Brandon Blog Post


cra contact

If you would prefer to listen to the Brandon’s Blog CRA contact audio version, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the podcast


It seems that more often than not, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is a creditor in the personal or corporate insolvency matters that I get involved with. Many times the person, be they just an individual, an unincorporated business owner or the President of the company, will ask, “will CRA contact me if I do not pay?”.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the various ways CRA will contact the responsible individual, be they the taxpayer or the authorized representative of the taxpayer company.

Types of CRA debt

The following types of tax debt are the usual ones that a person in Ontario might owe:

The following types of tax debt are the usual ones that an Ontario corporation might owe:

Most likely CRA has already contacted the insolvent person or company before they come to see me for a free consultation. The reality is that when someone owes money to Revenue Canada and gets one of those unique brown envelopes in the mail, they tend to feel sick in the stomach. So, although they may keep the envelope and its contents, they certainly don’t wish to look inside it.

Let’s look at the various ways CRA has to contact a taxpayer and for CRA payment arrangements to be made.

Ways you and the taxman can communicate

Notice of Assessment or Reassessment

The first way CRA will contact you is by sending a notice of assessment or reassessment to the individual or corporate taxpayer. This is a notice that explains the reason for the (re)assessment, the calculation and the amount owing. There is no need to talk about the situation where the taxpayer pays the balance in full on time. I am talking about the situation when the taxpayer cannot afford to pay the amount owing.

Be proactive

If you cannot pay the total you owe, be proactive by getting in touch with the CRA as soon as possible. Overlooking your debt does not make it vanish. As a matter of fact, ignoring it might make things worse. This is the same whether it is a personal debt or a corporate debt.

The CRA tacks on interest at the prescribed rate compounded daily. You can’t avoid this because whether you realize it or not, CRA has become your lender for any unpaid amounts. By taking action first, you can at least ward off a much worse result. So you contacting CRA is the first and best way to make the connection.

I will discuss below what your options are concerning amounts you cannot pay off immediately, but first, I want to discuss other ways that the CRA will contact you if you first don’t contact them.

Telephone or letter

If the taxpayer does not contact CRA to work out a payment arrangement (discussed below), CRA will then communicate with the taxpayer. The amount owing is assigned to a collections officer who will contact the taxpayer by telephone, letter or both.

If the taxpayer responds to that outreach, the collections officer will attempt to obtain payment. The collections officer will also ask many more questions. If the taxpayer is a company, the collections officer may also make an appointment to go visit the company to review its financial records.

The purpose of asking the questions and reviewing corporate financial records is to attempt to determine if any money is owed to the taxpayer by third parties and where does the taxpayer maintain bank accounts.

Garnishment by a Requirement To Pay

Armed with the information obtained from the taxpayer’s tax filings and any additional information collected through discussions or reviews, the next level of CRA contact to get the taxpayer’s attention is not with the taxpayer, but rather with third parties. A Requirement To Pay (RTP) is a lawful notification that the CRA sends out to a 3rd party when:

  • the CRA thinks that the 3rd party owes or will owe money in the future to the taxpayer that has not paid their tax obligation; and
  • the CRA has not been able to collect the taxpayer’s debt or make an appropriate settlement plan with the taxpayer.

The RTP advises the 3rd party to send the money the third party owes to the taxpayer to the CRA, rather than the taxpayer. The RTP reveals the taxpayer’s name, address, and the CRA account number.

The RTP is the way the CRA uses to garnishee bank accounts, wages or any other amount owing by a third party to the taxpayer. An RTP can garnishee all sorts of repayments a 3rd party might make to a taxpayer. The more common ones are:

  • income, earnings, payments, bonus offers, or various other amounts owing by an employer to an employee;
  • repayment of expenses owed to an employee;
  • amounts due to a professional or contractor for work performed, products, or services;
  • lease or rent payments;
  • loan payments;
  • interest or dividend payments;
  • insurance claim settlements
  • amounts on deposit at a financial institution

Seizing your assets

A garnishee through an RTP is to intercept and seize payments from a third party to the taxpayer. But what if there is no such third party that exists or can be found but the taxpayer has assets?

In that situation, the CRA has the power to seize assets found registered in the name of the taxpayer. This is how CRA goes about doing it. The CRA can lawfully register your debt with the Federal Court of Canada. By doing so they get a certificate validating the amount you owe to the Crown. As soon as it is issued, this certification, called a memorial, has the same or even greater impact as a judgment if someone sued you.

Now that the CRA has the memorial, they can register it against any assets in your name. This includes your home and its possessions owned by the taxpayer. The CRA rarely actually takes physical possession of the assets, but in most cases, they don’t need to. It will be impossible to sell or refinance your assets with the CRA memorial registered against it under provincial law. So when that time comes, the taxpayer will have no choice but to deal with the CRA on the outstanding debt, one way or the other.

Here are different ways that you can deal with the CRA on your tax debt if you cannot pay it now in full.

Payment arrangement

This is the first and most hassle-free way of paying off your tax debt. A payment arrangement is a settlement plan you make with the CRA. It enables you to make smaller regular payments over time until you have paid your whole tax debt plus interest.

Prior to agreeing to the settlement plan, the CRA collections officer will want to know that you are paying the maximum amount you can afford. Hopefully, the amount you can pay is at least the same as the minimum monthly amount the collections officer is willing to accept.

So, the collections officer will ask you all sorts of questions and may even want you to complete a questionnaire, so that they understand your monthly budget as part of any debt settlement plan.

As part of making a payment arrangement, you should also be working with your accountant to see if any of the taxpayer relief provisions are available to you. This blog isn’t meant to be a discussion of the income tax act or taxpayer relief, so, I won’t go into any more detail than that.

Any payment arrangement has to deal with 100% of the principal amount of tax owing plus interest. Unfortunately, the collections officer does not have the authority to make a deal to accept less than full payment, absent an insolvency proceeding (further discussed below).

Insolvency proceeding

If you cannot reach a satisfactory payment arrangement with the CRA, or you have one but can no longer keep up with the payments, then, the taxpayer can consider an insolvency filing. In the case of an individual, it would be either bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. For a corporation, it would be either a Division I Proposal or bankruptcy.

Either bankruptcy or a proposal will stop CRA’s ability to issue a requirement to pay or obtain a memorial. However, if CRA has obtained and registered a memorial before the taxpayer files for either a restructuring proposal or bankruptcy, the memorial cannot be eliminated.

Similarly, for a corporation, unremitted source deductions form a deemed trust claim against the company’s assets. So in either a bankruptcy or financial restructuring proposal, this trust claim cannot be eliminated or reduced. However, for both individuals and companies, the income tax debt can be eliminated. For companies, the HST arrears will not be a trust claim in bankruptcy. Unlike a bankruptcy, HST arrears are not automatically made unsecured by the wording of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). However, current CRA policy in financial restructuring proposals results in the HST arrears being treated as an unsecured claim.

Personal or corporate income tax is an unsecured debt. As soon as you’ve declared bankruptcy or filed the financial restructuring proposal, the CRA cannot begin or continue any action against you, including wage garnishment or freezing your assets, including your bank account. Your licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) will alert CRA as soon as you submit your filing and advise it to quit any type of enforcement activity through any RTP. As I stated above, unfortunately, any memorial already registered will remain against your assets.

Do you have too much debt?

I hope you have found this CRA contact Brandon’s Blog to have useful information for you. Do you have too much debt? Are you in financial distress? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


OSAP bankruptcy Introduction

I have written before on the issue of the difficulty in discharging student loans through bankruptcy. Bankruptcy will certainly not release your student loans debt until you’ve been out of full or part-time studies for 7 years. It is also question and answer #8 in our TOP 20 PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY FAQS found on our main website. In Brandon’s Blog, I want to drill down into the issue of an OSAP bankruptcy.

What is OSAP?

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial assistance program that can assist students in spending for college or university.

OSAP provides money via:

  • Grant: cash you do not need to repay
  • Loan: a loan you are required to pay off when you’re done college or university

OSAP can assist your spending for:

  • tuition
  • books and supplies/equipment
  • student fees billed by an institution
  • living expenditures
  • childcare

Amongst the various categories of people who are not eligible for OSAP, one is those people who have filed for either personal bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. As you might imagine, the rules surrounding OSAP bankruptcy are not simple. Let’s do some drilling down now!

Students that did not get student loans before the day they declared bankruptcy or filed a consumer proposal

If the student has been discharged from bankruptcy or fully completed a consumer proposal, she or he does not require to offer any type of supporting paperwork in order for their OSAP application to be reviewed.

If the student is an undischarged bankrupt or has not completed the consumer proposal, the student must supply a letter from their licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) or consumer proposal administrator. The document must show the day the student filed for either bankruptcy or the consumer proposal and that these 2 matters have actually been or will be satisfied:

  • Ontario and Canada is not a creditor in the bankruptcy or consumer proposal as an outcome of monetary help provided via OSAP; and
  • no monetary help offered to the student via OSAP during the current OSAP year will be taken in the insolvency proceedings to pay back the creditors

Discharged and the student is not presently enrolled in studies

If the student is discharged from bankruptcy or has successfully completed a consumer proposal, his/her OSAP application will not be decided upon until the student gives evidence that they have no amount owing on any student loans.

Alternatively, if applicable, the student can show that he/she received relief in their bankruptcy by way of a court order stating that section 178(1)(g) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) no longer applies to the student loans.

In this situation, the student needs to supply:

  • evidence that an order of discharge or full completion of the consumer proposal has been achieved and that 3 years have expired since that date
  • a copy of the notice of bankruptcy/consumer proposal
  • letter from the student’s bank and/or the National Student Loans Service Centre confirming there is no outstanding balance
  • any relevant court order

Discharged and continuing a program of study

If the student is discharged from bankruptcy or has successfully completed a consumer proposal, his/her OSAP application will not be decided upon until the student gives evidence that they have no amount owing on any student loans.

Alternatively, if applicable, the student can show that he/she received relief in their bankruptcy by way of a court order stating that section 178(1)(g) of the BIA no longer applies to the student loans.

In this situation, the student needs to prove that he/she meets all of the following criteria:

  • at the time the student declared bankruptcy or filed the consumer proposal, they were enrolled in an accepted program of study at an accepted school and taking the minimum called for course load
  • the student remains in the same accepted program they were in on the date of bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing date
  • the student has not had a break in studies longer than 6 months since the date of bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing date
  • it has not been greater than 3 fiscal years since the date of bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing date

In this situation, the student needs to supply:

  • evidence that an order of discharge or full completion of the consumer proposal has been achieved and that 3 years have expired since that date
  • a copy of the notice of bankruptcy/consumer proposal
  • letter from the student’s bank and/or the National Student Loans Service Centre confirming there is no outstanding balance
  • any relevant court order
  • letter from the student’s Financial Aid Office verifying that the program of study in which the student was registered at the time of the bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing, is the same as the program the student is now applying for

Undischarged bankrupt or has not yet fully completed the consumer proposal

If the student is an undischarged bankrupt or has not successfully completed a consumer proposal, the processing of the student’s OSAP application will not be completed until the student gives evidence that they have no amount owing on any student loans.

In this situation, the student needs to prove that he/she meets all of the following criteria:

  • at the time the student declared bankruptcy or filed the consumer proposal, they were enrolled in an accepted program of study at an accepted school and taking the minimum called for course load
  • the student remains in the same accepted program the were in on the date of bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing date
  • the student has not had a break in studies longer than 6 months since the date of bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing date
  • it has not been greater than 3 fiscal years since the date of bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing date

In this situation, the student needs to supply a letter from their licensed insolvency trustee or consumer proposal administrator. The document must show the day the student filed for either bankruptcy or the consumer proposal and that these 2 matters have actually been or will be satisfied:

  • Ontario and Canada is not a creditor in the bankruptcy or consumer proposal as an outcome of monetary help provided via OSAP; and
  • no monetary help offered to the student via OSAP during the current OSAP year will be taken in the insolvency proceedings to pay back the creditors

The student will also need to supply a:

  • letter from the student’s bank and/or the National Student Loans Service Centre confirming there is no outstanding balance
  • any relevant court order
  • letter from the student’s Financial Aid Office verifying that the program of study in which the student was registered at the time of the bankruptcy/consumer proposal filing, is the same as the program the student is now applying for


I hope you now understand that the whole area of OSAP bankruptcy and student loans in either a bankruptcy or consumer proposal is not as simple as you might have originally thought. This is especially the case if the student is continuing his or her studies.

Do you have too much debt? Are you in financial distress? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

osap bankruptcy

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal canada

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Consumer proposal Canada Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.


I have written before on the concept of how a bankruptcy filing puts into place a stay of proceedings. A section of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) states that creditors are not allowed to take or continue any collection or enforcement activity against a bankrupt person or company. But what about a consumer proposal Canada? I will discuss this concept for a consumer proposal and highlight a recent case on this issue.

The federal law

Under section 69.2 (1) of the BIA, with certain limited exceptions, when a consumer proposal is filed, “…no creditor has any remedy against the debtor or the debtor’s property, or shall commence or continue any action, execution or other proceedings, for the recovery of a claim provable in bankruptcy…”.

So if the claim is one that is provable in a bankruptcy, and therefore in a consumer proposal Canada, then the creditor cannot begin or continue a lawsuit or try to enforce a judgment for the amount owed.

A recent decision from the Ontario Court confirms this law where a consumer proposal Canada will stop creditors and bill collectors from starting or continuing legal action against you.

The facts of this case

The case is Yigzaw v. Ashagrie, 2019 ONSC 2474. It is about a motion to lift the stay of proceedings to permit enforcement of an order issued against the debtors who have filed a consumer proposal.

The applicants, Philipos Yigzaw and Aster Abraham, seek to appeal an order issued by the Court on February 21, 2017 (the 2017 order). The 2017 order was gotten on the basis of summary judgment on an application started by the applicants. In their application, they sought repayment of $102,500 that they had advanced to the respondents Anaketch Ashagrie and Yilma Gari to fund a business operating under the name “Telling Roses”. They also seek an accounting of how the funds had actually been spent.

The 2017 order required Ashagrie and Gari to pay $102,500 to Yigzaw and Abraham in addition to costs of $6,250. The respondents were likewise required to provide an accounting. The Court declined to issue a certificate of pending litigation against the respondents’ residence, although a writ of execution was issued. The respondents submitted a consumer proposal the very next day.

In this enforcement motion, the applicants state that the respondents have failed to adhere to the 2017 order. They look for relief that would require Ashagrie and Gari to be examined and to pay the amount of the judgment. They also want a finding that the respondents are in contempt.

The issues for the Court to consider

The Court first considered section 69.2 (1) of the BIA I spoke about above. The Court then looked at the exception I alluded to, being Section 69.4 of the BIA.

That section says that a Court may, in certain circumstances, raise the stay to allow a creditor to pursue its rights against a debtor who has filed consumer proposal. To obtain a lifting of the stay, the creditor must persuade the Court that it is most likely to be materially prejudiced by the ongoing stay, or that lifting the stay is equitable on other grounds.

Canadian courts have held that the criteria in s. 69.4 might be fulfilled where the creditor’s debt will not be released as an outcome of the insolvency process. The types of financial obligations that are not discharged are provided in s. 178( 1) of the BIA.

They consist of a debt or obligation arising out of fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation or defalcation while acting in a fiduciary capacity as well as a debt or obligation resulting from obtaining property or services by false pretenses or fraudulent misrepresentation. Lifting of a stay is not a routine matter.

To succeed, the applicants have to show how they are most likely to be materially prejudiced by the stay, or that there are various other equitable grounds to raise it.

In a typical motion under s. 69.4, the applicant looking to lift the stay says that it needs to have the opportunity to prove that its accusations come from an activity provided in s. 178( 1) to ensure that it may obtain a judgment against the bankrupt or insolvent person. If successful, then that claim would survive the insolvency process.

In that normal case, the Court examines the creditor’s claims to identify if the debt, if confirmed, would be released as an outcome of the bankruptcy or proposal. Sometimes, the Court may also consider evidence submitted by the creditor.

This case is uncommon because the applicants have already gotten a judgment on their claim. They are not seeking to show their claim. They are looking to enforce the Order. So the concern the Court must think about is whether that Order was made according to a cause of action listed in s. 178( 1 ). The Judge did this by reviewing the claims and evidence before the Judge who gave judgment, his analysis, and the evidence filed in this motion.

The Court’s analysis

The Court quite properly pointed out that in order to be successful for the lifting of the stay, the applicants had to show that their debt was more than just one of a contract to lend money that was not repaid.

The Court said that looking at the application in the most charitable method possible, the claims could not support a finding that the respondents obtained property from the applicants by false pretenses or fraudulent misrepresentation. The applicants state that their loan was conditional on the money being used for “Telling Roses”. They do not declare that they were induced to loan money to “Telling Roses” as an outcome of any type of illegal misstatement by the respondents. Likewise, the applicants do not allege that the respondents took part in any kind of deceitful acts that induced them to loan the funds. Therefore, the exception from the discharge of the debt in s. 178( 1 )( e) of the BIA was not advanced in the applicants’ claim.

The allegations in the application also do not support a finding that the participants engaged in fraudulence, embezzlement, misappropriation or defalcation while acting in a fiduciary capacity. To meet that standard it is not nearly enough for a debt to have actually been brought on by fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation or defalcation. That form of criminal activity had to have occurred in the context of a fiduciary relationship.

The applicants do not declare that the respondents had a fiduciary obligation towards them. The relationship they explain with the respondents would not follow such a claim. Fiduciary relationships are unusual in arms’ length business transaction. The applicants additionally do not clearly affirm that the respondents participated in any type of scam at any point.

In reviewing the reasons given by the Judge who made the 2017 order, and in looking at all the other evidence in this motion, the Court found that it was anything more than one party loaning funds to another to start a business. The business never made a profit, it failed and therefore, could not repay the money.

The decision

Given these facts and the Court’s analysis, the Court found that the applicants could not succeed on their motion to lift the stay. Rather, the Court confirmed that the 2017 judgment could only be used as the basis for the applicants to file a proof of claim in the consumer proposal filed.

The basis for the 2017 order was a finding that the applicants lent the respondents the amount of $102,500. There is absolutely nothing in the underlying decision, or in the accusations in the application on which judgment was obtained, or in any evidence submitted in this motion, that puts the applicants’ claim in the classification of financial debts that are not released under s. 178( 1) of the BIA.

Therefore, the applicants’ motion to lift the stay under s. 69.4 of the BIA was rejected. They failed to show that they are likely to be materially prejudiced by the ongoing operation of the stay or that there are various other equitable factors that would lead to a conclusion to lift the stay.

Do you have too much debt?

Are you in financial distress? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government-approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post




I reviewed a Court decision out of Alberta that was rendered on April 4, 2019. The case is Royal Bank of Canada v. Parkland Properties Ltd., [2019] A.J. No. 412, from the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench. In reviewing this case about an insolvent tenant, who later became a bankrupt commercial tenant, the same would hold true in Ontario. I thought it would be helpful to review the principles in this decision, and how it would relate to an Ontario Commercial Lease Agreement.


Unlike Ontario, there is no commercial tenancy act in Alberta. However, there are various other provincial statutes and a Supreme Court of Canada decision, that provides guidance for commercial landlords and tenants in Alberta.

If a commercial lessee breaches a business lease in Alberta, similar to Ontario law, a landlord has various alternatives. For a properly worded commercial tenancy agreement, the main alternatives include distraining on the tenant’s assets located on the leased commercial premises or terminating the commercial tenant’s lease. Suing for any damages, including rent arrears and for the unexpired duration of the lease, may also be part of the landlord’s rights.

Distraint or distress is the seizure of the commercial tenant’s property in order to acquire the repayment of rent arrears and various other amounts owed. Distraint normally includes the seizure of goods belonging to the lessee on the premises by the landlord to market them for the settlement of the amount owing at that point in time under the lease.

In a properly conducted distraint, no Court order is required. The landlord must also be careful when advising the tenant of the distraint, to also notify the lessee that the lease is not being ended. This way, the landlord may recoup further unpaid amounts or other damages in the future. On a practical basis, if the tenant does not bring the lease into good standing and allows the distraint to be completed, the business is probably over anyway.

Under the Alberta Civil Enforcement Regulation, the landlord would hire a bailiff to carry out the distraint and sale of the assets. This is what happened in the Royal Bank of Canada v. Parkland Properties Ltd. case I recently reviewed.

The facts and decision of the case

The facts are pretty simple. The landlord began and completed distraint proceedings against its tenant. At the time of the seizure, the insolvent tenant was $79,586 behind in rent. The landlord’s bailiff completed the sale of the assets. After taking its fee, the bailiff paid over to the landlord the amount of $223,990. The tenant became a bankrupt company after the funds were paid to the landlord.

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) was a secured creditor of the tenant. At the date of bankruptcy, RBC was owed $498,799. RBC took an action that originally was an action that could be taken by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee). It did so under section 38 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The Trustee was either unwilling or unable to launch the action. The action RBC launched was for the repayment of the amount realized by the landlord as a preferential payment under section 95 of the BIA.

The Court ruled partly in favour of RBC. It ordered that the landlord could retain the amount of $79,586. The balance of $144,404 could not be kept by the landlord and had to be paid over to RBC.

Ontario commercial lease agreement: The same decision would be reached in Ontario

I am satisfied that the same decision would be reached in Ontario. As I mentioned above, distraint is not a termination of the lease. Although the practical effect would be to end the tenant’s business, the lease continues and so does the tenant’s obligations to the landlord. The commercial tenant’s rights under its Ontario commercial lease agreement also remain. Distraint is a mutually exclusive remedy from termination of the lease.

The Court determined that Section 95 of the BIA does not apply to set aside distraint proceedings by a landlord under a commercial tenancy agreement in arrears. That section just included payments made by an insolvent party. The Court also stated that Section 70 of the BIA protects the landlord’s distraint because the distraint was fully completed by payment to the landlord.

However, the Court did find that the payment to the landlord was extreme. As you will recall, the distraint is based on the arrears at the time of effecting the distraint. In this case, the amount outstanding at that time was $79,586. However, the amount paid to the landlord, after the costs of distraint, was $223,990. Commercial lease landlord responsibilities include providing proper accounting. Therefore, the Court ordered that the excess over what the landlord was owed, $144,404, had to be paid to the plaintiff, RBC.

If there were no secured creditors and the Trustee launched the application, the result would have been the same. The only difference would be that the excess funds would have to be paid over to the Trustee. The result in Ontario would be the same as in this Alberta case.

Is your company insolvent?

Is your company behind in its rent payments under its Ontario commercial lease agreement? Does it not have enough cash to continue its operations?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people and companies trying to find financial restructuring or a financial debt negotiation strategy. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed, recognized and supervised by the federal government to supply bankruptcy and insolvency advice and carry out strategies to aid you to stay clear of bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can cut the stress, anxiousness and pain from your life that your financial issues have caused. With the special roadmap, we establish just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and hassle-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your company’s debt troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.ontario commercial lease agreement

Brandon Blog Post



There has been two recent bankruptcy Canada new events that I believe are important to discuss. I believe you will hear more about it over the next few months. The two are unrelated.

One deals with the insolvency of oil and gas companies. The other with the rights of retired people and their company pensions and health benefits when their former employer goes into insolvency proceedings.

Bankruptcy Canada – The Redwater decision fallout

I have previously written about the Supreme Court of Canada decision in the Redwater Energy Corporation matter. On January 31, 2019, the top Federal Court released its decision in the case of Orphan Well Association v. Grant Thornton Ltd. The Supreme Court reversed 2 Alberta lower Court decisions. It is now the law of the land that, prior to lenders or creditors getting any type of repayment, the receiver or trustee will need to invest the funds from the sale of assets on the environmental remediation costs on all orphaned wells, that provincial legislation may need.

The decision made it clear that the receiver or trustee does not need to spend cash it does not have from the sale of assets or other recoveries. However, whatever amount it recoups from the sale of assets, on a net basis, will initially need to go to provincially mandated clean-up costs of the financially troubled company’s wells. This is before secured or unsecured creditors see a penny.

Trident Exploration Corp.

Now for the fallout. Natural gas producer Trident Exploration Corp. (Trident) ceased operations on April 30, 2019. On May 3 on application to the Court by the Alberta Energy Regulator’s Orphan Well Association, Trident was placed in receivership.

Its staff and contractors have been terminated and its 3,600+ wells are being transitioned to the Alberta regulator.

The company claimed it had functioned openly and collaboratively with its lenders and the regulator since February. It further reported that it was unable to see that a successful restructuring could be accomplished in a timely fashion. Therefore, Trident’s lender stopped supporting the business. Due to this, Trident does not have the funds to run its infrastructure or enter into insolvency proceedings. Consequently, they have determined to walk away, leaving greater than 3,600 sites, a number of them active, without an operator.

The regulator then issued its order for the sites to be properly decommissioned and capped off. On April 30, Trident, without replying to the regulator’s order or addressing their environmental obligations, the Directors ceased operations, terminated its staff and contractors. The Board then resigned. Trident’s wells will soon be transferred to the Orphan Well Association.

The Redwater effect

Trident blamed the recent Redwater Supreme Court decision which ruled that capping of orphan oil and gas wells and environmental remediation should take priority over lenders when a business goes bankrupt and leaves behind orphan wells.

Trident also said that the Redwater decision, regulatory uncertainty and current low pricing has developed a treacherous setting for energy companies that dare to risk their capital in Canada.

Trident estimates that its total abandonment and improvement obligations are about $329 million. They estimate that with those costs, any recovery by secured lenders is unsure and there would be no funds for either unsecured creditors or shareholders.

The Redwater effect is that the Court’s decision has had the unintended result of increasing Trident’s financial distress and accelerating the abandonment of its wells, has it had no funds to live up to its obligations.

Only time will tell if other insolvent energy producers take the route of Trident by just shutting down and abandoning its business and leaving its wells for the regulator to deal with.

Bankruptcy Canada – Retiree pension and health benefit rights protection in insolvency proceedings

Another topic I have previously written about is the lack of protection for retirees for pension and health benefit payments when the former employer enters insolvency proceedings. Rank-and-file members of the United Steelworkers (USW) from across Canada were on Parliament Hill to consult with MPs and requesting a commitment to legislate protection for retired workers. The USW very much want to make this a 2019 federal election issue.

The 2019 federal budget plan was very quiet on any type of commitment to shield workers and retirees by treating them as protected or priority creditors in our insolvency laws.

As a result of high-profile cases such as Nortel in Ottawa, Stelco in Hamilton and Sears, the USW is committed to campaigning for retirees to have a safe future.

Retirees understand just how unsecure their pension plans and benefits might be if a firm gets into restructuring under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) or any proceeding under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

Pensions are delayed earnings and, by the time financial institutions as well as various other creditors are paid, there is nothing left for workers for any shortfall or benefit payments. The USW feels that all Canadians ought to be outraged by the treatment of retired Canadians in corporate insolvency matters.

This is why they met with MPs Senators. They want to focus on a collection of recent Bills presently before the House of Commons and the Senate. Two are before the House of Commons but they have not progressed. One is sponsored by the New Democratic Party, and the other by the Bloc Québecois. They are focused on reforming the CCAA and the BIA to offer top priority to claims by workers arising out of an underfunded pension plan and the removal of benefits.

An additional Bill, presented in the Senate late last year by now-retired Senator Art Eggleton, likewise aims to grant secured standing for pension claims.

It will be interesting to see if the Conservative Party picks up on this important debate and turns it into an election issue. The Liberal Party had promised to deal with this issue in the last four years, but alas, they have not delivered.

Bankruptcy Canada – Summary

Corporations that cannot afford to properly shut down their business and retirees losing out on benefits they worked their whole life for are important issues in insolvency. Does your company not have enough cash to continue its operations? Did you not receive all amounts you are entitled to and now are facing personal financial problems?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people and companies trying to find financial restructuring or a financial debt negotiation strategy. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed, recognized and supervised by the federal government to supply insolvency advice and carry out strategies to aid you to stay clear of personal bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can cut the stress, anxiousness and pain from your life that your financial issues have caused. With the special roadmap, we establish just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and hassle-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your debt troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will most certainly allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.


bankruptcy canada



Brandon Blog Post


Financial security Introduction

Brand-New Ipsos study findings were released on April 22, 2019, simply 2 days prior to the next Bank of Canada interest rate announcement. This brand-new survey shows exactly how Canadians really feel about their financial security or its absence. Ipsos claims almost fifty percent of Canadians cannot make ends meet on a monthly basis.

Fifty percent of Canada is worried about the effect of increasing rates of interest on their financial resources. They feel even worse about their debt load from just a couple of months back.

Canadians maxed out on debt

Canadians are maxed out on debt with 48% of Canadians on the edge of bankruptcy. They claim that they go by the end of every month to within $200 or less far from financial insolvency.

In regards to Canadians and their beliefs, people are worried about their debt levels and financial security. Forty-eight percent of those questioned claim they cannot make ends meet. They understand that they are most likely to take on even more debt at the end of each month to pay all of their expenditures. So practically fifty percent of all Canadians need to handle even more debt to satisfy their current expenses, which in part includes existing debt repayments!

It’s no longer about purchases – that ship has already sailed!

It ends up from the survey that this isn’t about the fact that we’re in a low-interest-rate atmosphere any longer. It also isn’t about people making high-end or lifestyle new purchases that are considered unnecessary.

They have actually already done all that. Especially people in Toronto and Vancouver that have stretched to buy costly houses, home furnishings and appliances. They used the low-interest rate mortgages and home equity credit lines to do it.

New debt on top of old debt

So now they understand that they better not take on even more debt. However, guess what? It is currently far too late for almost half of Canada. People are claiming they currently just cannot make ends meet. Therefore, they have no choice but to take on even more debt.

Brand-new debt to make old debt repayments! Undoubtedly, these individuals stay in a hazardous downward spiral. People are questioning whether can continue in this way and are thinking about personal bankruptcy.

It is true that the survey has a small sample size. This Ipsos survey reveals growing tension and grief. Nevertheless, personal bankruptcies remain historically low in this nation. Undoubtedly, there are local distinctions. Albertans are experiencing far more personal insolvencies as a result of the slowness in the energy market.

I think there are 2 really basic reasons for almost half of Canadians dealing with financial insolvency yet personally bankruptcy levels are down. First, financially troubled Canadians are utilizing the consumer proposal arrangements section of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). This is a good thing because they are avoiding bankruptcy.

Second, people still have adequate equity in their houses. So, they are still able to borrow for brand-new debt to satisfy old debt payments other living costs. This is not a good thing. The thing Canadians do not seem to be doing yet is tightening their belts and lowering month-to-month expenses.

Bank of Canada

The Bank of Canada (BOC) increased its overnight interest rate 5 times since mid-2017. At the end of 2018, everyone, including the BOC assumed that fad was most likely to continue. Nevertheless, in its first 2019 interest rate announcement, the Bank altered its signals and currently appears completely satisfied to hold steady on the interest rate for what might be for the rest of 2019.

On April 24, 2019, the BOC announced that it was maintaining the overnight bank rate target at 1 ¾ percent. The BOC did so based on its observations of the Canadian and global economies.

Their statement included, that in Canada:

  • economic development throughout the very first half of 2019 is anticipated to be slower than was forecast for in January 2019.
  • The oil price decrease and recurring transport restrictions have actually suppressed financial investment and exports in the oil industry.
  • Financial investment and exports outside the oil market, at the same time, have been adversely impacted by unpredictability and the global downturn.
  • Beyond the oil and gas market, the financial investment will be sustained by high prices of other commodities and exports will broaden with reinforcing international need.

As far as the global market, the BOC stated:

  • The global economy reduced by greater than the Bank projected in its January Monetary Policy Report.
  • Continuous unpredictability connected to trade disputes has weakened business views.
  • Stagnation throughout many countries has resulted.
  • In reaction, several reserve banks have reported a slower speed of monetary plan normalization.

As a result, the BOC kept its target for the overnight rate at 1 3/4 percent.

Financial questions for Canadians

Virtually fifty percent of Canadians currently are sorry for the debt they have. I believe what this does is brings recognition for you to have a serious discussion in your home. The discussion requires to be about:

  • Exactly how near the margin are you living?
  • What household costs could you drop?
  • Could you survive if one of you were to lose your job?
  • If not, what can you do now to prepare for that if it were to one day happen?
  • Have you filed all your income tax returns and paid all your tax obligations?
  • Did you get a tax refund and what are you most likely to do with that cash to help with your situation?
  • Are your Christmas gifts expenses all paid or are you still rolling those costs on your credit card bill every month?

Despite that the job market has seen wage strength, the Canadian economic situation has not produced great financial signals. There are spots that seem to be a little murkier. Our rising cost of living is nearing 2% on an annualized basis and we’re paying much more for gas at the pump. We’re paying a lot more for produce. So there are things that are costing us even more simple to manage. So if income is increasing a bit, costs are climbing much more.

So Canadians are currently really feeling a little sweaty. They aren’t certain what is most likely to take place. Currently, there appears to be a little bit of a rest on the interest rates.

Canadians need to set up a proper household budget

I would certainly suggest that not everybody has taken a hard look at their financial situation. There’s plenty of presumptions that can take place due to the fact that you just do not understand your numbers. I see that occurring all the time.

So perhaps people really feel a little even worse off than they actually are due to the fact that they do not understand their numbers. They understand they stay in difficulty, however, do not have the capability to assemble a roadmap for saving themselves.

A truth check is needed instantly. Most likely fifty percent of those that claim they cannot make ends meet can save themselves without turning to an insolvency process. If they just recognized their realities about their very own money situation. The other half of the half, or 25% of Canadians, probably do meet the financial insolvency definition and need professional help.

The trick might just be that Canadians need to promptly get a good handle on what their month-to-month income and expenses truly are. Share that info with the entire household and make and follow a household budget that has everybody’s agreement. Your financial security in retirement may depend upon it.

Readers of my Brandon’s Blog will know that I always state the advantages of correct budgeting. To check out this budgeting topic you can look as far back as my collection of blogs that began late in 2014 with A BALANCED BUDGET IS TO FINANCIAL HEALTH WHAT A BALANCED DIET IS TO PHYSICAL HEALTH. You can additionally check my more recent 2019 blogs, USEFUL TIPS FOR SAVING MONEY CANADA: THIS PRO ATHLETE TEACHES US and also MY BILLS ARE HIGH: 6 THINGS TO IMMEDIATELY DO.

What about you or your company?

Do you have way too much debt? Are you having difficulty making your month-to-month expenses? Is your company having a hard time handling its economic difficulties that you cannot figure how to get out of?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people and companies looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only experts recognized, accredited and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and carry out alternatives to aid you to stay clear of bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end your tension, stress and anxiety that your financial problems have triggered. With the special roadmap, we develop unique for you, we will right away return you right into a healthy and well-balanced hassle-free life.

You can have a no-cost evaluation so we can help you repair your debt difficulties. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will most certainly permit you to return to a brand new healthy life, Starting Over Starting security

Brandon Blog Post


bankrupting a corporation

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Bankrupting a corporation: Introduction

I have blogged on personal and corporate insolvency matters for just over 6 years now. I have covered many topics. During a recent corporate bankruptcy consultation, I realized that I have never written about what the steps are for bankrupting a corporation. An important issue arising from this topic would be what the Directors of a corporation going into bankruptcy should know.

There are 3 ways for a company to be bankrupt

Like in all bankruptcy matters, there are three methods that result in bankrupting a corporation in Canada. The first way is being pushed, and the second way is jumping in with both feet voluntarily (I know, corporations don’t have feet!). The third way is to have the company’s creditors vote down a corporation’s attempt to restructure under a Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). In this Brandon’s Blog, I will focus on describing the first two methods.

Bankruptcy application – an involuntary bankruptcy

Being pushed means that one or more unsecured creditors, owed in total at least $1,000, has made a motion before the Court asking that a Bankruptcy Order be made against the company. The motion is called a Bankruptcy Application.

In order to do so, the unsecured creditor(s) have to:

There are various acts of bankruptcy listed in Section 42(1) of the BIA. Commonly seen acts of bankruptcy are fraudulent transfers of property, allowing a lawful seizure of some or all of their property by a creditor under a lawful process, and the catch-all ceasing to meet many liabilities as they come due.

Jumping in with both feet – a voluntary bankruptcy

By this term, I mean filing an Assignment in Bankruptcy. In this case, rather than someone going to Court, the Directors call a Directors’ meeting. At the meeting, the Directors resolve that the company is experiencing financial difficulty and cannot continue to run. The Directors also reserve that the company should file an assignment in bankruptcy and it gives authority to one Director to sign all the necessary documents.

The Director who has the authority to sign the bankruptcy documents is called the Designated Officer. Before the documents are ready for signing, the Trustee who is selected must get enough information to prepare the documentation.

Whether bankrupting a corporation in Ontario or elsewhere in Canada and regardless if it is a result of a Bankruptcy Order or an Assignment in Bankruptcy, the information the Trustee requires is the same.

Information and documents a Trustee needs

The Trustee requires a great deal of information before being able to properly administer a voluntary or involuntary corporate bankruptcy. Sometimes company officials can provide it and in other cases, the Trustee has to dig through the books and records of the company.

Here is the lengthy list of what is needed:

  • Exact corporate name and address of head office, details of any other locations, copy of any premises leases.
  • Minute book and corporate seal.
  • Bankruptcy Order or the resolution of the Directors.
  • Full description of the nature of the business.
  • Names of Officers and Directors and their addresses.
  • Date of incorporation of the company.
  • The date the company ceased operations, if prior to the date of bankruptcy.
  • The greatest number of employees employed in the last 12 months.
  • All employees – listing of names, addresses, social insurance number, amounts owing for each of severance, termination, wages, vacation pay, commissions and expenses.
  • Employee T4’s & ROE’s for current year employees (employer should issue to all employees for the year of bankruptcy and earlier if unissued).
  • Creditors’ listing (accounts payable) – details consisting of name, address, account number(s), and respective amounts owing classified as follows:
    • Secured – banks, leasing company, source deductions, etc.
    • Preferred – wages owing, rent to landlords, government remittances outstanding:
    • Workers Compensation Board, if applicable.
    • Municipal authorities: e.g. business taxes and realty taxes.
    • Employer’s health tax.
    • Unsecured – trade suppliers; Hydro; Bell Canada (quote telephone number(s); gas, etc.
    • Details of any unsecured private party loans, shareholder loans or advances due to the company.
  • Details of any unions, if applicable, including name, address, account number.
  • Details of contingent liabilities and pending legal action, if any.
  • Accounts receivable – aged trial balance and detailed backup documentation (invoices, delivery slips, purchase orders, etc.) to support collection efforts. From the aged trial balance, classify the accounts as good, doubtful, bad to equal the total balance.
  • Inventory – detailed information on inventory cost and the company’s assessment of estimated realizable values.
  • Machinery, equipment and plant – detailed listing providing original cost, if possible and estimated realizable value.
  • Office furniture & fixtures – detailed listing providing original cost, if possible and estimated realizable value.
  • Real estate – all details of real estate owned, including deeds, legal descriptions, original costs, appraisals (if any), an estimated fair market value.
  • Vehicles – provide descriptions including year, model, VIN, kilometres, original costs and estimated realizable value. Note if any vehicles are leased/financed and provide copies of the lease/finance documentation.
  • Other assets – details of other assets such as prepaid expenses, deposits, goodwill, intangibles, shares or any investments, patents, trademarks.
  • Bank accounts – details of all bank accounts, including name, address, account number and approximate balance in the accounts.
  • Last 12 months of accounting records, bank statements and cancelled cheques (for all accounts maintained).
  • Financial statements – most recent.
  • Corporate solicitor – name and address.
  • Listing of leased equipment (copy of leases) – vehicles, office and any other equipment.
  • Insurance policy(ies).
  • A brief narrative of management’s opinion as to cause(s) of insolvency.
  • Disclosure of any sale or disposition of assets, outside of the ordinary course of business, in the last year.

The Trustee’s job

In a corporate bankruptcy, the Trustee, with certain exceptions, takes possession of the assets of the company. If the Trustee is aware that there are deemed trust claims against the assets, or there is a secured creditor, like a Chartered Bank, the Trustee must be careful. If there are, the Trustee should have already had a conversation with those parties prior to the bankruptcy, to decide what rights, if any, the Trustee may have against such property.

Assuming there are assets not subject to the valid claim of third parties, the Trustee must at least:

  1. Establish whether the value of the assets will be enhanced if the Trustee operates the company’s business.
  2. Take into account what obstacles exist in running the business and how to reduce risk if it is beneficial or necessary to run the business.
  3. Decide what are the very best means to sell the properties? En bloc as one parcel or individually or at least several parcels?
  4. Determine if there are any 3rd party owned assets on the company’s premises?
  5. Identify if there are any company assets on the property of 3rd parties?
  6. Prepare the required reporting to Service Canada so that the former employees will be able to make their Wage Earner Protection Plan Act claims.
  7. See if there are proper insurance coverage and proper physical security over the assets?
  8. Identify any inventory been delivered in the 30 days prior to the date of bankruptcy? What rights of revindication might exist?
  9. Circularize the creditors requesting claims to be filed to understand what the depth and breadth of claims against the company are. This way, the Trustee can formulate a distribution to creditors, in priority, with the net funds available from the sale of assets.

What the Directors should be concerned about

Directors should have two concerns when contemplating bankrupting a corporation. First, they should be concerned about any decisions they have made or senior management actions they have ratified.

For example, Sears in the United States recently lodged a claim versus its previous CEO Eddie Lampert and a string of its top-level previous Directors. This includes Eddie Lampert’s previous Yale roomie Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The allegation is that the Directors condoned and approved Eddie Lampert’s actions for presumably swiping billions of dollars from the once-storied merchant.

Second, there are various types of claims against the corporation that are also personal claims against Directors. The list includes Director liability for unpaid:

  • Wages
  • HST
  • Source deductions
  • Certain environmental offences
  • Cybersecurity risks

In general, there is a relatively short list of things Directors can be personally liable for. In many cases, there will be Director and Officer Insurance to be relied upon. Directors may also have a due diligence defence.

A Director resigning their position will not protect them against any liability that would be a personal Director liability prior to their resignation.

Are you a Corporate Director?

Are you a Director of a corporation that has too much debt? Is your company’s capital insufficient to fulfill every one of its economic responsibilities and may be insolvent? Are you worried that your firm’s major secured lender will soon pull its financing completely and demand repayment in full which the company will not be able to do?

If you responded yes to any of these questions, call the Ira Smith Team today so we can kill off the stress and anxiety that these financial troubles have activated. We will create a strategy for the Directors unique for your company’s problems so that it can avoid bankruptcy and become profitable and continue to employ many people.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience restructuring and turning around companies seeking financial restructuring or a debt negotiation strategy. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only specialists recognized, certified and monitored by the federal government to offer insolvency guidance to save businesses.

You can have a no-cost assessment so we can fix your company’s debt problems. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will absolutely allow you to return to being efficient, healthy and balanced, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


What is a receiver in insolvency?

A recent case heard in the Court of Appeal for Ontario clarifies what the time limit is to object to an order made in a Court-appointed receivership of a company in Ontario. The bottom line is you better move fast. Before I describe this very interesting decision, I should first remind newer readers on some receiver 101 basics.

What is it?

A receivership is a remedy for secured creditors to enforce their security. In the event, the company defaults on its loan agreement, normally by non-payment, the secured creditor. There are two types of these proceedings in Canada; 1) privately appointed or; 2) court appointed. A receiver might additionally be selected in an investor dispute to complete a task, liquidate assets or market a business.

Typically, the process begins with the secured creditor consulting with a Receiver. If it is decided that there should be a receiver appointed, the secured creditor then makes a choice. They can either appoint the receiver by written appointment letter (privately appointed) or make a motion to the Court for an Order appointing the receiver (court-appointed).

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) states that only a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) can act as a receiver. A privately appointed receiver acts on behalf of the appointing secured creditor. A court-appointed receiver has a duty of care to all creditors.

What are the duties of a receiver?

The receiver’s first duty is to take possession and control of the assets covered by the secured creditor’s security in a private appointment, or all the assets indicated in the court order in a court appointment. The receiver must decide whether it can get a higher value for the assets if it operates the business. Alternatively, the receiver may decide that the risk of operating the business is not worth it in terms of any meaningful increase in the value of the assets.

The receiver then develops a plan to on the running of the business and for the eventual sale of the assets. The type of business and the nature of the assets will dictate what approach the receiver will take. In the meantime, the receiver must inventory all the assets, protect them and make sure there is adequate insurance in place for what the receiver wishes to do in terms of running the business and selling the assets.

In a private appointment, the receiver needs to get the approval of the secured creditor before embarking on the business and asset plan. In a court appointment, the receiver requires the approval of the court.

What happens when a company goes into receivership?

When the company goes into receivership, senior management and the Directors lose most of their authority for decision making. The Directors’ general corporate duty of maintaining corporate records continues, but any decision-making about the running of the business or its assets will not be effective. This is especially true in a court appointment. The subject of Director liability is too broad to start mentioning in this Brandon’s Blog. i am planning to soon write a blog on that topic.

Management’s and employees’ responsibilities about the business in a practical sense will stop upon the appointment of the receiver. Their advice and help are only required if requested by the receiver. They certainly will not be paid for any efforts unless the receiver agrees in writing to make money available for their pay.

Court of Appeal for Ontario says you better move fast

Why the confusion? Isn’t the process for an appeal of a court order straightforward? The confusion comes about because, in the standard model Appointment Order of the Commercial List of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the court-appointed receiver is appointed under two statutes:

  1. Section 101 of the provincial Ontario Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C.43 (CJA).
  2. The federal BIA, section 243(1).

The applicant, in this case, was the purchaser of assets from a court-appointed receiver of a company. One of the standard provisions in the Appointment Order is that anyone wishing to take legal action against the receiver must first get the approval of the court to do so.

They brought an application for authorization to sue the receiver over a disagreement arising from the purchase of the assets from the receiver under the asset purchase agreement. On May 17, 2018, the lower court judge dismissed the application, finding that their allegations were not supported by the evidence. On November 8, 2018, the same judge refused their demand to resume the application based on new evidence.

The applicant filed appeals from both decisions. Its notices of appeal were on time under the provincial CJA, under which there is a 30-day time limit for commencing an appeal. They were late under the federal BIA, which imposes a 10-day time limit.

The lower court judge dismissed the appeals. He held that the BIA was the governing authority for the appeal, not the CJA. He stated that the origin of authority under which the receiver was appointed was section 243( 1) of the BIA and therefore appeals are governed by the BIA, not the CJA. He further went on to say that the appointment also under the CJA did not have the result of ousting the BIA as the source of authority. He further held that it also cannot supersede the federal BIA holds paramountcy over the provincial CJA.


Business Development Bank of Canada v. Astoria Organic Matters Ltd., 2019 ONCA 269

The Court of Appeal for Ontario decision was released on April 8, 2019. The appeal court found that this was a very narrow issue to decide so that it did not have to get into the merits of the case of the purchaser wanting to sue the receiver over a disagreement arising from the purchase of the assets from the receiver under the asset purchase agreement.

The Court of Appeal rejected the applicant’s appeal and did not find that the chambers judge made any errors. They said that when the order sought to be appealed was made in reliance on jurisdiction under the BIA, the proper appeal path is the BIA.

The lower court, the Ontario Superior Court Justice Commercial List, rejected the purchaser’s demand to sue the receiver, which is the decision the applicant wishes to appeal. The requirement to get leave of the court to sue the receiver comes from the Appointment Order. The court’s authority to include that arrangement order comes from the statutory power to appoint a receiver under s. 243( 1) of the BIA.

The Court of Appeal agreed that the legal power to appoint a receiver is also found in s. 101 of the CJA. But considering that authority for the leave to take legal action against the receiver comes from the BIA in spite of that the receiver was appointed under both laws, the appeal is governed by the BIA as a matter of paramountcy.

Therefore the Court of Appeal for Ontario dismissed the applicant’s appeal and awarded costs against them.

Does your company need to move fast?

Does your company have way too much debt? Is your company’s cash flow not enough to meet all of its financial obligations? Are you afraid that your company’s main secured creditor is about to demand repayment of its loan in full and you just can’t move fast enough to save your company?

If you answered yes, call the Ira Smith Team today so we can end the tension and anxiousness that these financial problems have triggered. We will develop a plan special for your company, to save it from extinction.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years and generations of experience restructuring and saving companies looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement approach. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals acknowledged, accredited and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice to save companies.

You can have a no-cost analysis to aid you so we can repair your company’s debt problems. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will certainly allow you to get back to Starting Over Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


Canada federal budget plan: Introduction

Like many Canadians, on March 19 I was watching to see if the Conservative Party would be successful or not in blocking Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s budget speech. In the end, the Liberals took the drop on Parliament by getting the budget introduced early, before the Finance Minister’s speech. That allowed the media in lockup to start broadcasting the details of the Canada federal budget plan before the Finance Minister gave his speech!

Canada federal budget plan: Retiree bankruptcy protection

I was also looking to see what the budget had in it about retiree bankruptcy protection. This matter has been in the news over the past two years. High profile insolvency cases such as Sears Canada and U.S. Steel Canada brought this matter to the forefront. I have written a few blogs on the topic of proposals to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA) to provide protection to retirees. This included private members’ bills introduced by Hamilton Mountain NDP MP Scott Duvall, Bloc Québécois MP Marilène Gill and Senator Art Eggleton, P.‍C.

As I have previously written, the issue for retirees (and current employees) relates to the employee health benefits plan and pension plan when a company enters into an insolvency administration. Insolvent companies have been allowed to put a moratorium on reimbursements to employees and retirees on valid health benefits claims. Also, the employee pension plan suffers a shortfall because the insolvent company has not made the required contributions. This automatically creates reduced pension benefits for retirees.

Pensions are delayed earnings. In either a bankruptcy or bankruptcy protection reorganization, there is generally nothing left for employees.

Given the recent high-profile insolvency cases, employees now recognize just how unsecure their pension plans and health benefits might be in the case of insolvency, reorganization or bankruptcy.

The Liberal Party already recognizes that this is a major problem. However, in this budget, they decided to ignore the issue.

Canada federal budget plan: What this budget is

Rather, this budget screams please re-elect the Liberal party. In the wake of the SNC Lavalin debacle, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is trying to win votes by spending, spending and then more spending.

The Government of Canada market debt is projected to climb by $31 billion in the coming fiscal year, to strike a total amount of $754 billion. This brand-new funding demand comes along with $250 billion of existing debt that will be maturing and will require to be refinanced.

The Finance Minister estimates that Canada’s deficit will rise as a result of the $22.8 billion of new spending. The 2018-19 deficit projection is now set at $14.9 billion, slightly reduced from the Government’s estimate in Fall 2018. However, not surprisingly for an election budget, the Liberals found a way to spend those savings and then some. Their 2019-20 deficit projection is $19.8 billion.

Canada federal budget plan: What is in this budget

This budget has a bit of something for almost everyone. I am not an economist and this Brandon’s Blog is not meant to be an economic analysis of the budget. There are many sources for an in-depth analysis. However, some of the budget highlights are:

  • $1.25 billion over 3 years on a shared-equity home loan program for first-time home buyers.
  • RRSP withdrawal limit for new home buyers increases to $35,000 from $25,000.
  • To aid Canadians with uncommon medical conditions or diseases access to the medications they require, Budget 2019 proposes to invest up to $1 billion over two years into a National Pharmacare program, starting in 2022–23, with up to $500 million per year afterwards.
  • $3.25 billion to Indigenous Services for water quality, child welfare, education and other supports.
  • $2.2 billion for a one-time doubling of Gas Tax cash for cities’ infrastructure spending.
  • Personalized Canada Training Credit of $250 a year (up to $5,000 lifetime) for job retraining.
  • A credit of up to $5,000 for the acquisition of electric vehicles.
  • The rate of interest on Canada Student Loans decreased to prime and will be interest-free for 6 months after graduation.
  • Low-income working seniors can earn more without losing GIS benefits.
  • $595 million to sustain journalism will include 15% tax credit for electronic news subscriptions.
  • A promise of high-speed internet for all Canadians by 2030.

Canada federal budget plan: Vote for me

So as you can see, this budget is full of promises; a little something for everyone. The two glaring omissions seem to be nothing really for business and ignoring retiree bankruptcy protection. It appears that the Federal government went for the easy stuff – spending money, as opposed to harder things like amending the BIA and CCAA.

It is obviously an election budget. Details on how the new legislation and spending will work are scarce within Budget 2019. No doubt the devil will be in the details. The new proposed housing provisions will no doubt spur demand, which will keep the construction industry going which is a good thing. However, increased demand will probably mean higher prices in the major Canadian cities, especially in Toronto and Vancouver. So, it will take time to see if affordability gets worse or not for new home buyers.

Canada federal budget plan: I can’t spend more than I earn, how about you?

Our government has made no secret that it will be spending last year’s savings and then look to spend more than it takes in. The way they can do that is by just issuing more debt. This is certainly not unique to the Canadian government. All governments do it.

Unfortunately, normal working people can’t just take on more debt because we want to spend more. Eventually, I would run out of lenders willing to let me borrow more money, and my income would not be enough to make all my monthly payments, let alone repay the original loans! Rather, like you, I need to budget to make sure that my necessities are covered and that I have enough money for the other things I need to spend on. This includes my savings and emergency savings fund.

Have you lost the ability to borrow more money? Are you having trouble making your monthly payments? Is your business facing financial challenges that need to be addressed?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years along with generations of experience helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals accredited as well as supervised by the Federal government to supply insolvency advice and services to help you avoid bankruptcy.

You can have a no-cost consultation to help you to fix your debt troubles. With you, we will discover your financial pain factors and offer you the strategy to finish them in your life. This will absolutely allow you to begin a clean slate, Starting Over Starting Now.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can start ending your stress and pain today. With the roadmap we create unique to you, we will quickly return you right into a healthy and balanced carefree life.

canada federal budget plan

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy help

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Bankruptcy help: Introduction

When people ask for bankruptcy help, they really don’t want to talk about bankruptcy. What they are really asking for is help in eliminating the pain, suffering and stress they are going through dealing with their unmanageable debt. They want solutions to avoid bankruptcy. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the debt danger signals and provide solutions to avoid bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and monitored by the Federal Government. We provide options and proposed solutions to people and companies with too much debt. Our main goal is to help people and companies AVOID bankruptcy while solving their debt problems.

Bankruptcy help: 10 signs that you need help

  1. Your total debt has increased over the past year. You may be making minimum payments on some debt, paying down other debt, but increasing your debt in total. You have not accomplished anything in reducing your debt in the past year and this means you need help.
  2. Justified purchasing a new vehicle even though your existing one is fine, just not new. Taking on more debt just because of a “want” but not a “need” is irresponsible. You need help.
  3. Bought a new house with a larger mortgage, or mortgages, because you expect your income to rise in the future. Wages and salaries are not increasing in any real way. They are flat. Voluntarily carrying a larger debt load hoping that sometime in the future your income will catch up to your cash needs is not a responsible way of handling your affairs. You need help with your debt.
  4. Have borrowed money to go on a vacation. You should never go into debt to purchase something that is going to vanish in a week or two. The vacation will be gone but the debt will remain. If you can’t afford a vacation, you can’t go on one.
  5. Justify purchases based on what your peers are buying. Again, going into more debt because you want things your friends are buying is not a good reason. Their situation is not your situation. Maybe they can afford those things but you can’t. Maybe they can’t afford those things and will end up in bankruptcy. You just don’t know. Again, you can’t go into debt for “wants”.
  6. You have no emergency fund saved up. Recent surveys have shown that Canadians may be a few hundred dollars away from a financial disaster. Many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque. You don’t know when a medical emergency, job loss or the need to replace a major appliance will happen. You need an emergency cash fund to cover those emergencies. If you have too much debt and no emergency fund savings, you need debt help.
  7. No retirement savings. It is never too soon to start planning to save a certain part of your take-home pay for retirement. A proper household budget will allow for such savings. If you are constantly battling your debt and have no money for savings, you need debt help.
  8. You quit your job without having another one lined up. This is probably the most irresponsible thing you can do. It may seem obvious to you, but trust me, I have seen it. The best way to land a better paying job or position is when you already have one. Trying it any other way is pure folly, especially when you have too much debt. Your regular monthly debt payments will not wait for you to have your income stream rolling again. Keep in mind that I am not talking about someone who is downsized and was given a package. I am talking about someone who quits without having new employment ready to go to.
  9. You are always borrowing from one source to pay down another. There isn’t enough money from your earnings to make your required debt payments. The fact is that you are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. You’re in trouble and need debt help.
  10. You ignore your partner’s bad money habits or worse, financial infidelity. Your money habits may be impeccable. However, ignoring your partner’s money problems will bring you down too. You both need debt help.

Bankruptcy help: How we provide debt help

The first thing we offer is a free first consultation. You explain to us the financial issues you are facing. Then we talk to you about your family assets, liabilities and income. We then describe to you some possible options to help you overcome your debt problems. More information will be needed from you, but at least we start by setting your mind a bit at ease by telling you that your situation is not hopeless and we can give you solutions. All of the solutions we offer, except maybe one, are all so you can avoid bankruptcy.

The takeaways we want everyone to get from this free consultation is that you feel:

  1. We have empathy for your situation.
  2. A rapport has been built.
  3. We are the kind of people you can see yourself working with.
  4. You trust us.

If you wish to go ahead with our solving your financial and debt problems, the next step is that we have you complete our standard intake sheet called the Debt Relief Worksheet. A fully completed worksheet, complete with backup documents, allows us to drill down into all the issues and come up with our definitive recommendations.

Bankruptcy help: What are some possible solutions

The range of possible solutions depends on when we get to speak with you. Most people wait until they have no more credit line to use. Sometimes it takes a major event like the Canada Revenue Agency garnisheeing their bank account or wages before they realize they have a debt problem. The earlier you recognize there might be a problem and come speak with us, the more options we will have for you to solve your debt problems.

The range of options might include:

Credit counselling

Credit counselling is in fact debt therapy. We give advice with a host of concerns connected to debt consisting of budgeting, debt remedies, working with your lenders as well as restoring credit scores.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is replacing all of your debts with new single financing at a lower overall interest rate so that you only have one debt to focus on reducing.

Consumer proposal

A consumer proposal is an official deal made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) to customize your repayments; e.g. paying a lesser amount every month for a longer amount of time and paying in total less than you owe. Another benefit is that the interest clock stops the moment you file your consumer proposal.

If none of the above 3 possible solutions to avoid bankruptcy will work for you, then you are a candidate to file for bankruptcy so that you can end the pain and stress your debts are causing you. This way you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Bankruptcy help: Do you have too much debt?

Do you have too much debt? Are you stressed that future interest rate increases will make currently affordable payments completely unaffordable? Is the pain, stress and anxiety hurting your wellness and health?

If so, speak to the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies looking for financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only experts licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency services.

Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation and to make sure that we can begin assisting you to return right into a healthy, balanced, hassle-free life.


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