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Canada Revenue Agency, CRA, CRA audit, social media, social media sites, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, trustee, income tax debt, debt, trustee, starting over starting now, Canada revenue agency social media, receiverCanada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff review your latest photos and news on social media sites that you post to. Did you know that? If you do post to social media sites and you did not know that Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff may be looking at your postings, then you’re like most of the adults online.

Sharing everything from your marital status to what you’re eating at a restaurant on social media sites has become second nature. We have a great need to share, without giving it a second thought. According to Pew Internet Research, as of September 2013:

  • 71% of online adults use Facebook
  • 17% use Instagram
  • 21% use Pinterest
  • 22% use LinkedIn

You may think that participating in social media is a harmless activity and you may even post some white lies, but after all, the Internet encourages creativity. And, who could it hurt anyways? The answer is you! It’s not just your friends checking out your Facebook page, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may be checking you out as well. The Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff use an audit technique called Indirect Verification of Income.

The CRA is on the lookout for folks living a high income life – big house, fancy cars, and exotic vacations – without reporting the income to sustain such a lifestyle. This kind of behaviour is a huge red flag for the CRA and you could be in for an audit. Rest assured that the CRA, including the Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff which is an increasingly important component of the investigation side, will leave no stone unturned in search of the unreported income.

We had an interesting file that demonstrated exactly how deep in trouble you many find yourself if you post everything on social media sites, and lie. A high income earner was trying through a Proposal to compromise $400K of his income tax debt (amongst others). Throughout his entire professional career he had photos of himself in front of yachts, mansions and fancy cars to show how successful he was. The only problem was that none of it was ever his. It took a year to convince the CRA that neither he nor his spouse ever owned such assets!! Ultimately we were successful in satisfying CRA’s concerns and the CRA voted in favour of his Proposal.

Before you post your life story on social media sites, ask yourself what the Canada Revenue Agency social media investigative staff will think if they crawl your pages.

If you’re having serious financial issues related to income tax debt or any other cause, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. With a solid financial plan in place Starting Over, Starting Now you can free yourself of debt.

Call a Trustee Now!