Brandon Blog Post


If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Introduction to Financial Hardships

In life, we often face unexpected challenges that test our resilience and determination. Such is the experience of people we help who have encountered financial hardships due to an unforeseen event outside of their control such as job loss. The burden of mounting debts and looming financial uncertainty weighs heavily on people, pushing them to explore solutions that would lead them toward a path of financial recovery.

That is who we help – the honest but unfortunate debtor. Dealing with financial hardships is a journey that tests our resilience and determination. It’s a path filled with unexpected twists and turns, challenging us to find the strength within ourselves to overcome the obstacles that come our way.

People with financial difficulties, particularly in the face of job loss, credit card debts, income tax debts and the contemplation of bankruptcy, learn valuable lessons about financial recovery, overcoming challenges, and the empowerment that comes from taking control of your financial future. That and if you declare bankruptcy what happens, is what this Brandon’s Blog is about.

Impact of That Unforeseen Event Outside Of Your Control On Your Financial Situation

The impact of that uncontrollable event such as losing your job goes beyond just the loss of income. It disrupts the stability we have worked so hard to build, leaving us feeling vulnerable and uncertain about the future. When someone becomes unemployed, they struggle to make ends meet, juggling bills and expenses with a limited budget. The stress and anxiety that come with financial insecurity can be overwhelming, but it’s during these challenging times that we discover our inner strength and resilience.

Struggles with Credit Card Payments and Bills

One of the most daunting aspects of financial hardships is the burden of credit card payments and bills that seem to pile up with each passing day. People find themselves caught in a cycle of debt, where the minimum payments barely make a dent in the overall balance. The constant worry about falling behind on payments and the fear of accumulating more debt can weigh heavily on our minds, affecting our peace of mind and overall well-being.

Considering Bankruptcy as a Viable Option

When individuals are confronted with substantial debt and limited solutions, the prospect of bankruptcy may arise as a challenging but potentially necessary step toward financial recovery. In my capacity as a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), I assist individuals through a process of thorough research and consultation. My role involves guiding and comprehending the bankruptcy process, and its ramifications and exploring viable alternatives to bankruptcy. Opting for bankruptcy is a significant decision that individuals are supported in making through a careful evaluation of their financial circumstances, prospects, and personal aspirations.

Throughout the bankruptcy process, the individuals I work with gain invaluable insights into financial empowerment and the importance of seeking assistance when encountering financial challenges. While bankruptcy may lead to temporary implications on one’s credit rating, it also presents an opportunity for a fresh start and the possibility to rebuild a secure financial foundation. Engaging in the bankruptcy process fosters financial resilience and enhances individuals’ ability to navigate future financial decisions effectively.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Exploring Options: The Role of Licensed Insolvency Trustees

A journey towards financial recovery will lead you to a consultation with a licensed insolvency trustee. This no-cost initial consultation will become a guiding light offering insights and solutions to your financial challenges.

Engaging in consultations with a licensed insolvency trustee marks a crucial juncture in your financial path. Our proficiency and empathy equip debtors to comprehend the various solutions at their disposal and make well-informed choices regarding their financial destiny. By engaging in transparent and candid dialogues, you acquire the requisite insight to navigate the intricate bankruptcy process with strength and resolve.

In your journey towards your financial empowerment, the Trustee serves as a pivotal figure in facilitating the bankruptcy application process with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB) and guiding you every step of the way. By taking this initial step, you are relieved of the responsibility of making direct payments to unsecured creditors and are granted a stay of proceedings, preventing creditors from initiating or pursuing collection or legal actions against you. This offers a sense of comfort and security, shielding you from additional financial pressures.

Despite the challenges you may be facing, you will find solace in knowing that certain assets may be safeguarded by provincial and federal laws, ensuring a measure of stability during this turbulent time. The Trustee’s guidance on surplus income payments, credit counselling sessions and debt repayment strategies instills a sense of discipline, confidence and commitment toward overcoming financial obstacles.

While the journey toward financial recovery may have its hurdles, the Trustee reassures you that every step taken will lead you closer to a brighter future. Though some people may have a narrow category of debts that may not be discharged, the prospect of rebuilding your financial foundation fills you with hope and optimism.

Through this experience, will learn that resilience in finance is not just about overcoming challenges but also about embracing the opportunity for growth and renewal. As you navigate through the bankruptcy process support provided by the Trustee paves the way for a new beginning filled with hope and possibilities.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What is bankruptcy?

Definition of bankruptcy

Canadian bankruptcy is a legal process where an individual, a business or a company declares they are insolvent and are unable to meet their financial obligations. They work with a licensed insolvency trustee to legally file an assignment in bankruptcy. They do so to assign their unencumbered assets to the Trustee and get relief from their overwhelming debt load.

Laws governing bankruptcy in Canada

Navigating the intricate realm of bankruptcy in Canada is a dance choreographed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). This piece of legislation orchestrates the delicate balance between debtors, creditors, and Trustees, each playing a unique role in the bankruptcy waltz.

When a debtor takes the courageous step of filing for bankruptcy, they are required to bear their financial soul to the Trustee, laying out their assets, liabilities, and monetary intricacies. The Trustee, like a wise conductor, then ensures a harmonious distribution of the debtor’s assets among their creditors, aiming to untangle the financial web that binds them.

For individuals, bankruptcy offers a chance at rebirth, a fresh canvas on which to paint a new financial future. However, for a company or business, it may signify the final curtain call for that legal entity. Yet, there exists a glimmer of hope in the form of selling core assets to a willing successor, potentially salvaging jobs and keeping the business flame alive.

In this intricate ballet of financial redemption, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act stands as the maestro, guiding the players toward a resolution that seeks to balance the scales of financial responsibility.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Who qualifies for bankruptcy?

Criteria for qualifying for bankruptcy

In Canada, debtors facing significant debt challenges and unable to meet their financial obligations to creditors may be eligible for bankruptcy relief. To qualify for bankruptcy, debtors must have a minimum of $1,000 in unsecured debt and have been residing in Canada for at least the previous six months before filing, or have a substantial connection to the country.

Alternatives to bankruptcy – Individuals

Depending on how pressing the person’s debts are, there are several alternatives to personal bankruptcy that a licensed insolvency trustee can walk you through. The most common alternatives are:

  1. Credit counselling and budgeting assistance: Sometimes people just need help understanding where their family income comes from and how it is spent. In cases like this, going to a non-profit credit counselling service to get some tips and help in developing a monthly household budget and sticking to it is all that is necessary for the household to get back on track.
  2. Debt consolidation: If you still can borrow money at a rate lower than the amounts you are currently being charged on high-interest-rate credit cards and payday loans, you need to look at debt consolidation. Rather than having several to many high-rate debts, if you can borrow the total amount of your debt from a bank or credit union at a much lower rate than you are currently paying and use that new loan to pay off your high-interest rate debts, that will help immensely. Now you have one lower interest rate loan to repay.
  3. Consumer proposal: A consumer proposal is a formal filing under the BIA, however, it is not bankruptcy. It is where you make a contract with your creditors to pay less than you owe in total. It is based on your monthly income, to offer making monthly payments to the Trustee towards your debt. Normally you pay around 25% of your total debt to the Trustee. If your creditors agree, you can take up to 60 months to complete a consumer proposal. When you have finished making your payments, you get a Certificate of Full Performance and the balance of your debt is wiped away.

Alternatives to bankruptcy – Companies

  1. Asset sales: Are there underused or redundant assets in the company that could be sold to raise needed cash to significantly reduce or eliminate corporate debt? This should first be explored.
  2. Refinancing: Can the company refinance to take advantage of a loan opportunity that will help with its cash flow through lower interest, monthly payments or both? Retiring expensive debt and replacing it with more manageable debt is another avenue to explore.
  3. Formal restructuring – BIA Proposal: Companies that have a viable but insolvent business can look at a formal restructuring. Although it is an alternative to avoid bankruptcy, it is commonly referred to as bankruptcy protection. A proposal under the BIA is where the company can negotiate with creditors to come up with a plan to repay its debts over some timeperiod of time. Just like in a consumer proposal, the company pays less than 100% of its debt load, but upon completion, eliminates all of its unsecured debt.
  4. Formal restructuring – Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA): Companies that owe $5 million or more can also restructure as long as they have a viable business. The CCAA allows a company to restructure its debts and business operations under the supervision of a court-appointed monitor. It is essentially the same as a BIA Proposal, but just under a different Canadian statute.
  5. A BIA Proposal and a CCAA restructuring a similar processes you always hear under the US bankruptcy law of bankruptcy chapter 11.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What happens to your assets, debts, and income during bankruptcy?

Going through a financial crisis can be incredibly challenging, but it’s important to remember that there is always a way forward. The people we help who go through the bankruptcy process are a testament to the resilience in finance and the power of financial empowerment as they use bankruptcy to turn their lives around.

Treatment of assets in bankruptcy

One of the concerns people have when considering bankruptcy is what happens to their assets. When someone goes bankrupt, they may not have to give up all of their assets. Let me explain as follows:

Secured debts: When you have assets where there are secured loans against those assets, such as a house or a motor vehicle, the Trustee’s interest is only the bankrupt’s equity in that asset. If there is little or no equity, and your monthly budget shows that you can afford to make the monthly loan payments and you wish to keep the asset, then you can do so. The Trustee will discuss with you ways in which the Trustee can realize the bankrupt’s equity without that asset being taken away.

Exempt assets: Certain provincial and federal laws safeguard some of your possessions when you file for bankruptcy. As provincial laws vary, you need to get the complete list from a licensed insolvency trustee in the area where you live.

Non-exempt assets: Non-exempt assets refer to assets owned by a bankrupt individual that are not protected by a secured creditor’s security interest or are exempt under provincial or federal laws. These assets fall within a category that the Trustee must liquidate to benefit the creditors involved in the bankruptcy proceedings.

Treatment of debts in bankruptcy

Once the bankruptcy application is filed with the OSB, a significant burden is lifted off the bankrupt’s shoulders. Direct payments to creditors cease, and the Trustee notifies all the creditors and there is an immediate stay of proceedings.

This means that any legal actions cannot be commenced or continued against the bankrupt and all collection activities, such as wage garnishment are put on hold. This offers the person much-needed relief from the constant financial pressure.

Some debts cannot be discharged, such as alimony, child support, valid secured loans and certain types of student loans. A Trustee in your no-cost initial consultation will look at the details of your debts and advise you if any would not be discharged from your bankruptcy estate.

While the decision to make the bankruptcy filing may seem daunting, it is a necessary step toward regaining control of your finances and eliminating the stress in your life. Knowing that your wages are protected from garnishment provides a sense of security during this challenging time.

Treatment of income during bankruptcy

While in bankruptcy, the Trustee monitors the person’s monthly income and expenses. The Trustee is required by the OSB and under the BIA, to do a calculation to determine if the bankrupt person has sufficient income to contribute towards his or her total debts by making surplus income payments to the Trustee.

The Trustee is required to do this calculation both at the time of the bankruptcy filing and throughout the time the person is an undischarged bankrupt. If the person’s income changes, either up or down, this will affect the calculation.

Although judgment creditors cannot garnish wages, it is possible that until the person gets their bankruptcy discharge, they may have to contribute something from their monthly income under the surplus income calculation. A licensed insolvency trustee can explain the calculation to you.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? How long does personal bankruptcy last?

Personal bankruptcy typically lasts for 9 months for a first-time bankrupt in Canada. Your first-time bankruptcy will extend to 21 months if you have to pay surplus income. If this isn’t your first bankruptcy, it will last longer.

At the end of this time, if you have fulfilled all of your bankruptcy duties and neither the Trustee nor any creditor who has proven their bankruptcy claim opposes your discharge, then you are entitled to your bankruptcy discharge. It is at the time you receive your discharge from bankruptcy, that your debts can be discharged.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What Are Your Duties During Bankruptcy?

Responsibilities and obligations during bankruptcy

The primary responsibilities entail the disclosure of all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. It is required to provide bank statements and other relevant records to support the information provided. In the event of a creditors’ meeting, attendance is mandatory.

Attendance at credit counseling sessions

Participating in the two mandatory counselling sessions is an essential component of a bankrupt’s journey toward financial recovery. Each counselling session is held with a person from the Trustee’s office who the OSB has licensed as a credit counsellor.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What Is The Impact On Your Credit Score?

Impact on credit score during and after bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada can have a significant impact on your credit score, both during and after the bankruptcy process. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

During Bankruptcy:

  1. Initial Credit Score Decline: Upon filing for bankruptcy, it is common for individuals to experience a substantial decrease in their credit score, typically by 100-200 points or more. This decline is largely attributed to the fact that bankruptcy is a matter of public record, leading lenders to perceive it as a high-risk event.
  2. Credit Reporting: Your credit report will reflect the bankruptcy filing and remain on your report for at least 6 years from the date of discharge (more on discharge below).
  3. Credit Inquiries: Lenders may conduct credit inquiries to assess your creditworthiness, which can further lower your credit score.

After Bankruptcy:

  1. Credit Score Recovery: After bankruptcy, your credit score will gradually recover over time. The rate of recovery depends on your credit habits and the steps you take to rebuild your credit (see next discussion).
  2. Credit Reporting: The bankruptcy notation on your credit report will remain for roughly 6 years from the date of discharge. After that, it will be removed from your report.
  3. Credit Score Objectives: Strive to attain a credit score ranging between 600 and 650 within 2-3 years post-bankruptcy. This will enhance your eligibility for improved loan conditions and interest rates.


In Canada, bankruptcy typically lasts for 9-21 months, depending on your financial situation and the type of bankruptcy you file for (e.g., consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy). Once you’ve completed the bankruptcy process and received a discharge, the bankruptcy notation will be removed from your credit report.

Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy

Tips for Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy:

  1. Monitor your credit report: Conduct a thorough review of your credit report to verify its accuracy and pinpoint any potential areas for improvement.
  2. Make on-time payments: It is imperative to make payments on time for all financial obligations to showcase a commendable track record of credit responsibility.
  3. Keep credit utilization low: Maintain a disciplined approach to managing credit by ensuring your credit utilization remains low and refraining from excessive spending. Additionally, exercise caution when seeking new credit opportunities by minimizing credit inquiries and refraining from submitting multiple applications within a condensed timeframe.
  4. Avoid new credit inquiries: Limit the number of credit applications you make and try to avoid applying for multiple credit products within a short timeframe. This will help you maintain a stable credit profile and minimize the impact of new credit inquiries on your credit score.
  5. Credit Score Rebuilding: If you’re looking to improve your credit after facing financial challenges, some practical steps you can take include applying for a secured credit card, becoming an authorized user on a family member’s credit account, or taking out a small loan. One relatively accessible option post-bankruptcy is getting an RRSP loan, where the RRSP is held at the same financial institution you’re borrowing from.

These kinds of loans must normally be repaid within 1 year. Making all loan payments on time and doing the same thing again the following year not only will rebuild your credit, but also build your savings.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? What are the consequences for your spouse’s credit and assets?

Spouse’s liability for joint debts

In Canada, when one spouse files for bankruptcy, sometimes it can have consequences for the other spouse’s credit and assets, depending on the type of bankruptcy and the couple’s financial situation. Here’s a breakdown of the most common issues.

  • Credit Score Impact: The non-bankrupt spouse’s credit score could be affected if they are jointly liable for certain debts with the bankrupt spouse. This is because it may view the non-bankrupt spouse as being the next to default.
  • Joint Debts: If the couple has joint debts, such as a mortgage, car loan, or credit card, the non-bankrupt spouse will still be responsible for paying those debts. This is because joint debts are considered a shared responsibility.
  • Assets at Risk: Any of the non-bankrupt spouse’s assets that are jointly owned with the bankrupt spouse, will be at some level of risk. For example, if the couple owns a jointly held property, the Trustee must recover the non-exempt equity of the bankrupt spouse’s assets. In jointly held property, this will on a practical level impact and involve the non-bankrupt spouse, who is the natural purchaser of the bankrupt spouse’s equity.
  • Credit Reporting: The non-debtor spouse’s credit report may reflect the bankruptcy filing depending on the type of bankruptcy, the credit reporting agency and any joint debts or debts guaranteed by the non-bankrupt spouse.

Types of Bankruptcy and Their Impact on the Non-Debtor Spouse

Consumer Proposal: A consumer proposal is a debt settlement agreement between the insolvent spouse and their creditors. In this case, the non-insolvent spouse is not directly affected by the consumer proposal filing, but they may still be responsible for paying joint debts.

Personal Bankruptcy: Personal bankruptcy is a more severe type of bankruptcy that involves the liquidation of assets to pay off debts. In this case, the non-insolvent spouse’s assets may be at risk if they are jointly owned by the bankrupt spouse.

Protection of spouse’s assets during bankruptcy

The time to put plans in place to protect the assets of each spouse is upon the acquisition of each asset when neither spouse is insolvent. Any transfers of assets aiming to shield them from creditors, will not be successful. Here are some tips:

Separate Property: If the non-insolvent spouse has separate property, such as a separate bank account or a separate property, it is generally protected from the bankrupt spouse’s creditors.

Exemptions: In Ontario, individuals going through bankruptcy can keep certain assets as exempt property. These include household furnishings and appliances valued up to $14,180, livestock, tools, and other items used in farming up to $31,379 for farmers, tools of trade up to $14,405 for self-employed individuals, one motor vehicle worth up to $7,117, equity in a primary residence not exceeding $10,783, and funds in registered plans like RRSPs, RRIFs (other than contributions in the 12 months preceding the bankruptcy), and life insurance policies with designated beneficiaries such as a parent, spouse or child.

Credit Counseling: Additionally, credit counselling might be a good idea for the non-bankrupt spouse.

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens After You Are Discharged From Bankruptcy?

Discharge from bankruptcy

The effects of an absolute discharge from personal bankruptcy for the person are substantial. As soon as an outright discharge is granted, the debtor is no longer accountable for any type of unsecured debts that existed at the date of bankruptcy (with a few specific exceptions). The debtor is launched from needing to pay back debts that they took on before applying for bankruptcy.

This indicates that the debtor no longer has to stress over paying back those financial debts and can move on with their life. This supplies a clean slate for the borrower and helps them return to their feet.

There are different types of bankruptcy discharges. The one every bankrupt person wants is an absolute discharge. However, sometimes there is a reason for either a creditor, the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy), or both, to oppose a bankrupt person’s discharge. When this happens, there must be a court hearing to determine what form of discharge the bankrupt is entitled to.

The purpose of the discharge hearing is for the court to view the evidence put forward by those opposing an absolute discharge, the bankrupt who believes they are entitled to one and to review the Trustee’s report and gain further information about the conduct of the bankrupt person, both before and during bankruptcy, and to hear about the administration of the bankruptcy.

At the discharge hearing, the court is attempting to balance the right of a bankrupt person to receive a discharge and the rights of the creditors to be paid. The court will also be concerned that the administration of the bankruptcy is not only fair to all parties but is also seen to be fair. I recently came across a decision of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta which exemplifies this finding of balance.

Suspension of discharge from bankruptcy: When can a bankrupt person be discharged? If you have filed for bankruptcy for the first time, you may qualify for an automatic discharge after a 9-month bankruptcy period. To qualify for this automatic discharge, you must have:

  • attended the two mandatory financial counselling sessions with the Trustee;
  • no requirement to pay surplus income, being a portion of their income is paid to the bankruptcy estate
  • according to guidelines set by the OSB or Official Receiver); and no opposition to his or her discharge. The only party that can authorize an
  • automatic discharge
  • in bankruptcy is the Trustee.

If you have made an assignment in bankruptcy before and so this subsequent bankruptcy is your 2nd bankruptcy, you will need to wait at least 24 months before you can receive a discharge. If you have a surplus income payment requirement, your bankruptcy will be prolonged to 36 months.

If you have filed for bankruptcy twice before, you can expect the timeline for a third bankruptcy to be the same as your 2nd. However, the Trustee or creditors may be more resistant to your discharge this time. The court may extend the timeline if it deems necessary.

Rehabilitation and rebuilding finances after bankruptcy – A Path to Financial Freedom

Rehab after personal bankruptcy entails a combination of finance management, debt administration, and as indicated above, credit rebuilding. The goal is to produce a sustainable economic strategy that permits you to manage your debt, reconstruct your credit, and achieve lasting financial security.

The key steps to rehabilitation are:

  1. Get your bankruptcy discharge: Attend the two mandatory financial counselling sessions with your licensed insolvency trustee firm, fulfill all your other duties in the bankruptcy administration and obtain your discharge from bankruptcy
  2. Create a Budget: Continue tracking your income and expenses to identify areas where you can cut back and allocate funds more effectively. A budget will help you prioritize your spending and make informed financial decisions.
  3. Prioritize Debt Repayment: Focus on starting within your budget spending so that you can pay your bills every month on time in full.
  4. Rebuild Credit: Use the tips I listed above to rebuild your credit.
  5. Screen Credit Reports: Obtain a duplicate of your credit report and correct any type of mistakes or errors to guarantee your credit score is accurate.
  6. Seek Professional Guidance: If you feel you need an element of accountability to help you in your rehabilitation, seek out a non-profit credit counsellor or financial coach to give you personalized guidance and support to help you navigate the rehabilitation process and achieve your financial goals.

Rehabilitation after bankruptcy can have numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved credit scores
  • Reduced debt burden
  • Increased financial stability
  • Greater financial flexibility
  • A fresh start

    If you declare bankruptcy what happens
    if you declare bankruptcy what happens

If You Declare Bankruptcy What Happens? Looking Towards a Brighter Future Conclusion

The people we help through personal bankruptcy for their journey of financial recovery are filled with a sense of gratitude and hope. The impact of understanding their credit rating, navigating the bankruptcy process, and embracing the steps toward recovery are profound. It not only tests their resilience in finance but also empowers them to envision a brighter future filled with possibilities through a fresh start.

I hope you enjoyed this if you declare bankruptcy what happens Brandon’s Blog. Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or someone with too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The information provided in this Brandon’s Blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to seek professional advice regarding their specific situations. The content of this Brandon’s Blog should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional guidance or consultation. The author, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as well as any contributors to this Brandon’s Blog, do not assume any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information provided herein.

If you declare bankruptcy what happens
if you declare bankruptcy what happens
Brandon Blog Post


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resp bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

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RESP bankruptcy introduction

Parents contribute to their child’s Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) in order to save for their children’s post-secondary education. In contrast to Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), RESP contributions, or the total amount of all contributions made by the parent(s), is a property that is available for seizure in bankruptcy of the owner of the RESP.

In this Brandon Blog, I explain why an RRSP, unlike an RESP, is mostly exempt from seizure in bankruptcy. RRSPs and a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) are exempt from seizure based on a balancing act between federal and provincial laws. The RESP bankruptcy is not exempt. Since I practice in Ontario, I will only comment on the situation there.

Will I lose my RRSP in bankruptcy?

An RRSP’s exemption from seizure in bankruptcy was determined solely by provincial law before 2008. The bankruptcy treatment of RRSPs was not outlined in federal insolvency law. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA), being the federal bankruptcy law in Canada, other than the exception described in the next section, exempted assets contained in either an RRSP or an RRIF from seizure as of July 2008.

Inequality among RRSPs was the reason for changing the BIA. If your RRSP was held at a financial institution, it would not be exempt from seizure if you filed for bankruptcy. But if you held it:

  • at an insurance company; AND
  • the beneficiary designation of your plan was irrevocable as your spouse, child, parent, or grandchild in the event of your death

under the Ontario Insurance Act, the entire RRSP or RRIF was exempt from seizure.

The reason for amending the BIA was twofold:

  • all RRSPs and RRIFs should be treated the same, regardless of which institution holds them; and
  • retirement income should not be lost as a result of financial problems for Canadians who have gone bankrupt, since their fresh start is made possible by the bankruptcy system.

In other words, before July 2008, people who were going to file for bankruptcy and who had a sizeable RRSP with a chartered bank would transfer the RRSP to an insurance company and designate one or more beneficiaries accordingly. In Canada, bankruptcy courts heard many cases about transactions designed to save an RRSP from seizure in bankruptcy.

An insolvency trustee or bankruptcy trustee could replace the named beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement investment, including RRSPs or RRIFs, with the Estate and then collapse the plan so as to obtain the funds if the beneficiary designation of the policy was revocable. Trustees cannot collapse investments if the beneficiary is irrevocable; such plans constitute exempt assets. A Trustee would have to use it as one of the reasons for opposing a bankrupt’s discharge. Since the person, aware of their insolvency, transferred the asset for no value, the creditors are unable to pursue them. This was is known as a settlement.

The leading case on this issue, which was eventually followed by other jurisdictions, including Ontario, is Royal Bank of Canada v. North American Life Assurance Co., 1992 CanLII 4696 (SK CA), also known as the Ramgotra case. Dr. Ramgotra was bankrupt. A lower court decision regarding what should be done with the RRSP funds, turned into an RRIF, prior to his bankruptcy but when he knew he was in financial trouble, was appealed by the Royal Bank of Canada, having received Court approval to appeal the case instead of the Trustee appealing. The Court of Appeal found that the property had an irrevocable interest in Mrs. Ramgotra despite the transfer of the RRSP being a settlement.

So effective July 2008, the Canadian government amended the BIA so that regardless of which of the financial institutions an RRSP was held, only the contributions made within 12 months of the date of bankruptcy were subject to being lost to the licensed insolvency trustee in bankruptcy.

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resp bankruptcy

Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) and bankruptcy: RESP bankruptcy is not exempt

It is fairly simple to understand why RESP contribution funds are not exempt from seizure in bankruptcy. Since the parent can collapse the plan before maturity, the child does not receive a property interest in the RESP funds. There is therefore no trust or transfer of property to the child. In an RESP bankruptcy, the bankrupt parent’s Trustee can therefore collapse their RESP.

A Trustee must make satisfactory arrangements with the parent, or another relative, to have them pay the Trustee the equivalent amount of funds in the RESP at the date of bankruptcy. This way the Trustee will have recovered on the asset for the benefit of the bankruptcy estate and the bankrupt’s creditors. The bankrupt parent will have done what is necessary in order to avoid the RESP collapsing, losing the government contributions money and not having the plan value go forward for the child.

MP Dan Albas introduced his private member’s bill, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (property of bankrupt registered education savings plans), on June 3, 2019. In this bill, the purpose was to amend section 67(1)(b.3) of the BIA, so that RESPs receive the same treatment as RRSPs and RRIFs. Like many other private member’s bills that die, this bill has not made any progress.

The thrust is obviously to make sure that other than for contributions made in the 12 months before the date of bankruptcy, a parent should not lose the RESP benefits for their child’s post-secondary school education because of their bankruptcy.

No matter how well-intentioned, one societal reason this Bill C-453 initiative will fail is that an elementary or high school student’s college tuition differs from that of a retiree whose earning years are behind him or her. So to date, there is no federal law that provides creditor protection for a Registered Education Savings Plan.

How to preserve an RESP bankruptcy

Your RESP’s liquidation cash value can be determined by contacting the financial institution holding the funds. The liquidation value does not include the government grant portion of the funds that are only available if the child attends a qualified educational institution.

You can instruct your Trustee to contact the financial institution holding the RESP funds to have the plan cashed out and remit the proceeds (net of government contributions) to the Trustee. This way the asset of the bankruptcy estate will go for the benefit of your creditors if you are not interested in keeping your RESP, which is unlikely in almost every case.

Preserving an RESP bankruptcy can be achieved in two ways. The first is to avoid bankruptcy. No, I don’t mean to tell you not to deal with your financial problems because like it or not, you are in an insolvency scenario. Just don’t use bankruptcy. If your debts not secured by your primary residence are $250,000 or less, you should consider a consumer proposal. You may use the large debtor proposal provisions of the BIA if the debts exceed this amount.

Second, the nonbankrupt spouse, or another relative, can buy the Trustee’s right, title, and interest in the RESP for an amount equal to its liquidation cash value. Thus, the purchaser becomes the owner of the RESP, and the child will continue to benefit from it. In acting in the best interests of unsecured creditors, the Trustee will have recovered the liquidation cash value.

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resp bankruptcy

RESP bankruptcy: A very recent divorce example

Having just dealt with this issue last week in one of our personal bankruptcy filings, I am writing about the RESP bankruptcy treatment today. I am the insolvency trustee in a bankruptcy filed by a divorced mother who is now on her own. The failure of her restaurant caused by the COVID-19 pandemic caused her to go bankrupt because of her high debt load.

Her ex-husband and she owned a registered education savings plan for their only child. As part of the no-cost session I provide to anyone contemplating insolvency, I discussed what might happen to an RESP bankruptcy if a bankruptcy is filed.

It was an upsetting experience for the mother. It was clear that she was upset at the prospect of losing half the liquidation proceeds if the plan collapsed. In addition, it was part of the divorce agreement that the jointly owned RESP would be continued for the benefit of the child. We had to create a plan to keep the RESP afloat in the event of RESP bankruptcy. I had no trouble coming up with the plan. What was tricky were the technical details.

This is what we came up with. First, we told her to contact the financial institution where the funds were held and obtain a written statement of the plan’s liquidation cash value. After receiving the written statement from the financial institution, we told her to pass it along to us. She did, and it turned out that the total liquidation value was approximately $26,000. She, therefore, had a half-interest valued at $13,000. We then got her permission to contact her ex-husband and explain the situation.

The ex-husband was informed that his ex-wife would be filing for bankruptcy by us. There would be an RESP bankruptcy. He knew that he had to maintain the RESP. When his ex-wife went bankrupt, we told him that if he purchased our right, title, and interest in the RESP, he would become the sole owner, and the fund would be preserved in an RESP bankruptcy and they could continue contributing to it. It was no problem for him, thankfully.

Because she had actually not yet filed for personal bankruptcy, we had not yet been designated as the licensed insolvency trustee. Our objective was to make sure there wouldn’t be a change of mind despite the divorce condition. Based on Canadian bankruptcy legislation, we scheduled the ex-husband to offer a $13,000 third-party cash guarantee to cover the costs of carrying out the personal bankruptcy.

Furthermore, we agreed that upon the bankruptcy, subject to the approval of the Inspectors, if any were appointed in this summary administration bankruptcy, we would then convert this third-party guarantee into the right, title, and interest as the licensed insolvency trustee of the RESP.

A bill of sale would be issued to him, and we would confirm jointly with the financial institution that he is now the sole owner of the RESP, and they would need to amend their records accordingly. This RESP bankruptcy would have been fully realized as we had gotten the full value of the mother’s half-interest in the RESP. It was a win-win situation for everyone involved.

resp bankruptcy
resp bankruptcy

RESP bankruptcy: What about you?

Hopefully, you see from this Brandon Blog, there are ways to deal with an RRSP both in bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy situations. I hope you found this RESP bankruptcy Brandon Blog informative. Are you in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you worried about any RRSP or RESP contributions? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you in retirement? Do you need to find out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

resp bankruptcy

Brandon Blog Post


what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would like to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy?: Bankruptcy exemptions – how what assets you can keep are determined

An assignment in bankruptcy does not require you to give up all of your assets. In bankruptcy law, there are rules for bankruptcy exemptions. Furthermore, every province/territory has regulations that mandate what assets can be kept and how much equity can be retained. Assets of this type are called exempt assets.

Assets that you are allowed to keep that are not accessible to your creditors are exempt assets in a bankruptcy. There are some that fall under federal law and some that fall under provincial law.

So what are exempt assets in bankruptcy in Ontario? To answer the question, we need to look at two statutes: one federal and one provincial. For federal, we look at the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). Section 67(1) of the BIA deals specifically with the bankruptcy exemption issue. It states what property of the bankrupt available to creditors does and does not comprise. Property that is not included is:

  • Property held in trust by the bankrupt for any third party.
  • Under provincial law, the property cannot be seized.
  • Payments to the bankrupt are paid under a program that I will describe as social assistance provided by the federal or provincial government.
  • Retirement Savings Plans – The bankrupt’s RRSP or RRIF, except for contributions made in the 12 months before the bankruptcy.

When we discuss the property of a bankrupt, we are referring to the bankrupt’s equity in those assets.

Ontario bankruptcy exemptions: Assets you can keep

As indicated above, one of the asset exemptions in bankruptcy is any property that cannot be seized under provincial law. So what are exempt assets in bankruptcy in Ontario that cannot be seized? For that, we need to go to the Ontario Execution Act. In Ontario, the prescribed amounts for exemptions are:

  • Household furnishings and household appliances – $14,180.
  • Tools and other personal property used to generate income:
    • Exemptions for farmers, being a debtor engaged exclusively in cultivating the soil or farming (and therefore it is that farmer’s principal source of primary income), $31,379 for livestock, fowl, bees, books, tools and implements, and other chattels ordinarily used by the debtor;
    • $14,405 for any other case.
  • $7,117 for a motor vehicle.
  • $10, 783 for a principal residence.

As I have written before, there is an exemption in Ontario for equity in one’s home of not more than $10,783. It is not an exemption for the first $10K, but rather if the total equity is below that amount. Therefore, we can consider the equity in a bankrupt person’s ownership interest in their home to belong to the bankruptcy trustee for all practical purposes.

So this seems pretty straightforward. But what if the bankrupt person dies before the end of the bankruptcy proceedings and the bankruptcy estate administration? A recent decision from the Alberta bankruptcy court, which for reasons I will explain I believe would be instructive for Ontario, answers that question.

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy even in death?

In addition to the above statutory exemptions, since we are always dealing with the bankrupt’s equity in assets, there is another class of assets that form exempt property in a bankruptcy. If any of the bankrupt’s assets are pledged as security to the point where the amount owing to the secured creditor on the secured debt is the same or more than the value of the asset, then a bankruptcy trustee will not attempt to seize it.

So what may have started out as non-exempt property can become property that will not be seized. Two obvious examples are one of the motor vehicles owned by a person worth more than $7,117 that is heavily financed or a principal residence that has mortgages against it that essentially soaks up all the value.

Another type of asset that may be exempt is life insurance policies. If the beneficiary under the policy listed is the spouse, child, parent or grandparent of the deceased, then the funds flow directly to the beneficiary and avoid probate. The bankruptcy of the deceased does not change that.

Although not an asset per se, and only available while the person is living, are wages salary from employment. A bankrupt person is allowed to keep all of their income. However, all Trustees are required to perform an evaluation to see if the bankrupt must contribute by making surplus income payments. The concept of bankruptcy surplus income has been the subject of certain of my prior Brandon Blogs.

Now, what are exempt assets in bankruptcy if the bankrupt person dies before receiving a bankruptcy discharge? On August 3, 2021, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Registrar in Bankruptcy L.R. Birkett released Reasons for Decision in Perry (Re), 2021 ABQB 609 (CanLII). In this case, the Trustee sought advice and directions with respect to whether the principal residence exemption continues or is no longer available on the death of the bankrupt. Keep in mind that the principal residence exemption is much different in Alberta than in Ontario. In Alberta, under the Civil Enforcement Act, an Albertan can claim a principal residence exemption up to $40,000.

However, the fact that the issue was over equity in a principal residence is somewhat irrelevant. The real issue is exempt assets in general. So I would frame it as whether any asset exemption continues or is no longer available upon the death of the bankrupt.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry each filed an assignment in bankruptcy on December 19, 2012 (date of bankruptcy) and both remain undischarged bankrupts. At the date of bankruptcy, the bankrupt husband was the only registered owner of the couple’s principal residence. The bankrupt husband died on January 28, 2018.

He did not have any dependents at the time of his death. The bankrupt wife is the only beneficiary under his Will. The widowed bankrupt wife moved from the home and the Trustee sold it.

As a first observation, this is a perfect example of why a bankrupt should not allow the bankruptcy proceedings to drag on. Future events are impossible to predict. Winning a lottery or acquiring an inheritance are the two best reasons to avoid letting the bankruptcy process linger for a very long time. If such a windfall occurs, the bankruptcy trustee administering the bankruptcy estate can claim it.

Types of assets commonly exempt from bankruptcy across Canada: The Registrar’s analysis

The question is does the personal exemption of an undischarged bankrupt remain after his death? In Alberta, the applicable laws under which property is exempt from execution or seizure are set out in the Civil Enforcement Act (CEA) and the Civil Enforcement Regulation(CER). The combined effect of s.88(g) CEA and s 37(1)(e) CER allows an enforcement debtor to claim up to $40,000 of the equity in the debtor’s principal residence as being exempt from execution or seizure. The Registrar noted that the personal exemption is personal to the individual, in this case, the deceased bankrupt husband.

Section 92(1) of the CEA specifically provides that where the enforcement debtor is deceased, the property of the debtor that would be exempt if the debtor were alive remains exempt from writ proceedings against the debtor’s estate for the period of time that the property is required for the maintenance and support of the deceased debtor’s dependents. This allows the dependents of a deceased enforcement debtor the opportunity to access up to $40,000 of exempt equity in the debtor’s principal residence for their needs.

In this case, the widowed bankrupt wife moved out of the house and the Trustee sold it. The exempt equity was no longer necessary for her needs. Therefore the Registrar decided that the deceased bankrupt husband’s exemption was lost on his death. Since the exempt equity was not required to support the bankrupt wife’s needs, the Trustee of the dead bankrupt husband can keep the $40,000 amount as property not covered by the provincial exemption and it is available for the benefit of creditors through the bankruptcy debtor‘s unsecured creditors.

There is a strong argument that if the personal exemption resulted in the bankrupt wife being entitled to her deceased husband’s exemption amount, it would not have been paid to her anyway. Rather, it would have been property available to her Trustee for her unsecured creditors and possibly even a dividend to creditors!

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy and what would happen in Ontario?

What would happen in Ontario with exempt assets (up to their prescribed maximum exempt amount)? Under s.5(1) of the Execution Act, if an execution debtor dies before the seizure and sale of his or her personal property, then whatever personal property the deceased already elected for exemption before death remains valid after death and may not be changed by an executor, administrator or heir of the debtor. s.5(2) of the Execution Act says that If no such election was made prior to death, then, in this order, a surviving spouse, a dependent or a family member has the right to make such an election.

S.5(3) of the Execution Act states:

“(3) The total quantity and total value of personal property of an execution debtor that may be claimed as exempt by a person mentioned in subsection (2) and by the execution debtor before death must not exceed the quantity and value of property that would have been exempt property to just the execution debtor. 2010, c. 16, Sched. 2, s. 3 (9).”

The wording of sections 5(1) and (2) of the Execution Act is very different from that of the relevant Alberta legislation referenced above. So, in my view, it appears that the personal exemption in Ontario would survive and not constitute property available for the Trustee to realize upon, but this is only up to the exemption limit of each class of exempt asset.

However, under a bankruptcy process, along with the bankruptcy protection from unsecured creditors, the bankrupt actually hands over all property to the Trustee. The Trustee either overtly or it is implied, hands back to the bankruptcy debtor any property that is exempt from seizure, either from a provincial statute or because it is a fully encumbered asset because of it being pledged for a secured loan and there is no equity.

In Ontario, since the Execution Act allows for selecting exempt assets after death for the benefit of the deceased Estate, it does not appear to me that bankruptcy would change things for the reasons I have stated. The provincial exemptions, up to their maximum limits, would continue to protect certain property from seizure in bankruptcy.

What are exempt assets in bankruptcy summary

I hope that you found this what are exempt assets in bankruptcy Brandon Blog helpful in describing the personal exemptions in Ontario and whether bankruptcy and death can change that. Problems will arise when you are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy
what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what are exempt assets in bankruptcy

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