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negotiating debt vs bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy faqs, debt, trustee, professional trustee, licensed trustee, debt settlement companies, financial plan, consumer proposals, consumer bankruptcies, bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to bankruptcy, credit counselling, debt consolidation, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIA, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy CanadaNegotiating debt vs bankruptcy. Of course you would not pick bankruptcy as your first choice. If you are considering the options of negotiating debt vs bankruptcy, you must be mired in serious financial difficulty and have few options available to you.

You need the help of a professional, licensed trustee now! Don’t be seduced by the bogus claims of debt settlement companies who promise to negotiate with your creditors for pennies on the dollar and get you out of debt in no time flat. Although you are being bombarded with messages like this on radio, television and online, don’t fall prey to these scam artists.

Debt settlement companies have already been banned in the United States and now several Canadian provinces have introduced strict regulations in the debt settlement industry. A professional trustee will evaluate your individual situation fairly and in an even-handed manner, and present you with a solid financial plan for moving forward and getting out of debt, including all of the advantages and disadvantages of negotiating debt vs bankruptcy.

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, consumers continue to opt in large numbers for negotiating debt vs bankruptcy.

What are the alternatives to bankruptcy? There are 3 Formal Bankruptcy Alternatives:

  1. Credit Counselling
    Credit counselling is in reality debt counselling. Professionals provide assistance with a host of issues related to debt including budgeting, finding debt solutions, working with your creditors and rebuilding credit.
  2. Debt Consolidation
    Debt consolidation is a single loan that allows you to repay your debts to several or all of your creditors at once, leaving you with only one outstanding loan.
  3. Consumer Proposals
    Consumer proposals are formal offers made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) to modify your payments. e.g. paying a lesser amount each month for a longer period of time and paying a total lesser amount than you owe. In a consumer proposal you are choosing not to go bankrupt so this is actually negotiating debt vs bankruptcy.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a professional, licensed trustee who can help you get back on the road to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now. A licensed trustee can properly advise you on negotiating debt vs bankruptcy. If you wish to do some self-study, please review our bankruptcy FAQS. But don’t delay. Contact us today.

Brandon Blog Post


living paycheque to paycheque, alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy faqs, bankruptcy process, bankruptcy trustee in toronto, bankruptcy trustee toronto, collection agencies, credit, credit counselling, credit score, consumer proposal, debt consolidation, rebuild your credit, starting over starting now, wages, bankruptcy trustee torontoA bankruptcy trustee Toronto understands that insolvency and filing for bankruptcy can be a very distressing time in someone’s life. Many people feel like failures at this time and need to have someone to whom they can turn to help them understand their options. People filing for bankruptcy can choose a federally regulated bankruptcy trustee Toronto they feel the most comfortable with to assist them in the process.

When Bankruptcy Becomes Necessary

When a person becomes insolvent, they cannot pay back what they owe to their creditors; in fact, what they owe may far outweigh the assets that they have. At this point, an individual may consider declaring bankruptcy. There are several clues, such as the following, that indicate that one is nearing this point of no return and should consult with a bankruptcy trustee Toronto:

▪ Garnished wages from each paycheque

▪ Contact from one or more collection agencies

▪ Utilities or household services that have been stopped from lack of payment

▪ You can no longer make ends meet living paycheque to paycheque

Bankruptcy and Its Benefits

Although it should be noted that bankruptcy is not the perfect solution for everyone because it will be quite costly and destructive to one’s credit score, it does have several advantages. Of course, there will be no more harassment from creditors or collection agencies during and following the bankruptcy process, and the person involved will be able to feel a greater peace of mind. In addition, many times people are allowed to keep their homes and property during bankruptcy. Finally, employers cannot discriminate against individuals who file for bankruptcy.

What a Bankruptcy Trustee Toronto Does

Anyone filing for bankruptcy in the GTA can choose the bankruptcy trustee Toronto they feel the most comfortable with to assist them. A bankruptcy trustee Toronto has numerous tasks. In general, the trustee is an impartial intermediary who will make sure that every part of the process is performed correctly, that there is no fraud and that assets are liquidated appropriately. Before the actual bankruptcy filing, he or she will meet with the person to review the individual’s situation, consider all alternatives to bankruptcy, including credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

After this initial assessment, if bankruptcy is the best option, the federally regulated bankruptcy trustee will explain the bankruptcy process to you, prepare and look over any paperwork before it is filed, if necessary will hold a meeting of creditors for the individual and will ensure that creditors are paid their pro rata share in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

Some people fear that a bankruptcy trustee Toronto will make their lives miserable each step of the way. However, although the trustee may have some difficult and painful tasks to fulfill, they will ensure that each step of the process is performed thoroughly, accurately and with complete professionalism. Those people who are in a position to benefit from declaring bankruptcy will find the work of a trustee to be invaluable and allow you after your discharge from bankruptcy to rebuild your credit.

Bankruptcy Trustee Toronto

If you feel you are a candidate for bankruptcy, you can first do some self-study by reviewing our bankruptcy faqs. After reviewing the bankruptcy alternatives, if the best solution for you is bankruptcy, you should feel comfortable that your choice of trustee will treat you with the compassion and respect you deserve. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. and Starting Over Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


DEBT IS INCREASING IN CANADA ACROSS ALL DEMOGRAPHICSThe last few weeks we’ve been discussing seniors in debt and baby boomers plagued with debt, but the sad reality is that debts are increasing in Canada across all demographics, and at alarming rates. In July 2013 we discussed how even high flyers can’t sustain the income to fund their lifestyles, so all demographics means the rich and famous included. According to the Royal Bank’s poll:

  • Canadians’ debt loads have grown 21% in the past year, and more consumers are running into the red.
  • For every dollar Canadians earn, they owe $1.63.
  • Just 24% of Canadians say they are debt free.
  • Canadians who are in debt have increased their non-mortgage burdens to $15,920. That’s an extra $2,779 over the past year compared to growth of just $83 in the year prior.
  • 38% of Canadians are anxious about their debt levels.

Unfortunately Canadians are digging themselves deeper by taking advantage of low interest rates and continuing to borrow, yet wages can’t keep up leading to Canadians being anxious about their debts. As a result debt loads have skyrocketed. A new survey shows debt levels are climbing fast, to a record $1.422 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2013, according to credit agency Equifax Canada. TransUnion reported the average Canadian consumer owes $27,355 – not including mortgages. Installment loans, largely made up of car loans, were the fastest growing segment of debt, up 11% year over year. Credit card debt rose 5.9% from a year ago. It is especially true for seniors with credit card debt, as they can tap into existing credit cards to borrow where they could not longer qualify for new credit.

As Canadian sink deeper in debt, many will be living paycheque to paycheque and struggling to make the minimum payments until eventually they become insolvent. Don’t wait for disaster to strike before seeking professional help. If you are facing a debt crisis, contact a professional bankruptcy trustee as soon as possible. The earlier you seek help the more options you’ll have. Bankruptcy is not the only option for serious debt problems. There are bankruptcy alternatives including credit counselling, debt consolidation, and consumer proposals in addition to bankruptcy as solutions. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post



CREDIT CARD DEBT IS MORE THAN A 4-LETTER WORDCredit card debt. There’s a lot of discussion about it in the news these days and the news is all bad; but the reality is that there is good debt and bad debt. As you will read, debt, including credit card debt is more than a 4-letter word. However, no one is denying that debt is a serious issue for many Canadians. According to the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants surveys conducted in December and June, 2012:

  • 50% of Canadians think reducing debt is a high priority
  • 48% of Canadians would have difficulty making mortgage payments if interest rates rose significantly
  • 43% of Canadians carried over a balance on their credit cards
  • 17% of Canadians borrowed to cover day-to-day living expenses

According to Statistics Canada, between 1984 and 2009, household debt (which includes credit card debt) in Canada more than doubled from $46,000 (in 2009 dollars) to $110,000. In February 2011 the Vanier Institute of the Family reported that the average Canadian family had hit $100,000. If there is such a thing as good debt and bad debt, what’s the difference? The distinction is based on the purpose for which it is taken on. Good debt can be defined as anything that builds your assets or increases the potential for you to earn more money. Bad debt is typically incurred to purchase things that have no value or quickly lose their value and usually carries a very high interest rate – which more often than not is found in credit card debt.

Some examples of good debt:

Some examples of bad debt:

If you are having trouble paying the monthly bills, and have out of control credit card debt, it really doesn’t matter if you have good debt or bad debt; it’s time to see a professional trustee. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. will evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution are bankruptcy alternatives like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now you can be debt free with the help of a professional, licensed trustee in bankruptcy. You can even do some advance study with our bankruptcy faqs. Contact us today.

Brandon Blog Post



Financial infidelity in marriage: Introduction

Financial infidelity in marriage is a recurring problem. Couples heading to divorce argue about many things – the kids, sex, in-laws, the house, division of labour – but a study from Utah State University and recent statistical findings from online divorce service (MDP) have re-confirmed that the cause of money, not sex, is the top predictor of divorce. The study and the data show that couples who engage in financial infidelity in marriage routinely argue about their finances are setting a steady course for divorce. Many studies echo these findings, including a 2012 longitudinal study that found that money is the number one cause of tension in relationships and as a result, it’s also the top predictor of divorce.

Financial infidelity in marriage: Our definition

Financial infidelity in marriage occurs when a spouse commits to serious spending that affects the entire household without first consulting their mate. To avoid becoming a statistic couples should be doing a lot of talking about finances before saying I Do and throughout the marriage. It may not be romantic but avoiding the conversation may doom your relationship to failure. You are no doubt discussing your compatibility in many areas of life. You are more than likely not discussing your financial compatibility. The likelihood of financial infidelity in marriage may be increased as a result.

Financial infidelity in marriage: Some important considerations

Have you considered:

  • How you’re planning to pay for your lifestyle?
  • Saving for retirement?
  • If your spending habits are compatible?
  • What your financial priorities are?
  • Your assets?
  • Your debts?
  • A prenup?

Financial discussions need to be frank and transparent. The health of your marriage may depend on your financial health. If in the course of your financial discussions you uncover serious debt issues, it’s better to deal with the debt sooner than later.; stay away from divorce by not committing financial infidelity in marriage.

Financial infidelity in marriage: We can help you

Start your life off debt free and with a go forward plan to stay that way. For sound professional help and advice contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We can’t guarantee you a happy marriage but Starting Over, Starting Now we can help you deal with serious debt issues and put you on a path to living a debt free life.

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BABY BOOMERS DEBT CRISIS: WAITING FOR AN INHERITANCE TO BAIL YOU OUT?Baby boomers debt crisis. The subject of inheritance is always highly charged – especially if you are in a Baby Boomers debt crisis. Parents seem to be divided into several camps. There are those who are self made and who believe that their kids will learn more from making it on their own than by receiving it on a silver platter. Others have spoiled their kids with a lavish lifestyle that only an equally lavish inheritance will be able to support. And there are those like billionaire Bill Gates who fall somewhere in the middle. This is his take on his wealth and inheritance for his children.

“It will be a minuscule portion of my wealth. It will mean they have to find their own way. They will be given an unbelievable education and that will all be paid for. And certainly anything related to health issues we will take care of. But in terms of their income, they will have to pick a job they like and go to work. They are normal kids now. They do chores, they get pocket money”.

Sadly there are many people who are living well beyond their means and waiting for an inheritance to bail them out of serious debt issues. They are living the life they believe is their right and as a result have an enormous mortgage, leased cars, maxed out credit cards and nothing but a mountain of debt to call their own.

  • An HSBC Bank report released in September, 2013, found 39% of working people are banking on some type of inheritance with the median value expected to be $77,213.
  • A report by Moneyville calculates that baby boomers are poised to inherit about $1 trillion over the next two decades as their parents and other close old relatives die.
  • According to MoneySense, 36% of the wealthiest families have received an inheritance; the average amount of that inheritance was $136,000.

However a BMO report shows that what many Canadians expect and what they may receive are quite different:

  • About 1.5 million Canadians are relying on their inheritance as the primary source of capital to fund their retirement.
  • On average, Canadians expect to receive a total of $150,600 in cash or cash equivalents, and $151,200 in non-cash inheritance.
  • In reality, inheritance sums received were significantly less – the average inheritance received was $56,000; certainly not enough to provide a solution to the question – Will I ever be able to retire?

Waiting for an inheritance to bail you out of a baby boomers debt crisis or other serious financial problems is clearly not a sound plan. If you have serious debt issues you need a professional. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. As professional trustees we can offer a sound financial plan and a way out of your baby boomers debt crisis for Starting Over, Starting Now. Take the first stop towards living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post



JOINT ACCOUNTS: SHARING WITH YOUR SPOUSE IS GREAT, BUT NOT THISIn many instances, marriage vows would be more accurate if the phrase were changed to “Until debt do us part”.

Sam Ewing

Joint accounts: Introduction

Sharing with your spouse is great, but not your PIN number or joint accounts. Some couples like to share everything in a marriage, but too much sharing, especially as it pertains to finances is not necessarily a good thing. We’re not saying that discussing finances is a bad idea; in fact it’s a great idea! But, sharing your PIN number is not recommended, and for good reason.

Joint accounts: Mixed feelings

Laurie Campbell, executive director of Credit Canada which deals with people with credit problems, says she has mixed feelings about people joining up their lives financially. “We see so much in here,” said Ms. Campbell. “You have to know what you are signing up for. We all go into these relationships with the best intentions thinking everything will be rosy. Unfortunately, it’s not the reality. What credit counsellors do is speak with couples who come to us, many of whom can’t even sit in the same room because of the damage they have done to each other’s credit. When involving joint accounts, the financially responsible spouse ends up paying for the financial sins of the other. If you have one person who is a saver and the other person is a spender, you’re in trouble,” said Ms. Campbell.

Joint accounts: Money can be the primary cause of divorce

The cause of about 1 in 5 of all Canadian divorces is primarily by money. Financial incompatibility was and still is a serious issue. According to a Harris Interactive poll recently released:

  • A third of American couples with joint finances say they have committed financial infidelity, with both sexes lying to their partners in equal numbers.
  • 67% of those couples had arguments as a result.
  • 42% said it caused less trust in the relationship.
  • 16% of cases, the lying led to divorce; in 11% it caused a separation.

Joint accounts: Joint accounts does not equal a joint financial plan

In spite of advice to the contrary, a survey from the Chartered Professional Accountants found 69% of spouses or partners have shared their PIN. Yet a recent poll from TD Canada Trust found that only 36% of couples have a joint financial plan. For some couples a PIN number is symbolic of sharing in the relationship and for others it’s just convenient, but clearly it can be a recipe for financial disaster. Think twice before sharing your PIN number with anyone and that includes your spouse. The same is also true for co-signing a loan and using joint accounts not providing equal benefit to each spouse.

Joint accounts: What to do if you are facing serious debt issues

If you’re facing serious debt issues, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’re not marriage counsellors, but we are credit counsellors. In addition to credit counselling we offer other bankruptcy alternatives such as, debt consolidation and consumer proposals as well as bankruptcy. Take the first step towards a debt free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


PAYDAY LOANS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMSPayday loans. The holidays are over and it’s time to pay the piper. Your mail box is full of credit card bills and you don’t know where the money is going to come from, so you think about payday loans.

You’ve got the TV on and low and behold, what could be playing but a commercial for a company offering payday loans promising to be the cure for what ails you. Just make a call, drop into a payday loan store or go online and like magic, your money problems will be over with payday loans. Not so fast! That’s not exactly how it works. And, it will not solve your money problems; it will create new ones. Instead of owing the credit card companies money, you will owe the payday loan companies money. Payday loan companies don’t lend money because they are charitable. They lend money at exorbitant rates because they know that you can’t borrow anywhere else and you will get caught in the cycle of endless payday loans.

Here is a typical example of how payday loan companies do business. The Cash Store charges annual interest of 59.9% to new borrowers. As a result the provinces have been going after payday loan companies to protect the consumer. The December 2013 amendment by Ontario is the second time that year The Cash Store and their payday loans faced regulatory scrutiny from the province, according to Moody’s. In February, the Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services was preparing to revoke the company’s payday loans licence when it substituted a new one-year line of credit product to continue lending. Payday loans are most often taken out by low-income people willing to pay high interest rates to avoid falling behind on their bills or to cover emergency expenses, according to studies commissioned by the Canadian government and the Canadian Payday Loan Association.

If you have to go to a payday loan company, you have serious debt issues and you need professional help. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You’re like many people who have been living paycheque to paycheque until one day you either lose the paycheque or it just isn’t enough to pay the bills. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We will evaluate your situation and discuss the options with you which may include bankruptcy alternatives such as credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals in addition to bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


tax lawyer, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, bankruptcy trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, financial restructuring, bankruptcy faqs, insolvency, tax lawyer in canadaHave you heard the radio advertising spots by a tax lawyer in Canada who is trying very hard to make you believe that he is The Rock Star in the world of tax problems and that he and only he can help you? One commercial ends with, “Don’t call a Trustee, call me”. Isn’t it amazing that without knowing anything about you and without a consultation, he knows exactly what your problems are and how to fix them? And, he has no way to know if a Trustee is all you require to solve your serious debt issues. However, fear based advertising must be working for him because he spends fortunes on it.

Don’t take advice from an advertisement. If you have legal issues, absolutely you need a lawyer in Canada. But, the reality is that Canadian bankruptcy law doesn’t differentiate between tax debts and other kinds of unsecured debt, therefore most people can declare bankruptcy on taxes owing. In fact, 50% of the people who file a consumer proposal or declare personal bankruptcy include some form of tax debt. If you are experiencing serious debt problems you must consult with a Trustee before declaring bankruptcy; no doubt you will have many questions about the bankruptcy process. The Trustee will evaluate your case and advise you on all of your alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, and bankruptcy. Bankruptcy and consumer proposals are administered by a Bankruptcy Trustee, not a lawyer. In fact you cannot declare bankruptcy through a lawyer unless the lawyer is also a Trustee in Bankruptcy.

There are cases in which you may need a lawyer:

  • Tax debts are generally discharged in bankruptcy like other debts. However, if you have tax debts and the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) is opposing your discharge, it is recommended that you seek legal assistance.
  • In most cases Trustees do not act as your advocate. If you believe you need an advocate, you should consult a lawyer. Communication between you and your lawyer is confidential and privileged.

This is not an advertisement and we’re not telling you that we are Rock Stars. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Our bankruptcy law is complicated. Canada (Superintendent of Bankruptcy) v. 407 ETR. Also check out our bankruptcy faqs. If you’re having serious debt issues, and yes, even tax debt, contact us today. We can provide you with realistic choices for practical decision-making.

Brandon Blog Post


debt, seniors in debt, bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, trustee, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, insolvency, restructuring, starting over starting now, seniors trying to start over, seniors with credit card debtLast week we discussed whether or not seniors should try and pay off their debt or declare bankruptcy. This week we’ve got some great advice for seniors in debt, seniors with credit card debt, seniors looking for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Seniors in debt is a serious problem that continues to get worse:

  • According to Statistics Canada, one in three retirees over 55 and two in three over 55 who aren’t yet retired are in debt.
  • A recent TD Bank study has shown that older Canadians have increased their debt load by 15% (an average of $6000/person) from the previous year. Seniors living in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec had the highest rates of debt accumulation in 2012.
  • According to Boomers and Retirement, a new survey by TD Ameritrade, the average Baby Boomer is about a half-million dollars short on retirement savings.

The most important piece of advice we can give seniors trying to start over is to eliminate debt! Carrying debt into retirement is a recipe for disaster. Once you retire and begin living on a fixed income you will no longer have the funds required to service the debt; this is especially true for seniors with credit card debt at high rates of interest. Here are 5 tips for seniors in debt:

  1. Postpone retirement if at all possible and pay down as much debt as you can. If working fulltime is not an option, consider part-time work.
  2. Pay down credit card balances as quickly as possible. They are generally the highest-interest loans that seniors carry. You can also call the credit card company and ask for a lower interest rate. They will sometimes agree.
  3. Limit the number of credit cards that you have.
  4. Stay away from debt settlement companies! Consumers are continuing to be taken in by false claims offering to settle your debts for pennies on the dollar quickly and easily. The reality is that when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Debt settlement companies exist for only one reason – to take your money! They will not help you solve your debt problems. There is no instant or quick fix for serious debt issues.
  5. Protect yourself against fraud and/or abuse. Run away from get rich schemes. There are many scammers out there who have duped seniors out of their life savings and continue to seek out new targets.

As we discussed in Seniors in Debt, Part 3, the right debt relief option you ultimately decide upon will depend on whether or not you have assets, who you owe money to, and how much you owe. For seniors trying to start over there are bankruptcy alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals – which in many cases are better options than declaring personal bankruptcy.

If you’re planning to retire soon or you have already retired and find yourself dealing with serious debt, consult a professional Trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We are a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We can help.

Call a Trustee Now!