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balanced budget, bankruptcy trustee, budget, financial health, debt, bankruptcy, proposal, credit card debt, trustee, starting over starting nowIn our last bankruptcy trustee blog A Balanced Budget Is To Financial Health What A Balanced Diet Is To Physical Health – Part 1, we discussed the importance of a budget to help you establish your spending limits, reduce your spending and if you stick to your budget, live within your means. This week in A Balanced Budget is to Financial Health What a Balanced Diet is to Physical Health – Part 2, we’ll be discussing a case from our files and explaining how important a balanced budget is when working with a bankruptcy trustee.

When we consult with a consumer debtor, one of the most important things for them to have is a balanced budget. In the cases of bankruptcy or proposal, a balanced budget is not optional; it is a requirement that they present us with a balanced budget as it needs to be filed in the public domain as part of their bankruptcy or proposal. In fact I will not sign off on one that doesn’t balance (except in extenuating circumstances). There are several reasons that a bankruptcy trustee says a balanced budget is a requirement for bankruptcy or proposal:

1. An insolvency filing cuts off access to credit for the debtor so they have to live within their means.
2. It is a requirement of the Act to show rehabilitation.
3. Living off credit is a likely contributor to the financial difficulty in the first place. While a proposal or bankruptcy will settle the present debts, if the lifestyle changes aren’t made the greater problem, chronic debt, won’t be solved. A bankruptcy trustee has the duty to ensure that rehabilitation has taken place.

From the files of Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.: Brian and Julie are married with no children. They can no longer afford their present lifestyle based on their income. Brian works limited part-time hours (and clings to the belief that he needs to be home at all times to work on call so he can work his way up in the ranks). Julie lost her full-time job and is having trouble finding one with equivalent hours/pay. This has been going on for over 2 months now and they have not readjusted their budget to account for the change in income. Although they do not live an extravagant lifestyle, they have become reliant on credit to maintain their lifestyle. Now they are caught in a viscous cycle; they are taking on new debt at a time they are seeking relief from the old debt they can’t pay. The reality is that until they balance a budget, even on a temporary basis, as a bankruptcy trustee, we can’t help with the old debt as they cannot live on their combined family income without incurring more debt. Therefore, they are stuck in limbo.

There are many ways to get into debt, but getting out of debt is not a do-it-yourself project. If you’re experiencing serious debt issues you need professional help from a bankruptcy trustee as soon as possible. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now we can put you back on track to financial health.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy trustees, financial distress, financial tool, bankruptcy, too much debt, collection letters, collection calls, bankruptcy alternatives, personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy legislation, corporate bankruptcy, bankruptcy protection, Air Canada bankruptcy, American Airlines bankruptcy, consumer proposal, starting over starting now, bankruptcy trusteeBankruptcy trustees advise people in financial distress to think of bankruptcy as just another financial tool. Bankruptcy still carries a stigma with it for many people, but if you have too much debt, cannot repay your debts and are afraid to open the mail or answer the phone because of all the collection letters and collection calls you receive, you need to take some positive step to eliminate this stress in your life by finding a responsible and realistic solution.

Bankruptcy trustees will tell you that none of their clients wanted to call and for sure did not wish to see them. People come to bankruptcy trustees feeling ashamed, guilty and worthless. It is normal to feel that you have failed in such circumstances, but it is also important for your emotional and financial well-being to think of bankruptcy or one of the various bankruptcy alternatives as another financial tool and to use one of these tools to fix the situation for yourself.

Our media promotes the feeling that personal bankruptcy is somehow equated with failure, instead of it being described as merely a negative financial outcome for the honest, but unfortunate person. Everyone deserves a second chance, and using bankruptcy, or one of the bankruptcy alternatives is a way to get that second chance. Many people have done so in the past, and many will do so in the future; that is why Parliament created the laws forming our bankruptcy legislation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Keep in mind, many famous people have previously filed for bankruptcy.

It is interesting that our media casts personal bankruptcy in a negative light, but shows corporate bankruptcy protection as something positive. When we heard years ago about Air Canada filing for bankruptcy protection, or more recently, American Airlines filing for bankruptcy, people did not stop flying the airlines because they were disgusted that a company would dare to make use of the bankruptcy financial tool, but rather, people were worried about whether or not they would lose any of their airline point privileges!

Why can’t we think of personal bankruptcy as the same positive step forward financial tool in dealing with an unfortunate situation?

Bankruptcy trustees are the people licensed by the Government of Canada to administer the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Bankruptcy trustees need to obtain a full understanding of your assets and liabilities and understand your personal situation in order to advise whether you should go bankrupt, or if you are a candidate for a consumer proposal instead. No doubt people seeking the assistance of bankruptcy trustees have many questions needing to be answered also.

Are you suffering financially for any reason? Don’t be ashamed; contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Debt won’t go away on its own. You need professional help Starting Over, Starting Now so that you can regain your dignity and resume on a path to debt free living.

Watch this 5 minute video to listen to how another bankruptcy trustee explains it.


Brandon Blog Post


bad credit loans guaranteed approval, debt, starting over starting now, financial help, trustee, professional licensed bankruptcy trustee, licensed trustee, personal financial management, financial problems, creditor, bankruptcy trustee, danger signs, debts, personal loans, credit cards, payday loans, living paycheque to paycheque, uncontrolled debt, bad credit loans, debt free life, professional financial helpIf you are searching for bad credit loans guaranteed approval, then you already know that one of the more frightening feelings common in the modern world is falling into debt and not knowing how to get out. Debt has a way of sneaking up and overwhelming us before we realize what is going on.

Many people have not had the training in personal financial management needed to stay out of debt, and they are in need of guidance from someone who has this expertise for resolving their financial problems. Unfortunately, people in this situation often get into more trouble by looking for bad credit loans guaranteed approval by a new creditor rather than finding the help they really need from a bankruptcy trustee.

Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval

If you find yourself typing the above search term into your search engine, you may well be looking at one of the danger signs that you are in need of professional help in dealing with your debts. Other signs that debt is out of hand include:

  1. not having any savings;
  2. taking personal loans from family or friends;
  3. missing payments on credit cards, mortgage, or rent;
  4. using your credit card for buying groceries and other necessities;
  5. relying on credit cards to get from one payday to the next;
  6. not knowing the total amount you owe; and
  7. not being able to manage living paycheque to paycheque.

The worry and stress created by these pressures makes finding a way out of the situation even harder. Uncontrolled debt can take a big toll on family life and reduce, or eliminate, the resources for relaxation and leisure, leaving the person with no time to even look for the light at the end of the tunnel. I can assure you from all of the cases we have handled, a bad credit loans guaranteed approval company is not a solution to your overall debt problem.

As the debt mounts, the prospect of looking at the whole picture becomes even more overwhelming. However, looking objectively at your whole situation is the most important first step for resolving the crisis, and this is exactly what you can gain by using the assistance and perspective of a professional licensed bankruptcy trustee. I can look at your situation clearly as a third party, and I will not charge you for that consultation. So all you have to lose, is your debt!

Avoiding Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval

If you have found yourself seeking more bad credit loans, consider turning in a new direction that can lead you out of debt forever. Take a deep breath, step back for a moment and have a consultation with a licensed bankruptcy trustee who can help you in facing the full dimensions of your problem and then devise a plan that moves you toward a debt free life.

We have written several blogs about the high amounts charged by bad credit loans guaranteed approval companies and how they take advantage of people at their weakest moment, and you may wish to read some of them. They include: BAD CREDIT LOANS TORONTO: LEGIT COMPANIES DON’T GUARANTEE THEM, PAYDAY LOANS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, and THE CASH STORE ONTARIO: THIS PAYDAY LOAN OUTFIT NEEDED HELP AND CALLED A TRUSTEE! If you read these blogs, you will see why we say that a bad credit loans guaranteed approval company is not the way to solve your financial problems.

If debt has overwhelmed your life and you are still looking for more, that is a definite warning sign that it is time for professional financial help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. immediately. We will evaluate your situation and provide you with a solid plan for moving forward so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


CONSUMER PROPOSALS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWBefore contemplating a bankruptcy, those who have too much debt should give strong consideration to consumer proposals, one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. As long as you owe less than $250,000, this is possible. This limitation excludes any mortgage you have for your home.

The advantage of consumer proposals

Consumer proposals gives individuals a chance to reorganize their finances and get back on their feet without having to go through a bankruptcy. By avoiding bankruptcy, a person’s credit rating is not seriously damaged. In addition, after all of the debts are dealt with, through consumer proposals, people have a strong feeling of accomplishment and self-worth.

Consulting with a bankruptcy trustee to find out more about consumer proposals

The first step in pursuing a consumer proposal is to meet with a bankruptcy trustee to evaluate your financial circumstances. The trustee will help draft a proposal for your creditors based upon your finances. If the proposal is accepted, you will then make your payments directly to the trustee. The exact form a proposal will take is dependent upon many variables.

In some circumstances, you may be paying only a partial amount of the debt you owe over time. In other circumstances, the debt will not be reduced, but reorganized in a way that gives you a chance to pay it all back. In consumer proposals, no further interest or fees can be charged. Sometimes it is just a longer period of time to pay back the debt. Either way, consumer proposals should be thought of as providing you with the equivalent of an interest-free loan. Whatever the final proposal is, it will help bring needed relief to your financial situation.

After filing a consumer proposal

From the time your consumer proposal is filed, you will no longer be making any payments directly to your creditors provided that the debt is unsecured. Any wage garnishment that is in place is suspended while the proposal is examined by your creditors. Lawsuits over debt recovery are also placed on hold. The proposal and the accompanying trustee’s report will provide details on your personal finances and will include an explanation of how your debts became such a problem that it has led to a need to reorganize the debt structure. Your creditors will have up to 45 days to decide to accept the offer or not. If one or more of your creditors is owed more than a fourth of the total debt, they have the right to request a meeting with you and the trustee. This request for a meeting must be done in the same 45 day time limit.

If you are in a situation where you are overwhelmed by debt with no hope of paying it back under the current circumstances, there is not much of a downside to pursuing a consumer proposal. The worst thing that can happen is that creditors do not agree to the proposal, and in this situation, bankruptcy is still an option. If it does work then you save yourself the grief of having a bankruptcy on your credit history.

If you wish to compare this information about consumer proposlas to a bankruptcy, start by reviewing our bankruptcy faqs. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible regarding your debt problems, to find out more about consumer proposals and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


DEBT IS INCREASING IN CANADA ACROSS ALL DEMOGRAPHICSThe last few weeks we’ve been discussing seniors in debt and baby boomers plagued with debt, but the sad reality is that debts are increasing in Canada across all demographics, and at alarming rates. In July 2013 we discussed how even high flyers can’t sustain the income to fund their lifestyles, so all demographics means the rich and famous included. According to the Royal Bank’s poll:

  • Canadians’ debt loads have grown 21% in the past year, and more consumers are running into the red.
  • For every dollar Canadians earn, they owe $1.63.
  • Just 24% of Canadians say they are debt free.
  • Canadians who are in debt have increased their non-mortgage burdens to $15,920. That’s an extra $2,779 over the past year compared to growth of just $83 in the year prior.
  • 38% of Canadians are anxious about their debt levels.

Unfortunately Canadians are digging themselves deeper by taking advantage of low interest rates and continuing to borrow, yet wages can’t keep up leading to Canadians being anxious about their debts. As a result debt loads have skyrocketed. A new survey shows debt levels are climbing fast, to a record $1.422 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2013, according to credit agency Equifax Canada. TransUnion reported the average Canadian consumer owes $27,355 – not including mortgages. Installment loans, largely made up of car loans, were the fastest growing segment of debt, up 11% year over year. Credit card debt rose 5.9% from a year ago. It is especially true for seniors with credit card debt, as they can tap into existing credit cards to borrow where they could not longer qualify for new credit.

As Canadian sink deeper in debt, many will be living paycheque to paycheque and struggling to make the minimum payments until eventually they become insolvent. Don’t wait for disaster to strike before seeking professional help. If you are facing a debt crisis, contact a professional bankruptcy trustee as soon as possible. The earlier you seek help the more options you’ll have. Bankruptcy is not the only option for serious debt problems. There are bankruptcy alternatives including credit counselling, debt consolidation, and consumer proposals in addition to bankruptcy as solutions. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


tax lawyer, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, bankruptcy trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, financial restructuring, bankruptcy faqs, insolvency, tax lawyer in canadaHave you heard the radio advertising spots by a tax lawyer in Canada who is trying very hard to make you believe that he is The Rock Star in the world of tax problems and that he and only he can help you? One commercial ends with, “Don’t call a Trustee, call me”. Isn’t it amazing that without knowing anything about you and without a consultation, he knows exactly what your problems are and how to fix them? And, he has no way to know if a Trustee is all you require to solve your serious debt issues. However, fear based advertising must be working for him because he spends fortunes on it.

Don’t take advice from an advertisement. If you have legal issues, absolutely you need a lawyer in Canada. But, the reality is that Canadian bankruptcy law doesn’t differentiate between tax debts and other kinds of unsecured debt, therefore most people can declare bankruptcy on taxes owing. In fact, 50% of the people who file a consumer proposal or declare personal bankruptcy include some form of tax debt. If you are experiencing serious debt problems you must consult with a Trustee before declaring bankruptcy; no doubt you will have many questions about the bankruptcy process. The Trustee will evaluate your case and advise you on all of your alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, and bankruptcy. Bankruptcy and consumer proposals are administered by a Bankruptcy Trustee, not a lawyer. In fact you cannot declare bankruptcy through a lawyer unless the lawyer is also a Trustee in Bankruptcy.

There are cases in which you may need a lawyer:

  • Tax debts are generally discharged in bankruptcy like other debts. However, if you have tax debts and the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) is opposing your discharge, it is recommended that you seek legal assistance.
  • In most cases Trustees do not act as your advocate. If you believe you need an advocate, you should consult a lawyer. Communication between you and your lawyer is confidential and privileged.

This is not an advertisement and we’re not telling you that we are Rock Stars. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Our bankruptcy law is complicated. Canada (Superintendent of Bankruptcy) v. 407 ETR. Also check out our bankruptcy faqs. If you’re having serious debt issues, and yes, even tax debt, contact us today. We can provide you with realistic choices for practical decision-making.

Brandon Blog Post

Are Consumer Proposals Right for You?

consumer proposal, consumer proposals, bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy trustee, vaughan bankruptcy, vaughan bankruptcy trusteeIf you have serious financial problems, there are options in addition to bankruptcy. In fact more Canadians are now choosing consumer proposals instead of declaring personal bankruptcy due in large part to a change in the bankruptcy law that came into effect in September 2009. Previously only consumers with debt up to $75,000 could file a consumer proposal. Now the limit is $250,000. Is a consumer proposal right for you?

What is a consumer proposal? A consumer proposal is a way to make a deal with your creditors to repay your debts, but you can’t pick and choose the debts to be included. It’s a contract – a legally binding agreement that’s offered to your creditors through a licensed trustee, as an alternative to bankruptcy. It may be proposed that you pay a lower amount each month over a longer period of time, or pay a percentage of what you owe, and the consumer proposal must be completed within five years.

Is a consumer proposal a viable option for you? If you are an individual or a couple with total debts that does not exceed $250,000, not including debts secured by your principal residence, a consumer proposal might be the right choice for you. You will need to have cashflow from income to enable you to make your proposed payments and/or a third party able to assist you with a lump sum payment.

Why can a consumer proposal be a better option than bankruptcy? You’ll have control of your assets and more cash in hand to deal with daily expenses because a consumer proposal extends the time over which creditors are paid. Creditors like consumer proposals as well because they get more of their money repaid than if you opted for bankruptcy. However, you must be able to make the monthly payments. Your credit rating will also recover faster following the completion of a consumer proposal than from a discharge from bankruptcy. This way you consolidate all of your debts into one monthly payment that you can afford.

Be aware that a consumer proposal will not:

  • Eliminate your support and alimony obligations
  • Eliminate your student loan obligations if you ceased being a student less than 7 years prior to filing the consumer proposal
  • Deal with your secured debts, such as your house mortgage and car loan

Only a licensed trustee in bankruptcy can act as the administrator of your consumer proposal. Go to our website for more information on consumer proposals.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver today for a free, no obligation consultation today and take your first step toward living a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!