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debt, debt collector, debt collectors, collection agencies, collection agency, credit record, student loan debt, credit card debt, bankruptcy, trustee, debt collectors calling, starting over starting nowAre debt collectors calling? I recently read an article where the headline was 35% In US Facing Debt Collectors and it’s based on a study by the Urban Institute. This astonished me. How is it possible that 35% of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies? This means that one in three people in America is being hounded by a collection agency having their debt collectors calling for unpaid bills.

Imagine that one in three of your friends and coworkers are facing serious financial challenges and you probably don’t even know it. According to the study 35.1% of people with credit records had been reported to collections for debt that averaged $5,178, based on September 2013 records. The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals reports that healthcare related bills account for 37.9% of the debts collected. Student loan debt represents another 25.2% and credit card debt make up 10.1%. Other collections are monies owed to the government, retailers, telecoms and utilities. That is giving this industry a lot of work for their debt collectors calling one third of the American population!

This is not just an American problem although in Canada we are extremely fortunate that we don’t incur the amount of healthcare related debt that plagues the U.S. But that doesn’t make us immune from serious debt and debt collectors calling. According to an RBC poll which only measures non-mortgage debt such as credit cards, lines of credit and loans:

  • The average level of personal debt in Canada rose 21% per cent this year to $15,910
  • Albertans were the hardest hit with a 63% jump to $24,271 in debt
  • British Columbian personal debt loads went up by 38% to $15,549
  • Manitoba and Saskatchewan went up 32% to $16,145
  • Average debt in Ontario was up 13% to $17,416
  • Average debt in Quebec was up 3% to $10,458
  • Average debt was up in Atlantic Canada by 12% to $15,243

Before you get to the stage that the collection agencies are after you with their debt collectors calling, make an appointment with a professional trustee and deal with your debt; don’t hide from it. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We help people everyday who are facing a financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t wait, especially if the collection agencies are hounding you with their debt collectors calling, call us today.

Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing what to do if the collection agencies are after you with their debt collectors calling.

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small business loans Canada bad credit, bad credit, payday loans, payday loan companies, personal loans for bad credit, subprime loans, subprime lending, bankruptcy, small business loansWe are seeing small businesses with poor or bad credit being turned away by the traditional lenders because they require small business loans Canada bad credit. We’ve written several articles on personal loans for people with bad credit – Payday Loan Companies: There Are Options, Canadian Payday Loans No Credit Check: Too Good To Be True!, Payday Loans Are Not The Answer To Your Financial Problems, Personal Loans For Bad Credit: Interested?, Bad Credit Loans Online Attack The Already Vulnerable and others.

However searching for loans with bad credit is not the exclusive domain of individuals; there are also many small businesses who find themselves in the same predicament. And, there are a plethora of companies out there offering to give small business loans Canada bad credit or with actually no credit. Although they are not payday loan companies, they operate in exactly the same way. They are predatory lenders offering subprime loans that are not regulated and are not protected by the same laws that cover the traditional lenders.

If you’re looking for small business loans Canada bad credit, subprime loan companies will hurt your company, not help it. Caveat emptor! Buyer beware! The websites of these business loan companies look very official and several feature the Canadian flag giving the impression that they are affiliated with the federal government. Others have websites with a .org extension also giving the impression that they are government affiliated. Make no mistake; these are for profit companies with no government affiliation or association.

The subprime lending industry is exploding and is now estimated at more than $3 billion in loans a year. According to an article recently published in Bloomberg Businessweek, one of the companies specializing in subprime lending, also referred to alternative lending, is World Business Lenders. “The firm’s representatives pitch their high-rate loans to small business owners who have trouble borrowing elsewhere. World Business Lenders seizes collateral such as vehicles and other assets when borrowers can’t pay, and press legal action where World Business sues companies for missed payments, often sending them into bankruptcy. In fact, 20 percent of World Business’s borrowers were forced to close down last year, according to former executives”. Lenders specializing in small business loans Canada bad credit are no different.

If your business is experiencing financial difficulties, rather than looking for small business loans Canada bad credit, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc., not a subprime lender.Whether you are a small company, an entrepreneurial corporation, or a multi-faceted complex organization, our experienced bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring team will work with you to solve problems in your financially challenged environment. Starting Over, Starting Now you can get your business back on track.

Brandon Blog Post


payday loan, payday loans, payday loan companies, living paycheque to paycheque, interest rate, interest rates, trustee, bankruptcy, debt, financial institution, financial institutions, financial plan, the Cash Store, VanCity, starting over starting nowFinally a financial institution has stepped up to the plate and is offering a viable alternative to payday loan companies. Sadly, people who typically turn to payday loan companies are low income earners who are barely surviving and living paycheque to paycheque. Payday loan companies are not helping them; they are creating higher debt loads and holding them hostage with insane interest rates.

The Cash Store, a payday loan company, offers a $300 loan for 14 days for $69, which is an annual interest rate 599.64% on their payday loans product. Vancity, Canada’s largest community credit union with branches in Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, Victoria and Squamish, launched a new financial product to combat payday loans, called Vancity Fair & Fast Loan. If a credit union member borrows $300 for minimum term of two months and pays it off in two weeks, it would cost $2.20, a 19% annual percentage rate.

The Canadian Payday Loan Association says as many as two million Canadians take out payday loans every year. There has been a lot of talk about “cleaning up the payday loan industry” but if more financial institutions follow Vancity’s lead, payday loan companies would disappear from our landscape without further government regulations.

Don’t wait for payday loans to disappear before searching out more permanent solutions. Instead of perpetuating the cycle of debt, we encourage you to see a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for a no fee, no obligation appointment. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. It’s time to end the cycle of debt. Say NO to payday loan companies. Say YES to a solid financial plan for moving forward to a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


what can I deduct for surplus income in bankruptcy, surplus income in bankruptcy, surplus income, bankruptcy, Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, trustee, starting over starting now“What can I deduct for surplus income in bankruptcy?” is one of the questions about bankruptcy that we are very frequently asked. The concept of surplus income in bankruptcy doesn’t really seem to make much sense. After all, if you are bankrupt, how can you have surplus income? So let’s start at the beginning and clear up all the confusion in order to answer the question “what can I deduct for surplus income in bankruptcy”.

What is surplus income in bankruptcy? If you have filed an assignment in bankruptcy, under the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act you are required to make a surplus income payment each month based on your income. The more you earn, the more you are required to contribute. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy sets limits for what a family is allowed to earn. The larger your family, the more you are allowed to keep. The thresholds are increased each year. The government has established a list of income levels for households of different sizes. If the household’s income exceeds the level set by the government then you have surplus income in bankruptcy and additional payments must be made to your trustee during your bankruptcy. The government’s instructions regarding surplus income can be found in Directive 11R2 from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

What can I deduct for surplus income in bankruptcy? There are some allowable deductions for surplus income in bankruptcy:

  1. child support payments
  2. spousal support payments
  3. child care expenses
  4. expenses associated with a medical condition
  5. Court-imposed fines or penalties that are in the process of being paid
  6. expenses permitted by the Income Tax Act (or similar provincial legislation) that are a condition of employment
  7. any other debt where a stay of proceedings has been lifted by the Court, and a recourse authorized
  8. interest paid on debts that are not dischargeable in bankruptcy under paragraph 178(1)(g) of the Act

As a result of these deductions in the calculation, that is why everyone wants to know what can I deduct for surplus income in bankruptcy.

If you’re considering an assignment in bankruptcy you will require the services of a licensed bankruptcy trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.We provide the depth of expertise found in a large company, delivered in a boutique setting that ensures high quality and cost effective service. With a cumulative 50+ years of experience dealing with diverse issues and complex files, the Ira Smith team delivers the highest quality of professional service. Take the first step to Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian payday loans no credit check, payday loans, credit check, credit, credit cards, lines of credit, trustee, bankruptcy, interest rates, debt, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy faqs, Cheri DiNovo, starting over starting nowIf something is too good to be true, like Canadian payday loans no credit check, it usually is. More companies seem to be springing up like weeds every day offering Canadian payday loans. No credit check is the hook they use to bait you. When it comes to money, no one offers you something for nothing. Think logically, if you have bad credit or no credit, why would any legitimate company be willing to give you money? You and I both know it doesn’t make sense. Yet, the Canadian Payday Loan Association says as many as two million Canadians take out payday loans every year. Why would anyone respond to an ad for Canadian payday loans no credit check? They don’t have access to conventional credit like credit cards, lines of credit or overdraft and they aren’t aware that they can solve their problems instead of taking on more debt.

How can a company offer Canadian payday loans no credit check and make money? Simple; they charge exorbitant interest rates which are disguised so that the consumer has no idea what they are signing on for. According to Scott Hannah, president of Canada’s Credit Counselling Society, when a payday lender offers you 21% interest for a 14 day loan, that is actually 546% annual interest! Can you imagine anyone agreeing to pay 546% annual interest? But when it’s disguised as 21% for a 14 days loan, it seems quite benign. The clients who make good on their loans pay for the ones that default on their loans and those outrageous interest rates offset the losses.

Many people in the private and public sector are outraged at Canadian payday loans no credit check companies and many politicians like Cheri DiNovo are trying to shut them down. This is what she has to say:

Ontario NDP MPP for Parkdale-High Park, Cheri DiNovo

I feel they’re just ripping off poor people who have to go there for a loan and it’s just ridiculous what they charge. You’re only allowed to charge $17 on the hundred. Well with them, it’s a lot more. I think it’s something that should be outlawed and something the company should be shut down. I mean it’s outrageous.

There are better solutions to your financial problems than taking on more debt. Say NO to Canadian payday loans no credit check companies. Say YES to real financial advice from a professional trustee who is federally licensed and trained to deal with people facing a financial crisis or bankruptcy.

I understand that you are scared to declare personal bankruptcy. That is why personal bankruptcy is the last option we look at when providing you with a no charge first consultation. We first consider your entire situation, and discuss with you the bankruptcy alternatives that might be proper for you to consider. It is only after we exhaust every possible bankruptcy alternative, that we even consider discussing bankruptcy with you. Please check out the information we provide in our top 20 bankruptcy faqs section, so that you can gain real knowledge. More debt through the various Canadian payday loans no credit check companies is just a very expensive band aid, it is not a proper solution to living a debt free life!

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now you will be on your way to solving your problems, not taking on more debt.

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal ontarioConsumer Proposal Ontario. Information for you on a Consumer Proposal and how it can help you clear your debts and AVOID bankruptcy. Watch this 4-minute video explaining the bankruptcy alternative of consumer proposals.

In addition to the video about consumer proposal Ontario, you can also check out two other blogs we have written on consumer proposals: CONSUMER PROPOSALS OR PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY; WHICH IS RIGHT FOR YOU? and Are Consumer Proposals Right for You?

The advantages of a consumer proposal Ontario are:

  • You keep all of your assets
  • Actions against you by unsecured creditors, such as wage garnishments will be stopped
  • Unlike informal debt settlement, the consumer proposal is a forum where all of your creditors must deal with your restructuring
  • You don’t have to declare bankruptcy

We also have more information and you can click on this link to find out more about Consumer Proposals and have many of your questions answered by clicking on our Bankruptcy FAQS link. You can also find out more by clicking on this link – Consumer Proposal Ontario.


The reality is that debt is increasing across all demographics and it should not be ignored. Whether their debt originated with student loans, credit card debt or some other issue, it needs to be managed as quickly as possible by a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for professional advice and a solid financial plan so that you can live a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


scared to declare personal bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, consumer debt, credit card debt, debt, trustee, trusteesScared to declare personal bankruptcy? Don’t be. Bankruptcy is a legal process that can provide relief to honest but unfortunate individuals who are unable to pay their debts.

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada:

Employment and Social Development Canada reports:

  • In 2011, 122,999 Canadians were unable to repay their debts.
  • Serious financial difficulties brought them to file either a payment proposal or a bankruptcy. The average amount owed was $119,021.
  • About 53% of Canadians filing a proposal or bankruptcy in 2011 were aged 30 to 49 years.
  • In 2007 individuals who were divorced or separated were more likely to file a proposal or bankruptcy than Canadian adults on average.
  • In 2008 the most frequent type of debt reported by individuals filing a proposal or bankruptcy was credit card debt (91%).

Still scared to declare personal bankruptcy? Huffington Post reports that one in six Canadians will eventually go bankrupt. Don’t be scared to declare personal bankruptcy; there are advantages:

  • It is relatively quick
  • It can be less expensive than other options
  • It eliminates your unsecured debts
  • You will have some protection from creditors, legal action and wage garnisheeing
  • After your discharge your credit risk can start to improve

If you are considering bankruptcy, your first step should be to meet with a trustee. Trustees are individuals licensed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) to administer the bankruptcy process. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We will evaluate your financial situation and discuss various bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals that could help you to solve your financial problems. Don’t be scared to declare personal bankruptcy. It’s just an option to consider so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to financial health.


Brandon Blog Post


personal loans for bad credit, personal loans, bad credit, trustee, bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, financial plan, debt, high cost debt, starting over starting nowPersonal loans for bad credit commercials and advertisements are very seductive. It seems so easy – money in your bank account in no time and they can be arranged online 24/7. Serious debt can be debilitating, leaving you feeling helpless, out of control and not knowing where to turn. The answer to your problems is personal loans for bad credit, but is it really?

Personal loans for bad credit are not the same as a loan you’d get from your bank or credit union. The interest rates are much higher because the risk to the lender is much greater. As a professional trustee I can tell you that the last thing you need is more high cost debt. What you need is a solid financial plan to get you out of debt, not personal loans for bad credit.

How can you get out of debt without resorting to high cost personal loans for bad credit? There is no instant or quick fix for serious debt issues. What you need are answers, options and realistic plan for recovery. Firstly, make an appointment with a professional trustee as soon as possible. Relying on advertising for financial advice is never a good idea. Trustees are professional, licensed, federally regulated financial services professionals who are uniquely positioned to provide long term, sensible solutions on reducing debt. Personal bankruptcy is not your only choice. There are bankruptcy alternatives such as credit counselling, debt consolidation or consumer proposals.

Don’t fall prey to high cost personal loans for bad credit. For sound financial advice you can depend on, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to a debt free future.


Brandon Blog Post


no credit check loan, credit card debt, July 4, Independence Day, Canada Day, good debt, bad debt, credit counselling, bankruptcy alternatives, consumer proposal, consumer proposals, bankruptcy, student loans, line of credit, bad credit, licensed professional trustee, trustee, starting over starting now, debt consolidation, bankruptcy faqsThe no credit check loan and credit card industries are being used to fund holiday travel. The American Automobile Association reported that: “This year nearly 41 million Americans plan to celebrate the nation’s birthday with a getaway…” said AAA President and CEO Robert L. Darbelnet.

AAA also reported that this July 4 Independence Day travel is because of the willingness of consumers to take on debt, NOT an increase in income, to fund for the increase in consumer spending. No credit check loan debt and credit card debt is cited as the two credit vehicles of choice being used to fund travel.

In July 2013 we discussed how even high flyers can’t sustain the income to fund their lifestyles, so all demographics means the rich and famous are included. In April 2014 we discussed that debt is increasing in Canada across all demographics, and at alarming rates. A check of our analytics indicates that “no credit check loan” and similar bad credit loan searches are by far outweighing other keywords that people are using. Every day, fewer and fewer people are using keyword search terms such as credit counselling, bankruptcy alternatives, consumer proposals or bankruptcy.

It would appear that Canadians are also much more willing to take on more debt, even though they know they have a debt problem because of a bad credit score. We know that there are two types of debt: good debt and bad debt. If there is such a thing as good debt and bad debt, what’s the difference? The distinction is based on the purpose for which it is taken on. Good debt can be defined as anything that builds your assets or increases the potential for you to earn more money. Bad debt is typically incurred to purchase things that have no value or quickly lose their value and usually carries a very high interest rate – which more often than not is found in no credit check loan debt and credit card debt.

Some examples of good debt:

  • Mortgage
  • Real estate
  • Student loans from the provincial or federal government
  • Investment loans

Some examples of bad debt:

There are a lot of people with bad credit who are feeling pain in our society and believe that another no credit check loan is their solution. These people are misguided in that they think that a further high cost no credit check loan will solve their problem. I understand the way these people think. It is hard for us to face our challenges. Whether it is about our health, our family or our financial situation, it is difficult and painful to look at our problems straight in the face, especially if we are the one who created the problem. These people mistakenly think that taking on more debt is the solution.

Well, it is not. These people need to recognize that their credit score is so poor because of choices they have made in the past, and their behaviour has to change. Taking on more debt through a high cost no credit check loan is just increasing their problems. They need to look at ways to budget so that their expenses are less than their income. They need to start saving to pay down debt.

If they can’t do it on their own, then they must consult a licensed professional trustee who can discuss options with them: budgeting, bankruptcy alternatives such as debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or perhaps even bankruptcy. If this sounds like you, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. right away for a no charge consultation. You can even check out our bankruptcy faqs now online here. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you so that together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

In the meantime, whether you are travelling for this Canada Day holiday or relaxing at home, we wish you a safe, fun, relaxing and hopefully only a good debt Canada Day holiday with family and friends.

Brandon Blog Post


proposal, income tax, income tax debt, tax debt, CRA, Canada Revenue Agency, trustee, trustees, tax lawyer, consumer proposal, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, taxes in CanadaWill CRA be looking for you? June 17TH was the deadline for self-employed individuals in Canada to file their 2013 income tax and benefit return. You filed your return on time to avoid a late-filing penalty on amounts owing, and gasped when you saw how much money you owe the CRA. How are you going to pay your tax bill? The CRA is not known as a charitable organization and they have the power to withhold HST/GST and child tax credits, seize money in your bank account and garnish your wages. To add insult to injury the CRA can also continue to charge penalties and interest on the money you owe until your debt is paid in full. You need a plan and you need one now.

I’m sure you’ve been bombarded by the scare tactic radio ads that are flooding the air waves by a prominent tax lawyer. He’d like you to believe that he and only he can deal with the CRA and solve your tax problem; but, that simply isn’t true. Trustees are experts in solving debt issues and what you need is a professional, licensed trustee. Your trustee will present you with bankruptcy alternatives, one of which is a consumer proposal.

What is a proposal? In a proposal your trustee will work with you to determine how much you can afford to pay each month. Your trustee will then negotiate with your creditors, including the CRA, for you to pay a portion of your unsecured debt over a maximum of 5 years at a monthly rate that is affordable to you. Over 66 2/3% of your creditors ($ value, in addition to a majority in number) have to agree to accept the proposal. If your total debt, including income tax debt, is less than $250,000, then you can consider a streamlined proposal process, which is called a consumer proposal.

Will the CRA agree to a consumer proposal? Recent statistics from the CRA estimate there is currently about $8 billion in unpaid taxes in Canada. The reason that consumer proposals are almost always accepted is that they produce a better rate of recovery on your debts than if you’d filed for bankruptcy. For your consumer proposal the CRA will require that:

  • all outstanding tax returns are filed with CRA before they will accept the proposal
  • you have sufficient income to meet the payments in the proposal
  • you agree to make installments on your current year taxes, so that you don’t fall behind again on your taxes

Are you a good candidate for a consumer proposal? If you’re a business owner with a good cash flow and after coming up with all the deductions possible to give to your accountant you still had a large profit leading to the surprise income tax debt, you’re are a good candidate for a consumer proposal. We can also let you know why negotiating a reduction in your debt through a consumer proposal is better than a bankruptcy.

Don’t let tax debt paralyze you! Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’ll create a solid financial plan for you so that you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!