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debt forgiveness craDebt forgiveness CRA: Introduction

Last week we told you about professional athletes who earned enormous fortunes and blew it all on lavish, unsupportable lifestyles. The end result was bankruptcy. There is another group of professional athletes who also earned millions and ended up using a bankruptcy alternative to avoid bankruptcy, but not because they blew it all. They were trying to shield their money from taxes through complex offshore tax structures. However, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reassessed them and now they had a huge tax bill and needed debt forgiveness CRA.

CRA debt forgiveness: Donovan Bailey tries to race Canada Revenue Agency

This is certainly not a new phenomenon. The newspapers and tabloids often feature stories about famous people who the tax department reassesses for using complex tax structures designed by agents, managers, accountants, and lawyers. In this case, our very own Olympian, Donovan Bailey, had to file a proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada), as a result of an offshore tax scheme to try to beat the CRA. And, sadly, he’s not the only one.

Debt forgiveness CRA: Her Majesty outruns the offshore tax scheme

The offshore tax scheme that nearly bankrupted Donovan Bailey was designed to lessen the amount of income tax to be paid. Donovan Bailey made a “charitable donation”. It went through a complicated series of transactions. The money made its way back to Mr. Bailey, through an offshore account. It was supposed to come back in tax-free.

The problem was that the tax authority reassessed Donovan Bailey. They said the charitable donation was no more than a sham to avoid paying taxes. Instead of tax-free money Donovan Bailey found himself in debt to the CRA to the tune of $2.3 million in unpaid taxes and ended up in bankruptcy court.

Debt forgiveness CRA: CRA gets tough

The CRA has vowed to get tough on tax evaders and the tax professionals who help them. CRA threatens with increased fines and jail sentences. They have a strategy to root out high-risk wealthy Canadians and corporations that stash cash in offshore accounts to avoid taxes. And, they’re spending $444 million on these measures, and expect to recoup $2.6 billion in added revenue over five years.

Debt forgiveness CRA: What to do if you have too much debt

No one likes to pay taxes, but trying to hide money from the CRA could land you fines, jail time and/or bankruptcy. If you’re considering bankruptcy because of income tax debt or for any reason, we can show you bankruptcy alternatives to get CRA debt forgiveness. We can end your debt pain through a consumer proposal, debt consolidation, and credit counselling. Contact a professional that you can trust – Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

The Ira Smith Team has a cumulative 50+ years of experience dealing with diverse issues and complex files. We deliver the highest quality of professional service. Don’t settle for less. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can overcome your financial difficulties.

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interest on credit cards calculator

Interest on credit cards calculator: Introduction

As Benjamin Franklin so wisely stated in 1789, in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Life is full of surprises – not all of them pleasant. Are you financially prepared in the event that life deals you a low blow – job loss, injury or a health crisis? And, if so, would you turn to credit cards to support your lifestyle? Do you really know how to calculate the interest on your credit card balances? Below I will explain how an interest on credit cards calculator works.

Interest on credit cards calculator: And the survey says

According to a recent survey by Forum Research:

A Manulife Bank survey of Canadian homeowners reports that:

  • 9% have access to $1,000 or less
  • 14% have not put away any funds

Interest on credit cards calculator: An alarming Canadian trend

These two surveys bring to light an alarming trend. With no emergency fund, or any savings to fall back on, many Canadians who find themselves in a crisis with a sudden loss of income turn to living off credit cards. According to Bankruptcy Canada:

  • Only 25% of Canadians pay off their credit card debt in full each month which means that 75% of Canadians carry a balance on our credit cards each month
  • This can result in paying several thousands of dollars each year in interest

Interest on credit cards calculator: How the interest is calculated

The annual interest rate on credit cards ranges from 19% to almost 30%. Credit card companies actually calculate interest on a daily basis. Therefore, if you do not pay the full balance on time by the due date, the interest actually compounds on a daily basis. That is why once balances are overdue, or you are only making the minimum monthly payments, you can never get catch up. The daily compound interest accrues too quickly.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada provides a free online credit card payment calculator. Check it out by clicking here.

Interest on credit cards calculator: What to do if you can’t keep up with your credit card payments

In fact, it can take a lifetime to pay off a credit card balance of a few thousand dollars if you’re only making the minimum payments. Living off credit cards is not the answer; getting professional help is. You need a trustee now. Many people fear that bankruptcy is the only option for serious financial problems, but that’s just not true. Although bankruptcy is an option, there are bankruptcy alternatives to consider:

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to help. We approach every file with the attitude that your financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can put your financial problems behind you and look forward to living a debt free life.


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payday loans


We’ve been sounding the alarm bells about payday loans long and loud, but it seems that many Canadians are still unaware of their dangers. According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), many loan users are unaware of the high costs of these loans compared to their alternatives. This includes all such loans around me and you. This just goes to confirm what we already knew – there’s a great need to continue to raise consumer awareness about the costs of, and alternatives to, payday loans.

What the FCAC survey shows

The FCAC recently conducted a survey on payday loans and the results were quite insightful and at times quite surprising:

  • They are an expensive way for consumers to borrow money. The annual percentage rate (APR) is typically 546%.
  • Fewer than 43% of respondents understood that this kind of loan is more expensive than available alternatives. This suggests that many do not have enough knowledge to consistently make the borrowing decisions that best serve their financial well-being.
  • The use of these loans has more than doubled in Canada recently to 4% of Canadian households.
  • 45% of respondents reported typically using such loans for unexpected, necessary expenses.
  • 41% used them for expected, necessary expenses.
  • Users are primarily those with low-to-moderate incomes (more than half lived in households with annual incomes under $55,000).
  • 20% of respondents who used this kind of loans reported household incomes exceeding $80,000.
  • 7% of respondents who used them reported household incomes over $120,000.
  • Many of the users surveyed indicated that they rarely sought financial advice even when they felt it was necessary.

Why not go to a bank or credit union?

Why didn’t respondents access credit from a bank or credit union?

  • 90% said payday lending was the fastest or most convenient option.
  • 74% said payday lending was the best option available to them.
  • 55% said payday lending offered the best customer service.
  • 27% said a bank or credit union would not lend them money.
  • 15% said they did not have time to get a loan from a bank or credit union.
  • 13% said they did not want to get money from a bank or credit union.

Can payday loans lead to bankruptcy?

Payday loans are a huge problem. In fact, the Canadian Payday Loan Association reports that nearly 2 million Canadians use payday loans each year. And many borrowers often find it very difficult to repay the full loan amount with the interest and fees. Now they’re trapped. They take out another payday loan to pay off the first payday loan and then take out another and another. It’s not difficult to imagine payday loans causing bankruptcy.

Are you caught in a payday loan trap?

If you’re caught in the payday loan trap, borrowing more money is not the answer – professional help is. Seek the advice of a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. You need answers, options and realistic plan for recovery and you need help now.

We’ll evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now we can help you become debt-free.

payday loans

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Secret debt in marriage: Introduction

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, we need to not lose that loving feeling. Many Canadians are not crazy with their love one’s finances. They may wish to book a financial date evening. Many are keeping debt secrets from their partner, or fear they are hiding financial information from them. Perhaps now is the time to come clean with secret debt in marriage.

Secret debt in marriage: A recent survey

A brand-new survey identified that Canadians in a relationship (whether living separately, common law or wed) wish they can change a minimum of one of their partner’s financial behaviours. But their loved one could be oblivious. Many reported seldom or never ever talking money or budgeting with them.

Secret debt in marriage: We have previously written about this tender subject

Spouses or partners holding secret debt in marriage is nothing new. We have previously written on the topic, and others involving couples, including the following blogs:

secret debt in marriage

Secret debt in marriage: Couples best practices

When it concerns taking care of debt as a couple, I recommend complete and honest disclosure. Work together to check your debts and make a household budget. Plan together how your household income will allow you both to pay ordinary monthly expenses, pay off debt and hopefully, save for emergencies and retirement.. Budgeting discussions are not easy, but if you can prepare a realistic one and stick to it, your relationship will find a new level of love.

Secret debt in marriage: What if you find out that talking and budgeting is not enough?

Although we are not social workers or marriage counselors, we are expert in helping people work through their financial challenges.

That is why the Ira Smith Team always looks first to see if one of the bankruptcy alternatives would be a better fit for you. The alternatives we look at with you include:

The Ira Smith Team has 50+ years of cumulative experience dealing with issues just like the ones that you’re facing. Give us a call today and let us give you back peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now.

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secret debt in marriage
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bank of canada interest rate hike

Bank of Canada interest rate hike: Introduction

Unfortunately for many Canadians, their fears are about to be realized. On Wednesday, January 17th the Bank of Canada interest rate hike began. The Bank of Canada raised its key lending rate by a quarter percentage point to 1.25%. This is the third time it’s moved its benchmark rate from once-record lows last summer.

Bank of Canada interest rate hike: How will changes in the prime lending rate affect Canadians?

Changes in the prime lending rate affect variable-rate mortgages, lines of credit and other lending linked to the benchmark rate, and this means that borrowers will be paying more. And the Bank of Canada interest rate hike has a ripple effect.

The Royal Bank of Canada raised its prime lending rate by a quarter of a percentage point, to 3.45%, effective Thursday, January 18th. Canadians expect that Canada’s other big banks will do the same. Already all of Canada’s Big Six banks raised their listed five-year mortgage rates by 15 basis points to 5.14%.

It’s now going to be more difficult for home buyers to qualify for mortgages, particularly with the new stricter guidelines. As you can see, a rise in interest rates can have far-reaching effects.

Bank of Canada interest rate hike: Reasons Canadians are concerned

With so many Canadians walking a financial tightrope, the last thing they wanted to see was an increase in interest rates. A recent survey by Ipsos showed that:

  • 48% of Canadians are within $200 of not being able to meet their financial obligations
  • 40% of Canadians worry that they’ll be in financial trouble if interest rates keep rising
  • 33% of Canadians can’t keep up with their monthly bills and make their debt repayments
  • 30% of Canadians are concerned that rising interest rates could push them close to bankruptcy

Bank of Canada interest rate hike: Are you worried about the interest rate hike?

If you’re like many Canadians who worry that the rise in interest rates will push you over a cliff financially, now is the time to seek professional help. A licensed trustee can give you answers, options and a realistic plan for recovery.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’ll evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on your way to debt free living.

Brandon Blog Post


Declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: Introduction

Facing serious financial difficulties is devastating, especially if you believe that declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada is your only option. In fact, many people mistakenly believe that dire financial problems automatically mean personal bankruptcy.

If you are having problems meeting your financial obligations or have stopped meeting those financial obligations as they come due you are actually insolvent, not bankrupt. Insolvency is a financial condition; bankruptcy is a legal state.

Bаnkruрtсу is a legal рrосеѕѕ under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) that help you to resolve уоur debts if they have become unmanageable. If you have relatively few assets and low іnсоmе and dесіdе to file for bаnkruрtсу, you will probably fіlе under the streamlined Summary Administration part of the BIA.

If you have realizable assets that will produce a value greater than $10,000, then your bankruptcy would be administered under the general administrative provisions. Don’t worry about these distinctions right now. For now, just know that the summary administration rules are shortened. The cost of this type of bankruptcy administration is fixed by a tariff set by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

Declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: A summary of the bankruptcy steps

In either case, you will turn over to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“LIT”) all of уоur рrореrtу that is not exempt (protected) by law. The LIT will sell your property and use the proceeds to рау for the bankruptcy administration and then distribute to уоur сrеdіtоrѕ.

If you have very little property, all of it may be рrоtесtеd. In that case, you will not lose it. How much уоur сrеdіtоrѕ will get in this process dереndѕ on how much уоur unрrоtесtеd property can be sold fоr and whether you will be required to pay “surplus income” to your LIT (more on
this later).

The final step of your bankruptcy process will be to get your discharge from your debts. This means that you will not have to рау them (with certain exceptions).

Declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: Know the basic rules BEFORE filing for bankruptcy

Gеnеrаllу, going through bankruptcy helps реорlе with debts get a fresh start. Hоwеvеr, many реорlе have false ideas about how it can help them. Bеfоrе deciding you need to fіlе for bаnkruрtсу, you should know some of the bаѕіс rules. That way you will know what bankruptcy can and cannot do for you.

Declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: What bаnkruрtсу may do for you, dереndіng on your sіtuаtіоn

  1. Dіѕсhаrgе уоur unѕесurеd debts; depending on your assets and income, you may not рау or lose anything. If you do, you will рrоbаblу рау less than you owe.
  2. Give you a short-term “аutоmаtіс stay” аgаіnѕt уоur сrеdіtоrѕ.
  3. As opposed to bankruptcy, one of the bankruptcy alternatives under the BIA will help you work out a repayment plan that lets you take longer to рау your debt and/or рау less than you owe. If your budget allows for this approach, the (consumer) proposal, allows you to keep property that ѕесurеѕ a debt. Examples of such assets would be your home or car. It can also allow you to keep nоn-еxеmрt аѕѕеtѕ that you would рrоbаblу lоѕе in a bankruptcy filing. This is one bankruptcy alternative.

Declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: What bankruptcy does not do for you

Getting a dіѕсhаrgе of уоur debts through the bankruptcy process will not discharge:

  1. Any award of damages by a court in civil proceedings in respect of:
    1. i) bodily harm intentionally inflicted, or sexual assault, or
      ii) wrongful death resulting therefrom
  2. A debt or liability for alimony or alimentary pension.
  3. Any debt or liability arising under a judicial decision establishing affiliation or in connection with support or maintenance, or under an agreement for maintenance and support of a spouse, former spouse, former common-law partner or child living apart from the bankrupt.
  4. Debt or liability arising out of fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation or defalcation while acting in a fiduciary capacity or, in the Province of Quebec, as a trustee or administrator of the property of others.
  5. Any debt or liability resulting from obtaining property or services by false pretenses or fraudulent misrepresentation, other than a debt or liability that arises from an equity claim.
  6. Liability for the dividend that a creditor would have been entitled to receive on any provable claim not disclosed to the trustee unless the creditor had notice or knowledge of the bankruptcy and failed to take reasonable action to prove his claim.
  7. Any debt or obligation in respect of a loan made under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act or any enactment of a province that provides for loans or guarantees of loans to students where the date of bankruptcy of the bankrupt occurred:i) before the date on which the bankrupt ceased to be a full or part-time student, as the case may be, under the applicable Act or enactment, or
    ii) within seven years after the date on which the bankrupt ceased to be a full or part-time student;
    iii) any debt or obligation in respect of a loan made under the Apprentice Loans Act where the date of bankruptcy of the bankrupt occurred: a. before the date on which the bankrupt ceased, under that Act, to be an eligible apprentice within the meaning of that Act, or

    b. within seven years after the date on which the bankrupt ceased to be an eligible apprentice; or
  1. Any debt for interest owed with an amount referred to in the above list.declaring personal bankruptcy in ontario canada

Declaring personal bankruptcy in Ontario Canada: More things bankruptcy does not do for you

  1. The bаnkruрtсу court can refuse to dіѕсhаrgе your debts if it finds that you are abusing the рrосеѕѕ. Thеrеfоrе, you cannot run up debt just before filing for bаnkruрtсу and automatically have it forgiven. The Court will look at what you ѕреnt the money on and can deny you a discharge if it finds that you have abused the ѕуѕtеm. You must be truthful and not try to hide аѕѕеtѕ.
  2. Will not help you with any debts you take on during and after you begin the bаnkruрtсу рrосеѕѕ.
  3. Will not give you a clean slate on уоur credit report (except to show what debts have been dіѕсhаrgеd). Bankruptcy reduces your credit rating to R9. This rating remains on your record for 6 years after your discharge for the first time bankrupt. These ratings are set by the relevant credit bureaus whose rules may vary.
  4. Will not protect some kinds of іnсоmе and рrореrtу you get during the соurѕе of the bankruptcy until you are discharged (such аѕ іnhеrіtаnсе, tax refund, gifts, lottery winnings).
  5. May not dіѕсhаrgе all of уоur debts without some ѕасrіfісеѕ. If you have very few аѕѕеtѕ and little іnсоmе, you may not lоѕе anything. Debtors with more assets and income above the poverty line can lose some of their assets and have to pay surplus income.
  6. Will not allow for your discharge after 9 months if you are required to pay surplus income. A first time bankrupt must pay surplus income for 21 months and a second or more time bankrupt will have to pay surplus income for 36 months. Whether or not a first time bankrupt will be entitled to an automatic and absolute discharge after paying the required surplus income depends on the specifics of your circumstances.
  7. A second or more time bankrupt is not entitled to an automatic absolute discharge and there must first be a Court hearing to decide what form of discharge is most appropriate given your circumstances.

Filing fоr bаnkruрtсу is a big deal

Declaring personal bаnkruрtсу in Ontario Canada is a big deal. It can be a trеmеndоuѕ rеѕоurсе for the honest but unfortunate debtor who needs a new start. However, there are rules, rеѕtrісtіоnѕ and fіnаnсіаl rаmіfісаtіоnѕ to соnѕіdеr before jumping in hеаdfіrѕt.

That is why the Ira Smith Team always looks first to see if one of the bankruptcy alternatives would be a better fit for you. The alternatives we look at with you include:

The Ira Smith Team has 50+ years of cumulative experience dealing with issues just like the ones that you’re facing. Give us a call today and let us give you back peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now.

declaring personal bankruptcy in ontario canada

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Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Introduction

Other than for some last-minute small items, your holiday spending is complete. The credit card bills will arrive next month. You will soon find out if you made any holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

Maybe you overspent and will now have too much debt you won’t be able to repay. Perhaps you spent wisely, but it will put you over the top given your current debt level. Regardless, you now need to know how to help yourself financially from holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: You are not alone being in debt

Are you fighting financial threats daily? Do you wish you could unlock how to help yourself financially? If so, you are not alone. Lots of Canadians have fought the good fight to barely survive. There have been many articles in the media of the dangers of living with way too much debt. Many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque.

The Bank of Canada has warned Canadians for years now. With the rate of interest having been so reduced, Canadians have taken on much debt. Now interest rates are beginning to rise. You have to know how to help yourself financially, so that you will not only be able to make your minimum payments, but you will also be able to start reducing your debt. Your holiday spending mistakes has now increased the pressure on you. I do not want to see anyone living this way.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Who this information will help

You know you have debt troubles and this information will help if you:

  • often pay expenses after the date they are due;
  • on a regular basis write cheques that don’t clear your bank;
  • use room from one charge card to get a cash advance to pay the minimum due on a different card;
  • get telephone calls from a debt collector;
  • routinely ask pals or relatives for money;
  • utilities are threatening to cut you off;
  • cannot live to a balanced budget based on your current family income;
  • need to take a second job just to meet normal daily living expenses;

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Statistics Canada reporting

Statistics Canada reported that on average, at the end of 2016, Canadian families have a debt-to-income ratio of $1.67 for each dollar of after-tax revenue. At the end of the second quarter of 2017, they report that the ratio has risen to $1.68. Although Canadians’ net worth is also rising, primarily due to rising housing prices. So now housing prices have dropped, yet the debt remains.

If this sounds like how you have lived, then you need to take corrective action now from your holiday spending mistakes before it is too late. Bankruptcy should not be your first option. There are bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and a consumer proposal.

holiday spending

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Our 12 secrets on how to help yourself financially

If you are living in a debt threatening zone, it is currently the time to act to turn things around. Consider the following 12 secrets to stop your debt from spiralling out of control.

  1. Safeguard Your Health – Make sure that you are taking good care of yourself and your health, both physical and mental. You won’t be any good to yourself or your family if you are ill.
  2. Don’t Talk Yourself Out of What You’re Worth – Don’t put up with the things as they are of your job without seeking out new opportunities. Don’t sell yourself short. Make sure you understand if there are opportunities awaiting you that will pay you more than you are currently earning. Stay current on your marketable skills.
  3. Keep It Simple – Don’t over-complicate things. Don’t get involved with difficult payment plans. Put yourself in a position where if you need an essential item, you can pay for it. Don’t get sucked in by sexy advertisements for things that have long-term payment plans.
  4. Give to Your Future Before Giving to Others – There are many worthwhile causes that clamour for our money. Make sure your own house is in financial order before you give to others. Volunteer your time and not your money. You will find it very rewarding and you will be helping both yourself and others at the same time. Just say no to relatives and friends who ask you for money, until you have no debt yourself.
  5. Make Savings Automatic – Otherwise known as pay yourself first. Set up a special bank account and have the same percentage hived off of your paycheque every payday. Do not touch the funds in that special bank account, until you have enough money to invest in a safe investment. Have this money work for you over and over.
  6. Control Your Impulse Spending – Make sure that you have a monthly budget and follow it. Your budget should account for all your necessary living expenses for you and your family AND allow the percentage you are hiving off each pay period for your investment savings account. If there is anything left over, this balance should be used for debt reduction. Don’t buy on impulse as you will regret it.
  7. Evaluate Your Expenses, and live frugally – We can all get by on less than we think. This ties back into your budget. Make sure that your necessities of life and your regular payday savings are all accounted for. By cutting out expensive daily coffee drinks and other non-essential items, you will be surprised how much you will have leftover for debt reduction.
  8. Invest In Your Future – Upgrade your skillset. Take a course that will make you more marketable. Make room in your budget for this type of expense, as it will generate more income for you for the long-term future.
  9. Keep Your Family Secure – Involve your entire family in the family budget process. Everyone needs to be on the same page and working towards the same goals. Meet regularly to go over your real performance as compared to budget. When everyone knows the plan is working, they will all feel secure and try even harder.
  10. Eliminate And Avoid Debt – Make sure that you are not taking on any new debt. Use budgeting to make sure that you allow a certain amount out of your monthly budget for paying down debt. Even small amounts add up over time. You will see and feel the difference it makes in your life.
  11. Use The Envelope System – Set up a separate envelope for each of your weekly necessities, based on your budget. Only take out enough cash for those amounts and place the right amount of cash in each envelope. Do not use credit cards to pay for the necessities; just use the cash in each envelope. Make the cash in your envelopes last the entire week, then rinse and repeat.
  12. Pay Bills Immediately And Automatically – If you don’t like the envelope system, here is another idea. Pay as much as you can online from your bank account. Set up regular automatic monthly payments so that the bills are paid. You can also use this method for your regular payday savings account. Make sure you budget properly so that you realize what money is coming out of your account in a month automatically so that you don’t overdraw your bank account.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Will you need immediate help from your holiday spending mistakes?

These 12 steps will ensure that you get back on the road to financial health as soon as possible. You can recover from your holiday spending mistakes.

If you find that you have too much holiday or other debt, debt collectors are harassing you and you can’t keep them all happy, then you need to take more action. I say more action because it will be in ADDITION to the above 12 steps. What you will need to do is to immediately speak to a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has a cumulative 50+ years of experience helping people who are facing a financial crisis and we deliver the highest quality of professional service. Make an appointment for a free, no-obligation appointment today and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll take your first steps towards financial freedom. We can devise a plan so you can come back from your holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

holiday spending

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Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: Introduction

Legit companies do not give poor credit loans guaranteed approval Canada. If you’re experiencing significant economic problems and declined for a financing by conventional banks, do not be seduced by advertising that states “… poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada …” even if you have bad credit or no credit.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: They try to trick you with seductive marketing slogans

They use catchy marketing tag lines such as:

  • 100% Free, Bad or No Credit, Great Terms, $0 Down, Fast, Apply Now!
  • Borrow Up To $5,000 With Affordable Payments. Find out more & Get Started!
  • No Credit Check Loans. Negative Credit Loans. Payroll Loan. Payday Loan.

Or they send either an email or letter in the mail offering you a bad credit loan, student loan, mortgage, negative credit score loan, or a fantastic bad credit, credit card offer.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: Beware of the scammers!

They may seem to be genuine yet beware! They will certainly ask you for your personal ID and financial info; and that is where your issues will certainly begin.

These are rip-offs! They are victimizing you because they know you are desperate and will not stop until you get the funding from someone for a bad credit loan.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: What the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has to say

According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, advertisements that promise guaranteed approval loans generally show up online or in city and national newspapers, magazines and tabloids. Remember, just by advertising through reputable media outlets does not make the business behind the ad honest or legitimate.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: The up-front fee scam

These companies usually ask you to pay an up-front fee before they will start work. This fee might vary from hundreds to thousands of $$$. You rarely get your funding after paying the up-front fee. If you do, it is on the most onerous terms. You can never get your money back.

poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval canada

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: How to fix your bad credit and debt issues

If you have actually been declined for a loan through a normal lender, then that is a signal that you have debt concerns that have to be handled. Companies that advertise poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada are scams. They are not the solution to your troubles; expert help is.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We are professional trustees. As such, the Canadian government licenses and supervises us. First, we will assess your situation and help you to come to the very best possible solution for your troubles.

When you come to us for your free consultation, we first check and figure out with you if one of the bankruptcy alternative choices is best for you. These include credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal. If none of those options are available to you, only then will we discuss the bankruptcy route. Starting Over, Starting Now we can help recover you to financial health.

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poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval canada
Brandon Blog Post


Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Introduction

In last week’s vlog, “DEBT SETTLEMENT VS CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: NEW CANADIAN GOVERNMENT REPORT EXPOSES DEBT SETTLEMENT COMPANIES HARMING CONSUMERS”, we reported on the recently released report by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The report is titled: “Review of Licensed Insolvency Trustee business practices to the administration of consumer insolvencies”. We gave an overview summary of the findings. In this vlog, we wish to get into some of the specifics of the OSB’s findings. The difference between such a settlement and consumer proposal when using a debt settlement company.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Forced to pay money they can least afford

Cases handled by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) that were referred by these types of settlement companies generally wound up paying much more for their insolvency case.

The debt consolidation companies called for a debtor to authorize a costly contract for speaking with the debt management company before being presented to a “picked LIT”. The people normally comprehended that the only function of the LIT as being restricted to the filing of the consumer proposal created by the settlement company!

In cases evaluated by the OSB, the consulting charge section of the contract contained a large amount for the debt consolidation company’s “help”. It was in the range of $2,400 to $4,200. For smaller consumer proposals, the OSB found that the consulting charge typically varied from 20% to 40% of the amount of the proposal.

Therefore, my read of this leads me to believe that certain LITs cooperated with such settlement companies to force insolvent debtors to pay thousands of dollars more than they otherwise needed to. These people could not afford this and did not deserve to be treated this way.

Debt specialist charges were purported to cover the expense of advising, conferences, recommendations as well as prep work of the consumer proposal. In all situations, the costs paid to the debt management company were IN ADDITION to the fees established under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) charged by those LITs.


Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: If that isn’t horrendous enough, the debt management company sold them a larger bill of goods!

OSB’s study discovered that debtors were often marketed more products by the debt settlement companies. As a result, there were billings for extra recurring costs throughout the life of their consumer proposal!

The products the debt management companies pushed on these vulnerable people included:

  • loans charging a high rate of interest;
  • brand-new credit score tools;
  • a proposal insurance policy; and
  • “credit score restoring” loans.

All products carried either high-interest rates or high price tags.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Forced to pay more than they should have

A technique identified throughout the OSB’s review entailed advertising and marketing “proposal insurance coverage”. This was normally billed as a month-to-month expenditure at a price of around 10% of the worth of the consumer proposal. This financing had recurring repayments supposedly for “credit rating fixing”.

In one instance, a debtor with a $31,900 consumer proposal signed up for proposal insurance coverage, structured as a loan. That base cost was about $6,300. Various extra fees, the month-to-month management cost as well as a 15% interest rate, the insurance coverage priced out at $9,150.

So, with the debt management company’s management fee of $2,300, the consumer proposal that the creditors voted to accept in the amount of $31,900 cost the insolvent individual $43,350!!! In my view, being merely associated with this type of behaviour is against the BIA, OSB Directives and the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals code of conduct for its members. As a LIT, I would never be associated with such disgraceful behaviour.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Consumer proposals are like a 5-year interest-free loan, so why would you borrow to pay it off early?

An additional pattern observed in consumer proposals submitted by LITs dealing with debt management companies was the intro of “price cut terms”. This arrangement is for enticing the debtors to borrow money under arrangements made by the debt settlement company.

Incorporation of a discount rate provision provokes a debtor to become part of a brand-new as well as expensive loan scheme. To capitalize on a 25% discount rate condition in a $10,000 proposal, a debtor would finance $7,500. With paying $1,400 in compulsory charges, this brought the lending overall to $8,900. At a promoted rate of interest of 22.99 %, with a payment timetable of $214 over 84 months, the borrower would certainly pay $10,475 in charges as well as a rate of interest, for an overall of $17,975.

A consumer proposal is like an interest-free loan. The same debtor with the same beginning consumer proposal of $10,000, would only pay that amount if they went directly to the LIT first. The debtor would have had a maximum of 60 months to complete making the payments with no interest charges at all. A savings of $7,975 and lower monthly payments.

As you can see, involving the debt settlement company increased the cost for an insolvent person dramatically for no value.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Other findings

Other findings by the OSB include:

  • the LIT files did not contain any obvious evidence of debt settlement company certification or experience in credit counselling or the counselling of insolvent debtors;
  • consumers who filed with a LIT through the debt settlement company did not have a good understanding of the insolvency process, the options that were available to them or the other charges they were paying to the debt settlement company
  • the consumers were not aware that they could have avoided charges such as paying a debt consultant to prepare the consumer proposal
  • that the documentation made ready for the consumer proposal filing by the debt settlement company and used by the LITs contained many errors
  • Statements of Affairs, as well as Income and Expense Forms submitted, were incorrect in different ways
  • Debt settlement company fees were not disclosed
  • Real estate was always undervalued compared to LIT files where there was no involvement of a debt settlement company

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: What you can do

The OSB is considering its next steps. The OSB is requesting comments. We have already provided ours. Our recommendation was that all LITs who cooperated with debt settlement companies as we have described here should be brought up on disciplinary charges by the OSB. If you agree that this way of doing business on vulnerable and unsuspecting consumers who are truly looking for professional help must stop, please click here to offer your own comments to the OSB.

In the meantime, if you have too much debt, please DO NOT be fooled by the debt settlement companies. Stay far away from them. Instead, contact a LIT directly.

We are debt professionals who will evaluate your situation and recommend which debt relief options are right for you. We will do so in a free consultation. A consumer proposal is one option; there are others as well.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation. There is no need for you to pay fees to a debt settlement company when you can get the same information from us for free.

You’ll be in good hands and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to living a debt free life.

difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal

Brandon Blog Post


canadian bankruptcy expertCanadian bankruptcy expert introduction

There are several misconceptions when it comes to the Canadian bankruptcy expert known as a licensed insolvency trustee and that the role of the trustee is only for the bankruptcy process. It is true that a licensed insolvency trustee is the Canadian bankruptcy expert, but it is not the case that a licensed insolvency trustee only can administer Canadian bankruptcies.

  1. Misconception # 1 is that trustees only deal with bankruptcy. Although you may know that a trustee is a Canadian bankruptcy expert, they’re also highly trained and educated debt consultants who, depending upon your particular circumstances, can offer you several alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.
  2. Misconception # 2 is that because it is a legal process, you need a lawyer. Although you may have heard many radio commercials telling you that you need a lawyer if you’re going to declare bankruptcy, and if you are dealing with income tax debt to keep using a certain lawyer and not a licensed insolvency trustee, this is simply not the case. Even though it is is a legal process, to file bankruptcy in Canada you need the services of a licensed insolvency trustee. In fact, bankruptcies and consumer proposals can only be administered in Canada through a licensed insolvency trustee.

What is the role of a trustee?

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) licenses trustees to administer bankruptcy proceedings. When you file for bankruptcy, the trustee becomes the administrator of your property and assets.

Why use a trustee instead of a debt settlement company?

Debt settlement companies can’t administer a bankruptcy or a consumer proposalONLY a licensed insolvency trustee can. In addition a trustee:

  • is federally regulated
  • has undergone a background check by the RCMP before being granted a licence
  • is subject to a stringent code of ethics
  • maintains his/her competency by completing ongoing mandatory professional development each year
  • The Federal Government and the Court regulate trustees’ fees and for consumer matters, they are usually less than the fees of the debt settlement companies who make unsubstantiated claims

What should you do if you or your company have too much debt?

If you’re dealing with serious financial issues, contact a trustee, who is the Canadian bankruptcy expert. For the reasons already given, you should do this whether or not you’re contemplating filing. The reason is very simple: the licensed insolvency trustee will assess your situation, offer you all of your available options and will do this for you for free! You can’t find a better deal anywhere.

We’re experts in dealing with debt. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation and you will be well on your way to regaining your former quality of life Starting Over, Starting Now. Read our blog next week when we’ll be discussing how to choose a licensed insolvency trustee.

Call a Trustee Now!