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credit card debt settlement, credit card, credit cards, living paycheque to paycheque, budget, low Canadian dollar, bankrupt, declaring bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposalsIs credit card debt settlement relief now one of your New Year’s resolutions?

You had a great time over the holidays and everyone loved their gifts. You even bought a few goodies for yourself. After all, there’s nothing wrong with a little self-indulgence, is there? How did you feel when you opened your credit card statement? How long did it take you to start breathing again? Now, can you pay your credit card bills, or are you in need of a credit card debt settlement program?

Budgeting will also be part of a credit card debt settlement

If you’re like most Canadians, you’re already dealing with an enormous debt load and you don’t have anything put aside for a rainy day. You may already be living paycheque to paycheque. The Canadian dollar is very low which means that your grocery bills are higher. And there will be other items affected by the low dollar as well. If you’ve planned a vacation outside of Canada, I hope you’ve budgeted for the low dollar. In fact, are you budgeting at all? As we’ve stressed:

A Balanced Budget is to Financial Health What a Balanced Diet is to Physical Health – Part 1

A Balanced Budget is to Financial Health What a Balanced Diet is to Physical Health – Part 2

It seemed like a good idea to use the credit cards, but now I need credit card debt settlement

Using credit cards may seem like a good idea because they’re convenient and you probably get some type of reward for using them. However, if you’re not paying your bill in full each month, the high interest rates could be your financial undoing. It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of high interest debt and then taking out more high interest debt to pay off the high interest debt. Alternatively, you could face up to the fact that you will never be able to pay off your credit cards, and rather than taking on more debt you will be unable to repay, consider a credit card debt settlement program.

So how can I obtain credit card debt settlement – NOW!

If you’re trapped in a high interest debt cycle, I could tell you that you need to pay off high interest debt, but how would you do it? You need a professional trustee to help you manage debt before it reaches a critical stage where bankruptcy is your only option. We have been able to help many individuals carry out a successful credit card debt settlement program. Successful completion of such a program, will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. Before considering declaring bankruptcy, there are other bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. We can help and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be restored to financial health.

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Clinton Portis, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bankruptcies, declaring bankruptcy, living paycheque to paycheque, bankruptcy alternative, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals
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We have written many blogs on the advantages of consumer proposals, including:

We thought it would be good to now put together a short video on the topic.

The best alternative to personal bankruptcy in Canada

Of the various alternatives to bankruptcy, this government approved debt settlement plan is the one option with the most predictable and certain results for the insolvent person in dealing with their debt. You may have heard a proposal being called other names such as consumer credit proposal, debt proposal or debt settlement.

The main difference is that the only formal legal mechanism to be able to stop your creditors from continuing to harass and sue you is with a formal consumer proposal through a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. Unlike the other options, the consumer proposal is codified in the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act which provides the trustee with certain weapons that can be used for your protection.

That is why we say that of all the bankruptcy alternatives, the consumer proposal is the best one. There are many bankruptcy options, but the consumer proposal also allows you to rebuild your credit thereby increasing your credit score.

Keep away from bankruptcy with the advantages of consumer proposals

If you are insolvent and are considering bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We offer sound advice, will check all of your bankruptcy options with you and then with you, formulate a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt-free life in no time.

advantages of consumer proposals

Brandon Blog Post


:bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy questions, debt, debt problems, debt settlement, debt settlement companies, licensed trustee, starting over starting now, trusteeYou probably have many bankruptcy questions if you’re experiencing serious debt problems and you are no doubt going through a very stressful time in your life and you may not know where to turn. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to tell you that there is help available, answers to your bankruptcy questions and there are solutions to your debt problems. The best thing that you can do is contact a Licensed Trustee as soon as possible. There is a popular misconception that Licensed Trustees only deal with bankruptcy, but that is only one of our many functions. We can and do help with debt problems considering various alternatives to bankruptcy also.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for a free consultation today. We can help you with your debt problems and answer your bankruptcy questions. Starting Over, Starting now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


alternative lenders, shadow lending market, shadow lending market Canada, shadow lenders, shadow lenders Canada, credit score, bankruptcy questions, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, trustee, trustees, full recourse mortgage, Shadow Mortgage Market Canada Shadow Mortgages Canada, starting over starting now
Picture courtesy of Huffington Post

Jewellers making mortgage and car loans in the shadow lending market are afraid of the truth

If you really knew who you were dealing with for that loan and what the real costs were, and how they felt about you, you certainly would question the wisdom of doing it. Here is what one such jeweller famous for his television commercials said:

He believes some of his customers probably shouldn’t be seeking refinancing to hold on to their homes, but added that if Canadians are going to be so addicted to home ownership, he might as well cash in. “It doesn’t make sense to go to your jeweller for a mortgage or even for a car loan,” he said.”

The shadow lending market Canada and the shadow lending mortgage market Canada

How times have changed! Did you ever think you’d see the day when television commercials featured jewellers offering you mortgages? Yes, there are now a growing number of “alternative lenders” offering mortgages; of course at interest rates well above what traditional financial institutions are charging. One mortgage broker (who was not identified by name) said that although major Canadian lenders offer five-year fixed mortgage rates at about 2.5% to qualified borrowers, rates in the private market range from 7% – 15%. In addition to higher service fees, the market is also weakly regulated, allowing lenders to take advantage of the estimated 20% – 30% of Canadians with limited or no options at traditional financial institutions due to low income or a poor credit score.

The shadow lending market is growing fast

This shadow lending market is growing faster than it can be regulated and preying on the most indebted, vulnerable Canadians. A CIBC report from earlier this year noted that lending by non-commercial bank lenders has doubled since 2012. The Bank of Canada warned about the risks inherent in the shadow banking sector in its most recent Financial System Review last month. The shadow market is estimated at less than 10% of Canada’s mortgage market, much less than the 30% estimated for the pre-crash U.S. market. Low interest rates make it very attractive for people to continue borrowing and pile up debt, making it an ideal climate for the shadow lending market to continue to grow at an ever faster pace.

Why are Canadians falling prey to these shadow lenders?

  • They have multiple mortgages, taking equity out of their homes to cover other debts
  • When they get into financial difficulty, the homes have been used as ATM machines because of the increasing values

Then they fall behind on mortgage payments and are threatened with foreclosure. Mortgages in Canada are considered “full recourse” loans, which means the borrower is responsible for repaying a loan even in the case of the lender taking over and selling the home through power of sale proceedings because you could not keep up the mortgage payments. Canadians who don’t qualify for a bank loan have been forced to refinance in the shadow lending market to avoid losing their home.

I don’t buy jewellery from a trustee

Don’t take financial advice from a television commercial and don’t go to your jeweller for a mortgage or a car loan. Are you plagued by debt problems? Do you have bankruptcy questions? Professional trustees are experts you can count on for sound financial advice regarding insolvency, bankruptcy and bankruptcy alternatives. If you’re having financial difficulties contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


credit score rating, credit score, credit scores, debt, credit, debt service ratio, small business loan, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, starting over starting now

Credit score rating is an important part of what lenders look at when you apply for a loan, but it is not the only thing. We all know that credit score rating is used to determine your credit worthiness, but what you may not know is that your credit score rating is not the only factor used. Even with a great credit score rating, you may still be rejected when applying for credit. How is this possible?

In order to have a good credit score rating you must be able to show that you have the means to repay credit. However, your ability to repay credit may change depending on your income and your debt load. Using mathematical formulas, something called a debt service ratio (DSR) is calculated. Your DSR shows what percentage of your monthly income goes toward paying off debt. You may be managing your debt today, but if your DSR shows that with additional credit responsibilities you may have trouble meeting or managing your existing expenses, your credit application may be rejected. The same applies to an entrepreneur who’s looking to finance his/her small business with a small business loan. The credit worthiness of the individual has to be taken into account, as that’s who the lender is really loaning the money to, either directly or by way of a personal guarantee.

If you offer collateral as security in exchange for credit, the value of your collateral must be established. An asset that you think has great value may not be worth what you think it is in the eyes of the lender. Typically real estate and guaranteed investments are better forms of collateral than your jewelry, car, machinery or equipment.

Unfortunately many people are carrying too much debt but are fearful of the bankruptcy process, so they attempt to borrow more money in order to either consolidate their loans or for a specific need. Adding more debt is not the answer. Personal bankruptcy is an option, but not one to be feared. And, there are bankruptcy alternatives to be considered as well. Don’t run away from debt. Contact the Ira Smith team. We can help you deal with debt and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to a debt free life

Brandon Blog Post


Target liquidation program, Toronto bankruptcy trustees, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy questions, credit card debt, living paycheque to paycheque, bankruptcy, Target, housing bubble, credit card debt, financial plan, debt, starting over starting nowToronto bankruptcy trustees believe that 1 in 5 Ontario residents may be insolvent (unable to pay their debts when they are due), as astonishing as this seems. Sadly it seems that many Ontarians who have been living paycheque to paycheque and on the edge of a financial crisis, have now fallen off the edge.

According to a recent Ipsos Reid poll:

  • Almost one in five Ontario residents owe more than they own or earn, making them technically insolvent and at risk of bankruptcy.
  • Eastern Canadians led the country in owing more than they own, with 28% in Quebec and 24% in Atlantic Canada.
  • Residents in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba tied at a 23%.
  • Ontarians at 16% and British Columbians are at 14%.

It’s no surprise that Toronto bankruptcy trustees are being asked about bankruptcy alternatives and bankruptcy questions by so many people stressed about money. The Canadian dollar is volatile, retailers like Target are closing their doors, the Target liquidation program is ongoing and many are worried about a housing bubble.

Toronto bankruptcy trustees are also aware of a Global News poll which reported that:

  • 45% of Canadians say that their income, or keeping a steady income, causes them stress.
  • 40% are stressed about saving for retirement.
  • 40% report that saving for big-ticket items, like a car or a down payment for a home is a cause of stress.
  • 33% say that paying bills on time and credit card debt is a cause of stress.
  • 33% are stressed about mortgage or rent payment.
  • 25% are stressed about caring for their dependents like aging parents or kids.

Toronto bankruptcy trustees summary

Times are tough for many people. If you’re teetering on the edge of financial disaster or have already reached the critical point, it’s time to turn to Toronto bankruptcy trustees for professional help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. With sound advice and a solid financial plan Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be well on your way to a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them, but none are fun when you set about debt, debts, holiday debt, New Year’s resolutions, budget, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposal, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, starting over starting now
retiring them.

Ogden Nash

Holiday debt; every year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions is to reduce debt and 2015 is no exception. In December, Equifax Canada reported that the average Canadian household was $20,891 in debt. In spite of already carrying a dangerously high debt load, many Canadians threw caution to the wind, and without a financial plan and/or a budget, they spent way too much money to burden themselves with holiday debt.

After the spending spree was over, many Canadians made New Year’s resolutions to pay off debt in 2015. CIBC did a poll on Canadian’s financial priorities for 2015 and reported the following:

  • Paying off what they owe: 22%
  • Building savings: 12%
  • Paying bills or getting by: 10%
  • Budgeting or managing day-to-day spending: 9%

No one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February.

Suze Ormon


The reality is that January has now arrived and so have the credit card bills, with the holiday debt showing up for payment. You have no idea how you’re going to pay these bills but you made resolutions to pay them.

Without vision you don’t see, and without practicality the bills don’t get paid.

Paul Engle

You need more than resolutions and good intentions to pay off your holiday debt; you need professional help in the form of a trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. If you’re in serious debt, from holiday debt or otherwise, there are many options including credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposal and bankruptcy. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan for you. Debt is an enemy that can be conquered and Starting Over, Starting Now we can get you back on the path towards a debt free life.

Don’t let holiday debt ruin your 2015 so early in the New Year. Take positive action by contacting us today!

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy trustees, financial distress, financial tool, bankruptcy, too much debt, collection letters, collection calls, bankruptcy alternatives, personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy legislation, corporate bankruptcy, bankruptcy protection, Air Canada bankruptcy, American Airlines bankruptcy, consumer proposal, starting over starting now, bankruptcy trusteeBankruptcy trustees advise people in financial distress to think of bankruptcy as just another financial tool. Bankruptcy still carries a stigma with it for many people, but if you have too much debt, cannot repay your debts and are afraid to open the mail or answer the phone because of all the collection letters and collection calls you receive, you need to take some positive step to eliminate this stress in your life by finding a responsible and realistic solution.

Bankruptcy trustees will tell you that none of their clients wanted to call and for sure did not wish to see them. People come to bankruptcy trustees feeling ashamed, guilty and worthless. It is normal to feel that you have failed in such circumstances, but it is also important for your emotional and financial well-being to think of bankruptcy or one of the various bankruptcy alternatives as another financial tool and to use one of these tools to fix the situation for yourself.

Our media promotes the feeling that personal bankruptcy is somehow equated with failure, instead of it being described as merely a negative financial outcome for the honest, but unfortunate person. Everyone deserves a second chance, and using bankruptcy, or one of the bankruptcy alternatives is a way to get that second chance. Many people have done so in the past, and many will do so in the future; that is why Parliament created the laws forming our bankruptcy legislation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Keep in mind, many famous people have previously filed for bankruptcy.

It is interesting that our media casts personal bankruptcy in a negative light, but shows corporate bankruptcy protection as something positive. When we heard years ago about Air Canada filing for bankruptcy protection, or more recently, American Airlines filing for bankruptcy, people did not stop flying the airlines because they were disgusted that a company would dare to make use of the bankruptcy financial tool, but rather, people were worried about whether or not they would lose any of their airline point privileges!

Why can’t we think of personal bankruptcy as the same positive step forward financial tool in dealing with an unfortunate situation?

Bankruptcy trustees are the people licensed by the Government of Canada to administer the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Bankruptcy trustees need to obtain a full understanding of your assets and liabilities and understand your personal situation in order to advise whether you should go bankrupt, or if you are a candidate for a consumer proposal instead. No doubt people seeking the assistance of bankruptcy trustees have many questions needing to be answered also.

Are you suffering financially for any reason? Don’t be ashamed; contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Debt won’t go away on its own. You need professional help Starting Over, Starting Now so that you can regain your dignity and resume on a path to debt free living.

Watch this 5 minute video to listen to how another bankruptcy trustee explains it.


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I recently read an article on millmillennials, millennials debt, Gen Y, Boomers, Baby Boomers, bankruptcy alternatives, debt, student loan debt, trustee, bankruptcy, credit, counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, restructuring and turnaroundennials debt that actually referred to Millennials as “The Generation of Debt”. We recently reported on this very serious problem in our blog “Gen Y Trapped: Millennials in Debt”. Pew Research reports that Millennials are more distrustful of people than ever, less likely to belong to a party or religion, more in debt, and say they are unable to marry because they lack a solid economic foundation. In addition Millennials are also the first in the modern era to have higher levels of student loan debt, poverty and unemployment, and lower levels of wealth and personal income than their two immediate predecessor generations (Gen Xers and Boomers) had at the same stage of their life cycles.

I found this millennials debt issue particularly interesting because just a few days ago I had a conversation with a Millennial who said that her friends felt disenfranchised and angry with the Baby Boomers who have enjoyed benefits that they expected and will never have like company defined pension plans and old age security benefits at age 65.

Clearly one of the major issues is that Millennials had expectations but no financial plan and many are now trapped in a debt cycle that they don’t know how to escape. Millennials debt is a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. And dealing with debt is not a DYI project. If you’re a Millennial facing serious debt issues and an uncertain financial future, contact a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. There are many ways to deal with debt as well as bankruptcy which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

We’re here to help. We can discuss with you the various bankruptcy alternatives for the restructuring and turnaround of millennials debt and your entire financial life leading to your overall well-being. We can put you back on the path to lead a healthy and productive life so that you can escape the millennials debt trap. Make an appointment with the Ira Smith team today so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a happy, productive, debt free life.

Call a Trustee Now!