Brandon Blog Post


Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Introduction

Are you a business owner with company financial difficulties and apprehensive about the possibility of corporate bankruptcy and is it something that you will have to seriously consider? Corporate bankruptcy in Canada process can be complex and overwhelming, but understanding it is necessary for making authoritative decisions about your business.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will analyze the ins and outs of corporate bankruptcy in Canada, including the different types, the steps in filing for corporate bankruptcy, the impact on creditors and shareholders, and alternatives to consider. By the end of this Brandon’s Blog, you will have a better understanding of corporate bankruptcy in Canada and be able to understand how to make the best decision for your business.

Explanation of what corporate bankruptcy in Canada is

The corporate bankruptcy process in Canada – otherwise known as commercial bankruptcy or incorporate business bankruptcy – is a legal means by which an incorporated business that is unable to pay its debts can be liquidated, and its liabilities discharged. This process allows the business to liquidate its assets and redistribute the value among its creditors. The process is intended to give an honest, but unfortunate corporate debtor a discharge from most debts while ending the business of that corporation.

It is important to note that corporate bankruptcy is different from personal bankruptcy which is a legal process through which an insolvent individual can substantially reduce debt and hopefully restructure. Unlike an individual who files for personal bankruptcy, it is not intended that the bankrupt corporation will come out of bankruptcy through a discharge process.

If single individuals are operating businesses and are considering business bankruptcy, then we are talking about the bankruptcies of sole proprietorships. If more than one person is operating a business partnership, then we need to think of the issues in a partnership bankruptcy. Either way, we have insolvent persons, which means personal bankruptcy, which is not the subject of this Brandon’s Blog.

It’s important to note that the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada is complex and can only be handled by a licensed insolvency trustee. The Trustee will help you understand the process and the options available to your corporation and then prepare the documents required to submit the bankruptcy filing.

In Canada, if a corporation is bankrupt, it is subject to both the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) and relevant provincial regulations. The BIA outlines the procedure for managing a corporate bankruptcy, while provincial law governs other aspects of the business such as labour laws.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

A brief overview of how the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada begins

Navigating corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be complicated, as there are numerous steps that need to be taken. To begin, it is important to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee to review the financial details of the company, including income, profits, liabilities, and any personal guarantees. From there, the next step is to determine the misogynist options.

The board of directors needs to hold a meeting, in order to pass a resolution permitting the corporation to file for bankruptcy. This process is initiated by a director, or the single director, who will then execute the necessary bankruptcy paperwork.

Types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada

There are two types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada: liquidations and reorganizations. Although a reorganization is not an actual bankruptcy, the phrase “bankruptcy protection” is used to describe a formal reorganization. So for the purposes of this Brandon’s Blog, we will consider both as types of bamkruptcy.

The type of corporate bankruptcy in Canada proceedings can often provide a good indication as to whether the unsecured creditors will get all, a portion, or none of what they are owed.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

An overview of the 2 types of bankruptcy proceedings available to Canadian businesses


The process of corporate bankruptcy involves a business ceasing operations as it is unable to fulfill its financial obligations and the demand for its goods and services has become obsolete. This form of corporate bankruptcy is commonly referred to as liquidation.

Canadian bankruptcy proceedings must adhere to Canadian bankruptcy law under the BIA. This law contains similar liquidations to Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Commencing the process of bankruptcy liquidation in Canada is the initial step.

It all starts with the board of directors of the corporation getting together and deciding to file for bankruptcy. One of the directors, or a single director, will then have to sign the official documents for the bankruptcy process.

Once the liquidation process has been initiated, the corporation’s assets, subject to the rights of any creditor having security over all or some of the assets, are taken over by the Trustee. The Trustee will sell the corporate assets and the proceeds will be distributed among the creditors according to the priority established by law. The corporation will then be laid to rest, as it will no longer operate as a legal entity.


Corporate reorganization is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. It is a process in which a process for a company that is facing financial difficulties is able to restructure its outstanding debt and its operations in order to improve its financial situation. In Canada, the primary statutes for corporate reorganization are the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the BIA. These laws are similar reorganizations under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

The CCAA provides a thoroughfare of debt reorganization for corporations on a larger scale, as the amount owed by the company must exceed $5 million. Through this federal legislation, the debtor corporation can still operate while reaching an approved plan of arrangement with its creditors.

For corporations that do not reach this $5 million threshold, the Division I Proposal under the BIA can be utilized. The BIA provides for the restructuring of insolvent corporations and individuals.

The CCAA is a federal statute that allows for the sale of an insolvent business, with a reach that transcends the wideness of the whole Canadian nation and even extends beyond its borders.

The process of corporate reorganization under either the CCAA or BIA begins with the corporation filing for protection under the appropriate Act. In the case of the CCAA, the filing is with the court. Under the BIA, the filing is with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.

The debtor will then be safeguarded with all its possessions. Then, the corporation will be allotted a specified value of time – typically 30 to 45 days – to present a plan of arrangement. This plan must be approved by the creditors and the court in order to move forward. When the plan of arrangement is given the thumbs up, it can be set into motion.

So corporate reorganization in Canada is a process in which a company that is viable but is facing financial difficulties is allowed to restructure its business debts and operations in order to modernize its financial situation. The CCAA is mainly used for larger corporations and the BIA for smaller ones. Both legislations provide a process to restructure a company while under the protection of the court and it’s intended to be a way to save a company while protecting the rights of the creditors.

Advantages and disadvantages of corporate bankruptcy in Canada


Advantages of corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Allows an incorporated entity that is unable to pay its debts to file for bankruptcy, as per the BIA.
  • Allows for the liquidation of resources and redistribution of that value among creditors, which can provide relief for the corporation and its creditors.

Disadvantages to bankruptcy and corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) prevents a company in bankruptcy from seeking dissolution under the CBCA.
  • Unfortunately, specific liabilities or obligations of the corporation are passed to its directors. This would put personal assets at risk.
  • The process is time-consuming and may also be expensive.
  • Unfortunately, the director’s reputation may moreover be tarnished in the process.


Advantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Can uplift profits and increase efficiency.
  • Can extend the life of the business.
  • Can modernize strategy and financial arrangements.
  • Could be done informally without a court process by agreement between the debtor and its creditors or formally under either a proposal as outlined in part III of the BIA or a plan of arrangement under the CCAA.

Disadvantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • It may not work.
  • Decreased employee morale and concern among customers.
  • Can be a significant time investment with potential setbacks in cash flow
  • If the financial matters are so dire that a reorganization is not viable, the remaining option is full bankruptcy, which results in the liquidation of resources to pay creditors.

    business bankruptcy in canada
    corporate bankruptcy in canada

Filing a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy for corporate bankruptcy in Canada

Overview of steps involved in filing for Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

  • Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) (LIT) and retaining the LIT to make an informed decision about proceeding with bankruptcy.
  • One of the directors (or sole director) will be required to execute corporate bankruptcy papers
    Upon bankruptcy assignment, the LIT will notify business creditors of the bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Hold a meeting of creditors.
  • Conduct a sale of assets.
  • Carry out its other duties in accordance with the BIA.

Note: The above steps are a general outline and the specific process may vary depending on the case. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a licensed insolvency trustee and a legal professional to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations.

Essential paperwork and information

In order to file a voluntary assignment for corporate bankruptcy in Canada, and get to the point of holding the First Meeting of Creditors, the following documentation and information are typically required:

  1. Provide the LIT with the corporate minute book, seal and accounting records.
  2. Fully signed minutes of a validly held meeting of directors resolving that the corporation file an assignment in bankruptcy and appointing either a director or senior management person to be the Designated Officer to sign all bankruptcy documents and attend the First Meeting of Creditors.
  3. A completed Voluntary Assignment of the corporate debtor, prepared by the LIT and signed by the Designated Officer.
  4. The LIT prepared statement of affairs, reviewed, approved and sworn/confirmed by the Designated Officer, which includes information about the debtor’s assets and the names and addresses of all known creditors and the amounts owing to each of them.
  5. The LIT will take the necessary steps to lodge the paperwork with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who in turn will give the Certificate of Bankruptcy – marking the very beginning of bankruptcy proceedings in Canada. The moment the Certificate is issued will be the exact time the corporate bankruptcy in Canada is activated.
  6. The LIT then prepares the statutory notice to creditors which is mailed to all known creditors with a notice of the time and place of the First Meeting of Creditors will be held and also includes a proof of claim form for the creditors to complete fully and file with the LIT.
  7. The LIT will also prepare the bankruptcy notice to be placed in a local newspaper to advertise for creditors to contact the Trustee.
  8. The LIT prepares its Report on Preliminary Administration to provide necessary information to the creditors about the causes of the corporate bankruptcy in Canada, the available assets to be sold, if any and other important information. The LIT’s report is distributed at the First Meeting of Creditors.

In a voluntary assignment, the LIT is picked by the debtor. In an involuntary assignment, the LIt is suggested to and chosen by the court. In issuing the Certificate, the LIT choice is confirmed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. However, it is ultimately up to the creditors attending and voting at the First Meeting of Creditors to either confirm the appointment of the LIT or substitute the LIT with another one (don’t worry about the mechanics for now!). The LIT will be responsible for overseeing the administration of the debtor’s estate and distributing the proceeds to creditors.

It’s important to note that the above list is not exhaustive and additional documentation and information may be required by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy(OSB) or the appointed Trustee. It’s recommended to seek professional advice from a LIT, a lawyer or both, before filing for a voluntary assignment in bankruptcy.

The OSB plays an important part in the area of insolvency

The OSB is tasked with keeping orderly standards for the supervisory oversight of stakeholders within the insolvency process, creating an accessible archive of public records, compiling and analyzing data, and enforcing the BIA and CCAA regulations. Furthermore, the OSB is devoted to facilitating an effective and efficient insolvency framework in Canada.

The OSB in Canada is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the Canadian insolvency system, and overseeing the administration of all insolvency proceedings described as bankruptcies, commercial reorganizations, Division I commercial proposals, consumer proposals and receiverships.

The effects of corporate bankruptcy in Canada on creditors and stockholders

How corporate bankruptcy affects the distribution of assets among creditors

Divvying up resources among those owed money in a corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be quite intricate and can be affected by various elements, such as the kind of bankruptcy declared and the company’s ownership and organizational setup.

When a company files for bankruptcy, its day-to-day operations will typically come to a halt. All of the corporation’s assets will be sold off and the proceeds will be divided among its creditors. In Canada, this process can have a major impact on how the assets are divided up among those who are owed money.

The BIA requires the LIT to take control of all the unencumbered assets, sell them and assigns orders of importance to the many claims against the debtor. The net sale proceeds are then doled out to creditors depending on the priority of the claims.

In a nutshell, the types of creditors and the order of priority is:

  • Trust claims, including unremitted employee payroll withholdings.
  • Secured lenders.
  • Preference is given to certain kinds of unsecured debt.
  • Ordinary unsecured creditors are last.

In Canada, though the assets of a company are distinct from the owners’ individual wealth, banks will always take security on the company’s assets when loaning funds and anticipate the entrepreneur to provide some kind of collateral. It bears mentioning that this is a standard requirement.

Should the proceeds of the company assets fail to cover the bank debt in the event of a Canadian bankruptcy, the owners will be called upon to make good on their personal liability and may be faced with the liquidation of some or all of their personal belongings to make up the difference.

What sort of ramifications does corporate bankruptcy in Canada have on the equity holders and their privileges?

Generally, when it comes to bankruptcy proceedings, it’s usually shareholders who are left holding the shorter end of the stick. Most often, they don’t get anything back after all other creditors have been taken care of– leaving them with nothing but the realization that their investments have gone down the drain. Furthermore, they forfeit any rights they once held with the company.

If any of the shareholders are also in a director position, then they will have the added worry about whether there are any debts that are also a director liability. Legal advice is always required by directors of an insolvent company. In next week’s Bradon’s Blog, I will talk about recent developents arising from an Ontario court decision about the directing mind of a bankrupt corporation.

The one small solace they may have is that Canada Revenue Agency will acknowledge the corporate bankruptcy in Canada as a legitimate means of allowing shareholders to deduct the value of their shares as a loss on their tax return.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

Alternatives to Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

For a business that is viable yet unable to pay off its debts, there are 5 alternatives to corporate bankruptcy in Canada that must be explored:

  1. Implement tighter controls over spending and create a cash-flow budget to see if costs can be cut or eliminated, freeing up funds to pay off debts.
  2. Refinance existing debt in order to consolidate it into more manageable payments.
  3. The shareholders provide a fresh injection of funds.
  4. Informal out-of-court debt settlement through direct negotiation with creditors.
  5. Selling redundant or no longer-needed assets to raise cash for debt repayment.

Rather than going through the effort of reorganizing debt under the CCAA or BIA, a corporate workout is an amicable arrangement between the company and its creditors that allows them to come to a mutually-satisfactory resolution without resorting to legal proceedings and a reorganization court case. This is seen as an advantageous alternative to a formal filing.

If all other solutions fail to prevent a company in Canada from going bankrupt, then the CCAA or BIA’s restructuring provisions should be carefully considered to potentially save the company, its jobs and business assets.

If the company is not viable or profitable and is in a state of financial distress, then a secured lender can exercise their rights through a receivership process. This could be used in conjunction with a corporate bankruptcy in Canada if the situation calls for that.
The reasons why bankruptcy and receivership may be needed to work in tandem are complex and are best left as a topic for another day.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this corporate bankruptcy in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

corporate bankruptcy in canada
business bankruptcy in canada


Brandon Blog Post


Bill C-228: Are pensions protected in Canadian insolvency proceedings?

The long-awaited Bill C-228, an Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 proposes to give priority and therefore some financial security to pensions of workers in the event of a Canadian insolvency of their employer, may finally soon become law. This is a significant victory for pensioners and unions across the country who have been advocating for this change for many years.

This new law will provide much-needed protection for pensioners in case of the insolvency of pension plan sponsors. It is a major step forward in ensuring that pensioners are able to retire with dignity, security and frankly, what they bargained for.

Bill C-228: Right now pensions in bankruptcy can be taken away

The Canadian insolvency system has come under heavy analysis and criticism for years for its treatment of pensioners when the employer goes bankrupt or files for bankruptcy creditor protection. Bill C-228 comes from a long line of private members’ bills presented in the House of Commons of Canada that never went anywhere – until now. It makes every effort to make previous employees getting a pension, and those who someday expect to get payments from their pension plan, a priority in the insolvency process.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the current status of Bill C-228 and its implications in making pensioners a priority in bankruptcy if it becomes law as presently composed.

Bill C-228
Bill C-228 An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

Bill C-228: What can cause you to lose your pension?

Underfunding is a major concern for traditional, defined-benefit pension plans (DB Pension Plans). In other words, do they have enough pension assets and therefore enough money to meet their projected future pension obligations of insolvent pension funds? Inadequate actuarial assumptions, poor investment returns, and mismanagement can lead to pension plan underfunding. In the case of corporate insolvency of a large employer with a DB Pension Plan, this issue always arises. Underfunded pensions in bankruptcy wind up hurting retirees.

The Sears Canada court-supervised liquidation forced us to again focus on the treatment of pensioners in corporate bankruptcies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) or restructurings and liquidations under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). It was widely reported that representative for 17,000 Sears Canada retirees says insolvency laws are unjust when it comes to underfunded pensions.

When a company is insolvent and its DB Pension Plan is underfunded, pensioners suffer pension losses and ultimately income losses. In practice, pensioners’ rights are weak and highly inadequate, especially when pension plans are underfunded.

Although pension legislation at the provincial and federal level purports to offer some protection for amounts owing to an underfunded pension plan, insolvency legislation does not preserve that protection for the majority of those amounts. The insolvency protection of pensioners and pensions in bankruptcy proceedings is therefore limited.

Dr. Janis Sarra is the founder and director of the National Centre for Business Law and a professor at the Peter A. Allard School of Law. In her opinion, Canadian pensioners and employees are among the worst-protected pensions in bankruptcy and/or insolvency among 60 countries.

The history leading to Bill C-228

Let’s look at some history of attempts to protect pensions in bankruptcy. The Canadian Association for Retired Persons (CARP), a nationwide advocacy organization for Canadian seniors and retirees, lobbied politicians on Parliament Hill about legislation changes. According to CARP, the unfunded pension liability should be given priority so that it is handled first.

There is no priority for retirees when it comes to dividing up assets in bankruptcy, and CARP wanted to protect underfunded DB Pension Plans when the employer company goes through restructuring or bankruptcy.

CARP estimated that roughly 1.3 million Canadians, aside from the retired Sears employees, may be at risk due to underfunded DB Pension Plans. The closure of Sears Canada stores made the plight of retirees a top priority for CARP.

Marilène Gill, Bloc Québécois MP, introduced a member’s BILL C-372, on Oct. 17, 2017. It was intended to change the BIA and the CCAA. The change sought to correct the injustice faced by retired workers whose pension and health insurance policy benefits are not secured when their company declares bankruptcy or undergoes restructuring.

On October 17, 2017, Bill C-372 passed its first reading. The House rarely passes private member’s bills like this one. The Liberal Party did not support taking it further and allowed it to die.

Hamilton Mountain NDP MP Scott Duvall asked for leave to introduce Bill C-384 in the House of Commons on November 6, 2017. He proposed amending Canada’s insolvency laws so that companies must bring any pension fund to 100% before paying any other secured creditors. Additionally, it required companies to pay termination or severance pay owing before paying secured creditors. Similarly, this bill passed the first reading and then died.

Then, Senator Art Eggleton, P.C., proposed BILL S-253 shortly before his retirement to amend the insolvency legislation to deal with a pension deficit in Canada. After the first reading passed on September 18, 2018, the second reading followed on September 25. By introducing this bill, the BIA and CCAA would be amended. The plan proposed to give priority to claims for unfunded obligations or solvency deficiencies of pensions. This was applicable to both solvent companies as well as companies that might become insolvent if certain shareholder payments were made. That bill never went any further.

Bill C-228
Bill C-228 An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

The current Bill C-228: Pension Protection Act

Then, Conservative MP Marilyn Gladu put forward her pension reform private member Bill C-228: An Act to amend the BIA, the CCAA and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985. It passed 2nd reading on June 22, 2022.

According to the Hansard transcripts, she noted that the proposed legislation would ensure that pension funds would be paid before secured and unsecured claims. Unremitted source deductions for the Canada Pension Plan, Quebec Pension Plan, Employment insurance, and taxes would be taken first. Suppliers who take back goods delivered within a month of bankruptcy or receivership and unpaid wages or salaries would be paid next. Then payment for insolvent pensions would come next before the claims of secured and unsecured creditors.

It then got a referral to committee, the Standing Committee on Finance. Once the referral to the Finance Committee happened, it did not take long to get through the committee. The committee held three meetings between October 17 and 31. It passed through the committee and on November 23, 2022, it passed 3rd reading and Bill C-228 was adopted.

A cross-party collaboration of New Democrat, Bloc and Conservative MPs was now finally achieved in order to move forward with key legislation to protect workers’ pensions in commercial bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings. The Liberal government which previously did not have this on its radar also voted in favour. In fact, PM Trudeau has tried to take some credit for this private member’s bill in the House of Commons.

The bill has now moved on to the Senate of Canada for review and amendment before returning to the House for final approval. It passed its first reading in the Senate on November 24. It now seems to have sufficient support and momentum to ultimately become law.

The current Bill C-228: What will the Pension Protection Act do?

The purpose of the private member’s Bill C-228, which will be known as the Pension Protection Act. is to deal with the insolvency of an employer where there is an unfunded liability or solvency deficiency in an employee pension plan or the employer ceases to fund a group insurance plan. It will prioritize the pension payments for such pensioners and employee claims for pension entitlements.

The proposed legislation would also amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 to require the annual tabling of a report on the solvency of pension plans.

The current wording of the proposed legislation proposes to accomplish pension security for retirees by amending existing legislation to deal with deficiencies of pension plans as follows:

  • BIA section 60(1.‍5)‍(a)‍, is the section that deals with employers trying to restructure through a BIA restructuring proposal. It already states that any pension amounts deducted from employees that were not paid into the pension fund must be in order for the court to consider approving the proposal.
  • It will be amended such that the court cannot approve any employer restructuring proposal unless it stipulates that any amount required to make all special payments, as determined by section 9 of the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, that should have been paid to correct any unfunded liability or solvency deficiency will be funded by the employer.
  • It will also be amended so that any amount required to liquidate any other unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of the fund as determined at the time of the filing of the notice of intention or of the proposal if no notice of intention was filed, will be included.
  • BIA sections 81.5 and 81.6, are the sections that deal with the event of bankruptcy proceedings and receivership proceedings. They will similarly be amended.
  • CCAA section 5, which deals with the employer company with a pension plan, will be amended the same as the proposed amendments to the BIA. This will state that if the company participates in a prescribed pension plan for the benefit of its employees, the court may not sanction a compromise or arrangement unless there are the same provisions stated above to protect the interests of the employees.
  • The Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 will be amended to require greater annual report requirements on the solvency of pension funds and their success in meeting funding requirements, and the corrective measures taken or directed to be taken by the Superintendent of Financial Institutions to deal with any pension plan not meeting the funding requirements.

As indicated above, there appears to be enough momentum for Bill C-228 to get through the Senate and ultimately receive Royal Assent to become an Act of Parliament. This will no doubt be a major change to bankruptcy protection insolvency proceedings in Canada relating to benefit plans if it becomes the new law dealing with pension plan deficits.

We will have to see if this Bill becomes law, once implemented and if there will be any unintended consequences. Time will tell if these changes will not have negative consequences on corporate restructuring and advisory, preventing what previously would have been successful restructurings of Canadian businesses, albeit on the backs of hard-working Canadians being the employees and retirees.

No doubt the insolvency community and the lending community will have to adjust to the new business environment. I will provide you with updates as they occur.

Bill C-228
Bill C-228 An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

Bill C-228 transition period

The Bill, if passed, would introduce a four-year transition period between its implementation and the implementation of the proposed amendments. My guess is that such a long transition period has been established for two main reasons:

  1. to allow companies who currently are behind in their defined pension benefit payments to catch up; and
  2. to allow the lending community to try to figure out how they are going to adjust their commercial lending practices in this new reality.

Bill C-228: Pension reform to insolvency

I hope you enjoyed this Bill C-228 An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns of businesses and people facing a mountain of unsecured claims and financial liabilities. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Bill C-228
Bill C-228 An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985


Brandon Blog Post


Receivership in Canada: What does receivership mean?

I have just read a decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Commerical List dealing with an important aspect of receivership in Canada. The case is concerned with what happens when two equally applicable provincial laws appear to be working at cross purposes in the context of the receivership in Canada process.

I will explain the case and the process of company receivership in Canada. By understanding the process, the case will make more sense.

Secured lenders may enforce their security to recover loans from borrowers who have defaulted. This remedy available to secured creditors when a borrower, usually a company defaults, is known as receivership.

What does going into receivership in Canada mean?

A receivership is a legal process available to secured creditors, whereby a company’s affairs, business and property are entrusted to a receiver to manage and eventually sell the assets. Secured lenders may enforce their security to recover loans from borrowers who have defaulted. This remedy available to secured creditors is known as receivership.

If a business debtor does not make payments or otherwise defaults on a secured loan, the secured creditor would have the right to appoint a receiver to collect the money owed. Before appointing a receiver, a secured creditor must first issue a “Section 244” notice of intention to enforce security. This is a notification that secured creditors must send to defaulting debtors before appointing a receiver. Section 244 refers to that section number in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

The notice states that the security covers certain assets, that the company in default owes a specified amount to the secured creditor, and that the creditor may enforce the security after 10 days. The company in default may waive the notice period and consent to the appointment of the receiver.

Under the BIA, only a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) can be a receiver. No other party is licensed to administer a receivership in Canada.

receivership in canada
receivership in canada

Receivership in Canada: What is the difference between a court-appointed receiver and a privately appointed receiver?

A privately-appointed receiver is a licensed trustee who is appointed by a contract between the insolvency trustee and the secured creditor. A private receiver is typically used when there is no dispute to ranking among secured creditors or various claims to ownership of the company’s assets. The powers of a receiver listed in the security document give the privately appointed receiver more limited powers than a court-appointed receiver gets under a court order.

A receiver is court-appointed when the secured creditor makes an application to the court for the appointment of a receiver with more expanded powers. Like a privately-appointed receiver, a court-appointed receiver takes control of a company’s property because of financial distress and when there is a dispute among secured creditors and others as to the ranking of secured claims and ownership of property.

Both kinds of receivers are tasked with protecting and preserving the value of the company or property and are certainly given broader powers by the court to do so.

How is receivership in Canada different from bankruptcy proceedings?

Many people mistakenly use the terms “receivership” and “bankruptcy” interchangeably. However, bankruptcy and receivership are two distinct legal proceedings with different implications.

Bankruptcy vs. receivership can be confusing, but once you understand the key differences between the two, it is fairly straightforward. Whether it is a private appointment or a court-appointed receiver, the differences between bankruptcy and receivership in Canada are the same.

A receivership is a legal remedy available to secured creditors to enforce their security rights against a defaulting debtor. A receiver is appointed to manage the debtor’s property and assets and sell them under a properly run and fair sales process.

The Canadian bankruptcy process is a distinct legal process. An insolvency trustee does not represent secured creditors in bankruptcy proceedings. Instead, under the bankruptcy regime, they represent the unsecured creditors of the bankrupt estate. A corporate debtor may be subject to both bankruptcy and receivership proceedings simultaneously.

One of the major differences has to do with the creditors. In a bankruptcy administration, the bankruptcy trustee must call a meeting of creditors. This is where the insolvency trustee provides its report on the affairs and conduct of the bankrupt debtor and unsecured creditors get to vote on any matters of importance. In receivership, there is no such requirement to hold a meeting of creditors.

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receivership in canada

What are the key distinctions between receivership in Canada and liquidation?

So you know what receivership is by now. The federal BIA doesn’t govern liquidation, that’s done under the provincial Business Corporations Act or Wind-Up Act.

A liquidation is for a solvent company where the shareholders, Officers and directors decide to cease business operations. The company puts up its assets for sale and uses the proceeds to pay off its creditors with cash. Any funds left over are then distributed to the shareholders.

A liquidator can be appointed either privately by the company’s directors or by a court order. Liquidation is therefore different from both bankruptcy and receivership in Canada.

Can individuals be placed into receivership in Canada?

The answer is yes. When a secured creditor wishes to take enforcement action upon the security agreement they have against a debtor’s property, as indicated above, they have the remedy of receivership in Canada. This remedy allows them to collect as much of their secured debt as possible.

There are no restrictions as to who can go into receivership in Canada. One of our more famous (infamous?) receivership cases over the years has been the receivership of the assets, property and undertaking of Norma and Ronauld Walton.

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receivership in canada

Receivership in Canada: Whose receiver is it anyway?

Now for the court case where two different provincial laws caused a fight amongst secured creditors over the appointment of a receiver. The case is Canadian Equipment Finance and Leasing Inc. v. The Hypoint Company Limited, 2618905 Ontario Limited, 2618909 Ontario Limited, Beverley Rockliffe and Chantal Bock, 2022 ONSC 6186. The two competing provincial statutes are the Mortgages Act and the Personal Property Security Act.

The business is conducted through two affiliated entities. One owns the property and the other operates the business. This is quite a typical arrangement.

One creditor funded the purchase of equipment and took PPSA security over it. Another creditor funded the acquisition of the real property and has a traditional mortgage security. The security agreements extend over different assets, and the outcome is usually uncomplicated.

However, when equipment that has been purchased is attached to real property, there is disagreement about whether and how it can be removed, and whether such removal will negatively affect the value of both the equipment and the real property. The question is now more complicated: which creditor’s rights should take priority over this matter?

Both the equipment lender and the mortgagee are seeking to enforce their security. The equipment lender has filed a motion with the court to appoint a receiver over both the operating company (Opco) that owns the pledged equipment and the holding company (Holdco) that owns the real estate. This would allow the receiver to manage and sell the assets of both companies in order to repay the outstanding debt.

In this case, Opco was a commercial marijuana operation that was unable to get off the ground due to its heavy debt load and startup problems.

Although the mortgagee began power of sale enforcement proceedings, they do not object to a receiver being appointed over the equipment only. The mortgagee wishes to continue its power of sale proceedings and opposes the receiver being appointed over the building. The mortgagee in possession is of the opinion that the equipment is attached to the building and cannot be removed.

The mortgagee concurred that the court has the power to assign a receiver over the property of both Opco and Holdco according to section 101 of the Ontario Courts of Justice Act. They stated that, if a receiver is appointed, the receiver needs to be a firm chosen by them.

Both the licensed insolvency trustee firm preferred by the mortgagee and the firm nominated by the equipment lender filed a consent to act with the court.

What are the conditions under which a receiver may be appointed?

The court looked at numerous factors in order to make a decision on whether or not to appoint a receiver, and if so, which one, including those that have historically in receivership in Canada cases been taken into account in such determinations:

  1. Although it is not essential for a creditor to establish irreparable harm if a receiver is not appointed where the appointment is authorized by the security documentation, the court considered if no order is made, will irreparable harm be caused?
  2. The size of the debtor company’s equity in the assets and the need for protection or safeguarding of assets during litigation are important factors to consider when assessing the risk to the security holder.
  3. The kind of property it is.
  4. The potential for the assets to be wasted or dissipated.
  5. The need to safeguard the property until a legal ruling is made.
  6. The parties’ respective balance of convenience needs to be considered when making the decision.
  7. Pursuant to the loan documentation, the creditor has the right to an appointment.
  8. Enforcing the security instrument when the security holder experiences or anticipates difficulties with the debtor.
  9. The principle of appointing a receiver should be approached with caution.
  10. The court will determine whether appointing a receiver is necessary to enable the receiver to carry out its duties efficiently.
  11. The effect a receivership order will have on the parties.
  12. The parties’ conduct.
  13. How long a receivership may last.
  14. The financial impact on the parties.
  15. The likelihood of maximizing return to the parties is increased.
  16. The goal of ensuring the smooth running of the receiver’s duties.

As everyone agreed that all assets of both Opco and Holdco should be sold to maximize recovery for all creditors, but cannot agree on the process by which that should be undertaken, resulting in the entire process being stalled, the judge was satisfied that it is just and convenient to appoint a receiver.

The court found that either proposed receiver was acceptable and decided that the receiver nominated by the mortgagee would be appointed by the court to administer all assets. The receiver would eventually come back to court with a sales plan to maximize the value of all the assets subject to the security of all stakeholders.

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receivership in canada

How the entrepreneur can avoid receivership in Canada

As a business owner, the way to avoid the receivership process is long before financial difficulties ever become serious financial problems. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  • Keep a close eye on your finances. This means regularly reviewing your income and expenses, and making sure you have a good handle on your cash flow.
  • Stay current on your bills. This includes not only making timely payments but also staying on top of any changes in your billing terms or amounts.
  • Keep good records. This means having up-to-date financial statements and documentation for all of your income and expenses.
  • Make a plan. If you do find yourself in a financial bind, have a plan in place for how you’ll get out of it. This may include negotiating with creditors, seeking new financing, or making cuts to your expenses.
  • Seek professional help from a licensed insolvency trustee with commercial insolvency experience. If your business is viable and you seek help early enough, there may be many options. The most common ones are refinancing with or without financial restructuring. Reviewing your business allows us to make restructuring recommendations allowing your viable company to become healthy and profitable once again.

Receivership in Canada summary & speak with a licensed insolvency trustee

I hope you enjoyed this receivership in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

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receivership in canada



Brandon Blog Post


Insolvency for business including business bankruptcies

In the last two Brandon’s Blogs, I wrote about personal bankruptcy. The topic was the class of debts not released by a person’s discharge from personal bankruptcy. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss insolvency for business, and specifically, business bankruptcies, as a result of the recent report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).

If a business is incapable to pay its financial obligations as they come due, it might deal with some negative effects, including legal action. However, this does not have to damage a business’s credibility forever, if management is prepared to take the required corrective activity before it is far too late.

If a business that is unable to pay its debts cannot turn itself around, it may be forced to declare business bankruptcies, which can have a devastating impact on the business and its employees.

What will happen to the company if it is insolvent?

If your company is financially troubled, it may need to assign itself into bankruptcy. Nonetheless, business bankruptcies are not always the automatic result of being insolvent. If your business is experiencing financial problems, it is essential to speak to a bankruptcy lawyer or a licensed insolvency trustee to review all of your realistic choices. Bankruptcy should be the last choice when nothing else will work.

Case in point, the recent report issued by the CFIB on small business insolvency says that its survey finds that only 10% of business owners would certainly declare bankruptcy if they were to shut down completely.

The CFIB report is meant to give a more comprehensive view of Canadian business insolvencies (bankruptcies + proposals). The data indicates that the number of businesses filing for bankruptcy has been on the rise and is now at the highest level of business insolvencies in two years.

As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian small businesses face a number of challenges in returning to normal operations, including debt from necessary pivots, increased costs of doing business and trouble finding employees to work.

The CFIB study found that half of the businesses (54%) are still seeing below-normal revenues, and over 60% are carrying unpaid debt from the pandemic. Small businesses are under significant financial pressure, with little room to maneuver.

Insolvency fears among Canadian small businesses are alarmingly high, and the true scope of the problem may be even greater than what is reflected in official statistics. Business owners have a range of options available to them when faced with financial difficulties, and bankruptcy is only one of these.

The CFIB recently released report details the different ways the surveyed small businesses in Canada said they would take if they had to shut down as follows:

  • 46% – Just ceasing all operations permanently.
  • 27% – Selling or transferring ownership to another party.
  • 10% – Filing for business bankruptcies or business bankruptcy protection.
  • 10% – Unsure at this time.
  • 7% – Exploring all options.

Interestingly enough, recapitalizing the legal entity or taking on more business debt by way of loans was not one of the answers. That should tell you how tapped-out Canadian small business shareholders are and that the businesses have no borrowing base room left on their assets to increase their bank borrowings.

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business bankruptcies

Business bankruptcies: The insolvency of a business – First steps

The first step for the Directors is to consult with a business bankruptcy attorney/lawyer and a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (sometimes referred to as “Trustee”). The lawyer can confidentially discuss the situation with the Directors and develop a proposed plan to deal with the situation.

The licensed insolvency trustee will review the company’s financial position and proposed game plan, and consider all options available to the company and its Directors. In Canada, the only party licensed to run the administration of bankruptcy, or any formal insolvency process, is a licensed insolvency trustee.

The licensed insolvency trustee will want to understand fully the company’s assets and liabilities. With a clear understanding of the company’s financial status, the Trustee can explain how best to implement the plan to either restructure or liquidate the company. If necessary, the Trustee can tweak the game plan.

The next question is whether the business is viable. Does it produce goods or services that are still in demand in the marketplace? If not, one option to consider is selling the business to another company that has complementary lines of business. Would the business fit in neatly with the buyer’s existing operations?

Could it perhaps be integrated in some way that would make your standalone business, which is not currently viable, become viable? Keep in mind for this to be an option, the company would need to have a solvent business.

If you can’t sell your unprofitable but still solvent company, you could always explore the option of a statutory liquidation. This would involve liquidating all the company assets, paying off any outstanding liabilities, and then distributing the remaining amount to shareholders.

Companies under business bankruptcy protection

If your business is struggling financially but still has potential, you may be able to restructure it through business bankruptcy protection. In Canada, there are two main possible federal statutes to restructure under; (i) the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada); and (ii) the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. One of these restructuring legal proceedings is an alternative to business bankruptcies.

A proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”)

The BIA is the canadian bankruptcy legislation containing all the rules and regulations in Canada’s bankruptcy regime. However, it also includes bankruptcy options such as a Division I Proposal for debtors who owe more than $250,000. This kind of financial restructuring allows the company to remain in business while it restructures. The essence of a BIA Proposal restructuring is that the company is offering a contract to its unsecured creditors to pay less than the total it owes those unsecured creditors in return for eliminating all of its unsecured debt.

To ensure that the company can successfully implement a proposal and pay its post-filing debts, the licensed insolvency trustee will need to be satisfied that all relevant information has been obtained and that the company has a good chance of success. The company’s cash flow will need to be monitored to ensure that it is sufficient to run the business and pay for the goods and services it needs going forward.

The Trustee will send all known creditors a copy of the proposal, a portion of the company’s statement of affairs listing the company’s assets and liabilities, a list of creditors, a proof of claim form, a voting letter and the Trustee’s report providing additional information and the Trustee’s recommendation.

The meeting of creditors is then held and if the proposal is accepted by the required majority of unsecured creditors, the licensed insolvency trustee takes the proposal documentation to Court for approval. If the proposal is accepted by creditors and approved by the court, the company is now bound by the proposal.

If the companies successfully complete their financial restructuring proposal, they will avoid business bankruptcies. However, if the company fails to get creditor or court approval, or fails to successfully complete the proposal, it will automatically go into bankruptcy under the BIA.

Financial restructuring under a Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) plan of arrangement

Restructuring through a CCAA plan of arrangement is a financial restructuring process that provides companies with a way to restructure their debts and other obligations. This process can help companies to avoid the business bankruptcy process and to continue operating while they repay their creditors. It is very similar to a BIA proposal. The main difference is that it is only for companies with debts of $5 million or more, it is much more court-time intensive and there is no automatic business bankruptcy provision. In a CCAA, the licensed insolvency trustee acts as a monitor under the CCAA to administer the restructuring process.

When you hear when a company files for protection, or bankruptcy protection, in Canada it is usually under the CCAA. In the United States, it is under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code.

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business bankruptcies

Licensed insolvency trustees say if companies are insolvent and not viable the best option may be business bankruptcies

We still want to know if the business is viable when it is insolvent. If it is viable, then we could look at doing a restructuring as outlined above. After the company is restructured, we could either keep running it or look to sell it. If there are impediments to a successful restructuring, the approach we take even through business bankruptcies will be different than if it is not a viable business model any longer.

If the business is not viable and insolvent, then there is not much that can be done. The business is financially unhealthy and the marketplace no longer wants the product or service this business provides. Therefore, we are looking at bankruptcy if there is not a secured creditor who is going to enforce their security through a receivership. Receivership is a whole topic unto itself which is for a different day.

As a licensed insolvency trustee, I am responsible for understanding all the issues in business bankruptcies and preparing the necessary documentation for limited companies to assign themselves to business bankruptcies. A meeting of directors must be called for them to resolve that the company should put its business into bankruptcy and appoint one of the directors to be the designated officer.

The officer designated by the board should be the director with the most intimate knowledge of the company’s affairs. This officer will sign the bankruptcy documentation and be the company’s representative at the first meeting of creditors.

The Trustee attends the director’s meeting and prepares the meeting minutes, or the minutes will be prepared by the directors and provided to the Trustee. Then, the licensed insolvency trustee prepares the bankruptcy documents which include the statement of affairs, which is the listing of assets and liabilities, names addresses and amounts owing to each creditor. The designated officer then attests to the truthfulness of the information and signs it all.

The companies are insolvent and have to go into business bankruptcies

The Trustee files the necessary documentation with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who issues a certificate of bankruptcy and appoints the Trustee. That’s when a company is officially entered into the bankruptcy process and the bankruptcy proceedings begin. This is the process of a company filing an assignment into bankruptcy.

So in a commercial bankruptcy administration, the Trustee has several responsibilities. The Trustee has to deal with the assets. The Trustee has to first determine are the assets subject to the security of a lender. Is that lender’s security good and valid?

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business bankruptcies

What happens when the certificate is issued for business bankruptcies?

If every one of the assets is covered by a lender’s valid security which makes the security cover the assets in priority to the rights of a Trustee, then the bankruptcy trustee would not take steps to handle the company’s secured assets unless the secured lender particularly requests the Trustee to do so separately either as Receiver or Agent of the secured lender.

So let’s simply take the case where in bankrupting the company, the Trustee is handling the assets either due to the fact that they’re not secured or because the secured financial institution wants the Trustee to handle the secured assets within the bankruptcy (which is not normal, but not unheard of either).

The Trustee needs to make certain that the corporate assets are safeguarded, that they’re appropriately insured and that the Trustee has carried out an inventory of those assets.

The Trustee then needs to figure out how is it going to offer those business assets for sale. The Trustee must do a risk-reward analysis to see if it makes good sense for the Trustee to run the business. If so, is the Trustee looking for a sale of assets as a going-concern business sale or just shut down the business and liquidate the assets once the reasons for running the business have been met?

If it doesn’t make sense for the Trustee to run the business, the Trustee will close it down and take a look at the alternatives available. The assets can be sold by public auction, private sale or by tender sale separating the assets up into blocs. If the assets are such that they would attract a retail audience where consumers would pay more than if it was sold in lots to wholesalers, then a retail sale would be the way to go. The nature of the assets will identify what sort of sale of assets the Trustee runs.

Business bankruptcies: How will I know what’s going on?

The Trustee alerts all of the company’s creditors listed in the sworn statement of affairs of the bankruptcy in a mailing. The Trustee includes a proof of claim form so that all creditors can file their claim. The Trustee examines the claims and holds the first meeting of creditors.

After the first meeting, a meeting of inspectors is held. Inspectors are creditor representatives who assist the Trustee in providing approval for the Trustee’s recommendations and actions it wishes to take. This includes any approval of asset sales the Trustee recommends after making an informed decision. Inspectors also need to approve the Trustee’s Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements near the end of the administration of all business bankruptcies.

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business bankruptcies

Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on business bankruptcies. Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? Are you or your company unable to survive the COVID pandemic and its aftermath? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation.

If you would like our free e-Book, “Closing A Business Without Going Bankrupt” CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies
Brandon Blog Post


Undischarged bankrupts: Declaring bankruptcy may not make all of your debts disappear

What? I thought the point of filing bankruptcy was to make all of a person’s debts go away.

For many years, people have used debt repayment strategies such as the debt snowball, debt avalanche and debt stacking to pay off their credit card debts and other unsecured liabilities. Each strategy has its own set of pros and cons in attempting to straighten out your financial affairs.

If you’re struggling with too much debt and you feel your financial affairs are in a mess, you can always try financial restructuring. This involves working with a licensed insolvency trustee to reorganize your finances. It is a sensible next step people take when they’re trying to get their debt under control.

Deciding to file for bankruptcy is never very easy, however, it may be the most effective choice for getting a fresh start to straighten out your financial affairs. If a do-it-yourself or restructuring method is not an option for someone after that bankruptcy will certainly be the required action.

Nobody likes to think of the possibility of personal bankruptcy, yet it is essential to understand the procedure. In this Brandon’s Blog post, I’ll discuss the insolvency process, what limitations are placed on individuals that have actually filed for bankruptcy and are still undischarged bankrupts, and also when in bankruptcy is the time financial obligations are gotten rid of.

Undischarged bankrupts: How bankruptcies work in Canada

The Canadian bankruptcy legislation is designed to help insolvent and not viable companies, or insolvent, honest but unfortunate people, obtain relief. Subject to trust claimants’ rights and the rights of secured creditors, the company or person is assigning all of their unencumbered assets to the licensed insolvency trustee.

After going through bankruptcy and being discharged, most of your debts will be gone. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part, you will be relieved of a great financial burden.

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undischarged bankrupts

Undischarged bankrupts: Are there any debts not forgiven when I get my discharge from bankruptcy?

It’s crucial to remember that once undischarged bankrupts are released from bankruptcy, they are no longer responsible for the financial obligations they had at the time of bankruptcy. The discharge is a key part of this process, and it helps to give individual bankrupts a fresh start.

A bankruptcy discharge provides relief from most debts, except for:

  • support payments for a former spouse or your children;
  • penalties and fines assessed by the court;
  • any financial debts resulting from fraud or fraudulent breach of trust; and
  • student loans within the last seven years before your date of bankruptcy while you were a part-time or full-time student.

Additionally, the debts owing to secured creditors holding valid security fall outside of the bankruptcy process. Those secured loans must stay current or else the secured creditor can look to the default provisions of its loan in order to preserve their rights to collect.

Problems for undischarged bankrupts – What are the consequences of a bankrupt not being discharged?

The implications of not being discharged from bankruptcy are significant for undischarged bankrupts.

Being unable to obtain credit

If you are bankrupt (i.e., not discharged from bankruptcy), you may only borrow $1,000 or less without informing the lender (e.g., credit card company) that you are an undischarged bankrupt. If you fail to do this, it is an offence under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada (BIA) and you could be fined and/or imprisoned.

Being unable to work in certain jobs or professions

Undischarged bankrupts in Canada, will not be able to work in certain jobs or professions. Examples are:

  • If possible employment requires you to pass a security clearance, you may not be able to pass it. If you cannot pass, then you will not be hired.
  • As someone who is not yet discharged from bankruptcy, you are not able to serve as a Director of a company.
  • You cannot operate a trust account so that is a problem for certain professions such as real estate brokerage or lawyer.
  • If you’re bankrupt and haven’t been discharged, you won’t be able to get bonded. So any jobs that require that are out of the question.

How long the information lasts on your credit report

The six to seven years AFTER your bankruptcy discharge that your bankruptcy information stays on your credit file is like a stain that just won’t come out. For undischarged bankrupts, the clock hasn’t even started ticking yet. Your credit score is negatively affected for anyone who goes bankrupt, especially for undischarged bankrupts.

Being subject to certain restrictions in relation to their property and finances

While you are an undischarged bankrupt, your property and finances are in play.

While you are an undischarged bankrupt, your property and finances are up for grabs! You cannot have any assets other than those allowed for by the exemptions allowed in the province where you live. So if you acquire any before your discharge from bankruptcy, they belong to your licensed insolvency trustee!

The most often cited examples are things that are out of your control, such as a windfall, like winning the lottery or getting an inheritance.

An undischarged bankrupt may be subject to having to make surplus income payments to their licensed insolvency trustee. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada sets a minimum threshold in bankruptcy proceedings based on the person’s family income and the number of people in the household. That minimum threshold is essentially the Canadian poverty line. Any monthly income earned by an undischarged bankrupt above that minimum threshold set is subject to surplus income payments.

Essentially, one-half of the person’s monthly income, net of income tax, above the minimum, must be paid over. A licensed insolvency trustee administering the personal bankruptcy must recalculate the person’s obligation to pay, up or down, as the person’s income changes. The longer you remain an undischarged bankrupt, the longer your ability to keep all that you earn is restricted.

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undischarged bankrupts

What is the meaning of undischarged bankrupts?

As soon as you declare personal bankruptcy, the individual bankrupt’s status is that of an undischarged bankrupt. People that have actually not yet gotten their discharge from personal bankruptcy are called undischarged bankrupts.

How does an individual bankrupt person get their discharge? By completing all of the required duties, including making full disclosure of all assets and liabilities to the licensed insolvency trustee and delivering non-exempt assets to the Trustee. You are expected to attend the two mandatory counselling sessions and any other meetings that may be called.

You are entitled to an automatic discharge after 9 months if you are a first-time bankrupt and do not need to pay surplus income. This assumes that you have met all of your obligations as an undischarged bankrupt, fully cooperated with the licensed insolvency trustee and that no creditor is opposing your discharge.

If you are a first-time bankrupt and subject to surplus income, you must pay it for 21 months before you are entitled to a discharge. Longer timelines apply if you are a second or more time bankrupt.

Suppose the Trustee has evidence that the bankrupt has not been forthcoming and cooperative, or has committed one or more bankruptcy offences. In that case, the Trustee needs to oppose the bankrupt’s application for discharge. Such undischarged bankrupts are not entitled to an automatic discharge. Unsecured creditors who have filed a proof of claim in the person’s bankruptcy on account of their unsecured liabilities may also object.

If your income tax debt is equal to or more than $200,000 and 75% or more of your total debt, you are not entitled to an automatic discharge either. If you have been bankrupt before, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada may object. This would happen if they believe the person is abusing the Canadian bankruptcy system.

If you’re a secured creditor, you’re usually not affected by bankruptcy. That’s because bankruptcy is designed to help unsecured creditors with unsecured liabilities, not creditors who have a security interest in some or all of the bankrupt debtor’s assets. Secured creditors have the right to enforce their security, take possession of the asset(s) covered under the security, sell the asset(s) and get paid back all or a portion of their secured debt. Secured creditors who are not repaid in full after the sale of the secured asset(s), can file a claim in the person’s bankruptcy as an unsecured creditor for the unpaid unsecured liabilities.

Undischarged Bankrupts in Canada – Your Options

The Trustee is only responsible for filing an undischarged bankrupt’s application for discharge once in the bankruptcy proceedings. The system requires that the Trustee make the first application on their behalf. It is ultimately the responsibility of the bankrupt person to ensure that their application is filed.

If either the Trustee or one or more unsecured creditors oppose your application for discharge, the matter will need to go to a hearing in bankruptcy court. This will essentially put a hold on the bankruptcy proceedings until the court hearing.

Undischarged bankrupts are never sure what to do next. This is understandable, so, here are a few options to consider:

1. Contact your Trustee – They’ll be able to help you understand your options and what’s best for your situation. You’ll need to speak to your licensed insolvency trustee to find out why they’re opposing your discharge. It might be something as simple as not having had your second counselling session yet, or forgetting to give the Trustee some information or a document.

If the Trustee or creditor opposes your discharge for any reason, it may be more difficult to remedy the situation, but the best place to start is by talking to the Trustee and getting a copy of any notice of opposition filed.

This way, undischarged bankrupts can understand the issues preventing them from getting an automatic discharge from bankruptcy.

2. Get in touch with a bankruptcy lawyer – They can give you more specific advice about your options and what might be the best course of action for you. Undischarged bankruptcy may need to retain a bankruptcy lawyer for advice and representation in court.

3. File a consumer proposal – this is another option that might be available to you, depending on your circumstances. A consumer proposal filed by a bankrupt person that makes a sufficient offer to the unsecured creditors that is accepted and fully performed acts to annul the person’s bankruptcy. By doing this, the need for a bankruptcy discharge hearing is eliminated.

undischarged bankrupts
undischarged bankrupts

You owe money—The 5 types of bankruptcy discharges available to undischarged bankrupts

Automatic discharge from bankruptcy –

After you file for bankruptcy, you will be automatically discharged nine months later from your bankruptcy proceedings if:

  • this is the first time you were ever bankrupt;
  • unless your trustee, creditors, or the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy oppose it;
  • you have gone to your 2 mandatory counselling sessions;
  • your income tax debt is less than $200,000 and less than 75% of your total debt; and
  • you have not been told to pay surplus income to the bankruptcy estate.

If you do have to make payments, and you qualify for an automatic discharge, you will get it after 21 months of payments.

If this is your 2nd bankruptcy, after 24 months of bankruptcy, you may be eligible for an automatic discharge if you don’t have to make payments of surplus income.

If you need to pay surplus income and are bankrupt for the second time, you must pay this money to your Trustee for 36 months. After that, you qualify to be automatically discharged.

If you do not get an automatic discharge, then you are required to attend a bankruptcy court hearing to consider all the evidence to decide what type of discharge you are entitled to. The court has various options available.

Absolute order of discharge –

As part of the bankruptcy proceedings, there are many factors the bankruptcy court will consider when you apply for discharge. Some of these may include:

  • What was your conduct before and during bankruptcy, as set out in the Trustee’s Section 170 Report?
  • Did you attend the financial counselling sessions and pay any required surplus income to the Trustee for your creditors as agreed?
  • How much do you earn annually?
  • Do you have any assets that are exempt from seizure (such as RRSPs)?
  • Do you have just one creditor, such as the Canada Revenue Agency or a litigation creditor?

The court will issue an absolute order of discharge if it is satisfied that there are no factors that would disqualify you from receiving your bankruptcy discharge immediately.

Conditional order of discharge –

If the court feels that your discharge should be conditional on you meeting certain conditions to obtain an absolute discharge, the court will order a conditional discharge.

This usually involves paying a certain amount of money over a set period of time. The court may also impose other conditions. Once you’ve met all the conditions, you’ll be given an absolute discharge.

Suspended order of discharge –

A suspended discharge is one that delays the absolute discharge to a later date. It can also be combined with a conditional order of discharge.

Refused discharge –

If the evidence demonstrates that the bankrupt individual is taking advantage of the bankruptcy process, has not worked cooperatively with the licensed insolvency trustee, or their conduct is deemed unacceptable, the court can refuse to grant a discharge.

In this instance, undischarged bankrupts must take measures to improve the situation before being able to apply again to court to hear the bankrupt’s application for discharge.

Undischarged bankrupts summary

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on undischarged bankrupts. Are you in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation.

undischarged bankrupts
undischarged bankrupts
Brandon Blog Post


What does an insolvency trustee do?

In simple terms, the only professional who can help you with a government-regulated insolvency proceeding that may allow you to be discharged from your debt is an insolvency trustee. This may be the best solution for individuals with significant financial difficulties.

An insolvency trustee is responsible for carrying out the administration of an insolvency file in accordance with the requirements of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The insolvency trustee is responsible for ensuring that both creditors and the public interest are protected during the debt relief options of bankruptcy, consumer proposal, or Division I proposal process. This includes ensuring that assets are properly managed, sold and the cash distributed and that the bankruptcy or insolvency process is carried out in a fair and orderly manner.

A licensed insolvency trustee is federally regulated

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) licenses and provides ongoing oversight for insolvency trustees, who must adhere to federal standards of practice, including the Code of Ethics for Trustees.

If you have a problem with a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) that you can’t solve, you can file a complaint with the OSB. Your complaint will be reviewed and assessed. You may even want to consider taking legal action against the insolvency trustee if your situation is extreme.

Section 215 of the BIA states:

“Except by leave of the court, no action lies against the Superintendent, an official receiver, an interim receiver or a trustee with respect to any report made under, or any action taken pursuant to, this Act.”

The BIA recognizes that a party may have a legitimate grievance against an insolvency trustee for something that was done or not done during a bankruptcy administration. The BIA tries to balance the need to protect legitimate claims against the Trustee with the need to prevent parties from using the threat of litigation to gain leverage.

insolvency trustee

Who is a person of insolvency?

The above is an introduction to today’s insolvency trustee Brandon’s Blog. In June of last year, I wrote about this bankrupt person in the blog TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY: CERTAIN ACTIONS AGAINST TRUSTEE CAN BE UNLEASHED WITHOUT FIRST REQUIRING COURT PERMISSION. That Brandon Blog dealt with a decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

The person of this insolvency was a serial bankrupt, filing bankruptcy four times in 12 years: 2004, 2006, 2011, and 2016. Each time he used the same insolvency trustee. He operated a sole proprietorship painting business. So technically, each time he went bankrupt, a new sole proprietorship began.

The plaintiff alleges that the licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) was negligent, committed fraud, breached their fiduciary duty, and was unjustly enriched, starting with the confidential consultation and throughout each personal bankruptcy administration. The bankrupt discovered during his 4th bankruptcy that his former spouse had misappropriated substantial sums from his business between 2003 and 2018. Ultimately, he determined that the amount of the misappropriations was approximately $206,000.

The bankrupt’s fourth bankruptcy was annulled by filing a consumer proposal with a different insolvency trustee that was accepted by his creditors. He and his current spouse then commenced an action not against the corporate licensed insolvency trustee of record who handled all four bankruptcies, but rather against the person, who is a licensed insolvency trustee, who carried out the individual bankruptcy processes.

The bankrupt person and his new spouse are seeking relief against the individual as though he were the Trustee of record. The central allegation is that he, as the “Licensed Insolvency Trustee” providing bankruptcy services for each of the bankruptcies, ought to have detected the misappropriations and, once told about them, he should have sued the former spouse. So they are blaming the Trustee for the bankrupt businesses with debt problems!

The plaintiff went to court to determine whether they needed the court’s permission to proceed with their case under section 215 of the BIA against the bankrupt person’s insolvency trustee. The plaintiff believed they did not need permission, but if they did, they should be granted it. The defendant Trustee argued that permission was needed and should not be granted. The judge ruled that the plaintiff does not need to get permission from the court to start this legal process.

Insolvency trustee appeals lower court decision

On July 13, 2022, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its decision of the three appellate judge panel on the insolvency trustee‘s appeal of the lower court decision. The OSB obtained intervener status and was represented by legal counsel on the appeal. The OSB supported the insolvency trustee‘s position.

The motion judge, sitting in the bankruptcy court, determined that permission was not required under s. 215 to commence the legal action. However, she expressly did not determine whether, if permission were required, it should be granted. Therefore, she did not address whether the person’s status as an undischarged bankrupt would impact the decision.

The motion judge found that the litigation did not require permission under section 215 for two reasons:

  1. she believed that actions against trustees in their personal capacity do not require permission; and
  2. she found that actions that allege omissions do not require such permission.insolvency trustee

Is the appeal as of right, and if not, should leave to appeal be granted?

The Court of Appeal for Ontario first had to decide if the licensed insolvency trustee has an automatic right to appeal the lower court decision and if not, should leave to appeal be granted?

The appellate court stated that it would be willing to grant leave to appeal because the proposed appeal, falls within the proper scope of section 215 of the BIA for 3 reasons:

  1. This case raises an important issue – the circumstances in which an insolvency trustee can be sued without leave of the court – that is of general importance to the practice in bankruptcy/insolvency matters.
  2. The case is prima facie meritorious.
  3. The appeal would not unduly hinder the progress of the person’s bankruptcy proceedings.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario, therefore, gave the Trustee the opportunity to appeal the lower court’s decision.

Insolvency trustees and bankrupts are obliged to work with the court

The lower court found that the action did not require leave under section 215 of the BIA. This is because the judge decided it was against the Trustee in a personal capacity. The Trustee was now appealing this decision. The Trustee argued that section 215 of the BIA applies when a director, officer, or employee of the corporate trustee is sued for the Trustee’s conduct, just as it would if the corporate trustee were sued. The appellate court agreed, relying on a decision from the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

The purpose of BIA section 215 is to ensure that the bankruptcy process is not obstructed by the Trustee being hindered by actual or threatened vexatious lawsuits in connection with the administration of the bankruptcy.

In Canada, most licensed insolvency trustees are corporations. The BIA imposes numerous duties on them. A corporate entity can only discharge its duties through its directors, officers and employees. If the scope of section 215 were limited to protecting only the corporate trustee, then Trustees would be unable to properly carry out their duties.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario in this cased determined that this type of distinction between the corporate trustee and its staff would contravene the clearly expressed will of Parliament as evidenced by the statutory language. To allow such would be to subvert the fundamental purpose of section 215.

The key question in determining whether s. 215 applies is whether the connection contemplated by the section is present. This question is answered by examining the relationship between the alleged wrongdoing complained of in the Action and the role of a trustee. The appellate court looked at the proposed action by the bankrupt person and his current spouse and saw that there was the required connection. Therefore the Court of Appeal for Ontario agreed with the position of the Trustee and the intervener in finding that section 215 does apply in this case.

The other reason the motion judge came to her conclusion was that the action also alleged omissions. The lower court judge determined that a claim for omissions is not covered by section 215. The appellants and the intervener argued that action may fall outside of section 215 only when the crux of the action is the failure to do something expressly and specifically required by the BIA.

The common law claims here arise from alleged failures to act, rather than from failures to do something specifically and expressly required by the BIA. The Court of Appeal believes that section 215 applies to this action, and the motion judge was incorrect in concluding otherwise.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario sent this case back down to the bankruptcy court to decide whether the former bankrupt and his current wife should be allowed to sue the Trustee.insolvency trustee

What you need to know about LITs

Neither myself nor my firm has any kind of involvement in this issue. I have not read any of the pleadings in this action. I wish to be clear with you and let you know, based only on the information available to the public from the court decisions, what I would certainly have done in carrying out the personal bankruptcies if I was the Trustee.

If you’re experiencing financial difficulties and are considering insolvency, the first step is to consult with an insolvency trustee. During this consultation, the Trustee will collect information about your financial affairs and make recommendations about the best course of action for you.

The individual conducting the assessment must inquire about the debtor’s property and financial affairs. They shall prepare a statement of the debtor’s financial affairs, including their assets and liabilities, based on the information obtained from the debtor.

It is also necessary to get a clear and up-to-date monthly income and expenditure statement, which details all income (gross and net), all expenditures (including special needs, alimony, support or maintenance payments, and medical and prescription expenses). The debtor must also be prompted to provide information on all transfers under value they may have made concerning their assets.

There are a few options available to debtors who are struggling financially and looking to improve their financial situation. These debt relief programs include:

  • non-legislative debt solutions such as debt consolidation or financial counselling sessions performed by credit counselling agencies (insolvency trustees must provide two mandatory credit counselling sessions with the debtor as part of either a proposal or bankruptcy);
  • consumer proposals under Division II of the BIA;
  • a proposal under Division I of the BIA for those that do not qualify for a consumer proposal; and
  • as a last resort, bankruptcy.

What are the duties of an insolvency trustee?

Each debt management plan option has different rights and responsibilities for both the debtor and the creditors. It’s important for the debtor to understand all of the available debt management solutions. I would discuss each one with the debtor and help them choose the one that would be the best for their individual situation. In this particular case, I would want to drill down with the debtor to have him identify the causes of their insolvency. This inevitably would lead to a discussion with this debtor as to why his business seems to be losing so much money every year.

In order to fulfill my duties, I would want to drill down with the debtor to have him identify the causes of their insolvency. This inevitably would lead to a discussion with this debtor as to why his business seems to be losing so much money every year. If the debtor had been able to afford the monthly payments for a consumer proposal to annul his fourth bankruptcy using a different Trustee, could he have avoided filing for bankruptcy a fourth time altogether? I don’t have enough information to know the answer to that question.

I am required to review the bankrupt’s banking transactions for the 12 months prior to the date of bankruptcy as a Trustee. I am looking for any large or unusual transactions, especially large amounts of cash being paid to relatives or friends. This is important in bankruptcy proceedings because the Trustee has a duty to keep creditors updated on any legal proceedings, reviewable transactions, and preference payments. The Trustee needs to consider taking action against anyone to recover funds or, at the very least, opposing the bankrupt’s absolute discharge.

This review is only possible if the bankrupt has accurate records. In this case, if the bankrupt had the records and I reviewed them, I would have either found or not found any unusual transactions. If I did the review, it may have uncovered the alleged fraud.

The former bankrupt claims that the insolvency trustee should have sued the former wife for taking cash out of his business fraudulently. As a Trustee, I must first determine whether there are sufficient funds available to do so. If there are funds available, I must then carefully consider whether pursuing legal action is in the best interests of the estate.

This also assumes that the Trustee’s lawyer has given the opinion that this is a strong case to pursue. The Trustee must be very cautious because if the case is lost, the Trustee will be responsible for the other party’s legal costs awarded by the court. If the bankruptcy estate has insufficient funds, the Trustee will be held personally responsible. This is not a desirable outcome.

If I had found evidence of the alleged fraud and I either did not have sufficient funds to launch a legal action or I did not think it was a wise use of estate funds, there is one more thing I could do and would have done.

I would write to all known creditors and the bankrupt to advise that there is a potential asset in the form of litigation against the bankrupt’s former wife. However, the Trustee does not have sufficient assets to begin the litigation and as a result, I must refuse to pursue this asset. I would also explain section 38 of the BIA. This section allows creditors to obtain court approval to pursue legal action in their own name. If successful, they are able to keep their costs and the full amount of their claim from the recovery. This could be a great option for creditors who wish to fund the legal action.

If the facts that come out align with my explanation of the steps I would have taken, then my prediction is that the former bankrupt and his current wife will not be successful in persuading the court to allow them to continue their action against the Trustee. I will keep watch.insolvency trustee

The insolvency trustee is here to help you with your problem debt

I understand that you’re struggling with debt and I’m here to help. I am an insolvency trustee and I want to help you find a way to shed your debt, eliminate your challenging debt issues, improve your financial future and get all that stress and worry out of your life, Starting Over Starting Now.

I hope you found this insolvency trustee Brandon’s Blog interesting. Among the many problems that can arise from having too much debt, you may also find yourself in a situation where bankruptcy seems like a realistic option.

If you are dealing with substantial debt challenges and are concerned that bankruptcy may be your only option, call me. I can provide you with debt help.

You are not to blame for your current situation. You have only been taught the old ways of dealing with financial issues, which are no longer effective.

We’re passionate about permanently solving your financial problems with you and getting you or your company out of debt. We offer innovative services and alternatives, and we’ll work with you to develop a personalized preparation for becoming debt-free which does not include bankruptcy. We are committed to helping everyone obtain the relief and financial wellbeing they need and are worthy of.

You are under a lot of pressure. We understand how uncomfortable you are. We will assess your entire situation and develop a new, custom approach that is tailored to you and your specific financial and emotional problems. We will take the burden off of your shoulders and clear away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation.insolvency trustee

Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

What is the purpose of the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act of Canada?

With all the talk of the economy, supply chain problems and the uncertainty of the future these days, it’s no wonder that many people aren’t sure how they will end up when things become “normal” again.

For Canadian people and businesses with too much debt, an insolvency proceeding under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada might just be the answer to getting back to a healthy stress-free life. Notwithstanding that using this federal statute can be a very effective strategy for managing financial difficulties, it is a very scary one that people do not like to talk about.

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada is based on the principle of balancing fairness, equity and a fresh start. A recent court decision in Saskatchewan exemplifies these principles. In this Brandon Blog, I describe a little bit about the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada, explain the court decision and how the court used these principles in reaching its decision.

What is in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada?

Canadian citizens, businesses, and companies who run into financial difficulties can turn to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada for assistance. This federal legislation contains the laws, rules, and guidelines that all involved parties must abide by. It details how different financial options work legally, and defines the roles of the various stakeholders – the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the Licensed Insolvency Trustees, the debtor, and the secured creditors and unsecured creditors (both preferred and ordinary).

Despite the fact that provincial legislation in Canada may overlap or affect stakeholder rights, federal bankruptcy legislation has priority over provincial legislation in insolvency matters. Therefore, provincial governments cannot do indirectly what is prohibited directly. However, there are cases where provincial laws will still apply. The laws surrounding property exemptions and enforcement of court orders differ from province to province and territory to territory. These provincial and territorial regulations continue to apply even under bankruptcy laws.

It is the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada that governs all bankruptcies and proposals (either Division I or consumer proposals) in Canada. Receiverships are also governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada. The Laws of Canada – Bankruptcy and Insolvency, are meant to give the honest but unfortunate debtor, be it a person, business or company, a fresh start in life.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

Growth in consumer proposals and business proposals

A person who files for the personal bankruptcy process submits an assignment in bankruptcy and related documents to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. These documents outline the person’s assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. An insolvent person’s reason for insolvency must also be included in the documents. Individuals typically give the reason for not being able to pay their bills in a timely manner. Consumer proposals require very similar documentation as bankruptcy, except for the assignment in bankruptcy document.

In order to file a Division I Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada, insolvent companies must describe their assets and liabilities and provide a realistic cash flow statement documenting how they intend to operate under the proposed insolvency process. They must also explain how they became insolvent. Personal insolvency is less complex than corporate insolvency.

Despite a long-term decline in individual bankruptcy filings, consumer proposals have gained in popularity among individuals. The decrease in bankruptcy filings and the increase in proposals can be attributed to several different reasons. Under a proposal, a financial reorganization or restructuring is what is done. Bankruptcy is simply a liquidation.

Regardless of whether it is a consumer proposal, a Division I proposal, or bankruptcy, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada governs these proceedings. The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, another federal government statute, governs reorganizations of very large corporations. This is especially true if there are separate insolvent corporations under the corporate umbrella in different countries, requiring foreign proceedings.

Why does one choose a consumer proposal instead of filing for bankruptcy?

A consumer proposal has many advantages over bankruptcy proceedings. By filing a consumer proposal, you’re able to retain the property you own such as your home, car, boat, etc. and extinguish all of your debts while only paying back a portion. A consumer proposal doesn’t require any of those items to be sold, as long as you can afford them with the monthly payment made under the proposal and your other living expenses.

Changing your lifestyle can help you get out of debt more quickly with a consumer proposal. Bankruptcy means losing everything, except for some assets that are exempt under provincial laws. You have equity if you do not fully encumber your assets by way of secured loans from financial institutions, your house, car, boat, furniture, clothing, jewelry, or anything else of value. You can keep this equity in a consumer proposal, but you will lose it in bankruptcy.

The main reason why people should attempt to perform a successful consumer proposal instead of going straight into bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada is because of this. As you will see in the recent court case I am about to describe, if you don’t pay close attention to how you conduct your affairs once you declare bankruptcy, you might be exposed to another minefield even after receiving your discharge.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada case

This judgment of the Registrar in Bankruptcy of the Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan was released on October 6, 2021. It is a relatively simple case, but it described so well the equitable nature of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada.

In this legal process case, there are two unsecured creditors who are the Applicants. They jointly loaned money to an individual debtor, who is now an insolvent debtor and a bankrupt individual on an unsecured basis. They also filed their proof of claim for this debt with the insolvency trustee. They then applied for an order pursuant to s. 69.4 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada lifting the bankruptcy stay that is in effect with regard to the bankrupt.

The purpose of section 69.3 is to prevent bankruptcy creditors from initiating or continuing enforcement proceedings against a bankrupt debtor. In bankruptcy, a creditor has no recourse against the debtor or the debtor’s property, and may not commence, continue, or seek any action for the recovery of money for a claim that is provable in the bankruptcy.

Nevertheless, Section 69.4 allows a court to lift the stay if it decides that the applicant has established that the continued operation of the stay is likely to cause material harm to him or her, or if there are other equitable grounds for lifting the stay.

The case: How the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada works for fairness and equity

The bankruptcy process generally compromises the debt obligation of the bankrupt, resulting in creditor claims run through the bankruptcy claims process. Generally, unsecured creditors lose their right to enforce their types of debts and, as a result, realize less than 100% of their debt. Some creditors do not receive anything from an estate in bankruptcy.

There are two major objectives of bankruptcy (and consumer proposal or commercial proposal) proceedings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada. For one thing, it provides an equitable system for distributing the proceeds from the estate in bankruptcy among the bankrupt’s unsecured creditors. According to the laws Of Canada – bankruptcy and insolvency, unsecured creditors are expected to be treated predictably and fairly. However, it does not guarantee that creditors will receive a dividend in all cases.

Secondly, it is intended to give an honest but unfortunate bankrupt an opportunity to be freed from the crushing burden of debt and receive financial rehabilitation to become a contributing member of society. That is one reason why every person who does an insolvency filing must attend two financial counselling sessions.

In bankruptcy, an automatic stay allows the bankrupt to re-establish himself or herself financially and restart his or her financial affairs so that he or she can meet his or her credit obligations moving forward without being hampered by debt enforcement proceedings.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

The case: Role of unsecured creditors trying to lift the stay of proceedings

The Registrar, in this case, followed the reasoning of a 2001 decision from the Court of Appeal for Ontario. It is far from routine to lift the stay, and therefore the court has to make sure that the reasons for lifting the stay are sound and consistent with the objectives of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada.

In the case of Mcculloch (Re), 2021 SKQB 259 (CanLII), the two creditors were alleging that Ms. Mcculloch induced them to loan her the money on a fraudulent basis. It was their argument that they should be allowed to continue legal action against the bankrupt so that they could prove in a separate court action that the debt was a result of fraud and that, therefore, their claim would survive the bankruptcy and her discharge. In addition, they stated that they would be more severely affected than the commercial creditors if the bankruptcy stay bars them from taking action against McCulloch.

According to the Registrar:

  1. Bankruptcy often disproportionately affects individual creditors over commercial creditors. Generally, creditor relationships are based more on trust than on cost-benefit analysis. When advancing a loan, the commercial creditor such as a credit card company, unpaid suppliers, or a sophisticated secured creditor, generally assesses the risk and determines whether it can absorb the loss in the event of default. Individual lenders do not usually do this.
  2. If this form of prejudice is sufficient to support lifting the stay, other individual creditors may be able to apply to lift the stay merely on the basis of relative disadvantage to individual creditors. Lifting the stay on this basis is inappropriate.
  3. The Trustee objects to this application on the grounds that it will significantly increase the costs of bankruptcy administration at the expense of other creditors. In this case, the Registrar sided with the Trustee.
  4. According to the lawyer representing the bankrupt, the creditors have not established any material prejudice or other equitable grounds for lifting the stay. The Registrar agreed.
  5. Due to the potential cost increases to other creditors, the equities are opposed to lifting the stay.
  6. However, these 2 creditors still have rights in the bankruptcy. The court still has the right to hear their submissions at the discharge hearing. Additionally, they continue to have the right to pursue Ms. McCulloch once the bankruptcy proceedings are over.
  7. At this time, lifting the stay would not benefit the applicants or their creditor claims since during the bankruptcy, Ms. McCulloch’s either the bankruptcy vests her assets in the Trustee for the benefit of the creditors or remain exempt from execution under Saskatchewan law. This disposition of property makes it simply impossible for these creditors to realize much from this stage, prior to the bankrupt’s discharge.
  8. In this case, the equity does not support the court’s exercise of its authority to declare that the bankruptcy stay, established under section 69.3 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada, does not apply to this litigation.

As a result, the Registrar denied the applicant’s request for what they thought was their legal rights in lifting the stay. Clearly, the Registrar was guided by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada‘s aims of fairness and equity to all stakeholders.

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada summary

I hope you enjoyed this Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

What is in the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act?

Canada’s bankruptcy and insolvency laws are governed by two major pieces of federal legislation: the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. Additionally, provincial legislation intersects with the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. During bankruptcy, a debtor can keep certain types of property based on provincial legislation. Details may differ amongst each Canadian province. Provincial governments and territories have their own laws regarding property exemptions, court orders, and debt collection.

The Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (often referred to as the “BIA” or the “Bankruptcy Act“) is a federal government statute that sets out the rules and procedures governing insolvency proceedings in Canada. These rules and procedures will apply to all corporations, individuals and partnerships that are parties to an insolvency filing. The whole point of bankruptcy legislation is to allow the honest but unfortunate debtor to shed themselves of their debts and to allow for the sale of assets or reorganization and refinancing of insolvent persons so that there is also fairness for the different claims of creditors.

Under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), financially troubled corporations are given the opportunity to restructure their affairs in order to avoid bankruptcy. A corporation must have debts of at least $5 million to qualify for the CCAA.

The Canadian insolvency landscape is a complex one, with many different insolvency proceedings being used to deal with many different types of debtors. In this Brandon Blog, I provide an easy beginner’s guide of the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, as a primer into Canadian insolvency legislation and the administration of estates.

This Brandon Blog is not about the nuts and bolts of filing for bankruptcy. Other blogs I have written cover that topic and more. You can use the search function above to search for those Brandon Blog topics.

What is the purpose of the Canadian Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act?

Everyone knows you should do your best to stay out of too much debt, but for many people, it’s an impossible feat. When you’re over your head in debt, you’re having to keep up just to pay the interest on your debt. When you are spending more than you are making, you can’t pay your bills on time, or your assets when liquidated are worth less than your total liabilities, you are insolvent. Insolvency is the main test to see if you, or insolvent companies, qualify to start a bankruptcy process or a formal restructuring process, either under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or the CCAA.

The Bankruptcy Act was designed to help Canadians who find themselves in financial difficulty. It is the main piece of Canadian insolvency legislation that governs bankruptcy proceedings, receivership and personal and corporate restructuring proceedings through consumer proposals and commercial proposals. Commercial proposals are also available for those people with consumer debt levels greater than the amount allowed to qualify for a consumer proposal. All Canadian bankruptcies, proposals and receiverships are governed by the Act. It contains bankruptcy laws, rules and guidelines for all stakeholders: the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (which is part of Industry Canada) the Licensed Insolvency Trustee, the debtor, and the creditors.

canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act
canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act

What options are available under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act?

The Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act provides a number of ways to deal with a financially troubled company or person. Most involve a court-supervised process. The options for a person or business in financial trouble and not able to right themself or itself are:

  • Consumer proposal

It is an offer to your creditors to repay a portion of your unsecured debt obligations in exchange for their elimination (with certain limited exceptions as laid out in the Bankruptcy Act). You can qualify if you owe $250,000 or less, excluding any debts registered against your home, such as mortgage debt or secured home equity line of credit debt.

A person proposes a plan to make monthly payments to the Licensed Trustee acting as the consumer proposal Administrator. The total amount offered to your unsecured creditors must be agreed upon by them. Within 60 months, you must pay off the entire amount accepted. Creditors typically accept a total payment of 25% or less of your total unsecured debt. Individual situations vary, however.

A successfully completed consumer proposal allows the insolvent person to eliminate their debts and avoid an assignment into bankruptcy.

  • Commercial proposal

Commercial proposals are also known as Division I proposals. The reason for this is because it is provided under Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Part III, Division 1 (consumer proposals are found under Part III Division II). An insolvent corporation or person can use it for restructuring proceedings. When a consumer’s debt exceeds the limits of a consumer proposal, a “commercial proposal” would be filed. If a definitive commercial proposal cannot be immediately prepared but the debtor needs to file in order to invoke the stay of proceedings (discussed in the next section), they can get the immediate protection they need by first filing a Notice of Intention To Make A Proposal.

A commercial proposal works in a very similar way to a consumer proposal, except for some differences as follows:

    • A commercial proposal may have various classes of creditors. A consumer proposal normally does not.
    • Unlike for a person, there is no streamlined reorganization process for companies. Therefore, even if its debt is $250,000 or less, a company cannot file a consumer proposal.
    • A meeting of creditors must be held as part of a commercial proposal. If the Official Receiver (being a representative of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy), doesn’t wish to chair the meeting, it can be delegated to the Trustee. A creditor who has filed a valid proof of claim has voting rights. They have the right to vote ahead of the creditors’ meeting by using a voting letter or in person. An official meeting of creditors is only held in a consumer proposal if 25% of the proven creditors’ claims request one.
    • In a consumer proposal, if a meeting is not requested, the consumer proposal is deemed approved and there are no voting rights to be concerned about. If a meeting is requested, then the creditors who attend the meeting can vote by ordinary resolution for the acceptance of the consumer proposal. In a commercial proposal, it is a two-pronged test: 3/4 of the $ value voting AND a majority in the number of those voting.
    • If the commercial proposal is voted down, the person or company is immediately deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy. There is no such automatic bankruptcy if a consumer proposal is not accepted.

As soon as the commercial proposal is accepted by the creditors and approved by the court, the debtor starts making the payments promised in the proposal to the Insolvency Trustee. Once full payment has been made, the trustee in bankruptcy will issue to the person or company their Certificate of Full Performance. At this point, all provable claims, regardless of whether they filed a proof of claim or not.

As part of a successful restructuring process, the Trustee will run a claims process, vet every proof of claim to ensure that they are valid and that only an allowable claim is considered for distribution purposes. The Trustee will then comprise a scheme of distribution in order to distribute the funds promised to the creditors in the commercial proposal.

Restructuring under either the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or CCAA becomes possible for companies with debts greater than $5 million.

  • Receivers and Secured Creditors

Receiverships are remedies for lenders who have loaned money out and taken security over the debtor’s assets. It is most common in Canada for financial institutions to be lenders to Canadian businesses. As long as their loan documents, including the security agreement, allow for it in writing, a secured creditor may appoint a receiver when a debtor defaults on secured debt. Secured creditors and receivers are subject to certain requirements under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

Receivership relies both on provincial laws and federal legislation. The Bankruptcy Act specifies several main requirements for receivership, including:

    • It is not permissible to enforce a security interest on the business assets of an insolvent person unless the secured creditor has given 10 days prior notice in the prescribed form and manner.
    • Only a Licensed Insolvency Trustees (formerly called Trustees in Bankruptcy) can act as a receiver.

The secured creditor can appoint the receiver privately or with court approval.

A private receiver’s primary responsibility is to the secured creditor who appointed it. A court-appointed receiver is an officer of the court who protects the interests of all creditors of the debtor company.

Private receivers usually have from the security documents the power to run the debtor’s business and sell the debtor’s assets through auctions, tenders or private sales.

A court appointment is also preferred over a private appointment when there are significant claims against the debtor or its property as well as litigation or a threat of litigation. It is according to the provincial rules of court and s. 243 of the BIA (National Receiver) that a court may appoint a receiver.

The receivership order normally stays proceedings (discussed below in the next section) against the receiver, the debtor, and its property. In terms of its purpose, it gives the receiver authority to manage the assets of the debtor, to borrow money against the assets to repay a loan, to sell the assets of the debtor with the approval of the court, and to commence and defend litigation on behalf of the debtor. A privately-appointed receiver does not enjoy a stay of proceedings.

  • Bankruptcy

If a personal or commercial restructuring is not possible, then the insolvent person or company has no choice but to file for bankruptcy. The first step in dealing with insolvency is to consult an insolvency trustee. You can learn about the bankruptcy administration process and your legal rights from Trustees in Bankruptcy so you can make an informed decision. A candid discussion about how much you earn, what assets you own, and what types of debts you have can help you decide if bankruptcy is the best choice for you.

Here is what the Canadian bankruptcy procedure is all about. After the bankruptcy assignment has been completed, the Trustee submits it to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada. All legal obligations will be handled by the Trustee once the assignment has been filed. Your credit­ors will no longer receive payments directly from you.

The Trustee administers your bankruptcy. No more lawsuits or wage garnishments for you. Depending on your province’s law, some of your assets will certainly be exempt. The bankruptcy vests your non-exempt assets in the Trustee. The Trustee will sell them. According to the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the proceeds will be for the benefit of the bankrupt estate and there could be a scheme of distribution among your preferred creditors and ordinary unsecured creditors.

In the administration of bankruptcy, the Trustee will send your creditors a notice of bankruptcy. You must attend a creditors’ meeting if one is called. Additionally, you will need to attend two counselling sessions. Canadian insolvency legislation in Canada includes rehabilitation programs to help individuals regain financial stability.

Finally, you may need to make payments toward your debt. “Surplus income payments” ensure that people who declare bankruptcy and have sufficient income contribute to paying back a portion of their debt. Your debts will eventually be discharged, relieving you from the obligation of repaying most of the debt you had on the day you filed for bankruptcy.

Despite the fact that most debts can be discharged, some cannot, namely:

  • alimony and child support;
  • court fines and penalties;
  • debts related to fraud; and some
  • student loans.

You will suffer credit damage for several years after filing for bankruptcy. After your debt is discharged, you can start rebuilding your credit. Although it’s not ideal, it will lift the burden from your shoulders and solve the debt problems you couldn’t resolve on your own.

Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act: Can bankruptcy protect you from creditors?

In addition to bankruptcy, any filing listed above under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act will protect you from creditors. In fairness to all stakeholders, the filing calls for a “time out” after which no claims for money, lawsuits, or collection efforts are permitted. In legal jargon, we call this a stay of proceedings.

By virtue of the individual’s bankruptcy or insolvency, you may not terminate, amend, or accelerated pay, or claim the term of any agreement. When an insolvent person files a notice of intention or a proposal, a similar provision is made.

Just like in bankruptcy, if you file a notice of intention or a Division I proposal or Division II proposal, all proceedings automatically stay and no creditor is entitled to take any action against the debtor or to pursue any execution or other proceeding for the recovery of a claim provable.

Commercial proposals are normally worded so that Directors of insolvent companies who have filed notices of intention or proposals enjoy similar protection.

canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act
canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act

A word on cross-border insolvencies

Many of the large CCAA reorganization filings in recent times have been cross-border insolvencies. Canadian courts prefer that cross-border insolvencies proceed as a single process with one jurisdiction acting as the primary entity. The Canadian court examines whether the Canadian case should be considered the main proceeding in order to determine whether it is significant and connected to Canada.

The other jurisdiction (most often the U.S.) usually recognizes the Canadian court’s authority when the court believes the insolvency action should be handled, for the most part, in Canada. Likewise, the opposite is also true.

Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act: Personal bankruptcy

canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act
canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act

Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act summary

I hope you found this Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Brandon Blog informative. With too high household debt levels and not enough wealth, you are insolvent. You can choose from several insolvency processes to get the debt relief that you need and deserve. It may not be necessary for you to file for bankruptcy.

If you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help, and you assume bankruptcy is the only option, call me.

If you’re thinking about bankruptcy, you’re probably in a situation where you’re overwhelmed, frightened, and feel like you’re alone. That’s natural and it is not your fault.

It’s good that you’ve come to this site, where you’ll find answers to your questions, sort through your options, and discover that you can get help. You’re not alone, and the professionals at Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. are committed to helping you find a debt solution that’s best for you.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

You are under a lot of pressure. Our team knows how you feel. You and your financial and emotional problems will be the focus of a new approach designed specifically for you. With our help, you will be able to blow away the dark cloud over your head. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

Because of this, we can develop a new method for paying down your debt that will be built specifically for you. It will be as unique as the economic problems and discomfort you are experiencing. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act
canadian bankruptcy and insolvency act

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would like to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy?: Bankruptcy exemptions – how what assets you can keep are determined

An assignment in bankruptcy does not require you to give up all of your assets. In bankruptcy law, there are rules for bankruptcy exemptions. Furthermore, every province/territory has regulations that mandate what assets can be kept and how much equity can be retained. Assets of this type are called exempt assets.

Assets that you are allowed to keep that are not accessible to your creditors are exempt assets in a bankruptcy. There are some that fall under federal law and some that fall under provincial law.

So what are exempt assets in bankruptcy in Ontario? To answer the question, we need to look at two statutes: one federal and one provincial. For federal, we look at the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). Section 67(1) of the BIA deals specifically with the bankruptcy exemption issue. It states what property of the bankrupt available to creditors does and does not comprise. Property that is not included is:

  • Property held in trust by the bankrupt for any third party.
  • Under provincial law, the property cannot be seized.
  • Payments to the bankrupt are paid under a program that I will describe as social assistance provided by the federal or provincial government.
  • Retirement Savings Plans – The bankrupt’s RRSP or RRIF, except for contributions made in the 12 months before the bankruptcy.

When we discuss the property of a bankrupt, we are referring to the bankrupt’s equity in those assets.

Ontario bankruptcy exemptions: Assets you can keep

As indicated above, one of the asset exemptions in bankruptcy is any property that cannot be seized under provincial law. So what are exempt assets in bankruptcy in Ontario that cannot be seized? For that, we need to go to the Ontario Execution Act. In Ontario, the prescribed amounts for exemptions are:

  • Household furnishings and household appliances – $14,180.
  • Tools and other personal property used to generate income:
    • Exemptions for farmers, being a debtor engaged exclusively in cultivating the soil or farming (and therefore it is that farmer’s principal source of primary income), $31,379 for livestock, fowl, bees, books, tools and implements, and other chattels ordinarily used by the debtor;
    • $14,405 for any other case.
  • $7,117 for a motor vehicle.
  • $10, 783 for a principal residence.

As I have written before, there is an exemption in Ontario for equity in one’s home of not more than $10,783. It is not an exemption for the first $10K, but rather if the total equity is below that amount. Therefore, we can consider the equity in a bankrupt person’s ownership interest in their home to belong to the bankruptcy trustee for all practical purposes.

So this seems pretty straightforward. But what if the bankrupt person dies before the end of the bankruptcy proceedings and the bankruptcy estate administration? A recent decision from the Alberta bankruptcy court, which for reasons I will explain I believe would be instructive for Ontario, answers that question.

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy even in death?

In addition to the above statutory exemptions, since we are always dealing with the bankrupt’s equity in assets, there is another class of assets that form exempt property in a bankruptcy. If any of the bankrupt’s assets are pledged as security to the point where the amount owing to the secured creditor on the secured debt is the same or more than the value of the asset, then a bankruptcy trustee will not attempt to seize it.

So what may have started out as non-exempt property can become property that will not be seized. Two obvious examples are one of the motor vehicles owned by a person worth more than $7,117 that is heavily financed or a principal residence that has mortgages against it that essentially soaks up all the value.

Another type of asset that may be exempt is life insurance policies. If the beneficiary under the policy listed is the spouse, child, parent or grandparent of the deceased, then the funds flow directly to the beneficiary and avoid probate. The bankruptcy of the deceased does not change that.

Although not an asset per se, and only available while the person is living, are wages salary from employment. A bankrupt person is allowed to keep all of their income. However, all Trustees are required to perform an evaluation to see if the bankrupt must contribute by making surplus income payments. The concept of bankruptcy surplus income has been the subject of certain of my prior Brandon Blogs.

Now, what are exempt assets in bankruptcy if the bankrupt person dies before receiving a bankruptcy discharge? On August 3, 2021, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Registrar in Bankruptcy L.R. Birkett released Reasons for Decision in Perry (Re), 2021 ABQB 609 (CanLII). In this case, the Trustee sought advice and directions with respect to whether the principal residence exemption continues or is no longer available on the death of the bankrupt. Keep in mind that the principal residence exemption is much different in Alberta than in Ontario. In Alberta, under the Civil Enforcement Act, an Albertan can claim a principal residence exemption up to $40,000.

However, the fact that the issue was over equity in a principal residence is somewhat irrelevant. The real issue is exempt assets in general. So I would frame it as whether any asset exemption continues or is no longer available upon the death of the bankrupt.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry each filed an assignment in bankruptcy on December 19, 2012 (date of bankruptcy) and both remain undischarged bankrupts. At the date of bankruptcy, the bankrupt husband was the only registered owner of the couple’s principal residence. The bankrupt husband died on January 28, 2018.

He did not have any dependents at the time of his death. The bankrupt wife is the only beneficiary under his Will. The widowed bankrupt wife moved from the home and the Trustee sold it.

As a first observation, this is a perfect example of why a bankrupt should not allow the bankruptcy proceedings to drag on. Future events are impossible to predict. Winning a lottery or acquiring an inheritance are the two best reasons to avoid letting the bankruptcy process linger for a very long time. If such a windfall occurs, the bankruptcy trustee administering the bankruptcy estate can claim it.

Types of assets commonly exempt from bankruptcy across Canada: The Registrar’s analysis

The question is does the personal exemption of an undischarged bankrupt remain after his death? In Alberta, the applicable laws under which property is exempt from execution or seizure are set out in the Civil Enforcement Act (CEA) and the Civil Enforcement Regulation(CER). The combined effect of s.88(g) CEA and s 37(1)(e) CER allows an enforcement debtor to claim up to $40,000 of the equity in the debtor’s principal residence as being exempt from execution or seizure. The Registrar noted that the personal exemption is personal to the individual, in this case, the deceased bankrupt husband.

Section 92(1) of the CEA specifically provides that where the enforcement debtor is deceased, the property of the debtor that would be exempt if the debtor were alive remains exempt from writ proceedings against the debtor’s estate for the period of time that the property is required for the maintenance and support of the deceased debtor’s dependents. This allows the dependents of a deceased enforcement debtor the opportunity to access up to $40,000 of exempt equity in the debtor’s principal residence for their needs.

In this case, the widowed bankrupt wife moved out of the house and the Trustee sold it. The exempt equity was no longer necessary for her needs. Therefore the Registrar decided that the deceased bankrupt husband’s exemption was lost on his death. Since the exempt equity was not required to support the bankrupt wife’s needs, the Trustee of the dead bankrupt husband can keep the $40,000 amount as property not covered by the provincial exemption and it is available for the benefit of creditors through the bankruptcy debtor‘s unsecured creditors.

There is a strong argument that if the personal exemption resulted in the bankrupt wife being entitled to her deceased husband’s exemption amount, it would not have been paid to her anyway. Rather, it would have been property available to her Trustee for her unsecured creditors and possibly even a dividend to creditors!

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy and what would happen in Ontario?

What would happen in Ontario with exempt assets (up to their prescribed maximum exempt amount)? Under s.5(1) of the Execution Act, if an execution debtor dies before the seizure and sale of his or her personal property, then whatever personal property the deceased already elected for exemption before death remains valid after death and may not be changed by an executor, administrator or heir of the debtor. s.5(2) of the Execution Act says that If no such election was made prior to death, then, in this order, a surviving spouse, a dependent or a family member has the right to make such an election.

S.5(3) of the Execution Act states:

“(3) The total quantity and total value of personal property of an execution debtor that may be claimed as exempt by a person mentioned in subsection (2) and by the execution debtor before death must not exceed the quantity and value of property that would have been exempt property to just the execution debtor. 2010, c. 16, Sched. 2, s. 3 (9).”

The wording of sections 5(1) and (2) of the Execution Act is very different from that of the relevant Alberta legislation referenced above. So, in my view, it appears that the personal exemption in Ontario would survive and not constitute property available for the Trustee to realize upon, but this is only up to the exemption limit of each class of exempt asset.

However, under a bankruptcy process, along with the bankruptcy protection from unsecured creditors, the bankrupt actually hands over all property to the Trustee. The Trustee either overtly or it is implied, hands back to the bankruptcy debtor any property that is exempt from seizure, either from a provincial statute or because it is a fully encumbered asset because of it being pledged for a secured loan and there is no equity.

In Ontario, since the Execution Act allows for selecting exempt assets after death for the benefit of the deceased Estate, it does not appear to me that bankruptcy would change things for the reasons I have stated. The provincial exemptions, up to their maximum limits, would continue to protect certain property from seizure in bankruptcy.

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy summary

I hope that you found this what are exempt assets in bankruptcy Brandon Blog helpful in describing the personal exemptions in Ontario and whether bankruptcy and death can change that. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

Brandon Blog Post


difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of the page and click play on the podcast.

Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy: Know your options

Regular readers of my Brandon Blog know that there are a lot of steps you need to go through to financially reorganize your life. I have written before different blogs on various aspects of both consumer proposals and bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon blog is to discuss in one place, the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy.

Many people opt for one of these options because life has thrown them a curveball, they no longer have the cash flow to pay off their debts and want to start fresh. There are some great benefits to filing bankruptcy. They include eliminating creditors and debts, getting control over your personal finances, and having a stress-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now. But if you’re considering a first-time bankruptcy, or the bankruptcy option even if you are familiar with the Canadian bankruptcy process from a prior time, you should consider the pros and cons of a consumer proposal, the only government-approved debt settlement plan in Canada. It will be good for you to know the options that I explain below.

Consolidation loans vs consumer proposals

What’s the distinction between a consumer proposal and a debt consolidation loan? The consumer proposal process is an insolvency procedure that allows you to resolve all the amounts you owe to your unsecured creditors via an arrangement with your creditors. It does this without needing you to file bankruptcy. A consumer proposal can only be carried out by a licensed insolvency trustee. A consumer proposal allows you to get rid of all the amount owed by repaying only a part of your financial obligations over time.

A consolidation loan means that you still have sufficient assets and income and a good enough credit score, in order to borrow the total amount you owe. The loan must carry an interest rate lower, and hopefully much lower, than the average interest rate of your combined total debt. You use the loan proceeds to repay 100% of your debts. You now have only one loan with a monthly payment you can afford. Taking out a consolidation loan is not an insolvency process.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

The main difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

The consumer proposal is a fundamental part of our personal insolvency system. It is an insolvency procedure controlled by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) that allows individuals who owe $250,000 or less (not including any financial debts secured against their principal home). It permits you to pay a portion of your financial debts with time, yet eliminate all of them if fully executed. It is an alternative to declaring bankruptcy. It is an alternative to bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is also a fundamental part of our insolvency system under the BIA. However, rather than restructuring, in personal bankruptcy, the person surrenders all of their non-exempt assets to the licensed insolvency trustee for the benefit of the person’s creditors. Once the bankrupt person has fulfilled all of their duties, they are entitled to receive a discharge from bankruptcy, subject to the Trustee or a creditor opposing it.

Personal bankruptcy involves the liquidation of the bankrupt’s assets in return for the eventual elimination of their unsecured debts. It is not considered a restructuring like a consumer proposal is.

Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy: The process of filing a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy

You start by talking to a Trustee who will provide you basic guidance on both a consumer proposal and also bankruptcy. The Trustee will likewise inform you specifically just how each process functions. If at the end of that discussion you inform the licensed bankruptcy trustee that you really feel good in wanting to take the next steps with them, the Trustee will provide you with their intake form. When the form is completed, you send it to the Trustee, including supplying any kind of backup documents asked for, the Trustee can then provide you advice for your unique financial difficulties.

If you choose a consumer proposal, the licensed insolvency trustee will prepare the necessary filing documents for you to sign. This includes assisting you with preparing the best possible proposal that works for both you and your creditors. You then meet with the Trustee to sign the documents. The Trustee then files the documents electronically with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The OSB then issues the Certificate evidencing the filing and the formal process begins.

After seeing your completed intake sheet, the Trustee will advise on whether or not a consumer proposal would work for you, or if your best or only option is filing for bankruptcy. Similarly, in bankruptcy filings, the Trustee prepares all the required filing documents for your signature. The Trustee explains all of them to you, you sign them and the Trustee then electronically files the filing documents with the OSB. The OSB then issues its Certificate evidencing the bankruptcy and that formal process begins.

You initially meet with the licensed bankruptcy trustee, in-person, by video or phone, to share details of your personal situation, and working together, you determine whether a consumer proposal, an alternative to filing bankruptcy, or personal bankruptcy is the best option for you. With COVID-19, we have been holding all of our no-cost consultations and meetings by phone and video. We can do the sign-up process by video and email. We have found this is very convenient for our clients as they are not required to take the time to attend our office in person.

As you can see, the process of filing a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy is not that different. For filing, there is not really a difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

Major difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

Is there a major difference between consumer proposals and bankruptcy? Yes. So far in this discussion, there have not really been major differences. But there really are as the consumer proposal is akin to filing for bankruptcy protection while the other is bankruptcy. Both provide legal protection from creditors. But a consumer proposal gives a person what the media calls filing for bankruptcy protection. When you file for bankruptcy, that calls for the liquidation of non-exempt assets.

Both bankruptcy and a consumer proposal can be excellent options for somebody who is experiencing a challenging financial position. A consumer proposal is an excellent choice for individuals who have the ability to make monthly payments to their creditors totalling less than the amount they owe, yet eliminating all their debts, while keeping the equity they have in assets they wish to keep. Bankruptcy is an excellent choice for those who are bewildered by their financial obligations, and who don’t have a consistent income, making it actually hard or impossible to manage making payments at any level to their creditors.

While both bankruptcy, as well as a consumer proposal, can supply a financial clean slate, there are a few vital distinctions.

In a consumer proposal, you normally get to keep all of your assets. In a bankruptcy, if you have equity in assets that you want to keep, you or someone friendly to you has to pay that equity to your Trustee for the benefit of your creditors. Otherwise, you need to surrender all non-exempt assets to the Trustee for the Trustee to sell them and then put the cash towards the claims of your creditors. The assets covered by your bankruptcy exemptions do not need to be surrendered.

In bankruptcy, you also have the issue of needing to obtain your bankruptcy discharge. If either the Trustee or one or more creditors object to your discharge, then you will not get your automatic bankruptcy discharge and you will have a discharge hearing in Court. You may also be subject to surplus income payments in a bankruptcy, which you will need to make to your Trustee (21 months for a first time bankrupt, 36 months for a second time or more bankruptcy).

The amount to offer your creditors in a consumer proposal has to be a better amount than they would receive from your bankruptcy. After doing the calculations I spoke about above, including any surplus income obligation, you will better understand what amount needs to be offered to your creditors.

Another difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy is that there is a benefit of a consumer proposal in that you can spread the monthly payments for the amount determined over a term of up to 60 months, interest-free. In a bankruptcy, you are typically required to make any required payments over the term of your bankruptcy, which is much shorter than in a proposal. Therefore the consumer proposal allows you to term out a slightly higher settlement over a longer period of time. This makes the monthly repayment less complicated on your cash flow as well as your budget plan.

Once your consumer proposal is (deemed) accepted by the creditors and (deemed) approved by the Court, you just need to make your promised monthly payments to the Trustee. The Trustee handles making payments at regular intervals to your creditors. Once you have completed the payment promised under the consumer proposal, you receive your Certificate from the Trustee showing that you completed the consumer proposal. That is it. No discharge hearing can be opposed and no extra surplus income payments. It is already accounted for in the amount offered to your creditors in your consumer proposal.

The cost difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

When doing a consumer proposal, the fee of the licensed insolvency trustee is included in the payment you negotiate with your creditors. As I mentioned above, the calculation of what to offer in a consumer proposal does not include what the fee and costs are. Rather, it is compared to what the unsecured creditors can expect in bankruptcy.

However, if you were to file bankruptcy, the fee is based on the surplus income you may have to pay (based upon a criterion that includes income and family size) and also any assets that you are required to assign over to the Trustee. You might also have to make month-to-month contributions to cover the fee and costs if your income and non-exempt assets are insufficient to pay for the bankruptcy proceedings.

If there is no surplus income or assets, you, or someone on your behalf, will need to pay the bankruptcy fee which will be approximately $1,800 plus HST.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy
difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy: What’s worse? Credit rating impact of a bankruptcy vs consumer proposal

Both a consumer proposal and bankruptcy are insolvency proceedings under the BIA. Therefore both will negatively affect your credit rating. In a consumer proposal, your credit rating will show as an R9 on your credit report while you are making payments. Once you have completed your consumer proposal, your credit rating will be an R7 for 3 years after completion.

For a first-time bankrupt, if you were to file for bankruptcy, your credit report will show an R9 rating for 6-7 years after being discharged.

The difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy summary

I hope that you found this difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy Brandon Blog interesting. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Call a Trustee Now!