Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy faq canada, Top Ten List, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, consumer proposal, starting over starting now, living paycheque to paycheque, top 20 personal bankruptcy faqs, is my spouse affected by my bankruptcy, wages, budgeting, surplus income, student loans, debt relief worksheet, personal bankruptcy, debt settlement companies, bankruptcy process, trustee in bankruptcyBankruptcy FAQ Canada has been compiled from the questions most asked of us by people facing financial challenges.

If you’re like many Canadians who are struggling to pay the bills, living paycheque to paycheque and can’t even fathom a way out of this trouble, you need help from a professional, federally licensed trustee. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help get your life back on track Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us today.

And now, click for BANKRUPTCY FAQ CANADA

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Canadian real estate bubble, Canadian real estate bubble burst, The Suites at 1 King West, receivership, Court-appointed receivership, real estate, statistics, financial crisis in Canada, residential construction, debt-to-income ratio, financial crisis, residential mortgage debt, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian real estate industry, living paycheque to paycheque, credit cards, credit card debt, credit report, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, personal bankruptcy, starting over starting now, debt settlement, debt settlement companiesWill the Canadian real estate bubble burst has been the subject of several articles in the newspapers recently quoting Canadian and American economists. So far from what I have read, half of the economists quoted say there is not a Canadian real estate bubble, with statistics to show that there is a healthy real estate market and therefore we will not have a Canadian real estate bubble burst.

The other half of the economists, provide statistics to show that there is a Canadian real estate bubble, it has reached the same unsustainable levels as was the case in 2008 in the United States and that there will be a Canadian real estate bubble burst to drag all of us down.

Although my Firm has done many real estate receiverships, the most famous so far being the Court-appointed receivership of the highly publicized The Suites at 1 King West, built by Harry Stinson, my crystal ball is no better than yours. I cannot tell you if:

  1. a Canadian real estate bubble burst will not happen since we are in a safe real estate market where Canada is attractive to immigrants from around the world looking for a safe haven for their money, and they truly believe Canadian real estate is it; or
  2. real estate prices are unreasonably high and that there will be a Canadian real estate bubble burst.

As far as the economist’s statistics, which are being used to prove both sides of the argument, all I can do is quote British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli when he said there are “Lies, damned lies, and statistics“, to describe the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics, to bolster weak arguments.


  1. 7.5% of the Canadian workforce is in the construction industry, while 7% of the Canadian economy is based on residential construction – both record highs;
  2. the Canadian unemployment rate rose from 6.9% to 7.2%;
  3. the Canadian debt-to-income ratio has soared to a record 164%, above levels experienced in the U.S. before the financial crisis; and
  4. the Canadian Bankers Association reports that 70% of all household debt in Canada is made up of residential mortgage debt.

But there is one certainty I can tell you about. Even if there is a slowdown in the Canadian real estate industry, and not a Canadian real estate bubble burst, residential construction workers and real estate agents will suffer. A slowdown in residential construction, and less residences being sold, does not bode well for these two groups. So it will be the severity of the slowdown, and the effect on real estate prices, to know whether or not there actually is to be a Canadian real estate bubble burst.

So, what can they do to stop a Canadian real estate bubble burst? The answer is nothing. However, they should always have arranged their affairs so when there is a slowdown, they were always:

  1. living within their means by spending less than they earn so that they would not have problems living paycheque to paycheque;
  2. using proper budgeting techniques to make sure they were paying down a portion of their debt with every pay;
  3. paying themselves first by maintaining a program to make sure that they were putting away a portion of every pay into savings for investment so that they would be able to weather any downward blips in their income;
  4. making sure their income tax was paid up on time so that they would not have any large amounts outstanding from past years in a time when their incomes were reduced;
  5. only charging to credit cards what they would be able to pay off in full every month so as not to incur credit card debt with high interest costs; and
  6. reviewing their credit report to make sure their credit rating was accurate, and if they were experiencing any credit problems availing themselves of a proper credit counselling agency, NOT one of the debt settlement companies.

So as you can see, there is no magic pill that you can take to solve your financial problems if there is a Canadian real estate bubble burst, an illness, an emergency, or when life just throws a curve ball at you. The best time to have guarded against financial challenges, if you truly were worried about a Canadian real estate bubble burst, was before it happened.

If you’re financial well-being, and that of your entire family depends on the value of your real estate always rising, and you will be doomed if there is a Canadian real estate bubble burst, whether you wish to admit it or not, you have serious financial problems. Before disaster strikes as a result of a Canadian real estate bubble burst or otherwise, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

We can review your situation with you, in a no charge initial consultation meeting, and provide you with real options. If we meet early enough, we can discuss various bankruptcy alternatives such as credit counselling, debt consolidation or consumer proposals, all in order to avoid personal bankruptcy. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you.

Together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

Brandon Blog Post


bad creditBad credit makes it impossible for you to get the credit you need in order to live your lifestyle. Making payments late or missing payments will result in a bad credit score. There is the possibility that your credit rating can be ruined even if you don’t do anything wrong.

Credit is something we take for granted but it can affect every aspect of our lives. Open your wallet and count the number of credit cards in it. Do you have a mortgage? Car loan or car lease? Bank loan? What do they all have in common? Credit. So you see, you cannot afford to have bad credit.

How can a bad credit score cost you money?

  • Anytime you apply for financing your credit rating is checked. If you have an excellent credit score you will pay less interest than someone with a moderate credit score. Over the term of your loan a less than stellar credit score can cost you thousands of dollars, particularly with a mortgage. Or, if your credit rating is poor, you may be refused financing. Too many potential credit grantors checking your credit score actually worsens your credit rating. If it is a poor credit score to start with, then too much checking pushes you that much closer to having bad credit.
  • Did you know that a poor credit rating can affect your car insurance premiums? Car insurance companies sometimes consider people with bad credit as high risk drivers. Having a poor credit rating can cost your hundreds of dollars per year in car insurance premiums.
  • Credit card debt can cost you up to 20% in interest.

Other ways that bad credit can affect you?

  • Some landlords and property management companies run credit checks when you apply for a rental unit and will not rent to people with bad credit. A bad credit score may result in you being denied housing.
  • You may not be able to turn on utilities in your name if you have a bad credit score or you did not pay your utilities in a timely fashion previously.

With bad credit, but with the need to obtain more credit to meet your expenses, it will force you to look for bad credit loans online, payday loans or brick and mortar bad credit loan companies. These lenders advertise guaranteed bad credit personal loans and take advantage of and attack the already vulnerable with their lending practices and high cost loans.

Order a copy of your credit report from Equifax or TransUnion. Bad credit can be repaired with professional help and a plan so that you can be Starting Over, Starting Now. There are several bankruptcy alternatives that can be used for people with bad credit needing help and avoid bankruptcy. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today, get your life back on track.

Brandon Blog Post


loans toronto no credit checkI never realized that loans Toronto no credit check was such a popular topic. I want to tell you about three experiences that I had in the past few days. They are all separate, yet all related.

Revelation #1 – You can’t even buy beer with bad credit!

Last Friday, we were having the whole family over for dinner. The weather was so warm and pleasant, that we were going to have a BBQ and eat outdoors on the back deck. I went to The Beer Store to pick up some additional beverages and when I went to check out, I had my first revelation. At the front of the line was a fellow paying for his beer by cheque. I never even realized that you could do that. The clerk inspected the cheque and then asked the gent for identification, and he produced his drivers licence. The clerk ran his information through The Beer Store’s electronic system and politely advised the gentleman that he has been declined to pay by ordinary cheque, and that he could only pay by cash, certified cheque or credit card. The man could not pay for his beer because of his bad credit and had to leave without his favourite brew. This man obviously has financial problems and has to solve them. How he wished he was able to get at that moment one or more loans Toronto no credit check so that he could enjoy his beer last weekend!

Revelation #2 – This man obviously was not alone needing loans Toronto no credit check

On the weekend I was looking at some analytics to see which of our blogs have been accessed the most over the last 30 days. To my shock (yes, notwithstanding our Firm has been helping people who have trouble living paycheque to paycheque and corporations in need of restructuring and turnarounds, I can still be shocked) the 4 most read blogs in the last month were::


There are obviously a lot of people concerned about their debt levels and looking for information on bad credit loans, payday loans, loans Toronto no credit check and how to tackle student loan debt. These blogs were not only the most viewed in the last 30 days, but our blogs on the topic of payday loans and bad credit loans are the most read. Obviously, there is a large demand in the Greater Toronto area for loans Toronto no credit check.

Revelation #3 – Our top searches are from people looking for loans Toronto no credit check

Yesterday I look at our analytics to see what were the top search terms that brought people to our blog and Firm website in the last 30 days. There were 221 visits to our website using the following search terms:

  1. no upfront fee loans;
  2. $5000 bad credit personal loan;
  3. $5000 loan Canada; and
  4. $5000 loan no credit check.

You don’t need me to tell you what this means. There are a lot of people with bad credit who are feeling pain in our society and believe that more loans Toronto no credit check is their solution. The amazing thing though is that rather than looking for bankruptcy alternatives such as consumer proposals, or if required, bankruptcy itself, these people are looking to borrow more money (apparently $5000 is a popular number) from high cost lenders.

These people are misguided in that they think that further high cost loans Toronto no credit check will solve their problem. I understand the way these people think. It is hard for us to face our challenges. Whether it is about our health, our family or our financial situation, it is difficult and painful to look at our problems straight in the face, especially if we are the one who created the problem. These people mistakenly think that taking on more debt is the solution.

Well, it is not. These people need to recognize that their credit score is so poor because of choices they have made in the past, and their behaviour has to change. Taking on more debt through loans Toronto no credit check is just more of the “same old same old”. They need to look at ways to budget so that their expenses are less than their income. They need to start saving to pay down debt. If they can’t do it on their own, then they must consult a licensed professional trustee who can discuss options with them: budgeting, bankruptcy alternatives such as debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or perhaps even bankruptcy.

There also needs to be a discussion regarding life after implementing the solution and working on improving their credit score. If any of this sounds like a situation you are in, taking on more debt through payday loans or loans Toronto no credit check is not your answer.

You need to contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. right away for a no charge consultation. You can even check out our bankruptcy faqs now online here. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you so that together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

Brandon Blog Post


ABLE TO RETIRERetirement has become a hot issue with record numbers of Canadians reaching retirement age asking themselves if they will ever be able to retire. We first reported on this in a blog – Will You Ever Be Able To Retire? Many can’t afford to retire; others don’t want to. We’re living longer than previously anticipated and in many cases are outliving our incomes. According to Statistics Canada, a 65 year old man can expect to live to 83; a 65 year old woman can look forward to blowing out the candles on her 86th birthday. Moshe Milevsky, an associate professor of finance at Toronto’s Schulich School of Business at York University, says there is a 41% chance that at least one member of a 65 year old couple will live to 90. Who is going to finance this longevity?

A new survey from ING Direct reports:

This indicates that a significant number of Canadians are not able to retire when they thought they should.

I came across an interesting story about an 84 year old retired factory worker who thought he was able to retire but was now trying to support 3 generations of his family (11 members) on his retirement income. How could he have foreseen that in retirement he would be called upon to help his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren?

What happens if you are not able to retire or just don’t want to retire? What if you know that you don’t have enough saved to retire comfortably and are therefore not able to retire; or you have no idea what to do with yourself for the next 30 years? Can you be forced into retirement? This very issue was brought before the Supreme Court of Canada by John Michael McCormick, an equity partner in a national law firm who didn’t want to retire at age 65 as the partnership agreement stipulates.

CITATION: McCormick v. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, 2014

Mr. McCormick took the matter to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal as an age discrimination in the workplace case. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that since Mr. McCormick was an equity partner and could be part of management, he wasn’t controlled by the firm and therefore could not be subject to a Code to prevent discrimination in the workplace by those in a control position. It now begs the question, how would the Supreme Court of Canada have ruled if Mr. McCormick was not an equity partner? Would he have won his age discrimination case? What do you think? I would love to hear your take on it in the comments section below.

If you’re like many Canadians who are struggling to pay the bills, living paycheque to paycheque and can’t even say the word retirement out loud, you need help from a professional, federally licensed trustee. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help get your life back on track Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us today.

Brandon Blog Post


bad credit loans guaranteed approval, debt, starting over starting now, financial help, trustee, professional licensed bankruptcy trustee, licensed trustee, personal financial management, financial problems, creditor, bankruptcy trustee, danger signs, debts, personal loans, credit cards, payday loans, living paycheque to paycheque, uncontrolled debt, bad credit loans, debt free life, professional financial helpIf you are searching for bad credit loans guaranteed approval, then you already know that one of the more frightening feelings common in the modern world is falling into debt and not knowing how to get out. Debt has a way of sneaking up and overwhelming us before we realize what is going on.

Many people have not had the training in personal financial management needed to stay out of debt, and they are in need of guidance from someone who has this expertise for resolving their financial problems. Unfortunately, people in this situation often get into more trouble by looking for bad credit loans guaranteed approval by a new creditor rather than finding the help they really need from a bankruptcy trustee.

Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval

If you find yourself typing the above search term into your search engine, you may well be looking at one of the danger signs that you are in need of professional help in dealing with your debts. Other signs that debt is out of hand include:

  1. not having any savings;
  2. taking personal loans from family or friends;
  3. missing payments on credit cards, mortgage, or rent;
  4. using your credit card for buying groceries and other necessities;
  5. relying on credit cards to get from one payday to the next;
  6. not knowing the total amount you owe; and
  7. not being able to manage living paycheque to paycheque.

The worry and stress created by these pressures makes finding a way out of the situation even harder. Uncontrolled debt can take a big toll on family life and reduce, or eliminate, the resources for relaxation and leisure, leaving the person with no time to even look for the light at the end of the tunnel. I can assure you from all of the cases we have handled, a bad credit loans guaranteed approval company is not a solution to your overall debt problem.

As the debt mounts, the prospect of looking at the whole picture becomes even more overwhelming. However, looking objectively at your whole situation is the most important first step for resolving the crisis, and this is exactly what you can gain by using the assistance and perspective of a professional licensed bankruptcy trustee. I can look at your situation clearly as a third party, and I will not charge you for that consultation. So all you have to lose, is your debt!

Avoiding Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval

If you have found yourself seeking more bad credit loans, consider turning in a new direction that can lead you out of debt forever. Take a deep breath, step back for a moment and have a consultation with a licensed bankruptcy trustee who can help you in facing the full dimensions of your problem and then devise a plan that moves you toward a debt free life.

We have written several blogs about the high amounts charged by bad credit loans guaranteed approval companies and how they take advantage of people at their weakest moment, and you may wish to read some of them. They include: BAD CREDIT LOANS TORONTO: LEGIT COMPANIES DON’T GUARANTEE THEM, PAYDAY LOANS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, and THE CASH STORE ONTARIO: THIS PAYDAY LOAN OUTFIT NEEDED HELP AND CALLED A TRUSTEE! If you read these blogs, you will see why we say that a bad credit loans guaranteed approval company is not the way to solve your financial problems.

If debt has overwhelmed your life and you are still looking for more, that is a definite warning sign that it is time for professional financial help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. immediately. We will evaluate your situation and provide you with a solid plan for moving forward so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


STUDENT LOAN DEBT, DOES IT AFFECT THE ECONOMY?Student loan debt is not just a problem for students and their families to deal with. It’s a serious problem that has invaded all facets of our society and has significantly impacted our economy. According to the Canadian Federation of Students:

  • The average student loan debt is $27,000
  • Between 2012 and 2013 more than 400,000 students borrowed money to help pay for more schooling
  • The CSLP (Canada Student Loans Program) expected to lend approximately $2.46 billion during the 2013-14 academic year

Statistics Canada’s Survey of Financial Security reports that student debt grew 44.1% from 1999 to 2012, or 24.4% between 2005 and 2012. And, one in eight Canadian families is carrying student debt. The average student is having a great deal of difficulty paying off their student loans and according to the Canada Student Loans Program, most students take nearly 10 years to pay off their loans – with some taking the maximum 14.5 years. In September 2010 the amount of student loans owed to the Government of Canada was more than $15 billion dollars, which is greater than the debt of some provinces. The federal government has written off another $231 million in unpaid student loans this year from more than 44,000 cases, after exhausting all avenues attempting to collect.

A study last year from TD Bank found that students are increasingly delaying major life milestones due to the rising costs of education. How can someone who is still paying off student loans assume a mortgage or car loan? Students are shackled by their student loan debt and there is no relief. Student loans can only be discharged by bankruptcy if you have been out of school entirely (full time or part time) for 7 years or more. Student loan debt has significantly impacted our economy because university graduates lack the disposable income to create a buoyant housing market, brisk car sales and restricts the purchase of high ticket items which all fuel the economy. The CSLP does not have a program for student loan debt forgiveness or student loan debt relief.

If you’re facing financial crisis or bankruptcy, you need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today.

Brandon Blog Post


Real Payday Loan Help, payday loan, payday loans, payday loan companies, guaranteed bad credit loans Toronto, bad credit loans Toronto, bad credit loans online, trustees, licensed trustees, trustee, debt, The Cash Store OntarioDo you need help-The Cash Store Ontario Payday Loan? Any other payday loan? Contact a Trustee. THEY DID!! They are currently in formal bankruptcy protection restructuring proceedings and had to stop making loans in certain provinces, including Ontario!

Payday loans such as The Cash Store Ontario payday loan are an ongoing problem and we’ve reported on this very serious issue in a number of blogs – Legit Companies Don’t Guarantee Bad Credit Loans Toronto, Beware Of Payday Loan Companies Targeting You With Mobile Apps!, Bad Credit Loans Online Attack The Already Vulnerable, Payday Loans Are Not The Answer To Your Financial Problems, and Ontario Cracks Down On The Cash Store Payday Loan Company.

Companies and products just like The Cash Store Ontario payday loan prey on the already vulnerable, people looking for guaranteed bad credit loans. I thought that things couldn’t get worse for the consumer, until I saw a television commercial from a company called Real Payday Loan Help. This company is selling educational courses, taking advantage of people who have already been taken advantage of yet are continuing to look for companies advertising “guaranteed bad credit loans Toronto”. This is not a Canadian company; they are based in Florida. They are not professional, federally licensed trustees. They can’t offer you any help with your serious debt issues. The only thing they can do is help you create more debt.

It’s not surprising that payday loan companies and products like The Cash Store Ontario payday loan and companies like Real Payday Loan Help are moving into Canada. The United States has been cracking down on payday loan companies. Currently there are 12 states where payday loans are completely banned, but there are many more in which the industry is restricted in some way or another. In fact, only six states have no cash advance interest ceiling whatsoever. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces many laws to protect consumers in this area and they have filed many law enforcement actions against payday loan companies.

When you have serious debt issues you need help from a licensed trustee. Bad credit loans online will only help you get caught in a debt spiral. So, if you are involved with a company or product such as The Cash Store Ontario payday loan, you do need help. The Cash Store Ontario had to go to a licensed trustee and you should too. You need Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We will evaluate your situation and provide you with a solid plan for moving forward so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


accrued vacation pay wage earner protection program, owed wages by employer, starting over starting now, avoid bankruptcy, licensed trustee, trustee, Service Canada, receivership, bankruptcy, notice of intention to make a proposal, Division I Proposal, Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, WEPPA, bankrupt, wages, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIADo you believe you wages are owing to by your employer? People ask us what if my employer owes me money & goes into either receivership or bankruptcy.

We answer if wages are owed by your employer and the company is either in receivership or is bankrupt don’t despair; there is hope for you to recuperate monies owed to you. The Wage Earner Protection Program (“WEPP”) Act – WEPPA – in conjunction with an amendment to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) – BIA – created a mechanism for employees to be compensated for claims of unpaid wages, commissions and vacation pay accrued in the six months preceding the employer files for bankruptcy or being placed in receivership and wages are owed to you along with claims for unpaid termination and/or severance pay.

Are there any exceptions to this? What are the rules?

There are a few exceptions. You are generally not eligible if, during the period for which you wages are owed to you by your employer, you:

  • were an officer or a director of your former employer
  • had a controlling interest in the business of your former employer
  • were a manager whose responsibilities included making binding financial decisions impacting the business of your former employer, and/or making binding decisions on the payment or non-payment of wages by your former employer

Who is eligible for the WEPP? You may apply if wages are owed to you by your employer and:

  • your former employer has filed for bankruptcy or is subject to a receivership
  • wages are owed to you by your employer, vacation pay, termination or severance pay from your former employer
  • amounts earned during the eligibility period or, in the case of termination or severance pay, your employment was terminated during the eligibility period ending on the date of bankruptcy or receivership

One more very important exception – it only applies if wages are owed to you by your employer and your employer is in either receivership or bankruptcy and owes you wages. If your employer is attempting a corporate restructuring under a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal, a Division I Proposal or the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, then WEPPA and its provisions do not come into play.

Claim limits

Regardless of the total amount owing to you, the maximum any employee can receive under WEPPA is the greater of $3,200 or four times the maximum weekly insurable earnings under the Employment Insurance Act (which is now greater than $3,200). Once employees file claims with both the Trustee and Service Canada, Service Canada pays their claims for owed wages by employer and Service Canada becomes the creditor. The amendment to the BIA has recognized WEPPA and created a priority charge that supersedes all secured charges except CRA’s deemed trust claim (and the reclaiming rights of farmers and suppliers) to a max of $2,000 per employee, secured against current assets.


While no one wants – or expects – to be part of a receivership or bankruptcy, you should always keep detailed records of hours worked for any pay period. On any occasion when you discover there will be no paycheque, record the loss that you will suffer, such as not being able to pay bills or buy groceries. Ask for a formal explanation from your employer and keep detailed notes on your efforts. It’s important to prove that when owed wages by employer; you still expect to be paid, even if it’s late.

If your employer is in receivership or bankruptcy proceedings, and you believe you have a claim for owed wages by employer, find the trustee and get in touch with Service Canada. Have your records ready and make sure you get your Proof of Claim.

If you are experiencing financial problems, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We are a licensed trustee and will listen to your issues and offer compassionate, professional assistance to aid you to avoid bankruptcy, so that you can regain control of your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


credit report, credit score, bad credit score, credit bureau, TransUnion, Equifax, credit reporting agencies, poor credit score, trustee, insolvency, bankruptcy, starting over starting nowHave you checked your credit report lately? Everyone I know does not wish to have either a poor credit score or worse, a bad credit score, but many Canadians pay little or no attention to their credit report and that’s a mistake that can seriously impact your life.

According to the Public Interest Advocacy Centre:

  • 17% of Canadian adults had checked their credit reports in the prior three years
  • Of those who checked, 18% found inaccuracies in their credit reports
  • 10% believed they were denied access to financial services because of report inaccuracies

In fact, some credit bureau watchers estimate that there are errors in 10% to 33% of credit files. You may be surprised to know that one of the biggest sources of conflict isn’t fraud, it’s cell phone providers who send overdue accounts to collection. We reported on one such story in a blog titled Your Credit Rating Can Be Ruined Even If You Don’t Do Anything Wrong. Mr. Dave Johnson of Pembroke, Ontario had his credit rating ruined by Rogers even though he never had a Rogers account and he has spent three years fighting a Rogers Bill that isn’t his. “That one derogatory record has a substantial impact on credit score and it stands out on the credit report,” says Tim Ashby, a vice-president of personal solutions for Equifax. If your credit is not in good standing you will most likely be denied a loan or mortgage. It can also affect your ability to rent housing or get hired for a job.

How often should I check my credit report?

According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, check your credit report at least once a year. Review it carefully for errors and signs of identity theft. Order your credit report from both credit reporting agencies. Consider requesting your report from one agency and then waiting six months before you order from the other agency. By spacing out your requests in this way, you may be able to detect any problems sooner.

Who are the credit reporting agencies and how can I contact them to get my credit report?

The credit reporting agencies are TransUnion and Equifax. By clicking on the links you will be taken to their websites where you can access their phone numbers, fax and email in addition to information on how you get your credit report.

Should you discover that you have a poor credit score or a bad credit score, you may need professional help to return to financial health. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us today.

Call a Trustee Now!