Are debt collectors calling? I recently read an article where the headline was 35% In US Facing Debt Collectors and it’s based on a study by the Urban Institute. This astonished me. How is it possible that 35% of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies? This means that one in three people in America is being hounded by a collection agency having their debt collectors calling for unpaid bills.
Imagine that one in three of your friends and coworkers are facing serious financial challenges and you probably don’t even know it. According to the study 35.1% of people with credit records had been reported to collections for debt that averaged $5,178, based on September 2013 records. The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals reports that healthcare related bills account for 37.9% of the debts collected. Student loan debt represents another 25.2% and credit card debt make up 10.1%. Other collections are monies owed to the government, retailers, telecoms and utilities. That is giving this industry a lot of work for their debt collectors calling one third of the American population!
This is not just an American problem although in Canada we are extremely fortunate that we don’t incur the amount of healthcare related debt that plagues the U.S. But that doesn’t make us immune from serious debt and debt collectors calling. According to an RBC poll which only measures non-mortgage debt such as credit cards, lines of credit and loans:
- The average level of personal debt in Canada rose 21% per cent this year to $15,910
- Albertans were the hardest hit with a 63% jump to $24,271 in debt
- British Columbian personal debt loads went up by 38% to $15,549
- Manitoba and Saskatchewan went up 32% to $16,145
- Average debt in Ontario was up 13% to $17,416
- Average debt in Quebec was up 3% to $10,458
- Average debt was up in Atlantic Canada by 12% to $15,243
Before you get to the stage that the collection agencies are after you with their debt collectors calling, make an appointment with a professional trustee and deal with your debt; don’t hide from it. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We help people everyday who are facing a financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t wait, especially if the collection agencies are hounding you with their debt collectors calling, call us today.
Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing what to do if the collection agencies are after you with their debt collectors calling.