Brandon Blog Post


How to pay off credit card: Introduction to understanding the credit card debt crisis in Canada

The financial services researchers at TransUnion Canada (TransUnion) have recently reported a concerning trend among Canadians. Many households struggle to keep up with the rising cost of living and higher interest rates, leading to a significant increase in credit card debt. A recent report revealed that more Canadians are only able to make the minimum monthly payments on their credit cards, indicating a growing financial strain and not knowing how to pay off credit card debt.

The data from the TransUnion report paints a stark picture of the challenges faced by Canadian consumers. With the cost of living on the rise and interest rates climbing, individuals are finding it increasingly difficult to manage their credit card payments. The percentage of Canadians making only the minimum monthly payment has surged, showcasing the financial pressure many households are under.

Stagnant household incomes are failing to keep pace with inflation and interest rate hikes, pushing individuals towards relying on credit cards to bridge the financial gap. This shift in consumer behaviour has significant implications for long-term financial stability and underscores the importance of financial literacy and responsible money management.

The total consumer debt in Canada reached a staggering $2.38 trillion in the first quarter, a notable increase from the previous year. This surge in debt is a result of various factors, including the cost-of-living crisis and the influx of newcomers and Gen Z individuals entering the credit market for the first time.

Particularly concerning is the 30% increase in outstanding credit card balances among the Gen Z cohort compared to the previous year. This uptick highlights the challenges younger consumers face in understanding and managing credit responsibly, making them more vulnerable to financial hardships.

Interestingly, millennials currently hold the largest portion of debt in the country, accounting for about 38% of all debt. This demographic’s increased credit needs as they reach significant life milestones, such as homeownership and starting families, contribute to their substantial debt burden.

Despite these challenges, there is a sense of cautious optimism about the resilience of the Canadian consumer base. While there are concerns about missed payments among vulnerable populations, there is a belief that the market will eventually stabilize. Anticipated interest rate cuts could potentially alleviate some of the financial burdens for households over time.

Managing credit card debt and navigating the complex financial landscape in Canada requires informed decision-making and prudent financial planning. By understanding the factors contributing to the credit card debt crisis and taking proactive steps toward financial health, individuals can work towards achieving greater stability and security in their financial future.

How to pay off credit card: TransUnion Report analyzing the factors leading to credit card debt

Analysis of the percentage of Canadians making minimum monthly payments on credit cards

One striking revelation from the report is the concerning trend of an increasing number of Canadians resorting to making only the minimum monthly payments on their credit cards. The data indicates that the percentage of individuals opting for this minimum payment approach has risen by eight basis points, now standing at 1.3% compared to the previous year.

This trend paints a picture of households grappling with the mounting cost of living and the surge in interest rates, which poses a significant challenge in keeping up with financial obligations. Stagnant household incomes failing to match inflation and interest rate hikes have pushed many towards relying on credit cards to bridge the widening financial gap.

It is crucial to recognize the implications of perpetually making minimum payments on credit cards and not figuring out how to pay off credit card debt. This habit can easily spiral into accumulating debt and destabilizing one’s financial standing over time. Financial literacy and responsible money management are paramount in navigating these tumultuous waters and ensuring long-term financial stability.

The total consumer debt in Canada, as outlined in the report, amounts to a staggering $2.38 trillion in the first quarter, demonstrating a slight uptick from the previous year. This surge can be attributed to various factors, with the cost-of-living crisis and the influx of newcomers and Gen Z individuals venturing into the credit market for the first time playing significant roles.

Of particular interest is the notable 30% increase in outstanding credit card balances among the Gen Z cohort from the previous year. This points towards a learning curve for younger consumers as they navigate their initial experiences with credit, potentially rendering them more vulnerable to financial hurdles.

Moreover, millennials emerge as the segment with the largest debt share in the country, responsible for about 38% of the total debt. This can be attributed to their evolving credit needs as they reach pivotal life stages such as homeownership, starting families, and acquiring auto loans.

Despite these challenges, there is a glimmer of optimism regarding the resilience of the Canadian consumer base. While concerns loom over missed payments among vulnerable populations, there is a prevailing belief that the market will eventually stabilize. Anticipated interest rate cuts could alleviate some financial burdens gradually, offering hope for households navigating these financially turbulent times.

However, interest rate cuts will have to be significant for Canadians’ non-credit card debt to free up more cash in their budget to put towards credit card debt. Credit card rates of interest charged will always be high no matter where the Bank of Canada sets rates. So interest rate cuts themselves won’t help people figure out how to pay off credit card debt unless it creates a significant lowering of their non-credit card debt payments.

The financial landscape in Canada is intricate and dynamic, requiring individuals to navigate prudently to secure their financial future. With insightful reports such as this, we are equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions and steer toward a path of financial stability and security.

Picture of worried woman in front of a credit card being cut in half with scissors shows that she is finally trying to take control over her high credit card debt.
how to pay off credit card

How to pay off credit card: Impact on different generations

  • Gen Z Individuals: The report revealed a substantial 30% increase in outstanding credit card balances for the Gen Z cohort compared to the previous year. This surge signifies that younger consumers are just beginning to navigate the world of credit, learning to utilize it responsibly while meeting their monthly obligations. Gen Z’s entry into the credit market for the first time has significantly contributed to this rise in credit card debt.
  • Millennials: Currently holding the largest share of debt in the country at about 38%, millennials have distinct credit needs as they progress through significant life stages. As they start families, purchase homes, and take out auto loans, their debt composition has shifted from primarily credit cards to more diverse financial products.
  • Other Generations: Beyond Gen Z and millennials, other generations display varying levels of credit card debt influenced by their unique financial behaviours and responsibilities. It is crucial to analyze the reasons behind these differing debt levels to gain a comprehensive understanding of the financial landscape across different age groups.

Exploring reasons behind varying levels of debt

Each generation’s approach to credit card debt and how to pay off credit card debt is a reflection of their financial circumstances, habits, and economic conditions. Factors contributing to the varying levels of debt among different age groups include:

  • Financial Literacy: Understanding personal finance and the implications of credit card usage is essential. Generational differences in financial literacy levels may impact how individuals manage their credit card debt.
  • Income Disparities: Discrepancies in household incomes across generations can influence debt levels. Higher debt among certain age groups may stem from limited earning potential or challenges in keeping pace with inflation.
  • Life Stage Expenses: As individuals progress through life stages, such as buying homes or starting families, their financial needs evolve. These transitions can lead to increased credit card usage and debt accumulation.
  • Economic Conditions: External factors like interest rate fluctuations, cost of living changes, and overall economic stability play a significant role in shaping debt trends among different generations.

By examining these underlying reasons, we can gain valuable insights into the diverse approaches to credit card debt management among Gen Z, millennials, and other generations. It’s essential for individuals to be mindful of their financial decisions, seek financial education, and proactively address their debt to achieve greater financial stability regardless of their age group.

How to pay off credit card: Importance of credit, financial literacy and financial planning

As a licensed insolvency trustee, I understand the importance of financial literacy in managing all debt, including, how to pay off credit card debt. In any consumer insolvency process, it is mandatory for the person going through either a consumer proposal process or a bankruptcy, to attend two credit counselling sessions with me. Individuals must comprehend the implications of only making minimum payments on their credit cards, as it can lead to accumulating debt, financial instability and never being able to know how to pay off credit card debt that is out of control.

Role of financial literacy in managing credit card debt

  • Financial literacy empowers individuals to make informed decisions about credit card usage.
  • Understanding interest rates, payment terms, and fees can help in managing credit card debt effectively.
  • By improving financial literacy, individuals can avoid falling into the trap of only making minimum payments.

Canadians need to prioritize financial health and seek out resources and support to manage debt effectively. By taking proactive steps to address their financial situation, individuals can work towards achieving greater financial stability and security in the future.

Tips for improving financial literacy

  1. Educate yourself on financial terms and concepts to make better money decisions.
  2. Create a budget and track your expenses to understand where your money is going.
  3. Seek guidance from financial experts or attend financial literacy workshops to enhance your knowledge.
  4. Avoid unnecessary debt and practice responsible borrowing and spending habits.
  5. Stay informed about changes in the financial market and adapt your financial strategies accordingly.

By enhancing your financial literacy and making informed financial decisions, you can take control of your credit card debt and secure a more stable financial future. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to managing your finances effectively.

Picture of worried woman in front of a credit card being cut in half with scissors shows that she is finally trying to take control over her high credit card debt.
how to pay off credit card

How to pay off credit card: Strategies for managing how to pay off credit card debt

I have witnessed the challenges that many Canadians face when it comes to how to pay off credit card debt. It’s essential to address this issue effectively to ensure financial stability and security for the future.

One of the key strategies to manage credit card debt is to avoid making only the minimum monthly payments. While it may seem convenient in the short term, it can lead to accumulating debt and financial instability over time. Instead, I recommend paying more than the minimum amount whenever possible to reduce the overall balance.

Furthermore, creating a budget and tracking expenses can help individuals gain a better understanding of their financial situation. By identifying areas where spending can be reduced or eliminated, it becomes easier to allocate more funds toward paying off credit card debt.

Seeking support and resources for debt management is also crucial. Whether it’s through financial counselling services, debt consolidation programs, or online resources, there are various options available to help individuals navigate their debt repayment journey effectively.

Another effective strategy is to prioritize debt repayment by focusing on high-interest credit card balances first. By tackling these debts aggressively, individuals can save money on interest payments and make significant progress towards becoming debt-free.

Lastly, maintaining open communication with creditors can be beneficial. Exploring options such as negotiating lower interest rates or setting up a structured repayment plan can make it more manageable to pay off credit card debt on time.

How to pay off credit card: Navigating the path to financial freedom

For practical tips on how to pay off credit card debt, I invite you to read my January 2021 blog “PAYING DOWN DEBT: MY 7 ESSENTIAL YET EASY HACKS TO BE DEBT FREE“. Here are a few more tips to follow to help keep debt under control.

Establishing healthy spending habits and avoiding excessive debt

Developing sound spending habits and avoiding excessive debt is crucial for maintaining financial stability and ensuring long-term security. This necessitates exercising discipline and making responsible decisions when it comes to managing one’s finances. Prioritizing essential needs over-indulgent desires and crafting a comprehensive budget that aligns with one’s income and expenses are essential steps in this process.

It is imperative to resist the allure of impulsive purchases and diligently establish a savings plan as a safeguard. Additionally, vigilantly monitoring credit card usage and diligently repaying debts on time can effectively prevent the accumulation of burdensome debt, along with its associated interest and fees. By setting achievable financial objectives and adhering to prudent spending practices, individuals can successfully evade the perils of indebtedness and forge a solid foundation for a financially secure future.

Making timely payments and avoiding credit card balances

Ensuring prompt payment and refraining from accumulating credit card balances are essential for upholding a favourable financial standing. As responsible individuals, comprehending the repercussions of delayed payments and excessive credit card balances on our credit score and overall financial well-being is imperative. By making punctual payments, we not only evade penalties and interest charges but also substantiate our dependability and creditworthiness to lenders.

Consequently, this can yield improved credit terms and future opportunities. Equally significant is the avoidance of burdensome credit card balances, as they can detrimentally impact our credit score and trigger a perilous cycle of indebtedness. Through the practice of prudent expenditure and timely payments, we can accomplish financial stability and establish a robust groundwork for our prospective financial aspirations.

Building a strong credit history and improving credit rating

Establishing a robust credit history and enhancing creditworthiness is paramount for individuals striving for financial stability and future financial prospects. An impeccable credit history showcases prudent financial practices, thereby paving the way for diminished interest rates on loans, increased credit limits, and heightened chances of loan approvals.

To construct a formidable credit history, it is imperative to ensure punctual payments, maintain minimal credit card balances, and refrain from excessive account openings. Furthermore, consistently monitoring credit reports and rectifying any inaccuracies or disparities can significantly bolster credit ratings. By adopting proactive measures and adhering to responsible financial management, individuals can forge a solid credit history and elevate their creditworthiness, thereby securing a more promising financial future.

Picture of worried woman in front of a credit card being cut in half with scissors shows that she is finally trying to take control over her high credit card debt.
how to pay off credit card

How to pay off credit card FAQs

  1. What is the best method to pay off credit card debt?
  • Determining the optimal method for credit card debt repayment is contingent upon individual preferences and financial circumstances. The debt avalanche strategy prioritizes the repayment of debts with the highest interest rates first, whereas the debt snowball approach involves tackling the smallest debts initially. It is recommended to select the method that aligns with your personal goals and is most feasible for you to accomplish promptly.
  1. How can I lower my interest rates on credit card debt?
  • One effective strategy for reducing interest rates on credit card debt involves consolidating your debt through a lower-interest-rate personal loan. By leveraging this approach, you can potentially minimize interest expenses, accelerate debt repayment, and enhance your financial standing.
  1. What steps can I take to pay off credit card debt quickly?
  • To pay off credit card debt quickly, it’s important to first review your budget and reconsider daily spending habits. Consider packing a lunch instead of buying one each day and reconsider subscriptions that automatically come out of your account each month. Paying off high-interest debt as soon as possible and paying close attention to bill payments to avoid late charges can also help speed up the debt repayment process. Additionally, organizing your debt and choosing a method like the debt avalanche or debt snowball method can help you pay off debt efficiently.

How to pay off credit card: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this how to pay off credit card Brandon’s Blog. Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Picture of worried woman in front of a credit card being cut in half with scissors shows that she is finally trying to take control over her high credit card debt.
how to pay off credit card

The information provided in this Brandon’s Blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to seek professional advice regarding their specific situations. The content of this Brandon’s Blog should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional guidance or consultation. The author, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as well as any contributors to this Brandon’s Blog, do not assume any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information provided herein.

Brandon Blog Post


consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals eliminate your debt stress

Are you stressed out and overwhelmed by debt and don’t know how to begin to eliminate it? We know your pain and can help you because this Brandon’s Blog “Consumer Debt Proposals: The Ultimate Solution for Managing Debt” has got you covered! I provide realistic advice on how to manage and even get rid of debt through a binding debt settlement agreement.

I describe what consumer debt proposals are all about and also look at other debt-relief options like debt consolidation and credit counselling. I will also talk about the recent Canadian government’s warning about taking on high-interest debt from certain companies.

Consumer debt proposals: How Does a Consumer Proposal Work?

If you’re in a tough spot financially, in Canada you can submit a consumer proposal if you owe $250,000 or less (not including any debt registered against your home is one of the types of secured debts that must be paid according to your secured loan repayment terms). It’s an official way to get some debt relief, and it’s all legit according to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Basically, you work with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee who helps you come up with a plan for paying off what you owe. Then you negotiate with your creditors and hopefully, they accept the proposal.

Making a consumer proposal that unsecured creditors will accept is one of the debt solution alternatives to bankruptcy that requires a few steps to get it done:

  • Reach out to a qualified Licensed Insolvency Trustee and book a no-cost debt assessment consultation.
  • During the appointment, answer any questions the Trustee may have truthfully and to the best of your ability.
  • The Trustee will work with you to come up with a payment plan that fits into your budget and allows you to pay off your debt.

Once you’ve submitted your consumer proposal, your creditors will look it over and then decide if they want to accept it as is or negotiate an adjustment (higher) to your periodic payments to eliminate the amount you owe. They have the option to do either one.

Your creditors can decide to:

  1. Agree to the terms you have proposed (cast their vote in favour).
  2. Decline the terms (vote no).
  3. Decline the terms and suggest a meeting with creditors.
  4. Take no action (which is the same as voting yes).

Your consumer proposal is automatically approved unless more than 25% of the dollar value of the claims of your creditors indicates that they would like to have a meeting of creditors. In that case, that is what will happen.

Once you’ve taken the step of filing for a consumer proposal, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you have immediate legal protection from creditors and debt collectors through this financial and legal process. This is called a stay of proceedings where your creditors cannot chase you for the money you owe.

Filing under the bankruptcy process in Canada isn’t your only option! You can work out a legally binding agreement with your creditors through the popular alternative and powerful alternative of consumer debt proposals. With a consumer proposal, you and your creditors can come to an agreement on what portion of the debt you can pay off- and the rest will be written off!

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: The voting process

When it comes to a consumer proposal, it’s important to understand the process of how creditors come to a decision to accept or reject the plan. This section will provide insight into how the voting process works.

Once a consumer proposal is submitted, creditors are allowed 45 days to express their decision. They can either accept the proposal or reject it in one of the following ways: replying to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee with their acceptance, not responding at all (which is seen as approval), communicating their rejection or requesting a meeting of creditors.

At the creditors’ meeting, creditors will have the opportunity to decide whether to accept the consumer proposal as is or to make adjustments to it.

Consumer debt proposals: What happens if your offer is approved?

If your proposal gets the green light, you’ll need to abide by what you promised – whether that’s a single payment or regular installments to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Plus, you must meet any other conditions that were laid out in the proposal.

In a successful proposal, you can keep your assets (as long as you keep paying what you owe to creditors who have a lien on your assets), and go to the two financial counselling sessions held by the Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee. Of course, you’ve got to pay the Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee on time over the entire period of time your proposal is for.

Failure to do so could result in the revocation of the proposal, the accrual of interest and fees, and even legal action. It’s important to remember that while a consumer proposal can provide much-needed relief, it’s ultimately up to you to stay current with the payments you promised to make.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: What happens should your consumer proposal be declined?

If 50% or more of the creditors vote to reject the consumer proposal, then the Licensed Insolvency Trustee must issue a notice and the consumer proposal dies. In this situation, creditors are free again to pursue collection actions against the debtor.

If 25% or more of the creditors request a meeting, that meeting is referred to as the Meeting of Creditors. At this meeting, an agreement will try to be reached by a majority of the creditors. If the agreement can not be reached, the debtor may need to amend the proposal and resubmit it or look for other ways to solve their financial issues.

If a consumer proposal is declined, it means that the creditors do not agree with the terms of the proposal put forth by the debtor. The main reasons for rejection may be that the debtor is not offering enough money or has proposed an unsuitable repayment schedule.

It is important to note that if you fail to fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, it will be deemed null and void. However, it does not free you from your existing debt, and the failure to adequately repay your loans or pay off debts within the terms of the agreement could affect your credit score. Collectors for debts are within their right to renew collection calls and seek legal action for retrieving the debts that they owe. They can sue you and if they get a judgment, they can then get a wage garnishment against you. It is never recommended to default on a consumer proposal.

Consumer debt proposals: If you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal

If you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, you will have successfully completed the agreement between yourself and your creditors. This means that you will have made the agreed-upon payments and met all other terms of the proposal. The balance of your unsecured debts that you did not pay off is also eliminated if you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal.

One of the benefits of fulfilling a consumer proposal is that you will have lower regular payments monthly, which are based on what you can afford, rather than high monthly payments regardless of your income. Additionally, you will have protection from creditors, as they will not be able to contact you or take money directly from your wages.

After fulfilling a consumer proposal, it will come off your credit report maintained by the Canadian credit bureaus three years after the completion. This report will show that the consumer proposal has been successfully completed and you can rebuild your credit rating and credit score simultaneously.

You will also receive from the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) acting as the Administrator in your consumer proposal a “Notice of Successful Completion of Consumer Proposal”. This is a very important document, as you will be able to provide it to current or future credit grantors to prove that you successfully completed your consumer proposal and avoided personal bankruptcy.

It is important to note that if you fail to fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, it will be deemed null and void. However, it does not free you from your existing debt, and the failure to adequately repay your personal loans, lines of credit or pay off debts within the terms of the agreement could negatively affect your credit score. Creditors are within their right to use collection activity and use legal action for retrieving the debts that you owe. It is never recommended to default on a consumer proposal.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Advice for Consumers: Considerations for Debt Relief and Credit Repair Services

Improving your credit score or credit rating will take time, and requires showing creditors that your habits have improved and that you are paying back your debt on time. Be cautious when seeking help to pay off debt or repair your credit, as some companies may offer misleading solutions. I have been warning about the dangers of such “for-profit” debt settlement companies for years now.

One option for getting help with debt is a debt management plan, which is an informal proposal made by a non-profit community credit counselling agency credit counsellor to your creditors on your behalf. This plan consolidates your debts into one affordable monthly payment and in some cases, you may not have to continue to pay interest on your debt.

However, consumers should be aware that the “for-profit” debt settlement companies may charge high fees, including upfront or advance fees, and may not be able to get creditors to reduce your debt. Additionally, it is important to note that even while using a debt management plan, you are still required to keep making payments on any other debts you owe, which may result in no change to your credit score.

Overall, it is important to be cautious when seeking help to pay off debt or repair your credit and to thoroughly research any company or solution before proceeding. It is also important to consider the potential consequences, fees and overall effectiveness of the solution. A LIT during an initial no-cost consultation will provide many of the services that a “for-profit” debt management company charges for.

Consumer debt proposals: Organizations or firms cannot guarantee the resolution of your financial obligations

Be aware of companies or agencies that claim they can quickly resolve your debt problems by negotiating a deal with the companies you owe money to and letting you only pay back a fraction of your debt. These promises may not be reliable, so it’s best to be wary.

It’s important to remember that if certain creditors don’t agree to your payment plan, you may need to work out a different agreement with them directly. Alternatively, you can consult a LIT about doing a consumer proposal.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that anyone can call themselves a debt consultant, but that doesn’t mean they have the proper training or they’ll be able to help you with your finances.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: No company or agency can give you a fast and easy boost to your credit rating

No Canadian debt consultant, company, or agency can promise a fast solution to your credit score. Improving your credit rating takes time and commitment; you have to show a history of paying your debts punctually.

If you’re looking to boost your credit score, one option to consider is a non-profit credit counselling agency. A credit counsellor can offer a variety of services like one-on-one advice, group sessions, and tips on how to better manage your debt. Just keep in mind that simply talking to a credit counsellor won’t do the trick.

If you’re looking to give your credit score a boost, try paying off some of what you owe. Bringing down your debt-to-credit ratio to under 75% of your credit limit will help. You could also ask your credit card companies or financial institution lenders to raise your credit limit and perhaps even amend your terms of repayment (though the latter will be very difficult) – that’ll help increase your credit score. Ideally, try to use less than a third of your available credit and keep it low, ideally below 30%.

Remember, there’s no shortcut when it comes to improving your credit score. Anyone promising you the fast and easy way is not looking out for your best interests. It takes determination and effort to get your credit back on track. Do your research and make sure you understand any associated fees or consequences before you commit.

Consumer debt proposals: Paying off a consumer proposal early

Sure, you can settle your consumer proposal early, but that might not be the best choice for everyone.

If you’ve got the funds, paying off your consumer proposal earlier could help kickstart your credit repair – but don’t expect it to save you money or guarantee a good credit rating. So think carefully before you commit to paying it off early. In the following section, I describe a very troublesome issue which has now attracted the attention of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB).

Paying off your consumer proposal early will do wonders for your mental health – and it’s perfectly acceptable! It’s no secret that financial hardship is incredibly stressful, and five years seems like a lifetime. So treating yourself to an early payoff will help you feel a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders.

If you want to shorten how long your consumer proposal lasts, you can change how often you make your proposal payments. Usually, they’re monthly, but if you switch to making extra payments by paying bi-weekly, you can pay off your proposal faster. Once you’re done paying off your consumer proposal, the unsecured debts you’ve been worrying about will be marked as taken care of on your credit report.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: LITs cannot talk you into getting a loan with a high-interest rate to pay off your consumer proposal early

On January 11, 2023, the OSB issued its position paper titled “LITs Promoting and Facilitating Loans to Debtors“. The problem is that some lenders are offering high-interest loans to people who are about to or are going through a consumer proposal. It looks like they’re giving loans to help people pay off their consumer proposals early, but it’s really just taking advantage of people’s tough financial situations.

The OSB has noticed that some LITs are promoting and encouraging people to take out loans without mentioning the potential drawbacks. They do this by talking up the positives and downplaying the negatives, and they may even pressure people into taking out a loan.

The OSB has come to the conclusion that it’s not in line with the Code of Ethics for Trustees or a LIT’s duties under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and General Rules for LITs to promote or facilitate such loans. Furthermore, such actions are not allowed.

There is also evidence that LITs who receive engagements directly from “for-profit” debt consultants, may be entering into inappropriate arrangements with them. No trustees should ever accept a commission, payment, or any other type of reward from a third party for recommending work concerning a professional engagement, nor should they give out any commission, compensation, or another type of benefit to a third party for obtaining a professional engagement.

For the record, my Firm does not have any arrangements with any party regarding the referral of files and we neither accept nor pay a referral fee

Paying off your consumer proposal early isn’t really an issue. In fact, it can be great if you can afford it thanks to a financial windfall or change in circumstances. Everybody benefits in that scenario. But if you don’t have the means to pay off your consumer proposal quickly, don’t worry. Don’t take out an interest-bearing loan to pay off a consumer proposal. The consumer proposal itself should be considered an interest-free loan.

Look, if a debtor is trying to rebuild their credit with a loan after insolvency, there’s nothing wrong with that. They’re making the choice themselves, so it’s all good. In this case, LITs should explain the pros and cons of these loan products to the debtor. And, it’s important that they don’t push any company or product in particular.

The OSB believes that LITs should not be promoting or facilitating loans since it contravenes the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and its Rules. This practice has a negative impact on the LIT profession and the insolvency system. The OSB will be keeping an eye on this issue and taking appropriate action.

You Have Outstanding Financial Obligations — Consumer Debt Proposals

I hope you enjoyed our consumer debt proposals Brandon’s Blog.

There are many financial blogs. Ours focuses mainly on issues of importance to those individuals and businesses with financial challenges or worse, financial hardship, caused by debt problems. Income and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing Canadians, be they employees, entrepreneurs or companies and businesses with debt problems. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals




Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal student loans

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Consumer proposal student loans: Student Loans and Consumer Proposals

In the event of student loan debt, you may be able to eliminate certain student loans through a bankruptcy or consumer proposals. Student loans are given special treatment under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The seven-year waiting period is a requirement for consumer proposals related to student loans (by the way, the concept is similar in personal bankruptcy).

Throughout this Brandon Blog, when I refer to student loans, I am referring to loans issued under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, or any provincial act that provides loans or guarantees for student loans.

I am not talking about any loan debt not meeting this definition. A private loan or a loan from a financial institution that is not covered by the above-noted legislation would be examples, including other loans taken out for professional training.

Consumer proposal student loans: Filing a consumer proposal for student loan debt

In previous posts, I discussed consumer proposals and how they can be used as an alternative to bankruptcy and as a means to negotiate repayment terms of your entire debt with creditors. Canada’s only federally authorized debt settlement program is the consumer proposal. Only licensed insolvency trustees (formerly called bankruptcy trustee) can administer consumer proposal student loans or for any other kind of debt. By using consumer proposals, you can negotiate away the majority or all of your debt in return for making monthly payments for a fraction of that amount and over an extended period of time, not exceeding five years, without incurring any interest. The seven-year rule affects consumer proposal student loans under the student loan legislation.

When you submit a consumer proposal, one of the major benefits is a stay of proceedings, just as in bankruptcy. You will no longer be subject to collection efforts including collection calls, legal action and wage garnishments. Private or financial institution loans taken out while you were a student, not covered by student loan legislation, may be eliminated under the BIA without regard to the seven-year rule. Private student loan debt such as a line of credit or credit card debt incurred while you were a student would be examples.

consumer proposal student loans
consumer proposal student loans

Consumer proposal student loans: Think of insolvency waiting periods like a clock with a start date and an end date

In either personal bankruptcy or consumer proposals, student debt is treated differently under government student loan legislation than normal ordinary unsecured consumer debt. The 7-year waiting period is a mandatory waiting period set by the BIA. This is why it is so important.

Student loan debt relief under section 178(1)(g) of the BIA is not available to people who have filed for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal and have not yet ceased to be a full-time or part-time student or who are within 7 years of ceasing to be a full- or part-time student.

A consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy can be filed by insolvents after they stop being full-time or part-time students more than seven years after ceasing to be students. In that case, the student loans debt can either be discharged by bankruptcy or by consumer proposals.

Counting the 7 years may also not be as straightforward as it sounds. In most cases, students take out a series of loans for each year of college or university. Do the 7-year counts take place on a loan-by-loan basis individually, or is it treated collectively? If in doubt, group them together.

The person must consider all three aspects of the calculation in order to do the calculation correctly:

  • the date the personal bankruptcy or consumer proposal was filed;
  • When the insolvent person ceased to be a student;
  • After ceasing to be a full-time student or part-time student, the length of time the person must wait before a consumer proposal student loan compromises the debt or the loan is discharged through an absolute discharge from bankruptcy.

Consumer proposal student loans: Potential “Court-Ordered Discharge” under hardship provision where 5-year waiting period satisfied

Under section 178(1.1) of the BIA, there is a provision that only applies in bankruptcy. It does not apply for consumer proposal student loans. Since we are discussing student loan debt, I would be remiss if I did not mention it.

Under this section, the court can order that the 7-year waiting period does not apply to a bankrupt who has student loan debt under federal or provincial student loan legislation 5 years after ceasing to be a full-time or part-time student. It would then actually be only a five-year waiting period.

Only a five-year waiting period can be allowed by the court if these conditions are met:

  1. the bankrupt acted in good faith in connection with its student loan debt; and
  2. it is likely that the bankrupt will continue to face financial difficulties to such an extent that it is impossible for them to repay their student loan debts.

What does the compulsory waiting period entail? When should we choose between a 7-year and 5-year waiting period? The 7-year waiting period has already been discussed. In determining whether a bankrupt is entitled to the hardship reduction for the lower 5-Year waiting period, the court considers the following factors:

  1. How was the money used? For the purpose, it was borrowed for?
  2. Was the bankrupt honest in his or her attempt to complete the educational program?
  3. Has the bankrupt gained employment in an area directly related to his or her education?
  4. Did the bankrupt make reasonable efforts to make monthly payments or otherwise make student loan payments against the loan or did the bankrupt make an immediate assignment into bankruptcy?
  5. Are there any repayment assistance programs options for student loan debt relief that the bankrupt can take advantage of concerning the outstanding student loans, such as interest relief or loan forgiveness and has the bankrupt applied for such repayment assistance programs?
  6. Did the bankrupt overspend or behave irresponsibly with personal or family finances?
  7. When the loan applications were made, was the person’s disclosure about his or her circumstances fair and accurate?

The court decisions on obtaining financial hardship relief show that it is not easily obtained. A bankrupt normally have to show that they have exhausted all efforts, their financial hardship is not a result of their actions or inaction and that their financial situation cannot reasonably be expected to improve without the undue hardship relief.

consumer proposal student loans
consumer proposal student loans

Consumer proposal student loans: Paying Student Loans During Your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal

What if:

  • Your financial circumstances are you have too many unsecured debts and your unsecured creditors are taking legal action against you?
  • You have a history of rolling over payday loans and are deep in financial trouble.
  • You have to go see one of the licensed insolvency trustees in your area and ultimately use one of the debt-relief tactics of bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

If you stopped being a student:

  • 5 or 6 years ago but you know that you could not qualify for the financial hardship provision relief; or
  • the last time you went to school was less than 5 years ago; and
  • you need to start repaying your student loans.

To rebuild a solid foundation for a good financial future in such a situation, either bankruptcy or a consumer proposal would have to be filed. Despite the fact that you would not be able to eliminate or compromise your student loans, you would be able to escape the clutches of your otherwise crushing other unsecured debts.

In such a case, it may make sense to file for an insolvency process, even though you would be paying student loans during your bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

Consumer proposal student loans summary

I hope you found this consumer proposal student loans Brandon Blog informative. Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you in retirement? Do you need to find out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

consumer proposal student loans
consumer proposal student loans
Brandon Blog Post


UPDATE OCTOBER 30, 2019: On September 27, 2019, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta issued its decision on the appeal of this case. The decision described in this Brandon’s Blog was reversed. You can read about it in our new blog:


“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” Paul Boose


In my last Brandon’s Blog, I talked about the balance between a debtor and the creditors the Canadian insolvency system strives for. I just read today a decision of the Registrar in Bankruptcy sitting in the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta in Edmonton. In this case, Morrison (Re), 2019 ABQB 521, highlights this balance in this case dealing with Canada student loan forgiveness.

Can Canada student loans be forgiven in bankruptcy?

This is an application according to s. 178( 1.1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). As I have previously written in several of my Brandon’s Blogs, in general, student loans cannot be discharged by a bankruptcy where the date of bankruptcy occurred within seven years after the date on which the bankrupt discontinued to be a full-time or part-time student.

Section 178(1.1) of the BIA, allows for after five years after the day on which a bankrupt with student loan debt ceases to be a full-time or part-time student, the Court may, on an application, order that the financial debt will be discharged. For such Canada student loan forgiveness, the Court has to be satisfied that:

  • the bankrupt person has actually acted in good faith about their obligations under the student loan debt; and also
  • the bankrupt has and will continue to experience economic trouble to such an extent that the bankrupt will certainly be not able to pay that financial debt.

So it is possible for student loans to be forgiven in bankruptcy. In this case, if the bankrupt’s application for student loan forgiveness succeeds, the student loan debt will not survive after her discharge. The application was opposed by both Canada Student Loans and the Ontario Student Assistance Program (the government).

Is the forgiveness all or none?

Before getting into the unusual details of this case, the Registrar’s decision dealt with one of the issues that came up over the course of the application. The issue was whether the choice to forgive student loans is all or none. That is, whether it is open to a Registrar hearing this application to find that only a part of the financial obligation needs to survive, in contrast to releasing all of it.

Based on the case law, the Registrar was satisfied that this was an all or none proposition. The Registrar stated that he was somewhat let down that it had to be that way. If the decision is that these financial debts are extinguished by the bankrupt’s discharge, the government could object to the bankrupt receiving an absolute discharge.

Like any other creditor, they could ask that a financial condition be enforced as a condition of discharge. In other words, the bankrupt would have to pay a portion of the student loan amount into the estate to be distributed by the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee) as a condition of getting a discharge. This frequently occurs with high tax obligation debtors.

As it turns out, the government did not oppose the discharge application that was heard following this student loan application. They also did not ask that a monetary condition be applied to the terms of the conditional Order that was given.

So, it had to be all or none.

The vital facts

In 2015 Ms. Morrison was in financial hardship. At the time, she estimated her overall unsecured financial obligations were $71,501.00. Of that amount, about $50,000.00 was student loan debt. She sought the guidance of a Trustee and then assigned herself into bankruptcy. Ms. Morrison’s stated intent was to have all her unsecured debt on an equal footing to make sure that she can take care of everything via the insolvency process. She told her Trustee that she wanted her student loan debt to be included in her unsecured debt that would be eliminated by her discharge from bankruptcy. She clearly wanted Canada student loan forgiveness.

Ms. Morrison was last a full-time student in April 2008. Her last day of classes was on April 18, 2008. She had been a full-time student up until that day. So, arguably, she discontinued being either a full-time or part-time student on April 19, 2008. Unfortunately for her, she assigned herself to bankruptcy on February 27, 2015. Her personal bankruptcy in February 2015 was just a bit too early.

This somewhat defeated her stated reason for going bankrupt. So this is why she made this application to try to have her student loan debt forgiven by her discharge from bankruptcy. Depending on how you do the calculation, Ms. Morrison’s date of bankruptcy was about 60 days or so too soon.

If she had actually waited until April 19, 2015, to become bankrupt, rather than February 27, 2015, as she did, her student loan debt would be eliminated by her bankruptcy discharge.

The government tried to argue that under the student loan legislation, you calculate the time that she ceased being a full-time or part-time student begins on the 1st day of the month following the month she finished her studies. The Registrar was not having any of that.

He said that the student loan treatment he was asked to consider was based on the terms of the BIA. Therefore, he was going to use the more practical conclusion that for BIA purposes, the day you ceased being the student is the day after classes ended. I guess you could quibble that the day after you finish writing your last exam was really the date you ceased being a student, but nobody raised that issue.

The considerations

The Registrar considered cases from both Alberta and other provinces laying out the factors that relate to the discretion the Court had in such a forgiveness application. As I stated above, the Registrar had to determine if:

  • the bankrupt person has actually acted in good faith about their obligations under the student loan debt; and also
  • the bankrupt has and will continue to experience economic trouble to such an extent that the bankrupt will certainly be not able to pay that financial debt.

The Registrar laid out his understanding of the factors he needed to consider based on previous decisions. His list was:

  1. Whether the student loan funds were utilized for the purpose it was loaned for.
  2. If the person finished their education.
  3. Did the applicant obtain financial gain from education?
  4. Whether the applicant has actually made reasonable initiatives to repay the financial debts.
  5. If the applicant has made use of the option of applying for interest rate relief.
  6. The timing of the bankruptcy.
  7. Do the student loans form a significant percentage of the total debt?
  8. Whether the applicant had an adequate job and therefore income to be expected to make payments against the student debt.
  9. The applicant’s lifestyle.
  10. Did the applicant had sufficient earnings for there to be surplus income in bankruptcy under the Superintendent’s Directive.
  11. What approaches the applicant made to the government for debt relief and what the government’s response was.
  12. Whether the applicant went to at any time was unable to work due to medical issues or disability.

The Registrar’s findings

Registrar’s findings reveal the following:

  1. The student loans were used for the purpose the funds were loaned.
  2. Ms. Morrison completed her education.
  3. She acquired a financial advantage from her education as she currently works in the area she studied for, or a related one.
  4. She made some effort to settle the student loan debt. She entered into a contract with the government but her financial condition prevented her from making good on that plan. She apparently made some repayment.
  5. The bankrupt’s initiatives at getting to a practical arrangement were not trivial. However, it appears that she required the framework of an insolvency process for her to come to terms with all her debts.
  6. The applicant got interest-free standing for a period of time.
  7. The student loans developed by far and away made up the best part of the bankrupt’s general indebtedness.
  8. The applicant is (and was) for the most part a single parent of one. She committed a significant percentage of her income to her child (now a teen).
  9. She lived a modest way of life.
  10. She now has full-time employment and surplus income.

The decision

The Registrar found that the timing in connection with the seven-year cut-off was extremely close. The bankrupt’s primary interest and her shared intent at the time of meeting with the Trustee were to deal with all of her creditors on equal ground. Ms. Morrison did not look for bankruptcy to avoid her student loan debt but rather to deal with all of her financial problems.

There was obviously miscommunication between Ms. Morrison and her Trustee. The trouble was that the miscommunication aggravated her stated goal, which was the entire point of her insolvency proceeding.

When the matter was heard, it was approximately eleven years after her education was finished. The Registrar stated that in these extremely uncommon conditions he is completely satisfied that it remains in the interest of justice that an order goes pursuant to s. 178(1.1).

The government did not otherwise oppose the discharge. The Registrar made a conditional order of discharge taking all circumstances, including her surplus income, into consideration.

In this way, the Registrar balanced the right of this honest but unfortunate debtor to get her fresh start, with the rights of her creditors.

“True forgiveness is when you can say Thank You for that experience.” Oprah Winfrey

Canada student loan forgiveness summary

Are you or your company in need of debt forgiveness. Have you tried your best to balance your financial survival with those of your creditors but you just cannot keep up?

The stress you are under because of your money challenges is huge. I understand your pain. At no cost to you, I will look at your whole set of circumstances and develop a plan that is as special as your issues. I know that I can help you through this.

There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why I can develop a debt settlement plan for you as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

canada student loan forgiveness

Brandon Blog Post


average canadian net worth 2018
average canadian net worth 2018

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this average Canadian net worth 2018 blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: Introduction

According to the most recent Statistics Canada report published in 2017. The Survey of Financial Security, the median net worth of Canadian families was $295,100. That is the latest federal government official statistic we have in determining the average Canadian net worth 2018.

There’s always been talk about how a financial crisis can adversely affect your health but now a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that wealth shock may actually shorten your life.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: What is wealth shock?

Researchers defined wealth shock as a loss of 75% or more in financial value over two years. The average loss was about $100,000. This catastrophic financial crisis could include a drop in the value of investments or realized losses like home foreclosure. The effect was more marked if the person lost a home as part of the wealth shock, and it was more pronounced for people with fewer assets.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: How does wealth shock affect your life expectancy?

Researchers analyzed 20 years of data from the Health and Retirement Study, which checks in every other year with a group of people in their 50s and 60s and keeps track of who dies.

  • Wealth shock was tied to a 50% greater risk of dying
  • Middle-aged Americans who experienced a sudden, large economic blow were more likely to die during the following years than those who didn’t
  • Women were more likely than men to have a wealth shock
  • Wealth shock crossed socio-economic lines, affecting people no matter how much money they had to startira smith bankruptcy trustee vaughan

Average Canadian net worth 2018: This is really a story about everybody

Although this study was conducted in the U.S., “This is really a story about everybody,” said lead researcher Lindsay Pool of Northwestern University’s medical school. “Stress, delays in health care, substance abuse and suicides may contribute”, she said. North or south of the border, we’re all in equal danger. According to Dr. Alan Garber of Harvard University in an accompanying editorial, the findings suggest a wealth shock is as dangerous as a new diagnosis of heart disease. He also noted that doctors need to recognize how money hardships may affect their patients.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: Don’t wait until you’re a wealth shock statistic

Please don’t wait until you’re a wealth shock statistic. If you’ve experienced wealth shock or are experiencing financial hardship, don’t jeopardize your health. Contact a professional today.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is full-service insolvency and financial restructuring practise serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved. That is as long as you take immediate action with the right plan. We’re just a phone call away and we can set you back on a path to financial health.

Brandon Blog Post


angus reid

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Introduction

As a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto (now called a licensed insolvency trustee), I took great interest in reading a recent poverty line Canada study. A new research project whose results were announced in July 2018, studied poverty in Canada. It finds higher than 25% of respondents feel they have stress over financial matters. Not just a part-time stress; it is a full time feeling. Instead of just analyzing income levels, the survey considers the daily realities of making ends meet and how that can take a toll on people.

Many are unable to spend on simple things like going to the movie theatre, but also on more serious needs, like warm clothes for winter time and dental care. Some are late paying bills or cannot pay them at all and many say they can’t afford better quality food at the grocery store.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: People are struggling

Researchers also found of the people who struggle most, 20% make well above what’s considered low income. However, the study finds that doesn’t always go far particularly in major urban cities. You can be making what many would consider middle-class earnings and still feel stressed. The survey showed many feel on the edge with their ability to have a life with some level of comfort or relaxation.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: 4 major groups

This ARI research identified four groups:

  1. the struggling (16%);
  2. on the edge (11%);
  3. recently comfortable (36%); and
  4. always comfortable (37%).

As expected from these labels, the struggling is dealing with economic difficulties that are adversely influencing their lifestyle. Those on the edge are a stone’s throw behind them.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: The study’s other main findings

The study’s other main findings are:

  • nearly a third (31%) really feel extremely worried about money regularly– either usually or constantly;
  • about half (52%) think hardship has actually been rising;
  • almost ten percent (9%) feel that financial hardship has been decreasing;
  • thirty percent (30%) are downhearted concerning their individual finances over the near future;
  • more think their youngsters’ finances will be worse (43%) compared to those who think their children will be financially better (32%);
  • all 4 state financial anxiety exists, yet there is more for both lower groups; and
  • the anxiety felt by the always comfortable group is a fret about future troubles as opposed to their present life.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Canada Without Poverty

Canada Without Poverty charitable organization states that roughly 5 million Canadians, or 1 in 7, live in poverty. However, the ARI study shows that the participants in the study estimate that about one third live in poverty. As you can see, their views were shaped by their own feelings of money anxiety.

Bankruptcy trustee in Toronto: Are you are “on the edge”?

Do you feel you are in the “on the edge” or the “recently comfortable” groups? Are you always feeling financially stressed? Are you worried that you may not be able to absorb an unexpected expense of $1,000 or more? If so, why not get a free financial checkup?

Seek professional help immediately. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full-service practice serving people just like you and companies throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

We know your pain and the stress you feel because of your finances. Our Firm has helped many others restructure their debt and return to a financially healthy life. Give us a call today. We can give you peace of mind and set you on a path to debt free living. We are a bankruptcy trustee in Toronto.

(43.807606, -79.534091)bankruptcy trustee in toronto

Brandon Blog Post


financial hardship
financial hardship

Financial hardship: Introduction

As parents, you want to give your kids every advantage, but how much is too much? And do you really need to splurge on non-necessities if it’s putting a financial hardship on the family? It’s ironic to hear rich and celebrity parents say that they’re really trying to give their children a normal upbringing, without over-the-top excess; while on the other side of the fence, average, working families are making birthday parties that cost thousands of dollars. Does your child’s birthday party really have to feature pony rides, live entertainment and loot bags that cost a fortune? Clearly the days of BBQ and “pin the tail on the donkey” have gone the way of the dodo.

Financial hardship: Strain on the family budget

Extracurricular activities can also put a strain on the family budget. How many extracurricular activities are your kids participating in? And what are these activities costing you? According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Global News:

  • Canadian parents spent an average of $1,120 to enroll their children in extracurricular, community and sports activities during the last school year
  • For some, the cost of a busy after-school schedule was even higher, with nearly one in 10 parents shelling out over $2,000
  • Many families are overstretched to pay for it all, with over half of parents saying the cost of kids activities puts a strain on family finances
  • Nearly a third of respondents who were Gen X parents (between the ages of 35 and 54) said they had taken on debt to pay for things like dues, fees and equipment.

If your child is in a competitive dance program, costumes alone can cost thousands of dollars. Hockey is extremely expensive and the costs of competitive hockey are not for the faint of heart.

Financial hardship: Be realistic

Parents, you have to be realistic about what you can or can’t afford. Going into debt for birthday parties and after school activities makes no sense. Scale back. Make a birthday party that makes financial sense for the family, not the neighbours. Choose an after school activity with your child that they’ll enjoy and you can afford. Not only will you save a lot of money, but you’ll have some money to put away for your child’s education – a better investment in their future than a birthday party or extracurricular activities.

Financial hardship: Are you in too much debt?

If you’re already overextended and feeling the pinch of financial hardship, don’t wait until the situation becomes dire. Contact the Ira Smith Trustee Team as soon as possible. We can help you manage debt and put you on a path to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Make an appointment today for a free, no cost, no obligation consultation. You’ll be glad that you did.

Brandon Blog Post


medical bankruptcies in canada

Medical bankruptcies in Canada: Introduction

As Canadians, we have a tendency to assume that our universal health care system will cover everything in a health crisis. We don’t focus on the possibility of medical bankruptcies in Canada like Americans do. The Canadian health care system is extremely comprehensive. But, there is no such thing as 100% coverage for every health care issue that may arise. As an example, the cost of some prescription drugs can be prohibitive.

Medical bankruptcies in Canada: Additional medical insurance plans

Most insurance plans dictate that only a generic substitute can be covered by the insurance. What if it is a new or unique drug where there is no generic version? Some people think because all the health care costs are paid for they will not suffer financially. Many people do not consider the possibility that poor health will prevent them from working. But what if they are not covered by a disability plan that will replace their income. They also were not able to build up an emergency savings plan for when of such an event.

The likelihood is that the older we get, the more reliant on prescription medication we’ll become. Did you know that paramedical services like physiotherapy is not covered, or only partly covered? And, coverage varies from province to province.

Medical bankruptcies in Canada: A health crisis can trigger a financial crisis

Sun Life Financial recently did a survey that clearly demonstrates that a health crisis can definitely trigger a financial crisis:

Medical bankruptcies in Canada: You may be retirement age, but can you afford to retire and lose your extra health coverage?

If you’re fortunate enough to work for a company that provides health care benefits, then this issue may not affect you today; but what will happen once you retire or work for a company that doesn’t provide benefits? At risk are many self-employed people if they don’t have an extended health care plan if a serious health care event takes place.

We’ve written several blogs discussing that many Canadians are working well past the age of 65 to make ends meet. In the Sun Life Financial survey 41% of people who retired sooner than expected cited personal health care as the primary reason. What would you do if you had to retire sooner than expected and had to pay for medication and services not covered in our universal health care plan?

Medical bankruptcies in Canada: How to solve a financial crisis

If you’re in the midst of a financial crisis due to a health crisis, or for any reason, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We understand how stressful a time this can be for you and we can get you through this. If you follow our plan, then before you know it you’ll be able to regain your former quality of life. Give us a call today and you’ll be well on your way to Starting Over, Starting Now.

medical bankruptcies in canada
Brandon Blog Post


Target Canada closing, Target Canada, Target Canada, Target Corporation, Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, CCAA, restructuring of insolvent corporations, restructuring and turnaround, business failure, orderly liquidation, Zellers, starting over starting now, financial viability, financial hardship, receivership or bankruptcyTarget Canada closing was announced on January 15, 2015, when Target Canada Co. and related entities commenced court-supervised restructuring proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”). The CCAA, which is a Federal statute normally used for the restructuring of insolvent corporations with debts over $5 million, in order to preserve all or a portion of the business and jobs. This time, rather than being used for a restructuring and turnaround, it is being used to provide for an orderly liquidation.

What went wrong? Target Canada is an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of the United States-based retailer Target Corporation. Target Corporation was founded in 1902 as Dayton Hudson Corporation, and is one of the largest retailers in the United States of America. You would think they had the experience to avoid such a disaster. It seems that everything went wrong and right now Target Canada estimates that this business failure will result in a loss of $5.4 BILLION!

The mistakes made by Target Canada and its US based parent seem to be very basic. The mistakes made leading to the Target Canada closing can be summarized in the following 9 point list:

1. Walk before you run – Target Corporation’s leadership saw expansion into Canada as an opportunity to extend the Target shopping experience to a broader group of people and thereby expand its revenues and profits. They also believed that there were significant opportunities in the Canadian market that made their strategies well positioned to succeed.

However, rather than starting off with a few stores in select Canadian markets, they began in 2011 by purchasing the net amount of 135 store leases from Zellers Inc. for a net purchase price of $1.6 billion. Perhaps a more modest start would not have put so much financial pressure on Target Canada from the very beginning.

This is reason number one leading to Target Canada closing.

2. Failure to implement your plan in a reasonable period of time – Although Target Canada entered Canada in 2011 through the purchase of the leases, they first undertook necessary renovations and leasehold improvements before Target Canada opened at many of the former Zellers locations under the Target banner. The first stores did not open until March 2013 – more than 2 years after the decision was made to acquire the Canadian locations.

This obviously gave Target Canada’s competitors a long lead time to plan for the Target invasion. The major competitors include Wal-Mart, The Bay, Sears, and also major supermarket chains like Loblaws, electronic retailers like Best Buy and Future Shop, and home improvement stores like Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Rona and Lowes.

This is reason number two leading to Target Canada closing.

3. Miscalculation of Demand for your Product – The opening of that many stores resulted in market densification – particularly in large cities served by more than one Target store – and reduced the impact of many of the new store openings. There were too many stores for the marketplace.

This is reason number three leading to Target Canada closing.

4. Poor Supply-Chain Management – Target Canada encountered significant supply chain issues. Stores were often: (i) out-of-stock for important merchandise, resulting in consumer dissatisfaction; and (ii) over-stocked on other merchandise, necessitating discounts to manage the inventory and impairing operating margins. These supply chain issues created a poor first impression. Therefore, many potential customers appear to have returned to or maintained the shopping practices they had before Target’s entry into Canada where such problems didn’t exist.

This is reason number four leading to Target Canada closing.

5. Tinkering with a proven modelCanadian consumers expected Target Canada to follow Target’s U.S. prices, which is a significant source of loyalty to the Target brand. Rather than match or reflect the U.S. prices in Canada, its pricing model was designed to compete with other similar Canadian retailers and included generally higher prices than Target’s U.S. stores. This appears to have limited Target Canada’s ability to distinguish itself in the competitive Canadian retail marketplace. It appears to me that Target Canada did not attempt to distinguish itself on a superior customer experience and did not attempt to distinguish itself in its pricing model.

Many of the Target Canada suppliers, either directly or through related entities, supplied merchandise to both the Canadian stores and Target Corporation’s U.S. stores, and many of those cross-over vendors have operations in Canada. Couldn’t Target have used its buying clout to not have Target Canada’s pricing model to be the same as its Canadian competitors?

This is reason number five leading to Target Canada closing.

6. No online presence – Need I say any more? Any home-based business owner knows you need to have an online presence today.

Although Target US has an established and successful online retail business, Target Canada elected to focus on the build-out of the physical stores and improving store operations, and did not prioritize the establishment of an online retail business for Canadian customers. This turned out to be a significant competitive disadvantage as the retail market moves beyond traditional bricks-and-mortar stores. By the time Target Canada woke up, it was too late.

This is reason number six leading to Target Canada closing.

7. Too little too late – Beginning in Spring 2014, Target Canada added internal resources and consulted at great length with a variety of strategic, operational and financial advisors in an attempt to improve Target Canada’s operations and identify strategies that could make the Canadian operations viable in the long term. Target Canada could not identify an option that would result in TCC breaking-even in the next five years. Were any of these financial viability studies conducted before the net spend of $1.6 billion on leases in 2011? Would not those same studies have identified what senior executives should have done to have a successful Target Canada launch?

This is reason number seven leading to Target Canada closing.

8. Not understanding the marketplace – In 2011, Canada had a population of 34.4 million. In comparison, this was slightly smaller than the population of the State of California at the same time. The financial returns for Canadian stores were expected to be in line with historical returns for U.S. store openings. This typically meant losses until the completion of the first full year of store operations, and profits thereafter. Target Canada never made any money. For the 2013 and 2014 fiscal periods, Target Canada’s losses totalled $3.6 billion (before interest and taxes).

This is reason number eight leading to Target Canada closing.

9. Management – Based on the above, clearly Target management miscalculated the success of an expansion into Canada out of the US. No doubt other US retailers who may be considering an expansion into Canada, must look at this expansion failure before embarking on implement their own expansion into Canada.

This is reason number nine leading to Target Canada closing.

At the time of filing, Target Canada had 17,600 employees. Because this is an orderly liquidation and not a restructuring and turnaround, those jobs will not be saved as a result of Target Canada closing. No doubt these job losses will create financial hardship for many of these employees’ families. To its credit, Target US has established a trust fund for payment of the Target Canada obligations to its employees. This trust fund is in addition to the proceeds from the sale of the Target Canada assets.

The lessons to be learned from the Target Canada closing story is that every business, regardless of size, must not only have a properly vetted business plan before implementing any business strategy, but management must have carefully studied and tested it to ensure as best as possible that management understands the marketplace it wishes to operate in and that the implementation of the plan will be successful for the business.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. acts for both debtors and secured lenders, in the performance of financial and viability assessments for financially challenged businesses. The earlier that we are consulted, the better the chances are that we can construct and assist management in implementing its plan to return to financial health without the need for receivership or bankruptcy proceedings.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. before your business problems lead to your business closing. The earlier you begin to deal with debt, the more options you’ll have. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.



Note: The facts contained herein regarding Target Canada Co. (“TCC”) and Target Corporation, and the expansion of Target Corporation into Canada was derived from the Affidavit of Mark J. Wong, General Counsel and Secretary of TCC, sworn January 14, 2015 in support of TCC’s CCAA application.

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