Brandon Blog Post


Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Introduction

In last week’s vlog, “DEBT SETTLEMENT VS CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: NEW CANADIAN GOVERNMENT REPORT EXPOSES DEBT SETTLEMENT COMPANIES HARMING CONSUMERS”, we reported on the recently released report by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The report is titled: “Review of Licensed Insolvency Trustee business practices to the administration of consumer insolvencies”. We gave an overview summary of the findings. In this vlog, we wish to get into some of the specifics of the OSB’s findings. The difference between such a settlement and consumer proposal when using a debt settlement company.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Forced to pay money they can least afford

Cases handled by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) that were referred by these types of settlement companies generally wound up paying much more for their insolvency case.

The debt consolidation companies called for a debtor to authorize a costly contract for speaking with the debt management company before being presented to a “picked LIT”. The people normally comprehended that the only function of the LIT as being restricted to the filing of the consumer proposal created by the settlement company!

In cases evaluated by the OSB, the consulting charge section of the contract contained a large amount for the debt consolidation company’s “help”. It was in the range of $2,400 to $4,200. For smaller consumer proposals, the OSB found that the consulting charge typically varied from 20% to 40% of the amount of the proposal.

Therefore, my read of this leads me to believe that certain LITs cooperated with such settlement companies to force insolvent debtors to pay thousands of dollars more than they otherwise needed to. These people could not afford this and did not deserve to be treated this way.

Debt specialist charges were purported to cover the expense of advising, conferences, recommendations as well as prep work of the consumer proposal. In all situations, the costs paid to the debt management company were IN ADDITION to the fees established under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) charged by those LITs.


Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: If that isn’t horrendous enough, the debt management company sold them a larger bill of goods!

OSB’s study discovered that debtors were often marketed more products by the debt settlement companies. As a result, there were billings for extra recurring costs throughout the life of their consumer proposal!

The products the debt management companies pushed on these vulnerable people included:

  • loans charging a high rate of interest;
  • brand-new credit score tools;
  • a proposal insurance policy; and
  • “credit score restoring” loans.

All products carried either high-interest rates or high price tags.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Forced to pay more than they should have

A technique identified throughout the OSB’s review entailed advertising and marketing “proposal insurance coverage”. This was normally billed as a month-to-month expenditure at a price of around 10% of the worth of the consumer proposal. This financing had recurring repayments supposedly for “credit rating fixing”.

In one instance, a debtor with a $31,900 consumer proposal signed up for proposal insurance coverage, structured as a loan. That base cost was about $6,300. Various extra fees, the month-to-month management cost as well as a 15% interest rate, the insurance coverage priced out at $9,150.

So, with the debt management company’s management fee of $2,300, the consumer proposal that the creditors voted to accept in the amount of $31,900 cost the insolvent individual $43,350!!! In my view, being merely associated with this type of behaviour is against the BIA, OSB Directives and the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals code of conduct for its members. As a LIT, I would never be associated with such disgraceful behaviour.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Consumer proposals are like a 5-year interest-free loan, so why would you borrow to pay it off early?

An additional pattern observed in consumer proposals submitted by LITs dealing with debt management companies was the intro of “price cut terms”. This arrangement is for enticing the debtors to borrow money under arrangements made by the debt settlement company.

Incorporation of a discount rate provision provokes a debtor to become part of a brand-new as well as expensive loan scheme. To capitalize on a 25% discount rate condition in a $10,000 proposal, a debtor would finance $7,500. With paying $1,400 in compulsory charges, this brought the lending overall to $8,900. At a promoted rate of interest of 22.99 %, with a payment timetable of $214 over 84 months, the borrower would certainly pay $10,475 in charges as well as a rate of interest, for an overall of $17,975.

A consumer proposal is like an interest-free loan. The same debtor with the same beginning consumer proposal of $10,000, would only pay that amount if they went directly to the LIT first. The debtor would have had a maximum of 60 months to complete making the payments with no interest charges at all. A savings of $7,975 and lower monthly payments.

As you can see, involving the debt settlement company increased the cost for an insolvent person dramatically for no value.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Other findings

Other findings by the OSB include:

  • the LIT files did not contain any obvious evidence of debt settlement company certification or experience in credit counselling or the counselling of insolvent debtors;
  • consumers who filed with a LIT through the debt settlement company did not have a good understanding of the insolvency process, the options that were available to them or the other charges they were paying to the debt settlement company
  • the consumers were not aware that they could have avoided charges such as paying a debt consultant to prepare the consumer proposal
  • that the documentation made ready for the consumer proposal filing by the debt settlement company and used by the LITs contained many errors
  • Statements of Affairs, as well as Income and Expense Forms submitted, were incorrect in different ways
  • Debt settlement company fees were not disclosed
  • Real estate was always undervalued compared to LIT files where there was no involvement of a debt settlement company

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: What you can do

The OSB is considering its next steps. The OSB is requesting comments. We have already provided ours. Our recommendation was that all LITs who cooperated with debt settlement companies as we have described here should be brought up on disciplinary charges by the OSB. If you agree that this way of doing business on vulnerable and unsuspecting consumers who are truly looking for professional help must stop, please click here to offer your own comments to the OSB.

In the meantime, if you have too much debt, please DO NOT be fooled by the debt settlement companies. Stay far away from them. Instead, contact a LIT directly.

We are debt professionals who will evaluate your situation and recommend which debt relief options are right for you. We will do so in a free consultation. A consumer proposal is one option; there are others as well.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation. There is no need for you to pay fees to a debt settlement company when you can get the same information from us for free.

You’ll be in good hands and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to living a debt free life.

difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal

Brandon Blog Post


debt settlement or consumer proposal canada

Debt settlement or consumer proposal Canada: Introduction

In this Brandon’s Blog on debt settlement or consumer proposal Canada, I want to tell you about a recent Government of Canada study. On April 28, 2017, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), released its report of its investigation. The investigation began in May 2016, of Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) business practices in administering consumer insolvencies. The report is titled: “Review of Licensed Insolvency Trustee business practices in relation to administration of consumer insolvencies”. The OSB was becoming increasingly concerned about debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada and the influence debt settlement companies may have had over certain LITs. I must say that after reviewing the report, I found it shocking.

The purpose of the investigation arose out of concerns over the relationship between debt settlement companies and certain LITs. The OSB wished to decide if LITs were practising per the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA), associated policies and OSB Directives. In 2016 they made up over half of all consumer insolvency cases filed.

The aim of the OSB’s evaluation was to recognize as well as analyze possible threats related to the honesty of some elements of the consumer bankruptcy procedure. Specifically in situations where LITs have become part of companies’ connections (or, other inappropriate business relationships) with fee-charging debt management companies.

Prior blogs

We have warned you for years about the dangers of using these types of companies, including:

We, however, had no idea the harm caused to those most vulnerable consumers by a debt management company.

debt settlement or consumer proposal canada

What relationships did the OSB investigation find?

The OSB report indicates that in 2016:

  1. 17 % (9,660) of all consumer proposal filings, the borrower reported having spent first for liability counselling advice from a debt settlement company before being guided to a LIT.
  1. 57 % (5,500 of 9,660) of the consumer proposal filings for which earlier settlement advice was obtained from LITs that had connections with 2 large-volume debt management companies. These 2 companies represented 64 % of the overall LIT fees reported in 2016 consumer insolvencies filings for debt settlement advice before filing an insolvency proceeding with a LIT.
  1. Thirteen LIT companies, which included one national-level company, were discovered to have several LITs running in a constant and continual partnership with large-volume liability management companies.
  1. For roughly 50 individual LITs within these 13 companies, greater than 40% of their consumer proposal filings were sourced from these settlement companies. For roughly 20 of those LITs, greater than 90% of their consumer proposal work comes from with these 2 companies.

Insolvent debtors sourced through these third parties

Insolvent debtors sourced via these settlement companies had the tendency to go after consumer proposals instead of bankruptcy. On the surface, this is a good thing. As you will read further and in next week’s vlog, you will see the reason was so that these companies could charge in many ways the unwary consumers more money than they should be paying.

The OSB’s investigation showed that the debt settlement companies wrote up the necessary documents. The LITs never met the debtors beforehand.

The OSB investigation determined that:

  1. Before the LIT meeting, consumer borrowers connected and had 2 to 4 conferences with the management companies.
  1. The LIT relied upon the settlement companies’ staff to do all the work relative to the gathering, evaluating as well as confirming the borrower’s information and reviewing and recommending on the bankruptcy alternatives.
  1. In situations where the LIT had a regular relationship with the settlement companies, all facets of the procedure before declaring were normally executed at the offices of the management companies.
  1. Information needed for the filing was typically sent straight from the settlement companies’ management team to the LIT’s management team, usually soon before the meeting at which the consumer proposal filing was to occur.
  1. Debtor conferences with the LIT (a variety of which included the settlement company) varied in the period from 5 to 30 minutes. In some circumstances, the meeting took place just after submitting the proposal with the OSB.
  1. LITs normally met the borrower to file at the settlement companies’ premises.
  1. Sometimes, the authorizing of legal papers likewise happened in many casual areas as well as cities where the LIT did not have an authorized workplace.
  1. Interaction with borrowers on legal obligations, creditor meetings, evaluations by an Official Receiver, proposal changes and voting by creditors, was practically solely performed by the settlement companies’ management staff, that communicate with the debtor.
  1. The debtors reported that succeeding interaction throughout the management of their consumer proposal was additionally with the debt settlement company as opposed to with the LIT.

It appears that these LITs who had these close relationships with the debt settlement companies may have shirked some of their responsibilities under the BIA. These LITs had to sign off confirming to the OSB that they had done the necessary work. By relying upon the work done by unlicensed debt settlement companies, did the LIT really do the work that they are signing off for?

Debt settlement or consumer proposal Canada: So what does this mean?

In next week’s vlog, we will go into detail about what the effect was of all this. For now, you should know that a summary of the results for the consumer included:

  1. Consumers paid thousands of dollars more than they needed to.
  1. Unscrupulous debt management companies (and their cooperating LIT firms) talked consumers into high rate loans under the guise of shortening the time they were under an insolvency administration and improving their credit score.
  1. The debt settlement companies had no certification or experience to give the type of insolvency guidance they were providing.
  1. Legal documents contained countless errors and false attestations.
  1. Creditors received less than they were otherwise entitled to.
  1. Debtors had no idea of either their responsibilities under the process they were undertaking. They were not given the opportunity to experience one of the most important aspects of the Canadian insolvency system, financial rehabilitation.

Debt settlement or consumer proposal Canada: What should you do if you have too much debt?

Consult a LIT first and don’t go to one of the debt settlement companies. There is no federal government approved debt settlement companies. The only government approved debt settlement program is a consumer proposal.

We are debt professionals who will evaluate your situation and recommend which debt relief options are right for you. A consumer proposal is one option; there are others as well.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation. There is no need for you to pay fees to a debt settlement company when you can get the same information from us for free.

You’ll be in good hands and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


debt relief program

Debt Relief Program vs Bankruptcy: Introduction

We keep hearing commercials about debt relief and their scare tactics of portraying the safety of a debt relief program vs bankruptcy. But, what is debt relief? And can some of these so-called debt relief companies actually put you deeper into debt?

Debt Relief Program vs Bankruptcy: Are They Legit?

As consumer debt continues to soar many Canadians are easy marks for unscrupulous companies who make false claims which are quite frankly just scams. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is warning Canadians to be very cautious about companies that claim they can negotiate a deal to cut the amount of debt you must repay to your creditors. This process is often called “debt reduction,” “debt settlement,” “debt relief” or “debt negotiation.” The truth is that there is no easy way out of debt. And, if you need help dealing with debt problems, run away from these companies and work only with a licensed insolvency trustee (the new name for a trustee in bankruptcy).

Heed the warning of FCAC Commissioner Ursula Menke. “Unfortunately, people do not always see the benefits that debt reduction companies lead them to expect—and some people wind up even deeper in debt than they were before,” says FCAC Commissioner Ursula Menke. “If an offer to reduce your debts seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

Debt Relief Program vs Bankruptcy: Debt relief tactics to beware of:

  1. Government approved: Companies will try to win your confidence by stating that they are government approved. Not true. A company’s business license or registration doesn’t mean that the government has approved or endorsed them.
  2. We can reduce your debt by 60% or more: Not true. Your creditors are under no obligation to reduce your debts.
  3. High pressure sales tactics: Don’t ever be victimized by high pressure sales tactics. Always take your time. Do your due diligence. Check out the company thoroughly. Check with the government office that handles consumer affairs in your province or territory, as well as the Better Business Bureau.
  4. Upfront fees: These companies usually charge you hefty upfront fees and then don’t reduce your debt. Good luck getting a refund.

Debt Relief Program vs Bankruptcy: How Can You Get Debt Relief Safely And Reliably?

Contact a licensed insolvency trustee. We’re federally regulated, our fees are federally regulated, we’re subject to a strict code of ethics and we complete ongoing mandatory professional development each year.

A licensed insolvency trustee MUST first discuss all of your options with you in order for you to avoid bankruptcy, and attempt to find the best bankruptcy alternative solution for you. Many times the trustee can successfully carry out a debt restructuring proposal for you as an alternative to bankruptcy.

Don’t take chances with your financial future. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’ll evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems. Let us help restore you to financial health and give you back peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today. You’ll be happy you did.

Brandon Blog Post


9 out of 10

9 out of 10 Canadians do not have a debt to CRA because they pay their taxes on time. Beginning in February every year, people who not only have too much debt on their credit cards right after the Holidays, but they also owe income taxes, consult us.

We have written on the topic before, including:

  2. TAX problems with the CRA? CONTACT A TRUSTEE!

Their cute animated video

Do you have a debt to tax authorities? Do you owe taxes or other government amounts like overdue student loans, or EI and CPP overpayments? If so, the Canada Revenue Agency says it wants to help you get back on track. They tell you that paying what you owe to them is easier than ever with a variety of online payment alternatives. And if you can’t offer the full amount right off, they tell you that they can work with you to set up a payment plan that would allow you to make payments over a term.

Michael’s nice story

The tax collectors then tell you a nice story. Take Michael for instance. He has an indebtedness with and he can’t pay the full amount right now. On their website, he was able to set up a monthly pay plan to pay his debt to them. Michael was also happy to pay interest on his debt to CRA until it’s paid off.

This is such a nice sounding story. However, based on the people who consult with us over their debt to CRA, it ignores the fact that people with too much debt do not have the money to pay off their debt to CRA and their other debts. The people who consult with us want to pay off their debt to CRA, but can’t. Life has gotten in their way!

The real story

If you owe money to the CRA and you’ve been contacted by the CRA about it, collection acts could be underway. Shunning your indebtedness will not make it easier for you. By working together with the CRA as early as possible, you can hopefully avoid legal and monetary penalties.

However, there are issues in dealing with CRA directly and pitfalls to avoid. Here is our top list of things to be aware of:

  1. The CRA collector does not have the authority to agree to accept a lesser amount than what you owe. The collector can only agree to you’re paying off 100% of the tax, penalty and interest you owe.
  2. The CRA collector will be looking for you to pay off the full amount in a relatively short period of time; say, 6 months.
  3. The CRA collector has a lot of information t his or her fingertips. After all, you have provided CRA with very personal information for many years!
  4. The CRA collector will try to get updated financial information from you such as the identification of your bank accounts, current employment, do you own or rent, if you own, what mortgages are against your property. The reason for this is so that if you fail to reach a payment plan, or default on your payment plan, then they will try to garnish and seize your cash, wages and other assets. It is a lot easier for them to do so when you have already told them where to look!

What should you do if you have too much debt?

So if you can’t get some peace of mind by joining the 9 out of 10 Canadians who sleep easy knowing that their taxes are in order and their tax indebtedness has been paid – contact us. The Ira Smith Team has helped many individuals and corporations avoid bankruptcy and settle their debt to CRA for less than the full amount owing. Here is a little known secret – the only way CRA will accept less than 100% is if you are working with a professional licensed insolvency trustee in a debt restructuring proposal.

Starting Over, Starting Now, we can help you get squared away with CRA and return you to living a productive stress-free life. Call us today for our free consultation.

debt to cra

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal vs debt settlement

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement

I am often asked to explain the differences of consumer proposal vs debt settlement. Debt is such a prevalent issue in our society today and we’re bombarded by commercials about different options for debt relief. Two of the most talked about are consumer proposals and debt settlement. However, most people don’t really understand what they are. Let me explain.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: What is a consumer proposal?

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, a consumer proposal (Plan or CP) is a formal, legally binding process administered by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT). In this process, the LIT will work with you to develop a Plan. A CP is an offer to pay creditors a percentage of what is owed to them or extend the time you have to pay off the debts, or both.

The term of a Plan cannot exceed five years. Payments are made through the LIT. The LIT uses that money to pay each of your creditors. CPs are government sanctioned, federally regulated and administered by federally licensed and regulated LITs.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: Can anyone who owes money opt for a consumer proposal?

No. You must be an individual and your total debts must not exceed $250,000 (not including obligations from a mortgage or line of credit secured by your principal residence). You also must meet the insolvency test. This means that:

  • your liabilities are greater than your assets;
  • if you liquidated all of your assets you would not have enough money to pay off your liabilities in full; and
  • you are having trouble making the full payment on all of your liabilities every month.

Making only minimum monthly payments don’t count as paying off your liabilities.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: What is debt settlement?

Many people are seduced by slick ads and even slicker salespeople offering an easy way out of financial problems. Debt settlement companies (DS companies) tell you that they’ll negotiate with your creditors to accept a fraction of what you owe them. They tell you that like magic, your debt problems will disappear. NOT TRUE!

DS companies’ people are not financial services professionals. DS companies are not federally licensed or regulated. They’re nothing more than snake oil salesmen. They are well-known for high-pressure sales tactics, making false and unsubstantiated claims, insinuating ties to the government and demanding big upfront fees. We’ve written several blogs warning the public about DS companies:

According to Credit Canada Debt Solutions:

  • There are more than 50 organizations offering debt settlement services in Ontario.
  • The Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services has received more than 100 complaints a month about DS companies.
  • Settlement companies have also been the focus of a “consumer alert” from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, which warns consumers to beware of “too good to be true” offers from debt reduction companies.

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission:

  • The success rate of for-profit DS companies is less than 10%.
  • 65% of people who pay fees to these DS companies leave their programs without ever receiving a settlement.
  • The amount of money that people pay in fees to these companies almost equals the amount of money that they save. However, this is before creditor late fees, penalties and interest are added in (these can often double or triple a debt by the time a settlement is negotiated). So at the end of the day, it seems fair to say that most people who deal with these companies do not save any money and are often left worse off in the end.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: Who can administer them?

Since LITs administer CPs, the only federally licensed and strictly regulated professionals, they really can help you deal with financial problems. DS companies are not professionals of any kind. They are slick sales organizations designed to make as much money as possible from the consumer, not save you money or repair your financial situation. More often than not, after taking your money, DS companies then hand you over to a LIT for the only liability settlement program that really works, which is called, a consumer proposal.

The choice is clear when it comes to consumer proposal vs debt settlement, consumer proposals are an excellent financial relief option and you should run from DS companies as far as your shoes can carry you.

Sometimes a settlement is also termed consolidation. Whether the question is consumer proposal vs debt settlement, consumer proposal vs debt consolidation or debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada, there is only one correct answer – look at a Plan for financial relief.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: Is a consumer proposal right for me?

Consult a LIT. We are financial professionals who will evaluate your situation and recommend which financial relief options are right for you. A CP is one option; there are others as well.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation. You’ll be in good hands and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to living a liability-free life.

Brandon Blog Post


The debt counselling ON process

We are licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario, so when we do debt counselling, that is where the “ON” comes from. We have previously written on various debt settlement issues, including:

In terms of our Debt Counselling ON process you contact us to discuss your bankruptcy alternatives debt relief if you are unable to meet your financial commitments under credit agreements on a monthly basis. Our debt counselling ON process assesses if you are over-indebted, as follows:

Step 1

Complete our Debt Relief Worksheet, in full, with complete backup where requested, providing details of your income, monthly budget and debt commitments. Examples of the backup documentation you will need is a copy of your pay slip, ID, the latest statements of all your debts and your last year’s filed income tax return and notice of assessment from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

We can email the Debt Relief Worksheet to you and then you can submit it to us with the backup. That way, we save you an initial trip to our office. Our clients appreciate this, so they don’t have to take time off work just to obtain the worksheet.

Step 2

We will review your completed Debt Relief Worksheet to do an initial assessment to check if you are over-indebted, determine the debt counselling ON options available to you and then arrange for a consultation with you. This could either be a face to face or a telephone consultation. We want to make it as easy as we can on you. You are already under enough stress from your debts!

Step 3

During the consultation, we will verify your budget and your existing debt commitments. A new budget will be agreed upon to determine the amount available for debt repayment. At this stage we will also provide you with details of all the costs involved, as well as an interim debt settlement plan. Until now, our service is free. It is at this point that we will discuss costs with you to enter our debt counselling ON program to supervise your debt settlement plan.

Step 4

We will contact all your creditors to verify your debts. You WILL also be listed on the Credit Bureaus as being under our debt counselling ON program and the listing will stay there for a few years AFTER you have successfully completed the debt settlement program. We will, if necessary, further negotiate the proposed debt repayment plan with your creditors. We will do the negotiations, but we cannot settle on anything on your behalf until we have your approval.

Step 5

If your creditors accept the proposed debt settlement plan, it will be made an order of the court. This makes our debt counselling ON program binding on both you and your creditors.

Step 6

We will obtain from you post-dated cheques to cover the monthly payments you promised in your debt settlement plan. The aim of this is to collect the monthly payments from you and ensure that the correct amount in terms of the final debt repayment plan is paid by us to your creditors. This will continue until the amount you promised to pay under your debt settlement plan is paid in full.

Our debt counselling ON program works best for individuals that owe a maximum of $250,000, not including any mortgages or lines of credit secured against your home. If you owe more than $250,000, we can also assist you in a different plan tailored for those that owe larger amounts.

So how can I obtain debt counselling ON – NOW!

If you’re trapped in a high interest debt cycle, I could tell you that you need to pay off high interest debt, but how would you do it? You need a professional trustee to help you manage debt before it reaches a critical stage where bankruptcy is your only option. We have been able to help many individuals carry out a successful debt settlement program. Successful completion of such a program, will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. Before considering declaring bankruptcy, there are other bankruptcy alternatives which include our debt counselling on program. Contact us today so that we can help and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be restored to financial health.

THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track

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Brandon Blog Post


Credit Repair Toronto: Why Not?

Many people think it’s best to try a credit repair Toronto company before they investigate the Canadian insolvency process. I’m here to tell you that many of these companies are not acting in your best interest.

What do Dave Ramsey and Gail Vaz-Oxlade have to say?

Many are paid – and in some cases managed – by credit card companies. According to an article by financial guru Dave Ramsey:

“Some of these ‘counselling’ companies withhold credit card payments until the account is three to six months past due. Then, they contact the lender and negotiate to settle the bad debt…That’s how they get negotiated discounts on credit card debt. Card companies don’t settle on your debts when your payments are on time. These services are always a bad idea, and sometimes they’re a complete scam.”

Dave Ramsey isn’t the only one leery of credit repair Toronto companies. Gail Vaz-Oxlade writes:

“One of the big drawbacks of using a debt counselling or debt management company is that they don’t come with any serious advice, so people often fulfill their commitment and then go right back out and rack up their debt again.”

Does the Ontario government like credit repair Toronto companies?

The provincial governments have their own opinion. Most provinces have enacted legislation to try to thwart many of their shady practices. Stay away from credit repair Toronto companies. Do not be afraid to go to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee for a free consultation at the first sign of financial trouble. (See the picture at the bottom of this page for a special offer).

We have previously written blogs on the credit repair Toronto industry who have been preying on consumers for far too long. We’ve warned you about them in previous blogs:

In 2010, after a decade of massive growth in the U.S. debt settlement industry, the FTC brought in new regulations that effectively banned debt settlement companies and forced many of them to migrate north of the border. This resulted in 18 companies and 34 credit counselling providers offering debt settlement services in Ontario.

With ever-mounting numbers of complaints about unsuspecting consumers being taken advantage of by unscrupulous credit repair companies, the Ontario government has finally taken action and passed Bill 55.

What will Bill 55 do? It creates new standards of conduct for credit repair Toronto companies by:

  • Banning them from charging upfront fees
  • Limiting the number of fees consumers are charged and prohibiting the payment of fees before services are provided
  • Requiring clear, transparent, and detailed contracts that include information about the effect of the contract on the consumer’s credit rating
  • Requiring credit counsellors to disclose information to the consumer about how the organization is funded
  • Establishing a 0-day cooling-off period, providing consumers more time to consider their agreements with companies
  • Allowing the licenses of non-compliant companies to be revoked

If not credit repair Toronto companies, then what should YOU do?

Please stay away from credit repair Toronto companies! Rather, obtain a free consultation from a licensed insolvency trustee to understand the options available to you either as an alternative to bankruptcy or of bankruptcy itself. We are professionals, federally regulated, licensed and subject to a strict code of ethics. Our fees are regulated by the Federal Government and are usually much less than credit repair companies who make unsubstantiated claims. We can help; Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt-free life.

We have been able to help many individuals carry out a successful debt settlement program. It all began with debt counselling. The first step is a realistic household budget.
Successful completion of such a program will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Call us today so you can get on the road to financial recovery immediately.

The first part of this vlog is from our newly released book:

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Early next week,you will receive an email with an invitation to download a complimentary copy of our new eBook – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track.

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407, 407 bankruptcy, 407 debt, 407 debt settlement, 407 etr, 407 ETR bill, 407 ETR debt, 407 ETR debt settlement, 407ETR bankruptcy, 407ETR bankruptcy debt, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternative, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIA, Consumer Proposal, credit counselling, debt consolidation, debt settlement, Highway 407 Act, Ira Smith Trustee, Matthew David Moore, Moore Decision, plate denial, professional trustee, SCC, starting over starting now, Superintendent of Bankruptcy, Supreme Court of Canada, trustee, trustee in bankruptcyTo access the 407ETR bankruptcy debt checklist, simply click on the picture either at the top or bottom of this blog. It will take you to our secure website for access.

407ETR Bankruptcy Debt: How did the Checklist come about?

407ETR bankruptcy debt was the topic of last week’s blog 407ETR DEBT SETTLEMENT: OUR NEWEST GUILT FREE WAY TO DO IT, we reported on the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision in 407 ETR Concession Co. v. Canada (Superintendent of Bankruptcy), 2015 SCC 52 (CanLII) (the Moore Decision).

To summarize that decision, the SCC dismissed the 407ETR’s appeal because the discharge provisions of the BIA override the plate denial provisions of the Highway 407 Act.

We also reported that the effect of the SCC’s decision is that:

  1. Pre-bankruptcy amounts owed to 407ETR are deemed to be provable claims under the BIA and can no longer be collected through plate denial under the Highway 407 Act following a customer’s discharge from bankruptcy
  2. Where a person has been discharged from bankruptcy and has pre-bankruptcy amounts in plate denial, which are provable claims under the BIA, 407ETR will credit these amounts (plus interest and fees incurred on those amounts) on the person’s 407ETR bill, upon receipt of a Notice of Bankruptcy, and an Order of Discharge or a Certificate of Discharge.

In both cases, once the amount owing is credited, then the person is free to obtain plate renewal from the Province.

But the Court won’t tell me how to get my plate after getting rid of my 407ETR bankruptcy debt!

That is all well and good, but the SCC did not and would not tell the “man on the street” how to go about having the combination of the 407ETR and the Province of Ontario reflect all this and issue a new vehicle plate registered in the name of the discharged bankrupt. So we did!

Where do I get these tools?

We prepared a checklist so that discharged bankrupts and their advisors will have a roadmap as to what needs to be done and what tools are required in order for 407ETR and the Province to have the proper information in order to amend their records and allow for the vehicle plate registration.

To access the 407ETR bankruptcy debt checklist, simply click on the picture either at the top or bottom of this blog. It will take you to our secure website for access.


Do you have too much 407 debt and other debts?

Instead of going deeper into debt seek the help from a professional trustee, even if you’re not considering bankruptcy at this stage. A trustee in bankruptcy will evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. With immediate action and the right plan the Ira Smith Team can solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

407, 407 bankruptcy, 407 debt, 407 debt settlement, 407 etr, 407 ETR bill, 407 ETR debt, 407 ETR debt settlement, 407ETR bankruptcy, 407ETR bankruptcy debt, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternative, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIA, Consumer Proposal, credit counselling, debt consolidation, debt settlement, Highway 407 Act, Ira Smith Trustee, Matthew David Moore, Moore Decision, plate denial, professional trustee, SCC, starting over starting now, Superintendent of Bankruptcy, Supreme Court of Canada, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy

Brandon Blog Post


407, 407 ETR, 407 ETR debt, 407 ETR debt settlement, Matthew David Moore, bankruptcy, Supreme Court of Canada, SCC, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIA, 407 debt, debt settlement, 407 debt settlement, plate denial, Moore Decision, Highway 407 Act, professional trustee, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, Superintendent of Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternative, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposal, 407 ETR bill, starting over starting now, Ira Smith Trustee407 ETR debt settlement

This 407 ETR debt settlement blog was reviewed earlier this week by Mr. Brian Empey, Partner, Goodmans LLP. We wish to express our thanks to Mr. Empey who made a valuable suggestion which we incorporated.

We have updated this blog for 2018 where 407 ETR has implemented some changes. Check out our blog 407 ETR RATES: THE ONLY 407 ETR RATES DEBT SETTLEMENT PLAN GUARANTEED TO ACTUALLY WORK for the update.


In January 2014 in our blog titled 407ETR FAIRNESS-ONTARIO COURT OF APPEAL ENSURES FRESH START we described to you the decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario in 407 ETR Concession Company Limited v. Superintendent of Bankruptcy (In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of Matthew David Moore) (the Moore Decision).

The highway’s owners appealed that decision to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). On Friday, November 13, 2015, the SCC released three decisions all dealing with the same basic issue: does the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) take paramountcy over provincial laws purporting to deal with the issue of debt and bankruptcy in Canada. The SCC answer was a resounding YES!

What did the SCC decide about the provincial law about 407 debt settlement?

The SCC dismissed the appeal of the ETR. The SCC considered whether the plate denial provisions of the Highway 407 Act conflicted with the discharge provisions of the BIA. ETR’s position was that provincial law about plate denial should apply following a person’s discharge from bankruptcy. The Attorneys General for several provinces, including the Province of Ontario, advanced positions in support of the provinces’ jurisdiction to legislate in vehicle licensing.

The SCC’s decision upheld the Moore Decision which found that the discharge provisions of the BIA override the plate denial provisions of the Highway 407 Act.

What is the effect on ETR debt settlement?

The effect of the SCC’s decision is that pre-bankruptcy amounts owed to the ETR are deemed to be provable claims under the BIA and can no longer be collected through plate denial under the Highway 407 Act following a customer’s discharge from bankruptcy. Therefore, 407 etr debt settlement is possible.

Where a person has been discharged from bankruptcy and has pre-bankruptcy amounts in plate denial, which are provable claims under the BIA, 407 ETR will credit these amounts (plus interest and fees incurred on those amounts) on the person’s 407 ETR bill, upon receipt of a Notice of Bankruptcy, and an Order of Discharge or a Certificate of Discharge.

In both cases, once the amount owing is credited, then the person is free to get plate renewal from the Province.

What will 407 ETR do next?

407 ETR must and is abiding by the SCC decision. They will set up a protocol whereby those who have already been discharged from bankruptcy and have been denied a plate renewal will be able to prove they have been discharged, get the 407 ETR debt, including penalty and interest, reversed, and get a plate renewal.

Those who are still in the middle of their bankruptcy proceedings and not yet discharged will be able to apply to have a plate renewal, once they are discharged from bankruptcy and prove it to 407 ETR.

Interestingly enough, there was no evidence whatsoever in any of the Court cases, including this one before the SCC, as to the 407 ETR’s right to deny anyone credit. When you get your transponder, the 407 ETR is actually extending credit to you, in the form of use of the toll highway in return for the toll charges they expect you to pay. It is no different from the bank loaning you money, and expecting you to repay it in full, with interest.

Will 407 ETR deny extending credit to discharged bankrupts? Will they only issue a new transponder to discharged bankrupts who give them a large cash deposit so that use of the 407 ETR will only be on a “cash and carry” basis? We don’t know, they have so far been silent on the issue, but it is still early in the game.

Do you need 407 etr debt settlement and a plan for your other debts too?

Instead of going deeper into debt seek help from a professional trustee, even if you’re not considering bankruptcy at this stage. A trustee in bankruptcy will evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. With immediate action and the right plan, the Ira Smith Team can solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

Brandon Blog Post



We have written many blogs on the advantages of consumer proposals, including:

We thought it would be good to now put together a short video on the topic.

The best alternative to personal bankruptcy in Canada

Of the various alternatives to bankruptcy, this government approved debt settlement plan is the one option with the most predictable and certain results for the insolvent person in dealing with their debt. You may have heard a proposal being called other names such as consumer credit proposal, debt proposal or debt settlement.

The main difference is that the only formal legal mechanism to be able to stop your creditors from continuing to harass and sue you is with a formal consumer proposal through a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. Unlike the other options, the consumer proposal is codified in the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act which provides the trustee with certain weapons that can be used for your protection.

That is why we say that of all the bankruptcy alternatives, the consumer proposal is the best one. There are many bankruptcy options, but the consumer proposal also allows you to rebuild your credit thereby increasing your credit score.

Keep away from bankruptcy with the advantages of consumer proposals

If you are insolvent and are considering bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We offer sound advice, will check all of your bankruptcy options with you and then with you, formulate a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt-free life in no time.

advantages of consumer proposals

Call a Trustee Now!