Brandon Blog Post



In my May 3, 2017, Brandon’s Blog, DEBT SETTLEMENT OR CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: REPORT SAYS CONSUMERS HARMED, I told you about a Government of Canada research study. On April 28, 2017, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), released its study. It revealed the OSB’s concerns about credit counseling services in Canada who were doing more than just counselling, be they for-profit or non-profit.

The concerns

The concern was that the consumer was being harmed. The main areas of concern for the OSB were:

  1. Consumers paid more money than required if they had first seen a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee) (LIT or Trustee) rather than the debt settlement company.
  2. Dishonest debt relief firms chatted customers right into expensive car loans under the scare tactic that they would not qualify once they filed either a consumer proposal or for bankruptcy so now was the time to improve their credit score.
  3. The debt negotiation firms had no accreditation or experience to provide the sort of financial advice they were offering.
  4. Creditors obtained much less than they would have received if the insolvent person went first to see the LIT.
  5. Debtors had no idea of their obligations under the insolvency process they ended up filing for. They were not offered the chance to experience one of the most essential facets of the Canadian bankruptcy system, economic recovery.

Public consultation

On November 24, 2017, the OSB sought public consultation on amending the process by which a LIT must perform credit counselling as part of the administration of consumer proposal filings. Changes were implemented and given time to see how they would work in practice.

On June 17, 2019, the OSB announced that it was seeking public consultation on a new Directive for LITs on credit counselling. These changes are meant to streamline the administrative structure for insolvency credit counseling.

All the changes are to better control the Trustees who receive referrals from debt settlement companies that charge the debtors for services that they really do not require before handing them over to a LIT to administer a consumer proposal.

Why not just go see a Trustee first?

It makes the most sense when you realize you are in financial trouble to see a LIT. A Trustee is only professional licensed, recognized and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to administer insolvency filings to eliminate debt problems. A restructuring proposal is a government and court approved debt settlement plan to do that. In a first consultation, a Trustee will listen to all the issues and then provide a debtor with all the available alternatives. The aim is to avoid bankruptcy. This first consultation is also free! No charge! Gratis!

So why don’t more people do so? I believe the answer is in a recent Angus Reid poll titled The Awkward Silences Survey 2019. The survey says one-in-five Canadians claimed they least like to talk about:

  1. Embarrassing health and wellness concerns – 20%
  2. Sex – 18%
  3. Finances – 17%
  4. Religious beliefs or politics 17%
  5. Small talk – 15%
  6. Family and relationships – 13%

The unwillingness to talk about humiliating health and wellness problems was more widespread amongst males (23%) than females (17%).

When asked which one money and finance subject people like discussing the very least, personal debt and bankruptcy led by a big margin with one-in-three stating it was off limits to discuss (34%). This number is significantly greater in Quebec (42%) and least in Ontario (28%).

The survey says Canadians said that in the money and finance area, the least favourite topics they like to talk about are:

  1. Personal debt or bankruptcy – 34%
  2. Assets, liabilities and net worth – 22%
  3. Their income – 16%
  4. How they spend their money – 12%
  5. Savings and investments – 11%
  6. Their mortgage – 5%

I don’t do government approved and free

I always knew that going to see a Trustee to talk about financial problems was not high on anyone’s list. This recent survey is the first time that I have seen it studied with anything other than anecdotal stories. This could explain why even though it makes the most sense, people avoid it for as long as they can. It also explains why people will search out companies that try to candy coat the topic and call it something nicer. Unfortunately, as the OSB studies have shown, consumers do so to their own detriment.

People would rather pay good money they can’t afford to be hoodwinked by an unscrupulous debt consultant until they realize they have no choice but to see a Trustee. At that point, most of their various options are no longer available and bankruptcy is more often than not inevitable.

Whether it is a business or a person, corporate or personal, it will help to talk about it to a Trustee. Sticking your head in the sand will not make things better. There are various options to look at depending on how early on you seek help.

Corporate financial problems

For corporate financial problems, the options may include:

Refinancing with a new lender who has not grown weary.

Sometimes relationships, including business relationships, just run their course and fatigue sets in. I was recently consulted by a company whose banker grew tired of their turnaround plan, that was working. By introducing this company and its senior management to a new lender, who saw the long term benefits of lending to a company that was successfully turning itself around, the company was able to refinance and continue their business.

Corporate restructuring.

Sometimes a more formal plan needs to be put into place using one of Canada’s two federal statutes: (i) Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (CCAA); or (ii) the proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). We have done many.

Receivership or bankruptcy proceedings to take assets from a sick company and get them into a healthy one to save jobs and the business.

Sometimes the corporate body is just too sick and weak and cannot continue. However, taking healthy assets and employees and transferring them to a new or different corporation can revitalize a business and save jobs. The old shareholders may or may not be associated with the new company. However, the highest value will be obtained for creditors, employees and all other stakeholders.

Personal financial problems

For personal financial problems, the options may include:

Credit counseling and budgeting.

Many people need help with items such as:

  • Budgeting
  • achieving financial goals
  • spending habits
  • responsible use of credit

Many times once this help is received, people can continue on themselves without any further problems.

Debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is the process that permits you to roll your varied financial debts owing to many creditors into one single loan, leaving you with just one creditor. If you are starting to have troubles staying on top of your minimum month-to-month payments, and the amount of your debt is frustrating you, debt consolidation is a choice worth thinking about.

A consumer proposal and Division I Proposal.

A consumer proposal and a Division 1 proposal are options to filing bankruptcy. Although comparable in several aspects, there are some significant distinctions. Consumer proposals are offered to people whose financial debts aren’t more than $250,000, not including any debts registered against your personal house. Division 1 proposals are readily available to both companies and people whose financial obligations go beyond $250,000 (omitting mortgages registered on their primary home).

A consumer proposal is an official process under the BIA. Dealing with a Trustee you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific amount of time
  • Extend the time you need to repay the debt
  • A mix of both

Repayments are made via the Trustee, who makes use of that money to distribute to each of your creditors. The agreed to a lesser amount of debt has to be repaid within 5 years.


Sometimes when there are no other options, but the pain and stress of your debt load are just too much for you to handle, and you can’t see any other way, bankruptcy may be the only answer. The purpose of bankruptcy in Canada is to return the honest but unfortunate debtor back into society, so that they may be a productive member going forward.

Are you ready to talk about finances now and get some real credit counseling?

Don’t be like those people who took part in the Angus Reid survey. Take a positive step in the right direction to help your company and yourself.

Is your business in financial distress because you cannot collect your billings? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your creditors as their bills to you come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

A restructuring proposal is a government approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a restructuring proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

credit counseling

Brandon Blog Post


Debt help: Introduction

Canadian household debt is a problem for many Canadian families. So in this Brandon’s Blog, let’s chat about it.

There are two primary techniques for debt settlement: (1) debt stacking technique (also called the debt avalanche approach) and; (2) the debt snowball technique.

Debt help: Are you an avalanche or a snowball?

In the avalanche method, you pay off your liability with the highest rate of interest first, second highest next and so on. In the snowball technique, you pay off the single amount with the smallest outstanding balance first, second smallest second and so on.

Both techniques use, as soon as you’ve settled one, what you were paying goes to your next target balance. Avalanche can clearly conserve you cash because you are saving on interest costs. The additional amount above the minimum payment you can put towards reducing the debt goes totally against reducing the principal balance. Snowball theoretically might not save you as much with time, yet by using this technique, the quicker checkpoints wind up motivating you to place even more money against your debt.

Avalanche is more about the long haul while snowball is more about changing the way you think. When you see that you are just $60 from cleaning up one of your debts, you could select to toss that $60 right against your debt as opposed to heading out to eat.

Debt help: A real example

The best way to show this is to use an example. I will use the same set of facts and show you how the two methods would work.

Assume that you have 5 sorts of debt:

  1. An auto loan which has a current balance of $18,000, with a minimum monthly payment of $500 a month, at a 4.9% interest rate.
  2. Two student loans. One is down to $20,000. Excellent work at having it that reduced! The minimum repayment a month on that one is $300 and the interest rate is 4.6%. The 2nd student loan has a $10,000 current balance. The minimum monthly payment is $100 and is at a 5.9% interest rate.
  3. You bought some furniture and took advantage of a 24 month zero interest special promotion. You currently owe $7,581, the required monthly payment is $399 and you have 19 months left to go at the special promotion interest rate. Again, it is at a 0% rate of interest. If you do not pay off the balance in the next 19 months, the balance will then click away at 29% per annum.
  4. You only have one credit card. You owe $12,000 and it has a minimum monthly payment of $100. The annual interest rate is 19.8%.

So currently, your total debt is $67,500. Your monthly minimum repayments are a total of $1,429. At that level, it will take you about another 5 years to repay all your debt or some time in 2024 (other than for the furniture debt).

Through your budgeting, you see that you can squeeze an extra $171 out of your monthly budget to put towards your debt repayment. So overall you are paying $1,600 a month towards your debt. In the avalanche method, you will be debt free in February 2023. The interest paid throughout that time is $11,149.00.

Debt help: Repayment strategy options – Snowball vs. avalanche

Under the snowball method, you are done in April 2023. The interest paid in snowball is higher at $14,445.00. This is a difference of $3,296.00. You can certainly put those interest cost savings into your own savings plan. Also under the snowball method, it has you paying off the zero percent interest furniture loan in 13 months. The avalanche method puts the extra money against your highest interest rate credit card debt. It also lets you use the entire remaining 19 months to pay off the principal only furniture loan.

Nonetheless, both methods are valid. Under both methods, you pay off your debt a year earlier than if you did not use either of these methods and putting a bit extra against your principal. It depends what the characteristics of your debt load are. In my example, you would certainly pick the avalanche method, not the snowball method. This highlights the importance of budgeting so that you know what amount extra if any, you can squeeze from your budget towards debt repayment. Also, you can use one of the many free online calculators to figure out both the snowball and avalanche methods. That way you will know what is best for your situation.

The graphs

Let’s look at the graphs of these timelines. As you can see, the avalanche method gives you a steeper downward curve than the snowball method. Again, it is because you are paying off your debt quicker.

debt help

Budgeting and motivation

This also shows us that you have a bit more adaptability if you need to make a reduced repayment one month. Financial instability makes it difficult to toss additional money at debt. So when you’re not obtaining those incentives of getting rid of a kind of debt, it’s a little tougher to be urged. Conversely, seeing that you are chipping away at your debt will motivate you to keep refining your budget so that you can find more money to put against your debt.

The most vital thing is that you have actually developed a budget. Through the budgeting procedure, you found extra savings each month to put towards debt repayment. It’s going to take you a long time to repay your debt if you only pay the minimum monthly amount. Also, you’ll be squandering a great deal of cash on interest if you’re simply paying the minimum.

Are you caught in the debt trap?

Are you caught in the trap of too much debt and only making minimum monthly payments? Do you need debt consolidation Toronto? Are you stressed that future rates of interest increases will make presently affordable debt payments completely unreachable? Is the stress, anxiety, and pain of your debt negatively affecting your health and wellness?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience helping people and companies requiring financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed and overseen by the Federal government to supply financial restructuring solutions.

Call the Ira Smith Team today to make sure that we can start assisting you. We will quickly return you right into a healthy and well-balanced stress-free life. We can create a debt settlement plan just for you to avoid bankruptcy, where we can even make the interest clock stop. This way, all your payments go only against the principal balances owing.

You can have a no-cost appointment to help you to fix your loan troubles. We recognize the pain financial debts and economic distress causes. We can end it from your life. This will absolutely allow you to start a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.

debt help

Brandon Blog Post


mortgages for seniors canada

Mortgages for seniors Canada: Introduction

TransUnion Canada’s most recent TRANSUNION Q2 2018 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS REPORT found that borrowing for mortgages was reduced in Canada in 2018. A troubling statistic exists for mortgages for seniors Canada. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss this and certain other issues arising from the TransUnion Canada report.

Secured home loans for older folks Canada: Home mortgage borrowing decreases throughout Canada

Home mortgage lending has reduced throughout Canada in the first half of 2018. Generally, there was a 3.4% decline in the variety of brand-new home loans in Q1 2018 as compared to Q1 2017; this comes after an 8.8% year-over-year decrease in Q4 2017. This pattern seems to prove that the brand-new home loan guidelines might be affecting customers that are either not qualifying or are not able to obtain the level of home mortgage they want. It is unclear if this decrease in home mortgage demand means that there are fewer people looking for a home mortgage, or if there are more people sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out a way to qualify.

HELOCs for retirees Canada: Seniors bucking the trend

The exception to the decrease in home mortgage originations in Canada in 2018 is older generation Canadians. Canadians in the 73-93-year-old age group saw a substantial year-over-year boost (63%) in the number of home mortgages taken out. Baby Boomers in Canada, those in the 54-72-year-old age group saw an 18% increase. These statistics beg the question, why are Baby Boomers, and those in the Boomers’ parents’ age range, refinancing their mortgages or taking out new mortgages? Although not disclosed in the TransUnion Canada report, presumably a lot of the retirees are taking out reverse mortgages, as they too can’t qualify for a traditional mortgage on their retirement income.

Mortgages for seniors Canada: Seniors use of funds

The TransUnion report does not delve into the uses seniors are putting the new mortgage funds to. However, if I was to speculate, I would think that the funds were being used for:

Baby Boomers

  1. Seniors debt consolidation
  2. Helping children pay for education.
  3. Giving or loaning their children sufficient funds for the house down payment so they could now qualify for a traditional home mortgage under the new stress test rules.

The 73-93-year-old age group

  1. Helping children with paying off debts – Baby Boomer’s debt consolidation loans.
  2. .Their own debt consolidation.
  3. Gifts or loans to grandchildren – sufficient funds for the house down payment so they could now qualify for a traditional home mortgage under the new stress test rules.

Real estate loans for baby boomers Canada: Why I believe parents and grandparents are helping children buy their home

The TransUnion Canada report says that the greatest decreases in home mortgage applications were amongst the more youthful generations. There was a year-over-year decrease of greater than 22% amongst Gen Z as well as 19% amongst Millennials.

No doubt some of the decreases is a result of the younger generations’ changing lifestyle habits where homeownership may not be as important as it was to the generations before them. However, I would expect that Millennials as a group would by this point want home ownership, where Gen Z may not see it right now as being important.

Main mortgage changes by location

The biggest downturn in mortgage originations remained in Toronto, with a decrease of 17.6% in Q1 2018 from the previous year. Vancouver stayed reasonably level with an increase of only 0.8% over the previous year. The biggest increase in the home mortgage business was in Ottawa, with a boost of 8.4% over the previous year. Montreal had a 5.2% boost over the previous year.

Mortgages for seniors Canada: Risk distribution

Mortgage originations in the super prime risk tier increased 4.4% year over year in Q1 2018. All other risk tiers combined registered an 8% decrease in originations. TransUnion Canada reported that the decrease has been most significant in the below-prime risk buckets.

It is interesting that the higher risk subprime market mortgages have increased. No doubt private lenders, including the shadow lenders, dominate this market as the borrowers could not qualify for a home mortgage loan from a traditional bank or mortgage lender.

The decrease of new mortgages in the lower risk categories tells me that the new stress test qualifying rules combined with successive increases in mortgage rates have contributed negatively to those who perhaps as recently as last year could have qualified for a traditional mortgage. However, now they can’t be based on affordability.

Do you, your children or your grandchildren have too much debt?

Are your children or grandchildren coming to you for financial help for debt consolidation? Is going into debt the best option for you? Can you afford to carry your new debt in retirement? Is giving away your home equity through a reverse mortgage the right move? Will you need the money you are about to give away for your healthcare?

If debt consolidation is the reason why your children or grandchildren need your financial help, look at other options first. They need the help of a professional trustee. Call the Ira Smith Team. We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a free initial consultation. So why not?

We will advise them whether or not we think they are a candidate for either a debt consolidation consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel they can solve their financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell them straight. Make sure that the money you give for debt consolidation will fix all of their problems. It is possible that with our help, you’ll need to provide just a fraction of what they are asking for.

The Ira Smith Team understands the stress they and you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones. We can eliminate their pain. I guarantee that they and you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now.what does a court appointed receiver do18

Call a Trustee Now!