Brandon Blog Post


NOTE: On January 13, 2022, three settlement agreements were approved by the Honourable Justice Mayer of the British Columbia Supreme Court on January 29, 2021, and November 15, 2021. As a compromise of disputed claims, these settlements are not an admission or finding of liability by the settling Defendants. You can read all about the Settlement Administration Plan and how to file a claim by CLICKING HERE to read our latest 4 Pillars blog.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

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4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

The 4 Pillars lawsuit class-action

In my November 25, 2019, Brandon Blog titled “HOW DOES DEBT RELIEF WORK: APPARENTLY NOT GREAT 4 EVERYONE I wrote about the litigation involving 4 Pillars Debt and Credit Restructuring Company, 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc. and other entities (4 Pillars or the 4 Pillars lawsuit), Pearce v 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc., 2019 BCSC 1851.

Mr. Pearce is suing for damages for the fees billed by 4 Pillars to all persons that paid fees to it in British Columbia in connection with: (i) a consumer proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA); or (ii) an informal debt settlement negotiation proposal with the individual’s creditors, all after April 1, 2016.

Mr. Pearce claims that it is appropriate for the refunding fees paid, damages for alleged losses stemming from breaches of the provincial Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act (BPCPA) and BIA, and damages based upon the claim that the fees billed were unscrupulous under section 8 of the BPCPA.

In this Brandon Blog, I describe what the 4 Pillars lawsuit is all about and why the Court of Appeal for British Columbia has allowed it to proceed as a class action proceeding, dismissing the 4 Pillars objections.

4 Pillars lawsuit: What is a class action proceeding?

As part of that litigation, Mr. Pearce applied to the BC Court to have his litigation turned into a class action proceeding. The Court ruled that there were enough grounds for his legal action to move forward as a class-action claim. As can be expected, 4 Pillars objected to that motion. They also unsuccessfully argued that certain sections of the claim should be stricken.

4 Pillars appealed that decision to the Court of Appeal for British Columbia. On May 17, 2021, the Court of Appeal for British Columbia released its decision. In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the appeal, what the appeal court had to say and what it decided in the 4 Pillars lawsuit appeal.

4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

Debtor Warning – Debt Consultants Sometimes Not What They Appear

What 4 Pillars say their organization’s role is

4 Pillars states that they are professionals who provide a variety of services specific to individuals in debt. They say they outline the choices readily available and also walk people through the procedure. They say that your financial debt settlement will likely be one of the following, which they will manage on your behalf:

They also say they will work with the person on their aftercare. They also say that their role ranges from providing individual debt settlements on behalf of debtors with collection agencies and their creditors to negotiating with Licensed Insolvency Trustees (individually a Trustee, Bankruptcy Trustee or LIT) on behalf of a debtor in determining the terms of a consumer proposal.

What the Court of Appeal for British Columbia says about the role of 4 Pillars

The Court of Appeal described them this way:

  • 4 Pillars sell their debt restructuring services as debt advisors to individuals on the brink of insolvency who are seeking debt restructuring. They are unlicensed and charge fees above those professionals who are licensed and regulated.
  • Their debt consulting business is not licensed or registered, and they charge customers fees up‑front for services regardless of whether the appellants actually achieve any debt relief.
  • Their debt consulting services are:
    • to meet and work with consumers who are struggling with debt;
    • to help them draft a consumer proposal to present to a LIT:
    • and to engage in back and forth discussions with the LIT in efforts to have the LIT agree to a consumer proposal that is favourable to the debtor.
  • All of these services are provided with the goal that the LIT will then present the consumer proposal to the debtor’s creditors.
  • 4 Pillars may then provide input, on the debtor’s behalf, on any response or request from the creditors.

4 Pillars lawsuit: What do the 4 Pillars debt consultant’s services actually involve?

Just to remind you, this is what the lower BC Court and the Court of Appeal for British Columbia found the 4 Pillars services to be:

  • to meet and work with consumers who are struggling with debt;
  • to help them draft a consumer proposal to present to a LIT:
  • and to engage in back and forth discussions with the LIT in efforts to have the LIT agree to a consumer proposal that is favourable to the debtor.
  • Provide input, on the debtor’s behalf, on any response or request from the creditors.
  • They charge customers fees up‑front for services regardless of whether the appellants actually achieve any debt relief.
  • Charge fees above those professionals who are licensed and regulated.

This is very common amongst all the debt restructuring businesses. It is questionable what value they provide if any at all. Their business model preys on people’s fears of getting advice straight from Licensed Insolvency Trustees.

The services described above a LIT provides at no additional cost above and beyond what the government-approved tariff fee is. The reality is that you do not need the 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc.

As a LIT, I provide financial advice regarding your unmanageable debt and if you are a candidate for informal debt settlement, I will tell you exactly what to do in our no-cost initial consultation. If you have too much personal debt and are not a candidate for an informal settlement, I have many times prepared consumer proposals that work. As part of that process, I also act as a licensed credit counsellor.

4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

Is Debt Settlement Really Worth It?

Debt settlement is really worth it. Going to one of these unscrupulous debt settlement companies, instead of a licensed insolvency trustee for debt settlement is NOT.

If you’ve been struggling with debt, it’s time to consider debt settlement through a consumer proposal with the services of a LIT. It likely won’t sound appealing at first, and you may feel that you are taking a gamble, but the process of debt settlement can be incredibly beneficial to you. Keep in mind that even 4 Pillars introduce you to a LIT in order for you to relieve yourself of your debts, hopefully through a consumer proposal process.

A consumer proposal is the only government-approved debt relief program. A LIT can get you a true debt settlement, without having to pay extra unnecessary fees to any of the debt relief companies.

Now let’s see what the Court of Appeal for British Columbia had to say about this 4 Pillars Consulting debt restructuring services business’s appeal from the lower court decision.

Class action waiver not effective to resist class action certification

The Court of Appeal of British Columbia believes the class action waiver clause is unenforceable as being contrary to public policy. The class action waiver significantly interferes with the administration of justice. It would have the effect of precluding class action lawsuits.

It has the impact of precluding Mr. Pearce, and class participants, from having access to justice and to a dispute resolution procedure in accordance with the law for claims developing from the connection between these parties. Therefore, the class action certification was upheld.

4 pillars lawsuitOther grounds of appeal in the 4 Pillars lawsuit

Having reviewed the evidence filed in respect of 4 Pillars’ applications for summary dismissal and after considering their arguments, the lower court judge was not satisfied that Mr. Pearce’s arguments in the 4 Pillars lawsuit, that 4 Pillars was acting for, or representing, a debtor in arrangements or negotiations with their creditors is bound to fail.

The evidence suggested that 4 Pillars had a role in the negotiations between a debtor and their creditors regarding a consumer proposal – even if they were not directly engaged with creditors.

The lower court’s view was there is a genuine issue to be decided at trial on a full evidentiary record. Accordingly, the judge dismissed the 4 Pillars attempt to strike the portions of the pleadings in respect of the Plaintiffs’ claims under the BPCPA.

The Court of Appeal for British Columbia agreed that it will be necessary to have a trial to figure out if claims can occur from offences of the BIA. Therefore, 4 Pillars was likewise unsuccessful in getting this issue stricken from the 4 Pillars lawsuit.

Trouble ahead for 4 Pillars in Ontario and elsewhere because of the class action in British Columbia?

It will be very interesting to see how this class action 4 Pillars lawsuit winds its way through the BC court. Absent an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, it is now game on. Mr. Pearce and all members of the class have the green light to continue the litigation. If successful, it goes to the heart of the 4 Pillars business model. Every franchisee across Canada needs to worry.

I hope you found this 4 Pillars lawsuit Brandon Blog informative.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post



No person wishes to go make a filing under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (Bankruptcy Act Canada), however occasionally it is inevitable. You might think that people who file are just those that are careless with their finances. However, with most of the people I see, it is usually an event outside of their control that pushes them over the edge.

In personal bankruptcy, things such as illness, divorce, job loss, unanticipated catastrophes, identity theft and fraud are many times the causes of insolvency. Of course, lack of proper budgeting, overspending and inappropriate uses of credit are also involved. In corporate insolvency, the #1 cause always seems to track back to management.

Insolvency filings happen every year. In 2018, a total amount of 128,846 insolvency filings were made with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). This is 2.4% more from 2017. Consumer insolvency filings increased 2.5% (125,266 filings), while company filings dropped 0.8% to 3,580.

At the very same time, people choosing to avoid bankruptcy by filing a proposal continued increasing in 2018, bringing this number to a brand-new level. Proposals represented 52.6% of consumer filings in 2017. In 2018, they expanded by 6.6% to 56% of all personal filings.

Are you considering a Bankruptcy Act Canada filing, or at least speaking to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) (Trustee)? In order to help you start your fact-finding, I want to tell you what will happen to your bank accounts, retirement accounts and your other important financial funds. Understanding what to anticipate can assist you to stay clear of some pricey blunders.

Bankruptcy or (consumer) proposal

Being insolvent is that you are not able to settle your financial debts. People with severe financial problems can make Bankruptcy Act Canada filing by filing either for bankruptcy, a consumer proposal or Division I proposal.

Proposals are official methods controlled by the Bankruptcy Act Canada for personal filings. Dealing with a Trustee you make a proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a portion of what you owe them over a particular time period not going beyond 60 months
  • Extend the time you need to settle the debt
  • Or a mix of both

The Proposal is made via the Trustee, who uses the money in your proposal fund to pay the cost of administration and distribution to each of your creditors their pro-rata share. A consumer proposal needs to be finished within 5 years from the day of filing.


People with severe financial problems can apply for bankruptcy. They can also try to avoid bankruptcy by using the Proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy Act Canada.

There are numerous advantages to avoiding bankruptcy. The main differences between proposals and bankruptcy are:

  • Unlike informal debt settlement, a Proposal produces a binding discussion forum where each of your unsecured creditors has to participate in for your debt restructuring.
  • You can keep your property, including your home, if you can afford to in your budget.
  • Lawsuits against you and enforcement proceedings, such as wage garnishments, cannot begin or continue.
  • In a successfully completed Proposal, you do not need to file for bankruptcy.

Keep in mind that financial institutions have “set-off” legal rights, implying that if you declare bankruptcy or file for bankruptcy when you’re behind in payments to them, they will take the funds in your accounts to try to cover all or some of what you owe them. This is notwithstanding that there is a stay of proceedings once a Bankruptcy Act Canada filing takes place and such an offset really should not take place.

So if you are thinking of filing either for bankruptcy or a proposal, I want you to be prepared for what might happen to your financial assets.

Your bank account

In a bankruptcy, the cash in your bank account is a property which must be paid over to the Trustee. Upon your filing, the Trustee will put all your banks on notice to provide the funds in any accounts maintained with them to the Trustee. As noted above, the bank may very well offset cash in your savings or chequing account against the money you may owe them, including credit card debt.

In a Proposal, you do not lose control of the money in your bank accounts. Rather, they are considered by the Trustee in formulating the type of Proposal you should offer your creditors. Remember, your Proposal must offer your creditors a better alternative than your bankruptcy would. However, even though there is a stay of proceedings invoked once you file your Proposal, it is not uncommon for a bank where you maintain an account and to whom you owe money, to take the money in your account and offset it against what you owe them.

So the moral of this story is that you are best to have bank accounts at financial institutions to whom you do not owe any money.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP)

In a bankruptcy, your RRSP, RRIF or DPSP are excluded from seizure. However, the Trustee is entitled under the Bankruptcy Act Canada to receive the equivalent to any amounts contributed to these accounts in the 12 months preceding your filing date. In a Proposal, this 12-month amount must be included by the Trustee in the calculation of what amount your Proposal should offer your creditors.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security income (OAS)

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is the only one permitted to garnish your CPP earnings if you have an unpaid personal income tax. By filing either for bankruptcy or a Proposal, the stay of proceedings will be invoked and CRA will have to stop the garnishment of your CPP and you will get the CPP payments you are qualified for.

However, the earnings obtained from CPP and OAS will certainly be taken into account by the Trustee in determining if you have any surplus income payment obligation in bankruptcy. In a Proposal, that amount also has to be considered in developing your Proposal.

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and other non-registered account investments

In a bankruptcy, just like any other non-exempt property, the amount held in your TFSA and any other non-registered investment account must be paid to the Trustee. In a Proposal, these amounts need to be taken into account in determining what type of Proposal to make. It may very well be that these accounts are collapsed in order to help fund a Proposal.

Similarly, RESPs are not excluded in personal bankruptcy. In a Proposal, the amount must be considered as an asset in calculating how much must be offered in your Proposal to stand a chance for success.

The reason that an RESP is not excluded from seizure in bankruptcy is relatively straightforward. Your child does not acquire ownership or other entitlement to the RESP funds as parents can take possession of the funds prior to the child becoming a post-secondary school student. For that reason, it is the parents who have ownership of the funds.

Consequently, the Trustee of an insolvent mother or father that has an RESP can collapse it. If the parent in bankruptcy wants the RESP to not collapse, adequate arrangements need to be made with the Trustee for the equal amount of funds in the RESP at the filing date be paid to the Trustee for the bankruptcy estate and the bankrupt’s creditors.

Annuity revenue in bankruptcy

Annuities are agreements where you pay a company (normally an insurance company) a specific amount, in order to get regular monthly payments for a specific period of time or for the remainder of your life.

If an annuity contract is properly set up with an insurance company, it will be exempt from seizure in bankruptcy. However, the income stream it produces will be considered by the Trustee in determining whether the bankrupt person has a surplus income obligation.

Your RRIF can also be considered as an annuity as it provides a legislated stream of payments. The RRIF is exempt from seizure in a bankruptcy, other than for any contributions in the 12 months immediately prior to filing. Like an annuity, the entitlement to payments will be considered by the Trustee in doing the surplus income calculation.

In a Proposal, you don’t give up ownership of an annuity contract or RRIF, but the income must be considered in preparing a suitable Proposal.

Bankruptcy Act Canada summary

Do you have financial problems? Do you not have enough money to pay your bills in full when due?

As a Trustee, we are the only professionals licensed, authorized and supervised by the federal government to offer insolvency advice and to implement solutions under the Bankruptcy Act Canada. A consumer proposal is a federal government licensed debt settlement plan to eliminate your debt. We will help you to select what is best for you to free you from your debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can eliminate the anxiousness, tension, discomfort and pain from your life that your cash problems have caused. With the unique roadmap, we develop just for you, we will promptly return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have generations and decades of experience helping people and companies looking for debt restructuring and a debt settlement plan to AVOID bankruptcy.

You can have a no-cost consultation so we can work with you to fix your money troubles. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will certainly allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

bankruptcy act canada

Call a Trustee Now!