Brandon Blog Post



Bankrupting a limited company – Introduction

Last week I spoke about voluntary filing an assignment in bankruptcy for an individual. The personal bankruptcy process in Canada. This week I want to describe the process for bankrupting a limited company; the complete guide to the Canadian corporate bankruptcy process.

Bankrupting a corporation – First steps

So the first step is for the directors to meet with the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) to explain the corporate financial position and look at the options available to the company and its directors. The first thing the Trustee will want to identify is the company insolvent. If you liquidated all of its assets could pay off all its liabilities in full. Is it generally paying its debts when due on a regular basis? If not then the company is insolvent.

If it is able to pay its debts and if its assets are worth at least as much of the liabilities than it is not insolvent. So let’s first look at the aspect of the business not being insolvent.

The next question is is the business viable? Does what the business produces or the services it provides? Are those still wanted in the marketplace yes or no? If not, one thing to look at is there someone else with other business lines that you could sell your business to? Would it fit in neatly in some form of integration so that all of a sudden it makes your standalone business that is not viable, viable? Keep in mind that it is a solvent business.

If it can’t be sold then you could always look at a statutory liquidation. You would liquidate the assets pay off the liabilities and then see what amount is left over for distribution to the shareholders.

If the business is viable and remember, it is solvent, you could sell the business or look at a corporate restructuring. If you want to continue running the business and that kind of restructuring would be more in terms of processes and personnel because it is not in financial trouble.

bankrupting a limited company
bankrupting a limited company

Bankrupting an incorporated company when it is insolvent

If the business is insolvent again we still want to know is it viable? If it is viable then we could look at doing a restructuring proposal. After the company is restructured then we could either keep running it or look to sell it.

If it is not viable and it is insolvent then there’s not a lot that can be done. The business is unhealthy financially and the marketplace no longer wants the product or service this business provides. Therefore we’re looking at receivership & bankruptcy. Since the topic is about bankrupting a limited company we will focus on the bankruptcy process.

So in bankrupting a limited company, the Trustee prepares the necessary documentation. A meeting of directors has to be called for the directors to resolve that the company should file an assignment in bankruptcy and appoint one of the directors to be the designated officer in the bankruptcy administration. That’s the person who has knowledge of the affairs of the company who will be signing the bankruptcy documentation and who will be attending the first meeting of creditors as a representative of the company.

The Trustee would either attend the meeting and prepare the minutes or the minutes will be prepared by the directors and provided to the Trustee. Then comes the statement of affairs which is the listing of assets and liabilities, the names addresses and amounts owing to each creditor which the designated officer would swear and the actual assignment in the bankruptcy document. This is all part of bankrupting a limited company.

The actual start of bankrupting a company

The Trustee then files that documentation electronically with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the local office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy will issue a certificate indicating that the company is now bankrupt and that the Trustee is appointed. That is the moment when bankrupting a limited company that the bankruptcy actually occurs and the bankruptcy administration begins.

So in the bankruptcy administration, the Trustee has several responsibilities. The Trustee has to deal with the assets. The Trustee has to first determine are the assets subject to the security of a lender? Is that lender’s security good and valid?

bankrupting a limited company
bankrupting a limited company

The Trustee’s first actions

If all of the assets are encumbered then the Trustee would not take steps to deal with the secured creditor’s assets unless the secured creditor specifically requests the Trustee to do so or appoints the Trustee to deal with the assets. So let’s just take the case where in bankrupting a limited company, the Trustee is dealing with the assets either because they’re not encumbered or because the secured creditor asked the Trustee to deal with them.

The Trustee needs to make sure that the assets air physically safeguarded that they’re properly insured and that the Trustee has performed an inventory of what those assets are.

Then the Trustee has to determine how is it going to sell those assets? Does it make sense for the Trustee to run the business? If so, is the Trustee looking to sell the assets as a business unit? An actual running business going concern sale.

If it doesn’t make sense for the Trustee to run the business then the Trustee will shut it down and look at the alternatives for sale. The assets could either be sold at auction. The Trustee could run a tender sale dividing the assets up into blocs. That makes sense or if the assets are such that it could be sold to the public in a retail environment could operate a retail sale. The nature of the assets will determine what kind of sale the Trustee runs.

The Trustee would notify the creditors of the bankruptcy call for claims to assess the claims hold the first meeting of creditors and then ultimately make a distribution to the creditors. So as you can see these are the players in a voluntary bankruptcy filing for a corporation. It all starts with meeting with the Trustee to explore the various options.


I hope you have found this bankrupting limited company information useful. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time.

Do you or your company have excessive debt and looking for debt restructuring? Would not it be great if you could do a turn-around?

The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a debt restructuring. More notably, we comprehend the requirements of the business owner or the person who has too much individual debt. Because you are dealing with these stressful financial issues, you are anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will get you or your business back on the roadway to healthy and balanced worry-free operations and end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

bankrupting a limited company
bankrupting a limited company
Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy small businesses

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Bankruptcy small businesses introduction

The press has reported that certain Big Pharma have considered bankruptcy as part of negotiations to reach a settlement over their liability in the opioid crisis. Bankruptcy, or bankruptcy restructuring is not just for big companies. There are bankruptcy small businesses too.

Earlier this year, Insys Therapeutics Inc. in the United States ended up being the first opioid drugmaker to use the bankruptcy statute. It followed its US$225 million settlement with the Federal government. In recent months, there’s been a supposition that drugmakers might utilize insolvency laws as a means to run away from accountability.

Bankruptcy small businesses: That is not how bankruptcy protection works

Thankfully, that’s not how bankruptcy works. Instead, as I’ve learned in my experience in the Canadian bankruptcy space, insolvency procedures are developed to not only help debtors. It likewise assists creditors too.

Bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings are not best for every stakeholder every time. The end result always appears unreasonable to creditors because they are not being paid in full. However, it’s most definitely not the free ride for the company filing under the bankruptcy laws that many people think it will be. This is especially true in the area of bankruptcy small businesses.

Bankruptcy small businesses: What happens when a small business files for bankruptcy?

To many people, the thought of bankruptcy creates an adverse reaction. The reason is simple: a bankruptcy filing means there is not enough money to pay everyone 100 cents on the dollar.

But the system makes the best of a grim situation by imposing an organized and open process that preserves value and urges negotiation. Bankruptcy reorganizations by well-known brand names such as General Motors revealed that it can bring parties to the table to reach agreements that could not be made absent the structured reorganization laws. It also resurrects sick businesses.

At the most basic level, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) develops for the estate to:

  • value and account for every one of the debtor’s assets into one proceeding;
  • recognize and classify creditor claims against the debtor;
  • in bankruptcy liquidation, sell the assets and distribute the money in priority of the claims of the creditors; and
  • for a bankruptcy restructuring, to take a hard look at productive assets and those no longer needed, value them, allow for selling off redundant assets to allow the company to continue in its healthy business side and offer the creditors a better deal than they would get in a liquidation.

Specifically how those essential parts of the bankruptcy and insolvency legislation play out in a specific bankruptcy small businesses situation will differ depending upon what kind of insolvency filing the borrower makes and the specific truths regarding the conduct of the debtor.

Bankruptcy small businesses: What types of bankruptcy can small businesses file?

When we hear about bankruptcy small businesses we normally think of a liquidation. However, debtors have two choices under the BIA: liquidation or reorganization.

Pure bankruptcy liquidation is designed to sell off the assets either as a whole to one buyer to allow for someone else to carry on the company’s business, or just sell pieces to many individual buyers. In the latter case, it means that business will not exist anymore.

The value obtained from the asset sale(s) will be distributed to the creditors in priority. First to statutory trust claimants, then to secured creditors, if any. If anything is left after that, it will then be distributed to unsecured creditors: first preferred unsecured and then ordinary unsecured.

On the other hand, a filing under the proposal provisions of Part III of the BIA allows for the company to attempt to reorganize. All aspects of the business will be looked at. The debtor can sell some of its assets that are underperforming or no longer fit into the restructured business plan. The cash raised can be used in the reorganization strategy that aims to resolve the current business problems and allow the company to come out of bankruptcy protection as a new and profitable viable business.

The BIA restructuring provisions are what would be used for bankruptcy small businesses. Large businesses (defined in this case as companies that owe more than $5 million) could use the same BIA proposal provisions. Alternatively, those large companies could also use the CCAA statute to reorganize. The specific situation will dictate what legislation is used for a reorganization.

bankruptcy small businesses

Bankruptcy small businesses: A restructuring attempt could go wrong

It is possible that companies that originally file under the BIA restructuring provisions ultimately become bankrupt. The reasons can vary.

The company may find that the financing it thought it had was no longer available, so they could not put forth a successful restructuring plan. So it will have no choice but to liquidate.

The company’s creditors may not believe that the restructuring plan pays them enough, is not a viable plan or there is too long to wait for too little money. In this case, the creditors when voting on the restructuring plan will vote in sufficient numbers to tank the restructuring. Any company that tries to restructure under the BIA and receives a sufficiently negative vote, is deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy. In such a case, the only remaining option will be a liquidation, probably through a bankruptcy small businessses.

For a business wanting to make it through a restructuring, a successful plan needs lender assistance or a sufficiently strong cash flow so that the restructuring will be funded properly. If there is insufficient cash to fund the restructuring, the Trustee will have to report that to the creditors. The Trustee will also have to recommend against the restructuring plan if the Trustee believes the company does not have enough cash to provide the staying power to carry out the plan.

In that case, there will certainly be a negative vote and the company will go into bankruptcy liquidation. On the other hand, in a successful bankruptcy small businesses restructuring, as soon as a BIA proposal plan of arrangement is fully performed, a company emerges from bankruptcy protection and continues operating, generally in a more powerful position than previously.

Bankruptcy small businesses: Advantages of an insolvency process for debtors

Bankruptcy provides at the very least two valuable advantages to all debtors: time and room to maneuver.

The minute a debtor files, an automatic stay is in play for the debtor. It operates as a time out button on any litigation, collection or enforcement activities. Creditors can ask the Court to lift the stay under specific conditions, however, the standard for doing so is typically tough to satisfy.

The Bankruptcy Court has broad authority to regulate all issues involving the debtor’s estate, including adjudicating any disputed claims. By uniting all those with a stake in the business’s assets in one place, a debtor can effectively handle all claims against it.

While the stay is in place, debtors use the insolvency process to review their troubles and make the essential adjustments to prosper after reorganizing. Decisions are made about which contracts they want to carry forward and which to abandon.

To stay clear of a disputed process, smart debtors use the insolvency restructuring process to reach a total overall negotiation and agreement with all stakeholders. If necessary, smart debtors will also offer a benefit to top up its restructuring plan to make sure that it gets the number of creditors necessary for the plan to succeed.

Bankruptcy small businesses: Benefits of the insolvency process for creditors

Clearly, bankruptcy supplies debtors with substantial power to reposition their business affairs.

What lots of people misunderstand, nonetheless, is that this power is balanced by solid creditor benefits too. The BIA calls for debtors to disclose considerable information about their operations and imposes stringent checks on their actions.

As an example, the company wishing to reorganize must openly disclose financial and other information concerning every one of its assets. Much fo the disclosure is under oath in the sworn statement of affairs. There is also if necessary, the ability to examine company officials under oath. In many cases, the debtor must seek the court’s approval before taking action beyond running the business operations in the normal course.

Under the bankruptcy small businesses BIA provisions, the company is allowed to stay in possession of its property. Management also remains in control to continue running the business. The Trustee must report any material adverse change. The Trustee will also report to the creditors as part of the restructuring process.

Creditors that are worried concerning the debtor’s capacity to maintain the estate’s worth might ask the Court to expand the Trustee’s powers. It is possible to have the Trustee also appointed as an interim receiver to control the receipts and disbursements of the company. Creditors can also ask the Court to end the restructuring and place the company into bankruptcy. Creditors would need to show that either a key secured creditor or a large enough group of unsecured creditors, will under no circumstances vote in favour of any restructuring.

The insolvency laws allow for the creation of a board of unsecured creditors to oversee the restructuring. The Court might also form a unique board standing for a major group of litigants in situations where the debtor faces lawsuits or claimants whose damages are not yet quantified.

These and various other attributes include a degree of justness to an inherently unfair situation. The debtor might think that it is driving the bus, however, countless other stakeholders have the power to make sure that the business complies with the rules of the road.

With such safeguards in place, creditors and the general public need not be afraid of the most awful possible outcome if bankruptcy provisions are used to try to restructure companies involved in bitter disputes. The playing field will never be even, but the Canadian insolvency statutes try to bring as much fairness into the bankruptcy small businesses system as possible.

Bankruptcy small businesses conclusion

I hope that you found this bankruptcy small businesses Brandon’s Blog informative. The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex corporate restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur. You are worried because your company is facing significant financial challenges. Your business provides income not only for your family. Many other families rely on you and your company for their well-being.

The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your company’s problems; financial and emotional. The way we dealt with this problem and devised a corporate restructuring plan, we know that we can help you and your company too.

We know that companies facing financial problems need realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a company restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain it is facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

bankruptcy small businesses

Brandon Blog Post


corporate bankruptcies canada
corporate bankruptcies Canada

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Introduction

The U.S. Steel Canada court-supervised restructuring and the court-supervised liquidation of Sears Canada have something in common. They both forced us to focus on the treatment of pensioners in corporate bankruptcies Canada under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) (or restructurings and liquidations under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA)).

We previously wrote about these pension fund Canada issues and the beginning of the focus in Ottawa for the need for new legislation. My previous blogs were:


Senator Art Eggleton, P.‍C., shortly before his retirement proposed BILL S-253, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and other Acts and Regulations (pension plans).

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Bill S-253

Bill S-253 passed First Reading on September 18, 2018, and Second Reading was moved on September 25, 2018. This Bill proposes to amend the BIA as well as the CCAA. It proposes to make certain that claims for unfunded obligations or solvency deficiencies of a pension are accorded priority. This is for both solvent companies and companies that would be rendered insolvent by certain payments to shareholders..

This proposed legislation likewise would change the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 as well as the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 to equip the Superintendent of Financial Institutions to identify that the financing of a pension is impaired and to recommend procedures to be taken by the employer in regard of the financing of such plan.1

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Is Bill S-253 new?

Yes and no. In our earlier blogs, I told you about the proposals by Bloc Québécois MP Marilène Gill’s Bill, C-372 and Hamilton Mountain NDP MP Scott Duvall rose in the House of Commons for leave to introduce Bill C-384. The amendments proposed to the BIA and CCAA in those proposed Bills, to create a priority for unfunded obligations or solvency deficiencies, are pretty well the same as in Senator Eggleton’s Bill S-253.

However, Senator Eggleton’s Bill goes further. It requires a company to report to the Superintendent of Financial Institutions:

“…of any proposed or actual decision of the employer, transaction or event, including the repurchase of shares of the employer or the payment of dividends to shareholders of the employer…”

that would cause a solvency deficiency and/or render the company insolvent.

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: So what now for Bill S-253?

To become legislation, a Bill needs to initially be presented in either the Senate or the House of Commons. It needs to after that go through numerous phases in each House: 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading. After that, it has to obtain Royal Assent. No doubt there will be a lot of debating and tinkering with this Bill. It will be interesting to see if this Bill makes it all the way through, or dies before becoming legislation.

However, the picture is clear. The result of the Sears Canada dividend payments and asset liquidation is clear. Shareholders received dividends and pensioners will have to take a deep cut in their pensions. This has caught the attention of the legislators in Ottawa. It will be interesting to see if the political will is there for pensioners to be protected in Canadian insolvency cases.

Corporate bankruptcies Canada: Does your company have too much debt?

Is your company experiencing financial difficulties? If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.ira smith trustee

Brandon Blog Post


business debt advice canada



Business debt advice Canada: Introduction

When it involves money, timing is everything. Your business is getting closer to the top of its banking line and your banker is asking for more information than usual. This is where your heart starts pounding faster and your stress level increases. This is the moment you can seize to right size your business or else it very well may fail. The purpose of my blog is to give you business debt advice Canada.

Business debt advice Canada: Relationships can become strained

Relationships can become strained with your lender and suppliers when business debts are mounting and your company is facing a cash crisis. However, there are actions a borrower can take to prevent calamity. Reassuringly, most of the time, lenders would rather support you if you have a viable business plan to correct the situation going forward, and not putting you out of business.

I hope the suggestions below shows you that you should look at this as an opportunity to fix your business. I have found that in trying times when a company has mounting debts and insufficient cash, there is no replacement for good management.

A solid business plan showing how the company will turn itself around is what your lender wants to see. Communication with your lender and your suppliers is key. Do not hide from the problem. Face it head on. If your business plan shows you can turn things around, you will feel like you are dealing from a sound platform and not just running scared.

Business debt advice Canada: Take emotion out of the equation

These situations generally become more tense before they become better. You, your lender and your unpaid suppliers all want the same thing. You all want the company to be successful and profitable, and to be able to pay all of its bills in full when due. Your lender and suppliers are not out to get you. However, if they do not: (i) know that you have solid business turnaround plan; and (ii) receive ongoing information to show what steps you are taking to fix the problems, they will have no choice but to turn off the tap.

I have unfortunately seen too many companies fail in their business restructuring efforts due to lack of communication. The turnaround plan may have been sound, but nobody knew. This only creates ill will among the stakeholders and a result that nobody wants.

Business debt advice Canada: Informal and formal turnaround options

I must preface this section by saying do not be afraid to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) for business debt advisory services. Trustees’ training makes them expert in assessing troubled business situations and implementing turnaround steps. A LIT does a lot more than just bankruptcy.

You will find it helpful to have a professional trustee assist you in developing your turnaround business plan, implementing it and keeping management focussed and accountable. You will also find it very helpful to have a LIT go with you for meetings with your banker; there will be many of those!

Business debt advice Canada: Troubleshooting

Fully understanding the full current status of the company showing signs of financial trouble is key. Things that I focus on early on when looking at troubled companies are:

  • What are all the different assets of the company and where are they located?
  • Are all the assets properly insured?
  • What is the going-concern value and the estimated liquidation value of the assets?
  • What is the full extent of all liabilities and business debt levels? This includes amounts owing to the government for:
  • What is the status of premises lease(s) for both remaining term and cost?
  • Is the cost of the leased premises above or below current market value?
  • Has anyone personally guaranteed bank debt, the landlord or any other creditor that would affect turnaround decisions to be taken?
  • Has a current crisis cash-flow statement and turnaround business plan been developed and tested for reasonableness?
  • What are the causes of the company’s current financial problems and how likely are those causes to recur?

This list is not meant to be exhaustive. No doubt other questions will arise as answers are found for these first questions. However, this is the information I first want to get before embarking on developing a restructuring plan.

Business debt advice Canada: Informal restructuring and turnaround

If the business problems have been identified early and have not been allowed to fester, then an informal restructuring may very well work. Perhaps all that will be needed is some accommodation from the lender both in time and money. Banks are quite willing to enter into a forbearance agreement with their corporate client allowing the time (and sometimes more money) to see if the turnaround plan will work.

The bank would rather have a successful turnaround than shut you down. The bank needs to know that management has the bench strength to pull off the restructuring. If not, they will expect you to have a lawyer experienced in turnarounds and a LIT active on your team.

Companies that have relatively few trade suppliers may also be able to work out a restructuring of their unsecured debt. The fewer people you have to talk to and get onside, the higher the likelihood of success. Of course, the trust developed from earlier dealings is very important. If there is no trust, or if there are just too many suppliers, an informal restructuring will not work with them.

Business debt advice Canada: Formal restructuring

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA) are the two primary Federal statutes that govern corporate restructuring in Canada. The requirements of each statute and the exact processes themselves are weighty enough to deserve their own blog. However, the takeaways from this blog on formal restructuring are:

  • In a formal restructuring, I still go through the checklist I have identified above of issues to look into.
  • Under the BIA, the restructuring section is Part I Division III of the BIA
  • If a restructuring under the BIA does not receive the necessary creditor AND court approval, the company will automatically be bankrupt
  • In a formal restructuring, the company stays in control of its assets and business operations
  • A formal restructuring invokes a stay of proceedings so no party can begin or continue litigation or enforcement action against the company
  • A company needs to have at least $5 million in debt to restructure under the CCAA
  • A BIA restructuring will be less costly than a CCAA restructuring because the company does not have to go to Court for approval every time it wishes to do something
  • The term “bankruptcy protection” in Canada, refers to a formal restructuring under either the BIA or CCAA.

Business debt advice Canada: What to do if your company has too much debt

Is your business facing financial problems? Perhaps your company is in need of a restructuring. The Ira Smith Team can develop a restructuring plan which may or may not include the need to file for bankruptcy protection.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team understands the pain you are going through trying to keep your company alive while trying to negotiate with potential purchasers. We understand that you are playing beat the clock, and the pain and stress you are feeling thinking that you may just run out of time. The bankruptcy protection process can ease this stress and provide a level playing field so that no potential purchaser takes advantage of you.

The Ira Smith Team has a great deal of experience in running a stalking horse stalking horse asset purchase agreement. The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation. We can end your pain and put your company back on a healthy profitable path, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post



History of bankruptcy: Introduction

A subject that rarely gets written about is the history of bankruptcy. Understanding the history of the Canadian bankruptcy system and how it has evolved, gives a helpful look into how it works and help Canadians and Canadian society.

History of bankruptcy: Helping the debtor

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) provides a way for the orderly liquidation of a bankrupt’s assets and distribute that value to the creditors. In this way, the BIA assists the insolvent debtor who needs a way to be forgiven for his or her financial sins, relieved of their burden and be returned to society as a productive contributor. The BIA assists creditors in providing the system of turning the assets into cash to be distributed to them, and not keeping those assets either out of their reach or just laying in an unproductive state. The BIA also is a system of checks and balances, so that it provides both Canadians and foreigners that there is a vibrant and safe Canadian economy.

History of bankruptcy: Helping the creditors

The BIA also ensures that there is a fair and logical system in place to deal with the assets of the debtor and the claims of creditors. By invoking it, it avoids a race among creditors to attempt to get the right to seize assets in an uncontrolled way. Creditors are paid according to their place in the hierarchy of claims as described in the BIA as follows:

  • Trust claimants who are outside of the bankruptcy scheme
  • Secured creditors, who are also outside the bankruptcy scheme as long as they hold good and valid security
  • Unsecured creditors:
    • Preferred
    • Ordinary

History of Bankruptcy: bankruptcy alternatives

The BIA also provides debtors to opt for avoiding bankruptcy by making a Proposal. In the case of corporations, a Proposal; for people, either a Proposal or Consumer Proposal, depending on the level of their debt. Proposals are the bankruptcy alternative that allows companies or people to financially rehabilitate themselves and avoid bankruptcy, while offering the creditors more than they would receive in a bankruptcy. In this way, the BIA is both a liquidation and a rehabilitation statute, benefiting both debtors and creditors.

History of bankruptcy: The BIA

The present bankruptcy statute came into force on July 1, 1950. The title of the statute was amended from the Bankruptcy Act to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in 1992, to show the statute had matured into a full financial rehabilitation statute, that could be used to carry out a bankruptcy alternative. Further amendments were made in 1997 to deal with a number of practical issues that became problematic for Canadian society applying the BIA, including:

In 2005 there were another round of comprehensive amendments to the BIA mainly dealing with the new legislation of the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA), designed to protect employees for their unpaid amounts when their employer goes either bankrupt or into receivership.

History of bankruptcy: Rehabilitation

It is a fundamental purpose of the BIA to offer the financial rehabilitation of insolvent persons. The BIA permits an honest but unfortunate debtor, be it a corporation or an individual, to secure financial restructuring through the Proposal provisions, or a discharge from bankruptcy for people. It allows for a fresh start for the debtor to resume his or her place in the business community and society.

The BIA attempts to offer balance by allowing an investigation to be made of the affairs of the debtor and setting aside fraudulent transactions so that ordinary unsecured creditors can share in a distribution, rather than someone else being the beneficiary of those questionable transactions. Finally, the BIA allows for creditors to purse actions against the bankrupt either through the Licensed Insolvency Administrator or directly by a creditor or group of creditors.

History of bankruptcy: The Courts

The general approach to the BIA by the courts is that it is a commercial statute. To administer the process it is left largely in the hands of business people. Technical and legal objections and manoeuvres are not given weight beyond those that are necessary for the proper implementation and interpretation of the BIA. Settlement and resolution are rewarded, litigation and court proceedings are not.

History of bankruptcy: What to do if you have too much debt

I hope this history of bankruptcy provides you with a good look into how the bankruptcy system developed in Canada and how it works. If you’re suffering from too much debt and are seeking debt relief options, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Our approach for every file is to create an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now becomes a reality, beginning the moment you walk in the door. You’re only one call away from taking the steps towards a debt free life.

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THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track

Brandon Blog Post


This blog about Target Canada is courtesy of the article written by Francine Kopun, Business reporter, The Toronto Star, published in the Saturday, January 31, 2015 edition. Our Ira Smith is again quoted.

Target Canada, Francine Koupan, Ira Smith, starting over starting now, Target Corporation, liquidation, bankruptcy sale, bankruptcy, notices of termination
This image courtesy of The Toronto Star, January 31, 2015

Target Corporation announced Jan. 15 that it was pulling out of Canada, less than two years after opening its first stores. Instead of turning a profit within a year as expected, the company has lost $7-billion.

Liquidation sales at Target Canada stores could begin as early as Thursday, with its properties and leases going up for sale at the same time, according to new court documents.

Target Corporation announced Jan. 15 that it was pulling out of Canada, less than two years after opening its first stores. Instead of turning a profit within a year as expected, the company has lost $7-billion.

It was the Minneapolis-based discount retailer’s first international expansion attempt. Canadian stores were run through a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary called Target Canada Co.

Target Canada is to present a motion to the court on Wednesday asking for approval to appoint a joint venture of liquidation companies to sell off the contents of its 133 stores across Canada.

If the motion is approved by the court, the sale could begin the next day.

“The Target Canada Entities believe that it is crucial to begin a sales process immediately in order to implement the orderly wind down of the business and to maximize the amounts available to their respective stakeholders,” according to the document.

Between them, the liquidation companies have conducted nearly all major retail liquidations in Canada, including Eatons, Dylex, Bombay, Zellers and currently, Mexx.

According to the court documents, notices of termination have been sent to the vast majority of 17,600 employees – almost half of whom work at Target stores and offices in Ontario. The head office in Mississauga is being operated with a reduced team focused on winding down the business in an orderly fashion.

Target Corporation has also agreed to increase the employment trust to $90-million from $70-million (Canadian), to ensure the Canadian employees receive their full severance payout.

The liquidation is to be completed no later than May 15, but sales at some stores are expected to be finished as early as the end of March, according to the documents.

The company has stipulated that no signs shall advertise the sale as a “going-out-of-business sale,” or “bankruptcy sale,” and all fixtures, furnishings and equipment must go out the back doors of the buildings, after shopping hours.

Target Canada is putting all its leases and properties up for sale at the same time, publishing national ads as soon as practicable, to solicit bids as early as March 5.

“It’s not an ‘en bloc’ sale. It will, I am sure, turn out to be multiple sales. I doubt very much that one party will want to take all the real estate, but it’s one process they’re seeking approval for,” said Ira Smith, of Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

In addition to numerous store leases, office space leases and distribution centre facility leases, Target Canada owns three distribution centres: in Milton, Calgary and Cornwall.

The stores range in size from 88,700 square feet in Corner Brook, Nfld., to 157,500 square feet at the recently opened Toronto Stockyards location.

Don’t wait until your business loses so much money that the only option is liquidation through a receivership or bankruptcy; you need professional help long before then in the form of a trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible after the first sign that your business may be in trouble. If your company is in serious debt, from an ill-conceived start-up or otherwise, there are many options including a review & monitoring and then a restructuring & turnaround in order to preserve the business and jobs.

We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan for you. Business problems are the enemy that can be conquered and Starting Over, Starting Now we can get your viable business restructured and nursed back to financial health.



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