Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy statistics

If you would rather listen to the Bankruptcy statistics Canada 2018 blog audio file, please scroll down to the end for the podcast.

Bankruptcy statistics: Introduction

On January 4, 2019, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada issued its bankruptcy statistics report “Insolvency Statistics in Canada—November 2018”. Most of the headlines on this report quoted that Canadian insolvencies rose 5.2% in November 2018. While true, that headline alone could create the impression that we now have runaway bankruptcies in Canada. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let me explain.

Bankruptcy statistics: The latest numbers

Total insolvencies in November 2018 was 5.2% higher than total insolvencies in November 2017. That is what the press has quoted. However, that statistic by itself is meaningless. The complete number of insolvency filings (proposals and bankruptcies) in Canada lowered by 2.5% in November 2018 contrasted to the previous month.

For the 12-months ending November 30, 2018, total insolvencies boosted by 2.0% compared with the 12-month period ending November 30, 2017. This is a fairly modest total increase. Keep in mind that insolvencies in Canada have been at historically low levels for the last 9 years! A total annual increase of 2% from a historic low number is hardly an epidemic.

Consumer insolvencies for the 12-months ending November 30, 2018, increased by 2.0% compared to the 12-months ending November 30, 2017. Consumer personal bankruptcies were down by 5.0%, while consumer proposals were up by 8.4%. The percentage of proposals in consumer insolvencies increased to 55.7% during the 12-month period finishing November 30, 2018, up from 52.4% throughout the 12-months ending November 30, 2017. This means that over half of those Canadians who made an insolvency filing in this time period avoided bankruptcy. This is a good thing.

Business insolvencies for the 12-month period ending November 30, 2018, decreased by 0.6% compared to the 12-month period ending November 30, 2017. The industries with the largest decrease in insolvencies were mining and oil and gas. The industries with the largest increase in insolvencies were building and construction and retail.

Bankruptcy statistics: What is the real issue

The real issue is not these statistics. Rather, it is the historic high level of Canadian household debt amassed when interest rates were at near zero percent levels. Now that we are in a gradually increasing interest rate environment for the foreseeable future, not every person or company carrying high debt will be able to continue meeting their obligations and will have to resort to an insolvency proceeding.

I have written about the dangers of carrying too much debt for many years now. We are now entering the period where the rubber meets the road. Stephen Poloz, Governor of the Bank of Canada, feels the Canadian economy is doing sufficiently well to slowly boost rates of interest. Mr. Poloz believes to be tightening up that a bit. At the exact very same time, the latest insolvency statistics show that the marketplace now tells a story that there may be room for some actual pessimism about the Canadian economy.

Previous Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney and the former Finance Minister, the late Jim Flaherty, warned the Canadian consumer to place the economy on their back and march it up a high hill. We did and it worked. This is now the outcome of it.

Bankruptcy statistics: Canadian household debt

There’s a good deal of conversation on what that suggests specifically for Canadians. It isn’t that the warnings have actually not been there for a while. The most recent statistics show that Canadian household debt is around 170 percent of disposable income. The regular Canadian owes $1.70 for every single buck of revenue made each year, after tax.

Twenty years ago, the proportion was 100%. So as you can see, there has been a stable climb in Canadians’ cravings for more financial debt. We have among the greatest financial obligation percentage of any of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development participant nations. For those carrying high debt, it is now time to buckle your seat belts as interest rates will continue to rise.

There were indications that the Canadian consumer was thinking of their budgeting. Statistics Canada previously reported that retail sales were slowing down. Now in the latest insolvency statistics, we see that retail is one of the industry sectors that had an increase in corporate insolvency filings.

With rates of interest increasing, so does the cost of borrowing and the cost of maintaining variable rate loans. Fixed rate loans that mature will need to be refinanced at higher interest rates if the loan cannot be repaid in full.

Bankruptcy statistics: Debt in a rising interest rate environment

Do you have too much debt? Does your company have too much debt and is in danger of shutting down? Are you concerned that future interest rate hikes will make currently manageable debt totally unmanageable? Are the pain and stress now negatively affecting your health?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer a free consultation to help you solve your problems. We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also end it right away from your life. This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free life.

Brandon Blog Post



I prepared this vlog to explain the differences between a consumer proposal (CP), one of the bankruptcies laws in Ontario and bankruptcy. This discussion is based on the inquiries that we are asked often. Hopefully, this information will help you understand better specifically what a CP debt settlement strategy is and how it will certainly assist you to remove all your financial obligations. All this while AVOIDING personal bankruptcy.

Main benefits of a CP

Take into consideration several of the benefits of the CP vs. bankruptcy:

    • Unlike informal debt negotiation, the CP creates a forum where every one of your unsecured creditors must take part in for your debt restructuring.
    • You keep your property.
    • Legal actions against you on your property and debts, such as wage garnishments, cannot continue.
    • You do not require to file an assignment in bankruptcy

CP vs. bankruptcy

How do I recognize if I have a financial problem?

If you are having difficulty satisfying your debts or have actually quit paying them, you are probably insolvent. Another sign of insolvency is that if your assets if liquidated, will not bring in enough money to pay off your debts. When you are all stressed out over the money you owe, for sure you will know that you have financial problems.

How do I know if I qualify for either a CP or bankruptcy?

Any person that is insolvent and owes greater than $1,000 is qualified to file either a CP or an assignment in bankruptcy in Canada.

Will I have to give up my assets?

As soon as you file for bankruptcy you will certainly have to give up your non-exempt property to the Trustee. These possessions will be marketed and sold. The cash from the sale of your property will be used to pay for the cost of the bankruptcy administration. The balance will be dispersed among your creditors.

In CP, you will not be giving up your assets. You are making an offer to your creditors less than the total amount you owe. According to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA), your CP has to be a better result for your unsecured creditors than they would receive in your bankruptcy.

What occurs to my wages or salary?

Nothing. You receive it as normal.

In a CP that has been (deemed) accepted by your creditors and approved by the Court, you begin to make your payments. There are no other requirements for your income in CP.

In bankruptcy, nothing happens to your income either. However, in a bankruptcy, unlike a CP, your Trustee at the outset has to decide if you are required to make voluntary contributions to your bankruptcy case based off of your income. If so, this is called a surplus income requirement. Also, you will have to file monthly statements of income and expense with the Trustee. Your surplus income requirement can change, depending on if your income goes up or down. There is no such requirement in CP.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has frozen my bank account and has garnished my earnings. Exactly how can I deal with that?

As stated above, once you file a CP, there is a stay of proceedings. Upon receiving notice from the Trustee, CRA stops the garnishee process and lifts the freeze on your account(s). The same is true in bankruptcy.

Will I still owe money after I declare bankruptcy or file a CP?

Perhaps, because of neither a CP nor bankruptcy covers:

How much time will I be under the insolvency proceeding?

The duration of time in bankruptcy will depend on whether this is an initial or 2nd (or more) bankruptcy, whether you have to pay surplus income and if your discharge is opposed or not. Depending on your circumstances, it can be anywhere from 9 months to many years.

In a CP, you can take up to 60 months to pay the total amount you promised to pay. Payments in a CP are required monthly.

Will anyone find out that I have filed either a CP or for bankruptcy?

As soon as you file for bankruptcy or a CP, your Trustee must file a notification with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB) to start either process. The OSB does run a public database showing the status of all files.

In either a CP or bankruptcy, your Trustee must send a notice to all of your creditors. So they will know.

In a CP or a shortened summary administration bankruptcy, the Trustee does not place a legal notice in the local newspaper advertising that you filed. In an ordinary administration bankruptcy, the Trustee must publish a notice.

Generally, it is only the OSB, your Trustee and your creditors who are aware of your filing.

Is my partner or spouse impacted by my CP or bankruptcy?

Your partner/spouse will not be impacted by your CP or bankruptcy unless he/she co-signed as a borrower or has guaranteed payment for any of your debts. If they have guaranteed some or all of your debts, then those specific creditors can ask your spouse for payment in full.

NOTE: There is a body of case-law to suggest that if your CP is fully performed, then there is no debt left for your guarantor to make good on. That type of discussion is too technical for this general blog. If you are in this situation, your spouse should get legal advice before agreeing to pay anything. No such argument could even be considered in a bankruptcy situation.

Just how will my CP or bankruptcy impact my existing divorce case?

In Canada, CP and bankruptcy filings do not conflict with the majority of the divorce procedures. In a bankruptcy, the Trustee will stand in the shoes of the bankrupt spouse. Ontario is an equalization Province; not a division of assets Province. If the bankrupt spouse is entitled to an equalization payment, that will come to the Trustee.

In a CP, the Trustee does not get involved at all in any way. The BIA does not interfere at all with non-financial divorce issues such as custody. It also does not have any effect on support or alimony.

Consumer Proposal Canada or bankruptcy: Conclusion

I hope this consumer proposal discussion about the differences between a Consumer Proposal Canada and bankruptcy has been helpful to you.

Do you have severe debt and don’t know where to begin to fix it? Are your debt issues causing you to lose sleep? Is too much debt triggering stress and anxiety, discomfort and pain? We know that discomfort better than anyone and we can get it out of your life.

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years and generations of experience helping people and companies seeking financial restructuring or a debt settlement strategy. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only specialists recognized, accredited and supervised by the Federal government to give insolvency advice and remedies to assist you and to prevent bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end the stress and anxiety financial problems create. With the special roadmap, we will develop with and special to you, we will promptly return you right into a healthy, balanced hassle-free life.

You can have a no-cost appointment to assist you so we can fix your debt troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will certainly allow you to make a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.

consumer proposal bankruptcies laws in ontario

Brandon Blog Post


What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Introduction

Encountering major money troubles is life-shattering, especially if you automatically think that bankruptcy is your only alternative. As a matter of fact, lots of people erroneously think that serious financial difficulties immediately suggest the only answer is bankruptcy. The most common question I am asked is, “what is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada”.

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Insolvency

If you are having problems meeting your financial obligations or have stopped meeting those financial obligations as they come due you are insolvent, not bankrupt. Insolvent is a cash flow problem; bankruptcy is a legal state. You can read a detailed discussion on the definition of being insolvent in my last week’s vlog INSOLVENT DEFINITION: A NEW FOCUS FOR TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE.

Bаnkruрtсу is a legal рrосеѕѕ under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) that helps you to resolve уоur debts if they have become unmanageable. If you have relatively few assets and low іnсоmе and dесіdе to file for bаnkruрtсу, you will probably fіlе under the streamlined Summary Administration part of the BIA.

If you have realizable assets that will produce a value greater than $10,000, then your bankruptcy would be administered under the general administrative provisions. Don’t worry about these distinctions right now. For now, just know that the summary administration rules are shortened, and the cost of the bankruptcy administration is fixed by a tariff set by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

In either case, you will turn over to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“LIT”) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) all уоur рrореrtу that is not exempt (protected) by law. The LIT will sell your property and the proceeds will be used to рау for the bankruptcy administration and then make a distribution to уоur сrеdіtоrѕ.

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Assets exempt in a bankruptcy in Ontario

In Ontario, where my practice is, the following assets are exempt from seizure in a personal bankruptcy:

  1. Your necessary clothing without any dollar restriction.
  2. Family furnishings and appliances up to a value of $13,150.
  3. Your tools and other personal property used to earn income from your occupation up to a value of $11,300.
  4. One vehicle with equity of no more than $6,600.
  5. Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Registered Retirement Income Fund savings, other than payments made within the 12 months immediately before the bankruptcy filing.
  6. The equity in your house if up to the amount of $10,000. Note that the current thinking is that if your equity is more than $10,000, then your exemption is zero.

If you have very little property, all of it may be рrоtесtеd so that you will not lose it.

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Surplus income

How much уоur сrеdіtоrѕ will get in this process dереndѕ on how much уоur unрrоtесtеd property can be ѕоld fоr and whether you will be required to pay “surplus income” to your LIT. For a detailed discussion on surplus income, read my May 28, 2013 blog CAN YOU REALLY HAVE SURPLUS INCOME IF YOU’RE BANKRUPT?

Among all the things that seem to perplex many people when it involves the bankruptcy procedure is surplus income. It’s tough to get your head around the concept of surplus income when you are heading towards bankruptcy. Can that really be true if you are insolvent?

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: What is surplus income

Surplus income in a bankruptcy describes the amount the bankrupt must pay to the Trustee monthly. The Canadian bankruptcy system attempts to balance your right to end your debt and start over with the rights of creditors to be paid.

To permit Canadians to keep a sensible right to make a living throughout the bankruptcy administration, the federal government has established limits or standards on revenue a person can keep (after tax obligations and certain limited deductions) throughout their bankruptcy. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy establishes the limit restriction every year tied into the cost of living.

How do you figure surplus income?

The Federal Government establishes the formula used to calculate surplus income payments. The same formula is used for all of Canada.

The limits for surplus income are based off across the country “poverty line”. Surplus income has absolutely nothing to do with what you have left over monthly. It is a federal government formula that considers your revenue, specific non-discretionary costs as well as your household size.

The calculation is to find if you will need to contribute from your earnings monthly to your Trustee, for the benefit of your creditors.

Bankruptcy discharge

The final step of your bankruptcy process will be to get your discharge. Your discharge from bankruptcy acts as the trigger to discharge you from all of your debts. This means that you will not have to рау them (with possibly certain exceptions depending on your circumstances).

Whether you get an absolute discharge from your bankruptcy will depend essentially on your conduct. Before your bankruptcy, did you treat all your creditors the same? Does anyone feel aggrieved by your actions? That will decide if any of your creditors will oppose your discharge.

For an in-depth discussion of the personal bankruptcy discharge process, check out our vlog BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE: THE TOP 8 THINGS THE BANKRUPTCY COURT WILL CONSIDER ON ANYONE’S BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE APPLICATION.

Is your debt keeping you up at night?

Do you have extreme debt and have no concept of how to handle it? Are your debt woes keeping you up at night and causing you stress, pain and maybe even depression? We understand that pain and can cut it from your life.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many companies and people throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) juggling too much debt in their lives that requires a blueprint for Starting Over, Starting Now. Do not delay. Help is 1 phone call away. You can fix your financial troubles while avoiding bankruptcy as long as you take swift action. Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation.what is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency canada

Brandon Blog Post



Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a form of debt refinancing that entails taking out one loan to pay off many others. This commonly refers to a personal finance process


On November 16, 2018, the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) issued a press release on the state of consumer insolvencies in Canada. Hidden in the information was data which leads me to believe that debt consolidation may be tougher in 2019 and certainly in 2020.

A perfect storm is brewing

A historically low rate of interest and accessibility to credit have enabled some Canadians to stay up to date with debt and debt payments that would otherwise have gone into default. Interest rates are now rising and it is expected that the Bank of Canada will continue to raise its benchmark rate into 2019. Canadian household debt is on average at its highest level ever and is forecast to continue to rise. Rising household debt combined with rising interest rates is not a good combination.

Until now, Canadian real estate values have continued to rise, so consumers have been able to combine unsecured credit card and other debt into new mortgage or home equity line of credit debt secured by Canadian real estate. However, times have changed. Effective January 1, 2018, a new mortgage stress test came into effect. We described it in our blog “CANADA MORTGAGE STRESS TEST: WE EXPOSE THE SECRET TO TURN YOU FROM ZERO TO HERO”.

The mortgage stress test has resulted in one of its prime goals; a noticeable downturn in new mortgage loans. The second result is a slowing down of the runaway real estate markets in Vancouver and Toronto. If Canadian household debt continues to rise, interest rates keep rising making debt payments tougher and Canadians can no longer combine their unsecured debts by taking out a new loan by borrowing against their homes, debt defaults are going to rise.

That is why I say that debt consolidation loans may start playing hard to get.

The important relationships to consider

Below is a chart displayed in the CAIRP press release which I have reproduced here.debt consolidation 3


CAIRP came to some interesting conclusions about interest rates and consumer insolvencies, based on the trends shown in these charts. However, I believe they overlooked what I think is the central issue.

In the top chart, it shows that insolvency filings increased in the 2009-2010 years. CAIRP surmised that there was a lag between the time interest rates rose in the years 2006 through 2008 and the increased filings. This is true. However, the increase in filings mirrors the increase in unemployment in the 2009-2010 period. My personal view is that the more important finding is that the unemployment rate lagged the interest rate increase and it is the increase in the unemployment rate that produced a higher level of insolvencies.

With higher interest rates, corporations are paying more on their debt. Corporations want to show a steady increase in their profits year over year. If debt costs rise, companies have to find other costs to save. One cost that can be reduced in the short-term is labour costs. The forecast shows that as employees are terminated, the unemployment rate rises. Not everyone can find new work in the same time frame. This leads to increased consumer insolvency filings. In my view, the unemployment rate is a more important relationship to consumer insolvency filings.

Looking at 2019 and 2020

The bottom chart shows the relationship between household debt to income and the inflation rate. As you can see, the household debt to income ratio has kept a steady climb in 1996 through 2017 years. This steady climb has continued in 2018 and is forecast to rise even more in 2019 and 2020. The forecast also shows that inflation will nudge up to the 3% rate in 2020. So prices are expected to rise with inflation, and the household debt to income ratio is expected to rise also. This will put more pressure on Canadians trying to keep up with their debt payments.

The upper chart shows us that in 2019-2020, the forecast is that GDP stays flat, while interest rates continue to rise. In the same time frame, the downward trend in the unemployment rate bottoms out and begins to rise. Again, more unemployment and higher interest rates lead to problems for people trying to pay off debts. If you agree with my hypothesis that Canadians won’t be able to merge debt by borrowing more against their homes, this will lead to more financial problems and presumably an increase in consumer insolvency filings.

What you can do now

All is not doom and gloom. There are many things a person with a lot of debt can do now before things get out of control. There are many things that you can do right now to avoid a disaster down the road. My 5 steps for anyone who wants to resolve debt issues now are:

  1. Review your household budget now and cut spending on “wants” vs. “needs”. If you don’t have a household budget, develop a realistic one NOW!
  2. Rework the budget so that you spend less each month than you are currently spending. Look for ways to economize. Use that extra cash to paying down debt.
  3. Start paying more than the minimum monthly payment on your credit card and other unsecured debt. The more you can pay, the faster you can pay it off.
  4. Pay down the debt with the highest interest rate first. The less you pay in interest the better. That means more is going to pay down the principal debt.
  5. Perhaps you need to consider taking on a part-time extra gig to bring in more income.ira smith trustee

What if I can’t pay off my debts?

For Canadians that discover themselves not able to handle their debt on their own, there is a range of alternatives to take into consideration:

  • striking a deal with each of your major unsecured creditors through an informal debt settlement negotiation;
  • don’t give up on trying to combine all unsecured financial debts into one regular monthly payment;
  • a more formal debt settlement strategy with a consumer proposal; or
  • bankruptcy.

Identifying which choice is most appropriate depends upon a person’s scenarios as well as their unique asset and liability structure.

Debt consolidation: How we can help you

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) are the only experts accredited, licensed and supervised by the federal government to handle debt restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our personalized strategy will assist you to recognize all of your alternatives. The alternative you pick based on our recommendations will take away the stress and pain you are feeling because of your debt problems.

The Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience people and companies in financial trouble. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt settlement plan, a larger personal or corporate restructuring proposal debt settlement plan, or as a last resort, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life. Call us today for your free consultation.

debt consolidation

Brandon Blog Post


corporate bankruptcies canada
corporate bankruptcies Canada

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Introduction

The U.S. Steel Canada court-supervised restructuring and the court-supervised liquidation of Sears Canada have something in common. They both forced us to focus on the treatment of pensioners in corporate bankruptcies Canada under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) (or restructurings and liquidations under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA)).

We previously wrote about these pension fund Canada issues and the beginning of the focus in Ottawa for the need for new legislation. My previous blogs were:


Senator Art Eggleton, P.‍C., shortly before his retirement proposed BILL S-253, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and other Acts and Regulations (pension plans).

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Bill S-253

Bill S-253 passed First Reading on September 18, 2018, and Second Reading was moved on September 25, 2018. This Bill proposes to amend the BIA as well as the CCAA. It proposes to make certain that claims for unfunded obligations or solvency deficiencies of a pension are accorded priority. This is for both solvent companies and companies that would be rendered insolvent by certain payments to shareholders..

This proposed legislation likewise would change the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 as well as the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 to equip the Superintendent of Financial Institutions to identify that the financing of a pension is impaired and to recommend procedures to be taken by the employer in regard of the financing of such plan.1

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Is Bill S-253 new?

Yes and no. In our earlier blogs, I told you about the proposals by Bloc Québécois MP Marilène Gill’s Bill, C-372 and Hamilton Mountain NDP MP Scott Duvall rose in the House of Commons for leave to introduce Bill C-384. The amendments proposed to the BIA and CCAA in those proposed Bills, to create a priority for unfunded obligations or solvency deficiencies, are pretty well the same as in Senator Eggleton’s Bill S-253.

However, Senator Eggleton’s Bill goes further. It requires a company to report to the Superintendent of Financial Institutions:

“…of any proposed or actual decision of the employer, transaction or event, including the repurchase of shares of the employer or the payment of dividends to shareholders of the employer…”

that would cause a solvency deficiency and/or render the company insolvent.

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: So what now for Bill S-253?

To become legislation, a Bill needs to initially be presented in either the Senate or the House of Commons. It needs to after that go through numerous phases in each House: 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading. After that, it has to obtain Royal Assent. No doubt there will be a lot of debating and tinkering with this Bill. It will be interesting to see if this Bill makes it all the way through, or dies before becoming legislation.

However, the picture is clear. The result of the Sears Canada dividend payments and asset liquidation is clear. Shareholders received dividends and pensioners will have to take a deep cut in their pensions. This has caught the attention of the legislators in Ottawa. It will be interesting to see if the political will is there for pensioners to be protected in Canadian insolvency cases.

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Does your company have too much debt?

Is your company experiencing financial difficulties? If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.ira smith trustee

Brandon Blog Post



Canadian insolvency laws: Introduction

In today’s commercial world, our economy focuses on and requires Canadian insolvency laws. Insolvency is the financial condition where you cannot pay your debts as they come due and if you liquidated all of your assets, there would not be enough cash to pay off all of your debts.

Insolvency laws are required in a mature economy. It reassures investors that there is a way to “recycle” assets. Asset recycling makes them once again valuable and revenue producing, should insolvency set in on a person or company.

Canadian insolvency laws: My goal with this blog

An insolvency process is used as a means of liquidating one’s whole legacy (i.e. the totality of one’s assets) in order to attempt to please all of the creditors that have grown way beyond the ability of the person or company to repay. Emotions always run high in insolvency procedures. We are dealing with the lives of real people that may be losing their jobs, income, homes and other assets.

The purpose of this vlog is not to teach you about insolvency laws. I want to caution anyone considering going into business how important it is to structure things properly. Your aim is to make sure that you are protecting yourself, your business and your family. If your business falters and becomes insolvent you will be glad that you did.

Canadian insolvency laws: Believe it or not, it may be good for you to meet a licensed insolvency trustee

So naturally, as a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) the first focus is on restructuring. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and companies. Bad judgement, bad luck and bad management all contribute to personal and corporate insolvency. Our primary focus is to use various ways to help people and companies recover from insolvency.

The potential ramifications of insolvency procedures can be minimized. A person can no longer afford to keep their assets. A company has too many problems to continue its business. However, those same assets can be used very successfully in a new business or by someone else. So insolvency laws and procedures help to avoid a total loss of asset values.

In many of our cases, this can involve particular minor legal procedures which could eventually conserve a fortune. For financial institutions, this can be especially good news.

Canadian insolvency laws: Why you need to “alienate” your assets

If you are running a company, or are likely to do so in your career, you must minimize your exposure by safeguarding your assets. By doing so, you are protecting yourself and your family for the future, especially if something in business goes wrong. The time to protect yourself is when you are starting out and there are no problems. If you do so when the problems have already arisen, it is too late. Any asset protection steps you take knowing yourself to be insolvent, will not stand up to attack.

By running a company, you will probably become a Director. If your business needs to borrow money from the Bank to operate, you will probably be required to guarantee the bank debt. So, if you anticipate yourself collecting considerable unsecured financial obligations in the coming years, you need to act. Starting out properly protecting yourself, allows you to either avoid or successfully defend, any challenges on the sequestration of your assets.

Canadian insolvency laws: Why you want to be an “alien”

You will make sure that the properties you have “alienated” no longer form part of your estate. The alienation ensures that the possessions from which you will still benefit cannot be gotten by your financial institutions if the business is unsuccessful and they are looking for any assets you may have to honour the financial obligations you accumulate.what does a court appointed receiver do

Canadian insolvency laws: Use your lawyer

When setting up a company, you need a lawyer. Make sure that you choose a lawyer that can also counsel you on how to protect your assets in the event your business venture fails. We are not lawyers, and the general advice I am going to give you is not meant to replace the advice of a lawyer.

Canadian insolvency laws: You may need more than one company to conduct your business

The first thing to think about is incorporating a limited liability company. Depending on the type of business, you may need to incorporate several, within which to house your operations, the leased or owned premises you operate out of and your shareholdings. Conducting your business through a company will require more documentation and therefore cost.

However, it is well worth it. It removes and protects you personally to the greatest extent possible from personal liability. The goal is to minimize or eliminate the destruction of you and your family. If you choose not to go through a corporate body, for whatever reason, protecting your personal assets becomes even more important. There will not be one or more corporate entities to serve as the first line of protection.

Canadian insolvency laws: Examples of multiple corporations in running a business

Examples of how multiple corporations will better insulate you and your business assets are:

Operating company. Your operating company is the one you conduct business through. It is the vehicle which will attract the most liability. There is always a risk in running any business. However, there is no law that requires you to hold all your business assets in your operating company.

Single purpose corporation. You may want to incorporate a second single purpose company to hold valuable assets used to conduct the business of your operating company. Tangible assets such as machinery and equipment are obvious. You are operating out of premises; either leased or owned.

You may wish to have a corporation that holds the tangible assets. Another company that is simply the real estate company. If you also have valuable intangible assets such as copyrights, licenses, trademarks, you may wish a separate company to hold all of the intangible assets.

These single-purpose corporations will then lease the assets to your operating company to conduct its business. Your operating company will pay rental charges, lease payments and licensing fees to the respective sole purpose companies. You need your lawyer to carefully document in writing everything. By now you can probably see the value in separating out the various important and valuable assets from your normal business operations.

Canadian insolvency laws: Alienating your most valuable asset

The most significant and most important property most of us will own is our house. The time to transfer your ownership interest to your partner ideally is before the first day of your going into business. Waiting until there are business problems and you are insolvent, any transfer will be successfully attacked. Obviously, you have to believe that you and your partner have a solid loving relationship before making the transfer as you will no longer have your ownership interest in the house.

Canadian insolvency laws: Does your company have too much debt?

To set up your company and structure your affairs properly, we urge you to use the best lawyer for your needs. This blog cannot replace the advice of your lawyer. However, if your company is experiencing financial difficulties, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.canadian insolvency laws 1

Brandon Blog Post


Form 31 proof of claim: Introduction

In last week’s vlog, I reviewed why it is important to complete a form 31 proof of claim truthfully, and the penalties for filing a false claim. For both personal and corporate insolvency files, creditors call asking how to complete the document. I discuss in this vlog why it needs to be completed properly. I also provide a link in this blog that you can click on to see how to properly complete the form step by step.

The reference to “form 31” is merely the number of the form given to the form 31 proof of claim form under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (“BIA”).

What is the form 31 proof of claim form?

Completing and returning form 31 is the second phase in the bankruptcy process. They are included with the notice of bankruptcy documents mailed out by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) (the “Trustee”) to formally notify the creditors of the bankruptcy.

When properly completed and filed by each creditor, they are what a Trustee uses to compare the debt as listed on the debtor’s bankruptcy sworn Statement of Affairs. The amount claimed by a creditor is normally different than the amount of the debt listed on the bankruptcy schedules. The reason for this is normally because the creditor’s records are accurate to the penny, while the bankrupt’s records are usually not up to date.

The process is the same whether you are filing a secured claim, an ordinary unsecured claim or a priority claim, which is also unsecured, under s.138 of the BIA. What is important is that you need to have a provable claim.

If the Trustee determines that you have either an unliquidated claim or a contingent claim, there will be additional steps you will need to take for the Trustee to be able to ascribe a value and for you to have a properly proved claim.

Form 31 proof of claim: Form 31

In every:

the Trustee will supply to all creditors form 31 document. If the debtor who intends to restructure first files a Notice of Intention To Make a Proposal, a claim form is not sent out at that stage. It will be sent with the actual restructuring proposal and other related documents.

The same document contains both where you can make your claim as well as complete the proxy form, if applicable. Creditors may experience difficulty completing the document. So, the Trustee provides instructions on how to complete the claim form and proxy. That is also why I have provided a step-by-step instruction sheet from the link below so you can follow exactly how to complete the form.

form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

Form 31 proof of claim: Acceptability of proof of claim

It is important to properly complete the document. It must be completed fully and properly. The claim must include all necessary details called for under the BIA. Below is a link to an example on how to properly complete the form 31 proof of claim. A Trustee is required to review all proofs of claim received.

The purpose of this is to know what claims are acceptable to be admitted for voting at the First Meeting of Creditors. Also, all proofs received either before or after the creditors’ meeting must also be reviewed carefully to make sure that they are acceptable if there is a dividend to be paid on the claims in the insolvency proceeding.

The Chair of the creditors meeting has the power to admit or disallow claims for the purpose of voting at the meeting. The Trustee has the same power for the proofs of claim for dividend purposes. Most times the Trustee will also be the Chair at the meeting of creditors.

It is incumbent on the Trustee to communicate with creditors whose claims the Trustee believes to be deficient. The purpose is to obtain additional information to make a final determination. The Trustee has to decide whether to admit or disallow a specific claim.

As you can see, completing the document properly is essential.

Does a creditor have to file a claim?

Nobody will force a creditor to file a claim in a bankruptcy estate. A creditor’s claim becomes valid when the creditor files it and the Trustee accepts it. . When a creditor files a claim against a bankruptcy estate, the creditor is making a claim that the Trustee should record and count their claim so that the creditor will be entitled to receive their pro-rata share of any dividend payments that may be made.

The Trustee will issue the maximum payment each creditor is entitled to when the bankruptcy estate is liquidated. When a creditor files a claim, the creditor also becomes an interested party in the bankruptcy case. An interested party is a person who has a vested interest in the bankruptcy case. If the claim is filed before the First Meeting of Creditors in bankruptcy, then the creditor has the right to participate in and vote at the meeting.

Form 31 proof of claim: My example



form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

Can I file a proof of claim after the deadline?

There are really only two important deadlines when it comes to filing a claim. The first is before the First Meeting of Creditors. As mentioned above, if you wish to participate in that meeting, then you need to have filed a properly completed valid claim before the start of the meeting. However, if you don’t file it by then, although you won’t be able to vote at the meeting, you have not lost out on anything else.

Once all the realization of assets of the bankrupt has been completed, being both the current assets, fixed assets, and possibly even intangible assets, if the Trustee has sufficient funds to issue a dividend payment, then the Trustee has to review all the claims filed. The Trustee also has to compare the claims register containing all of the creditor claims filed against the names and amounts listed in the bankrupt’s sworn Statement of Affairs.

If any creditors have not yet filed, and there will be a payment made to the unsecured creditors, the Trustee has to send a specific notice pursuant to the requirements of the BIA to each such creditor. The notice in writing says that a dividend will be paid, and if you don’t file your claim by a specific date, then you will be barred from receiving any payment.

How do I object to a form 31 proof of claim?

First, you have to be a creditor with a proven claim accepted by the Trustee. The BIA states that any creditor can inspect the claims filed. So if you have personal knowledge that a party listed on the sworn Statement of Affairs is really not a creditor, then you would be assisting the Trustee by reviewing the claims filed and pointing out any claims you believe are invalid, and why. However, it is very unusual for a creditor to take the time to do so.

The next opportunity and really the only time it matters, for a creditor to object to a claim filed by a creditor is if a dividend distribution is going to be made and the Trustee sends out the Final Dividend Sheet. If you think there are errors, then you can object to the approval of the Trustee’s Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and the Dividend Sheet.

Reasons that you may feel one or more claims are incorrect could be:

  • You do not believe that someone that has filed as a secured creditor can provide adequate proof of security with their claim.
  • You feel that the compromise of claims being proposed is improper.
  • There may be details of payments received by a creditor are missing and therefore their claim is overvalued.
  • The priority of claims listed is improper.
  • The priority of payment as listed in the Trustee’s Final Statement is incorrect.
  • Some of the more complicated claims, such as the claim of lessor, a claim by wage earner, claim by farmer or another claim for employees have been incorrectly calculated by the Trustee.

If you have any concern that there is an error with the amounts being claimed, or if you believe that there are circumstances where one or more claims are not valid, you should immediately communicate this to the Trustee.

Keep in mind that once the Trustee issues the Final Statement with Dividend Sheet and has the intention of making a payment to all creditors with valid claims, you have to file your own objection within 30 days of the date on which the notice was issued.

Form 31 proof of claim: Do you need help?

Do you or your company have too much debt? Is a financial restructuring or debt settlement plan necessary but you just don’t know where to start? If so, then you need the help of a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has years of experience of helping individuals and companies successfully complete their restructuring proposal debt settlement plans. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our door.

form 31 proof of claim
form 31 proof of claim

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity. Call us today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: Introduction

On September 24, 2018, the US Department of Justice Trustee Program (USTP) that it reached a $5 million settlement with Citibank. As described below, it had to do with the improper preparation and filing of bankruptcy proofs of claim. The purpose of this blog is to explain the issues and discuss what it means when completing a proof of claim bankruptcy Canada.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: The settlement requires Court approval

The USTP participated in a nationwide negotiation arrangement with Citibank N.A. (Citibank), Department Stores National Bank (DSNB) (jointly Citi), as well as FDS Bank. Citi will pay $5 million to remediate robo-signed evidence of proofs of claim submitted in more than 71,000 consumer bankruptcy files involving Macy’s charge card accounts.

Moreover, the suggested agreement has been submitted to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Georgia, where it is subject to court authorization. FDS Bank serviced the accounts and retained certain bankruptcy-related services to outside vendors.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: The Robo-signing debacle

Between 2012 and 2015, tens of thousands of proofs of claim were filed in bankruptcy files throughout the USA for DSNB. These proofs of claim were incorrectly signed, under the penalty of perjury, by employees of an outside vendor who had not reviewed the respective file and proof of claim and/or lacked knowledge of the contents of the proof of claim.

In some cases, the electronic credentials of the vendor’s staff were used to file proofs of claim without being reviewed by that or any other person. These improper practices were identified when Citibank took over the servicing of the accounts in late 2015 from the third parties. Citi self-reported the errors to the USTP.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: The USTP comments

“I am pleased that Citi has acted responsibly by self-reporting these deficient bankruptcy practices and agreeing to remediate affected borrowers to address the errors,” said USTP Director White. “I am also encouraged that Citi has instituted internal bankruptcy procedures to ensure that the vendor’s errors should not be repeated. When creditors fail to comply with the bankruptcy laws and rules, they must be held accountable. The U.S. Trustee Program remains diligent in its effort to ensure that creditors, as well as debtors who disregard the law, will be held accountable for their actions.”

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: How to complete form 31 proof of claim

In completing a proof of claim form, for either a personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy in Canada, the person completing the form must state that:

“I have knowledge of all the circumstances connected with the claim referred to in this form.”

A fully completed proof of claim must include details on:

  1. who the creditor is;
  2. the amount of the claim;
  3. what type of claim it is; and
  4. all contact details.

A proof of claim needs sufficient documentation attached in order for the Trustee to verify the claim.

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: What will happen if a false or unsubstantiated claim is made

Section 201(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) states:

“201 (1) Where a creditor, or a person claiming to be a creditor, in any proceedings under this Act, wilfully and with intent to defraud makes any false claim or any proof, declaration or statement of account that is untrue in any material particular, the creditor or person is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to both.”

The BIA provides for penalties in Canada also. A robo-signing exercise like in the Citi case, in my opinion, is an offence under this section of the BIA. Any false proof of claim will be disallowed, in whole or in part.

I am not aware of any court decisions in Canada on this section of the BIA. Perhaps Canadians as a whole are more truthful than those involved in the Citi matter!

Proof of claim bankruptcy Canada: Are claims being made against you or your company?

Are you or your company experiencing financial difficulties? If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are in the door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity.


Brandon Blog Post



What does a court appointed receiver do: Introduction

Earlier this week I wrote my blog COURT APPOINTED RECEIVER REAL ESTATE: ALL PURCHASE TERMS AREN’T EQUAL. In that blog, I described 5 common conditions that a buyer wants in a real estate agreement of purchase and sale. I also showed why a court appointed receiver cannot agree to those requested conditions. The purpose of today’s Brandon’s Blog is to answer the question what does a court appointed receiver do in setting the vendor’s conditions in a real estate sale.

What does a court appointed receiver do: The 5 most common vendor terms

In the earlier blog this week, I listed the 5 most common seller terms that the court appointed receiver cannot agree to. Here are the five most common terms that the court appointed receiver as seller requires.

  1. Capacity – The court appointed receiver requires the buyer to acknowledge that the vendor is selling solely in its court-appointed role.
  2. Title – Buyer agrees to accept title to the property as will be conveyed by the Court order conveying title which is called a Vesting Order. Also, the buyer must acknowledge that it is accepting title subject to any site plan agreements, restrictions, easements for the supply of utilities, services or otherwise. Also, the buyer will accept title subject to any rights of way, encroachments on or by the subject property onto adjoining properties, leases or licences. This is why it is important for the buyer’s lawyer to do a careful search of title and explain any and all issues to the buyer before the purchaser agrees to accept title.
  3. Inspections – A buyer from a court appointed receiver must be very careful in doing its due diligence. The court appointed receiver will allow for reasonable inspections. The buyer must acknowledge that he/she/it relies entirely upon its own inspection and investigation with respect to quantity, quality and value of the property. The buyer must also agree that it is purchasing and accepts the property on an “as is” basis, as of the date of acceptance and as of the closing date.
  4. Fixtures and chattels – Every buyer obviously wants to get the most possible out of the real estate purchase. It is normal for all buyers to want to confirm that they are receiving good title to all chattels and fixtures. The buyer is also looking for a warranty that they will all be in good working order on the date of closing. This is not possible in a court appointed receiver real estate sale. Rather, in a Court-appointed receivership, the receiver will insist on the condition that notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in the agreement of purchase and sale, the Buyer acknowledges that the seller does not have title to the chattels or fixtures presently located on or used in connection with the property. The buyer and seller can agree that the chattels and fixtures set out in the schedule to the agreement remain at the property. However the buyer must also agree to take it on an “as is” basis. There is no warranty or representation and the seller won’t provide a bill of sale on closing for any chattels or fixtures. The court appointed receiver probably cannot verify that ownership of the fixtures and chattels are the property of the owner of the real estate. The receiver won’t rely on what is affixed to the premises to to prove or infer title.
  5. Court approval – A court appointed receiver must obtain court approval to the method of offering the property for sale (obtained before the sales process begins) and certainly for a specific sale. The court appointed receiver must seek that approval in order to have the sales process and sale sanctioned. The Court will issue an Approval and Vesting Order. This is the Court order allowing the transfer of title to the buyer. A court appointed receiver will put together its motion material and attend in Court for such approvals once it knows that it has a firm deal, all buyer conditions have been waived and the necessary deposit funds have been received. A Court will not approve a transaction that isn’t firm. The Court will question why the court appointed receiver is wasting resources in making the approval request at that time.

What does a court appointed receiver do: Is your mortgagor in trouble?

I hope this information will help you understand better the most common terms and conditions a court appointed receiver selling real estate requires. A court appointed receiver does this in setting the vendor’s conditions in a real estate sale.

Are you a mortgagor over industrial or commercial realty where the debtor remains in default? There may be reasons that you have to take into consideration for putting in a court appointed receiver.

If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are in the door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity.what does a court appointed receiver do

Brandon Blog Post


Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: Introduction

We always perform an initial free consultation with people thinking about filing either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. People ask me, what if I can’t create a list of all my creditors?

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: A refresher

If you are a regular reader of my Brandon’s Blog, then you know the difference between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy. For those of you who need a brief refresher, both the consumer proposal and bankruptcy are different processes under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). To file either one, the person must be insolvent. That means that they cannot meet their liabilities as they become due and if they liquidated all their assets, it would not produce enough cash to pay of all the debts.

Consumer proposal – This is a restructuring process to avoid bankruptcy for any person who owes $250,000 or less, not including any mortgage or line of credit debts secured by a mortgage registered against their home. The purpose of a consumer proposal is to AVOID bankruptcy.

Division I proposal – This is a restructuring process for people who owe too much money to fit under the consumer proposal rules. A company can also reorganize under this section of the BIA.

Bankruptcy – If a person cannot successfully carry out a restructuring proposal but requires relief from their crushing debts, then they would file for bankruptcy. In this process, subject to certain provincial exemptions, you would hand over your assets to the licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee). The Trustee would then sell the assets for cash, call for your creditors to file a proof of claim with the Trustee and then distribute the money according to the rules of the BIA.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: A common question

Regardless of whether the person is thinking about a consumer proposal, Division I proposal or bankruptcy, a common question is: (i) what if I don’t know who all my creditors are; or (ii) what if I leave off some creditors from my sworn statement of affairs; or (iii) do I have to list all of my creditors?

Some of our clients come to us, tell us that they don’t even know who their creditors are. Sometimes it’s been such a long time that they don’t even receive the bills or notices anymore and their memories aren’t good enough. So here is an easy hack so that you can put together a list of most, if not all, of your creditors.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: The easy hack

We will add CRA to your statement of affairs. If you don’t know how much you owe them, we will put them in showing either “$1” or “Unknown” as a placeholder

Every person must file an income tax return. Most people know whether they are current or not in their tax filings. So Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) should always be listed.

CRA cannot file an accurate proof of claim if you have not been current in your income tax filings. So we tell everyone to file all outstanding tax returns and provide us with a copy before filing either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy.

Pull your credit report

You may obtain your credit report from either Equifax or TransUnion. Your credit report will list all those who you owe money to and who wanted to update their files with your new credit score. We will add those creditors to your statement of affairs also.

Check your mail and save the bills

No doubt your creditors will keep mailing your statements. Even if all it says is balance forward unpaid, or is from a collection agency or lawyer, it will list their address, their name and the amount they say you owe. We will put that information on your statement of affairs.

Your lawyer can easily do an execution search. This search will show who holds a judgement against you and some basic details. We will add those details to your statement of affairs.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: The test is due diligence, not perfection

The test is, did you use your best efforts to identify all of your creditors on your sworn statement of affairs. It is very rare that any of our clients know exactly how much they owe. It is normal for the amounts according to the sworn statement of affairs to be different from the proofs of claim filed. That is OK.

Sophisticated large creditors pay the Superintendent of Bankruptcy to get a download of insolvency filings on a regular basis. They match the names of those who have filed against their client database. If a client shows up that they did not have listed as having filed, they contact the Trustee. Once they contact us, we send them a creditor’s package. They will then be able to further check their records and if owed money, can file a proof of claim.

We had a client who said they mistakenly left off a few creditors in their proposal filing. Those creditors found out. All those creditors had judgements against the person who filed the restructuring proposal. These creditors were very mad at being left off the list, although they did not suffer any damages.

It made it much tougher for the person and us to get a deal struck with all the creditors. At the end of the day, a deal was struck and the person is currently performing and is currently making their payments under the restructuring proposal. The anger of these creditors rubbed off on creditors who would have otherwise been happy with a lesser proposal. So in the end, leaving these creditors off the initial sworn statement of affairs just cost them more money!

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: Corporate filings

In terms of a corporation filing either a restructuring proposal or bankruptcy, we normally don’t incur the same issues. A company will have an accounting department and/or an accounting system. They will be able to produce a list of creditors. The amounts shown may not be current, but the list of names and addresses will be reasonably accurate.

However, the easy hack I described above also works for a company.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: More free stuff

I hope that you have found my free easy hack useful to answer the question of how to create a list of all my creditors. You can use it if you wish to do proper budgeting, which everyone should do. You don’t have to wait until you are insolvent!! With proper budgeting, you can avoid insolvency and therefore bankruptcy.

If you have too much debt and need someone to talk to about consumer proposal vs bankruptcy, call the Ira Smith Team. We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a free initial consultation. So why not? All you have to lose is your stress. We will advise you whether or not we think you are a candidate for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel you can solve your financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell you straight.

The Ira Smith Team understands the stress you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones. We can eliminate your pain. I guarantee that you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now.

consumer proposal or bankruptcy


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