Brandon Blog Post


canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Canada bankruptcy and insolvency act introduction

The Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is a federal statute. It attempts to balance the rights of an insolvent debtor with the rights of creditors to get paid. One of those balancing acts is that when you file under the statute, the person filing is granted a stay of proceedings. What that means is that debt collection and enforcement activities are stopped and cannot continue without the prior permission of the Court.

I recently read a very interesting decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice out of Ottawa, ON. What that case also shows is that if the insolvent and the then bankrupt person just told the truth, he would have been much better off.

Before getting into the actual case, there are a few questions that I am regularly asked that I would also like to answer. I think those answers will also help with understanding this case.

What is the purpose of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act?

The main purpose of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is to help the honest but unfortunate debtor. It is designed to allow a person or a company to get financial rehabilitation through financial restructuring. It also allows a person the same opportunity to shed their debts through bankruptcy.

As mentioned above, at the same time, the rights of the creditors to get paid are also balanced. So that is why in a true restructuring, the creditors must receive more money than if the person or company went bankrupt. That is also why in a bankruptcy, the debtor must give up all their assets to the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee). The only assets not given up are those for which there is an exemption under either provincial or federal law. That is also why there is the concept of surplus income payments in a personal bankruptcy filing.

The presumption is that the debtor is honest but unfortunate. That is both before and during their insolvency process. As you will see from the case description below, the debtor was not honest and it is his lies that got him into trouble.

The insolvency process begins with the requirement that in order to obtain relief from debt, the insolvent debtor will be truthful. That is why a filing is initiated by a sworn statement of affairs.

Is insolvency a criminal offence?

As you may recall from some of my prior Brandon’s Blog posts, being insolvent is a financial condition. It is that:

  • your debts are greater than your assets;
  • if you liquidated your assets there would not be enough money to pay off your debts in full; and
  • you have generally ceased paying your debts when they come due.

So becoming insolvent is not a criminal offence.

Similarly, filing for either a consumer proposal, Division I Proposal or for bankruptcy is not a criminal offence. However, if you really are not the honest part of the honest but unfortunate person the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is designed to help, you must seek the advice of a lawyer before filing anything.

There are also certain offences a person could commit under the actual bankruptcy statute. Some are quasi-criminal in nature. Again, if you think you are in trouble, you need the advice of a lawyer.canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Now for the case – Re Brennan, 2019 ONSC 4712 (CanLII)

On August 8, 2019, this decision of The Honourable Mr. Justice Kershman was released. The case involved the bankruptcy of Mr. Lawrence Brennan (Mr. Brennan) and his creditor, Mr.André Robert (Mr. Robert).

Mr. Robert made an application to the Court to lift the stay of proceedings stopping Mr. Robert from enforcing his judgment against Mr. Brennan’s asset. Mr. Robert said that Mr. Brennan supplied incorrect and deceptive details relating to the presence of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) throughout a judgment debtor exam on July 10, 2018.

Mr. Robert brought this motion for:

  1. An Order stating that the stay of proceedings according to sections 69 to 69.31 of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 does not apply in regard to Mr. André Robert, yet is restricted to the seizure of Mr. Brennan’s RRSP with the Lawyers Financial Investment Program.
  2. An Order proclaiming that Mr. Robert will be qualified to proceed with his enforcement process for repayment of his judgment, plus interest and the cost of enforcement restricted to Mr. Brennan’s above-noted RRSP.
  3. Indemnification for the costs of this motion.

Mr. Robert’s argument was that, had it not been for Mr. Brennan’s bankruptcy, there would be no stay of proceedings and he would have the ability to take Mr. Brennan’s RRSP according to the Execution Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.24.

The honest but unfortunate debtor

Mr. Robert is a lawyer. Mr. Brennan and others sought and obtained his legal advice. Mr. Robert then billed Mr. Brennan and each of his colleagues for the legal work. They thanked Mr. Robert by not paying him.

Mr. Robert went to Court to claim his legal fees and won. He then sent the Sheriff to seize any assets that could be found belonging to the defendants, including Mr. Brennan. That exercise awarded Mr. Robert with the princely sum of just under $65. So, Mr. Robert then notified Mr. Brennan that he was required to attend a judgment debtor examination. The purpose of this exam was for Mr. Brennan to answer questions, truthfully under oath, as to the nature, extent and location of all of his assets.

Throughout the judgment debtor exam, Mr. Robert asked Mr. Brennan if he possessed any kind of RRSPs. Mr. Brennan said, under oath, that he did not. This response was substantiated by Mr. Brennan’s written financial form, which was finished by Mr. Brennan as a component of the examination under oath.

It turns out that Mr. Brennan lied under oath to Mr. Robert. Seventeen days later, Mr. Brennan filed for bankruptcy. In his sworn statement of affairs completed as part of his bankruptcy filing, Mr. Brennan attested that he owned an RRSP in the amount of $13,017.00 held by the Lawyers Financial Investment Program.

Mr. Brennan may have been unfortunate, but prior to his assignment in bankruptcy, he was not honest.

Seizure of an RRSP – in bankruptcy and no bankruptcy

The evidence before the Court was that there were no contributions to Mr. Brennan’s RRSP in the 12 months prior to his date of bankruptcy. There was also evidence that there was no insurance element to the RRSP either.

This is important for 2 reasons:

  • If there is an insurance element to an RRSP, and the beneficiary is what is called a “designated beneficiary”, normally a spouse, parent, child or grandchild, then the RRSP is exempt from seizure under Ontario law.
  • In bankruptcy, an RRSP is exempt from seizure under federal law. The only amount that can be recouped by a Trustee is any contributions made to the RRSP within the 12 months prior to the date of bankruptcy.

So in this case, none of those conditions existed. The issue before the Court was because under Ontario Law, absent a bankruptcy, a judgment creditor can execute against a defendant’s RRSP. In other words, if there is no bankruptcy, in Ontario, the judgment creditor can seize the RRSP.canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Mr. Brennan’s defence

Mr. Brennan represented himself in Court. His defence consisted of that he:

  1. Did not understand that he had any RRSPs in his name.
  2. Informed Mr. Robert around one month prior to the examination that he would certainly need to go bankrupt.
  3. Needs the Court to have pity for his circumstances.

Certainly not the most compelling defence in the circumstances.

The Court agrees with Mr. Robert

The Court went through an analysis of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act as well as the relevant Ontario laws. The Court concluded that:

  1. The RRSP currently in this bankruptcy is exempt from seizure but was available to be seized before the bankruptcy. If Mr. Brennan had been truthful in his examination under oath, Mr. Robert would have seized the RRSP through the Sheriff in enforcing his judgment.
  2. Therefore, the Court lifted the stay according to section 69.4 of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act to be equitable so that Mr. Andre can seize them.
  3. To alleviate any kind of tax obligation effects, the Court ordered that 30% of the RRSP should be subtracted at source and also to the Canada Revenue Agency to the credit of Mr. Brennan’s current year income tax account. The remaining amount of the RRSP is to be paid to the Sheriff of the Judicial District of Ottawa, who will disperse it in conformity to the Execution Act and the Creditors Relief Act.

The moral to Mr. Brennan’s story

Although the Court decision does not say it, Mr. Brennan must have not obtained any legal advice before participating in the judgment debtor examination. Any lawyer hearing his story would have told him exactly what I tell every person who comes to my office to talk about an insolvency proceeding. Be honest and truthful.

Mr. Brennan did a really dumb thing. Part of the evidence that came out in Court is that he went to see the Trustee who did his bankruptcy filing six weeks prior to the July 10, 2018 judgment debtor examination to discuss his financial situation. He must have talked about the RRSP then.

If Mr. Brennan was honest and truthful at his judgment debtor examination, he could have filed for bankruptcy before the Sheriff managed to seize his RRSP. In that case, Mr. Brennan would have told the truth and his RRSP would have been exempt from seizure in his bankruptcy.

So instead of telling the truth and keeping his RRSP after bankruptcy, Mr. Brennan lied and therefore lost his RRSP, notwithstanding his bankruptcy.

That is the moral of Mr. Brennan’s story. By telling the truth and then becoming the honest but unfortunate debtor, the Canadian bankruptcy system will protect you.

Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act summary

Are you an honest but unfortunate person in financial trouble? Have you run your company in an honest fashion but through various circumstances, the company’s debts are greater than its assets. Is there just not enough cash to pay all the bills?

If so, you need to call me today. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called trustee in bankruptcy) we are the only professionals licensed, recognized as well as supervised by the federal government to give insolvency assistance. We are also the only authorized party in Canada to apply remedies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). I can definitely help you to choose what is best for you to free you from your financial debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get free you from the stress, anxiety, and discomfort that your cash issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now.canada bankruptcy and insolvency actcanada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Brandon Blog Post



I recently read an article that said seniors are taking on Canadian reverse mortgage debt in record numbers. In fact, this year, it is one of the fastest-growing debt products.

On April 30, 2018, I published Brandon’s Blog titled “CANADIAN REVERSE MORTGAGE INFORMATION: EASY TO LOSE THE HOUSE IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THE TERMS”. That blog was about an Ontario court case. It showed how easy it is to lose your home to a reverse mortgage lender. Even easier than if you go into default on a traditional mortgage.

I doubt that many of the seniors using this type of debt to raise money fully understand all of the issues, including reverse mortgage problems. The purpose of this blog is to answer the most asked questions about this kind of debt.

How does a reverse mortgage work in Canada?

A reverse mortgage is financing that permits anyone of the age of 55+ to obtain a loan from your home equity without having to sell your home. The loan is secured by way of a mortgage against your house. This is often called an “equity release”. You have the ability to get up to 55% of the present worth of your home. The actual percentage and dollar value you will have the ability to borrow depends on your age, your residence’s assessed value as well as the lending policies of your lender.

You do not need to make payments on a reverse home loan up until it is due for repayment. This is normally when you vacate your house, it is sold or the last borrower passes away. No payments do not mean the same as no interest. Interest accrues on a reverse home mortgage.

The longer the loan is outstanding, the more time you go without making payments. Therefore, the longer the interest accrues. This obviously reduces the equity in your house.

This is how this type of loan works.

What is the interest rate on a reverse mortgage in Canada?

The interest rate is but one cost of getting a reverse mortgage loan. At the time of writing this blog, the current annual interest rate on this type of loan is in the 5.5% to 5.7% range. This is obviously more than a traditional home mortgage today. This is obviously more than the interest rate on a traditional home mortgage today.

In order to set up such a loan, you will also need to pay for an appraisal fee and an administration fee. Right now that seems to be in the $1,500 to $1,800 range. You will also be responsible for the legal fees involved in preparing and registering the mortgage.

What is the downside of a Canadian reverse mortgage?

There are both advantages and disadvantages to this type of mortgage loan.


  • You don’t need to make monthly payments.
  • You can turn some of the worth of your house into cash, without needing to sell it.
  • There is no tax to pay as a result of getting the cash.
  • This loan does not impact the Old-Age Security (OAS) or Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits seniors may receive.
  • You still own and live in your home.
  • You may have options as to when and how you get the money.


  • Rates of interest are more than traditional home mortgages.
  • The equity you hold in your house will decrease as the interest on your home loan accumulates throughout the years. Depending on what happens to the market value of your home over the years, your home equity may decrease.
  • Your estate will have to repay the loan with interest in full within a set time period when you die.
  • The time needed to clear up an estate may be longer than the length of time permitted to repay a reverse home loan.
  • There might be less money in your estate to entrust to your children or other beneficiaries.
  • Expenses connected with a reverse home mortgage may be higher than a routine mortgage or other methods of financing.

Who offers reverse mortgages in Canada?

There are two lenders offering these loans in Canada: Canadian Home Income Plan (CHIP) and Seniors Money Canada. It is normal to go through a mortgage broker. However, HomeEquity Bank does also offer the CHIP product.

Why are seniors flocking to this type of debt?

A reverse home mortgage is not a new-fangled principle or invention. Actually, reverse mortgages have been around in Canada since 1983. But it’s just in recent times, as many senior citizens are desperate to find a means to fund their retired lives, that reverse home mortgages have become much more popular.

Financing one’s retirement has come to be progressively harder for many seniors. Pension plans are going away and also OAS and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) do not provide ample funds for today’s retirees. This is the main reason seniors have actually sought Canadian reverse home loans.

Many seniors with residences are house rich yet cash money poor. They’ve discovered that a reverse mortgage is a way to get the necessary cash to fund their retirement by using the equity in their home. As a retiree, they can no longer meet the income test to get traditional mortgage financing. So, the reverse mortgage solves that problem.

Senior Borrower Beware

I would be remiss if I did not provide a warning. A large proportion of reverse mortgages are arranged through mortgage brokers. Like any other financial professional, there are great ones, good ones, and not so good ones. Seniors are also more susceptible to scammers. So, it is always good for a senior to have a trusted advisor involved in the reverse mortgage loan process.

To start, there are some basic questions that every senior should ask BEFORE committing to a reverse mortgage loan. They are:

  • What are all the fees involved with this borrowing?
  • How the cash is actually paid to you?
  • What is the annual rate of interest charged?
  • Is there any type of extra charges if you sell your house within a certain period of time?
  • Just how much time you or your estate will need to pay off the loan if you need to sell your home or die?
  • What happens if it takes your estate longer than the specified amount of time to completely pay back the loan after your death?
  • What occurs if the amount of the funding plus interest winds up being greater than your home’s worth when it’s time to pay the loan back?
  • What are events of default?
  • If I default on something, like not paying my property taxes on time, what happens?
  • If such a default happens, will you lose your home?
  • Are there any other terms of the loan agreement that you must know?

It is important that seniors know the answers to these questions before signing on the dotted line!


Do you have too much debt? Before you get to the stage where you can’t make ends meet and you have to borrow against the equity in your home, reach out to a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee). In fact, if you realize that you can’t pay your debts heading into retirement, contact us.

We understand the pain and stress too much debt can cause. We can help you remove that pain and solve your financial problems given immediate action and the right plan.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Make an appointment with one of the Ira Smith Team for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be on your way to enjoying a carefree retirement in your home Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

canadian reverse mortgage

Brandon Blog Post


collection agency ontarioIf you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this collection agency Ontario Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the podcast


In many of the free consultations I provide, the issue of collection agency Ontario arises. More often than not, people and companies that are insolvent, experience harassing phone calls from debt collectors.

In fact, in certain corporate bankruptcy or receivership matters that I handle, there are certain situations where I hire a collection agency. They can be very effective in collecting amounts owing to the insolvent company.

The purpose of this collection agency Ontario Brandon’s Blog is to answer the top 4 questions that I am asked about collection agencies.

1 – How do collection agencies work in Ontario

In Ontario, debt collectors need to be signed up and should adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.14 and its regulations.

The Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services registers and controls these firms.

Ontario registered collection agencies must first send you a personal letter by mail or email. Their letter should include:

  • details on just how much you owe as well as the kind of product and services that put you in debt
  • the name of the business/individual you owe money to
  • the amount of the debt on the day it was initially due and payable and, if different, the level of debt presently owing
  • advice that a breakdown of the present amount owing will be offered upon demand
  • the name of the collection agency and also the individual collector that is requiring payment of the financial debt
  • that the debt collector is registered in and as a collection agency Ontario
  • the contact details of the debt collection agency, including the complete mailing address, phone number and, if applicable for communication, their email address
  • a disclosure statement, which discusses your legal rights and the steps you can take if you believe the debt collection company has broken the law

After the agency sends out the letter they need to wait six days prior to their next effort to get the payment of the financial debt.

Collection agencies work on a commission basis. They get to keep a percentage of the debts collected on behalf of their respective clients.

2 – Can a collection agency sue you in Ontario?

The short answer is yes.

A collection agency, once it gets approval from its client, the party that feels you owe them money, can sue you. If it is a large amount of money, they will definitely hire a lawyer to do it. If it is a smaller amount that can be handled by Small Claims Court, they might hire a lawyer, a paralegal, or just have one of the collectors do it him or herself in Court.

The rules of the Court will apply. The collection agency will issue a Statement of Claim against you. You will then have the time the Court allows to file your defence. The Court will look at all the evidence before it and render its judgment. If you are found liable for the debt, then the collection agency can attempt to enforce the judgment against you. They will try to garnishee your bank account and/or a portion of your wages.

Keep in mind that in Ontario, the Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B has a fundamental restriction of 2 years. Anyone has specifically two years, starting from the day you first recognized or should have known, that a loss occurred, to file a claim and sue. The two year period would start running the day the person trying to collect a debt from you first contacted you about your being in default.

For example, a credit card company writes to you telling you that you are in default and asks that you pay up in full or else they will take further action against you. You don’t reply or pay, and they write to you again threatening legal action. Again you don’t respond or pay, and then you get a letter from a collection agency. The collection agency then sues you.

The collection agency is only the agent of the credit card company. The debt they are collecting is not their own, it is the debt of the credit card company. So, the first date the credit card company knew of a loss is not the first time you are contacted by the collection agency. It is the first time you are contacted by the credit card company. That is the day you start counting the two years from.

If the collection agency begins its lawsuit against you more than 2 years after the date the credit card company first advised you that you are in default, it is too late.

3 – How long can a collection agency collect on a debt in Ontario?

This is always a fascinating question for me. Even if the 2-year statute of limitations kicks in, all that means is that you cannot be sued any longer. It does not mean that you no longer owe the money. Most normal people, if they know they can’t be sued, will not pay. However, since the collection agency works on commission, it does not mean that they will necessarily stop calling you to ask for the money, even though they can no longer sue you.

You will always owe that debt. The Ontario Court of Appeal confirmed this in the case of Grant v. Equifax Canada Co., 2016 ONCA 500 (CanLII). In that case, the Court ruled that if you owe money, even if it is too late for you to be sued, it can still show up on your credit report in Ontario. The Court of Appeal went on to say just because a creditor misses the deadline or chooses not to sue within the two-year period it doesn’t mean that the debt still isn’t owed.

The only way in Ontario short of paying off the debt, or a lesser settlement amount, is to file either a consumer proposal or assignment in bankruptcy. Once you successfully complete your consumer proposal or get your discharge from bankruptcy, that debt and all other unsecured debts are wiped out. They are discharged. However, if the only debt you are not paying is the one the collection agency is trying to collect, an insolvency filing may be a very drastic and unnecessary step.

To find out for sure, you would have to consult with either a lawyer or a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee).

4 – How do I stop a collection agency?

The only real way to stop a collection agency in Ontario is to either pay off the debt in full or arrange for a debt settlement and pay it. The settlement can be an immediate payment for less than the total amount owed, or paying off some amount over time.

If you cannot make a settlement with them that you can afford to pay and live up to, then you the only other way is to do an insolvency filing. As I mentioned above, in the case of an individual person, that would be either a consumer proposal or filing for bankruptcy. In the case of a company, it would be either a restructuring proposal or bankruptcy.

Are you on the edge of insolvency? Are bill collectors hounding you? Are you ducking all your phone calls to the point where your voicemail box is always full?

If so, you need to call me today. As a licensed insolvency trustee we are the only professionals licensed, recognized as well as supervised by the federal government to give insolvency assistance. We are also the only authorized party in Canada to apply remedies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). I can definitely help you to choose what is best for you to free you from your financial debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get free you from the stress, anxiety, and discomfort that your cash issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Call the Ira Smith Group today.

Brandon Blog Post



You may have read or heard about a recent survey. The headline was “Ipsos poll finds half of Canadians don’t trust professional help with debt”. The survey provided some interesting views but did not shed any light on why Canadians do not trust debt helpers.

I regularly speak with people who attend my office for a free initial consultation to try to solve their personal or company debt problems. From those experiences, I have compiled a list of the 10 most common reasons I believe why almost half of those surveyed do not trust debt professionals.

#1 What is a debt professional?

Confusion exists in the marketplace as to what you mean when you say the phrase “debt professional”. Depending on who is doing the talking, and the listening, you could mean:

Unfortunately, the survey does not define what the term “debt professional” really means.

#2 I don’t have a debt problem because I am making all my payments

People believe that if they can keep up all their minimum payments, then they are making all of their payments. So if the person says they are making all payments, they can’t have a debt problem. Therefore, they don’t trust anyone who tells them that they do.

However, especially with credit cards, there is a difference between making all the monthly minimum payments and paying the entire debt off every month. What they don’t recognize is that all they are doing is paying the credit card company interest and never actually paying down any debt. Eventually, it will catch up with them when they have no more credit.

#3 You will ruin my credit score

People with debt problems always tell me that they have a great credit score and either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy will ruin that. So with the belief that if they see a debt professional, all that person will do is ruin their credit score, distrust is born.

Even people who have recently been turned down for debt consolidation loans tell me that. What I tell them is that it is true that an insolvency filing will remain on their credit report for some time after they successfully complete their consumer proposal or get their bankruptcy discharge.

However, I also point out that in return, they will have their debt problems fixed. By fixing their debt problems, they will no longer suffer from pain, stress, anxiety, depression and sleepless nights. Some people then choose to take responsibility, fix their debt problems and rehabilitate themselves. Others choose discomfort, stress and anxiety, and sleep deprivation.

#4 Talking won’t do any good. What I need is a loan

Many people feel that talk is cheap. What they really need is money. The gambler with a gambling addiction thinks the next roll of the dice or the next hand of cards will produce all the winnings they need. In the same way, the debt addict believes that one more personal loan will solve all their debt problems. All it will really do is give them a bit more cash, which will never be enough to repay all of their debt.

Increasing debt is not a good strategy for getting out of debt. That extra bit of cash may feel good in the short term, but eventually, all it really is is more debt. What these people don’t realize is that by talking to a Trustee, when they find the right one for them, a relationship begins. The functioning partnership you create with your Trustee is a connection. As you create that connection, long-term modifications in your financial behaviour start to happen to produce good long term results.

#5 It would be weird speaking about such a personal thing with a stranger

In my experience, this may be an initial feeling but does not in fact happen. The majority of Trustees are competent at making you really feel comfy rapidly. They are neither impersonal nor judgmental.

As I mentioned above, once you find the right Trustee for you, a relationship begins. I have found that many of the people that I have helped, consider me a resource to call upon, even long after our professional relationship ends.

#6 I would rather speak to a friend or family member

I have heard this many times. This is really an excuse for not dealing with their debt problems. It is not a reason why people don’t trust debt professionals.

In fact, a recent Angus Reid poll titled The Awkward Silences Survey 2019 found that 17% of the Canadians surveyed do not like to talk about finances. Of those, the least favourite topics they like to talk about are:

  • Personal debt or bankruptcy – 34%
  • Assets, liabilities and net worth – 22%
  • Their income – 16%
  • How they spend their money – 12%
  • Savings and investments – 11%
  • Their mortgage – 5%

I get it. The topic is not pleasant. Speaking with a debt professional is an admission that you have a problem with debt. However, it is also the first positive step to take to solve your debt problems.

#7 Debt professionals do not truly respect you; they do it for the cash

Yes, there are unscrupulous people in the world who advertise themselves to be debt consultants. They make outlandish promises such as they will eliminate your debt without bankruptcy. I cannot speak for them, but I do know myself and many of my Trustee colleagues across Canada.

The Trustee and staff do earn money from helping people with their debt. Just like you earn money from your job or career. However, there is a common bond amongst all Trustees in Canada. That common bond is that they all enjoy helping people. They enjoy seeing your success from their assistance. If they did not, they would be doing something else.

#8 Everyone will know if I go to see a debt professional

This is a common feeling. Again I can only speak about Trustees. Although there is not the same confidentiality with a Trustee as there is with a lawyer, a Trustee does not blab. As big a country as Canada is and as big a city where I practice is, the Trustee community is small. If a Trustee broke confidences, word would get around quickly and that Trustee would not get any referrals.

Keep in mind that the word “trust” is found in “Trustee”. People trust us with some of their deepest problems and we help solve them. I don’t talk to others about your issues.

It is true that the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy runs a database of all insolvency filings. This is a public database that anyone can search for $8. Also, the two Canadian credit reporting agencies, Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada, purchase that information for their own databases. I have never had anyone tell me that their brother-in-law searched the government database and found out about their insolvency filing.

So at the end of the day, the only people who will know that you filed are yourself, your Trustee, your spouse and anyone that you have told.

#9 The professional fee is too expensive

That depends on who you go to see. If you go to a community credit counselling agency, it is probably no charge. If you go to a debt settlement company scammer, then every one cent is too expensive because they do not do anything useful for you. If you go to see a Trustee, the entire process may end up being free.

Let me explain. The initial consultation with any Trustee will be free. You should get that confirmed upfront when you make the appointment. Other than for situation where you have no assets and no income, a consumer proposal filing or a bankruptcy administration will probably end up not costing you any money specifically for professional fees. Here is why.

The Trustee will advise you what will happen to you and what your responsibilities are in a bankruptcy or consumer proposal. In a bankruptcy, other than for exempt assets, you have to turn over your assets to the Trustee. If you earn income, you may also have a surplus income obligation to pay. The Trustee, under the statute, will be entitled to a fee for services out of those proceeds. So, you will pay nothing for the Trustee’s approved fee.

In a consumer proposal, the Trustee has to first do the bankruptcy calculation. Under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA), a consumer proposal must produce a better result for your creditors than your bankruptcy. The Trustee will discuss with you his or her best estimate of how much you need to offer to your creditors in your consumer proposal in order to be successful. That calculation has nothing to do with the fee the Trustee is entitled to under the BIA. The statute says that the Trustee is entitled to a statutory fee from the consumer proposal fund.

So, in this way, the Trustee’s fee for a bankruptcy or consumer proposal administration costs you nothing.

#10 I don’t have time

I believe this also is more of an excuse, not a real reason for not trusting a debt professional. It is uncomfortable to face your debt problems head-on. It is more comfortable to ignore them.

A Trustee will provide a 1-hour consultation for free. In that hour, you will gain better insight to your debt issues and the realistic options available to you to fix them. I always have people tell me at the end of the free consultation, that I have helped them feel much better than they did when they first walked in.

So think of all the things that you do in a day or week, and I am sure that you can find 1 hour to help yourself. If you have a job that makes it impossible to see a Trustee during normal business hours, a Trustee will accommodate you. I have held many early morning or evening appointments.

Debt helpers summary

I hope this debt helpers Brandon’s Blog helps you. As previously stated, there is a good reason not to trust certain debt helpers. You don’t need to feel that way about seeing a Trustee. Are you on the verge of bankruptcy? Do not let any misconceptions about being able to trust a Trustee stop you from understanding how you can restructure your financial affairs and avoid bankruptcy. You do not need to be one more person or company declaring bankruptcy in Canada.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only specialists certified, accredited and overseen by the federal government to provide insolvency guidance and to apply remedies under the BIA. We will certainly help you to choose what is best for you to release you from your debt problems.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get rid you for you the stress, anxiety, pain and discomfort that your money issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today.

debt helpers

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy trustee in ontario
bankruptcy trustee in ontario

If you would prefer to listen to an audio version of this bankruptcy trustee in Ontario Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Bankruptcy trustee in Ontario: Introduction

As a bankruptcy trustee in Ontario (now called a licensed insolvency trustee ), there are many times where our investigation indicates that the bankrupt (usually a bankrupt corporation) has a claim against another party. The claim may very well be a good one worthy of pursuing. However, like with any potential litigation, there could be not enough funds to pay for pursuing that claim in the Court, or it may be unwise for a bankruptcy trustee in Ontario (Trustee) to assume the litigation risk.

In cases like this, the licensed insolvency trustee can offer up the opportunity to the creditors to take on the action in their own name. One or more creditors can get an order under s. 38 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 (BIA) from the Registrar in Bankruptcy, authorizing the assignment to them by the licensed insolvency trustee of the bankrupt company‘s right to advance that claim and if necessary, sue.

Without going into all the finer details and circumstances, any creditor or group of creditors who obtain that right can keep any amount collected under that claim up to the total of their claim against the bankrupt company plus the costs they spent in obtaining that award. Any surplus must be paid over to the bankruptcy trustee in Ontario.

A recent decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario highlights an interesting issue regarding the interplay between advancing such a claim by a creditor and the limitation period in Ontario.

Bankruptcy trustee in Ontario case background information

The Ridel family used an investment and stock brokerage company called e3m Investments Inc. (e3m). In December 2006, the Ridels issued a Statement of Claim versus their account representative, as well as his employer, e3m. The action was for negligence, breach of contract and violation of fiduciary obligation in the monitoring of their financial investment accounts.

After a ten-day court hearing, judgment was issued against e3m as well as the account representative in Ridel v. Cassin, 2013 ONSC 2279. The judgment was especially scathing of both the account rep and e3m. The judgement, in the amount of $1,036,245.85, was upheld on appeal. As a result, the account representative needed to make an insolvency filing. My Firm administered the successfully completed Division I restructuring Proposal of the account representative. Given the judgement, he needed to do an insolvency filing and it was in his best interests to attempt to restructure to avoid bankruptcy. The Ridel family controlled the voting in his successful Proposal. e3m filed for bankruptcy on January 20, 2015.

The bankruptcy trustee in Ontario case before the Court of Appeal

On July 31, 2019, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its decision in Ridel v. Goldberg, 2019 ONCA 636. The underlying claim was one the bankrupt company may have had against its Director and majority shareholder.

On October 25, 2016, the Ridels, as an unsecured creditor of e3m, got an order under s. 38 of the BIA. They obtained an assignment of the claim of e3m against its sole Director, a Mr. Goldberg. Since e3m was found liable under the Ridel judgement, e3m could have a claim and institute proceedings against its Director, Mr. Goldberg.

The s. 38 order supplied the Ridels with the legal authority to assert e3m’s claim against Mr. Goldberg “to recover the damages for which e3m became liable pursuant to [the 2013 Judgment, as amended] in their own name and at their own expense and risk, based on Mr. Goldberg’s failure to fulfil his obligations as a director and officer of e3m by abdicating his responsibility to supervise the Ridels’ accounts at e3m”.

The Ridels launched their lawsuit proceedings in the lower Court against Mr. Goldberg the day they obtained the s. 38 order, October 25, 2016. The Ridels were trying to get a summary judgement. Mr. Goldberg raised several defences, including, the Ridels’ claim was statute-barred under the Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B (Limitations Act).

The lower court judge dismissed the Ridels’ action on two fronts. First, the judge found that there were concerns about needing a trial. Second, the lower court judge agreed that the claim should be dismissed because of the expiration of a two-year limitation period The Ridels appealed the lower court’s decision to the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

bankruptcy trustee in ontario
bankruptcy trustee in ontario

The fascinating part (for me anyway) of the Court of Appeal’s decision

The unanimous Court of Appeal ruling agreed with the lower court judge’s decision that the action the Ridels took by way of an assignment document from e3m’s licensed insolvency trustee was statute-barred under the Limitations Act. However, the appeal court review of the lower court decision disagreed with the reasons given by the lower court. Upon agreeing that the Ridel’s action should be dismissed based on it being barred by the Limitations Act, the appeal court did not wade into whether or not the lower court judge’s decision was correct that summary judgement should not be granted as there was a triable issue.

The arguments given for the limitation period are somewhat complex. I will attempt to summarize them here so as not to be confusing. The lower court judge held that the Ridels as applicants knew of the existence of the potential claim of e3m against its Director as early as in July 2006. Since they did not launch the e3m claim in a court action until October 2016. Hence, the limitation period of 2 years made that claim statute-barred.

The Ridels state that the limitation period cannot have actually begun up until after e3m was bankrupt. Before then, they could not take an assignment of any claim from e3m’s licensed insolvency trustee, especially a potential claim by the company against its Director (and Officer).

They also stated it is impossible to get an s. 38 order before the company actually is bankrupt.

The lawyer for the Ridels did not argue the testing of the timing of their very own understanding of the Director’s misdeed in regard to e3m. Rather, he focussed on the fact that the Ridels were not in a place to do anything concerning it, at a minimum, until the bankruptcy of e3m.

The appeal court went through a detailed analysis of the relevant statutes and case law. The Court of Appeal confirmed that the action launched was not a claim by the Ridels personally, but rather the company’s claim of which they took a court-approved assignment. So the appeal court agreed substantially with the Ridels that they could not have started their action until they took the assignment from the e3m licensed insolvency trustee.

When was e3m’s knowledge of its claim?

So the appeal court said what is important, since it is e3m’s claim and not the claim of the Ridels, when did e3m first become aware of the potential claim against its Director? The appeal court stated it fully understood why the Director would not have had e3m sue him or otherwise enjoin him in the original claim against the account rep and e3m. However, when did e3m first become aware of the potential of its claim?

On the proof in this matter, regardless of the Ridels’ or Goldbergs’ understanding of the case or his aversion to act against himself in support of e3m, at the very least, by April 2013, every one of the other e3m investors/shareholders had received a copy of the Reasons for Decision and Judgment against the account rep and e3m. It included different referrals to the Director’s misbehaviour. Those investors had the capacity to make e3m file a claim against the Director.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario judges determined that e3m recognized that: 1. an injury had actually happened; 2. its loss was brought on by an act or omission; 3. the act or omission was purportedly that of the Director, and 4. an action against the Director was a proper way to treat it. Regardless of the Director’s control to protect against such a lawsuit, the investors might have taken control of e3m’s board of directors and cause e3m to make such a case versus Goldberg.

So the appeal court decided that e3m first recognized that it may have a claim against the Director in April 2013, but the action was not commenced until October 2016. Accordingly, it was outside of the 2 year limitation period and the action was statute-barred.

So what does this mean for a bankruptcy trustee in Ontario?

As the bankruptcy trustee in Ontario in either a corporate bankruptcy or personal bankruptcy, many times we find as a result of our investigation that the bankrupt may have a claim against another party. More often than not, we either do not have sufficient funds or are not prepared to risk the funds in the Estate to the litigation risk. So, what we do is communicate with all known creditors to advise of the potential claim and that the licensed insolvency trustee is either unwilling or unable to act upon it. Accordingly, we are giving the creditors a chance to apply to the Court to take an assignment of such action under s.38 of the BIA.

Creditors seriously considering taking over the bankrupt’s claim must seriously consider the issue of whether or not launching a court action will be met with a defence that the claim is statute-barred, amongst other defences that may be available to the defendant(s). The Court of Appeal for Ontario has clearly communicated that the creditor taking an assignment of the bankrupt’s claim, cannot be in a better position than the bankrupt itself. The first knowledge that a claim exists will be when the bankrupt first had the knowledge, not the date that the creditor obtained the right to sue or any other date.

Bankruptcy trustee in Ontario Canada conclusion

The business world contains normal daily risks. This case clearly shows that. Are your company’s viability and solvency being threatened by claims against it, or for any other reason?

Is your company experiencing financial problems and requires debt relief? Are you on the brink of filing for bankruptcy just like e3m was because of your debts? Or are you an individual that has too much debt and you are looking at personal bankruptcy as your solution? Don’t wait until it is too late to properly restructure your company’s financial affairs. You don’t have to be another one filing bankruptcy in Canada. We can show you the various alternatives to bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals who have met the requirements of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada to obtain a trustee licence. One of those requirements to be trustees in bankruptcy is to pass an oral board of examination.

Insolvency trustee’s operations are licensed, authorized and their duties supervised by the federal government to offer insolvency advice and to implement solutions under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). We are a licensed insolvency trustee operating in Ontario Canada and we will help you to select what is best for you to free you from your debt issues.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today so we can use our qualifications to get you or your company the debt relief that you deserve. We will eliminate the anxiousness, tension, discomfort and pain from your life that your bills and your cash problems have caused. With the unique roadmap, we develop just for you, you can eliminate your debts and we will promptly return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

Brandon Blog Post


help with debt

Help with debt

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this help with debt Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Help with debt introduction

Many people need help with debt; especially credit card debt. They are stuck lugging around this debt. They only make the minimum monthly payment while a high rate of interest cost continues to accumulate. The net result is they never really make a dent in paying down the balance owing.

Canadian household help with debt

In March 2019, Equifax Canada reported that Canadian consumer debt delinquent accounts are increasing. Equifax also reported that the average Canadian household consumer debt is an average of $23,000, not counting mortgages. Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz previously said that the typical Canadian owes about $1.70 for each dollar of income she or he earns each year, after taxes.

This, of course, is not a new story for Canadians. I have been writing about Canadians’ love affair with taking on more debt for several years now.

The Province of Quebec is trying to make a difference for help with debt

On November 15, 2017, Quebec’s Bill number 134, “An Act mainly to modernize rules relating to consumer credit and to regulate debt settlement service contracts, high-cost credit contracts and loyalty programs”, came into force. On August 1, 2019, certain aspects of this legislation, aimed at trying to curb credit card debt in Quebec, come into force.

Now in Quebec, brand-new charge card accounts opened up need the minimum monthly payment to be increased to 5% of the balance owing on those brand-new credit cards. For cards issued before August 1, 2019, cardholders will continue being required to pay a minimum of 2% of the outstanding balance. They have until 2025 to begin paying the new minimum of 5%. However, the minimum payment limit each month will be increased by half a percentage point annually after August 1, 2020, up until it gets to the five percent level.

Consumer advocates feel that other provinces will be viewing carefully what Quebec is doing. The Quebec government obviously believed that debt issues are an essential problem in Quebec that needed to be addressed.

Will this help with debt work?

Canadians have actually gone away from being a country of savers to a nation of borrowers. Therefore, if an unanticipated financial emergency hits, on average, Canadians do not have the resources to deal with it.

Many Canadians strung out on credit card debt need credit card debt help. A simple credit card debt calculator shows how problematic unpaid credit card debt is. Take a charge card with a balance owing of $1,000 with an annual 19.9% rate of interest and a two percent minimum monthly payment. It will take 26 years to pay off the balance. As well, it will cost $3,000 in interest. All this with an original balance of $1,000!

If the minimum monthly payment increases to 5%, that same credit card balance of $1,000 will take six years to pay off with $442 of interest. So you can see what the Province of Quebec is trying to achieve for its citizens.

The arithmetic of course works. However, the issue is not one of arithmetic. Better arithmetic won’t save Canadians who go into debt they cannot repay. If their budget does not allow them to pay more than a minimum of 2% each month, where will the extra money come from? Wage growth is stagnant and family expenses rise each year.

The Quebec government feels that having its people experience short-term pain for long-term gain will work.

As noble and well-intentioned this Quebec Bill 134 is, it does not appear that it has thought through what the real consequences will be. Will it help Quebeckers reduce their household debt faster? How will people who can only afford to pay a minimum monthly amount of 2% find the money to pay the higher amount. For Quebeckers in debt, it deserves asking if this sort of the change in policy will really help the people? Or, will it speed up the rate at which people in Quebec will have to make an insolvency filing, be it a consumer proposal or bankruptcy?

Has Quebec tackled the real help with debt issue?

High credit card debt is plainly a difficult situation for many. Time will tell exactly how effective a technique it is to raise the minimum monthly payment to 5% on a charge card will be. What Quebec is doing is a step in the right direction but it may not be one of the best high household debt solutions. But I am disappointed that it was not coupled with the requirement for better financial education and financial literacy.

In my opinion, it would have been much more impressive for Quebec to have at the same time developed simple online financial education tools for its citizens in trying to combat the problem of too much debt. What is really needed is to teach people that paying only the minimum monthly balance increases the cost of paying off the balance. Ideally, people need to adjust their household budget to be able to pay the full balance off every month.

Help with debt: Financial education was never on any curriculum

For many Canadians, proper money management and budgeting had not been a large subject in their house growing up. They get to college or university and they obtain that bank card. They just start spending and perhaps they also have student financial debt. They graduate and may or may not get a well-paying job to start off their new career. Then life takes place and living costs increase. Perhaps now a home with a home mortgage, children, automobile loan repayments and all other living costs take hold. Due to stagnant wage growth, or worse, corporate downsizing, there is not enough income in the family to keep up with all these debts. Now all you can do is make minimum payments.

To avoid this mess in the first place, people need to be taught basic budgeting skills. People need to understand that a household cannot spend more money than is earned, after income tax. This is the most basic concept for those in need of help with debt. The concept of having emergency savings funds is also necessary. People need to understand how fast credit card debt can grow and how hard it is to pay it off if the most you are able to pay is the minimum monthly payment.

Money management education and learning are so vital. People need to know that when they purchase things on a credit card, they do really need to have the money available to pay off that credit card at the end of the month. A credit card, unfortunately, is treated by many as an extra source of cash. In reality, it is a financial tool for convenience, but not an additional source of income.

Do you have too much debt?

Do you feel that you don’t have sufficient financial literacy? Do you believe that the lack of knowledge has led to you making financial mistakes? Have these mistakes caused you to now have too much debt? Is the pain and stress of too much debt now negatively affecting your health? Do you need help with debt?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer free consultation to help you solve your problems. We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also end it right away from your life. This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free life.

Brandon Blog Post


Annual credit report Canada: Introduction

On Monday, July 29, 2019, Capital One Financial Corp. (Capital One) reported a huge data breach. On the same day, Capital One announced that the FBI arrested a suspect, Paige A. Thompson. She is a Seattle software engineer. It is reported that the breach concerns 100 million individuals in the United States and approximately 6 million people in Canada touched in some capability by this violation. There are about 37 million people living in Canada. That is why I say that 1 in 6 Canadians will want an annual credit report Canada.

In Canada, Capital One issues and administers the Costco and Hudson’s Bay MasterCard. So, if you have one of those credit cards, then you have a high probability of having had your information hacked.

Annual credit report Canada: What Capital One said

Capital One claims there were no credit card account numbers or login details swiped. They also state that most of the Americans and Canadians impacted were from small companies that requested a bank card from 2005 through 2019. The jeopardized information consisted of information typical to such applications. Names, addresses, zip and postal codes, phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth and annual income.

However, Capital One also admitted that for its US customers, 140,000 Social Security numbers for bank card clients and also 80,000 connected savings account numbers were also exposed. For Canadian customers, about 1 million social insurance numbers were obtained by the hacker.

Capital One’s press release has tried to downplay the data breach by saying how low the number of stolen data was. But that is still a great deal of stolen personal details for 106 million people in North America. I bet none of those people think that it was not a big deal!

Capital One said they are going to make free credit monitoring and identity protection available to everyone involved. I am sure that many attorneys will be asking a simple question: In the wake of the Equifax data breach, what did Capital One do to reinforce its cybersecurity? I am sure more will be reported on this over time.

Annual credit report Canada: What to do immediately if you might be affected

If you have ever applied for a Capital One card over that 14-year span, you could be affected. As I mentioned at the beginning, about 1 in 6 Canadians are at risk. No statements or other evidence has come out yet as to what Ms. Thompson did with the information, if anything if it was me, I would take certain steps to protect myself. Identity theft is what I would be most worried about.

The very first thing I would do is change my login credentials and password to my Capital One online account. Depending on what email address I use for that account, I would consider whether that email account was essential for me or could I use a new one. If essential, I would make sure that I had sufficient cybersecurity over the email account. In either case, I would make sure that I had proper security on any computer or device I might use to access my Capital One account.

In Canada, there are two credit reporting agencies or credit bureau Canada; Equifax Canada (Equifax) and TransUnion Canada (TransUnion). Unfortunately in Canada, unlike in the USA, you cannot put a freeze on your credit report. A freeze would require anyone wanting to access your credit files to first get your permission on a case by case basis.

However, in Canada, you can put a fraud alert on your credit report. I would contact both Equifax and TransUnion to see if they would let me put such an alert on my credit report. The alert would be that you believe you are a victim of the Capital One data breach in 2019. It is possible though that unless I could prove that a problem already existed, they may not let me. However, that would not stop me from trying.

I would also order my free annual credit report Canada to make sure that there are not any items showing up that you never applied for.

These are the three things that I would do immediately.

Annual credit report Canada: There are other things I would also do to protect myself

Next, I would watch my credit card statements very carefully when they arrive each month. I would look for any suspicious transactions and investigate them. If there were any, I would, of course, report them to the credit card issuer immediately. No doubt they would shut down my card and issue a new one to me.

If my information was sold or otherwise shared by the hacker, I would expect to receive phishing scam emails. I would be most vigilant not to succumb to any of them. I would mark them spam immediately, without clicking on any of the links.

I might also expect to receive scam phone calls to at least the phone number(s) I provided to Capital One. I would never share personal information over the telephone with someone calling me, even if it sounds legitimate. I would ask them for their company employee and contact details and then hang up. I would then do my own sleuthing to determine if that phone call was real or someone trying to pull a scam on me. You cannot rely on your caller id, since spoofing software exists to create a phony number resembling a legitimate company.

If you receive any calls from a credit card company or collection agency about an overdue account that you do not recognize, that to is a result of identity theft. Criminals take out credit cards and loans in the name of the person whose identity they stole. You don’t find out about it until the bank calls or writes you about your delinquent account.

Finally, both Equifax and TransUnion allow you to obtain an annual credit report Canada. I would not request both an Equifax Canada free credit report and a TransUnion Canada free credit report at the same time. Rather, I would first get, say, a TransUnion free credit report immediately and keep it as my baseline.

Then, 6 months later, I would request my Equifax free annual credit report Canada to compare. I would be looking for any credit inquiries from parties that I never made a credit application to or don’t currently have a credit line with. I would use this alternating procedure for a while to make sure nothing funny was going on in my credit files.

Conclusion for annual credit report Canada

I hope you enjoyed this annual credit report Canada Brandon’s Blog. Are you the victim of identity theft? Has your stolen information been used to run up debts in your name? Are you on the verge of bankruptcy? Do not wait till it is far too late to understand how you can restructure your financial affairs and avoid bankruptcy. You do not need to be one more person or company declaring bankruptcy in Canada.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only specialists certified, accredited and overseen by the federal government to provide insolvency guidance and to apply remedies under the BIA. We will certainly help you to choose what is best for you to release you from your debt problems.

annual credit report canada
annual credit report canada

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get rid you for you the stress, anxiety, pain and discomfort that your money issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Staring Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today.annual credit report canada

Brandon Blog Post



When people with high debt come to see me for their free consultation, many times I shock them. They are shocked when I tell them that bankruptcy might not be required. I then tell them about consumer proposals. I also explain why I think they would be able to successfully complete a consumer proposal (CP) and therefore avoid bankruptcy.

What are consumer proposals?

I have written on the topic many times. In summary, a consumer proposal is a streamlined process under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). This process allows insolvent people to make a formal deal with their creditors. This government approved debt settlement plan is to repay only a portion of what you owe and you can take as long as 5 years of regular monthly payments to do so.

To qualify, the person must be insolvent and owe $250,000 or less to all creditors, other than for any debts secured by way of registration against your principal residence, such as a mortgage.

The person will then ask me how many we have done were rejected. They are trying to determine what the odds are for their deal to be accepted by their creditors. What I tell them is that I first do an assessment and tell them what amount of offer I think they need to make to gain the approval of their creditors. I also tell them that so far, anyone who has followed my advice has had their consumer proposal accepted by their creditors. Therefore, the number of those rejected by people who follow my advice is ZERO.

The benefits

There are benefits to submitting a successful debt settlement payment plan sanctioned under the BIA. The benefits include:

  • Unlike an informal debt arrangement, the CP develops a forum where each of your unsecured creditors has to participate in for your debt restructuring.
  • You maintain your assets and don’t have to give them up.
  • Lawsuits against you or your property and financial debts, or enforcement actions such as wage garnishments, cannot proceed.
  • You do not need to submit an assignment in bankruptcy

The process

Once prepared, the CP is submitted to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB), the government department that controls Licensed Insolvency Trustees (formerly called bankruptcy trustees) (Trustee). The Trustee acts as the Administrator of the CP.

Once it is submitted, you will quit paying your unsecured creditors for past debts. The Trustee will send a notice of the filing along with a copy of the CP to all creditors affected by the CP. This includes anyone suing you or garnishing your earnings. Those activities against you will stop also.

Your creditors will have 45 days to accept or decline the debt settlement CP deal. If your unsecured creditors are disappointed with the proposal, they can vote against. In that case, the Trustee will discuss modifications with you that the Trustee believes the creditors might accept. That discussion will take place prior to the against vote counting. Usually, this means offering more money to them over the maximum 5 year period. The key is that you have to be able to afford to make those higher monthly payments. It will still be only a portion of the total you owe.

In order for consumer proposals to be accepted, a simple majority of your creditors by dollar value who has filed a proof of claim must approve it. If creditors who have filed a proof of claim choose not to vote, that is considered a vote in favour. You also may not even need to have a meeting of creditors. Unless creditors holding 25% in dollar value of the claims filed to request a meeting, or the OSB requests a meeting, there is no need to hold one. If a meeting is not requested, the proposal is deemed to be accepted by the creditors. This is all part of the streamlining.

Acceptance and performance

If your CP is accepted, the OSB (or any type of other interested parties) has 15 days to ask the Trustee to go to court to have the deal court approved. If no such demand is made, the debt plan is deemed to have actually been accepted by the court. More streamlining.

After acceptance and approval, the person is then accountable for making the regular monthly payments to the Trustee that was promised in the debt management plan. There will also be 2 counselling sessions for the person to attend with the Trustee to help them with their financial issues and behaviour.

If you miss 3 monthly payments, or you are greater than 3 months overdue since your last payment, the proposal will be considered annulled. This indicates to your creditors that they are now able to either resume or begin collection actions against you. Not a good thing.

Full performance

As I previously mentioned, the person must successfully complete the debt management settlement plan by making all the required payments and attending the 2 counselling sessions. When completed, the person is entitled to receive a Certificate of Full Performance. This means that you have successfully completed the CP and that all debts caught by it are discharged.

The Trustee will then finalize the administration of your debt settlement plan, get the necessary OSB approval and distribute the money to all the creditors who have filed a proof of claim. The Administrator also is entitled to the government approved fee.


Consumer proposals must provide your creditors with a better outcome than what they would get in your bankruptcy. I have never had a consumer proposal rejected for someone who took my advice and made all the payments required.

Are you in financial distress? Do you not have enough funds to pay your bills as they come due?

As a Trustee, we are the only professionals acknowledged, accredited and also managed by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and services. A consumer proposal is a federal government licensed debt settlement approach to eliminate your debt. We will certainly help you to pick what is best for you to clear your own debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can eliminate the stress, anxiety, discomfort and pain from your life that your cash problems have produced. With the distinct roadmap, we develop just for you, we will swiftly return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

We have years and generations of experience assisting people and companies looking for debt restructuring to PREVENT bankruptcy. You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you to fix your financial troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will certainly allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

consumer proposals

Brandon Blog Post



In my May 3, 2017, Brandon’s Blog, DEBT SETTLEMENT OR CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: REPORT SAYS CONSUMERS HARMED, I told you about a Government of Canada research study. On April 28, 2017, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), released its study. It revealed the OSB’s concerns about credit counseling services in Canada who were doing more than just counselling, be they for-profit or non-profit.

The concerns

The concern was that the consumer was being harmed. The main areas of concern for the OSB were:

  1. Consumers paid more money than required if they had first seen a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT or Trustee) rather than the debt settlement company.
  2. Dishonest debt relief firms chatted customers right into expensive car loans under the scare tactic that they would not qualify once they filed either a consumer proposal or for bankruptcy so now was the time to improve their credit score.
  3. The debt negotiation firms had no accreditation or experience to provide the sort of financial advice they were offering.
  4. Creditors obtained much less than they would have received if the insolvent person went first to see the LIT.
  5. Debtors had no idea of their obligations under the insolvency process they ended up filing for. They were not offered the chance to experience one of the most essential facets of the Canadian bankruptcy system, economic recovery.

Public consultation

On November 24, 2017, the OSB sought public consultation on amending the process by which a LIT must perform credit counselling as part of the administration of consumer proposal filings. Changes were implemented and given time to see how they would work in practice.

On June 17, 2019, the OSB announced that it was seeking public consultation on a new Directive for LITs on credit counselling. These changes are meant to streamline the administrative structure for insolvency credit counseling.

All the changes are to better control the Trustees who receive referrals from debt settlement companies that charge the debtors for services that they really do not require before handing them over to a LIT to administer a consumer proposal.

Why not just go see a Trustee first?

It makes the most sense when you realize you are in financial trouble to see a LIT. A Trustee is only professional licensed, recognized and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to administer insolvency filings to eliminate debt problems. A restructuring proposal is a government and court approved debt settlement plan to do that. In a first consultation, a Trustee will listen to all the issues and then provide a debtor with all the available alternatives. The aim is to avoid bankruptcy. This first consultation is also free! No charge! Gratis!

So why don’t more people do so? I believe the answer is in a recent Angus Reid poll titled The Awkward Silences Survey 2019. The survey says one-in-five Canadians claimed they least like to talk about:

  1. Embarrassing health and wellness concerns – 20%
  2. Sex – 18%
  3. Finances – 17%
  4. Religious beliefs or politics 17%
  5. Small talk – 15%
  6. Family and relationships – 13%

The unwillingness to talk about humiliating health and wellness problems was more widespread amongst males (23%) than females (17%).

When asked which one money and finance subject people like discussing the very least, personal debt and bankruptcy led by a big margin with one-in-three stating it was off limits to discuss (34%). This number is significantly greater in Quebec (42%) and least in Ontario (28%).

The survey says Canadians said that in the money and finance area, the least favourite topics they like to talk about are:

  1. Personal debt or bankruptcy – 34%
  2. Assets, liabilities and net worth – 22%
  3. Their income – 16%
  4. How they spend their money – 12%
  5. Savings and investments – 11%
  6. Their mortgage – 5%

I don’t do government approved and free

I always knew that going to see a Trustee to talk about financial problems was not high on anyone’s list. This recent survey is the first time that I have seen it studied with anything other than anecdotal stories. This could explain why even though it makes the most sense, people avoid it for as long as they can. It also explains why people will search out companies that try to candy coat the topic and call it something nicer. Unfortunately, as the OSB studies have shown, consumers do so to their own detriment.

People would rather pay good money they can’t afford to be hoodwinked by an unscrupulous debt consultant until they realize they have no choice but to see a Trustee. At that point, most of their various options are no longer available and bankruptcy is more often than not inevitable.

Whether it is a business or a person, corporate or personal, it will help to talk about it to a Trustee. Sticking your head in the sand will not make things better. There are various options to look at depending on how early on you seek help.

Corporate financial problems

For corporate financial problems, the options may include:

Refinancing with a new lender who has not grown weary.

Sometimes relationships, including business relationships, just run their course and fatigue sets in. I was recently consulted by a company whose banker grew tired of their turnaround plan, that was working. By introducing this company and its senior management to a new lender, who saw the long term benefits of lending to a company that was successfully turning itself around, the company was able to refinance and continue their business.

Corporate restructuring.

Sometimes a more formal plan needs to be put into place using one of Canada’s two federal statutes: (i) Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA); or (ii) the proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). We have done many.

Receivership or bankruptcy proceedings to take assets from a sick company and get them into a healthy one to save jobs and the business.

Sometimes the corporate body is just too sick and weak and cannot continue. However, taking healthy assets and employees and transferring them to a new or different corporation can revitalize a business and save jobs. The old shareholders may or may not be associated with the new company. However, the highest value will be obtained for creditors, employees and all other stakeholders.

Personal financial problems

For personal financial problems, the options may include:

Credit counseling and budgeting.

Many people need help with items such as:

  • Budgeting
  • achieving financial goals
  • spending habits
  • responsible use of credit

Many times once this help is received, people can continue on themselves without any further problems.

Debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is the process that permits you to roll your varied financial debts owing to many creditors into one single loan, leaving you with just one creditor. If you are starting to have troubles staying on top of your minimum month-to-month payments, and the amount of your debt is frustrating you, debt consolidation is a choice worth thinking about.

A consumer proposal and Division I Proposal.

A consumer proposal and a Division 1 proposal are options to filing bankruptcy. Although comparable in several aspects, there are some significant distinctions. Consumer proposals are offered to people whose financial debts aren’t more than $250,000, not including any debts registered against your personal house. Division 1 proposals are readily available to both companies and people whose financial obligations go beyond $250,000 (omitting mortgages registered on their primary home).

A consumer proposal is an official process under the BIA. Dealing with a Trustee you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific amount of time
  • Extend the time you need to repay the debt
  • A mix of both

Repayments are made via the Trustee, who makes use of that money to distribute to each of your creditors. The agreed to a lesser amount of debt has to be repaid within 5 years.


Sometimes when there are no other options, but the pain and stress of your debt load are just too much for you to handle, and you can’t see any other way, bankruptcy may be the only answer. The purpose of bankruptcy in Canada is to return the honest but unfortunate debtor back into society, so that they may be a productive member going forward.

Are you ready to talk about finances now and get some real credit counseling?

Don’t be like those people who took part in the Angus Reid survey. Take a positive step in the right direction to help your company and yourself.

Is your business in financial distress because you cannot collect your billings? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your creditors as their bills to you come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

A restructuring proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a restructuring proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

credit counseling

Brandon Blog Post


insolvent meaning

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On November 28, 2018, I published my Brandon’s Blog titled “INSOLVENT DEFINITION: A NEW FOCUS FOR TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE”. I wrote about a then recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Bankruptcy and Insolvency in Kormos v. Fast, 2018 ONSC 6044 (CanLII). In that decision, the Judge gave a new twist on deciding whether or not Mr. and Mrs. Fast was insolvent.

If they were found to not be insolvent, their respective consumer proposal and bankruptcy filings would be annulled. In that event, Mr. and Mrs. Kormos would be able to continue enforcing their judgement against Mr. and Mrs. Fast. If unsuccessful in annulling the filings, then their only remedy would be to file a proof of claim in each insolvency proceeding. That would result in a payment far less than what might otherwise be available.

The lower court ruling

Mr. and Mrs. Kormos submitted evidence that the Fast’s assets had a value greater than their total liabilities. They submitted that therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Fast was not insolvent and should not have been able to file under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

The evidence submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Kormos was not challenged. However, the Judge seized upon the fact that the income and expense statement of each of Mr. and Mrs. Fast indicated that on a monthly basis, their income was much less than their expenses. The Judge, therefore, concluded that Mr. and Mrs. Fast was insolvent and their separate insolvency filings should not be annulled. Accordingly, he dismissed the application by Mr. and Mrs. Kormos.

The appeal

Mr. and Mrs. Kormos did not believe that this ruling was either fair or appropriate. Therefore, they appealed the Judge’s decision with respect to Mrs. Fast only to the Court of Appeal for Ontario. On May 23, 2019, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its unanimous decision in Kormos v. Fast, 2019 ONCA 430.

The position of Mr. and Mrs. Kormos was that the Judge erred in dismissing their application by not annulling Mrs. Fast’s assignment in bankruptcy and not deciding that her filing was a misuse of the bankruptcy procedure. They further submitted that therefore, the Judge legitimized an unjustified technique to protect the equity in Mrs. Fast’s home.

The Court of Appeal agreed with Mr. and Mrs. Kormos. They stated that the lower court erred in failing to decide that Mrs. Fast was not an insolvent person. It is for that reason, it was not necessary for the Court of Appeal to decide if her filing was a misuse of the bankruptcy scheme and procedure.

The Court of Appeal Judges determined that on the day of her bankruptcy, Mrs. Fast was not an “insolvent person” as that term is specified under s. 2 of the BIA. Her assets substantially went beyond and were readily available to pay off all of her liabilities.

Apart from the unexplained regular monthly cash deficiency, there was no proof that she could not satisfy or had actually stopped paying her liabilities as they normally came due. Instead, the undisputed proof was that she could. The only single item submitted as proof of any kind of financial hardship was that Mrs. Fast had not paid the debt owed to Mr. and Mrs. Kormos under their judgement.

The Court’s power for bankruptcy annullment

Under s. 181(1) of the BIA, a court might annul a bankruptcy order if it feels that it ought not to have actually been made. An annulment will be approved where it is revealed either:

  1. the bankrupt was not an insolvent individual when he or she made the assignment in bankruptcy, or
  2. the bankrupt abused the procedure of the court or performed a fraud on his or her creditors.

What is an insolvent person?

Section 2 of the BIA specifies an “insolvent person” as:

“insolvent person means a person who is not bankrupt and who resides, carries on business or has property in Canada, whose liabilities to creditors provable as claims under this Act amount to one thousand dollars, and

(a) who is for any reason unable to meet his obligations as they generally become due,

(b) who has ceased paying his current obligations in the ordinary course of business as they generally become due, or

(c) the aggregate of whose property is not, at a fair valuation, sufficient, or, if disposed of at a fairly conducted sale under legal process, would not be sufficient to enable payment of all his obligations, due and accruing due;”

Mrs. Fast plainly did not meet any of the requirements to be considered insolvent. The lower court erred by ignoring Mrs. Fast’s capacity to satisfy her liabilities and her accessibility to considerable assets.

On the day of her bankruptcy, Mrs. Fast’s real value of her assets over her liabilities, including her share in the value of the real estate, was $417,581.24. The debt owing to Mr. and Mrs. Kormos under their judgement was $25,565.64 plus interest. Therefore, she definitely was not insolvent.

Out and out lies

Mrs. Fast was motivated to take the actions she did because Mr. and Mrs. Kormos was beginning to execute on their judgement and there was real value in the real estate to eventually get paid from. So, Mrs. Fast lied on her sworn statement of affairs she completed with her licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT). She also manufactured an income and expense statement to show that on a cash basis, she suffered a monthly loss.

It is obvious that first, her LIT did insufficient work to establish the bona fides of the values Mrs. Fast used in her bankruptcy filing. Second, the lower court Judge ignored what should have been obvious. Mrs. Fast should not have been allowed to file an assignment in bankruptcy. At least now we are back to the tried and true definition of an insolvent person with clarity from the Ontario appellate court.

The Court of Appeal ordered the annulment of Mrs. Fast’s bankruptcy. They also awarded costs to Mr. and Mrs. Kormos on a partial indemnity basis in the amount of $2,000, including disbursements and HST.

Are you insolvent?

Are you unable to pay your debts as they come due? Are your bills past due and you don’t know how you are going to pay them? Is the true value of your assets less than what you owe to your creditors? If so, then you are insolvent, and we can help end your pain and anxiety.

A LIT is the only insolvency expert accredited, licensed and supervised by the federal government to handle debt restructuring. As a LIT, our personalized strategy will assist you to know all your alternatives. The alternative you choose based on our recommendations will take away the stress and pain you are feeling because of your debt problems.

Nobody wants to visit a bankruptcy trustee. However, the Ira Smith Team has decades and generations of experience people and companies in financial trouble. We will treat you with the respect and dignity that you deserve. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt settlement plan, a larger personal or corporate restructuring proposal debt settlement plan, or as a last resort, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our approach for each file is to create a result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door. You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life.

Call us today for your free consultation, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!