Brandon Blog Post



The topic of seniors debt relief Canada has been described in the media frequently over the last year. Last week we published our blog THE MODERN RULES OF SENIORS CARRYING DEBT. Before that we’ve done a series of blogs about seniors in debt:

Many Canadian seniors are struggling financially in what should have been a carefree retirement. They desperately need seniors debt relief Canada.

However, the problem with seniors carrying indebtedness into retirement is not going away. In fact, seniors have now become so accustomed to living this way that they are using it to finance their lifestyles instead of downsizing or cutting back on expenses.

The full story has not yet played out. Given that retirees and working seniors are less likely to be taking steps to accelerate their liabilities repayment, the stress on them will get worse.

The number of seniors in this situation is not only in low rate mortgages right now but is also increasing in other credit categories, such as auto loans, bank loans, lines of credit and credit cards.

This can be a recipe for disaster if interest rates rise. Where is the extra income going to come from? If you’re one of these seniors or anyone else who is relying on credit to support their lifestyle, give the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team a call before interest rates rise and while you still have options. With immediate action and the right plan, we can solve your financial problems and set you on a path to a debt free and stress-free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

seniors debt relief canada
Seniors debt relief Canada – Picture courtesy of The Globe & Mail
Brandon Blog Post


40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto

40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto for sale, 44 Park Lane Circle, 40 Park Lane Circle, debt, budget, collection agencies, trustee, financial plan, starting over starting now
40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle

40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto for sale: it seems that life in Toronto’s very exclusive Bridal Path is not always what it appears to be. We tend to categorize the people who own these properties as “the rich and famous” while in reality some of them are “not so rich and infamous”. Two Bridal Path properties have garnered quite a bit of attention #40 Park Lane Circle which used to be owned by Mahvash Lechcier-Kimel and #44 Park Lane Circle which used to be owned by Norma Walton and Ronauld Walton.

Are financial problems contagious?

Are financial problems contagious between 40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto for sale or just the entire street? Of course not; but when you get caught up in a high flying Bridal Path lifestyle and have to support a massive property like either one of these, or any other property that the average person would describe as a mansion, it’s very easy to accumulate enormous amounts of debt, leaving you to house rich and cash poor. And, if the spending is not controlled and the debts keep piling up it can be easy to lose everything.

Everyone needs a realistic and proper budget

A realistic and proper budget should be an important part of your life. It will keep you from overextending yourself while trying to keep up with your next-door neighbours. Without a proper budget, it’s very easy to get caught up in a cycle of overspending – bigger houses, faster cars, and exotic vacations. The lure of luxury is intoxicating, especially in the low-interest-rate environment we currently live in; but what happens when you wake up and find letters from creditors in the mail demanding payment? How many of those demand letters do you think found their way to the mailboxes of these two luxury Bridle Path?

Call us for a no-cost consultation

So whether you are in over your head with debt due to the ownership of a massive property or for other reasons, such as you’re living a lifestyle that you can’t afford and are being hounded by creditors and collection agencies, now’s the time to contact a professional trustee today. The Ira Smith team can set you back on a path to financial health with immediate action and a solid financial plan. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt-free life.

Brandon Blog Post


grey divorce in canada“Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash”. – Rita Mae Brown

The terms “silver separation” and grey divorce” sound very benign, but their financial ramifications have spelled disaster for many boomer retirees. Instead of travelling the world or spending carefree days on the golf course, many retired baby boomers may now be saddled with a mountain of debt and are trying to figure out how to pay their bills because of grey divorce in Canada.

A study done in 2012 by Bowling Green State University in Ohio revealed that the divorce rate among people who are retired or near retirement had more than doubled in the United States in just 20 years. According to Statistics Canada, divorces among couples 65 years of age and older are becoming more and more common and that the average age at which Canadians divorce has been rising steadily for a number of years. And, this trend is expected to continue. Susan Eng of the national seniors’ advocacy group CARP said that in recent years her office has been seeing an increase in calls from divorcees who are unsure of how they were going to make ends meet now that they were alone.

Although women seem to be the hardest hit, men are not immune. The nest egg that you have accumulated for retirement now has to be divided and you may also be supporting minor children and helping to support adult children and/or ageing and ailing parents. The financial challenges of your new reality may have created more debt that you can handle.

Grey divorce in Canada summary

Debt is a four-letter word but it can be managed with professional help. If you are experiencing serious debt problems because of grey divorce in Canada, or for any other reason, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver. Credit Counselling, Debt Consolidation, and Consumer Proposals are all options that we can explore and then we will come up with a plan that will work best for you. Although life can be difficult after a grey divorce you can start over and live a debt-free life Starting Over, Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!