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We are always asked, how much do you have to owe to file bankruptcy? The real question is, here are my assets and my debts, what are my options? In Canada, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) states that you must owe at least $1,000 of unsecured debt to file for bankruptcy. The same holds true if someone owes you money. They must owe you at least $1,000 on an unsecured basis to apply to the Court to make an Order judging a person or company into bankruptcy. As you can see, the threshold is not very high.



Facing serious financial difficulties is devastating, especially if you believe that personal bankruptcy is your only option. In fact many people mistakenly believe that dire financial problems automatically mean personal bankruptcy. If you are having problems meeting your financial obligations or have stopped meeting those financial obligations as they come due you are actually insolvent, not bankrupt. Insolvent is a financial condition; bankruptcy is a legal state.

Bаnkruрtсу is a legal рrосеѕѕ under the BIA that helps you to resolve уоur debts if they have become unmanageable. If you have relatively few assets and low іnсоmе and dесіdе to file for bаnkruрtсу, you will probably fіlе under the shortened Summary Administration part of the BIA. If you have realizable assets that will produce a value greater than $10,000, then your bankruptcy would be administered under the general administration provisions. Don’t worry about these distinctions now. For now, just know that the streamlined summary administration rules is a simpler process, and the Superintendent of Bankruptcy sets the cost of the bankruptcy administration.



In either case, you will turn over to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“LIT”) all of уоur рrореrtу that is not exempt (protected) by law. The LIT will sell your property and the proceeds used to рау for the bankruptcy administration and then to distribute to уоur сrеdіtоrѕ.

If you have very little property, all of it might be рrоtесtеd so that you will not lose it. How much уоur сrеdіtоrѕ will get in this process dереndѕ on how much уоur unрrоtесtеd property sells fоr and whether you must pay “surplus income” to your LIT.

The last step of your bankruptcy process, will be to get your discharge from your debts, meaning that you will not have to рау them all (with certain exceptions).



People think that they should only see a LIT if they need to file for bankruptcy. Every LIT will give you a free 1 hour consultation, to go over your situation and offer you your available options. The topics the LIT will discuss with you are:

As you can see, bankruptcy is only one of many topics discussed, in determining what your options are, allowing you to choose the one that makes the most sense to you. No other professional can discuss this full range of topics with you, and especially not for free!


If you’re dealing with serious financial issues, contact a trustee, who is the Canadian bankruptcy expert. For the reasons already given, you should do this whether or not you’re contemplating bankruptcy. The reason is very simple: the licensed insolvency trustee will assess your situation, offer you all of your available options and will do this for you for free! You can’t find a better deal anywhere.

We’re not only bankruptcy experts; we’re experts in dealing with debt. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation and you will be well on your way to regaining your former quality of life Starting Over, Starting Now.

THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track

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canadian bankruptcy expertCanadian bankruptcy expert introduction

There are several misconceptions when it comes to the Canadian bankruptcy expert known as a licensed insolvency trustee and that the role of the trustee is only for the bankruptcy process. It is true that a licensed insolvency trustee is the Canadian bankruptcy expert, but it is not the case that a licensed insolvency trustee only can administer Canadian bankruptcies.

  1. Misconception # 1 is that trustees only deal with bankruptcy. Although you may know that a trustee is a Canadian bankruptcy expert, they’re also highly trained and educated debt consultants who, depending upon your particular circumstances, can offer you several alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.
  2. Misconception # 2 is that because it is a legal process, you need a lawyer. Although you may have heard many radio commercials telling you that you need a lawyer if you’re going to declare bankruptcy, and if you are dealing with income tax debt to keep using a certain lawyer and not a licensed insolvency trustee, this is simply not the case. Even though it is is a legal process, to file bankruptcy in Canada you need the services of a licensed insolvency trustee. In fact, bankruptcies and consumer proposals can only be administered in Canada through a licensed insolvency trustee.

What is the role of a trustee?

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) licenses trustees to administer bankruptcy proceedings. When you file for bankruptcy, the trustee becomes the administrator of your property and assets.

Why use a trustee instead of a debt settlement company?

Debt settlement companies can’t administer a bankruptcy or a consumer proposalONLY a licensed insolvency trustee can. In addition a trustee:

  • is federally regulated
  • has undergone a background check by the RCMP before being granted a licence
  • is subject to a stringent code of ethics
  • maintains his/her competency by completing ongoing mandatory professional development each year
  • The Federal Government and the Court regulate trustees’ fees and for consumer matters, they are usually less than the fees of the debt settlement companies who make unsubstantiated claims

What should you do if you or your company have too much debt?

If you’re dealing with serious financial issues, contact a trustee, who is the Canadian bankruptcy expert. For the reasons already given, you should do this whether or not you’re contemplating filing. The reason is very simple: the licensed insolvency trustee will assess your situation, offer you all of your available options and will do this for you for free! You can’t find a better deal anywhere.

We’re experts in dealing with debt. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation and you will be well on your way to regaining your former quality of life Starting Over, Starting Now. Read our blog next week when we’ll be discussing how to choose a licensed insolvency trustee.

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Bankruptcy Expert Strategies For The Financially Challenged

A licensed insolvency trustee is the bankruptcy expert

Richard is unable to pay his bills, unsure what to do Richard knows he has to speak to someone but talking with a bankruptcy expert scares him. On the advice of a close friend, he contacts a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, a profes­sional licensed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada.

A bankruptcy expert can do more than just bankruptcies

While Licensed Insolvency Trustees can and do handle bankruptcies, they can also offer information about other possible options. These might include reworking his budget, consolidating his debts, selling his assets, or offering a proposal to his creditors. Whatever option Richard chooses, the trustee will thoroughly explain the process.

I have a lot of questions for the bankruptcy expert

Of course, Richard has many questions, all of which the trustee takes the time to answer as part of the free first consultation. Richard gets all the information he needs from the trustee. The Trustee explains that his options include:

  1. credit counselling
  2. debt consolidation
  3. consumer proposal
  4. bankruptcy

Richard now also understands what he needs to do for rebuilding credit. Knowing the options gives him the confidence he needs to take the steps necessary to get his financial house back in order.

Why use a licensed insolvency trustee instead of a debt consultant as your bankruptcy expert?


  1. give the full range of options
  2. deal directly with creditors on your behalf
  3. are licensed by the federal government
  4. are federally regulated
  5. our fee is federally regulated
  6. are easy to find!

Do you have too much debt? Be like Richard and speak to a bankruptcy expert

Are YOU in financial trouble? Not sure where to turn? Regulated by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is there to help and we are the professionals who can file a consumer proposal or bankruptcy application in your name.

Are you insolvent and looking for solutions? The Ira Smith Team is here to offer alternatives to bankruptcy and bankruptcy. We offer help in Vaughan and throughout the GTA.

Are you a person or company who feels your situation is hopeless? Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can prepare and put in place the plan MADE JUST FOR YOU. The plan will free you from the burden of your financial challenges. With our help, you will go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Our motto is Starting Over, Starting Now! Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help you overcome your financial difficulties. Contact us today.

THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track

bankruptcy expert

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financial debt counselling, bankruptcy alternatives, starting over starting now, APY, Annual Percentage Yield, balloon payments, annual percentage rate, APR, compound interest, credit card, interest rate, trustee, bankruptcy, ira smith trustee, hoyes, a farber, david sklar

The #1 secret we have learned through financial debt counselling

When performing financial debt counselling, we discovered many people are confused by financial lingo. As a result people have been negatively affected financially.

As a result we started a series on confusing financial terms. We began with Balloon Payments Can Cost You More Than You Bargained For. Today we’re going to be discussing APY – Annual Percentage Yield. Interest rates play an important role in borrowing and investing. Understanding your APY can will give you a clear picture of what you owe or could maybe gain.

What is APY?

APY is the true annual rate of return taking into account the effect of compounding interest. If you have a credit card and carry a balance each month you’ll be paying interest on top of the previous principal and interest. The interest each month (in effect it’s interest on interest) calculates on a daily basis. It is an important aspect of financial debt counselling.

Why is APY important?

APY is a great tool for evaluating the true interest rate paid on a loan or the return on an investment. It takes compounding into consideration and thus is actually higher than the stated annual interest rate.

If you owe money on a credit card, your APY will almost always wind up being higher than your card’s listed APR (Annual Percentage Rate). Interest charges added to your balance for every month you fail to pay it off in full is the reason. This means that over time you’ll be paying interest not only on the principal amount you owe, but on the interest as well.

In our financial debt counselling sessions, we always expose the APY secret. We will now expose it for you. Say your credit card has a stated APR of 19.99%. If you carry a credit card balance from month to month, an APR of 19.99% compounded daily equals an APY of 22.1214%.

Are you unable to make your monthly payments? Were you not aware of APY?

The reality is that you could be paying a much higher amount than you bargained for. It also may be a much higher amount than you can afford. Most people we counsel are not aware of or didn’t understand APY. In our financial debt counselling sessions, this is everyone’s “AHA” moment.

If you’re dealing with insurmountable debt for any reason contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

We can help. Maybe all you need is some financial debt counselling. Perhaps you need to explore one of the many bankruptcy alternatives. Either way we can devised a plan that allows you to carry on a debt free, stress free life.

Watch for future blogs when we’ll be discussing other confusing terms that can impact you financially.


Brandon Blog Post


subprime lending, subprime loans, subprime borrowers, trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, subprime personal loans, cctvnews, subprime lenders, subprime, prime lending, subprime auto loans, subprime loan, subprime mortgage lending, subprime crisis, predatory lending, big short, subprime lending, subprime loans, subprime borrowers, trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, subprime personal loansWhat are subprime personal loans?

Subprime personal loans lending is dangerous business. It was instrumental in pushing the U.S. financial system to the brink of collapse from 2007 – 2008.

You may have read the book or seen the movie The Big Short. It is a 2015 American film directed and co-written by Adam McKay. It is based on the non-fiction 2010 book of the same name by Michael Lewis. It is about the financial crisis of 2007–2008, triggered by the United States housing bubble. The film stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt.

Now, could subprime lending spell doom for Canada?

What is subprime lending?

Subprime personal loans lending refers to giving loans to individuals who don’t qualify for prime rate or regular loans. The reason they don’t qualify is usually because of poor credit ratings. There could also be other factors that set off red flags about their ability to repay the loan. As a result subprime loans carry a higher interest rate than normal loans. This is because of the increased risk that the borrowers will default on payment.

Subprime lending (also referred to as near-prime, non-prime, and second-chance lending) means making loans to people who may have difficulty maintaining the repayment schedule. Their diffculty is sometimes reflecting setbacks, such as unemployment, divorce or medical emergencies.

What is the state of subprime lending in Canada?

According to TransUnion, subprime lending is becoming a bigger part of the credit business in Canada.

  • The average amount owed on Canadian credit cards rose by 1.8% over the past year
  • But among subprime borrowers, it rose at more than triple that rate, up 5.7% in a year
  • The share of Canadian mortgage-holders with high debt levels (above 500% of disposable income) jumped from 3% in 1999 to 11% by 2012
  • Debt delinquencies are on the rise. The share of indebted consumers who failed to make a debt payment for 90 days rose by almost 3% over the past year

What to do if you think you need another loan but can no longer qualify for a normal loan

If you can’t qualify for a traditional loan, a subprime loan is not the answer to your problems. High interest rate subprime personal loans is not an answer for being unable to repay your debts. Taking control of your debt with the help of a professional trustee is the answer.

Make an appointment for a free consultation with Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

We’ll discuss all your options. The options include bankruptcy alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. We will also tell you about bankruptcy if that’s the best option for you.

There is a way out of your financial problems. We can provide the right solution for you. We will do so without resorting to a subprime loan Starting Over, Starting Now.

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The debt counselling ON process

We are licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario, so when we do debt counselling, that is where the “ON” comes from. We have previously written on various debt settlement issues, including:

In terms of our Debt Counselling ON process you contact us to discuss your bankruptcy alternatives debt relief if you are unable to meet your financial commitments under credit agreements on a monthly basis. Our debt counselling ON process assesses if you are over-indebted, as follows:

Step 1

Complete our Debt Relief Worksheet, in full, with complete backup where requested, providing details of your income, monthly budget and debt commitments. Examples of the backup documentation you will need is a copy of your pay slip, ID, the latest statements of all your debts and your last year’s filed income tax return and notice of assessment from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

We can email the Debt Relief Worksheet to you and then you can submit it to us with the backup. That way, we save you an initial trip to our office. Our clients appreciate this, so they don’t have to take time off work just to obtain the worksheet.

Step 2

We will review your completed Debt Relief Worksheet to do an initial assessment to check if you are over-indebted, determine the debt counselling ON options available to you and then arrange for a consultation with you. This could either be a face to face or a telephone consultation. We want to make it as easy as we can on you. You are already under enough stress from your debts!

Step 3

During the consultation, we will verify your budget and your existing debt commitments. A new budget will be agreed upon to determine the amount available for debt repayment. At this stage we will also provide you with details of all the costs involved, as well as an interim debt settlement plan. Until now, our service is free. It is at this point that we will discuss costs with you to enter our debt counselling ON program to supervise your debt settlement plan.

Step 4

We will contact all your creditors to verify your debts. You WILL also be listed on the Credit Bureaus as being under our debt counselling ON program and the listing will stay there for a few years AFTER you have successfully completed the debt settlement program. We will, if necessary, further negotiate the proposed debt repayment plan with your creditors. We will do the negotiations, but we cannot settle on anything on your behalf until we have your approval.

Step 5

If your creditors accept the proposed debt settlement plan, it will be made an order of the court. This makes our debt counselling ON program binding on both you and your creditors.

Step 6

We will obtain from you post-dated cheques to cover the monthly payments you promised in your debt settlement plan. The aim of this is to collect the monthly payments from you and ensure that the correct amount in terms of the final debt repayment plan is paid by us to your creditors. This will continue until the amount you promised to pay under your debt settlement plan is paid in full.

Our debt counselling ON program works best for individuals that owe a maximum of $250,000, not including any mortgages or lines of credit secured against your home. If you owe more than $250,000, we can also assist you in a different plan tailored for those that owe larger amounts.

So how can I obtain debt counselling ON – NOW!

If you’re trapped in a high interest debt cycle, I could tell you that you need to pay off high interest debt, but how would you do it? You need a professional trustee to help you manage debt before it reaches a critical stage where bankruptcy is your only option. We have been able to help many individuals carry out a successful debt settlement program. Successful completion of such a program, will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. Before considering declaring bankruptcy, there are other bankruptcy alternatives which include our debt counselling on program. Contact us today so that we can help and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be restored to financial health.

THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track

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Brandon Blog Post


student loans, student loan, student loan debt, ira smith trustee,, starting over starting now, licensed insolvency trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, consumer proposals, debt consolidation, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIA, student loans, debt, debts, personal bankruptcy, declare personal bankruptcy, student debt, student debt bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Reform Act, Bankruptcy Code, Code, toronto bankruptcy, vaughan bankruptcy, bankruptcy toronto, bankruptcy vaughan, consumer proposal toronto, consumer proposal vaughan, vaughan consumer proposal, toronto consumer proposal, personal bankruptcy vaughan, personal bankruptcy toronto, toronto personal bankruptcy, vaughan personal bankruptcy, ccaa, corporate bankruptcy;

An interesting American case about student loans debt

Student loans debt is nearly impossible to get rid of in bankruptcy. A case winding its way through the US court system has piqued our intellectual interest. A father, who is a discharged bankrupt, is taking the lender who HE borrowed funds from for his child’s education to Court. The lender is continuing to pursue collection efforts against the father on the basis that the provisions of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, as amended, codified in Title 11 of the United States Code and commonly called the “Bankruptcy Code” (“Code”), does not release the father from what is in reality student loans debt. The father is taking the lender to Court for a ruling that by virtue of his discharge, he is released from that debt like all his other debts. It has raised the question whether the same student loans debt rules should apply in that case.

The Canadian perspective

We are not qualified to express any opinion on the US legal case before the US Court, but we are qualified to discuss the issue from the Canadian perspective. We started thinking whether this same situation could arise in Canada for student loans.

Last week we discussed student debt bankruptcy from the perspective of the student. Previously, we have written blogs and created a vlog about student loan debt, including:

So this week, we’re discussing student loan debt and bankruptcy from a very different and interesting angle. Could a Canadian lender take the position against a Canadian parent borrower who on the loan application described the purpose of the loans for the funding of his or her child’s Canadian post-secondary education, that the loans qualify as student loans under the applicable Canadian statutes, including, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). Stated otherwise, are such loans the same as student loans under Canadian law and can bankruptcy cut such loans if you’re not the student?

Are student loans necessary?

Many young Canadians need student loans to get a post-secondary education. To qualify as Canadian student loan debt, the loans must be issued under a specific Canadian student loan statute: the (i) Canada Student Loans Act; (ii) Canada Student Financial Assistance Act; (iii) Apprentice Loans Act; or (iv) any enactment of a province that provides for loans or guarantees of loans to students.

All students need financial help to be full-time university students. The only real places that such assistance can come from is either the parents, if they are willing and able to do so, student loans, or both. Many Canadian parents pay a hefty part of students’ tuition fees, even if it means sacrificing their financial stability, to help their children avoid a post-graduation life burdened by tens of thousands of dollars of student debt. Others may wish to, but they cannot afford to do so.

So are student loans and the resultant debt necessary? In most cases, yes.

Can a parent co-sign for or guarantee their child’s student loans?

The short answer is no. As I have already stated, to qualify as a student loan, the loan has to be made under the provisions of one of the Federal loan statutes mentioned above, or any such similar Provincial legislation. Nowhere in those student loans statutes is there a place for either a guarantor or cosigner. In fact, the Federal statutes all have similar language stating that upon the death of the borrower, the Federal government will repay the outstanding part of the loan. In addition to there not being any sections that allow for a guarantor or cosigner, the specific section dealing with the death of the borrower does not limit the government’s guarantee by using words like “….and if the lender is unable to collect in full from any guarantor or cosigner”. The reason is simple, student loans cannot be guaranteed or otherwise borrowed by anyone other than the student.

Will bankruptcy eliminate student loans debt?

Student loans are nearly impossible to get rid of in bankruptcy. Section 178(1) of the BIA states:

“(g) any debt or obligation in respect of a loan made under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act or any enactment of a province that provides for loans or guarantees of loans to students where the date of bankruptcy of the bankrupt occurred:

(i) before the date on which the bankrupt ceased to be a full- or part-time student, as the case may be, under the applicable Act or enactment, or

(ii) within seven years after the date on which the bankrupt ceased to be a full- or part-time student;

(g.1) any debt or obligation in respect of a loan made under the Apprentice Loans Act where the date of bankruptcy of the bankrupt occurred

(i) before the date on which the bankrupt ceased, under that Act, to be an eligible apprentice within the meaning of that Act, or

(ii) within seven years after the date on which the bankrupt ceased to be an eligible apprentice;”

So if you’re a student, bankruptcy will only end student loans if you’ve ceased to be a full or part-time student for more than seven years and either declare personal bankruptcy or make a debt proposal to your creditors, most likely through a consumer proposal. The only other option is to attempt to seek from the Court relief because of undue hardship, but this is very difficult, if not impossible.

What is required to meet the burden of undue hardship?

If the Court is satisfied that you meet the two-pronged test, you’ll be discharged from your student loans obligations in bankruptcy only if the :

  • acted in good faith in connection with your obligation to repay your student loan debt; and (emphasis added)
  • have experienced, and will continue to experience, financial difficulty that will prevent you from repaying this debt

It’s then up to the bankruptcy court to decide whether they forgive your loans, either in full or in part. One of the difficulties in trying to prove undue hardship is that there is no clear definition for what makes up hardship; each bankruptcy court across Canada may use a slightly different interpretation. The only thing that’s clear is that you must prove that having to continue to pay the student loans after bankruptcy would be a financial hardship for you. If you try this route, the Court will look at ALL of your income and expenses.

The Court may decide you are not trying hard enough, or, may look at things like your small car you use to get to work, which you purchased used (instead of taking public transit), your cell phone and your internet expenses, and decide that these are luxuries you do not need. If you are a smoker, the Court may very well decide that if you were not addicted to tobacco, you could start to repay some part of your student loans.

If you think my examples are picayune or silly, just look up the case of Fournier (Re), 2009 CanLII 31606 (ON SC).

Will bankruptcy eliminate student loan debt if you are not the student?

I don’t know what the eventual disposition of the US case which I mentioned at the beginning of this blog will be, but based on all the above, in my view in the Canadian context, a parent, relative or friend cannot guarantee, cosign or borrow for a loan that qualifies as a Canadian student loan. If you borrow to fund your child’s education, then you are borrowing under an ordinary commercial transaction and the applicable student loan sections of the BIA do not apply.

So if you have borrowed for this purpose, only the normal provisions of the BIA apply, and you will get a discharge from that and your other debts upon your discharge from bankruptcy. However, if you pledged any of your assets in support of such borrowings, such as your home, the lender does have the right to enforce its security against such assets if you cannot repay, whether you are bankrupt or not.

What should you do if you have too much debt?

If you’re drowning because of your finances, we know we can help you. Although many people believe that bankruptcy is the only way of out serious debt, that’s not always the case. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.can discuss other bankruptcy alternatives with you which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

If we get to see you early enough, at the first sign of trouble, you can use and carry out one of the bankruptcy alternatives, to free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to be a productive, contributing member of society and not be plagued by debt problems.

Bankruptcy law is very complicated and requires the expertise of a professional licensed insolvency trustee. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to help. With a cumulative 50+ years of experience dealing with diverse issues and complex files, we can get you back on your feet Starting Over, Starting Now. We can help. Call us today.

People consider us bankruptcy experts because we wrote the eBook which is sold on, explaining the Canadian personal insolvency and bankruptcy system, specifically directed to the person stressed out with too much debt.


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Our inspiration for this vlog

This vlog was inspired by our new eBook: PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA – Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track, which is sold on The eBook explains the Canadian personal insolvency and bankruptcy system, specifically directed to the person stressed out with too much debt.

The most asked question is about surplus income limits

The question we are always asked is: What are the surplus income limits for 2015 and 2016 if I am in bankruptcy? I don’t have any cash left over from each paycheque, so, how can you say that I have surplus income?

What are the surplus income limits for 2015, 2016 and beyond?

Surplus income is the amount of a debtor’s total income that exceeds what is necessary to maintain a reasonable standard of living according to the standards set by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (remember, the actual standard is right at the poverty line so don’t get happy when you see words like “reasonable standard of living”). The bankrupt must make payments out of this surplus income to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee for distribution among the creditors.

It is part of the goals of the Canadian insolvency system that tries to balance the elimination of debt with the rights of creditors to be paid. The surplus income limits for 2015, 2016 and beyond, are set to allow Canadians to maintain what the Superintendent of Bankruptcy calls a reasonable standard of living during the bankruptcy process; the government has set thresholds or limits on net earnings (gross earnings after taxes and deductions) during the bankruptcy process. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy sets the threshold limits each year and these limits are indexed to inflation.

The threshold is set the same across Canada, regardless of what province or city you live in. So, someone living in the Greater Toronto Area, whose costs for shelter and probably transportation are higher than other parts of the country, will find that the threshold for them is essentially at the poverty line.

An example of how to apply the surplus income limits for 2015 and 2016

Here is an example of how the surplus income amount is calculated. Let’s assume we have a family of 4: a husband, wife and two young children in school. The husband earns (net of income tax) the annual amount of $46,000 and the wife earns (net of income tax) the annual amount of $18,000. To keep it simple, let’s assume that their monthly take-home pay can is their annual amount divided by 12 or a monthly income of $3,833.33 for the husband and $1,500 for the wife. Let’s assume that only the husband has to go bankrupt and not the wife.

The surplus income calculation for 2015 was:

(($3,833.33 + $1,500.00) – $3,831.00) X ($3,833.33/($3,833.33+$1,500)) = $539.90

This means the bankrupt husband will have to pay $539.90 to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee for a period of 21 months if he has never been bankrupt before, or for 36 months, if he has been bankrupt before, according to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).

The surplus income calculation for 2016 is:

(($3,833.33 + $1,500.00) – $3,882.00) X ($3,833.33/($3,833.33+$1,500)) = $521.57

This means the bankrupt husband will have to pay $521.57 to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee for a period of 21 months if he has never been bankrupt before, or for 36 months, if he has been bankrupt before, according to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

You cannot deduct your normal monthly living expenses against the monthly income in order to calculate the surplus income limits for 2015 or any other year. However, if the bankrupt has any of the following types of expenses, they can be deducted from income in calculating the surplus income amount.

  1. Child Support
  2. Spousal Support
  3. Child Care Expense
  4. Expenses associated with medical condition
  5. Court imposed fines or penalties that are in process of being paid
  6. Expenses permitted by Income Tax Act that are a condition of employment
  7. Any other debt where the stay of proceeding has been lifted

The surplus income limits for 2015 and 2016, or put another way, the amount the Superintendent of Bankruptcy believes a family, where there is one bankrupt person in a family of four, should have a take-home monthly income of $3,882 or annual family take home pay of $46,584, before the bankrupt person has to start contributing 50% of his or her income for the benefit of the bankrupt’s creditors. That is why we say the Federal government’s idea of a “reasonable standard of living” is really at the poverty line.

What to do if you have too much debt

If you’re in “survival mode” when it comes to your finances, we’ve got solutions for you. Although many people believe that bankruptcy is the only way out of serious debt, that’s not always the case. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can discuss other bankruptcy alternatives with you which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

If we get to see you early enough, at the first sign of trouble, you can utilize and implement one of the bankruptcy alternatives, to free you from the burden of your company’s financial challenges to go on to be a productive, profitable employer allowing management to focus on business growth and not be plagued by debt problems. Come in for a no obligation, no fee consultation and let us help you get back on track to living a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

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Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy alternative, RRSP, RRSPs, retirement, retirement income, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, trusteeRaiding your RRSP is the worst bankruptcy alternative and in this blog you will see why. The federal government introduced the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) in 1957 to encourage Canadians to save for retirement. For many Canadians, RRSPs will be their only source of retirement income, in addition to Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan. However, according to a recent BMO survey Canadians are raiding their RRSPs to make ends meet and this is not advisable survival plan or bankruptcy alternative.

What is an RRSP?

A RRSP is a personal savings plan registered with the Canadian federal government allowing you to save for the future on a tax-sheltered basis. It can contain a variety of investments including RRSP savings deposits, treasury bills, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), bonds and equities. Your contributions are tax deductible and your investments inside the RRSP grow inside tax free. However, when you take money out of your RRSP, it’s taxed as if it was income earned that year.

Are Canadians really using their RRSPs as a bankruptcy alternative?

According to a new BMO survey:

  • 21% of Canadians have taken money out of their RRSP to cover living expenses or pay off debt
  • 15% took money out to cover costs after an emergency
  • 25% say they will likely never pay it back

So the results of the BMO survey show that rather than dealing with all of their debts once and for all using a proper bankruptcy alternative, they are creating a new, significant income tax debt by raiding their RRSPs to pay off some debt! Not a very sound strategy.

Why is taking money out of an RRSP not advisable?

  • There is a withholding tax of 10% – 30% depending on the amount withdrawn
  • The money taken out has to be declared as income, and taxed again (unless you’re making withdrawals to buy a first home under the Home Buyers Plan or covering education costs under the Life Long Learning Plan)
  • If the funds, net of income tax, does not solve your debt problems, then it really isn’t a bankruptcy alternative

In a valid bankruptcy alternative, such as a consumer proposal, and in bankruptcy itself, other than for any contributions to your RRSP made in the 12 months prior to filing, you cannot lose the balance of your RRSP. You will actually have more RRSP at the end of a successfully performed consumer proposal, than if you raid your RRSP to avoid a valid bankruptcy alternative!!!

What should I do so I don’t have to raid my RRSP?

If you’re in “survival mode” when it comes to your finances, instead of raiding your RRSPs, we’ve got much better options for you. Although many people believe that bankruptcy is the only way of out serious debt, that’s not always the case. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can discuss other bankruptcy alternatives with you which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

If we get to see you early enough, at the first sign of trouble, you can utilize and implement one of the bankruptcy alternatives, to free you from the burden of your company’s financial challenges to go on to be a productive, profitable employer allowing management to focus on business growth and not be plagued by debt problems.

People consider us bankruptcy experts because we wrote the eBook which is sold on, explaining the Canadian personal insolvency and bankruptcy system, specifically directed to the person stressed out with too much debt. Come in for a no obligation, no fee consultation and let us help you get back on track to living a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post


Household debt in Canada can lead us into crisis

On January 16, 2016, the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) released its report titled: “Household Indebtedness and Financial Vulnerability“. A summary of the PBO’s findings are:

In the third quarter of 2015, total household debt in Canada reached 171 per cent of disposable income. In other words, for every $100 of disposable income, households had debt obligations of $171. This is the highest level recorded since 1990 and the highest level. The report also found that:

  • Among G7 countries, Canada has experienced the largest increase in household debt relative to income since 2000. Households in Canada have become more indebted than any other G7 country over recent history.
  • The Bank of Canada conducted its analysis. It suggests that low-interest rates, higher house prices and financial innovation have contributed to the increase in household indebtedness.
  • A financially vulnerable household is required to devote a real part of its income to service its debt. It faces greater exposure to negative income and interest rate shocks, and is more likely to be delinquent in its debt payments.
  • The PBO does not see the trend correcting itself until 2020.

We discussed the issue of rising household debt in Canada in the past

The PBO report produced a graph on household debt ratios

Household Indebtedness and Financial Vulnerability,household debt in canada,canadian household debt,canadian household debt statistics,average canadian household debt,canadian household debt to income ratio,statistics canada,canadian household debt by province,canadian household debt to income ratio graph,canadian household debt ratio calculator,canadian household debt 2015,ira smith trustee,household debt in canada
Graph courtesy of the Report of the PBO “Household
Indebtedness and
Vulnerability” dated January 19, 2016

The PBO’s point in this graphical analysis is that the projected increase in the total household debt service ratio (DSR) to 15.9 per cent would be 3.1 percentage points above the long-term historical average of 12.8 per cent (from 1990Q1 to 2015Q3). It would also be almost one full percentage point above its highest level over the past 25 years, 14.9 per cent , which was reached in 2007Q4.

There is apparently no end in sight for Canadians’ appetite to take on more debt, and it takes more income to service the higher debt. Unfortunately, the only thing that will seem to break this cycle is some shock to the Canadian economic system, and this will not be good news for many who will find themselves strung out on debt and not able to service it when the shock comes.

What to do if you or your company can no longer service your debt?

Is your household debt in Canada out of control? Have those spending habits creeped into your company’s spending? If so, you need to contact us now to get a solution, before bankruptcy is your only alternative.

We help people and companies throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis in need of restructuring and turnaround, receivership or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. The Ira Smith Team brings a cumulative 50+ years of experience dealing with diverse issues and complex files, and we deliver the highest quality of professional service. Don’t worry about debt; instead take immediate action.

Call us today. If you or your company is trapped in high debt, you need a professional trustee to help you manage the situation before it reaches a critical stage where bankruptcy or receivership is your only option. We have been able to help many people and companies carry out a successful debt settlement programs or corporate restructuring and turnarounds.

It all began with a first consultation. The first step is a realistic cash-flow budget. Successful completion of restructuring, will free you or your company from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

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