Brandon Blog Post


Debts Solution: Introduction

Facing soaring expenses in housing, groceries, and fuel, Canadians grapple with amplified financial strains. The mounting necessity for a debts solution burgeons as debt problems and insolvencies surge. Seeking expert guidance becomes pivotal, steering clear of pitfalls entwined in deceptive debt relief enticements posing as saviours.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I provide insights on mitigating exposure to these cunning ploys by discussing the common warning signs that are prevalent with a debt help scammer. Unearth methods to shield you from the clutches of debt relief scams. Acquire proficiency in detecting warning signals, discerning credible services, and fortifying yourself against deceitful machinations. Delve into tangible scenarios and preemptive strategies to navigate the labyrinthine terrain of a possible debts solution, safely and securely.

Debts Solution: Recognizing Debt Relief Scams

Navigating through debt’s labyrinth often induces immense stress and a sense of being inundated, prompting many individuals to seek solace in debt alleviation initiatives. Yet, exercising prudence and vigilance within this sphere holds paramount significance. Within this industry, deceptive stratagems loom from for-profit debt settlement companies, preying on the susceptible, and exacerbating their financial woes. Deciphering these deceitful maneuvers becomes pivotal; doing so empowers you to shield yourself and judiciously discern the avenues for debt alleviation at your disposal.

Debts Solution: Scammers often ask for upfront fees and make unrealistic promises

Identifying a potential debt relief company scam often hinges on a prominent signal: the insistence on upfront fees by the entity or individual. Authentic debt relief programs typically levy charges solely after achieving a triumphant negotiation or formulation of a repayment strategy. Conversely, imposters brazenly demand payment in advance, vanishing into thin air without rendering any tangible aid.

Moreover, these malevolent actors might peddle unattainable assurances regarding debt eradication or swift resolution of financial problems. It’s imperative to grasp that an overnight miraculous debt dissolution remains an illusory prospect. Legitimate debt mitigation ventures engage in protracted negotiations with creditors, aiming for diminished interest rates or modified payment schemes. This, however, demands time and harmonious collaboration among all involved stakeholders.

When scrutinizing a debt relief initiative, exercise caution toward those espousing immediate or fanciful outcomes. Reputable entities furnish pragmatic prognoses, collaborating with you to sculpt a sustainable blueprint for enduring financial balance and security while providing you with lasting strategies to continually improve your financial situation.

Debts Solution: Beware of anyone who advises you to stop communicating with and paying your creditors

A conspicuous red flag signalling potential deceit in a debt relief scheme emerges when the program advocates severing communication and payments with your creditors. While succumbing to the allure of dodging creditor calls and missives may seem appealing, sidestepping dialogue can exacerbate your predicament.

Genuine debt mitigation programs engage in dialogue with your creditors, endeavouring to forge fresh payment terms or negotiate reduced settlements. They champion transparent communication and harmonious collaboration among all stakeholders. Conversely, swindlers might counsel total cessation of contact with creditors, precipitating escalated interest, penalties, and even legal ramifications.

Should a debt relief program advocate complete cessation of creditor payments, it unequivocally betrays your best interests. Upholding your financial commitments to the best of your capacity remains crucial while charting a course toward resolution via a reputable, trustworthy debts solution avenue.

Debts Solution: Debt relief scams may operate via social networks, text, or email

In the digital age, debt relief frauds have actually discovered their way onto various online platforms. Debt settlement firm fraudsters might connect to you with social media sites, text, or email, encouraging quick and very easy services to your financial obligation troubles.

If you obtain unwanted messages from unidentified sources offering debt settlement solutions, use caution. Reputable debt relief programs typically do not participate in hostile or unsolicited advertising and marketing tactics. It is necessary to do your research study and thoroughly vet any type of company before giving them personal information or agreeing to work with them.

When researching debt settlement choices online, be sure to verify the firm’s credentials and try to find reviews and testimonies from other customers. In addition, inspect if the firm is associated with any reliable industry organizations or if they have any accreditations that demonstrate their competence and trustworthiness.

picture of man deep in debt going over a contract to hire a debts solution settlement company
debts solution

Debts Solution: Seeking Professional Help

Seeking adept guidance from recognized experts in managing your finances and addressing debt problems is a prudent choice. Licensed insolvency trustees emerge as specialists adept in aiding individuals and companies to restructure their way through financial quagmires. Their realm encompasses proffering no-cost initial consultations, delving into your fiscal panorama, dispensing counsel, and facilitating the exploration of diverse avenues in debt management.

The following are 3 legitimate options to consider in solving debt problems. In fact, the debts solution scammers, after sucking as much money out of you as they can, then introduce you to a licensed insolvency trustee to execute one of the below options. Why not avoid the middleman debts solution scammer? All of the “services” they provide, for which they charge you thousands of dollars, you can get from a licensed insolvency trustee during the initial no-cost consultation.

Here are 3 legitimate debt relief options for anyone looking for a debts solution:

Debts Solution: Debt Management Plan

A structured repayment scheme, a debt management plan, proves instrumental in efficaciously steering individuals through their debt labyrinth. Collaborating with a licensed insolvency trustee ensures in tailoring a blueprint attuned to your distinct fiscal landscape. Herein, regular remittances through a payment schedule are made to the trustee to find dispersion among your creditors under their auspices.

The virtues of a debt management plan abound. Primarily, it amalgamates your debts into a singular monthly payment, streamlining financial oversight. Coupled with this, it commonly encompasses a diminished interest rate, harbouring potential savings in the long haul. Furthermore, active participation in such a plan potentially serves as a conduit for the reconstruction of your credit score, contingent upon consistent and punctual payments.


Debts Solution: Consumer Proposal

Should your financial circumstances veer toward a more severe terrain, contemplating the avenue of a consumer proposal emerges as a viable debts solution recourse. It constitutes a binding accord, ensconced in legality, forged between you and your creditors, shepherded by a licensed insolvency trustee. It is the only approved debt settlement government program. In a consumer proposal, your trustee takes over all communication with creditors, freeing you of this burden.

Within this framework, you proffer a proposal to reimburse a segment of your unsecured debts over a stipulated timeframe, commonly spanning five years. This offer is grounded in your reasonable capacity and only requires you to pay a portion of the total indebtedness. Upon acceptance by your creditors, monthly disbursements to the trustee ensue, who, in turn, channels these funds to your creditors. After completing your total set of monthly payments, your entire debt is wiped out.

The merits of opting for a consumer proposal are many. Firstly, it furnishes immediate shielding against collection calls, wage garnishments and legal action reprisals instigated by your creditors. Simultaneously, it facilitates a reduction in your cumulative debt burden, given that the repayment amounts to less than the owed sum. Additionally, resorting to a consumer proposal carries less weight than declaring bankruptcy, exerting a comparably milder impact on your credit standing.

Debts Solution: Bankruptcy as a Last Resort

As a final debts solution recourse, bankruptcy emerges as a potential remedy for individuals ensnared in insurmountable debt with no viable alternatives. This legal recourse orchestrates a fresh start by absolving a significant portion of debts, facilitating a reboot of one’s financial trajectory and life.

However, navigating the terrain of bankruptcy demands judicious consideration, given its weighty repercussions. The enduring impact on your creditworthiness, spanning multiple years, can pose hurdles in securing future credit. Furthermore, the liquidation of certain assets to reimburse creditors and potential constraints on professional accreditation warrant conscientious contemplation in discussion with a licensed insolvency trustee.

Prudent counsel from a licensed insolvency trustee assumes paramount significance before delving into bankruptcy. Our expertise enables a comprehensive no-cost evaluation of your circumstances, guiding you toward the most fitting pathway forward.

Credit counseling is an important aspect of any service provided by a licensed insolvency trustee.

Debts Solution: Protecting Yourself from Fake Loan Scams

Many times debts solution scammers combine a mandatory loan program with their debt relief package. Here are some tips on how to avoid being a victim of these loan program scams.

Be cautious of deals that require payment upfront or appear too good to be real

A substantial indicator of a spurious finance scam materializes when the lender needs payment before finalizing the loan. That is what a bogus debt relief company does or arranges for you. Reputable companies who lend money typically deduct any type of fees or expenditures from the loan itself, avoiding any kind of in-advance payment. Furthermore, lenders that appear excessively beneficial are commonly deceptive. Fraudsters often attract people with implausibly low-interest rates or guarantees of assured loan authorizations, departing from the reasonable standards of the lending world.

Phony lending rip-offs assure loans even with a negative credit history yet never provide the loan

If you have a negative credit rating, scammers may attempt to take advantage of your scenario by encouraging loans without credit history checks or with assured authorizations. Nonetheless, genuine lending institutions always analyze the creditworthiness of a borrower before approving a loan. If a lender is not interested in your credit rating and claims to supply financing to any individual despite their credit rating, it is likely a fake funding fraud. Remember, no lender can ensure funding without appropriate analysis.

Stay clear of offering individual or financial details to unidentified sources

Protecting your personal and financial info is vital in the electronic age. Fraudsters may pose as loan providers and demand sensitive info, such as your social insurance number, bank account details, or driver’s certificate information. Never offer such information to unknown sources or through unknown sites or channels. Genuine lenders will have protected systems in position to secure your data, and they will not ask for unnecessary individual or financial information.

picture of man deep in debt going over a contract to hire a debts solution settlement company
debts solution

Debts Solution: Conclusion

Getting specialist support from a licensed insolvency trustee is essential in working through the details of your financial debt and money obstacles. Licensed insolvency trustees stand as important wellsprings, supplying invaluable advice, support, and strength for you to navigate the puzzle of economic problems. Whether designing a debt management plan approach or considering a consumer proposal, embarking on these paths alongside a seasoned specialist will let you recover your authority over your entire life. It minimizes the difficult anxiety you have carried and moulds a course towards a much more positive financial destiny.

I hope you enjoyed this debts solution Brandon’s Blog. If you’re struggling with managing your overwhelming debt, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to take control of the situation. It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person.

First, it’s important to create a realistic budget and track your expenses. From there, you can prioritize your debt repayment and make consistent payments to chip away at what you owe. It’s also a good idea to seek professional financial advice to help guide you through the process. Just remember, managing debt is a gradual process that requires commitment and determination, but you can do it! So don’t hesitate to reach out for help from financial professionals.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

picture of man deep in debt going over a contract to hire a debts solution settlement company
debts solution
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

File bankruptcy in Canada online introduction

People have been asking us recently, “Can I file bankruptcy in Canada online?”. The most honest answer is yes, just not all alone with your computer and internet connection. Doesn’t sound very definitive, does it? That is because you cannot file bankruptcy yourself.

The only one the federal government authorizes in Canada to do bankruptcy filings is a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee or a trustee in bankruptcy) (Trustee). The process itself requires anyone experiencing financial problems either themselves or with their company, needs to meet with a Trustee for an initial consultation.

However, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns that have accompanied it since March 2020, the way a Trustee meets with people considering bankruptcy has changed. It has essentially gone online given the current operating environment. I will explain what I mean and how it might help you with your individual situation.

Can I file bankruptcy in Canada online?

Virtually anything and everything can be done online. The lockdown has increased our use of online purchasing. Whether it is clothes, office supplies, or toilet paper, it can all be ordered online and shipped to our homes. The taxi industry has been under assault for some time now from both Uber and Lyft.

The internet also includes a wealth of knowledge on thousands of different subjects. Financial topics are no exception. I find that anyone contacting me who is struggling with their, or their company’s financial problems, debts and paying their bills, including credit card bills, have already looked online for information and help to try to recover for their financial future.

Although people may not understand everything about insolvency and bankruptcy with all its nuances, which is to be expected, callers are definitely more educated in options for help in dealing with their secured creditors, unsecured creditors and different types of debtsboth secured debt and unsecured debt.

So nowadays, everyone expects that you can do everything online, including the ability to file bankruptcy in Canada. This is true for people who think bankruptcy might be a solution for them. They are curious to understand if they can declare bankruptcy online. It is no longer just a bankruptcy in-person system.

file bankruptcy in canada
file bankruptcy in canada

How the coronavirus pandemic pushed bankruptcy online

The bankruptcy law in Canada is a federal statute. So the Canadian government supervises the administration of the insolvency process in Canada through the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB). On March 13, 2020, as a result of COVID-19, the OSB provided guidance to Trustees about how elements of the process for filing bankruptcy in Canada have changed. The document issued by the OSB is called Temporary Guidance for LITS During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In that guidance, the OSB pushed the Canadian insolvency system as close to how can you file bankruptcy online. The only thing you still cannot do is file bankruptcy online yourself.

There was great growing concern in Canada about COVID-19. Insolvency practitioners had to take action to reduce in-person meetings. The OSB supported the Trustee community in these initiatives while keeping the stability of Canada’s insolvency system.

The OSB encouraged Trustees to make use of the considerable flexibilities that exist in the OSB’s Directives when determining which measures may be appropriate, in light of the pandemic.

To allow for the necessary social distancing, while still allowing people to file bankruptcy in Canada, the OSB advised the Trustee community:

  • Assessment of a person’s or company’s financial situationTrustees are allowed to make use of techniques besides in-person meetings. The OSB recognized the COVID-19 pandemic as a remarkable circumstance.
    • Trustees did not need to get separate approval to conduct assessments making use of techniques aside from in-person. Where a video conference is not feasible, evaluations and discussions about a person’s or company’s debt situation may be carried out through a mix of telephone discussion and email.
    • In these assessment meetings, we discuss various debt relief options and alternatives to bankruptcy to avoid bankruptcy. We talk about credit counselling sessions, debt consolidation, debt settlement, various financial management techniques. We even discuss is a debt consolidation loan a realistic prospect?
    • Then we move on to the insolvency remedies of a consumer proposal for financial reorganization and debt settlement, corporate financial reorganization, personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy. Whatever is appropriate. Then we give the person our recommendations and help them pick the best solution for them. The aim is always to avoid bankruptcy, wherever possible.
  • Insolvency financial counsellingTrustees and the accredited credit counsellors in their office are allowed to give financial management counselling via video conferencing. The OSB also allowed for credit counseling over the telephone, when video conferencing is not feasible. That is how I have been doing each credit counselling session and it has been working very well.
  • Meeting of Creditors – The Chair of the meeting is now allowed to hold creditors’ meetings either by video or conference call. The Chair can count on the representations by those in attendance to confirm their identity. It is mainly the unsecured creditors who are interested in the meeting of creditors.
  • Oaths and Signatures: Filing for bankruptcy and the bankruptcy process, involves bankruptcy forms. We are now urged to trade bankruptcy paperwork using e-mail. Trustees also explain to anyone filing bankruptcy, be it personal bankruptcy or corporate bankruptcy, using video conferencing.
  • This also the case for a consumer proposal filing. So even though we are not sitting in the same room as the person, we give the debtor the required support to explain the bankruptcy forms by using Zoom, FaceTime or over the phone.

What I do for taking oaths is that I confirm the person’s name and ask them to hold up their birth certificate or driver’s licence to their webcam or mobile phone. I also watch them sign the official bankruptcy documents. Then, I ask them to scan everything, including the identification they used, email it to me right away and then put the originals in the regular Canada Post mail.

So far, this has worked quite well. It has allowed people to file bankruptcy in Canada even during a pandemic. It has worked so well, we are now helping people and entrepreneurs looking for debt relief options who otherwise could not travel to our office. They would not travel to see us in person because although they are in Ontario, they are not in the Great Toronto Area.

file bankruptcy in canada
file bankruptcy in canada

Trustees already use an online bankruptcy filing system

Once the Trustee receives the documents by email from the person, they then turn to the electronic online bankruptcy filing system. It is called the E filing system. The Trustee can upload certain computer files into the E filing system, to tell the OSB all the information it needs to issue the Certificate of Appointment.

It is the same system across the country, regardless of what province you are in when someone wants to file bankruptcy in Canada. When the OSB issues the Certificate, that is the moment when a person or company officially becomes bankrupt and the Trustee is appointed.

This same E filing system is used also for all filings. Things like a consumer proposal, corporate receivership and corporate restructuring filings are also uploaded through the same online portal.

File bankruptcy in Canada: The rest of the process is the same as before

Once the type of online bankruptcy or consumer proposal filing is made to help you with the debt solutions you need, the rest of the process is the same. How bankruptcies work in Canada from this point on is not really different, other than as stated above, the two mandatory counselling sessions are done by either video or telephone meeting. Also, the effect on someone’s credit report is the same.

To find out the information on how the overall process works when you file bankruptcy in Canada, take a look at my Brandon’s Blog – HOW TO FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY IN CANADA: PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY MODUS OPERANDI. That will give you a very good read on the entire process.

File bankruptcy in Canada online: A word of warning

A word of caution for you. Bear in mind at the beginning I told you that only a Trustee is licensed to do any insolvency filing in Canada. You should understand that to file bankruptcy in Canada or file a consumer proposal online in Canada with someone that is not licensed by the federal government as a Trustee isn’t a choice.

You must be aware of fake organizations, firms, or service providers that attempt to trick people right into believing they can do any kind of insolvency filing for you. This includes anyone wanting to file bankruptcy in Canada.

Sadly, there are many debt consultant bankruptcy scam artists that state that they can help you do a debt settlement for you for a fee. DO NOT think of them under any circumstances. All they do is charge you for the first bankruptcy assessment of a person’s financial situation that a Trustee will do for you at no cost.

Then they try to offer you more items that the state will certainly help improve your credit score. This may also include giving you a high-interest rate loan but holding back all the cash to make the monthly payments out of until gone. Then when they cannot sell you any more products, they walk you down the block to file with a Trustee either to do a consumer proposal or to file bankruptcy in Canada.

Do not fall for these scammers that make it seem like they can file bankruptcy in Canada for you.

File bankruptcy in Canada summary

I hope you have enjoyed this file bankruptcy in Canada Brandon’s Blog. Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges and you think the only thing you can do is file bankruptcy in Canada. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. We help many people and companies avoid bankruptcy.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

file bankruptcy in canada
file bankruptcy in canada
Brandon Blog Post



In my May 3, 2017, Brandon’s Blog, DEBT SETTLEMENT OR CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: REPORT SAYS CONSUMERS HARMED, I told you about a Government of Canada research study. On April 28, 2017, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), released its study. It revealed the OSB’s concerns about credit counseling services in Canada who were doing more than just counselling, be they for-profit or non-profit.

The concerns

The concern was that the consumer was being harmed. The main areas of concern for the OSB were:

  1. Consumers paid more money than required if they had first seen a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT or Trustee) rather than the debt settlement company.
  2. Dishonest debt relief firms chatted customers right into expensive car loans under the scare tactic that they would not qualify once they filed either a consumer proposal or for bankruptcy so now was the time to improve their credit score.
  3. The debt negotiation firms had no accreditation or experience to provide the sort of financial advice they were offering.
  4. Creditors obtained much less than they would have received if the insolvent person went first to see the LIT.
  5. Debtors had no idea of their obligations under the insolvency process they ended up filing for. They were not offered the chance to experience one of the most essential facets of the Canadian bankruptcy system, economic recovery.

Public consultation

On November 24, 2017, the OSB sought public consultation on amending the process by which a LIT must perform credit counselling as part of the administration of consumer proposal filings. Changes were implemented and given time to see how they would work in practice.

On June 17, 2019, the OSB announced that it was seeking public consultation on a new Directive for LITs on credit counselling. These changes are meant to streamline the administrative structure for insolvency credit counseling.

All the changes are to better control the Trustees who receive referrals from debt settlement companies that charge the debtors for services that they really do not require before handing them over to a LIT to administer a consumer proposal.

Why not just go see a Trustee first?

It makes the most sense when you realize you are in financial trouble to see a LIT. A Trustee is only professional licensed, recognized and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to administer insolvency filings to eliminate debt problems. A restructuring proposal is a government and court approved debt settlement plan to do that. In a first consultation, a Trustee will listen to all the issues and then provide a debtor with all the available alternatives. The aim is to avoid bankruptcy. This first consultation is also free! No charge! Gratis!

So why don’t more people do so? I believe the answer is in a recent Angus Reid poll titled The Awkward Silences Survey 2019. The survey says one-in-five Canadians claimed they least like to talk about:

  1. Embarrassing health and wellness concerns – 20%
  2. Sex – 18%
  3. Finances – 17%
  4. Religious beliefs or politics 17%
  5. Small talk – 15%
  6. Family and relationships – 13%

The unwillingness to talk about humiliating health and wellness problems was more widespread amongst males (23%) than females (17%).

When asked which one money and finance subject people like discussing the very least, personal debt and bankruptcy led by a big margin with one-in-three stating it was off limits to discuss (34%). This number is significantly greater in Quebec (42%) and least in Ontario (28%).

The survey says Canadians said that in the money and finance area, the least favourite topics they like to talk about are:

  1. Personal debt or bankruptcy – 34%
  2. Assets, liabilities and net worth – 22%
  3. Their income – 16%
  4. How they spend their money – 12%
  5. Savings and investments – 11%
  6. Their mortgage – 5%

I don’t do government approved and free

I always knew that going to see a Trustee to talk about financial problems was not high on anyone’s list. This recent survey is the first time that I have seen it studied with anything other than anecdotal stories. This could explain why even though it makes the most sense, people avoid it for as long as they can. It also explains why people will search out companies that try to candy coat the topic and call it something nicer. Unfortunately, as the OSB studies have shown, consumers do so to their own detriment.

People would rather pay good money they can’t afford to be hoodwinked by an unscrupulous debt consultant until they realize they have no choice but to see a Trustee. At that point, most of their various options are no longer available and bankruptcy is more often than not inevitable.

Whether it is a business or a person, corporate or personal, it will help to talk about it to a Trustee. Sticking your head in the sand will not make things better. There are various options to look at depending on how early on you seek help.

Corporate financial problems

For corporate financial problems, the options may include:

Refinancing with a new lender who has not grown weary.

Sometimes relationships, including business relationships, just run their course and fatigue sets in. I was recently consulted by a company whose banker grew tired of their turnaround plan, that was working. By introducing this company and its senior management to a new lender, who saw the long term benefits of lending to a company that was successfully turning itself around, the company was able to refinance and continue their business.

Corporate restructuring.

Sometimes a more formal plan needs to be put into place using one of Canada’s two federal statutes: (i) Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA); or (ii) the proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). We have done many.

Receivership or bankruptcy proceedings to take assets from a sick company and get them into a healthy one to save jobs and the business.

Sometimes the corporate body is just too sick and weak and cannot continue. However, taking healthy assets and employees and transferring them to a new or different corporation can revitalize a business and save jobs. The old shareholders may or may not be associated with the new company. However, the highest value will be obtained for creditors, employees and all other stakeholders.

Personal financial problems

For personal financial problems, the options may include:

Credit counseling and budgeting.

Many people need help with items such as:

  • Budgeting
  • achieving financial goals
  • spending habits
  • responsible use of credit

Many times once this help is received, people can continue on themselves without any further problems.

Debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is the process that permits you to roll your varied financial debts owing to many creditors into one single loan, leaving you with just one creditor. If you are starting to have troubles staying on top of your minimum month-to-month payments, and the amount of your debt is frustrating you, debt consolidation is a choice worth thinking about.

A consumer proposal and Division I Proposal.

A consumer proposal and a Division 1 proposal are options to filing bankruptcy. Although comparable in several aspects, there are some significant distinctions. Consumer proposals are offered to people whose financial debts aren’t more than $250,000, not including any debts registered against your personal house. Division 1 proposals are readily available to both companies and people whose financial obligations go beyond $250,000 (omitting mortgages registered on their primary home).

A consumer proposal is an official process under the BIA. Dealing with a Trustee you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific amount of time
  • Extend the time you need to repay the debt
  • A mix of both

Repayments are made via the Trustee, who makes use of that money to distribute to each of your creditors. The agreed to a lesser amount of debt has to be repaid within 5 years.


Sometimes when there are no other options, but the pain and stress of your debt load are just too much for you to handle, and you can’t see any other way, bankruptcy may be the only answer. The purpose of bankruptcy in Canada is to return the honest but unfortunate debtor back into society, so that they may be a productive member going forward.

Are you ready to talk about finances now and get some real credit counseling?

Don’t be like those people who took part in the Angus Reid survey. Take a positive step in the right direction to help your company and yourself.

Is your business in financial distress because you cannot collect your billings? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your creditors as their bills to you come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

A restructuring proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a restructuring proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

credit counseling

Brandon Blog Post




You may have listened to the news about the Equifax data breach.

Equifax originally said that it impacted only a limited number of Canadians. They have now amended that report to say that 100,000 Canadians are affected. If your details were endangered, Equifax intends to get to you straight away with support as quickly as they have determined that.

In comparison, the Equifax data breach may have affected more than 143 million Americans!

Exactly what took place?

According to Equifax, the violation lasted from mid-May through July 2017. The hackers accessed people’s names, Social Security numbers, birthdays, addresses and, in some instances, vehicle driver’s permit numbers. They also swiped charge card numbers as well as disagreement files with individual identifying information. And they also obtained details of people in the UK and Canada too.

Equifax, is one of the two Canadian credit bureaus, was the subject of a data breach by hackers. This violation has affected lots of Americans, but for now Equifax believes the Equifax data breach has affected just a restricted number of Canadians. Equifax reminds everyone that the hacked US website is for US social security numbers, and does not work for Canadian consumers.

What information was taken?

In Canada, the hackers may have gotten sensitive details, such as names, addresses, and Social Insurance Numbers. Equifax believes that only a limited number of Canadians could have been impacted. They are working to figuring out the exact information. Equifax will update this information as they learn more.

Litigation and investigations begin

Considering that it is one of the largest hacks of the year, the compromised business is now dealing with loads of lawsuits. At least one legal action claims, among other things, that Equifax pumped up financial results to bring up the share price, prior to the hack being revealed. No allegations have yet been proven in Court.

After Equifax announced the Equifax data breach violation about $3 billion was cleaned away from the business’s market cap as its shares dropped by 17% immediately following the disclosure. Lawmakers are concerned that people’s delicate information was not correctly safeguarded. Investigations are ongoing.equifax data breach

Exactly how will this impact me?

The thing is that people who never bought any Equifax services will be negatively affected by the hack. If your details were jeopardized, it may put you at the threat of identity theft. Identification theft is when a person steals your personal information to open new accounts or dedicate activity utilizing your name. We urge you to check your credit score and stay alert in checking your credit card and any other financial account statements.

Equifax data breach: Have my details been endangered?

If you’ve ever before made an application for credit, as an example by requesting a charge card or a cellular phone service, Equifax has gathered your details. Equifax will only contact you if they have identified that your information has been breached. That is why we strongly recommend that you must carefully check all account statements you receive to make sure that: 1. You recognize the account as being yours; and 2. You do not see any suspicious activity in your accounts.

Equifax is the largest credit report bureau in Canada and is extensively made use by lenders, including banks, to prove creditworthiness. Equifax accumulates information from your bank as well as other sources to find your credit history, which is then given to lending institutions.

This case is the tip of the importance of data protection, which is something you must take very seriously. That is why IT people always recommend that you use bank-level encryption to safeguard your data. The Equifax data breach proves them right.

Canada’s privacy commissioner is interested in the Canadian data breach.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has received complaints and calls of concern about this data breach. The privacy commissioner is now considering the matter.

Equifax data breach: Your next steps

  1. Check your credit rating

It’s important you watch your credit report as well as your various financial accounts. That way you will be aware of any kind of adjustments or suspicious activity.

You can do what is called a “soft” credit check on yourself at no cost using one of two Canadian services. We explain it all in our blogs:

  1. Screen your credit card accounts as well as bank accounts

Your charge card and bank accounts are additionally important to watch. Keep an eye out for any transactions you did not make or approve as well as report any problems to your bank or credit card company right away.

  1. Record any theft or crime

If you find a suspicious activity that could involve the theft of either your identity or assets or other criminal offences, report the event to your regional police. You could also report the rip-off or fraud to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Inform your financial institution as well as bank card firms. As well shut any accounts and cards that could have been hacked instantly.

To find out more, please call Equifax at 1-866-828-5961 or visit their website here.

Equifax data breach: Are you struggling with too much debt?

If you’re struggling with too much debt, give the Ira Smith Team a call. We can help with budgeting and credit counselling so that you can get back on track Starting Over, Starting Now.

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