Brandon Blog Post


Debt relief options: Introduction

Suppose you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the weight of excessive financial responsibilities. In that case, it becomes crucial to seek trustworthy recommendations for selecting a reliable service provider who can assist you with various options to alleviate your financial debts and provide you with the most beneficial financial guidance. Amidst the vast array of available assistance choices, it might seem daunting to pinpoint genuine resources that can genuinely assist you without any hidden agendas. It holds great significance for your future well-being to be able to distinguish between deceitful scammers and genuine helpers.

Fear not, for there exists an infinite realm of dependable suppliers specializing in financial debt relief options eagerly awaiting your discovery. From the information in this Brandon’s Blog, you can boldly conquer your present economic challenges, obtain the appropriate assistance from the right individuals, and make well-informed decisions that will emancipate you from the shackles of debt -Starting Over, Starting Now!

Debt relief options: What is debt relief?

Debt relief encompasses a myriad of technical strategies and detailed processes designed to lessen or eradicate the weighty load of unresolved financial obligations for individuals and businesses. It entails the implementation of deliberate and targeted measures to alleviate the pressing strain on one’s economic well-being, engage in negotiations for the revision of loan terms, or reach mutually agreeable resolutions with creditors.

Debt relief options take on many diverse forms, including but not limited to debt consolidation, the pursuit of debt settlements, the formulation and execution of comprehensive debt management plans, and, in the most dire circumstances, the contemplation of bankruptcy as an ultimate solution.

The overarching objective that underpins the concept of all debt relief options is to furnish individuals or entities with a revitalized opportunity, empowering them to reclaim a solid footing in their fiscal affairs, reinstating stability, and propelling them toward a more tenable and enduring financial equilibrium.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: Why managing debt is crucial

In today’s modern society, more and more Canadian households are struggling with debt. The prevalence of indebtedness has emerged as an unsurprising reality in the lives of numerous individuals. From the weighty load of educational loans to the looming presence of bills linked to credit cards, the accumulation of debts can swiftly escalate and become overwhelming if not effectively handled.

The management of indebtedness is not solely a matter of personal responsibility but a skill that can yield a profound impact on one’s financial well-being and prospects for the future. By grasping the significance of debt management, individuals can make well-informed decisions concerning their finances, elude the treacherous clasp of debt cycles, and ultimately achieve lasting financial stability.

Efficiently handling indebtedness is vital in safeguarding your financial freedom. Uncontrolled debts can result in missed payments, penalties, exorbitant interest rates, and even bankruptcy. Debt management ensures that you retain control over your finances and empowers you to take charge of your own life. Seeking guidance from reliable professionals specializing in debt relief will furnish you with practical options tailored to your unique financial situation, enabling you to resolve your debt issues. Hence, skillfully managing your debts is paramount in establishing a solid financial foundation.

Given its implications on credit ratings, financial independence, and overall peace of mind, the management of indebtedness assumes critical importance. Whether you are a recent graduate burdened with educational loans, a homeowner grappling with a mortgage, or simply an individual juggling multiple credit card bills, this article on Brandon’s Blog is specifically crafted to cater to your needs.

Debt relief options: Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (Canada)

On the 27th of June of this year, a notice was issued by The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), stressing the significance of understanding the perils associated with the unregulated Debt Advisory Marketplace, while simultaneously aiding consumers in identifying trustworthy sources of debt assistance.

One must bear in mind that unregulated advisors have the potential to impose exorbitant charges, varying from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, for services that they are not legally permitted to offer. Furthermore, they may demand payment for redundant or repetitive services both prior to, during, and subsequent consultations.

In order to safeguard oneself from deceptive schemes, it is highly recommended to exercise prudence and seek guidance from duly authorized and regulated professionals.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: The difference between good and bad debt relief service providers

If you find yourself inundated with mounting financial obligations and in search of a way out, rest assured that you are not alone in this predicament. It is not uncommon for individuals to confront economic difficulties that can result in substantial levels of indebtedness. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that there are avenues accessible to assist you in regaining command over your fiscal circumstances.

Debt relief service providers can play a pivotal role in facilitating your journey toward financial stability. However, it is of utmost importance to distinguish between reputable and unscrupulous providers. The ensuing discussion will delineate the characteristics that set reputable debt relief service providers apart from those who may not have your best interests at heart. By comprehending these distinctions, you will be empowered to make an astute decision and select a provider that genuinely aids you in your choice of debt relief options for accomplishing your financial objectives.

When embarking on your quest for debt relief options, it is imperative to identify trustworthy sources. Trustworthy debt relief service providers exhibit transparent fee structures and refrain from making grandiose promises to their clients. Additionally, they boast a dependable accreditation program, thereby ensuring the credibility of their services. Conversely, unscrupulous debt relief service providers make untenable pledges and levy concealed fees, exacerbating the accumulation of debt. Armed with this understanding, individuals can safeguard themselves against dubious service providers and reclaim control over their financial affairs.

I shall delve into the significance of credibility, transparency, experience, and success rates when it comes to selecting a debt relief service provider.

Debt relief options: Factors to consider when choosing a debt relief service

Certification and accreditation of the debt relief service provider

When it involves seeking support with handling as well as decreasing your financial debts, it is crucial to work with professionals that are accredited, licensed and supervised by a government body. This is where accreditation and certification play a significant function.

By choosing a financial debt relief service provider that is licensed as well as well-recognized, you can have satisfaction knowing that you are working with a respectable company that complies with licensing requirements, market criteria and best practices. Qualification and certification ensure that the service provider fulfills detailed standards as well as possesses the needed knowledge to provide you with the full range of debt relief options and financial advice and successfully help you manage your financial debt. Furthermore, they guarantee that the solution abides by relevant regulations, legislation and standards.

In today’s financial landscape, rip-offs, as well as unethical practices, exist, making it vital to shield on your own and also make informed choices. By going with a certified and accredited financial debt relief professional, you can rely on that the professionals you are collaborating with have undergone rigorous training as well as satisfy the highest possible requirements in the market.

Throughout this blog post, we will delve into the importance of certification and accreditation, the benefits they offer, and how they can assist you in making informed decisions when selecting a debt relief service provider. Whether you are considering credit counselling, debt consolidation, or debt settlement, understanding the significance of certification and accreditation will empower you to navigate the complex world of debt relief with confidence.

Join us as we explore this topic in detail and equip you with the knowledge you need to make the best choices for your financial well-being. It’s time to take control of your financial future and choose a debt relief service provider that has your best interests at heart.

Transparent fee structure

Dealing with the issue of debt can elicit an overwhelming and stressful encounter; nevertheless, collaborating with a distinguished debt alleviation firm can offer respite from the burden. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when opting for a debt alleviation firm, as not all firms are forged equally. One pivotal aspect to contemplate is the firm’s fee framework, as any esteemed debt alleviation firm must possess a transparent fee framework that is effortlessly understandable and does not obscure any covert expenses.

Transparency constitutes an essential constituent of debt alleviation services, as consumers merit a lucid comprehension of the expenses and potential outcomes linked to the rendered services. An esteemed debt alleviation firm will provide an all-encompassing breakdown of all fees associated with their services, encompassing upfront fees, monthly fees, and success fees. Moreover, they ought to provide upfront disclosure about any prospective risks or limitations associated with their services, rather than proffering unrealistic promises or guarantees.

Customer reviews and rating

One crucial factor to consider when selecting a debt relief service is customer reviews and ratings. A professional debt relief company will provide genuine reviews and ratings of their services from their satisfied clients. By looking at these reviews and ratings, you can discern whether the debt relief service has a history of delivering results and exceptional customer service. High ratings and positive reviews are typically an indication that the company has a reputable track record of helping individuals get out of debt. Therefore, it is vital to do your research and make sure you choose a company that has a proven history of delivering excellent results.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: Tips for managing your debt

Below are my best tips for finding debt solutions:

Credit counselling

Using a community-based non-profit credit counselling agency to address consumer debt difficulties can generate numerous benefits. Below are some vital advantages to take into consideration:

Professional Support: These agencies used trained and licensed credit counsellors that possess considerable expertise in personal money and debt restructuring. They can supply valuable suggestions customized to your specific situation, providing a tailored plan to conquer your financial debt challenges.

Financial Guidance and Education: These community-based credit counselling agencies regularly offer support for budgeting and deliver programs that concentrate on financial literacy. By collaborating with such an agency, you can learn how to create a budget plan, focus on expenditures, and also develop sustainable financial methods. Improving your financial literacy will enable you to make informed decisions as well as stop possible future debt problems.

Debt Management Plans: These agencies may offer Debt Management Programs (DMPs) as a feasible service for settling your financial obligations. Via a DMP, the agency bargains with your creditors to lower rates of interest, waive charges and develop a consolidated payment plan. This strategy can make the process of financial debt settlement more convenient as well as accelerate your progress toward ending up being debt-free.

Financial Institution Relationships: These non-profit credit counseling agencies have actually developed links with a range of financial institutions being the banks and credit unions. Because of this, they might be able to properly work out useful terms and payment options for you, thereby decreasing interest rates to an affordable annual percentage rate and also month-to-month payments.

Emotional Support: All debt relief options can be challenging and mentally draining as you work your way through them. Community-based credit counselling agencies understand the psychological toll that money difficulties can have on people and their households. They cultivate a helpful environment where you can honestly reveal your worries as well as get experienced advice. This enables you to really feel much more empowered and inspired to conquer your financial obstacles.

Non-profit Status: These agencies run as nonprofit organizations and place a top priority on assisting people in need rather than producing profits. They typically provide their solutions for small fees, or in many cases, free of charge. This makes their solutions much more available and also budget-friendly for those experiencing financial difficulties. We always recommend using non-profit community-based debt counselling firms as one of the debt relief options that can be utilized. We never suggest utilizing financial debt settlement for profit companies.

Confidentiality and Privacy: These community-based agencies focus on client confidentiality and privacy. They take great care with your personal financial information and also make sure that individual details are kept safe and secure.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a preferred choice for individuals looking to combine numerous debts into one manageable debt with a single monthly payment. This debt relief option entails getting a single loan that can repay all of your existing financial obligations. This one personal loan is at a lower interest rate than the average interest rate charged on all your current outstanding debts and streamlines the settlement process.

Nevertheless, it is essential to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of debt consolidation and the terms of all debt consolidation loans being offered to you. Look for a trusted financial partner, evaluate the terms and costs related to the consolidation loan, and consider your ability to stay current with the brand-new repayment timetable. With the appropriate approach, financial debt consolidation can be a wise technique for taking control of your funds.

Individuals have several choices when it pertains to combining debt. The concept is that either:

  1. your credit history is good enough so that you can obtain an unsecured loan; or
  2. you are choosing to use security for the loan.

For example, you may have 5 charge cards all with unpaid debts. You are pressing the upper limits of your authorized credit and the interest rates are very high. If you can get a home equity line of credit at a much lower annual interest rate, the benefit is evident. So it would be a clever option to use security to get a consolidation loan.

If you didn’t intend to or really did not have security to provide, you may have a good enough credit score to obtain an unsecured loan. If you can get this sort of funding, the annual interest rate charged will be more than for a secured loan, but still much less than you are paying on your credit cards. So this too would be a smart method to go with.

Debt settlement

Debt settlement is a debt relief choice that includes working out with your creditors an arrangement to pay them less than the total you owe them in order to settle all your financial debts for less than what is owed. This option can help to reduce your total financial debts into amounts that you can repay and prevent you from needing to file for bankruptcy.

Nevertheless, it ought to be noted that this debt relief option can have a negative impact on your credit rating and may cause taxable income obligation effects if any of the debts you are comprising were taken on to earn income. This option is best for those who have just a few creditors and have the financial literacy ability and are not afraid to contact and negotiate with their creditors on their own.

If you don’t believe you can do it on your own, stay away from the for-profit debt settlement companies as they are not looking out for your best interests. The best way to do a debt settlement plan if you are not confident that you can do it on your own is either the DMP described above, or a consumer proposal, described below.

Consumer proposal

If you’re battling with financial debt, a consumer proposal may be a great debt settlement plan for you. This debt relief solution is a legal process carried out under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). It enables you to pay back part of your debt over time. The benefit to you of a consumer proposal is that as soon as you end up repaying the part that you agreed to, you will be totally debt-free. The unpaid balance is eliminated too.

To get this government-sanctioned financial debt settlement strategy, you need to be insolvent and also have unsecured debts of $250,000 or less owing to all your unsecured creditors (omitting any type of secured debts registered against your personal residence such as mortgages or lines of credit).

This type of repayment plan is a good choice for people who are:

  • Employed;
  • can budget plan their money to make the required month-to-month regular payments;
  • want to avoid and choose the best alternative to bankruptcy; and
  • can’t stand all the collection calls from the debt collectors any longer.

Under the BIA, a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee) is the only party allowed under Canadian law to administer a consumer proposal. The licensed insolvency trustee is named the consumer proposal administrator.

The licensed insolvency trustee will submit the needed documents to the OSB. All interest charges and all collections calls stop on the day you file your consumer proposal. You can take up to 5 years to pay the amount promised under your consumer proposal.

When you submit a consumer proposal, any legal action your unsecured creditors have actually started against you is frozen and stopped. That goes for any legal action any of your creditors were threatening to start also. If a creditor currently has a judgment against you and is having your wages garnisheed, that stops too. You get that legal protection by making an insolvency filing under the BIA.

The licensed insolvency trustee who oversees your consumer proposal is responsible for negotiating with your unsecured creditors to reduce your unsecured original debts on your behalf. Upon successful acceptance of your proposal by the required majority of your creditors, you will be obligated to make monthly payments as per the agreed-upon terms of the proposal. You make your one monthly payment to the licensed insolvency trustee who takes care of making the promised payments to creditors.


Bankruptcy is a legal recourse that enables individuals or companies to discharge or restructure their financial liabilities. While it is the last option anyone should consider in the hierarchy of debt relief options, bankruptcy may be the most appropriate solution in certain circumstances.

It is crucial to weigh the consequences and benefits before opting for bankruptcy. A seasoned licensed insolvency trustee can guide you through the process and provide insights on the other debt relief options mentioned earlier.

Bankruptcy should not be taken lightly. Nevertheless, if carefully considered and implemented, it can offer a fresh start and an opportunity to rebuild credit scores for a stronger financial future.

I will not delve into the intricacies of the bankruptcy process and its workings in this Brandon’s Blog post. If you need to learn more about the bankruptcy process and if it is right for you, call me.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: Conclusion

Managing financial debt can indeed be a difficult as well as emotionally draining experience. However, there are reliable sources offered to give guidance and support. When looking for assistance with debt problems, I recommend 2 trusted resources: non-profit community-based credit counselling agencies and licensed insolvency trustees. Stay away from a for-profit debt settlement company.

I hope you enjoyed this debt relief options Brandon’s Blog. Financial stress is a growing concern in Canada, affecting individuals of all ages and income levels.

Creating a solid financial plan can be the key to unlocking a brighter and more prosperous future. By taking control of your finances, you can prioritize your expenses, set clear financial goals, and build a strong foundation for your dreams to come true. With the right mindset and approach, financial planning can empower you to regain control, eliminate this issue as a source of stress in your life and find peace of mind.

Individuals must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

debt relief options
debt relief options
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Bankruptcy protection: What happens if a company gets into financial trouble?

A Canadian company seeking bankruptcy protection has two choices when it is financially troubled and wants to reorganize. By hiring insolvency legal counsel and a licensed insolvency trustee to get both insolvency and bankruptcy law advice and financial advice, they can protect themselves from their creditors, either by:

  • using the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) to file for bankruptcy protection; or
  • working with an insolvency trustee and filing a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) you can obtain bankruptcy protection.

In order to reorganize in Canada, an insolvent company files for bankruptcy protection. If you are insolvent in Canada, then you must file for bankruptcy protection, which is equivalent to Chapter 11 in the United States. The process is called financial restructuring or financial reorganization. By doing this, the company will try to restructure while it continues to operate to come up with a restructuring plan that allows the company to survive while satisfying the needs of the creditors to some degree.a

This Brandon Blog discusses a recent court decision that demonstrates that there is a risk to creditors who receive payments from the insolvent company under bankruptcy protection for goods or services supplied if the restructuring fails.

What happens to the company that files for bankruptcy protection?

An organization that files for bankruptcy protection, or as it is sometimes called, creditor protection, differs from an organization that files for bankruptcy. A pure bankruptcy procedure consists of a liquidation. The company ceases to operate unless the Trustee sees value in continuing to operate the company for a limited period of time.

The trustee in bankruptcy takes possession of all assets that are either not subject to valid claims by secured creditors (typically financial institutions) or that belong to third parties (for example, equipment under lease or goods undergoing repair that are in the company’s possession). A licensed insolvency trustee then formulates a plan for selling the unencumbered assets of the company to maximize the proceeds. Afterwards, the Trustee distributes the funds in accordance with the BIA.

In the case of a company filing for bankruptcy protection, this is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. The intention is to continue operating while it tries to restructure. Most of the time, this entails downsizing. A plan will be devised to repay some of the remaining debt in exchange for the creditors writing off the balance that is owed. With success, the company can retain employees and continue to operate. Creditors will be able to earn money by supplying the reorganized company in the future.

The CCAA allows companies that owe at least $5 million to their creditors to file for bankruptcy protection. Either the business will be restructured and continue to exist on new financial terms or a wind-down will be supervised to pay back anyone owed money by selling assets. BIA restructuring provisions can be used by companies that owe less than $5 million.

In other words, a company that goes bankrupt will shut down. Those who file for bankruptcy protection want to keep operating. As disruptive as bankruptcy and restructuring are, they can be beneficial for businesses, individuals and the economy since they preserve value and prevent assets from being wasted.

As soon as the company enters bankruptcy protection (or bankruptcy), proceedings against it are stayed. As a result, all collection rights for creditors are suspended. A “time-out” gives the company a chance to restructure, or the Trustee can handle its duties in bankruptcy without interference from creditors. Additionally, it “freezes” all creditors at the time of the filing, so that one cannot gain an advantage over another.

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bankruptcy protection

A record number of companies have sought creditor protection under COVID-19 and more are on the way?

The list of large Canadian companies with outstanding debts looking for bankruptcy protection from creditors got to a decade high in May and June 2020. Numerous financial commentators believed there would be a full-blown financial crisis and that a lot more would certainly file as a result of COVID-19 caused the economic downturn. Despite this, the number of corporate insolvency filings appears to have stabilized and also slowed down in 2021. One main reason is the number of government programs supporting Canadian business. In the same way as the virus itself, COVID-19 has actually taken a hefty financial toll on companies with pre-existing conditions.

Some familiar Canadian corporations in the list of companies that filed in that time due to their financial situation were:

  1. Reitmans
  2. Frank & Oak
  3. Aldo
  4. DavidsTea
  5. Cirque Du Soleil
  6. Mendocino
  7. Bow River Energy
  8. FlightHub
  9. Christian charity, Gospel for Asia
  10. Cequence Energy
  11. Delphi Energy
  12. Sail

Twenty-two major Canadian companies sought creditor protection in May and June 2020, almost four times the usual rate. The list obviously does not include major U.S. names such as Chesapeake Energy, J Crew, Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers, Pier 1 and Boy Scouts of America.

The bankruptcy protection court case facts

I want to tell you about Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd (Re), 2021 ABQB 893. On November 9, 2021, the Honourable Mr. Justice Douglas R. Mah released his decision.

Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd. (Schendel) was one of three associated companies that at one time collectively formed a major construction concern in Alberta under the Schendel name. As a result of financial difficulties, it was an insolvent entity and it filed a Notice of Intention to Make A Proposal under the BIA on March 22, 2019. Schendel continued operations as part of its restructuring effort. On various Schendel projects, Schendel bought HVAC equipment from the supplier between April 2018 and May 2019.

Ultimately, Schendel’s debt restructuring plan failed. Schendel was deemed to have filed for bankruptcy when it failed to implement a successful BIA Proposal restructuring. Schendel went bankrupt immediately. Its secured creditor applied to the Court for the appointment of a Receiver, which was granted.

As a result of reviewing the company’s books and records, the Receiver found and disputed the legality of a $40,000 payment from Schendel, an insolvent company, to one of its suppliers. According to the Applicant Receiver, the payment was prohibited for a number of reasons and the funds should be returned. The recipient supplier asserted that the payment was both innocent and validly received and that it was entitled to retain it.

In this case, a cheque dated July 8, 2019, to make the payment. Due to an unknown reason, the supplier did not negotiate the cheque until 11:48 AM on July 19, 2019. Schendel was also deemed to have filed for bankruptcy and the Court made the Receivership Appointment Order all on the same day, July 19, 2019. The Court had, however, no evidence regarding the exact moment the receivership and bankruptcy decision was made on that same day.

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bankruptcy protection

The bankruptcy protection case: The Receiver’s position

It is noteworthy that the action to recover the $40,000 was brought by the Court-appointed Receiver and not the insolvency trustee of the bankruptcy estate. According to the Receiver, the funds should be returned on the following grounds:

  • the automatic stay under section 69(1) of the BIA was in effect at the time of filing and throughout the extension of the proposal period, so the supplier was without recourse against Schendel;
  • the Court-ordered stay contained in the Receivership Appointment Order of July 19, 2019, as well as the concurrent stay imposed by a deemed bankruptcy under the BIA, deprived the supplier of all collection remedies as of that date;
  • as an alternative, the payment may be prohibited under the Fraudulent Preferences Act; or
  • it may be in violation of the Statute of Elizabeth (see note below).

NOTE: The English Parliament passed this statute in 1571 with the purpose of prohibiting transfers that would defraud creditors or hinder their collection efforts. As a result of widespread fraudulent transactions designed to defraud creditors, the 13 Elizabeth Statute was passed. It is still in effect in Alberta today.

The bankruptcy protection case: The supplier’s position

The recipient supplier said that it received the payment both innocently and legally and that it is entitled to retain it. In addition, the recipient supplier said:

  • besides some routine questions about payment, the supplier had not engaged in any activity to try to collect the debt;
  • the relationship with Schendel was arm’s-length;
  • both of the last two extension orders for the NOI define a process by which Schendel may pay, and the Receiver has fallen short to prove that the procedure was not followed when it comes to the subject payment; and
  • for either the Fraudulent Preferences Act or the Statute of Elizabeth, the required intent cannot be shown.

Since the bankruptcy trustee was not involved in this case, nobody was claiming that the payment was a preference or transfer under value under the BIA.

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bankruptcy protection

The bankruptcy protection case: The Judge’s decision

The Court was not presented with evidence on whether the $40,000 payment in question was approved within the proposal extension process or whether it was not approved. There was evidence to support Schendel’s compliance with approved procedures. In the post-NOI period, the supplier was found to have provided goods to various Schendel projects worth $34,476.75.

There was evidence that the payment was not just a payment on account of a pre-filing debt without further transactions post-filing. According to the Judge, the stay would not apply to indebtedness arising from goods or services supplied to Schendel after the filing of the NOI. This is because such indebtedness would not be a claim that could be a proven claim in the bankruptcy.

The Judge further stated that it is the Receiver’s responsibility to prove that the payment violated the stay. Schendel and the supplier did continue to do business together after the NOI was filed, according to the evidence. During the hearing, the Judge said that he should not simply assume facts in the Receiver’s favour. Additionally, the evidence indicated that some of the $40,000 payment was applied to the post-NOI supply of goods. A total of $34,476.75 worth of product was supplied to Schendel after the NOI was filed.

As a result, the Judge rejected all of the Receiver’s arguments and dismissed his Application in its entirety. Consequently, the supplier kept the $40,000.

Bankruptcy protection: How to cash your insolvent customer’s cheque safely

Companies filing for bankruptcy protection, whether under the CCAA or BIA, are reorganizing to stay in business. Businesses require purchasing goods and services and paying for them. It’s possible that some pre-filing debts will be paid after the filing date even though the debts are frozen from a collection perspective.

The stay does not necessarily prohibit every post-NOI payment by an insolvent company to a creditor. Such payments are valid when they are necessary to enable the company to move forward with restructuring. For example, a creditor may require payment of all or a portion of its pre-filing debt in order to supply post-filing.

Parties can agree to repay past debts in order to secure future supplies. First and foremost, the BIA process aims to encourage a debtor to reorganize as a going concern. Both creditors and debtors benefit from the debtor’s continued operation during this critical time. The BIA’s stay provisions and preference provisions give debtors breathing room to reorganize their finances. Setting up legitimate agreements with key suppliers is an integral part of that process.

In the end, it is critical to determine whether the payment of past indebtedness is a valid condition of post-NOI supply, which is required for restructuring to proceed. In that case, the post-filing payment of the pre-filing amount will be valid. If not, the insolvency trustee can recover it from the supplier.

Creditors seeking to recover pre-filing debts must make the payment as a condition of a post-filing supply arrangement. Additionally, because all of this is playing out in real-time in higher-risk settings, a supplier is free to amend the pricing post-filing. Similarly, if the supplier can secure it, there is no reason for them to not try to go from an unsecured creditor to a secured creditor on the post-filing supply by taking security or requesting a letter of credit. This would all be done out of an abundance of caution because as stated above, unpaid post-filing debts are not a claim provable in the company’s bankruptcy if the restructuring is unsuccessful.

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bankruptcy protection

Bankruptcy protection summary

I hope you found this bankruptcy protection Brandon Blog post informative. Are you worried because you personally or as business owners are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? If it is too much debt for any reason, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Even though we are licensed insolvency trustees, we have found that not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

bankruptcy protection
bankruptcy protection
Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy discharged
bankruptcy discharged

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would like to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Your Bankruptcy Discharged – But Wait

Well, that took no time at all. Last week I told you about a bankruptcy discharge hearing I attended where the bankrupt person had his bankruptcy discharged by the Master in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice In Bankruptcy and Insolvency.

The Master’s decision was released on August 13, 2021. On August 20, 2021, we received the Notice of Motion of the opposing creditor appealing the Master’s decision to give this person his discharge from bankruptcy. That is their right.

In this Brandon Blog, I want to discuss the reasons for the opposition to the fact that this bankrupt had his bankruptcy discharged and my thoughts on one scenario of how this may play out. First, I just want to refresh your memory about the bankruptcy process and specifically how the discharge under bankruptcy law in Canada process works. Then I will get into this real-life story.

Canada’s Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) gives people the option of filing a debt management plan restructuring consumer proposal if they are unable to pay back all unsecured debt owing to their unsecured creditors. This option offers the consumer a way to maybe keep their home and car that is heavily financed, as long as they can maintain the payments to the secured creditors such as the financial institution who financed the purchase of the home by way of the mortgage, or the auto loan, and it makes sense in their budget.

A successful consumer proposal is also the way to avoid bankruptcy. Like bankruptcy, the process starts with a no-cost consultation for financial advice with a licensed insolvency trustee. A licensed trustee is the only party able to administer a consumer proposal in Canada (or a bankruptcy). The Trustee can help you lose your debt load.

A first-time bankrupt who fulfills all of their obligations, including attending 2 mandatory credit counselling sessions, is entitled to a discharge after 9 months from the date of bankruptcy.

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bankruptcy discharged

A bankruptcy discharged: First and second bankruptcy (or more)

When an insolvent debtor files for bankruptcy for a second time, you cannot be discharged after a nine months bankruptcy period. When you don’t need to pay the Trustee any surplus income payments, a second bankruptcy lasts for a minimum of 24 months. A second-time bankruptcy filer with surplus income must make those payments for 36 months to qualify to get their bankruptcy discharged.

A third or subsequent bankruptcy follows the same timeline as a second bankruptcy. There is, however, a high probability that the Trustee or creditors will oppose the discharge. Where there is opposition, there must be a court bankruptcy discharge hearing and the court can impose any conditions it deems appropriate.

What does bankruptcy discharged mean in Canada?

It is a Canadian legal term used to describe the release of a consumer debtor or business proprietorship from their obligations, responsibilities, debts, and legal claims. “Bankruptcy” is a legal proceeding to protect the estate of a person or company. “Discharge” fulfills the requirement that a person is released from their obligations, responsibilities, debts, and legal claims through the bankruptcy process. There is no equivalent requirement for a company.

The insolvent debtor filing for bankruptcy merely invokes the legal protection to the person and puts a bankruptcy trustee in place to realize upon any available assets in the bankruptcy estate for the benefit of the creditors. Bankruptcy filings do not relieve the person of their debts. It is when the person is bankruptcy discharged, that they are released from their debts (other than for a select list of exceptions).

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bankruptcy discharged

Bankruptcy discharged: Types of bankruptcy discharge

The licensed insolvency trustee can usually issue an automatic discharge when there is no trustee in bankruptcy opposition or creditor opposition to a bankrupt’s application for discharge, and the bankrupt has fulfilled all of their duties during bankruptcy.

In case of opposition or if the bankrupt meets one of the criteria that prevents automatic discharge (for example, the bankruptcy process finds the bankrupt to have a high tax debt situation), a discharge hearing in court is held, which is conducted by the Master of the Bankruptcy Court. There are four types of the bankruptcy discharge and a fifth outcome is also possible. Here they are:

  1. Absolute discharge – An absolute discharge means that the bankrupt may obtain a discharge immediately. If the bankrupt has fulfilled all of their duties and there is no insolvency trustee or creditor opposition, this can be provided by the licensed insolvency trustee of the bankruptcy estate handling the bankruptcy administration;
  2. Conditional discharge – can get discharged if certain conditions are met. Typically, to get bankruptcy discharged this way, conditions include payment to the licensed insolvency trustee;
  3. Suspended – the bankruptcy discharge will be granted at a later date and may very well be combined with an absolute bankruptcy discharge or conditional bankruptcy discharge;
  4. Refused– because the debtor has not made full disclosure or done other bankruptcy duties; or
  5. “No order” – the insolvency trustee informs the court that the bankrupt has not fulfilled all of his or her obligations and has failed to respond to the Trustee’s demands for information despite the passing of time. The licensed insolvency trustee is at liberty to seek its discharge when the “no order” order is provided. When the bankrupt has actually complied with the court’s requirements, he or she may apply for a hearing for discharge. When the Trustee gets its discharge, the stay of proceedings preventing collection actions against the bankrupt disappears.

A bankruptcy discharged: The appeal just served upon us – a true story

To refresh your memory about the discharge hearing itself you can CLICK HERE. The appeal just served upon us seeks an Order setting aside the decision of the Master made on August 13, 2021. The grounds for the appeal can be described as throwing everything including the kitchen sink! The stated grounds are that the Learned Registrar erred:

  • by granting the bankrupt an absolute discharge from bankruptcy;
  • in holding that the Receiver’s interest in the discharge application is not firmly established and by not recognizing that should the Receiver be paid an amount in excess of the debt owed to the secured creditor, any surplus funds would be available for the other creditors of the
    corporate bankruptcy estate;
  • in holding that the discharge hearing is not the proper forum in which to make determinations as to the propriety of the various transactions that the Receiver has raised;
  • in finding that the bankrupt has generally cooperated with me as his Trustee;
  • in declining to consider the bankrupt’s conduct in the corporate bankruptcy because that the trustee in the corporate bankruptcy had remedies available to it;
  • in finding that the failure of the company’s business was due to the loss of its 1 customer and pricing related to that arrangement;
  • in relying on her finding that the corporate trustee may be the only truly interested party on the discharge or would benefit most from the conditional order sought if the secured debt is otherwise repaid;
  • in exercising her discretion in finding that an order of discharge requiring payment of the significant amount proposed by the Receiver is not reasonable;
  • in finding that the bankrupt has no ability to pay and that his future prospects to pay are unknown;
  • in finding that an order for a conditional discharge of the magnitude sought would be tantamount to a refusal;
  • by omitting to consider relevant evidence or the absence thereof, in relying on irrelevant considerations, and/or giving improper weight to the evidence before the Court; and
  • anything else the lawyers may want to say.

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    bankruptcy discharged

Standard of review to getting a personal bankruptcy discharged

Such an appeal from a bankruptcy discharge hearing has a standard of review. According to BIA S. 192(1), the bankruptcy registrar can, among other things, grant orders of discharge. S. 192(4) of the BIA permits a party dissatisfied with a registrar’s order or decision to appeal it to a judge.

Registrars are exercising judicial discretion when granting discharges in bankruptcy cases. As long as the registrar acted reasonably, the judge should not set it aside or ignore it. Furthermore, if an appeal from a bankruptcy discharge order is based on alleged errors in factual findings, the court will not intervene if the findings of fact can be justified based on credible evidence. If the registrar has materially misinterpreted the law or made an error in respect of the facts underpinning his or her discretion, discretionary decisions can, of course, be overturned.

If the registrar decides that in order for the person to get their bankruptcy discharged, the court imposes conditions, those conditions must be realistic to allow the bankrupt to meet the requirements in a reasonable amount of time. If an amount ordered in order for the person to get their bankruptcy discharged is unrealistic and the discharge is conditional on making additional payments, the appellate court in such cases previously held that results in an error of law. The appellate judge can either substitute other conditions or refer the matter back to the registrar for reconsideration.

A bankruptcy discharged: What my gut is telling me

I normally am not in the prediction business. However, having been the insolvency trustee responsible for administering the consumer bankruptcy, having written the reports to the court on the bankrupt’s application for discharge, having attended the discharge hearing and having heard all the evidence, having read the Registrar’s decision and the Appeal documentation, I believe that the appeal should be dismissed.

You might recall that opposing the bankrupt getting bankruptcy discharged was the Receiver of the company previously operated by the bankrupt. As a result of complaints regarding the bankrupt and his family in relation to the company’s operations, the Receiver has filed lawsuits against several parties. The proceedings are still pending. According to previous court rulings, the court should not consider the issues raised in other proceedings when deciding whether to discharge the bankrupt. A discharge hearing is a summary proceeding. It is important to see how the debtor behaved during HIS bankruptcy.

As for the judge’s decision, only time will tell. I’ll keep you up to date as always.

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bankruptcy discharged

Bankruptcy discharged summary

I hope that you found this bankruptcy discharged Brandon Blog helpful in telling this real-life story of an appeal to a person getting their bankruptcy discharged. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.


Brandon Blog Post


NOTE: On January 13, 2022, three settlement agreements were approved by the Honourable Justice Mayer of the British Columbia Supreme Court on January 29, 2021, and November 15, 2021. As a compromise of disputed claims, these settlements are not an admission or finding of liability by the settling Defendants. You can read all about the Settlement Administration Plan and how to file a claim by CLICKING HERE to read our latest 4 Pillars blog.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

The 4 Pillars lawsuit class-action

In my November 25, 2019, Brandon Blog titled “HOW DOES DEBT RELIEF WORK: APPARENTLY NOT GREAT 4 EVERYONE I wrote about the litigation involving 4 Pillars Debt and Credit Restructuring Company, 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc. and other entities (4 Pillars or the 4 Pillars lawsuit), Pearce v 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc., 2019 BCSC 1851.

Mr. Pearce is suing for damages for the fees billed by 4 Pillars to all persons that paid fees to it in British Columbia in connection with: (i) a consumer proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA); or (ii) an informal debt settlement negotiation proposal with the individual’s creditors, all after April 1, 2016.

Mr. Pearce claims that it is appropriate for the refunding fees paid, damages for alleged losses stemming from breaches of the provincial Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act (BPCPA) and BIA, and damages based upon the claim that the fees billed were unscrupulous under section 8 of the BPCPA.

In this Brandon Blog, I describe what the 4 Pillars lawsuit is all about and why the Court of Appeal for British Columbia has allowed it to proceed as a class action proceeding, dismissing the 4 Pillars objections.

4 Pillars lawsuit: What is a class action proceeding?

As part of that litigation, Mr. Pearce applied to the BC Court to have his litigation turned into a class action proceeding. The Court ruled that there were enough grounds for his legal action to move forward as a class-action claim. As can be expected, 4 Pillars objected to that motion. They also unsuccessfully argued that certain sections of the claim should be stricken.

4 Pillars appealed that decision to the Court of Appeal for British Columbia. On May 17, 2021, the Court of Appeal for British Columbia released its decision. In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the appeal, what the appeal court had to say and what it decided in the 4 Pillars lawsuit appeal.

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4 pillars lawsuit

Debtor Warning – Debt Consultants Sometimes Not What They Appear

What 4 Pillars say their organization’s role is

4 Pillars states that they are professionals who provide a variety of services specific to individuals in debt. They say they outline the choices readily available and also walk people through the procedure. They say that your financial debt settlement will likely be one of the following, which they will manage on your behalf:

They also say they will work with the person on their aftercare. They also say that their role ranges from providing individual debt settlements on behalf of debtors with collection agencies and their creditors to negotiating with Licensed Insolvency Trustees (individually a Trustee, Bankruptcy Trustee or LIT) on behalf of a debtor in determining the terms of a consumer proposal.

What the Court of Appeal for British Columbia says about the role of 4 Pillars

The Court of Appeal described them this way:

  • 4 Pillars sell their debt restructuring services as debt advisors to individuals on the brink of insolvency who are seeking debt restructuring. They are unlicensed and charge fees above those professionals who are licensed and regulated.
  • Their debt consulting business is not licensed or registered, and they charge customers fees up‑front for services regardless of whether the appellants actually achieve any debt relief.
  • Their debt consulting services are:
    • to meet and work with consumers who are struggling with debt;
    • to help them draft a consumer proposal to present to a LIT:
    • and to engage in back and forth discussions with the LIT in efforts to have the LIT agree to a consumer proposal that is favourable to the debtor.
  • All of these services are provided with the goal that the LIT will then present the consumer proposal to the debtor’s creditors.
  • 4 Pillars may then provide input, on the debtor’s behalf, on any response or request from the creditors.

4 Pillars lawsuit: What do the 4 Pillars debt consultant’s services actually involve?

Just to remind you, this is what the lower BC Court and the Court of Appeal for British Columbia found the 4 Pillars services to be:

  • to meet and work with consumers who are struggling with debt;
  • to help them draft a consumer proposal to present to a LIT:
  • and to engage in back and forth discussions with the LIT in efforts to have the LIT agree to a consumer proposal that is favourable to the debtor.
  • Provide input, on the debtor’s behalf, on any response or request from the creditors.
  • They charge customers fees up‑front for services regardless of whether the appellants actually achieve any debt relief.
  • Charge fees above those professionals who are licensed and regulated.

This is very common amongst all the debt restructuring businesses. It is questionable what value they provide if any at all. Their business model preys on people’s fears of getting advice straight from Licensed Insolvency Trustees.

The services described above a LIT provides at no additional cost above and beyond what the government-approved tariff fee is. The reality is that you do not need the 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc.

As a LIT, I provide financial advice regarding your unmanageable debt and if you are a candidate for informal debt settlement, I will tell you exactly what to do in our no-cost initial consultation. If you have too much personal debt and are not a candidate for an informal settlement, I have many times prepared consumer proposals that work. As part of that process, I also act as a licensed credit counsellor.

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4 pillars lawsuit

Is Debt Settlement Really Worth It?

Debt settlement is really worth it. Going to one of these unscrupulous debt settlement companies, instead of a licensed insolvency trustee for debt settlement is NOT.

If you’ve been struggling with debt, it’s time to consider debt settlement through a consumer proposal with the services of a LIT. It likely won’t sound appealing at first, and you may feel that you are taking a gamble, but the process of debt settlement can be incredibly beneficial to you. Keep in mind that even 4 Pillars introduce you to a LIT in order for you to relieve yourself of your debts, hopefully through a consumer proposal process.

A consumer proposal is the only government-approved debt relief program. A LIT can get you a true debt settlement, without having to pay extra unnecessary fees to any of the debt relief companies.

Now let’s see what the Court of Appeal for British Columbia had to say about this 4 Pillars Consulting debt restructuring services business’s appeal from the lower court decision.

Class action waiver not effective to resist class action certification

The Court of Appeal of British Columbia believes the class action waiver clause is unenforceable as being contrary to public policy. The class action waiver significantly interferes with the administration of justice. It would have the effect of precluding class action lawsuits.

It has the impact of precluding Mr. Pearce, and class participants, from having access to justice and to a dispute resolution procedure in accordance with the law for claims developing from the connection between these parties. Therefore, the class action certification was upheld.

4 pillars lawsuitOther grounds of appeal in the 4 Pillars lawsuit

Having reviewed the evidence filed in respect of 4 Pillars’ applications for summary dismissal and after considering their arguments, the lower court judge was not satisfied that Mr. Pearce’s arguments in the 4 Pillars lawsuit, that 4 Pillars was acting for, or representing, a debtor in arrangements or negotiations with their creditors is bound to fail.

The evidence suggested that 4 Pillars had a role in the negotiations between a debtor and their creditors regarding a consumer proposal – even if they were not directly engaged with creditors.

The lower court’s view was there is a genuine issue to be decided at trial on a full evidentiary record. Accordingly, the judge dismissed the 4 Pillars attempt to strike the portions of the pleadings in respect of the Plaintiffs’ claims under the BPCPA.

The Court of Appeal for British Columbia agreed that it will be necessary to have a trial to figure out if claims can occur from offences of the BIA. Therefore, 4 Pillars was likewise unsuccessful in getting this issue stricken from the 4 Pillars lawsuit.

Trouble ahead for 4 Pillars in Ontario and elsewhere because of the class action in British Columbia?

It will be very interesting to see how this class action 4 Pillars lawsuit winds its way through the BC court. Absent an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, it is now game on. Mr. Pearce and all members of the class have the green light to continue the litigation. If successful, it goes to the heart of the 4 Pillars business model. Every franchisee across Canada needs to worry.

I hope you found this 4 Pillars lawsuit Brandon Blog informative.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


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Bank staff sales targets: Introduction

All hell broke loose when the CBC’s Go Public exposed a wide-spread banking problem – bank staff sales targets. The report stated that tellers try to meet their bank staff sales goals by signing customers up for products and/or services that they may not need.

Bank staff sales targets: It isn’t just one bank!

Although this article focused on the employees of one Canadian Chartered Bank who initially came forward to Go Public, the problem caused by bank teller sales goals is rampant across the banking industry and has been for some time. And, in fact it’s a badly kept secret that this is a common practice at every bank.

After the story broke, employees from all five of Canada’s big banks came forward to Go Public with stories of how they are required to up sell, trick and even lie to customers to meet unrealistic sales targets and keep their jobs.

Bank staff sales targets: Meet the sales goals or get written up, or worse

This isn’t just hearsay or a smear campaign against the banking industry; documents obtained by Go Public show tellers who fail to reach their sales goals are called “underperformers” and placed on a “Performance Improvement Plan”. This Plan involves daily coaching and monitoring by managers.

If sales performance doesn’t improve, warnings are given to underperforming employees that “employment could be terminated.” Approximately 1,000 emails from RBC, BMO, CIBC, TD and Scotiabank employees described the pressures they were under to meet sales revenue targets while being monitored weekly, daily or hourly. The message was loud and clear – it doesn’t matter how you hit your numbers as long as you do.


Bank staff sales targets: Who is most at risk from these sales tactics?

Unfortunately, as with most financial schemes, the most vulnerable are the ones most at risk from these bank teller sales targets. Seniors and new immigrants are most likely to believe advice from their bank without further analysis. However, in our increasing common sales culture, we’re all at risk. After all, if you can’t trust your own bank to manage your money, who can you trust?

Bank staff sales targets: What should consumers do to protect themselves?

The sad truth is that you can no longer assume that your bank is your trusted financial advisor and has your best interests at heart. Consumers need to be vigilant. If a teller or a financial services advisor recommends a product or service ask questions:

  • How much does it cost?
  • What are the fees?
  • Why do I need it?
  • What will the financial benefit be to me?

Bank staff sales targets: Just say no

Very importantly, consumers need to learn how to say no. Don’t be bullied into signing up for products and/or services that you don’t need because of bank staff sales targets. Clearly there needs to be more regulation in the banking industry and hopefully there is an investigation underway.

If you are experiencing debt issues for any reason please come to a professional trustee. We’re strictly licensed and we can’t profit from giving bad advice. The Ira Smith Team is here to help. Our commitment to you is to bring value added solutions that fit your unique issues and circumstances. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can conquer debt.


Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, bankruptcy and insolvency act, credit history, credit rating, credit report, financial advice, insolvency, rebuilding credit, restructuring, student debt, toronto bankruptcy, trustee, vaughan bankruptcy, what is a consumer proposal, what is bankruptcy,woodbridge bankruptcyPeople mean well and many can’t resist giving advice, but when it comes to financial matters ONLY take financial advice from a qualified professional. Here are some classic examples of financial advice that you should never follow.

  • Don’t declare bankruptcy because it will ruin your credit rating. While it’s true that bankruptcy remains on your credit report for quite a while, if you aren’t paying your credit cards and other loans on time, your credit rating is probably already shot. With an insolvency process, we can provide you with easy ways to start rebuilding your credit fast. Without such a process, you will never get out from under your debt and won’t be able to rebuild your credit rating.
  • Credit cards will get you into trouble. Credit cards won’t get you into trouble if you charge only what you can afford to pay off. In fact, credit cards can help you to establish a credit history which future lenders will use when you want to take out a loan or a mortgage. Without a credit history you may find it very difficult to borrow money.
  • A house is always a great investment. Houses are not immune from market fluctuations. The prices of real estate are tied to changing demographics, interest rate spikes and the economy. There is no guarantee that your house will have increased in value at the point in time when you need to sell. Depending on the state of the real estate market when you purchase a home, there is always a possibility that your home may not increase in value and may even decrease in value from time to time, so don’t purchase the house because you need the increased value to be liquid on a specific date.
  • You can live for free if you buy an investment property and rent it out. Television shows on the Home & Garden channel have gone to perpetuate this bad advice. It’s not as easy as it seems on a one hour TV show and it’s a difficult and potentially financially hazardous route to take. Renovations almost always go over budget, so count on spending more than you planned on. Not every tenant is a jewel. Some are extremely difficult and can cost you a lot of time and money. Once you become a landlord you will have to manage your property. You just don’t find a tenant and expect that the property will manage itself. Expect to be called whenever something is not perfect and your tenant will expect immediate action. Be prepared for unexpected expenses.
  • Asking all your friends where can I get a loan with bad credit in Toronto. The lenders that would lend money to someone with debt problems and bad credit already charge extremely high upfront fees, very high interest rates and usually, you will never be able to pay off the loan and perhaps you will even fall behind on interest payments. The collection efforts of these types of lenders are not subtle or pleasant.
  • Student debt is good debt. Debt is debt, and borrowing more than you can repay is never a good idea. The Canadian Federation of Students estimates that average student debt is almost $28,000. According to the Canada Student Loan Program, most students take 10 years to pay off their loans. Does this sound like a good idea? We are certainly not advocating that students don’t pursue post secondary education, but keep the debt to a minimum by going to a more affordable college or university. Work part time during the school terms and full time during vacations.

When you need financial advice seek out a professional. Taking bad advice can be costly. If you are experiencing serious debt issues contact a trustee for advice. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We will give you sound financial advice that you can count on.

Call a Trustee Now!