Brandon Blog Post


Rebuilding credit Canada: Introduction

After fully completing a consumer proposal or receiving a discharge from bankruptcy, it is important to start immediately rebuilding credit Canada. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to provide you with our foolproof and painless 3 step plan to eliminate those negative credit checks and fix your credit trouble by rebuilding credit Canada.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 1 – Create good habits with a plan for discipline and self-control

After your discharge from bankruptcy or the full completion of a consumer proposal, you must create good habits of discipline and self-control. You won’t have any credit accounts and your goal is to show the credit bureaus that you can use credit responsibly and work your way back from bad credit score.

To do that, you need good new financial habits. You need to start creating a good payment history. A lack of these habits might have been partly responsible for your current situation, so working on changing bad habits, and creating new ones will lay the groundwork for a successful financial future.

Research has shown that on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour becomes automatic – 66 days in fact. So, while at the beginning, having to be disciplined and exert self-control over spending money mistakes might seem like hard work, stick with it for a couple of months, and very soon it will just become part of your daily routine.

Learn discipline through budgeting. You may be able to find a pretty good yet simple budget calculator spreadsheet. Aside from rebuilding your credit, learning how to create a realistic budget by looking at your essential expenses compared to your current level of everyday purchases. This will allow you to get a good handle on what your income requirements are and then sticking to it is the most important step of rebuilding credit Canada after bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

You’ll be looking closely at your money and personal income anyway, so use this time to get a real grasp on your entire financial situation. Take a look at credit cards and related statements. By only making the minimum monthly payment you are being charged interest. Look carefully at what the rate on purchases is that you are really paying.

Understand where your money comes from, and, more importantly, where you spend every penny. You’re going to need to make friends with spreadsheets and familiarize yourself with all your bank and bill statements. Create categories of all your expenses (e.g. rent, electrical bills, car insurance, groceries etc.) Using your past bank statements, look at your current spending plan in each category. You’ll probably be surprised at how much money you spend in some!

Set limits for how much you will spend per month in each category. This will likely mean making some sacrifices to ensure your budget balances (the total amount being spent does not exceed the total amount coming in). However, be realistic – don’t tell yourself you’re going to stop doing things you enjoy together. Instead, cut down on how often you do them. E.g. the budget spending plan for a meal out could be once a month rather than a couple of times a week.

Get in the habit of planning and recording every single expense, no matter how small. Keep receipts and go over where your money has gone every month. Plan rewards for different milestones along the way. It’s important to have things to look forward to and motivate you along the way.

Budgeting takes discipline and sacrifice but stays focused on the goal. You’re doing this to ensure you don’t fall back into the same bad habits as before. You are going to have to change some things – and what better time than while you’re starting over? You’re already doing the work, now the trick is to make this disciplined.

Practice self-control in your spending (and saving!) The golden rule of spending? Learn to live within your means – it sounds simple, but it can very hard to do. However, those who live within their means do not get into trouble with debt, and that’s what you’re working towards for the future! You’ve created a budget, you know exactly what you can spend in each category, now you need to execute on that. By following your

While in bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, any excess money you earn is going to go to your debtors. That may make it seem impossible to save. However, saving money should always be in your plan.

As soon as you are discharged from bankruptcy or your consumer proposal, start saving money every month. Work a specific amount (we recommend 10%) into your budget so that you learn to live within that new budget spending plan. Setting up automatic payments and transfers into your savings account on payday will ensure your money goes where it needs to before you even have time to think about spending it.

So where should this money go? First, establish an emergency fund so that you can avoid facing bankruptcy again in the future. A good emergency fund should cover at least 3 months of living expenses. Once your emergency fund is built, continue to save by contributing to your RRSP or TFSA as much as you possibly can while still meeting your month-to-month expenses.

Forming good habits of discipline and self-control is key to your permanent financial rehabilitation. Once you do so, you’ll find that building your credit will be relatively easy!

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 2 – Work to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal

It is true that a record of your insolvency filing will stay on credit reports. This is so for both a consumer proposal (3 years!) or a bankruptcy (7!). However, you can actually start rebuilding credit Canada right away.

There’s an old saying that goes “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” We recommend that you don’t wait 20 years, or even 3.

Here’s what you need to know to start building credit and improving your credit reports today:

Secured Credit Card – A secured credit card looks and functions just like a regular unsecured credit card, with your lender reporting to the credit bureaus on a regular basis. The only difference is that you put up an initial deposit as a security deposit in the form of cash. The minimum deposit or the maximum deposit you can afford to make acts as collateral upfront makes it a secured credit card. The amount of cash you put up as a deposit dictates your credit limits.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

This protects the lender from the possibility of you defaulting on what you owe because your security fund will be used to cover any outstanding amounts. When you use this type of card, as far as the vendor is concerned, it acts just like an unsecured credit card. Every month when you pay off the balance by making your payments on time, it is reported to the credit bureaus. Then each credit bureau can update their records showing you are paying it off on time. That is how it can rebuild credit Canada.

A Secured Line of Credit – Much like a secured card, a secured line of credit is a revolving credit that is secured by the money or other security, you offer up in the beginning. As you use your line of credit and you make your payments on time, you will establish a picture of good money reminders habits which will both boost your credit score. These lines of credit are available through most banks. Again, creditworthiness and collateral, if required, set the credit limits.

Create Your Own Credit Building ProgramsCredit building programs are one of the most effective methods for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal. Programs like borrowing a small amount to invest in your RRSP. Then repay the loan in full before the next RRSP year.

This is beneficial in 3 ways: You don’t have to come up with the funds, you are investing in your future and by repaying the loan, you are showing you can handle credit properly which improves your credit score. This should also be combined with a secured card or line of credit, do double up on your credit score building program. Paying your bills on time also improves your credit score.

You want to follow your budget carefully. Avoiding late payments, making the full payment each month on your monthly credit card balance, not just the minimum payment, and don’t have a missed utility payment. Having timely payments and no late payments on your Canadian credit history, will take a poor credit score and start improving your credit rating by creating a new positive credit history.

An improved credit rating and improving credit reports will overturn the negative effects of your bad credit history, get your credit score ranges to improve, get you the credit score increase you deserve and catch the attention of the credit card company and improve your chances of access to credit products.

These new types of credit becoming available to you, and perhaps even existing credit card issuers giving you a credit limit increase, all go towards your rebuilding credit Canada. But you still need to stick to your spending plan. Just because you are getting access to credit again, does not mean you can abandon your proper budgeting. You don’t want to go back to the old habits that produced the poor credit history.

Whatever kind of credit loans you are looking to take out to help rebuild your credit, make sure you understand things properly. Read the credit applications carefully to see what you are really signing up for. If approved, read the credit agreement carefully so you will fully understand all the terms of the rebuilding credit Canada loan product.

As your credit reports improve, you will find new companies offering you new credit accounts and credit card providers either increasing your credit card limit or sending you applications for new credit cards lines. Again a word of caution. Don’t get carried away with all sort of credit products in your daily life. Keep it simple and stick to your budget. You really may only need one regular credit card from amongst the wide range of Canadian credit cards becoming available to you.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 3 – Maintain your spending plan good habits for the rest of your life

Rebuilding credit Canada is not a one-time event. Think of rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy like losing weight. In the beginning, dragging yourself to the gym and making kale smoothies is hard work. However, as you start to see the weight drop, it becomes easier and easier.

What happens when you reach your goal weight? Do you stop going to the gym and start eating pizza for breakfast? No! You just carry on as you are now – because it’s become a habit, and if you slip back into old habits, you’re quickly going to see all of your hard work come undone.

Regularly checking your full credit reports from both credit reporting agencies will help you see how your good habits are paying off. Kinda like weighing yourself to make sure you’re still where you want to be. If you start seeing negative results, take stock of what’s happening in your life that could be causing it and make changes to quickly get back on track. You want to keep seeing improvement in your credit reports.

Ultimately, whether you’re declaring bankruptcy or entering into a consumer proposal, it will be emotionally difficult. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. Many people don’t realize that you can start building credit while going through both a bankruptcy or consumer proposal so that at the time of discharge, you’re already a few steps ahead. Follow these steps and you’ll find that rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy isn’t that difficult.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Do you know anyone who needs to get back on the road to financial recovery?

If you have too much debt, are unhappy with your debt situation and need someone to talk to about how a consumer proposal or even personal bankruptcy can fix your credit issues and improve your financial life, call the Ira Smith Team. We are professional credit counsellors and can help you learn good spending habits. Through consumer proposal payment arrangements you can make steady payments on prescribed payment dates. This will allow you to avoid bankruptcy by paying only a fraction of your total debt yet eliminate all of your debt. It will also get you credit repair.

We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a no-cost initial consultation. We will look at your debt utilization and make recommendations to you on how to fix it. So why not? All you have to lose is your stress while rebuilding credit Canada. Why not fix things now so that your credit checks improve.

We will advise you whether or not we think you are a candidate for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel you can solve your financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell you straight. The Ira Smith Team understands the stress you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones.

We can eliminate your pain. I guarantee that you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now

rebuilding credit canada

Brandon Blog Post


debt solutionsDebt solutions: Introduction

Many Canadians are in a hole financially because of their spending habits and don’t realize it. When it hits them in the face, they need the best debt solutions. Many people can’t even afford to seek the help they need. But there is good news. The best fixes are the ones you can do yourself. The purpose of my blog is to describe to you steps you can take by yourself to solve your financial problems, as long as you catch it early enough. My blog will also help you turn any wasteful spending habits into wise spending habits.

Debt solutions: Disposable income

There’s a tendency to look at income as disposable – what we earn, we spend. If that’s your attitude, then you already have the shovel in your hands and you’ve started digging. Before you get in so deep that you can’t get out of the hole, let’s look at what you’re doing wrong and what you can do to get back on track financially.

Debt solutions: My 5 step self-help free plan

  1. Stop spending everything you earn. Living paycheque to paycheque is no way to live. Your income should cover all of your expenses, fund an emergency account and allow you to save for retirement. Look at your budget and see what expenses you can end or reduce. Don’t have a budget?
  2. Make a budget and stick to it. Do you know where your money’s going? Or do you think you have a hole in your wallet? A budget is the most effective money management tool. List all the things that you spend money on each month; and that includes designer coffees. In order to pay down debt and/or save money you’ll have to do some penny-pinching. Eliminate wasteful spending. Spend mindfully instead. Think twice before making a purchase you don’t really need. Make sure you’re getting the best prices on your cellphone plan, car insurance, house insurance, cable and internet. Use coupons at the grocery store. Make a budget and stick to it to meet your financial goals.
  3. Get rid of credit card debt as quickly as possible. High interest debt is the worst kind of debt. Pay off your credit card balances as quickly as possible. Use cash instead. Plastic is too easy.
  4. Check your credit score annually. Do you know what your credit score is? You should. Your credit score will decide whether you can buy a house, buy/lease a car and it can even affect your ability to get a job. Check it annually and go over it thoroughly. It may contain errors that can adversely affect your ability to borrow money.
  5. Save for retirement. Retirement will come quicker than you think. Have you started saving? Government sponsored pension plans will not keep you in the lifestyle you imagined for your retirement. It’s never too early or too late to start saving for retirement.

Debt solutions: The most serious financial problems need professional help

If you try my free 5 step debt solutions plan but find you are in too deep and can’t dig out fast enough, then you do need professional help. Many people facing serious financial issues don’t know where to go for professional help or are too embarrassed. There’s no shame in seeking professional, financial help. A trustee in bankruptcy (now called a licensed insolvency trustee) will evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to help. We’re federally regulated and subject to a strict code of ethics. We offer a depth of expertise and provide a high quality and cost-effective service. I understand your pain and we can end it. You will find that we use a friendly, non-judgmental method.

Give us a call today and let us help you solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


anthony bourdain

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Introduction

With filing for bankruptcy in Canada, if a person’s discharge is opposed, there must be a court hearing. At the hearing, the court will decide if the discharge will occur. Once the discharge is granted, the person will be relieved of his or her debts as of the day he or she filed for bankruptcy (with certain exceptions) and will be free to start rebuilding his or her credit rating and financial future.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Court of Appeal for Ontario decision

The purpose of my blog is to describe a March 2018 Court of Appeal for Ontario decision, Kuczera (Re), 2018 ONCA 322 (CanLII). This is an important decision in how mental health issues intersect with the bankruptcy discharge process.

Mr. Kuczera’s financial problems began with a costly and hotly contested divorce proceedings. With his debts mounting and the divorce proceedings continuing, Mr. Kuczera filed a consumer proposal. As a result of the ongoing family law battle, his mental health deteriorated and he became clinically depressed. He was no longer able to cope with life and was unable to work.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Defaulting on the consumer proposal

Up to this point, he was making the consumer proposal payments. His default in the consumer proposal caused it to be annulled. The consumer proposal was his attempt to get out of bankruptcy, as he first used filing for bankruptcy in Canada with an assignment in bankruptcy first. So, Mr. Kuczera now remained an undischarged bankrupt.

filing for bankruptcy in canada

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: The bankruptcy discharge hearing

Mr. Kuczera represented himself in Bankruptcy Court on his discharge hearing. He tried to show the Registrar in Bankruptcy that he tried his best to live up to all of his bankruptcy obligations to the licensed insolvency trustee, but due to his mental health issues, he could not. Unfortunately, his evidence was only a basic report from his psychiatrist.

The Registrar did not grant an absolute discharge. Rather, based on the evidence in front of her, she ordered that a discharge be granted only after payment of the outstanding balance under the consumer proposal, and one other minor condition. The Registrar went on to state that he was held responsible for his situation.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Appeal of the Registrar’s decision

Mr. Kuczera was able to hire a lawyer to appeal the Registrar’s decision to a Judge sitting in Bankruptcy Court. The Judge refused to consider fresh evidence in the form of more descriptive psychiatric reports supporting the summary findings presented at the original discharge hearing. The Judge dismissed Mr. Kuczera’s appeal.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Appeal of the Judge’s decision

He now had his lawyer appeal the Judge’s decision to the Court of Appeal for Ontario. The Court of Appeal disagreed with the approach of the appeal judge. The Court of Appeal could not understand why the appeal judge would not allow the more detailed reports from Mr. Kuczera’s treating psychiatrist. These new detailed reports were further to the summary report provided to the Registrar.

The Court of Appeal went on to say that neither the Registrar nor the appeal judge gave proper weight to the psychiatric evidence. It also went on to say that a discharge condition requiring Mr. Kuczera to pay the payments due under the consumer proposal would not be “difficult”, as described by the Registrar. Rather, the Court of Appeal said that it would be “crushing”.

filing for bankruptcy in canada

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: What the Court of Appeal found

So the Court of Appeal found that:

  • the appeal judge erred by not considering the fresh psychiatric report evidence;
  • The need for the bankrupt to pay the balance of the consumer proposal payments would be crushing; and
  • The fresh psychiatric evidence was compelling.

Given the length of time that Mr. Kuczera remained in bankruptcy, and considering the above factors, the three-judge panel in the Court of Appeal for Ontario unanimously agreed that Mr. Kuczera gets his absolute discharge from bankruptcy.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Mental health issues

Mental health issues are at the forefront of the news. Most recently, both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain committed suicide because of mental health issues. I believe that as society recognizes mental health issues as a legitimate illness or disability, you will see it influencing Bankruptcy Court decisions. That certainly was the case for Mr. Kuczera.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Debt after your bankruptcy discharge

After receiving your bankruptcy discharge, NOBODY can try to collect this debt again. Discharged debt cannot appear on your credit report as anything other than a zero balance. Sometimes collection agencies report a discharged debt to the credit bureaus, hoping you will pay off the debt and not correct the information with the credit bureaus. The debt will still incorrectly appear on your credit report.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Discharged debt and your credit report

When discharged debt re-appears on your credit reports, it affects your credit score and can result in higher interest rates or credit denials. Sometimes debt collectors buy discharged debt, knowing they can’t collect on it, but hoping you don’t know that.

These debt collectors may tell you that the discharge doesn’t apply to them because they are not the original creditor. Don’t be fooled. Creditors who attempt to collect a discharged debt are violating a court order. The court can stop them, and they may even have to pay damages.

Discharged debt should not show on your credit report except as a zero balance – Monitor your credit report and be proactive. A discharged debt is not valid and is not collectible.

Filing for bankruptcy in Canada: Do you have too much debt?

I hope that you have found this information helpful. Bankruptcy is the last thing we try to do for a person in financial difficulty. If caught early enough, we can get involved in a debt settlement restructuring program for you.

The Ira Smith Team knows that you are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. The stress placed upon you is enormous. We understand your pain points.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. We know how to solve your financial challenges, remove your pain and put things back on a healthy path. Contact us today for your free consultation so that we can save your life, Starting Over Starting Now.filing for bankruptcy in canada

Brandon Blog Post


after bankruptcy discharge canada


After bankruptcy discharge Canada: Introduction

The purpose of my blog is to provide ideas and suggestions on how a person can fulfill one of the aims of the Canadian insolvency system. That is to carry out successful financial rehabilitation and live profitably and happily after bankruptcy discharge Canada.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: You are not alone

In 2017, 122,198 Canadians went for either bankruptcy or a restructuring proposal. The split was roughly even. These people and their families underwent significant financial and emotional pain. In January and February 2018 together, 19,082 Canadians went for either bankruptcy or a restructuring proposal. The split favoured restructuring proposals slightly.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: Your financial slate is now clean

Your financial slate is wiped clean. However, your credit score has taken a beating. Now is the time to not squander the opportunity you have for financial rehabilitation. Notation of your bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 7 years after your bankruptcy discharge. In the case of a restructuring proposal, the notation remains on your credit report for 3 years after successful completion of your financial restructuring.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: My 10 step program to live profitably after a bankruptcy discharge

So how can a discharged bankrupt hop on a rapid course to a bankruptcy rebound? Here are my suggestions:

  1. Use your bankruptcy experience to improve your financial education. Take a course on practical money management.
  2. You won’t have any credit cards so you have to rely more on cash. Use an envelope system so that every payday you segregate your cash into envelopes, each marked with an essential family expense. Make sure the cash is used only for those essential purposes and no cheating. No borrowing from the envelopes!
  3. Points 1 and 2 above lead naturally into the next point. Sit down with the entire family and work out a monthly budget. Your total expenses cannot be more than your total income, after income tax, for the month. If everyone is involved in setting it up, then they will all understand if you just can’t afford something in a certain month. Also, they will all be helping you stay on budget.
  4. You do need to find a way to start rebuilding credit. Obtain a secured credit card. Not the drug store variety, but the kind issued by a real credit card company. You have to deposit funds with the credit card issuer and then you get a credit limit equal to the funds deposited. Use that credit card each month, but pay off the FULL balance each month. The credit card company then reports to the credit reporting agencies that you are using credit wisely. Over time, this will improve your credit score.
  5. Always remember the behaviours that got you into financial trouble in the first place and don’t repeat them. If it was an event outside of your control like job loss or a medical emergency, it was not your behaviour that was the cause of your financial problems.
  6. Establish SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals. Setting and reaching your goals will certainly make you an economic success.
  7. Begin building up savings. You need to be financially prepared for a life emergency. As a bare minimum, begin setting up a reserve so that you can withstand a 6 to 9 month emergency that increases your expenses or reduces your income.
  8. Start investing in an RRSP using an RRSP loan. Take out a small RRSP loan. Use your tax savings to pay it down, and work into your budget repaying the rest of the loan, with interest, during the year. Do the same thing the following years. Not only will you build up RRSP savings, the reported loan repayments will improve your credit rating because you are using credit wisely again.
  9. Purchase based only on your needs that are in your budget; never on your “wants”.
  10. Do not purchase anything on impulse. Research, research and research to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: The takeaway

The takeaway? It is not easy to recover after bankruptcy discharge Canada. It is a series of small steps using modified behaviour and healthy money management skills. But it is possible. I have seen many of my past clients do it. There is not a magic pill you can take. It is a matter of concentrating and working on moving on and learning from your past mistakes. Working at it one day at a time, you will regain your self-respect and feeling of self-worth by restoring your financial and credit report health and wellness.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: What if you have too much debt?

I hope that you have found this information helpful. Bankruptcy is the last thing we try to do for a person in financial difficulty. If caught early enough, we can get involved in a debt settlement restructuring program for you.

The Ira Smith Team knows that you are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. The stress placed upon you is enormous. We understand your pain points.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. We know how to solve your financial challenges, remove your pain and put things back on a healthy path. Contact us today for your free consultation so that we can save your life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


how can a good credit score help you

How can a good credit score help you? Introduction

Many of you already know that you need a good credit score to borrow money, get a mortgage, lease a car, get insurance and in some cases, even get a job. But, how many of you know how can a good credit score help you? It can save you thousands of dollars.

How can a good credit score help you? What does your credit score say about you?

Your credit score tells prospective lenders how reliable or unreliable you are at repaying debt. Based upon your credit score you’ll be approved or denied when applying for a loan, credit card, mortgage, car lease…

How can a good credit score help you? How can your credit score save you money?

When applying for any type of loan, your credit score also determines what sort of terms you’re likely to get.

  • Insurance Rates: Insurers typically create an “insurance score”, which is largely based on your credit score. With a good credit score, you could qualify for a discount on your premiums. Conversely, a bad credit score can cost you a lot of money annually in higher premiums.
  • Loan Rates: With a good credit score you may get a better mortgage interest rate. Over the life of your mortgage this could save you thousands of dollars. The same applies for any type of loan – car loan, personal loan, etc. The more you’re borrowing and the longer the term of the loan, the more money you can save.

How can a good credit score help you? What is a good credit score?

An average credit score is around 600. A very good credit score is 700 and above.

How can a good credit score help you? Do you know your credit score?

If not you can find out by contacting either one of Canada’s two major credit reporting agencies – Equifax or TransUnion. Make a habit of checking your credit score annually. If your credit report has information that’s inaccurate or has items unfamiliar to you, it could be a sign that you’re a victim of identity theft.

If you’ve been turned down for loans due to a bad credit score, you need professional help to get back on track financially. A professional trustee can help you solve your debt problems with immediate action and a solid financial plan. Give Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. a call today to book a free, no obligation consultation and you’ll be well on your way to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

how can a good credit score help you
Brandon Blog Post


debt acquired before marriage 1
debt acquired before marriage

Debt acquired before marriage: Introduction

Last week we posted a video and blog about secret debt in marriage. It’s clear from various surveys and reports that many Canadians are not pleased with the way their loved ones handle their finances. The reality is that once you get married the proverbial horse is out of the barn. The time to have serious talks about your finances, your debt acquired before marriage and how to manage money, is before you get married.

Debt acquired before marriage: You need to discuss more than just wedding plans

Are you one of many couples that got engaged on Valentine’s Day? I’ll bet that right now you’re solely focused on wedding planning? I know it’s not romantic or fun, but sorting out money management issues should be right up there on your list of priorities. Love may have brought you together but finances can tear you apart.

Debt acquired before marriage: It’s all about trust

Managing finances as a couple means a lot more than deciding who’s paying for what, or opening a joint bank account to pay household bills. It’s all about trust, communication and transparency. Have you openly and honestly discussed pre-marital assets, debt, spending habits, saving goals and a budget?

  • How much do you really know about your fiancée’s finances?
  • How much do they earn?
  • Do they live within their means?
  • How much debt do they have?
  • What’s their credit score?
  • What are their assets?
  • How many credit cards do they have?
  • Do they pay their bills on time and in full each month?
  • Do they have a line of credit (and in what amount)?
  • Have they ever declared bankruptcy?

Debt acquired before marriage: Start on firm ground

If your soon-to-be spouse is not prepared to discuss these issues and agree on money management then you’ll be starting your marriage on shaky ground. According to a Citibank survey, 57% of divorced couples cited money problems as the primary reason for the demise of their marriage.

Debt acquired before marriage: We can help solve your debt problems

The time to deal with serious debt issues is prior to marriage. Contact the Ira Smith Team. We’re not marriage experts, but if you give us a call today you can be well on your way to starting your marriage without serious money problems Starting Over, Starting Now.

debt acquired before marriage
Brandon Blog Post


credit card debt problems

Credit card debt problems: Introduction

Canadians obsess over loyalty programs, which contributes to credit card debt problems. The only way to get more points and rewards, is to keep buying things with the loyalty program credit card.

It’s no surprise since we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements telling us that we can get FREE trips, movies, discounts, merchandise; who could resist such tempting offers? From airlines to fast food chains, it seems that new loyalty programs are cropping up faster than weeds in your garden.

Credit card debt problems: Would you like 10% off your purchase today?

How many times have you gone to make a cash or debit purchase and be told, “If you sign up for our credit card today, we’ll take 10% off your purchase”? Pretty soon you’ll be signed up to a stack of loyalty credit cards trying to accumulate enough points for all of those wonderful things that you’re planning to get free.

Credit card debt problems: How obsessed are Canadians with loyalty credit cards?

  • There are 130 million loyalty memberships in Canada. This averages out to more than four memberships per person (2015 study from Colloquy Loyalty Census Canada).
  • Canadians are currently hoarding $16 billion worth of points. This is an average of $629 per person (Bond Brand Loyalty).
  • The number of loyalty memberships per Canadian has grown 25% since 2013 (Bond Brand Loyalty).

Credit card debt problems: Here are our top 3 risks associated with loyalty credit cards

  1. The more credit cards you apply for the worse your credit score can become. Every time you apply for credit the lender requests a credit score. Each inquiry places a record on your credit report. Too many inquiries is often associated with higher rates of default.
  2. You may get sucked into the cycle of buying things because of the amount of points you’ll get. Have a good look at your credit card statement and be honest about how many items you bought because of the points.
  3. Are you paying your balance in full every month? If not, the high interest you’re paying will more than wipe out any benefit you’re getting. These discounts may be costing you a lot of money and the free stuff could actually be quite expensive.

Credit card debt problems: Are you caught in the loyalty credit card trap?

Is your obsession with accumulating points getting you into credit card debt problems? If so, you need professional help and you need it now. Contact the Ira Smith Team. We can help you get out of credit card debt problems, or any other kind of debt problem. We will put you back on track to debt and stress free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Book an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation today and take the first step to ending the cycle of debt.

credit card debt problems
Brandon Blog Post


credit check failed reasons 2
credit score improvement

Credit score improvement: Introduction

It seems that we’ve become obsessed with credit score improvement and credit scores. Traditionally the singular purpose for credit scores was to find how much of a risk you would present to a lender if you were applying for a credit card, insurance, loan, mortgage, rental unit, etc.

Now we even use credit scores to decide if your new date is worthy of becoming your new mate and employers use credit scores to screen job applicants. Somehow from determining credit worthiness, credit scores are now being used as a quasi-personality test to find out your character and level of honesty.

Credit score improvement: Should credit checks be used to screen job applicants?

Credit reports were not designed as an employment screening tool,” says non-profit group Demos. “Employment credit checks are an illegitimate barrier to employment, often for the very job applicants who need work the most.” In a survey of job-seekers, Demos found that one in seven people with blemished credit said that they’d been denied a job as a result.

On the other side of this issue is credit reporting agency, TransUnion. They stand firm on the use of its reports when determining a person’s employability. “One study found a job applicant with a troubled financial history was almost twice as likely to engage in theft as an applicant who lacked any financial history issues,” company spokesperson Clifton O’Neal said in an email.

Credit score improvement: How is your credit score determined?

There are several factors that go into determining your credit score:

  • Debt history
  • Payment history
  • Amounts owed
  • How long you’ve been in debt
  • Type of debt
  • Length of credit history
  • Credit inquiries

Credit score improvement: What does your credit score really say about you?

Your credit score means that you’re making your payments on time but it doesn’t tell the story. Many people find themselves in financial difficulty as a result of illness, job loss, divorce or many other factors and that doesn’t make them “undesirables”.

Credit score improvement: Do you really need debt repair?

Are you in financial difficulty and looking for someone to help you get back on track? Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re here to help, not judge. Make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation and take your first step to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

credit repair
Brandon Blog Post


Credit check failed reasons: Introduction

Below is our list of 5 stupid credit check failed reasons stopping you from getting that loan you can repay. You likely recognize that not paying your credit card on schedule or missing out on a settlement could harm your credit score. That is probably the most common credit check fail. So, those reasons are not on our list of credit check failed reasons. There are much less clear methods to sink your rating. You could be doing some without understanding the influence you’re triggering.

Below are 5 unexpected methods you could be damaging your credit score:

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Decreasing your credit line

You might assume that you’re increasing your credit score by reducing your credit line on your credit card. However that could be having the other impact. Credit score use is the second-most vital credit score aspect, after history of credit card repayments.

Your credit use is your compared with just how much you’re using. When you lower that proportion, that is a good thing. Many professionals suggest maintaining it around 30 to 35 percent.

By reducing your authorized credit amount, you’re really increasing your credit use proportion.

Toronto financial advisor Seun Adeyemi says that most people are not aware that cancelled credit lines, even after making full repayment, can hurt your credit score.

Here is an example. Say you have 2 credit cards:

  1. a Visa with a $1,500 balance as well as a $4,000 credit limit;
  2. as well as a MasterCard with $1,500 outstanding and a $6,000 credit authorization.

Your credit usage is just 30 percent since you’re making use of $3,000 of your readily available $10,000.

If you reduced your credit limit to $4,000 on that MasterCard, you’re currently utilizing $3,000 of a readily available $8,000. This presses your credit usage to over 35%.

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credit check failed reasons
  1. Credit check failed reasons: Leasing an automobile with a debit card as opposed to a credit card

When you’re leasing, it’s a great deal less complicated when you make use of a credit card.

Utilizing your debit card will lead to a pull on your credit report. While it could be a soft pull– implying it does not harm your debt– there’s a chance it might be a hard check. A hard check does affect your credit rating.

The procedure changes slightly in the auto rental business. Making use of a debit card will certainly result in a soft credit inquiry. However, when using a debit card to rent a car, there will probably be a hard pull on your credit rating at the first time (when you check-in and get the car).

There would not be a credit check if you use of a credit card for renting a car.

An included incentive of renting your car with a credit card as opposed to debit: Many credit cards offer vehicle rental insurance coverage. This saves you even thinking about taking the car rental company’s costly insurance package.

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Not paying your library fines (yes, libraries still exist!)

Not paying your penalties might lead the library to withdraw your privileges, as well sending your past due account to a collection company. When a collection agency obtains your overdue account, if you don’t pay, it will be noted on your credit report that you are in collection and have not paid. This will adversely influence your credit score.

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credit check failed reasons

Normally, you need to owe around $40 or more before the account being sent to collections. To prevent all this, check your public library’s plan on fines, as well as, obviously, paying your late charges in a prompt fashion.

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Not paying your parking tickets

When it concerns vehicle parking tickets, you have 2 choices:

  1. you could pay them; or
  2. go to Court and fight them.

Just what you do not want to do is disregard your parking tickets.

If you do choose to or forget to pay them, after a specific duration, your account will certainly go to collections. The policies on vehicle parking penalties differ by city. For instance, in Toronto, the use of debt collectors starts when your vehicle remains in plate rejection. This is when you could not restore your plate sticker label or acquire brand-new plates– for 2 years. Also, your tickets outstanding balance is more than $300.

  1. Credit check failed reasons: Owing the taxman

If you have an outstanding amount payable on your income tax return, it’s important to settle that financial obligation to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Overdue tax obligations could cost you in penalties and interest. It will also make it more challenging to get loans.

When submitting your tax return, any amount owing is due on April 30th, or the next Monday if April 30 falls on a weekend.

Credit check failed reasons: Not paying CRA is a self-inflicted indirect hit

Not paying your taxes does not directly hit your credit rating. However, two standard questions on any loan application are:

  1. what is the last year you filed your income tax return for; and
  2. how much do you owe to CRA for personal tax.

Not being current in your filing, or having an amount owing to CRA, will limit your chances to get that loan you are applying for.

When applying for a mortgage or home equity line of credit, most lenders ask for a duplicate of your Notice of Assessment from the previous 2 years. If the potential lender sees that you owe the CRA a great deal of money, they might offer you a higher rate of interest than the posted rate or worse, refuse your application.

Credit check failed reasons: What to do if you can’t repay your debts – even if you still have an OK credit score

Maintaining a good credit score is more than just paying your credit card on schedule, yet it does not need to be made complex. You should always aim to pay any type of arrears in a prompt style, as well as understand how every activity or transaction can affect your credit score.

If you are having problems repaying your debt, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Don’t be enticed by the commercials for debt settlement. A recent study by the federal government shows that people who first go to a debt settlement company, end up paying more to settle their debts than if they just went to see a . That same study shows that ultimately, the debt settlement program alone does not work and the person ends up filing a consumer proposal with a licensed insolvency trustee.

credit check failed reasons
credit check failed reasons

The Ira Smith Team has helped many people in debt get back on track and living debt free lives Starting Over, Starting Now. Take the first step and give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post


economic indicatorsEconomic indicators: Introduction

Statistics Canada in March reported that the country’s average household debt-to-income ratio hit a record-high 167.3%. Economic indicators like this drive the Canadian news cycle. It puts fear into the public but doesn’t seem to concern esteemed economists. Are these economic indicators painting an exact picture of the financial state of Canadians or creating unnecessary fear?

Economic indicators: What is the debt-to-income ratio?

Debt-to-income ratio provides a snapshot of what the average Canadian family owes, versus household income. Statistics Canada determines the total value of Canadian household debt and then divides this number by the total amount of disposable income. A debt-to-income ratio of 167.3% means that households owe $167 for each dollar they generate in disposable income. If you look at this economic indicator alone you can’t help but believe that Canadians are living way beyond their means. The conclusion reached is that Canadians are walking a financial tightrope.

Economic indicators: Does the debt-to-income ratio have any value as an economic indicator?

This is true for many Canadians. However, the reality is that debt-to-income ratio doesn’t paint an exact picture of the financial state of Canadians. Although it compares debt with disposable income, not all debt creation is equal. Debt can be long-term debt like a mortgage while other debt can be for a short-term. Therefore comparing disposable income with debt can’t be exact. Debt-to-income ratio doesn’t tell the story. It is only one small piece of detailed financial situations.

The debt-to-income ratio in Canada is definitely a concern. It is also increasing, confirms Carl Lamoureux, Senior Manager, Credit Risk at National Bank of Canada. “But sometimes the media focuses on controversial measurements, without looking at the asset side of the equation for a wider view of what is going on.”3bestaward

From an individual consumer perspective, calculations such as your Total Debt Servicing (TDS) ratio may be more beneficial. “When you are looking for a new loan, credit bureau information comes first and your debt-to-income ratio is only one of the things they look at,” explains Lamoureux. “Each part of a credit score provides insight into a predictability of something happening in the future, and your TDS is a solid indicator of your borrowing capacity.”

Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist at CIBC World Markets Inc. has an even stronger opinion about debt-to-income ratio. “It’s probably the most useless economic indicator out there. You’re comparing two different things. That doesn’t make much sense. I’m not asking you to pay off your mortgage in one day or in one year.”

Are you concerned about the amount of debt that you’re carrying?

Although the debt-to-income ratio doesn’t tell the story, it is a stress indicator. What financial shape would you be in if:

  • you lost your job?
  • interest rates began to rise?
  • the hot housing market began to cool?

If any of these scenarios would spell financial disaster for you, now is the time to seek out the advice of a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Our commitment to you is to bring value added solutions that fit your unique issues and circumstances. Clients appreciate our knowledge and our ingenuity, the value we deliver, and our speed in responding and taking action.

Make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation today. You’ll be on your way to conquering debt Starting Over, Starting Now.

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