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credit score, credit scores, online dating, credit score dating, credit counselors, credit historiesWhat do you mean by good credit scores have sex appeal? We all know that if you want to borrow money, buy a house, purchase or lease a car…… you need a good credit score. But, did you know that now you may need a good credit score to find love? We live in the age of online dating and there are niche market online dating sites for just about everything – religion, age, weight, location, hobbies….. Now there are actually websites called and for those who believe that a good credit score is a prerequisite for a good date. This is not a strange, “out there” anomaly; credit counselors report that many of their clients come to them because their romantic partners refuse to get married before they eliminate their debt. And, according to the New York Times, more people are adding credit scores to their social filters. People with poor credit histories, low scores, or no scores might be starting to find it more difficult to find long-lasting love.

In the 60s potential dates wanted to know your astrological sign. Now they’re asking for your credit score. Is this progress? Will the matchmakers of the future be financial planners and accountants? Do you think that credit scores should play a significant role in choosing a mate?

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re not matchmakers, but if you have serious debt issues and a poor credit score, we can help. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life and perhaps find love.

Brandon Blog Post


death of a debtor, bankrupt, bankruptcy, debt, debts, estate, financial sense, executor, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy alternatives toronto, bankruptcy alternatives canada, bankruptcy alternatives vaughan, bankruptcy alternativesIn last week’s blog we discussed the dilemma that arises when your parent(s) passes away in debt. This week we’ll be addressing your options, what your obligations are, and what you can do for the death of a debtor.

If your parent(s) pass away in debt and there are insufficient assets to pay off the debt, after paying the testamentary costs you really have only 2 options:

  1. Pay the debts from your own resources
  2. Let the estate go bankrupt

Emotionally you may want to pay the debts because you believe that it’s the right thing to do. But, before you make a decision you should know that there is no liability for a child to take on the debts of the parent(s). Although there is still a stigma attached to bankruptcy, the reality is that the debts are not yours, so why should you assume this burden and possibly place your own family in financial jeopardy?

Bankrupting the Estate makes financial sense. If your parent(s) pass away in debt you won’t receive a penny until the debts are paid. And, Estates can be complicated, especially if there are existing small business services still active or there are exes or common law spouses involved. It is the responsibility of Estate Executors to pay debts and expenses first. The Executor can side step the minefield of issues involved by bankrupting an insolvent testamentary Estate. If you or another family member is the Executor of your parent(s) Estate, there are some important facts that you should be aware of:

1. The Executors have a personal liability for all acts done, and for all acts not done that they should have.

2. By trying their best, they may be opening up the door for lawsuits from creditors or heirs for matters not properly handled. This is especially true where the family member, who is not skilled at financial, insolvency or testamentary matters, is Executor because he or she has been named, but really has no expertise in this area.

3. By putting the Estate into bankruptcy, which requires prior approval of the Bankruptcy Court, the Executor is relieving him or herself of personal liability because the Estate will now be handled under the Federal statute and all creditors will be handled properly and in priority under the law under the administration of the trustee in bankruptcy.

4. The Executor will relieve him or herself of dealing with creditor collection calls.

5. Section 136. (1)(a) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) states:

136. (1) Subject to the rights of secured creditors, the proceeds realized from the property of a bankrupt shall be applied in priority of payment as follows:

(a) in the case of a deceased bankrupt, the reasonable funeral and testamentary expenses incurred by the legal representative or, in the Province of Quebec, the successors or heirs of the deceased bankrupt;…

If your parent(s) pass away in debt, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. We will evaluate your situation and provide you with sound financial advice on how best to proceed Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


hiding your assets, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy court, bankruptcy file, Criminal Code, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, declaring bankruptcy, trustee, trustees, what is bankruptcyIf you think that hiding your assets in a bankruptcy is a good way to hang onto your property; think again. This is not a minor matter. In fact it’s a violation of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and the Criminal Code and it’s punishable by hefty fines and/or prison time. You will find yourself in a world of trouble if you:

  • Fraudulently dispose of property before or after the bankruptcy
  • Make false entries in a statement of account or hide, destroy or falsify a document related to your property or affairs
  • Conceal or fraudulently remove property, or conceal claims or debts
  • Refuse to respond fully and truthfully to questions posed during an examination held in accordance with the BIA

Committing fraud against the government is never a good idea and the likelihood is that you will get caught. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) identifies possible offences through its detection programs or through complaints received from creditors, trustees or the public. When the OSB has reason to believe that an offence has been committed, it sends the file to one of its three special investigation units. The investigation units work closely with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and in some cases files are transferred to the RCMP. The OSB encourages people to report fraudulent activities that relate to a bankruptcy file and they even have a toll free number to call or use an affordable background check USA 1-877-376-9902.

In addition to fines and/or prison time, if you hide your assets from the bankruptcy court:

  • You will not be able to discharge your debts
  • The trustee can revoke your discharge and those debts cannot be discharged in subsequent bankruptcies

Still think that hiding your assets in a good idea?

Honesty is always the best policy. If you are thinking of declaring bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver as soon as possible. We will guide you through the process and Starting Over, Starting Now get you well on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy faqs, surplus income, bankruptcy, bankrupt, bankruptcy process, trustee, bankruptcy alternatives, Vaughan bankruptcy, Richmond Hill One of the things that seems to confuse many people when it comes to the bankruptcy process is “surplus income”. It’s hard to wrap yourself around the concept of surplus income when you are considering or are involved in a bankruptcy. Can you really have surplus income if you’re bankrupt?

What is surplus income? Surplus income in a bankruptcy refers to an amount that a bankrupt must pay to the Trustee monthly. It is part of the goals of the Canadian insolvency system that balances the elimination of debt with the rights of creditors to be paid. To allow Canadians to maintain a reasonable standard of living during the bankruptcy process, the government has set thresholds or guidelines on net earnings (after taxes and deductions) intended to allow a bankrupt to maintain a reasonable standard of living during the bankruptcy process. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy sets the threshold limits each year and these limits are indexed to inflation.

How are surplus income payment amounts calculated?

Surplus Income payments are calculated based on a prescribed formula set by the Federal Government and applies across Canada, with no distinction for the region a person lives in. To find out what your surplus income is, contact your Trustee.

Surplus Income thresholds are based off of nationwide “poverty line” statistics and the thresholds are fixed regardless of what the cost of living may be in your region. Although the dictionary definition of “surplus” is excess or leftover, Surplus Income has nothing to do with what you have left over every month in your budget. It is a government formula that looks at only your income, certain non-discretionary spending and your family size, and imposes a duty to make a payment to your trustee.

There are many questions people have when contemplating bankruptcy. If you are in financial distress, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We will make sure that you have a clear understanding of every step of the bankruptcy process and alternatives to bankruptcy. Also check out our bankruptcy faqs. Starting Over, Starting Now you can take your first step towards living debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


financial viability assessments, bankruptcy alternatives, consumer proposals, corporate restructuring, division 1 proposal, proposal, restructuring, toronto bankruptcy, trustee, turnaround management, Vaughan, company bankruptcyLast week we discussed the process of corporate restructuring. This week we’ll be addressing the stakeholders and key players and roles in a corporate restructuring, as well as the issue of financial viability assessments.

Serious financial difficulties cause a great deal of distress; the very viability of your company is in question. You need professional help and you need it now. The cause of the financial difficulties must be identified, financial and viability assessments must be done, and an organization and restructuring plan must be implemented. There are stakeholders and key players that are involved, but who are they and what role do they play?

Who are the stakeholders: Depending on the size and structure of your company stakeholders may include corporate management, financial institutions, suppliers, shareholders, governments, regulatory bodies and employees.

Who are the key players and what are their roles: The key players in a corporate restructuring are the:

Company’s Accountant: The role of the accountant may include payroll, cash collections, disbursements, procurement and property accounting, tax preparation, financial planning, business consulting and payroll services.

Company’s Lawyer: The role of the lawyer may include drafting contracts, taxes, facilitating mergers, and handling human resources issues.

Trustee: The trustee is a restructuring professional. We work with all of the stakeholders and key players, creating realistic strategies and solutions for your company. The problems that caused and contributed to the financial distress must be identified and addressed after which a plan must be put into place to restructure the company and affect the turnaround. We perform a financial viability assessment in order to begin the planning process of a corporate restructuring.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. With our expertise and skills in restructuring and turnaround management we will work with you to find and implement the right financial and business strategies that address your particular issues. We will assist you to avoid your company bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now we can begin to rehabilitate your financially troubled company. Watch for our next blog – Corporate Restructuring Part 3 – when we’ll be addressing the Division 1 Proposal.

Brandon Blog Post


grey divorce in canada“Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash”. – Rita Mae Brown

The terms “silver separation” and grey divorce” sound very benign, but their financial ramifications have spelled disaster for many boomer retirees. Instead of travelling the world or spending carefree days on the golf course, many retired baby boomers may now be saddled with a mountain of debt and are trying to figure out how to pay their bills because of grey divorce in Canada.

A study done in 2012 by Bowling Green State University in Ohio revealed that the divorce rate among people who are retired or near retirement had more than doubled in the United States in just 20 years. According to Statistics Canada, divorces among couples 65 years of age and older are becoming more and more common and that the average age at which Canadians divorce has been rising steadily for a number of years. And, this trend is expected to continue. Susan Eng of the national seniors’ advocacy group CARP said that in recent years her office has been seeing an increase in calls from divorcees who are unsure of how they were going to make ends meet now that they were alone.

Although women seem to be the hardest hit, men are not immune. The nest egg that you have accumulated for retirement now has to be divided and you may also be supporting minor children and helping to support adult children and/or ageing and ailing parents. The financial challenges of your new reality may have created more debt that you can handle.

Grey divorce in Canada summary

Debt is a four-letter word but it can be managed with professional help. If you are experiencing serious debt problems because of grey divorce in Canada, or for any other reason, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver. Credit Counselling, Debt Consolidation, and Consumer Proposals are all options that we can explore and then we will come up with a plan that will work best for you. Although life can be difficult after a grey divorce you can start over and live a debt-free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


bad credit, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy in Canada, bankruptcy in ontario, bankruptcy ontario, bankruptcy protection, bankruptcy trustees, Consumer Proposal, consumer proposals, credit report, credit score, credit scores, debt management, debt settlement, declaring bankruptcy, Facebook and LinkedIn, social media, social networks, what is a consumer proposalAre you experiencing problems with debt management or having trouble getting credit due to a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal? If so, you are going to be delighted to hear that there are companies who believe that online reputations can tell lenders more about a person’s trustworthiness than the traditional credit score. Your credit score is established on the basis of how you pay your bills while companies like Lenddo and Neo Finance are analyzing data from social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and other factors to reach people who have a hard time getting loans. The Lenddo score is based upon:

  • Number of followers
  • Background of peers
  • Education and employers
  • Repayment history of friends

The Neo Finance score is based upon the following information in a person’s LinkedIn profile:

  • How long the user has held jobs
  • The number and quality of connections in their industry
  • The seniority of their connections

Should social media be used to determine your credit score? Probably not. Basing anything on the number of social media followers is categorically unreliable. Social media networks have become a numbers game where there is the mistaken belief that “whoever has the most, wins”. Fake Twitter followers have become a multi-million dollar business. Open networkers on LinkedIn have thousands of followers that they don’t know and the same goes for people who collect Facebook friends. The other problem is that the consumer would have to be willing to connect the financial service to their social media networks’ data which of course brings up privacy issues. Although in theory, this sounds like an interesting idea, I’m afraid that there is no quick fix for bad credit.

If you are experiencing problems with debt management or having trouble getting credit due to a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for information on how to fix bad credit so that you can live a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post

Is it Time to Declare Personal Bankruptcy?

bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, declare personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, licensed trusteeIf you are considering personal bankruptcy you are no doubt feeling helpless as a result of a loss or significant reduction of income. The decision to declare personal bankruptcy is a serious one and should be made only after consulting with a licensed trustee. It’s not an easy fix for your financial problems and should be considered a last resort. Bankruptcy is hard on your credit rating, all debts may not be erased, you may have to surrender most of your possessions to your trustee, and you may have difficulty obtaining credit in the future for some time. There are also emotional and psychological effects of bankruptcy to consider. Although your financial problems may seem insurmountable, there are bankruptcy alternatives that may be better options for you. These include:

When is it time to consult a licensed trustee? Consult a licensed trustee as soon as possible if:

  • You have failed to make one or more payments on a mortgage or loan.
  • Your credit cards are constantly at their limit.
  • You are paying bills by taking credit card cash advances.
  • Your creditors have passed your account to collection agencies who are now calling you.
  • You have received notice of legal action against you to collect money you owe.

Why choose personal bankruptcy:

  • It is relatively quick
  • It can be less expensive than other options
  • It eliminates your unsecured debts
  • You will have some protection from creditors, legal action and wage garnisheeing
  • After your discharge your credit risk can start to improve

Can anyone declare personal bankruptcy? Anyone who is insolvent and owes more than $1,000 is eligible for personal bankruptcy in Canada.

To learn more about personal bankruptcy and bankruptcy alternatives please visit our website. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver to discuss the right option for you. There is no reason to struggle beneath a mountain of debt when you can gain back your former quality of life Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Are You Living in a Financial Dangers Zone?

bankruptcy alternatives, consumer debt, consumer proposals, credit counselling, Debt, debt consolidation, debt problems, debt relief, financial dangersAre you living in a financial dangers zone? Many Canadians have been managing to stay afloat but Bank of Canada officials and federal government ministers have been warning about the financial dangers of accumulating too much debt. With interest rates so low many Canadians have been over borrowing; but what are you going to do once the interest rates go up?

Canadians have serious debt problems:

  • Statistics Canada reports that families now owe about $1.65 for every dollar of after-tax income
  • TransUnion reports that the average Canadian’s consumer debt load hit $27,485 at the end of 2012, a 6% increase over the previous year’s level and the first time the figure has been above $27,000

Consumer debt in Canada has reached an all time high. Are you too far in debt? Are you in a financial dangers zone? The Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) has listed 8 warning signs that tell you when you are too far in debt, in a financial dangers zone and need to make changes in order to avoid bankruptcy:

  1. Frequently pay bills after their due date
  2. Regularly bounce cheques
  3. Use an advance from one credit card to pay the minimum amount on another card
  4. Receive calls from a collection agency
  5. Regularly ask friends or family members for loans
  6. Have your utilities cut off (telephone, hydro, water)
  7. Have cut back on regular budget expenses such as clothing and recreation, or necessities such as food
  8. Are considering taking a second job in order to help pay your bills

If you are living in a financial dangers zone, now is the time to take action. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We can help you with your debt problems before they reach the critical level. Bankruptcy is not the only option to a financial crisis. There are bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. Starting Over, Starting Now you can have debt relief.

Call a Trustee Now!