Brandon Blog Post


our most read blogs in 2022
our most read blogs in 2022

Our most read blogs in 2022: Did people still consume blog content in 2022?

It is challenging to accurately ascertain the number of individuals who engaged in blog reading in 2022, as such information is not publicly accessible. However, if the performance of our blog, Brandon’s Blog, is any indication, blog reading should remain a widespread form of online content consumption in 2023 and beyond.

This is because blogs provide an easy way for individuals and businesses to share their opinions, stories, and advice with their audiences. Additionally, blogs can be customized to meet individual needs and preferences, making them accessible and enjoyable to a wide range of readers.

Furthermore, blogs are easy to share, allowing readers to share their favourite content with friends and family. As such, the prevalence of blog reading will likely continue for the foreseeable future. In this Brandon’s Blog, I explain what I think makes for an effective blog post and then discuss our most read blogs in 2022.

Our most read blogs in 2022: Which type of blog has the most readership?

The demand for personal blogs and business blogs can vary widely depending on the topic and audience. Some popular blog topics for personal blogs are the ones that impact people’s daily lives including personal finance, parenting, health and wellness, travel, food and cooking, technology, and fashion blogs. Some people may also be interested in specific hobbies or activities, such as gardening, crafting, sports, or fitness blogs.

In general, blogs that are well-written, informative, and engaging tend to be in demand, regardless of the topic. Blogs that can offer valuable insights, useful tips, or new perspectives on a subject can be particularly appealing to readers. Additionally, blogs that are updated regularly with fresh content following a specific content strategy, can be more attractive to readers, as they provide a reason to return to the site on a regular basis.

It is important to bear in mind that there can be fluctuating levels of demand for blogs due to the dynamic nature of individuals’ interests and priorities. A blog that covers a topical issue or a current event may experience a surge of readers, while a blog that looks at a less prominent topic may not be a popular blog.

Consequently, bloggers can benefit from being mindful of the int ests of their readership and having the capacity to adjust their blogging practices accordingly. That is what we try to do with Brandon’s Blog. I would love you to email me at to let me know how you think I am doing and if there are any topics, in particular, you wish me to cover.

our most read blogs in 2022
our most read blogs in 2022

Our most read blogs in 2022: What would be the most successful blogging strategy in 2023?

There are many strategies I believe that bloggers can use to make their blogs more effective in 2023 and beyond. What I try to do for making sure that this remains a successful blog is:

Create high-quality content with a specific content strategy:

One of the most important strategies for successful blogging is to create content that is informative, engaging, and well-written. This can help to attract and retain a loyal readership.

Use SEO techniques:

Search engine optimization (SEO) can help improve your blog’s visibility in search engine results pages. This can be achieved by using relevant keywords in your blog titles and content and creating meta descriptions and alt tags for images.

Promote the blog:

To ensure your blog reaches its intended audience, it is essential to use marketing tools to promote it through available channels such as social media and email.

Interact with your readers:

Developing a dedicated group of followers is a major part of blogging success. Connect with your audience and motivate them to spread the word about your content.


Keep your readers engaged and coming back for more by providing new content and getting the word out!

Don’t be afraid to mix things up in your blogs:

Trying out different formats and styles like video, audio, or interactive content can be a great way to keep your readers engaged.

To remain a leader in the industry, I’m constantly researching the newest trends, court decisions, and top strategies in the world of insolvency. This way I can ensure Brandon’s Blog topics are always up-to-date and appealing to new audiences. All this hard work gives me the confidence that my efforts won’t go to waste!

our most read blogs in 2022
our most read blogs in 2022

Our most read blogs in 2022: I’m excited to share with you our 10 most-loved blog posts from 2022!

From #10 to #1, here are our top 10 most read blogs in 2022:


This August 2019 blog answers the 8 most asked questions about credit card debt after death in Canada.


In this January 2022 Brandon’s Blog, I wrote about the unfortunate privilege we had of consulting on a compelling case of a Toronto man who had opted to utilize a debt relief program offered by a Canadian debt relief firm to tackle his debt problems. Unfortunately, despite taking advantage of this program, the individual in question remains debt-ridden and lost his home, all a result of perfectly following the advice of the debt consultant.


On October 29, 2019, an agreement was reached in the Pearce v 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc. class action lawsuit, certified by the court in British Columbia. This blog, published in March 2022, provided an overview of the settlement between the two parties. This debt consultant company in question obviously preferred this settlement to resolve the issue rather than going to trial. This is especially in light of the findings of the BC Court up to the point of the settlement as to the infractions by the debt consultant company.


In our role as Estate Trustees in our companion business, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario, our team of professionals often encounters queries regarding the duration of probate in Ontario, as well as 6 other commonly asked questions. This May 2021 Brandon’s Blog provides answers to these FAQs.


In this May 2021 blog, I discuss the 4 Pillars lawsuit, explaining why the Court of Appeal for British Columbia has approved it as a class action proceeding, despite the objections of the debt consulting firm.


Early this year, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business revealed that due to the indefinite prolongment of the pandemic, many Canadian businesses have become apprehensive about their financial stability. Even with emergency government assistance, the future of these businesses remained uncertain.

Despite the CEBA loan program for Canadian businesses in this April 2022 installment of Brandon’s Blog, I examined the implications for entrepreneurs who are unable to repay a CEBA loan and their business was forced to close.


This October 2021, Brandon’s Blog provided a comprehensive update on the CEBA loan program and addressed the often-asked question of what constitutes a loan default. Additionally, the blog outlined three innovative strategies for entrepreneurs to deal with any potential loan default.


My Firm through our other business, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario, frequently undertakes the role of Court-appointed Executor/Estate Trustee. Unfortunately, many individuals are inadequately equipped to handle the delicate process of settling the estate of a deceased family member or friend, leading to stress and distress.

This October 2021 Brandon’s Blog provides support to you in your duties as an Estate Trustee in Ontario through a helpful Ontario Executor duties checklist to help you navigate the estate settlement process with confidence and expertise.


The 407 ETR reports that only a small proportion of toll evaders choose to pay up voluntarily. However, they have one surefire way to make sure they recoup what they’re owed; Ontario can deny license plates to those who don’t settle their 407 toll debt. People ought to be aware that this is a serious consequence and should be sure to pay their tolls.

If you’re having difficulty with a 407 plate denial, this March 2021 Brandon’s Blog provides a comprehensive overview of the Canadian insolvency process and how it can help you handle this issue if the 407 is one of your creditors.


This Brandon’s Blog published in October 2019 dives into the implications of what happens to a Canadian’s mortgage when they pass away.

our most read blogs in 2022
our most read blogs in 2022

Our most read blogs in 2022: Are there any indicators that my financial situation is in good shape?

Several signs may indicate financial health:

  1. You have a budget and stick to it: Having a budget can help you keep track of your income and expenses and make sure you are saving and spending wisely.
  2. Your emergency fund exists: It’s critical to maintain an emergency fund for any unanticipated costs or situations. A reliable guideline is to have enough cash stored away to cover your living expenses for at least three to six months.
  3. You have manageable debt: Having some debt is normal, but it’s important to make sure your debt is manageable and that you are making progress in paying it off.
  4. You save and invest: Building wealth involves saving and investing for the long term. If you can set aside money for the future and invest it wisely, it can be a sign of financial health.
  5. You can meet your financial obligations: Being able to pay your bills on time and meet your financial obligations, such as rent or mortgage payments, is a sign of financial stability.
  6. You have a financial plan: Having a plan for your financial future can help you achieve your financial goals and can be a sign of financial health. This might include setting savings goals, investing for retirement, or planning for a major purchase.

Our most read blogs in 2022: What will your 2023 finances look like?

I hope you enjoyed our most read blogs in 2022 Brandon’s Blog.

There are many financial blogs. Ours focuses mainly on issues of importance to those experiencing debt problems. Income and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing Canadians, be they employees, entrepreneurs or companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

our most read blogs in 2022
our most read blogs in 2022


Brandon Blog Post


identity theft horror stories, fraudsters, fraud, identity theft, identity thieves, guard against identity theft, trustee, social media, anti-virus, credit report, identity theft product, fraud alert

Identity theft horror stories: Introduction

There always seems to be identity theft horror stories coming out right after the holiday shopping season. The holidays may be a time of good cheer, but for others who’ve been victimized by fraudsters and identity thieves, it can be a nightmare. Earlier in the month we posted a blog giving you 3 secret techniques to guard against identity theft, but we must still remain diligent.

Identity theft horror stories: What more can you do to protect yourself against fraudsters & identity thieves?

According to Equifax, Canadian consumers have indicated that they’ve taken the following steps:

· Shared less about self on social media· 87%
· Used an up-to-date computer anti-virus product· 81%
· Double-checked credit card statements· 79%
· Shopped less online· 56%
· Avoided using public WiFi· 47%
· Used cash more often· 46%
· Updated security passwords· 43%
· Used an identity theft product· 30%
· Checked my credit report· 28%

Identity theft horror stories: What can you do if identity theft happens to you?

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada advises that you document in writing everything that’s happened since you first became aware of the fraud and that you follow these 4 steps:

  1. Contact your local police and file a police report.
  2. Contact the financial institutions, credit card companies, phone companies, and other lenders for any accounts you suspect are opened or tampered with.
  3. Contact the two credit bureaus in Canada, Equifax and TransUnion. Ask that a “Fraud alert” be placed in your credit file. At the same time, order copies of your credit report and review them. Make sure all the accounts and debts that show up on your report are yours. Report any incorrect information to the credit bureaus.
  4. Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) toll-free at 1-888-495-8501 to report the fraud and get advice. The CAFC plays a crucial role in educating the public about specific mass marketing fraud pitches and in collecting and disseminating victim evidence, statistics and documentation, all of which are made available to law enforcement agencies.

Identity theft horror stories: What should you do if you have your own Christmas credit card debt horror stories?

Remember to always protect your personal information at home, online, on the phone and in public places and follow our 3 secret techniques to guard against identity theft. Everyone is a potential victim so be on your guard. Unfortunately even taking precautions is not 100% foolproof, so if you’re now experiencing serious financial difficulties as a result of identity theft or for any other reason, give Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. a call immediately. We can help you solve your financial problems with immediate action and a solid financial plan Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


debt, collection agencies, social media, social media sites, Facebook, Google Chrome, Marauder’s Map, InstagramDon’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.

Erin Bury

Collection agencies have internet access too

So true! Once something is out there in cyberspace you can’t get rid of it. There is no delete button. Therefore, it can be no surprise that collection agencies are using social media to track debtors. The amount of personal information that we give up on social media sites is shocking.

Collection agencies can read social media postings

Did you know that Facebook tracks the location of all of your messages? Facebook’s Messenger app uses location data. And, with a Google Chrome extension called Marauder’s Map, a person’s exact location is revealed if their location settings are enabled. Instagram also collects specific data about users’ locations based on where they post images.

It’s no wonder that collection agencies have realized the value of social media in tracking down debtors. “Normally, collectors use social media to locate people or see if there are any assets that might be collectable,” notes Joel Winston with the Federal Trade Commission.

Collection agencies look to see if your social media backs up your story

Before you go ahead and post information on any of the social media sites, stop and think first. Posting photos of your recent trip to Tahiti while you’re pleading poverty to the debt collector is never a good idea. Remember that every time you post an item on a social media site you’re giving up personal information.

What to do if collection agencies are hounding you

If you’re been chased by collection agencies you need professional help and you need it now. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. There are a variety of options we can discuss including a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy, if ultimately that’s the best course of action for you. Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


credit score, credit scoring, Facebook, Facebook credit score patent, Facebook friends, loan, social media, credit ratings, social network, credit score, loan applications, financial danger zone, trustee, debt, social media, starting over starting nowWhat does credit scoring have to do with your Facebook Friends?

To improve your credit scoring, you are going to have to choose your Facebook Friends more wisely. Many people believe that when it comes to social media, it’s a numbers game and whoever has the most, wins. As a result they will “friend” anyone who asks. They don’t care who they are or why they want to be Facebook friends; the only thing that matters is that their number of friends keeps going up. That may now be a very dangerous game to play. Those Facebook friends that you’ve been amassing may be a liability if you apply for a loan.

It’s well known that Facebook mines data from its users for the purposes of pushing targeted advertising. However, Facebook now has a patent for authorizing and authenticating a user based on their social network on Facebook. Although this patent can be used for several benign functions like helping with search queries, it also states very clearly that it could be used to approve a loan based on a user’s social connections. In other words, the new Facebook algorithm can be used by lenders in determining your credit scoring when applying for a loan or mortgage.

The Facebook credit rating patent

“When an individual applies for a loan, the lender examines the credit ratings of members of the individual’s social network who are connected to the individual through authorized nodes,” the patent reads. “If the average credit rating of these members is at least a minimum credit score, the lender continues to process the loan application. Otherwise, the loan application is rejected.” So your Facebook Friends credit scoring, affects yours too!

Lenders are already using social media when considering your loan application

In case you find this shocking and futuristic, social media strategist and University of Sydney academic Laurel Papworth says that lenders in 36 countries are now using Facebook data as part of their tools for approving or rejecting loan applications. This puts a lot of power in the hands of your Facebook friends, especially when you consider that according to CNN there are 83 million fake profiles.

So do you really know your entire list of Facebook friends well and better yet, their financial situation and credit scoring? It’s time to take a serious look at your Facebook friends and start trimming the fat. Who you don’t actually know, and who you do know with poor credit scoring, can hurt you.

If you have been rejected for a loan – take action now!

If you have been rejected for a loan application because of a poor credit scoring, chances are that you are in a financial danger zone. The best thing you can do is contact a professional trustee as soon as possible. The Ira Smith team is here to help you conquer debt and live a financially healthy life Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


Canada Revenue Agency, CRA, CRA audit, social media, social media sites, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, trustee, income tax debt, debt, trustee, starting over starting now, Canada revenue agency social media, receiverCanada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff review your latest photos and news on social media sites that you post to. Did you know that? If you do post to social media sites and you did not know that Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff may be looking at your postings, then you’re like most of the adults online.

Sharing everything from your marital status to what you’re eating at a restaurant on social media sites has become second nature. We have a great need to share, without giving it a second thought. According to Pew Internet Research, as of September 2013:

  • 71% of online adults use Facebook
  • 17% use Instagram
  • 21% use Pinterest
  • 22% use LinkedIn

You may think that participating in social media is a harmless activity and you may even post some white lies, but after all, the Internet encourages creativity. And, who could it hurt anyways? The answer is you! It’s not just your friends checking out your Facebook page, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may be checking you out as well. The Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff use an audit technique called Indirect Verification of Income.

The CRA is on the lookout for folks living a high income life – big house, fancy cars, and exotic vacations – without reporting the income to sustain such a lifestyle. This kind of behaviour is a huge red flag for the CRA and you could be in for an audit. Rest assured that the CRA, including the Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff which is an increasingly important component of the investigation side, will leave no stone unturned in search of the unreported income.

We had an interesting file that demonstrated exactly how deep in trouble you many find yourself if you post everything on social media sites, and lie. A high income earner was trying through a Proposal to compromise $400K of his income tax debt (amongst others). Throughout his entire professional career he had photos of himself in front of yachts, mansions and fancy cars to show how successful he was. The only problem was that none of it was ever his. It took a year to convince the CRA that neither he nor his spouse ever owned such assets!! Ultimately we were successful in satisfying CRA’s concerns and the CRA voted in favour of his Proposal.

Before you post your life story on social media sites, ask yourself what the Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff will think if they crawl your pages.

If you’re having serious financial issues related to income tax debt or any other cause, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. With a solid financial plan in place Starting Over, Starting Now you can free yourself of debt.

Brandon Blog Post


bad credit, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy in Canada, bankruptcy in ontario, bankruptcy ontario, bankruptcy protection, bankruptcy trustees, Consumer Proposal, consumer proposals, credit report, credit score, credit scores, debt management, debt settlement, declaring bankruptcy, Facebook and LinkedIn, social media, social networks, what is a consumer proposalAre you experiencing problems with debt management or having trouble getting credit due to a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal? If so, you are going to be delighted to hear that there are companies who believe that online reputations can tell lenders more about a person’s trustworthiness than the traditional credit score. Your credit score is established on the basis of how you pay your bills while companies like Lenddo and Neo Finance are analyzing data from social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and other factors to reach people who have a hard time getting loans. The Lenddo score is based upon:

  • Number of followers
  • Background of peers
  • Education and employers
  • Repayment history of friends

The Neo Finance score is based upon the following information in a person’s LinkedIn profile:

  • How long the user has held jobs
  • The number and quality of connections in their industry
  • The seniority of their connections

Should social media be used to determine your credit score? Probably not. Basing anything on the number of social media followers is categorically unreliable. Social media networks have become a numbers game where there is the mistaken belief that “whoever has the most, wins”. Fake Twitter followers have become a multi-million dollar business. Open networkers on LinkedIn have thousands of followers that they don’t know and the same goes for people who collect Facebook friends. The other problem is that the consumer would have to be willing to connect the financial service to their social media networks’ data which of course brings up privacy issues. Although in theory, this sounds like an interesting idea, I’m afraid that there is no quick fix for bad credit.

If you are experiencing problems with debt management or having trouble getting credit due to a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for information on how to fix bad credit so that you can live a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!