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This short video (found at the bottom of this page) explains the differences between a consumer proposal vs. personal bankruptcy. A consumer proposal is a deal to end your debts. A consumer proposal is a legally binding process that is administered by a licensed trustee. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a Toronto bankruptcy trustee and consumer proposal administrator.

We have written previous blogs about consumer proposals, including:

We offer personal bankruptcy and consumer proposal services, as well as corporate restructuring and corporate receivership and bankruptcy services to residents of the Greater Toronto Area. We explain the differences between a consumer proposal vs. personal bankruptcy. In most cases we can get a consumer proposal done and it usually results in a substantial reduction in the amount you have to repay. The amount you are required to pay when you file a consumer proposal depends on a number of factors as explained in this short video. We hope that you find the short video informative and interesting. If you have any topics about debt, insolvency or finances that you would like us to cover in future videos, please let us know by leaving a comment.

If you are experiencing financial problems, or you know that you are insolvent and are considering a consumer proposal vs. personal bankruptcy, or looking at all of your realistic options, including all alternatives to bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We offer sound advice, a free consultation and a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt free life in no time.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, alternative to bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act , BIA, bankruptcy solutions, lines of credit, credit card debt, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, student loan debt, trustee, economic downturn, starting over starting now, information about bankruptcy, Toronto bankruptcy trusteeWhen do people generally want information about personal bankruptcy alternatives?

Personal bankruptcy alternatives are always sought after an economic downturn. The economic downturn is causing more people to rely on credit to supplement their income and/or their lifestyle. This mountain of debt will ultimately result in bankruptcy or hopefully, an alternative to bankruptcy.

What Bank of Montreal and Statistics Canada say about Canadian household debt

In BMO’s Annual Debt Report, the average household debt of those surveyed is $92,699, more than $4,000 higher than the four-year average dating back to 2012. And servicing that debt, which includes mortgages, lines of credit and credit card debt, is costing $1,165 a month.

According to Statistics Canada:

  • The debt-to-income ratio of Canadian households is 163.3% which means for every dollar Canadians earn, they owe $1.63 in debt
  • Canadian households now owe $1.841 trillion in various forms of debt
  • More than $1.1 trillion is from mortgages
  • $519 billion is consumer debt, like credit cards

Debt + More Debt = a Solution?

Adding debt to more debt is not a solution to the problem; it compounds the problem. If you are using credit cards to supplement your income or your lifestyle, you have a serious problem that needs professional help. Don’t wait until bankruptcy is your only option. You should be learning about personal bankruptcy alternatives before it is too late.

Is there such a thing as bankruptcy solutions?

We are asked this question all the time. Before even considering bankruptcy, I always want to discuss 3 formal alternatives to personal bankruptcy:

  1. Credit Counselling
    Credit counselling is in reality debt counselling. Professionals provide assistance with a host of issues related to debt including budgeting, finding debt solutions, working with your creditors and rebuilding credit.
  2. Debt Consolidation
    Debt consolidation is a single loan that allows you to repay your debts to several or all of your creditors at once, leaving you with only one outstanding loan.
  3. Consumer Proposals
    Consumer proposals are formal offers made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) to modify your payments. e.g. paying a lesser amount each month for a longer period of time and paying a total lesser amount than you owe, all on an interest-free basis!

In addition there are informal personal bankruptcy alternatives including budget review, contacting your creditors (including your mortgage lender), selling an asset and contacting the Federal Government’s Repayment Assistance Plan (if you’re having difficulty repaying your student loan debt).

Just ask your Toronto bankruptcy trustee

A professional trustee can open up a world of possibilities for you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for help with your financial problems. With just one phone call you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.


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What happened to David Cassidy?

This YouTube David Cassidy video says it all. His bankruptcy, notwithstanding he refutes it, must be related in some small part to his alcoholism and the several David Cassidy DUI events. The US Bankruptcy Court has ordered that he now must have his Florida home sold by auction.

For those of you too young to remember him, here is the link to the David Cassidy bio. As you can see, he was a huge music and television star heartthrob. Whatever happened to him over the years, David Cassidy now must pull his life back together. Like all of us, he must learn to live within his means and budget properly. Mr. Cassidy certainly isn’t the first, and won’t be the last celebrity having financial problems.

Next Steps

So who knows? Maybe Mr. Cassidy will have to go back on tour with a Partridge Family revival tour, or at least a David Cassidy tour, to earn extra income! Like all of us, he will have to learn to live within his means. Dealing with his personal problems will also be a great new beginning for him.

And what if you were not famous but are struggling?

If you’re struggling to support a lifestyle you can no longer afford, take immediate action and contact a professional trustee and explore your alternatives to bankruptcy. There are alternatives to personal bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. However, regardless of the choice that’s right for you, a balanced budget is always part of the equation. As we’ve stressed before, a balanced budget is to financial health what a balanced diet is to physical health. You’ll have to take a realistic look at your lifestyle and a serious look at your big ticket items – luxury home(s), exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive entertaining and start living within your budget in order to benefit from one of the alternatives to bankruptcy .

The Ira Smith team approaches every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on the path to a debt free life.

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alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy, trustee, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, balanced budget, financial, insolvency, personal insolvency, starting over starting nowAlternatives to bankruptcy

Our insolvency clients, be they personal or corporate, usually want to start a consultation by asking us bankruptcy questions. However, I first start by obtaining a full understanding of the person’s or company’s financial challenges, so that we may consider all of the realistic options before discussing the topic of bankruptcy. I first wish to find the best alternative to bankruptcy.

I am finding now that many families, even high earners, are struggling in the “new economy”. We’ve spoken about their plight in our blogs:

There is yet another group that is now in great danger of bankruptcy – families whose previously very healthy income has taken a serious downturn and are now struggling to maintain a lifestyle they can no longer support. These families need to act fast and consider their alternatives to bankruptcy before it is too late to take remedial action. The natural inclination is to tough it out and hope for better times, but serious financial times demand serious financial decisions, not a hope and a prayer. As these families wait for better times to come they are burning through whatever savings they have, going further into debt by living off credit and will eventually run out of both money and credit.

This is not the best approach. At the first sign of financial trouble, these families should seek the advice of their legal counsel or accountant. These trusted professionals will be able to refer the families in financial trouble to a trustee in bankruptcy that they trust. With the trust factor bridge now in place with the trustee, that trustee can review the situation and provide the families with their realistic alternatives to bankruptcy.

If you’re struggling to support a lifestyle you can no longer afford, take immediate action and contact a professional trustee and explore your alternatives to bankruptcy. There are alternatives to personal bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. However, regardless of the choice that’s right for you, a balanced budget is always part of the equation. As we’ve stressed before, a balanced budget is to financial health what a balanced diet is to physical health. You’ll have to take a realistic look at your lifestyle and a serious look at your big ticket items – luxury home(s), exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive entertaining and start living within your budget in order to benefit from one of the alternatives to bankruptcy .

The Ira Smith team approaches every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on the path to a debt free life.


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advantages of consumer proposals, bankruptcy trustees, collection agency, Collection Agencies Act, consumer proposals, credit counselling, debt, debt settlement companies, debt settlement services, Ontario Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, starting over starting now, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy

The advantages of consumer proposals with a Trustee can save you from debt settlement companies. Here’s how.

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Bankruptcy Canada FAQ, Better Business Bureau, BBB, scam, travel scam, SaveOnResorts, RipOffReport, financial plan, starting over starting nowBankruptcy Canada FAQ could change your life, but only if you took positive action after reading it. Can the Better Business Bureau (BBB) change your life? Definitely. We all think that the BBB could only change your life in a positive way. However the BBB could also change your life if it helped one of its member’s perpetrate a scam. If you suffer financial damage by relying on a BBB member’s scam, then you very well may have to read our Bankruptcy Canada FAQ to consider getting out of the debt the scam placed you in. In the past we’re warned you about several scams:

As consumers we all try to be diligent about companies we choose to do business with and it’s quite common to check with the BBB to see how they’re rated. However, it’s a common misconception that the BBB is a government agency that advocates and protects the consumer. We should be wary about relying on the BBB ratings. Any scam will hurt you and if it has caused a serious debt problem, then you will have to read our Bankruptcy Canada FAQ in order to change your life for the better.

What is the BBB?

  • The BBB is NOT a government agency.
  • It is a FOR PROFIT
  • It is NOT a consumer watchdog.
  • BBBs are franchises designed to generate profit.
  • They sell advertising and memberships to companies.

How does a company acquire a BBB accreditation? Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring for continued compliance and for support of BBB services to the public.

How is the BBB funded? The BBB is funded from the advertising and membership dues paid by its accredited companies.

Could this create a conflict of interest? This has been an ongoing issue and many are of the belief that this is a conflict of interest. Do you believe the BBB can accurately “rate” a company that is one of its paying clients? In addition only companies that are BBB members can defend their reviews and you can’t post a positive review about a company that is not a BBB member, so it’s not a level playing field.

Here is a perfect example: is rated an A+ by the BBB. Yet many websites including Scam-Detector, RipOffReport and ComplaintsBoard have numerous complaints against them dating as far back as 2007, and call it a travel scam. Even TripAdvisor advises caution when booking with SaveOnResorts. Logic dictates that there is no conceivable way that could have an A+ rating. Yet, they are a paying member of BBB and enjoy an A+ rating, which no doubt has cost many people money. There is nothing new about a travel scam, but one that comes with a glowing report from the BBB is a prime candidate to have to drive you to read our Bankruptcy Canada FAQ.

It seems that having a BBB accreditation will not prevent you from being ripped off by that BBB accredited member! Buyer Beware! Don’t take things for granted and always do your due diligence. Such a scam could cause you serious financial harm, forcing you to consider all options in dealing with your debt, including reading our Bankruptcy Canada FAQ to find out more about the bankruptcy process.

We hope that you will never be a victim of a scam or experience serious financial difficulties for any reason. But if life throws you a curveball, find out information by reading our Bankruptcy Canada FAQ and then contact the Ira Smith Team today. We can help put you back on the road to financial health with practical advice and a solid financial plan. You can also gain quick answers to find out all about the personal bankruptcy process by reading our Bankruptcy Canada FAQ. Starting Over, Starting Now you can put your money problems behind you and regain a great quality of life.

Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing Disaster Relief Scams.

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credit score rating, credit score, credit scores, debt, credit, debt service ratio, small business loan, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, starting over starting now

Credit score rating is an important part of what lenders look at when you apply for a loan, but it is not the only thing. We all know that credit score rating is used to determine your credit worthiness, but what you may not know is that your credit score rating is not the only factor used. Even with a great credit score rating, you may still be rejected when applying for credit. How is this possible?

In order to have a good credit score rating you must be able to show that you have the means to repay credit. However, your ability to repay credit may change depending on your income and your debt load. Using mathematical formulas, something called a debt service ratio (DSR) is calculated. Your DSR shows what percentage of your monthly income goes toward paying off debt. You may be managing your debt today, but if your DSR shows that with additional credit responsibilities you may have trouble meeting or managing your existing expenses, your credit application may be rejected. The same applies to an entrepreneur who’s looking to finance his/her small business with a small business loan. The credit worthiness of the individual has to be taken into account, as that’s who the lender is really loaning the money to, either directly or by way of a personal guarantee.

If you offer collateral as security in exchange for credit, the value of your collateral must be established. An asset that you think has great value may not be worth what you think it is in the eyes of the lender. Typically real estate and guaranteed investments are better forms of collateral than your jewelry, car, machinery or equipment.

Unfortunately many people are carrying too much debt but are fearful of the bankruptcy process, so they attempt to borrow more money in order to either consolidate their loans or for a specific need. Adding more debt is not the answer. Personal bankruptcy is an option, but not one to be feared. And, there are bankruptcy alternatives to be considered as well. Don’t run away from debt. Contact the Ira Smith team. We can help you deal with debt and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to a debt free life

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, bankrupt, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, insolvent, lines of credit, credit score, trustee, starting over starting nowThankfully, there are alternatives to personal bankruptcy. Say the word bankruptcy and people naturally recoil. I don’t know if there is more stigma attached to another word in the English language. In reality bankruptcy is not something to be ashamed of, it should not be avoided at all costs and it’s not a deep dark hole; it can be the light at the end of the tunnel. As with other alternatives to personal bankruptcy, it is an option. Let’s explore why avoiding bankruptcy can do more harm than good.

What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is incredibly misunderstood. According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada Bankruptcy is a legal process designed to relieve honest but unfortunate debtors of their debts. At the end of the process, the bankrupt is released from the obligation to repay the debts they had when the bankruptcy was filed (with some exceptions).

Why avoiding bankruptcy can do more harm than good: Although there are alternatives to personal bankruptcy which merit review, bankruptcy is often a good thing. A recent report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York states:

  • People who filed bankruptcy had access to more new lines of credit than those who limped along in a poor financial state which clearly puts to rest the misconception that filing bankruptcy closes the door to new credit.
  • Those who didn’t file bankruptcy were described as insolvent.
  • The individuals who go bankrupt experience a sharp boost in their credit score after bankruptcy, whereas the recovery in credit score is much lower for individuals who do not go bankrupt
  • Insolvent individuals who do not go bankrupt exhibit more financial stress than those who do.

Are you insolvent and looking for solutions? The Ira Smith Team is here to offer alternatives to personal bankruptcy and bankruptcy help in Vaughan and throughout the GTA. Starting Over, Starting Now, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help you overcome your financially difficulties. Contact us today.

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Personal Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Canadian bankruptcy, Consumer Proposal, consumer proposals, credit counselling, credit score, Debt, debt consolidation, licensed bankruptcy trustee, licensed trustee, receivership, receivership in bankruptcy, starting over starting now, Toronto bankruptcy trustee, trustee

Personal bankruptcy is rarely spoken of in a positive light, yet for some, it can be a great beginning. Here’s a truly inspirational story of a new beginning from the files of Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

Molly (not her real name) was a 41-year-old woman who was married with one child. She was well educated and had been a high school chemistry teacher. Sadly, she became an alcoholic and her life fell into ruin. Alcohol had taken over her life and she could no longer work as a teacher. Now unemployed she resorted to using credit cards to buy alcohol and before long her credit cards were maxed out.

She needed to work to pay for her habit so she went back to community college to become a law clerk. Molly found work as a law clerk but she couldn’t give up drinking. Alcohol was destroying her work life and her personal life. She continued to max out her credit cards and previously obtained lines of credit. To make matters worse Molly couldn’t afford to pay her income tax liability which was greater than what was deducted at source by her employer.

Molly needed to rid herself of her debts so she came to us to file for personal bankruptcy. We knew that for Molly to truly get a fresh start she needed to deal with her alcoholism. We insisted that she join AA if she wanted us to support her discharge from personal bankruptcy. Molly joined AA, attended meetings and stopped drinking. She ultimately became a sponsor to other AA members.

Molly really turned her life around. She stopped drinking, joined AA and lived within her means. As a result of her willingness for overall rehabilitation, the Trustee recommended that Molly obtain an absolute discharge, which she did. Molly’s whole life improved including her relationship with her family.

Personal bankruptcy can be a great beginning

Personal bankruptcy was the start of a great new beginning for Molly and if you’re facing serious debt problems it can be for you too. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can turn your life around too.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy trustees, financial distress, financial tool, bankruptcy, too much debt, collection letters, collection calls, bankruptcy alternatives, personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy legislation, corporate bankruptcy, bankruptcy protection, Air Canada bankruptcy, American Airlines bankruptcy, consumer proposal, starting over starting now, bankruptcy trusteeBankruptcy trustees advise people in financial distress to think of bankruptcy as just another financial tool. Bankruptcy still carries a stigma with it for many people, but if you have too much debt, cannot repay your debts and are afraid to open the mail or answer the phone because of all the collection letters and collection calls you receive, you need to take some positive step to eliminate this stress in your life by finding a responsible and realistic solution.

Bankruptcy trustees will tell you that none of their clients wanted to call and for sure did not wish to see them. People come to bankruptcy trustees feeling ashamed, guilty and worthless. It is normal to feel that you have failed in such circumstances, but it is also important for your emotional and financial well-being to think of bankruptcy or one of the various bankruptcy alternatives as another financial tool and to use one of these tools to fix the situation for yourself.

Our media promotes the feeling that personal bankruptcy is somehow equated with failure, instead of it being described as merely a negative financial outcome for the honest, but unfortunate person. Everyone deserves a second chance, and using bankruptcy, or one of the bankruptcy alternatives is a way to get that second chance. Many people have done so in the past, and many will do so in the future; that is why Parliament created the laws forming our bankruptcy legislation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Keep in mind, many famous people have previously filed for bankruptcy.

It is interesting that our media casts personal bankruptcy in a negative light, but shows corporate bankruptcy protection as something positive. When we heard years ago about Air Canada filing for bankruptcy protection, or more recently, American Airlines filing for bankruptcy, people did not stop flying the airlines because they were disgusted that a company would dare to make use of the bankruptcy financial tool, but rather, people were worried about whether or not they would lose any of their airline point privileges!

Why can’t we think of personal bankruptcy as the same positive step forward financial tool in dealing with an unfortunate situation?

Bankruptcy trustees are the people licensed by the Government of Canada to administer the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Bankruptcy trustees need to obtain a full understanding of your assets and liabilities and understand your personal situation in order to advise whether you should go bankrupt, or if you are a candidate for a consumer proposal instead. No doubt people seeking the assistance of bankruptcy trustees have many questions needing to be answered also.

Are you suffering financially for any reason? Don’t be ashamed; contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Debt won’t go away on its own. You need professional help Starting Over, Starting Now so that you can regain your dignity and resume on a path to debt free living.

Watch this 5 minute video to listen to how another bankruptcy trustee explains it.


Call a Trustee Now!