Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy blog review: Introduction

I hope that you are all enjoying quality family time together over the holidays. As 2018 is nearly over, I thought that it would be interesting to do a bankruptcy blog review on my Brandon’s Blog. So here is a review of the 7 most viewed blogs over the past year.

Bankruptcy blog review: The 7 most viewed blogs in 2018


This blog was about a very interesting case decided in the Court of Appeal of British Columbia. The bankrupt’s creditors applied to have the transactions reviewed under section I00 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 (“BIA”). One of the areas of contention was that the judge in the lower court found he could not rely on the bankruptcy trustee’s opinion of value in the circumstances.


In this Brandon’s Blog, I wrote about mortgage lending criteria self-employed, I discussed a Court decision that shows when it comes to a self-employed person’s mortgage, if there is a deemed trust claim by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), you cannot solely rely upon the registry system.


This bankruptcy blog review post came from our corporate case files. I discussed the decision making process the Court goes through when being asked to approve a stalking horse sales process and the stalking horse credit bid being recommended by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee).


Since 2007, Credit Karma USA has attempted to simplify credit and finance for more than 60 million Credit Karma members. They advertise very heavily on US television to attract new members. Becoming a member is free, and it allows any member to get access to their free credit score and credit report, with the option to update every single week. Credit Karma also provides financial education to put credit into context.

Credit Karma Canada arrived this past year from the United States. Its website is The purpose of this blog was to describe what Credit Karma Canada is and to let you decide if it would be helpful or not for you or someone you know.



The Goodwill Toronto bankruptcy confused and astonished many people. After all, how can Goodwill, a non-profit organization, go bankrupt? Isn’t the very nature of a non-profit or not-for-profit that it doesn’t have to make a profit? This Brandon’s Blog discussed the issues.



This bankruptcy blogspot dealt with filing for bankruptcy in Canada and the bankruptcy discharge process when mental health issues are involved.



This Brandon’s Blog was a discussion about and a warning against being seduced by ads from companies for poor credit personal loans guaranteed approval. We pointed out the pitfalls of the products being offered. We also showed how people with poor credit can go about settling their debts and improving their credit score.


Bankruptcy blog review: Conclusion


These are my 7 top viewed Brandon’s Blogs in 2018. Four are about personal debt issues or personal bankruptcy blog items and three are about corporate insolvency issues. Three are about a review of a then-recent court case.

I hope that the year 2019 will be a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year for you and your families.

Have you taken on too much debt in 2018 or the years before? Is the pain and stress of too much debt now negatively affecting your health?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer a free consultation to help you solve your problems. We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also eliminate it right away from your life. This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free life.bankruptcy blog review


Brandon Blog Post


gm canada headquarters oshawa


GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Introduction

Execs with General Motors advised on November 26, 2018, that GM Canada headquarters Oshawa and the General Motors Oshawa Assembly Plant are closing down by the end of 2019. No trucks or cars are assigned to the plant for production past December 2019. This will affect about 2,800 people who will be unemployed; 2,500 union employees as well as 300 salaried employees.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the issue, review what each affected GM employee should have done all along, and the top 5 things they need to do right now.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: What everyone should have done

I constantly suggest to everyone that they always do two things about their income and expenses:

  1. Save a part of your earnings to that you have a reserve of 3 to 6 months of living costs. Work loss or an unanticipated expenditure can place you in a financially risky area if you’re not prepared.
  2. Create a realistic budget that details your income, variable and fixed expenses that are your true necessities. Your savings emergency fund also has to be accounted for. Only if you then have money left over each month, should you even start to think about your expenditures that are really wanting, not needs?

I always advise this to anyone looking for financial tips. In my September 2017 blog, DEBT ELIMINATION: ARE YOU SABOTAGING YOUR WEALTH BY SAVING AND REDUCING DEBT?, I include a discussion of both of these recommendations. Back in 2013, I wrote about the scary statistic on Canadians living paycheque to paycheque in my blog ARE YOU LIVING PAYCHEQUE TO PAYCHEQUE?.

Over the years I have written several articles about the looming dangers of Canadians not having a savings emergency fund while their debt is rising and income is relatively stagnant. I always have written about the need to have an emergency fund if you are faced with an unplanned nasty surprise that you could not have controlled or anticipated. The examples I always give are unexpected expenditures such as from a medical emergency, or loss of income due to job loss. Well, the GM Canada workers are there now. Unless there is a magical reversal of policy, the GM Oshawa plant closing is happening.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Just lost my job – what’s next?

It’s a tough situation. I can’t just leave off this blog having said what all working Canadians should have done. Job loss is a major stress not only for the individual but for the entire family. You start stressing over exactly how are you going to make the next rent or home mortgage payment and the car payment. Exactly how are you most likely to maintain food on the table and the lights on? These are all regular concerns.

So, below are my leading 5 points the GM employees ought to do both previously as well as after they quit working at GM offered the news of the Oshawa GM plant closing.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: The top 5 things to do

  1. Collect yourself for a few days. Don’t make any rash decisions. For the next two to three days, just don’t do anything. Your emotions are high. You’re probably talking under your breath thinking about how your revenge will be swift and just and cold as the blackest winter’s night. People don’t make rational, mathematics-based decisions when that type of emotion is involved. Take a walk around a park. Catch up on your favourite shows. Spend some time with the family.
  2. After things have settled down, now it is time to form a plan before you are actually laid off. If you are a union worker, the union will have resources available for both counselling and to advise of what arrangements GM is making for workers about notice periods and other financial issues relating to being laid off. If you are on salary, presumably GM will make a third party resource available for you to provide this information. Otherwise, the GM HR department will take care of it. So what are some of the elements of a plan?
  3. Once you are laid off, consider filing for employment Insurance benefits. Right now you might be thinking that such a government subsidy is for losers. I have skills, diplomas, degrees, experience – I am not a loser. I am not going to stand in line for a government handout. But, what have you been paying into the employment insurance fund all these years for? Exactly this situation. You earned the right to get paid something back from this fund. This is literally what this is for. With all the government paperwork and red tape, it could take a while for the first cheque to get to you. In the meantime, your car still requires gas and your body still requires food. You will be laying out money, or going into credit card debt. You need to know that there is at least some money soon to come. If you have already started making phone calls to try to line something up for the next phase of your working life, it may take longer than you think. At least know that you have taken a positive step to start bringing in some money while you are searching for that next work opportunity. You may be getting working notice instead of a severance package. You may need the employment insurance payments to live on, especially if there isn’t a cheque beyond your normal pay when you leave GM.
  4. Get professional advice on rolling over your pension entitlement to your RRSP. If you are a member of a GM pension plan and assuming you are not entitled to receive benefits immediately, you will have some choices to make. You certainly aren’t going to leave the money with the existing pension fund manager once you are laid off. You want to make sure that the transfer is done properly. Properly is both from an income tax perspective as well as what is the right investment vehicle for you given your age and future work expectations. If you are a union member, I am sure your union rep will be provided with information to provide to you on the best way to do the transfer. For a salaried worker, the GM HR department should be helpful at least about what your rollover choices are.
  5. Create a realistic household budget. There are many benefits to having a proper budget. A spending plan offers you control over your life. It forces you to check your new family income level and make decisions about how you will spend that income. Budgeting will certainly permit you to fulfill your financial goals — paying your expenses while also focussing on savings for your retirement. It might be tough in the beginning on a reduced income. However, a realistic budget will let you control the lower income properly until you are back on your feet. Once you are earning what you should be in a new position, then the budget can be reworked. You will now be able to spend some money on things your family needs that you had to stop buying.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Don’t wait until you are laid off

By now, hopefully, you realize that you should not wait until you are laid off to do proper basic financial planning. The time to have a proper household budget, keeping an emergency savings fund of 6 to 12 months in case of an unexpected life event and save for retirement, is not when you are let go. The time to start doing it is right at the beginning.

The Oshawa GM plant closing 2018 announcement made me think about in a perfect world, how each about to be laid off person should have planned for a day like this. I realize that probably very few did. However, how much better do you think the GM employee who has a 12-month emergency fund saved up feels compared to all those who don’t? The GM announcement inspired me to write this blog.

I hope that this blog gets you to think about your situation and perhaps fine-tune a few things. The best time to do it is when there isn’t an emergency.

GM Canada headquarters Oshawa: Do you have too much debt?

Do you have too much debt? Do you not have any money to fall back on if you were laid off from your work?

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (previously called bankruptcy trustees) are the only professionals recognized, accredited and accountable to the federal government and the Court to manage debt restructuring cases in Canada. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our individualized approach will certainly help you recognize all your options. The choice you select based upon our suggestions will remove the stress, anxiety and pain you are feeling as a result of your debt troubles. We know your pain, and we know we can end that pain for you.

The Ira Smith Team has years and generations of experience helping people and companies in financial difficulty. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt negotiation strategy, a bigger individual or business restructuring proposal debt negotiation strategy, or as a last resource, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our technique for every case is to produce an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now occurs. This begins the minute you come through our front door. You’re just one telephone call from taking the essential actions to return to leading a healthy and balanced, problem-free life. Call us today for your totally free appointment.

Brandon Blog Post


ontario pension plan

We are trying something new. At the bottom is an audiogram of this Ontario pension plan Brandon’s blog. If you would prefer to listen to it, and not read it, scroll down to the bottom and press on the play button. Let us know what you think by sending us a message in the Question box below.

Ontario pension plan: Algoma Steel

Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford is promising his help for Ontario steelworkers as well as their Ontario pension plan following the United States’ federal government’s 25 percent tariff on Canadian steel.

In news recently to Algoma Steel Inc. staff members in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Ford claimed the provincial government would assist in passing revisions under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.8, along with insurance coverage from the Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund, subject to particular conditions.

Premier Ford didn’t provide any additional information on what specifically the help might be. However, he stated that negotiations are happening and extra info about just how Ontario is sustaining Algoma will certainly be introduced as quickly as possible.

Ontario pension plan: United Steelworkers

At the same time, the United Steelworkers union is prompting the federal government to enact regulations that would safeguard pension plans as well as benefits in situations of company bankruptcy, reorganization or liquidation. Union participants will be meeting legislators to check regulations focused on changing the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (CCAA) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA).

Ontario pension plan: Proposed federal legislation to date

We previously described the efforts of Scott Duvall, MP for Hamilton MountainA, , MP for Manicouagan and Senator Art Eggleton:

Ontario pension plan: Canadian Association of Retired Persons

The Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) is calling out the federal government, claiming it’s unreasonable that Sears Canada could pay out millions of dollars in shareholder dividends, a large part of which went to the US. At the same time, the pension plans of Sears Holding Corp.’s American staff members will be safeguarded by the U.S.’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. while Canadian workers will certainly see benefits cuts.

“It’s time for the government to take decisive action to protect Canadian pensioners,” said Wanda Morris, chief advocacy and engagement officer at the CARP, in a press release.

Ontario pension plan: Private member’s Bill C-405

On October 17, 2018, Bill C-405 was presented by Conservative Erin O’Toole, MP for Durham. It is called “An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act”.

The proposal is to change the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (R.S.C., 1985, c. 32 (2nd Supp.)), setting out what ought to take place if a business is under liquidation with the CCAA or Part III of the BIA.

His proposed changes lay out what should happen if a company is under liquidation through the CCAA or BIA. It proposes to allow, pending the permission of participants and beneficiaries, to transform the framework of the plan and/or move the pension’s assets to one more plans.

Granted this would probably be a necessary part of any global overhaul of pension plans. However, it is important to realize that it doesn’t do anything to safeguard the pensions or give the plan members and beneficiaries greater priority.

Ontario pension plan: Has a life event thrown you a curveball

Life has a way of throwing curve balls sometimes to good people. In the event of:

  • Illness;
  • addiction;
  • divorce;
  • family death; or
  • job loss

unbearable financial pressures can occur.

The Ira Smith Team has generations and decades of experience in dealing with people or their companies fighting the pain, stress and suffering that comes with financial problems and too much debt.

Our method for each person is to develop an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now occurs. This begins the minute you come through our door. You’re just one call far from taking the essential actions to return to leading a healthy and balanced life, moving forward pain-free.

Call us today for your cost-free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post


Canada banking info collection: Introduction

On October 29, 2018, the Hon. Candice Bergen (Portage– Lisgar, CPC), stood in Parliament during Question Period. She talked to troubling reports this previous weekend that Statistics Canada was taking part in Canada banking info collection without the consent of the people whose info was being asked for.

Statistics Canada notified financial institutions, charge card businesses as well as credit reporting companies that it anticipates them to turn over individual financial information of a minimum of half a million Canadians without their consent or authorization. Financial institutions will not be able to tell their customers about the government demand for their financial transactions.

The noticeable issue is, that with the lengthy history of federal government personal privacy violations, Canadians are appropriately stressed over both the collection as well as the security of their individual economic deals. Ms. Bergen needed to know why the Liberals are accumulating the individual information of Canada without telling them.

Canada banking info collection: PM Justin Trudeau reacts

Our PM reacted by stating that the federal government is ensuring that the individual information of Canadians is secured. Stats Canada will certainly make use of the anonymized information for analytical functions only. No details will be revealed.

He stated that he understands (which is a way of repeating rumours or hearsay, or worse, that he truly does not understand whatsoever) that Statistics Canada is proactively involved with the Privacy Commissioner’s office, to make sure Canadians’ financial details stays safeguarded and private. High-grade and prompt information is important to guaranteeing that federal government programs stay pertinent as well as efficient for Canadians.

Canada banking info collection: Ms. Bergen had not been pleased, and neither ought to we

Ms. Bergen responded that the Liberal federal government strategies to get access to the individual details of Canadians without their knowing about it or permission. This consists of details like payments, internet purchases, charge card purchases, cash withdrawals and e-transfers between members of a family.

She wants to know if the Prime Minister will do the right thing. Will he guarantee Canadians that this invasion into their lives will be stopped?

Canada banking info collection: PM Justin Trudeau reacts by attempting to fault the Conservatives

Our PM reacted by stating that Canadians appropriately expect that federal government agencies like Statistics Canada will collaborate with the Privacy Commissioner. He said that Stats Canada will make certain that Canadians’ exclusive lives are shielded. Good words up until we hear that CRA obtained accessibility to the info, or even worse, cyberpunks!

Then for the good part. PM Trudeau said to the House of Commons and all Canadians that it was the Conservative federal government that selected to end the long-form census as a method of protecting an individuals’ exclusive info. So our PM is saying that in some way our private financial transactions is a straight substitute for basic analytical demographics? I don’t think so.

PM Justin Trudeau after that doubled down by stating that the Conservatives’ assaults on information and privacy continue.

Canada banking info collection: Mr. Alain Rayes (Richmond– Arthabaska, CPC)

Mr. Alain Rayes also participated. He repeated that Canadians expect the federal government to secure their private details, yet the Liberals wish to gain access to private information on 500,000 Canadians without their approval. They intend to consider loan repayments, ATM withdrawals, credit card transactions, financial institution money transfers and social insurance numbers.

Exactly how can the Prime Minister warrant these activities, which are plainly an offence of Canadians’ personal privacy?

Canada banking info collection: Blah, blah, blah.

Prime Minister Trudeau responded with more of the same. He said again the government will constantly make sure (a warranty?) that the individual information of Canadians is safeguarded. He said that Stats Canada will make use of the anonymized information only for analytical goals. No details will be revealed (does analytical purposes only include analysis by Canada Revenue Agency?).

He repeated that Statistics Canada is proactively involved with the Privacy Commissioner’s workplace on this task and is dealing with it to make certain Canadians’ info continues to be secured and private.

My personal view is that the primary federal government program that would certainly most take advantage of understanding my private financial information is the income tax collection system in Canada!

Canada banking info collection: The law

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (S.C. 2000, c. 5) (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy legislation, was specifically amended on the issue of privacy. Schedule I of Section 5 of PIPEDA states that:

“4.3 Principle 3 – Consent
The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate.” (emphasis added).

What is one of the exceptions?

4.3 Principle 3 – Consent
“Note: In certain circumstances personal information can be collected, used, or disclosed without the knowledge and consent of the individual. For example, legal, medical, or security reasons may make it impossible or impractical to seek consent. When information is being collected for the detection and prevention of fraud or for law enforcement, seeking the consent of the individual might defeat the purpose of collecting the information.”

So, looking at the exceptions, this only bolsters my hunch. I am convinced this is not only to evaluate the viability and effectiveness of existing social programs. Rather, it will be used to evaluate and amend the effectiveness of tax investigation programs. This will provide direct new information to the Canada Revenue Agency to bolster current and start new investigations. That is why the information is being collected without Canadians’ consent to invade their privacy.

Canada banking info collection: May I have this dance?

Justin Trudeau just kept dancing and blaming Conservatives. This new invasion of privacy really doesn’t have anything to do directly with insolvency. However, if I am correct in my guess, and the information is going to be used by CRA, then it may well.

People may very well have engaged in tax evasion. I, of course, do not condone it. Criminal charges aside, Canadians who evade taxes and get caught will now have a huge income tax bill to pay. Many won’t be able to.

There will be many high tax debtors who will not be able to afford a voluntary payment with CRA. Such a voluntary payment plan will need you to pay your original income tax debt. You will not get any reduction in all penalties and interest. So you will be paying in full to Her Majesty. For those who will not be able to afford such a voluntary payment plan, bankruptcy is definitely not your first option. You would have to look at a debt settlement restructuring proposal as a first choice. Bankruptcy should be your last option.

Canada banking info collection: What about you?

If you have received legal advice that you don’t really have a case, or you can’t afford to fight it out in Court or pay the income tax debt that renders you insolvent, then you need the help of a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has years of experience of negotiating with CRA on behalf of tax debtors. If you are an individual person and owe CRA and your other creditors, other than for any loans secured by your home, less than $250,000, you can enter into a consumer proposal debt settlement plan. If you owe more or are a corporation, we can still negotiate with CRA and restructure you with a restructuring proposal debt settlement plan.

Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, recover your money and move on to the next investment opportunity.

In conclusion, call us today for your free consultation.canada banking info collection ira smith trustee

Brandon Blog Post


angus reid

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Introduction

As a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto (now called a licensed insolvency trustee), I took great interest in reading a recent poverty line Canada study. A new research project whose results were announced in July 2018, studied poverty in Canada. It finds higher than 25% of respondents feel they have stress over financial matters. Not just a part-time stress; it is a full time feeling. Instead of just analyzing income levels, the survey considers the daily realities of making ends meet and how that can take a toll on people.

Many are unable to spend on simple things like going to the movie theatre, but also on more serious needs, like warm clothes for winter time and dental care. Some are late paying bills or cannot pay them at all and many say they can’t afford better quality food at the grocery store.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: People are struggling

Researchers also found of the people who struggle most, 20% make well above what’s considered low income. However, the study finds that doesn’t always go far particularly in major urban cities. You can be making what many would consider middle-class earnings and still feel stressed. The survey showed many feel on the edge with their ability to have a life with some level of comfort or relaxation.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: 4 major groups

This ARI research identified four groups:

  1. the struggling (16%);
  2. on the edge (11%);
  3. recently comfortable (36%); and
  4. always comfortable (37%).

As expected from these labels, the struggling is dealing with economic difficulties that are adversely influencing their lifestyle. Those on the edge are a stone’s throw behind them.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: The study’s other main findings

The study’s other main findings are:

  • nearly a third (31%) really feel extremely worried about money regularly– either usually or constantly;
  • about half (52%) think hardship has actually been rising;
  • almost ten percent (9%) feel that financial hardship has been decreasing;
  • thirty percent (30%) are downhearted concerning their individual finances over the near future;
  • more think their youngsters’ finances will be worse (43%) compared to those who think their children will be financially better (32%);
  • all 4 state financial anxiety exists, yet there is more for both lower groups; and
  • the anxiety felt by the always comfortable group is a fret about future troubles as opposed to their present life.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Canada Without Poverty

Canada Without Poverty charitable organization states that roughly 5 million Canadians, or 1 in 7, live in poverty. However, the ARI study shows that the participants in the study estimate that about one third live in poverty. As you can see, their views were shaped by their own feelings of money anxiety.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Are you are “on the edge”?

Do you feel you are in the “on the edge” or the “recently comfortable” groups? Are you always feeling financially stressed? Are you worried that you may not be able to absorb an unexpected expense of $1,000 or more? If so, why not get a free financial checkup?

Seek professional help immediately. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full-service practice serving people just like you and companies throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

We know your pain and the stress you feel because of your finances. Our Firm has helped many others restructure their debt and return to a financially healthy life. Give us a call today. We can give you peace of mind and set you on a path to debt free living. We are a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto.

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Brandon Blog Post


Debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada: Introduction

This debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada Brandon’s Blog is to tell you a story how a once very rich person can run into debt troubles. If you want specific information about the difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal, read our blog “DEBT SETTLEMENT OR CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: NEW CANADIAN GOVERNMENT REPORT EXPOSES DEBT SETTLEMENT COMPANIES HARMING CONSUMERS” published May 3, 2017. You may also wish to read our blog “FAMOUS CELEBRITY BANKRUPTCIES HAPPEN TOO”. Katie Price certainly fits into that crowd.

To find out more about how a consumer proposal works, you can also use the search function in our Brandon’s Blog site for any of the following phrases:

  • is consumer proposal worth it
  • consumer proposals faq
  • disadvantages of consumer proposal
  • consumer proposal vs credit counselling
  • how much does a consumer proposal cost
  • consumer proposal pros and cons
  • what happens after a consumer proposal

This will bring up more of our blogs on this topic.

Debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada: The Katie Price Story

English former beauty model, reality TV star, and businesswoman, Katie Price, was a self-made success that had scooped ₤45 million after years of brilliant business transactions and plain old hard work. Unfortunately, the former glamour model will not have the ability to delight in the fruits of her work. It is said Katie is on the brink of bankruptcy having spent all her fortune.

Debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada: Working for a pair of “knickers”

Things seem to be so bad the for the reality TV star mom. She once was paid for a social media post with one pair of slacks. Her ₤2 million Sussex estate has fallen under a state of disrepair. The swimming pool is dirty, yards are thick with growth and the tennis courts are abandoned. Katie, 40, has additionally begun marketing her horses and llamas. The ₤77,000 Audi she purchased for separated hubby Kieran Hayler for his 30th birthday celebration is also for sale.

The modelling jobs have dried up and last month she even admitted staging lewd images in Thailand with toyboy Kris Boyson. She was spotted mowing her own lawn amid claims she’s started laying off staff to stay in the black.

Debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada: How Katie Price spent her money

Taking to Instagram, she also admitted the bailiffs had visited her house to demand £3,000 for an electricity bill. But what has the mother-of-five spent all her money on? On top of that, she’s said to have spent £120,000 on housekeepers, gardeners, and nannies – one of whom Kieran claimed to have had a year-long affair with.

Katie Price was also visited by bailiffs demanding the £3,000 she failed to pay an electrician. Her monthly heating bill apparently comes to £2,000 because she keeps it on 24-7, and her other monthly outgoings include £1,500 for twice-weekly manicures and pedicures, £1,000 on getting her hair done, £800 on massages every other day, £800 on a makeup artist, £400.

And that’s not to mention the apparent £60,000 a year she’s forking out on farm machinery such as a tractor and milking machine. She also spends on a £25,000 annual cosmetic budget.

Last Christmas she confessed ₤2,000 spent on decorations. She feared it may be her terminally ill mother Amy’s last one.

Debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada: How Katie Price is now earning money

And while back then she generated millions from her scents, publications, reality TV show as well as x-rated shoots, nowadays her only source of work seems to be her program, My Crazy Life Now. She is determined to make back some money. Katie claimed to be intending to revive her beauty version alter ego Jordan. She also plans a release of a variety of sex playthings.

One source was quoted as saying “Katie told me when all else fails sex sells”. “It’s the way she’s taking things – she’s bringing back Jordan to fix her finances. She said that it was a no-brainer to go back to her old image.”

Debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada: Are you in need of debt settlement?

If you’re thinking about debt settlement or a consumer proposal or are looking for ways to end your financial debt call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We understand the stress and pain your financial problems are causing you. We feel your pain and we can end it for you.

Our strategy for every single person is to develop a result we’re Starting Over, Starting Now comes true, starting the minute you walk through our door. You’re just one call away from taking the necessary actions to get you your debt settlement and back on the road to leading a healthy and stress-free life.debt settlement vs consumer proposal canada

Brandon Blog Post


Rebuilding credit Canada: Introduction

After fully completing a consumer proposal or receiving a discharge from bankruptcy, it is important to start immediately rebuilding credit Canada. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to provide you with our foolproof and painless 3 step plan to eliminate those negative credit checks and fix your credit trouble by rebuilding credit Canada.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 1 – Create good habits with a plan for discipline and self-control

After your discharge from bankruptcy or the full completion of a consumer proposal, you must create good habits of discipline and self-control. You won’t have any credit accounts and your goal is to show the credit bureaus that you can use credit responsibly and work your way back from bad credit score.

To do that, you need good new financial habits. You need to start creating a good payment history. A lack of these habits might have been partly responsible for your current situation, so working on changing bad habits, and creating new ones will lay the groundwork for a successful financial future.

Research has shown that on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour becomes automatic – 66 days in fact. So, while at the beginning, having to be disciplined and exert self-control over spending money mistakes might seem like hard work, stick with it for a couple of months, and very soon it will just become part of your daily routine.

Learn discipline through budgeting. You may be able to find a pretty good yet simple budget calculator spreadsheet. Aside from rebuilding your credit, learning how to create a realistic budget by looking at your essential expenses compared to your current level of everyday purchases. This will allow you to get a good handle on what your income requirements are and then sticking to it is the most important step of rebuilding credit Canada after bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

You’ll be looking closely at your money and personal income anyway, so use this time to get a real grasp on your entire financial situation. Take a look at credit cards and related statements. By only making the minimum monthly payment you are being charged interest. Look carefully at what the rate on purchases is that you are really paying.

Understand where your money comes from, and, more importantly, where you spend every penny. You’re going to need to make friends with spreadsheets and familiarize yourself with all your bank and bill statements. Create categories of all your expenses (e.g. rent, electrical bills, car insurance, groceries etc.) Using your past bank statements, look at your current spending plan in each category. You’ll probably be surprised at how much money you spend in some!

Set limits for how much you will spend per month in each category. This will likely mean making some sacrifices to ensure your budget balances (the total amount being spent does not exceed the total amount coming in). However, be realistic – don’t tell yourself you’re going to stop doing things you enjoy together. Instead, cut down on how often you do them. E.g. the budget spending plan for a meal out could be once a month rather than a couple of times a week.

Get in the habit of planning and recording every single expense, no matter how small. Keep receipts and go over where your money has gone every month. Plan rewards for different milestones along the way. It’s important to have things to look forward to and motivate you along the way.

Budgeting takes discipline and sacrifice but stays focused on the goal. You’re doing this to ensure you don’t fall back into the same bad habits as before. You are going to have to change some things – and what better time than while you’re starting over? You’re already doing the work, now the trick is to make this disciplined.

Practice self-control in your spending (and saving!) The golden rule of spending? Learn to live within your means – it sounds simple, but it can very hard to do. However, those who live within their means do not get into trouble with debt, and that’s what you’re working towards for the future! You’ve created a budget, you know exactly what you can spend in each category, now you need to execute on that. By following your

While in bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, any excess money you earn is going to go to your debtors. That may make it seem impossible to save. However, saving money should always be in your plan.

As soon as you are discharged from bankruptcy or your consumer proposal, start saving money every month. Work a specific amount (we recommend 10%) into your budget so that you learn to live within that new budget spending plan. Setting up automatic payments and transfers into your savings account on payday will ensure your money goes where it needs to before you even have time to think about spending it.

So where should this money go? First, establish an emergency fund so that you can avoid facing bankruptcy again in the future. A good emergency fund should cover at least 3 months of living expenses. Once your emergency fund is built, continue to save by contributing to your RRSP or TFSA as much as you possibly can while still meeting your month-to-month expenses.

Forming good habits of discipline and self-control is key to your permanent financial rehabilitation. Once you do so, you’ll find that building your credit will be relatively easy!

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 2 – Work to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal

It is true that a record of your insolvency filing will stay on credit reports. This is so for both a consumer proposal (3 years!) or a bankruptcy (7!). However, you can actually start rebuilding credit Canada right away.

There’s an old saying that goes “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” We recommend that you don’t wait 20 years, or even 3.

Here’s what you need to know to start building credit and improving your credit reports today:

Secured Credit Card – A secured credit card looks and functions just like a regular unsecured credit card, with your lender reporting to the credit bureaus on a regular basis. The only difference is that you put up an initial deposit as a security deposit in the form of cash. The minimum deposit or the maximum deposit you can afford to make acts as collateral upfront makes it a secured credit card. The amount of cash you put up as a deposit dictates your credit limits.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

This protects the lender from the possibility of you defaulting on what you owe because your security fund will be used to cover any outstanding amounts. When you use this type of card, as far as the vendor is concerned, it acts just like an unsecured credit card. Every month when you pay off the balance by making your payments on time, it is reported to the credit bureaus. Then each credit bureau can update their records showing you are paying it off on time. That is how it can rebuild credit Canada.

A Secured Line of Credit – Much like a secured card, a secured line of credit is a revolving credit that is secured by the money or other security, you offer up in the beginning. As you use your line of credit and you make your payments on time, you will establish a picture of good money reminders habits which will both boost your credit score. These lines of credit are available through most banks. Again, creditworthiness and collateral, if required, set the credit limits.

Create Your Own Credit Building ProgramsCredit building programs are one of the most effective methods for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal. Programs like borrowing a small amount to invest in your RRSP. Then repay the loan in full before the next RRSP year.

This is beneficial in 3 ways: You don’t have to come up with the funds, you are investing in your future and by repaying the loan, you are showing you can handle credit properly which improves your credit score. This should also be combined with a secured card or line of credit, do double up on your credit score building program. Paying your bills on time also improves your credit score.

You want to follow your budget carefully. Avoiding late payments, making the full payment each month on your monthly credit card balance, not just the minimum payment, and don’t have a missed utility payment. Having timely payments and no late payments on your Canadian credit history, will take a poor credit score and start improving your credit rating by creating a new positive credit history.

An improved credit rating and improving credit reports will overturn the negative effects of your bad credit history, get your credit score ranges to improve, get you the credit score increase you deserve and catch the attention of the credit card company and improve your chances of access to credit products.

These new types of credit becoming available to you, and perhaps even existing credit card issuers giving you a credit limit increase, all go towards your rebuilding credit Canada. But you still need to stick to your spending plan. Just because you are getting access to credit again, does not mean you can abandon your proper budgeting. You don’t want to go back to the old habits that produced the poor credit history.

Whatever kind of credit loans you are looking to take out to help rebuild your credit, make sure you understand things properly. Read the credit applications carefully to see what you are really signing up for. If approved, read the credit agreement carefully so you will fully understand all the terms of the rebuilding credit Canada loan product.

As your credit reports improve, you will find new companies offering you new credit accounts and credit card providers either increasing your credit card limit or sending you applications for new credit cards lines. Again a word of caution. Don’t get carried away with all sort of credit products in your daily life. Keep it simple and stick to your budget. You really may only need one regular credit card from amongst the wide range of Canadian credit cards becoming available to you.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 3 – Maintain your spending plan good habits for the rest of your life

Rebuilding credit Canada is not a one-time event. Think of rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy like losing weight. In the beginning, dragging yourself to the gym and making kale smoothies is hard work. However, as you start to see the weight drop, it becomes easier and easier.

What happens when you reach your goal weight? Do you stop going to the gym and start eating pizza for breakfast? No! You just carry on as you are now – because it’s become a habit, and if you slip back into old habits, you’re quickly going to see all of your hard work come undone.

Regularly checking your full credit reports from both credit reporting agencies will help you see how your good habits are paying off. Kinda like weighing yourself to make sure you’re still where you want to be. If you start seeing negative results, take stock of what’s happening in your life that could be causing it and make changes to quickly get back on track. You want to keep seeing improvement in your credit reports.

Ultimately, whether you’re declaring bankruptcy or entering into a consumer proposal, it will be emotionally difficult. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. Many people don’t realize that you can start building credit while going through both a bankruptcy or consumer proposal so that at the time of discharge, you’re already a few steps ahead. Follow these steps and you’ll find that rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy isn’t that difficult.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Do you know anyone who needs to get back on the road to financial recovery?

If you have too much debt, are unhappy with your debt situation and need someone to talk to about how a consumer proposal or even personal bankruptcy can fix your credit issues and improve your financial life, call the Ira Smith Team. We are professional credit counsellors and can help you learn good spending habits. Through consumer proposal payment arrangements you can make steady payments on prescribed payment dates. This will allow you to avoid bankruptcy by paying only a fraction of your total debt yet eliminate all of your debt. It will also get you credit repair.

We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a no-cost initial consultation. We will look at your debt utilization and make recommendations to you on how to fix it. So why not? All you have to lose is your stress while rebuilding credit Canada. Why not fix things now so that your credit checks improve.

We will advise you whether or not we think you are a candidate for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel you can solve your financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell you straight. The Ira Smith Team understands the stress you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones.

We can eliminate your pain. I guarantee that you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now

rebuilding credit canada

Brandon Blog Post


8baby boomers in canada

Baby Boomers in Canada: Introduction

Baby Boomers in Canada are not retiring like the generations before them. As we discussed in a recent blog, there are many good reasons to keep working beyond age 65. Although Baby Boomers are the generation that has already reached aged retirement age or are fast approaching it (Baby Boomers are born from 1946 – 1965), many of them are not financially able to retire.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Franklin Templeton Investments Canada study

According to a study conducted for Franklin Templeton Investments Canada:

Baby Boomers in Canada: Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

There is good news for Baby Boomers relying on government pensions. According to the Government of Canada, up until 2019, the CPP retirement pension replaces one-quarter of your average work earnings. This average is based on your work earnings, up to a maximum earnings limit each year. Other sources of income—such as the Old Age Security program, workplace pensions, and private savings—make up the rest of your retirement income.

Beginning in 2019, the CPP will begin to grow to replace one-third of your average work earnings. The maximum limit used to determine your average work earnings will also gradually increase by 14% by 2025.

As a result, pension amounts will increase by more than 33%. Your pension will increase based on how much and for how long you contribute to the enhanced CPP. You will get the full increase if you contribute to the enhanced CPP for 40 years.

The enhancement also applies to the CPP post-retirement benefit. If you are receiving the CPP (or QPP) retirement pension and you continue to work and make CPP contributions in 2019 or later, your post-retirement benefits will be larger.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Many just want to work

In addition to the financial benefits, many Canadians prefer to keep working beyond the retirement age. Work provides a sense of accomplishment, a social environment, keeps the mind sharp and the body active.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Are you a Baby Boomer who’s still paying off debt?

However, if you’re one of the Baby Boomers who’s still deep in debt, you need professional help now. Although your situation may feel hopeless, there are solutions to every problem with immediate action and the right plan.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many people just like you throughout the GTA. We can help you get back on your feet and give you back peace of mind. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can put your struggles behind you.

Brandon Blog Post


Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: Introduction

We always perform an initial free consultation with people thinking about filing either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. People ask me, what if I can’t create a list of all my creditors?

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: A refresher

If you are a regular reader of my Brandon’s Blog, then you know the difference between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy. For those of you who need a brief refresher, both the consumer proposal and bankruptcy are different processes under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). To file either one, the person must be insolvent. That means that they cannot meet their liabilities as they become due and if they liquidated all their assets, it would not produce enough cash to pay of all the debts.

Consumer proposal – This is a restructuring process to avoid bankruptcy for any person who owes $250,000 or less, not including any mortgage or line of credit debts secured by a mortgage registered against their home. The purpose of a consumer proposal is to AVOID bankruptcy.

Division I proposal – This is a restructuring process for people who owe too much money to fit under the consumer proposal rules. A company can also reorganize under this section of the BIA.

Bankruptcy – If a person cannot successfully carry out a restructuring proposal but requires relief from their crushing debts, then they would file for bankruptcy. In this process, subject to certain provincial exemptions, you would hand over your assets to the licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee). The Trustee would then sell the assets for cash, call for your creditors to file a proof of claim with the Trustee and then distribute the money according to the rules of the BIA.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: A common question

Regardless of whether the person is thinking about a consumer proposal, Division I proposal or bankruptcy, a common question is: (i) what if I don’t know who all my creditors are; or (ii) what if I leave off some creditors from my sworn statement of affairs; or (iii) do I have to list all of my creditors?

Some of our clients come to us, tell us that they don’t even know who their creditors are. Sometimes it’s been such a long time that they don’t even receive the bills or notices anymore and their memories aren’t good enough. So here is an easy hack so that you can put together a list of most, if not all, of your creditors.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: The easy hack

We will add CRA to your statement of affairs. If you don’t know how much you owe them, we will put them in showing either “$1” or “Unknown” as a placeholder

Every person must file an income tax return. Most people know whether they are current or not in their tax filings. So Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) should always be listed.

CRA cannot file an accurate proof of claim if you have not been current in your income tax filings. So we tell everyone to file all outstanding tax returns and provide us with a copy before filing either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy.

Pull your credit report

You may obtain your credit report from either Equifax or TransUnion. Your credit report will list all those who you owe money to and who wanted to update their files with your new credit score. We will add those creditors to your statement of affairs also.

Check your mail and save the bills

No doubt your creditors will keep mailing your statements. Even if all it says is balance forward unpaid, or is from a collection agency or lawyer, it will list their address, their name and the amount they say you owe. We will put that information on your statement of affairs.

Your lawyer can easily do an execution search. This search will show who holds a judgement against you and some basic details. We will add those details to your statement of affairs.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: The test is due diligence, not perfection

The test is, did you use your best efforts to identify all of your creditors on your sworn statement of affairs. It is very rare that any of our clients know exactly how much they owe. It is normal for the amounts according to the sworn statement of affairs to be different from the proofs of claim filed. That is OK.

Sophisticated large creditors pay the Superintendent of Bankruptcy to get a download of insolvency filings on a regular basis. They match the names of those who have filed against their client database. If a client shows up that they did not have listed as having filed, they contact the Trustee. Once they contact us, we send them a creditor’s package. They will then be able to further check their records and if owed money, can file a proof of claim.

We had a client who said they mistakenly left off a few creditors in their proposal filing. Those creditors found out. All those creditors had judgements against the person who filed the restructuring proposal. These creditors were very mad at being left off the list, although they did not suffer any damages.

It made it much tougher for the person and us to get a deal struck with all the creditors. At the end of the day, a deal was struck and the person is currently performing and is currently making their payments under the restructuring proposal. The anger of these creditors rubbed off on creditors who would have otherwise been happy with a lesser proposal. So in the end, leaving these creditors off the initial sworn statement of affairs just cost them more money!

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: Corporate filings

In terms of a corporation filing either a restructuring proposal or bankruptcy, we normally don’t incur the same issues. A company will have an accounting department and/or an accounting system. They will be able to produce a list of creditors. The amounts shown may not be current, but the list of names and addresses will be reasonably accurate.

However, the easy hack I described above also works for a company.

Consumer proposal or bankruptcy: More free stuff

I hope that you have found my free easy hack useful to answer the question of how to create a list of all my creditors. You can use it if you wish to do proper budgeting, which everyone should do. You don’t have to wait until you are insolvent!! With proper budgeting, you can avoid insolvency and therefore bankruptcy.

If you have too much debt and need someone to talk to about consumer proposal vs bankruptcy, call the Ira Smith Team. We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a free initial consultation. So why not? All you have to lose is your stress. We will advise you whether or not we think you are a candidate for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel you can solve your financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell you straight.

The Ira Smith Team understands the stress you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones. We can eliminate your pain. I guarantee that you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now.

consumer proposal or bankruptcy


Brandon Blog Post


trade and developmentTrade and development: Introduction

We live in a time of interesting politics when it comes to trade and development. Unfortunately, due to the trade war between the U.S. and Canada, many products are now considerably more expensive. Since household debt is at record highs and many Canadians are already living paycheque to paycheque, the price hikes on popular products can cause a significant impact on your finances. The best way to keep your spending in check is to show your patriotism and buy Canadian.

Trade and development: The Canadian list

According to the Retail Council of Canada, this is a list of popular products that will cost you more if not sourced locally or from a country other than the U.S.:

  • Yogurt
  • Roasted coffee – not decaffeinated
  • Maple sugar and maple syrup
  • Licorice candy and toffee
  • Sugar confectionery
  • Chocolate in blocks, slabs or bars
  • Pizza and quiche
  • Cucumbers and gherkins
  • Strawberry jam
  • Orange juice, not frozen
  • Soya sauce
  • Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces
  • Mayonnaise and salad dressing
  • Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings
  • Soups and broths
  • Waters, including mineral aerated waters containing added sugar or flavour
  • Whiskies
  • Manicure or pedicure preparations
  • Hair lacquers
  • Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations
  • Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms
  • Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin
  • Automatic dishwasher detergents
  • Candles
  • Plastic sacks and bags
  • Tableware and kitchenware
  • Plywood, consisting solely of sheets of wood other than bamboo
  • Paper and paperboard
  • Toilet paper
  • Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels
  • Tablecloths and serviettes
  • Printed or illustrated postcards
  • Printed greeting cards, with or without envelopes
  • Cast iron grills
  • Combined refrigerator-freezers
  • Dishwashing machines
  • Lawnmowers
  • Inflatable boats
  • Sailboats
  • Motorboats
  • Mattresses
  • Sleeping bags
  • Pillows, cushions and similar furnishings of cotton
  • Playing cards
  • Ballpoint pens
  • Felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers

Trade and development: Be a nationalist and save money

Many of these products are manufactured in Canada so perhaps this is a good opportunity to make mindful purchases, whether or not there is a trade war on. E.g. Quebec produces 72% of the world’s maple syrup, so why would we ever buy it from the States? President’s Choice has an extensive list of products that are manufactured in Canada. As a nation, we have a long tradition of making Whiskey, so if that’s your pleasure, try a Canadian brand. With a little research, you could become quite the expert in buying Canadian and save a lot of money in the process.

Trade and development: What to do if you have too much debt

If the spike in prices because of the tariffs could put a strain on you financially, then the time for professional help is now. Unfortunately, we can’t remove the tariffs, but can help you deal with debt. At Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. we believe that financial problems can be solved with immediate action and the right financial plan. You can put your financial problems behind you and live a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

Call a Trustee Now!