Brandon Blog Post


The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB Canada) has been closed but is not over

The government is ramping up its efforts to verify CERB Canada eligibility for payments made under the Canada pandemic support program. Many Canadians have been told to return some or all of the funds received in the past. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Employment and Social Development Canada are working together to ensure that those who received COVID-19 pandemic individual benefits were eligible for them. CRA also announced that they are sending out Notices of Redetermination to Canadians who were ineligible for some or all of the CERB Canada benefits they received.

The CERB Canada benefit was rolled out quickly and there was a lot of confusion about who was eligible for it. It was created to help those in Canada who the COVID-19 pandemic directly impacted. The program provided financial assistance to employees and self-employed workers. The benefit was worth a maximum of $2,000 every 4-week period for up to four months.

The issue that troubles me is that the benefit was mostly paid to people who otherwise would not have been able to afford rent or food. The CERB Canada benefit money was spent immediately and a long time ago. So if CRA and Service Canada have now determined that some people should not have gotten that benefit, what are those people supposed to do if CRA demands the money back?

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss what the options may be for people who receive a demand for repayment of the CERB Canada benefit.

Who was eligible for CERB Canada?

To qualify for the CERB payment from the government support program, you must have met certain conditions during the period you applied. The Government of Canada stipulated the following eligibility criteria:

  • You did not look for or receive, CERB Canada or Employment Insurance benefits from Service Canada for the same qualification period.
  • You did not stop your work willingly on your own. You were forced to stop your work by someone else.
  • You are a Canadian resident who is at least 15 years old.
  • You must have earned at least $5,000 (before taxes) in the preceding 12 months, or in 2019, from one or more of the following:
    • job income
    • self-employment income earnings
    • benefits relating to pregnancy or parental leave from the province

The program was designed to help Canadian employees and self-employed Canadians who lost their jobs or saw a significant decrease in income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the COVID-19 lockdown order resulting in business shutdowns. The program came to an end on December 2, 2020.cerb canada

Sending your CERB Canada payment back

If you have received a letter from Service Canada asking you to repay an overpayment, the CRA says you need to follow the instructions on the letter to return the payment.

You will have the opportunity to provide more evidence to support your claim that you were entitled to the CRA’s full CERB benefit payment. Based on your responses, you may need to repay the full amount you received.

If you received any CERB Canada payments and they now say you didn’t fit into the group of eligible workers, you have the option to pay back what you owe in full right now or over time. They expect you to repay it in full either way.

Now consider this. The federal government paid nearly $12 million in CERB Canada payments to more than 1,600 people with foreign addresses during the first seven months of the pandemic! How did that happen if one of the criteria of this program was you had to be a resident of Canada?

The way the CERB Canada benefit is taxed is by taking it out of your paycheque – wasn’t that enough?

The CERB Canada benefit was not a grant or any other kind of freebie. Anyone who received it had to include it in their taxable income. That is fair because the benefit was meant to replace lost income.

In April 2020, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that the Government of Canada would be taking extensive and decisive action to support Canadians and businesses who were struggling due to the COVID-19 global pandemic through an expansion of this program.

The Prime Minister went on to say that no Canadian should have to choose between protecting their health, putting food on the table, paying for their medication or caring for a family member. He said this is why the government introduced the CERB Canada Benefit, a taxable benefit.

There have even been CRA, Employment and Social Development Canada and court decisions confirming that the CERB Canada payments are taxable and that it was definitely not a free ride. The demand for repayment of benefits from Canadians who CRA and Service Canada now feel were not eligible workers seems totally anti-social. The program was rolled out hastily and under unclear, confusing circumstances, and Canadians have been paying income tax on the benefits they received. Surely our federal government has better places to spend its time clawing back wasteful spending.cerb canada

Mom was shocked when her maternity leave benefits were cut in half due to the CERB Canada benefit

A mother was shocked to see that her most recent parental benefits instalment had been cut in half. She said that maternity and parental benefits are paid to parents so they can take time off from paid work to do another kind of work: care work.

She was receiving half of her parental leave benefits for three weeks, which were already about half of her regular earnings. The reason for the reduction was because it was determined that the CERB Canada benefit she received for every four-week period, increased her income to the point where the reduction was warranted.

Then she received a demand for repayment. She hadn’t expected to have to repay the benefit. Shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak hit in March 2020, she was let go from her work because there wasn’t enough work to go around. She thought she qualified under the eligibility requirements for the CERB Canada benefit.

She couldn’t repay the full amount in one shot so she tried to arrange a repayment plan with CRA. She said that she had to fax about a dozen documents and field several questions from federal government employees to prove she is experiencing “financial hardship” in order to qualify for a payment plan. I don’t understand why payment plans have to be approved rather than just being automatically set up. These are not rich people that they are demanding repayment from, so why make them jump through hoops?

The British Columbia court has ruled that the CERB Canada payment must be deducted from the damage award for wrongful dismissal

Here is another example that the CERB Canada benefit is not a tax-free payment or a non-taxable grant. In Reotech Construction Ltd. v Snider, 2022 BCSC 317 the trial judge awarded the employee damages for a 4.5-month reasonable notice period and declined to deduct his CERB Canada payments.

After reviewing the case, the Supreme Court of British Columbia decided that the original trial judge was incorrect in choosing not to reduce the damage award by the $9,000 in benefits received. The court decided that these payments should be deducted from the award.

There was no indication that the employee would have to repay the CERB Canada benefit to the government. If the CERB payments are not deducted, then the employee would be in a better position than if there had been no breach of the employment contract. The employee would not have received the benefit if he had not been dismissed, making the benefit an indemnity for the wage loss caused by the dismissal.cerb canada

How to repay the CERB Canada benefit

If you received the CERB Canada and now find out that you did not meet the eligibility requirements, as shown above, you must repay the money. There are a few different ways that you can repay the amount demanded.

The easiest way to repay the CERB Canada amount is through your online service CRA My Account. You can log into your account and select “Repay CERB” under the “My Account” tab. If you do not have a CRA online account, you can repay the amount you owe either by sending a cheque through Canada Post to the CRA mailing address you can find online. You can also pay it at your financial institution using the government-issued remittance form.

But what if you are just one of the many hard-working Canadian workers living paycheque to paycheque? What if you do not have the money to repay what they say you owe, either all at once or by taking an amount out of each of your future paycheques that CRA will agree to?

What if you cannot repay because the government stepped up its efforts to verify CERB Canada payments and made demands on you?

As stated above, if you cannot afford to repay the full amount being demanded of you all at once, you can hopefully convince CRA that you deserve a payment plan over time due to “financial hardship”. This assumes that the government is right that you were not originally entitled to the amount that you received for the CERB Canada benefit. But what if you cannot afford to repay it at all, no matter what sort of payment plan you can enter into?

The outcome will depend on if you are insolvent. Being insolvent doesn’t necessarily mean bankruptcy. Insolvency (aka financial failure) is a financial condition that occurs when a person or company doesn’t have enough assets to pay off all debts if they were to be liquidated. It also means that the person or company has stopped paying their bills on time in the normal course.

If the person is NOT insolvent, they are expected to sell assets or use cash on hand to pay their bills.

If you’re insolvent, you can take advantage of Canadian insolvency legislation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The debt to repay the CERB Canada benefit is an ordinary unsecured claim that will be eliminated through a successful financial restructuring under either a consumer proposal or a Division I proposal. As a last resort, you could also file for bankruptcy.

I would rather refer you back to some of my earlier Brandon’s Blogs that go over the requirements for each insolvency option, rather than go through all of them individually here. They are:


CERB Canada: Canadian workers now under fire

In summary, CRA now says it’s “time to pay up” for Canadians who were paid the CERB Canada benefit during the pandemic. Although CRA has a right to claw back the amount if it is correct that the person was not eligible, what CRA’s insistence means for many Canadian workers is they now have to choose between paying back their CERB or paying for food, rent or medicine.

This is so ironic because the benefit payments were designed to help those people in making those payments when their incomes dried up. The amounts were taxed so the government earned income that way. Now they are causing unneeded stress and worry to the people they aimed to help.

I hope this Brandon’s Blog was helpful to you in understanding more about this problem now facing many Canadians. If you or your company has too heavy a debt load, we understand how you feel. You’re stressed out and anxious because you can’t fix your or your company’s financial situation on your own. But don’t worry. As a government-licensed insolvency professional firm, we can help you get your personal or corporate finances back on track.

If you’re struggling with money problems, call the Ira Smith Team today. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan to get you back on track and stress-free, all while avoiding the bankruptcy process if at all possible.

Call us today and get back on the path to a healthy stress-free life.cerb canada

Brandon Blog Post


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Canadian debt relief program: Before you sign up for debt settlement

A Canadian debt relief program: it may seem like a good idea. Missed payments on your credit cards, loans or other unsecured debt, can lead to collection calls and worsen your situation. Choosing a debt relief program is often the last resort for Canadians to escape the grip of their creditors.

As a solution to consumer debt problems, debt relief companies offer debt settlement programs and debt relief programs. As a debt consultant, you do not need any special education or licensing to operate. Often, their actions are detrimental rather than beneficial.

This Brandon Blog is about a case I recently consulted about that is sad but true. This story is about a Toronto man who decided to use a Canadian debt relief program provided by a debt relief company to settle his debt issues. As a result of using that Canadian debt relief program, he is still unable to pay his bills, and is in a much worse financial situation now than he was before he visited the debt settlement company. To make matters worse, the debt relief consultant then got a licensed insolvency trustee to almost go along with his cockamamy scheme. Unfortunately, the Trustee woke up too late, after all the damage was done.

I will explain it all to you.

Canadian debt relief program: Research the company’s reputation

There should be a law that requires all debt relief services companies to be licensed to do debt relief work in Canada. So if they are not licensed they are not allowed to claim they are licensed. Since a debt relief company does not need to have a special license to provide a debt relief solution, it means there are few regulations set in place to control what they can do and what they can charge their customers. A debt relief program is a program set up to help people get out of debt. Debt relief programs always are not designed to help you pay off all your debt.

Debt relief programs run by debt relief services companies often aren’t designed to help you find a permanent solution to the behaviour that got you into your debt problems in the first place. The problem with a Canadian debt relief program put together by a debt settlement company is that it may very well cause the loss of your money or as is the case in the true story I am about to tell you, the loss of your home.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: Are debt relief programs really worth it?

A for-profit debt settlement company charges fees, just like any other for-profit business. Before any of your money is used to settle your personal debts, you must pay most of their fees upfront. No fees are charged by the non-profit credit counsellor. Reputable credit counselling companies do not require you to pay upfront for any tangible services they offer to help you reduce your various types of debt.

You set up an account with the company, where you make monthly payments from available funds to generate the money necessary to pay their fee and then to make settlement offers. There is no guarantee that working with a private debt settlement company will work. Debt settlement companies cannot guarantee that creditors will agree to settle on the outstanding debts when they contact them.

Your creditors may not be able to reach an agreement with them, so you may have to file a consumer proposal or end up filing bankruptcy. For services that the bankruptcy trustee provides for free, debt settlement companies charge debtors upfront fees. While you are in a Canadian debt relief program offered by one of these companies, you do not have any protection from creditors.

Should debt management programs be pursued? A not-for-profit credit counselling agency can provide this service. The answer is NO if it is a for-profit debt relief company. However, the answer is YES if it is a formal consumer proposal with a licensed insolvency trustee.

Canadian debt relief program: When using a debt settlement company goes terribly wrong – a true story

When things go wrong, they go really wrong and fast. We were contacted by a lawyer representing an undischarged bankrupt. The facts as I understood them to be were:

  1. The debtor went to a debt settlement company to get financial advice and help in resolving his debt problems. The company claimed to specialize in helping Canadians deal with their debt problems through a successful Canadian debt relief program. They said they could get him out of his financial mess and save his house. They told him that they would take care of everything.
  2. He was the only owner of the marital home. A real estate agent gave an opinion letter that stated the home was only worth the total of the registered mortgages.
  3. The debtor lost his job and his wife was making the mortgage payments from her employment income. They advised the couple that the wife could get legal protection by taking the position that each of her mortgage and utility payments was a secured advance to the husband. There was no written agreement between them registered on title and she did not register a mortgage against the home. This advice was obviously very wrong.
  4. The debt settlement company could not create any plans for debt forgiveness acceptable to the creditors. It was mainly credit cards and the debtor needed a successful credit card debt relief plan.
  5. The debt settlement company marched the debtor to a licensed insolvency trustee. We could not determine from the documents provided to us if the Trustee did any verification work or merely filed the assignment in bankruptcy based on the work of the debt settlement company. The sworn statement of affairs had the same value for the home as in the real estate agent’s opinion letter. Net of mortgages, the sworn statement of affairs showed no equity in the matrimonial home.
  6. The same day that the Trustee’s section 170 report was prepared, the Trustee wrote a letter to the debtor. According to the Trustee’s letter, after 1.5 years of bankruptcy there is $200,000 equity in the home, the wife has no existing secured claim to the property and therefore, the Trustee opposes the discharge since the asset has not yet been realized. There were no references in the Trustee’s letter to any previous communications or correspondence with the debtor regarding his equity in the home. Therefore, I do not know if the letter was the first time the Trustee discussed with the bankrupt the need to realize the equity in the home.
  7. In the section 170 report, again, dated the same day as the letter, the Trustee opposed the bankrupt’s discharge due to the home equity issue.
  8. A list of licensed credit counsellors can be found on the website of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. Upon searching that licensed credit counsellor database, we were unable to locate the name of the debt settlement company employee who assisted the debtor.
  9. The undischarged bankrupt’s wife, or any other family member of his, was not able to raise the necessary funds to purchase the Trustee’s interest in the equity of the home. The undischarged bankrupt has no means from which to attempt to do a consumer proposal or Part III Division I Proposal to do a successful proposal out of bankruptcy.
  10. The debt settlement company’s work directly led to the undischarged bankrupt losing his home as it would have to be sold either by the debtor or the Trustee.

    canadian debt relief program
    canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: My advice

I did a Teranet search of the matrimonial home. The estimated value of the home according to Teranet showed there was more like $350,000 of equity, not $200,000. There was not a lot that this undischarged bankrupt could do. My advice was:

  1. The debt consultant apparently was doing work that a Trustee must do under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) but is not licensed to do that work. The debtor should consider demanding the fee paid to the debt consultant.
  2. Find out who did the mandatory two credit counselling sessions with the debtor; a licensed credit counsellor under the Trustee’s employ or the debt consultant?
  3. Find out if there is a financial arrangement between the debt consultant and the Trustee. Such arrangements are outlawed by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.
  4. The debt consultant was very “cute” in trying to fix the value of the home so that there was no equity in the home. What verification work did the Trustee do when accepting the value in the sworn Statement of Affairs and beginning the bankruptcy process?
  5. Unfortunately, the undischarged bankrupt is stuck with this situation. The equity in the home belongs to the Trustee. There really was not anything that I could do to change that.

The lawyer thanked us very much and said that his discharge hearing will be quite the show after she examines the witnesses!

Canadian debt relief program: Options you can trust to help you with your debt

A licensed insolvency trustee would have been a better choice for this debtor rather than this debt relief company. Most people with consumer debt problems fall into one of three categories. Using these three categories, I will show what I would have advised this debtor. It is sufficient to say that the earlier you seek the services of a licensed insolvency trustee and avoid the debt consultants and their unrealistic promises, the more options you will have.

Your finances could be better, and you would like some help.

When you realize that you can do things better and wish to avoid trouble, you fall into this category. You can get proper financial advice from a licensed insolvency trustee at this stage. It is likely that if this debtor had approached me at the first sign of trouble, he could have avoided filing for bankruptcy. Things I might have discussed with him include:

  • How to establish and follow a budget for the family.
  • Does he have an adequate credit rating or credit score to be approved for and get a debt consolidation loan so that this loan would enable him to pay off all his unsecured debt in full and have one affordable monthly payment under a debt consolidation program.
  • Having a non-profit credit counselling service assist him with budgeting, assistance with debt management and if required, arranging a debt relief settlement plan with his unsecured creditors. Creditors understand that sometimes life happens and there are situations where people require support for plans for debt forgiveness when it comes to ‘debt-causing’ scenarios such as critical illness, job loss and the death of a loved one.
  • Making monthly payments to the non-profit credit counselling service so that they can make the necessary payments to creditors, as prescribed in the Canadian debt relief program they set up for him.
  • His job includes referring the debt collectors to the non-profit credit counselling service when he receives their calls.
  • His wife should seek independent legal advice about registering a mortgage against the family home as security for all advances she is about to make to her husband for the mortgage, property tax, utility bills, and any other funds related to the home’s maintenance.
  • Is it possible to use the equity in the home to downsize?
  • How filing a consumer proposal or an assignment in bankruptcy affects his finances and his life, including how it affects the equity in his home.

My advice would have cost him nothing, and he would be in a much better financial position than he is now. Most likely, he would have avoided the need for a consumer proposal or bankruptcy altogether.

Your finances are beginning to get out of control.

He and I would have discussed all of the above, along with independent legal advice for his wife, and the realistic option of having an affordable payment plan with debt reduction, by filing a consumer proposal as a real Canadian debt relief program for debt reduction and allowing him to make one affordable monthly payment on all his outstanding unsecured debts. Consumer proposals are the only Canadian debt relief program approved by and authorized by the Federal government.

You are in serious financial trouble.

If he hadn’t come to see me before he suffered severe financial difficulties, his only realistic option would be bankruptcy. From the very beginning, he would have realized that the equity in his home was at stake and would be lost to the Trustee. It wouldn’t have been a bad shock to the debtor after filing for bankruptcy. He may even have been able to locate a relative who could have purchased the equity in his home from the Trustee prior to filing so that his life would not have been negatively affected.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: Summary

I hope you found this Canadian debt relief program Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Brandon Blog Post


canada student loanThe Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and both Ira, as well as Brandon Smith, are right here for a telephone appointment, conference calls and also virtual meetings.

Stay healthy and safe everybody.

If you would rather listen to the audio version of this Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast


For plenty of students, the month of May generally marks the beginning of a summertime job. But now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it might be actually challenging for them to get any kind of work. They could have already been trying for weeks to find a job without any success. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to describe what the Canadian government is doing to help students in general, and especially those with a Canada student loan.

Banks were once places to hold money and were very careful in lending to finance families as they built a future – bought homes, bought cars, took out student loans.” – Elizabeth Warren

Government of Canada student loan program announcement

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed comprehensive assistance of close to $9 billion for post-secondary students and also recent graduates. The plan was developed to give assistance to students for the financial backing they need this summer, help them proceed with their research studies in the fall, and help them get the experience they require to start their jobs.

These measures consist of:

  • the Canada Emergency Student Benefit, which gives assistance to students as well as new graduates that are not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. This benefit gives $1,250 monthly for qualified students or $1,750 each month for qualified students with dependents or disabilities. The benefit would be offered from May to August 2020.
  • the new Canada Student Service Grant, which will help students gain useful job experience and also skills while they help their communities throughout the COVID‑19 pandemic. For students that pick to do serve their community, this new program will offer as much as $5,000 for their 2020-21 education.

On March 30, 2020, the Government of Canada also announced a six-month interest-free moratorium on the repayment of any Canada student loan for all people that are in the process of paying off their student debt. To reassure the student loan borrowers, the government went on to say that all pre-authorized debits taking payments automatically out of people’s accounts will stop.

This will certainly provide interest and payment relief to virtually 1 million Canada student loan borrowers. This delaying payment date of September 1, 2020 ties into the same moratorium given on other types of payments for both Canadian business and individual taxpayers.

I think my mom and dad both wanted to get across to me that… I obviously grew up with great privilege and was very lucky and was able to afford college and not have student loans, and they would pay for college, but beyond that, it would be up to me to make a living.” – Anderson Cooper

Summer jobs for 2020

The federal government is developing 76,000 work for students in addition to the Canada Summer Jobs program. These placements will be in industries that need an additional hand today or that are on the cutting edge of this pandemic.

I am just one of the overwhelming majority of Americans who is responsible and hard-working and at one point in their life benefited greatly from government programs such as student loans, Medicare, and Social Security.” – Tammy Duckworth

Fall 2020 to 2021 assistance for post-secondary students

Adjustments to the Canada student loan program have also been done so students facing financial difficulties from COVID-19 can access and manage post-secondary education. Pending federal government authorization, the new measures will come into force on August 1, 2020, for students for a one year period. The Canada Student Service Grant will help those who would rather volunteer and serve their neighbours and country during this health crisis.

These changes include:

  • Doubling of the student grants for all eligible full-time students to up to $6,000 and for part-time students up to $3,600 in 2020-21. The Canada student grants for students with long-term disabilities and students with dependents will also be doubled.
  • Widen eligibility for student financial assistance by getting rid of the expected student’s and spouse’s payments in 2020-21, given there will be struggles saving for university for next year.
  • Boost the program by raising the maximum amount that can be provided weekly to a student in 2020-21 from $210 to $350.
  • Extra support for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students going after post-secondary education by giving an additional $75.2 million in 2020-21.
  • Extend ending government graduate research scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships, and supplement existing federal research study funding, to support students and postdoctoral fellows, by supplying $291.6 million to the government approval councils. Furthermore, the government wants to boost work opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows via the National Research Council of Canada.

I would get my student loans, get money, register and never really go. It was a system I thought would somehow pan out.” – Ray Romano


The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses.

If anyone needs our assistance, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

Are you now worried just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. This pandemic situation has made everyone scared.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Bankruptcy laws allow companies to smoothly reorganize, but not college graduates burdened by student loans.” – Robert Reich

The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and both Ira, as well as Brandon Smith, are right here for a telephone appointment, conference calls and also virtual meetings.

Stay healthy and safe everybody.

Brandon Blog Post


Canada federal budget plan: Introduction

Like many Canadians, on March 19 I was watching to see if the Conservative Party would be successful or not in blocking Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s budget speech. In the end, the Liberals took the drop on Parliament by getting the budget introduced early, before the Finance Minister’s speech. That allowed the media in lockup to start broadcasting the details of the Canada federal budget plan before the Finance Minister gave his speech!

Canada federal budget plan: Retiree bankruptcy protection

I was also looking to see what the budget had in it about retiree bankruptcy protection. This matter has been in the news over the past two years. High profile insolvency cases such as Sears Canada and U.S. Steel Canada brought this matter to the forefront. I have written a few blogs on the topic of proposals to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA) to provide protection to retirees. This included private members’ bills introduced by Hamilton Mountain NDP MP Scott Duvall, Bloc Québécois MP Marilène Gill and Senator Art Eggleton, P.‍C.

As I have previously written, the issue for retirees (and current employees) relates to the employee health benefits plan and pension plan when a company enters into an insolvency administration. Insolvent companies have been allowed to put a moratorium on reimbursements to employees and retirees on valid health benefits claims. Also, the employee pension plan suffers a shortfall because the insolvent company has not made the required contributions. This automatically creates reduced pension benefits for retirees.

Pensions are delayed earnings. In either a bankruptcy or bankruptcy protection reorganization, there is generally nothing left for employees.

Given the recent high-profile insolvency cases, employees now recognize just how unsecure their pension plans and health benefits might be in the case of insolvency, reorganization or bankruptcy.

The Liberal Party already recognizes that this is a major problem. However, in this budget, they decided to ignore the issue.

Canada federal budget plan: What this budget is

Rather, this budget screams please re-elect the Liberal party. In the wake of the SNC Lavalin debacle, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is trying to win votes by spending, spending and then more spending.

The Government of Canada market debt is projected to climb by $31 billion in the coming fiscal year, to strike a total amount of $754 billion. This brand-new funding demand comes along with $250 billion of existing debt that will be maturing and will require to be refinanced.

The Finance Minister estimates that Canada’s deficit will rise as a result of the $22.8 billion of new spending. The 2018-19 deficit projection is now set at $14.9 billion, slightly reduced from the Government’s estimate in Fall 2018. However, not surprisingly for an election budget, the Liberals found a way to spend those savings and then some. Their 2019-20 deficit projection is $19.8 billion.

Canada federal budget plan: What is in this budget

This budget has a bit of something for almost everyone. I am not an economist and this Brandon’s Blog is not meant to be an economic analysis of the budget. There are many sources for an in-depth analysis. However, some of the budget highlights are:

  • $1.25 billion over 3 years on a shared-equity home loan program for first-time home buyers.
  • RRSP withdrawal limit for new home buyers increases to $35,000 from $25,000.
  • To aid Canadians with uncommon medical conditions or diseases access to the medications they require, Budget 2019 proposes to invest up to $1 billion over two years into a National Pharmacare program, starting in 2022–23, with up to $500 million per year afterwards.
  • $3.25 billion to Indigenous Services for water quality, child welfare, education and other supports.
  • $2.2 billion for a one-time doubling of Gas Tax cash for cities’ infrastructure spending.
  • Personalized Canada Training Credit of $250 a year (up to $5,000 lifetime) for job retraining.
  • A credit of up to $5,000 for the acquisition of electric vehicles.
  • The rate of interest on Canada Student Loans decreased to prime and will be interest-free for 6 months after graduation.
  • Low-income working seniors can earn more without losing GIS benefits.
  • $595 million to sustain journalism will include 15% tax credit for electronic news subscriptions.
  • A promise of high-speed internet for all Canadians by 2030.

Canada federal budget plan: Vote for me

So as you can see, this budget is full of promises; a little something for everyone. The two glaring omissions seem to be nothing really for business and ignoring retiree bankruptcy protection. It appears that the Federal government went for the easy stuff – spending money, as opposed to harder things like amending the BIA and CCAA.

It is obviously an election budget. Details on how the new legislation and spending will work are scarce within Budget 2019. No doubt the devil will be in the details. The new proposed housing provisions will no doubt spur demand, which will keep the construction industry going which is a good thing. However, increased demand will probably mean higher prices in the major Canadian cities, especially in Toronto and Vancouver. So, it will take time to see if affordability gets worse or not for new home buyers.

Canada federal budget plan: I can’t spend more than I earn, how about you?

Our government has made no secret that it will be spending last year’s savings and then look to spend more than it takes in. The way they can do that is by just issuing more debt. This is certainly not unique to the Canadian government. All governments do it.

Unfortunately, normal working people can’t just take on more debt because we want to spend more. Eventually, I would run out of lenders willing to let me borrow more money, and my income would not be enough to make all my monthly payments, let alone repay the original loans! Rather, like you, I need to budget to make sure that my necessities are covered and that I have enough money for the other things I need to spend on. This includes my savings and emergency savings fund.

Have you lost the ability to borrow more money? Are you having trouble making your monthly payments? Is your business facing financial challenges that need to be addressed?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years along with generations of experience helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals accredited as well as supervised by the Federal government to supply insolvency advice and services to help you avoid bankruptcy.

You can have a no-cost consultation to help you to fix your debt troubles. With you, we will discover your financial pain factors and offer you the strategy to finish them in your life. This will absolutely allow you to begin a clean slate, Starting Over Starting Now.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can start ending your stress and pain today. With the roadmap we create unique to you, we will quickly return you right into a healthy and balanced carefree life.

canada federal budget plan

Brandon Blog Post


8baby boomers in canada

Baby Boomers in Canada: Introduction

Baby Boomers in Canada are not retiring like the generations before them. As we discussed in a recent blog, there are many good reasons to keep working beyond age 65. Although Baby Boomers are the generation that has already reached aged retirement age or are fast approaching it (Baby Boomers are born from 1946 – 1965), many of them are not financially able to retire.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Franklin Templeton Investments Canada study

According to a study conducted for Franklin Templeton Investments Canada:

Baby Boomers in Canada: Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

There is good news for Baby Boomers relying on government pensions. According to the Government of Canada, up until 2019, the CPP retirement pension replaces one-quarter of your average work earnings. This average is based on your work earnings, up to a maximum earnings limit each year. Other sources of income—such as the Old Age Security program, workplace pensions, and private savings—make up the rest of your retirement income.

Beginning in 2019, the CPP will begin to grow to replace one-third of your average work earnings. The maximum limit used to determine your average work earnings will also gradually increase by 14% by 2025.

As a result, pension amounts will increase by more than 33%. Your pension will increase based on how much and for how long you contribute to the enhanced CPP. You will get the full increase if you contribute to the enhanced CPP for 40 years.

The enhancement also applies to the CPP post-retirement benefit. If you are receiving the CPP (or QPP) retirement pension and you continue to work and make CPP contributions in 2019 or later, your post-retirement benefits will be larger.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Many just want to work

In addition to the financial benefits, many Canadians prefer to keep working beyond the retirement age. Work provides a sense of accomplishment, a social environment, keeps the mind sharp and the body active.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Are you a Baby Boomer who’s still paying off debt?

However, if you’re one of the Baby Boomers who’s still deep in debt, you need professional help now. Although your situation may feel hopeless, there are solutions to every problem with immediate action and the right plan.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many people just like you throughout the GTA. We can help you get back on your feet and give you back peace of mind. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can put your struggles behind you.

Brandon Blog Post



I am often asked general questions about the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada. Sometimes it is about the application of a certain section or topic. Other times, it is a simple question such as where can I find a copy that I can look at?

The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to list the most often asked questions. Not all of them may be of interest to you. However, for those that have questions about the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, hopefully at least one of these questions (and the answer) will be of interest to you.

So here we go.

Is there a book that explains the various topics and sections of the Act?

Yes, there is. The book is an annotated version of the statute. It has the complete Act and its rules and regulations. In addition, the annotations provide explanations on the application of each section as well as a listing of decided cases to support the explanations.

Can I look up the Act and decided cases somewhere online for free?

Yes. The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) operates a website. It has the legislation online calling it the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada CanLII. CanLII can also be used to search bankruptcy legal decisions in both English and French.

Where can I find a listing of the many forms that a licensed insolvency trustee uses?

The best place to find all the mandated forms is on the website operated by the Government of Canada, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. It lists all the forms. They are also downloadable as pdf forms.

People ask me if they can perform a Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada search. What they really mean is can they perform a search to find out if a specific person or company did a personal or corporate filing under the Canadian bankruptcy system. The answer to this question is yes.

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy operates a database for people to search the bankruptcy and insolvency records in Canada. The database can be accessed for free by a licensed insolvency trustee. Any member of the public can do the same search for the cost of $8 per search. Eventually, the Government of Canada is going to move to a free system, but it is not in place yet.

What are the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada regulations?

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada regulations, otherwise known as the bankruptcy rules, form part of the Act itself. The pure legislation contained in the various sections of the Act is just that; the legislation. However, there are practical considerations which also need clarification. Such clarification is found in the Rules contained in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). For example, the rules describe steps to abide by a specific section of the Act, or who is responsible for establishing Court fees.

Is their equal treatment for all unsecured creditors?

This is always an interesting question. The answer is also confusing to many lay people. The answer is both no and yes. I will explain. There are two types of unsecured creditors; preferred unsecured and ordinary unsecured. Many people forget this.

All ordinary unsecured creditors ARE treated equally. Their claims rank equally. The licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called bankruptcy trustee) paying a dividend to the ordinary unsecured creditors, they will all receive theirs in proportion share. The calculation is based on their respective ordinary unsecured claims.

The preferred unsecured creditors ARE NOT treated equally. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada section 136 sets out the scheme of distribution for the rank of the claims. Payment to preferred creditors ALWAYS happens BEFORE payment to ORDINARY creditors.

The preferred creditors

However, preferred unsecured creditors are not equal. The Act states that there is a ranking of claims within the preferred group. The list and order of priority of the major types of preferred creditors are as follows:

  • for a deceased bankrupt, the reasonable funeral and testamentary expenses incurred;
  • the costs of the bankruptcy administration:
  • the levy payable by the licensed insolvency trustee under section 147 of the Act;
  • any wages, salaries, commissions, compensation or disbursements owing to employees for the six month period prior to the bankruptcy;
  • municipal taxes assessed or levied against the bankrupt, within the two years before the bankruptcy, that is not secured against the real property;
  • the commercial landlord for arrears of rent for three months immediately before the bankruptcy and accelerated rent for not more than three months following the bankruptcy (if entitled to accelerated rent under the lease);
  • one bill of costs of a lawyer for the creditor who first attached by way of garnishment or filed with the Sheriff an attachment, execution or another process against the property of the bankrupt;
  • indebtedness of the bankrupt under any Act about workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance or under any provision of the Income Tax Act creating an obligation to pay to Her Majesty amounts that have been deducted or withheld;
  • claims resulting from injuries to employees of the bankrupt for which there will be a receipt of money from persons guaranteeing the bankrupt against damages resulting from those injuries; and
  • any other claims of the Crown

The Trustee must pay the claims of the preferred creditors in full, less the statutory levy mentioned above. If there are insufficient funds to pay some or all the preferred creditors, then their claims become ordinary unsecured claims.

In personal bankruptcy, are there any claims not discharged upon the person receiving their absolute discharge from bankruptcy?

Yes. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada section 178 lists the claims not discharged in a person’s bankruptcy. Such debts are:

  • a fine, penalty, restitution order or other order similar in nature imposed by a court in respect of an offence, or any debt arising out of a recognizance or bail;
  • any award of damages by a court in civil proceedings in respect of bodily harm intentionally inflicted, sexual assault, or wrongful death as a result of such an act;
  • a debt or liability for alimony or support under a court order or valid written agreement;
  • the debt or liability arising out of fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation or defalcation while acting in a fiduciary capacity;
  • debts or liabilities resulting from obtaining property or services by false pretenses or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  • the entitlement to a dividend a creditor would have received on any provable claim not disclosed to the trustee unless the creditor had notice or knowledge of the bankruptcy and failed to take reasonable action to prove a claim;
  • any debt or obligation of a loan made under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act or any enactment of a province that provides for loans or guarantees of loans to students where the date the person ceased being a full or part-time student was within seven years before the date of bankruptcy;

All claims against a bankrupt person are discharged when the person obtains their absolute bankruptcy discharge except those indicated above.

Student loans

There is an additional provision in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada student loans section. It states that any time after 5 years after the bankrupt person has ceased to be a full or part-time student, they can apply to the Court for relief. The Court can cut the student loan debt if proved that the bankrupt person:

  • has acted in good faith in trying to repay the student loan debt, and
  • the bankrupt person has and will continue to experience financial difficulty and will be unable to pay the debt

What is the history of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in Canada?

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in Canada has a very interesting history. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada has its origins in the Bankruptcy Act of 1919. The Act changed in 1949. In terms of the history of our country, this means the Act is a relatively young piece of legislation. The reason for the enactment is that every modern society has to realize that some of its citizens and businesses will run into financial trouble. A modern and efficient economy has to have the means to help those people and businesses out of their trouble. Everyone deserves a fresh start. To redeploy a company’s assets there must be a formal system to allow this to happen.

The Act changed again in 1992, 1997 as well as 2008-2009. The 1992 reforms concentrated on maximizing value for creditors with reorganization and rehabilitation, boosting the fair distribution to employees and providers of goods and services to the bankrupt company.

The 1997 reforms urged consumer debtor responsibility and boosted the reorganization stipulations as well as the administration of the Act. It introduced new sections dealing with the insolvency of securities firms and dealing with global insolvencies.

The 2009 reforms, had 4 primary aims:

  • to urge the restructuring of viable, but financially hampered companies;
  • to better secure workers’ insurance claims for wages and holiday pay;
  • making the bankruptcy system fairer and lower abuse; and
  • to improve the administration of the Canadian bankruptcy system.

Is the Act federal or provincial legislation?

Federal legislation. The name of the Act gives the answer. Its name is the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada. Although there are laws in each Province that will come into play during the administration of a bankruptcy or reorganization, the Act is Federal.


So I hope you have a better understanding of the most asked questions about the Government of Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The Act deals with bankruptcy insolvency issues for both bankruptcy law personal and corporate.

If you have any questions about how the Canadian bankruptcy system works or feel that someone you know could benefit from a free first consultation with a professional licensed insolvency trustee, feel free to contact me.

The Ira Smith Team have decades of experience in both personal and corporate insolvency matters. We can handle complex corporate and other business financial restructurings as well as personal financial problems. In both corporate and personal insolvency matters, we first look at how we can reorganize and restructure the person or business to do a rescue.

bankruptcy and insolvency act canada

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