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bankruptcy, Canadian debt, credit card, credit card debt, debt, debt relief, grey charges, free-to-paid, free trials, how to reduce debt, phantoms, subscriptions, starting over starting nowThe need for credit card debt relief

Debt relief from credit card debt is something we see in our personal insolvency cases all the time. We read in the newspaper and hear in the media about the high level of Canadian debt. Credit cards, after mortgages, are one of the main types of debt being carried.

People always ask us how to reduce debt and the first way is to have realistic expectations about what you can afford. The next way, is not to fall for advertisements that seem too good to be true and require you to input your credit card information for a “free trial”.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”; that may be true for free trials as well. These so called free trials most commonly incur what we call “grey charges”. Grey charges are big business and responsible for big debt. According to Aite Group, there are 233 million grey charges a year, amounting to $14.3-billion (U.S.).

What are grey charges?

  • Free-to-paid are the most common grey charges. You sign up for a free trial period (typically a magazine or online service subscription) after which it becomes a paid subscription if you forget to cancel by a certain deadline. How many people forget to cancel by the deadline? There are over 115 million free-to-paid transactions a year, adding up to over $6 billion, according to Aite Group.
  • Phantoms are extra products and services added onto another transaction.
  • Zombies are subscription fees continually billed to you even after cancellation.

We are seeing more grey charges creeping into credit card debt requiring overall debt relief.

Why are they called grey charges?

They’re called grey charges because although they’re legal, they are morally in a grey area.

These grey charges can go on year after year and all the while you’re accumulating debt. “Nine out of 10 people don’t check their credit card charges carefully,” says Mick Weinstein, vice-president of software company BillGuard. “And even if they do, it’s too time-consuming to dispute those charges. So most people simply let them go.”

So the first avenue to obtain debt relief, is to look at all your credit card charges closely and take the time to dispute the ones that do not look authorized.

Four ways to catch grey charges

Don’t be on auto-pilot when it comes to your finances. Take action against grey charges with these 4 tips.

  1. Check your credit card statements carefully each and every month. These may seem like small charges, but they can add up and hurt you.
  2. Don’t sign up for free trials. Remember, there’s always a hook. So if you wouldn’t pay monthly for it, don’t sign up. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
  3. If you do sign up for a subscription, make sure you read the fine print. You need to understand exactly what your financial obligation is.
  4. Check for phantoms. You may be paying for features you don’t want or need.

Serious debt requires serious professional help

Debt is serious business that requires the help of serious professionals. If you’re struggling with debt and are in need of debt relief, contact the Ira Smith Team as soon as possible. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We have helped many individuals obtain the debt relief they so desparately require. Take the first step towards financial freedom today.

Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy and divorce, how to file bankruptcy in canada, information on bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Blatherwick, Blatherwick v Blatherwick, Blatherwick v Blatherwick, 2015 ONSC 2606 (CanLII), debt, divorce, equalization payment, grey divorce support groups, insolvent, Mareva injunction, Revenue Canada, starting over starting now, trusteeBankruptcy and divorce

Whenever we speak to groups about bankruptcy and divorce, and especially to grey divorce support groups, the same questions always arise regarding the interplay between the Federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and the Ontario family law provisions. I thought it would be best to address one such interesting issue in this week’s blog.

You may hate your soon-to-be ex, but the courts won’t allow you to use bankruptcy as a weapon against that spouse. Bankruptcy is legal proceeding involving an insolvent person or business that is unable to repay outstanding debts. It is not a way to avoid paying alimony or child support. There was a recent case that clearly demonstrates the court’s view on this very issue.

Blatherwick v Blatherwick

The case is Blatherwick v Blatherwick, 2015 ONSC 2606 (CanLII). The parties separated after 39 years of marriage. The wife was seeking spousal support and equalization, among other things. The husband disputed the amounts that the wife was seeking. The wife obtained a Mareva injunction which is a court order preventing a defendant from transferring assets until the outcome of the associated law suit is decided. However, the husband breached the Mareva injunction by declaring bankruptcy. And, to make matters worse he made false representations in bankruptcy, including the valuation of corporate assets and reporting of income. The husband thought that if he declared bankruptcy he would be putting his assets beyond the reach of his wife’s claim for equalization. (In a bona fide bankruptcy, it is true that an equalization claim is not a claim provable in the bankruptcy, unlike a claim for alimony and child support which cannot be extinguished as a result of a bankruptcy).

Unfortunately for Mr. Blatherwick, the intersection of bankruptcy and divorce does not work that way!

The Judge’s view on Mr. Blatherwick’s bankruptcy

The Judge stated:

“303 I find as a fact that Mr. Blatherwick made false statements which were significant in his Statement of Affairs.

304 I find as a fact that he made the assignment into bankruptcy to avoid making an equalization payment to Mrs. Blatherwick and to avoid his financial obligations arising from his voluntary disclosure to Revenue Canada.

305 I find as a fact that the purpose of Mr. Blatherwick going bankrupt was to obtain a collateral benefit in the matrimonial proceedings.

306 I conclude there was no bona fide financial reason for making a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy.”

Accordingly, the court annulled the bankruptcy. In the truest sense, it was as if the bankruptcy never happened at all. In this case, bankruptcy and divorce did could not be combined.


Trying to cheat the system by making false statements on your sworn statement of affairs to make yourself appear insolvent is never a good idea and can even lead to criminal charges. The bankruptcy can, as demonstrated in this case, be annulled.

If you are insolvent and are considering bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We offer sound advice and a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt free life in no time.

Brandon Blog Post


:bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy questions, debt, debt problems, debt settlement, debt settlement companies, licensed trustee, starting over starting now, trusteeYou probably have many bankruptcy questions if you’re experiencing serious debt problems and you are no doubt going through a very stressful time in your life and you may not know where to turn. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to tell you that there is help available, answers to your bankruptcy questions and there are solutions to your debt problems. The best thing that you can do is contact a Licensed Trustee as soon as possible. There is a popular misconception that Licensed Trustees only deal with bankruptcy, but that is only one of our many functions. We can and do help with debt problems considering various alternatives to bankruptcy also.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for a free consultation today. We can help you with your debt problems and answer your bankruptcy questions. Starting Over, Starting now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


identity theft, identity theft and fraud, identity theft awareness, identity theft company, problem from identity theft, bankruptcy, bankrupt, restructuring, privacy policies, customer data, personal information, identity thief, corporate bankruptcy

Identity theft definition

Identity theft and fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain[1]. When we think of identity theft we have images of shady characters lurking in the shadows who perpetrate fraud upon us for the purposes of stealing our personal information.

Identity theft awareness

As a result we’re often remiss in really understanding who has access to our personal information and what an assumed trusted source can legally do with it. Did you know that when a company goes bankrupt, your personal information can be sold to the highest bidder, leaving you potentially exposed to identity theft?

Identity theft company bankruptcy

According to David Fraser, a privacy law expert at McInnes Cooper, when a company goes bankrupt, it is legally obligated to sell off its assets in order to pay off its creditors. Although information is not property like a computer or a printer, records are considered an asset of the business and can be sold. However, the conditions of the privacy policy usually still hold, and the data can only be used for the purposes for which it was originally collected. Although this sounds like your personal information would remain secure, that is not always the case.

Nicholas Johnson, a professor at Sheridan College, reviewed the privacy policies of about 30 websites and uncovered some startling information. He looked closely at what kinds of information companies were asking for and what protections they offered, if any, in the event of a reorganization. He then detailed how personal information can easily fall into the wrong hands.

  • Most companies have privacy policies that allow for customer data to be transferred to a third party in the case of bankruptcy or a restructuring
  • Almost every company requested email address, first name and last name from its customers
  • In about 10 cases, companies asked customers to opt-in to email notifications or for credit card information
  • Few companies actually detailed what would happen to this information if the company was sold

Identity theft is a real problem and the number of victims is growing at an alarming rate. We need to be more diligent about safeguarding our personal information. What, if anything, are you doing to protect your personal information?

Problem from identity theft

If you’ve been a victim of identity theft and are now experiencing serious financial problems or have serious debt issues for any reason, contact the Ira Smith team as soon as possible. We work with individuals and companies throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t let debt ruin your life. Contact us today.

[1] United States Department of Justice website.

Brandon Blog Post


back to school, debt, living paycheque to paycheque, student loan, financial plan, credit score, RRSPs, RESPs, life insurance, budgets, trustee, starting over starting now, how to manage debt, managing debt, personal debt in Canada, dealing with debt, how to get help with debtManaging debt or talking about sex?

It’s commonly believed that all parents dread having the “sex” talk with their kids, but a recent study from BMO shows parents would rather talk to their kids about sex than their financial situation and managing debt. Imagine that! Canadians are stressed about money and probably feel ill-equipped to educate their kids about finances and managing debt.

Personal debt in Canada

According to a new national study conducted by Leger:

  • Canadians struggle with regret over financial decisions
  • Argue over spending
  • Feel pressure to keep up with friends or colleagues
  • Bend the truth to friends and family about their financial situation in order to save face

A Bank of Montreal study reports that:

  • More than 33% of all Canadians are ashamed of the debt that they have
  • Almost 40% say they stress over debt levels multiple times a day

There’s no doubt about it, money and managing debt is the top source of stress in our lives. Why are we so financially stressed? Why are Canadians stressed over debt and have so much trouble managing debt? Here are 10 of the most common reasons:

  1. Expenses are greater than your income
  2. You worry about job security
  3. You’re living paycheque to paycheque
  4. You’re fighting with your spouse/partner about money
  5. You’re paying bills late
  6. You use your home equity like an ATM machine
  7. You’re counting on an inheritance to solve your money problems
  8. You’re late on student loan payments
  9. You’re helping out your parents and your kids
  10. You don’t have a financial plan

Dealing with debt

It’s time to become financially literate and educate your kids, not just about the birds and the bees, but about finances and managing debt. Foresters recently offered 5 tips to get smarter about your finances:

  1. Learn everything you can about your finances, including your mortgage terms, bank interest rates and credit score
  2. Start with the simple things like contributing to RRSPs, setting up RESPs for your kids and protecting your family’s financial future with life insurance
  3. Keep track of every penny you spend for a couple of months and look for ways to cut back and start saving. Even a small commitment to saving will make you feel better about your finances
  4. Look ahead 10, 20 and 30 years. Imagine the life you want and what it will take to make that happen
  5. Talk to your kids regularly about money, involve them in household budgeting, open bank accounts for them and encourage them to save for things they want

How to get help with debt

All of this is great advice to avoid financial problems, but if you are already in serious financial difficulty and don’t know where you will begin on how to manage your debt, you need professional help now. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Don’t ignore your debt issues. Face them head on and with the help of the Ira Smith team you’ll be on your way to conquering debt Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


alternative lenders, shadow lending market, shadow lending market Canada, shadow lenders, shadow lenders Canada, credit score, bankruptcy questions, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, trustee, trustees, full recourse mortgage, Shadow Mortgage Market Canada Shadow Mortgages Canada, starting over starting now
Picture courtesy of Huffington Post

Jewellers making mortgage and car loans in the shadow lending market are afraid of the truth

If you really knew who you were dealing with for that loan and what the real costs were, and how they felt about you, you certainly would question the wisdom of doing it. Here is what one such jeweller famous for his television commercials said:

He believes some of his customers probably shouldn’t be seeking refinancing to hold on to their homes, but added that if Canadians are going to be so addicted to home ownership, he might as well cash in. “It doesn’t make sense to go to your jeweller for a mortgage or even for a car loan,” he said.”

The shadow lending market Canada and the shadow lending mortgage market Canada

How times have changed! Did you ever think you’d see the day when television commercials featured jewellers offering you mortgages? Yes, there are now a growing number of “alternative lenders” offering mortgages; of course at interest rates well above what traditional financial institutions are charging. One mortgage broker (who was not identified by name) said that although major Canadian lenders offer five-year fixed mortgage rates at about 2.5% to qualified borrowers, rates in the private market range from 7% – 15%. In addition to higher service fees, the market is also weakly regulated, allowing lenders to take advantage of the estimated 20% – 30% of Canadians with limited or no options at traditional financial institutions due to low income or a poor credit score.

The shadow lending market is growing fast

This shadow lending market is growing faster than it can be regulated and preying on the most indebted, vulnerable Canadians. A CIBC report from earlier this year noted that lending by non-commercial bank lenders has doubled since 2012. The Bank of Canada warned about the risks inherent in the shadow banking sector in its most recent Financial System Review last month. The shadow market is estimated at less than 10% of Canada’s mortgage market, much less than the 30% estimated for the pre-crash U.S. market. Low interest rates make it very attractive for people to continue borrowing and pile up debt, making it an ideal climate for the shadow lending market to continue to grow at an ever faster pace.

Why are Canadians falling prey to these shadow lenders?

  • They have multiple mortgages, taking equity out of their homes to cover other debts
  • When they get into financial difficulty, the homes have been used as ATM machines because of the increasing values

Then they fall behind on mortgage payments and are threatened with foreclosure. Mortgages in Canada are considered “full recourse” loans, which means the borrower is responsible for repaying a loan even in the case of the lender taking over and selling the home through power of sale proceedings because you could not keep up the mortgage payments. Canadians who don’t qualify for a bank loan have been forced to refinance in the shadow lending market to avoid losing their home.

I don’t buy jewellery from a trustee

Don’t take financial advice from a television commercial and don’t go to your jeweller for a mortgage or a car loan. Are you plagued by debt problems? Do you have bankruptcy questions? Professional trustees are experts you can count on for sound financial advice regarding insolvency, bankruptcy and bankruptcy alternatives. If you’re having financial difficulties contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, alternative to bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act , BIA, bankruptcy solutions, lines of credit, credit card debt, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, student loan debt, trustee, economic downturn, starting over starting now, information about bankruptcy, Toronto bankruptcy trusteeWhen do people generally want information about personal bankruptcy alternatives?

Personal bankruptcy alternatives are always sought after an economic downturn. The economic downturn is causing more people to rely on credit to supplement their income and/or their lifestyle. This mountain of debt will ultimately result in bankruptcy or hopefully, an alternative to bankruptcy.

What Bank of Montreal and Statistics Canada say about Canadian household debt

In BMO’s Annual Debt Report, the average household debt of those surveyed is $92,699, more than $4,000 higher than the four-year average dating back to 2012. And servicing that debt, which includes mortgages, lines of credit and credit card debt, is costing $1,165 a month.

According to Statistics Canada:

  • The debt-to-income ratio of Canadian households is 163.3% which means for every dollar Canadians earn, they owe $1.63 in debt
  • Canadian households now owe $1.841 trillion in various forms of debt
  • More than $1.1 trillion is from mortgages
  • $519 billion is consumer debt, like credit cards

Debt + More Debt = a Solution?

Adding debt to more debt is not a solution to the problem; it compounds the problem. If you are using credit cards to supplement your income or your lifestyle, you have a serious problem that needs professional help. Don’t wait until bankruptcy is your only option. You should be learning about personal bankruptcy alternatives before it is too late.

Is there such a thing as bankruptcy solutions?

We are asked this question all the time. Before even considering bankruptcy, I always want to discuss 3 formal alternatives to personal bankruptcy:

  1. Credit Counselling
    Credit counselling is in reality debt counselling. Professionals provide assistance with a host of issues related to debt including budgeting, finding debt solutions, working with your creditors and rebuilding credit.
  2. Debt Consolidation
    Debt consolidation is a single loan that allows you to repay your debts to several or all of your creditors at once, leaving you with only one outstanding loan.
  3. Consumer Proposals
    Consumer proposals are formal offers made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) to modify your payments. e.g. paying a lesser amount each month for a longer period of time and paying a total lesser amount than you owe, all on an interest-free basis!

In addition there are informal personal bankruptcy alternatives including budget review, contacting your creditors (including your mortgage lender), selling an asset and contacting the Federal Government’s Repayment Assistance Plan (if you’re having difficulty repaying your student loan debt).

Just ask your Toronto bankruptcy trustee

A professional trustee can open up a world of possibilities for you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for help with your financial problems. With just one phone call you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


What happened to David Cassidy?

This YouTube David Cassidy video says it all. His bankruptcy, notwithstanding he refutes it, must be related in some small part to his alcoholism and the several David Cassidy DUI events. The US Bankruptcy Court has ordered that he now must have his Florida home sold by auction.

For those of you too young to remember him, here is the link to the David Cassidy bio. As you can see, he was a huge music and television star heartthrob. Whatever happened to him over the years, David Cassidy now must pull his life back together. Like all of us, he must learn to live within his means and budget properly. Mr. Cassidy certainly isn’t the first, and won’t be the last celebrity having financial problems.

Next Steps

So who knows? Maybe Mr. Cassidy will have to go back on tour with a Partridge Family revival tour, or at least a David Cassidy tour, to earn extra income! Like all of us, he will have to learn to live within his means. Dealing with his personal problems will also be a great new beginning for him.

And what if you were not famous but are struggling?

If you’re struggling to support a lifestyle you can no longer afford, take immediate action and contact a professional trustee and explore your alternatives to bankruptcy. There are alternatives to personal bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. However, regardless of the choice that’s right for you, a balanced budget is always part of the equation. As we’ve stressed before, a balanced budget is to financial health what a balanced diet is to physical health. You’ll have to take a realistic look at your lifestyle and a serious look at your big ticket items – luxury home(s), exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive entertaining and start living within your budget in order to benefit from one of the alternatives to bankruptcy .

The Ira Smith team approaches every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on the path to a debt free life.

david cassidy youtube, ira smith trustee,david cassidy tour, youtube david cassidy, what happened to david cassidy, cassidy, david cassidy now, david cassidy bio, whatever happened to david cassidy, david cassidy news, david cassidy dui, bankruptcy, starting over starting now, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, credit counselling, consumer proposals, debt consolidation, budget


Brandon Blog Post


alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy, trustee, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, balanced budget, financial, insolvency, personal insolvency, starting over starting nowAlternatives to bankruptcy

Our insolvency clients, be they personal or corporate, usually want to start a consultation by asking us bankruptcy questions. However, I first start by obtaining a full understanding of the person’s or company’s financial challenges, so that we may consider all of the realistic options before discussing the topic of bankruptcy. I first wish to find the best alternative to bankruptcy.

I am finding now that many families, even high earners, are struggling in the “new economy”. We’ve spoken about their plight in our blogs:

There is yet another group that is now in great danger of bankruptcy – families whose previously very healthy income has taken a serious downturn and are now struggling to maintain a lifestyle they can no longer support. These families need to act fast and consider their alternatives to bankruptcy before it is too late to take remedial action. The natural inclination is to tough it out and hope for better times, but serious financial times demand serious financial decisions, not a hope and a prayer. As these families wait for better times to come they are burning through whatever savings they have, going further into debt by living off credit and will eventually run out of both money and credit.

This is not the best approach. At the first sign of financial trouble, these families should seek the advice of their legal counsel or accountant. These trusted professionals will be able to refer the families in financial trouble to a trustee in bankruptcy that they trust. With the trust factor bridge now in place with the trustee, that trustee can review the situation and provide the families with their realistic alternatives to bankruptcy.

If you’re struggling to support a lifestyle you can no longer afford, take immediate action and contact a professional trustee and explore your alternatives to bankruptcy. There are alternatives to personal bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. However, regardless of the choice that’s right for you, a balanced budget is always part of the equation. As we’ve stressed before, a balanced budget is to financial health what a balanced diet is to physical health. You’ll have to take a realistic look at your lifestyle and a serious look at your big ticket items – luxury home(s), exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive entertaining and start living within your budget in order to benefit from one of the alternatives to bankruptcy .

The Ira Smith team approaches every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on the path to a debt free life.


Brandon Blog Post


stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid

This blog was originally published on July 21, 2015. It was updated on March 22, 2021.

Bankruptcy Sales: What Is a Stalking-Horse Bid?

A stalking horse bid, in the Canadian insolvency context, is an attempt by a company (and/or its Monitor, Receiver or Trustee ) in a Court supervised insolvency proceeding, to set what will be the baseline that must be met and beaten by any other bids for the assets. The intent is to maximize the value of its assets as part of a Court supervised sales process and to discourage any bid below a certain value.

A stalking horse is a process that allows a potential buyer (the stalking horse bidder) to make a public bid for a company’s assets in order to set a floor price for the amount of money to be received by the company’s creditors in a (bankruptcy) sale. The stalking horse bidder will get to purchase the company’s assets if no other bidder comes forward. The stalking horse provision allows for the bidding process terms and conditions to be set in a court-supervised sale.

In this Brandon Blog, I describe the stalking horse bid process and how it works

What’s a stalking horse bid? Example of a stalking horse bid

According to Wikipedia:

“The term stalking horse originally derived from the practice of hunting, particularly of wildfowl. Hunters noticed that many birds would flee immediately on the approach of humans, but would tolerate the close presence of animals such as horses and cattle. Hunters would therefore slowly approach their quarry by walking alongside their horses, keeping their upper bodies out of sight until the flock was within firing range. Animals trained for this purpose were called stalking horses.”

In an insolvency context, a stalking horse bid stands to test the market to see how the market values the assets for sale. If the market values the assets less than the amount of the stalking horse bid, then no one will bid higher and the party who made the stalking horse bid will be successful in acquiring the assets.

If the market values the assets more than the amount of the stalking horse bid, the higher offers will be made for the assets and for the Court to consider for approval. Presumably, a higher offer will be approved, the purchaser will purchase the assets and the stalking horse bid will not prevail.

stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid

How a Stalking-Horse Bid Works

The stalking-horse bid method allows a distressed company to avoid receiving low ball bids as its assets are being sold. Once the stalking-horse bidder has made its offer and it has been negotiated and court-approved, other potential buyers may submit competing bids for the company’s assets.

By setting the low end of the bidding range, the insolvent company hopes to realize a higher price on its assets. Insolvency proceedings are public. The public nature allows for the disclosure of more information about the deal and the buyer than what would be available in a private deal.

Stalking-horse bidders can generally negotiate which particular assets and liabilities it hopes to acquire. After the stalking horse bid is negotiated resulting in an asset purchase agreement, it will be necessary for the company, Receiver or Trustee to obtain Court approval of not only the stalking horse bid but also for the entire sales process to be implemented.

If the company is attempting to restructure and requires “bankruptcy protection”, then those corporate proceedings would be either under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) or the Proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (the “BIA”). In that situation, it is the company making an application to the Court with the support and assistance of the monitor or proposal trustee.

If it is a corporate receivership or bankruptcy proceeding, then it is either the receiver or bankruptcy trustee making the application. In the case of bankrupt corporations, then it is the bankruptcy court that needs to approve the stalking horse bid, the entire sales process and approve the sale.

What does it take to get bankruptcy court approval?

When applying to the Court, approval for an entire sales process is being sought, a component of which is the stalking horse agreement. The Court has various considerations in determining if a stalking horse sale process should be approved. They are:

  • Is a sale transaction warranted at this time?
  • Will the sale benefit the whole “economic community”?
  • Do any of the debtors’ creditors have a bona fide reason to object to a sale process of the business?
  • Is there a better viable alternative?”

In the event the stalking horse bid is not the successful winner because of the other potential bidders at least one made a better offer, it is normal for the stalking horse purchaser to receive some form of compensation. The compensation is for the time, cost and resources invested to perform its due diligence, to make its offer which was found to be reasonable in the circumstances and to expose that offer to the marketplace to stand as a stalking horse bid, and for that bidder to not end up as the successful purchaser.

Our Firm has been involved in situations where the stalking horse bid has been both the successful bid unsuccessful bid. If the compensation, commonly known as break-up fees, is fair and reasonable, it will not dissuade other purchasers from coming forward in the sales process, and it will also be fair to the stalking horse bidder if they are unsuccessful. It is fair to the stalking horse bidder to have these bid protections incorporated into their offer.

The Court in considering the approval of a stalking horse bid also considers if the breakup fee, and the entire stalking horse bid, has been negotiated between arms’-length parties and has the support of the stakeholders involved in the insolvency proceeding.

stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid

The Pros and Cons of Being A Stalking Horse Bidder for Assets In Bankruptcy

There are various pros and cons to being a stalking horse bidder and making the stalking horse bid. First the advantages:

  • First to tie up the company’s management, perform due diligence thereby dealing exclusively with the company for the proposed purchase of its assets.
  • Gaining the advantage of time and access to the company’s financial information.
  • Having the time to be able to understand the company’s problems and challenges.
  • Getting under contract for the assets the purchaser wants to acquire.

The cons of making the stalking horse bid are:

  • Making sure that you set the break fee high enough to fully compensate the stalking horse bidder.
  • Not having too long a time period between approval of the stalking horse bid and the time when other bids must be submitted to avoid the assets or the company’s operations worsening through the process.
  • Would it have been better not to have been the stalking horse bidder and see how the company and its assets fare before having to submit a bid?
  • If the stalking horse bidder is not a secured lender, is there a likelihood the secured lenders will bid their security which will outbid yours?
  • If there is more than one acceptable bid, then an auction process is required to determine the successful bidder. The stalking horse bidder may not wish to participate in such an auction and will end up losing out.

Can a secured creditor credit bid? Cirque du Soleil agrees to ‘stalking horse’ takeover bid from lenders worth $375M

One of the most recent high-profile successful stalking horse bids was the Cirque du Soleil insolvency proceeding under the CCAA. In that case, a takeover proposal from the Cirque du Soleil’s secured creditors has been approved as the benchmark bid for a court-supervised auction of the insolvent entertainment company.

That is called a credit bid. When the secured creditor bids all or a portion of its outstanding loan. This will be done in situations where the secured creditor believes that the value of the assets to be sold is less than the amount owed, yet the company’s assets can be used to run a viable business. In that situation, the secured creditor would rather bid its security with the company debt to take over the assets.

By making a credit bid, the secured creditor potential purchaser does not need to come up with cash for the purchase price. However, cash will be required to make certain payments to parties the company business cannot operate without and to have working capital going forward.

If they bid the full amount of their loan and get outbid in other purchase agreements, it means they get fully paid out. Otherwise, they get the assets to run the company, bring it back to financial good health and profitability. Eventually, then they will sell the healthy company to recoup their money plus make a profit.

Stalking horse bid summary

If your company is experiencing financial difficulties, don’t waste your time stalking horses or any other animal. Seek the advice of your professional advisers. The earlier you seek financial help the more options will be open to you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’ll review your corporate issues and come up with a sound plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can enjoy financial peace of mind.

stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid
Call a Trustee Now!