the rising trend of precarious, and even unpaid, employment. The broader effects of high levels of student debt on both the person and the general economy are now resulting in various issues:

  • Young Canadians (15-24) accounted for over half of job losses over the last 5 years;
  • Un and under-employment can cost the Canadian economy over $22 billion by 2031;
  • In 2014, youth un and under-employment was twenty-seven per cent (27%);
  • Thirty per cent (30%) of medical students expect to graduate with over $100,000 in student debt;
  • Under-employment and work outside one’s field of study results in talent degradation, falling behind in ability, and lost networking opportunities;
  • Canada has seen a fifteen per cent (15%) growth in Canadians under the age of 30 who still live in their parent’s home since 1981;
  • Those with student debt have a fewer assets, savings or investments compared to debt-free peers.

Average student loan debt causes affect the Canadian economy

Starting out with huge debt and facing a weak labour market, this prevents graduates to fully take part within the Canadian economy. Student debt impacts career selections, even among professional school graduates in medicine and law. An estimate of unpaid internships is in the range of 300,000 graduates working with no pay.

Do you have too much debt? Then contact us now

If you are an individual or company who needs to free themselves from the stress and strain of too much debt, and especially if you have been told your situation is hopeless, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can prepare and carry out the plan made just for you, to free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Student loan debt has its own set of unique rules and complexities within the Canadian insolvency scheme. If you’re experiencing serious debt issues, contact a professional trustee for a free, no obligation consultation. The Ira Smith Team does not try to write new insolvency law or tax law. Rather, we will evaluate your situation within the existing statutes, and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now you can be debt free with the help of a professional, licensed trustee in bankruptcy. Contact us today.

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Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal vs debt settlement
consumer proposal vs debt settlement

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement vs. debt settlement companies

If you have serious financial problems, there is an option available to you to avoid debt settlement companies and bankruptcy. In fact, more Canadians are now choosing consumer proposals instead of declaring personal bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to explain the benefit of consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies.

The advantages of consumer proposals with a Trustee can save you from debt settlement companies. Here’s how. Unlike a trustee in bankruptcy, debt settlement
companies have long been a hot-button issue and as a result, we’ve posted several blogs on the subject:

How successful is consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies?

One of the advantages of consumer proposals vs. debt settlement companies is a high chance of success. Consumer proposals filed by a trustee have an excellent chance of being accepted by creditors. The consumer proposals our office files have experienced almost 100% acceptance by creditors. We know of other trustees who say their success rate with consumer proposals is in the high 90% range.

According to the Canadian Bankers Association, only 10% of offers received from debt settlement companies are accepted and it’s estimated that only 3% are successfully completed. As you can see, consumer proposals vs. debt settlement win hands down!

Advantages of using a licensed trustee in a consumer proposal vs debt settlement company

The reason for the advantages of consumer proposals is because a licensed trustee understands the behaviour of your creditors, is obligated to check all options with you and explain why a consumer proposal is a better option than other ones available, including personal bankruptcy. A trustee can recommend you properly on how to reach a mutually satisfactory compromise on your debt that you can actually complete it successfully, taking your family income and situation into consideration.

If you are considering consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies

The advantages of consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies are simple; a trained, educated, licensed financial services professional delivers results. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for sound, professional advice and a solid financial plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!