Brandon Blog Post


What is CCAA protection?

The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) allows insolvent companies owing creditors $5 million or more to seek CCAA protection. This can help them restructure their business and settle their debts over time. The CCAA gives such companies the ability to restructure their business affairs and financial obligations. In Canada, the CCAA operates under the authority of the federal government and is administered by the courts of each province.

If a debtor company owes less than $5 million, it can restructure under Part III Division I of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). This federal insolvency statute has streamlined procedures for handling insolvency restructuring cases. There’s no prohibition against using this statute if the company owes $5 million or more. Those larger companies just have a choice as to which statute to restructure under. This kind of restructuring is done in order to avoid liquidation through the filing of an Assignment in Bankruptcy. By successfully restructuring, the company can avoid job losses, claims by employees and the other negative effects of bankruptcy.

In this Brandon’s Blog post, I’ll be discussing CCAA protection for companies needing to go through a financial restructuring by making the Initial Application to the court. I’ll also be talking about a recent court decision that will be of interest to companies needing to restructure when their bank is demanding that all loans be repaid and they are trying to enforce their security.

Is CCAA protection the same thing as chapter 11?

Bankruptcy protection is a term closely associated with a US company filing under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. In Canada, it most likely means that the Canadian company has applied to a Canadian court to make its application for CCAA protection under the CCAA.ccaa protection

What is CCAA protection in Canada and “The Stay”?

Creditor protection under the CCAA is a process that provides companies with some relief from their creditors. This process can help them to reorganize their affairs and continue operations.

CCAA protection can provide some much-needed breathing room for companies that are struggling to stay afloat. It can give them time to restructure their affairs and come up with a plan to repay their creditors. A debtor company files its application for creditor protection in order to obtain an Initial Stay from the court. This will allow the company to begin restructuring its financial affairs.

While the CCAA protection order is in place, creditors are not allowed to take any action to recover money owed to them. They can’t try to seize the company’s property or petition the court for its bankruptcy, without the prior approval of the court. This is called the CCAA protection “stay of proceedings”.

A CCAA Canada filing is typically made when a business is insolvent and seeking to restructure its debts. The goal of the business in CCAA protection is to reach a satisfactory agreement with its creditors, which can include both secured and unsecured creditors. I will talk more about the support of secured creditors when I discuss the court case below.

Comeback hearing: Can CCAA Canada protection be extended?

Yes. Initial Order applications are often submitted on an urgent basis with prior notice only to key stakeholders such as senior lenders. Initial orders usually contain a “comeback” clause allowing stakeholders who did not receive initial notice an opportunity to attempt to change the terms of the CCAA protection order. Under the CCAA, Section 11.02(1) states that the Initial Order cannot be effective for more than 10 days.

The Canadian court system requires that there must be a “comeback hearing,” where interested parties can challenge aspects of the initial order, or even request additional relief before the order is extended. This means that the comeback hearing must be scheduled for within those 10 days. This ensures that the process moves forward promptly while protecting the interests of those involved. At the comeback hearing, the court will then assess the evidence before making a decision on whether or not to extend CCAA protection. If the court decides to extend protection, it will only do so for a limited amount of time.

The amount of time given will be at the discretion of the court and is definitely not open-ended. The company and its Monitor will be required to provide regular reports to the court detailing this progress.

The court will determine the next reporting period based on the information provided, which will allow the debtor company to continue its restructuring. The court may also be asked to make other orders, such as borrowing authority for financing the debtor company’s operations.ccaa protection

CCAA protection: What is the role of the Monitor?

The Monitor is the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) appointed by the court to monitor the business and financial affairs of the debtor company in a CCAA proceeding. The LIT’s role is to ensure compliance with the law, court order(s), and terms of the debtor company restructuring plan.

The Court-appointed Monitor is responsible for assisting with the preparation of the restructuring plan, formally known as the Plan of Arrangement and sometimes referred to as a Plan of Compromise. Monitors act as financial advisors to the insolvent company and they also advise creditors on the claims process and oversee voting at each meeting of creditors.

A Monitor must submit regular reports to the court summarizing the debtor company’s activities and the progress of the case. This includes the claims process when they get to that point in the administration.

These reports are published online and are accessible to creditors and interested parties. One of the ongoing responsibilities of the Monitor in its reporting is to advise if, in the Monitor’s opinion, the debtor company under CCAA protection is continuing to act in good faith and carrying out its restructuring on a timely basis.

CCAA protection: The Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

The company usually begins talking with its creditors and investors right away after the initial order is made. To do this, it may end or give away unwanted and especially unprofitable contracts, fire employees, sell property, negotiate new credit terms, change its corporate structure, and take other restructuring steps to ensure the viability and profitability of the company.

The court will ultimately be asked to approve all major actions in order to allow the company to move towards a viable Plan of Arrangement it believes will garner the support of the necessary majority of creditors.

The Plan of Arrangement or Compromise is the proposal presented by a company to its creditors detailing how it intends to resolve the issues it is facing and how the amounts owed to creditors will be compromised, An arrangement is a broader term that encompasses any plan for reorganizing. The distinction between “compromise” and “arrangement” is in practice, immaterial.

Different creditors are often treated differently based on terms of priority. This affects the order and amount they will be paid under the restructuring plan.

The first step in a CCAA restructuring will be to prioritize any government claims that are considered trust claims. Next will be any new charges ordered by the court as part of the restructuring. Examples of such court-ordered charges are amounts owing under a Key Employee Retention Plan and the lender financing the company during the restructuring phase.

The pre-filing secured creditors are typically at the forefront next when it comes to recovering their funds. They may have security in the form of a general security agreement or mortgage.

Unsecured creditors are next in line for payment. These creditors have provided goods or services to the company on credit, without receiving any security in return. In retail insolvencies, the company under creditor protection has to decide as part of its business plan if it is going to treat customers who have paid deposits for items they have not yet picked up as unsecured creditors or if they will complete the sale providing value for the prior deposits.

Such differing priorities will influence how the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise is constructed.ccaa protection

CCAA protection and the financial statements of the debtor

When a company seeks CCAA protection from the court, they are required to submit a projected cash flow statement. This document projects the company’s expected revenue and expenses from ongoing business operations and any required financing over the next 12 months and is used to assess whether or not it can fund day-to-day operations and survive during the CCAA protection proceedings.

Furthermore, the company must provide copies of all financial statements issued during the one-year period prior to the date of the Initial Application. If none were issued during this time period, it should provide a copy of the most recent financial statement.

CCAA protection: Creditor approval of the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

A company can establish separate classes of creditors to increase the chances of a favourable vote for the Plan of Compromise or Plan of Arrangement. There must be some form of shared characteristic or similarity amongst the creditors in each class in order to qualify for each such classification.

In addition to the simple majority test, the creditors in each class who are voting must vote in favour of it by at least 2/3 of the total value of the creditors voting in each class.ccaa protection

CCAA protection and court approval of the Plan of Arrangement or Compromise

The court may approve the Plan once they have been approved by each participating class of creditors. The Plan will include all negotiated compromises and arrangements that deal with any matter, including claims against directors and amendments to the articles of incorporation or letters patent incorporating the company,

A Plan cannot be approved by the court if a provision is not made for settling “super-priority” claims relating to:

  • compensation and reimbursement claims by employees other than officers and directors;
  • pension plan contributions (except where an agreement has been reached with the relevant pension regulator); and
  • unremitted employee source deductions from employee paycheques for taxes and other deductions.

Additionally, any equity claims cannot be authorized by the court through a compromise or arrangement until all other claims have been paid in full.

CCAA protection: You can access CCAA filing records and court documents through 2 sources

There are two ways to find CCAA filing records and court documents. The easiest way is to go to the Monitor’s website specifically set up for the CCAA case. All documents filed by the Monitor in court and all court orders will be there. The second source is the court file itself.

This leads us to the actual court case I mentioned at the very beginning of this CCAA protection blog post. It is a decision dated October 14, 2022, by the Honourable Justice MacDonald of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador in Bankruptcy and Insolvency. The case is Edward Collins Contracting Limited (Re), 2022 NLSC 149.

It is an application by a group of companies in the construction industry seeking an Initial CCAA protection Order for the debtor company. The case is notable for one factor: the companies’ main secured creditor, the Royal Bank of Canada, is opposing the application.

The companies were operating under a forbearance agreement. However, Royal Bank claims that they were in breach of their forbearance agreement and that the Bank should be allowed to have a Court-appointed Receiver. Although they did not provide any evidence in their material, in argument, the Bank claimed the companies were not acting in good faith.

The court ruled that if the companies’ application for CCAA protection is approved, then the Royal Bank of Canada’s application for a Court-appointed receiver is moot.

The court’s entire decision and His Honour’s thought process in considering all issues can be located online. Of specific relevance to me is His Honour’s thought process and careful consideration of all the points he must consider in deciding whether or not to grant the requested relief of CCAA protection.

The court considered the following:

  • Do the companies have proper standing under the CCAA?
  • Have the companies satisfied the test to allow the granting of grant an Initial Order?
  • If so, should the company’s conduct during the prior Consent Stay period cause it to refuse the Initial Order?

The court found that the CCAA applies to the debtor company and the affiliated debtor companies as they are all insolvent corporations or have committed an act of bankruptcy and owed their creditors in excess of $5 million. The court also found that the companies were entitled to CCAA protection from creditors and even the Royal Bank of Canada notwithstanding its opposition to the Initial Application and the granting of the Initial Order. The Initial Order was made.

You can read His Honour’s lengthy analysis if you wish, as it is very detailed and provides a great deal of insight.

You Owe Money—The CCAA protection

I hope you enjoyed this Brandon’s Blog on CCAA protection.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.ccaa protection

Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

What is the purpose of the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act of Canada?

With all the talk of the economy, supply chain problems and the uncertainty of the future these days, it’s no wonder that many people aren’t sure how they will end up when things become “normal” again.

For Canadian people and businesses with too much debt, an insolvency proceeding under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada might just be the answer to getting back to a healthy stress-free life. Notwithstanding that using this federal statute can be a very effective strategy for managing financial difficulties, it is a very scary one that people do not like to talk about.

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada is based on the principle of balancing fairness, equity and a fresh start. A recent court decision in Saskatchewan exemplifies these principles. In this Brandon Blog, I describe a little bit about the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada, explain the court decision and how the court used these principles in reaching its decision.

What is in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada?

Canadian citizens, businesses, and companies who run into financial difficulties can turn to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada for assistance. This federal legislation contains the laws, rules, and guidelines that all involved parties must abide by. It details how different financial options work legally, and defines the roles of the various stakeholders – the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the Licensed Insolvency Trustees, the debtor, and the secured creditors and unsecured creditors (both preferred and ordinary).

Despite the fact that provincial legislation in Canada may overlap or affect stakeholder rights, federal bankruptcy legislation has priority over provincial legislation in insolvency matters. Therefore, provincial governments cannot do indirectly what is prohibited directly. However, there are cases where provincial laws will still apply. The laws surrounding property exemptions and enforcement of court orders differ from province to province and territory to territory. These provincial and territorial regulations continue to apply even under bankruptcy laws.

It is the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada that governs all bankruptcies and proposals (either Division I or consumer proposals) in Canada. Receiverships are also governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada. The Laws of Canada – Bankruptcy and Insolvency, are meant to give the honest but unfortunate debtor, be it a person, business or company, a fresh start in life.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

Growth in consumer proposals and business proposals

A person who files for the personal bankruptcy process submits an assignment in bankruptcy and related documents to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. These documents outline the person’s assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. An insolvent person’s reason for insolvency must also be included in the documents. Individuals typically give the reason for not being able to pay their bills in a timely manner. Consumer proposals require very similar documentation as bankruptcy, except for the assignment in bankruptcy document.

In order to file a Division I Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada, insolvent companies must describe their assets and liabilities and provide a realistic cash flow statement documenting how they intend to operate under the proposed insolvency process. They must also explain how they became insolvent. Personal insolvency is less complex than corporate insolvency.

Despite a long-term decline in individual bankruptcy filings, consumer proposals have gained in popularity among individuals. The decrease in bankruptcy filings and the increase in proposals can be attributed to several different reasons. Under a proposal, a financial reorganization or restructuring is what is done. Bankruptcy is simply a liquidation.

Regardless of whether it is a consumer proposal, a Division I proposal, or bankruptcy, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada governs these proceedings. The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, another federal government statute, governs reorganizations of very large corporations. This is especially true if there are separate insolvent corporations under the corporate umbrella in different countries, requiring foreign proceedings.

Why does one choose a consumer proposal instead of filing for bankruptcy?

A consumer proposal has many advantages over bankruptcy proceedings. By filing a consumer proposal, you’re able to retain the property you own such as your home, car, boat, etc. and extinguish all of your debts while only paying back a portion. A consumer proposal doesn’t require any of those items to be sold, as long as you can afford them with the monthly payment made under the proposal and your other living expenses.

Changing your lifestyle can help you get out of debt more quickly with a consumer proposal. Bankruptcy means losing everything, except for some assets that are exempt under provincial laws. You have equity if you do not fully encumber your assets by way of secured loans from financial institutions, your house, car, boat, furniture, clothing, jewelry, or anything else of value. You can keep this equity in a consumer proposal, but you will lose it in bankruptcy.

The main reason why people should attempt to perform a successful consumer proposal instead of going straight into bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada is because of this. As you will see in the recent court case I am about to describe, if you don’t pay close attention to how you conduct your affairs once you declare bankruptcy, you might be exposed to another minefield even after receiving your discharge.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada case

This judgment of the Registrar in Bankruptcy of the Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan was released on October 6, 2021. It is a relatively simple case, but it described so well the equitable nature of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada.

In this legal process case, there are two unsecured creditors who are the Applicants. They jointly loaned money to an individual debtor, who is now an insolvent debtor and a bankrupt individual on an unsecured basis. They also filed their proof of claim for this debt with the insolvency trustee. They then applied for an order pursuant to s. 69.4 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada lifting the bankruptcy stay that is in effect with regard to the bankrupt.

The purpose of section 69.3 is to prevent bankruptcy creditors from initiating or continuing enforcement proceedings against a bankrupt debtor. In bankruptcy, a creditor has no recourse against the debtor or the debtor’s property, and may not commence, continue, or seek any action for the recovery of money for a claim that is provable in the bankruptcy.

Nevertheless, Section 69.4 allows a court to lift the stay if it decides that the applicant has established that the continued operation of the stay is likely to cause material harm to him or her, or if there are other equitable grounds for lifting the stay.

The case: How the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada works for fairness and equity

The bankruptcy process generally compromises the debt obligation of the bankrupt, resulting in creditor claims run through the bankruptcy claims process. Generally, unsecured creditors lose their right to enforce their types of debts and, as a result, realize less than 100% of their debt. Some creditors do not receive anything from an estate in bankruptcy.

There are two major objectives of bankruptcy (and consumer proposal or commercial proposal) proceedings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada. For one thing, it provides an equitable system for distributing the proceeds from the estate in bankruptcy among the bankrupt’s unsecured creditors. According to the laws Of Canada – bankruptcy and insolvency, unsecured creditors are expected to be treated predictably and fairly. However, it does not guarantee that creditors will receive a dividend in all cases.

Secondly, it is intended to give an honest but unfortunate bankrupt an opportunity to be freed from the crushing burden of debt and receive financial rehabilitation to become a contributing member of society. That is one reason why every person who does an insolvency filing must attend two financial counselling sessions.

In bankruptcy, an automatic stay allows the bankrupt to re-establish himself or herself financially and restart his or her financial affairs so that he or she can meet his or her credit obligations moving forward without being hampered by debt enforcement proceedings.

bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada
bankruptcy and insolvency act of canada

The case: Role of unsecured creditors trying to lift the stay of proceedings

The Registrar, in this case, followed the reasoning of a 2001 decision from the Court of Appeal for Ontario. It is far from routine to lift the stay, and therefore the court has to make sure that the reasons for lifting the stay are sound and consistent with the objectives of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada.

In the case of Mcculloch (Re), 2021 SKQB 259 (CanLII), the two creditors were alleging that Ms. Mcculloch induced them to loan her the money on a fraudulent basis. It was their argument that they should be allowed to continue legal action against the bankrupt so that they could prove in a separate court action that the debt was a result of fraud and that, therefore, their claim would survive the bankruptcy and her discharge. In addition, they stated that they would be more severely affected than the commercial creditors if the bankruptcy stay bars them from taking action against McCulloch.

According to the Registrar:

  1. Bankruptcy often disproportionately affects individual creditors over commercial creditors. Generally, creditor relationships are based more on trust than on cost-benefit analysis. When advancing a loan, the commercial creditor such as a credit card company, unpaid suppliers, or a sophisticated secured creditor, generally assesses the risk and determines whether it can absorb the loss in the event of default. Individual lenders do not usually do this.
  2. If this form of prejudice is sufficient to support lifting the stay, other individual creditors may be able to apply to lift the stay merely on the basis of relative disadvantage to individual creditors. Lifting the stay on this basis is inappropriate.
  3. The Trustee objects to this application on the grounds that it will significantly increase the costs of bankruptcy administration at the expense of other creditors. In this case, the Registrar sided with the Trustee.
  4. According to the lawyer representing the bankrupt, the creditors have not established any material prejudice or other equitable grounds for lifting the stay. The Registrar agreed.
  5. Due to the potential cost increases to other creditors, the equities are opposed to lifting the stay.
  6. However, these 2 creditors still have rights in the bankruptcy. The court still has the right to hear their submissions at the discharge hearing. Additionally, they continue to have the right to pursue Ms. McCulloch once the bankruptcy proceedings are over.
  7. At this time, lifting the stay would not benefit the applicants or their creditor claims since during the bankruptcy, Ms. McCulloch’s either the bankruptcy vests her assets in the Trustee for the benefit of the creditors or remain exempt from execution under Saskatchewan law. This disposition of property makes it simply impossible for these creditors to realize much from this stage, prior to the bankrupt’s discharge.
  8. In this case, the equity does not support the court’s exercise of its authority to declare that the bankruptcy stay, established under section 69.3 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada, does not apply to this litigation.

As a result, the Registrar denied the applicant’s request for what they thought was their legal rights in lifting the stay. Clearly, the Registrar was guided by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada‘s aims of fairness and equity to all stakeholders.

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada summary

I hope you enjoyed this Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

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