Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy and cra debt

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt Introduction

Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland introduced the 2024 Federal Budget on April 16. During her presentation in Parliament, she advised that Budget 2024 will include that any capital gain will be taxed from the current 50% to two-thirds. April 30 was the last day for most Canadians to file their 2022 personal income tax return.

At the end of April, Ms. Freeland announced that Budget 2024 would not include the capital gains tax change. Rather, she will ask Parliament to approve a stand-alone Bill which will include the capital gains tax change, no doubt combined with other initiatives such as more Federal money for access to housing, in a crass move to try to score voter points when the Conservatives vote against the Bill because of the tax increase. So income tax owed to the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) is on everyone’s mind.

Canadian entrepreneurs are up in arms over the Budget 2024 capital gains taxation change. People are concerned over the level of taxation disclosed in their personal income tax returns. Some Canadians do not have the money to pay their calculated income tax payable.

This Brandon’s Blog discusses the complex world of Canadian bankruptcy and CRA debt, along with other potential options, to achieve financial stability. I aim to equip people with the necessary knowledge and strategies to make informed choices.

Definition of Bankruptcy and CRA Debt

Bankruptcy is a legal condition where consumers or companies admit they are unable to pay their outstanding debts. The bankruptcy process is a supervision and administration process overseen by a licensed insolvency trustee and the court. Under the bankruptcy legislation, people and businesses can either: (i) restructure to eliminate their debt by only paying a percentage of the amount owing; or (ii) liquidate most of their assets for the proceeds to be paid to the creditors in priority as outlined in the legislation.

CRA debt is one kind of debt that individuals or companies may owe for unpaid taxes, penalties and interest. Understanding the workings of bankruptcy and CRA debt will help people owing taxes they cannot repay make informed decisions on how to deal with their debts to get back to a financially healthy and stress-free life.

An image of a woman holding her head in her hands with an image of a building with a Canadian flag behind her to represent a woman worrying about her bankruptcy and CRA debt.
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Bankruptcy and CRA Debt: Importance of Debt Management and Tax Relief

Effective debt management and tax relief are crucial aspects of financial stability for individuals facing Canadian bankruptcy and CRA debt. By implementing sound strategies for managing debt and seeking relief from tax obligations, individuals can regain control of their finances and work towards a brighter financial future.

Debt management techniques such as budgeting, debt consolidation, and credit counselling can help individuals navigate the complexities of bankruptcy and CRA debt. Additionally, exploring tax relief solutions such as deductions, payment plans, and professional assistance can alleviate the burden of tax liabilities. Prioritizing debt management and tax relief is key to overcoming financial challenges and achieving long-term financial well-being.

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt: Understanding Bankruptcy in Canada

What is bankruptcy?

Having a solid grasp of how bankruptcy can affect a person is vital for those experiencing financial difficulties. Things such as the different types of bankruptcy, the procedure for initiating bankruptcy proceedings, and the real-life impact it has on a person’s daily life are crucial for anyone considering personal bankruptcy to understand. By examining the intricacies of bankruptcy, I hope you will gain valuable insights into how to effectively navigate this intricate legal process.

Whether contemplating personal or corporate bankruptcy, understanding critical aspects such as which assets can be liquidated by a Trustee, how your debt gets discharged, and creditor negotiations is essential. With the appropriate knowledge and assistance, people can make well-informed choices to manage their debts to head towards a new financial beginning.

Bankruptcy laws in Canada

Bankruptcy laws in Canada are a set of legislation and regulations that govern obtaining bankruptcy protection and the subsequent handling of a person or business’ financial affairs. These laws are designed to provide individuals and companies with a second chance to manage their debts and start afresh.

In Canada, the main governing legislation for bankruptcy is the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA), which outlines the procedures and requirements for obtaining relief to restructure debts under either a consumer proposal or a Division I proposal.

If restructuring is not a possibility, the BIA also covers the procedures for what is always the last choice, a liquidating bankruptcy. The BIA also covers the rights and responsibilities of debtors, creditors and insolvency trustees. Additionally, each province has its legislation that may impact the result of bankruptcy under federal laws.

In the case of larger and more intricate corporations, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) presents an additional federal statute to be considered. This legislative provision enables such substantial entities to effectively reorganize their operations and financial matters, thereby ensuring their sustained business activities and provision of employment opportunities for Canadians.

Individuals and businesses alike must gain comprehensive knowledge of these legal frameworks and diligently seek expert counsel before undertaking any bankruptcy-related determinations.

An image of a woman holding her head in her hands with an image of a building with a Canadian flag behind her to represent a woman worrying about her bankruptcy and CRA debt.
bankruptcy and cra debt

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt

Overview of the CRA

The CRA is entrusted with the pivotal responsibility of overseeing the execution of tax laws and programs on behalf of the Canadian government at the federal level. From 1867 until 1999, the Department of National Revenue, commonly referred to as Revenue Canada bore the responsibility of overseeing tax services and programs. However, in 1999, a comprehensive reorganization took place, resulting in the establishment of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA).

Subsequently, in 2003, the CCRA underwent further transformation, giving rise to the inception of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), thereby altering the agency’s core focus and subsequently prompting its name change to CRA.

The CRA’s mandate revolves around the proficient and equitable collection of taxes, diligent administration of benefits, and rigorous enforcement of tax laws. Additionally, they extend their services to taxpayers by disseminating pertinent information and offering assistance to ensure that Canadians have accurate comprehension and adherence to tax obligations.

Upholding the utmost integrity of Canada’s tax system while fostering voluntary compliance through educational outreach and enforcement measures remains at the forefront of the agency’s priorities. Backed by a devoted team of professionals and leveraging cutting-edge technology, the CRA is steadfastly committed to delivering superlative and exemplary services to the Canadian populace.

Types of debt owed to the CRA

Unpaid taxes result in individuals or businesses facing substantial CRA debt financial obligations. It is important to understand the ramifications associated with such indebtedness, given that it can give rise to severe repercussions including wage garnishment, bank account freezing, or legal repercussions. To mitigate the weight of this debt and avert penalties, it is always highly recommended to stay current in your obligations to CRA.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) collects a range of debts from both individuals and businesses. Among these debts, the most prevalent is income tax owed, which represents the unpaid tax on an individual’s or business’s income. Another significant debt includes the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) or, in provinces without sales tax, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) owed. These taxes apply to most goods and services supplied within Canada. CRA may also assess the individual Directors for GST/HST and employee source deductions not remitted by the corporation.

Furthermore, individuals and businesses may also encounter debts such as payroll remittance, excise tax, and penalties or interest charges resulting from late or erroneous filings. To ensure compliance and avoid further penalties or potential legal consequences, individuals and businesses must promptly and accurately address these debts on time.

Consequences of CRA debt

Noncompliance with the CRA and the resulting indebtedness can lead to serious problems for both individuals and businesses. Failing to pay your tax obligations to the CRA results in penalties, interest charges, and legal repercussions. These ramifications extend beyond mere financial burdens, encompassing wage garnishments, bank account seizures, seizure of amounts owing to the taxpayer from third parties, and property liens.

The CRA can freeze your assets and conduct audits to recover outstanding debts. The detrimental consequences of indebtedness to the CRA can have far-reaching implications, impairing credit ratings and impeding access to loans or mortgages. It is of utmost importance for individuals and businesses to expeditiously address and resolve any outstanding debt owed to the CRA to avert these severe consequences. Retaining a tax professional to assist in dealing with CRA is always advisable.

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt: Exploring CRA Debt Solutions in Canada

Informal Debt Settlements

When you seek an informal debt settlement option with CRA, absent formal insolvency proceedings, you will be disappointed. Without an insolvency proceeding, the CRA representative has no authority to accept anything other than 100 cents on the dollar – payment in full of the assessed tax, penalty and interest.

You can apply for a fairness hearing to see if you can get all or a portion of the penalty and interest eliminated, but the CRA person you speak to can only talk about the full amount that shows up on their computer screen.

Debt Repayment Plans

CRA will enter into a debt repayment plan, but depending on your situation, again, you may be disappointed. Normally, CRA will only agree to have you pay the full tax debt balance, plus penalty and interest, in 12 monthly instalments over the 1 year. That means that you need to repay the full amount in one year.

If you default on even one payment, then the whole deal is off and CRA will pursue you for the full amount to be immediately repaid. For some, this may be just the breathing room they need and they will be able to repay the full amount of the CRA debt over 12 equal monthly payments. But what if you cannot afford to do that?

Bankruptcy as a Debt Relief Option

Bankruptcy presents a potential solution for individuals or businesses grappling with substantial financial difficulties, especially those brought on by owing a substantial amount to CRA. By discharging most unsecured debts and providing a shield against creditors, it offers a pathway to financial renewal.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to approach bankruptcy as a final option due to its enduring impacts on credit rating, employment in areas that require bonding, and today to a much lesser extent, personal standing. Before making a decision, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified licensed insolvency trustee to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ramifications and to evaluate alternative strategies such as debt consolidation, a consumer proposal or corporate financial restructuring.

An image of a woman holding her head in her hands with an image of a building with a Canadian flag behind her to represent a woman worrying about her bankruptcy and CRA debt.
bankruptcy and cra debt

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt: The Bankruptcy Process in Canada

The bankruptcy process involves a diverse array of stakeholders, each playing a crucial role. Among the key participants are:

  1. The insolvent individual or company, referred to as the debtor, has undergone financial failure and is now also known as the bankrupt.
  2. The licensed insolvency trustee, formerly known as a trustee in bankruptcy, is responsible for managing the bankruptcy proceedings.
  3. The creditors are owed financial obligations by the debtor.
  4. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), holds the mandate to regulate and oversee all administrations governed by the BIA within Canada.

Preparing for Bankruptcy

To prepare for bankruptcy, the debtor, being either the individual or the Director of the company, must make full disclosure to the licensed insolvency trustee about all assets and liabilities and all other information requested by the Trustee. This allows the Trustee to provide the debtor with advice on the realistic available options for the debtor to overcome their debt challenges and hopefully find a solution other than bankruptcy.

The Trustee will want to ensure that the debtor has filed all overdue income tax returns. That way, the debtor, the Trustee and CRA will have a good estimate of all the tax the person owes, subject to review and assessment by CRA of course. At least there will not be any outstanding filings as this can slow down an insolvency process. CRA will want a pause in the insolvency proceedings until they are certain they understand the full amount owed.

If it is decided that an insolvency process is required, such as bankruptcy, then the information also allows the Trustee to prepare all the necessary filing documents.

Filing for Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a legal process that allows individuals or businesses to seek relief from overwhelming financial obligations, including CRA debt. It involves filing an assignment in bankruptcy document which is prepared by the Trustee, and reviewed and signed by the debtor. The bankruptcy filing discloses all assets, liabilities, and income and expenses.

Personal bankruptcy can be a complex and emotional decision, but it can provide both a shield against CRA debt collection activities and seizures and simultaneously a fresh start for those individuals struggling with overwhelming debt.

It is crucial to seek the guidance of a licensed insolvency trustee to get the advice necessary to ensure a smooth and successful filing. Bankruptcy is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it can offer a solution to individuals and companies facing insurmountable financial challenges.

Duties and Responsibilities during Bankruptcy

The focus of the BIA in personal bankruptcy is for the honest but unfortunate debtor to a society free of his or her debts. The premise is that the bankrupt, or the officer of the bankrupt corporation, will fulfill their duties with integrity and honesty. The duties are outlined in the OSB’s Directive No. 26. If you are interested, you can read them HERE.

But what if they don’t? What if the individual bankrupt does not fulfill all of their duties and essentially absences themself from the process once they have filed their assignment in bankruptcy? In that case, the Trustee must oppose the bankrupt’s application for discharge and bring the matter to court. With CRA debt, there are times when CRA will automatically oppose a person’s discharge from bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt Discharge Considerations

Corporations do not receive a bankruptcy discharge; individuals do. When it comes to CRA debt, there are times when CRA automatically opposes a person’s discharge or when a Trustee must.

If an individual filing for bankruptcy has personal income tax debt exceeding $200,000 and if the personal income tax debt accounts for 75% or more of the total unsecured proven claims, they are not eligible for automatic discharge under section 172.1 of the BIA. GST/HST payable is not factored into the determination for high-tax debtors, but taxes on additional income resulting from shareholder loans, draws, or dividends are included in their assessment.

For high-tax debtors seeking discharge, the licensed insolvency trustee will present the bankrupt’s discharge application to the court for a hearing, which the individual must attend. The court’s considerations and the type of discharge order granted for high-tax debtors differ from those in cases of bankruptcy filed by non-high-tax debtors. To avoid this scenario, a high-tax debtor should consider filing an alternative to bankruptcy, such as a restructuring proposal.

Dealing with Bankruptcy and CRA Debt

Outstanding Tax Returns

Unremitted Canadian tax filings mean tax returns that are either outstanding or incomplete within the specified filing deadlines for Canadian taxpayers. Such delinquent filings will incur penalties and interest charges, requiring individuals and companies to prioritize their tax responsibilities with utmost care. It becomes the duty of each taxpayer to ensure the prompt and accurate submission of their tax returns, to avoid negative repercussions.

Tax accountants and lawyers help their clients in fulfilling their tax obligations. Timely resolution of outstanding Canadian tax returns is essential to sustain compliance and avert any future complexities.

As stated above, any person or company contemplating either trying to reach an accommodation from CRA or invoking an insolvency process to deal with their CRA debt must bring all their filings up to date.

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt: Discharge in Bankruptcy

I discussed the issues for an individual high-tax debtor trying to get their discharge from bankruptcy. The Trustee must bring the application to court. At the discharge hearing, subject to any other problematic issues with the debtor’s conduct before or during the bankruptcy administration, CRA will send a lawyer from the Department of Justice to the discharge hearing to request a condition be placed on the bankrupt before they can obtain their discharge.

The condition that the CRA will request is that the debtor pay 25% of the total proven CRA debt to obtain their bankruptcy discharge. Even if the person is not a high-tax debtor, there may be other reasons why CRA will oppose the person’s discharge from bankruptcy. If the CRA file is replete with instances of failed promises, ignoring the CRA representative requests over some time and general “trouble-making” by the taxpayer, the CRA will oppose the discharge.

These are all considerations that a person must discuss with the licensed insolvency trustee up front to end up using a process that is most advantageous to the taxpayer in eliminating their CRA debt.

Rebuilding Your Finances After a Canadian Bankruptcy Discharge

Reestablishing your financial standing following a Canadian bankruptcy discharge may seem like a challenging endeavour. However, with strategic planning and commitment, it is feasible to recover from financial setbacks. The initial step involves developing a budget and adhering to it meticulously, guaranteeing that essential expenses are met while unnecessary spending is curtailed.

Next, it is important to start rebuilding credit in a few different ways:

  1. Obtain a secured credit card. Not the drug store variety, but the kind where you put down a cash security deposit and then you are given a credit card limit equal to your cash deposit. When you make your credit card payments, it gets reported to the credit bureaus. If you make your payments when due, over time, this will increase your credit score.
  2. Take out a small 1 year RRSP loan and pay it off on time. This will also improve your credit score on your credit report.
  3. The two Canadian credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion, are now beginning to track residential rent payments. If you are a renter and you make your rent payments on time, this too will increase your credit score.

It is also recommended to seek guidance from a financial advisor or credit counsellor to develop a solid financial plan. With patience and discipline, it is possible to rebuild your finances and secure a brighter financial future.

An image of a woman holding her head in her hands with an image of a building with a Canadian flag behind her to represent a woman worrying about her bankruptcy and CRA debt.
bankruptcy and cra debt

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt FAQs

Here are the most frequently asked questions and the answers regarding bankruptcy and CRA debt:

  1. Is it possible to file for bankruptcy solely for CRA debt?

When initiating bankruptcy proceedings, it is imperative to include all debts owed. Notably, CRA debt related to income taxes and Director liabilities is treated comparably to other unsecured debts within the scope of bankruptcy proceedings.

  1. What happens to my CRA debt in bankruptcy?

In bankruptcy, CRA debt is included as part of your unsecured debts (the exception being a proprietorship or partnership debt for unremitted HST or employee source deductions). Keep in mind that the CRA may oppose your discharge and the court may make a condition of you paying a portion of the CRA debt to obtain your discharge from bankruptcy.

  1. How does bankruptcy affect my tax refunds?

Tax refunds may be affected in bankruptcy. It’s important to consult with a professional to understand the specific impact on your tax refunds.

  1. Can I include tax debt in a consumer proposal?

Yes, tax debt can be included in a consumer proposal. A consumer proposal offers a structured repayment plan to creditors, including the CRA. It can be a more favourable option than bankruptcy for negotiating repayment terms with the CRA.

  1. What if my tax debt exceeds $200,000 and makes up over 75% of my unsecured debt?

Individuals with personal tax debt exceeding $200,000, constituting over 75% of their total unsecured debts, may not qualify for automatic discharge in bankruptcy proceedings. In such instances, a bankruptcy court hearing will be convened, and potential conditions for discharge may be mandated, such as contributing a specified amount to the bankruptcy estate.

Bankruptcy and CRA Debt Conclusion

I hope you have enjoyed this bankruptcy and CRA debt Brandon’s Blog. Hopefully, you have better insight now into the ways of dealing with CRA debt and what some viable options are.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

An image of a woman holding her head in her hands with an image of a building with a Canadian flag behind her to represent a woman worrying about her bankruptcy and CRA debt.
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Brandon Blog Post


Consumer Debt Proposal: Introduction

Welcome to Brandon’s Blog post where we will delve into the intriguing world of the consumer debt proposal and the legal framework surrounding them. Today, we will first look at what a consumer debt proposal is, why it is one of the most popular debt solutions to avoid personal bankruptcy and how to go about making one.

Then, we will take a close look at the case of Kamaljit Singh, shedding light on the authority and discretion of the courts when it comes to annulling a completed consumer proposal. Join us as we navigate the complexities of this case and gain a deeper understanding of the legal processes involved.

Consumer Debt Proposal: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Freedom

Dealing with debt can be overwhelming and stressful. However, there are solutions available to help manage and alleviate this burden. One such debt relief option is a consumer debt proposal, a formal agreement between you and your creditors to settle your debts for less than what you owe.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a consumer debt proposal and taking control of your finances:

Assess Your Debt Situation:

Before creating a consumer debt proposal, it’s important to make a proper debt assessment. Calculate the total amount of debt you owe, including credit cards, loans, and other outstanding balances. Understanding the full scope of your debt will help you determine a realistic proposal that you can afford to pay. Any insolvent person who owes $250,000 or less (not including any debts secured by a charge on the personal residence) is eligible to make a consumer debt proposal to his or her creditors.

All types of debt qualify for this alternative to filing bankruptcy. Consumer debt, including income tax debts and if you are either a sole proprietor or partner in a business, business debts qualify for debt forgiveness.

Seek Professional Financial Advice:

Consult with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee or a non-profit credit counselling agency to discuss your options for managing your debt. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on creating a consumer debt proposal and negotiating with your creditors.

Create a Budget:

Develop a realistic budget that outlines your monthly income, expenses, and debt payments. This will help you determine how much you can afford to offer your creditors in a consumer debt proposal. Be honest and transparent about your financial situation to ensure the proposal is manageable for you.

Formalize the Consumer Debt Proposal Agreement With A Licensed Insolvency Trustee:

After the no-cost consultation, contact the Licensed Insolvency Trustee who will act as the Administrator in your consumer debt proposal. Provide the Licensed Insolvency Trustee with your list of assets, liabilities, income and expenses including the budget you prepared. The Licensed Insolvency Trustee will take this information and prepare all necessary filing documents, including, the consumer proposal. That is the formal legal agreement you the LIT will present to your creditors on your behalf to vote on.

Once you and your creditors have agreed on a consumer proposal, the Licensed Insolvency Trustee will obtain (deemed) court approval. The consumer proposal is a legally binding process after creditor acceptance and court approval. It outlines the terms of the proposal, including the total amount to be paid and payment terms, being regular monthly payments to your consumer proposal Administrator. It contains the repayment schedule and any other conditions agreed upon. Make sure to review this document carefully before signing it to begin your debt settlement program.

If both spouses are insolvent and the majority of the debts for each are the same, such as when one has co-signed for the other, then it is possible to eliminate these unsecured joint debts through a joint consumer proposal.

Negotiate the Consumer Debt Proposal with Creditors:

Once filed, the Licensed Insolvency Trustee will contact your creditors to advise of the consumer proposal. At this point, you have protection from creditors. All collection efforts, collection action and any legal action against you, including wage garnishment, must stop. The Administrator’s report will explain your financial hardship and offer a realistic monthly payment plan that you can afford.

If required, a meeting of creditors will be held where the Licensed Insolvency Trustee as Administrator will advise you on how to negotiate with creditors to reach a mutually beneficial agreement that will help you eliminate your debt in full by only paying a portion of it, while also satisfying creditor concerns.

The fee of the Administrator is paid out of the total amount to be paid in the consumer debt proposal. It is a Government tariff that the Licensed Insolvency Trustee is allowed to take out of your consumer proposal payments. Therefore, there is no additional cost to the insolvent debtor for professional fees of the Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

Although every situation is different, and there are no guarantees, a consumer proposal that offers to pay about 25% of the total outstanding unsecured debts, is the going rate for consumer proposals to be accepted by the unsecured creditors. This is what sophisticated unsecured creditors like chartered banks expect to see for them to vote for acceptance.

Adhere to the Consumer Debt Proposal Payment Plan:

A consumer debt proposal is a legally binding agreement. Stick to the consumer proposal terms of the repayment schedule outlined in the consumer proposal. Make timely monthly consumer proposal payments to your Administrator over the period of time called for (no greater than a maximum term time period of 60 months) to honour the agreement and gradually eliminate your outstanding debt. Stay committed to your financial goals and prioritize debt repayment to achieve financial freedom.

If you are lucky enough to have a family member willing to lend you the total amount of your consumer proposal, this enhances the chances of a successful consumer debt proposal. It is an effective tool as creditors always look kindly on an immediate lump-sum payment, rather than having to wait up to 5 years to see their reduced amount of money.

Monitor Your Progress:

Track your progress and monitor your debt repayment journey as you make your payments on time. Celebrate each milestone as you eliminate your unsecured debts and work towards financial stability. Examples of unsecured debts that are eligible debts to be eliminated in a consumer proposal are:

  • unsecured lines of credit;
  • credit card debt;
  • personal loans;
  • vehicle loans;
  • personal income taxes; and
  • other unsecured loans;

Stay motivated and focused on your financial goals to successfully manage your consumer debt.

By following these steps and creating a consumer debt proposal, you can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future. Remember, seeking professional guidance and staying committed to your repayment plan are key components of a successful debt management strategy.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Can A Consumer debt proposal Be Annulled? Exploring the Case of Kamaljit Singh

In the matter of the consumer proposal of Kamaljit Singh, an important question arises: Does the court have the authority under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act Canada (BIA) to annul a consumer proposal that has been approved by creditors and fully performed by the consumer debtor, even after the administrator has been discharged? This question, along with the subsequent determination of whether the court should exercise its discretion to grant the requested annulment, forms the crux of the case.

The first issue at hand is the authority of the court to annul a completed consumer debt proposal. According to subsection 66.3(1) of the BIA, the court does indeed possess the statutory authority to annul a fully completed consumer proposal. This crucial section allows for the annulment of a consumer proposal in cases of:

  • default
  • ineligibility of the debtor
  • injustice
  • undue delay or
  • if the court approval was obtained by fraud.

By analyzing this section in the context of the case of Kamaljit Singh, we gain insights into the court’s decision-making process.

Furthermore, it is essential to explore the factors that the court considers when exercising its discretion to annul a consumer debt proposal. In the case of Kamaljit Singh, several factors played a role in the court’s decision.

The knowledge of the debtor and their obligation to disclose potential claims, the creditor’s knowledge of all factors in considering the consumer proposal, the eligibility of the consumer debtor to file a consumer proposal, the amount and nature of the debt, the timing of the application, the interests of the debtor and creditors, and the integrity and public confidence in the bankruptcy system all weighed heavily in the court’s deliberations.

Background – Consumer Debt Proposal Proceeding

Mr. Singh’s statement of affairs dated September 16, 2019, listed unsecured liabilities totalling $81,555, and a contingent amount of $60,000 for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). An unsecured creditor, Mr. Nagra, claimed that $ 94,027.98 was owed to him under a judgment as of the date the consumer proposal was filed.

Mr. Singh states that he was not aware of the existence of the default judgment when he had discussions with the licensed insolvency trustee acting as the consumer debt proposal Administrator before filing his consumer proposal, or at the meeting of creditors. The Administrator’s report dated September 18, 2019, refers to an estimated total amount of claims of $81,555. The report also indicates that Mr. Singh’s interest in his matrimonial home was between $30,222 and $75,222 and that Mr. Singh was unable to sell or refinance the property at that time.

The minutes from the creditors meeting held on December 11, 2019 show that there was a total of $136,833.54 in voted claims, which included $75,596.40 for CRA. CRA was the sole creditor that voted in favour of the consumer proposal. The other six proven creditors voted against the consumer proposal. The Dividend Sheet prepared by the Administrator, with a declaration date of March 9, 2023, shows:

  • $162,326.40 in proven claims; and
  • $35,373.23 in dividends being paid to the creditors.

Based on a comparison of the statement of affairs and Dividend Sheet, the change from claims totaling $81,555 to $162,326.40 was due to:

CRA having proven a claim of $73,770.60; and

the proven claims of the remaining nine creditors being in aggregate, $7,000.80 higher than the amounts listed in the statement of affairs.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Consumer Debt Proposal: Factors to Consider When Exercising Discretion under Subsection 66.3(1)

The authority to annul a proposal is discretionary. In exercising such discretion, the Court should take into account the interests of the debtor and his or her creditors and balance their interests while maintaining the integrity and confidence of the public. Based on the Court’s review of applicable cases, the Court concluded that the following factors must be taken into consideration:

  1. knowledge of the debtor;
  2. the creditors’ knowledge of the consumer debt proposal;
  3. eligibility of the consumer debtor to file a consumer proposal;
  4. amount and nature of the debt;
  5. timing of the application;
  6. the interest of the debtor and creditors; and
  7. the integrity and public confidence in the BIA and the process of consumer proposals.

Test for Annulment of a Consumer Debt Proposal

The test for the annulment of a consumer proposal is set out in subsection 66.3(1), which provides that:

Where default is made in the performance of any provision in a consumer proposal, or where it appears to the court:

(a) that the debtor was not eligible to make a consumer proposal when the consumer proposal was filed,

(b) that the consumer proposal cannot continue without injustice or undue delay, or

(c) that the approval of the court was obtained by fraud,

the court may, on application, with such notice as the court may direct to the consumer debtor and, if applicable, to the administrator and the creditors, annul the consumer debt proposal.

Subsection 66.3(1) does not contain language that restricts the timing when such an application for an annulment of a consumer proposal may be made.

This differs from the language of subsection 66.3(3), which provides that a consumer proposal may be annulled after it is“accepted or approved” where the consumer debtor is afterwards convicted of any offence under the BIA.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Consumer Debt Proposal: Knowledge of the Debtor

Mr. Singh was personally served with the statement of claim. He did not take any steps to defend that claim. Mr. Singh states that even if he had been aware of the existence of the default judgment and the writ, he would not have disclosed them to the Administrator because he did not believe that he owed any amount to Mr. Nagra given the payments he and his mother had made to him.

While Mr. Singh may not have had actual knowledge of the default judgment and the registration of the writ at the time he initially met with the Administrator, he was required under the BIA to provide them with information on his financial situation. It was his obligation to inform the Administrator of any potential claims against him, even those he may dispute. The BIA consumer debt proposal process must have at its foundation that all properly secured debts and unsecured debts and liabilities will be disclosed by debtors seeking the protection of the Act.

It was open to Mr. Singh to take the position with the Administrator that Mr. Nagra’s claim should be listed as a contingent amount. This was how the claim of CRA was treated in the statement of affairs. Mr. Singh suggests that he relied on the Administrator to have performed due diligence in connection with filing his consumer proposal and that they did not discover the existence of the default judgment or the writ.

The Administrator is required to investigate or cause to be investigated, the consumer debtor’s property and financial affairs to be able to assess with reasonable accuracy the consumer debtor’s financial situation and the cause of his insolvency. Whatever the steps taken by the Administrator to investigate Mr. Singh’s affairs are, it did not absolve Mr. Singh from the requirement to notify the Administrator of the fact that he had been served with a statement of claim in the previous six months.

Therefore the Court’s view of the knowledge of the debtor that a claim was being pursued by Mr. Nagra, and his failure to disclose this to the Administrator at any time during the consumer debt proposal proceeding, weighs in favour of annulling the consumer proposal.

Consumer Debt Proposal: Knowledge of the Creditor

Mr. Nagra stated that he first learned about the consumer proposal proceeding on June 9, 2023, based on correspondence received by his counsel from counsel to Mr. Singh. He says that had he been notified of the consumer proposal, he would have participated in the process and opposed the proposal. Mr. Singh claims that Mr. Nagra had been aware of the consumer debt proposal since 2019, but he provided no evidence in support of this statement.

Based on the evidence, the Court accepted Mr. Nagra’s evidence that he did not become aware of the consumer proposal until June 9, 2023, which was after the consumer proposal had been completed and the Administrator had been discharged.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Eligibility to File a Consumer Debt Proposal

At the time of the completion of the consumer debt proposal, there was $162,326.40 in proven claims, which, together with his claim of $94,027.98, exceeds the $250,000 consumer proposal threshold. Mr. Singh contests the amount he is said to owe to Mr. Nagra. However, Mr. Nagra has a judgment against Mr. Singh, and that judgment had not been set aside.

An Administrator cannot file a consumer proposal if he or she has reason to believe that the consumer debtor is not eligible to make a consumer proposal. As of September 16, 2019, if Mr.Nagra’s claim of $94,027.98 had been added to the $81,555 listed in the statement of affairs, along with the $60,000 contingent amount for the CRA, the total amount of claims would have been $235,582.98.

By the December 11, 2019 creditors meeting, CRA had a proven claim of $75,596.40, so the total amount of claims would have increased to $251,179.38. As a result, Mr. Singh would no longer have been eligible to complete a consumer debt proposal by the time of the creditors meeting if Mr. Nagra’s judgment was known to the Administrator.

A consumer proposal is not invalid by reason only that the debtor was not eligible to make the consumer proposal. If an Administrator determines, after the filing of a consumer proposal, that it should not have been filed because the consumer debtor was not eligible to make a consumer proposal, all that is required of the Administrator is that he or she shall forthwith inform the creditors of this fact. It is on the creditors to commence an application to annul the consumer proposal.

Consumer Debt Proposal: Amount and Nature of the Debt

While the amount is disputed by Mr. Singh, Mr. Nagra has a judgment for $94,027.98. That represents approximately 36.68% of the total claims proven against Mr. Singh. It is a significant claim. The nature of the claim must also be taken into account. As acknowledged by Mr. Nagra in his materials, as he is Mr.Singh’s father-in-law, they are connected by marriage and he and Mr. Singh are deemed to be related persons under the BIA.

Subsection 66.19(2) provides that a creditor who is related to the consumer debtor may vote against but not for the acceptance of the consumer debt proposal. Based on what happened at the meeting of creditors, where $75,596.40 of claims voted in favour of the consumer proposal, and $61,237.14 voted against it, had Mr.Nagra been able to file a proof of claim in an amount over $14,400 and voted against the consumer proposal, it would have failed.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Consumer Debt Proposal: Timing of the Application to Annul

There is no issue with the timing of Mr. Nagra’s motion to annul the consumer debt proposal. He learned of it on June 9, 2023, and submitted a request to the BankruptcyCourt Office to schedule the motion on July 13, 2023.

Consumer Debt Proposal: The Interest of the Debtor and the Creditors

As noted above, Mr. Singh’s proven creditors received $35,373.23 in dividends on account of $162,326.40 in claims. This amounts to a recovery of 21.79 cents on the dollar. If the proposal is annulled, these creditors, along with Mr. Nagra, will be permitted to take steps to recover additional amounts, which would include the $103,631.63 from the sale of the matrimonial home. Unsurprisingly, it would be to Mr. Singh’s detriment if the consumer debt proposal is annulled, since his creditors’ claims would be revived, and they could take steps to recover the $ 103,631.63 that he currently is entitled to keep.

The Court decided that, in balancing the interests between Mr. Singh and his creditors, it weighed in favour of the creditors to annul the proposal. If the consumer proposal is not annulled, Mr. Singh will be permitted to only pay $35,373.23 in dividends to his creditors and keep $103,631.63, because he did not inform the Administrator of the existence of Mr. Nagra’s claim. The Court believed that this would be an unfair result, and negatively impact the integrity of the consumer proposal process under the BIA.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Integrity and public confidence in the BIA and the process of a consumer debt proposal

Mr. Singh argued that the public confidence in the BIA and the process of a consumer debt proposal would be lost if “innocent debtors” like him could have their consumer proposals annulled. The Court felt that Mr. Singh was not “innocent” and that the integrity of the system would be undermined if a debtor was permitted to benefit from not disclosing a potential claim to his or her Administrator at the commencement of the process.

This is especially so in this case because, if the debt to Mr. Nagra was disclosed, it could have a material impact on whether a consumer proposal would be accepted by creditors. The system requires that creditors have confidence that they will be provided with proper notice of a consumer proposal and have the ability to elect to participate in the process if they so choose.

The Court’s Disposition of this Consumer Debt Proposal Matter

The Court has the discretion to annul a consumer debt proposal under subsection 66.3(1), even where the consumer proposal was fully completed. Having considered all of the circumstances and factors listed above, Mr. Nagra satisfied the Court that his motion fits under subsection 66.3(1)(a) and that this is an appropriate case in which to exercise the Court’s discretion.

Therefore, the Court annulled Mr. Singh’s consumer proposal even though he completed it and the Administrator was discharged.

Consumer Debt Proposal: Closing Remarks

The case of Kamaljit Singh serves as a fascinating example of the authority and discretion of the courts in annulling a completed consumer proposal. By carefully considering the factors and legal principles at play, the Court ultimately decided to grant the requested annulment. This decision highlights the importance of transparency, disclosure, and fairness within the consumer debt proposal process.

As individuals navigating the complex world of personal finances, it is crucial to be aware of the legal framework surrounding consumer proposals. Understanding the authority and discretion of the courts empowers us to make informed financial decisions and ensures the integrity of the bankruptcy system.

I hope that this closer look at the case of Kamaljit Singh’s consumer proposal has shed light on the intricacies of consumer proposals and the role of the courts. As always, it is essential to consult with professionals for personalized advice regarding your specific financial circumstances.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties, consumer debt and company debt and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns and more associated with your company debt are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, to begin your debt-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.a judge sitting on the bench in court overseeing the administration of a Canadian consumer debt proposal

Brandon Blog Post


Bill payment introduction

Today’s Brandon’s Blog discusses practical ways to take care of financial challenges connected to bill payment in Canada. As the economic climate develops and interest rates keep rising, it’s vital to have a trusted expenditure technique to adhere to. Current research from TransUnion, a Canadian credit bureau, highlights the significance of financial management.

According to the Q1 2023 Customer Pulse study by TransUnion, virtually one-third of Canadian homes checked are facing more difficult times with money, with the rising cost of living being the primary contributing factor.

It can be frustrating to always try to catch up to rising prices, particularly when faced with unanticipated financial setbacks. Juggling all your payments, such as utilities, rent, food and credit cards, can trigger anxiety and stress. Nonetheless, with the ideal knowledge and devices, it’s possible to get rid of these obstacles and reclaim control over your finances and also enhance your general well-being.

Join me as I check out the different techniques you can embrace to effectively manage your bills. I will provide you with detailed advice on developing efficient approaches to bill payment so you can stay clear of late payment penalties.

Financial stability incorporates more than just paying your bills on time. It involves creating healthy financial practices, boosting budgeting skills, and producing a solid foundation for future financial success. This Brandon’s Blog will certainly also delve into these aspects, supplying recommendations on just how to achieve lasting economic stability.

Whether you are a consumer struggling to keep current with all your regular monthly costs or an entrepreneur facing expense management challenges, this information is for you.

So, if you are ready to take control of your expenses and gain back financial stability, stay tuned and don’t go anywhere.

Understanding the challenges of bill payment

The Canadian economy is constantly evolving, influenced by both domestic and global factors. As we navigate through unprecedented times, understanding the current economic landscape in Canada is critical for individuals, businesses, and policymakers alike. Key components of the current Canadian economy, such as GDP growth, inflation, employment rates, and trade all influence how well off we feel. Layer on top of that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian economy, and the measures that the government took to address the crisis.

All of this combined affects our comprehensive understanding of the state of the Canadian economy, and how it may affect your personal or professional life. Suffice it to say that economists do not agree on the current state of Canada’s economic landscape and whether or not the Bank of Canada should keep raising interest rates.

Canadians are not the only ones affected by bill payment problems. Here is a small sample of issues that were reported in the media last week:

  • Twitter faces lawsuits over alleged non-payment for office services in four countries.
  • New South Wales energy bill relief for struggling families trying to make regular payments.
  • Australian Telcos must offer financial hardship assistance.
  • Low-income Tulsa households are now eligible for federal assistance with their water bills and sewer bills.
  • Millions of Aussies have been placing buy now, pay later (BNPL) payments ahead of their other monthly obligations, according to new research. Around two in five (43%) Australians used a BNPL account in the past six months, a Finder survey of 1,090 respondents revealed.

Bill payment problems can impact the financial security of individuals and their households. Failure to make on-time payments results in extra charges, which can cause serious emotional stress. In addition, missing out on payments will negatively influence your credit score.

For family members, bill payment issues can result in heightened tension as they try to manage their expenditures and make ends meet. This can cause relationship stress, as money worries are a usual reason for arguments.

To alleviate these concerns, households need to develop a spending plan to ensure that they can first understand what their income (net of tax obligations) is, as well as what their essential and non-essential expenses are. It is just after that can any individual appropriately understand exactly how to deal with bill payment concerns.bill payment

Identifying the root causes of bill payment issues

There can be many root causes of bill payment issues. Here are some usual ones:

Financial restrictions: Among the key factors for bill payment problems is financial problems. If an individual is facing financial restraints, they will struggle to have enough money to make all bill payments on time every month, resulting in postponed payments.

Lack of budgeting: Poor or no budgeting or financial planning can contribute to bill payment problems. If individuals don’t properly budget adequate funds for expenses or prioritize their expenditures correctly, they will struggle to pay their bills on time.

Unforeseen costs: Unanticipated costs, such as emergency vehicle repairs, can interrupt a person’s financial security and also make it meet all bill payment dates. These unanticipated situations can trigger short-term money strain.

Inadequate income: Insufficient income makes it impossible for individuals to cover their regular monthly costs. If somebody’s earnings are inadequate to satisfy their financial responsibilities, they will have bill payment problems.

Incorrect invoicing or disagreements: In some cases, bill payment issues result from mistakes in the invoices or disagreements regarding what the cost of a particular item should have been. This is the easiest one to fix, assuming you have proof that you have been improperly billed. This also assumes that you have enough cash on hand to immediately pay off the right amount owing.

Lack of organization: Poor financial habits or disorganization can add to bill payment issues. If people fail to keep track of their expenses, due dates, and what is owed, they might overlook or neglect to make timely payments.

Communication issues: Lack of clear and timely communication between service providers and customers can lead to payment problems. Misconceptions, hold-ups in getting bills, or failure to inform customers concerning when payment is expected can add to bill payment troubles.

Change in personal conditions: Life events such as job loss, divorce, or moving can disrupt a person’s financial security and lead to bill payment problems. Modifications in personal circumstances can cause what is hoped to be only temporary bill payment problems.

Procrastination or carelessness: Often, bill payment problems happen due to laziness or carelessness. Individuals might delay bill payments or neglect them totally, bringing about late payment fees. At its worst, this can lead to service disruptions.

It is very important to keep in mind that the root causes of bill payment problems can vary depending on a variety of issues. Addressing these reasons frequently calls for proactive financial planning, budgeting, proper communication and regular ongoing review to make sure that your bills are paid on schedule.

Strategies for effectively managing your bills

Over the years, I have written many articles on various strategies for taking charge of your finances to avoid financial problems. Most recently, it was discussed in Brandon’s Blog “UNDERSTANDING AND OVERCOMING FINANCIAL STRESS: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO GET FROM WORRIED TO WELL-PREPARED”.

Here are some strategies for helping with bill payments. The following list is not mutually exclusive:

Importance of budgeting in bill payment

Handling bill payments efficiently demands making use of budgeting, an essential tool. Budgeting offers individuals an extensive understanding of their earnings and expenses, enabling them to allot funds appropriately. By creating a budget, people can prioritize their expense repayments, making sure that essential costs are paid on time.

This technique does not just help in avoiding late payments, fees, as well as added interest charges. It also facilitates the identification of non-essential expenditures that can be lowered or gotten rid of entirely. This, in turn, lets you make the most of your funds for what is essential and what isn’t. Welcoming this proactive approach to financial planning is important for recovering your financial security.

Prioritizing bills and negotiating payment plans

Handling your funds properly includes the important job of prioritizing expenses and even negotiating extended payment plans with certain creditors to allow for reduced payments over time to pay off an outstanding balance in full. It’s important to recognize which costs hold the highest possible priority to prevent undesirable repercussions like late fees or a negative effect on your credit rating. Setting up an alternative payment plan with certain creditors may just be what is needed to give you some breathing room.

Once you’ve established what are the most essential expenses, participating in conversations with creditors and getting certain payment plan extensions will relieve your financial stress and anxiety. Clear communication with creditors is essential to finding remedies that benefit both of you. Being transparent about your financial constraints and actively looking for resolutions are very important actions to take. By prioritizing bills and masterfully discussing payment plans, individuals can reclaim control over their finances and stay away from more dangerous financial pitfalls.

Increase your income with a side gig to help with bill payment

It is critical to discover extra income possibilities if you come up short each month in your bill payment. Technical innovations and the surge of side gigs make it very common for people to supplement their income with a side gig. Examples of these alternate income opportunities include freelancing, online tutoring, and running an e-commerce site.

When considering different additional income opportunities, it is very important to examine one’s skills and interests to recognize suitable opportunities. Expanding income streams not only supplies security but also fosters personal development. By welcoming different revenue sources, people can take control of their financial future and chart a much more interesting career path.

Increase your financial literacy through local community resources

When dealing with difficulties with paying your bills, don’t overlook what may be available in your local community resources. There may be free or very low-cost help for you. Community centres regularly run programs or workshops on monetary management, budgeting, and financial literacy. Joining these programs can outfit people with the necessary skills to handle their bills efficiently and regain their financial confidence.

Moreover, social services may give financial help to those in need. By utilizing these resources, Canadians can get the essential support to overcome their bill payment obstacles to get into a better financial state. It is essential to make use of these local resources to develop a solid foundation for financial well-being.

Use technology to get the best cost savings

In today’s digital world, the application of modern technology like apps to save money has ended up being important for people. Price comparison tools and budgeting apps are valuable resources that make it easier than ever to monitor expenditures and make educated choices. These devices not only help recognize the very best offers, but they also supply information on your spending behaviours, letting you save substantial amounts of money and streamline your purchasing and spending patterns.

By staying updated with the huge array of available apps and modern technologies, people can remain competitive with up-to-date information on prices and spending patterns. Incorporating these devices into day-to-day routines and financial monitoring practices people can maximize cost savings and optimize financial outcomes in today’s vibrant marketplace.bill payment

Bill payment: Additional resources and support for Canadians facing bill payment challenges

For those whose financial situation is direr and they need more than just implementing the above tips, I have written many of Brandon’s Blogs incorporating the topics such as:

  • Common traps to avoid such as payday loans, credit card debt, impulse spending and lack of financial education or financial literacy.
  • Debt consolidation
  • Debt settlement
  • Credit counselling
  • Consumer proposal
  • Bankruptcy

I won’t repeat them here but you do not have to go any further than last week’s Brandon’s Blog: “DEBT RELIEF OPTIONS: OUR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR IDENTIFYING RELIABLE DEBT ADVICE” to read all about it.

Overcoming bill payment challenges requires effective strategies and practical tips. It is crucial to manage bills efficiently to regain financial stability. By prioritizing expenses, creating a budget, and exploring payment assistance programs, Canadians can overcome their bill payment difficulties. It is also important to communicate with creditors and explore alternative payment options. Seeking professional advice and support from financial advisors or credit counselling agencies can provide valuable guidance during this process. With determination and proper financial management, Canadians can overcome their bill payment challenges and work towards a more stable financial future.

Encouragement and support for Canadians facing bill payment difficulties

When people encounter difficulties with bill payments, it is important to employ reliable methods and functional tips to deal with those circumstances. Proper management of expenses plays a crucial function in bringing back financial security. Canadians can manage their bills successfully by prioritizing expenses, developing a budget, and exploring other assistance programs available to them.

Furthermore, open interaction with creditors, as well as the exploration of different repayment alternatives, are essential steps to take. Seeking specialist advice as well as support from financial and debt experts can provide beneficial advice throughout. With persistence as well as correct financial planning, Canadians can overcome their bill payment obstacles and work in the direction of a much more safe and more secure financial future.

Bill payment conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this bill payment Brandon’s Blog. Problems with making ends meet are a growing concern in Canada, affecting individuals of all ages and income levels.

Creating a solid financial plan can be the key to unlocking a brighter and more prosperous future. By taking control of your finances, you can prioritize your expenses, set clear financial goals, and build a strong foundation for your dreams to come true. With the right mindset and approach, financial planning can empower you to regain control, eliminate this issue as a source of stress in your life and find peace of mind.

Individuals must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.bill payment



Brandon Blog Post


consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals eliminate your debt stress

Are you stressed out and overwhelmed by debt and don’t know how to begin to eliminate it? We know your pain and can help you because this Brandon’s Blog “Consumer Debt Proposals: The Ultimate Solution for Managing Debt” has got you covered! I provide realistic advice on how to manage and even get rid of debt through a binding debt settlement agreement.

I describe what consumer debt proposals are all about and also look at other debt-relief options like debt consolidation and credit counselling. I will also talk about the recent Canadian government’s warning about taking on high-interest debt from certain companies.

Consumer debt proposals: How Does a Consumer Proposal Work?

If you’re in a tough spot financially, in Canada you can submit a consumer proposal if you owe $250,000 or less (not including any debt registered against your home is one of the types of secured debts that must be paid according to your secured loan repayment terms). It’s an official way to get some debt relief, and it’s all legit according to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Basically, you work with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee who helps you come up with a plan for paying off what you owe. Then you negotiate with your creditors and hopefully, they accept the proposal.

Making a consumer proposal that unsecured creditors will accept is one of the debt solution alternatives to bankruptcy that requires a few steps to get it done:

  • Reach out to a qualified Licensed Insolvency Trustee and book a no-cost debt assessment consultation.
  • During the appointment, answer any questions the Trustee may have truthfully and to the best of your ability.
  • The Trustee will work with you to come up with a payment plan that fits into your budget and allows you to pay off your debt.

Once you’ve submitted your consumer proposal, your creditors will look it over and then decide if they want to accept it as is or negotiate an adjustment (higher) to your periodic payments to eliminate the amount you owe. They have the option to do either one.

Your creditors can decide to:

  1. Agree to the terms you have proposed (cast their vote in favour).
  2. Decline the terms (vote no).
  3. Decline the terms and suggest a meeting with creditors.
  4. Take no action (which is the same as voting yes).

Your consumer proposal is automatically approved unless more than 25% of the dollar value of the claims of your creditors indicates that they would like to have a meeting of creditors. In that case, that is what will happen.

Once you’ve taken the step of filing for a consumer proposal, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you have immediate legal protection from creditors and debt collectors through this financial and legal process. This is called a stay of proceedings where your creditors cannot chase you for the money you owe.

Filing under the bankruptcy process in Canada isn’t your only option! You can work out a legally binding agreement with your creditors through the popular alternative and powerful alternative of consumer debt proposals. With a consumer proposal, you and your creditors can come to an agreement on what portion of the debt you can pay off- and the rest will be written off!

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: The voting process

When it comes to a consumer proposal, it’s important to understand the process of how creditors come to a decision to accept or reject the plan. This section will provide insight into how the voting process works.

Once a consumer proposal is submitted, creditors are allowed 45 days to express their decision. They can either accept the proposal or reject it in one of the following ways: replying to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee with their acceptance, not responding at all (which is seen as approval), communicating their rejection or requesting a meeting of creditors.

At the creditors’ meeting, creditors will have the opportunity to decide whether to accept the consumer proposal as is or to make adjustments to it.

Consumer debt proposals: What happens if your offer is approved?

If your proposal gets the green light, you’ll need to abide by what you promised – whether that’s a single payment or regular installments to the Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Plus, you must meet any other conditions that were laid out in the proposal.

In a successful proposal, you can keep your assets (as long as you keep paying what you owe to creditors who have a lien on your assets), and go to the two financial counselling sessions held by the Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee. Of course, you’ve got to pay the Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee on time over the entire period of time your proposal is for.

Failure to do so could result in the revocation of the proposal, the accrual of interest and fees, and even legal action. It’s important to remember that while a consumer proposal can provide much-needed relief, it’s ultimately up to you to stay current with the payments you promised to make.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: What happens should your consumer proposal be declined?

If 50% or more of the creditors vote to reject the consumer proposal, then the Licensed Insolvency Trustee must issue a notice and the consumer proposal dies. In this situation, creditors are free again to pursue collection actions against the debtor.

If 25% or more of the creditors request a meeting, that meeting is referred to as the Meeting of Creditors. At this meeting, an agreement will try to be reached by a majority of the creditors. If the agreement can not be reached, the debtor may need to amend the proposal and resubmit it or look for other ways to solve their financial issues.

If a consumer proposal is declined, it means that the creditors do not agree with the terms of the proposal put forth by the debtor. The main reasons for rejection may be that the debtor is not offering enough money or has proposed an unsuitable repayment schedule.

It is important to note that if you fail to fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, it will be deemed null and void. However, it does not free you from your existing debt, and the failure to adequately repay your loans or pay off debts within the terms of the agreement could affect your credit score. Collectors for debts are within their right to renew collection calls and seek legal action for retrieving the debts that they owe. They can sue you and if they get a judgment, they can then get a wage garnishment against you. It is never recommended to default on a consumer proposal.

Consumer debt proposals: If you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal

If you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, you will have successfully completed the agreement between yourself and your creditors. This means that you will have made the agreed-upon payments and met all other terms of the proposal. The balance of your unsecured debts that you did not pay off is also eliminated if you fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal.

One of the benefits of fulfilling a consumer proposal is that you will have lower regular payments monthly, which are based on what you can afford, rather than high monthly payments regardless of your income. Additionally, you will have protection from creditors, as they will not be able to contact you or take money directly from your wages.

After fulfilling a consumer proposal, it will come off your credit report maintained by the Canadian credit bureaus three years after the completion. This report will show that the consumer proposal has been successfully completed and you can rebuild your credit rating and credit score simultaneously.

You will also receive from the Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) acting as the Administrator in your consumer proposal a “Notice of Successful Completion of Consumer Proposal”. This is a very important document, as you will be able to provide it to current or future credit grantors to prove that you successfully completed your consumer proposal and avoided personal bankruptcy.

It is important to note that if you fail to fulfill the requirements of your consumer proposal, it will be deemed null and void. However, it does not free you from your existing debt, and the failure to adequately repay your personal loans, lines of credit or pay off debts within the terms of the agreement could negatively affect your credit score. Creditors are within their right to use collection activity and use legal action for retrieving the debts that you owe. It is never recommended to default on a consumer proposal.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Advice for Consumers: Considerations for Debt Relief and Credit Repair Services

Improving your credit score or credit rating will take time, and requires showing creditors that your habits have improved and that you are paying back your debt on time. Be cautious when seeking help to pay off debt or repair your credit, as some companies may offer misleading solutions. I have been warning about the dangers of such “for-profit” debt settlement companies for years now.

One option for getting help with debt is a debt management plan, which is an informal proposal made by a non-profit community credit counselling agency credit counsellor to your creditors on your behalf. This plan consolidates your debts into one affordable monthly payment and in some cases, you may not have to continue to pay interest on your debt.

However, consumers should be aware that the “for-profit” debt settlement companies may charge high fees, including upfront or advance fees, and may not be able to get creditors to reduce your debt. Additionally, it is important to note that even while using a debt management plan, you are still required to keep making payments on any other debts you owe, which may result in no change to your credit score.

Overall, it is important to be cautious when seeking help to pay off debt or repair your credit and to thoroughly research any company or solution before proceeding. It is also important to consider the potential consequences, fees and overall effectiveness of the solution. A LIT during an initial no-cost consultation will provide many of the services that a “for-profit” debt management company charges for.

Consumer debt proposals: Organizations or firms cannot guarantee the resolution of your financial obligations

Be aware of companies or agencies that claim they can quickly resolve your debt problems by negotiating a deal with the companies you owe money to and letting you only pay back a fraction of your debt. These promises may not be reliable, so it’s best to be wary.

It’s important to remember that if certain creditors don’t agree to your payment plan, you may need to work out a different agreement with them directly. Alternatively, you can consult a LIT about doing a consumer proposal.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that anyone can call themselves a debt consultant, but that doesn’t mean they have the proper training or they’ll be able to help you with your finances.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: No company or agency can give you a fast and easy boost to your credit rating

No Canadian debt consultant, company, or agency can promise a fast solution to your credit score. Improving your credit rating takes time and commitment; you have to show a history of paying your debts punctually.

If you’re looking to boost your credit score, one option to consider is a non-profit credit counselling agency. A credit counsellor can offer a variety of services like one-on-one advice, group sessions, and tips on how to better manage your debt. Just keep in mind that simply talking to a credit counsellor won’t do the trick.

If you’re looking to give your credit score a boost, try paying off some of what you owe. Bringing down your debt-to-credit ratio to under 75% of your credit limit will help. You could also ask your credit card companies or financial institution lenders to raise your credit limit and perhaps even amend your terms of repayment (though the latter will be very difficult) – that’ll help increase your credit score. Ideally, try to use less than a third of your available credit and keep it low, ideally below 30%.

Remember, there’s no shortcut when it comes to improving your credit score. Anyone promising you the fast and easy way is not looking out for your best interests. It takes determination and effort to get your credit back on track. Do your research and make sure you understand any associated fees or consequences before you commit.

Consumer debt proposals: Paying off a consumer proposal early

Sure, you can settle your consumer proposal early, but that might not be the best choice for everyone.

If you’ve got the funds, paying off your consumer proposal earlier could help kickstart your credit repair – but don’t expect it to save you money or guarantee a good credit rating. So think carefully before you commit to paying it off early. In the following section, I describe a very troublesome issue which has now attracted the attention of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB).

Paying off your consumer proposal early will do wonders for your mental health – and it’s perfectly acceptable! It’s no secret that financial hardship is incredibly stressful, and five years seems like a lifetime. So treating yourself to an early payoff will help you feel a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders.

If you want to shorten how long your consumer proposal lasts, you can change how often you make your proposal payments. Usually, they’re monthly, but if you switch to making extra payments by paying bi-weekly, you can pay off your proposal faster. Once you’re done paying off your consumer proposal, the unsecured debts you’ve been worrying about will be marked as taken care of on your credit report.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals

Consumer debt proposals: LITs cannot talk you into getting a loan with a high-interest rate to pay off your consumer proposal early

On January 11, 2023, the OSB issued its position paper titled “LITs Promoting and Facilitating Loans to Debtors“. The problem is that some lenders are offering high-interest loans to people who are about to or are going through a consumer proposal. It looks like they’re giving loans to help people pay off their consumer proposals early, but it’s really just taking advantage of people’s tough financial situations.

The OSB has noticed that some LITs are promoting and encouraging people to take out loans without mentioning the potential drawbacks. They do this by talking up the positives and downplaying the negatives, and they may even pressure people into taking out a loan.

The OSB has come to the conclusion that it’s not in line with the Code of Ethics for Trustees or a LIT’s duties under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and General Rules for LITs to promote or facilitate such loans. Furthermore, such actions are not allowed.

There is also evidence that LITs who receive engagements directly from “for-profit” debt consultants, may be entering into inappropriate arrangements with them. No trustees should ever accept a commission, payment, or any other type of reward from a third party for recommending work concerning a professional engagement, nor should they give out any commission, compensation, or another type of benefit to a third party for obtaining a professional engagement.

For the record, my Firm does not have any arrangements with any party regarding the referral of files and we neither accept nor pay a referral fee

Paying off your consumer proposal early isn’t really an issue. In fact, it can be great if you can afford it thanks to a financial windfall or change in circumstances. Everybody benefits in that scenario. But if you don’t have the means to pay off your consumer proposal quickly, don’t worry. Don’t take out an interest-bearing loan to pay off a consumer proposal. The consumer proposal itself should be considered an interest-free loan.

Look, if a debtor is trying to rebuild their credit with a loan after insolvency, there’s nothing wrong with that. They’re making the choice themselves, so it’s all good. In this case, LITs should explain the pros and cons of these loan products to the debtor. And, it’s important that they don’t push any company or product in particular.

The OSB believes that LITs should not be promoting or facilitating loans since it contravenes the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and its Rules. This practice has a negative impact on the LIT profession and the insolvency system. The OSB will be keeping an eye on this issue and taking appropriate action.

You Have Outstanding Financial Obligations — Consumer Debt Proposals

I hope you enjoyed our consumer debt proposals Brandon’s Blog.

There are many financial blogs. Ours focuses mainly on issues of importance to those individuals and businesses with financial challenges or worse, financial hardship, caused by debt problems. Income and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing Canadians, be they employees, entrepreneurs or companies and businesses with debt problems. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

consumer debt proposals
consumer debt proposals




Brandon Blog Post


frozen bank account
frozen bank account

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of this page and click play on the podcast.

Frozen bank account: Can my bank seize my accounts if I file a consumer proposal or bankruptcy?

A frozen bank account is something people usually worry about when they have unpaid financial debts and need to know. There is plenty of mistaken beliefs worrying Canadians about what legal authority the government or creditors need to seize your chequing or interest-bearing accounts, confiscate various other properties including garnishing your income. This is incredibly troubling for people with too much debt considering filing either a consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy.

I know people freak out about their frozen bank account. Rightly so, but it’s not that bad. In this Brandon Blog, I’m going to give you a basic rundown of what rights you have and what you need to do next.

In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the ins and outs of who and how can your bank accounts can get frozen and how an insolvency filing can help you not only to lift the hold on a frozen bank account. It can also get you complete debt settlement and allow you to move forward debt and stress-free.

Who can freeze your bank account in Canada?

We are always asked the question: “Who can freeze my bank account?” There are essentially three different parties who can create your frozen bank account in Canada. They are:

  • The bank.
  • The government.
  • A creditor with unpaid debt from you sued you and won (the judgment creditor).

The latter two require the cooperation of your bank, which they will give.

What does a frozen bank account mean?

When you have a frozen bank account, it means that the bank has for some reason blocked you from using that account. It can be your personal bank account or something else such as a joint account or a business account. The bank for some reason has either temporarily or permanently made the frozen bank account and seized the cash. You will definitely be wanting to start making phone calls to your banking customer service representative!

You can get your bank accounts frozen due to:

  • Court action because a judgment creditor has had it seized to get repaid, in whole or in part, for an outstanding debt.
  • Canada Revenue Agency has seized the funds because you or your business owes them money.
  • Your bank suspects some sort of and the bank flags suspicious activity running through the account they feel they must investigate. Perhaps they suspect money laundering, other criminal activity or other illegal activities. Something running through your account has piqued their activity to create your frozen bank account.
  • You owe money to the bank for one or more bank loans that have matured and have not been repaid. The bank agreements and loan agreements that you signed gives the bank the right to offset. So not only can they freeze your accounts, they can without getting a judgment offset any balances held by the bank to your credit against the money you owe them. More on this later.

The exact terms of creating the frozen bank account will vary depending on provincial law. What it does mean is that the account holder cannot take any money out. The funds in the account can still be used by the bank to cover any amount owing to them, but the account holder cannot access the funds.

frozen bank account
frozen bank account

Unpaid Debts to the Government: Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) caused the frozen bank account

There are some standard reasons why CRA may cause your frozen bank account. They are:

  • You owe money to CRA for personal income tax debts.
  • Your proprietorship or partnership owes it money for unremitted HST or employee source deductions.
  • Your company owes CRA money for the unpaid HST tax debts or employee deductions not turned over to them as they should be.

When the Canada Revenue Agency​ (CRA) freezes your bank account, it is doing it by one of two mechanisms. It has provided your bank with either a third party demand for any funds payable to you or with a Federal Court Order called a “Memorial“.

Either way, CRA has provided your bank with the official documentation requiring your bank to freeze your bank account and remit all funds payable to the bank account owner over to CRA.

The CRA does this in order to get money owed to them. CRA can freeze any bank account. In Ontario, this includes TFSAs and absent a bankruptcy filing, your RRSP is also subject to seizure.

In this Brandon Blog, I am only talking about a frozen bank account and not property in general. What property is subject to a person’s claim of exemption from seizure is a matter of provincial law. Likewise, wage garnishment is also governed by provincial law and is not the subject of this Brandon Blog.

Unpaid debts through creditors: How can creditors freeze my bank account?

If a creditor is looking to collect from you, once they have run out of patience with you, one of the first steps they will take is to sue you. They begin their litigation against you to get a judgment for the amount you owe. If successful, in Ontario, they then provide that judgment to the Sheriff to freeze your bank account. Once the Sheriff serves the judgment notice on the bank, it suspends your right to use your money or assets held at the bank. If a creditor causes you to have a frozen bank account, you will not be able to access your money until the issue is resolved.

It does not matter what the original debt was for – credit card debts default under your credit card agreements, an unsecured loan, payday loans from one or more payday lenders, damages under a contract or any other type of commercial debt. Once the creditor has obtained a judgment, they can get your bank to have your bank account frozen.

Frozen bank account: How to get my bank account unfrozen when I am not insolvent

If you now have an extremely icy bank account as the outcome of a judgment against you or a CRA garnishee, perhaps following a tax audit, you are probably really feeling scared and powerless. While there are no guarantees, there are actions you can take to help get your frozen bank account thawed out and your financial life back on course.

Since you are not insolvent, you cannot even consider an insolvency proceeding. But there are some things you can do.

The first thing you need to do is find out who the perpetrator is that forced your bank to create this deep freeze. Most creditors will get the bank to freeze your account to get you to concentrate on the reality that you need to take care of them. Various other means they have actually made use of to engage with you have clearly not worked. Ask your bank representative who is it that has triggered the icy account.

Since you now know who it is, connect with them. Attempt to reach a bargained negotiation in return for them lifting the freeze promptly on your account. As an example, entering into a payment plan by providing the CRA financial debt collector with a collection of post-dated cheques that will settle your tax debt in full. Absent an insolvency procedure, the CRA agent must decline anything less than 100 cents on the dollar.

If it is a judgment creditor, you may have an opportunity to negotiate a minimized settlement amount if paid instantly. Clearly, the amount will certainly need to be greater than what the creditor anticipates obtaining from your icy bank account. Alternatively, you can enter into a payment schedule that you can honour.

There is no maximum number of hours or days where you can prepare for having your chequing or savings account unfrozen. Each condition will absolutely differ. The intricacies of your negotiations as well as the length of time they take will normally be the guiding aspect.

Consequently, any bargained settlement needs to include an arrangement that will instantly result in your bank raising the freeze and allow you to maintain your cash. Either you or the creditor or both will need to supply your bank with proof of the satisfactory payment arrangement that includes the unfreezing of the frozen bank account.

The one thing I can guarantee you is that neglecting the problem will only slow down the process and will not help your frozen bank account. Your financial institution will certainly clear out your account one way or the other. If you owe your bank, the tried seizure of your account is a default on your loan. The bank will certainly take the cash in your account and offset it versus your loan. Then they will tell the judgment creditor there is no cash available for them.

If it is CRA, your financial institution will send the cash off to them.

If you do not owe your bank any kind of cash, they will send your money to the judgment creditor.

Regardless of which of the above 3 potential outcomes is, if you do not respond to an icy account, the economic repercussions can end up being far more severe.

frozen bank account
frozen bank account

Frozen bank account: What bankruptcy protection does the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act provide to get my bank account unfrozen

If you find yourself with too much financial debt, especially from unsettled tax obligations, you might be thinking of bankruptcy. Though the word “bankruptcy” is frequently made use of to explain any type of situation in which a person is unable to pay their debts, the legal term “bankruptcy” really describes a particular legal process administered by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

In reality, there are three possible provisions of the BIA that can be used by a person to not only do a government-authorized debt settlement program. It also has the added benefit of immediately unfreezing your bank account. The three possible choices are:

Let’s focus on the bankruptcy protection possibilities, being a consumer proposal or a Division I proposal, rather than a pure bankruptcy liquidation. If you have a bank account that is iced, a filing under the BIA invokes an immediate stay of proceedings. This means that once a person has filed with the licensed insolvency trustee, any action to try to enforce collection on debt cannot be started or continued. This includes the frozen bank account as part of a seizure. Therefore the bank account must be unfrozen once the bank receives notice of the filing.

There are only two exceptions to this for your frozen bank account: one lawful and one debatable.

Lawful – If the seizure has been completed before the bank receives notice of the filing, then it is game over. Your account is unfrozen, but there is no cash left in it. This means the bank has made the payment to itself already, already transferred the money to CRA.

In the case of a creditor, the Sheriff has had to have distributed the money and it has to have already been received by the creditor. If the Sheriff still has it, he cannot proceed to send it on to the creditor. In the case of a proposal, he must return it to the insolvent person who has filed. If a bankruptcy, the Sheriff must hand the money over to the Trustee.

Debatable – You owe the bank money. Once they receive notice of your filing, your lender takes the position that they have the right to offset any money on deposit to your credit against any amount you owe them. After you file and they receive notice, they empty out your account and apply for the money to be put against your bank loan or credit card debt. This action of maintaining your frozen bank account and keeping the cash is debatable.

Can you open a new bank account if your account is frozen? Definitely, just not at the same bank!

Most people can open a new bank account when they have a frozen bank account. However, why would you want to open a new one up with the same bank? They probably view accounts frozen for nonpayment as accounts that are high risk. Your creditors also now know where you bank. If you owe your bank money, as I have already discussed, you cannot keep your cash there anymore anyway.

The frozen bank account prevents you from withdrawing your money. If you have had your bank accounts frozen multiple times, the bank simply won’t issue another account and will be very happy to see you leave.

We always advise anyone contemplating filing a proposal or for bankruptcy, to set up a new account. Then, advise anyone who automatically deposits money into your account, that they should start depositing into your new account. Like your employer or the government.

It is also important to tell anyone you have granted a pre-authorized withdrawal to of the new bank account and make arrangements for them to pull the money out of the new account once there is money in it. Like your mortgagee you make your monthly mortgage payment to or your landlord you pay rent to, utilities, the vehicle loan company. Now your bank or their credit card division cannot automatically take your money to offset your liability to them.

We normally steer people towards one of the online banks, as it is unlikely that they owe money to them. We do not earn any commission for steering business to any bank, so we do not have a conflict. Something like a Simplii or EQ Bank savings and chequing accounts seem to work just fine. Then the person files and nobody can take some debatable action against the funds in their bank account.

Frozen bank account: Get a personalized no-cost debt-free plan today

I hope you enjoyed the frozen bank account Brandon Blog post. The entrepreneur may be very frustrated that the company can no longer pay all its debts as they come due.

There may be sufficient value to take care of the secured creditor, but nothing for anyone else, including the unsecured creditors. There may be some business units that should not survive, but if cut out, the business will be viable. A receivership might very well accomplish the goals for the entrepreneur also. I have many times structured a receivership process, in order to meet the goals of the entrepreneur, while satisfying the requirements of the secured creditor.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Call a Trustee Now!