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business debt advice canada



Business debt advice Canada: Introduction

When it involves money, timing is everything. Your business is getting closer to the top of its banking line and your banker is asking for more information than usual. This is where your heart starts pounding faster and your stress level increases. This is the moment you can seize to right size your business or else it very well may fail. The purpose of my blog is to give you business debt advice Canada.

Business debt advice Canada: Relationships can become strained

Relationships can become strained with your lender and suppliers when business debts are mounting and your company is facing a cash crisis. However, there are actions a borrower can take to prevent calamity. Reassuringly, most of the time, lenders would rather support you if you have a viable business plan to correct the situation going forward, and not putting you out of business.

I hope the suggestions below shows you that you should look at this as an opportunity to fix your business. I have found that in trying times when a company has mounting debts and insufficient cash, there is no replacement for good management.

A solid business plan showing how the company will turn itself around is what your lender wants to see. Communication with your lender and your suppliers is key. Do not hide from the problem. Face it head on. If your business plan shows you can turn things around, you will feel like you are dealing from a sound platform and not just running scared.

Business debt advice Canada: Take emotion out of the equation

These situations generally become more tense before they become better. You, your lender and your unpaid suppliers all want the same thing. You all want the company to be successful and profitable, and to be able to pay all of its bills in full when due. Your lender and suppliers are not out to get you. However, if they do not: (i) know that you have solid business turnaround plan; and (ii) receive ongoing information to show what steps you are taking to fix the problems, they will have no choice but to turn off the tap.

I have unfortunately seen too many companies fail in their business restructuring efforts due to lack of communication. The turnaround plan may have been sound, but nobody knew. This only creates ill will among the stakeholders and a result that nobody wants.

Business debt advice Canada: Informal and formal turnaround options

I must preface this section by saying do not be afraid to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) for business debt advisory services. Trustees’ training makes them expert in assessing troubled business situations and implementing turnaround steps. A LIT does a lot more than just bankruptcy.

You will find it helpful to have a professional trustee assist you in developing your turnaround business plan, implementing it and keeping management focussed and accountable. You will also find it very helpful to have a LIT go with you for meetings with your banker; there will be many of those!

Business debt advice Canada: Troubleshooting

Fully understanding the full current status of the company showing signs of financial trouble is key. Things that I focus on early on when looking at troubled companies are:

  • What are all the different assets of the company and where are they located?
  • Are all the assets properly insured?
  • What is the going-concern value and the estimated liquidation value of the assets?
  • What is the full extent of all liabilities and business debt levels? This includes amounts owing to the government for:
  • What is the status of premises lease(s) for both remaining term and cost?
  • Is the cost of the leased premises above or below current market value?
  • Has anyone personally guaranteed bank debt, the landlord or any other creditor that would affect turnaround decisions to be taken?
  • Has a current crisis cash-flow statement and turnaround business plan been developed and tested for reasonableness?
  • What are the causes of the company’s current financial problems and how likely are those causes to recur?

This list is not meant to be exhaustive. No doubt other questions will arise as answers are found for these first questions. However, this is the information I first want to get before embarking on developing a restructuring plan.

Business debt advice Canada: Informal restructuring and turnaround

If the business problems have been identified early and have not been allowed to fester, then an informal restructuring may very well work. Perhaps all that will be needed is some accommodation from the lender both in time and money. Banks are quite willing to enter into a forbearance agreement with their corporate client allowing the time (and sometimes more money) to see if the turnaround plan will work.

The bank would rather have a successful turnaround than shut you down. The bank needs to know that management has the bench strength to pull off the restructuring. If not, they will expect you to have a lawyer experienced in turnarounds and a LIT active on your team.

Companies that have relatively few trade suppliers may also be able to work out a restructuring of their unsecured debt. The fewer people you have to talk to and get onside, the higher the likelihood of success. Of course, the trust developed from earlier dealings is very important. If there is no trust, or if there are just too many suppliers, an informal restructuring will not work with them.

Business debt advice Canada: Formal restructuring

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA) are the two primary Federal statutes that govern corporate restructuring in Canada. The requirements of each statute and the exact processes themselves are weighty enough to deserve their own blog. However, the takeaways from this blog on formal restructuring are:

  • In a formal restructuring, I still go through the checklist I have identified above of issues to look into.
  • Under the BIA, the restructuring section is Part I Division III of the BIA
  • If a restructuring under the BIA does not receive the necessary creditor AND court approval, the company will automatically be bankrupt
  • In a formal restructuring, the company stays in control of its assets and business operations
  • A formal restructuring invokes a stay of proceedings so no party can begin or continue litigation or enforcement action against the company
  • A company needs to have at least $5 million in debt to restructure under the CCAA
  • A BIA restructuring will be less costly than a CCAA restructuring because the company does not have to go to Court for approval every time it wishes to do something
  • The term “bankruptcy protection” in Canada, refers to a formal restructuring under either the BIA or CCAA.

Business debt advice Canada: What to do if your company has too much debt

Is your business facing financial problems? Perhaps your company is in need of a restructuring. The Ira Smith Team can develop a restructuring plan which may or may not include the need to file for bankruptcy protection.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team understands the pain you are going through trying to keep your company alive while trying to negotiate with potential purchasers. We understand that you are playing beat the clock, and the pain and stress you are feeling thinking that you may just run out of time. The bankruptcy protection process can ease this stress and provide a level playing field so that no potential purchaser takes advantage of you.

The Ira Smith Team has a great deal of experience in running a stalking horse stalking horse asset purchase agreement. The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation. We can end your pain and put your company back on a healthy profitable path, Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Ponzi scheme criminals: Introduction

We now have a Canadian to add to the long list of Ponzi scheme criminals. A Ponzi scheme is a fraud perpetrated on unsuspecting parties in which belief in the success of a non-existent enterprise through the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.

Ponzi scheme criminals: What is a Ponzi scheme?

The name comes from the swindling ways of an Italian born con man in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s – Carlo Pietro Giovanni Guglielmo Tebaldo Ponzi – known in North America as Charles Ponzi. The most famous of the modern-day Ponzi scheme criminals is Bernard (Bernie) Madoff, who is serving 150 years in prison for his multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

Ponzi scheme criminals: Canadian Wade Robert Closson, Ponzi scheme criminal

Canadian Wade Robert Closson, a 48-year-old Sturgeon County, Alberta resident was recently sentenced to seven years in jail for executing a Ponzi scheme. He was originally charged in over 80 counts of fraud. Mr. Closson plead guilty to 53 counts. Most of the fraudulent activities encompassed more than one victim, typically a husband and wife pair. Several of them were present in Court and read their victim impact statements. Others were read on behalf of the victims.

Ponzi scheme criminals: His swindle has caused financial devastation

Many of the victims were discussing feelings of shame. They have experienced overall financial devastation. Some are now still working at the ages of 83, not being able to retire. As a result of the fraud perpetrated upon them by Mr. Closson, they cannot afford to take a vacation or go out for a dinner.

Ponzi scheme criminals: With friends like Mr. Closson……….

Mr. Closson was actually friends and even related to many of the victims. Most of them are talking about the loss of trust in their friend, in humanity and their ability now to relate to other human beings.

He preyed on his friends and relatives, who recruited from their social circles to invest with Closson. A number who lost money in the scam lost more than $100,000 with one suffering a loss of over $600,000. This included cash from a credit line and their RRSP. Closson took $80,000 of that amount out of the couple’s accounts without their authorization.

Ponzi scheme criminals: Essentially, it was a mortgage scam

The overall size of the fraud itself was $11 million dollars that ran through the Ponzi scheme. The Crown was able to prove losses of about $6 million dollars. That is what was in the agreed statement of facts.

The Court heard how Mr. Closson ran the Ponzi between 2006 and 2013. He operated two firms, Optam Holdings Inc. (Optam) and Infinivest Mortgage Investment Corporation (Infinivest), which both entered into bankruptcy in 2013. Closson would take the cash invested in Infinivest to pay off the investors in Optam.

When Optam applied for bankruptcy it detailed about $10 million in liabilities spread out among 69 creditors. The biggest one was Infinivest, which Optam owed $4 million.

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Ponzi scheme criminals: He recruited friends and family to be on his sales team

Closson made use of the cash to pay himself around $1.185 million throughout the period of the fraud. He used an unspecified amount of money for at least one vehicle, credit cards and golf club. Mortgage payments for his mother-in-law and father-in-law too.

He incentivized people to bring in others into his scheme by paying a commission to his buddies and family members. He invested in various other companies, including a financial investment in a firm that operated a lumber mill in Nicaragua. This investment did not work out well either.

Ponzi scheme criminals: The sentencing

In Court, Closson apologized for his activities and requested the forgiveness of the 20 victims who attended Court for the sentencing!

Justice Belzil ordered Closson to pay restitution of $5.8 million he lost in the Ponzi plan together with a fine of $10,600. He is banned for life from trading in securities.

The Ponzi plan spurred an examination by the Alberta Securities Commission which fined Closson $1 million and banned him from trading in the Province of Alberta in 2015. Up until now Closson has made no payments.

“It is one thing to be taken advantage of by a stranger but this was a trusted friend,” Justice Paul Belzil said when sentencing Mr. Closson.

Ponzi scheme criminals: Wade Closson, the undischarged bankrupt

Closson and his spouse have both filed for bankruptcy on March 27, 2013. He remains an undischarged bankrupt with a hearing set for his discharge from bankruptcy. No doubt that hearing was adjourned until the outcome of the criminal trial was known. Even if Mr. Closson does one day receive a discharge from bankruptcy, the Court fine and the restitution Order, because the restitution is a liability arising out of fraud, will follow him for the rest of his life.

How the bankruptcy discharge process works has been a topic of several of my blogs in the past, including, BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE: THE TOP 8 THINGS THE BANKRUPTCY COURT WILL CONSIDER ON ANYONE’S BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE APPLICATION.

Ponzi scheme criminals: Do you have too much debt?

Have you taken on debt that you cannot repay as a result of being swindled from a Ponzi scheme? Have you been swindled and now don’t have enough cash to meet all your debts? Are you facing financial problems for any other reason? The Ira Smith Team can develop a restructuring plan for you.

Debt problems are stressful and confusing. The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team understands the pain you are going through trying to stay alive and trying to support yourself and your family. We understand the pain and stress you are feeling thinking that you may just soon hit the wall.

Our debt settlement plan process can ease this stress. The Ira Smith Team has a great deal of experience in helping people avoid bankruptcy while resolving their debt problems. We understand your pain points. Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation. We can end your pain and put you back on a healthy profitable path, Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Ponzi scheme criminals
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Secret debt in marriage: Introduction

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, we need to not lose that loving feeling. Many Canadians are not crazy with their love one’s finances. They may wish to book a financial date evening. Many are keeping debt secrets from their partner, or fear they are hiding financial information from them. Perhaps now is the time to come clean with secret debt in marriage.

Secret debt in marriage: A recent survey

A brand-new survey identified that Canadians in a relationship (whether living separately, common law or wed) wish they can change a minimum of one of their partner’s financial behaviours. But their loved one could be oblivious. Many reported seldom or never ever talking money or budgeting with them.

Secret debt in marriage: We have previously written about this tender subject

Spouses or partners holding secret debt in marriage is nothing new. We have previously written on the topic, and others involving couples, including the following blogs:

secret debt in marriage

Secret debt in marriage: Couples best practices

When it concerns taking care of debt as a couple, I recommend complete and honest disclosure. Work together to check your debts and make a household budget. Plan together how your household income will allow you both to pay ordinary monthly expenses, pay off debt and hopefully, save for emergencies and retirement.. Budgeting discussions are not easy, but if you can prepare a realistic one and stick to it, your relationship will find a new level of love.

Secret debt in marriage: What if you find out that talking and budgeting is not enough?

Although we are not social workers or marriage counselors, we are expert in helping people work through their financial challenges.

That is why the Ira Smith Team always looks first to see if one of the bankruptcy alternatives would be a better fit for you. The alternatives we look at with you include:

The Ira Smith Team has 50+ years of cumulative experience dealing with issues just like the ones that you’re facing. Give us a call today and let us give you back peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Introduction

Other than for some last-minute small items, your holiday spending is complete. The credit card bills will arrive next month. You will soon find out if you made any holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

Maybe you overspent and will now have too much debt you won’t be able to repay. Perhaps you spent wisely, but it will put you over the top given your current debt level. Regardless, you now need to know how to help yourself financially from holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: You are not alone being in debt

Are you fighting financial threats daily? Do you wish you could unlock how to help yourself financially? If so, you are not alone. Lots of Canadians have fought the good fight to barely survive. There have been many articles in the media of the dangers of living with way too much debt. Many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque.

The Bank of Canada has warned Canadians for years now. With the rate of interest having been so reduced, Canadians have taken on much debt. Now interest rates are beginning to rise. You have to know how to help yourself financially, so that you will not only be able to make your minimum payments, but you will also be able to start reducing your debt. Your holiday spending mistakes has now increased the pressure on you. I do not want to see anyone living this way.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Who this information will help

You know you have debt troubles and this information will help if you:

  • often pay expenses after the date they are due;
  • on a regular basis write cheques that don’t clear your bank;
  • use room from one charge card to get a cash advance to pay the minimum due on a different card;
  • get telephone calls from a debt collector;
  • routinely ask pals or relatives for money;
  • utilities are threatening to cut you off;
  • cannot live to a balanced budget based on your current family income;
  • need to take a second job just to meet normal daily living expenses;

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Statistics Canada reporting

Statistics Canada reported that on average, at the end of 2016, Canadian families have a debt-to-income ratio of $1.67 for each dollar of after-tax revenue. At the end of the second quarter of 2017, they report that the ratio has risen to $1.68. Although Canadians’ net worth is also rising, primarily due to rising housing prices. So now housing prices have dropped, yet the debt remains.

If this sounds like how you have lived, then you need to take corrective action now from your holiday spending mistakes before it is too late. Bankruptcy should not be your first option. There are bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and a consumer proposal.

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Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Our 12 secrets on how to help yourself financially

If you are living in a debt threatening zone, it is currently the time to act to turn things around. Consider the following 12 secrets to stop your debt from spiralling out of control.

  1. Safeguard Your Health – Make sure that you are taking good care of yourself and your health, both physical and mental. You won’t be any good to yourself or your family if you are ill.
  2. Don’t Talk Yourself Out of What You’re Worth – Don’t put up with the things as they are of your job without seeking out new opportunities. Don’t sell yourself short. Make sure you understand if there are opportunities awaiting you that will pay you more than you are currently earning. Stay current on your marketable skills.
  3. Keep It Simple – Don’t over-complicate things. Don’t get involved with difficult payment plans. Put yourself in a position where if you need an essential item, you can pay for it. Don’t get sucked in by sexy advertisements for things that have long-term payment plans.
  4. Give to Your Future Before Giving to Others – There are many worthwhile causes that clamour for our money. Make sure your own house is in financial order before you give to others. Volunteer your time and not your money. You will find it very rewarding and you will be helping both yourself and others at the same time. Just say no to relatives and friends who ask you for money, until you have no debt yourself.
  5. Make Savings Automatic – Otherwise known as pay yourself first. Set up a special bank account and have the same percentage hived off of your paycheque every payday. Do not touch the funds in that special bank account, until you have enough money to invest in a safe investment. Have this money work for you over and over.
  6. Control Your Impulse Spending – Make sure that you have a monthly budget and follow it. Your budget should account for all your necessary living expenses for you and your family AND allow the percentage you are hiving off each pay period for your investment savings account. If there is anything left over, this balance should be used for debt reduction. Don’t buy on impulse as you will regret it.
  7. Evaluate Your Expenses, and live frugally – We can all get by on less than we think. This ties back into your budget. Make sure that your necessities of life and your regular payday savings are all accounted for. By cutting out expensive daily coffee drinks and other non-essential items, you will be surprised how much you will have leftover for debt reduction.
  8. Invest In Your Future – Upgrade your skillset. Take a course that will make you more marketable. Make room in your budget for this type of expense, as it will generate more income for you for the long-term future.
  9. Keep Your Family Secure – Involve your entire family in the family budget process. Everyone needs to be on the same page and working towards the same goals. Meet regularly to go over your real performance as compared to budget. When everyone knows the plan is working, they will all feel secure and try even harder.
  10. Eliminate And Avoid Debt – Make sure that you are not taking on any new debt. Use budgeting to make sure that you allow a certain amount out of your monthly budget for paying down debt. Even small amounts add up over time. You will see and feel the difference it makes in your life.
  11. Use The Envelope System – Set up a separate envelope for each of your weekly necessities, based on your budget. Only take out enough cash for those amounts and place the right amount of cash in each envelope. Do not use credit cards to pay for the necessities; just use the cash in each envelope. Make the cash in your envelopes last the entire week, then rinse and repeat.
  12. Pay Bills Immediately And Automatically – If you don’t like the envelope system, here is another idea. Pay as much as you can online from your bank account. Set up regular automatic monthly payments so that the bills are paid. You can also use this method for your regular payday savings account. Make sure you budget properly so that you realize what money is coming out of your account in a month automatically so that you don’t overdraw your bank account.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Will you need immediate help from your holiday spending mistakes?

These 12 steps will ensure that you get back on the road to financial health as soon as possible. You can recover from your holiday spending mistakes.

If you find that you have too much holiday or other debt, debt collectors are harassing you and you can’t keep them all happy, then you need to take more action. I say more action because it will be in ADDITION to the above 12 steps. What you will need to do is to immediately speak to a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has a cumulative 50+ years of experience helping people who are facing a financial crisis and we deliver the highest quality of professional service. Make an appointment for a free, no-obligation appointment today and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll take your first steps towards financial freedom. We can devise a plan so you can come back from your holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

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Diminished car value claim: Introduction

You need to know just how car and truck manufacturers and dealerships have achieved higher sales in Canada. By forcing a diminished car value claim on you. Everything starts with pitches like this: 112 bi-weekly at 0%, reduced payments extended over a longer time period. Over half of brand-new vehicle loans are for 7 years or longer. This is a huge change from exactly what was the standard for perhaps 5 years.

Diminished car value claim: What is the best term for a car loan?

The very best time period for an auto loan, on average, is no greater than 5 years. If you are the type of person that hangs on to your car for a very long time, then you could also opt for a 7 or 8 year loan. Regardless of your choice, the key is that you have to hang on to your car for at least the length of the loan.

Letting go of your car earlier than when the loan is fully paid off, either through a forced sale, accident write-off or trade-in for a new set of wheels, will cause you to suffer the dangers of negative equity. This will produce a diminished car value claim. Continue reading below as I make the case.

Diminished car value claim: “Oh I could manage that vehicle payment”

Canadians have purchased much more pricey cars and trucks as a result of those reduced monthly payments. The typical customer sees that they believe “Oh I could manage that vehicle payment, I could handle that no worry”. For the vehicle manufacturers and dealers, it is simply an extra means of bringing customers right into the car dealership. They are marketing them something that they actually cannot pay for. It doesn’t take much to produce a diminished car value claim.

Diminished car value claim: A recipe for problems

Seven year financing, “that to me is short-sighted just a recipe for problems” says John Carmichael, Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC). Salesmen ought to be discussing all the financing choices and the dangers of the financing choices and negative equity. Customers need a lot more information about a diminished car value claim. Thus people can easily get involved in a treadmill of debt.

Diminished car value claim: There is so much negative equity in a car being financed

Let me show you an example of how a diminished car value claim works. Here is a negative equity comparison on a $31,300 car with a 4% interest rate.

Source: Government of Canada, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

diminished car value
diminished car value claim

This chart highlights 2 vital factors:

  1. With five-year financing, you would not start gathering “favourable or positive equity,” until completion of the 4th year. By comparison, with an eight-year term, you would stay in an adverse or negative equity circumstance up till the 7th year of your financing.
  2. Negative equity has the tendency to be greater in the first 2 years of an auto loan. This is since automobiles drop rapidly in the very first year of use. Thus, a bigger section of each of your payments goes to interest in the very first couple of years.

You can find a diminished car value calculator website online. You can calculate how much negative equity you have in your vehicle for free online.

Diminished car value claim: The economic dangers of negative equity

If something unforeseen occurs and you should have to offer your auto for quick sale, you will probably lose on the loan. What you will be able to sell the car for will be less than what you owe on it. If this were to happen, you would need to have to put your hands on cash to cover your loss, i.e. the difference between the sale price and what you still owe on it.

If you are in an accident and your insurance company tells you that your car is a write-off, the cash you get from the insurer won’t cover what you still owe on your vehicle loan unless you have added insurance policy protection. Then if your insurer decides the current value of your auto is $10,000 however you still owe $16,000 on your financing, you will be required to cover the $6,000 shortage.

If your car is worth less than the amount you owe on your vehicle loan and you trade-in your vehicle at a car dealership to purchase another, you could wind up paying a great deal of extra money. You would spend for the brand-new car and have to cover the amount still owing on the old loan.

All these examples show how you could be forced to part with your car before you planned to. You will be taking on more debt because your vehicle was worth less than the amount of the loan against it. This would amount to a bigger financing and even more interest costs.

This will then snowball to produce a larger negative equity on your new vehicle because you are starting with a loan equal to more than your new car is worth. That is if you can find someone who would even lend on that basis to you. Certainly they would need more than just the new car as collateral.

Diminished car value claim: What to do if you have debt problems

Do you have debt problems, negative equity in your vehicle and zero or not enough equity in your other assets? If so, you need professional help and you need it now. More debt isn’t an answer for you. Don’t seek out a car loan debt consolidation lender.

Contact the Ira Smith Team. We can help you get out of your debt problems. We will put you back on track for debt and stress free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Book an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation today and take the first step to ending the cycle of debt.

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diminished car value claim
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canadian household debt crisisCanadian household debt crisis: Introduction

Canada is known around the world for many things including our hospitality, pristine lakes, beautiful mountains and exciting cities. Unfortunately, because of the Canadian household debt crisis, we’re now becoming known as one of the most indebted countries in the world!

Canadian household debt crisis: The OECD report

A report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows that:

Canadian household debt crisis: We are record breakers

We’re breaking other records as well:

Canadian household debt crisis: We have become deaf to all the warnings

We and many other financially responsible organizations and professionals have warned Canadians about the dangers of taking on too much debt. But, Canadians have become deaf to the message. And, borrowing with historically low-interest rates has become downright intoxicating. Sadly, these borrowers aren’t paying any mind to the fact that interest rates may rise which could have serious financial ramifications for many Canadians.

Canadian household debt crisis: It is time to focus on debt repayment and savings

It’s time to rein in the borrowing and focus on saving. Interest rates won’t stay low forever and with nothing saved, how will you pay your bills? Is the thought of retirement nothing more than an elusive dream?

Canadian household debt crisis: What can you do to get back on track financially before disaster strikes?

Canada, let’s stop leading the world in accumulating debt! Listen to the messages out there. The borrowing binge has to stop. Let’s reverse this Canadian household debt crisis.

Please look at your finances and see if you’re living paycheque to paycheque, or are already having trouble paying your bills. If this describes your current situation, you need professional help now!

A professional trustee can solve your financial problems with immediate action and the right plan. The Ira Smith Team has 50+ years of cumulative experience dealing with issues just like the ones that you’re facing. Give us a call today and let us give you back peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now.3bestaward

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Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: Introduction

Legit companies do not give poor credit loans guaranteed approval Canada. If you’re experiencing significant economic problems and declined for a financing by conventional banks, do not be seduced by advertising that states “… poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada …” even if you have bad credit or no credit.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: They try to trick you with seductive marketing slogans

They use catchy marketing tag lines such as:

  • 100% Free, Bad or No Credit, Great Terms, $0 Down, Fast, Apply Now!
  • Borrow Up To $5,000 With Affordable Payments. Find out more & Get Started!
  • No Credit Check Loans. Negative Credit Loans. Payroll Loan. Payday Loan.

Or they send either an email or letter in the mail offering you a bad credit loan, student loan, mortgage, negative credit score loan, or a fantastic bad credit, credit card offer.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: Beware of the scammers!

They may seem to be genuine yet beware! They will certainly ask you for your personal ID and financial info; and that is where your issues will certainly begin.

These are rip-offs! They are victimizing you because they know you are desperate and will not stop until you get the funding from someone for a bad credit loan.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: What the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has to say

According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, advertisements that promise guaranteed approval loans generally show up online or in city and national newspapers, magazines and tabloids. Remember, just by advertising through reputable media outlets does not make the business behind the ad honest or legitimate.

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: The up-front fee scam

These companies usually ask you to pay an up-front fee before they will start work. This fee might vary from hundreds to thousands of $$$. You rarely get your funding after paying the up-front fee. If you do, it is on the most onerous terms. You can never get your money back.

poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval canada

Poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada: How to fix your bad credit and debt issues

If you have actually been declined for a loan through a normal lender, then that is a signal that you have debt concerns that have to be handled. Companies that advertise poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval Canada are scams. They are not the solution to your troubles; expert help is.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We are professional trustees. As such, the Canadian government licenses and supervises us. First, we will assess your situation and help you to come to the very best possible solution for your troubles.

When you come to us for your free consultation, we first check and figure out with you if one of the bankruptcy alternative choices is best for you. These include credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal. If none of those options are available to you, only then will we discuss the bankruptcy route. Starting Over, Starting Now we can help recover you to financial health.

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poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval canada
Brandon Blog Post


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credit card minimum payment amount

Credit card minimum payment amount: Introduction

Do you believe that because you make the credit card minimum payment amount on time every month that you’re doing well? Do you think this would let you be considered a good credit risk? If that’s the case, you would be wrong. Making only the minimum payments on your credit cards is a sign that you’re living in a financial danger zone. And the likelihood is that if you continue along this path, you’ll accumulate more debt. You will not get out of debt.

Credit card minimum payment amount: What the TransUnion survey says

TransUnion, one of Canada’s largest reporting agencies, did a recent survey. It showed that making just the credit card minimum payment amount is leading more consumers into delinquency. This is the same result with other loans too.

They’ve also created a “Total Payment Ratio” metric that shows the correlation between the payment amount and the delinquency across multiple products. To calculate the TPR a consumer’s total monthly credit payments are divided by the total minimum due on all the consumer’s credit products. The higher the TPR, the less likely a consumer falls behind on payments. Using the TPR to find the risk of delinquency, the TransUnion study showed:

  • Canadians with a TPR of less than five on their credit cards had a 1.77% high risk of auto loan delinquency — defined as not making a payment for 90 days or more
  • Once the TPR rose to more than 15.0, the high risk of delinquency dropped to 1.4%

Credit card minimum payment amount: It is not a good sign of your credit worthiness

As you can see, just making the credit card minimum payment amount is not a good sign of your credit worthiness. Conversely, making more than the minimum monthly payments will make you more attractive to financial institutions. This is because consumers that make more than the minimum monthly payments tend to have more liquidity and will be less likely to miss payments.

Credit card minimum payment amount: You need help to get out of debt

If you’re making only the credit card minimum payment amount, you haven’t got a hope to ever get out of debt. The interest rates are around 20% (and sometimes more). Your minimum monthly payments are paying the interest, not the debt. Now is the time to call in the professionals! Contact a professional trustee. The Ira Smith Team can help you conquer debt and get back on track to living a financially healthy life Starting Over, Starting Now. All it takes is one phone call.


Brandon Blog Post


toronto credit counselingToronto Credit Counseling: Introduction

It appears that a high percentage of families in the GTA are in need of Toronto credit counseling. This week’s blog highlights why people are now carrying debt into retirement. By having this information, we hope that you will be able to easily prepare your own comprehensive guide to going into retirement debt free.

Toronto Credit Counseling: Household debt at an all-time high

With household debt at an all-time high and continuing to break records, it’s hard to find families not dealing with debt. But, have you considered how your debt load may impact your children’s futures? As parents I’m sure you want to give your children every advantage in life. This includes a college or university education.

Unfortunately it’s impossible to give your kids a post secondary education if you have a debt load to contend with. The reality is that student debt is directly tied to parents dealing with debt. So, ultimately your children may pay the price for your debt load. Believe it or not, they may even have debt carry into retirement.

Toronto Credit Counseling: Carrying debt into retirement

New research from Strategic Insights brought this very important issue to light:

  • Total student debt rose 6.2% annually over the past 10 years to $42.9-billion
  • this compares with an average inflation rate over the same period of 1.6%
  • Average debt for a graduating student as of July, 2015 was $26,819
  • Students graduating with significant debt could buy houses and start families later in life
  • Add on as many as 35 years to pay off mortgages, lines of credit and other borrowings
  • This stretches debt into retirement
  • Student debt has soared despite a substantial increase in the amount of money parents are contributing to RESPs

Toronto Credit Counseling: Going into retirement with debt

It’s hard to imagine that student debt can still haunt retirees, but it’s happening. And more and more students are graduating with heavy debt loads. Statistics Canada reports that 50% of students graduating with a BA relied on debts to pay for their education which in turn may well affect the future debt load of retirees. Parents, you may not realize it but your children may pay the price for your debt load.

Toronto Credit Counseling: Going into retirement debt free?

If you’re struggling with debt, now is the time to deal with it, before it becomes a multi generational issue. Perhaps all you need is credit counseling to get you pointed in the right direction to become debt free.

Contact the Ira Smith Team. We can help you put debt behind you Starting Over, Starting Now. End the cycle of debt, avoid bankruptcy and help your children have a bright future, free of student debt.3bestaward

Brandon Blog Post


articles about debt helpArticles about debt help: Introduction

I regularly write articles about debt help. Trends over the past few years about the increase in Canadian average household debt has gotten me thinking. We can get vaccinated for measles, mumps, rubella, influenza and a host of other diseases. Now it seems that without even getting a shot, Canadians have developed immunity to the dangers of debt.

How could this happen to what was traditionally a nation of savers? Did we just throw caution to the wind? Why did we stop heeding the warnings from the Bank of Canada, financial institutions, the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) and the credit reporting agencies?

Articles about debt help: Immunity to debt

Everyday there are headlines about the alarming levels of personal debt and how many Canadians are teetering on the brink of financial disaster. Have we stopped hearing the message or heeding the warnings? It seems that as we borrow more and take on more debt that our attitude to debt changes.

“People who don’t have any debts tend to be strongly opposed to debt… but if you put them into a situation where they are forced to acquire it, their attitudes change in the direction of toleration,” said Stephen Lea, an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Exeter in the U.K. who has decades of experience studying the psychology of debt. As people acquire debt, Lea has found they also change their attitudes towards indebtedness. That’s an example of what psychologists call dissonance reduction. According to Mr. Lea, we really have developed immunity to debt.

Articles about debt help: Home prices and feeling immune to debt

There are more reasons why Canadians seem to feel immune to the dangers of debt. With house prices skyrocketing, home owners feel rich. And it seems that if Canadians are working and making their payments promptly, they feel in control of their finances. If interest rates continue to stay low, Canadians will continue to borrow more and more without realizing the dangers of accumulating debt.

Articles about debt help: Is there a solution to our immunity to the dangers of debt?

Saul Schwartz, who has studied personal debt as a professor of public policy at Carleton University believes that government should focus on policy actions that would rein in the lenders who are enabling all our borrowing because all the warnings are being ignored. I don’t know if that’s the answer but as a professional licensed insolvency trustee I can tell you that many Canadians felt immune to the dangers of debt until they faced a financial crisis.

Articles about debt help: What should you do if you are not immune to your debt load?

Take action before you find yourself in the throes of a financial crisis. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many Canadian companies and people throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t delay. Give us a call today. Financial problems can be solved with immediate action and the right plan.3bestaward

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