Brandon Blog Post


9 out of 10

9 out of 10 Canadians do not have a debt to CRA because they pay their taxes on time. Beginning in February every year, people who not only have too much debt on their credit cards right after the Holidays, but they also owe income taxes, consult us.

We have written on the topic before, including:

  2. TAX problems with the CRA? CONTACT A TRUSTEE!

Their cute animated video

Do you have a debt to tax authorities? Do you owe taxes or other government amounts like overdue student loans, or EI and CPP overpayments? If so, the Canada Revenue Agency says it wants to help you get back on track. They tell you that paying what you owe to them is easier than ever with a variety of online payment alternatives. And if you can’t offer the full amount right off, they tell you that they can work with you to set up a payment plan that would allow you to make payments over a term.

Michael’s nice story

The tax collectors then tell you a nice story. Take Michael for instance. He has an indebtedness with and he can’t pay the full amount right now. On their website, he was able to set up a monthly pay plan to pay his debt to them. Michael was also happy to pay interest on his debt to CRA until it’s paid off.

This is such a nice sounding story. However, based on the people who consult with us over their debt to CRA, it ignores the fact that people with too much debt do not have the money to pay off their debt to CRA and their other debts. The people who consult with us want to pay off their debt to CRA, but can’t. Life has gotten in their way!

The real story

If you owe money to the CRA and you’ve been contacted by the CRA about it, collection acts could be underway. Shunning your indebtedness will not make it easier for you. By working together with the CRA as early as possible, you can hopefully avoid legal and monetary penalties.

However, there are issues in dealing with CRA directly and pitfalls to avoid. Here is our top list of things to be aware of:

  1. The CRA collector does not have the authority to agree to accept a lesser amount than what you owe. The collector can only agree to you’re paying off 100% of the tax, penalty and interest you owe.
  2. The CRA collector will be looking for you to pay off the full amount in a relatively short period of time; say, 6 months.
  3. The CRA collector has a lot of information t his or her fingertips. After all, you have provided CRA with very personal information for many years!
  4. The CRA collector will try to get updated financial information from you such as the identification of your bank accounts, current employment, do you own or rent, if you own, what mortgages are against your property. The reason for this is so that if you fail to reach a payment plan, or default on your payment plan, then they will try to garnish and seize your cash, wages and other assets. It is a lot easier for them to do so when you have already told them where to look!

What should you do if you have too much debt?

So if you can’t get some peace of mind by joining the 9 out of 10 Canadians who sleep easy knowing that their taxes are in order and their tax indebtedness has been paid – contact us. The Ira Smith Team has helped many individuals and corporations avoid bankruptcy and settle their debt to CRA for less than the full amount owing. Here is a little known secret – the only way CRA will accept less than 100% is if you are working with a professional licensed insolvency trustee in a debt restructuring proposal.

Starting Over, Starting Now, we can help you get squared away with CRA and return you to living a productive stress-free life. Call us today for our free consultation.

debt to cra

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Difference between credit report and credit score: Introduction

Many people we see don’t realize the difference between credit report and credit score and they often confuse a credit report with a credit score. So, let’s get back to basics. We’ll clarify credit reports for you and explain why you should check your credit report and how often.

Difference between credit report and credit score: What is a credit report?

A credit report is a detailed record of your credit history – when you opened your account(s), how much you owe, if you make your payments on time, miss payments, go over your credit limit, etc. In Canada there are two major credit reporting agencies – Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. They collect information about how you use credit (lenders send them the information) and they create credit reports based on that information. Personal information that’s available in public records, such as a bankruptcy, is also included in your credit report.

Difference between credit report and credit score: What is a credit score?

A credit score is not the same as a credit report. A credit score is a three-digit number produced by a mathematical formula using the information in your credit report. You get points for using credit responsibly. You lose points if you’re having problems managing credit. In Canada, credit scores range from 300 to 900 points (900 is the best score).

Difference between credit report and credit score:: Why is your credit report so important?

As a society we are increasingly dependent on credit. Every time you apply for a credit card, a utility, mortgage, an apartment rental and often even a job, your credit history is checked. These lenders use your credit report and score to decide how risky it would be for them to lend you money or extend you credit. Your credit report and score may also be used to set your interest rate and credit limit. If you have a poor credit history it’s unlikely that you will be approved for credit cards, mortgages and other loans. And if you do get approved you will more than likely have to pay a higher interest rate than someone with a good credit history.

Difference between credit report and credit score: How often should you check your credit report?

According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, you should check your credit report at least once a year. They also recommend that you order your credit report from both credit reporting agencies – Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada and that you consider requesting your report from one agency and then waiting six months before you order from the other agency to detect any problems sooner. Mistakes on credit reports do happen so review them carefully and pay special attention to any signs of identity theft – accounts that you didn’t open, credit cards that you didn’t apply for, etc. Be aware that the credit reporting agencies charge a fee to order your credit score.

Difference between credit report and credit score:: How can I order my credit report or score for free?

You can get a free credit report. Equifax Canada offers what they call a “credit disclosure file” and TransUnion offers a “consumer disclosure”. However, these credit reports do NOT include your credit score. To get these free credit reports you must order them by mail, fax or phone and receive them by mail, fax or phone. If you prefer to get access to them online, you will have to pay a fee.

You may have seen commercials offering free credit scores. Beware! There’s no such thing. These companies are either fraudsters out to get your personal financial information or you’ll have to sign up for a paid service to get the free credit score.

Difference between credit report and credit score: Are you having trouble managing credit?

If so, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as quickly as possible. With immediate action and a solid financial plan for moving forward we can help you deal with debt and learn to manage it well in the future, Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

Brandon Blog Post



2017 economic outlook: Introduction

The precious metals advisory firm Illuminati Silver, discussed the implications of an International Monetary Fund (IMF) Report and its views on what it will mean for the 2017 economic outlook. The following is their analysis. Illuminati believes that emerging markets may actually help the world economy in 2017. The IMF believes that the emerging markets may be about to undergo a surprisingly rapid economic rebound.

2017 economic outlook: A brief 2016 review

The beginning of 2016 was fraught for global currency and commodity markets, with the oil price slumping towards $25 a barrel and a raft of emerging market currencies hit by the start of US monetary tightening. The resulting dip in global equity markets in the beginning of 2016 because of growing concerns over China’s economic slowdown.
However, there was a significant turnaround in investor sentiment, with global equity markets rallying to their pre-2016 highs and the oil price bouncing back to around $50 a barrel. Capital inflows into emerging markets resumed in 2016, following two years of outflows, and the stage may now be set for greater macroeconomic, currency and commodity stability, which could propel global growth, to 4% in 2017 (the highest level since 2010).

2017 economic outlook: What the IMF says about 2017

In its report the IMF stated that politics were weighing on the US and European economies, with uncertainty about the US Presidential election “contributing to a lag in investment.” In 2017, the IMF expects emerging economies to grow 4.6%. China’s economy, the world’s second largest, is forecast to expand 6.2% in 2017, which is slightly down but still significant.

Growth in emerging Asia, and especially India, continues to be resilient. India’s gross domestic product may expand 7.6% this year and next year, the fastest pace among the world’s major economies. If the IMF is correct and Europe and the UK are not too adversely affected post BREXIT short-term, this level of growth may be just enough to maintain things as they are and not allow world economies to dip any further into recession. This should mean as a result, the demand for gold and especially silver should remain robust into 2017 as industrial usage consolidates and begins to increase.

2017 economic outlook: What if the IMF is wrong?

Of course the IMF could be wrong and growth rates prove no-where near as high as it forecasts. However, some interesting words from the IMF’s chief economist, Maurice Obstfeld prove interesting: “By using monetary, fiscal, and structural policies in concert—within countries, consistent over time, and across countries—the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts,” In other words he is both suggesting and perhaps hinting that; world leaders, central banks and industries may work to some degree in concert with one another to make sure a soft landing occurs.

Of course none of us know whether they will be successful, however, despite the doom and gloom by people predicting global economic collapse since even before 2008, we have not experienced it on the scale they have forecast.

2017 economic outlook: Does your personal economic trend need fixing?

What is your personal economic 2017 forecast? Will you have enough income growth to meet your expenses and pay down debt? Or, will you still have too much debt that is causing stress in your life?
The Ira Smith Team is here to help you get out of debt and back on a path to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now. All it takes is one phone call to book your free, no obligation consultation. Call us today and take the first step towards debt free living.


2017 economic outlook

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financial resolutions worth keeping, financial resolutions, resolutions, new year, new year's, budget, credit, high interest credit, credit cards, payday loan company, trustee, ira smith trustee

financial resolutions worth keeping

Financial resolutions worth keeping: Happy New Year to all of our readers!

The new year is the season of making resolutions, but more often than not it is very difficult to keep new year’s resolutions. The most common resolution year over year is losing weight. How about if this year you vow to lose debt instead? The Ira Smith team can help you lose debt. We put together a list of 6 financial resolutions worth keeping that you should make this year if you’re serious about losing debt.

Financial resolutions worth keeping: Our Ira Smith Trustee top 6 list

  1. Stop wasting money: Have a hard look at your expenses – mobile plan(s), landline(s), car insurance, house insurance, cable TV, etc. Get rid of what you don’t need and make sure you’re getting the best deals possible for the services that you decide to keep.
  2. Make a budget and stick to it: You may be shocked at what you’re actually spending and what those designer lattes are really costing you.
  3. Use cash more and credit less: Get into the habit of shopping with cash. Take out the amount that you can afford to spend and don’t resort to using credit. This will put a stop to impulse shopping for things you don’t need and can’t afford even if they are great bargains. You can go broke saving money.
  4. Don’t use high interest credit (like a credit card) to pay your bills: If you have to resort to credit cards to pay your bills, then it’s time to recognize that you are in serious financial difficulty and you need professional help, not more debt.
  5. NEVER go to a payday loan company: Those commercials offering you money with bad credit or no credit can trap you in a never-ending cycle of debt with annual interest rates of up to 596% annually.
  6. At the first sign of financial trouble contact a professional trustee: The sooner you seek help, the more options you’ll have. Managing debt is not a do-it-yourself project; it requires a professional.

Financial resolutions worth keeping: We can help you have a great New Year

The Ira Smith Team is here to help you get out of debt and back on a path to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now. All it takes is one phone call to book your free, no obligation consultation. Call us today and take the first step towards debt free living.

Brandon Blog Post


New year’s debt resolution: Introduction

New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep and new year’s debt resolution is no different. OK, so first, Happy New Year 2017. And maybe more importantly, the world didn’t end with Donald Trump’s election! Now because it’s the new year we know exactly what’s going to happen. People are going to go and make promises that they won’t keep. Get more fit, lose weight, start a business, have better relationships with family and friends, make more money, budget better and of course, pay off debt.

New Year’s debt resolution: How successful are we at keeping new year’s resolutions?

According to Wikipedia, the success rate for New Year’s resolutions is about 12%, which means that there has to be something wrong with our resolving, right? How often do you discover people you know resolving to do a whole range of things, like write a song, read 100 novels or go to the gym twice a week?

All of that is really hard. I mean, our hearts are in the best place, but it requires self-discipline, and periods of prolonged firmness. And willpower, much like those flabby muscles, requires an effort. Psychologist Roy Baumeister writes in “Willpower” that those bad at resolving should mention, “put the blame where it belongs, on the list.” Instead of resolving to learn to master the guitar, quit smoking, lose weight and climb all the mountains, just choose one. Start small-time and end large-scale.

New year’s debt resolution: 3 simple steps to meet success

3 Simple-minded tips for starting the new year right. It’s the start of a brand new year. It really is the start where people reevaluate their lives in originating resolutions to change for the better. So in the spirit of self-improvement why not widen this to your personal business.

Now are three improbably simple-minded tips that do really that:

1. Monitor your business. If you don’t already keep watch over your funds now’s the time to get started.

2. Prevent wasteful spending by creating a simple budget; and follow it! You can download our debt management spreadsheet for free at the bottom of this blog.

3. To jump-start your financial year it’s not a bad idea to get a good look at your credit report. Get any errors fixed and see what you need to do to improve your credit score. To get a copy of your credit report, you can get access to it through one of the two credit bureaus’s; Equifax or TransUnion.

New year’s debt resolution: We can help you make success

Whether you have just one year or several years of new year debt resolutions outstanding, it still needs to be dealt with. To deal with debt you need the help of a debt professional – a trustee. Dealing with debt is not something that you can put off any longer. Start the New Year off right by calling Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today and make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation. We can give you back peace of mind and put you on the road to stress free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

New Year’s Debt Resolution

new year's debt resolution, new year's resolution debt

Brandon Blog Post


identity theft horror stories, fraudsters, fraud, identity theft, identity thieves, guard against identity theft, trustee, social media, anti-virus, credit report, identity theft product, fraud alert

Identity theft horror stories: Introduction

There always seems to be identity theft horror stories coming out right after the holiday shopping season. The holidays may be a time of good cheer, but for others who’ve been victimized by fraudsters and identity thieves, it can be a nightmare. Earlier in the month we posted a blog giving you 3 secret techniques to guard against identity theft, but we must still remain diligent.

Identity theft horror stories: What more can you do to protect yourself against fraudsters & identity thieves?

According to Equifax, Canadian consumers have indicated that they’ve taken the following steps:

· Shared less about self on social media· 87%
· Used an up-to-date computer anti-virus product· 81%
· Double-checked credit card statements· 79%
· Shopped less online· 56%
· Avoided using public WiFi· 47%
· Used cash more often· 46%
· Updated security passwords· 43%
· Used an identity theft product· 30%
· Checked my credit report· 28%

Identity theft horror stories: What can you do if identity theft happens to you?

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada advises that you document in writing everything that’s happened since you first became aware of the fraud and that you follow these 4 steps:

  1. Contact your local police and file a police report.
  2. Contact the financial institutions, credit card companies, phone companies, and other lenders for any accounts you suspect are opened or tampered with.
  3. Contact the two credit bureaus in Canada, Equifax and TransUnion. Ask that a “Fraud alert” be placed in your credit file. At the same time, order copies of your credit report and review them. Make sure all the accounts and debts that show up on your report are yours. Report any incorrect information to the credit bureaus.
  4. Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) toll-free at 1-888-495-8501 to report the fraud and get advice. The CAFC plays a crucial role in educating the public about specific mass marketing fraud pitches and in collecting and disseminating victim evidence, statistics and documentation, all of which are made available to law enforcement agencies.

Identity theft horror stories: What should you do if you have your own Christmas credit card debt horror stories?

Remember to always protect your personal information at home, online, on the phone and in public places and follow our 3 secret techniques to guard against identity theft. Everyone is a potential victim so be on your guard. Unfortunately even taking precautions is not 100% foolproof, so if you’re now experiencing serious financial difficulties as a result of identity theft or for any other reason, give Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. a call immediately. We can help you solve your financial problems with immediate action and a solid financial plan Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Christmas holiday credit card debt: Introduction

Christmas holiday credit card debt is too many times the result of the holiday shopping season. Are you going to make it through December without getting yourself in Christmas holiday credit card debt? That’s a great question, since an examination by Consumer Reports indicates that millions of Americans are still in debt from last year’s holiday season.

Christmas holiday credit card debt: Creating your holiday strategy

With all the bargains on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you may have found yourself invited to be the jolliest gift giver of the season, but creating a holiday strategy should be rooted in practicality, not holiday miracles. Rather than repeat last year’s missteps, you should try basing your gift spending plan on cash and not plastic. There is a disconnect between plastic and life that causes many people to spend well beyond their capacity to comfortably repay the costs of their charge card purchases that is. Using cash requires us to spend within our means, while plastic can drive us off the cliff. Simply put, money doesn’t feel like money “if you’re using” a piece of plastic, but chances are pretty good that you’ll stay painfully aware of what you’re spending if you were had to slide over a stack of $20 bills to purchase the latest techno gadget.

Christmas holiday credit card debt: Your skills and time can make the best gifts

Using cash allows us to stay aware of just how much we can spend, and helps to protect us from get carried away with plastic. Your neighbourhood mall or on-line retailers aren’t necessarily your only opportunity for gifts. Some of the best presents are those that have significance beyond their monetary value. If you are skilled in a particular area, use your talent for gifts.

For instance, if you’re skilled with your hands, you might consider making some presents for your loved ones. Knit a sweater, build a coffee table, or create a one-of-a-kind website for an acquaintance or loved one. Time is another prized talent. If you can’t devote a lot of money to holiday shopping, give your time. We all have jobs we’d like to complete, but sometimes we lack the ability to get it done. Gifting your time to pals and loved ones will not only help clean up their to-do list but will also be a way to spend quality time to strengthen relationships.

We all know people who despite their modest financial situation, they go all out on their spending during this season even when their situation says they shouldn’t. I don’t know about you, but I feel bad accepting a gift that I know the person cannot afford to give, and I feel worse if I was to refuse it and tell them to return it.

Christmas holiday credit card debt: Set achievable goals

If this describes you or someone you are familiar with, be sure to set achievable goals for managing your holiday obligations. Define your holiday budget with a repayment deadline, a few months at most, to avoid paying more than you can afford. Such a strategy is really a talent for yourself, since you don’t want to still be paying for this year’s gifts when the holidays come around next year.

Christmas holiday credit card debt: What to do if you have too much debt

Whether you have just one year or several years of holiday spending debt, it still needs to be dealt with. To deal with debt you need the help of a debt professional – a trustee. Dealing with debt is not something that you can put off any longer. Start the New Year off right by calling Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today and make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation. We can give you back peace of mind and put you on the road to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

christmas debt, holiday debt statistics, christmas debt statistics, average holiday credit card debt, average credit card debt, ira smith trustee, Budgeting, Christmas, Credit Card (Invention), Gifts, Presents, Budget (Ranked Item), Credit (finance), Credit, Christmas holiday credit card debt, Credit card debt, Debt, Toronto

Brandon Blog Post


Credit report Ontario: Introduction

My Brandon’s Blog describes a Court decision that if you owe money, even if it is too late for you to be sued, it can still show up on your credit report Ontario. This is a very interesting case from the Court of Appeal for Ontario for consumers and consumer reporting.

The case was an attempt by Mr. Grant to have the credit reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion remove from his credit report debts that were more than two years old on the basis that because he can’t be sued anymore, the most accurate reporting would be to cut those debts from his credit report. He argued that since the Ontario Limitations Act provided for a two-year limitation for when he could be sued on certain debts, therefore, any debts more than two years old for which you haven’t been sued should be removed from his credit report.

Limitations Act vs. Consumer Reporting Act

The credit reporting agencies successfully argued against that as the lower court ruled against Mr. Grant. He was now appealing to the Court of Appeal for Ontario. The Ontario Consumer Reporting Act states that debts up to seven years old can be reported and there lies the discrepancy. The Court of Appeal for Ontario agreed with the lower court and said that just because the Limitation Act says that you can’t be sued after two years that has no application to the Consumer Reporting Act that says all valid debts can be reported for up to seven years.

What the Court of Appeal said

The Court of Appeal went on to say just because a creditor misses the deadline or chooses not to sue within the two-year period it doesn’t mean that the debt still isn’t owed. The Court of Appeal also went on to say that under the Consumer Reporting Act people have the right to communicate with Equifax and TransUnion to have errors removed from their credit report. Unfortunately for Mr. Grant in his case, this was not an error.

What should you do if you have too much debt?

Do you have too many debts causing you discomfort on your credit report? Is your credit report creating a bigger hardship for yourself? For help with your debt issues contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re your best defence against debt. Make an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

credit report ontario

Credit Report Ontario: The decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario



CITATION: Grant v. Equifax Canada Co., 2016 ONCA 500

DATE: 20160623

DOCKET: C61664

Rouleau, van Rensburg and Benotto JJ.A.


Gary Grant

Applicant (Appellant)


Equifax Canada Co., Trans Union of Canada,

Ministry of Government Services and Consumer Services

Respondents (Respondents in Appeal)

Gary Grant, acting in person

Stephen Schwartz, for Equifax Canada Co.

Alan Melamud, for Trans Union of Canada

Domenico Polla, for the Ministry of Government Services and Consumer Services

Mahmud Jamal and Raphael Eghan, for the intervener Canadian Bankers Association

Heard: June 21, 2016

On appeal from the judgment of Justice Kofi N. Barnes of the Superior Court of Justice, dated November 2, 2015.


[1] The appellant brought an application in the Superior Court seeking an order that two consumer reporting agencies remove debts over two years old that were shown on his credit report, where no legal action had been commenced or judgment obtained in respect of the debts. He relied on the provisions of the Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B, and in particular the basic limitation period of two years applicable to the commencement of a proceeding in respect of a claim.

[2] The appellant argued in the court below, and on appeal, that this two year limitation period should apply in interpreting the provisions of the Consumer Reporting Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.33 (the “CRA”). He asserts that, in requiring consumer reporting agencies to adopt all procedures reasonable for ensuring accuracy and fairness in the contents of their consumer reports (s. 9(1) of the CRA), the Act anticipates that debts will not be listed where a limitation period for their enforcement through legal action has expired. The most accurate record of a debt, he says, is one that has been or can be confirmed by an order or judgment of the court. When debts are included in consumer reports, where no legal action is possible, consumers are adversely impacted in their efforts to borrow money and to conduct other business.

[3] The respondents assert that the application judge did not err in his dismissal of the appellant’s application, on the basis that the basic limitation period has no application to the statutory framework for consumer credit reporting in Ontario, and that there was no violation by the consumer reporting agencies of the requirements of the CRA.

[4] We agree.

[5] The CRA provides for a regulatory scheme for the fair reporting of information regarding an individual’s history of credit activities. The CRA requires the registration of consumer reporting agencies, permits consumer reporting information to be provided only for certain prescribed purposes, and sets out standards for consumer reporting.

[6] The Limitations Act, 2002, by contrast, applies to bar “claims pursued in court proceedings” that are commenced outside the applicable limitation period. The Act does not apply to the CRA, whether expressly or by implication. Indeed, the CRA contains its own specific provisions prohibiting the inclusion of certain information in consumer reports, including debts or collections more than seven years old, unless confirmation that the debt or collection is not barred has been obtained. The CRA expressly contemplates that debts not reduced to judgment that are up to seven years old may be reported (see s. 9(3)(f)). This makes sense, as the passing of a limitation period does not extinguish a debt; it only precludes the commencement of a court proceeding for its enforcement. As such, the reporting of debts after a limitation period has passed, is not inconsistent with the purposes of the CRA, and is expressly contemplated by its terms.

[7] Under the Act, consumers, such as the appellant, have access to the information contained in their files, and a mechanism by which they can dispute information contained in a report to the consumer reporting agency, and to the Registrar of Consumer Reporting Agencies, with a right to apply to the Licence Appeal Tribunal for a hearing if they are aggrieved by a Registrar’s decision.

[8] The appellant availed himself of the right to dispute information, and was able to have certain stale information removed from his consumer reports. There was no basis, however, for requiring the removal of information concerning debts simply because they were more than two years old.

[9] For these reasons, the appeal is dismissed.

“Paul Rouleau J.A.”

“K. van Rensburg J.A.”

“M.L. Benotto J.A.”


Brandon Blog Post


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Legitimate bad credit loans online

Legitimate bad credit loans online: Introduction

The holidays can be wonderful for some; but this is also the time of year that people are drowning in by debt and looking for legitimate bad credit loans online. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Holiday spending is tipping them over the edge and they don’t know what to do. Then they see headlines like these and think their prayers are being answered:

  • Loans for bad credit – $0 down with 100% approval rate
  • No credit check loans online
  • Loans for bad credit people
  • Guaranteed loan approval no credit check

Legitimate bad credit loans online: If it seems too good to be true…..

Some Canadians grab these bad credit loans online like a lifeline and don’t realize that they’ve put themselves in a worse place than they were before.

We’ve warned you before but with the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time to warn you again.

Legitimate bad credit loans online: Six Good Reasons to Say No to Bad Credit Loans Online

  1. Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval
  2. Bad Credit Loans Online Attack The Already Vulnerable
  3. Bad Credit Loans Toronto: Fix The Problem And Enjoy Low Interest Rates
  4. Bad Credit Loans Toronto: Legit Companies Don’t Guarantee Them
  5. Small Business Loans Canada Bad Credit: Need It?
  6. Personal Loans For Bad Credit: Interested?

There are no quick fixes when it comes to dealing with debt. The financial services industry is very strictly regulated for your protection. That’s why banks, credit unions and other financial institutions don’t offer bad credit loans online.

Legitimate bad credit loans online: What are they?

Bad credit loans online are nothing more than scams. They prey on those who are desperate and who can’t get a loan from a federally regulated financial institution. The problem is that these bandits get you coming and going. First they hit you up with fees – processing fees, insurance fees, transfer fees, etc. You get the idea. Then they charge you interest that can amount to over 500%/year. Before you know it you’re in a debt cycle you can never escape from.

Legitimate bad credit loans online: What can you do instead of going for a bad credit loan online?

We urge you not to get trapped in a debt cycle. Now is the time to stop and deal with debt with the help of a professional trustee. We’re experts in debt. We won’t help you get a loan today; but we will help you get back control of your life. There is light at the end of the tunnel and Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help you get back onto a solid financial footing Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

Brandon Blog Post




Credit Fraud Alert Canada: Introduction

Laurie Campbell joins me now to explain about credit fraud alert Canada. She is the CEO of Credit Canada Debt Solutions. Alright so let’s talk about some practical tips. What are your top three tips that will help people lower the risk that they could go through like this woman from Winnipeg described below went through?

Credit Fraud Alert Canada: Laurie’s top 3 tips

Laurie’s top 3 tips are:

  1. Check your credit rating. Contact both Equifax and TransUnion because those are the two credit reporting agencies in Canada.
  2. Limit the of credit cards you have. So many people are not aware of how easy fraud can happen when you have five or six or ten types of credit out there.
  3. Don’t give out your credit card or personal information to people even if you know them well. Safeguard it like money and make sure you do not give your credit card to people who may phone you asking for it. There are many scammers just phishing for information.

Credit Fraud Alert Canada: A very sad story

This woman’s story has lasted just over three years. Imagine, three years to get your credit fixed. That is unusual, incredibly unusual for it to take that long. Certainly there are some there are processes in place and you know unfortunately for her the only reason she found out about it was because she had a mortgage renewal. This is why it’s important to check your credit rating.

Credit Fraud Alert Canada: The credit rating

So remind us again what a credit rating is. There is a credit rating and a credit score. Both are very important. Your credit rating is a rating on how well you pay your debts and it reflects your credit history. For example, if you pay on time and you have a long period of history reports on the different types of credit that you have.

Your credit score is accumulation of information including not just your credit rating but that how long have you been using credit and your behavior with credit over time. It is personal information so essentially your credit rating makes up your credit score to a certain degree.

Credit Fraud Alert Canada: An ounce of prevention

Both are really important and so what options does a fraud victim have when you’re getting stonewalled by the creditors or the credit agency and there is wrong information about you in your credit report?

First there are certain things we hopefully can do to prevent that from happening but once that does happen you can ask for an investigation by the credit reporting agencies. You are going to need to be able to have some backup information on your set of circumstances to prove that it wasn’t you. In this case you are guilty until proven innocent. The burden is on you as the consumer to point out why they’re wrong and made a mistake.

Don’t forget that the credit reporting agency is merely reporting on information from the date provided to it. So first, you are going to need to have the creditor recognize that there is an error. Keep in mind it could be something as simple as your employment information. If you don’t have up-to-date employment information on you because you haven’t applied for credit since you have a new job or new place of residence. Those types of things are considered errors as well so we start to whittle away it.

Credit Fraud Alert Canada: Always check your credit report

We need to know what our credit report says and that’s why as Canadians we should be checking it on a regular basis. Some families share their credit cards with their kids which makes them more susceptible to being victims of fraud. Anytime you’re giving your giving your credit card out, especially to family members or friends, you’re putting yourself at risk.

First, there is “friendly fraud”. You hope it never happens to you where somebody else is using your credit in a way that you don’t want them to. Also, exposure in the marketplace is a problem. That is where people can leave credit cards behind and people then use it for their own purposes.

You should safeguard your credit like cash, but some people don’t do this.

Credit Fraud Alert Canada: Get your solution

The last thing any of us need is having our identity stolen and a fraud perpetrated on us to ruin our credit. If you are having credit and debt problems, help with your debt issues is available now. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re your best defence against debt. Make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation and you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

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