Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy blog review: Introduction

I hope that you are all enjoying quality family time together over the holidays. As 2018 is nearly over, I thought that it would be interesting to do a bankruptcy blog review on my Brandon’s Blog. So here is a review of the 7 most viewed blogs over the past year.

Bankruptcy blog review: The 7 most viewed blogs in 2018


This blog was about a very interesting case decided in the Court of Appeal of British Columbia. The bankrupt’s creditors applied to have the transactions reviewed under section I00 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 (“BIA”). One of the areas of contention was that the judge in the lower court found he could not rely on the bankruptcy trustee’s opinion of value in the circumstances.


In this Brandon’s Blog, I wrote about mortgage lending criteria self-employed, I discussed a Court decision that shows when it comes to a self-employed person’s mortgage, if there is a deemed trust claim by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), you cannot solely rely upon the registry system.


This bankruptcy blog review post came from our corporate case files. I discussed the decision making process the Court goes through when being asked to approve a stalking horse sales process and the stalking horse credit bid being recommended by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee).


Since 2007, Credit Karma USA has attempted to simplify credit and finance for more than 60 million Credit Karma members. They advertise very heavily on US television to attract new members. Becoming a member is free, and it allows any member to get access to their free credit score and credit report, with the option to update every single week. Credit Karma also provides financial education to put credit into context.

Credit Karma Canada arrived this past year from the United States. Its website is The purpose of this blog was to describe what Credit Karma Canada is and to let you decide if it would be helpful or not for you or someone you know.



The Goodwill Toronto bankruptcy confused and astonished many people. After all, how can Goodwill, a non-profit organization, go bankrupt? Isn’t the very nature of a non-profit or not-for-profit that it doesn’t have to make a profit? This Brandon’s Blog discussed the issues.



This bankruptcy blogspot dealt with filing for bankruptcy in Canada and the bankruptcy discharge process when mental health issues are involved.



This Brandon’s Blog was a discussion about and a warning against being seduced by ads from companies for poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval. We pointed out the pitfalls of the products being offered. We also showed how people with poor credit can go about settling their debts and improving their credit score.


Bankruptcy blog review: Conclusion


These are my 7 top viewed Brandon’s Blogs in 2018. Four are about personal debt issues or personal bankruptcy blog items and three are about corporate insolvency issues. Three are about a review of a then-recent court case.

I hope that the year 2019 will be a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year for you and your families.

Have you taken on too much debt in 2018 or the years before? Is the pain and stress of too much debt now negatively affecting your health?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer a free consultation to help you solve your problems. We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also eliminate it right away from your life. This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free life.bankruptcy blog review


Brandon Blog Post


weppa calculation canada

WEPPA calculation:  Introduction

As part of the Federal Budget 2018, the Wage Earner Protection Program Act calculation (WEPPA calculation) has increased the maximum payout.  We have written before about the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA).  However, to understand the recent change, it would make sense for me to check again what the WEPPA is.

How did it arise?

A change to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) developed a device for employees of an employer that entered either bankruptcy or receivership to be paid for wages or benefit claims owed, built up in the 6 months before the company became bankrupt or was put into receivership.

The WEPPA became legislation because of the federal government’s previous worry that when you experienced “my firm owes me money and declared bankruptcy” there was seldom a possibility for workers to get any of the salaries owed.

WEPPA calculation:  Who can’t file?

.Nevertheless, you are normally not qualified if, throughout the duration for which qualified earnings are overdue, you:

  • were a director or officer of the company;
  • had a management position in the company; or
  • were management whose duties consisted of making financial decisions and/or making binding choices on the settlement or non-payment of amounts owing.

WEPPA calculation Canada: Who is qualified for the WEPP?

You might be if:

  • your previous company has actually entered bankruptcy or receivership; and
  • you have unpaid wages, salaries, vacation pay or reimburse expenses from the company during the 6 months prior to the date of bankruptcy or receivership.

WEPPA calculation:  Budget 2018 maximum payout increase

The WEPPA gives financial backing to Canadian employees, owed money when their company goes into either bankruptcy or receivership. The WEPPA offers a prompt settlement of qualified earnings.  The amount of qualified earnings is an amount equal to 4 weeks maximum insurable earnings under the Employment Insurance Act ($3,977 for 2018).

The Federal government in its Budget 2018 stated that the maximum payout would be increased by raising the maximum settlement from 4 weeks to 7 weeks of insurable revenues, which will amount to $6,960 in 2018.  This is a boost of nearly $3,000 for each former employee. The rise to the maximum payout received Royal Assent on December 13, 2018. This increased calculation is retroactive for bankruptcies or receiverships that happened on or after February 27, 2018, the day Budget 2018 was tabled.

Receivers and licensed insolvency trustees (LIT) (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) are obliged to tell employees of the Wage Earner Protection (WEPP) program and give employees details about amounts owing to them. From the day of bankruptcy or receivership, trustees and receivers have 45 days to send Trustee Information Forms showing the amounts owing to employees.  Employees have 56 days to send their Service Canada WEPP application to the WEPP. The present handling time for a WEPP settlement is within 35 days of receipt of a finished WEPP Canada application and Trustee Information Form.

WEPPA calculation:  Do you have way too much debt?

Have you lost your job because your employer went into bankruptcy or receivership?  Is the pain and stress of too much debt now negatively affecting your health?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today.  We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling.  As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer a free consultation to help you solve your problems.  We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also end it right away from your life.  This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free life.

To all my readers, I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Brandon Blog Post


Financial literacy books: Introduction

The power of today’s technology enables one to discover ways to learn without needing to look very hard for it. The Internet has changed the ways we learn and in general, approach life. To gain financial literacy, financial literacy books are now merely one of many ways we can use to improve our financial acumen.

The academic system, for the most part, still uses classical teaching methods. As a standard, literacy is defined as the ability to write and read. Financial literacy is the ability of people to learn and understand basic financial concepts, strategies and information.

Unfortunately, financial literacy is not so common after all. With 21st century education, financial reading and financial writing can be used to make financial liberty. Financial literacy ought to not be a far-flung idea for people, starting at a very young age.

Financial literacy books: Think differently

In his best-selling book “What I Didn’t Learn in School however I Wish I Had“, author Jamie McIntyre talks about the relevance of financial literacy and 21st-century education. From the title of his book, he freely tells us that we are not discovering what could have been general information for success. The standard view forces the most people to be and follow a structure in a system before all the modern tools available to us today.

As a self-made millionaire, Jamie McIntyre advocates that to be a financial success, people need to be doing the opposite of what others have actually been doing for so long. By being financially literate, we can find reasons why people fail and discover ways to avoid these factors.

Financial literacy transcends the standard read-write approach. By having a different method or viewpoint to one’s life, financial literacy can be used to establish various monetary strategies with the hope of accomplishing financial flexibility.

Financial literacy books: There are many methods to increase financial literacy

To become financially literate, there are many ways people historically have learned about finance, with some new ones. I think some people would say that we can take financial courses or try to get the best financial advice from the best financial advisor. Others may suggest to read the best financial advice books of all time or go to the most popular money advice websites.

However, a research paper released in September 2018, may just give us a glimpse into a different way of gaining financial literacy.

Financial literacy books: What is financial literacy?

Financial literacy is the ability of people to get an understanding when it comes to standard monetary strategies and information. With 21st century education, financial reading and monetary writing can be used to obtain monetary flexibility. Financial literacy needs to not be a far-flung idea for individuals of any age.

Financial literacy books: A new research study

A brand-new research study discovered that people with reduced financial knowledge have a tendency to find out more and make far better choices about money if they are helped by peers that have comparable degrees of financial expertise. This is the case more than if they read financial literacy books or got financial advice from people with much more financial experience and knowledge.

The study, Peer Advice on Financial Decisions: A case of the blind leading the blind?, was released in September 2018. The research showed that the majority of university undergrads with little financial acumen learned better after looking for help from a peer that was in a similar way unenlightened and not somebody having a lot more financial savviness.

While this may strike you as being strange, the study described why it makes good sense. Learning was better between people who can understand and had the patience for each other’s learning gaps stated Professor Sandro Ambuehl, a co-author of the research and an assistant prof at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. His fellow researchers are B. Douglas Bernheim of Stanford University, Fulya Ersoy of Loyola Marymount University and Donna Harris of the University of Oxford.

Financial literacy books: A new way of learning

What this suggests to me is that one of the best ways to teach financial literacy is to start in the elementary schools and continue it throughout high school. Let groups of students interact with their peers to learn together on age proper financial and investment definitions, terms, subjects and strategies. The study suggests that and not leaving it up to people to try to learn it for themselves, promoting learning in peer groups, may be the easiest and most efficient way for learning financial literacy.

Our provincial governments should be taking the lead in encouraging our teachers to start teaching financial literacy to children at a very young age. The study indicates that by having peers work in groups to learn about financial matters, may just be the way for us to have more financially literate adults and a society that has great financial literacy. Peer groups working together to increase their financial knowledge may just be the best resource.

Financial literacy books: Do you have too much debt?

Do you feel that you don’t have sufficient financial literacy? Do you believe that the lack of knowledge has led to you making financial mistakes? Have these mistakes caused you to now have too much debt? Is the pain and stress of too much debt now negatively affecting your health?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer a free consultation to help you solve your problems. We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also end it right away from your life. This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free literacy books

Brandon Blog Post


How bankruptcies work for businesses: Introduction

how bankruptcies work for businesses

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Introduction

Recently I have written several blogs focussing on insolvency and specifically the topics of consumer proposal and personal bankruptcy. To round out the discussion, this Brandon’s Blog discusses how bankruptcies work for businesses in Canada.

To be clear, the goal for either personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy is to avoid bankruptcy. We have many tools in our toolbox to help people and companies avoid bankruptcy through restructuring. It is only when the person has stewed over their personal or business problems for too long that they come to us when it is too late. When it is too late, our hands are tied for creative problem-solving.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Where we start

When a business owner comes to our office for a free consultation, we start with some basics. The first thing we do is ask certain questions that will allow us to get a financial snapshot of the business. We need to know about the assets and liabilities of the business.

We need to understand who all the creditors are and what the assets are. Which creditors may have a deemed trust claim or a secured claim against the assets. What is the total and nature of the unsecured debts?

That information tells us what choices we may have in helping the business recover: is an informal debt settlement restructuring possible;

what do we think about the likelihood of a formal restructuring under either the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) or the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA); or is the business too far gone and therefore bankruptcy or just shutting down are the only options remaining.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: The proprietorship

If the business is unincorporated, then the person is carrying on their business in the form of a proprietorship. They are conducting business in their personal name. They may use a business style, but the legal reality of a proprietorship is that the individual, in their personal capacity, is carrying on business. So, the assets and liabilities that are created in the business, is owned by and is the responsibility of the person.

So, in this situation, it will be a personal insolvency discussion. The available remedies will be:

If you wish to find out more about personal insolvency, or how bankruptcies work for individuals, you can read some of my previous blogs. Good examples are WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY CANADA or CANADIAN DEBT SOLUTIONS: AVOIDING THE BANKRUPTCY PROCESS MIGHT BE THE RIGHT THING.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Incorporated businesses

So now we have gone through the starting point I just described and we have determined that we are dealing with an incorporated business. We first focus on many issues before even discussing how bankruptcies work for companies.

First, we want to know how well does management understand its own business problems. If management does not have a good handle on their business problems, then they first need to get that deep understanding. They may know that monthly when looking at the numbers, they see that losses are continuing. Management, especially in an entrepreneurial or family-owned company, may feel ashamed because they don’t feel like they’ve made good decisions. Or they are aggravated and embarrassed because family members have told you the company is finished.

If you know in your heart that if you do not do something today, you may be risking the entire business.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Know your numbers

To restructure companies for a successful turnaround, you first need to know your numbers and what they mean. The goal is to have the company producing sufficient cash levels and for everyone in the business to be earning a fair market-based income.

Management must look at the entire business and ask:

  • Where’s the profit?.
  • Do we have the money to actually run and scale the business?
  • What is getting in the way for the business to charge the revenue its products or services are worth?
  • Do we have the necessary cash and people resources will we need for a turnaround?
  • Are there lines of business or locations that need to be shed to increase profitability?
  • What expenses can we cut without harming our core business?
  • Which contracts do we need to cut to return to profitability and growth?
  • Do we have the proper reporting systems to give us the information we need to get prompt and accurate information?
  • Can we properly analyze the business issues and take the necessary corrective action?
  • Do we have the right people to carry on the business while implementing the turnaround?
  • Are we experienced enough to carry out our own turnaround or do we need outside professionals to help us with it?
  • Do we know what the impediments are to having a successful informal restructuring or do we need to look at a formal restructuring process?

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Now that we have the information…

These are the main questions that first must be answered for any business experiencing financial difficulties and facing insolvency. This is especially true for more complex companies. New systems or techniques may need to be implemented. If management can answer these questions for themselves, we want to hear those answers. If not, then a financial advisor may need to be retained. My Firm has been regularly retained, either by a company or its lender, to answer these questions and provide our recommendations. This kind of assignment is called a Business Viability Review.

After we provide our recommendations, we then work with the company to help them decide if they can carry out the recommendations and strategies themselves, or if they need our help to do so. If management can do it on their own, many times the lender will want us to stay involved by monitoring the company’s progress and reporting back to both the company and the lender.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: What if informal restructuring isn’t possible

The aim is always to avoid bankruptcy but it’s practical to recognize what it is and when it could be suitable. Companies are complex organisms. There may be the need to shed unprofitable contracts or long-term agreements that are just too expensive to continue with. It may be that disposing of such onerous contracts, leases or agreements is crucial to have a viable ongoing business. Many times a formal restructuring process is necessary to legally end those types of agreements.

It is the largest of company restructurings that we hear about in the news. From the United States, we read about Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filings. In Canada, we read about restructurings under the CCAA. The largest of companies do not represent the size of the majority of Canadian companies.

For the biggest of companies, they can get relief and press back on creditors. There is an old adage which says: “If you owe the bank a bit of money, they own you. If you owe the bank a huge amount of money, you own them.”. In that way, in the largest company restructurings, the business can get a long time to either sell particular assets where the cash will help them rebound. They will also get the time they need to “rightsize” their employee numbers and shed unprofitable contracts. Loan changes with their secured lender or banking syndicate is also on the table and accomplished, more often than not. Their sheer size demands it and they get it.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: The reality for the majority of Canadian companies

Canadian business is full of entrepreneur-owned companies. So, that is what I will focus on in this Brandon’s Blog. If the business owner(s) come to us early enough, then we can decide if an informal restructuring will work or if not, what needs to be done in a formal restructuring. For any business that owes less than $5 million, it will normally be a BIA restructuring debt settlement proposal. We have done many successful company restructuring proposals under the BIA.

The answers to all the questions I posted above, will tell us what the restructuring needs to look like, how long it will take, and what our projections show about the profitability and viability of the business after a successful implementation of the restructuring plan.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Company bankruptcy

In a company bankruptcy, the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) takes possession of the assets, properties, and undertakings of the company. This assumes that there are not secured creditors who have all the assets of the company tied up. If there are, then the company may not need to go into bankruptcy. Rather, a secured creditor will take enforcement action by making a demand on the insolvent company. However, if the loan is not repaid in time, then the secured lender will appoint a receiver to take possession of the assets covered by the lender’s security. In Canada, this is normally a Chartered Bank and all the assets are secured.

Sometimes a company in receivership needs to also file for bankruptcy. The main reason would be to aid in maximizing the recovery on the assets. For example, the company is a retail chain. The only way to maximize the recovery is to run the business and sell off the assets from one or more stores. One way to guarantee quiet enjoyment of the stores the receiver needs to stay in is to have a bankruptcy. That is because, under Provincial commercial tenancy law, a trustee in bankruptcy has a certain time to stay in the premises, undisturbed, as long as the current rent is paid.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Receivership or bankruptcy

Whether there is a receivership or bankruptcy, there are many steps that a receiver or trustee have in common. These include:

  • Determining whether or not the recovery on assets will be maximized if the business is operated by the receiver or Trustee.
  • What impediments are there in running the business?
  • What is the best way to sell off the assets? As an entire group or parcels of assets that make sense to keep together, or one by one?
  • Are there any third party assets not owned by the company on the premises or other locations?
  • Are there assets owned by the company in any other locations?
  • Is there proper insurance and physical security over the assets?
  • Once the assets are sold and the cash received, what claims are there against the funds and what is the priority of all the potential claimants?

How bankruptcies work for businesses: The entrepreneurial company reality

Most mid-size and small companies when they’re in difficulty, do not submit a formal restructuring plan or file for bankruptcy at all. They just shut down by closing the doors. The owner will get the company’s final income tax and other information returns completed and filed. They will make sure that employee wages are paid current. Hopefully, source deductions and HST are fully paid up.

Wages, source deductions and/or HST that are not fully paid, are a personal liability of the Directors of the company. In the entrepreneurial companies, the owner(s) have probably personally guaranteed bank loans, premises and equipment leases or have raised funds to start and invest in the business by taking out at a mortgage against their home.

This brings us to the reality of most midsize and small businesses. The business failure leads to personal insolvency issues. Many times we advise entrepreneurs that their company filing an assignment in bankruptcy is not necessary. Rather, they should just shut down their business and then we will deal with their personal insolvency issues. This will allow the entrepreneur to get a fresh start.

Now what is required is getting a job in their field and earning a salary without the risk and challenges of running their own business. Once they get their fresh start, are back on their feet and saved up some money, they can decide if being an employee or starting a new business will be their future.

How bankruptcies work for businesses: Does your company have too much debt?

Is your company insolvent and needs to restructure? Is your business viable but can only continue if it can reorganize its debt? We know your pain and understand the stress you are living with. The Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience in company restructurings of all sizes.

Contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Team. If we can meet with you in our free first consultation early enough, we can create and help you start a restructuring and turnaround plan. This will allow your company to continue to do business, create jobs and be profitable for many years to come.

Brandon Blog Post


What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Introduction

Encountering major money troubles is life-shattering, especially if you automatically think that bankruptcy is your only alternative. As a matter of fact, lots of people erroneously think that serious financial difficulties immediately suggest the only answer is bankruptcy. The most common question I am asked is, “what is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada”.

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Insolvency

If you are having problems meeting your financial obligations or have stopped meeting those financial obligations as they come due you are insolvent, not bankrupt. Insolvent is a cash flow problem; bankruptcy is a legal state. You can read a detailed discussion on the definition of being insolvent in my last week’s vlog INSOLVENT DEFINITION: A NEW FOCUS FOR TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE.

Bаnkruрtсу is a legal рrосеѕѕ under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) that helps you to resolve уоur debts if they have become unmanageable. If you have relatively few assets and low іnсоmе and dесіdе to file for bаnkruрtсу, you will probably fіlе under the streamlined Summary Administration part of the BIA.

If you have realizable assets that will produce a value greater than $10,000, then your bankruptcy would be administered under the general administrative provisions. Don’t worry about these distinctions right now. For now, just know that the summary administration rules are shortened, and the cost of the bankruptcy administration is fixed by a tariff set by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

In either case, you will turn over to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“LIT”) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) all уоur рrореrtу that is not exempt (protected) by law. The LIT will sell your property and the proceeds will be used to рау for the bankruptcy administration and then make a distribution to уоur сrеdіtоrѕ.

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Assets exempt in a bankruptcy in Ontario

In Ontario, where my practice is, the following assets are exempt from seizure in a personal bankruptcy:

  1. Your necessary clothing without any dollar restriction.
  2. Family furnishings and appliances up to a value of $13,150.
  3. Your tools and other personal property used to earn income from your occupation up to a value of $11,300.
  4. One vehicle with equity of no more than $6,600.
  5. Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Registered Retirement Income Fund savings, other than payments made within the 12 months immediately before the bankruptcy filing.
  6. The equity in your house if up to the amount of $10,000. Note that the current thinking is that if your equity is more than $10,000, then your exemption is zero.

If you have very little property, all of it may be рrоtесtеd so that you will not lose it.

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: Surplus income

How much уоur сrеdіtоrѕ will get in this process dереndѕ on how much уоur unрrоtесtеd property can be ѕоld fоr and whether you will be required to pay “surplus income” to your LIT. For a detailed discussion on surplus income, read my May 28, 2013 blog CAN YOU REALLY HAVE SURPLUS INCOME IF YOU’RE BANKRUPT?

Among all the things that seem to perplex many people when it involves the bankruptcy procedure is surplus income. It’s tough to get your head around the concept of surplus income when you are heading towards bankruptcy. Can that really be true if you are insolvent?

What is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency Canada: What is surplus income

Surplus income in a bankruptcy describes the amount the bankrupt must pay to the Trustee monthly. The Canadian bankruptcy system attempts to balance your right to end your debt and start over with the rights of creditors to be paid.

To permit Canadians to keep a sensible right to make a living throughout the bankruptcy administration, the federal government has established limits or standards on revenue a person can keep (after tax obligations and certain limited deductions) throughout their bankruptcy. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy establishes the limit restriction every year tied into the cost of living.

How do you figure surplus income?

The Federal Government establishes the formula used to calculate surplus income payments. The same formula is used for all of Canada.

The limits for surplus income are based off across the country “poverty line”. Surplus income has absolutely nothing to do with what you have left over monthly. It is a federal government formula that considers your revenue, specific non-discretionary costs as well as your household size.

The calculation is to find if you will need to contribute from your earnings monthly to your Trustee, for the benefit of your creditors.

Bankruptcy discharge

The final step of your bankruptcy process will be to get your discharge. Your discharge from bankruptcy acts as the trigger to discharge you from all of your debts. This means that you will not have to рау them (with possibly certain exceptions depending on your circumstances).

Whether you get an absolute discharge from your bankruptcy will depend essentially on your conduct. Before your bankruptcy, did you treat all your creditors the same? Does anyone feel aggrieved by your actions? That will decide if any of your creditors will oppose your discharge.

For an in-depth discussion of the personal bankruptcy discharge process, check out our vlog BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE: THE TOP 8 THINGS THE BANKRUPTCY COURT WILL CONSIDER ON ANYONE’S BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE APPLICATION.

Is your debt keeping you up at night?

Do you have extreme debt and have no concept of how to handle it? Are your debt woes keeping you up at night and causing you stress, pain and maybe even depression? We understand that pain and can cut it from your life.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many companies and people throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) juggling too much debt in their lives that requires a blueprint for Starting Over, Starting Now. Do not delay. Help is 1 phone call away. You can fix your financial troubles while avoiding bankruptcy as long as you take swift action. Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation.what is the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency canada

Brandon Blog Post


gm canada headquarters oshawa


GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Introduction

Execs with General Motors advised on November 26, 2018, that GM Canada headquarters Oshawa and the General Motors Oshawa Assembly Plant are closing down by the end of 2019. No trucks or cars are assigned to the plant for production past December 2019. This will affect about 2,800 people who will be unemployed; 2,500 union employees as well as 300 salaried employees.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the issue, review what each affected GM employee should have done all along, and the top 5 things they need to do right now.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: What everyone should have done

I constantly suggest to everyone that they always do two things about their income and expenses:

  1. Save a part of your earnings to that you have a reserve of 3 to 6 months of living costs. Work loss or an unanticipated expenditure can place you in a financially risky area if you’re not prepared.
  2. Create a realistic budget that details your income, variable and fixed expenses that are your true necessities. Your savings emergency fund also has to be accounted for. Only if you then have money left over each month, should you even start to think about your expenditures that are really wanting, not needs?

I always advise this to anyone looking for financial tips. In my September 2017 blog, DEBT ELIMINATION: ARE YOU SABOTAGING YOUR WEALTH BY SAVING AND REDUCING DEBT?, I include a discussion of both of these recommendations. Back in 2013, I wrote about the scary statistic on Canadians living paycheque to paycheque in my blog ARE YOU LIVING PAYCHEQUE TO PAYCHEQUE?.

Over the years I have written several articles about the looming dangers of Canadians not having a savings emergency fund while their debt is rising and income is relatively stagnant. I always have written about the need to have an emergency fund if you are faced with an unplanned nasty surprise that you could not have controlled or anticipated. The examples I always give are unexpected expenditures such as from a medical emergency, or loss of income due to job loss. Well, the GM Canada workers are there now. Unless there is a magical reversal of policy, the GM Oshawa plant closing is happening.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Just lost my job – what’s next?

It’s a tough situation. I can’t just leave off this blog having said what all working Canadians should have done. Job loss is a major stress not only for the individual but for the entire family. You start stressing over exactly how are you going to make the next rent or home mortgage payment and the car payment. Exactly how are you most likely to maintain food on the table and the lights on? These are all regular concerns.

So, below are my leading 5 points the GM employees ought to do both previously as well as after they quit working at GM offered the news of the Oshawa GM plant closing.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: The top 5 things to do

  1. Collect yourself for a few days. Don’t make any rash decisions. For the next two to three days, just don’t do anything. Your emotions are high. You’re probably talking under your breath thinking about how your revenge will be swift and just and cold as the blackest winter’s night. People don’t make rational, mathematics-based decisions when that type of emotion is involved. Take a walk around a park. Catch up on your favourite shows. Spend some time with the family.
  2. After things have settled down, now it is time to form a plan before you are actually laid off. If you are a union worker, the union will have resources available for both counselling and to advise of what arrangements GM is making for workers about notice periods and other financial issues relating to being laid off. If you are on salary, presumably GM will make a third party resource available for you to provide this information. Otherwise, the GM HR department will take care of it. So what are some of the elements of a plan?
  3. Once you are laid off, consider filing for employment Insurance benefits. Right now you might be thinking that such a government subsidy is for losers. I have skills, diplomas, degrees, experience – I am not a loser. I am not going to stand in line for a government handout. But, what have you been paying into the employment insurance fund all these years for? Exactly this situation. You earned the right to get paid something back from this fund. This is literally what this is for. With all the government paperwork and red tape, it could take a while for the first cheque to get to you. In the meantime, your car still requires gas and your body still requires food. You will be laying out money, or going into credit card debt. You need to know that there is at least some money soon to come. If you have already started making phone calls to try to line something up for the next phase of your working life, it may take longer than you think. At least know that you have taken a positive step to start bringing in some money while you are searching for that next work opportunity. You may be getting working notice instead of a severance package. You may need the employment insurance payments to live on, especially if there isn’t a cheque beyond your normal pay when you leave GM.
  4. Get professional advice on rolling over your pension entitlement to your RRSP. If you are a member of a GM pension plan and assuming you are not entitled to receive benefits immediately, you will have some choices to make. You certainly aren’t going to leave the money with the existing pension fund manager once you are laid off. You want to make sure that the transfer is done properly. Properly is both from an income tax perspective as well as what is the right investment vehicle for you given your age and future work expectations. If you are a union member, I am sure your union rep will be provided with information to provide to you on the best way to do the transfer. For a salaried worker, the GM HR department should be helpful at least about what your rollover choices are.
  5. Create a realistic household budget. There are many benefits to having a proper budget. A spending plan offers you control over your life. It forces you to check your new family income level and make decisions about how you will spend that income. Budgeting will certainly permit you to fulfill your financial goals — paying your expenses while also focussing on savings for your retirement. It might be tough in the beginning on a reduced income. However, a realistic budget will let you control the lower income properly until you are back on your feet. Once you are earning what you should be in a new position, then the budget can be reworked. You will now be able to spend some money on things your family needs that you had to stop buying.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Don’t wait until you are laid off

By now, hopefully, you realize that you should not wait until you are laid off to do proper basic financial planning. The time to have a proper household budget, keeping an emergency savings fund of 6 to 12 months in case of an unexpected life event and save for retirement, is not when you are let go. The time to start doing it is right at the beginning.

The Oshawa GM plant closing 2018 announcement made me think about in a perfect world, how each about to be laid off person should have planned for a day like this. I realize that probably very few did. However, how much better do you think the GM employee who has a 12-month emergency fund saved up feels compared to all those who don’t? The GM announcement inspired me to write this blog.

I hope that this blog gets you to think about your situation and perhaps fine-tune a few things. The best time to do it is when there isn’t an emergency.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Do you have too much debt?

Do you have too much debt? Do you not have any money to fall back on if you were laid off from your work?

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (previously called bankruptcy trustees) are the only professionals recognized, accredited and accountable to the federal government and the Court to manage debt restructuring cases in Canada. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our individualized approach will certainly help you recognize all your options. The choice you select based upon our suggestions will remove the stress, anxiety and pain you are feeling as a result of your debt troubles. We know your pain, and we know we can end that pain for you.

The Ira Smith Team has years and generations of experience helping people and companies in financial difficulty. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt negotiation strategy, a bigger individual or business restructuring proposal debt negotiation strategy, or as a last resource, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our technique for every case is to produce an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now occurs. This begins the minute you come through our front door. You’re just one telephone call from taking the essential actions to return to leading a healthy and balanced, problem-free life. Call us today for your totally free appointment.

Brandon Blog Post


JUNE 17, 2019 UPDATE: The Court of Appeal for Ontario reversed this lower court decision. You can read all about it in our blog update – INSOLVENT DEFINITION RESTORED IN COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO

Insolvent definition: Introduction

The basis of the Canadian insolvency system is to assist the honest but unfortunate person or company shed their debt (with certain limitations) and start over fresh. There are many terms defined in the Canadian insolvency legislation. The most basic one is the insolvent definition.

Last week I reviewed a decision of the Ontario bankruptcy Court that really did give me a new focus. It doesn’t change the bottom line of the advice I would give an insolvent debtor, but it did change my focus. That is one of the things I love about being a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee). I never stop learning.

Insolvent definition: Two examples

The Oxford dictionary definition is:



Unable to pay debts owed.

‘the company became insolvent’”

Section 2 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) defines an insolvent person as:

“insolvent person means a person who is not bankrupt and who resides, carries on business or has property in Canada, whose liabilities to creditors provable as claims under this Act amount to one thousand dollars, and

(a) who is for any reason unable to meet his obligations as they generally become due,

(b) who has ceased paying his current obligations in the ordinary course of business as they generally become due, or

(c) the aggregate of whose property is not, at a fair valuation, sufficient, or, if disposed of at a fairly conducted sale under legal process, would not be sufficient to enable payment of all his obligations, due and accruing due;”

Insolvent definition: The concept of net worth

Insolvent person refers to both people and companies. The BIA definition incorporates the common English definition. The BIA definition also incorporates the accounting concept of net worth. Net worth = Assets – Liabilities. If the difference is positive, you have a positive net worth. If the difference is negative, you have negative or no net worth.

For those that want to read more about the concept of net worth, look at the Addendum I wrote which is at the bottom of this blog. Since many of you already have an advanced understanding of net, I don’t want to insert it in here.

When giving our free first consultation, my advice to anyone with lots of debt but positive net worth is that in bankruptcy, they will lose their non-exempt assets. If the major asset providing the positive net worth value is their home, I advise the person that they will lose their equity in their home which is not a good outcome. So, my first advice is always to see if the person can either refinance the home or sell it. Then they can use the funds to pay off their debts. In a sale, any balance can be used as a down payment on a smaller home or can set them up nicely to rent.

I normally don’t think of part (c) of the BIA insolvent definition as being mutually exclusive. However, after reading the Court decision and looking again at the BIA definition, I am reminded that it really is. Let me describe the Court’s decision to explain.

Insolvent definition: Kormos v. Fast, 2018 ONSC 6044 (CanLII)

Mr. and Mrs. Kormos got a judgment against their neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Fast. The Small Claims Court at St. Catherines issued the judgment for $25,565.64. This judgment comes about from problems arising from flooding in their home which was triggered by the Fasts.

After the judgment was given, the Fasts were contacted by Mr. Kormos’ licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee). The Trustee advised that Mr. Fast had submitted a consumer proposal under the BIA many months previously, on August 24, 2016. Mr. Fast did not previously mention anything about his consumer proposal or his later filing of an assignment in bankruptcy.

Fifteen days after the Kormos plaintiffs started enforcement of the judgment by serving a notice of examination on Mrs. Fast, she made an assignment in bankruptcy under the BIA on April 25, 2017.

In their different bankruptcy filings, each of the Fasts attested in their respective sworn Statement of Affairs, that their home in Queenston, Ontario (Home) was worth $630,000.

Mr. and Mrs. Kormos provided evidence by way of an expert witness appraisal who also testified in Court, showing that the Home was considerably underestimated in the BIA filings by Mr. Fast on August 24, 2016, and Mrs. Fast on April 25, 2017, when she made an assignment in bankruptcy.

The Kormos’ lawyer stated that when a reasonable value is designated to the Home, neither Mr. Fast nor Mrs. Fast was insolvent when their corresponding filings were made under the BIA. They were obviously relying on the fact that each of Mr. and Mrs. Fast really had a positive net worth.

Mr. and Mrs. Kormos were looking for an Order under the BIA (i) annulling Mr. Fast’s consumer proposal as well as, if required, his 2014 bankruptcy; as well as (ii) annulling Mrs. Fast’s bankruptcy.

Insolvent definition: The Court’s analysis

Mr. and Mrs. Kormos wanted:

  1. An Order according to s. 66.3(1) of the BIA annulling the consumer proposal submitted by Mr. Fast.
  2. Since an outcome of such an annulment would be that Mr. Fast is considered to make an assignment in bankruptcy under s. 66.3(5) of the BIA, they also were looking for an annulment of his bankruptcy on the ground that Mr. Fast is not presently insolvent.
  3. An order according to ss. 181(1) as well as 187(5) of the BIA annulling the bankruptcy of Mrs. Fast.
  4. An Order according to Rule 60.07 of the Rules of Civil Procedure issuing a writ of seizure and sale of the Home.

The Fasts did not challenge the expert appraisal opinion. The Court accepted the expert’s appraisal as being the value of the Home on the relevant dates of Mr. and Mrs. Fast’s respective filings under the BIA.

The Court looked at the insolvent definition in the BIA, which again is:

“insolvent person means a person who is not bankrupt and who resides, carries on business or has property in Canada, whose liabilities to creditors provable as claims under this Act amount to one thousand dollars, and

(a) who is for any reason unable to meet his obligations as they generally become due,

(b) who has ceased paying his current obligations in the ordinary course of business as they generally become due, or

(c) the aggregate of whose property is not, at a fair valuation, sufficient, or, if disposed of at a fairly conducted sale under legal process, would not be sufficient to enable payment of all his obligations, due and accruing due;”

In her bankruptcy filing, Mrs. Fast filed her statement of monthly income and expenses. According to the statement, her monthly expenses exceed her monthly income by $2,010. When looking at the definition of an insolvent, the Court concluded that Mrs. Fast was unable to meet her obligations and had stopped paying her current obligations. Notwithstanding that the Court found that Mrs. Fast probably understated the value of her interest in the Home, the Court was not persuaded to annul her bankruptcy as she met the definition of an insolvent person.

As for Mr. Fast, the Court decided it would not annul his consumer proposal. The Judge went on to say that even if he was persuaded to do so, Mr. Fast was still a bankrupt and the Judge had no evidence for the proposition that his bankruptcy should also be annulled.

So, the Judge did not grant the application, the Fasts are under their respective BIA proceedings and Mr. and Mrs. Kormos can file their claim with the Fasts’ Trustee.

Insolvent definition: The Trustee

Now the Trustee has an interesting situation. The Trustee is now aware of the expert valuation of the Home. The Trustee will have to use that information to decide if the Fasts have equity in their home. If yes, then as far as Mrs. Fast, her equity will have to be realized upon because she is bankrupt. Her equity in the Home devolves to the Trustee as an asset (if it is more than the minuscule provincial exemption).

Is Mr. Fast’s consumer proposal has already been (deemed) accepted by the creditors and (deemed) approved by the Court. If yes, then he will just have to keep making the agreed payments to fully complete his consumer proposal and get out of bankruptcy. If not, the Trustee will now have to take his real equity in the Home into account. The Trustee will have to decide if the consumer proposal can still be recommended to the creditors, or if it must be improved because of the increased total asset value.

Insolvent definition: Are you insolvent?

Are you unable to pay your debts as they come due? Are your bills past due and you don’t know how you are going to pay them? If so, then you are insolvent, and we can help end your pain.

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) are the only experts accredited, licensed and supervised by the federal government to handle debt restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our personalized strategy will assist you to know all your alternatives. The alternative you choose based on our recommendations will take away the stress and pain you are feeling because of your debt problems.

The Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience people and companies in financial trouble. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt settlement plan, a larger personal or corporate restructuring proposal debt settlement plan, or as a last resort, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our approach for each file is to create a result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life. Call us today for your free consultation.

Insolvent definition: NET WORTH ADDENDUM

Regularly monitoring your finances reveals invaluable lessons. A most important aspect of building wealth is to find it. People that constantly increase their net worth track it to direct it. So, the starting point is understanding what the net worth definition for a person is.

Seeing the measurable results of your spending and investing decisions is the first step to take control of them. Contrarily, people in the worst monetary shape have no concept where their money is spent and are too afraid to know what their net worth might be since it will not be pretty.

Which extreme more closely matches your mindset? You can’t handle what you don’t measure. Consider it: if you were seriously rich, you’d invest a long time weekly handling some element of your finances.

A beginner variation of a financial tracking approach is needed to begin improving your financial condition.. In addition, the more money you build up, the more financial assets and liabilities to keep an eye on. I ‘d wager that you won’t own them for long if you don’t have your financial tracking system set up before you acquire them. If you don’t see and feel the gains and losses of your monetary choices–you are playing the complex money-game of life without any scorecard.

This is how so many people with good income still find their way into financial trouble. You need to have navigation reference points to know if you are going toward developing wealth or ruining wealth. It is by monitoring your net worth that you’ll begin to discover the monetary impact and effects of your decisions.

The beginning point for financial measuring is a simple statement of net worth (or balance sheet). It is a list of the current market price of whatever you own and what you owe to others. Your net worth is the difference between these 2 numbers. This is the number that you want to measure and increase every month. As with a business, as soon as you start determining the monetary repercussions of your habits you can begin making your own individual financial guidance. Basic insights and rules like these will help increase your net worth. This will lead to bigger insights and develop into bigger gains.

If you find that you have a lot of debt that is reducing your net worth, or possibly a negative net worth, then what guidance about debt are you going to develop for yourself? Think about including a guideline to read a new personal finance book each year. Your money rules and net worth statements can be as advanced or as basic as you wish to make them.

When you have computed your calculation of net worth, you begin having the ability to plan for purchases and payments. As an easy example, if your auto insurance coverage costs get paid annually, you can calculate just how much cash that you must to set aside monthly to easily pay it when the bill arrives. Or if you are getting a new car, you’ll be a lot better prepared for the first costs before you get squeezed at the end of the month and wind up paying a couple of bills late.

After you get comfortable with a net worth statement, you can move on to an income & expense sheet. How much net worth will you need by when? The answer is based upon the financial routines, tools and education you will establish. However, it can all start with your very first net worth statement.

JUNE 17, 2019 UPDATE: The Court of Appeal for Ontario reversed this lower court decision. You can read all about it in our blog update – INSOLVENT DEFINITION RESTORED IN COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO insolvent definition



Brandon Blog Post


holiday spending in canada

We are trying something new. At the bottom of this holiday spending in Canada tips blog is an audiogram of this Brandon’s blog. If you would prefer to listen to it, and not read it, scroll down to the bottom and press on the play button. Let us know what you think by sending us a message in the Question box below.

Holiday spending in Canada: Introduction

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over. You may feel you have a tendency to go overboard on your holiday spending and that will put you in a bad place going into 2019. So we have put together our holiday spending in Canada list to try to help with your budgeting for the holidays. Hopefully, by following our tips, you won’t enter the new year with even more debt. You will have avoided the most common holiday spending mistakes.

Holiday spending in Canada: Budgeting for the holidays

So, the first hint already is when I said budgeting for the holidays. It is so important that you actually think out your holiday budget before you start spending. I believe there are three main categories to your Christmas holiday budget: (i) gifts; (ii) food and beverage in your home when hosting; and (iii) tree and decorations.

To start setting your holiday budget, you need to set three separate mini-budgets; one for each group. For gifts, the first thing is to list out everyone you feel you want to buy a gift for. Then figure out who on the list you need to buy a gift for. You may not be able to afford your “wants”, but only your “needs”. The other categories will be easier to set.

Now, look at your monthly income and expenses and any savings you may have allocated for holiday spending to understand how much you can afford to spend in total without going into holiday debt. Just figure out the total amount you can safely spend. With that total, you should then estimate the spend on the food and beverage and tree and decorations categories. What you have left over in total will be your gifts budget. Nothing is set in stone. If you feel you need to adjust the allocations among the three categories, go right ahead. Eventually, you will be left with your gift total budget.

Now spread the total gift budget among the people. Your individual amounts have to add up to a number not greater than the total you already set up as your total gift spending amount. So you should now have actually three different worksheets, adding up to the total amount of money you can safely spend. With the budgeting worksheets finished, it is now time to go shopping!

Holiday spending in Canada: A new kind of shopping

You will now be able to do a new kind of shopping. In the past, you may have just gone to the mall or local stores and then just wander around until something that reminds me of the person that you are shopping for pops up.

The new shopping method will have you shopping for each group already knowing how much you can spend. Do not overspend!!

Holiday spending in Canada: Here are our 5-holiday spending tips

  1. Purchase with purpose – You have already determined how much you can safely spend on each person. Find the right gift that meets your spending goal. You don’t have to think about cost any more, because you will stick to your individual gift limits. You can now concentrate only on appropriateness within your budget limits. Although the Farberware cookware may be wonderful, you can only buy gifts that fit within your budget.
  2. Only buy with cash – You will be tempted to buy with your credit cards. Using plastic will cause you to overspend because you won’t feel the purchase. To really feel the purchase, only use cash. When you feel it, you don’t overspend. You will also avoid the nasty surprise in January because you won’t receive an out of control credit card statement that you won’t be able to repay. You will not only feel great in December but in January too.
  3. Think of a family gift to save money – If you feel you won’t be able to afford individual gifts, think of members of the same family and look for a family gift. A gift card for the family to go see a movie or a family pass for admission to an upcoming event or tourist site may prove cheaper than the total of the individual gifts. Don’t forget to check out that option. Or perhaps one item for the house that you know all family members will enjoy. There are many possibilities for a group gift.
  4. Give of yourself, not just your money – Don’t think that the only gift that counts is one that costs money. You have many skills and talents. Perhaps one or more would make a great gift. If you can’t think of anything unique you can provide that would make a great gift, how about your time. Think to babysit for nieces or nephews, taking out for an afternoon an ageing relative who can’t get out much but has appointments or errands to get to or doing someone’s grocery shopping (with their money). These can all count as valuable gifts that won’t cost you anything or much at all. Your time and theirs are much more valuable than any gift you would purchase in a store.
  5. Think outside of the decoration box – If you don’t already have a box of ornaments from years past to use, think creatively. The ornaments purchased at a Dollar Store will look just as nice on your tree as ones purchased at a more expensive store. Or, use your own creativity to make your own decorations. If you aren’t sure where to start, I am sure that there are many videos online to show you how to make great looking decorations that don’t cost too much for materials. Your labour, of course, is free.

2 BONUS TIPS to help with your holiday money management:

HOLIDAY SPENDING TIPS BONUS #1 Save all year for your holiday spending budget – Now that you have your spending budget, start saving for next Christmas in January. Take the total budgeted amount that you spent this year and divide it by 12. Starting in January, set up a separate savings account and deposit into it every month the monthly amount needed that will add up to your total budget by next December. Avoid the temptation to dip into that fund during the year. By the time you get to next Christmas, you will already have all of your holiday spending cash.

HOLIDAY SPENDING TIPS BONUS #2 Do you have reward points you either don’t see using or will soon expire? You have been collecting the points. You obviously thought they would give you something extra you might not otherwise be able to afford. Now you might lose them or even if not, you don’t see yourself able to take advantage of what the points can provide. So, why not buy a proper gift or gifts for those you need to buy for using some points. You will feel good about giving this way because you will be using the points for someone valuable in your life. You will also feel good about not allowing them to either expire or lay dormant. The people you buy the gifts for will hopefully cherish your gift, never knowing that you didn’t have to lay out any cash for them. It is a win-win all the way around.

I wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

Holiday spending in Canada: What if you already have too much debt?

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (previously called bankruptcy trustees) are the only specialists approved, certified and monitored by the federal government to deal with debt restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our individualized method will certainly help you learn every one of your bankruptcy alternative options. The choice you choose based upon our suggestions will certainly end the stress, anxiety and discomfort you are really feeling due to your debt troubles.

The Ira Smith Team has years and generations of experience assisting people and companies in a financial problem. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt negotiation strategy, a bigger individual or business restructuring proposal debt negotiation, or as a last resource, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our method for every case is to produce an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now occurs. This begins the moment you come through our front door. You’re just one telephone call from taking the essential actions to return to leading a healthy, well-balanced life. Call us today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post



Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a form of debt refinancing that entails taking out one loan to pay off many others. This commonly refers to a personal finance process


On November 16, 2018, the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) issued a press release on the state of consumer insolvencies in Canada. Hidden in the information was data which leads me to believe that debt consolidation may be tougher in 2019 and certainly in 2020.

A perfect storm is brewing

A historically low rate of interest and accessibility to credit have enabled some Canadians to stay up to date with debt and debt payments that would otherwise have gone into default. Interest rates are now rising and it is expected that the Bank of Canada will continue to raise its benchmark rate into 2019. Canadian household debt is on average at its highest level ever and is forecast to continue to rise. Rising household debt combined with rising interest rates is not a good combination.

Until now, Canadian real estate values have continued to rise, so consumers have been able to combine unsecured credit card and other debt into new mortgage or home equity line of credit debt secured by Canadian real estate. However, times have changed. Effective January 1, 2018, a new mortgage stress test came into effect. We described it in our blog “CANADA MORTGAGE STRESS TEST: WE EXPOSE THE SECRET TO TURN YOU FROM ZERO TO HERO”.

The mortgage stress test has resulted in one of its prime goals; a noticeable downturn in new mortgage loans. The second result is a slowing down of the runaway real estate markets in Vancouver and Toronto. If Canadian household debt continues to rise, interest rates keep rising making debt payments tougher and Canadians can no longer combine their unsecured debts by taking out a new loan by borrowing against their homes, debt defaults are going to rise.

That is why I say that debt consolidation loans may start playing hard to get.

The important relationships to consider

Below is a chart displayed in the CAIRP press release which I have reproduced here.debt consolidation 3


CAIRP came to some interesting conclusions about interest rates and consumer insolvencies, based on the trends shown in these charts. However, I believe they overlooked what I think is the central issue.

In the top chart, it shows that insolvency filings increased in the 2009-2010 years. CAIRP surmised that there was a lag between the time interest rates rose in the years 2006 through 2008 and the increased filings. This is true. However, the increase in filings mirrors the increase in unemployment in the 2009-2010 period. My personal view is that the more important finding is that the unemployment rate lagged the interest rate increase and it is the increase in the unemployment rate that produced a higher level of insolvencies.

With higher interest rates, corporations are paying more on their debt. Corporations want to show a steady increase in their profits year over year. If debt costs rise, companies have to find other costs to save. One cost that can be reduced in the short-term is labour costs. The forecast shows that as employees are terminated, the unemployment rate rises. Not everyone can find new work in the same time frame. This leads to increased consumer insolvency filings. In my view, the unemployment rate is a more important relationship to consumer insolvency filings.

Looking at 2019 and 2020

The bottom chart shows the relationship between household debt to income and the inflation rate. As you can see, the household debt to income ratio has kept a steady climb in 1996 through 2017 years. This steady climb has continued in 2018 and is forecast to rise even more in 2019 and 2020. The forecast also shows that inflation will nudge up to the 3% rate in 2020. So prices are expected to rise with inflation, and the household debt to income ratio is expected to rise also. This will put more pressure on Canadians trying to keep up with their debt payments.

The upper chart shows us that in 2019-2020, the forecast is that GDP stays flat, while interest rates continue to rise. In the same time frame, the downward trend in the unemployment rate bottoms out and begins to rise. Again, more unemployment and higher interest rates lead to problems for people trying to pay off debts. If you agree with my hypothesis that Canadians won’t be able to merge debt by borrowing more against their homes, this will lead to more financial problems and presumably an increase in consumer insolvency filings.

What you can do now

All is not doom and gloom. There are many things a person with a lot of debt can do now before things get out of control. There are many things that you can do right now to avoid a disaster down the road. My 5 steps for anyone who wants to resolve debt issues now are:

  1. Review your household budget now and cut spending on “wants” vs. “needs”. If you don’t have a household budget, develop a realistic one NOW!
  2. Rework the budget so that you spend less each month than you are currently spending. Look for ways to economize. Use that extra cash to paying down debt.
  3. Start paying more than the minimum monthly payment on your credit card and other unsecured debt. The more you can pay, the faster you can pay it off.
  4. Pay down the debt with the highest interest rate first. The less you pay in interest the better. That means more is going to pay down the principal debt.
  5. Perhaps you need to consider taking on a part-time extra gig to bring in more income.ira smith trustee

What if I can’t pay off my debts?

For Canadians that discover themselves not able to handle their debt on their own, there is a range of alternatives to take into consideration:

Identifying which choice is most appropriate depends upon a person’s scenarios as well as their unique asset and liability structure.

Debt consolidation: How we can help you

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) are the only experts accredited, licensed and supervised by the federal government to handle debt restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our personalized strategy will assist you to recognize all of your alternatives. The alternative you pick based on our recommendations will take away the stress and pain you are feeling because of your debt problems.

The Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience people and companies in financial trouble. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt settlement plan, a larger personal or corporate restructuring proposal debt settlement plan, or as a last resort, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life. Call us today for your free consultation.

debt consolidation

Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy trustee near me: Introduction

This Brandon’s Blog is about picking a licensed insolvency trustee. As the title suggests, performing an online search for bankruptcy trustee “near me”, based solely on geography, is one way. Being around the corner is certainly convenient, but it may have no place in making a life-altering decision. This isn’t a coffee place you are looking for. If you required life-saving surgery, would you base your decision only upon which surgeon operates out of the hospital closest to your home? I don’t think so.

Bankruptcy trustee near me: Don’t fall into the debt consultant/debt settlement company trap

I am talking about people who actually hold a license issued by the Canadian Superintendent of Bankruptcy to administer the insolvency system in Canada. I am not talking about debt consultants or others who claim to be able to help you avoid bankruptcy and end debt.

There is no government licensing or supervision of debt consultants. They merely charge you for a first intake consultation, that a bankruptcy trustee would do for free. Once they have your information, you have paid them for the visit, and perhaps they have signed you up for more expensive “credit score improvement tools”, they hand you over to the licensed insolvency trustee who now will perform the actual work.

Using this type of arrangement costs you more money than you need to spend. The money you can’t afford to pay! The Superintendent of Bankruptcy is putting new controls in place over licensed insolvency trustees to stop bankruptcy trustees from allowing debt consultants to associate shoddy practices and perhaps even profit based on their relationships with licensed insolvency trustees.

Bankruptcy trustee near me: There are different types

I am not referring to good or bad when I say there are different types of bankruptcy trustees. I am talking about the type of practice they run. Generally, there are 4 groups; bankruptcy trustees who run:

  1. Only a personal bankruptcy practice out of one site;
  2. A corporate bankruptcy firm out of one or a few strategically placed locations around the greater metropolitan area of your city;
  3. Both a corporate and personal bankruptcy practice out of one or a limited number of locations; or
  4. The personal bankruptcy practice being operated out of many locations following a coffee or fast food restaurant model of being near every street corner.

So obviously you first need to recognize whether your financial issues are those for your company, you personally or both. As I said at the beginning, geography is nice, but it is not the most important criteria. One simple reason is that multi-location bankruptcy trustees do not make every office of theirs a full-time office. In contrast, you will see that they are operating out of either office for daily rent locations, a lawyer’s or accountant’s office, or the worst, a debt consultant’s office.

You cannot stretch yourself too thin over many offices. So, more often than not, even if your first free consultation is with a member of the Trustee’s staff, you may be meeting with an experienced clerk, but not the actual bankruptcy trustee.

My 5 point checklist to find a licensed insolvency trustee

  1. Quality and professionalism.

    Someone around the corner from you may not have the experience you need to solve your financial problems. To begin in selecting the very best bankruptcy trustee for you, look at the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) website. Membership in this professional organization shows a Trustee committed to the industry and staying on top of all the current advancements. Also check the website of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, to make sure the bankruptcy trustees you are thinking about are not under suspension or supervision by the regulator.

  2. You need to be able to interact with them on lots of levels.

    In the beginning, you’ll need them to be able to quickly comprehend your needs and desires and they need to offer you a realistic plan that you can follow through on. They also need to be available for you if you have issues or concerns show up. Search for their interest. Are they enthusiastic about their industry? Do you really feel the compassion they have for you? Can you form a bond with this person? This is exactly how you assess enthusiasm. An enthusiastic licensed insolvency trustee will make certain that you are offered the most effective suggestions and solutions. This type of person may not exist within walking distance of your home or workplace.

  3. Can you agree on the same concepts?

    Professional Trustees are not totally free. The price can differ based on how complicated your circumstance is. If you feel that the bankruptcy trustee is simply attempting to make money, you are less likely to trust them. Spend the time to discover those who seem to be on the same page as you for a realistic value for service. That type of licensed insolvency trustee may not be the closest drive from your home.

  4. Bankruptcy trustee websites.

    Today you can type in search terms like “bankruptcy trustee near me” and get various websites to go to. What sort of feel do you get from the website? Do they answer some of your more general questions through a bankruptcy FAQ page? Can you see pictures of people you would deal with? Do they show that they have a deep knowledge base from their blog page? You may not get the best feeling from the website of the licensed insolvency trustee whose place is closest to your home.

  5. Meet with several Trustees.

    You won’t know which one is the best fit for you until you are sitting across the table from him or her. Speak to at least two bankruptcy trustees to compare. The one you feel best about, may or may not be on the next street corner!

Bankruptcy trustee near me: The choice is up to you

Our best relationships are with our clients who were referred to us by someone they know, like or trust. If the referral source is trusted by you, we have already received the highest compliment possible. I am proud to say that we have helped family members of lawyers and accountants who know us. They felt safest referring a loved one to us. That is the best feeling in the world for everyone!

The Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience people and companies in financial trouble. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt settlement plan or a larger personal or corporate restructuring proposal debt settlement plan, we have the experience.

Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life. Call us today for your free consultation.bankruptcy trustee near me

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