Brandon Blog Post


If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Introduction to Financial Hardships

In life, we often face unexpected challenges that test our resilience and determination. Such is the experience of people we help who have encountered financial hardships due to an unforeseen event outside of their control such as job loss. The burden of mounting debts and looming financial uncertainty weighs heavily on people, pushing them to explore solutions that would lead them toward a path of financial recovery.

That is who we help – the honest but unfortunate debtor. Dealing with financial hardships is a journey that tests our resilience and determination. It’s a path filled with unexpected twists and turns, challenging us to find the strength within ourselves to overcome the obstacles that come our way.

People with financial difficulties, particularly in the face of job loss, credit card debts, income tax debts and the contemplation of bankruptcy, learn valuable lessons about financial recovery, overcoming challenges, and the empowerment that comes from taking control of your financial future. That and if you declare bankruptcy what happens, is what this Brandon’s Blog is about.

Impact of That Unforeseen Event Outside Of Your Control On Your Financial Situation

The impact of that uncontrollable event such as losing your job goes beyond just the loss of income. It disrupts the stability we have worked so hard to build, leaving us feeling vulnerable and uncertain about the future. When someone becomes unemployed, they struggle to make ends meet, juggling bills and expenses with a limited budget. The stress and anxiety that come with financial insecurity can be overwhelming, but it’s during these challenging times that we discover our inner strength and resilience.

Struggles with Credit Card Payments and Bills

One of the most daunting aspects of financial hardships is the burden of credit card payments and bills that seem to pile up with each passing day. People find themselves caught in a cycle of debt, where the minimum payments barely make a dent in the overall balance. The constant worry about falling behind on payments and the fear of accumulating more debt can weigh heavily on our minds, affecting our peace of mind and overall well-being.

Considering Bankruptcy as a Viable Option

When individuals are confronted with substantial debt and limited solutions, the prospect of bankruptcy may arise as a challenging but potentially necessary step toward financial recovery. In my capacity as a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), I assist individuals through a process of thorough research and consultation. My role involves guiding and comprehending the bankruptcy process, and its ramifications and exploring viable alternatives to bankruptcy. Opting for bankruptcy is a significant decision that individuals are supported in making through a careful evaluation of their financial circumstances, prospects, and personal aspirations.

Throughout the bankruptcy process, the individuals I work with gain invaluable insights into financial empowerment and the importance of seeking assistance when encountering financial challenges. While bankruptcy may lead to temporary implications on one’s credit rating, it also presents an opportunity for a fresh start and the possibility to rebuild a secure financial foundation. Engaging in the bankruptcy process fosters financial resilience and enhances individuals’ ability to navigate future financial decisions effectively.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Exploring Options: The Role of Licensed Insolvency Trustees

A journey towards financial recovery will lead you to a consultation with a licensed insolvency trustee. This no-cost initial consultation will become a guiding light offering insights and solutions to your financial challenges.

Engaging in consultations with a licensed insolvency trustee marks a crucial juncture in your financial path. Our proficiency and empathy equip debtors to comprehend the various solutions at their disposal and make well-informed choices regarding their financial destiny. By engaging in transparent and candid dialogues, you acquire the requisite insight to navigate the intricate bankruptcy process with strength and resolve.

In your journey towards your financial empowerment, the Trustee serves as a pivotal figure in facilitating the bankruptcy application process with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB) and guiding you every step of the way. By taking this initial step, you are relieved of the responsibility of making direct payments to unsecured creditors and are granted a stay of proceedings, preventing creditors from initiating or pursuing collection or legal actions against you. This offers a sense of comfort and security, shielding you from additional financial pressures.

Despite the challenges you may be facing, you will find solace in knowing that certain assets may be safeguarded by provincial and federal laws, ensuring a measure of stability during this turbulent time. The Trustee’s guidance on surplus income payments, credit counselling sessions and debt repayment strategies instills a sense of discipline, confidence and commitment toward overcoming financial obstacles.

While the journey toward financial recovery may have its hurdles, the Trustee reassures you that every step taken will lead you closer to a brighter future. Though some people may have a narrow category of debts that may not be discharged, the prospect of rebuilding your financial foundation fills you with hope and optimism.

Through this experience, will learn that resilience in finance is not just about overcoming challenges but also about embracing the opportunity for growth and renewal. As you navigate through the bankruptcy process support provided by the Trustee paves the way for a new beginning filled with hope and possibilities.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What is bankruptcy?

Definition of bankruptcy

Canadian bankruptcy is a legal process where an individual, a business or a company declares they are insolvent and are unable to meet their financial obligations. They work with a licensed insolvency trustee to legally file an assignment in bankruptcy. They do so to assign their unencumbered assets to the Trustee and get relief from their overwhelming debt load.

Laws governing bankruptcy in Canada

Navigating the intricate realm of bankruptcy in Canada is a dance choreographed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). This piece of legislation orchestrates the delicate balance between debtors, creditors, and Trustees, each playing a unique role in the bankruptcy waltz.

When a debtor takes the courageous step of filing for bankruptcy, they are required to bear their financial soul to the Trustee, laying out their assets, liabilities, and monetary intricacies. The Trustee, like a wise conductor, then ensures a harmonious distribution of the debtor’s assets among their creditors, aiming to untangle the financial web that binds them.

For individuals, bankruptcy offers a chance at rebirth, a fresh canvas on which to paint a new financial future. However, for a company or business, it may signify the final curtain call for that legal entity. Yet, there exists a glimmer of hope in the form of selling core assets to a willing successor, potentially salvaging jobs and keeping the business flame alive.

In this intricate ballet of financial redemption, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act stands as the maestro, guiding the players toward a resolution that seeks to balance the scales of financial responsibility.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Who qualifies for bankruptcy?

Criteria for qualifying for bankruptcy

In Canada, debtors facing significant debt challenges and unable to meet their financial obligations to creditors may be eligible for bankruptcy relief. To qualify for bankruptcy, debtors must have a minimum of $1,000 in unsecured debt and have been residing in Canada for at least the previous six months before filing, or have a substantial connection to the country.

Alternatives to bankruptcy – Individuals

Depending on how pressing the person’s debts are, there are several alternatives to personal bankruptcy that a licensed insolvency trustee can walk you through. The most common alternatives are:

  1. Credit counselling and budgeting assistance: Sometimes people just need help understanding where their family income comes from and how it is spent. In cases like this, going to a non-profit credit counselling service to get some tips and help in developing a monthly household budget and sticking to it is all that is necessary for the household to get back on track.
  2. Debt consolidation: If you still can borrow money at a rate lower than the amounts you are currently being charged on high-interest-rate credit cards and payday loans, you need to look at debt consolidation. Rather than having several to many high-rate debts, if you can borrow the total amount of your debt from a bank or credit union at a much lower rate than you are currently paying and use that new loan to pay off your high-interest rate debts, that will help immensely. Now you have one lower interest rate loan to repay.
  3. Consumer proposal: A consumer proposal is a formal filing under the BIA, however, it is not bankruptcy. It is where you make a contract with your creditors to pay less than you owe in total. It is based on your monthly income, to offer making monthly payments to the Trustee towards your debt. Normally you pay around 25% of your total debt to the Trustee. If your creditors agree, you can take up to 60 months to complete a consumer proposal. When you have finished making your payments, you get a Certificate of Full Performance and the balance of your debt is wiped away.

Alternatives to bankruptcy – Companies

  1. Asset sales: Are there underused or redundant assets in the company that could be sold to raise needed cash to significantly reduce or eliminate corporate debt? This should first be explored.
  2. Refinancing: Can the company refinance to take advantage of a loan opportunity that will help with its cash flow through lower interest, monthly payments or both? Retiring expensive debt and replacing it with more manageable debt is another avenue to explore.
  3. Formal restructuring – BIA Proposal: Companies that have a viable but insolvent business can look at a formal restructuring. Although it is an alternative to avoid bankruptcy, it is commonly referred to as bankruptcy protection. A proposal under the BIA is where the company can negotiate with creditors to come up with a plan to repay its debts over some timeperiod of time. Just like in a consumer proposal, the company pays less than 100% of its debt load, but upon completion, eliminates all of its unsecured debt.
  4. Formal restructuring – Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA): Companies that owe $5 million or more can also restructure as long as they have a viable business. The CCAA allows a company to restructure its debts and business operations under the supervision of a court-appointed monitor. It is essentially the same as a BIA Proposal, but just under a different Canadian statute.
  5. A BIA Proposal and a CCAA restructuring a similar processes you always hear under the US bankruptcy law of bankruptcy chapter 11.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What happens to your assets, debts, and income during bankruptcy?

Going through a financial crisis can be incredibly challenging, but it’s important to remember that there is always a way forward. The people we help who go through the bankruptcy process are a testament to the resilience in finance and the power of financial empowerment as they use bankruptcy to turn their lives around.

Treatment of assets in bankruptcy

One of the concerns people have when considering bankruptcy is what happens to their assets. When someone goes bankrupt, they may not have to give up all of their assets. Let me explain as follows:

Secured debts: When you have assets where there are secured loans against those assets, such as a house or a motor vehicle, the Trustee’s interest is only the bankrupt’s equity in that asset. If there is little or no equity, and your monthly budget shows that you can afford to make the monthly loan payments and you wish to keep the asset, then you can do so. The Trustee will discuss with you ways in which the Trustee can realize the bankrupt’s equity without that asset being taken away.

Exempt assets: Certain provincial and federal laws safeguard some of your possessions when you file for bankruptcy. As provincial laws vary, you need to get the complete list from a licensed insolvency trustee in the area where you live.

Non-exempt assets: Non-exempt assets refer to assets owned by a bankrupt individual that are not protected by a secured creditor’s security interest or are exempt under provincial or federal laws. These assets fall within a category that the Trustee must liquidate to benefit the creditors involved in the bankruptcy proceedings.

Treatment of debts in bankruptcy

Once the bankruptcy application is filed with the OSB, a significant burden is lifted off the bankrupt’s shoulders. Direct payments to creditors cease, and the Trustee notifies all the creditors and there is an immediate stay of proceedings.

This means that any legal actions cannot be commenced or continued against the bankrupt and all collection activities, such as wage garnishment are put on hold. This offers the person much-needed relief from the constant financial pressure.

Some debts cannot be discharged, such as alimony, child support, valid secured loans and certain types of student loans. A Trustee in your no-cost initial consultation will look at the details of your debts and advise you if any would not be discharged from your bankruptcy estate.

While the decision to make the bankruptcy filing may seem daunting, it is a necessary step toward regaining control of your finances and eliminating the stress in your life. Knowing that your wages are protected from garnishment provides a sense of security during this challenging time.

Treatment of income during bankruptcy

While in bankruptcy, the Trustee monitors the person’s monthly income and expenses. The Trustee is required by the OSB and under the BIA, to do a calculation to determine if the bankrupt person has sufficient income to contribute towards his or her total debts by making surplus income payments to the Trustee.

The Trustee is required to do this calculation both at the time of the bankruptcy filing and throughout the time the person is an undischarged bankrupt. If the person’s income changes, either up or down, this will affect the calculation.

Although judgment creditors cannot garnish wages, it is possible that until the person gets their bankruptcy discharge, they may have to contribute something from their monthly income under the surplus income calculation. A licensed insolvency trustee can explain the calculation to you.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? How long does personal bankruptcy last?

Personal bankruptcy typically lasts for 9 months for a first-time bankrupt in Canada. Your first-time bankruptcy will extend to 21 months if you have to pay surplus income. If this isn’t your first bankruptcy, it will last longer.

At the end of this time, if you have fulfilled all of your bankruptcy duties and neither the Trustee nor any creditor who has proven their bankruptcy claim opposes your discharge, then you are entitled to your bankruptcy discharge. It is at the time you receive your discharge from bankruptcy, that your debts can be discharged.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What Are Your Duties During Bankruptcy?

Responsibilities and obligations during bankruptcy

The primary responsibilities entail the disclosure of all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. It is required to provide bank statements and other relevant records to support the information provided. In the event of a creditors’ meeting, attendance is mandatory.

Attendance at credit counseling sessions

Participating in the two mandatory counselling sessions is an essential component of a bankrupt’s journey toward financial recovery. Each counselling session is held with a person from the Trustee’s office who the OSB has licensed as a credit counsellor.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What Is The Impact On Your Credit Score?

Impact on credit score during and after bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada can have a significant impact on your credit score, both during and after the bankruptcy process. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

During Bankruptcy:

  1. Initial Credit Score Decline: Upon filing for bankruptcy, it is common for individuals to experience a substantial decrease in their credit score, typically by 100-200 points or more. This decline is largely attributed to the fact that bankruptcy is a matter of public record, leading lenders to perceive it as a high-risk event.
  2. Credit Reporting: Your credit report will reflect the bankruptcy filing and remain on your report for at least 6 years from the date of discharge (more on discharge below).
  3. Credit Inquiries: Lenders may conduct credit inquiries to assess your creditworthiness, which can further lower your credit score.

After Bankruptcy:

  1. Credit Score Recovery: After bankruptcy, your credit score will gradually recover over time. The rate of recovery depends on your credit habits and the steps you take to rebuild your credit (see next discussion).
  2. Credit Reporting: The bankruptcy notation on your credit report will remain for roughly 6 years from the date of discharge. After that, it will be removed from your report.
  3. Credit Score Objectives: Strive to attain a credit score ranging between 600 and 650 within 2-3 years post-bankruptcy. This will enhance your eligibility for improved loan conditions and interest rates.


In Canada, bankruptcy typically lasts for 9-21 months, depending on your financial situation and the type of bankruptcy you file for (e.g., consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy). Once you’ve completed the bankruptcy process and received a discharge, the bankruptcy notation will be removed from your credit report.

Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy

Tips for Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy:

  1. Monitor your credit report: Conduct a thorough review of your credit report to verify its accuracy and pinpoint any potential areas for improvement.
  2. Make on-time payments: It is imperative to make payments on time for all financial obligations to showcase a commendable track record of credit responsibility.
  3. Keep credit utilization low: Maintain a disciplined approach to managing credit by ensuring your credit utilization remains low and refraining from excessive spending. Additionally, exercise caution when seeking new credit opportunities by minimizing credit inquiries and refraining from submitting multiple applications within a condensed timeframe.
  4. Avoid new credit inquiries: Limit the number of credit applications you make and try to avoid applying for multiple credit products within a short timeframe. This will help you maintain a stable credit profile and minimize the impact of new credit inquiries on your credit score.
  5. Credit Score Rebuilding: If you’re looking to improve your credit after facing financial challenges, some practical steps you can take include applying for a secured credit card, becoming an authorized user on a family member’s credit account, or taking out a small loan. One relatively accessible option post-bankruptcy is getting an RRSP loan, where the RRSP is held at the same financial institution you’re borrowing from.

These kinds of loans must normally be repaid within 1 year. Making all loan payments on time and doing the same thing again the following year not only will rebuild your credit, but also build your savings.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What are the consequences for your spouse’s credit and assets?

Spouse’s liability for joint debts

In Canada, when one spouse files for bankruptcy, sometimes it can have consequences for the other spouse’s credit and assets, depending on the type of bankruptcy and the couple’s financial situation. Here’s a breakdown of the most common issues.

  • Credit Score Impact: The non-bankrupt spouse’s credit score could be affected if they are jointly liable for certain debts with the bankrupt spouse. This is because it may view the non-bankrupt spouse as being the next to default.
  • Joint Debts: If the couple has joint debts, such as a mortgage, car loan, or credit card, the non-bankrupt spouse will still be responsible for paying those debts. This is because joint debts are considered a shared responsibility.
  • Assets at Risk: Any of the non-bankrupt spouse’s assets that are jointly owned with the bankrupt spouse, will be at some level of risk. For example, if the couple owns a jointly held property, the Trustee must recover the non-exempt equity of the bankrupt spouse’s assets. In jointly held property, this will on a practical level impact and involve the non-bankrupt spouse, who is the natural purchaser of the bankrupt spouse’s equity.
  • Credit Reporting: The non-debtor spouse’s credit report may reflect the bankruptcy filing depending on the type of bankruptcy, the credit reporting agency and any joint debts or debts guaranteed by the non-bankrupt spouse.

Types of Bankruptcy and Their Impact on the Non-Debtor Spouse

Consumer Proposal: A consumer proposal is a debt settlement agreement between the insolvent spouse and their creditors. In this case, the non-insolvent spouse is not directly affected by the consumer proposal filing, but they may still be responsible for paying joint debts.

Personal Bankruptcy: Personal bankruptcy is a more severe type of bankruptcy that involves the liquidation of assets to pay off debts. In this case, the non-insolvent spouse’s assets may be at risk if they are jointly owned by the bankrupt spouse.

Protection of spouse’s assets during bankruptcy

The time to put plans in place to protect the assets of each spouse is upon the acquisition of each asset when neither spouse is insolvent. Any transfers of assets aiming to shield them from creditors, will not be successful. Here are some tips:

Separate Property: If the non-insolvent spouse has separate property, such as a separate bank account or a separate property, it is generally protected from the bankrupt spouse’s creditors.

Exemptions: In Ontario, individuals going through bankruptcy can keep certain assets as exempt property. These include household furnishings and appliances valued up to $14,180, livestock, tools, and other items used in farming up to $31,379 for farmers, tools of trade up to $14,405 for self-employed individuals, one motor vehicle worth up to $7,117, equity in a primary residence not exceeding $10,783, and funds in registered plans like RRSPs, RRIFs (other than contributions in the 12 months preceding the bankruptcy), and life insurance policies with designated beneficiaries such as a parent, spouse or child.

Credit Counseling: Additionally, credit counselling might be a good idea for the non-bankrupt spouse.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens After You Are Discharged From Bankruptcy?

Discharge from bankruptcy

The effects of an absolute discharge from personal bankruptcy for the person are substantial. As soon as an outright discharge is granted, the debtor is no longer accountable for any type of unsecured debts that existed at the date of bankruptcy (with a few specific exceptions). The debtor is launched from needing to pay back debts that they took on before applying for bankruptcy.

This indicates that the debtor no longer has to stress over paying back those financial debts and can move on with their life. This supplies a clean slate for the borrower and helps them return to their feet.

There are different types of bankruptcy discharges. The one every bankrupt person wants is an absolute discharge. However, sometimes there is a reason for either a creditor, the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy), or both, to oppose a bankrupt person’s discharge. When this happens, there must be a court hearing to determine what form of discharge the bankrupt is entitled to.

The purpose of the discharge hearing is for the court to view the evidence put forward by those opposing an absolute discharge, the bankrupt who believes they are entitled to one and to review the Trustee’s report and gain further information about the conduct of the bankrupt person, both before and during bankruptcy, and to hear about the administration of the bankruptcy.

At the discharge hearing, the court is attempting to balance the right of a bankrupt person to receive a discharge and the rights of the creditors to be paid. The court will also be concerned that the administration of the bankruptcy is not only fair to all parties but is also seen to be fair. I recently came across a decision of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta which exemplifies this finding of balance.

Suspension of discharge from bankruptcy: When can a bankrupt person be discharged? If you have filed for bankruptcy for the first time, you may qualify for an automatic discharge after a 9-month bankruptcy period. To qualify for this automatic discharge, you must have:

  • attended the two mandatory financial counselling sessions with the Trustee;
  • no requirement to pay surplus income, being a portion of their income is paid to the bankruptcy estate
  • according to guidelines set by the OSB or Official Receiver); and no opposition to his or her discharge. The only party that can authorize an
  • automatic discharge
  • in bankruptcy is the Trustee.

If you have made an assignment in bankruptcy before and so this subsequent bankruptcy is your 2nd bankruptcy, you will need to wait at least 24 months before you can receive a discharge. If you have a surplus income payment requirement, your bankruptcy will be prolonged to 36 months.

If you have filed for bankruptcy twice before, you can expect the timeline for a third bankruptcy to be the same as your 2nd. However, the Trustee or creditors may be more resistant to your discharge this time. The court may extend the timeline if it deems necessary.

Rehabilitation and rebuilding finances after bankruptcy – A Path to Financial Freedom

Rehab after personal bankruptcy entails a combination of finance management, debt administration, and as indicated above, credit rebuilding. The goal is to produce a sustainable economic strategy that permits you to manage your debt, reconstruct your credit, and achieve lasting financial security.

The key steps to rehabilitation are:

  1. Get your bankruptcy discharge: Attend the two mandatory financial counselling sessions with your licensed insolvency trustee firm, fulfill all your other duties in the bankruptcy administration and obtain your discharge from bankruptcy
  2. Create a Budget: Continue tracking your income and expenses to identify areas where you can cut back and allocate funds more effectively. A budget will help you prioritize your spending and make informed financial decisions.
  3. Prioritize Debt Repayment: Focus on starting within your budget spending so that you can pay your bills every month on time in full.
  4. Rebuild Credit: Use the tips I listed above to rebuild your credit.
  5. Screen Credit Reports: Obtain a duplicate of your credit report and correct any type of mistakes or errors to guarantee your credit score is accurate.
  6. Seek Professional Guidance: If you feel you need an element of accountability to help you in your rehabilitation, seek out a non-profit credit counsellor or financial coach to give you personalized guidance and support to help you navigate the rehabilitation process and achieve your financial goals.

Rehabilitation after bankruptcy can have numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved credit scores
  • Reduced debt burden
  • Increased financial stability
  • Greater financial flexibility
  • A fresh start

    If you declare bankruptcy what happens
    if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Looking Towards a Brighter Future Conclusion

The people we help through personal bankruptcy for their journey of financial recovery are filled with a sense of gratitude and hope. The impact of understanding their credit rating, navigating the bankruptcy process, and embracing the steps toward recovery are profound. It not only tests their resilience in finance but also empowers them to envision a brighter future filled with possibilities through a fresh start.

I hope you enjoyed this if you declare bankruptcy what happens Brandon’s Blog. Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or someone with too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The information provided in this Brandon’s Blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to seek professional advice regarding their specific situations. The content of this Brandon’s Blog should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional guidance or consultation. The author, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as well as any contributors to this Brandon’s Blog, do not assume any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information provided herein.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens
Brandon Blog Post


Rudy Giuliani: Introduction

Rudolph Giuliani, formerly revered as a prominent figure in American governance for his commendable response during the September 11th attacks, has encountered a series of legal predicaments in recent times. Notably, his entanglement in the Ukraine scandal on behalf of Donald Trump to discredit Hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden, which led to the first impeachment of President Trump. From there, Rudy Giuliani, on behalf of Donald Trump, embraced all the conspiracy theories with his active role in disseminating baseless election claims and election-denier allegations of electoral malpractice during the 2020 Presidential election because of Trump’s election loss. These have significantly marred Giuliani’s once esteemed standing.

Rudy Giuliani’s post-election activities following Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election have stirred significant controversy. The actions taken by Giuliani against individuals such as Freeman and Moss have led to legal repercussions and personal ramifications. Understanding the sequence of events provides insight into the aftermath of the false allegations and subsequent legal proceedings.

Now, given the multiple lawsuits and legal challenges, Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy to escape accountability for his actions. However, it is important to note that his US Chapter 11 bankruptcy is not a foolproof method to avoid legal consequences.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will also look at this from the perspective of what would be the case if Rudy Giuliani was Canadian.

Rudy Giuliani’s False Allegations

After the contentious 2020 election, 79-year-old Giuliani, a prominent figure in Trump’s legal team, made false claims and damaging statements about two Georgia election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. These unfounded allegations attacked their character and integrity, creating controversy and misinformation. The impact of Giuliani’s words reverberated through the media and public consciousness, tarnishing the reputation and physical safety of Freeman and Moss.

In response to the baseless claims made by Giuliani, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye (“Shaye”) Moss took legal action by filing a defamation lawsuit. The lawsuit aimed to hold Giuliani accountable for his reckless statements and the resulting harm caused to their reputation.

A picture of Donald Trump's former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Rudy Giuliani

After the due legal process in the defamation trial, a default judgment was issued in favour of Freeman and Moss, highlighting the severity of Giuliani’s bad faith actions and the court’s acknowledgment of the harm inflicted. A jury awarded Freeman and Moss over $148M in damages from Rudy Giuliani, including $75M in punitive damages, $33,169,000 in defamation damages, and $40M in total damages for infliction of emotional distress. The defamation lawsuit sought to restore the damaged reputation of Freeman and Moss. The default judgment and jury award underscored the gravity of Giuliani’s false allegations. Legal recourse was instrumental in addressing the defamation and seeking justice for the impacted parties.

Explanation of why Rudy Giuliani filed for bankruptcy

Following the issuance of the default judgment and the jury award in favour of Freeman and Moss, Rudy Giuliani’s legal troubles escalated. Just three days after the final judgment was entered, Giuliani unexpectedly decided to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Giuliani’s bankruptcy filing added another layer of complexity to the already tumultuous legal saga. The decision to file for bankruptcy so soon after the judgment raised eyebrows and sparked speculation about Giuliani’s financial state and made many suspect that he was in a state of financial ruin.

The timing of Giuliani’s bankruptcy filing about the legal ruling underscored the interconnected web of consequences resulting from his false allegations. The filing hinted at potential financial repercussions for Giuliani and opened avenues for further examination of his actions.

Definition of bankruptcy protection and how it can help individuals in financial distress

A picture of Donald Trump's former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Rudy Giuliani

Bankruptcy is a legal process that allows individuals or businesses to seek relief from their debts and reorganize their finances. While filing for bankruptcy can provide temporary protection from creditors and halt legal actions, it does not erase all obligations or shield individuals from all types of legal liabilities. Bankruptcy allows honest but unfortunate debtors to discharge themselves of their debts in return for surrendering most of their assets to the Trustee.

The Rudy Giuliani Bankruptcy Protection and its Limitations

In Giuliani’s case, bankruptcy may not protect him from lawsuits related to his alleged involvement in various illegal activities. If he is found guilty of misconduct, bankruptcy will not absolve him of criminal or civil penalties. Additionally, bankruptcy courts have the authority to reject deemed abusive or fraudulent filings.

Moreover, Giuliani’s reputation and standing in the legal community, whatever is left of it, may suffer further by his using his Chapter 11 bankruptcy to evade accountability. Ultimately, using bankruptcy as a strategy to escape legal accountability is not a guaranteed solution. Giuliani must face the consequences of his actions and address the legal challenges against him transparently and responsibly. Only by taking accountability for his actions can he begin to rebuild his reputation and credibility in the eyes of the public and the legal system.

The Allegations Against Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani’s purported defamation campaign has garnered widespread attention and scrutiny, leading to a legal showdown that could reshape the contours of US bankruptcy law. The lawsuit argues that the damage inflicted by Giuliani was not incidental but calculated, seeking to tarnish the reputation and livelihood of the plaintiff.

The allegations against Giuliani paint a compelling narrative of deliberate harm and a blatant disregard for the consequences of his actions. Such intentional and malicious conduct, if proven, could have significant ramifications on the dischargeability of debts incurred as a result. In essence, the lawsuit thrusts the spotlight on the intersection of personal liability and financial obligations in a high-stakes legal arena.

A significant legal battle unfolded in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, revolving around the dischargeability of debt in a high-profile case involving former New York City mayor, Rudy Giuliani. The lawsuit focuses on the implications of Giuliani’s alleged defamation campaign and raises crucial questions about the nature of the debts incurred. Let’s delve deeper into the details of this complex legal dispute.

A picture of Donald Trump's former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Rudy Giuliani

The core of the lawsuit lies in the determination of whether the debts stemming from Giuliani’s actions are dischargeable under U.S. bankruptcy law. The plaintiff has taken the stance that Giuliani’s defamation campaign was not just a casual misstep but a willful and malicious injury, causing severe harm and repercussions. Giuliani has stated that he intends to appeal the defamation verdict, to get the relief granted to Freeman and Moss substantially lowered.

The Unforgiving Nature of U.S. Bankruptcy Law

Under U.S. bankruptcy law, debts arising from willful and malicious injuries are subject to special treatment, reflecting the seriousness with which such actions are viewed. The rationale behind this provision is to prevent wrongdoers from evading accountability through the shelter of bankruptcy, ensuring that victims are not deprived of recourse and justice.

Debts stemming from intentional torts, such as defamation, fall within this category of nondischargeable obligations, highlighting the stringent standards applied in such cases. The law recognizes the inherent harm caused by deliberate misconduct and aims to uphold the principles of fairness and justice in the realm of debt resolution.

The lawsuit represents a crucial juncture in the legal landscape, setting a precedent for similar cases in the future. It underscores the importance of accountability and responsibility in the realm of public statements and actions. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for how defamation and intentional harm are treated in bankruptcy proceedings.

Giuliani’s debt represents more than a financial obligation; it is a tangible symbol of the repercussions he must bear for his intentional and malicious conduct. The pursuit of non-dischargeability underscores the gravity of his actions and the commitment to holding him answerable for the harm caused. It serves as a potent reminder that accountability transcends monetary concerns, encompassing the broader spectrum of ethical and moral responsibilities.

Rudy Giuliani’s Bankruptcy Implications and Beyond

The outcome of this lawsuit has the potential to shape the legal landscape surrounding the dischargeability of debts in cases involving intentional harm. It raises fundamental questions about the boundaries of free speech, the responsibilities of public figures, and the consequences of malign actions.

A picture of Donald Trump's former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Rudy Giuliani

As the legal proceedings unfold, the intricacies of the case will be scrutinized, setting a precedent that could reverberate across similar disputes. Ultimately, the lawsuit encapsulates the inherent tension between individual rights and societal interests, underscoring the complexities of balancing personal freedoms with the consequences of one’s actions. Stay tuned as this legal saga unfolds and sheds light on the intricate tapestry of law, ethics, and justice.

Rudy Giuliani Bankruptcy: What If Rudy Giuliani Was a Canadian Living In Toronto, Ontario Canada

What is defamation in Canada?

In Canada, defamation is any intentional or negligent false communication, whether written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation or exposes them to ridicule, belittling, or contempt. The concept of defamation can have two possible parts; libel and slander. There is a distinction between libel and slander.

Libel is defamation either in writing or some other permanent form, while slander is defamation that is not left permanently. Section 298(1) of the Canadian Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) defines a defamatory libel as any published material that is likely to injure someone’s reputation or make them the object of hatred, contempt, or ridicule, without lawful justification or excuse. Slander is more commonly associated with an oral statement. With slander, there generally will always be a fight waged between slander and freedom of speech.

Defamation is an act of harming the reputation of another person through a false statement or many of them. In the real world, defamation can lead to severe consequences, including damages to one’s reputation and livelihood. The criminal code and being found guilty of the criminal offence of criminal defamation is one thing. But in the real world, the possibility of imprisonment is not going to provide any real satisfaction to the wronged party. The way to get compensated for the suffered damages because of the defamation of character is to start a civil suit action for a defamation claim.

Are All Debts Discharged Through A Canadian Bankruptcy

To see if all potential debts can be discharged through bankruptcy, we need to look at section 178(1) of the BIA. This section enumerates the debts that are not released by an order of discharge from bankruptcy. As you may recall from earlier Brandon’s Blogs, I have explained that it is not the bankruptcy itself that clears a person’s debts, it is the discharge from bankruptcy.

Notwithstanding that a discharge from bankruptcy is what clears out a person’s debts, the BIA lists several specific debts that cannot be released by an order of discharge. I looked at the list contained in section 178(1) and there is only 1 item that relates to judgment debts. That is section 178(1)(a.1) which reads as follows:

(a.1) any award of damages by a court in civil proceedings in respect of

    • (i) bodily harm intentionally inflicted, or sexual assault, or
    • (ii) wrongful death resulting therefrom;

A person’s bankruptcy discharge releases them from all claims provable in bankruptcy that are not listed in section 178(1). The question is, does a Rudy Giuliani-type judgment award for damages in defamation cases survive the bankruptcy of the party against whom the judgment is?

For that claim to survive the person’s bankruptcy, the judgment creditor offended party would have to show that:

  1. the award of damages is for bodily harm; and
  2. was intentionally inflicted.

When it comes to the tort of intentional infliction of bodily harm, the law does not recognize any mental states that fall short of a provable injury. The requirements for this tort are:

  • The defendant’s conduct must have been extreme and outrageous.
  • The defendant must have intentionally or recklessly caused the plaintiff emotional distress.
  • The plaintiff must have suffered a visible and provable injury as a result of the defendant’s conduct.

Therefore, it is not a clear-cut answer if the Freeman and Moss judgment award would survive a Canadian bankruptcy protection filing. They would have to prove having suffered a visible and provable injury. Cleary being scared to step outside your home and being unable to work could very well be the kind of injury that would make the debt for such an award not dischargeable in a Canadian bankruptcy protection filing. An award for infliction of emotional distress and loss of reputation could very well be discharged through a Canadian bankruptcy protection filing.

Rudy Giuliani: Conclusion

I will be watching closely the ongoing case of Rudy Giuliani and his U.S. Bankruptcy filing. As individuals navigating the complex world of personal finances, it is crucial to be aware of the legal framework surrounding Canadian bankruptcy protection. Understanding the Canadian bankruptcy legislation and the authority and discretion of the courts empowers us to make informed financial decisions and ensures the integrity of the bankruptcy system.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties, consumer debt and company debt and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns and more associated with your company debt are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, to begin your debt-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

A picture of Donald Trump's former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Rudy Giuliani


Brandon Blog Post


Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Introduction

Are you a business owner with company financial difficulties and apprehensive about the possibility of corporate bankruptcy and is it something that you will have to seriously consider? Corporate bankruptcy in Canada process can be complex and overwhelming, but understanding it is necessary for making authoritative decisions about your business.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will analyze the ins and outs of corporate bankruptcy in Canada, including the different types, the steps in filing for corporate bankruptcy, the impact on creditors and shareholders, and alternatives to consider. By the end of this Brandon’s Blog, you will have a better understanding of corporate bankruptcy in Canada and be able to understand how to make the best decision for your business.

Explanation of what corporate bankruptcy in Canada is

The corporate bankruptcy process in Canada – otherwise known as commercial bankruptcy or incorporate business bankruptcy – is a legal means by which an incorporated business that is unable to pay its debts can be liquidated, and its liabilities discharged. This process allows the business to liquidate its assets and redistribute the value among its creditors. The process is intended to give an honest, but unfortunate corporate debtor a discharge from most debts while ending the business of that corporation.

It is important to note that corporate bankruptcy is different from personal bankruptcy which is a legal process through which an insolvent individual can substantially reduce debt and hopefully restructure. Unlike an individual who files for personal bankruptcy, it is not intended that the bankrupt corporation will come out of bankruptcy through a discharge process.

If single individuals are operating businesses and are considering business bankruptcy, then we are talking about the bankruptcies of sole proprietorships. If more than one person is operating a business partnership, then we need to think of the issues in a partnership bankruptcy. Either way, we have insolvent persons, which means personal bankruptcy, which is not the subject of this Brandon’s Blog.

It’s important to note that the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada is complex and can only be handled by a licensed insolvency trustee. The Trustee will help you understand the process and the options available to your corporation and then prepare the documents required to submit the bankruptcy filing.

In Canada, if a corporation is bankrupt, it is subject to both the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) and relevant provincial regulations. The BIA outlines the procedure for managing a corporate bankruptcy, while provincial law governs other aspects of the business such as labour laws.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

A brief overview of how the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada begins

Navigating corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be complicated, as there are numerous steps that need to be taken. To begin, it is important to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee to review the financial details of the company, including income, profits, liabilities, and any personal guarantees. From there, the next step is to determine the misogynist options.

The board of directors needs to hold a meeting, in order to pass a resolution permitting the corporation to file for bankruptcy. This process is initiated by a director, or the single director, who will then execute the necessary bankruptcy paperwork.

Types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada

There are two types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada: liquidations and reorganizations. Although a reorganization is not an actual bankruptcy, the phrase “bankruptcy protection” is used to describe a formal reorganization. So for the purposes of this Brandon’s Blog, we will consider both as types of bamkruptcy.

The type of corporate bankruptcy in Canada proceedings can often provide a good indication as to whether the unsecured creditors will get all, a portion, or none of what they are owed.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

An overview of the 2 types of bankruptcy proceedings available to Canadian businesses


The process of corporate bankruptcy involves a business ceasing operations as it is unable to fulfill its financial obligations and the demand for its goods and services has become obsolete. This form of corporate bankruptcy is commonly referred to as liquidation.

Canadian bankruptcy proceedings must adhere to Canadian bankruptcy law under the BIA. This law contains similar liquidations to Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Commencing the process of bankruptcy liquidation in Canada is the initial step.

It all starts with the board of directors of the corporation getting together and deciding to file for bankruptcy. One of the directors, or a single director, will then have to sign the official documents for the bankruptcy process.

Once the liquidation process has been initiated, the corporation’s assets, subject to the rights of any creditor having security over all or some of the assets, are taken over by the Trustee. The Trustee will sell the corporate assets and the proceeds will be distributed among the creditors according to the priority established by law. The corporation will then be laid to rest, as it will no longer operate as a legal entity.


Corporate reorganization is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. It is a process in which a process for a company that is facing financial difficulties is able to restructure its outstanding debt and its operations in order to improve its financial situation. In Canada, the primary statutes for corporate reorganization are the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the BIA. These laws are similar reorganizations under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

The CCAA provides a thoroughfare of debt reorganization for corporations on a larger scale, as the amount owed by the company must exceed $5 million. Through this federal legislation, the debtor corporation can still operate while reaching an approved plan of arrangement with its creditors.

For corporations that do not reach this $5 million threshold, the Division I Proposal under the BIA can be utilized. The BIA provides for the restructuring of insolvent corporations and individuals.

The CCAA is a federal statute that allows for the sale of an insolvent business, with a reach that transcends the wideness of the whole Canadian nation and even extends beyond its borders.

The process of corporate reorganization under either the CCAA or BIA begins with the corporation filing for protection under the appropriate Act. In the case of the CCAA, the filing is with the court. Under the BIA, the filing is with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.

The debtor will then be safeguarded with all its possessions. Then, the corporation will be allotted a specified value of time – typically 30 to 45 days – to present a plan of arrangement. This plan must be approved by the creditors and the court in order to move forward. When the plan of arrangement is given the thumbs up, it can be set into motion.

So corporate reorganization in Canada is a process in which a company that is viable but is facing financial difficulties is allowed to restructure its business debts and operations in order to modernize its financial situation. The CCAA is mainly used for larger corporations and the BIA for smaller ones. Both legislations provide a process to restructure a company while under the protection of the court and it’s intended to be a way to save a company while protecting the rights of the creditors.

Advantages and disadvantages of corporate bankruptcy in Canada


Advantages of corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Allows an incorporated entity that is unable to pay its debts to file for bankruptcy, as per the BIA.
  • Allows for the liquidation of resources and redistribution of that value among creditors, which can provide relief for the corporation and its creditors.

Disadvantages to bankruptcy and corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) prevents a company in bankruptcy from seeking dissolution under the CBCA.
  • Unfortunately, specific liabilities or obligations of the corporation are passed to its directors. This would put personal assets at risk.
  • The process is time-consuming and may also be expensive.
  • Unfortunately, the director’s reputation may moreover be tarnished in the process.


Advantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Can uplift profits and increase efficiency.
  • Can extend the life of the business.
  • Can modernize strategy and financial arrangements.
  • Could be done informally without a court process by agreement between the debtor and its creditors or formally under either a proposal as outlined in part III of the BIA or a plan of arrangement under the CCAA.

Disadvantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • It may not work.
  • Decreased employee morale and concern among customers.
  • Can be a significant time investment with potential setbacks in cash flow
  • If the financial matters are so dire that a reorganization is not viable, the remaining option is full bankruptcy, which results in the liquidation of resources to pay creditors.

    business bankruptcy in canada
    corporate bankruptcy in canada

Filing a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy for corporate bankruptcy in Canada

Overview of steps involved in filing for Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

  • Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) (LIT) and retaining the LIT to make an informed decision about proceeding with bankruptcy.
  • One of the directors (or sole director) will be required to execute corporate bankruptcy papers
    Upon bankruptcy assignment, the LIT will notify business creditors of the bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Hold a meeting of creditors.
  • Conduct a sale of assets.
  • Carry out its other duties in accordance with the BIA.

Note: The above steps are a general outline and the specific process may vary depending on the case. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a licensed insolvency trustee and a legal professional to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations.

Essential paperwork and information

In order to file a voluntary assignment for corporate bankruptcy in Canada, and get to the point of holding the First Meeting of Creditors, the following documentation and information are typically required:

  1. Provide the LIT with the corporate minute book, seal and accounting records.
  2. Fully signed minutes of a validly held meeting of directors resolving that the corporation file an assignment in bankruptcy and appointing either a director or senior management person to be the Designated Officer to sign all bankruptcy documents and attend the First Meeting of Creditors.
  3. A completed Voluntary Assignment of the corporate debtor, prepared by the LIT and signed by the Designated Officer.
  4. The LIT prepared statement of affairs, reviewed, approved and sworn/confirmed by the Designated Officer, which includes information about the debtor’s assets and the names and addresses of all known creditors and the amounts owing to each of them.
  5. The LIT will take the necessary steps to lodge the paperwork with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who in turn will give the Certificate of Bankruptcy – marking the very beginning of bankruptcy proceedings in Canada. The moment the Certificate is issued will be the exact time the corporate bankruptcy in Canada is activated.
  6. The LIT then prepares the statutory notice to creditors which is mailed to all known creditors with a notice of the time and place of the First Meeting of Creditors will be held and also includes a proof of claim form for the creditors to complete fully and file with the LIT.
  7. The LIT will also prepare the bankruptcy notice to be placed in a local newspaper to advertise for creditors to contact the Trustee.
  8. The LIT prepares its Report on Preliminary Administration to provide necessary information to the creditors about the causes of the corporate bankruptcy in Canada, the available assets to be sold, if any and other important information. The LIT’s report is distributed at the First Meeting of Creditors.

In a voluntary assignment, the LIT is picked by the debtor. In an involuntary assignment, the LIt is suggested to and chosen by the court. In issuing the Certificate, the LIT choice is confirmed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. However, it is ultimately up to the creditors attending and voting at the First Meeting of Creditors to either confirm the appointment of the LIT or substitute the LIT with another one (don’t worry about the mechanics for now!). The LIT will be responsible for overseeing the administration of the debtor’s estate and distributing the proceeds to creditors.

It’s important to note that the above list is not exhaustive and additional documentation and information may be required by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy(OSB) or the appointed Trustee. It’s recommended to seek professional advice from a LIT, a lawyer or both, before filing for a voluntary assignment in bankruptcy.

The OSB plays an important part in the area of insolvency

The OSB is tasked with keeping orderly standards for the supervisory oversight of stakeholders within the insolvency process, creating an accessible archive of public records, compiling and analyzing data, and enforcing the BIA and CCAA regulations. Furthermore, the OSB is devoted to facilitating an effective and efficient insolvency framework in Canada.

The OSB in Canada is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the Canadian insolvency system, and overseeing the administration of all insolvency proceedings described as bankruptcies, commercial reorganizations, Division I commercial proposals, consumer proposals and receiverships.

The effects of corporate bankruptcy in Canada on creditors and stockholders

How corporate bankruptcy affects the distribution of assets among creditors

Divvying up resources among those owed money in a corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be quite intricate and can be affected by various elements, such as the kind of bankruptcy declared and the company’s ownership and organizational setup.

When a company files for bankruptcy, its day-to-day operations will typically come to a halt. All of the corporation’s assets will be sold off and the proceeds will be divided among its creditors. In Canada, this process can have a major impact on how the assets are divided up among those who are owed money.

The BIA requires the LIT to take control of all the unencumbered assets, sell them and assigns orders of importance to the many claims against the debtor. The net sale proceeds are then doled out to creditors depending on the priority of the claims.

In a nutshell, the types of creditors and the order of priority is:

  • Trust claims, including unremitted employee payroll withholdings.
  • Secured lenders.
  • Preference is given to certain kinds of unsecured debt.
  • Ordinary unsecured creditors are last.

In Canada, though the assets of a company are distinct from the owners’ individual wealth, banks will always take security on the company’s assets when loaning funds and anticipate the entrepreneur to provide some kind of collateral. It bears mentioning that this is a standard requirement.

Should the proceeds of the company assets fail to cover the bank debt in the event of a Canadian bankruptcy, the owners will be called upon to make good on their personal liability and may be faced with the liquidation of some or all of their personal belongings to make up the difference.

What sort of ramifications does corporate bankruptcy in Canada have on the equity holders and their privileges?

Generally, when it comes to bankruptcy proceedings, it’s usually shareholders who are left holding the shorter end of the stick. Most often, they don’t get anything back after all other creditors have been taken care of– leaving them with nothing but the realization that their investments have gone down the drain. Furthermore, they forfeit any rights they once held with the company.

If any of the shareholders are also in a director position, then they will have the added worry about whether there are any debts that are also a director liability. Legal advice is always required by directors of an insolvent company. In next week’s Bradon’s Blog, I will talk about recent developents arising from an Ontario court decision about the directing mind of a bankrupt corporation.

The one small solace they may have is that Canada Revenue Agency will acknowledge the corporate bankruptcy in Canada as a legitimate means of allowing shareholders to deduct the value of their shares as a loss on their tax return.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

Alternatives to Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

For a business that is viable yet unable to pay off its debts, there are 5 alternatives to corporate bankruptcy in Canada that must be explored:

  1. Implement tighter controls over spending and create a cash-flow budget to see if costs can be cut or eliminated, freeing up funds to pay off debts.
  2. Refinance existing debt in order to consolidate it into more manageable payments.
  3. The shareholders provide a fresh injection of funds.
  4. Informal out-of-court debt settlement through direct negotiation with creditors.
  5. Selling redundant or no longer-needed assets to raise cash for debt repayment.

Rather than going through the effort of reorganizing debt under the CCAA or BIA, a corporate workout is an amicable arrangement between the company and its creditors that allows them to come to a mutually-satisfactory resolution without resorting to legal proceedings and a reorganization court case. This is seen as an advantageous alternative to a formal filing.

If all other solutions fail to prevent a company in Canada from going bankrupt, then the CCAA or BIA’s restructuring provisions should be carefully considered to potentially save the company, its jobs and business assets.

If the company is not viable or profitable and is in a state of financial distress, then a secured lender can exercise their rights through a receivership process. This could be used in conjunction with a corporate bankruptcy in Canada if the situation calls for that.
The reasons why bankruptcy and receivership may be needed to work in tandem are complex and are best left as a topic for another day.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this corporate bankruptcy in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

corporate bankruptcy in canada
business bankruptcy in canada


Brandon Blog Post


What is CCAA protection?

The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) allows insolvent companies owing creditors $5 million or more to seek CCAA protection. This can help them restructure their business and settle their debts over time. The CCAA gives such companies the ability to restructure their business affairs and financial obligations. In Canada, the CCAA operates under the authority of the federal government and is administered by the courts of each province.

If a debtor company owes less than $5 million, it can restructure under Part III Division I of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). This federal insolvency statute has streamlined procedures for handling insolvency restructuring cases. There’s no prohibition against using this statute if the company owes $5 million or more. Those larger companies just have a choice as to which statute to restructure under. This kind of restructuring is done in order to avoid liquidation through the filing of an Assignment in Bankruptcy. By successfully restructuring, the company can avoid job losses, claims by employees and the other negative effects of bankruptcy.

In this Brandon’s Blog post, I’ll be discussing CCAA protection for companies needing to go through a financial restructuring by making the Initial Application to the court. I’ll also be talking about a recent court decision that will be of interest to companies needing to restructure when their bank is demanding that all loans be repaid and they are trying to enforce their security.

Is CCAA protection the same thing as chapter 11?

Bankruptcy protection is a term closely associated with a US company filing under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. In Canada, it most likely means that the Canadian company has applied to a Canadian court to make its application for CCAA protection under the CCAA.ccaa protection

What is CCAA protection in Canada and “The Stay”?

Creditor protection under the CCAA is a process that provides companies with some relief from their creditors. This process can help them to reorganize their affairs and continue operations.

CCAA protection can provide some much-needed breathing room for companies that are struggling to stay afloat. It can give them time to restructure their affairs and come up with a plan to repay their creditors. A debtor company files its application for creditor protection in order to obtain an Initial Stay from the court. This will allow the company to begin restructuring its financial affairs.

While the CCAA protection order is in place, creditors are not allowed to take any action to recover money owed to them. They can’t try to seize the company’s property or petition the court for its bankruptcy, without the prior approval of the court. This is called the CCAA protection “stay of proceedings”.

A CCAA Canada filing is typically made when a business is insolvent and seeking to restructure its debts. The goal of the business in CCAA protection is to reach a satisfactory agreement with its creditors, which can include both secured and unsecured creditors. I will talk more about the support of secured creditors when I discuss the court case below.

Comeback hearing: Can CCAA Canada protection be extended?

Yes. Initial Order applications are often submitted on an urgent basis with prior notice only to key stakeholders such as senior lenders. Initial orders usually contain a “comeback” clause allowing stakeholders who did not receive initial notice an opportunity to attempt to change the terms of the CCAA protection order. Under the CCAA, Section 11.02(1) states that the Initial Order cannot be effective for more than 10 days.

The Canadian court system requires that there must be a “comeback hearing,” where interested parties can challenge aspects of the initial order, or even request additional relief before the order is extended. This means that the comeback hearing must be scheduled for within those 10 days. This ensures that the process moves forward promptly while protecting the interests of those involved. At the comeback hearing, the court will then assess the evidence before making a decision on whether or not to extend CCAA protection. If the court decides to extend protection, it will only do so for a limited amount of time.

The amount of time given will be at the discretion of the court and is definitely not open-ended. The company and its Monitor will be required to provide regular reports to the court detailing this progress.

The court will determine the next reporting period based on the information provided, which will allow the debtor company to continue its restructuring. The court may also be asked to make other orders, such as borrowing authority for financing the debtor company’s operations.ccaa protection

CCAA protection: What is the role of the Monitor?

The Monitor is the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) appointed by the court to monitor the business and financial affairs of the debtor company in a CCAA proceeding. The LIT’s role is to ensure compliance with the law, court order(s), and terms of the debtor company restructuring plan.

The Court-appointed Monitor is responsible for assisting with the preparation of the restructuring plan, formally known as the Plan of Arrangement and sometimes referred to as a Plan of Compromise. Monitors act as financial advisors to the insolvent company and they also advise creditors on the claims process and oversee voting at each meeting of creditors.

A Monitor must submit regular reports to the court summarizing the debtor company’s activities and the progress of the case. This includes the claims process when they get to that point in the administration.

These reports are published online and are accessible to creditors and interested parties. One of the ongoing responsibilities of the Monitor in its reporting is to advise if, in the Monitor’s opinion, the debtor company under CCAA protection is continuing to act in good faith and carrying out its restructuring on a timely basis.

CCAA protection: The Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

The company usually begins talking with its creditors and investors right away after the initial order is made. To do this, it may end or give away unwanted and especially unprofitable contracts, fire employees, sell property, negotiate new credit terms, change its corporate structure, and take other restructuring steps to ensure the viability and profitability of the company.

The court will ultimately be asked to approve all major actions in order to allow the company to move towards a viable Plan of Arrangement it believes will garner the support of the necessary majority of creditors.

The Plan of Arrangement or Compromise is the proposal presented by a company to its creditors detailing how it intends to resolve the issues it is facing and how the amounts owed to creditors will be compromised, An arrangement is a broader term that encompasses any plan for reorganizing. The distinction between “compromise” and “arrangement” is in practice, immaterial.

Different creditors are often treated differently based on terms of priority. This affects the order and amount they will be paid under the restructuring plan.

The first step in a CCAA restructuring will be to prioritize any government claims that are considered trust claims. Next will be any new charges ordered by the court as part of the restructuring. Examples of such court-ordered charges are amounts owing under a Key Employee Retention Plan and the lender financing the company during the restructuring phase.

The pre-filing secured creditors are typically at the forefront next when it comes to recovering their funds. They may have security in the form of a general security agreement or mortgage.

Unsecured creditors are next in line for payment. These creditors have provided goods or services to the company on credit, without receiving any security in return. In retail insolvencies, the company under creditor protection has to decide as part of its business plan if it is going to treat customers who have paid deposits for items they have not yet picked up as unsecured creditors or if they will complete the sale providing value for the prior deposits.

Such differing priorities will influence how the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise is constructed.ccaa protection

CCAA protection and the financial statements of the debtor

When a company seeks CCAA protection from the court, they are required to submit a projected cash flow statement. This document projects the company’s expected revenue and expenses from ongoing business operations and any required financing over the next 12 months and is used to assess whether or not it can fund day-to-day operations and survive during the CCAA protection proceedings.

Furthermore, the company must provide copies of all financial statements issued during the one-year period prior to the date of the Initial Application. If none were issued during this time period, it should provide a copy of the most recent financial statement.

CCAA protection: Creditor approval of the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

A company can establish separate classes of creditors to increase the chances of a favourable vote for the Plan of Compromise or Plan of Arrangement. There must be some form of shared characteristic or similarity amongst the creditors in each class in order to qualify for each such classification.

In addition to the simple majority test, the creditors in each class who are voting must vote in favour of it by at least 2/3 of the total value of the creditors voting in each class.ccaa protection

CCAA protection and court approval of the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

The court may approve the Plan once they have been approved by each participating class of creditors. The Plan will include all negotiated compromises and arrangements that deal with any matter, including claims against directors and amendments to the articles of incorporation or letters patent incorporating the company,

A Plan cannot be approved by the court if a provision is not made for settling “super-priority” claims relating to:

  • compensation and reimbursement claims by employees other than officers and directors;
  • pension plan contributions (except where an agreement has been reached with the relevant pension regulator); and
  • unremitted employee source deductions from employee paycheques for taxes and other deductions.

Additionally, any equity claims cannot be authorized by the court through a compromise or arrangement until all other claims have been paid in full.

CCAA protection: You can access CCAA filing records and court documents through 2 sources

There are two ways to find CCAA filing records and court documents. The easiest way is to go to the Monitor’s website specifically set up for the CCAA case. All documents filed by the Monitor in court and all court orders will be there. The second source is the court file itself.

This leads us to the actual court case I mentioned at the very beginning of this CCAA protection blog post. It is a decision dated October 14, 2022, by the Honourable Justice MacDonald of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador in Bankruptcy and Insolvency. The case is Edward Collins Contracting Limited (Re), 2022 NLSC 149.

It is an application by a group of companies in the construction industry seeking an Initial CCAA protection Order for the debtor company. The case is notable for one factor: the companies’ main secured creditor, the Royal Bank of Canada, is opposing the application.

The companies were operating under a forbearance agreement. However, Royal Bank claims that they were in breach of their forbearance agreement and that the Bank should be allowed to have a Court-appointed Receiver. Although they did not provide any evidence in their material, in argument, the Bank claimed the companies were not acting in good faith.

The court ruled that if the companies’ application for CCAA protection is approved, then the Royal Bank of Canada’s application for a Court-appointed receiver is moot.

The court’s entire decision and His Honour’s thought process in considering all issues can be located online. Of specific relevance to me is His Honour’s thought process and careful consideration of all the points he must consider in deciding whether or not to grant the requested relief of CCAA protection.

The court considered the following:

  • Do the companies have proper standing under the CCAA?
  • Have the companies satisfied the test to allow the granting of grant an Initial Order?
  • If so, should the company’s conduct during the prior Consent Stay period cause it to refuse the Initial Order?

The court found that the CCAA applies to the debtor company and the affiliated debtor companies as they are all insolvent corporations or have committed an act of bankruptcy and owed their creditors in excess of $5 million. The court also found that the companies were entitled to CCAA protection from creditors and even the Royal Bank of Canada notwithstanding its opposition to the Initial Application and the granting of the Initial Order. The Initial Order was made.

You can read His Honour’s lengthy analysis if you wish, as it is very detailed and provides a great deal of insight.

You Owe Money—The CCAA protection

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on CCAA protection.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.ccaa protection

Brandon Blog Post


Insolvency for business including business bankruptcies

In the last two Brandon’s Blogs, I wrote about personal bankruptcy. The topic was the class of debts not released by a person’s discharge from personal bankruptcy. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss insolvency for business, and specifically, business bankruptcies, as a result of the recent report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).

If a business is incapable to pay its financial obligations as they come due, it might deal with some negative effects, including legal action. However, this does not have to damage a business’s credibility forever, if management is prepared to take the required corrective activity before it is far too late.

If a business that is unable to pay its debts cannot turn itself around, it may be forced to declare business bankruptcies, which can have a devastating impact on the business and its employees.

What will happen to the company if it is insolvent?

If your company is financially troubled, it may need to assign itself into bankruptcy. Nonetheless, business bankruptcies are not always the automatic result of being insolvent. If your business is experiencing financial problems, it is essential to speak to a bankruptcy lawyer or a licensed insolvency trustee to review all of your realistic choices. Bankruptcy should be the last choice when nothing else will work.

Case in point, the recent report issued by the CFIB on small business insolvency says that its survey finds that only 10% of business owners would certainly declare bankruptcy if they were to shut down completely.

The CFIB report is meant to give a more comprehensive view of Canadian business insolvencies (bankruptcies + proposals). The data indicates that the number of businesses filing for bankruptcy has been on the rise and is now at the highest level of business insolvencies in two years.

As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian small businesses face a number of challenges in returning to normal operations, including debt from necessary pivots, increased costs of doing business and trouble finding employees to work.

The CFIB study found that half of the businesses (54%) are still seeing below-normal revenues, and over 60% are carrying unpaid debt from the pandemic. Small businesses are under significant financial pressure, with little room to maneuver.

Insolvency fears among Canadian small businesses are alarmingly high, and the true scope of the problem may be even greater than what is reflected in official statistics. Business owners have a range of options available to them when faced with financial difficulties, and bankruptcy is only one of these.

The CFIB recently released report details the different ways the surveyed small businesses in Canada said they would take if they had to shut down as follows:

  • 46% – Just ceasing all operations permanently.
  • 27% – Selling or transferring ownership to another party.
  • 10% – Filing for business bankruptcies or business bankruptcy protection.
  • 10% – Unsure at this time.
  • 7% – Exploring all options.

Interestingly enough, recapitalizing the legal entity or taking on more business debt by way of loans was not one of the answers. That should tell you how tapped-out Canadian small business shareholders are and that the businesses have no borrowing base room left on their assets to increase their bank borrowings.

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies

Business bankruptcies: The insolvency of a business – First steps

The first step for the Directors is to consult with a business bankruptcy attorney/lawyer and a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (sometimes referred to as “Trustee”). The lawyer can confidentially discuss the situation with the Directors and develop a proposed plan to deal with the situation.

The licensed insolvency trustee will review the company’s financial position and proposed game plan, and consider all options available to the company and its Directors. In Canada, the only party licensed to run the administration of bankruptcy, or any formal insolvency process, is a licensed insolvency trustee.

The licensed insolvency trustee will want to understand fully the company’s assets and liabilities. With a clear understanding of the company’s financial status, the Trustee can explain how best to implement the plan to either restructure or liquidate the company. If necessary, the Trustee can tweak the game plan.

The next question is whether the business is viable. Does it produce goods or services that are still in demand in the marketplace? If not, one option to consider is selling the business to another company that has complementary lines of business. Would the business fit in neatly with the buyer’s existing operations?

Could it perhaps be integrated in some way that would make your standalone business, which is not currently viable, become viable? Keep in mind for this to be an option, the company would need to have a solvent business.

If you can’t sell your unprofitable but still solvent company, you could always explore the option of a statutory liquidation. This would involve liquidating all the company assets, paying off any outstanding liabilities, and then distributing the remaining amount to shareholders.

Companies under business bankruptcy protection

If your business is struggling financially but still has potential, you may be able to restructure it through business bankruptcy protection. In Canada, there are two main possible federal statutes to restructure under; (i) the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada); and (ii) the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. One of these restructuring legal proceedings is an alternative to business bankruptcies.

A proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”)

The BIA is the canadian bankruptcy legislation containing all the rules and regulations in Canada’s bankruptcy regime. However, it also includes bankruptcy options such as a Division I Proposal for debtors who owe more than $250,000. This kind of financial restructuring allows the company to remain in business while it restructures. The essence of a BIA Proposal restructuring is that the company is offering a contract to its unsecured creditors to pay less than the total it owes those unsecured creditors in return for eliminating all of its unsecured debt.

To ensure that the company can successfully implement a proposal and pay its post-filing debts, the licensed insolvency trustee will need to be satisfied that all relevant information has been obtained and that the company has a good chance of success. The company’s cash flow will need to be monitored to ensure that it is sufficient to run the business and pay for the goods and services it needs going forward.

The Trustee will send all known creditors a copy of the proposal, a portion of the company’s statement of affairs listing the company’s assets and liabilities, a list of creditors, a proof of claim form, a voting letter and the Trustee’s report providing additional information and the Trustee’s recommendation.

The meeting of creditors is then held and if the proposal is accepted by the required majority of unsecured creditors, the licensed insolvency trustee takes the proposal documentation to Court for approval. If the proposal is accepted by creditors and approved by the court, the company is now bound by the proposal.

If the companies successfully complete their financial restructuring proposal, they will avoid business bankruptcies. However, if the company fails to get creditor or court approval, or fails to successfully complete the proposal, it will automatically go into bankruptcy under the BIA.

Financial restructuring under a Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) plan of arrangement

Restructuring through a CCAA plan of arrangement is a financial restructuring process that provides companies with a way to restructure their debts and other obligations. This process can help companies to avoid the business bankruptcy process and to continue operating while they repay their creditors. It is very similar to a BIA proposal. The main difference is that it is only for companies with debts of $5 million or more, it is much more court-time intensive and there is no automatic business bankruptcy provision. In a CCAA, the licensed insolvency trustee acts as a monitor under the CCAA to administer the restructuring process.

When you hear when a company files for protection, or bankruptcy protection, in Canada it is usually under the CCAA. In the United States, it is under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code.

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business bankruptcies

Licensed insolvency trustees say if companies are insolvent and not viable the best option may be business bankruptcies

We still want to know if the business is viable when it is insolvent. If it is viable, then we could look at doing a restructuring as outlined above. After the company is restructured, we could either keep running it or look to sell it. If there are impediments to a successful restructuring, the approach we take even through business bankruptcies will be different than if it is not a viable business model any longer.

If the business is not viable and insolvent, then there is not much that can be done. The business is financially unhealthy and the marketplace no longer wants the product or service this business provides. Therefore, we are looking at bankruptcy if there is not a secured creditor who is going to enforce their security through a receivership. Receivership is a whole topic unto itself which is for a different day.

As a licensed insolvency trustee, I am responsible for understanding all the issues in business bankruptcies and preparing the necessary documentation for limited companies to assign themselves to business bankruptcies. A meeting of directors must be called for them to resolve that the company should put its business into bankruptcy and appoint one of the directors to be the designated officer.

The officer designated by the board should be the director with the most intimate knowledge of the company’s affairs. This officer will sign the bankruptcy documentation and be the company’s representative at the first meeting of creditors.

The Trustee attends the director’s meeting and prepares the meeting minutes, or the minutes will be prepared by the directors and provided to the Trustee. Then, the licensed insolvency trustee prepares the bankruptcy documents which include the statement of affairs, which is the listing of assets and liabilities, names addresses and amounts owing to each creditor. The designated officer then attests to the truthfulness of the information and signs it all.

The companies are insolvent and have to go into business bankruptcies

The Trustee files the necessary documentation with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who issues a certificate of bankruptcy and appoints the Trustee. That’s when a company is officially entered into the bankruptcy process and the bankruptcy proceedings begin. This is the process of a company filing an assignment into bankruptcy.

So in a commercial bankruptcy administration, the Trustee has several responsibilities. The Trustee has to deal with the assets. The Trustee has to first determine are the assets subject to the security of a lender. Is that lender’s security good and valid?

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business bankruptcies

What happens when the certificate is issued for business bankruptcies?

If every one of the assets is covered by a lender’s valid security which makes the security cover the assets in priority to the rights of a Trustee, then the bankruptcy trustee would not take steps to handle the company’s secured assets unless the secured lender particularly requests the Trustee to do so separately either as Receiver or Agent of the secured lender.

So let’s simply take the case where in bankrupting the company, the Trustee is handling the assets either due to the fact that they’re not secured or because the secured financial institution wants the Trustee to handle the secured assets within the bankruptcy (which is not normal, but not unheard of either).

The Trustee needs to make certain that the corporate assets are safeguarded, that they’re appropriately insured and that the Trustee has carried out an inventory of those assets.

The Trustee then needs to figure out how is it going to offer those business assets for sale. The Trustee must do a risk-reward analysis to see if it makes good sense for the Trustee to run the business. If so, is the Trustee looking for a sale of assets as a going-concern business sale or just shut down the business and liquidate the assets once the reasons for running the business have been met?

If it doesn’t make sense for the Trustee to run the business, the Trustee will close it down and take a look at the alternatives available. The assets can be sold by public auction, private sale or by tender sale separating the assets up into blocs. If the assets are such that they would attract a retail audience where consumers would pay more than if it was sold in lots to wholesalers, then a retail sale would be the way to go. The nature of the assets will identify what sort of sale of assets the Trustee runs.

Business bankruptcies: How will I know what’s going on?

The Trustee alerts all of the company’s creditors listed in the sworn statement of affairs of the bankruptcy in a mailing. The Trustee includes a proof of claim form so that all creditors can file their claim. The Trustee examines the claims and holds the first meeting of creditors.

After the first meeting, a meeting of inspectors is held. Inspectors are creditor representatives who assist the Trustee in providing approval for the Trustee’s recommendations and actions it wishes to take. This includes any approval of asset sales the Trustee recommends after making an informed decision. Inspectors also need to approve the Trustee’s Final Statement of Receipts and Disbursements near the end of the administration of all business bankruptcies.

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business bankruptcies

Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on business bankruptcies. Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? Are you or your company unable to survive the COVID pandemic and its aftermath? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation.

If you would like our free e-Book, “Closing A Business Without Going Bankrupt” CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW

business bankruptcies
business bankruptcies
Brandon Blog Post


Corporate bankruptcy: An overview

Corporate bankruptcy is a legal process by which businesses can reorganize their financial affairs or liquidate their assets. Although bankruptcy can be complicated and stressful, it can provide businesses with a fresh start.

When it does happen, the corporate bankruptcy process can be complicated. Insolvency can take a toll on your company’s employees, customers, and shareholders. A solid understanding of corporate bankruptcy can help you properly restructure and reorganize your company using an insolvency process without killing your business.

Last week, I gave my best FAQ answers to common questions about personal bankruptcy services. A business partnership or sole proprietorship means that the individual(s) operate the business in their personal name. Answers about business bankruptcies for those forms of business would fall under the personal bankruptcy process that was covered in last week’s personal bankruptcy FAQ blog.

When a corporation conducts business, some of the questions, and answers, are different. In this Brandon’s Blog, I answer the most frequently asked questions about corporate bankruptcy.

Can a business declare corporate bankruptcy?

As stated previously, only a corporation can declare corporate bankruptcy. A corporation is its own legal entity. A “person” is eligible for relief under federal bankruptcy law. A “person” is typically defined in the Canadian bankruptcy legislation to include an individual, part of a partnership, a proprietorship, a company, an unincorporated association, a cooperative society, or a cooperative organization.corporate bankruptcy canada

What are the different types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada?

There are 2 different types of bankruptcy that a company can file for under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada (BIA). They are:

  1. Liquidation: This is when the insolvent company is unable to pay its debts and its business is no longer viable. The only real option for it is to sell off its assets to repay its secured creditors and unsecured creditors as best as possible since it files for bankruptcy in the priority outlined in the BIA.
  2. Restructuring: This is when the company is insolvent and is incapable to repay its debts due to its financial difficulties, yet all or a sufficient portion of the company’s business is still viable. So, the company negotiates brand-new terms with creditors to lower its financial obligations and also might have the ability to sell some assets to settle its financial debts. Restructuring is the most well-known alternative to bankruptcy. Restructuring under insolvency legislation is also described in the media as bankruptcy protection.

What factors lead to corporate bankruptcy proceedings?

A company always shows signs of trouble before it needs to file for corporate bankruptcy. Some of the early danger signals are:

  • continued history of losses;
  • dwindling cash position;
  • the departure of key management or employees;
  • difficulty meeting loan or lease obligations;
  • the breaking of loan covenants; and
  • difficulty meeting payroll.

Corporate bankruptcy: What does it mean for a company when it liquidates?

As stated above, when a company liquidates it means that the company is unable to pay its debts and its business is no longer viable. The only real option for it is to sell off its assets to repay secured creditors and unsecured creditors as best as possible through bankruptcy and then shut down.corporate bankruptcy canada

What happens to debt in corporate bankruptcy?

If the purpose of the corporate bankruptcy is to shut down and have liquidation of business assets, then we first need to see what the net proceeds of sale from those assets are. The BIA describes the order in which funds must be distributed by a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) in bankruptcy. The order in which the debts must be repaid, in whole or in part, is called the priority.

The priority of the rights of creditors to be repaid in a corporate bankruptcy is:

  1. Trust and deemed trust claimants – These are parties whose property is being held or is deemed to be held in trust for them by the bankrupt corporation. The most common type of deemed trust claim in a corporate bankruptcy is Canada Revenue Agency for unremitted employee source deductions.
  2. Secured creditors – Creditors who hold valid security over the assets of the company get paid next. There could be more than just one secured creditor. Within the secured creditor group, the order of priority is based on the ranking of the security registration dates.
  3. Preferred creditors – These are unsecured creditors who have been given certain priority in a corporate bankruptcy under federal bankruptcy laws. The most common examples in a corporate bankruptcy would be Trustee fees, the Trustee’s lawyer’s fee, the levy payable to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada on any distribution made by the Trustee to a creditor and certain salary, wages or commissions due to employees.
  4. Ordinary unsecured creditors – This group comes after the preferred creditors. They are all creditors who have supplied goods or services and do not hold any security and do not fit into the definition of a preferred creditor.

The balance of any unpaid debt ends up getting written off on the books of the creditors because there are no assets left in the company to claim against.

How does a company get into corporate bankruptcy and what happens to the company?

The way a company gets into bankruptcy is the exact same way an individual can. For a liquidation, either the company can file a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy. If it is one or more creditors owed at least $1,000 trying to push the company into bankruptcy, then they would file a Bankruptcy Application with the court requesting the court to make a Bankruptcy Order.corporate bankruptcy canada

Why might a company choose to file for corporate bankruptcy protection and restructure under a BIA proposal?

Corporate bankruptcy protection and restructuring under a BIA proposal can provide a company with financial difficulties a much-needed relief and a chance to return to profitability. When a company files for protection, the BIA proposal offers an orderly and reliable process for restructuring, which can be appealing to businesses that have a good chance of a turnaround.

A corporation that has a viable business and can return to profitability after restructuring, with support from creditors, has all the right ingredients for a successful restructuring. This is why a company might choose to file for corporate bankruptcy protection and restructure under a BIA proposal. The company will survive and jobs will be saved.

Who is responsible for developing the reorganization plan for the company?

Reorganization is the restructuring of a business to gain efficiency, improve workflow, and drive profits. Reorganization plans vary in length and detail and take a certain period of time to properly develop. They generally describe desired outcomes and final goals. Sometimes a company will undergo a complete reorganization, while other plans focus on aspects that require reorganization, such as a business unit or department.

The reorganization plan of a company is essential to ensure its smooth transition. The reorganization plan involves restructuring various departments of the business, reducing operational costs, and streamlining the workflow. Writing a reorganization plan requires a lot of time, effort, and money.

When a business downsizes, it reduces its workforce to a smaller number. Such a reduction can be a painful process that even threatens to collapse the business. The company needs to have a plan in place to accomplish this reorganization while still running the business. When downsizing occurs, businesses require reorganization plans. Involving and informing employees of the process makes them more likely to follow new plans and less resistant to change.

All of the various individual department organization plans and product sales plans need to be combined into an overall business plan. This overall business plan must also include financial information to show how the company, emerging from restructuring, will operate profitably.

Now that the overall plan is set, senior management must work with its outside financial and legal restructuring professionals to establish the restructuring commercial proposal or plan of arrangement to be presented to the creditors to be voted upon. An excellent communication program must be put into place so that creditors can understand the benefits to them of supporting and voting in favour of the restructuring proposal. Normally negotiations with certain creditors or creditor groups must take place in order to come up with a final and successful restructuring plan that will gain both creditor support and pass through the legal proceedings of court approval.corporate bankruptcy canada

What becomes of a corporation after corporate bankruptcy?

Going through corporate bankruptcy means your company’s assets have been sold to pay off some portion of its debts. Bankruptcy also by operation of law terminates all of the employees. So the corporation is left with no assets and no employees. All it has is debt and a deficit equal to the total debt less the amount that is shown on the balance sheet for the company’s preferred and common stock.

Therefore, the corporation, as a legal entity, is then left to just float away into the stratosphere. There are only 2 ways that a company can survive a corporate bankruptcy:

  • from the sale of the corporate assets, pay off 100% of all of its business debt plus interest; or
  • file a BIA proposal, obtain creditor support and court approval and successfully complete it.

The first way will almost never happen. The second way can happen if there is a good reason to try to make sure that the corporation as a legal entity survives. A reason for doing this might be that there is value to the shares. After becoming bankrupt, a successfully completed proposal annuls the bankruptcy. By definition, the proposal will discharge all of the company’s outstanding debt. The company is now debt-free.

The common stock may have value because it is a public company and the shares can be relisted on the stock exchange. Now the corporate shell is attractive to a private company that wishes to go public and can do so by amalgamating with this public shell. Alternatively in a private company, or in a public company, there may be significant tax loss carryforwards available for use if this corporate shell is merged with the right kind of profitable company. the only way to use the tax losses is first by owning all the shares.

This is all possible, but, the normal outcome for a company that has gone through a corporate bankruptcy is just to fade away, never to be heard from again.

When a company declares corporate bankruptcy, what will happen to your stock or bond?

When you invest money in a company by investing your capital, your money is legally represented by the stock or bonds that you purchased. When you see a company declaring bankruptcy, it means the company can no longer afford to pay its debts.

If a company just liquidates its assets during corporate bankruptcy, the existing shares will likely be worth very little or nothing at all. For a private company, a successful corporate restructuring might increase the value of the shares as the company will emerge from its restructuring with much less debt than before.

The value of a company’s shares is most likely to lower if it effectively restructures its financial affairs. It might have to issue brand-new stock to creditors that will not be paid back in full, watering down the value of the business’s shares.

As far as corporate bonds are they secured or unsecured against the company’s assets? If secured, they could be repaid in whole or in part depending on where they stand in the secured assets pecking order. If unsecured, then it just becomes part of the larger unsecured creditor pool. In a corporate bankruptcy that is a liquidation, those bondholders will receive their share of any distribution made by the Trustee to the ordinary unsecured creditors if there is such a distribution made.

Corporate bankruptcy and insolvency at a glance

In conclusion, bankruptcy and insolvency of course go together, although many people prefer to think of bankruptcy as an economic failure while insolvency is more accurately a sign of a business’s financial failings.

In the same way I hoped last week’s personal bankruptcy blog helped your understanding, I hope this Brandon’s Blog on corporate bankruptcy was helpful to you in understanding more about the corporate bankruptcy system in Canada.

If you or your company has too heavy a debt load, we understand how you feel. You’re stressed out and anxious because you can’t fix your or your company’s financial situation on your own. But don’t worry. As a government-licensed insolvency professional firm, we can help you get your personal or corporate finances back on track.

If you’re struggling with money problems, call the Ira Smith Team today. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan to get you back on track and stress-free, all while avoiding the bankruptcy process if at all possible.

Call us today and get back on the path to a healthy stress-free life.

corporate bankruptcy canada

Brandon Blog Post


Declaring bankruptcy: Business insolvency

When the corporate finances are such that the business has an insufficient cash flow to cover its operating expenses and pay its debts when they come due, these financial difficulties create the financial condition of insolvency for the business. Another indicator of insolvency often exists at the same time: if you were to sell all of the company’s assets, you would not be able to raise enough money to pay off its outstanding debt.

Medcap Real Estate Holdings Inc. (Medcap) is an Ontario corporation that owns certain commercial real estate. Medcap’s principal, through other companies which he owns or controls, operates various fitness facilities.

Several creditors made a bankruptcy application to the Court to wind up Medcap’s business through a corporate bankruptcy. In December 2021, the Judge released his decision to issue a bankruptcy order and place the company in the legal position of bankruptcy. Medcap appealed the decision to the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the two ways there are for declaring bankruptcy and highlight the reasoning of the Court of Appeal for Ontario in dismissing this company’s appeal for its corporate bankruptcy.

Declaring bankruptcy: An overview of corporate bankruptcy

In Canada, a company is a separate legal entity from its shareholders or Directors and Officers. So a company can go into corporate bankruptcy, as opposed to a person entering personal bankruptcy, also known as consumer bankruptcy. There are two ways a company (or a person) can go bankrupt.

The first way is that a company (or person) files for bankruptcy by filing an assignment in bankruptcy with a licensed insolvency trustee. This is called a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy. The second way, which is what happened to Medcap, is that they are pushed into bankruptcy.

To push a limited company (person) into bankruptcy, one or more creditors, each owed at least $1,000, make a bankruptcy application to the court. The application will include a sworn affidavit from the people with knowledge of the situation providing evidence as to why the company (the person) is insolvent, what acts of bankruptcy the business (person) committed within 6 months preceding the date of the application and requesting that a bankruptcy order be made against the debtor.

Regardless of the types of bankruptcy proceedings that may be involved, these are the only two ways for companies with crippling debt to become bankrupt. It is either voluntary or an involuntary one.

declaring bankruptcy
declaring bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy: Types of Corporate Bankruptcy

A company that ends up declaring bankruptcy may be doing so for a variety of reasons, all of which relate to significant financial losses. In Canada, there are two primary types of bankruptcy filings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

Once the company is insolvent and no longer viable, declaring bankruptcy in order to have liquidation of assets and end the business in that legal entity is the next step. In this situation, there may be certain business debts that are also a personal liability of the corporate Directors. Unremitted source deductions and HST and unpaid wages and vacation pay fall into this category.

Bankruptcy is a tricky topic. Many people tend to fear it, thinking of it as the end of the road. Given my description above of bankruptcy being for liquidating the company assets, that is understandable.

But what about the company that is insolvent but the business is very viable if the bad parts are cut out? In this kind of situation, filing under the BIA using the restructuring provisions of this federal statute, or for larger companies, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), is a legal way for the company to restructure its debts to get its finances back in order. In a successful restructuring, the good parts of the business are restructured and preserved, the company’s finances are right-sized and most if not all jobs are saved. This form of declaring bankruptcy is what is referred to in the media as bankruptcy protection.

So in Canada, declaring bankruptcy is one type, but declaring bankruptcy protection is also possible. That is why I suggest in Canada, there are 2 types of business-specific options in corporate bankruptcy filings.

Declaring bankruptcy: Does corporate bankruptcy affect personal assets?

The legal separation of personal and corporate assets is clear. However, a company declaring bankruptcy may have an impact on the personal assets of certain people. There are situations where personal assets may be at risk. If you are concerned about your personal assets, you should consult with a legal professional to assess your individual case.

Before making any business or investment decisions, is when you should get that professional advice. Once a corporate bankruptcy filing has been made, it will be too late to properly plan for that situation. Personal assets could be at risk if it is a bankruptcy liquidation and not a successful restructuring.

Examples of when personal assets may be at risk because of business bankruptcies include:

  • the entrepreneur who had to give a personal guarantee of certain corporate debt financial obligations to the company’s primary secured creditor lender and in a liquidation of the company’s assets, the lender suffers a shortfall;
  • there is not enough money left over from the liquidation after any trust claims and secured creditor claims to pay the outstanding wages and vacation pay so the Directors’ personal assets may be at risk;
  • the liquidation value of the assets is essentially zero so the Directors are called upon by Canada Revenue Agency to repay any unremitted employee source deductions or HST amounts;
  • in bankruptcy liquidation, there is generally nothing available to repay investors or shareholders so the money an individual investor or shareholder loses certainly affects their personal assets and personal property. The stock of companies that liquidated their assets after declaring bankruptcy is worthless; and
  • any creditors that are unincorporated, being either a proprietorship or partnership who lose some or all of the amounts owed to them as ordinary unsecured creditors clearly affect the personal assets of those business owners.

Declaring bankruptcy: The Medcap case

With this discussion of corporations declaring bankruptcy, there are some interesting points to be learned from the Medcap appeal case and the bankruptcy process. The application judge dismissed the bankruptcy applications of all but one of the applicants. He issued the bankruptcy order and appointed the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy or bankruptcy trustee) which began Medcap’s administration of bankruptcy.

The Medcap company appealed the bankruptcy order on only one ground; the judge who made the original order failed to exercise his discretion on whether or not to dismiss the application. Medcap did not appeal the application judge’s finding that the prerequisites to the making of a bankruptcy order – a debt owing to an applicant of at least $1,000 and the commission of an act of bankruptcy within six months of the commencement of the application – had been met!

The most interesting part of the Court of Appeal’s decision is the discussion of the two factors that a court could look at where a judge could exercise discretion to justify refusing an otherwise proven bankruptcy application.

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declaring bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy: Appealing a bankruptcy order

As mentioned previously, Medcap did not contest the judge’s conclusion that the creditor whose bankruptcy application was allowed had met the requirements under s. 43(1) of the BIA. This is that Medcap owed them a debt exceeding $1,000 and that Medcap committed an act of bankruptcy within 6 months before the filing of that bankruptcy application.

The application judge found that Medcap had failed to pay that creditor’s debt, for which a judgment was issued, despite demands. This is defined as an act of bankruptcy in s. 42(1)(j) of the BIA. In its appeal, the Medcap company argued that, even though the debt and the act of bankruptcy were proven, the application judge made a mistake by not using his discretionary power under s. 43(7) of the BIA to dismiss the application.

Medcap made three arguments to support its appeal: (i) that the trial judge erred in finding that Medcap was unable to pay its debts; (ii) that he erred in finding that the application was brought for an improper motive; and (iii) that he erred in finding that the bankruptcy order would serve no purpose.

Let’s see what the Court of Appeal for Ontario said about this.

Declaring bankruptcy: Unable to pay its debts

This is the first of the three bankruptcy issues that the Court of Appeal looked at. Medcap argued that the application judge dismissed the applications of all applicants but one because there was potential that they were not creditors. Medcap also stated that the application judge had not taken into account that Medcap had reached a settlement with the one creditor whose application was allowed to be heard. Medcap submitted that the application judge erred in not taking this into account as there was no debt owing because of the settlement and the payment of that settlement.

The appellate court found that the lower court judge did not err in rejecting Medcap’s argument. An application for bankruptcy is not solely for the benefit of the applicant creditor, but for the rights of creditors, ALL creditors. Further, the arrangements between the applicant creditor and the debtor will not be able to justify the withdrawal or dismissal of a bankruptcy application, unless the court is satisfied that the debtor is solvent and that other creditors will not be prejudiced by the withdrawal or dismissal.

To be able to pay debts as set out in the BIA, the evidence must be provided for all debts owed, as well as the debtor’s ability to pay them. In other words, the debtor must prove that they are solvent. Medcap did not provide such evidence. Therefore this ground of appeal was dismissed.

Declaring bankruptcy: Bankruptcy application for improper motives

Medcap argued that in cases where a creditor has an ulterior motive for filing a bankruptcy application, this can be sufficient cause for dismissal of the application. The Court of Appeal said that the existence of a motive is a question of fact, and the application judge considered and rejected the suggestion that there was such a motive in this case.

The Court of Appeal found that the application judge was within his rights to reject the argument based on the record. Therefore, the Court of Appeal for Ontario found no justification to interfere and dismissed the appeal on that ground.declaring bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy: There is no purpose for this bankruptcy

Medcap argued that the application judge erred in failing to find that no purpose would be served by bankruptcy. He ought to have dismissed the application on the basis that there was nothing to be gained by making a bankruptcy order.

The Court of Appeal emphasized that safeguarding creditors is crucial to insolvency proceedings. A debtor who has (a) committed an act of bankruptcy by not paying debts when they come due, and (b) failed to provide evidence to the court demonstrating the ability to do so, carries the burden of proving that bankruptcy would be pointless. The judge was correct in finding that Medcap had not met that burden.

The three-panel judge went on to say that, in order to demonstrate that there is no purpose for the Medcap bankruptcy, they would need to show that a better result would be achieved for creditors if it were allowed time to restructure under the commercial proposal provisions of the BIA or the provisions of the CCAA.

Medcap did not argue that doing either would have the requisite creditor support but rather suggested that leaving it up to them would be best.

The three appellate court judges hearing this case unanimously rejected Medcap’s appeal, upholding the lower court’s ruling and allowing the bankruptcy process legal proceedings to continue. At this point, the licensed trustee named in the bankruptcy order begins administering the bankruptcy legal process.

Declaring bankruptcy: The final word

What fascinated me most about this case was the nerve of Medcap to argue that the application judge should have declined to make the bankruptcy order, regardless of all the evidence against it.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario soundly rejected the appeal of the bankruptcy order being issued after analyzing the bankruptcy application process in Canada. It concluded that only a real possibility of a successful restructuring under either the BIA or CCAA to avoid bankruptcy liquidation would be a reason to do so.

I hope this Brandon’s Blog on the Medcap case was helpful to you in understanding more about declaring bankruptcy, corporate bankruptcy and how the Ontario court would decide if it was appropriate to issue a bankruptcy order. Hopefully, you have also gained insight into how a corporate bankruptcy decision is made and how a successful corporate bankruptcy protection filing and restructuring can be beneficial.

We understand how you feel. You’re stressed out and anxious because you can’t fix your or your company’s financial situation on your own. But don’t worry. As a government-licensed insolvency professional firm, we can help you get your personal or corporate finances back on track.

If you’re struggling with money problems, call the Ira Smith Team today. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan to get you back on track and stress-free, all while avoiding the bankruptcy process if at all possible.

Call us today and get back on the path to a healthy stress-free life.

declaring bankruptcy
declaring bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post



As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Business bankruptcy: Insolvency for business

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses around the world have been affected by the lockdowns caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. There have been many company closures, and others have been forced to restructure. Although restructuring may be painful, it is necessary if you want to come out from under crippling debt and grow your business.

Many businesses experiencing financial difficulties simply shut their doors rather than restructure. Most small businesses cannot reorganize their company debts under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) due to the high costs of administration. A small business owner does not benefit from spending money to have a business bankruptcy. It is therefore only possible to lock the door and give the key to one of the secured creditors, usually the bank or to the landlord.

Globally, small and medium-sized businesses play an important role. In 2019, I wrote a Brandon Blog post about business bankruptcy issues that US bankruptcy experts identified as problems for small business bankruptcy restructuring with Chapter 11 restructurings. This process was not working for these businesses. Chapter 11 restructurings are expensive, ineffective, and impractical. The US insolvency system therefore could not help many businesses in need of restructuring in the USA.

In this Brandon Blog, I provide an update on the successful experience and unanimous calls to extend the US subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. Therefore, I revisit the question as to whether such a small business bankruptcy tool should exist in Canada.

Business bankruptcy and Insolvency at a glance

Congress passed the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) on July 23, 2019. On August 1, the Senate passed the bill. In August 2019, it became law.

SBRA makes business bankruptcy protection easier for small and medium-sized enterprises. Chapter 11, subchapter V of the US Bankruptcy Code (Title: Small Business Debtor Reorganization) is the result. Increasing its affordability will help save otherwise viable owner-managed businesses.

SBRA defines a small company as one with non-contingent debts of $2,725,625 or less, leaving out financial obligations to affiliates or parties not dealing at arm’s length, and which elects to be dealt with under the SBRA. A new subchapter V to Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code is included in the Act. In this new approach, small companies are able to restructure efficiently with greater ease and at a lower cost.

The primary purpose of this legal process is:

  • Secured creditors and unsecured creditors cannot lodge a Chapter 11 restructuring plan that it is prepared to support. Only businesses with debt problems can. In most cases, the company’s plan must be filed within 90 days of when it filed for bankruptcy protection.
  • To manage each case, trustees similar to those selected in a personal restructuring (Chapter 13) situation will be selected.
  • A creditors committee will not be established.
  • If the home loan/mortgage secured by the home was used to fund the business, the Chapter 11 plan can change the legal rights of the lender.
  • It is possible for a Court to approve a small business bankruptcy restructuring plan without the approval of any class of creditors. If the court is satisfied that all creditors are treated fairly and no creditor class is prejudiced, it will approve the restructuring plan,.
  • A restructuring plan must ensure that all earnings received during the restructuring will be available to fund the restructuring for a period of 3 to 5 years in order to be fair and equitable.

Consequently, it is the responsibility of the creditors to carefully review all cases filed under SBRA. The creditors should consult bankruptcy experts for guidance. Their role will be to ensure that restructuring cases are fairly examined by courts and that all creditors are treated equally. For those without the support of their creditors, this will be particularly true.

It will be very interesting to see if this new legislation accomplishes its goal of simplifying and reducing the costs associated with business bankruptcy restructuring for small businesses.

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business bankruptcy

Business bankruptcy: The bottom line on the SBRA

This tool was successful in protecting small businesses from bankruptcy liquidation. Republicans and Democrats alike have embraced this obscure federal program that allows small-business owners to shed debt in bankruptcy protection so much, they are now considering extending it. Republican and Democratic agreement on anything is very rare these days.

In a Subchapter V bankruptcy, closely-held businesses can file for bankruptcy much more quickly and inexpensively than they would in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The government appoints a trustee with limited powers who assesses the company’s finances and helps reach a consensus with creditors. Rather than official creditor committees, there is only a trustee appointed by the government. Furthermore, company owners don’t risk losing control of their companies to creditors, a common outcome in bankruptcy.

When the pandemic ravaged thousands of small businesses, the government raised the debt threshold to qualify for Subchapter V to $7.5 million from $2.7 million and extended it an additional year. In the absence of another renewal, the higher limit will expire next month, shutting out thousands of companies that could benefit as they deal with new challenges such as supply chain issues and higher interest rates.

The main benefits of the SBRA business bankruptcy protection

Quick response

Since the program began, more than 2,800 cases have been filed. Restructuring advisers predict that number will rise as banks and landlords become more aggressive in collecting overdue loans and back rent.

Government assistance and eviction moratoriums have enabled small businesses to exist in limbo but that won’t last. Experts predict that more subchapter V filings will take place in 2022.

The American Bankruptcy Institute studies bankruptcy statistics. They state that the quick turnaround time of Subchapter V has attracted and will attract more filings.

Corporation envy

Some distressed corporations are so envious of Subchapter V that restructuring advisers are hunting in vain for strategies that might let their bigger clients qualify. For example, there was a company with 130 company-owned locations that filed for bankruptcy protection in 2020. It initially attempted to file individual brick-and-mortar locations under the program, before switching to a chapter 11 proceeding.

This business bankruptcy restructuring statute has proved to be a lifeline for smaller companies and should be extended.

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business bankruptcy

The Canadian business bankruptcy and restructuring landscape

Canada lacks an equivalent streamlined corporate insolvency restructuring statute. There are two Canadian insolvency regimes: the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the BIA. For large corporations, the CCAA applies. The process is heavily governed by the courts. In my opinion, it would not be possible to sufficiently streamline the CCAA for small businesses to have enough staying power during restructurings under the CCAA to survive.

A streamlined restructuring process is possible under the BIA for small and medium-sized businesses. There was a streamlined restructuring process for individuals so that consumer bankruptcies can be avoided. These consumer proposals are found in Part I Division II of the BIA. So why not a special restructuring proposal section for smaller companies? I called it a new Part I Division III of the BIA in my earlier Brandon blog I referred to above – a general scheme for small business proposals (SBP) section of the BIA. The aim is to provide small businesses with the opportunity to restructure business debts on a cost-effective basis rather than to make Canadian bankruptcies the only real option to consider.

In the US, using a streamlined restructuring model has been so successful. That’s why I am bringing back my idea from 2019. I won’t repeat everything, however. You can see what my recommendations were by reading my blog – BANKRUPTCY EXPERTS WEIGH IN ON US & CDN SMALL BIZ RESTRUCTURING.

Business bankruptcy: The debtor (owes money) not the creditors (are owed money) would control the reorganization

An insolvent corporation, sole proprietors, or partnership that is set up to conduct business should be able to access the new SBP. The total amount of their debt should not exceed $1.5 million. Such a number is not based on any scientific calculations.

In order to determine an appropriate debt level, Statistics Canada could assess the average debt load of Canadian businesses. In this discussion, I’ll use the $1.5 million amount.

Loans from affiliates or from people with a non-arm’s-length relationship would not be excluded as in US law. A Canadian company’s first funding is usually provided by its owners. Chartered banks require owners to make a commitment with their personal assets before they are willing to lend. To get the business off the ground, the owners sacrificed their own money. Because they had to finance the company that way, I would not exclude that debt from the calculation.

The Canadian business landscape differs from the American one. We tend to be smaller in size. For non-arm’s-length debt to be excluded, the debt threshold would have to be lowered. Keeping that debt threshold in mind, let us include all debt, whether it’s secured or unsecured, related, or arms’ length.

This new SBP would not be applicable to people who are not conducting business in their own name. Those people will fall into either Division I or Division II restructuring proposals which include two mandatory credit counselling sessions.

Restructuring proposals can currently only be administered by a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee). A licensed insolvency trustee is known as the Proposal Trustee under Division I Proposals. As part of Division II personal restructurings, they are known as the Administrator.

Therefore, I will call the Trustee the Small Business Administrator for the new SBP. As a result, it is obvious that it is the restructuring of a business that qualifies under Division III. The use of the word “administrator” is consistent with the words used by Parliament for consumer proposals. Again, this means that the Trustee is administering a streamlined restructuring for small businesses.

The main points I recommended in my earlier blog in a Canadian small business streamlined restructuring statute include:

  • Currently, it is possible for a company or person to begin the restructuring process by filing either a Notice of Intention to Make A Proposal (NOI) or a Proposal itself. Regardless of the filing method, there is a 10-day limitation period under which the debtor must submit a cash-flow statement that has been reviewed and approved by both the company or person and the Trustee. A company or individual filing an NOI then has an additional 20 days (30 days after the filing date of the NOI) to file a Proposal (unless the court extends the time).

I propose extending the deadline for filing a Proposal from 30 days to 90 days after the filing of an NOI, without the need to go to the Court for an extension. As a result, the business should have enough time to get all of its tax and corporate filings up to date and, hopefully, avoid the need to adjourn the meeting of creditors.

  • A creditor would file a proof of claim in the same way they do now in a BIA Proposal.
  • There is a concept of deemed creditor approval and deemed court approval in the current consumer proposal legislation. A creditors’ meeting is not necessary unless creditors holding 25% of the proven claims request it. In addition to the proof of claim process, creditors receive voting letters to cast their vote when they submit a proof of claim. If there is no obligation to convene a meeting, a consumer proposal is considered accepted.If a consumer proposal is either accepted or deemed accepted by the creditors, the Trustee Administrator will probably not need to seek approval from the Court. There are no deeming provisions in corporate restructuring, either for creditor acceptance or for court approval. The new SBP section should include similar provisions regarding creditor acceptance and court approval. This would save time and money, thus enhancing efficiency.
  • The Meeting of Creditors if required, would be held 21 days after the Trustee Administrator recognizes that the small business restructuring did not receive deemed approval.
  • When creditors fail to vote in favour of a Division I Proposal or when the court does not approve it, it is automatically deemed an assignment in bankruptcy. This does not apply to consumer proposals. Debtors return to their normal state without creditor protection after an unsuccessful consumer proposal attempt.For the new streamlined business restructuring proposal law, if creditors fail to accept or the court does not approve the restructuring plan, then that does not automatically mean there is a bankruptcy. The debtor small business would simply return to its normal unprotected insolvent state and must defend itself against creditors.A voluntary assignment into bankruptcy may result, but not automatically. A bankruptcy proceeding does not make sense in certain corporate situations. If a chartered bank holds security over all assets it will enforce its security through a receivership, this is especially true.

Business bankruptcy summary

A streamlined small business bankruptcy protection section is working in the US and both Republicans and Democrats want it extended and made to be able to handle even more bankruptcy cases. So why should we not have one in Canada too? I know that it could work.

I hope you found this business bankruptcy Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you or your company to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are your credit cards maxed out? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out easy-to-understand debt solutions and realistic ones for your family debt problems? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

business bankruptcy
business bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post


restructuring of company

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Restructuring of company introduction

Following its bankruptcy, Canadian retailer Le Château announced that it would relaunch online under new ownership. Although extreme, in certain unique circumstances, corporate bankruptcy could be used to restructure a company’s debt and operations.

Often, companies realize they need to restructure too late when fewer options remain and saving the company is more challenging. A restructuring process started on a voluntary basis can generate greater value than a company restructuring done under the imminent threat of bankruptcy.

A restructuring plan is more likely to succeed when managers understand the fundamental business/strategic challenges their company faces. In a corporate restructuring, creditors are often required to make significant concessions, which have significant implications for them as well as for the company.

Using the Le Château case as an example, this Brandon Blog discusses certain aspects of the restructuring of company debt, assets, and operations.

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restructuring of company

Restructuring of company: Le Château relaunches online following bankruptcy

Following its filing for bankruptcy protection last year, Le Château, now run by Suzy’s Inc., announced its comeback from bankruptcy by launching an eveningwear collection online before the holidays. YM Inc., which owns many brands including Suzy Shier, acquired the intellectual property assets and certain merchandise and other assets.

Herschel Segal founded Le Château Inc. in 1959 as “Le Chateau Men’s Wear”, a menswear store in downtown Montreal’s Victoria Square. Le Château began selling imported clothes from Europe when it added women’s clothing in 1962. As time passed, Le Château sold more fashionable imports to young people instead of its original traditional clothing style. Since then, Le Château has designed, imported, and retailed apparel, accessories, and footwear for women and men.

Its 240 locations at its peak made the Canadian retailer a staple of nearly every mall and shopping district in the country. Le Château Inc. (and its US subsidiary Château Stores Inc.) filed for bankruptcy protection in October 2020 under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”). It also announced it would close all 123 stores in Canada. The Court granted the companies permission to run a liquidation process in November 2020. It used the CCAA to liquidate its assets rather than for the restructuring of company operations and finances.

To adapt to new retail industry trends, the company implemented efforts to right-sized its brick-and-mortar locations. 122 of its 243 stores were closed during the eight years prior to filing for bankruptcy. The Company’s right-sizing efforts and its important investment in its e-commerce platform helped mitigate the decline in brick-and-mortar revenue, but not enough to compensate. During the three fiscal years prior to its insolvency filing, the Company lost about $130 million in net income. As COVID-19 arrived in March 2020, the end of Le Château was sealed. Proms, weddings, galas, and parties were cancelled, decimating the retailer’s dress sales.

Le Château began liquidating its 121 stores in November 2020, as well as its transactional website. In December 2020, the licensed insolvency trustee acting as CCAA Monitor was also appointed Receiver because all assets were secured by loans to various financial institutions. A court granted the Company’s request to approve a sale transaction with Suzy’s Inc. in June 2021. Le Château’s intellectual property, merchandise, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and signage were purchased by Suzy’s. At that point, the inventory liquidation was completed. Before the Canadian company filed for bankruptcy, the companies changed their names to plain numbered companies as part of the sale of the intellectual property.

A bankruptcy filing was made by the company formerly known as Le Château Inc. on September 2, 2021. Le Château, now run by Suzy’s Inc., has announced its comeback from bankruptcy with the launch of an eveningwear collection ahead of the holidays.

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restructuring of company

Restructuring of company: Reasons for corporate restructuring

If the company is both insolvent and not viable in its existing form, the normal insolvency process would be receivership, bankruptcy or both. Instead of using the provisions of the CCAA to liquidate a major retailer, a Court-appointed receiver appointed under Quebec law as well as the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) would have accomplished the same thing as the CCAA process used.

In the example of Le Château, selling assets out of a financially sick corporation to a new owner who will operate the assets in a similar business is actually a form of restructuring of company operations. Because the old corporation has too much debt and too many operational problems, it cannot continue. However, as Suzy Shier has shown, there was a good business reason for them to buy certain assets, and they now plan to run a new Le Château business. A new owner was responsible for the restructuring of company operations and finances.

As a result of a financial crisis, a company may undergo restructuring to change the financial or operational aspects of its business. Restructuring can occur for several reasons, including:

  • deteriorating financial fundamentals;
  • a lack of profitability;
  • disappointing sales revenue;
  • debt that is too high; and
  • an industry with too much competition or the company is no longer competitive.

Under financial duress, a company engages in restructuring when it makes significant changes to its financial or operational structure. In reorganizing internally, a company’s operations, processes, departments, or ownership may change, enabling it to be more integrated and profitable. If shareholders and creditors reach an agreement on a reorganization of assets, issuance of equity to reduce debt, or bankruptcy as long as the business maintains operations, the company may sell its assets.

Restructuring a company usually involves cutting costs, such as payroll, or shrinking the company through asset sales. After restructuring is completed, the business operations should become smoother and more economically sound.

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restructuring of company

Restructuring of Company: The company restructuring process

Restructuring a company has many benefits, as well as many reasons for a company to restructure. The benefits of corporate reorganization can be summarized in two words: survival and success. The right financial advisory firm can help business owners deal with these challenging issues, whether they are reorganizing for survival or strategic repositioning for the future.

Your company should select restructuring professionals who are experienced in your specific industry as well. As soon as major problems are discovered, the company should begin restructuring its operations and finances. Early diagnosis allows a company to fully evaluate its options and avoid being cornered.

Corporate business restructuring can be divided into several stages:

  • assessing the organizational restructuring needed;
  • implementing the organizational restructuring;
  • identification of weaknesses;
  • developing detailed plans to correct these weaknesses through restructuring;
  • calculating and securing funding;
  • raising private equity to help improve operations and balance sheet;
  • evaluating the impact of implemented strategies and amending them as necessary;
  • comparing actual financial results to the budget to ensure the restructuring remains on track; and
  • making necessary corrections.

Companies often do not allow enough time to plan and implement restructurings. A successful restructuring of a company’s finances and operations depends on how much upfront assessment work was done, how detailed the plan is, and how well the restructuring strategy is implemented.

Reorganizations can take a long time depending on whether they are reactive or proactive. An example of a reactionary restructuring is when bankruptcy proceedings force a company to make changes within a specified period. A corporate executive officer who recognizes a change in consumer preferences and positions their company to be a leader in tomorrow’s market is an example of being proactive.

In today’s economy, companies face many challenges, and company restructuring can be a short- and long-term answer to maintaining company viability. Company restructuring concerns vendors and consumers, stockholders and financial relationships, employees and inventory, quality control and environmental impact, equipment and technology, and management and marketing.

In addition to the reasons for restructuring, every major restructuring has some of these common elements:

  • an improved balance sheet;
  • reduced tax obligations;
  • divesting underproductive assets;
  • Outsourcing some functions that can be more cost-effectively done by outside suppliers rather than by company employees;
  • reducing debt loads;
  • relocating operations;
  • restructuring marketing, sales, and distribution;
  • renegotiating employment contracts;
  • refinancing debts; and
  • changing the company’s public image.

Restructuring company operations and finances are expected to result in long-term survival, profitability, and viability, regardless of the reasons and the specific steps taken.

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restructuring of company

Restructuring of company summary

I hope this restructuring of company Brandon Blog post was helpful for you. Are you worried about your financial situation because you are dealing with substantial debt challenges as a business owner or as an individual? Call me if you have too much debt. It is not your fault. To deal with financial problems, you have actually only been shown the old ways. These old methods no longer work.

The Ira Smith Team employs new modern methods to get you out of debt while avoiding bankruptcy. Let us help you obtain the relief you deserve.

You are under a lot of pressure. We understand your discomfort. A new approach will be designed for you that is as unique as you and your issues, both financial and emotional. Your burden will be lifted and the dark cloud hanging over you will be blown away. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We are confident that we can assist you right away.

People and businesses facing financial troubles need a realistic lifeline. There is no one-size-fits-all approach with the Ira Smith Team. Even though we are licensed insolvency trustees, we have found that not everyone has to declare bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never declare bankruptcy. We help people and companies avoid bankruptcy.

This is why we can create a new restructuring process for paying off debt that will be custom-built for you. You’ll have a unique experience, just like the economic difficulties and discomfort you are experiencing. If any of these describe you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. Let us get you or your business back on track, driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and eliminating the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

restructuring of company
restructuring of company
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Bankruptcy protection: What happens if a company gets into financial trouble?

A Canadian company seeking bankruptcy protection has two choices when it is financially troubled and wants to reorganize. By hiring insolvency legal counsel and a licensed insolvency trustee to get both insolvency and bankruptcy law advice and financial advice, they can protect themselves from their creditors, either by:

  • using the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) to file for bankruptcy protection; or
  • working with an insolvency trustee and filing a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) you can obtain bankruptcy protection.

In order to reorganize in Canada, an insolvent company files for bankruptcy protection. If you are insolvent in Canada, then you must file for bankruptcy protection, which is equivalent to Chapter 11 in the United States. The process is called financial restructuring or financial reorganization. By doing this, the company will try to restructure while it continues to operate to come up with a restructuring plan that allows the company to survive while satisfying the needs of the creditors to some degree.a

This Brandon Blog discusses a recent court decision that demonstrates that there is a risk to creditors who receive payments from the insolvent company under bankruptcy protection for goods or services supplied if the restructuring fails.

What happens to the company that files for bankruptcy protection?

An organization that files for bankruptcy protection, or as it is sometimes called, creditor protection, differs from an organization that files for bankruptcy. A pure bankruptcy procedure consists of a liquidation. The company ceases to operate unless the Trustee sees value in continuing to operate the company for a limited period of time.

The trustee in bankruptcy takes possession of all assets that are either not subject to valid claims by secured creditors (typically financial institutions) or that belong to third parties (for example, equipment under lease or goods undergoing repair that are in the company’s possession). A licensed insolvency trustee then formulates a plan for selling the unencumbered assets of the company to maximize the proceeds. Afterwards, the Trustee distributes the funds in accordance with the BIA.

In the case of a company filing for bankruptcy protection, this is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. The intention is to continue operating while it tries to restructure. Most of the time, this entails downsizing. A plan will be devised to repay some of the remaining debt in exchange for the creditors writing off the balance that is owed. With success, the company can retain employees and continue to operate. Creditors will be able to earn money by supplying the reorganized company in the future.

The CCAA allows companies that owe at least $5 million to their creditors to file for bankruptcy protection. Either the business will be restructured and continue to exist on new financial terms or a wind-down will be supervised to pay back anyone owed money by selling assets. BIA restructuring provisions can be used by companies that owe less than $5 million.

In other words, a company that goes bankrupt will shut down. Those who file for bankruptcy protection want to keep operating. As disruptive as bankruptcy and restructuring are, they can be beneficial for businesses, individuals and the economy since they preserve value and prevent assets from being wasted.

As soon as the company enters bankruptcy protection (or bankruptcy), proceedings against it are stayed. As a result, all collection rights for creditors are suspended. A “time-out” gives the company a chance to restructure, or the Trustee can handle its duties in bankruptcy without interference from creditors. Additionally, it “freezes” all creditors at the time of the filing, so that one cannot gain an advantage over another.

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bankruptcy protection

A record number of companies have sought creditor protection under COVID-19 and more are on the way?

The list of large Canadian companies with outstanding debts looking for bankruptcy protection from creditors got to a decade high in May and June 2020. Numerous financial commentators believed there would be a full-blown financial crisis and that a lot more would certainly file as a result of COVID-19 caused the economic downturn. Despite this, the number of corporate insolvency filings appears to have stabilized and also slowed down in 2021. One main reason is the number of government programs supporting Canadian business. In the same way as the virus itself, COVID-19 has actually taken a hefty financial toll on companies with pre-existing conditions.

Some familiar Canadian corporations in the list of companies that filed in that time due to their financial situation were:

  1. Reitmans
  2. Frank & Oak
  3. Aldo
  4. DavidsTea
  5. Cirque Du Soleil
  6. Mendocino
  7. Bow River Energy
  8. FlightHub
  9. Christian charity, Gospel for Asia
  10. Cequence Energy
  11. Delphi Energy
  12. Sail

Twenty-two major Canadian companies sought creditor protection in May and June 2020, almost four times the usual rate. The list obviously does not include major U.S. names such as Chesapeake Energy, J Crew, Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers, Pier 1 and Boy Scouts of America.

The bankruptcy protection court case facts

I want to tell you about Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd (Re), 2021 ABQB 893. On November 9, 2021, the Honourable Mr. Justice Douglas R. Mah released his decision.

Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd. (Schendel) was one of three associated companies that at one time collectively formed a major construction concern in Alberta under the Schendel name. As a result of financial difficulties, it was an insolvent entity and it filed a Notice of Intention to Make A Proposal under the BIA on March 22, 2019. Schendel continued operations as part of its restructuring effort. On various Schendel projects, Schendel bought HVAC equipment from the supplier between April 2018 and May 2019.

Ultimately, Schendel’s debt restructuring plan failed. Schendel was deemed to have filed for bankruptcy when it failed to implement a successful BIA Proposal restructuring. Schendel went bankrupt immediately. Its secured creditor applied to the Court for the appointment of a Receiver, which was granted.

As a result of reviewing the company’s books and records, the Receiver found and disputed the legality of a $40,000 payment from Schendel, an insolvent company, to one of its suppliers. According to the Applicant Receiver, the payment was prohibited for a number of reasons and the funds should be returned. The recipient supplier asserted that the payment was both innocent and validly received and that it was entitled to retain it.

In this case, a cheque dated July 8, 2019, to make the payment. Due to an unknown reason, the supplier did not negotiate the cheque until 11:48 AM on July 19, 2019. Schendel was also deemed to have filed for bankruptcy and the Court made the Receivership Appointment Order all on the same day, July 19, 2019. The Court had, however, no evidence regarding the exact moment the receivership and bankruptcy decision was made on that same day.

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bankruptcy protection

The bankruptcy protection case: The Receiver’s position

It is noteworthy that the action to recover the $40,000 was brought by the Court-appointed Receiver and not the insolvency trustee of the bankruptcy estate. According to the Receiver, the funds should be returned on the following grounds:

  • the automatic stay under section 69(1) of the BIA was in effect at the time of filing and throughout the extension of the proposal period, so the supplier was without recourse against Schendel;
  • the Court-ordered stay contained in the Receivership Appointment Order of July 19, 2019, as well as the concurrent stay imposed by a deemed bankruptcy under the BIA, deprived the supplier of all collection remedies as of that date;
  • as an alternative, the payment may be prohibited under the Fraudulent Preferences Act; or
  • it may be in violation of the Statute of Elizabeth (see note below).

NOTE: The English Parliament passed this statute in 1571 with the purpose of prohibiting transfers that would defraud creditors or hinder their collection efforts. As a result of widespread fraudulent transactions designed to defraud creditors, the 13 Elizabeth Statute was passed. It is still in effect in Alberta today.

The bankruptcy protection case: The supplier’s position

The recipient supplier said that it received the payment both innocently and legally and that it is entitled to retain it. In addition, the recipient supplier said:

  • besides some routine questions about payment, the supplier had not engaged in any activity to try to collect the debt;
  • the relationship with Schendel was arm’s-length;
  • both of the last two extension orders for the NOI define a process by which Schendel may pay, and the Receiver has fallen short to prove that the procedure was not followed when it comes to the subject payment; and
  • for either the Fraudulent Preferences Act or the Statute of Elizabeth, the required intent cannot be shown.

Since the bankruptcy trustee was not involved in this case, nobody was claiming that the payment was a preference or transfer under value under the BIA.

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bankruptcy protection

The bankruptcy protection case: The Judge’s decision

The Court was not presented with evidence on whether the $40,000 payment in question was approved within the proposal extension process or whether it was not approved. There was evidence to support Schendel’s compliance with approved procedures. In the post-NOI period, the supplier was found to have provided goods to various Schendel projects worth $34,476.75.

There was evidence that the payment was not just a payment on account of a pre-filing debt without further transactions post-filing. According to the Judge, the stay would not apply to indebtedness arising from goods or services supplied to Schendel after the filing of the NOI. This is because such indebtedness would not be a claim that could be a proven claim in the bankruptcy.

The Judge further stated that it is the Receiver’s responsibility to prove that the payment violated the stay. Schendel and the supplier did continue to do business together after the NOI was filed, according to the evidence. During the hearing, the Judge said that he should not simply assume facts in the Receiver’s favour. Additionally, the evidence indicated that some of the $40,000 payment was applied to the post-NOI supply of goods. A total of $34,476.75 worth of product was supplied to Schendel after the NOI was filed.

As a result, the Judge rejected all of the Receiver’s arguments and dismissed his Application in its entirety. Consequently, the supplier kept the $40,000.

Bankruptcy protection: How to cash your insolvent customer’s cheque safely

Companies filing for bankruptcy protection, whether under the CCAA or BIA, are reorganizing to stay in business. Businesses require purchasing goods and services and paying for them. It’s possible that some pre-filing debts will be paid after the filing date even though the debts are frozen from a collection perspective.

The stay does not necessarily prohibit every post-NOI payment by an insolvent company to a creditor. Such payments are valid when they are necessary to enable the company to move forward with restructuring. For example, a creditor may require payment of all or a portion of its pre-filing debt in order to supply post-filing.

Parties can agree to repay past debts in order to secure future supplies. First and foremost, the BIA process aims to encourage a debtor to reorganize as a going concern. Both creditors and debtors benefit from the debtor’s continued operation during this critical time. The BIA’s stay provisions and preference provisions give debtors breathing room to reorganize their finances. Setting up legitimate agreements with key suppliers is an integral part of that process.

In the end, it is critical to determine whether the payment of past indebtedness is a valid condition of post-NOI supply, which is required for restructuring to proceed. In that case, the post-filing payment of the pre-filing amount will be valid. If not, the insolvency trustee can recover it from the supplier.

Creditors seeking to recover pre-filing debts must make the payment as a condition of a post-filing supply arrangement. Additionally, because all of this is playing out in real-time in higher-risk settings, a supplier is free to amend the pricing post-filing. Similarly, if the supplier can secure it, there is no reason for them to not try to go from an unsecured creditor to a secured creditor on the post-filing supply by taking security or requesting a letter of credit. This would all be done out of an abundance of caution because as stated above, unpaid post-filing debts are not a claim provable in the company’s bankruptcy if the restructuring is unsuccessful.

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bankruptcy protection

Bankruptcy protection summary

I hope you found this bankruptcy protection Brandon Blog post informative. Are you worried because you personally or as business owners are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? If it is too much debt for any reason, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Even though we are licensed insolvency trustees, we have found that not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

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bankruptcy protection
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