Brandon Blog Post


Debt relief options: Introduction

Suppose you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the weight of excessive financial responsibilities. In that case, it becomes crucial to seek trustworthy recommendations for selecting a reliable service provider who can assist you with various options to alleviate your financial debts and provide you with the most beneficial financial guidance. Amidst the vast array of available assistance choices, it might seem daunting to pinpoint genuine resources that can genuinely assist you without any hidden agendas. It holds great significance for your future well-being to be able to distinguish between deceitful scammers and genuine helpers.

Fear not, for there exists an infinite realm of dependable suppliers specializing in financial debt relief options eagerly awaiting your discovery. From the information in this Brandon’s Blog, you can boldly conquer your present economic challenges, obtain the appropriate assistance from the right individuals, and make well-informed decisions that will emancipate you from the shackles of debt -Starting Over, Starting Now!

Debt relief options: What is debt relief?

Debt relief encompasses a myriad of technical strategies and detailed processes designed to lessen or eradicate the weighty load of unresolved financial obligations for individuals and businesses. It entails the implementation of deliberate and targeted measures to alleviate the pressing strain on one’s economic well-being, engage in negotiations for the revision of loan terms, or reach mutually agreeable resolutions with creditors.

Debt relief options take on many diverse forms, including but not limited to debt consolidation, the pursuit of debt settlements, the formulation and execution of comprehensive debt management plans, and, in the most dire circumstances, the contemplation of bankruptcy as an ultimate solution.

The overarching objective that underpins the concept of all debt relief options is to furnish individuals or entities with a revitalized opportunity, empowering them to reclaim a solid footing in their fiscal affairs, reinstating stability, and propelling them toward a more tenable and enduring financial equilibrium.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: Why managing debt is crucial

In today’s modern society, more and more Canadian households are struggling with debt. The prevalence of indebtedness has emerged as an unsurprising reality in the lives of numerous individuals. From the weighty load of educational loans to the looming presence of bills linked to credit cards, the accumulation of debts can swiftly escalate and become overwhelming if not effectively handled.

The management of indebtedness is not solely a matter of personal responsibility but a skill that can yield a profound impact on one’s financial well-being and prospects for the future. By grasping the significance of debt management, individuals can make well-informed decisions concerning their finances, elude the treacherous clasp of debt cycles, and ultimately achieve lasting financial stability.

Efficiently handling indebtedness is vital in safeguarding your financial freedom. Uncontrolled debts can result in missed payments, penalties, exorbitant interest rates, and even bankruptcy. Debt management ensures that you retain control over your finances and empowers you to take charge of your own life. Seeking guidance from reliable professionals specializing in debt relief will furnish you with practical options tailored to your unique financial situation, enabling you to resolve your debt issues. Hence, skillfully managing your debts is paramount in establishing a solid financial foundation.

Given its implications on credit ratings, financial independence, and overall peace of mind, the management of indebtedness assumes critical importance. Whether you are a recent graduate burdened with educational loans, a homeowner grappling with a mortgage, or simply an individual juggling multiple credit card bills, this article on Brandon’s Blog is specifically crafted to cater to your needs.

Debt relief options: Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (Canada)

On the 27th of June of this year, a notice was issued by The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), stressing the significance of understanding the perils associated with the unregulated Debt Advisory Marketplace, while simultaneously aiding consumers in identifying trustworthy sources of debt assistance.

One must bear in mind that unregulated advisors have the potential to impose exorbitant charges, varying from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, for services that they are not legally permitted to offer. Furthermore, they may demand payment for redundant or repetitive services both prior to, during, and subsequent consultations.

In order to safeguard oneself from deceptive schemes, it is highly recommended to exercise prudence and seek guidance from duly authorized and regulated professionals.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: The difference between good and bad debt relief service providers

If you find yourself inundated with mounting financial obligations and in search of a way out, rest assured that you are not alone in this predicament. It is not uncommon for individuals to confront economic difficulties that can result in substantial levels of indebtedness. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that there are avenues accessible to assist you in regaining command over your fiscal circumstances.

Debt relief service providers can play a pivotal role in facilitating your journey toward financial stability. However, it is of utmost importance to distinguish between reputable and unscrupulous providers. The ensuing discussion will delineate the characteristics that set reputable debt relief service providers apart from those who may not have your best interests at heart. By comprehending these distinctions, you will be empowered to make an astute decision and select a provider that genuinely aids you in your choice of debt relief options for accomplishing your financial objectives.

When embarking on your quest for debt relief options, it is imperative to identify trustworthy sources. Trustworthy debt relief service providers exhibit transparent fee structures and refrain from making grandiose promises to their clients. Additionally, they boast a dependable accreditation program, thereby ensuring the credibility of their services. Conversely, unscrupulous debt relief service providers make untenable pledges and levy concealed fees, exacerbating the accumulation of debt. Armed with this understanding, individuals can safeguard themselves against dubious service providers and reclaim control over their financial affairs.

I shall delve into the significance of credibility, transparency, experience, and success rates when it comes to selecting a debt relief service provider.

Debt relief options: Factors to consider when choosing a debt relief service

Certification and accreditation of the debt relief service provider

When it involves seeking support with handling as well as decreasing your financial debts, it is crucial to work with professionals that are accredited, licensed and supervised by a government body. This is where accreditation and certification play a significant function.

By choosing a financial debt relief service provider that is licensed as well as well-recognized, you can have satisfaction knowing that you are working with a respectable company that complies with licensing requirements, market criteria and best practices. Qualification and certification ensure that the service provider fulfills detailed standards as well as possesses the needed knowledge to provide you with the full range of debt relief options and financial advice and successfully help you manage your financial debt. Furthermore, they guarantee that the solution abides by relevant regulations, legislation and standards.

In today’s financial landscape, rip-offs, as well as unethical practices, exist, making it vital to shield on your own and also make informed choices. By going with a certified and accredited financial debt relief professional, you can rely on that the professionals you are collaborating with have undergone rigorous training as well as satisfy the highest possible requirements in the market.

Throughout this blog post, we will delve into the importance of certification and accreditation, the benefits they offer, and how they can assist you in making informed decisions when selecting a debt relief service provider. Whether you are considering credit counselling, debt consolidation, or debt settlement, understanding the significance of certification and accreditation will empower you to navigate the complex world of debt relief with confidence.

Join us as we explore this topic in detail and equip you with the knowledge you need to make the best choices for your financial well-being. It’s time to take control of your financial future and choose a debt relief service provider that has your best interests at heart.

Transparent fee structure

Dealing with the issue of debt can elicit an overwhelming and stressful encounter; nevertheless, collaborating with a distinguished debt alleviation firm can offer respite from the burden. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when opting for a debt alleviation firm, as not all firms are forged equally. One pivotal aspect to contemplate is the firm’s fee framework, as any esteemed debt alleviation firm must possess a transparent fee framework that is effortlessly understandable and does not obscure any covert expenses.

Transparency constitutes an essential constituent of debt alleviation services, as consumers merit a lucid comprehension of the expenses and potential outcomes linked to the rendered services. An esteemed debt alleviation firm will provide an all-encompassing breakdown of all fees associated with their services, encompassing upfront fees, monthly fees, and success fees. Moreover, they ought to provide upfront disclosure about any prospective risks or limitations associated with their services, rather than proffering unrealistic promises or guarantees.

Customer reviews and rating

One crucial factor to consider when selecting a debt relief service is customer reviews and ratings. A professional debt relief company will provide genuine reviews and ratings of their services from their satisfied clients. By looking at these reviews and ratings, you can discern whether the debt relief service has a history of delivering results and exceptional customer service. High ratings and positive reviews are typically an indication that the company has a reputable track record of helping individuals get out of debt. Therefore, it is vital to do your research and make sure you choose a company that has a proven history of delivering excellent results.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: Tips for managing your debt

Below are my best tips for finding debt solutions:

Credit counselling

Using a community-based non-profit credit counselling agency to address consumer debt difficulties can generate numerous benefits. Below are some vital advantages to take into consideration:

Professional Support: These agencies used trained and licensed credit counsellors that possess considerable expertise in personal money and debt restructuring. They can supply valuable suggestions customized to your specific situation, providing a tailored plan to conquer your financial debt challenges.

Financial Guidance and Education: These community-based credit counselling agencies regularly offer support for budgeting and deliver programs that concentrate on financial literacy. By collaborating with such an agency, you can learn how to create a budget plan, focus on expenditures, and also develop sustainable financial methods. Improving your financial literacy will enable you to make informed decisions as well as stop possible future debt problems.

Debt Management Plans: These agencies may offer Debt Management Programs (DMPs) as a feasible service for settling your financial obligations. Via a DMP, the agency bargains with your creditors to lower rates of interest, waive charges and develop a consolidated payment plan. This strategy can make the process of financial debt settlement more convenient as well as accelerate your progress toward ending up being debt-free.

Financial Institution Relationships: These non-profit credit counseling agencies have actually developed links with a range of financial institutions being the banks and credit unions. Because of this, they might be able to properly work out useful terms and payment options for you, thereby decreasing interest rates to an affordable annual percentage rate and also month-to-month payments.

Emotional Support: All debt relief options can be challenging and mentally draining as you work your way through them. Community-based credit counselling agencies understand the psychological toll that money difficulties can have on people and their households. They cultivate a helpful environment where you can honestly reveal your worries as well as get experienced advice. This enables you to really feel much more empowered and inspired to conquer your financial obstacles.

Non-profit Status: These agencies run as nonprofit organizations and place a top priority on assisting people in need rather than producing profits. They typically provide their solutions for small fees, or in many cases, free of charge. This makes their solutions much more available and also budget-friendly for those experiencing financial difficulties. We always recommend using non-profit community-based debt counselling firms as one of the debt relief options that can be utilized. We never suggest utilizing financial debt settlement for profit companies.

Confidentiality and Privacy: These community-based agencies focus on client confidentiality and privacy. They take great care with your personal financial information and also make sure that individual details are kept safe and secure.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a preferred choice for individuals looking to combine numerous debts into one manageable debt with a single monthly payment. This debt relief option entails getting a single loan that can repay all of your existing financial obligations. This one personal loan is at a lower interest rate than the average interest rate charged on all your current outstanding debts and streamlines the settlement process.

Nevertheless, it is essential to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of debt consolidation and the terms of all debt consolidation loans being offered to you. Look for a trusted financial partner, evaluate the terms and costs related to the consolidation loan, and consider your ability to stay current with the brand-new repayment timetable. With the appropriate approach, financial debt consolidation can be a wise technique for taking control of your funds.

Individuals have several choices when it pertains to combining debt. The concept is that either:

  1. your credit history is good enough so that you can obtain an unsecured loan; or
  2. you are choosing to use security for the loan.

For example, you may have 5 charge cards all with unpaid debts. You are pressing the upper limits of your authorized credit and the interest rates are very high. If you can get a home equity line of credit at a much lower annual interest rate, the benefit is evident. So it would be a clever option to use security to get a consolidation loan.

If you didn’t intend to or really did not have security to provide, you may have a good enough credit score to obtain an unsecured loan. If you can get this sort of funding, the annual interest rate charged will be more than for a secured loan, but still much less than you are paying on your credit cards. So this too would be a smart method to go with.

Debt settlement

Debt settlement is a debt relief choice that includes working out with your creditors an arrangement to pay them less than the total you owe them in order to settle all your financial debts for less than what is owed. This option can help to reduce your total financial debts into amounts that you can repay and prevent you from needing to file for bankruptcy.

Nevertheless, it ought to be noted that this debt relief option can have a negative impact on your credit rating and may cause taxable income obligation effects if any of the debts you are comprising were taken on to earn income. This option is best for those who have just a few creditors and have the financial literacy ability and are not afraid to contact and negotiate with their creditors on their own.

If you don’t believe you can do it on your own, stay away from the for-profit debt settlement companies as they are not looking out for your best interests. The best way to do a debt settlement plan if you are not confident that you can do it on your own is either the DMP described above, or a consumer proposal, described below.

Consumer proposal

If you’re battling with financial debt, a consumer proposal may be a great debt settlement plan for you. This debt relief solution is a legal process carried out under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). It enables you to pay back part of your debt over time. The benefit to you of a consumer proposal is that as soon as you end up repaying the part that you agreed to, you will be totally debt-free. The unpaid balance is eliminated too.

To get this government-sanctioned financial debt settlement strategy, you need to be insolvent and also have unsecured debts of $250,000 or less owing to all your unsecured creditors (omitting any type of secured debts registered against your personal residence such as mortgages or lines of credit).

This type of repayment plan is a good choice for people who are:

  • Employed;
  • can budget plan their money to make the required month-to-month regular payments;
  • want to avoid and choose the best alternative to bankruptcy; and
  • can’t stand all the collection calls from the debt collectors any longer.

Under the BIA, a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee) is the only party allowed under Canadian law to administer a consumer proposal. The licensed insolvency trustee is named the consumer proposal administrator.

The licensed insolvency trustee will submit the needed documents to the OSB. All interest charges and all collections calls stop on the day you file your consumer proposal. You can take up to 5 years to pay the amount promised under your consumer proposal.

When you submit a consumer proposal, any legal action your unsecured creditors have actually started against you is frozen and stopped. That goes for any legal action any of your creditors were threatening to start also. If a creditor currently has a judgment against you and is having your wages garnisheed, that stops too. You get that legal protection by making an insolvency filing under the BIA.

The licensed insolvency trustee who oversees your consumer proposal is responsible for negotiating with your unsecured creditors to reduce your unsecured original debts on your behalf. Upon successful acceptance of your proposal by the required majority of your creditors, you will be obligated to make monthly payments as per the agreed-upon terms of the proposal. You make your one monthly payment to the licensed insolvency trustee who takes care of making the promised payments to creditors.


Bankruptcy is a legal recourse that enables individuals or companies to discharge or restructure their financial liabilities. While it is the last option anyone should consider in the hierarchy of debt relief options, bankruptcy may be the most appropriate solution in certain circumstances.

It is crucial to weigh the consequences and benefits before opting for bankruptcy. A seasoned licensed insolvency trustee can guide you through the process and provide insights on the other debt relief options mentioned earlier.

Bankruptcy should not be taken lightly. Nevertheless, if carefully considered and implemented, it can offer a fresh start and an opportunity to rebuild credit scores for a stronger financial future.

I will not delve into the intricacies of the bankruptcy process and its workings in this Brandon’s Blog post. If you need to learn more about the bankruptcy process and if it is right for you, call me.

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debt relief options

Debt relief options: Conclusion

Managing financial debt can indeed be a difficult as well as emotionally draining experience. However, there are reliable sources offered to give guidance and support. When looking for assistance with debt problems, I recommend 2 trusted resources: non-profit community-based credit counselling agencies and licensed insolvency trustees. Stay away from a for-profit debt settlement company.

I hope you enjoyed this debt relief options Brandon’s Blog. Financial stress is a growing concern in Canada, affecting individuals of all ages and income levels.

Creating a solid financial plan can be the key to unlocking a brighter and more prosperous future. By taking control of your finances, you can prioritize your expenses, set clear financial goals, and build a strong foundation for your dreams to come true. With the right mindset and approach, financial planning can empower you to regain control, eliminate this issue as a source of stress in your life and find peace of mind.

Individuals must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

debt relief options
debt relief options
Brandon Blog Post


Debt consolidation loans in Canada

Debt consolidation loans in Canada can be an excellent means to conserve money and get your funds in order. By combining several financial obligations into an affordable single loan, you can frequently get a lower rate of interest and also reduced month-to-month payments. This can assist you to get out of debt quicker as well as save cash over time.

Prior to getting debt consolidation loans in Canada, it is very important to understand the terms of the financing and also to make sure you can afford the monthly payments. It’s also a good idea to look around and compare rates of interest and also loan terms from various financial institutions.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the concept of debt consolidation loans in Canada and a sort of new potential lender offering personal loans in Canada. I will also share another debt settlement and debt consolidation option that may be beneficial for people and companies who want to repair their financial situation.

Advantages as well as downsides of consolidation loans in Canada


Debt consolidation loans in Canada can offer many benefits over making regular monthly payments on many different loans and debts with different interest rates. Interest rates on some debts, like credit card debt, can be categorized as high-interest debts, making it difficult to make a dent in the balance owing. if all you ever do is make the monthly minimum payment.

Consolidation loans supply a number of advantages, such as:

Reduced interest rates Lenders normally give consumers reduced rates of interest on individual personal loans allowing them to repay their high-interest-rate credit card debt. Consolidation loans in Canada can be an excellent method to obtain a lower rate of interest and come to be debt-free quicker.

Reduce your monthly payments – Banks and credit unions usually offer debt consolidation loans in Canada with terms of up to 5 years. This, along with the lower interest rate, can help you save a lot of money in the long run and give you a lower monthly payment than the sum of the monthly payments required under your many debts.

A single payment instead of multiple payments – One of the best things about debt consolidation loans in Canada is that you only have to make one monthly payment. This makes it much easier to budget and stick to your plan. Instead of having to remember to pay six different bills each month, you only have to worry about one.

Potentially improved credit scores – Your credit report is a number that banks make use of to determine your creditworthiness. A high credit rating suggests you are a low-risk borrower, which is excellent. A bad credit rating indicates you are high-risk, which is bad.

By obtaining a debt consolidation loan, making on-time payments and paying it off on time without a payment schedule default or late payments, you are restoring your bad credit score in 2 ways. First, you have revealed that you had the ability to fully settle all of your other financial debts. Second, you are repairing your credit score by making the consolidation loan payments on time. It is not instant, yet in time, paying off debt consolidation loans in Canada will certainly improve your credit rating. Over time, you will see your credit score and credit report improve.


There are a few downsides to debt consolidation loans in Canada, including:

Debt consolidation loans in Canada are often referred to as “easy money.” But they aren’t always easy. Even though many consumers think they qualify for a loan based solely on their disposable income, there are certain circumstances where Canadian banks will not see your monthly income in as good a light as you do. You will need collateral such as real estate, cars, boats, etc.

If you do not have these things, you may be at a disadvantage. Most banks will not lend money to someone with a low credit score unless they have some form of security, such as a car or house with enough equity. This makes sense because the lender knows that it is a debt consolidation loan you are applying for and by definition, you cannot pay off your credit card balances without their loan. They will want to protect themselves against the chance you may default on the loan.

When choosing a bank, you’ll want to compare fees, interest rates and prepayment penalties to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Keep in mind that the lowest fees don’t always mean the best overall value, so be sure to compare all aspects of the loan before making a decision. You might even consider getting one of the types of secured loans by raising money against your home through a home equity line of credit or a second mortgage. So compare your offers of secured loans and unsecured debt consolidation loans in Canada very carefully to consider all factors in deciding which is best for you.

WARNING: Stay away from private lenders, payday lenders and most alternative lenders who may provide loans just as expensive as payday loans. Their fees and high-interest loans will never be in your favour.debt consolidation loans in canada

Consolidation loans in Canada: Can you consolidate student loan debt?

Students and recent graduates who find themselves buried under student loan debt often look for help. They want to consolidate their debts into one manageable monthly payment, but this can be difficult to obtain because there are few debt consolidation loans specifically designed for them.

Many recent graduates lack the credit history or income to qualify for a consolidation loan. They also generally do not have any free assets to qualify for a single secured debt consolidation loan to pay out over a longer period of time at a lower interest rate.

Unsecured loans to young people with a little credit history will be more expensive than one to an individual with a long-established credit history. That assumes that they can even qualify for this type of loan.

For these reasons, other than perhaps for a recent graduate from either medicine or dentistry who perhaps can roll their student debt into a professional loan, it will be very difficult to get consolidation loans in Canada to consolidate student debt.

Consolidation loans in Canada: Can going postal help you reach your financial goals?

Here is a potential new source for debt consolidation loans in Canada. Although it was not set up specifically for consolidation loans, there is no reason why you cannot use the money for that purpose if you are approved.

There is a new loan program offered by Canada Post which is designed to help people who are struggling financially, especially in rural areas where access to banking institutions is limited. It is called the Canada Post MyMoney™ Loan product. The idea is that you get a loan that’s based on how much you can afford to pay back, what you need the money for, and how likely you are to repay it.

The initiative is part of Canada Post’s commitment to helping Canadians manage their finances better. Their goal is to provide easy access to financial services and products that can help people save time and money.

To have your loan application considered, you have to be either a Canadian citizen or a Permanent Resident. You must be no younger than 18 years of age and you need to have annual earnings of a minimum of $1,000. Additionally, you need to not have been bankrupt within the 2 years before applying for the loan or had any of your financial debts handed off to a collection agency within the year before applying. They will of course also do a credit check on you.

debt consolidation loans in canada

In order to receive your loan proceeds, you must have a chequing or interest-bearing account with a Canadian financial institution in your own name. Borrowers of MyMoney™ loans are not required to offer any security against assets, in contrast to secured loans from banks and credit unions. Instead, applicants need only provide proof of identity, employment history and income. Both variable and fixed-rate installment loans are offered. The actual lender is TD Bank.

Consolidation loans in Canada: Other financial debt loan consolidation choices

You may not want to take on more debt to pay off your current debt. I don’t blame you and I get it. Or you may have been denied a debt consolidation loan. Here are some other options for consolidating your debt:

Balance Transfer Credit Cards

A balance transfer is simply when you move the balance of one credit card over to another credit card. For example, if you have a balance of $5,000 on your Mastercard, you can transfer that balance to a new Visa account that offers you 0% interest for 1 year on all balance transfers.

When you switch, you won’t have to pay interest charges for 12 months. After that, you’ll need to pay off the balance in full or start making payments on the balance transferred. Of course, you’ll still accrue interest after the interest-free period on the remaining balance.

Consolidation loans in Canada: Credit counselling

Credit counselling is a service that helps individuals to manage their finances and improve their financial situation. It can be done with a range of techniques, including budgeting, negotiating with creditors, setting up a plan to repay debt and monitoring actual behaviour vs. the plan.

Credit counselling can be an excellent way for individuals to take control of their financial obligations. It can help them create a plan to settle their debt, and provide them with the tools and knowledge they need to maintain financial literacy in the future.

There are many different credit counselling services available to choose from. You should select a community-based service to avoid being charged any fees. Be sure to stay away from any counselling service that charges fees, as this will only add to your expenses when trying to reduce debt.

Consolidation loans in Canada: Debt help is available with a financial restructuring program

Financial restructuring is a complicated and difficult procedure, however, it likewise provides individuals as well as businesses with a new beginning and a brand-new lease on life. Selecting to reorganize your finances with the help of a licensed insolvency trustee will certainly have temporary challenges, but can ultimately provide you with financial relief and a fresh start.

If you are considering financial restructuring, we urge you to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee to discuss your options. We can help you understand all of your options and work with you to develop a plan that is in your best interests.

Trustees are experienced in all aspects of financial restructuring and can supply you with the information and assistance you require to make the very best decision for your situation.

The most well-known financial restructuring tool for individuals is the consumer proposal. For mid-size companies and individuals with larger debt, it is a Division I proposal. For companies with debts greater than $5 million, restructuring is accomplished through the use of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.

Here is the best part. You should consider financial restructuring as getting an interest-free loan to pay off all your debts for a fraction of what you owe. I am qualified and experienced in all forms of financial restructuring, can explain this concept to you and am always available to answer any of your questions.

Consolidation loans in Canada: Before making a decision on your financial life needs – Call me

I hope that you found this consolidation loans in Canada Brandon’s Blog informative. If you’re sick and tired of carrying the burden of debt and ready to live a much better life, we can assist. We know exactly how it really feels to be in debt as well as feel like you’re never going to get ahead. We have actually helped lots of people and businesses that were in your position reach financial stability, so we understand it’s feasible for you to prosper in your objective of ending up being debt-free. Nevertheless, it will certainly require some work on your part. We’ll be right here to assist you with every action necessary.

The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too many personal unsecured debts, Credit card debt, income tax debt liability, unsecured loans or personal obligations from the running of your company or from being a business owner. These are all types of debt we can help you eliminate. We are aware of your financial difficulties and understand your concerns. Filing bankruptcy is the last option we explore only after we have exhausted all other options to avoid bankruptcy, such as financial restructuring through a debt repayment plan.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to give you the best management advice to get you out of your outstanding debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We are sympathetic to the financial difficulties you are experiencing and would like to help alleviate your concerns. We want to lighten your load by coming up with a debt settlement plan crafted just for you.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We would be happy to give you a no-cost initial consultation. We can find you the perfect solution to tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. We provide a full range of services to people and companies. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know. We will get you back to living a happy life, whether or not there is an economic recession in Canada.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation. We are licensed professionals.debt consolidation loans in canada

Brandon Blog Post



In Brandon’s Blog, I will be talking about both the advantages and disadvantages of debt consolidation in Canada. Generally, when we hear the words “debt consolidation”, we recognize that we are talking about a loan. We are taking on a new loan, in order to repay several or many smaller outstanding balances.

What is the smartest way to consolidate debt?

People have several choices when it comes to consolidating debt. It always involves borrowing. The theory is that either:

  • your credit score is good enough so that you can get an unsecured loan; or
  • you are choosing to offer security for the loan.

The primary objective of settling your debt through this kind of borrowing is to decrease the rate of interest you are currently paying. It is very common for people to have debts spread among various credit cards.

For example, you may have amounts outstanding on 5 credit cards. You are pushing the upper limits of your approved credit. The average annual interest rate you are being charged among those credit cards is 19.9%. If you can get a home equity line of credit at say, an annual interest rate of 5.5%, the benefit is obvious. So it would be a smart choice to offer security to get a consolidation loan.

If you didn’t want to or didn’t have security to offer, you may have a good enough credit score to get an unsecured personal loan. Let’s say you could get this kind of loan at an annual interest rate of 8%. The rate may sound high in today’s interest rate environment, but it is a lot better than 19.9%. So this too would be a smart way to go.

But as I will discuss below, there is a difference between being smart about debt consolidation and settling for what makes sense!

Is it a good idea to get a debt consolidation loan?

If you can get this kind of loan and you are wise about it (more on that in a little bit), I say yes. In the example of the 5 different credit cards I gave, you are juggling multiple debts carrying a high rate of interest and are running out of credit room. The debt consolidation loan will lower the interest you are paying dramatically and will term out your payments.

You will stop being a juggler. That is an advantage.

Should I get a loan to pay off my credit cards?

In a typical debt consolidation funding, you need to get a fixed, not variable, interest rate. You also need to have a fixed repayment schedule which offers you a set time to pay it off. You do not want a variable rate of interest or a revolving line of credit. You want the loan to be automatically reduced with every payment you make, with no chance of increasing the loan for any reason.

That is the kind of loan you need to pay off your credit cards. It is that predictability and certainty that you need to work into your life. If you can get that kind of loan to pay off your credit cards, then that is an advantage and you should.

What happens when you consolidate your debt?

What happens depends on the type of loan you get to consolidate your debt. The various types of loans I have seen people get are:

  • an unsecured personal loan from their bank
  • a home equity line of credit or second mortgage
  • A credit card balance transfer at a promotional interest rate of either a 0% or a special introductory very low rate
  • in more recent times, a peer to peer loan

I already spoke about the benefits of either a home equity line of credit or an unsecured personal loan. When it comes to a balance transfer, you can obtain introduction rates that are as low as 0% or 1.99% for a specific period of time, such as 12 or 18 months. You need to have sufficient credit available on such a new balance transfer credit card to assume the total debt spread among the 5 credit cards. With banks competing for your business, it may be possible.

What happens when you are able to consolidate your debts into one loan is that you achieve simplification in your life. You now have just one settlement to make. It’s much less to keep an eye on.

Simply put, simplicity is an advantage. As long as you stay current in your new loan payment, you are working towards paying off your total debt.

How does debt consolidation affect your credit score?

Initially, debt consolidation could improve or at least maintain your credit score. Falling behind on credit card balances hurts your credit score. Paying off those loans and being current on your new debt consolidation loan can improve your credit score. However, there are some traps that you cannot fall into. If you do, then you will not have ended up fixing anything and will end up worse off.

So a debt consolidation loan in itself does not hurt your credit score and could improve it as long as you meet the repayment terms of your new loan. A discussion of the traps leads us into a discussion of the disadvantages of this kind of loan. It is important to recognize that it is not a loan that is the problem, it is the person’s behaviour.

Does a debt consolidation loan look bad?

I would rather have a new loan showing up on my credit report, than have my 5 credit card loans going bad on my credit report. A debt consolidation loan is only a loan. Debt consolidation in itself is not bad, it doesn’t look bad. An experienced financial or credit person looking at your credit report will know what you have done. However, it will also show them that you have been able to get a new loan. So it shows that a lender feels you are a good credit risk. None of that is bad.

What is bad, are the traps that you could fall into. If you fall into one of them, it could be bad for you. This is all about your behaviour, not the consolidation loan.

The disadvantages of debt consolidation in Canada

I will discuss the disadvantages of the type of loan and by behaviour.

Home equity line of credit

If you get a home equity line of credit (HELOC) that is anything other than a fixed interest rate loan that is not a revolving line of credit, you could fall into a trap. You are looking for simplicity and certainty. If your interest rate can rise if the prime rate charged by your bank rises, then you are not getting the full benefits.

Granted a 5.5% loan isn’t going to rise to a 19.9% interest rate, but your room for interest rate increases may be small. If a 1% or 2% increase in the interest rate would make the difference between you being able to afford the repayment and not being able to make them, you will constantly be worried about it in an increasing interest rate environment.

You also want to make sure that the HELOC is not a revolving line of credit. Once you make a payment, you want the principal portion of a paydown by each payment to be permanent. You cannot be enticed about the ability to borrow more on the line. Remember, you took on this loan to pay off debt, not to either remain at the same debt level or to increase it.

So having to pay more interest or being able to go deeper into debt are two traps to avoid with this kind of loan.

A credit card balance transfer at a promotional interest rate

As I mentioned earlier, normally these zero or very low-interest promotional rate is for a fixed period of time. So if you can repay the whole amount, in the monthly payments required, within the time period given, it is a great thing. However, if you can’t, then your promotional interest rate goes up to probably at least the average 19.9% rate in our example. Now you are back to where you started.

Maybe you missed a payment; either because something got in your way or inadvertently. Normally when this happens, you immediately lose your promotional interest rate and a fee is charged. That is a disadvantage.

You may have used this method because you were being chased by a bank for your business, but could have used one of the other methods at the time. If that is the case, and you plan for replacing the promotional interest rate loan balance before it reprices, with one of the other methods, then great. However, if you don’t, then you are back to where you started. Maybe not worse off (see more below), but certainly no better, other than for the principal you were able to pay down.

An unsecured loan

Just like a HELOC, if the unsecured loan cannot revolve and has a fixed rate of interest, that is a good thing. If it does revolve and you have not paid down any principal, and/or your interest rate rose, that is a trap. That is a disadvantage.

Do consolidation loans work?

This is where we talk about the biggest trap or the greatest benefit. It all comes down to answering this one question. Has your behaviour changed?

Debt consolidation in Canada is a terrific device when your behaviour changes. The first step to changing your spending behaviour is to budget. I have written several of Brandon’s Blogs on the topic of the need to have a proper household budget and stick to it.

But what if your behaviour doesn’t change? Did you close out the 5 other credit card accounts when you did the debt consolidation loan? Or, did you keep them open and keep running up the balances for spending greater than your income, while paying down your debt consolidation loan?

They were paid down to zero when you consolidated them. Now you have run them back up and have only made the minimal necessary payments. So, once more, you have overspent and are now back to the same stress-filled life as before. There is only one thing different now – you owe even more money, so your life has worsened. Your credit score is probably worse now too.

So if you change your financial behaviour, debt consolidation works well. If you don’t, then it doesn’t either.

What can you do now that a debt consolidation is no longer an option?

There are various options available. Most will negatively impact your credit score and provide a worse credit report. However, when you have run out of options, perhaps a lower credit score stopping you from taking on more debt might be a good thing. Maybe the fact that no one will loan you more money is what you needed as a wake-up call to once and for all get back on track.

The options include:

Credit counselling and budgeting

Many people require aid with things such as:

  • budgeting
  • accomplishing certain financial objectives
  • a spending plan
  • learning how to use credit wisely

Often times as soon as this assistance is received, people can continue by themselves with no more troubles.

A consumer proposal or Division I Proposal

A consumer proposal and also a Division 1 proposal are alternatives to bankruptcy. Although equivalent in numerous facets, there are some substantial differences. Consumer proposals are used by people whose debts aren’t greater than $250,000, not consisting of any kind of financial debts registered against your home. Division 1 proposals are for both companies, and for people debts exceed $250,000 (again leaving out home mortgages).

A consumer proposal is a procedure under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). With the licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee) you make a proposal to:

  • pay your creditors a portion of what you owe them over a certain period of time not greater than 5 years.
  • prolong the time you have to pay what you promise to pay in your accepted proposal.
  • a mix of both

Payments are made to the Trustee. That cash pays the administration fees of your proposal and distributes money to your creditors. When you have made all the required payments, the balance of your debt that you did not pay is written off and discharged forever (with certain exceptions outlined in the BIA).

These are your realistic options, once a debt consolidation in Canada option is no longer viable.


I hope this Brandon’s Blog has provided you with some insight into when debt consolidation is a useful tool and its advantages. I also hope you can see where it could also be a trap for some people. If debt consolidation relieves the pressure on you because of the state of your finances AND motivates you to budget and bring your spending in line, then it is a good thing.

If it does not change the necessary behaviour pattern that got you into financial trouble in the first place, then things will only get worse. Is it now time for you to take a positive step in the right direction to free yourself from your debts?

Are you in financial distress? Do you not have enough money to pay your creditors as your bills come due?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for financial restructuring, a debt settlement plan and to AVOID bankruptcy.

A restructuring proposal is a government-approved debt settlement plan to do that. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a restructuring proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

debt consolidation in canada

Brandon Blog Post



You may have read or heard about a recent survey. The headline was “Ipsos poll finds half of Canadians don’t trust professional help with debt”. The survey provided some interesting views but did not shed any light on why Canadians do not trust debt helpers.

I regularly speak with people who attend my office for a free initial consultation to try to solve their personal or company debt problems. From those experiences, I have compiled a list of the 10 most common reasons I believe why almost half of those surveyed do not trust debt professionals.

#1 What is a debt professional?

Confusion exists in the marketplace as to what you mean when you say the phrase “debt professional”. Depending on who is doing the talking, and the listening, you could mean:

Unfortunately, the survey does not define what the term “debt professional” really means.

#2 I don’t have a debt problem because I am making all my payments

People believe that if they can keep up all their minimum payments, then they are making all of their payments. So if the person says they are making all payments, they can’t have a debt problem. Therefore, they don’t trust anyone who tells them that they do.

However, especially with credit cards, there is a difference between making all the monthly minimum payments and paying the entire debt off every month. What they don’t recognize is that all they are doing is paying the credit card company interest and never actually paying down any debt. Eventually, it will catch up with them when they have no more credit.

#3 You will ruin my credit score

People with debt problems always tell me that they have a great credit score and either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy will ruin that. So with the belief that if they see a debt professional, all that person will do is ruin their credit score, distrust is born.

Even people who have recently been turned down for debt consolidation loans tell me that. What I tell them is that it is true that an insolvency filing will remain on their credit report for some time after they successfully complete their consumer proposal or get their bankruptcy discharge.

However, I also point out that in return, they will have their debt problems fixed. By fixing their debt problems, they will no longer suffer from pain, stress, anxiety, depression and sleepless nights. Some people then choose to take responsibility, fix their debt problems and rehabilitate themselves. Others choose discomfort, stress and anxiety, and sleep deprivation.

#4 Talking won’t do any good. What I need is a loan

Many people feel that talk is cheap. What they really need is money. The gambler with a gambling addiction thinks the next roll of the dice or the next hand of cards will produce all the winnings they need. In the same way, the debt addict believes that one more personal loan will solve all their debt problems. All it will really do is give them a bit more cash, which will never be enough to repay all of their debt.

Increasing debt is not a good strategy for getting out of debt. That extra bit of cash may feel good in the short term, but eventually, all it really is is more debt. What these people don’t realize is that by talking to a Trustee, when they find the right one for them, a relationship begins. The functioning partnership you create with your Trustee is a connection. As you create that connection, long-term modifications in your financial behaviour start to happen to produce good long term results.

#5 It would be weird speaking about such a personal thing with a stranger

In my experience, this may be an initial feeling but does not in fact happen. The majority of Trustees are competent at making you really feel comfy rapidly. They are neither impersonal nor judgmental.

As I mentioned above, once you find the right Trustee for you, a relationship begins. I have found that many of the people that I have helped, consider me a resource to call upon, even long after our professional relationship ends.

#6 I would rather speak to a friend or family member

I have heard this many times. This is really an excuse for not dealing with their debt problems. It is not a reason why people don’t trust debt professionals.

In fact, a recent Angus Reid poll titled The Awkward Silences Survey 2019 found that 17% of the Canadians surveyed do not like to talk about finances. Of those, the least favourite topics they like to talk about are:

  • Personal debt or bankruptcy – 34%
  • Assets, liabilities and net worth – 22%
  • Their income – 16%
  • How they spend their money – 12%
  • Savings and investments – 11%
  • Their mortgage – 5%

I get it. The topic is not pleasant. Speaking with a debt professional is an admission that you have a problem with debt. However, it is also the first positive step to take to solve your debt problems.

#7 Debt professionals do not truly respect you; they do it for the cash

Yes, there are unscrupulous people in the world who advertise themselves to be debt consultants. They make outlandish promises such as they will eliminate your debt without bankruptcy. I cannot speak for them, but I do know myself and many of my Trustee colleagues across Canada.

The Trustee and staff do earn money from helping people with their debt. Just like you earn money from your job or career. However, there is a common bond amongst all Trustees in Canada. That common bond is that they all enjoy helping people. They enjoy seeing your success from their assistance. If they did not, they would be doing something else.

#8 Everyone will know if I go to see a debt professional

This is a common feeling. Again I can only speak about Trustees. Although there is not the same confidentiality with a Trustee as there is with a lawyer, a Trustee does not blab. As big a country as Canada is and as big a city where I practice is, the Trustee community is small. If a Trustee broke confidences, word would get around quickly and that Trustee would not get any referrals.

Keep in mind that the word “trust” is found in “Trustee”. People trust us with some of their deepest problems and we help solve them. I don’t talk to others about your issues.

It is true that the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy runs a database of all insolvency filings. This is a public database that anyone can search for $8. Also, the two Canadian credit reporting agencies, Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada, purchase that information for their own databases. I have never had anyone tell me that their brother-in-law searched the government database and found out about their insolvency filing.

So at the end of the day, the only people who will know that you filed are yourself, your Trustee, your spouse and anyone that you have told.

#9 The professional fee is too expensive

That depends on who you go to see. If you go to a community credit counselling agency, it is probably no charge. If you go to a debt settlement company scammer, then every one cent is too expensive because they do not do anything useful for you. If you go to see a Trustee, the entire process may end up being free.

Let me explain. The initial consultation with any Trustee will be free. You should get that confirmed upfront when you make the appointment. Other than for situation where you have no assets and no income, a consumer proposal filing or a bankruptcy administration will probably end up not costing you any money specifically for professional fees. Here is why.

The Trustee will advise you what will happen to you and what your responsibilities are in a bankruptcy or consumer proposal. In a bankruptcy, other than for exempt assets, you have to turn over your assets to the Trustee. If you earn income, you may also have a surplus income obligation to pay. The Trustee, under the statute, will be entitled to a fee for services out of those proceeds. So, you will pay nothing for the Trustee’s approved fee.

In a consumer proposal, the Trustee has to first do the bankruptcy calculation. Under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA), a consumer proposal must produce a better result for your creditors than your bankruptcy. The Trustee will discuss with you his or her best estimate of how much you need to offer to your creditors in your consumer proposal in order to be successful. That calculation has nothing to do with the fee the Trustee is entitled to under the BIA. The statute says that the Trustee is entitled to a statutory fee from the consumer proposal fund.

So, in this way, the Trustee’s fee for a bankruptcy or consumer proposal administration costs you nothing.

#10 I don’t have time

I believe this also is more of an excuse, not a real reason for not trusting a debt professional. It is uncomfortable to face your debt problems head-on. It is more comfortable to ignore them.

A Trustee will provide a 1-hour consultation for free. In that hour, you will gain better insight to your debt issues and the realistic options available to you to fix them. I always have people tell me at the end of the free consultation, that I have helped them feel much better than they did when they first walked in.

So think of all the things that you do in a day or week, and I am sure that you can find 1 hour to help yourself. If you have a job that makes it impossible to see a Trustee during normal business hours, a Trustee will accommodate you. I have held many early morning or evening appointments.

Debt helpers summary

I hope this debt helpers Brandon’s Blog helps you. As previously stated, there is a good reason not to trust certain debt helpers. You don’t need to feel that way about seeing a Trustee. Are you on the verge of bankruptcy? Do not let any misconceptions about being able to trust a Trustee stop you from understanding how you can restructure your financial affairs and avoid bankruptcy. You do not need to be one more person or company declaring bankruptcy in Canada.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only specialists certified, accredited and overseen by the federal government to provide insolvency guidance and to apply remedies under the BIA. We will certainly help you to choose what is best for you to release you from your debt problems.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get rid you for you the stress, anxiety, pain and discomfort that your money issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today.

debt helpers

Brandon Blog Post


mortgages for seniors canada

Mortgages for seniors Canada: Introduction

TransUnion Canada’s most recent TRANSUNION Q2 2018 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS REPORT found that borrowing for mortgages was reduced in Canada in 2018. A troubling statistic exists for mortgages for seniors Canada. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss this and certain other issues arising from the TransUnion Canada report.

Secured home loans for older folks Canada: Home mortgage borrowing decreases throughout Canada

Home mortgage lending has reduced throughout Canada in the first half of 2018. Generally, there was a 3.4% decline in the variety of brand-new home loans in Q1 2018 as compared to Q1 2017; this comes after an 8.8% year-over-year decrease in Q4 2017. This pattern seems to prove that the brand-new home loan guidelines might be affecting customers that are either not qualifying or are not able to obtain the level of home mortgage they want. It is unclear if this decrease in home mortgage demand means that there are fewer people looking for a home mortgage, or if there are more people sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out a way to qualify.

HELOCs for retirees Canada: Seniors bucking the trend

The exception to the decrease in home mortgage originations in Canada in 2018 is older generation Canadians. Canadians in the 73-93-year-old age group saw a substantial year-over-year boost (63%) in the number of home mortgages taken out. Baby Boomers in Canada, those in the 54-72-year-old age group saw an 18% increase. These statistics beg the question, why are Baby Boomers, and those in the Boomers’ parents’ age range, refinancing their mortgages or taking out new mortgages? Although not disclosed in the TransUnion Canada report, presumably a lot of the retirees are taking out reverse mortgages, as they too can’t qualify for a traditional mortgage on their retirement income.

Mortgages for seniors Canada: Seniors use of funds

The TransUnion report does not delve into the uses seniors are putting the new mortgage funds to. However, if I was to speculate, I would think that the funds were being used for:

Baby Boomers

  1. Seniors debt consolidation
  2. Helping children pay for education.
  3. Giving or loaning their children sufficient funds for the house down payment so they could now qualify for a traditional home mortgage under the new stress test rules.

The 73-93-year-old age group

  1. Helping children with paying off debts – Baby Boomer’s debt consolidation loans.
  2. .Their own debt consolidation.
  3. Gifts or loans to grandchildren – sufficient funds for the house down payment so they could now qualify for a traditional home mortgage under the new stress test rules.

Real estate loans for baby boomers Canada: Why I believe parents and grandparents are helping children buy their home

The TransUnion Canada report says that the greatest decreases in home mortgage applications were amongst the more youthful generations. There was a year-over-year decrease of greater than 22% amongst Gen Z as well as 19% amongst Millennials.

No doubt some of the decreases is a result of the younger generations’ changing lifestyle habits where homeownership may not be as important as it was to the generations before them. However, I would expect that Millennials as a group would by this point want home ownership, where Gen Z may not see it right now as being important.

Main mortgage changes by location

The biggest downturn in mortgage originations remained in Toronto, with a decrease of 17.6% in Q1 2018 from the previous year. Vancouver stayed reasonably level with an increase of only 0.8% over the previous year. The biggest increase in the home mortgage business was in Ottawa, with a boost of 8.4% over the previous year. Montreal had a 5.2% boost over the previous year.

Mortgages for seniors Canada: Risk distribution

Mortgage originations in the super prime risk tier increased 4.4% year over year in Q1 2018. All other risk tiers combined registered an 8% decrease in originations. TransUnion Canada reported that the decrease has been most significant in the below-prime risk buckets.

It is interesting that the higher risk subprime market mortgages have increased. No doubt private lenders, including the shadow lenders, dominate this market as the borrowers could not qualify for a home mortgage loan from a traditional bank or mortgage lender.

The decrease of new mortgages in the lower risk categories tells me that the new stress test qualifying rules combined with successive increases in mortgage rates have contributed negatively to those who perhaps as recently as last year could have qualified for a traditional mortgage. However, now they can’t be based on affordability.

Do you, your children or your grandchildren have too much debt?

Are your children or grandchildren coming to you for financial help for debt consolidation? Is going into debt the best option for you? Can you afford to carry your new debt in retirement? Is giving away your home equity through a reverse mortgage the right move? Will you need the money you are about to give away for your healthcare?

If debt consolidation is the reason why your children or grandchildren need your financial help, look at other options first. They need the help of a professional trustee. Call the Ira Smith Team. We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a free initial consultation. So why not?

We will advise them whether or not we think they are a candidate for either a debt consolidation consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel they can solve their financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell them straight. Make sure that the money you give for debt consolidation will fix all of their problems. It is possible that with our help, you’ll need to provide just a fraction of what they are asking for.

The Ira Smith Team understands the stress they and you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones. We can eliminate their pain. I guarantee that they and you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now.what does a court appointed receiver do18

Call a Trustee Now!