Brandon Blog Post


Canadian credit card debt: Introduction

Due to the holiday buying season, December has traditionally been connected with a surge in Canadian credit card debt. Nonetheless, with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the surge in case numbers, celebrations, travelling, and in-store holiday shopping pretty well stopped, resulting in an extraordinary reduction in Canadian credit card debt.

Fast forward 2 years to December 2022, and Canadian consumers have returned to their traditional pre-pandemic period of extravagance in holiday purchasing. With the pandemic’s hold loosening, Canadians have eagerly ushered in the holiday spirit, leading to a rebirth of the fad of maxing out credit cards. As a result of that, and other factors I will discuss below, Canadian credit card debt is once again growing.

The escalating issue of credit card debt in Canada is gradually becoming a matter of concern for individuals and the nation’s economy in general. In this Brandon’s Blog, I will delve deeper into the Canadian credit card debt predicament, the reasons behind its growth, and plausible solutions to tackle it.

Canadian credit card debt: What is it and why could it be a problem?

The outstanding balance of credit cards of Canadians at any specific point in time is what is described as Canadian credit card debt. It is built up when people utilize their credit card to make purchases, and afterwards, carry a credit card balance from one month to the next, rather than paying off the balance in full when due.

As this financial debt begins to grow, it can trigger a lot of stress and anxiety and make it hard to stay up to date with monthly expenses. Credit cards are well-known for having high-interest rates, which means that the longer a balance is carried, the more interest the borrower will be paying, making it even more difficult to pay down the amount owed.

Furthermore, excessive credit card debt can significantly harm a person’s credit rating, which can make it harder for them to get new loans or credit in the future. This can bring about missed payments or even default, both of which will, even more, harm their credit score.

If you don’t handle your Canadian credit card debt properly, it can lead to some serious financial problems.Canaacanadian credit card debt

The current state of Canadian credit card debt

According to recent reports by Statistics Canada and Equifax Canada, people’s credit card balances are on the rise. And it’s not just a one-time thing either – Equifax Canada’s report and the government statistical agency report both states that it has been going on for the past year. Actually, by the end of 2022, Canadian credit card debt had risen by 13.8% contrasted to the previous year, leading to an overall outstanding debt of $93.4 billion.

What’s specifically concerning is that this rise in credit card debt is striking lower-income households the hardest. With high inflation, lots of people in this group are turning to high-interest credit cards to cover important rising costs like food prices, medication, as well as rent. It’s clear that we need to do even more to sustain these Canadians and also help them resolve this problem of inflation causing extra costs for Canadians.

Credit card debt can be worrisome in Canada for a few reasons. One of them is that credit card companies tend to charge pretty high-interest rates here – around 20% or more! That’s quite a bit more than other kinds of debt you might have, like a car loan or a mortgage.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Canadians’ savings are low, due to many of the same reasons that Canadian credit card debt is rising – the main one being inflation. So if something unexpected happens, like a drop in income or an unexpected expense, some folks might not have much in the way of savings to fall back on.

All in all, it’s important to keep an eye on your credit card debt in Canada – it can pile up pretty quickly!

Canadian credit card debt: Why do Canadians have so much credit card debt?

Numerous factors contribute to the excessive credit card balances among Canadians. Among the primary reasons is the effortless accessibility of credit cards. Credit card companies aggressively market their products to Canadians, luring them with attractive incentives like sign-up bonuses, cashback rewards, and low introductory interest rates.

Canada’s high cost of living is another significant reason for the country’s high credit card debt. Canadians encounter steep housing costs, surging food and gas prices, and escalating expenses of every type and description. With income failing to keep up with expenses, many resort to credit cards to bridge the gap, leading to elevated debt.

When faced with unexpected expenses like vehicle repairs or other emergencies, many Canadians lack the necessary savings and turn to credit cards to bear the costs, further increasing their reliance on credit.

Finally, a considerable number of Canadians lack the financial literacy to fully understand the trap they are falling into by continuing their credit card usage with no hope of ever repaying the balance owed.canadian credit card debt

Canadian credit card debt: Common mistakes people make when it comes to credit card debt in Canada

Signing up for too many credit cards: This can make it challenging to stay on top of monthly payments and may even lead to overspending.

Neglecting to regularly review credit card statements: This can result in harmful errors or unchecked fraudulent charges, which can add up and cause undue stress.

Making large purchases: Using credit cards for a major expensive purchase without having a clear plan to pay off the balance, can lead to hefty interest charges and long-term debt.

Applying for too many credit cards: Often enticed by sign-up bonuses or rewards, too many credit cards can lead to an inability to monitor payment schedules and overspending.

Failure to regularly review credit card statements: This can result in undetected errors or fraudulent charges. This may ultimately result in an increased balance owed or avoidable fees.

Financing large purchases: Buying major expensive items such as automobiles or vacations using a credit card without a clear plan for repayment can lead to high-interest charges and long-term debt.

It’s essential to be mindful of these pitfalls and take steps to avoid them to stay financially healthy.

Canadian credit card debt: How to tackle credit card debt in Canada

The following are 7 practical tips and strategies that Canadian individuals grappling with credit card debt can utilize:

  1. Establish a budget: The primary step towards addressing Canadian credit card debt is establishing a budget. This will let you understand your revenue and expenses while identifying areas where you can decrease expenses to free up finances for debt repayment. It’s essential to factor in all bills, taxes, expenditures, and debt payments while drafting your budget.
  2. Prioritize debt repayment: After developing a budget, prioritize debt repayment. Begin by repaying high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, and make minimum payments on other debts.
  3. Consolidate debts: Consider consolidating credit card debt into a single loan that charges a lower interest rate. This simplifies debt management and lowers the interest paid over time.
  4. Seek expert assistance: If faced with challenges managing your debt, consider seeking expert assistance. This could involve partnering with a community non-profit credit counselling agency or a licensed insolvency trustee.
  5. Reducing expenses: Scrutinize your expenditure and identify areas where you can cut back, such as dining out, grocery shopping, and utility bills. Every penny saved can contribute towards debt repayment.
  6. Increase your income: This could include freelancing, part-time work, or selling unused items. These avenues could provide the additional funds necessary to accelerate your debt repayment.
  7. Avoiding unnecessary expenses: Using cash or debit cards as the form of payment instead of credit cards makes you think twice about every purchase before you make it.

Learning and using sound financial habits is fundamental for avoiding future credit card debt. Here are several compelling reasons why:

It creates superior financial management skills: The adoption of good financial habits, such as meticulous budgeting, diligent tracking of expenses, and prudent saving for unexpected contingencies, equips one with enhanced financial management skills. When one is always aware of their financial standing, they are less prone to impulsive expenditures, and the possibility of succumbing to credit card debt is thereby minimized.

It engenders a robust credit history: Good financial habits, such as paying your bills by their due date in full are what establish a good credit score. This augments the likelihood of future credit approvals and can result in more favourable interest rates and terms.

It eliminates tension and apprehension: Debt can be a source of profound stress, causing anxiety and other psychological distress. The development of good financial habits, together with the avoidance of credit card debt, can eliminate such concerns,canadian credit card debt

Canadian credit card debt: Conclusion

To conclude, by implementing these measures, you can take charge of your credit card debt and gradually work towards becoming debt-free.

I hope you enjoyed this Canadian credit card debt Brandon’s Blog. Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.canadian credit card debt

Brandon Blog Post


Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Introduction

Are you a business owner with company financial difficulties and apprehensive about the possibility of corporate bankruptcy and is it something that you will have to seriously consider? Corporate bankruptcy in Canada process can be complex and overwhelming, but understanding it is necessary for making authoritative decisions about your business.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will analyze the ins and outs of corporate bankruptcy in Canada, including the different types, the steps in filing for corporate bankruptcy, the impact on creditors and shareholders, and alternatives to consider. By the end of this Brandon’s Blog, you will have a better understanding of corporate bankruptcy in Canada and be able to understand how to make the best decision for your business.

Explanation of what corporate bankruptcy in Canada is

The corporate bankruptcy process in Canada – otherwise known as commercial bankruptcy or incorporate business bankruptcy – is a legal means by which an incorporated business that is unable to pay its debts can be liquidated, and its liabilities discharged. This process allows the business to liquidate its assets and redistribute the value among its creditors. The process is intended to give an honest, but unfortunate corporate debtor a discharge from most debts while ending the business of that corporation.

It is important to note that corporate bankruptcy is different from personal bankruptcy which is a legal process through which an insolvent individual can substantially reduce debt and hopefully restructure. Unlike an individual who files for personal bankruptcy, it is not intended that the bankrupt corporation will come out of bankruptcy through a discharge process.

If single individuals are operating businesses and are considering business bankruptcy, then we are talking about the bankruptcies of sole proprietorships. If more than one person is operating a business partnership, then we need to think of the issues in a partnership bankruptcy. Either way, we have insolvent persons, which means personal bankruptcy, which is not the subject of this Brandon’s Blog.

It’s important to note that the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada is complex and can only be handled by a licensed insolvency trustee. The Trustee will help you understand the process and the options available to your corporation and then prepare the documents required to submit the bankruptcy filing.

In Canada, if a corporation is bankrupt, it is subject to both the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) and relevant provincial regulations. The BIA outlines the procedure for managing a corporate bankruptcy, while provincial law governs other aspects of the business such as labour laws.

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corporate bankruptcy in canada

A brief overview of how the process of corporate bankruptcy in Canada begins

Navigating corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be complicated, as there are numerous steps that need to be taken. To begin, it is important to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee to review the financial details of the company, including income, profits, liabilities, and any personal guarantees. From there, the next step is to determine the misogynist options.

The board of directors needs to hold a meeting, in order to pass a resolution permitting the corporation to file for bankruptcy. This process is initiated by a director, or the single director, who will then execute the necessary bankruptcy paperwork.

Types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada

There are two types of corporate bankruptcy in Canada: liquidations and reorganizations. Although a reorganization is not an actual bankruptcy, the phrase “bankruptcy protection” is used to describe a formal reorganization. So for the purposes of this Brandon’s Blog, we will consider both as types of bamkruptcy.

The type of corporate bankruptcy in Canada proceedings can often provide a good indication as to whether the unsecured creditors will get all, a portion, or none of what they are owed.

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corporate bankruptcy in canada

An overview of the 2 types of bankruptcy proceedings available to Canadian businesses


The process of corporate bankruptcy involves a business ceasing operations as it is unable to fulfill its financial obligations and the demand for its goods and services has become obsolete. This form of corporate bankruptcy is commonly referred to as liquidation.

Canadian bankruptcy proceedings must adhere to Canadian bankruptcy law under the BIA. This law contains similar liquidations to Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Commencing the process of bankruptcy liquidation in Canada is the initial step.

It all starts with the board of directors of the corporation getting together and deciding to file for bankruptcy. One of the directors, or a single director, will then have to sign the official documents for the bankruptcy process.

Once the liquidation process has been initiated, the corporation’s assets, subject to the rights of any creditor having security over all or some of the assets, are taken over by the Trustee. The Trustee will sell the corporate assets and the proceeds will be distributed among the creditors according to the priority established by law. The corporation will then be laid to rest, as it will no longer operate as a legal entity.


Corporate reorganization is one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. It is a process in which a process for a company that is facing financial difficulties is able to restructure its outstanding debt and its operations in order to improve its financial situation. In Canada, the primary statutes for corporate reorganization are the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the BIA. These laws are similar reorganizations under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

The CCAA provides a thoroughfare of debt reorganization for corporations on a larger scale, as the amount owed by the company must exceed $5 million. Through this federal legislation, the debtor corporation can still operate while reaching an approved plan of arrangement with its creditors.

For corporations that do not reach this $5 million threshold, the Division I Proposal under the BIA can be utilized. The BIA provides for the restructuring of insolvent corporations and individuals.

The CCAA is a federal statute that allows for the sale of an insolvent business, with a reach that transcends the wideness of the whole Canadian nation and even extends beyond its borders.

The process of corporate reorganization under either the CCAA or BIA begins with the corporation filing for protection under the appropriate Act. In the case of the CCAA, the filing is with the court. Under the BIA, the filing is with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.

The debtor will then be safeguarded with all its possessions. Then, the corporation will be allotted a specified value of time – typically 30 to 45 days – to present a plan of arrangement. This plan must be approved by the creditors and the court in order to move forward. When the plan of arrangement is given the thumbs up, it can be set into motion.

So corporate reorganization in Canada is a process in which a company that is viable but is facing financial difficulties is allowed to restructure its business debts and operations in order to modernize its financial situation. The CCAA is mainly used for larger corporations and the BIA for smaller ones. Both legislations provide a process to restructure a company while under the protection of the court and it’s intended to be a way to save a company while protecting the rights of the creditors.

Advantages and disadvantages of corporate bankruptcy in Canada


Advantages of corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Allows an incorporated entity that is unable to pay its debts to file for bankruptcy, as per the BIA.
  • Allows for the liquidation of resources and redistribution of that value among creditors, which can provide relief for the corporation and its creditors.

Disadvantages to bankruptcy and corporate liquidation using corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) prevents a company in bankruptcy from seeking dissolution under the CBCA.
  • Unfortunately, specific liabilities or obligations of the corporation are passed to its directors. This would put personal assets at risk.
  • The process is time-consuming and may also be expensive.
  • Unfortunately, the director’s reputation may moreover be tarnished in the process.


Advantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • Can uplift profits and increase efficiency.
  • Can extend the life of the business.
  • Can modernize strategy and financial arrangements.
  • Could be done informally without a court process by agreement between the debtor and its creditors or formally under either a proposal as outlined in part III of the BIA or a plan of arrangement under the CCAA.

Disadvantages of reorganization under corporate bankruptcy in Canada:

  • It may not work.
  • Decreased employee morale and concern among customers.
  • Can be a significant time investment with potential setbacks in cash flow
  • If the financial matters are so dire that a reorganization is not viable, the remaining option is full bankruptcy, which results in the liquidation of resources to pay creditors.

    business bankruptcy in canada
    corporate bankruptcy in canada

Filing a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy for corporate bankruptcy in Canada

Overview of steps involved in filing for Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

  • Finding a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) (LIT) and retaining the LIT to make an informed decision about proceeding with bankruptcy.
  • One of the directors (or sole director) will be required to execute corporate bankruptcy papers
    Upon bankruptcy assignment, the LIT will notify business creditors of the bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Hold a meeting of creditors.
  • Conduct a sale of assets.
  • Carry out its other duties in accordance with the BIA.

Note: The above steps are a general outline and the specific process may vary depending on the case. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a licensed insolvency trustee and a legal professional to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations.

Essential paperwork and information

In order to file a voluntary assignment for corporate bankruptcy in Canada, and get to the point of holding the First Meeting of Creditors, the following documentation and information are typically required:

  1. Provide the LIT with the corporate minute book, seal and accounting records.
  2. Fully signed minutes of a validly held meeting of directors resolving that the corporation file an assignment in bankruptcy and appointing either a director or senior management person to be the Designated Officer to sign all bankruptcy documents and attend the First Meeting of Creditors.
  3. A completed Voluntary Assignment of the corporate debtor, prepared by the LIT and signed by the Designated Officer.
  4. The LIT prepared statement of affairs, reviewed, approved and sworn/confirmed by the Designated Officer, which includes information about the debtor’s assets and the names and addresses of all known creditors and the amounts owing to each of them.
  5. The LIT will take the necessary steps to lodge the paperwork with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, who in turn will give the Certificate of Bankruptcy – marking the very beginning of bankruptcy proceedings in Canada. The moment the Certificate is issued will be the exact time the corporate bankruptcy in Canada is activated.
  6. The LIT then prepares the statutory notice to creditors which is mailed to all known creditors with a notice of the time and place of the First Meeting of Creditors will be held and also includes a proof of claim form for the creditors to complete fully and file with the LIT.
  7. The LIT will also prepare the bankruptcy notice to be placed in a local newspaper to advertise for creditors to contact the Trustee.
  8. The LIT prepares its Report on Preliminary Administration to provide necessary information to the creditors about the causes of the corporate bankruptcy in Canada, the available assets to be sold, if any and other important information. The LIT’s report is distributed at the First Meeting of Creditors.

In a voluntary assignment, the LIT is picked by the debtor. In an involuntary assignment, the LIt is suggested to and chosen by the court. In issuing the Certificate, the LIT choice is confirmed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. However, it is ultimately up to the creditors attending and voting at the First Meeting of Creditors to either confirm the appointment of the LIT or substitute the LIT with another one (don’t worry about the mechanics for now!). The LIT will be responsible for overseeing the administration of the debtor’s estate and distributing the proceeds to creditors.

It’s important to note that the above list is not exhaustive and additional documentation and information may be required by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy(OSB) or the appointed Trustee. It’s recommended to seek professional advice from a LIT, a lawyer or both, before filing for a voluntary assignment in bankruptcy.

The OSB plays an important part in the area of insolvency

The OSB is tasked with keeping orderly standards for the supervisory oversight of stakeholders within the insolvency process, creating an accessible archive of public records, compiling and analyzing data, and enforcing the BIA and CCAA regulations. Furthermore, the OSB is devoted to facilitating an effective and efficient insolvency framework in Canada.

The OSB in Canada is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the Canadian insolvency system, and overseeing the administration of all insolvency proceedings described as bankruptcies, commercial reorganizations, Division I commercial proposals, consumer proposals and receiverships.

The effects of corporate bankruptcy in Canada on creditors and stockholders

How corporate bankruptcy affects the distribution of assets among creditors

Divvying up resources among those owed money in a corporate bankruptcy in Canada can be quite intricate and can be affected by various elements, such as the kind of bankruptcy declared and the company’s ownership and organizational setup.

When a company files for bankruptcy, its day-to-day operations will typically come to a halt. All of the corporation’s assets will be sold off and the proceeds will be divided among its creditors. In Canada, this process can have a major impact on how the assets are divided up among those who are owed money.

The BIA requires the LIT to take control of all the unencumbered assets, sell them and assigns orders of importance to the many claims against the debtor. The net sale proceeds are then doled out to creditors depending on the priority of the claims.

In a nutshell, the types of creditors and the order of priority is:

  • Trust claims, including unremitted employee payroll withholdings.
  • Secured lenders.
  • Preference is given to certain kinds of unsecured debt.
  • Ordinary unsecured creditors are last.

In Canada, though the assets of a company are distinct from the owners’ individual wealth, banks will always take security on the company’s assets when loaning funds and anticipate the entrepreneur to provide some kind of collateral. It bears mentioning that this is a standard requirement.

Should the proceeds of the company assets fail to cover the bank debt in the event of a Canadian bankruptcy, the owners will be called upon to make good on their personal liability and may be faced with the liquidation of some or all of their personal belongings to make up the difference.

What sort of ramifications does corporate bankruptcy in Canada have on the equity holders and their privileges?

Generally, when it comes to bankruptcy proceedings, it’s usually shareholders who are left holding the shorter end of the stick. Most often, they don’t get anything back after all other creditors have been taken care of– leaving them with nothing but the realization that their investments have gone down the drain. Furthermore, they forfeit any rights they once held with the company.

If any of the shareholders are also in a director position, then they will have the added worry about whether there are any debts that are also a director liability. Legal advice is always required by directors of an insolvent company. In next week’s Bradon’s Blog, I will talk about recent developents arising from an Ontario court decision about the directing mind of a bankrupt corporation.

The one small solace they may have is that Canada Revenue Agency will acknowledge the corporate bankruptcy in Canada as a legitimate means of allowing shareholders to deduct the value of their shares as a loss on their tax return.

business bankruptcy in canada
corporate bankruptcy in canada

Alternatives to Corporate Bankruptcy in Canada

For a business that is viable yet unable to pay off its debts, there are 5 alternatives to corporate bankruptcy in Canada that must be explored:

  1. Implement tighter controls over spending and create a cash-flow budget to see if costs can be cut or eliminated, freeing up funds to pay off debts.
  2. Refinance existing debt in order to consolidate it into more manageable payments.
  3. The shareholders provide a fresh injection of funds.
  4. Informal out-of-court debt settlement through direct negotiation with creditors.
  5. Selling redundant or no longer-needed assets to raise cash for debt repayment.

Rather than going through the effort of reorganizing debt under the CCAA or BIA, a corporate workout is an amicable arrangement between the company and its creditors that allows them to come to a mutually-satisfactory resolution without resorting to legal proceedings and a reorganization court case. This is seen as an advantageous alternative to a formal filing.

If all other solutions fail to prevent a company in Canada from going bankrupt, then the CCAA or BIA’s restructuring provisions should be carefully considered to potentially save the company, its jobs and business assets.

If the company is not viable or profitable and is in a state of financial distress, then a secured lender can exercise their rights through a receivership process. This could be used in conjunction with a corporate bankruptcy in Canada if the situation calls for that.
The reasons why bankruptcy and receivership may be needed to work in tandem are complex and are best left as a topic for another day.

Corporate bankruptcy in Canada: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this corporate bankruptcy in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

corporate bankruptcy in canada
business bankruptcy in canada


Brandon Blog Post


Receivership in Canada: What does receivership mean?

I have just read a decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Commerical List dealing with an important aspect of receivership in Canada. The case is concerned with what happens when two equally applicable provincial laws appear to be working at cross purposes in the context of the receivership in Canada process.

I will explain the case and the process of company receivership in Canada. By understanding the process, the case will make more sense.

Secured lenders may enforce their security to recover loans from borrowers who have defaulted. This remedy available to secured creditors when a borrower, usually a company defaults, is known as receivership.

What does going into receivership in Canada mean?

A receivership is a legal process available to secured creditors, whereby a company’s affairs, business and property are entrusted to a receiver to manage and eventually sell the assets. Secured lenders may enforce their security to recover loans from borrowers who have defaulted. This remedy available to secured creditors is known as receivership.

If a business debtor does not make payments or otherwise defaults on a secured loan, the secured creditor would have the right to appoint a receiver to collect the money owed. Before appointing a receiver, a secured creditor must first issue a “Section 244” notice of intention to enforce security. This is a notification that secured creditors must send to defaulting debtors before appointing a receiver. Section 244 refers to that section number in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

The notice states that the security covers certain assets, that the company in default owes a specified amount to the secured creditor, and that the creditor may enforce the security after 10 days. The company in default may waive the notice period and consent to the appointment of the receiver.

Under the BIA, only a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) can be a receiver. No other party is licensed to administer a receivership in Canada.

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receivership in canada

Receivership in Canada: What is the difference between a court-appointed receiver and a privately appointed receiver?

A privately-appointed receiver is a licensed trustee who is appointed by a contract between the insolvency trustee and the secured creditor. A private receiver is typically used when there is no dispute to ranking among secured creditors or various claims to ownership of the company’s assets. The powers of a receiver listed in the security document give the privately appointed receiver more limited powers than a court-appointed receiver gets under a court order.

A receiver is court-appointed when the secured creditor makes an application to the court for the appointment of a receiver with more expanded powers. Like a privately-appointed receiver, a court-appointed receiver takes control of a company’s property because of financial distress and when there is a dispute among secured creditors and others as to the ranking of secured claims and ownership of property.

Both kinds of receivers are tasked with protecting and preserving the value of the company or property and are certainly given broader powers by the court to do so.

How is receivership in Canada different from bankruptcy proceedings?

Many people mistakenly use the terms “receivership” and “bankruptcy” interchangeably. However, bankruptcy and receivership are two distinct legal proceedings with different implications.

Bankruptcy vs. receivership can be confusing, but once you understand the key differences between the two, it is fairly straightforward. Whether it is a private appointment or a court-appointed receiver, the differences between bankruptcy and receivership in Canada are the same.

A receivership is a legal remedy available to secured creditors to enforce their security rights against a defaulting debtor. A receiver is appointed to manage the debtor’s property and assets and sell them under a properly run and fair sales process.

The Canadian bankruptcy process is a distinct legal process. An insolvency trustee does not represent secured creditors in bankruptcy proceedings. Instead, under the bankruptcy regime, they represent the unsecured creditors of the bankrupt estate. A corporate debtor may be subject to both bankruptcy and receivership proceedings simultaneously.

One of the major differences has to do with the creditors. In a bankruptcy administration, the bankruptcy trustee must call a meeting of creditors. This is where the insolvency trustee provides its report on the affairs and conduct of the bankrupt debtor and unsecured creditors get to vote on any matters of importance. In receivership, there is no such requirement to hold a meeting of creditors.

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receivership in canada

What are the key distinctions between receivership in Canada and liquidation?

So you know what receivership is by now. The federal BIA doesn’t govern liquidation, that’s done under the provincial Business Corporations Act or Wind-Up Act.

A liquidation is for a solvent company where the shareholders, Officers and directors decide to cease business operations. The company puts up its assets for sale and uses the proceeds to pay off its creditors with cash. Any funds left over are then distributed to the shareholders.

A liquidator can be appointed either privately by the company’s directors or by a court order. Liquidation is therefore different from both bankruptcy and receivership in Canada.

Can individuals be placed into receivership in Canada?

The answer is yes. When a secured creditor wishes to take enforcement action upon the security agreement they have against a debtor’s property, as indicated above, they have the remedy of receivership in Canada. This remedy allows them to collect as much of their secured debt as possible.

There are no restrictions as to who can go into receivership in Canada. One of our more famous (infamous?) receivership cases over the years has been the receivership of the assets, property and undertaking of Norma and Ronauld Walton.

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receivership in canada

Receivership in Canada: Whose receiver is it anyway?

Now for the court case where two different provincial laws caused a fight amongst secured creditors over the appointment of a receiver. The case is Canadian Equipment Finance and Leasing Inc. v. The Hypoint Company Limited, 2618905 Ontario Limited, 2618909 Ontario Limited, Beverley Rockliffe and Chantal Bock, 2022 ONSC 6186. The two competing provincial statutes are the Mortgages Act and the Personal Property Security Act.

The business is conducted through two affiliated entities. One owns the property and the other operates the business. This is quite a typical arrangement.

One creditor funded the purchase of equipment and took PPSA security over it. Another creditor funded the acquisition of the real property and has a traditional mortgage security. The security agreements extend over different assets, and the outcome is usually uncomplicated.

However, when equipment that has been purchased is attached to real property, there is disagreement about whether and how it can be removed, and whether such removal will negatively affect the value of both the equipment and the real property. The question is now more complicated: which creditor’s rights should take priority over this matter?

Both the equipment lender and the mortgagee are seeking to enforce their security. The equipment lender has filed a motion with the court to appoint a receiver over both the operating company (Opco) that owns the pledged equipment and the holding company (Holdco) that owns the real estate. This would allow the receiver to manage and sell the assets of both companies in order to repay the outstanding debt.

In this case, Opco was a commercial marijuana operation that was unable to get off the ground due to its heavy debt load and startup problems.

Although the mortgagee began power of sale enforcement proceedings, they do not object to a receiver being appointed over the equipment only. The mortgagee wishes to continue its power of sale proceedings and opposes the receiver being appointed over the building. The mortgagee in possession is of the opinion that the equipment is attached to the building and cannot be removed.

The mortgagee concurred that the court has the power to assign a receiver over the property of both Opco and Holdco according to section 101 of the Ontario Courts of Justice Act. They stated that, if a receiver is appointed, the receiver needs to be a firm chosen by them.

Both the licensed insolvency trustee firm preferred by the mortgagee and the firm nominated by the equipment lender filed a consent to act with the court.

What are the conditions under which a receiver may be appointed?

The court looked at numerous factors in order to make a decision on whether or not to appoint a receiver, and if so, which one, including those that have historically in receivership in Canada cases been taken into account in such determinations:

  1. Although it is not essential for a creditor to establish irreparable harm if a receiver is not appointed where the appointment is authorized by the security documentation, the court considered if no order is made, will irreparable harm be caused?
  2. The size of the debtor company’s equity in the assets and the need for protection or safeguarding of assets during litigation are important factors to consider when assessing the risk to the security holder.
  3. The kind of property it is.
  4. The potential for the assets to be wasted or dissipated.
  5. The need to safeguard the property until a legal ruling is made.
  6. The parties’ respective balance of convenience needs to be considered when making the decision.
  7. Pursuant to the loan documentation, the creditor has the right to an appointment.
  8. Enforcing the security instrument when the security holder experiences or anticipates difficulties with the debtor.
  9. The principle of appointing a receiver should be approached with caution.
  10. The court will determine whether appointing a receiver is necessary to enable the receiver to carry out its duties efficiently.
  11. The effect a receivership order will have on the parties.
  12. The parties’ conduct.
  13. How long a receivership may last.
  14. The financial impact on the parties.
  15. The likelihood of maximizing return to the parties is increased.
  16. The goal of ensuring the smooth running of the receiver’s duties.

As everyone agreed that all assets of both Opco and Holdco should be sold to maximize recovery for all creditors, but cannot agree on the process by which that should be undertaken, resulting in the entire process being stalled, the judge was satisfied that it is just and convenient to appoint a receiver.

The court found that either proposed receiver was acceptable and decided that the receiver nominated by the mortgagee would be appointed by the court to administer all assets. The receiver would eventually come back to court with a sales plan to maximize the value of all the assets subject to the security of all stakeholders.

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receivership in canada

How the entrepreneur can avoid receivership in Canada

As a business owner, the way to avoid the receivership process is long before financial difficulties ever become serious financial problems. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  • Keep a close eye on your finances. This means regularly reviewing your income and expenses, and making sure you have a good handle on your cash flow.
  • Stay current on your bills. This includes not only making timely payments but also staying on top of any changes in your billing terms or amounts.
  • Keep good records. This means having up-to-date financial statements and documentation for all of your income and expenses.
  • Make a plan. If you do find yourself in a financial bind, have a plan in place for how you’ll get out of it. This may include negotiating with creditors, seeking new financing, or making cuts to your expenses.
  • Seek professional help from a licensed insolvency trustee with commercial insolvency experience. If your business is viable and you seek help early enough, there may be many options. The most common ones are refinancing with or without financial restructuring. Reviewing your business allows us to make restructuring recommendations allowing your viable company to become healthy and profitable once again.

Receivership in Canada summary & speak with a licensed insolvency trustee

I hope you enjoyed this receivership in Canada Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

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receivership in canada



Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy services and FAQ information

Bankruptcy is a last resort for Canadian individuals, entrepreneurs and companies looking for a debt solution. However, bankruptcy services are just one of the available options we canvass with you to provide the opportunity to rebuild your financial affairs and your life.

I help people and senior company management understand bankruptcy and the other options available to rebuild their life. Frankly, bankruptcy is always the last option and hopefully in most cases, can be avoided.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I provide my best FAQ answers to common questions about personal bankruptcy services. The answers below will contain all the information you need to know. So here we go. In the future Brandon’s Blogs, I will talk about corporate bankruptcy services in addition to personal and corporate restructuring as alternatives to bankruptcy services.

Bankruptcy services: Who files for bankruptcy and why?

Many people who are considering looking into the need for the bankruptcy process may feel alone and lost. This is because they may not know anyone who has gone through the same thing, making them feel like they have no one to talk to about it. Bankruptcy can be very scary and intimidating, especially if you feel like you’re the only one experiencing financial difficulties.

Financial problems affect people from all walks of life and all income levels. It doesn’t discriminate, affecting married and single people alike, regardless of age. Seniors and those just starting out in life, consumers and companies are all susceptible to needing bankruptcy services.

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB) keeps insolvency statistics. It used to be affiliated with a part of the federal government called Industry Canada. Now it is part of what is called Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. The OSB has not yet released the 2021 annual insolvency statistics. In 2020 99,244 insolvencies were filed in Canada. This was a 29.5% decrease in insolvencies filed with the OSB in 2020 compared to 2019. This is the largest annual decrease ever. The decrease can be largely attributed to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the various emergency response measures that followed.

The number of consumers filing for insolvency decreased from 137,178 to 96,458, while the number of businesses filing for insolvency decreased from 3,680 to 2,786. The proportion of proposals among consumer insolvency filings increased from 60.3% to 65.9%.

There are two things to remember from these statistics:

  1. You are not alone. Many people face financial difficulties.
  2. There are options available for avoiding bankruptcy services.

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    bankruptcy services

Bankruptcy services: Can bankruptcy clear debt in Canada?

Most outstanding debt owed to unsecured creditors is cleared not by a person filing for bankruptcy, but by that person receiving their absolute bankruptcy discharge.

Even after bankruptcy, some debts still need to be paid. This includes a student loan if it has been less than 7 years since you stopped being a student, alimony and child support, fines and penalties imposed by the court, and any debts due to fraud.

Also, any secured debts, such as a registered car loan or mortgage against real estate are not discharged by a bankruptcy – either personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy.

What debts cannot be discharged through personal bankruptcy services in Canada?

See the section “Bankruptcy services: Can bankruptcy clear debt in Canada?” directly above.

Bankruptcy services: How much debt must you accumulate in order to file for bankruptcy in Canada?

The minimum amount of unsecured debt needed to file for bankruptcy in Canada is $1,000, as stipulated by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). In addition, the person, partnership or company must also be insolvent. Bankruptcy is a legal process. Insolvency is a bad financial situation.

Bankruptcy services: What debts are not erased in bankruptcy?

See the section “Bankruptcy services: Can bankruptcy clear debt in Canada?” directly above.

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bankruptcy services

Bankruptcy services: What are the three types of bankruptcies?

There are several ways I could answer that question. For example, there are:

  1. Personal bankruptcy is also sometimes referred to as consumer bankruptcy.
  2. Small business bankruptcy. This would mainly be for a proprietorship or partnership.
  3. Corporate bankruptcy – small or large companies.

Another way of answering the same question would be:

  1. Voluntary bankruptcy – an assignment in bankruptcy being filed by the person or company.
  2. Involuntary bankruptcy – a bankruptcy happening because one or more creditors issued a bankruptcy application resulting in a bankruptcy order.
  3. Bankruptcy protection is not bankruptcy at all. It is a financial restructuring performed by a licensed insolvency trustee. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada maintains a searchable list of individuals licensed to act as a licensed insolvency trustee in Canada.

My final way of answering the same question is:

  1. Consumer proposal – This is a financial restructuring under the BIA to avoid bankruptcy for a person who owes $250,000 or less not including any debts secured against the person’s principal residence.
  2. Proposal – This is a financial restructuring under the BIA to avoid bankruptcy for a person who owes more than $250,000 (not including any debts secured against the person’s principal residence) or for a company with any amount of debt.
  3. Financial restructuring under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act – This is what the media calls bankruptcy protection in order to restructure and avoid bankruptcy. To qualify to file under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act statute, the company must have a debt load of $5 million or more.

All of the above bankruptcy services can only be administered by a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee or trustee in bankruptcy), but they are not all bankruptcy.

I guess these are really 9 types!! It all depends on how you wish to look at it.

Bankruptcy services: What are the consequences for your assets when declaring bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy does not mean you have to give up all your assets. There are rules about bankruptcy exemptions in bankruptcy law. Also, every province/territory has laws that say what assets you can keep and how much equity you can have. These types of assets are called exempt assets. There are certain assets that you are allowed to keep that are not accessible to your creditors during a bankruptcy. These assets are exempt under federal law, provincial law or both.

In order to understand what exempt assets are in bankruptcy in Ontario, we must first look at the BIA. Section 67(1) of the BIA addresses the bankruptcy exemption issue specifically. It outlines what property of the bankrupt is available to creditors does and does not include.

Property that is not included is:

  • Property that is held in trust by the bankrupt for any third party.
  • Assets that are not subject to seizure under provincial law.
  • Payments to the bankrupt are made under a program that can be described as social assistance provided by the federal or provincial government.
  • Retirement Savings Plans – The bankrupt’s RRSP (other than for the total of payments made in the 12 months before bankruptcy) or RRIF cannot be touched even in bankruptcy.

As mentioned before, one type of asset that cannot be seized during bankruptcy is any property that is protected under provincial law. In Ontario, the amounts prescribed for exemptions are outlined in the Ontario Execution Act.

These exemptions include:

  • Household furnishings and household appliances – $14,180.
  • Tools and other personal property used to generate income:
  • Exemptions for farmers, being a debtor engaged exclusively in cultivating the soil or farming (and therefore it is that farmer’s principal source of primary income), $31,379 for livestock, fowl, bees, books, tools and implements, and other chattels ordinarily used by the debtor; $14,405 for any other case.
  • $7,117 for a motor vehicle.
  • $10, 783 for a principal residence.

Since these exemptions are provincial, you need to look at provincial/territorial laws for other jurisdictions in Canada.

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bankruptcy services

Bankruptcy services: What are the implications of personal bankruptcy on retirement plans?

There are 4 main ways Canadians save to live comfortably in retirement. They are:

  1. The principal residence.
  2. RRSP..
  3. Investments.
  4. Private pension plan.

#1 – The principal residence and bankruptcy

For many Canadians, their house is the biggest investment they make and the majority of their savings are tied up in it. Owning a home makes people more confident about their financial future.

If the owner of a home becomes bankrupt, either through an assignment in bankruptcy or bankruptcy order, the debtor’s equity in the home is an asset for the licensed insolvency trustee to sell. The exception is if the home is fully encumbered so that there is only $10,783 or less of equity (in Ontario) in the home.

If the bankrupt is a joint owner, then the Trustee only has access to the bankrupt’s interest, which would be half the equity.

The loss of wealth from the sale of the house or the encumbrance of the house will make it take much longer to build back the equity by paying off the mortgage(s). In the case of joint ownership, the natural purchaser would be the non-bankrupt spouse or partner who owns the other half. The person would likely have to take on more debt to buy the equity from the Trustee.

The loss of wealth as a result of bankruptcy can mean having to work longer than originally planned. This is one way that bankruptcy can affect retirement.

#2 – Your RRSP and bankruptcy

It is the rare debtor that seeks an insolvency option and has a significant amount in their RRSP. This is notwithstanding that a creditor cannot seize your RRSP funds in Ontario.

If you think about it, if you have a 7-figure RRSP and a 6-figure total debt, then you are not insolvent. To be eligible to use the Canadian insolvency process, you must meet certain conditions, one of which is being insolvent.

The only amount of your RRSP that is affected by bankruptcy is any contributions made to the RRSP in the 12 months before the bankruptcy happened. That amount is subject to seizure by your Trustee. Rather than seizing that amount from your RRSP, the Trustee will require you to pay that amount to the Trustee for the benefit of your bankruptcy estate.

Not having a sizeable RRSP to start withdrawing at retirement obviously will affect your retirement plans.

#3 – Bankruptcy and investments

People who are able to save for retirement invest their money to make it grow in addition to an RRSP and principal residence. Investments such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds are very typical. There are two general ways these investments can be held: (i) investment in funds maintained by a life insurance company naming a designated beneficiary (either a spouse or blood relative); and (ii) investments held with your broker.

If you have investments through a contract of insurance and you name your spouse, child, parent, or grandchild as the beneficiary, then those investments are exempt from seizure in Ontario. If you file an assignment in bankruptcy will not have any effect on these investments, and you will be able to keep them. Therefore, this will not affect your retirement plans.

If your investments are through the brokerage arm of your bank, then your investments can be seized in Ontario. These investments will be lost in your bankruptcy and this will affect your retirement plans. If your spouse or partner purchases your interest in these investments from the Trustee, then whatever debt the purchaser had to take on to buy them may affect retirement plans.

#4 – Bankruptcy and a private pension plan

Not everyone in Canada has a private pension plan through their employer. Individuals who are self-employed certainly don’t have it. Having a private pension plan can relieve some of a person’s financial worries as they head toward retirement.

In Ontario, private pensions are protected from seizure and therefore not available for the Trustee. However, if you are already retired and are receiving the private pension income, that income is taken into account when calculating any surplus income payments you may have to make to your Trustee.

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bankruptcy services

How bankruptcy services work in Ontario: What is the average length of time for a person to be discharged from bankruptcy in Canada?

To be discharged from bankruptcy in Canada can differ based on whether it is a first or second bankruptcy, and whether the bankrupt has any surplus income contributions to make. For a first-time bankrupt it can take 9 months (no surplus income) -21 months (with surplus income contributions). For a second time or more bankruptcy, it takes 24 months (no surplus income) to 36 months (surplus income).

Bankruptcy services: Surplus income

Surplus income is not an ideal term to describe the extra money an individual has. Many people would not feel they have surplus income, especially when they are dealing with debt. However, in the bankruptcy context, surplus income refers to a calculation that determines how much money a bankrupt individual must pay into their bankruptcy estate for the benefit of their creditors.

When you file an assignment in bankruptcy or have a bankruptcy order made against you in Canada, your monthly income is taken into consideration. To have what is supposed to be a practical standard of living during the bankruptcy period, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada establishes a standard on an annual basis.

The earnings criteria are adjusted for inflation each year and based on information collected by Statistics Canada. Your licensed insolvency trustee decides how much you pay by making monthly payments into your bankruptcy estate each month based on these standards.

It is really the Canadian poverty line that is established by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada. Regardless of where you reside in Canada, there is no difference between an expensive city as well as a remote area. Just the most fundamental demands of individuals in addition to members of the family are considered.

Bankruptcy services: Debt problems got you down? Feeling overwhelmed?

I hope this Brandon’s Blog on personal bankruptcy services was helpful to you in understanding more about the personal bankruptcy system in Canada.

If you or your company has too heavy a debt load, we understand how you feel. You’re stressed out and anxious because you can’t fix your or your company’s financial situation on your own. But don’t worry. As a government-licensed insolvency professional firm, we can help you get your personal or corporate finances back on track.

If you’re struggling with money problems, call the Ira Smith Team today. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan to get you back on track and stress-free, all while avoiding the bankruptcy process if at all possible.

Call us today and get back on the path to a healthy stress-free life.

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bankruptcy services


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