Brandon Blog Post


SmileDirectClub introduction

“It’s clear the debtor needs this cash…”

– US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez, in approving the company’s request to borrow $20 million from its founders.

SmileDirectClub, an entity venturing into the realm of dental aesthetics, is an inventive and convenient avenue for the realignment of teeth. Established in the year 2014, the corporation has orchestrated a profound metamorphosis within the sphere of orthodontics, extending clear dental aligners directly to consumers via a digital conduit. Accumulating over a million contented customers, SmileDirectClub propounds an affordable and readily accessible alternative to the conventional metal braces and face-to-face consultations that have traditionally typified the orthodontic marketplace.

The marriage of their avant-garde technological prowess and the execution of treatment protocols from remote vantage points has elicited considerable resonance. This bespoke approach has elicited resounding acclaim and garnered favour amongst a diverse clientele. Committed to ensuring the contentment of their customers, their overarching mission revolves around democratizing the realm of orthodontic care, rendering it more within the reach of all.

Nevertheless, SmileDirectClub presently grapples with a quagmire steeped in legal and fiscal problems. It finds itself entangled in a myriad of legal complications, confronted by legal suits emanating from orthodontic practitioners and dental associations, amongst other allegations that include making unfounded promises. That and the turbulence in its fiscal standing changed its position from a risk of bankruptcy to the filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on September 29, 2023.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I engage in a comprehensive discussion I look at the problems ensnaring SmileDirectClub. Notably, I navigate through the intricate terrain of issues that, while not directly tethered to the ongoing litigation, cast a pall of uncertainty upon their operational model. These issues, I believe, are relevant for all enterprises, irrespective of whether they subsist exclusively in the digital world, operate with brick-and-mortar stores, or straddle the hybrid interface between these two realms.

Importance of the SmileDirectClub news

The news regarding SmileDirectClub‘s recent bankruptcy declaration and the looming prospect of liquidation, should a speedy buyer fail to materialize, holds immense significance. In days gone by, SmileDirectClub had garnered the reputation of a market disruptor within the dental domain, proffering in-home dental alignment solutions at a mere fraction of the conventional orthodontic treatment costs. Nevertheless, the company has found itself entangled in numerous operational dilemmas, thereby culminating in this rather lamentable predicament.

This piece of news assumes paramount importance because its repercussions transcend beyond just the purview of SmileDirectClub‘s workforce, investors, and suppliers. It concurrently begets inquiries regarding the sustainability of the direct-to-consumer healthcare paradigm. The outcome ensuing from this insolvency declaration shall indeed cast a profound and far-reaching influence, resonating not only with the company itself but the entire industry at large.A split image showcasing the contrast between online shopping and traditional brick-and-mortar retail, with a focus on a bright white straight teeth logo on the storefront. The online shopping side is full of sleek, modern technology and minimalistic design elements, while the brick-and-mortar side is bustling with people and colorful storefronts. The teeth logo stands out against the busy backdrop, representing the importance of a confident smile in both shopping experiences. The overall tone is bold and eye-catching, with a mix of digital and traditional art techniques.

Indeed, SmileDirectClub stands as a true pioneer within the orthodontic teeth straightening service market, having carved an extraordinary path since its inception. Established back in 2014, the company embarked on a mission to revolutionize the conventional braces market, proffering the SmileDirectClub Aligners, being a more convenient customer journey for straighter teeth and a cost-effective alternative for teeth alignment. Their innovative smile journey approach hinged upon harnessing technology and directly delivering transparent custom aligners to customers via a digital platform, obviating the necessity for in-person visits to orthodontic specialists in their quest for a smile transformation.

Armed with this disruptive business model and a slew of astute marketing maneuvers, SmileDirectClub swiftly captured widespread attention and gained rapid momentum. It sprawled across the United States, establishing an array of SmileShops, and even ventured into broader markets on the international stage. However, the company now grapples with a disheartening predicament, propelled toward filing for bankruptcy protection by recent challenges.

SmileDirectClub‘s ascendancy within the market was marked by its offering potential customers a unique customer experience for their at-home teeth straightening solutions at prices within reach of many. By introducing this innovative concept, SmileDirectClub amassed a substantial customer base, skillfully tapping into the burgeoning demand for orthodontic treatments sans the customary in-person appointments. This groundbreaking business model propelled SmileDirectClub into boldly challenging the established order and reshaping orthodontic care.

Nonetheless, the company has since been entangled in a web of legal skirmishes and controversies, casting a long shadow over its present financial predicament. A deluge of lawsuits from dental boards and orthodontic practitioners has inundated SmileDirectClub, with allegations of being an unauthorized dental care practice providing dental services and oral care products, hanging ominously over its head.

These legal entanglements, apart from draining financial resources, have cast a pall of disrepute over the company. Furthermore, debates concerning the safety and efficacy of SmileDirectClub‘s products have sullied its reputation even further. These legal imbroglios and controversies have profoundly stifled SmileDirectClub‘s capacity to flourish and thrive within the market, ultimately culminating in its regrettable descent into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

What is a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing like the one done by SmileDirectClub?

A corporate bankruptcy reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, commonly referred to as a Chapter 11 filing, is a legally binding process employed by a company to solicit protection from its creditors as it undertakes the restructuring of its debts and operations. This process is open to companies, enabling them to continue their operations while devising a plan to pay off their debts and regain profitability.

Through a Chapter 11 filing, companies can negotiate contracts, terminate unprofitable ventures, and reduce their debt. Furthermore, this mechanism empowers the appointment of a trustee to supervise the reorganization process and guarantee impartial treatment of creditors. Ultimately, a Chapter 11 filing represents a nuanced and strategic decision taken by companies in financial distress to recover stability and ensure long-term viability.

In Canada, we have the same kind of legislation. It is the debt settlement proposal proceedings found in Part III Division I of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).

SmileDirectClub has announced that if it does not find a suitable buyer soon, it will have to liquidate its business and cease operations.A split image showcasing the contrast between online shopping and traditional brick-and-mortar retail, with a focus on a bright white straight teeth logo on the storefront. The online shopping side is full of sleek, modern technology and minimalistic design elements, while the brick-and-mortar side is bustling with people and colorful storefronts. The teeth logo stands out against the busy backdrop, representing the importance of a confident smile in both shopping experiences. The overall tone is bold and eye-catching, with a mix of digital and traditional art techniques.

Retail issues highlighted by the SmileDirectClub experience

Interaction with a physical product

The importance of physical interaction in the realm of product shopping is undeniable. When it comes to certain items, relying solely on brand names and model numbers for evaluation falls short. The ability to touch, feel, and test these products before purchase is essential. While online shopping offers convenience, it simply cannot supplant the tactile engagement that physical interaction provides.

This holds particularly true for brick-and-mortar stores specializing in high-end furniture. Despite the convenience of online alternatives, these establishments not only survive but thrive, drawing customers who appreciate the significance of seeing and experiencing furniture in person. It’s abundantly clear that the value of physical interaction with products remains irreplaceable.

Recognizing the pivotal role of physical engagement, direct-to-consumer brands like Warby Parker and Third Love have adopted a hybrid approach by incorporating physical retail spaces into their business models. This strategic move enables customers to try on eyeglasses and lingerie before committing to a purchase. It underscores their comprehension of the enduring worth of the in-store experience.

The power of touch and feel

Certainly, there is an undeniable excitement that comes to consumers from physically interacting with and carefully examining potential purchases. This experience instills a strong sense of confidence, assuring that the product aligns perfectly with our expectations and needs. Moreover, it has the potential to foster a deeper connection with the brand itself, especially for items that heavily rely on sensory experiences like furniture, clothing, home decor and personal health items.

SmileDirectClub extends an offering of transparent aligners, providing an unconventional choice when compared to the traditional orthodontic method of braces. It presents a more economically viable and convenient avenue for the alignment of one’s teeth. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this process:


Interested individuals embark on their Smile for Life journey by engaging in a complimentary online assessment, aimed at ascertaining their candidacy for SmileDirectClub‘s aligner therapy treatment.

Aligner Treatment Plans

The dental team embarks upon the intricate task of crafting a tailored treatment scheme, meticulously derived from a three-dimensional portrayal of the patient’s dental structure. This lifelike depiction can either be procured through an on-site scan at a SmileShop or by utilizing an at-home kit to meticulously generate impressions.

Custom Treatment Plans and Aligners

Subsequently, the intricate process of crafting customized aligners commences, with all the aligners being produced and dispatched in one comprehensive shipment, entirely negating the necessity for regular office appointments. Oversight of the treatment unfolds remotely, overseen by a duly licensed dentist or orthodontist, who engages in a series of virtual check-ins throughout the patient’s journey.

Whitening Kits

As an added perk, SmileDirectClub generously incorporates a premium teeth whitening kit with lip balm as an integral component of their offering, with discernible results manifesting in as little as a week.

Sustaining the Transformation

Upon the completion of the treatment regimen, patients are afforded the opportunity to procure retainers, essential for the preservation of their newfound radiant smile. These retentive devices are judiciously worn exclusively during the nighttime hours.

It is hard to imagine being able to feel comfortable with and having all your questions answered for this innovation in healthcare products without being able to get customized customer service with only an online portal. SmileDirectClub must have felt that its online-only business model was lacking as they eventually tried to up their smile game by opening up SmileShops; physical locations. They were hoping that by stepping foot into a physical store and immersing themselves in the in-person smile-for-life shopping experience, consumers would eliminate the element of chance and be empowered to make a wise and well-informed decision in purchasing their teeth alignment product.

The role of product visualization

When engaging in the act of shopping, there exists an undeniable and unique allure associated with venturing into a traditional brick-and-mortar establishment. Such an endeavour unfolds as a sensory-rich treasure hunt, a distinctive experience that stands apart from its digital counterpart in the realm of online shopping. While the undeniable convenience offered by e-commerce transactions remains unchallenged, it regrettably falters in conveying the authentic essence of a product, especially something you are going to put into your mouth!

Photographs and textual descriptions, while serviceable to some extent, ultimately fall short of encapsulating the full breadth of sensory delights or gauging the product’s seamless alignment with one’s unique requisites. It is this very deficiency that imparts a special reverence to physical retail outlets among a significant cohort of shoppers, particularly those who belong to the older demographic stratum. These brick-and-mortar establishments afford them the golden opportunity to meticulously scrutinize the multifaceted attributes of a product, dissecting how harmoniously it integrates into the tapestry of their lives.

The sheer delight stemming from hands-on exploration and interaction with these items cannot be overstated. By opting for the in-person shopping odyssey, one emerges endowed with the ability to make judicious, well-informed decisions, leaving with the reassuring certitude that their chosen acquisition aligns with their desires and aspirations. This immersion in the realm of tactile sensations bestows upon the senses an abundance of gratitude, a token of appreciation for the palpable magic of touch and feel.

The role of personal assistance

Traditional brick-and-mortar establishments offer a distinct advantage with personalized additional assistance. Patrons can lean upon the expertise of well-informed sales associates who stand ready to engage, extending tailored guidance and recommendations aligned precisely with their idiosyncratic requirements and preferences. This reservoir of knowledge undoubtedly elevates the shopping encounter, be it through sage counsel on skincare regimens or the quest for that perfect pair of sunglasses.

The individualized approach characteristic of brick-and-mortar stores also ushers forth a more streamlined and convenient shopping experience. Sales associates adeptly pick up on the contours of a customer’s desires and can proffer apropos suggestions, facilitating an expedition that is both seamless and pleasurable. Such a degree of tailored service proves challenging, if not impossible, to replicate within the digital realms of online shopping.

While online retail undeniably champions convenience and efficiency, it behooves us to remain cognizant of the enduring significance of physical interaction in the realm of commerce. Consequently, brick-and-mortar stores persist in delivering a different experience that remains singular, indispensable, and intimately connected to the human experience.

SmileDirectClub: The importance of in-person consultations and treatment supervision

SmileDirectClub‘s core mission revolves around the noble aim of democratizing access to top-tier oral healthcare. The company achieves this by offering cost-effective and convenient solutions for teeth alignment, thereby bestowing countless individuals without the means to afford the cost of braces, to still be able to realize the smiles they’ve long yearned for. Nevertheless, the conspicuous absence of personalized support could feasibly be one of the pivotal factors that limited the firm’s growth and the increased costs of operating SmileShops may very well be part of the reason for the current operational and financial problems.

In the context of orthodontic treatments, such as the intricate art of turning bad teeth into straighter teeth, it stands as an imperative for a dental professional to possess the ability to meticulously oversee the trajectory of progress and enact requisite adjustments as the journey unfolds. In-person consultations grant the dentist the acumen to appraise the subtle nuances of teeth movement, ensuring impeccable alignment and swiftly addressing any exigencies that may surface during treatment. Without this intimate supervisory role, patients may find themselves ensnared in a series of suboptimal outcomes or unforeseen complications, potentially culminating in profound dissatisfaction, a far cry from their initial optimism.

A constraint by online-only business paradigms resides in the conspicuous dearth of the human factor within the domain of healthcare. The capacity to foster a personal rapport and sow the seeds of trust between patient and healthcare provider stands as an indispensable facet of delivering healthcare par excellence. In-person consultations, as juxtaposed with their virtual counterparts, provide the fertile ground for profound interactions wherein patients can freely pose queries and articulate concerns, forging a direct conduit to the attending healthcare provider.

Moreover, the presence of a healthcare practitioner serves as a wellspring of solace, particularly when the patient is confronted with a scenario necessitating a gentle touch or immediate attention. This irreplaceable human connection, steadfast and unyielding, eludes full replication even within the ambit of the most advanced technology.A split image showcasing the contrast between online shopping and traditional brick-and-mortar retail, with a focus on a bright white straight teeth logo on the storefront. The online shopping side is full of sleek, modern technology and minimalistic design elements, while the brick-and-mortar side is bustling with people and colorful storefronts. The teeth logo stands out against the busy backdrop, representing the importance of a confident smile in both shopping experiences. The overall tone is bold and eye-catching, with a mix of digital and traditional art techniques.

What does the SmileDirectClub Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing teach us?

Once assessed at a staggering $9 billion in value, the SmileDirectClub teeth aligner company finds itself navigating the tumultuous waters of Chapter 11 bankruptcy a mere four years after its initial public offering. The precipitous descent of SmileDirectClub stands as a remarkable testament to the annihilation of capital on a grand scale. This entity, headquartered in the United States, and specializing in the distribution of affordable orthodontic teeth-aligning solutions, went public in 2019. It managed to raise $1.35 billion, thereby elevating its overall worth to a staggering figure approaching the $9 billion mark. This momentous financial maneuver, indeed, had the power to bestow billionaire status upon its founders.

Fast forward four years from this watershed moment, and we find the once-mighty corporation having filed for bankruptcy protection — its coffers depleted to a mere $5 million at the time of its bankruptcy filing. In a last-ditch effort to salvage their brainchild, the founders have injected $20 million while the company looks for a suitable suitor. Alas, if no saviour emerges within the ensuing two months, as indicated by the company’s chief financial officer, the entire operation shall be forced to liquidate and then shutter its digital (and physical) doors.

One might be inclined to attribute this unfortunate turn of events to a fortuitous convergence of ill-timed circumstances or perhaps an overzealous indulgence in the allure of rock-bottom interest rates. At the time of its initial public offering, the company, while experiencing robust growth, had yet to experience profitability. However, this promising trajectory was abruptly derailed when the global COVID-19 pandemic forced the company to close its physical retail outlets. This highlights the fact that at least for the SmileDirectClub orthodontic health product, an online-only business model is not viable.

Subsequently, its primary customer base—comprising individuals from modest to middle-income backgrounds who cannot afford the cost of braces, and who rely on financing for their orthodontic treatments, as long as they can pass the credit check —dramatically reduced their consumption of the company’s products.

The repercussions were swift and severe; sales plummeted, and in a desperate bid to engineer a turnaround, the company undertook a substantial debt burden. The sombre tale is best told through SmileDirectClub‘s issuance of $748 million worth of zero-coupon convertible notes. Initially, these notes were exchanged at a valuation of 100 cents per dollar during their introduction in early 2021.

However, within a single year, their value dwindled to a mere 40 cents on the dollar and currently hovers at approximately 1 cent on the dollar. To secure additional liquidity, the company even resorted to leveraging its accounts receivable and intellectual property assets, securing a loan to the tune of $255 million through the auspices of HPS Investment Partners in April of 2022. Presently, only $138 million remains outstanding on this loan, which accrues interest at a rate closely aligned with the interest rates imposed upon a significant portion of its customer base, specifically, 10.75% over a prevailing base rate.

The metaphorical sands of time now flow inexorably for SmileDirectClub and its extensive workforce, encompassing over 1,800 employees. In a poignant scene, the company’s founders made a virtual appearance during the initial bankruptcy hearing, presided over by US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez. In solemn silence, they witnessed the judge’s approval of their commitment to infuse $20 million into the ailing enterprise, perhaps serving as a final lifeline in their struggle for survival.

Potential for an orderly liquidation of the SmileDirectClub assets

Should specific conditions fail to materialize, particularly the emergence of a suitable buyer, the SmileDirectClub teeth aligner company has conceded that the sole alternative left is an organized liquidation. Under such circumstances, the company would be compelled to liquidate its assets and methodically bring its operations to a close. Nevertheless, there lingers a glimmer of hope within the company’s heart. It persists in its optimism that, buoyed by diligent reorganization endeavours and fortified by the unwavering backing of its founders, it can circumvent this dire denouement.

Time will tell.

SmileDirect Club conclusion

The SmileDirectClub‘s bankruptcy filing does prompt inquiries about the viability of exclusive online-only models within specific sectors. Nonetheless, it should not cast an all-encompassing shadow upon the collective influence wielded by digital-first enterprises. Rather, it underscores the importance of properly researching who your target market is, all regulatory issues that may hamper business success and having sufficient cash flow to build the business properly. SmileDirectClub learned early on that an online-only business model would not work and COVID-19 finished off its brick-and-mortar store side of its business.

Triumphant brands will undoubtedly be those that adeptly mould their operational models to align with the expectations of their clientele. Through such adaptability, they shall not only endure but flourish amidst the ever-evolving terrain of retail, continuously catering to the ever-evolving requirements of their clientele.

I hope you enjoyed this SmileDirectClub Brandon’s Blog. If you’re struggling with managing your overwhelming debt in this high-interest environment, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to take control of the situation. First, it’s important to create a realistic budget and track your expenses. From there, you can prioritize your debt repayment and make consistent payments to chip away at what you owe. It’s also a good idea to seek professional financial advice to help guide you through the process. Just remember, managing debt is a gradual process that requires commitment and determination, but you can do it! So don’t hesitate to reach out for help from financial professionals.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.A split image showcasing the contrast between online shopping and traditional brick-and-mortar retail, with a focus on a bright white straight teeth logo on the storefront. The online shopping side is full of sleek, modern technology and minimalistic design elements, while the brick-and-mortar side is bustling with people and colorful storefronts. The teeth logo stands out against the busy backdrop, representing the importance of a confident smile in both shopping experiences. The overall tone is bold and eye-catching, with a mix of digital and traditional art techniques.

Brandon Blog Post


Our mission includes helping you know how to increase credit score with our free online course

The objective of this Brandon’s Blog is to furnish readers with comprehensive insights on improving their credit rating, alongside introducing them to our complimentary no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”. This user-friendly course provides a definitive guide on increasing your credit score, thereby paving the way for better financial prospects. The brief video above describes the course and how you can access it.

This Brandon’s Blog provides highlights common problems faced by those with low credit scores, including being declined for credit or having to pay high-interest rates. I also provide valuable tips on how to increase credit score. The focus is primarily on the significance of maintaining a good credit score in order to get approval for reasonably priced loans, mortgages, or credit cards.

Explanation of maxed-out credit: Know how to increase credit score

Maxed-out credit happens when an individual has reached their credit limit and is unable to borrow any more and make further purchases. It results in high-interest rates, missed payments, and damaged credit scores. However, there are effective ways to increase your credit score and eliminate debt. This Brandon’s Blog, combined with our free e-learning course, delivers easy-to-understand strategies and expert counsel to equip consumers with everything they need to know to improve their credit scores to unlock better financial prospects.

Through the knowledge I am sharing, individuals can successfully navigate the complex world of credit ratings and experience marked improvements in their daily lives. By embracing sound fiscal practices, one can effectively manage their money, avoid bankruptcies or consumer proposals, and ultimately earn a more favourable financial life. So take control of your financial situation today and with our help, begin your journey towards a more stable and prosperous financial future with our “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”.

how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score

Importance of improving credit score: Know how to increase credit score

In today’s world, a good credit score functions as the cornerstone for getting financial freedom. For people that have grappled with debt, insolvency, bankruptcy or consumer proposals, improving their credit rating may look like an overwhelming obstacle. Yet, with the specific devices and insights we are supplying to you, any person will be able to take control of their very own financial life heading in the direction of a brighter tomorrow.

This is exactly why we have created “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score“. Our recommendations and our tried-and-tested techniques will move you toward a better credit score, eventually unlocking excellent loan and mortgage opportunities from Canadian lenders, and enabling you to accomplish your financial goals. Take control of your future and bid farewell to higher interest rates and declined credit applications by going through our “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score” today.

Description of what a credit score is, how it is determined and then how to increase credit score

A person’s credit worthiness is represented by a numerical score known as the credit score. This score is derived from various financial information such as payment history, credit utilization rates, length of credit history, types of credit used, and new credit inquiries.

Credit scores range from 300 to 900, where a higher score is indicative of better credit history and financial stability. The credit report, maintained by Canada’s two credit reporting agencies, Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada (Equifax/TransUnion), is the source of credit ratings and it is what the Canadian banks will look at.

how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score

Importance of knowing your credit score and how to increase credit score

Maintaining a good credit score is a key factor in today’s financial landscape, irrespective of whether you are a student, a young professional, a business owner or are retired. Knowing your credit score is important so that you can stay informed on what others think of your creditworthiness and financial standing. Sometimes adverse information may find its way into your credit report as an error. By knowing what your credit report says, you will be able to prove any errors that should be eliminated which produces a lower credit score than what you are entitled to. It is important to have any errors fixed to avoid any negative impact on any assessment of your creditworthiness.

A low credit score can lead to being denied for credit, higher interest rates, and unfavourable loan terms from Canadian lenders. It is essential to maintain a high credit score as it paves the way for obtaining the best possible deals on loans and credit card products from financial institutions at the most favourable rates. Therefore, it is crucial to keep a tab on the various financial factors that contribute to your credit score to ensure a sound financial standing.

That is why we developed our complimentary no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”. To teach you how to improve your credit score.

Knowing how to obtain your free credit report is the 1st step in how to increase credit score

Maintaining vigilance over your credit report is a prudent method for verifying the precision of your credit history and score, both of which serve as significant benchmarks of your monetary stability. Fortunately, procuring a complimentary credit report has become effortless. It is your lawful right to receive an annual free credit report from each of the two Canadian credit bureaus.

Submit a formal request for your credit report via their digital portal or through the Canadian postal service. When you get it, meticulously examine it to identify any inconsistencies or inaccuracies that may be impeding your creditworthiness.

If you find yourself struggling with debt, don’t despair. Our complimentary e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score” can provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance your credit score and overcome financial setbacks. You can trust us to help you take control of your financial future today.

how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score

Common credit score issues that create lower credit scores: How to increase credit score

A low credit score can present significant obstacles, particularly when making significant purchases on credit or seeking loans. Although there are many parts contributing to an individual’s credit score, certain concerns are regularly associated with reduced scores.

A number of widespread credit score difficulties can bring about lower scores, such as:

  • Late payments: Not making your payments on time will have a major negative impact on your credit score, whether we are talking about credit cards, loans or lines of credit. Late payments reflect badly on your credit report and can significantly affect your overall score. Paying your debts on time, and not just your minimum payment, has a positive impact on your credit rating.
  • High credit utilization: A higher credit utilization rate will adversely impact your credit score. Financial institutions prioritize borrowers who exhibit responsible credit management practices; hence, maintaining a low credit utilization ratio (usually below 30%) is fundamental.
  • Errors on your credit bureau report: As already stated, inaccuracies on a credit report, ranging from erroneous personal details to accounts that are not legitimately attributable, can harm your credit rating. To safeguard against such potential pitfalls, it is imperative to maintain an annual review of your credit report and promptly challenge, with evidence, any inaccuracies that may be encountered.
  • Defaulting on a loan: Be it a mortgage or an automobile loan, defaulting will lead to a deterioration in your creditworthiness. Therefore, you have to make sure when you are approved for a loan that you can afford the monthly payments and meet all other repayment terms. This is of prime importance.
  • Applying for too much credit: Requesting too much credit can have negative effects on your credit rating. Potential lenders, and especially credit card companies, may interpret this as a sign of your nervousness over your financial hardship and a greater chance of you eventually defaulting on the loan. As such, you should exercise moderation when applying for credit. Moderation and realism is the key to maintaining a healthy credit profile.
  • Accounts in collection: Having accounts in collection leads to a decrease in your credit score. This is because you have now shown that you cannot handle credit responsibly. It is imperative that you promptly settle any outstanding amounts and work with the creditor or its appointed collection agency to eliminate that account from your credit report. If you don’t, there will be a negative impact on your creditworthiness.
  • “Hard credit check” versus “soft credit checks”: See the next section for this discussion.

By steering clear of these typical credit score complications, you can keep a good credit score and heighten the probability of obtaining credit approval in the foreseeable future.

“Hard hits” versus “soft hits”: Know how to increase credit score

The first issue is having too many hard inquiries on your credit report. These hard inquiries occur when lenders pull your credit report and do a credit score check as the first step in determining if you’re going to be approved for a loan or other credit product you applied for.

What are hard inquiries on your credit report?

When seeking new credit such as a loan, credit card or mortgage, hard inquiries are initiated on your credit report. A hard inquiry is a request for a copy of your credit report and it remains on your credit report for two years. However, it only affects your credit score for one year.

What are soft inquiries on your credit report?

A soft inquiry is an informational check of your credit that does not impact your credit score. Soft inquiries appear when you or an authorized user view your own credit report, or when a business checks your credit for pre-approved offers or account reviews.

Soft inquiries are also known as “soft pulls” because they do not impact your score, unlike hard inquiries which do.

how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score

13 tips on how to address these issues and how to increase credit score in Canada

We understand that managing finances can be challenging, especially when you are maxed out on your credit and can’t repay the debt. You may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next, but don’t worry, we are here to help.

Developing sound credit practices is the cornerstone of financial literacy. Learning and regularly practicing such practices is crucial as it will improve your financial outlook. By timely payment of bills, responsible use of credit cards, and staying on top of what is in your credit report, you can improve your credit score and secure a path to financial triumph.

This, in turn, can enable you to establish a robust credit history, thereby qualifying you for lower interest rates on all credit products. Sticking with the sound tips indicated below, it will grant you access to more advantageous lending options that may not be easily available to the masses.

Developing sound credit practices means unfailing commitment, meticulous planning, and unwavering attention to detail. However, you will reap the benefits because these tips and activities will help you achieve your long-term financial goals and establish a solid foundation for your and your family’s financial future.

Here are our 13 tips on how to address these issues and how to increase credit score in Canada:

  1. Assessing your debt situation

    You have to start by truthfully analyzing your whole financial status to successfully manage your financial debt. This involves meticulously gathering all the information from charge card statements, and loan agreements, and identifying all other outstanding debts to calculate the total amount owed, the individual interest rates you are being charged by product, and all your monthly payments. Only by doing so, can you after that begin to create a realistic plan to pay off your financial debts in a timely and efficient way.

  2. Creating a budget plan

    Now that you have collected all of your debt information, it’s time to develop a household budget that includes all incomes as well as expenses. Ensure you include all of your fixed expenditures like rent or mortgage payments, utilities and vehicle loan payments. Then you need to list all of your variable costs like food and entertainment.

    Once you have a clear idea of your expenditures, compute your income on a monthly basis and subtract your expenses from it. This will show you where you need to cut down on expenses and/or take on a side gig to raise your income.

    Keep in mind that you cannot be spending more than you earn in any month. Ideally, you want to spend less each month than your monthly income, so that you can then have money to dedicate to paying down your debts and building up an emergency savings fund.

    Incidentally, do not neglect to include the income tax you need to pay on your income, broken down into a regular monthly cost. Include that amount as a monthly expense also.

  3. Contacting your creditors

    It’s crucial to reach out to your creditors promptly if you’re having trouble keeping up with your debt payments. You might find that they’re receptive to collaborating with you on a customized repayment scheme that meets your financial capabilities. By disregarding your debts, you’ll only exacerbate the problem, which could lead to late charges, sanctions, and a negative impact on your credit report.

    Please keep in mind that unless you have first done the two steps listed above, you will not have a good understanding of what kind of accommodation you need to ask each creditor for. If you go in well-prepared knowing all of your numbers, you will significantly increase your chances of success in these negotiations.

  4. Explore debt consolidation

    If you’re dealing with numerous debts, you could want to take into consideration debt loan consolidation. It’s a viable option where you can secure a single loan at a lower rate of interest than the weighted average interest rate from every one of your debts that you’re currently paying.

    You then use the funds from this new loan to fully pay off or otherwise settle all your other debts. As a result, you will then only have one debt to concentrate on, with a reduced month-to-month repayment. This will certainly assist you handle your debts successfully and reduce the amount of interest you’re paying. This also saves you cash that you can then put toward building up your emergency fund and savings.

  5. Reduce credit utilization

    Decreasing credit utilization is an essential part of increasing your credit score. Firstly, take stock of your existing credit usage, and attempt to pay off the balances on the highest-interest accounts first. Think about settling your debts with a debt consolidation loan or a zero-percent balance transfer credit card. You can enjoy a healthy financial future by reducing your credit card balances and limiting how many times you apply for credit within a year. Enhance your credit score by lowering your credit utilization ratio.

  6. Pay your bills on time

    Always paying your bills on time is key to maintaining your credit rating in good shape. A constant history of timely repayments will help you build a higher credit score and which improves the look of your credit report. It is critical to keep your bills paid on time to show a positive payment history and not have a damaging influence on your credit history.

  7. Use Your Credit Responsibly

    Avoid maxing out your charge cards and try to keep your credit utilization rate low as previously stated. It will help you keep a great credit rating or improve your existing one by showing lenders that you are a responsible borrower.

  8. Monitor Your Credit Report

    Maintaining an accurate credit report and safeguarding against identity theft are critical financial practices. You are legally entitled to get from the Canadian credit reporting bureaus a complimentary copy of your credit report annually.

    Thoroughly review it so that you can detect any fraudulent activities or errors that could result in severe damage to your credit rating. Hopefully, there are not, but you must remain alert and well-informed about your credit standing to ensure your financial well-being.

  9. Limit New Credit Applications

    It is important for you to remember that each credit application you make reduces your credit score. Therefore, you must be cautious and limit the number of credit applications you make. You should only try to get new credit when it is absolutely needed. This advice also goes for applying for a credit limit increase of an existing credit product.

  10. Developing a Strong Credit Profile

    Having no or very little credit history can pose a huge problem when you make a credit application. Your credit file does not have enough information in it to show that you can handle credit responsibly. It is recommended to begin developing a positive credit history early on in your adult life. You should consider alternatives such as getting a secured credit card account or a 1-year term personal loan that requires you to make regular monthly payments. If you make your payments on time, you will begin establishing an excellent credit track record which brings about a good credit score.

    A word of caution. As you are just starting out, make sure that you only set reasonable loan or credit card limits so that you can afford the monthly payments to repay what you owe on the credit accounts during the period of time allowed by the lender.

  11. Explore professional credit counselling

    Individuals grappling with financial challenges may find it advantageous to seek the expertise of a seasoned credit counsellor. This prudent move can afford them a series of invaluable benefits, all of which serve to bolster their financial literacy and improve their overall monetary management. Prominent advantages of credit counselling include, but are not limited to:

    • Enhanced Debt Management: Credit counselling can help individuals struggling with debt to manage their finances better. The counsellors can offer valuable advice on debt repayment strategies, budgeting, and managing the debt load effectively.
    • Financial literacy: The acquisition of financial knowledge is essential for individuals to navigate the complexities of financial management with success. To this end, credit counsellors offer an imperative service by imparting essential financial education that equips individuals with the necessary skills to cultivate sound financial habits, make informed financial decisions, and preemptively avoid potential financial obstacles.
    • Improved credit score: Credit counselling services can provide individuals with the valuable expertise necessary to improve their credit scores. People who go through credit counselling obtain the tools necessary to practice the habit of responsible financial management which over time improves their credit scores.
    • Emotional Support: The credit counsellor can help people through the rough patches of anxiety and worry about their financial situation until they start feeling better about themselves and their improving financial situation.
  12. Speak to a licensed insolvency trustee

    There are benefits to having a no-cost consultation with a Canadian licensed insolvency trustee if you are facing financial difficulty. Here are a few:

    Overall, speaking with a Canadian licensed insolvency trustee can help you take control of your finances and achieve a fresh start.

  13. Watch the video at the top of this Brandon’s Blog

You will find out how to access our no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”.

Conclusion: How to increase credit score

Managing your debts can be challenging, but with the right plan in place, it’s possible to get back on track. Remember to assess your debt situation, create a budget plan, contact your creditors, explore debt consolidation, and consider bankruptcy only as a last resort option. With these steps, you can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future. Having a maxed-out credit can be stressful and overwhelming. However, it is also an opportunity to take control of your finances and work towards improving your credit score.

With our complimentary no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”, you can learn practical strategies and expert advice on how to boost your credit score and secure better financial opportunities. By following our simple steps, you can finally put an end to being denied credit or paying high-interest rates. With dedication and perseverance, you can unlock financial freedom and achieve your goals. So, don’t wait any longer; start your journey towards a healthier credit score today and join countless individuals who have already benefited from our guide.

I hope you enjoyed this how to increase credit score Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy proceedings. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score
Brandon Blog Post


soft credit check
soft credit check

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Soft credit check introduction: What is a credit score?

When you apply for a loan, or to rent someone’s house, condo or apartment, the bank or landlord will very likely do a credit check on you. What will be of importance to them, amongst other things, is your credit score.

A Canadian credit score is a three-digit number used to indicate the creditworthiness of a debtor, based upon the info in their credit report. It is determined by looking at several factors, including if you usually pay your bills on time, just how much of your readily available credit you use, the number of charge cards you have, as well as your basic level of financial debt. The score ranges from 300 to 900 and also represents the chance that you will pay every one of your expenses on time.

There are two methods that either you or a potential lender can do a credit check on you: soft or hard. Keep in mind that even a potential landlord can fall into the category of prospective lenders. They will be advancing your credit in the form of their property. They are entrusting the tenant to take possession of their property, in return for paying for that privilege every month. In that way, a landlord is also extending credit to a tenant.

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a soft credit check and a hard credit check? Well, in this Brandon Blog I am going to explain the difference between them for you.

Overview: Hard vs. Soft inquiries on your credit report (And Why They Matter)

The hard inquiry is a credit check that will show up on your credit report. These types of inquiries are typically the result of applying for a new loan, credit card or insurance quotes. A hard inquiry will typically stay on your credit report for up to 3 years.

A soft inquiry, on the other hand, is a credit check that does not show up on your credit report but is visible to creditors. A soft inquiry could be the result of checking your own credit score or shopping around for a new cell phone or cable plan.

More details: What is the difference between hard and soft credit inquiries?

What is a soft credit check you ask? A soft credit check request is something you can do at the beginning of your search for a loan. It will help you to know what your credit score is to help you get better loan rates, special promotions or offers a bank may be running or even help you secure that loan for which you might not qualify if your credit score was outside of an acceptable range. Knowing that information upfront can help you negotiate better for that loan deal you want.

A soft credit check is a surface-level credit inquiry that is used to get a preliminary assessment of your creditworthiness. These take place when you check your credit report or when a lending institution checks your score to pre-approve you for special deals. Soft checks do not influence your credit rating.

A hard credit check is basically a check performed by a company to find out your credit history and score. A hard credit check is different than a soft credit check. Hard checks are performed by companies that decide whether or not to lend you money. Sometimes, a hard check is also referred to as a hard credit inquiry. While a hard check is more informative than soft pulls, it can also adversely affect your score if too many checks are performed.

Sometimes you will enter into a contract for a product or service that requires you to provide authorization on the credit applications to access your credit report and credit score. Whether you are applying for a cell phone contract, to a credit card company, or applying to mortgage lenders or for auto loans, the company is going to check your credit report and score. Knowing what is a “hard credit check” can help you decide if it is worth it to use the service or not.

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soft credit check

How could a hard credit check affect your credit score when a soft credit check will not?

Many consumers have a good credit score, but when you are one of the millions of consumers who do not, it can be difficult to get that coveted loan or credit card. To make sure that you do not have to deal with a hard credit check, you should make sure that you have no missed payments on your credit reports and that you have a diverse mix of credit (credit cards, store cards and installment loans, for example).

A hard inquiry can harm your credit score, but usually by just a few points. But how much your score is affected can depend on your specific financial situation.

Having too many inquiries on your credit report especially within a short period of time may also have an impact. And if your credit report shows multiple credit applications within a short period of time, it might appear to lenders that your finances have changed negatively.

When you apply for credit, as I mentioned, a hard credit score check is the way a potential lender can take a deep dive into your credit history. A putative lender would do so to determine if they should approve you for the credit you are applying for. This is different from a cursory soft credit check so a lender can tell you if you might qualify for a special deal or are doing your own self-assessment.

If you’ve ever before been denied for financing, denied an apartment, or had your car loan application rejected, you probably went through a hard credit check and the financial institution or landlord you approached was not happy with your results.

Soft credit check: How your initial credit limit is determined

The normal question individuals typically ask is why their credit line is not higher. In fact, the question is so usual, some credit card companies have their own applications that you can use to forecast your credit line. Nonetheless, as you may anticipate, the response is not quite as straightforward as the credit card issuers would like you to believe.

Your credit rating is an important metric in establishing what your credit line will be set at. If you have an inadequate credit rating, expect a lower credit limit and various other unfavourable terms. On the other hand, a high credit score offers you the opportunity to shop around to find the best credit card agreement and credit card issuer for you.

Soft credit check: Who creates your credit report and credit score?

Each time you make an application for a credit card, a car loan or home mortgage, your credit report is evaluated by the loan provider you are applying to. Your credit report is a document of the financial commitments you have actually currently incurred (credit cards, personal loans, lines of credit and mortgages) and your payment history. It is obtained from one of the two credit bureaus in Canada.

By now you should understand that the higher your credit score, the better your chances are to be approved for the loan or credit card you are applying for. This is because your credit rating will be seen as a lower threat to default, and therefore the bank will feel more positive that you will pay off any credit extended to you.

TransUnion and Equifax Canada are the two credit bureaus in Canada that contain your credit information. Lenders will use one of these two businesses to do the soft credit check or the hard credit check on a potential borrower or existing customer requesting additional or new credit.

These are private businesses that collect, store and share details concerning just how you use debt. Equifax Canada and TransUnion just collect information from creditors concerning your financial experiences in Canada.

soft credit check
soft credit check

Can a lender do a soft credit check or any type of inquiry without my permission?

If you are applying for credit from a financial institution or another type of lender, you will be asked to provide the authorization for them to do search one of the two major credit bureaus in Canada on you as part of their normal credit process. A lender cannot perform a hard credit pull without your OK.

No pre-authorization is required to do soft pulls. Perhaps you wish to just discover if you meet the requirements for a unique promo they may are promoting on one or more of their credit products. Or, possibly the loan provider wants to get a quick picture of your credit file to see if it is worth investing the time running you through their credit application process. The lender can get a response to both issues by carrying out a soft inquiry on you. That they can do soft credit pulls on their own.

Soft credit check: How long inquiries stay on your credit report

Your credit rating is a snapshot of your financial life, and it is important for obtaining credit, renting an apartment, even getting a job. But what happens if you want to buy a house, apply for a job, or apply for a loan and you have a negative or positive inquiry on your credit report? It is important to know how long an inquiry will remain on your report.

The rules surrounding credit inquiries and how long they stay on your Canadian credit report are a little different than in the US. In the US, hard inquiries generally stay on your record for 2 years. In Canada, there is no specific set amount of time that they stay on your report. The length of time a new inquiry is reported is determined by the business that requested the inquiry. According to Equifax Canada, a hard inquiry may not drop off your report for up to 36 months.

Home & Car Insurance Savings From Good Credit Scores

If you’ve ever shopped for auto insurance or homeowners insurance, you’ve no doubt been pressured to buy coverage you don’t need or a policy that seems like the insurance costs are just too high? If that sounds like you, don’t be ashamed! To avoid this, you should first know your credit score, since that will be the key to getting the best insurance rates.

A good credit score does more than simply affect the interest rates you pay on loans – it also affects the rates you pay on your insurance. This is because insurance companies consider your credit score when setting the rates you pay because it correlates to your likelihood of filing a claim and the likelihood of that claim being paid.

In addition, your mortgage company, your landlord and your car dealership will check your credit score when renting property, leasing a car or deciding how much of a down payment you can afford.

soft credit check
soft credit check

Can prospective employers perform a credit check on me?

If the job application you signed gives a potential employer permission to do a hard inquiry on you, then they can. Bad credit history can have many consequences that far exceed a simple refusal to get a loan. It can prevent you from getting a job, and destroy your self-esteem. How do you know if your bad credit is affecting your life? The first step is to find out what’s on your credit report.

The next step is to realize that your negative financial situation didn’t happen overnight. Your financial problems are a result of both bad luck and poor judgment.

Most of us have been there: you’re ready to start your career, turn over a new leaf and begin a new chapter in your life, but you get rejected for a job because one of the background checks turns up a bad credit report. And you are confused. You didn’t know that your report included bad credit information. And you didn’t know that you could fix a bad credit report.

But you can. As I already mentioned, it starts with you doing a soft inquiry on yourself and finding out what the bad information is. Or, once a year, for free, you can do a hard inquiry on yourself and really drill down to find out what negative information is causing the roadblock to your moving forward in life. I highly recommend that you do so as the start to improving your financial situation.

Soft credit check a summary

I hope you enjoyed the soft credit check Brandon Blog post. You may be very upset and frustrated over the current pandemic situation and your personal financial problems. You may even be downright depressed. The entrepreneur may be very frustrated that the company can no longer pay all its debts as they come due.

There may be sufficient value to take care of the secured creditor, but nothing for anyone else, including the unsecured creditors. There may be some business units that should not survive, but if cut out, the business will be viable. A receivership might very well accomplish the goals for the entrepreneur also. I have many times structured a receivership process, in order to meet the goals of the entrepreneur, while satisfying the requirements of the secured creditor.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

soft credit check
soft credit check

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


Credit check failed reasons: Introduction

Below is our list of 5 stupid credit check failed reasons stopping you from getting that loan you can repay. You likely recognize that not paying your credit card on schedule or missing out on a settlement could harm your credit score. That is probably the most common credit check fail. So, those reasons are not on our list of credit check failed reasons. There are much less clear methods to sink your rating. You could be doing some without understanding the influence you’re triggering.

Below are 5 unexpected methods you could be damaging your credit score:

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Decreasing your credit line

You might assume that you’re increasing your credit score by reducing your credit line on your credit card. However that could be having the other impact. Credit score use is the second-most vital credit score aspect, after history of credit card repayments.

Your credit use is your compared with just how much you’re using. When you lower that proportion, that is a good thing. Many professionals suggest maintaining it around 30 to 35 percent.

By reducing your authorized credit amount, you’re really increasing your credit use proportion.

Toronto financial advisor Seun Adeyemi says that most people are not aware that cancelled credit lines, even after making full repayment, can hurt your credit score.

Here is an example. Say you have 2 credit cards:

  1. a Visa with a $1,500 balance as well as a $4,000 credit limit;
  2. as well as a MasterCard with $1,500 outstanding and a $6,000 credit authorization.

Your credit usage is just 30 percent since you’re making use of $3,000 of your readily available $10,000.

If you reduced your credit limit to $4,000 on that MasterCard, you’re currently utilizing $3,000 of a readily available $8,000. This presses your credit usage to over 35%.

credit check failed reasons 2
credit check failed reasons
  1. Credit check failed reasons: Leasing an automobile with a debit card as opposed to a credit card

When you’re leasing, it’s a great deal less complicated when you make use of a credit card.

Utilizing your debit card will lead to a pull on your credit report. While it could be a soft pull– implying it does not harm your debt– there’s a chance it might be a hard check. A hard check does affect your credit rating.

The procedure changes slightly in the auto rental business. Making use of a debit card will certainly result in a soft credit inquiry. However, when using a debit card to rent a car, there will probably be a hard pull on your credit rating at the first time (when you check-in and get the car).

There would not be a credit check if you use of a credit card for renting a car.

An included incentive of renting your car with a credit card as opposed to debit: Many credit cards offer vehicle rental insurance coverage. This saves you even thinking about taking the car rental company’s costly insurance package.

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Not paying your library fines (yes, libraries still exist!)

Not paying your penalties might lead the library to withdraw your privileges, as well sending your past due account to a collection company. When a collection agency obtains your overdue account, if you don’t pay, it will be noted on your credit report that you are in collection and have not paid. This will adversely influence your credit score.

credit check failed reasons
credit check failed reasons

Normally, you need to owe around $40 or more before the account being sent to collections. To prevent all this, check your public library’s plan on fines, as well as, obviously, paying your late charges in a prompt fashion.

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Not paying your parking tickets

When it concerns vehicle parking tickets, you have 2 choices:

  1. you could pay them; or
  2. go to Court and fight them.

Just what you do not want to do is disregard your parking tickets.

If you do choose to or forget to pay them, after a specific duration, your account will certainly go to collections. The policies on vehicle parking penalties differ by city. For instance, in Toronto, the use of debt collectors starts when your vehicle remains in plate rejection. This is when you could not restore your plate sticker label or acquire brand-new plates– for 2 years. Also, your tickets outstanding balance is more than $300.

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Owing the taxman

If you have an outstanding amount payable on your income tax return, it’s important to settle that financial obligation to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Overdue tax obligations could cost you in penalties and interest. It will also make it more challenging to get loans.

When submitting your tax return, any amount owing is due on April 30th, or the next Monday if April 30 falls on a weekend.

Credit check failed reasons: Not paying CRA is a self-inflicted indirect hit

Not paying your taxes does not directly hit your credit rating. However, two standard questions on any loan application are:

  1. what is the last year you filed your income tax return for; and
  2. how much do you owe to CRA for personal tax.

Not being current in your filing, or having an amount owing to CRA, will limit your chances to get that loan you are applying for.

When applying for a mortgage or home equity line of credit, most lenders ask for a duplicate of your Notice of Assessment from the previous 2 years. If the potential lender sees that you owe the CRA a great deal of money, they might offer you a higher rate of interest than the posted rate or worse, refuse your application.

Credit check failed reasons: What to do if you can’t repay your debts – even if you still have an OK credit score

Maintaining a good credit score is more than just paying your credit card on schedule, yet it does not need to be made complex. You should always aim to pay any type of arrears in a prompt style, as well as understand how every activity or transaction can affect your credit score.

If you are having problems repaying your debt, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Don’t be enticed by the commercials for debt settlement. A recent study by the federal government shows that people who first go to a debt settlement company, end up paying more to settle their debts than if they just went to see a . That same study shows that ultimately, the debt settlement program alone does not work and the person ends up filing a consumer proposal with a licensed insolvency trustee.

credit check failed reasons
credit check failed reasons

The Ira Smith Team has helped many people in debt get back on track and living debt free lives Starting Over, Starting Now. Take the first step and give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post


Good and Bad credit loans: Introduction

I am always asked where can you get both good and bad credit loans. The first question I ask is how do you know you have a bad credit score? Have you checked it recently?

Last week we reviewed the new entrant to the Canadian financial marketplace, Credit Karma Canada and its service for checking your credit score for free. Right now Credit Karma Canada does not offer loan products, so it cannot help you with good and bad credit loans.

Good and Bad credit loans: First know your credit score, good or bad

This week we are reviewing another website where you can check your credit score for free, and if you wish, also use the site to get a loan product –

If you have a good credit score, you may very well qualify for a loan from If you have a bad credit score, being one below the Borrowell minimum credit score, Borrowell can’t give you a loan. In that case, they have partnered with a lender who may be able to. If you have a bad credit score, Borrowell will immediately tell you who to contact to apply for a bad credit score loan.

Good and Bad credit loans: About Borrowell

It’s never been so easy to swipe a credit card when you go shopping, but when people can’t control or manage their swiping, they will fall deep into debt. Then, they’ll have to go to their bank to borrow more money, but could face a big objection, depending on what their credit score is.

Borrowell is a Canadian company and a new breed of lender. Borrowell is in the growing group of fintech – defined as “computer programs and other technology used to support or enable banking and financial services”. Borrowell has teamed up with Equifax Canada, to allow anyone to check their credit score for free.

Checking your credit score this way, will not impact on your credit score, unlike when a lender, or potential lender, does an Equifax or TransUnion Canada credit check on you. Borrowell has also partnered up with third-party vendors, to offer financial products. Once you have checked your credit score, you can on a fairly seamless basis, apply for a personal loan for almost any purpose.

You can combine your debt, finance a purchase or borrow for your business. Borrowell has partnered with lenders for those with either good or bad credit scores.

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret – Credit score, credit rating and credit report

The tool the banks use to measure creditworthiness is a person’s credit rating and credit report. But not everyone takes the time to check there’s out. You probably found out your credit rating the last time you applied for a mortgage or other loan, but have since forgotten what it was.

Regardless, time has passed and your credit rating has now changed. Here is the hidden secret. If you don’t know your credit score, you have no idea what needs improving. Once you know your credit score, you can drill down to work on what needs improving. Borrowell allows you to check your credit score for free.

“I would say anything above 650 is deemed to be a good rating” says Andrew Graham, the CEO of It’s the first lender in Canada to give free credit scores online. Proving that you are able to treat credit properly over an extended period is everyone’s goal. If you want to improve your credit score, the first and most important thing you can do is to check out where it is now at either or Credit Karma Canada.

Good and Bad credit loans: Your credit score is an important number

Your credit score is an important number. One that can impact:

  1. your ability to borrow money in the first place;
  2. the rate of interest that you’re going to pay;
  3. your ability to find a rental if you don’t own;
  4. your ability to get a job;
  5. your home mortgage rate;
  6. your insurance policy charges; and
  7. even your job expectations.

We have written before on these issues, including:


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Good and Bad credit loans: Don’t tense up!

Even if you think your credit rating is good, people tense up and they get really nervous and uneasy because they don’t know. People I see in our insolvency practice are always concerned about their credit rating, sometimes unnecessarily so. In fact, the people I see care more about their credit rating than the debt they can’t repay!

Whether you know or not it’s not going to change the result so I say it’s better to know than not know. You wouldn’t ignore going to the doctor if you thought something was wrong, so why ignore your finances?

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret to demystify your credit score

To demystify your credit score a bit, it is on a scale from 300 to 900 and the higher the score the better. So you want to have a relatively high credit score to be assured that you get the best possible borrowing rates.

What would cause you to have a low credit score? Things such as not paying off your credit cards, if you’ve missed payments, and if you are late by 30, 60, or 90 days. That’s a big red flag, because again your credit score reflects how likely is this person to make their payments that they signed up to or not.

If you have a large unused credit ability, say you have five charge cards each with a $10,000 limit, but you pay it off every single month you’d think that would produce a good credit rating. However, the lenders will say, you can get into trouble really quickly. So if you have a lot of charge cards, you should focus on reducing the number you have open and reduce it to just a few.

Can I use a good credit rating to my advantage? Can I negotiate better interest rates? Yes, absolutely. They’ll know, so they’ll have an idea about your ratings and offer you pretty good terms, but you can certainly negotiate. If you’re a renter, you know when you’re dealing with potential landlords, if everything about you is the same as everyone else, except for your credit score, and yours is poor compared to another applicant, the rental will go to the other applicant.

Good and Bad credit loans: It doesn’t have to be like that forever

Does your credit rating stay with you eternally? If I was a broke student and racked up indebtedness, is that still going to affect me in my forties? Probably not. What happens is your rating will change as your circumstances change. So as long as you set up a record of responsible credit behavior, even if circumstances were really bad a very long time ago, you probably can still have a really good credit rating.

So it all starts with knowing your credit score and can help you. Once you know the credit score, the secret to getting that loan you need at a reasonable price is to first do the things you need to do to improve your credit score. But even with a bad credit rating,, through one of its partners, may still be able to get you that bad credit loan.

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret to fix the problem without more debt

Our final hidden secret is to let you know that normally, more debt will not fix your problems. You need to find out why you have a bad credit score, why you cannot use your existing income to pay your bills and debts and why you need to borrow more money. We can help you unlock all those answers, and unlock the hidden secret for you to get your life back on track.

If so, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as quickly as possible. With immediate action and a solid financial plan for moving forward we can help you deal with debt and learn to manage it well in the future, Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.


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Brandon Blog Post


credit, credit check, credit score, credit risk, credit report, credit rating, employment credit check, starting over starting now, trusteeCan the employment credit check beat you up? We previously discussed whether bad credit could hurt your job search. Now we know that an employment credit check certainly can. Even though a credit score was designed to predict whether or not you’re a good credit risk when you apply for a loan, a credit card, mortgage, a car lease, etc., more often than not you now have to submit to an employment credit check when applying for a job. But, should a potential employer be allowed to check your credit score and not offer you a job if you have a low one?

It sounds punitive, doesn’t it? After all, how can anyone improve their credit score without a good paying job? “There’s a certain irony that the people who are most vulnerable and who most require access to jobs could be discriminated against because they have poor credit ratings,” said Murray Rowe Jr., president of Forrest Green, a Richmond Hill-based credit advisory group.

Several states in the U.S. agree. California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have enacted measures limiting the use of credit reports and the employment credit check when determining whether a person is the right fit for a job. New York City recently announced that lawmakers are expected to pass a bill prohibiting employers from reviewing the credit histories of prospective workers. And, according to a New York-based think tank, the application of credit reports has moved far beyond their intended purpose.

The federal government of Canada doesn’t agree. In fact it recently introduced mandatory credit checks as part of a new security screening procedure for public servants. Two unions representing federal employees object to the employment credit check policy and call it an unnecessary invasion of privacy.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of employment credit check, the one thing that we can all agree on is that serious financial issues can jeopardize more than your bank account. It’s very important to deal with your financial problems as soon as possible with the help of a professional trustee and to not let them bully you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life and have the confidence to apply for the job of your dreams.

Brandon Blog Post


bad credit, credit, job search, Equifax, TransUnion, BackCheck, credit history, credit report, credit check, medical debt, marital breakdown and bankruptcy, starting over starting now, good credit and bad credit, credit check, living paycheque to paycheque, credit ratingBad credit showing up on your credit history can impact your job search. Many companies will check your credit as part of the routine background check. Some people believe that how you pay your billsgives employers an indication of the quality of your work. These employers believe that an applicant with bad credit indicates either an inability to live up to your commitments or a belief that it is not important to honour your commitments. This belief, correct or not, are traits that potential employers do not wish to inherit.

Of course this is painting a picture with very broad strokes and doesn’t take into consideration the reason for your financial problems causing the bad credit, which may be due to a divorce or a layoff. But, employers want to avoid situations when collectors start calling the office or try to garnish wages. Previously, we have written many blogs on such causes of financial problems, including:

According to Dave Dinesen, President and CEO of BackCheck, a pre-employment screening services company, they’ve screened over three million Canadians for more than 5,000 organizations, and the vast majority of employers use credit checks for identification verification purposes (such as employment history and address history). By doing so, they can also differentiate between candidates who have good credit and bad credit.

Before a potential employer can pull your credit history, you must sign a release. Protect yourself and know exactly what’s in your credit report before your potential employer does. To get a copy of your credit report contact either of the two major reporting agencies – Equifax or TransUnion. They are required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months, if you ask for it. Have them correct any inaccuracies that you find. If you discover anything in your credit report that could be potentially damaging, the best thing to do is be upfront with your potential employer. The likelihood is that a few late payments won’t prevent you from being hired. However, if you believe that a credit check will expose that you have bad credit and would negatively impact your job search, you may want to consider applying to smaller companies that don’t do routine credit checks as part of the hiring process.

Bad credit is serious and can impact many aspects of your life. Don’t ignore your financial problems; face them head on with professional help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’ll work with you to get your life back on track so that Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll never have to be afraid of a credit check again.

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian payday loans no credit check, payday loans, credit check, credit, credit cards, lines of credit, trustee, bankruptcy, interest rates, debt, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy faqs, Cheri DiNovo, starting over starting nowIf something is too good to be true, like Canadian payday loans no credit check, it usually is. More companies seem to be springing up like weeds every day offering Canadian payday loans. No credit check is the hook they use to bait you. When it comes to money, no one offers you something for nothing. Think logically, if you have bad credit or no credit, why would any legitimate company be willing to give you money? You and I both know it doesn’t make sense. Yet, the Canadian Payday Loan Association says as many as two million Canadians take out payday loans every year. Why would anyone respond to an ad for Canadian payday loans no credit check? They don’t have access to conventional credit like credit cards, lines of credit or overdraft and they aren’t aware that they can solve their problems instead of taking on more debt.

How can a company offer Canadian payday loans no credit check and make money? Simple; they charge exorbitant interest rates which are disguised so that the consumer has no idea what they are signing on for. According to Scott Hannah, president of Canada’s Credit Counselling Society, when a payday lender offers you 21% interest for a 14 day loan, that is actually 546% annual interest! Can you imagine anyone agreeing to pay 546% annual interest? But when it’s disguised as 21% for a 14 days loan, it seems quite benign. The clients who make good on their loans pay for the ones that default on their loans and those outrageous interest rates offset the losses.

Many people in the private and public sector are outraged at Canadian payday loans no credit check companies and many politicians like Cheri DiNovo are trying to shut them down. This is what she has to say:

Ontario NDP MPP for Parkdale-High Park, Cheri DiNovo

I feel they’re just ripping off poor people who have to go there for a loan and it’s just ridiculous what they charge. You’re only allowed to charge $17 on the hundred. Well with them, it’s a lot more. I think it’s something that should be outlawed and something the company should be shut down. I mean it’s outrageous.

There are better solutions to your financial problems than taking on more debt. Say NO to Canadian payday loans no credit check companies. Say YES to real financial advice from a professional trustee who is federally licensed and trained to deal with people facing a financial crisis or bankruptcy.

I understand that you are scared to declare personal bankruptcy. That is why personal bankruptcy is the last option we look at when providing you with a no charge first consultation. We first consider your entire situation, and discuss with you the bankruptcy alternatives that might be proper for you to consider. It is only after we exhaust every possible bankruptcy alternative, that we even consider discussing bankruptcy with you. Please check out the information we provide in our top 20 bankruptcy faqs section, so that you can gain real knowledge. More debt through the various Canadian payday loans no credit check companies is just a very expensive band aid, it is not a proper solution to living a debt free life!

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now you will be on your way to solving your problems, not taking on more debt.

Brandon Blog Post


loans toronto no credit checkI never realized that loans Toronto no credit check was such a popular topic. I want to tell you about three experiences that I had in the past few days. They are all separate, yet all related.

Revelation #1 – You can’t even buy beer with bad credit!

Last Friday, we were having the whole family over for dinner. The weather was so warm and pleasant, that we were going to have a BBQ and eat outdoors on the back deck. I went to The Beer Store to pick up some additional beverages and when I went to check out, I had my first revelation. At the front of the line was a fellow paying for his beer by cheque. I never even realized that you could do that. The clerk inspected the cheque and then asked the gent for identification, and he produced his drivers licence. The clerk ran his information through The Beer Store’s electronic system and politely advised the gentleman that he has been declined to pay by ordinary cheque, and that he could only pay by cash, certified cheque or credit card. The man could not pay for his beer because of his bad credit and had to leave without his favourite brew. This man obviously has financial problems and has to solve them. How he wished he was able to get at that moment one or more loans Toronto no credit check so that he could enjoy his beer last weekend!

Revelation #2 – This man obviously was not alone needing loans Toronto no credit check

On the weekend I was looking at some analytics to see which of our blogs have been accessed the most over the last 30 days. To my shock (yes, notwithstanding our Firm has been helping people who have trouble living paycheque to paycheque and corporations in need of restructuring and turnarounds, I can still be shocked) the 4 most read blogs in the last month were::


There are obviously a lot of people concerned about their debt levels and looking for information on bad credit loans, payday loans, loans Toronto no credit check and how to tackle student loan debt. These blogs were not only the most viewed in the last 30 days, but our blogs on the topic of payday loans and bad credit loans are the most read. Obviously, there is a large demand in the Greater Toronto area for loans Toronto no credit check.

Revelation #3 – Our top searches are from people looking for loans Toronto no credit check

Yesterday I look at our analytics to see what were the top search terms that brought people to our blog and Firm website in the last 30 days. There were 221 visits to our website using the following search terms:

  1. no upfront fee loans;
  2. $5000 bad credit personal loan;
  3. $5000 loan Canada; and
  4. $5000 loan no credit check.

You don’t need me to tell you what this means. There are a lot of people with bad credit who are feeling pain in our society and believe that more loans Toronto no credit check is their solution. The amazing thing though is that rather than looking for bankruptcy alternatives such as consumer proposals, or if required, bankruptcy itself, these people are looking to borrow more money (apparently $5000 is a popular number) from high cost lenders.

These people are misguided in that they think that further high cost loans Toronto no credit check will solve their problem. I understand the way these people think. It is hard for us to face our challenges. Whether it is about our health, our family or our financial situation, it is difficult and painful to look at our problems straight in the face, especially if we are the one who created the problem. These people mistakenly think that taking on more debt is the solution.

Well, it is not. These people need to recognize that their credit score is so poor because of choices they have made in the past, and their behaviour has to change. Taking on more debt through loans Toronto no credit check is just more of the “same old same old”. They need to look at ways to budget so that their expenses are less than their income. They need to start saving to pay down debt. If they can’t do it on their own, then they must consult a licensed professional trustee who can discuss options with them: budgeting, bankruptcy alternatives such as debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or perhaps even bankruptcy.

There also needs to be a discussion regarding life after implementing the solution and working on improving their credit score. If any of this sounds like a situation you are in, taking on more debt through payday loans or loans Toronto no credit check is not your answer.

You need to contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. right away for a no charge consultation. You can even check out our bankruptcy faqs now online here. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you so that together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

Call a Trustee Now!