Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Bankruptcy process introduction

This week two totally unrelated items caught my attention when thinking about the bankruptcy process. The first is about Hertz Global Holdings Inc. (Hertz) bankruptcy Chapter 11 case in the United States. An update to my recent blog about Hertz titled HOW HERTZ TEACHES US MODERN AND RISKY RULES OF BUSINESS BANKRUPTCY IN CANADA AND THE USA.

The second item that caught my eye is a decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario. The decision really didn’t have anything to do with bankruptcy. However, the Court of Appeal did reference the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) in its decision. It really is about restitution law and the resultant debt.

The zany twist to the Hertz bankruptcy Chapter 11 case

In my June 8 blog about the bankruptcy process used by Hertz, I wrote about the irrational behaviour of investors in trading Hertz stock. Legendary investor Carl Icahn sold his entire Hertz holdings at $0.72 per share. The stock had touched a low of $0.40. For some reason, investors bid the stock up to $5.53. The stock at the time of writing this blog is just under $2.

This made no sense at all. The only thing I can attribute it to is that investors saw an opportunity to buy in during upward momentum, sell-off with a profit, and leave someone else holding the bag. Hertz debentures are selling for pennies on the dollar. The assumption being that those creditors will largely get wiped out as part of the bankruptcy chapter 11 case. If creditors get next to nothing, then for sure shareholders are going to get wiped out. That is what happens in these bankruptcy process cases.

This activity did not escape Hertz’s attention. Now the restructuring team got an idea. What if we could sell more stock, given the interest in our shares. If we sold $1 billion worth, while telling everyone it was worthless, then we would have the necessary cash to fund our restructuring. Better yet, Hertz would not have to borrow money with high rate debtor-in-possession financing. All they needed was to convince the court to approve it. It sounds like a Mel Brooks comedy script!

The Hertz bankruptcy process application for share sale approval motion

June 19, 2020 UPDATE: Late yesterday, Hertz announced that it has determined to end a questionable stock sale of as much as $500 million since the Securities and Exchange Commission questioned and put a hold on the insolvent company’s plans. Hertz is currently in talks for a debtor-in-possession bankruptcy loan of up to $1 billion to fund its business reorg.

On June 11, 2020, Hertz filed its motion for court approval to issue more of its common stock. Since the common shares are being actively traded, Hertz filed its emergency motion to seek emergency relief from the court to allow the Debtor to try to capture value for the unissued Hertz shares for the benefit of the bankruptcy process Estate.

The approval sought from the court was approval to participate in a sale arrangement with Jefferies LLC (Jefferies), to act as the sales representative. Under the sale contract, Hertz might offer and sell common shares of Hertz having an aggregate offering value not to surpass $1 billion. Hertz has 246,775,008 unissued common stock shares. Jefferies will use its best efforts to market, as the sales representative the unissued shares of common stock.

In support of their motion, Hertz advised the court that:

  1. The recent market prices of the trading quantities in Hertz’s ordinary shares creates a special possibility for Hertz to raise funding on terms that are much superior to any kind of debtor-in-possession funding.
  2. If successful, Hertz might possibly offer up to and an aggregate of $1.0 billion of ordinary shares.
  3. Unlike regular debtor-in-possession funding, the issuance of the ordinary shares would certainly not enforce restrictions on Hertz or its bankruptcy process restructuring efforts and would certainly not hinder any of the creditors.
  4. Additionally, the stock issuance would bring no repayment obligations to Hertz.
  5. Other than the Jeffries fee, there would be no other significant costs to obtain the funding through the sale of shares.
  6. Hertz would include disclosure in any prospectus for the sale of the unissued common shares highlighting that a financial investment in these Hertz’s shares involves substantial dangers. This includes the danger that the common stock can inevitably be worthless (emphasis added).

What the court said

After deliberating on the issue, on June 12, 2020, Judge Mary F. Walrath of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware granted Hertz’s motion. She ordered that:

  1. Hertz is allowed, but not required, to enter into the Sale Arrangement with Jeffries and perform all obligations called for in the agreement.
  2. Hertz may, but again is not required to, market the unissued common shares.
  3. Jeffries may earn its fee in accordance with the Sale Agreement.

This is truly novel, yet whacky. Anyone who would buy these shares must be gambling on the fact that market activity will remain hot and that they will be able to sell the shares for a profit.

As I mentioned above, creditors are going to be given a haircut. So how can shareholders expect a return on their investment? Any savvy creditor being asked to agree to a bankruptcy process restructuring plan certainly will insist that creditors must receive payments on account of what they are agreeing to give up, should funds become available, before shareholders see one penny.

Lots of people are going to be left without a chair when the music stops. It will be fascinating to see how this all works out.

Restitution law

This matter is totally unrelated to the Hertz bankruptcy process. It is in Ontario and I found the Court of Appeal for Ontario’s decision very interesting. Especially so because it really didn’t have anything to do with insolvency or bankruptcy either.

On June 11, 2020, the appellate court issued its decision in a matter dealing with restitution law. The case involved a 32-year-old man with high school education. In between September 30 and November 6, 2018, he went on a drug-fuelled rampage, that included the robbery of 10 businesses. He was sentenced to 4.5 years in jail and subject to a restitution order in the amount of $15,000. It was the restitution payment that was appealed.

His lawyer argued that the sentencing judge erred by not taking into consideration whether he had the ability to make restitution before imposing the restitution. They also argued that it will likely hinder his possibilities of rehabilitation. They said that the restitution order ought to be vacated.

The appeal court agreed. In allowing the appeal, the appeal court stated that the purpose of a restitution order is not intended to undermine the culprit’s chance for rehabilitation. The appeal court then went on to equate the rehabilitative aspects of restitution law with the rehabilitation intention of Canadian bankruptcies laws in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). The Court of Appeal for Ontario also correctly stated that a restitution order made by a sentencing judge will survive through any type of bankruptcy of the criminal. This suggests it is there for life and restitution is not meant to be a life sentence.

That is what caught my attention. I never would have equated restitution with bankruptcy or rehabilitation.


The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

I hope you have found this bankruptcy process Brandon’s Blog interesting. I will eagerly watch what happens in the Hertz common share sale and the subsequent trading in the shares. I also never thought of criminal restitution as part of rehabilitation. I also for sure never thought of it in the area of bankruptcy and insolvency.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Income, revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs, their companies and individual Canadians. This is especially true these days.

If anyone needs our assistance for debt relief Canada COVID, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

bankruptcy process
bankruptcy process
Brandon Blog Post


quadriga cx
quadriga cx

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click on the podcast.

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.


Quadriga CX (Quadriga, QuadrigaCX or Quadriga CX) was a subsidiary of Quadriga Fintech Solutions Corp. (Fintech). Fintech operated an online cryptocurrency exchange system where parties interested in acquiring, offering or trading numerous cryptocurrencies were able to complete such purchases on the QCX System.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I explain how the QuadrigaCX financial scandal can be used as an important lesson to aid in our financial literacy.

The Quadriga CX demise

Quadriga was experiencing a liquidity crisis as well as having been incapable to honour withdrawal requests from individuals. Furthermore, Quadriga had not been able to find a substantial amount of cryptocurrency upon the death of QuadrigaCX founder and CEO, Gerald William Cotten.

As a result of the liquidity situation combined with missing cash and cryptocurrency, Fintech and related companies made a decision to call a time out by filing for bankruptcy protection and hope for business restructuring on February 5, 2019, under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act( Canada) (CCAA).

By April 11, 2019, it was obvious that there was no possibility of restructuring. On that date, the Court made a Termination and Bankruptcy Assignment Order was made by the court confirming the process through which the Quadriga CX CCAA procedure would terminate and shift to a corporate bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

QuadrigaCX 2020 update

The demise of the cryptocurrency trading system QuadrigaCX arises from a fraudulent scam by Gerald Cotten. Clients delegated their assets to Quadriga, which supplied fraudulent guarantees that those properties would be protected. In truth, Mr. Cotten invested, traded and made use of those properties as he pleased. Running with no proper system of oversight or interior controls, he had the ability to misuse those assets, uncontrolled and undiscovered, eventually bringing down the entire trading exchange.

On January 14, 2019, Quadriga CX announced that Mr. Cotten had passed away in India the previous month. With the Quadriga CX CEO death, he could not continue to manipulate the Quadriga CX platform and hide his fraud. The entire business operation imploded as described above.

It turns out that over 76,000 Quadriga CX customers were owed a combined $215 million. About 40 percent of the clients were from the province of Ontario. The bankruptcy trustee recovered $46 million in assets for distribution to unsecured creditors. The people that relied on QuadrigaCX collectively lost at least $169 million.

The Ontario Securities Commission investigation into the Quadriga CX demise

The staff of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) carried out an evaluation of the QuadrigaCX business operations to establish how the system was run, what created its collapse, and where the money went. Over a period of approximately ten months, a multi-disciplinary team of OSC Enforcement Branch staff analyzed trading and blockchain information, interviewed key witnesses and worked together with many regulatory bodies.

Most of the $169 million shortfall arose from Mr. Cotten’s fraudulent conduct. It has been widely guessed that the bulk of the losses arose from crypto properties ending up being lost or hard to reach as a result of Mr. Cotten’s death. The OSC found that most of the $169 million shortage arises from Mr. Cotten’s deceitful conduct.

The OSC report states that the bulk of the loss– about $115 million– occurred from Mr. Cotten’s illegal trading on the QuadrigaCX platform. He opened up Quadriga CX accounts under pen names and attributed himself with phony Quadriga cryptocurrency balances which he traded without knowledge by unwary Quadriga CX customers. He incurred losses when the price of the cryptocurrency would change, thus producing a deficiency in the assets needed to satisfy customer withdrawals. Mr. Cotten covered this deficiency with other customers’ deposits. This indicated that Quadriga CX, a state of the art new technology operated an old-time Ponzi scheme.

It is reported that Mr. Cotten lost an additional $28 million while trading customer deposits on three external cryptocurrency trading systems without permission from, or disclosure to, clients. He also misappropriated millions to fund his and his wife’s, Jennifer Robertson, way of living. In its final months, Quadriga CX had virtually no balances left and was running like a revolving door– brand-new customer deposits were quickly re-routed to money needed for Quadrigacx withdrawals.

In summary form, the OSC described the losses as:

  1. $115 million trading losses sustained by Mr. Cotten on the Quadriga CX platform.
  2. $46 million assets recovered or identified by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee).
  3. $28 million trading losses sustained on external platforms.
  4. $23 million which could not be accounted for because of the poor state of the Quadriga CX books and records.
  5. $2 million of client funds misappropriated for living and travel expenses.
  6. $1 million estimated operating loss.

What the Quadriga CX scandal can teach us for improving our financial literacy

  1. In Canada, lots of crypto property trading systems are not registered. They have taken the view that they do not need to sign up with regulatory authorities. This is an essential message to users and possible users of these platforms. So we need to keep in mind that there may be no regulatory oversight at all on these cryptocurrency trading platforms.
  2. Cryptocurrency trading and the trading platforms are risky. Trading in crypto assets carries threats. Many platforms preserve safekeeping and control of their clients’ crypto assets. Clients just have ordinary unsecured claims against the platform for their assets. Clients are relying upon the solvency and stability of the system operators. Crypto asset trading systems might not operate transparently. Clients might have restricted or no details regarding how the platform is protecting and managing their assets.
  3. Cryptocurrency system clients ought to perform due diligence and look out for signs of fraud. Anyone considering delegating their assets to a crypto asset trading platform should take action to learn more about the platform’s operations and approach to control the risk of monitoring. I recognize that this may not be feasible with the present degree of disclosure supplied by some systems. Cryptocurrency trading platforms are a bit of a black box that ordinary people do not really understand.
  4. If cryptocurrency trading platforms were required to sign up with the provincial regulatory authority, perhaps there would be some oversight and protection for consumers.
  5. Platforms need to make sure that they have systems as well as controls in a position to take care of risks. Having an internal control system to take care of risks, including those pertaining to business protection, vital employees and compliance with regulations is an important step for consumer confidence. The trading platforms should be able to describe the systems used to protect client assets. That way the public at least has a chance of being able to properly evaluate between different systems.
  6. Systems should reveal key details to customers. Supplying clients with exact details regarding crucial aspects of their operations – such as asset wardship and storage techniques, charges, reported volumes, system protection actions and internal controls will help with educated decisions by investors and also advertise capitalist confidence in the platform.


The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

I hope you have found this Quadriga CX scandal Brandon’s Blog helpful. Cryptocurrency trading is still in the realm of the Wild West. Further work must be done before crypt currency can be widely used as a cash replacement. There are many financial literacy lessons we can garner from the Quadriga CX story. Even if Mr. Cotten had lived, the Ponzi scheme could only have been kept afloat for a finite time period before it would implode.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Income, revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs, their companies and individual Canadians. This is especially true these days.

If anyone needs our assistance for debt relief Canada COVID, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


debt relief canada covidThe Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.

If you wish to listen to the audio version of this debt relief Canada COVID Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click play on the podcast

Debt relief Canada COVID introduction

I have written before many blogs about debt relief in Canada and debt relief Canada COVID. I have written about:

Personal insolvency –

Corporate insolvency

  • Bankruptcy protection restructuring, both under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada)
  • Receivership
  • Liquidation
  • Bankruptcy

Debt relief Canada COVID specific:

Now the federal government has drafted legislation to guarantee that Canadians, as well as Canadian companies, have the ability to meet governing time frames and target dates found in federal statutes. Some key target dates for debt relief Canada COVID found in the BIA and other statutes, such as the Canada Labour Code, given the COVID-19 pandemic and the courts essentially being shut down and only hearing emergency matters.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the proposed Time Limits and Other Periods Act (COVID-19). The purpose of this proposed statute will aid debt relief Canada COVID.

Canadian Department of Justice concerns

On May 19, 2020, the Canadian Department of Justice unveiled draft legislation. The government has posted it online and is allowing 10 days for any comments to be submitted on the proposed Time Limits and Other Periods Act (COVID-19). The federal government is concerned about debt relief Canada COVID and all other issues federal legislation deals with.

As I previously wrote, the OSB, went to court in each province to get certain deadlines suspended so that debt relief in Canada would not suffer. The OSB ensured that the system would work for debt relief Canada COVID. The federal government believes that so many Canadians, as well as Canadian companies, could be impacted in other federal statutes not designed for financial restructuring or debt settlement. The government is concerned that they may encounter possible legal jeopardy if, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they fall short to meet target dates.

Consequently, the Government of Canada published draft legislation, which outlines prospective remedies that the Federal government might apply to deal with these essential problems. The draft legislative proposal for dealing with debt relief Canada COVID is online for 10 days. Interested stakeholders are invited to share their comments by May 29.

What the draft legislation is designed to do

The draft legal proposal is designed to suspend specific time frames as well as enable government ministers to prolong or put on hold other time limits consisted of in government regulations to:

  • Ensure that Canadians, as well as Canadian companies, are able to satisfy governing time frames and deadlines found in federal statutes, such as some key due dates found in the BIA for debt relief Canada COVID and under the Canada Labour Code during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Protect Canadians’ rights and access to justice in the context of civil proceedings before the courts, by making sure that people and companies are protected to assert their rights and not miss a time limit or deadline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The draft legislation includes stipulations to make certain that short-term extensions or suspensions cannot be made after September 30, 2020, and could be retroactive to March 13, 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic officially began.

What the draft legislation says

As already mentioned, the draft relief is designed to protect Canadians under federal statutes designed for debt relief Canada COVID and other federal laws. So here are the highlights of what the draft Time Limits and Other Periods Act (COVID-19) currently proposes.

Section 3 defines a time frame. It says such time periods that are either suspended or prolonged under this Act, then, during the period that the suspension or extension holds, every mention in any Act of Parliament to that time restriction or duration is to be read as referring to the time limit or period as it is suspended or expanded.

Section 4 states that the Act does not refer to any time frame or any other duration related to the investigation of an offence or a proceeding arising from an offence.

Sections 6 and 7 deal with time limits related to proceedings. The proposed legislation purports to:

  • Put on hold, as of March 13, 2020 as well as until September 13, 2020, or an earlier day set by the Governor in Council, certain time frame certain proceedings, aside from proceedings from offences, before the courts.
  • Allow courts to adjust the suspension within particular limits and take measures regarding the results of a failure to satisfy a put on a hold time limit.
  • Allow the Governor in Council to waive such suspensions in particular scenarios.
  • Permit ministers, in respect of defined regulations, to put on hold or prolong time limits and also prolong other durations for no greater than six months, as well as to offer such suspensions or extensions retroactive to March 13, 2020.
  • A time frame might be put on hold or extended and also a time duration might be expanded for a total maximum period of 6 months.
  • permit ministers in the case defined in the previous point to give specified persons, bodies or tribunals some adaptability in applying these suspensions or expansions.
  • Prevent these powers from being exercised after September 30, 2020.

This draft Act would certainly permit the Governor in Council to restrict or enforce conditions on the powers provided to ministers. Having a federally mandated “time out” will certainly aid debt relief Canada COVID.


It appears that the federal government realizes that there are many federal laws where time periods must be met. During the coronavirus emergency shutdown of the courts, it may not be possible to meet all the deadlines. So, this omnibus proposed legislation aims to suspend or expand time frames to September 13, 2020. The hope is that it will allow for more orderly conduct for debt relief Canada COVID under the BIA and for other purposes different federal legislation allows.

The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. This is especially true these days.

If anyone needs our assistance for debt relief Canada COVID, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.

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Brandon Blog Post



On Friday, November 22, 2019, Manulife Bank published its most recent Manulife Bank Canada debt help survey. Manulife Bank publishes its survey annually. The 2019 survey, compared to previous ones, shows that two in five Canadians have given up all hope of ever being debt-free.

In Brandon’s Blog, I review the main findings of the survey. The results show the debt relief mistakes being made. I will also discuss how you can get yourself out of debt so that you won’t be one of the 40% of Canadians that have given up all hope.

Manulife Bank Canadian customer debt relief reviews

The Manulife Bank Canada poll questioned 2,001 Canadians in all provinces between ages 20 and 69 with household revenue of more than $40,000. The survey was carried out on the internet by Ipsos between September 20 to September 26, 2019. National results were weighted by gender, age, area as well as education.

The 2019 survey results show:

  1. Two in 5 question will they ever be debt-free in their lifetime.
  2. Spending-to-income % is trending negatively in Canada.
  3. Ninety-four percent of Canadians say the ordinary home is in too much financial debt.
  4. The spending-to-income proportion is trending adversely as 45 percent record that their expenses are rising faster than their revenue.
  5. Sixty-seven percent of Canadians with too much debt presume everybody else does too.

“There is a financial wellness crisis, and it’s affecting Canadians of all demographics,” said Rick Lunny, President and CEO, Manulife Bank.

Canadians not really asking “How can I get out of debt in Canada?”

One of the saddest parts of the survey is what I did not read. Apparently, Canadians surveyed are not asking how they can get out of debt. Rather, they are just resigned to that being their normal reality.

The survey also shows differences by generation. Whether you are a Boomer, Generation X or Millennial makes a difference. This makes sense as the different generations are at different stages of life.

The generational differences are:

  1. Boomers – 38% of these survey participants say that their spending is greater than their income and 31% feel they will never be debt-free.
  2. Millennials – 46% of those surveyed say that their costs are greater than their earnings and 42% feel they don’t see themselves ever paying off debt.
  3. Generation X – 54% of these study participants state that their expenses are higher than their earnings and 49% feel they will certainly never ever get out of debt.

How can I get relief from debt?

So with these survey results as a backdrop, the question these Canadians need to ask is how to get debt relief. There are no free Canadian government grants to pay off debt. According to Manulife Bank Canada debt help is required by many Canadians.

People have to take matters into their own hands. It starts with a household budget. All members of the family have to be involved in preparing it and you need complete buy-in for it to be successful. The budgeting process begins with understanding what the family’s after-tax income is every month and what all of the household expenses are. Then, all the expenses have to be looked at critically to determine which are necessary and which represent “wants” not “needs”. You can also look at the income side and see if there are opportunities to also increase income.

The goal of the budgeting process is to end up with a household budget that is realistic, will be tracked and all family members will be accountable for. Monthly expenses cannot be greater than the monthly net after-tax income. The budget must also have room for making regular monthly payments to pay down debt, including credit card debt. The budget must also include regular monthly savings, in order to build up an emergency fund. The emergency fund is essential to meet unexpected expenses or income loss.

The 6 main benefits of a household budget

The 6 main benefits of a household budget are:

  1. A budget offers you the ability to have control over your cash: A budget plan is a list of all revenues and costs. It permits you to plan exactly how you intend to spend your money. Rather than money just flying out of your pocketbook, you make deliberate choices on where you desire your cash to go. You’ll never need to wonder each month where your money went.
  2. A budget keeps you concentrated on your economic goals: Budgeting will enable you to meet your money objectives – paying down debt, putting money away in a retirement savings plan, getting a home – as long as you follow it consistently. With a budget, you’ll know exactly what you can afford and you can separate your money appropriately. E.g. If your instant goal is to save for the deposit of a house, then you might need to pass up that holiday you wanted to take. Your spending plan will inform you specifically what you can or can’t manage.
  3. A budget plan will ensure that you do not spend what you do not have: Charge cards are a great convenience yet they also make it really easy to spend due to the fact that there is no cash exchanged in the transaction. Many Canadians rack up major credit card spending and land up deep in debt before they recognize what’s occurred. When you use and stay with your spending plan you need to record every little thing you spend, even if it’s a bank card purchase. You will not wake up deep in debt, ask yourself how you arrived there.
  4. A spending plan will prepare you for the unanticipated: Every budget plan must have a rainy day fund for those unanticipated costs. It’s recommended that you should budget for three months worth of costs for when there may be an unanticipated layoff or various other unplanned for a significant expense. Don’t be distressed; you do not need to save all the cash at once. Build your fund up slowly.
  5. A budget decreases tension: Lots of Canadians panic every month about where the money will come from to pay their bills. A budget will offer you satisfaction. It reveals to you just how much you earn and what your expenses are. If need be you can reduce unneeded expenditures or take on an extra gig to live within a well-balanced budget. No more panicking at the end of the month.
  6. A budget plan can assist you to pay for the retirement you’ve been desiring: Saving for your retirement is really essential and your spending plan can help you save for your future. Reserve part of your income every month for retirement savings. Beginning early as well as consistently stick to it. The money you conserve now will determine the type of retirement you can anticipate.

Is there a government debt relief program?

There is a government-approved debt relief program. It is governed under the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). There are 3 personal debt government approved debt relief programs. The only person authorized to administer any of these debt settlement programs is a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy).

I have written about them before, but I will summarize here what they are:

  1. Consumer proposal: A consumer proposal is a streamlined process. This process enables insolvent people to make a formal deal with their creditors. This federal government authorized financial debt settlement program allows you to repay only a portion of what you owe to eliminate all of your debts. You can take as long as 5 years of routine month-to-month payments to do so. To qualify, you have to be insolvent and owe $250,000 or less to all creditors, apart from for any kind of financial obligations secured by way of registration against your house. A successful consumer proposal allows you to keep your assets that you can afford to keep. It also allows you to avoid bankruptcy.
  2. Division I proposal: A Division I proposal offers the same protections as a consumer proposal. If successfully completed, it provides the same benefits as the consumer proposal, including avoiding bankruptcy. This kind of proposal is not as streamlined as a consumer proposal and is for people who owe more than $250,000, not including any mortgage or other loan registration against your home. The other major difference is that an unsuccessful Division I Proposal results in an automatic bankruptcy. A consumer proposal does not have this same automatic provision.
  3. Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy is a process whereby in exchange for giving up your assets to the Trustee (with certain provincial exemptions), the honest but unfortunate debtor will be able to discharge all of their debts (with certain exceptions). When I meet with insolvent people for their no-cost consultation to explore their options, I always try to find the option that allows them to avoid bankruptcy as long as it is feasible and realistic.

Canada debt help summary

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on Canada debt help. Are you in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.canada debt help

Brandon Blog Post


canadian debt reliefIf you would prefer to listen to an audio version of this Canadian Debt Relief Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Canadian debt relief: What is debt relief Canada?

Canadian debt relief is the reconstruction of debt in any kind of form so as to give the indebted person or company a measure of breathing space.

Canadian debt relief measures can take a number of forms. It can be through an informal process or formal process (discussed below).

I just read a recently issued Scotiabank Economics report that says Canadians are going deeper into debt. With that in mind, I believe it important to describe the Scotiabank findings and then discuss the options available for reliable Canadian debt relief.

Canadian debt relief: The Scotiabank findings

The main Scotiabank findings are:

  • Canadian home credit increased to a 2-year high in August 2019.
  • Residential mortgage growth posted a 2-year high, supported by a mid-July 2019 decrease in the mortgage rate used for qualification under the stress testing as well as a decline in posted home mortgage pricing.
  • Consumer credit growth struck a 10-month high on the whole but the year over year pattern was the same as July 2019.

The increase in overall household credit was boosted by a much easier borrowing environment. The main types of debt were fuelled by a strong acceleration in both mortgage loans as well as non-mortgage consumer liability growth. Right now Canadians’ household debt-service ratio is at an all-time high. According to the Scotiabank findings, that has not stopped Canadians from continuing their borrowing binge. It seems that super-low interest rates and a strong job market are providing Canadians with either confidence or blind ignorance, to continue to borrow.

With unpredictability staying at raised levels and worldwide demand weakening, business financial investment and exports are not going to be a force to keep the Canadian economy strong. Therefore, it is essentially up to people buying homes primarily in the Vancouver and Toronto housing markets and general consumer credit demand, with government spending, to keep the Canadian economy strong. So, it seems that for the foreseeable future, the Bank of Canada will keep interest rates low. It seems that interest rates will only increase in reaction to events from outside the Canadian economy.

How debt relief works in Canada

It is not that difficult to qualify for real Canadian debt relief services. You need to be insolvent, or at least, be unable to pay your financial obligations as they come due. I am not talking about a consolidation loan that you need to apply for. If you are trying for approval from one of the debt consolidation loans providers, you also need to be able to qualify for a new loan. If you are applying for a Canadian debt relief program that requires you to get a consolidation loan, and you don’t qualify for the loan, then you will not qualify for that type of debt management plan.

However, for financial relief that does not involve you borrowing money, the bar to qualify is set very low. All you need is to admit that you have a debt problem. Once you do that, you can certainly get help from one of the Canadian debt relief alternatives.

I will describe the various levels of Canadian debt relief programs, but first, I want to answer a question I am asked regularly. The question is: Can you get credit card debt forgiven?canadian debt relief

Canadian debt relief: Do credit card companies ever forgive debts?

I have never seen complete and full credit card forgiveness given by a credit card company (except for two situations described in this section). It is possible, to achieve partial credit card forgiveness, but it is not easy. Credit card companies generally will not give any form of forgiveness.

If you stop making your minimum payments, the credit card company will ultimately “ charge off ” a person’s credit card amount owing after giving them an R9 rating on their credit report. A charge-off takes place when an account is seriously overdue for credit card bills. That will be after 180 days of not making the minimum repayment.

Charging off the amount owing on the credit card is not writing it off or forgiving it. It is just a way for the credit card issuer to mark it as uncollectible and eliminate the debt from their active books. What is done when the debt is charged off, is that it is either given or sold to a collection agent. You may be able to make a deal with the collection agency to pay less than the full amount you owe. However, it will still be a substantial sum and has to be paid all at once.

There are only two exceptions to this I ever heard. One is a recent feel-good story. In August 2019, it was reported that Chase Bank announced that it was leaving Canada. Chase Bank issued and administered the Rewards Visa and the Marriott Rewards Premier Visa in Canada. In order to exit Canada quickly, Chase Bank announced that it was forgiving all credit card amounts owed by clients of its two Canadian charge cards. Highly unusual.

The only other exception is not such a feel-good story. If a person dies and the deceased Estate has no cash available after the funeral and testamentary costs or worse, has no assets including cash, then the credit card company is going to have no choice but to write off the liability. The Estate Trustee will, of course, have to provide proof that there are no funds available.

Canadian debt relief: Informal options

There are various informal debt-relief options available in Canada. The most common options are:

Debt consolidation

When when we hear the words debt consolidation we understand that it is the process of qualifying for and taking on a brand-new loan, in order to repay many or numerous smaller debt obligations.

Consolidating debt involves borrowing money. The concept is that either:

  • your credit rating is good enough so that you can take on the new unsecured debt; or
  • you have decided to offer security for the loan.

The primary purpose of resolving your debt via this type of borrowing is to lower the overall interest costs you are currently paying across many credit cards and other debt.

Credit counselling

Credit counselling can solve debt problems and supplies you with the skills to live debt-free. Credit counselling solutions consist of teaching proper budgeting, how to use debt sensibly, rebuilding credit and debt management programs.

A word of caution. Please make sure that if you want a credit counselling program that has a qualified and licensed non-profit credit counsellor, you reach out to a real Canadian debt relief provider such as a credit counselling agency and not a debt settlement company.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has provided a stern warning for consumers to be careful when considering using a debt settlement company. Do not be pulled into what looks like the cheapest Canadian debt relief company. The danger signals and warning signs that the Agency warns consumers about are:

  • High-pressure sales
  • Unrealistic assurances
  • High costs
  • Companies collecting monthly payments from you to pay to your creditors supposedly for an agreed-upon settlement amount but postponing repayments to the creditors and never coming up with a real Canadian debt relief plan.

Debt settlement

I have also written about the dangers of debt settlement companies. In 2017, I wrote about the study by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) on debt settlement companies. The main findings of the OSB report were that in 2016:

The OSB record indicates that in 2016:

  • 17 % of all consumer proposal filings, the customer reported having spent first for debt counselling from a debt settlement firm before being directed to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee).
  • 57 % of the consumer proposal filings for which earlier debt settlement guidance was obtained, the LITs had connections with 2 large-volume debt settlement businesses. These 2 companies stood for 64 % of the total LIT fees reported in 2016 consumer insolvency filings for debt settlement advice before submitting to an insolvency proceeding with a LIT.
  • Thirteen LIT firms, that included one national-level business, were discovered to have numerous LITs operating in regular partnership with large-volume debt settlement firms.
  • For about 50 individual LITs within these 13 firms, better than 40% of their consumer proposal filings were sourced from these debt settlement organizations. For about 20 of those LITs, more than 90% of their consumer proposal work originates from these 2 businesses.

Debt settlement companies have long used scare tactics with consumers to attract business. They tell consumers that all a LIT wants to do is put them into bankruptcy. Nothing could be further from the truth. As seen by the OSB study results, consumers were paying debt settlement firms fees with money they could not afford to pay. When they could not pay any longer, the debt settlement company then referred the people to their favourite LITs! Now that is the pot calling the kettle black. The OSB was also concerned about the business arrangements being made between debt settlement outfits and LITs.

Since then, the OSB has introduced amendments to practices that LITs must follow concerning credit counsellors and business arrangements with a view to curb this behaviour. For the record, I and my Firm have no relationship with any debt settlement company.

Canadian debt relief: What about “Government Approved” debt programs?

There are only 2 Canadian government debt relief programs in our country: (i) consumer proposal; and (ii) bankruptcy, which is the most drastic one.

I have written about consumer proposals many times. A consumer proposal is the only structured formal procedure sanctioned by the Government of Canada under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). This process permits insolvent people to make an official offer with specific terms, to pay their creditors less than the full amount owing in full settlement of all debts. This federal government authorized debt settlement strategy is to pay back only a portion of what you owe and you can take as long as 5 years of routine monthly payments to do so.

To qualify, a person must be insolvent and owe $250,000 or less to all creditors, other than for any financial debts protected security against their principal home. The most common examples are either a home mortgage or home equity line of credit registered against the real estate. The consumer proposal process provides protection from creditors. It is aimed at compromising unsecured consumer debts, including income tax debt, while the debtor makes regular payments. The end result of a successfully completed consumer proposal is debt cancellation of your remaining outstanding debts.

A consumer proposal is a streamlined process meant to either reduce or totally eliminate the need to go to Court. A successful consumer proposal allows the person to avoid bankruptcy while ultimately discharging all of his or her debts for an amount much less than the total amount owed.

Canadian debt relief summary

Since the purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is about eliminating your burden of debt before having to consider bankruptcy, I won’t discuss the bankruptcy topic here. Of course, anyone wanting to find out more about either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy can always call me.

Do you have way too much debt? Prior to you getting to the phase where you can’t make ends meet and your credit report looks awful, reach out to a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee). In fact, if you understand that you can’t pay your financial debts, contact us.

We understand the pain and stress excessive financial debt can trigger. We can aid you to get rid of that discomfort as well as address your financial problems by offering prompt action and the ideal plan to give you freedom from debt.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today.

Make an appointment with one of the Ira Smith Team for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be on your way to enjoying a carefree retirement Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today so that we can help you get back to a stress and pain-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


how to file for bankruptcy in canada

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this how to file for bankruptcy in Canada Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click on the podcast below


I am most often asked by people how to file for bankruptcy in Canada. When I receive that question, I tell people that there are a few steps that need taking before the actual filing. These steps are the process I use to make sure that the person can actually benefit from personal bankruptcy. I don’t just put someone into bankruptcy and hope that it will work out alright for them. I have to make sure upfront that there is a benefit for them. It has to make sense.

Getting over the initial fear

It takes a lot for a person to overcome that initial fear and reach out to phone me. They are admitting that they have financial problems. I understand the fear a person has. My role in that first phone call or meeting, for which there is no charge, is to help the person get over their fears. I answer the most important questions the person wants to be answered. I also need to remind them that the answers are by necessity, generic. Once I have their specific information, then I can answer their questions in a way that is specific to their situation.

How do I apply for bankruptcy in Canada?

The first step in the application process is providing me with detailed information about your specific situation. We get this information by having you complete our initial assessment intake sheet. We call ours the Debt Relief Worksheet.

The Debt Relief Worksheet collects the information we need to do a proper initial assessment. The information collected includes:

  1. Basic details such as name, address and marital status.
  2. A listing of all your assets and your debts.
  3. Your employment.
  4. Your household monthly cash flow/budget.
  5. Questions whose answers are important to understanding who you are.

You can click here to see a copy of our Debt Relief Worksheet.

The free assessment

Once I have a fully completed Debt Relief Worksheet, I can then analyze the information and provide you with an assessment designed specifically for you. Normally, when you first submit the information to me, I will have to follow up on questions for you to answer. This is all normal.

Once I have the full picture, I can properly assess what bankruptcy will mean for you. This will lead us to a discussion of alternatives to avoid bankruptcy that is right for you. It may be that you have a specific issue that can be dealt with outside of bankruptcy. Once resolved, the rest of your situation is manageable without resorting to a filing under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, RSC 1985, c B-3 (BIA).

The next possibility is you can’t fix things on your own, but you still do not need a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a trustee in bankruptcy) (Trustee) to do a BIA filing on you. Perhaps with credit counselling, you can get your budget under control and pay down your debts.

If the right answer is that you do not need to file under the BIA, I will tell you so and connect you with the proper help that you need. The cost for me to review your situation and provide you with the right alternatives available to you is zero. It will not cost you anything.

Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy

If you do need a formal insolvency filing, we have to figure out which one. We are still looking at if you can avoid bankruptcy. We do this by looking at your whole situation. We first look at what bankruptcy means to you. What would the outcome of your bankruptcy be?

Some of the factors we consider are:

  1. Your assets that would not be exempt and therefore would be handed over to us as your Trustee.
  2. Have you ever been bankrupt before?
  3. Are your debts $250,000 or higher, not including any mortgages or other loans secured by your principal residence?
  4. Do you owe $200,000 or more to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for unpaid income tax?
  5. Are all your tax filings up to date?
  6. Your income and do you have a surplus income?
  7. If you do have surplus income, what would your monthly payment be and can you afford it in your budget?
  8. Based on the information you gave us, can we determine the likelihood of any creditor opposing your discharge from bankruptcy?
  9. Any other special circumstances you have told us about.

The answers to these questions help us determine if you need to file for bankruptcy or not. In many cases, I help people avoid bankruptcy by filing a consumer proposal. As I have written before, in many cases, it is possible to avoid bankruptcy.

By filing a viable consumer proposal debt settlement plan, you are offering to pay your creditors a fraction of what you owe. You are promising to make monthly payments for a time period not greater than 60 months. A successfully completed consumer proposal will release you from your debts that exist at the time of your filing.

Those that are eligible to file a consumer proposal choose this option. They are happy to avoid bankruptcy. Our assessment and the advice we give you on consumer proposal vs bankruptcy is still free.

How to file for bankruptcy in Canada

If we decide that bankruptcy is necessary, we will then prepare the required documents. These documents include your sworn Statement of Affairs and your monthly cash flow budget. The Statement of Affairs is a document that:

  1. Identifies you.
  2. Lists your assets with their respective estimated realizable value.
  3. Indicates which assets are exempt from seizure, if any.
  4. Lists your creditors by name and amount owing.

Part of the filing process is that the insolvent person swears that the document is accurate. This is done in our office as our Trustees are also commissioners for taking oaths for the work we do. All of this is done in my office.

I then electronically file the sworn Statement of Affairs and other required documents with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. Once the Official Receiver, who is the Superintendent of Bankruptcy’s local official, reviews and accepts the filing, the insolvent person is officially bankrupt.

This is how a person files for bankruptcy in Canada.

What happens if I declare bankruptcy in Canada?

Once you declare bankruptcy (or file a consumer proposal), all collection and enforcement action against you stops. Creditors can no longer sue you or harass you trying to collect the outstanding debts. You are now protected by the stay of proceedings.

Then the Trustee needs to take possession of your assets that are not exempt from seizure under provincial law. Before you file, I always tell you what those assets are and what will happen.

If you declare bankruptcy (or file a consumer proposal), you will have to attend two counselling sessions. Those sessions are conducted in my office by the Trustee who is also a qualified credit counsellor.

If you have met all of your duties and responsibilities in your bankruptcy, including the payment of surplus income if required, you are then entitled to a discharge from bankruptcy. If no creditor or the Trustee objects to your discharge, then you receive an absolute discharge. If there is something in your activities or your background where there is an objection to your discharge, then the matter must be heard in the bankruptcy court.

Before you file, I will give you my best-educated guess on the likelihood of an objection to your discharge arising.

Will I lose my house if I file bankruptcy in Canada?

If you declare bankruptcy, there are various ways and conditions in bankruptcy that you will NOT lose your house.

Everybody who owns a house and also experiences financial issues is worried about losing their house. Losing your home is possibly among the most terrible concerns people with a huge debt load that is crushing them have. This is exactly how it functions if you file for personal bankruptcy in Ontario.

In Ontario, the provincial regulation that describes what is excluded from seizure is called the Execution Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.24. For a full checklist of all bankruptcy Ontario exemptions, please review my Brandon’s Blog, BANKRUPTCY IN ONTARIO CANADA SECRETS EXPOSED.

The exemption in Ontario for your house is $10,000 of equity. The present thinking is that if your equity is $10,000 or less, if you go bankrupt, then your entire equity is excluded from seizure by the Trustee. Nonetheless, if your equity is $10,001 or greater, your whole equity in your home is NOT exempt and also is readily available to your Trustee for the benefit of your creditors.

Keep in mind that we are talking about your equity. In determining your equity, we first have to determine the market value of the house. We then deduct any mortgages or other loans registered against the property. The net result of this calculation represents your equity. If you own the home jointly with your spouse, then it is half of that number that is your equity. The other half belongs to your spouse.

If someone is available and willing to purchase your equity from the Trustee for its value, then the Trustee will collect that money. Once the Trustee sells its interest in the equity of your home, the Trustee no longer has an interest. If the person purchasing your equity is your spouse, another relative or friend, they are doing it so that you will not have to leave your home.

If that happens, then you will not lose your house if you file for bankruptcy. If you have no equity because the loans registered against your home is equal to the home’s value, again, you will not lose your home.

How much does it cost to file bankruptcy in Canada?

The expense of declaring bankruptcy is something you will certainly need to take into consideration. Just how much you will need to pay to go bankrupt relies on a number of variables, including:

  • your month-to-month income;
  • what assets you own;
  • the size of your family members; and also
  • whether you have ever been bankrupt in the past.

You are required to your surplus income into your estate every month. Surplus income is defined by the federal government. If your household makes over a certain amount every month, you pay a component of your earnings over that base set by the government each year. That base is essentially the poverty line.

The surplus income computation is reasonably complicated. I recommend you bring your current pay stubs to your meeting with me to make sure that I can accurately estimate it for you.

The fee a Trustee is entitled to charge in an ordinary personal bankruptcy must be approved by the Court. In a bankruptcy where there really are no assets, the fee is set in the statute.

If you have non-exempt assets, the Trustee sells them and receives the proceeds of the sale(s). If you have surplus income to pay, the Trustee collects those payments from you. The Trustee’s fee, which is the cost of the bankruptcy, comes from the money collected by the Trustee. So, in this example, where the Trustee has collected more than the cost of the bankruptcy approved by the Court, there is no additional cost to you at all. In this way, the Trustee is free!

If there are no assets or surplus income, then the bankrupt has to make monthly payments to the Trustee to cover the cost of the bankruptcy. If the bankrupt person cannot afford to, then you will have to get a relative to put up the money necessary to pay for the cost of your filing for bankruptcy. In this case, the government approved fee is in the range of $1,800.


I hope this Brandon’s Blog gives you a good idea of how to file for bankruptcy in Canada. We know that having too much debt is very stressful.

The Ira Smith Team understands how to help you rid yourself of your debts. However, more importantly, we understand your emotional needs. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. You are worried not only about yourself but also your family.

The stress placed upon you due to your financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we deal with your problems and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that when you are facing financial problems you need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a debt settlement plan for you as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you back on the road to a healthy stress-free life. We will help you to recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post



In my May 3, 2017, Brandon’s Blog, DEBT SETTLEMENT OR CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: REPORT SAYS CONSUMERS HARMED, I told you about a Government of Canada research study. On April 28, 2017, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), released its study. It revealed the OSB’s concerns about credit counseling services in Canada who were doing more than just counselling, be they for-profit or non-profit.

The concerns

The concern was that the consumer was being harmed. The main areas of concern for the OSB were:

  1. Consumers paid more money than required if they had first seen a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT or Trustee) rather than the debt settlement company.
  2. Dishonest debt relief firms chatted customers right into expensive car loans under the scare tactic that they would not qualify once they filed either a consumer proposal or for bankruptcy so now was the time to improve their credit score.
  3. The debt negotiation firms had no accreditation or experience to provide the sort of financial advice they were offering.
  4. Creditors obtained much less than they would have received if the insolvent person went first to see the LIT.
  5. Debtors had no idea of their obligations under the insolvency process they ended up filing for. They were not offered the chance to experience one of the most essential facets of the Canadian bankruptcy system, economic recovery.

Public consultation

On November 24, 2017, the OSB sought public consultation on amending the process by which a LIT must perform credit counselling as part of the administration of consumer proposal filings. Changes were implemented and given time to see how they would work in practice.

On June 17, 2019, the OSB announced that it was seeking public consultation on a new Directive for LITs on credit counselling. These changes are meant to streamline the administrative structure for insolvency credit counseling.

All the changes are to better control the Trustees who receive referrals from debt settlement companies that charge the debtors for services that they really do not require before handing them over to a LIT to administer a consumer proposal.

Why not just go see a Trustee first?

It makes the most sense when you realize you are in financial trouble to see a LIT. A Trustee is only professional licensed, recognized and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to administer insolvency filings to eliminate debt problems. A restructuring proposal is a government and court approved debt settlement plan to do that. In a first consultation, a Trustee will listen to all the issues and then provide a debtor with all the available alternatives. The aim is to avoid bankruptcy. This first consultation is also free! No charge! Gratis!

So why don’t more people do so? I believe the answer is in a recent Angus Reid poll titled The Awkward Silences Survey 2019. The survey says one-in-five Canadians claimed they least like to talk about:

  1. Embarrassing health and wellness concerns – 20%
  2. Sex – 18%
  3. Finances – 17%
  4. Religious beliefs or politics 17%
  5. Small talk – 15%
  6. Family and relationships – 13%

The unwillingness to talk about humiliating health and wellness problems was more widespread amongst males (23%) than females (17%).

When asked which one money and finance subject people like discussing the very least, personal debt and bankruptcy led by a big margin with one-in-three stating it was off limits to discuss (34%). This number is significantly greater in Quebec (42%) and least in Ontario (28%).

The survey says Canadians said that in the money and finance area, the least favourite topics they like to talk about are:

  1. Personal debt or bankruptcy – 34%
  2. Assets, liabilities and net worth – 22%
  3. Their income – 16%
  4. How they spend their money – 12%
  5. Savings and investments – 11%
  6. Their mortgage – 5%

I don’t do government approved and free

I always knew that going to see a Trustee to talk about financial problems was not high on anyone’s list. This recent survey is the first time that I have seen it studied with anything other than anecdotal stories. This could explain why even though it makes the most sense, people avoid it for as long as they can. It also explains why people will search out companies that try to candy coat the topic and call it something nicer. Unfortunately, as the OSB studies have shown, consumers do so to their own detriment.

People would rather pay good money they can’t afford to be hoodwinked by an unscrupulous debt consultant until they realize they have no choice but to see a Trustee. At that point, most of their various options are no longer available and bankruptcy is more often than not inevitable.

Whether it is a business or a person, corporate or personal, it will help to talk about it to a Trustee. Sticking your head in the sand will not make things better. There are various options to look at depending on how early on you seek help.

Corporate financial problems

For corporate financial problems, the options may include:

Refinancing with a new lender who has not grown weary.

Sometimes relationships, including business relationships, just run their course and fatigue sets in. I was recently consulted by a company whose banker grew tired of their turnaround plan, that was working. By introducing this company and its senior management to a new lender, who saw the long term benefits of lending to a company that was successfully turning itself around, the company was able to refinance and continue their business.

Corporate restructuring.

Sometimes a more formal plan needs to be put into place using one of Canada’s two federal statutes: (i) Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA); or (ii) the proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). We have done many.

Receivership or bankruptcy proceedings to take assets from a sick company and get them into a healthy one to save jobs and the business.

Sometimes the corporate body is just too sick and weak and cannot continue. However, taking healthy assets and employees and transferring them to a new or different corporation can revitalize a business and save jobs. The old shareholders may or may not be associated with the new company. However, the highest value will be obtained for creditors, employees and all other stakeholders.

Personal financial problems

For personal financial problems, the options may include:

Credit counseling and budgeting.

Many people need help with items such as:

  • Budgeting
  • achieving financial goals
  • spending habits
  • responsible use of credit

Many times once this help is received, people can continue on themselves without any further problems.

Debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is the process that permits you to roll your varied financial debts owing to many creditors into one single loan, leaving you with just one creditor. If you are starting to have troubles staying on top of your minimum month-to-month payments, and the amount of your debt is frustrating you, debt consolidation is a choice worth thinking about.

A consumer proposal and Division I Proposal.

A consumer proposal and a Division 1 proposal are options to filing bankruptcy. Although comparable in several aspects, there are some significant distinctions. Consumer proposals are offered to people whose financial debts aren’t more than $250,000, not including any debts registered against your personal house. Division 1 proposals are readily available to both companies and people whose financial obligations go beyond $250,000 (omitting mortgages registered on their primary home).

A consumer proposal is an official process under the BIA. Dealing with a Trustee you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific amount of time
  • Extend the time you need to repay the debt
  • A mix of both

Repayments are made via the Trustee, who makes use of that money to distribute to each of your creditors. The agreed to a lesser amount of debt has to be repaid within 5 years.


Sometimes when there are no other options, but the pain and stress of your debt load are just too much for you to handle, and you can’t see any other way, bankruptcy may be the only answer. The purpose of bankruptcy in Canada is to return the honest but unfortunate debtor back into society, so that they may be a productive member going forward.

Are you ready to talk about finances now and get some real credit counseling?

Don’t be like those people who took part in the Angus Reid survey. Take a positive step in the right direction to help your company and yourself.

Is your business in financial distress because you cannot collect your billings? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your creditors as their bills to you come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

A restructuring proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a restructuring proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

credit counseling

Brandon Blog Post


income tax debt reliefIncome tax debt relief: Introduction

As 2018 draws to a close, I want to wish all of our readers a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I hope that 2019 will be a great year for all of us. You have no doubt been bombarded so far with emails, articles, and programs on getting income tax debt relief for 2018 by making sure that you have taken advantage of all possible deductions before the year ends tonight. I thought I would take a slightly different approach to talk about another rich and famous person who is in hot water with the IRS.

Income tax debt relief: Even the rich and famous have income tax debt problems

We have previously written about rich and famous people who have debt problems and who have filed for bankruptcy. Their debt problems arose mainly out of irresponsible spending, financial mismanagement and income tax problems. These blogs were written to show you that it is not only ordinary people who run into trouble. People who many would think to have “all the money in the world” can also have financial problems. Financial mismanagement is not only an illness of the poor or middle class. It can strike anywhere or anyone.

Income tax debt relief: Some of our past rich and famous financial disaster blogs

Our previous financial mismanagement of the rich and famous includes:


In this blog, I pointed out that many rich and famous people have gone bankrupt, including:

  • Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
  • Michael Jackson
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Dorothy Hamill – Gold Medal Skater
  • Johnny Unitas – Football Hall of Fame
  • Milton Hershey – Founder Hershey’s
  • H.J. Heinz – Founder Heinz
  • Marvin Gaye
  • Mick Fleetwood – Fleetwood Mac
  • Walt Disney
  • Larry King
  • Burt Reynolds
  • PT Barnum
  • Tom Petty
  • David Cassidy
  • David Crosby
  • Ed McMahon
  • Henry Ford
  • M.C. Hammer
  • Toni Braxton
  • Natalie Cole
  • Robin Williams
  • 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce within two years of retirement.
  • The National Endowment for Financial Education says that 70% of all people who suddenly receive large amounts of money will lose it within a few years.


In this blog, I talked about former pro athletes who are broke. Former NBA star and broadcaster Charles Barkley estimates that 60% – 70% of professional athletes go broke for all or any of the following reasons:

  • Buying lavish gifts and giving money to family and friends
  • Unsupportable lifestyles
  • Mansions around the world
  • Yachts
  • Exotic cars
  • Bad business ventures
  • Bad money managers
  • Not understanding financial matters
  • Zero savings
  • No rainy day fund
  • No retirement plan


In this blog, I wrote about Canadian Olympian. Donovan Bailey and his income tax debt problems with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). We also described his income tax debt relief settlement plan to cut his income tax debt.. It seems that Mr. Bailey was not able to outrun CRA. Therefore he needed a formal debt settlement plan.


This blog was about UK celebrity Katie Price who had many financial problems. I spoke about her financial issues and her UK bankruptcy proceedings.

Income tax debt relief: Dionne Warwick

Grammy Award-winning vocalist Dionne Warwick has filed for bankruptcy because she was in need of income tax debt relief. The 72-year-old vocalist, well-known for hits such as “Do You Know the Way to San Jose” and “That’s What Friends Are For” submitted the bankruptcy documents in New Jersey, where she lives.

She listed assets of $25,500 and liabilities of greater than $10.7 million in her bankruptcy filing. Her largest debt is income tax debt of near $7 million owed in back tax obligations to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as greater than $3 million in tax obligations to the state of California. This includes interest and penalties.

She declared her present income as $20,950 a month, with monthly expenditures just $10 less than that. Dionne Warwick’s press agent, Kevin Sasaki, claimed that the vocalist’s personal bankruptcy was primarily the outcome of “irresponsible and gross financial mismanagement” in the late 1980s to the mid-1990s.

Income tax debt relief: Start 2019 off the right way

No one likes to pay taxes, but everyone hates having CRA tax debt problems. Do you require CRA debt forgiveness? If you’re considering bankruptcy because of income tax debt, or for any reason. We can show you bankruptcy alternatives to get CRA debt forgiveness. We can end your debt pain through a consumer proposal, debt consolidation, and credit counselling. Contact a professional that you can trust – Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

The Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience dealing with diverse issues and complex files, including negotiating with CRA. We deliver the highest quality of professional service. Don’t settle for less. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can overcome your financial difficulties.

Again I wish all of you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

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automatic discharge

Debt relief in Canada: Introduction

I recently read a decision of the Bankruptcy Registrar of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in Bankruptcy and Insolvency that really inspired me. It got me thinking about the sacrifices our men and women in the military make for all Canadians. This particular Court decision, also made me think of sometimes they need our help for debt relief in Canada.

Debt relief in Canada: The case

The case I refer to is Durdle (re), 2018 NSSC 206, released August 31, 2018. The first two paragraphs of the Registrar’s decision, I found especially poignant:

[1] This Court routinely considers situations in which the Bankrupt is indebted to the people of Canada, through tax or other liabilities to the State. As a matter of general policy, these obligations have a higher moral and sometimes legal priority than to private creditors as they are borne by all of us, as citizens and fellows of Society; and because the public generally must bear the share not paid by someone else. The collective public is an involuntary creditor in the result.

[2] What, then, is the situation when that is reversed – when it is the people of Canada who are indebted to the individual? Should compensation paid out as a consequence be considered divisible among creditors in an insolvency?

Debt relief in Canada: The facts

Master Corporal Durdle was a career soldier. He spent 24 years in the military, retiring at the age of 45 years old. Master Corporal is now 49 years old and suffers from military service induced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He remains under professional care. He is in need of debt relief.

On November 13, 2013, Master Corporal Durdle filed an assignment in bankruptcy. This was his second bankruptcy and therefore, he was not entitled to an automatic discharge from bankruptcy. The purpose of the Court hearing was for the Court to consider what form of bankruptcy discharge he should be entitled to. In this second bankruptcy, there were minimal non-exempt assets and unsecured creditors totaling $73,476.76.

In 2014 while an undischarged bankrupt, Master Corporal Durdle received taxable income, including:

  1. $16,778 from a wage loss replacement plan;
  2. A rehiring allowance of $28,107.04, including $19,675 in severance pay;
  3. Pension income of $23,594.10;
  4. Disability income of $49,289; and
  5. $3,624 in employment income.

The decision the Court had to make was, as the guidelines existed in 2014, how much if any of this 2014 taxable income should be considered “surplus income”?ira smith bankruptcy trustee vaughan

Debt relief in Canada: The Court’s thinking

The Registrar made a point of saying:

…I wish to be clear that nothing should be taken as putting military debtors on a different footing than a civilian. The rule of law, including that of civil contract, is one of the core values we hold as Canadians, and which is protected by our men and women in uniform. What is, however, on a different footing is the debt we owe those men And women when they are injured or ill in the discharge of those Duties.”

Debt relief in Canada: The Registrar’s analysis

The Registrar went through a very thoughtful analysis of the law. He considered it in connection with the various types of 2014 taxable income:

  1. Wage loss replacement plan – Wrongful termination awards would normally be included in total income, as would pay in lieu of notice. The Registrar, however, went on to comment that in this case, the wage loss replacement plan was not termination pay or pay in lieu of notice but rather, pay because Master Corporal Durdle’s PTSD prevented him to continue serving. The Registrar concluded that this amount should not be considered as income in accordance with Section 68 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). Therefore, the Registrar also concluded that this amount should not be included in the calculation of surplus income.
  1. Rehiring allowance – The Registrar applied the same logic for this payment. He decided that it should not be included in the calculation of surplus income. He decided that this payment was a result of Master Corporal Durdle’s PTSD preventing him from continuing to serve in the military.
  1. Pension income – The Registrar could not determine whether this income was solely a benefit due to Master Corporal Durdle’s PTSD or not. However, it did factor into the Registrar’s ruling.
  1. Disability income – The Registrar considered this income in light of previous Court decisions involving lump sum awards. This included under a Workers’ Compensation Plan. The Registrar went on to review the actual Federal statute under which the payment was made to him, the Veterans Well-being Act (S.C. 2005, c. 21). The Registrar concluded that this amount would not be included in the calculation of surplus income.
  1. Employment income – The Registrar concluded that this amount is included in the surplus income calculation.

Debt relief in Canada: The Court’s decision

The Registrar concluded that if he includes the pension income ($23,594.10) and of course the employment income ($3,624) (less statutory deductions), Accordingly, Master Corporal Durdle’s income falls under the Superintendent of Bankruptcy threshold for 2014. Accordingly, Master Corporal Durdle had no surplus income to pay when considering Section 68 of the BIA.

Since this was Master Corporal Durdle’s second bankruptcy, he was not entitled to an absolute discharge. Therefore, the Registrar did not impose any conditions on his discharge, but rather, suspended his discharge for one day.

Debt relief in Canada: Sometimes understanding and kindness is required

The Registrar was obviously moved by Master Corporal Durdle’s service to Canada. He also considered his current plight brought on by service-related PTSD. The Registrar followed the law and also showed his understanding and kindness of this sad situation.

If you have financial difficulties, whether brought on by a medical cause or for any other reason, you need to seek professional advice from a Firm that will show you the understanding and kindness you deserve. The Ira Smith Trustee Team has seen many cases of personal and corporate financial distress. We understand your pain and we know how to alleviate it; with understanding and kindness.

Our strategy for every single business and person is to develop a result where Starting Over, Starting Now comes true, starting the minute you walk through our door. You’re just one call away from taking the necessary actions to get your debt settlement and back on the road to leading a healthy and stress-free life. Contact the Ira Smith Team today.debt relief in canada

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Debt relief Canada: Introduction

This is always a hot topic. I am asked often how does debt relief Canada work? I recently wrote blogs about professional athletes who made a lot of money in their careers and who are now broke, or worse, bankrupt.

I am going to tell you about former tennis star Boris Becker. He is trying to avoid bankruptcy, diplomatically.

First some background information. The inviolability of diplomats is among the oldest rules of international law. During the Greek Empire, it was unlawful to abuse, apprehend or detain a country’s agent. In contemporary times, there is polite resistance from court territory as a matter of global regulation. The purpose of this is to make certain the reliable efficiency of diplomatic features preventing the holding authority from intervening with the diplomat’s job.

Debt relief Canada: Diplomatic immunity

Diplomatic immunity separates into 3 categories. The resistance of the consular office properties and residential properties. The buildings, cars, archives and diplomatic communications. While the holding authority has a task to shield the diplomatic properties from any type of damages, the embassy remains immune from any kind of law enforcement actions. The authorities cannot enter the consular office other than to safeguard human life for instance of a severe emergency.

The 2nd kind is within the premises. The resistance of the employees functioning in the consular office from the local court’s jurisdiction. Mediators are immune from any kind of type of law enforcement like arrest, search as well as apprehension.

The 3rd kind is that the diplomat, as well as his/her family members, are additionally immune in the hosting country from paying taxes other than the settlement for solutions like electricity or water.

Article 29 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations states that diplomatic immunity could only be forgoed by the sending out government.

Debt relief Canada: The Boris Becker story

It likely raised a few eyebrows when Boris Becker revealed he was pursuing a 2nd profession in diplomacy In April 2018 as the Central African Republic’s attaché for Sports/Humanitarian/Cultural Affairs in the European Union.

The statement came while Becker had a claim made against him over a loan he presumably owes to exclusive financial institution Arbuthnot Latham, after the sports celebrity’s bankruptcy in 2017. His lawyers claim that his diplomatic function grants him immunity under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. They state this indicates he cannot be subject to any kind of lawful procedure in the courts of any nation. Additionally, they say this protection is for as long as he stays an identified diplomatic representative.

The Boris Becker method of debt relief

His legal representatives have also provided those claims to Britain’s High Court, saying that British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in addition to the Central African Republic would need to decide whether any kind of suits could continue. This takes the bankruptcy of a previous tennis star transforming it into a politically delicate matter. The Court process against Becker might lead various other countries can potentially make use of the situation. In the same fashion British diplomats abroad could lose immunity if certain countries wished to make a point.

Becker’s defence method has actually likewise set off inquiries over his motivations as well as timing in accepting a polite duty with the Central African Republic— a nation in the midst of a bloody civil conflict and humanitarian situation. It appears now the Republic has more important matters to focus on. Its social and sporting activities ties to Europe cannot be a current priority.

The former tennis champ condemned the choice to start bankruptcy procedures versus him as unjustified and unjust and introduced he would look for payment for the totally unneeded affirmation of bankruptcy that he was pushed into.

Debt relief Canada: The precedent story of Sheikh Walid Juffali

The Article 29 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations I previously referred to, has actually long been controversial. In 2014, the little Caribbean island of Saint Lucia named Saudi business owner Sheikh Walid Juffali its irreversible representative. Moreover, this appointment occurred after his former spouse Christina Estrada separated from him and instituted divorce proceedings.

Britain’s High Court ruled that his diplomatic status was totally fabricated. Britain’s Foreign Office slammed the judgment when stating it can result in problems with British diplomats’ immunity abroad. The Court said that Sheikh Walid Juffali, a permanent resident of Britain, is not protected by his diplomatic status. Estrada’s award was about $100 million.

Applying the very same reasoning in Becker’s instance would negate any diplomatic immunity claim by the long-time British homeowner.

What if you can’t claim diplomatic immunity?

Boris Becker’s uses a very novel and entertaining defence to avoid lawsuits to recover debts. However, most of us don’t have the ability to get diplomatic status from a country and then claim immunity. We deal with creditors suing us on our debts. We have to take a less dramatic and more common sense approach. Here is my list of options for those looking for debt help in Canada.

Debt relief Canada: Credit counselling

This addresses debt troubles without bankruptcy and supplies you with the skills to live debt totally free. Credit counselling solutions consist of budgeting, just how to use debt intelligently, restoring credit as well as debt management programs.

Debt management programs are developed to aid you to settle your debt. You enlist willingly in a debt monitoring program; the court did not mandate it. When you enlist a credit counsellor will call your financial institutions and ask for their collaboration in minimizing your debt. Your creditors could agree in ways like minimizing the amount of debt owing. A debt management program cannot cover all debts. It cannot cover secured debts. A mortgage, line of credit registered against your home or an auto loan are examples of debts not covered.

Debt relief Canada: Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is getting a loan that enables you to settle your financial debts to a number of or all your unsecured creditors, leaving you with simply one loan. Usually, this approach is ideal to deal with your unsecured debts. The theory is that the debt consolidation loan will have a lower annual interest rate than many of your unsecured debts.

Debt relief Canada: Proposals

Consumer proposals and Division 1 proposals are alternatives to bankruptcy. Although similar in many areas, there are some major distinctions. Consumer proposals are readily available to people whose overall financial debts do not go beyond $250,000, not consisting of debts secured by your house. Division 1 proposals are for both companies as well as people whose financial obligations go beyond $250,000 (excluding the mortgage on their primary residence).

Proposals are governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). Collaborating with a licensed insolvency trustee you make a proposal to:

Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a certain
amount of time, without any interest

Extend the time you need to repay the debt

Or a mix of both

Proposal payments are made to your trustee. The trustee uses that money to pay each of your creditors. You can take up to 5 years to complete a proposal.

The last resort: Bankruptcy

As a last resort, you can declare bankruptcy. The Government of Canada licences and supervises us. We can look at your circumstance and discuss with you the options available to you to avoid bankruptcy. We can also advise you what is involved in the bankruptcy option and administer it for you.

Do you have too much debt?

I can’t provide you diplomatic immunity from your debts. However, If you’re thinking about a consumer proposal or are looking for ways to end your financial debt, or you need CRA debt forgiveness, call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We understand the stress and pain your financial problems are causing you. We feel your pain and we can end it for you.

Our strategy for every single person is to develop a result where Starting Over, Starting Now comes true, starting the minute you walk through our door. You’re just one call away from taking the necessary actions to get back on the road to leading a healthy and stress-free life.

debt relief canada

Call a Trustee Now!