Brandon Blog Post


Declaring bankruptcy: Business insolvency

When the corporate finances are such that the business has an insufficient cash flow to cover its operating expenses and pay its debts when they come due, these financial difficulties create the financial condition of insolvency for the business. Another indicator of insolvency often exists at the same time: if you were to sell all of the company’s assets, you would not be able to raise enough money to pay off its outstanding debt.

Medcap Real Estate Holdings Inc. (Medcap) is an Ontario corporation that owns certain commercial real estate. Medcap’s principal, through other companies which he owns or controls, operates various fitness facilities.

Several creditors made a bankruptcy application to the Court to wind up Medcap’s business through a corporate bankruptcy. In December 2021, the Judge released his decision to issue a bankruptcy order and place the company in the legal position of bankruptcy. Medcap appealed the decision to the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the two ways there are for declaring bankruptcy and highlight the reasoning of the Court of Appeal for Ontario in dismissing this company’s appeal for its corporate bankruptcy.

Declaring bankruptcy: An overview of corporate bankruptcy

In Canada, a company is a separate legal entity from its shareholders or Directors and Officers. So a company can go into corporate bankruptcy, as opposed to a person entering personal bankruptcy, also known as consumer bankruptcy. There are two ways a company (or a person) can go bankrupt.

The first way is that a company (or person) files for bankruptcy by filing an assignment in bankruptcy with a licensed insolvency trustee. This is called a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy. The second way, which is what happened to Medcap, is that they are pushed into bankruptcy.

To push a limited company (person) into bankruptcy, one or more creditors, each owed at least $1,000, make a bankruptcy application to the court. The application will include a sworn affidavit from the people with knowledge of the situation providing evidence as to why the company (the person) is insolvent, what acts of bankruptcy the business (person) committed within 6 months preceding the date of the application and requesting that a bankruptcy order be made against the debtor.

Regardless of the types of bankruptcy proceedings that may be involved, these are the only two ways for companies with crippling debt to become bankrupt. It is either voluntary or an involuntary one.

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declaring bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy: Types of Corporate Bankruptcy

A company that ends up declaring bankruptcy may be doing so for a variety of reasons, all of which relate to significant financial losses. In Canada, there are two primary types of bankruptcy filings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

Once the company is insolvent and no longer viable, declaring bankruptcy in order to have liquidation of assets and end the business in that legal entity is the next step. In this situation, there may be certain business debts that are also a personal liability of the corporate Directors. Unremitted source deductions and HST and unpaid wages and vacation pay fall into this category.

Bankruptcy is a tricky topic. Many people tend to fear it, thinking of it as the end of the road. Given my description above of bankruptcy being for liquidating the company assets, that is understandable.

But what about the company that is insolvent but the business is very viable if the bad parts are cut out? In this kind of situation, filing under the BIA using the restructuring provisions of this federal statute, or for larger companies, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), is a legal way for the company to restructure its debts to get its finances back in order. In a successful restructuring, the good parts of the business are restructured and preserved, the company’s finances are right-sized and most if not all jobs are saved. This form of declaring bankruptcy is what is referred to in the media as bankruptcy protection.

So in Canada, declaring bankruptcy is one type, but declaring bankruptcy protection is also possible. That is why I suggest in Canada, there are 2 types of business-specific options in corporate bankruptcy filings.

Declaring bankruptcy: Does corporate bankruptcy affect personal assets?

The legal separation of personal and corporate assets is clear. However, a company declaring bankruptcy may have an impact on the personal assets of certain people. There are situations where personal assets may be at risk. If you are concerned about your personal assets, you should consult with a legal professional to assess your individual case.

Before making any business or investment decisions, is when you should get that professional advice. Once a corporate bankruptcy filing has been made, it will be too late to properly plan for that situation. Personal assets could be at risk if it is a bankruptcy liquidation and not a successful restructuring.

Examples of when personal assets may be at risk because of business bankruptcies include:

  • the entrepreneur who had to give a personal guarantee of certain corporate debt financial obligations to the company’s primary secured creditor lender and in a liquidation of the company’s assets, the lender suffers a shortfall;
  • there is not enough money left over from the liquidation after any trust claims and secured creditor claims to pay the outstanding wages and vacation pay so the Directors’ personal assets may be at risk;
  • the liquidation value of the assets is essentially zero so the Directors are called upon by Canada Revenue Agency to repay any unremitted employee source deductions or HST amounts;
  • in bankruptcy liquidation, there is generally nothing available to repay investors or shareholders so the money an individual investor or shareholder loses certainly affects their personal assets and personal property. The stock of companies that liquidated their assets after declaring bankruptcy is worthless; and
  • any creditors that are unincorporated, being either a proprietorship or partnership who lose some or all of the amounts owed to them as ordinary unsecured creditors clearly affect the personal assets of those business owners.

Declaring bankruptcy: The Medcap case

With this discussion of corporations declaring bankruptcy, there are some interesting points to be learned from the Medcap appeal case and the bankruptcy process. The application judge dismissed the bankruptcy applications of all but one of the applicants. He issued the bankruptcy order and appointed the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy or bankruptcy trustee) which began Medcap’s administration of bankruptcy.

The Medcap company appealed the bankruptcy order on only one ground; the judge who made the original order failed to exercise his discretion on whether or not to dismiss the application. Medcap did not appeal the application judge’s finding that the prerequisites to the making of a bankruptcy order – a debt owing to an applicant of at least $1,000 and the commission of an act of bankruptcy within six months of the commencement of the application – had been met!

The most interesting part of the Court of Appeal’s decision is the discussion of the two factors that a court could look at where a judge could exercise discretion to justify refusing an otherwise proven bankruptcy application.

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declaring bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy: Appealing a bankruptcy order

As mentioned previously, Medcap did not contest the judge’s conclusion that the creditor whose bankruptcy application was allowed had met the requirements under s. 43(1) of the BIA. This is that Medcap owed them a debt exceeding $1,000 and that Medcap committed an act of bankruptcy within 6 months before the filing of that bankruptcy application.

The application judge found that Medcap had failed to pay that creditor’s debt, for which a judgment was issued, despite demands. This is defined as an act of bankruptcy in s. 42(1)(j) of the BIA. In its appeal, the Medcap company argued that, even though the debt and the act of bankruptcy were proven, the application judge made a mistake by not using his discretionary power under s. 43(7) of the BIA to dismiss the application.

Medcap made three arguments to support its appeal: (i) that the trial judge erred in finding that Medcap was unable to pay its debts; (ii) that he erred in finding that the application was brought for an improper motive; and (iii) that he erred in finding that the bankruptcy order would serve no purpose.

Let’s see what the Court of Appeal for Ontario said about this.

Declaring bankruptcy: Unable to pay its debts

This is the first of the three bankruptcy issues that the Court of Appeal looked at. Medcap argued that the application judge dismissed the applications of all applicants but one because there was potential that they were not creditors. Medcap also stated that the application judge had not taken into account that Medcap had reached a settlement with the one creditor whose application was allowed to be heard. Medcap submitted that the application judge erred in not taking this into account as there was no debt owing because of the settlement and the payment of that settlement.

The appellate court found that the lower court judge did not err in rejecting Medcap’s argument. An application for bankruptcy is not solely for the benefit of the applicant creditor, but for the rights of creditors, ALL creditors. Further, the arrangements between the applicant creditor and the debtor will not be able to justify the withdrawal or dismissal of a bankruptcy application, unless the court is satisfied that the debtor is solvent and that other creditors will not be prejudiced by the withdrawal or dismissal.

To be able to pay debts as set out in the BIA, the evidence must be provided for all debts owed, as well as the debtor’s ability to pay them. In other words, the debtor must prove that they are solvent. Medcap did not provide such evidence. Therefore this ground of appeal was dismissed.

Declaring bankruptcy: Bankruptcy application for improper motives

Medcap argued that in cases where a creditor has an ulterior motive for filing a bankruptcy application, this can be sufficient cause for dismissal of the application. The Court of Appeal said that the existence of a motive is a question of fact, and the application judge considered and rejected the suggestion that there was such a motive in this case.

The Court of Appeal found that the application judge was within his rights to reject the argument based on the record. Therefore, the Court of Appeal for Ontario found no justification to interfere and dismissed the appeal on that ground.declaring bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy: There is no purpose for this bankruptcy

Medcap argued that the application judge erred in failing to find that no purpose would be served by bankruptcy. He ought to have dismissed the application on the basis that there was nothing to be gained by making a bankruptcy order.

The Court of Appeal emphasized that safeguarding creditors is crucial to insolvency proceedings. A debtor who has (a) committed an act of bankruptcy by not paying debts when they come due, and (b) failed to provide evidence to the court demonstrating the ability to do so, carries the burden of proving that bankruptcy would be pointless. The judge was correct in finding that Medcap had not met that burden.

The three-panel judge went on to say that, in order to demonstrate that there is no purpose for the Medcap bankruptcy, they would need to show that a better result would be achieved for creditors if it were allowed time to restructure under the commercial proposal provisions of the BIA or the provisions of the CCAA.

Medcap did not argue that doing either would have the requisite creditor support but rather suggested that leaving it up to them would be best.

The three appellate court judges hearing this case unanimously rejected Medcap’s appeal, upholding the lower court’s ruling and allowing the bankruptcy process legal proceedings to continue. At this point, the licensed trustee named in the bankruptcy order begins administering the bankruptcy legal process.

Declaring bankruptcy: The final word

What fascinated me most about this case was the nerve of Medcap to argue that the application judge should have declined to make the bankruptcy order, regardless of all the evidence against it.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario soundly rejected the appeal of the bankruptcy order being issued after analyzing the bankruptcy application process in Canada. It concluded that only a real possibility of a successful restructuring under either the BIA or CCAA to avoid bankruptcy liquidation would be a reason to do so.

I hope this Brandon’s Blog on the Medcap case was helpful to you in understanding more about declaring bankruptcy, corporate bankruptcy and how the Ontario court would decide if it was appropriate to issue a bankruptcy order. Hopefully, you have also gained insight into how a corporate bankruptcy decision is made and how a successful corporate bankruptcy protection filing and restructuring can be beneficial.

We understand how you feel. You’re stressed out and anxious because you can’t fix your or your company’s financial situation on your own. But don’t worry. As a government-licensed insolvency professional firm, we can help you get your personal or corporate finances back on track.

If you’re struggling with money problems, call the Ira Smith Team today. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan to get you back on track and stress-free, all while avoiding the bankruptcy process if at all possible.

Call us today and get back on the path to a healthy stress-free life.

declaring bankruptcy
declaring bankruptcy
Brandon Blog Post


licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy on why businesses go bankrupt

In my last Brandon Blog, Business Bankruptcy In Canada: Discover The Causes Of Business Insolvency And Bankruptcy, I described the causes of business insolvency, the types of business entities normally found in Canada and tips on how to pull your business around back from insolvency.

Numerous businesses are battling to survive today, not to mention stay lucrative. They are scaling down or just closing their doors. They are accessing the available government support money for a business. Most entrepreneurs hesitate to seek the advice of a licensed insolvency trustee due to the fact that they are afraid all the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee or a trustee in bankruptcy) wants to do is be a trustee for bankruptcy.

In this Brandon blog post, I want to continue from the suggestions from my last blog, to show you exactly how that the last point I push for is to be a trustee for bankruptcy. I first look to reorganize your business. If your business or company remains in danger because of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will certainly be advantageous for you and also your organization to do so.

I will also show how sometimes, a trustee for bankruptcy or receivership, can actually help save parts of your business. The only other alternative could be to let all the business parts fail, which is the worst possible outcome.

The role of a debtor in bankruptcy or insolvency

Remember, I previously defined insolvency as a financial condition, where bankruptcy is a legal condition and a legal process. You will also recall that in my last Brandon Blog, I described the three common types of business structures in Canada; proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Just as these three business structures are different in form, they are also treated differently in insolvency vs bankruptcy. Here is how I differentiate the role of each debtor.

Proprietorship – Sole proprietorships are a type of business structure in which one individual is the sole owner of the business, which gives that person control over everything related to the business. This includes the business’ name, structure, accounting, legal obligations and tax responsibilities.

As I described last week, in Canada, the person, the sole proprietor, is carrying on business in their personal name, operating as the business name. You can register a sole proprietorship with the provincial government by completing an application form.

A sole proprietorship is the simplest kind of business structure. It permits an individual to sell goods or run a service with complete control of it on their own. Nonetheless, a sole proprietorship is not considered a separate legal entity from the owner. This means that any liabilities incurred by the business are also personal financial obligations of the owner.

So in an insolvency situation, all of the sole proprietor’s assets come into play as do all of his or her debts. It is not just the business assets and business liabilities. It is everything. This is the worst-case scenario for an entrepreneur.

So if the business is viable, and the personal assets and liabilities lead to the sole proprietor being in the situation where they can do a debt settlement plan, they can choose one of two options to restructure their entire personal financial situation. This assumes they cannot resolve their financial issues informally to bring their financial situation back to being solvent.

Partnership – A terrific way to begin a new business is teaming up with one or more people. All of you should enhance the group’s abilities as well as energy. Nonetheless, you also wish to be with people that are trustworthy, industrious and have a certain expertise that will help the business grow. Just like the way a proprietorship is one person, a partnership is made up of two or more people.

A partnership agreement is crucial. This is an agreement between the partners, describing the rights as well as obligations of each partner in the business. The same way a sole proprietor is personally responsible for the debts of the business and is putting all of their personal and business assets at risk, the same is true for partners in a business partnership. The partners are each liable for 100% of the business debts in case of insolvency. The partners cannot limit their liability to only their partnership share of the business.

Corporation – When you incorporate a business, it is a corporation. The company is a different legal entity from its owner shareholders. Shareholders are not responsible for the unpaid debts owed to financial institutions (normally a secured creditor), suppliers to the firm (normally an unsecured creditor) or the government. There are only two exceptions: (i) certain government liabilities that are a personal liability of a Director; and (ii) if the entrepreneur directly guarantees a financial debt of the company, such as a company loan, then that individual will have a liability with respect to such debt.

If the company’s financial future becomes bleak because it is insolvent, there are options. In my last blog, I talked about self-help remedies senior management of a company whose business is viable can try to informally bring the company back to a healthy financial state. You can re-read that blog to see the options available. If the self-help remedies do not work yet then we must look at more formal proceedings.

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licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy

Licensed InsolvencyTrustee for bankruptcy: Settle with creditors and debt collectors without bankruptcy

In a proprietorship or partnership, if the underlying business is viable, then there are a variety of options to try to turn the business around yourself. You would use the self-help methods I described in my last blog. If the self-help options do not work, there are debt settlement options available to the individual(s) under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). They would be the only government-sanctioned debt settlement plan available in Canada. Either a consumer proposal or a Division I Proposal. You can read about how each one works by clicking on the following links:

In a successfully completed debt settlement program, the bankruptcy trustee would not be a trustee for bankruptcy. Rather, the trustee in bankruptcy would be an Administrator under a consumer proposal or a Proposal Trustee in the Division I Proposal.

If the business is not viable or the circumstances are such that a debt settlement plan is not feasible, then personal bankruptcy would be the only other option. You can read about how personal bankruptcy works by looking at our top 20 bankruptcy FAQs section. Upon the bankruptcy of the person, the sole proprietorship is automatically terminated.

Since a partnership is a way of carrying on business personally, then the same insolvency options available to the partners to the business debtor are also available. A restructuring is always preferred over a bankruptcy when the partnership is in financial difficulty.

For a debt settlement insolvency filing, the licensed trustee is not a trustee for bankruptcy. That is the case only if there is an actual bankruptcy assignment. Under provincial law, if a partner goes bankrupt, the partnership is automatically dissolved.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy: Ask creditors to help you avoid bankruptcy of the corporation

Without wanting to sound like a broken record, you can review my prior blog to go over the self-help remedies for turning a business around, even if it is a corporation. A self-help remedy is always a great alternative to bankruptcy. If that isn’t appropriate, or just plain does not work, then you must get in touch with an insolvency trustee.

Again, if the company’s business is viable, then there are financial restructuring alternatives. these alternatives will be within a government-regulated insolvency proceeding. There are two formal restructuring statutes in Canada:

In both cases, a company should retain the services of both a licensed trustee for bankrutpcy and a bankruptcy lawyer. The lawyer acts as legal counsel to the company. The licensed trustee will be both a financial advisor and steer the company through the restructuring process. The CCAA option is for companies with $5 million or more of debt. A BIA Proposal is for a company with any amount of debt. The main difference between the two processes are:

  • In a failed BIA Proposal, the debtor is immediately deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy. This is not the case in a failed CCAA Plan of Arrangement.
  • A CCAA proceeding is more costly as there are many more court appearances in that forum than in a BIA restructuring.

Using one of these two statutes to gain what is called in the media “bankruptcy protection” in order to work out a successful restructuring with your unsecured creditors is always preferable. The company will pay less than it owes while keeping its viable but insolvent business alive. Don’t underestimate the power of preserving jobs in the eyes of a court. A bankruptcy trustee can be very helpful in obtaining great results.

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licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy: When to consider an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors

If the business is not viable and is insolvent, then the only thing left to consider is an assignment in bankruptcy filing. It is definitely a last resort if everything I have already spoken about in this Brandon Blog just won’t work and you have run out of options. Trustees in bankruptcy always consider the alternatives to bankruptcy, but sometimes filing bankruptcy is the only option available.

In the case of a proprietorship or partnership, it is the individual sole proprietor and one or more of the partners who will be meeting with a trustee in bankruptcy and filing for a personal type of bankruptcy. the personal bankruptcy trustee will administer the personal bankruptcy estate. Again, you can read up on personal bankruptcy by looking at our top 20 personal bankruptcy FAQs section.

In personal bankruptcies, it will be either a streamlined system called a Summary Administration and if not, it is then an ordinary administration bankruptcy. Unlike a company, a person is ultimately entitled to a bankruptcy discharge.

When it comes to the administration of bankruptcy for a corporation, it is always an ordinary administration bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon Blog is not to run through all the steps in a personal or corporate bankruptcy process. Above I have provided some links to read up on debt settlement restructuring and personal bankruptcy. For corporate bankruptcy, I recommend that you read our corporate website page on corporate bankruptcy.

Alternatively, you can also read my previous Brandon Blog Bankrupting a Limited Company: Canadian Corporate Bankruptcy Process.

A trustee for bankruptcy administers the bankruptcy process for the benefit of unsecured creditors. Sometimes, it is a secured creditor who needs to enforce their security. They do not necessarily need the company to meet with a trustee for bankruptcy. Rather, the secured creditor needs the appointment of trustee to act not in a bankruptcy administration, but rather, to act as a receiver or receiver-manager to enforce the secured creditor’s position by taking control of the assets subject to the security and ultimately selling them. To read the receivership process, you can read the receivership section of our corporate website.

You can also read my Brandon Blog titled What Is A Receivership? Our Complete Guide To Receivership Solutions.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee for bankruptcy: How to avoid bankruptcy and save your business from closing

I hope you enjoyed the licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. As you can see from this blog, we are not just a trustee for bankruptcy. We believe every person and business should first explore debt settlement to avoid bankruptcy.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

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licensed insolvency trustee for bankruptcy
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