Brandon Blog Post


CERB update

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

CERB update introduction

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). CERB update: The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has started audits to assess payments made under certain of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. After being slowed down by the coronavirus, auditors are now getting back to their complete workload.

This Brandon’s Blog will concentrate on the Government of Canada CERB update.

CERB update: Who can qualify for CERB?

As a refresher, there were eligibility criteria to be eligible for the $2,000 CERB payment by applying to the CRA, you must have met certain conditions during the period you are applying for. The Government of Canada stipulated the eligibility criteria to be:

  • You did not look for, or get, CERB or Employment Insurance benefits from Service Canada for the exact same qualification period.
  • You did not stop your work willingly on your own.
  • You live in Canada and also are at least 15 years old.
  • You earned a minimum of $5,000 (before taxes) in the preceding 12 months, or in 2019, from 1 or more of:
    • employment earnings
    • self-employment income
    • provincial benefit payments connected to pregnancy or parental leave
  • 1of:
    • Your work hrs have actually been minimized because of COVID-19.
    • You have actually quit or will certainly quit working as a result of COVID 19.
    • You are incapable to work as a result of COVID-19, for example, because you are looking after a person.
    • You have actually been paid EI benefits for at the very least one week of benefits since December 29, 2019, and finished your entitlement to such benefits.
  • One of:.
    • If you are applying for the first time: You have actually stopped or will stop working, or you are working minimized hours due to the coronavirus. Also, you don’t expect to earn over $1,000 in gross employment or self-employment revenue for at least 14 days straight during the 4-week duration.
    • If you are looking for a subsequent period: You are still not employed or self-employed, or you are doing reduced hours due to COVID-19. You don’t expect to make over $1,000 in gross employment or self-employment revenue, and you anticipate this to continue during the whole 4-week duration.

One CERB update is that the CERB program has now ended. The CRA is continuing to accept and pay retroactive applications until December 2, 2020.

CERB update: What are the CERB pay periods?

You will see in the above CERB update description, it talks about qualifying for different periods. What were the CERB pay periods? The CERB was available from March 15 to September 27, 2020, inclusive.

The Government of Canada paid out $2,000 per four-week duration for approximately 28 weeks, backdated to March 15. CERB payments were paid out in the gross amount. No deductions for income tax, Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance were taken off. CERB is taxable income that must be reported on your 2020 income tax return.

As long as you did not make more than $1,000 for any 4-week period applied for, there was not any CERB claw-back.

So for this CERB update, keep 3 things in mind because it will be important from a CRA audit perspective:

  • You could apply for CERB through either CRA or Service Canada, but not both.
  • There were certain eligibility requirements regarding anyone who applied having reduced work hours or no work due to the coronavirus.
  • You were only allowed to earn $1,000 for any CERB pay period. If you earned more, you were not entitled to apply for the CERB for that pay period or receive payment of CERB.

CERB update: What is replacing CERB?

Now that the CERB has ended, the Government of Canada has created some new benefit programs. These new CERB update programs are retroactive from September 27, 2020, to September 25, 2021, inclusive.

Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)

The CRB will provide qualified workers with $500 weekly (taxable, and this time tax is deducted) for as much as 26 weeks for those who are not working for an employer or independently as a result of COVID-19.

To qualify, you also must not be eligible for Employment Insurance or had employment/self-employment revenue minimized by a minimum of 50% as a result of the coronavirus.

Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)

The CRCB will supply $500 each week (taxed, tax deducted from the gross weekly amount) for up to 26 weeks per house. It is for workers incapable of working at least 50% of the week since they must look after a youngster under the age of 12 or a member of the family. The allowed for reasons are since schools, day-cares or treatment centres are closed due to COVID-19, or due to the fact that the youngster or member of the family is sick and/or required to quarantine or is at a high threat of serious health ramifications as a result of COVID-19.

Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)

The CRSB will provide $500 weekly (taxable, and this time tax is deducted) for a maximum of 2 weeks, for workers that are not able to work at the very least 50% of the week because:

  • they acquired COVID-19;
  • self-isolated for factors associated with COVID-19; or
  • have hidden problems, are undertaking therapies or have actually gotten various other sicknesses that, in the opinion of a doctor, nurse practitioner, government or public health authority, would make them much more prone to the coronavirus.

Employment Insurance

If you received the CERB by applying to Service Canada after you got your last CERB amount, continue completing records for Service Canada. For the most part, you do not require to make a special application for EI benefits.

Service Canada will automatically examine your data and your Record of Employment. They will review your case and let you know if you qualify for EI.

If you got the CERB by applying to CRA, you are required to first get all your CERB payments before applying for EI benefits. You can apply after the end of your last CERB eligibility period for the CERB update benefits.

cerb update
CERB update

CERB update: Can CRA audit CERB?

Definitely. They will be looking for two things. People who made an honest mistake in their application and those who committed out and out fraud.

The CRA isn’t going to fool around with these CERB payments. If you made a mistake on your application and therefore got more money than you should have, the CRA will want those funds back.

The Canadian federal government has spent billions on the CERB program. That’s a lot of money calling for accountability. If you do not think the CRA will audit applications, you may want to rethink just how easy auditing is with the CRA computers.

Taxpayers who inaccurately claimed CERB benefits by mistake may just be required to pay back the incorrectly claimed amount. But here is the CERB update – there will be, if there aren’t already, additional procedures to successfully penalize taxpayers who purposefully claimed COVID-19 subsidies they did not qualify for.

These actions will include penalties and interest and possibly prosecution for the, especially more grievous tax fraudsters. COVID-19 benefits or subsidies have come at a significant cost to the government. They will be keeping an eye out for those attempting to abuse the system.

The very best security against flunking an audit where the CRA chooses you is to have taken simple preventative steps. The simplest way to come out clean from a CERB update audit was to make sure that you qualify before applying for the money!

CERB update: What if you can’t (re) pay?

There are going to be three kinds of people that may very well have trouble paying money to the government. People went on the CERB because of very low, or no, employment earnings. Nobody got rich from the CERB. So people are now flush with cash after having received CERB payments.

The first type is those that made an honest error in their applications. If caught through an audit, they may very well not have the funds to repay.

The second type is those that committed fraud in getting the CERB. Perhaps they never qualified but falsely applied. Or, perhaps on the surface they did qualify, and then while receiving the CERB were able to pick up work and got paid in cash.

The third type will be those people who did everything right and needed all the CERB to put food on the table and make their rent or mortgage payment. Remember that CERB is taxable and was paid at the gross amount. No income tax was deducted at the source. So, next winter or spring, when filling out their 2020 income tax return, they may have a nasty surprise. That nasty CERB update surprise will be income tax payable for which they do not have the cash to make the tax payment they are required to.

So now they will have income tax debt to add to credit card debt or other types of debt. These people will need income tax debt relief. CRA will definitely contact you if you do not pay.

If you find that you will be in need of a debt settlement plan to deal with your debts, including any income tax debt, contact a licensed insolvency trustee (Trustee).

A Trustee will review your situation and make specific recommendations on how you can settle your debts. Our aim is always to help people avoid bankruptcy. We have helped many people who have received bad news from a CRA audit. We can also help anyone with a CERB update problem.

CERB update: Summary

I hope you have enjoyed this CERB update Brandon’s Blog. Hopefully, you have better insight now into the fact that a sick insolvent company’s business can be saved by doing a sale of its assets to a healthy organization.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

cerb update
CERB update
Brandon Blog Post


1st Global Capital

Small business loans Canada: Introduction

Today I am going to be telling you a story about a US corporate bankruptcy, and then a case study of our own. The purpose is to illustrate how you need to understand all the risk factors as a private small investor in making small business loans Canada.

Small business loans Canada: 1st Global Capital bankruptcy

A $283 million corporate US bankruptcy has derailed many retirement plans. It has left many investors in a financial crisis. In one case, a small inheritance was invested. In another, a cash award granted by a Court was invested. These are just two of the investor stories coming out of the US bankruptcy case of 1st Global Capital of Hallandale Beach, Florida.

1st Global Capital describes itself this way:

1st Global Capital is an industry-leading direct funder with the professionalism, flexibility and fast turnaround you need to maximize your success. We use our years of industry experience, our funding power and our technological expertise to empower Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) and Partner’s like you to maximize your business opportunities. Behind every 1GC deal is the expert vetting and oversight from our team of funding professionals with over 50 years of combined underwriting experience.”

Small business loans Canada: The “memorandums of indebtedness”

1st Global Capital was created 5 years ago to fund small companies. It funded loans to small businesses throughout many states in the USA. Examples of the types of businesses it funded are dining establishments, retail stores, construction businesses, healthcare, and e-commerce companies.

They raised money by issuing “memorandums of indebtedness” to people who invested with 1st Global Capital. Many used retirement savings accounts to fund their investment. 1st Global Capital used commissioned agents in many states to sell the 1st Global Capital investment opportunity. These short-term deals were supposed to pay back with interest at the end of nine months.

Small business loans Canada: The risky loan products

1st Global Capital was an alternative lender. It’s loan products included:

  • Merchant Cash Advances
  • Specialty Funding Options
  • Asset Based Lending
  • Accounts Receivable Funding

By its very nature, this was risky lending to businesses that could not obtain more traditional bank financing. The investors were wooed by promises of high returns, but I am certain they did not really understand they were making unsecured loans to a company that placed the money into risky loans.

Small business loans Canada: The small investors

Bankruptcy documents indicate greater than 4,000 1st Global Capital accounts existed across the country at the date of bankruptcy. Numerous are individual retirement accounts, each owed in between $621,000 and $922,000.

Court records indicate that 1st Global Capital stated that the cause of its bankruptcy was examinations by the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the U.S. attorney’s office in southern Florida over alleged securities violations.

As a result, the inflow of money from investors stopped when 1st Global Capital could no longer offer its memorandums. The bankruptcy files show that as a result, the company dealt with an unexpected and intense liquidity situation. The regulatory agencies state that 1st Global Capital was selling securities and the company was subject to government registration with and oversight by government regulatory agencies.

The bankruptcy records do not indicate this but I am certain that eventually, the bankruptcy trustee will report that the investment scheme was a Ponzi scheme. If the inability to take in more loans caused the company’s bankruptcy, it is obvious that they required fresh money in order to honour their existing liabilities. New investors’ money paying back older investors is a classic definition of a Ponzi scheme.

Small business loans Canada: Our very own Canadian case study

Not understanding what you are investing in is not a story unique to the United States. Let me tell you about one of our case studies from last year called Vaughan Crossings Inc (“VCI”). We were appointed by the Court as Receiver of the assets, properties and undertaking of VCI. The main asset of VCI was 5.5 acres of owned development land located at the northwest corner of Dufferin and Centre Streets in the City of Vaughan, ON. In this receivership, our main role was to sell these lands. You can find all the Court records and public information on our webpage that we set up for VCI, so I won’t go through the history of the file in this Brandon’s Blog.

The important point in this file is that the second mortgagee was a group of investors. These investors were found through the use of commissioned agents. These agents were mainly financial advisors and insurance agents. The agents made commissions to raise funds from their clients for investment in this project. Just like in the 1st Global Capital case, the investors were mainly individuals, many of whom used funds in their RRSPs to make the loan.

Small business loans Canada: The dangers of not understanding risk

During the receivership, I had the chance to speak with many investors who called in wanting to know the status of their investments. These unsophisticated people were wooed by the promise of high returns when the project was fully built out. Just like in the 1st Global Capital case, the mortgage syndicator had to cease raising funds as they were being investigated by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. Ultimately, the mortgage syndicator went into receivership also.

The money put in by this unsophisticated investor group was secured by way of a second mortgage. The developer ran out of cash to develop the property. The mortgage syndicator was shut down. The lands were not be developed. The plan was that the mortgage syndicator was going to do another round of financing to provide construction financing, which would be in priority to the second mortgagee! The mortgage syndicator had the authority, acting as trustee of the second mortgage, to subordinate that mortgage to the construction financing. However, that never happened.

Small business loans Canada: The receivership

Without construction financing, the development project could not continue; hence our appointment as Receiver. There two mortgages against the property and numerous construction liens filed and perfected against the property. We obtained our appraisals and ran a receivership sales process. We sold the property for much more than its appraised value. The sales price repaid the construction liens and the first mortgage. However, there was very little available for the second mortgagee investors.

The promise of a high-interest rate wooed these investors. They may not have been as focussed on the safety of their capital. Unfortunately, these small investors did not understand the risks associated with this type of loan they were making. Shame on their financial advisors who sold them this investment, knowing it was not right for most of them. The financial advisors were hungry for commissions, regardless of what harm may come to their clients.

Small business loans Canada: Is your business at risk?

If your small business is having financial problems, more small business loans alone is not the answer. You must first look at all aspects of your business. First, you should look at the viability of your business.

Are there expenses that need cutting and activities that you must do that can generate more revenue? If so, perhaps we can restructure your business. You may not need a long-term small business loan. Perhaps a short-term loan to get over the immediate financial hurdle you are facing is enough.

If you are looking for ways to restructure your corporate or personal debt call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We understand the stress and pain your financial problems are causing you. We feel your pain and we can end it for you.

Our strategy for every single business and person is to develop a result where Starting Over, Starting Now comes true, starting the minute you walk through our door. You’re just one call away from taking the necessary actions to get your debt settlement and back on the road to leading a healthy and stress-free life. Contact the Ira Smith Team today.small business loans canada

Brandon Blog Post



Buying real estate from a receiver: Introduction

Buying real estate from a receiver is a little different from a normal real estate transaction. In this Brandon’s Blog I describe a recent Court of Appeal Decision that shows it can even be tricky for the receiver.

Buying real estate from a receiver: Court appointed receiver+real estate

K was the court-appointed receiver (the “Receiver”) of the assets, properties and undertaking of a lakeside hotel in British Columbia, Carmel Cove Resort & Spa Inc. On October 25, 2013, the Receiver went into a contract in writing to sell the real property owned by the company in receivership to the participant, B.C. Ltd. (the “Purchaser”). The Contract of Purchase and Sale (the “Contract”) was in the form of the standard agreement of the British Columbia Real Estate Association and the Canadian Bar Association (B.C. Branch).

Buying real estate from a receiver: Contract fine print example

One of the conditions in the Contract was that the deal was subject to approval by the Supreme Court of British Columbia (the “Court”). It had to be obtained within twenty-one (21) days of acceptance of the Contract by both parties. Clause 3 in the Contract (“Clause 3”) stated that unless each condition was either waived or satisfied by written notice provided by the benefiting party to the other party on or before the date specified for every condition, the Contract would end.

On November 14, 2013, the twenty-first day after the Receiver’s approval of the deal, an application for court authorization was heard and approved. Five days later, on November 19, 2013, the Receiver gave the Purchaser written notice of the Receiver’s fulfillment of the condition for court approval.

Buying real estate from a receiver: Fine print matters

The Purchaser chose not to finish the transaction. The Purchaser refused to do so. The Purchaser claimed it was partly because it thought the Contract was terminated due to the Receiver’s failing to offer written notification on time. The Receiver ultimately sold the asset to another purchaser. It sold the property for $925,000 less than it would have obtained if the Receiver completed the sale to the Purchaser.

The Receiver expended $312,150.96 to run the resort and administer the receivership in between the collapse of the sale to the Purchaser and the sale to the succeeding buyer closing. Therefore, the Receiver began an action, suing the Purchaser for $1,237,150.96. It applied to Court for a summary trial.

Buying real estate from a receiver: Fine print can’t lie

At the trial, both sides set out their disagreements and arguments on the condition precedent issue:

  • the Purchaser recognized that the Receiver met the need for court authorization by the twenty-first day adhering to the Receiver’s acceptance of the agreement.
  • The Purchaser pointed out, nonetheless, that the Receiver did not conform with Clause 3 by offering the Purchaser written notice of satisfaction of the condition on or before the day specified for the condition; i.e.: on the twenty-first day.
  • The Receiver’s position was that Purchaser knew the outcome of the court application on the day that it was heard.
  • The Receiver stated therefore written notice was superfluous, unnecessary, and duplicative.3bestaward

Buying real estate from a receiver: Here comes the judge

The Court kept in mind that the trouble with the Receiver’s position right here was that it was, truly, an invitation to the court to reword the terms of the contract. The notification stipulation in Clause 3 was quickly parsed by any type of literate individual. It was not unclear. The clause did not need interpretation. There was no need to refer to evidence to figure out what it suggested.

By its clear language, the notification arrangement in Clause 3 needed the party benefiting from the condition– in this situation the Receiver– to give written notification– e.g.:

  • a letter.
  • an e-mail.
  • a written note in crayon on the back of an envelope.

The notification that the condition– court authorization–was obtained on or before the day defined for the condition– i.e.: not greater than twenty-one days’ after the Receiver’s acceptance.

Did the Receiver do just what Clause 3 required? It did not. Rather, it offered the Purchaser written notification 4 days later which was also 4 days too late.

The trial judge held that the failure to give written notice of fulfillment of the condition as specifically stated in Clause 3 ended the Contract. For that reason, the Court rejected the Receiver’s claim.

Buying real estate from a receiver: The appeal

The Receiver appealed the decision. The appellate court dismissed the Receiver’s application. The Court of Appeal noted that it is necessary to give effect to notice arrangements included in commercial agreements to offer assurance between the participants who contract with each other.

Buying real estate from a receiver: What if you have too much debt?

Do you or your company have too much debt due to a contract gone wrong, losing in litigation or for any other reason? If you’re trying to find a way to restructure your debt, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

Our philosophy for every person is to develop an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now happens, beginning the minute you come in the door. You’re just one call away from taking the essential action steps to get back to leading a healthy and balanced stress and anxiety free life.

You may read the entire Court of Appeal decision by clicking here KPMG Inc. v. 0747825 B.C. Ltd., 2017 BCCA 277 (CanLII)BUYING REAL ESTATE FROM A RECEIVER 4


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