Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy lawyer in toronto
bankruptcy lawyer in toronto

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to an audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto introduction

Canada is recognized for its cultural diversity, but it can be a battle to locate trustworthy information on the nation’s laws. Bankruptcy is a difficult topic to learn about; both learning the technical side and dealing with the emotional one.

If you or your company are thinking about bankruptcy, you might think you need a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto. However, you do not necessarily require one. A licensed insolvency trustee in Toronto (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto) can help you pick the perfect insolvency process for you and make certain that you survive it as best as possible.

In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the roles of a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto and a licensed insolvency trustee. Sometimes they can overlap and many times they do not. We will take a detailed look at a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto vs a licensed insolvency trustee. We will discuss the differences between the two and exactly how they can each help you.

Bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto – Do you need one to file personal bankruptcy?

Whether it is personal bankruptcy proceedings, or one of the formal alternatives to bankruptcy such as a consumer proposal or a Division I Proposal that are being contemplated, a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto or elsewhere is not involved in the actual bankruptcy filing. or the Canada – restructuring & insolvency filing. That is what trustees in bankruptcy do.

When a person or company is contemplating an insolvency process, they can get a no-cost consultation with any one of the bankruptcy trustees they choose to meet with. During the consultation, information is gathered by the Trustee, analyzed and possible solutions are discussed.

Trustees must always be careful to not tread into areas that could possibly give them a conflict in providing their financial services. People wanting advice on asset transfers, asset protection, or preferring one or more creditors over others are areas that Trustees should not wade into.

In situations like that, I always advise potential bankruptcy clients that as there is no privilege in our discussions and we should not talk about those things so that I will not be conflicted. Rather, the person should get advice from a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto or elsewhere where the discussions and the legal advice are protected by solicitor-client privilege.

bankruptcy lawyer in toronto
bankruptcy lawyer in toronto

Do You Need a personal bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto to get your bankruptcy discharge?

As I have written before in several Brandon Blogs, there are 6 possible outcomes in a bankrupt’s application for discharge. This depends on whether the discharge is being opposed by either the Trustee and/or one or more creditors. The possible bankruptcy discharge outcomes are:

  • Automatic – This discharge is absolute and is given by the Trustee at the earliest possible time the bankrupt person is entitled to a discharge. It means that the bankruptcy has performed all of his or her duties, has fully cooperated with the Trustee and nobody has opposed the discharge.
  • Absolute – An absolute discharge is obtained when the Trustee issues the automatic discharge. it is also possible to obtain an absolute discharge when a creditor opposes the bankrupt’s discharge, the matter goes to court for a hearing, but the court does not believe the evidence presented by the opposing creditor is persuasive and the court orders an absolute discharge.
  • Conditional – In this type of discharge, there was opposition to the bankruptcy receiving an absolute discharge. The court considered the evidence and concluded that the bankrupt must fulfill one or more conditions before being entitled to a discharge from bankruptcy. More often than not, a conditional discharge includes a certain amount of money the bankrupt must pay to the Trustee for the general benefit of the creditors.
  • Suspended – A suspended discharge is given when there is opposition to the bankrupt’s discharge and the matter goes to court for a discharge hearing. Based on the evidence, the court believes that the bankrupt, either before or during the bankruptcy estate file administration, has conducted himself or herself in such a way that although a discharge will be given, it should be delayed. The suspension acts to delay the discharge and can be combined with conditions.
  • Refused – The bankrupt’s discharge is opposed probably by at least the Trustee and probably one or more creditors. There is sufficient evidence before the court that the bankrupt has not lived up to his or her duties and has probably failed to fully cooperate and provide full disclosure to the Trustee. The court, based on the evidence, refuses to consider the bankrupt’s application for discharge until such time as the bankrupt performs all duties and discloses all information.
  • No order – This is not an actual discharge type, but can be the outcome of a discharge hearing. The court can issue a “no order” instead of a refusal. The facts are probably similar to when the court can issue a refusal. However, in a “no order” situation, the bankrupt remains in bankruptcy but the Trustee is then free to pursue its discharge. Once the Trustee gets its discharge, the bankrupt lose the protection offered by the stay of proceedings. Creditors are then free to pursue all of their rights and remedies against the bankrupt in the enforcement of their trying to collect their respective debts.

When the time comes for the bankrupt to get his or her discharge from bankruptcy, if the Trustee or a creditor opposes, the bankrupt would be well advised to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto or elsewhere. The Trustee cannot give an automatic discharge and the matter is going to court for a trial. The bankrupt should get the benefit of legal advice and probably will need to retain the lawyer to provide legal services in representing the bankrupt in court. That is not the job of the Trustee.

Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada – Corporate bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto, Canada – Do you need one to file corporate bankruptcy?

As I will explain, every Canadian corporate insolvency file requires probably several, not just one bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto or elsewhere. Insolvency law is complex and lawyers will help all the parties involved.

The current economic climate in Canada is going to be challenging for Canadian businesses and I expect there will be many financial difficulties. Government COVID-19 support programs are scheduled to end soon. Companies have been tapped out while shut down just trying to stay alive with little or no revenue being earned. Companies will need cash now that it is time to start everything up again. No doubt there will be business casualties.

However, not all businesses are created equal. Some will be able to restructure, some will file for bankruptcy and others will merely shut their doors and fade away.

Among the keystones of a restructuring proceeding under either the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is the debt workout. The restructuring is designed to maintain the debtor’s business and negotiate a financial debt repayment strategy with its creditors. The aim is to save jobs, allow the company to continue while avoiding bankruptcy liquidation.

Key components of a debt workout normally include debtor-in-possession lending (DIP lending) while the company is reorganizing, new capital for the company coming out of its restructuring and getting unsecured creditors, and possibly secured creditors, to agree to accept less than they are owed. In the very large corporate restructuring files, there are normally lending syndicates due to large and complex lending arrangements. They too will need lawyers to help them with the insolvency law.

If a restructuring proceeding is not possible or does not succeed, then either the company’s secured creditor will begin receivership enforcement proceedings or the company will file an assignment in bankruptcy or a creditor will launch a bankruptcy application to put the company into bankruptcy.

In every corporate insolvency file, legal services are required by all the stakeholders. Canadian counsel plays an important part in providing advice. In the larger files, a large team of lawyers will be needed for both the company and its main creditors. The Board of Directors will need their own independent legal team. The bankruptcy trustee in Toronto will also need a dedicated team of lawyers to help navigate through the formal restructuring in court or help in a court-appointed receivership, private receivership or bankruptcy.

As you can see, in pretty well every corporate file, a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto or elsewhere is pretty well a must-have requirement. Lawyers will be able to help the company, its Board of Directors, its creditors and the insolvency professional create effective solutions. The best ones will also make sure that they are also practical solutions.

bankruptcy lawyer in toronto
bankruptcy lawyer in toronto

Other situations where you could need a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto, Barrie, GTA, or elsewhere

When looking for a bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto, Barrie, GTA and elsewhere, you want to find one that has substantial experience. Depending on the situation you or your company are involved in, the experience could be in one or more of:

  • financial reorganizations;
  • debt reorganizations and debt restructurings;
  • debtor legal rights and creditor rights;
  • security enforcement;
  • forbearance/standstill arrangements;
  • lender liability suits;
  • receivership and related matters for banks or other secured lenders, court and privately appointed receivers;
  • insolvency and bankruptcy litigation or other complex matters; and
  • acting for receivers and Trustees, debtors, secured creditors, unsecured creditors or any other stakeholder in an insolvency process.

Take Your First Step Towards A Debt Free Life

I hope that you found this bankruptcy lawyer in Toronto Brandon Blog interesting and that you now have a better appreciation for when getting bankruptcy legal advice is necessary. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as alternatives to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline and practical financial advice. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

bankruptcy lawyer in toronto
bankruptcy lawyer in toronto

Call us now for a no-cost bankruptcy consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


undischarged bankrupt
undischarged bankrupt

If you would prefer to hear an audio version of this undischarged bankrupt Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast

Undischarged bankrupt introduction

I recently read a Manitoba court decision issued in late October about the position taken by a judgment creditor in an undischarged bankrupt’s hearing. The creditor holding the judgment realized that the bankrupt’s discharge would discharge that debt. So, they tried to convince the court that their debt fit into one of the limited classes of debt that is not discharged by the bankrupt discharge.

That court case reminded me that is not so unusual. Many times a creditor who holds a judgment against the undischarged bankrupt tries to bootstrap their position. One of the leading cases cited by the Manitoba court is a 2018 decision from the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to describe the bankruptcy discharge process, the position taken by the judgment creditor and what the Court has to say about that.

How bankruptcies work in Canada

The Canadian bankruptcy legislation is open for an insolvent and not viable company, or the insolvent, honest but unfortunate person can obtain relief. Subject to trust claimants’ rights and secured creditors, the company or person is assigning all of their unencumbered assets to the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee). In return, the bankrupt person can have all of their debts discharged, subject to certain exceptions.

The bankruptcy discharge is amongst the primary advantages of relief under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The discharge is vital to the bankruptcy procedure. Debtors, after bankruptcy, can wipe the slate tidy as well as begin over. This is a central concept under the BIA law. That is the essence of the bankruptcy discharge meaning.

A bankruptcy discharge is when the bankrupt is released under Canadian bankruptcy law from his or her financial debts as part of the bankruptcy discharge procedure. Some people think that it is the declaring for bankruptcy that releases the insolvent from obligation. This is not the case, it is the discharge that releases a bankrupt from debt.

A bankruptcy discharge provides the discharge of all unsecured debts, except for:

  • support payments to a previous partner or children;
  • penalties or fines enforced by the Court;
  • financial debts arising from fraud or fraudulent breach of trust;
  • student loans if less than seven years have actually passed since the bankrupt stopped being a part-time or full-time student.

Can an undischarged bankrupt leave the country?

If you are an undischarged bankrupt, you can travel. There are no restrictions on you leaving or returning to Canada if you are travelling for work or on vacation. Just make sure that your travel plans do not interfere with your legal obligation and your duties in your personal bankruptcy case, including:

  • attending a meeting of creditors (if one is required);
  • showing up for your mandatory counselling sessions;
  • submitting your monthly income reports to the Trustee;
  • remitting any surplus income payments you are required to make;
  • providing your financial information to the Trustee so that your pre and post-bankruptcy income tax returns can be filed;
  • being able to respond to any inquiries from your Trustee; and
  • attending in Court for your bankruptcy discharge hearing in an opposed discharge application.

    undischarged bankrupt
    undischarged bankrupt

Undischarged bankrupt: What is an undischarged debt?

When a bankrupt is discharged from bankruptcy, the individual is released from the legal obligation to repay their different types of debt that is unsecured and existed on the day that the bankruptcy was filed, except for the following types of original debt:

  • Alimony or support payments to a previous spouse or for the children;
  • Fines or monetary penalties imposed by the Court;
  • Financial obligations arising from fraud, misappropriation or defalcation; or
  • Student loans if less than seven years have actually passed since the person stopped being a full or part-time student.

So other than for the small category of debts that are not discharged, once the bankrupt is discharged from their bankruptcy, they do not have to make payments on debts that existed at the date of bankruptcy.

Undischarged bankrupt: Trustee opposed the discharge

A first-time bankrupt, who does not need to pay surplus income, is entitled to an automatic discharge after 9 months. This assumes that they have lived up to all of their obligations as an undischarged bankrupt and fully cooperated with the LIT. If this first-time bankrupt is subject to surplus income, then they must pay it for 21 months before they are entitled to a discharge. Longer timelines apply for a second or more time bankrupt.

If the Trustee has evidence that the bankrupt has not been forthright and fully cooperative, or has actually committed one or more bankruptcy offences, then the Trustee has a duty to oppose the bankrupt’s discharge.

Notice of opposition to discharge

Similarly, any unsecured creditor can oppose the bankrupt’s discharge. The grounds of opposition would likewise be evidence of lack of honesty or that one or more offences have been committed. The process for a creditor opposing the discharge of the bankrupt is by filing a notice of opposition to discharge.

In either a Trustee or creditor opposed discharge, the bankrupt’s application for discharge must be heard in Bankruptcy Court. For more on the discharge process, you can read about it in one of my previous Brandon’s Blogs.

undischarged bankrupt
undischarged bankrupt

The judgement creditor

Often, a judgment creditor thinks they have a higher position in the pecking order than other unsecured creditors because they have a judgment. They may have even registered the judgement against the title to real estate owned wholly or partially by the defendant. Unfortunately, upon the bankruptcy of a person, all enforcement proceedings on a judgment must stop.

The judgment for a debt, in bankruptcy, is merely a piece of paper that proves you have unsecured debt. Nothing else. Anyone who understands the litigation process knows that there is a big difference between getting a judgment and collecting on it.

Judgement creditors may take a keener interest in the bankruptcy proceedings, including opposing the discharge from bankruptcy. The reasons for this are twofold:

  • The judgment creditor has already spent time in court, money on legal fees and still has not collected their debt, so they are more invested in this person’s bankruptcy than someone who did not go the court route.
  • They are hoping that they can somehow fit their money judgment only into a position where they can claim that the debt is one not released by an order of discharge.

It is this second reason that this Manitoba court case, and the Court of Appeal for Ontario decision relied upon by the Manitoba court, revolves around.

Undischarged bankrupt: Can more evidence be introduced by a judgment creditor at the discharge hearing?

Most judgements that I see in a debt settlement program under the BIA or bankruptcy tend to fall into the same category. A service or good was supplied and not paid for. A contract was entered into and was breached. That is just normal business. There is no fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation, defalcation, fraudulent misrepresentation or fraudulent breach of trust.

It is simply someone owes money and didn’t pay. The plaintiff entered all of the evidence they thought was important, the defendant either defended or allowed for default judgment to be obtained because they did not defend. Regardless, the court ordered the defendant to pay the money.

The judgement creditor was unpaid and then one day received the Trustee’s notice of bankruptcy in the mail. The judgment creditor was incensed. The creditor took an active interest in the bankruptcy proceedings and maybe even served as a bankruptcy inspector. The bankrupt person is now entitled to apply for his or her discharge from bankruptcy.

The judgment creditor is unhappy because they now know that they are receiving either nothing or a small dividend from the Trustee compared to the debt to be written off. So they now oppose the bankrupt’s discharge and try to get new evidence submitted to the Bankruptcy Court to somehow prove that their judgment is a claim that is not extinguished by the person’s bankruptcy discharge.

This is what the Court of Appeal decision was all about. Can you introduce new evidence at a bankruptcy discharge hearing?

The case I am referring to, Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company v. Rodriguez, 2018 ONCA 171 (CanLII). The appeals court said that the answer is no. You can read the entire decision here if you like. The Court of Appeal essentially said that the Court is allowed to look at:

  • the judgment
  • the proof that would certainly have been entered as evidence at the time in the pleadings
  • as well as that evidence which has been led in the bankruptcy discharge hearing

to analyze whether the judgment debt falls within an exclusion to the general discharge rules. The Court also said that in a bankruptcy discharge hearing, the application judge was limited to looking at the judgment, the pleadings, the statement of claim and any statement of defence, to determine whether the judgment fell into the class of those debts not released by a discharge from bankruptcy. New evidence is not allowed.

This finding has been followed and further clarified. It is now apparent that the only purpose of a bankrupt’s application for discharge is to consider the bankrupt’s application. It is not a forum to attempt to advance new or amended claims.

undischarged bankrupt
undischarged bankrupt

Undischarged bankrupt summary

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on the undischarged bankrupt. Are you in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

undischarged bankrupt

Brandon Blog Post


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If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Canadian bankruptcies laws Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the podcast


Believe it or not, people search online for “Canadian bankruptcies laws” almost 500 times every month. Although the spelling looks a bit off, the point is that people are interested in Canadian insolvency laws. People also search for “Canadian personal bankruptcies laws”.

I recently reviewed an interesting bankruptcy case from British Columbia. The issue is one that does not normally find its way into the courts. The issue deals with the Trustee’s discharge from a bankruptcy administration.

So combining these disassociated events, it gave me the idea for this Brandon’s Blog.

Two kinds of discharges in a personal bankruptcy

In every personal bankruptcy, there are two kinds of discharges. In the normal course, first the bankrupt gets his or her discharge from bankruptcy. Then, when all parts of the bankruptcy administration is finished, the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee), gets its discharge.

I have previously written several blogs on the discharge of a bankrupt, but for information purposes, I will briefly summarize the issues surrounding a bankrupt’s application for discharge. Then I will describe the issues in the BC case about the discharge of a Trustee.

The bankrupt’s application for discharge

A bankruptcy discharge is when the bankrupt person is released under Canadian bankruptcy legislation from his or her financial debts. Some people think that it is filing for bankruptcy that releases the bankrupt from responsibility. This is not the situation. It is the discharge process that “discharges” the debts.

The personal bankruptcy discharge is among the key advantages of the Canadian insolvency system. The discharge is crucial to the insolvency process. Debtors, after bankruptcy, can wipe the slate clean and begin again. This is a central concept under the “Canadian bankruptcies laws”.

A personal bankruptcy discharge provides the discharge of many unsecured financial debts. Certain debts will not be discharged. They are:

  • support payments to a previous spouse or to children;
  • fines or financial charges imposed by the Court;
  • debts emerging from fraudulent behaviour;
  • student loans if fewer than seven years have passed considering that the bankrupt quit being a full or part-time student.

Notice of opposition to discharge

A bankrupt’s bankruptcy discharge application might be opposed by one or more unsecured creditors or the Trustee. This occurs if the bankrupt has not met all of his/her obligations. It can likewise happen if the insolvent has committed a bankruptcy offense. Those are acts provided in Section 173 (1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The Court will assess the overall conduct of the bankrupt and provide its decision.

How bankruptcies work

There are 4 kinds of discharges:

  • Absolute discharge – The bankrupt is released from the commitment to repay the financial liabilities that existed on the day of filing for personal bankruptcy, except for the types of financial obligations indicated above.
  • Conditional discharge – A bankrupt has to fulfill specific conditions to obtain an absolute discharge. As soon as all conditions have been met, an absolute discharge is given.
  • Suspended discharge – An absolute discharge that will be given at a future date identified by the Court.
  • Refused discharge – The Court has the right to decline a discharge.

What does trustee discharge mean?

A recent case decided by The Supreme Court of British Columbia in Kelowna, BC, dealt with the issue of the discharge of a Trustee. After concluding a bankruptcy administration, the Trustee applies for its discharge. The case is McKibbon (Re), 2019 BCSC 848 (CanLII).

William Edward McKibbon is a person who went through the bankruptcy discharge process. His bankrupt’s application for discharge ultimately ended with his getting an absolute order of discharge after fulfilling his discharge conditions on February 24, 2016. His Trustee then received its discharge. The Trustee discharge date was on November 5, 2016.

Mr. McKibbon made an application to the Court for the withdrawal of the Trustee’s discharge. Section 41 of the BIA deals with the discharge of the Trustee. The case was heard on April 25, 2019, in The Supreme Court of British Columbia in Kelowna, BC. The Court’s decision was released on May 30, 2019.

Section 41(1) of the BIA states:

“Application to court

41 (1) When a trustee has completed the duties required of him with respect to the administration of the property of a bankrupt, he shall apply to the court for a discharge.”

The Trustee went through all the steps required and obtained its discharge.

Section 41(5) of the BIA says:

“Objections to be filed with court and trustee

(5) Any interested person desiring to object to the discharge of a trustee shall, at least five days prior to the date of the hearing, file notice of objection with the registrar of the court setting out the reasons for the objection and serve a copy of the notice on the trustee.”

No person objected to the Trustee’s discharge, including Mr. McKibbon. Now in 2019, he was asking the Court to revoke the Trustee’s discharge as he had certain complaints about the Trustee’s conduct.

The allegations against the Trustee

Mr. McKibbon now alleges that the Trustee’s discharge was gotten because the Trustee did not disclose all pertinent facts.

Mr. McKibbon’s allegations were that: (i) the Trustee had experienced issues in the calculation of the surplus income payable by the bankrupt in that the Trustee had miscalculated the surplus income numbers; (ii) the method by which the Trustee calculated the surplus income; and (iii) the Trustee had not finalized the bankrupt’s pre- and post-bankruptcy income tax returns because it had made errors when submitting those tax returns to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

These allegations were disputed by the Trustee. The Trustee claims that the surplus income calculations were appropriate. Concerning the income tax returns, the Trustee stated that the issues relating to the income tax returns were the result of the CRA, incorrectly, re-allocating income and expenses between the pre- and post-bankruptcy periods.

Can the discharge of the Trustee be revoked?

Section 41(8) of the BIA deals with the revocation of a Trustee discharge. It states:

“Effect of discharge of trustee

(8) The discharge of a trustee discharges him from all liability

(a) in respect of any act done or default made by him in the administration of the property of the bankrupt, and

(b) in relation to his conduct as trustee,

but any discharge may be revoked by the court on proof that it was obtained by fraud or by suppression or concealment of any material fact.”.

Mr. McKibbon, in his complaint, said that the Trustee suppressed and concealed material facts.

The Judge’s decision

The Judge in his decision stated that the analysis of BIA section 41(8) goes back to 1899. The case law requires that to revoke the discharge of the Trustee, there needs to be an aspect of fraud in the suppression or concealment.

The Judge also referred to a 2011 decision in the Superior Court of Québec which reached a similar conclusion. That case is Re Delorme, 2011 QCCS 236 (CanLII).

Mr. McGibbon’s position was that these authorities are mistaken and made the wrong decision. He did so with no authorities have actually been pointed out to bring into question those verdicts!

The Judge concluded that in order for there to be a “suppression or concealment of any material fact”, there has to be an element of fraud. He also concluded that Mr. McGibbon had the onus to provide evidence that the Trustee purposely did so with the intent to defraud the court, the creditors or the bankrupt. He found that as Mr. McGibbon failed to do so, he did not have to dig into the details of the allegations.

The Judge also noted that Mr. McGibbon had a bankruptcy discharge hearing, and the Court set the amount of surplus income he needed to pay as part of his conditional discharge from bankruptcy. Therefore, any issue surrounding the surplus income calculation by the Trustee was eliminated with this condition that Mr. McGibbon fulfilled.

Accordingly, the Judge found that there is no basis whereupon any kind of deceptive behaviour can be presumed for the Trustee in failing to reveal any material facts in its discharge application. Therefore, the application to revoke the Trustee’s discharge was rejected. Finally, the Judge allowed for the Trustee to make any submissions it wished to concerning costs to be paid by Mr. McGibbon.

Are you thinking about using “Canadian bankruptcies laws”?

Is your business in financial distress because you cannot collect your billings? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your creditors as their bills to you come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

A restructuring proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a restructuring proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy discharge introduction

A bankruptcy discharge is when the bankrupt is released under Canadian bankruptcy law from his or her debts as part of the bankruptcy process. Some people think that it is the act of filing bankruptcy that releases the bankrupt from liability. This is not the case. It is the discharge from bankruptcy process that “discharges” the bankrupt’s debts.

We explain in this vlog the procedure when a bankrupt’s outright discharge is opposed. We discuss the top 8 things that the Bankruptcy Court will consider in determining just what outcome the bankrupt could expect.

The primary benefit of the bankruptcy process for the insolvent person

The bankruptcy discharge is among the primary benefits of relief under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The discharge is vital to the bankruptcy process. Debtors, after bankruptcy, can wipe the slate clean and start over, which is a central principle under the BIA statute.

Not all debts may be released

A bankruptcy discharge offers the discharge of many unsecured debts. Credit card debts, personal income tax debt, unsecured personal loans and under certain conditions, some student loan debt are all dischargeable debts. Financial debts, which will not be discharged include:

  • support payments to a previous spouse or to children;
  • fines or financial charges imposed by the Court;
  • debts emerging from fraudulent behaviour;
  • student loans if fewer than seven years have passed considering that the bankrupt quit being a full or part-time student.

    ontario bankruptcy court discharge certificate
    bankruptcy discharge

It can be opposed

An insolvent’s bankruptcy discharge application may be opposed by one or more unsecured creditors or the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT). A creditor opposition is created when the creditor files the required notice of opposition, setting out the reasons for opposing.

This happens if the insolvent has not met all of his/her responsibilities under the BIA. Making full disclosure, attending the required two financial counselling sessions and making all necessary surplus income payments are all duties of the bankrupt that must be fulfilled if a discharge is to be considered.

It can also happen if the individual bankrupt has actually committed a bankruptcy offence. Those are acts listed in section 173 (1) of the BIA. In this case, there needs to be a bankruptcy discharge hearing in Court and the Court will after that evaluate the LIT or creditor opposition as well as give its decision on the discharge from personal bankruptcy.

There are four types of discharges possible

There are 4 types of discharges:

  1. Absolute discharge— The bankrupt is launched from the legal obligation to pay off financial obligations that existed on the day of bankruptcy, except for certain types of debt identified above.
  1. Conditional discharge— The bankrupt must fulfill certain conditions, additional payments into the bankruptcy estate, to get an absolute discharge. Once all conditions have been fulfilled, an absolute discharge will certainly be granted.
  1. Suspended discharge— An absolute discharge that will be granted at later on a specific date determined by the Court.
  1. Refused discharge— The Court has the right to decline a discharge.

If there is no opposition to the discharge from bankruptcy of the bankrupt by a creditor or the LIT, then the LIT is able to provide an automatic discharge by issuing the appropriate certificate. There is no need for attendance in Court.

after bankruptcy discharge canada
bankruptcy discharge

The opposition process

When a debtor’s bankruptcy discharge application is opposed by either an unsecured creditor or the LIT, the Trustee needs to secure a Court day. This will be for a Court hearing on the insolvent’s application for discharge. The LIT must then tell all creditors who have filed a proof of claim of the opposition. Details are also provided about the date, time as well as place of the Court hearing.

The Trustee needs to also file a report with the Court on the conduct of the bankrupt both prior to as well as after applying for bankruptcy. The report will as well give a summary of the financial results of the bankruptcy administration. If a creditor has opposed the bankrupt’s discharge, then that creditor likewise needed to send a notice of opposition.

Does the bankrupt need a lawyer on an opposed discharge?

When going to Court for his/her discharge application hearing, a bankrupt would be well advised to come with a skilled bankruptcy lawyer to represent his or her interests. Sometimes the discharge hearing is less formal than various other types of Court hearings.

However, the Court follows all the proper regulations of civil procedure. It is sometimes tough for nonprofessionals to put their best foot forward without an attorney’s aid.

There have been many Court cases on applications for discharge. A Court decision released recently from the Queen’s Bench of Saskatchewan supplies an exceptional walk-through of the points the Court will take into consideration. For those interested, the reference is Hertz Bankruptcy (Re), 2017 SKQB 224 (CanLII).

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bankruptcy discharge

The top 8 things the Bankruptcy Court will consider

The concerns the Court thought about, in determining what type of bankruptcy discharge certificate to issue, which is the same in all bankruptcy discharge hearings, were:

  1. Do the conditions of the bankruptcy filing and the bankrupt’s conduct sustain an order discharging the Bankrupt’s unsecured debts?
  2. The Court’s problem is to make sure that within a choice the policy purposes of the BIA are fulfilled. The bankruptcy, including the insolvent’s discharge, should act as a deterrence for the person not to duplicate the very same behaviour.
  3. If the circumstances of the bankruptcy support an order discharging the bankrupt, what terms of discharge are proper under the distinct circumstances of the bankruptcy?
  4. What were the conditions of the insolvent when the debts were sustained?
  5. What efforts did the insolvent make to pay the creditors?
  6. Did the bankrupt pay in respect of certain other debts but not all of them and particularly not the debt of the opposing creditor?
  7. Exactly what are the insolvent’s monetary opportunities for the future?
  8. Is there any other conduct or reality that needs to be factored into with the regard to discharge?

The Court will take lots of variables into account. The conduct, previous income, education and age of the bankrupt are all important factors. The Court will certainly likewise trust the Trustee’s report to Court on the bankrupt’s application for discharge. The Trustee’s report assists in determining facts about the conduct of the insolvent and his or her future prospects.

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Is the bankrupt young or old?

Prevention is always a consideration. It is however very important to remember that Courts tend to be extra conventional when dealing with older bankrupts. A more youthful bankrupt with years of income-making opportunities could be needed to make an extra significant repayment. Less respect is given to the instant ability to pay.

An older bankrupt with some surplus income but fewer working years might be needed to pay less surplus income obligations into the bankruptcy estate.

Bankruptcy discharge: Is my bankruptcy case over when I get a discharge?

You should by this point in my Brandon Blog realize that when you receive an absolute discharge from your bankruptcy, at that point, you are discharged from your unsecured debts.

A discharge shows that you have finished with your bankruptcy legal process and your personal liability for unsecured debts has ceased. It’s not a separate thing from bankruptcy; it happens either automatically or by an Order of the Court, as I have described above.

At that point, the LIT still has some duties to fulfill. They include:

  • if there is going to be a dividend paid to the creditors, making sure that all proofs of claim have been reviewed and allowed for dividend purposes;
  • resolve any uncertainties the LIT may have concerning certain filed bankruptcy claims, including the issuance of Notices of Disallowance if any;
  • preparing the bankruptcy administration Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements;
  • getting approval from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy to the Final Statement
  • getting the Final Statement, including the LIT’s fee and disbursements, approved by the Court;
  • issuing the dividend bankruptcy payments, if any
  • getting the discharge of the LIT

It is then that your bankruptcy case is closed.

Bankruptcy discharge: Do you have too much debt and want to avoid bankruptcy?

Do you have too many debt obligations and debt payments and have no idea how to deal with them? Act before you find yourself in the throes of an emergency financial situation. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has assisted many Canadian businesses and people throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in dealing with debts that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t postpone. Give us a call today. Financial problems can be solved while avoiding bankruptcy with timely activity as well as our excellent strategy tailored just for you.

bankruptcy discharge

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